Wessex Directory of Activities and Services for Older People in East Hampshire 2016 2 This directory has been developed by Community First to provide a list of activities and services for older people across East Hampshire. In addition to district and county wide services, it also in- cludes national help lines and groups that can provide advice, information and support. Community First aims to keep the information up to date but if you spot any omissions or inaccuracies please let us know. The directory is available on request via email, hard copy or it can be viewed on the Community First website at www.cfheh.org.uk If you have any questions about the directory please contact: Wendy Shone Older Peoples Outreach Worker Community First Mobile: 07467 941011 Email:
[email protected] INDEX PAGE ADVICE, INFORMATION & SUPPORT 3 CARERS 14 HOME, GARDEN & PET CARE 15 HEALTH & PERSONAL SUPPORT 17 LUNCH CLUBS AND MEALS ON WHEELS 18 SITTING SERVICES & TELECARE 20 SOCIAL & LEISURE ACTIVITIES 20 SHOPPING 26 TRANSPORT & MOBILITY 27 LIBRARY GROUPS & SERVICES 32 SPORTS & EXERCISE 33 Last updated: October 2016 3 ADVICE, INFORMATION & SUPPORT AGE CONCERN HAMPSHIRE - TIME TO TALK The Time to Talk service offers professional counselling sessions in Fareham and Wickham for anyone in Hampshire who is over 50 with memory loss or dementia. Counselling can help someone with memory problems or dementia to live with their condition more positively. Sharing experiences with someone who understands in a therapeutic setting can help reconnect, engage and empower individuals. It can also have an effect on reducing feelings of anxiety, loss or isolation.