THE GAZETTE, AUGUST 28, 1894. 5003 ,., ., , , ,.,. BYE-LAWS MADE BY THE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEES FOR THE MUNICIPAL BOROUGHS ov — Union. Parish or Township* Ch'orley. Hertford. Weobley .. Eardisland BYE-LAWS MADE BY THE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE jj •• •• King's Pyon COMMITTEES OP THE .UNDERMENTIONED UNIONS jj Kinnersley FOR THE PARISHES OR TOWNSHIPS NAMED : — j> •• •• Letton - ' Mansell Gam age 11 .. .. Mansell Lacy Union. Pai'ish or Township. jj •• .Moccas >j ' •• *• Monnington-up6n-Wye County of Leicester. , .... Norton-Canon Atherstone ... •... Atterton , .... Preston-upon-Wye » ••• Fenny Dray ton 3 • . • . Sarnesficld ,, Ratcliffe Culey Staunton-upon-Wye ,, ... Sheepy Magna , Stratford ,, Sheepy Parva .... Weobley „ Witherley , Wormsley 'County of Warwick. j .... Yazor j» Ansley . ... OiBadJeslel 1 y J^nsoT^ r ' . Baxterley Bcntley Downing Street, August 25, 1894. , Grendon . THE Queen has been pleased to approve of , Hartshill the re-appointment of Louis Antbine Aim 6 • de , Mancetter Verteuil, Esq., C.M.G., George Townsend , Merevalc Fenwick, Charles Leotaud, and Eugene Cipriani, „ Oldbury Esqrs , to bo Unofficial Members of the County of Buckingham. Legislative Council of the Colony of Trinidad Biccstcr ... Boarstall and Tobago. . County of Oxford. *^^** „ ...... Ardlcy „ Biceater, King's End Whitehall, August 27, 1894. „ Biccstcr, Market End THE Queen has been pleased to order a Conge j, ..« ... Blctchington d'Elirc to pass the Great Seal of the United !, Bncknell Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland empower- ., ... Cnv. rsfiekl ing the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral „ Char'to.-i-npm-Otinoor Church of Wells to elect a Bishop of the See of !, Chesterton Bath and Wells, the same being void by the death ,, ... • ... Cottcsford of the Right Reverend Father in God Doctor Arthur „ Fcnc:»t and Mnrcot Charles Hervcy (commonly called Lord Arthur v Charles Hervey), late Bishop thereof ; and Her „ Frit well Majesty has been pleased to recommend to. the „ ... Godington said Dean and Chapter the Right Reverend Father jj ...... Hard wick in God Doctor George Wyndham Kennion, now > Bishop of Adelaide, to be by them elected Bishop , ...... Islip of the said See of Bath and Wells...... j ...... Whitehall, August 27, 1894. , ...... Lower Hey ford THE Queen has been pleased to give and . Morton grant unto Lieutenant- General Henry Kent ; ... Middleton-Stouey (retired) Her Majesty's Royal licence and f Newton-Purcell authority that he may accept and wear the , Noke Insignia of the Imperial Order of the Medjidieh 5 ...... Oddington of the First Class, which His Imperial Majesty jj . Piddingion the Sultan of Turkey has been pleased to confer jj Shclswell upon him as a promotion jn that order in recog- jj . ••• ••• Somerton nition of his services whilst -actually and entirely j» •••• ••• employed beyond Her Majesty's Dominions in ,, the service of His Imperial Majesty. jj ••• ... rn jj ••• ••• lusmore ...,..' Upper Hey ford jj ••• ••• Westminster * August 25, 1894. Wcston-dn-th'e - Green THIS day the Lords being met a message was Wortley Bradfield sent to the Honourable House of Commons by „ • • ... .;. Tankersley the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, acquaint- ., ...... Wortley . . ing them, that The Lords authorized by virttie of Weobley Birley . a Commission under the Great Seal, signed by Her „ Bishopstone Majesty, for declaring Her Royal Assent to seve-al n ...... Blakmere Acts agreed .upon by both Houses, do desire the ,, Bridge Sollars immediate attendance of the Honourable House in „ Brinsop the House of Peers to hear the Commission- read; „ • ... Brobury and the Commons being come thither, the said „ ... • Byford Commission, empowering the Lord Archbishop of „ Canon Pyon Canterbury, arid several other Lords therein j, ...... Dilwyn named, to declare and notify the Royal Assent to B 2