Justin Richland, Ph.D., J.D. Department of , University of 1127 E. 59th Street, Chicago IL 60637 Email: [email protected]. Phone: 773-702-7736




BOALT HALL SCHOOL of , UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Juris Doctor, 1996 American Jurisprudence Award, Law and Modern Social Thought

KENYON COLLEGE, Gambier OH. Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, Anthropology 1992


2013-2014 Visiting Fellow, American Bar Foundation

2011- Present Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology,

2010-11 Associate Professor of Law, School of Law, University of California, Irvine

2009-11 Associate Professor, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, University of California, Irvine.

Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, University of California, Irvine.

2005 Interim Director and Clinical Lecturer, Native Nations Law and Policy Center, UCLA Law.


2015-Present Associate Justice, Hopi Appellate Court, The Hopi Tribe, Kykotsmovi Arizona.

2006- 2011 Evidentiary Hearing Officer, Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Banning, CA.

2005- 09 Justice Pro Tempore, Hopi Appellate Court, The Hopi Tribe, Kykotsmovi Arizona.


2011-Present Editorial Advisory Board, Law and Social Inquiry

2011-Present Series Editorial Board, Oxford Studies in the Anthropology of Language

2006-Present Founding President of the Board and Co-Creator, The Nakwatsvewat Institute, Inc.

1 2010-2014 Editor-in-Chief (with John Conley) PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review

2011-2014 Editorial Board, Law and Society Review

2008-2011 Editorial Board, American Anthropologist

2007-2011 Book Reviews Editor (with Rosemary Joyce), American Anthropologist

2006-Present Member, Association for Political and Legal Anthropology

2006-Present Member, American Anthropology

Association 2006-Present Member, Law and Society



2016 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship

2016 Jensen Memorial Lectures, Frobenius-Institut, J.W. Goethe Universität, Franfkurt-Am-Maim

2015 Institute for Advanced Study School of Social Sciences, Invitation for Membership, Class of 2016-17 (Declined).

2009 UC Irvine Award for Excellence in Teaching, School of Social Ecology

1998 NSF Predoctoral Fellowship Award, Program in Cultural Anthropology

1996 American Jurisprudence Award, Law and Modern Social Thought, Boalt Hall School of Law, UC Berkeley.

1992 Margaret C. Mead Award for Excellence in Anthropology, Kenyon College.


2015 Humanities Without Walls, Global Midwest Mellon Fellowship, Grant #FP059744-01-PR. “Open Fields: The Field Museum’s Anthropology Collection and its Influence on European Enchantments with Native Americans.”. (Co-PI, with Fredrick Hoxie, UIUC) $50,0000

2013 Intellectual Property in Cultural Heritage (IPinCH), Grant for “The and Contemporary Practices of the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office.” Awarded to The Nakwatsvewa Institute, $20,000

2012 Lichtstern Fund, The Departmeent of Anthropology, University of Chicago, for “Language of Lobbying” $12,000

2011 National Science Foundation, Law and Social Sciences & Cultural Anthropology Programs. Award #106106, “Practices of Record Production and thir Impact on the Administration of American Indian and Migrant Populations in the .” (Co-PI with Susan Coutin, UCI) $ 298,000 2

2009 Social and Economic Development Strategies for Native Americans Grant, Administration for Native Americans, US Dept. of Health and Human Services. CFDA # 93.612, (Co-Authored with Ethan Elkind & Patricia Sekaquaptewa). Awarded to The Nakwatsvewat Institute, Inc, for “Hopi Dispute Resolution Services.” $900,000

2007 UCI Academic Senate Council on Research, Computing and Library Resources Grant, for “(De)Colonizing Hopi Law: The History of the Hopi Tribal Court, 1972-present.” $3,500


In Press Dignity as (Self-) Determination. Hopi Sovereignty in the face of US land dispossessions. Law and Social Inquiry

In Press Paths in the Wilderness? The Politics of Hopi Religious Freedom on Hopitutskwa. Maryland Journal of International Law.

In Press On Perpetuity: Tradition, Law and the Pluralism of Hopi Jurisprudence . In R.Provost, ed., Culture in the Domains of Law, Cambridge University Press.

In Press Routine Exceptionality: The Plenary Power Doctrine, Immigrants and the Indigenous under US Law. Immigration and Nationality Law Review. [REPRINT]

2015 Introduction to Tribal Legal Studies, 3rd Edition. [with Sarah Deer]. Tribal Legal Studies, Vol. 1. Alta Mira Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

2015 The Constitution of Violence Through the Language of Law. Legal Hermeneutics in Second Century Roman Egypt. Law and Social Inquiry 40(3): 797-802

2014 Routine Exceptionality: The Plenary Power Doctrine, Immigrants and the Indigenous under US Law. [with Susan Coutin and Veronique Fortin] University of California Irvine Law Review 4: 97-120.

2014 Citational Practices. [with Jane Goodman and Matthew Tomlinson] Annual Review of Anthropology. 43: 449-463

2013 Jurisdiction: Law’s grounding in language. Annual Review of Anthropology, 42: 209-226

2013 Language and Law. [with Anna Weichselbraun] In Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. Ed. John L. Jackson, Jr. New York: Oxford University Press.

2013 Tribal Culture and Economic Growth. PERC. The Magazine for Free Market Environmentalism Vol. 32:2, feature article.

2013 Speech Act Theory and the Culture and Critique of Intentionality. In M. Sbisa and K. Turner, eds. The Pragmatics of Speech Action. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

3 2012 Perpetuities Against Rules: Law, Ethnography and the Irresolution of Inheritance.. Law, Culture & Humanities, 8(3), 433-447.

2012 Discourse Analysis & Linguistic Anthropology. In J. Gee and M. Hanford, eds. The Routledge Handbook on Discourse Analysis. London: Routledge.

2011 Beyond Listening: Lessons for Native/American Collaborations from the Creation of The Nakwatsvewat Institute. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 35(1) 101-111

2011 Hopi Tradition as Jurisdiction. Law and Social Inquiry 36 (1) 201-234 .

2010 ‘They Did It Like A Song’: Aesthetics, Ethics and Tradition in Hopi Tribal Court.’ In M. Lambek, ed. Ordinary Ethics. New York: Fordham University Press

2010 The Nakwatsvewat Institute, Inc.: Helping Hopi Justice Work for Hopi People. [with Patricia Sekaquaptewa, J.D.] In L. Davis, ed. Alliances: Re-envisioning Indigenous-non- Indigenous Relationships. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

2010 Introduction To Tribal Legal Studies. 2nd Edition. [with Sarah Deer] Tribal Legal Studies Series, Vol. 1. Alta Mira Press: Walnut Creek, CA

2010 Review of Bradin Cormack’s A Power to Do Justice: English Literature, and the Rise of Common Law 1509-1625 (University of Chicago Press, 2008). In Law, Culture & Humanities

2009 'Language, Court, Constitution. It's All Tied Up Into One': The (Meta)pragmatics of Tradition in a Hopi Tribal Court Hearing. In P. Kroskrity and M.Field, eds. Native American Language Ideologies: Beliefs, Feelings, and Struggles in Indian Country University of Arizona Press: Tucson, AZ.

2009 On Neoliberalism And Other Social Diseases: The 2008 Sociocultural Anthropology Year in Review. American Anthropologist, 110(2), 170-176.

2009 Nuvatukya’ovi, San Francisco Peaks: Balancing Western Economies With Native American Spiritualities. A Report. [with Maria Glowacka and Dorothy Washburn], Current Anthropology, Vol. 50 (4), 547-562

2009 Analyzing the Trial: Interdisciplinary Methods. [with Robert Burns, Marianne Constable, and Winifred Sullivan PoLAR: Political & Legal Anthropology Review, 31(2), 303- 329.

2009 Hopi Sovereignty as Epistemological Limit. Wicazo Sa Review Vol. 24 (1), 89-112

2008 Arguing with Tradition. The Language of Law in Hopi Tribal Court.Chicago Series in Law and Society. University of Chicago Press: Chicago

2008 The State of Hopi Exception: When inheritance is what you have. Cardozo Review of Law and 4 Literature. Vol. 20 (2) 161-178

2008 Review of Felix Cohen’s, On the Drafting of Tribal Constitutions. Edited by David E. Wilkins (University of Oklahoma Press, 2007). In American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 32(2).

2008 Sovereign Time, Storied Moments: Time, Law, and Ethnography. Political and Legal Anthropological Review. Vol. 31 (1) 56-75

2007 Pragmatic Paradoxes and Ironies of Indigeneity, American Ethnologist 34 (3), 540-558

2007 Commentary on Nesper. Current Anthropology 48(5), 675-700

2007 Mitchel v. United States, 34 U.S. 711; 9 L.Ed. 283 (1835), In Donald L. Fixico, Ed. Treaties with American Indians: An Encyclopedia of Rights, Conflicts, and Sovereignty (ABC-CLIO: Santa Barbara, CA)

2007 Interpretazione significato e intenzionalità nelle dispute legali tra gli hopi. In Aurora Donzelli, Alessandra Fasulo, Eds. Linguaggio e Agency: Etnoteorie della Soggettività e della Responsabilità nell’Azione Sociale. (Meltemi Editore Roma)

2006 The Multiple Calculi of Meaning. Discourse & Society, Vol. 17 (1), 65-97

2006 Cultural ‘Shock’ Review of Alison Dundes Renteln, The Cultural Defense. (Oxford University Press, 2004). In Current Anthropology, 47(6).

2005 ‘What are you going to do with the village’s knowledge?’ Talking Tradition, Talking Law in Hopi Tribal Court. Law and Society Review, Vol. 39, 235-271.

2004 Introduction To Tribal Legal Studies. [with Sarah Deer] Tribal Legal Studies Series, Vol. 1. Alta Mira Press: Walnut Creek, CA

2002 Review of John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr’s Just Words: Law, Language and Power, (1998) in Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 12:1 (34-35)

2000 Review of Melissa Pflüg’s Ritual & Myth in Odawa Revitalization: Reclaiming a Sovereign Place. (1998) In American Indian Culture and Research Journal 24:1, 56-58.


2016 Plenary. Regulating Time-New Directions in Law, Temporality and Regulation. Kent Law School, University of Kent, Cantebury, UK. September 18-19, 2016

5 2016 “Repatriating Anthropology.” Ad.E. Jensen Memorial Lectures, Frobenius Institute of the J.W. Goethe –Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. June 6-July 11, 2016.

2016 “Indian Law Today: From NAGPRA to VAWA. Newberry Library, D’Arcy McNickle American Indian Studies Centet. Chicago, IL April 24, 2016

2016 “Hopi Too: Hopi Jurisdiction Beyond the Mesas; the Work of the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office. American Bar Foundation, Invited Lecture, February 29, 2016.

2015 “Open Fields. Normative Multiplicity After NAGPRA,” Plenary to the American Indian Workshop, Frankfurt Germany March 24, 2015

2014 “Discussant ‘Islands of Sovereignty:Haitian Migration and the Borders of Empire.” Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies. Cambridge, MA November, 14, 2014

2014 “On Perpetuity” Invited Lecture for the “Law and Living Language” Colloquium, organized by Prof. Janny Leung, for the Harvard Yenching Institute. Cambridge, MA April, 26, 2014

2014 “Law’s Despotic Dominion: Jurisdiction, Perpetuity, and Other Legal Properties.” Lecture to the Johns Hopkins University Department of Anthorpology. Baltimore, MD March 11, 2014

2014 “Hopi Juris-Diction: The Language of Hopi Law” American Association of Law Schools, Law and Anthropology Panel. New York, NY, January 3, 2014.

2013 “Assessing the Interface between Tribal Culture and Economic Growth” Invited Paper at the Property Rights and Economic Development for Indigenous Peoples Workshop. (with Prof. Bob Cooter, UC Berkeley Law, Dominic Parker, U Wisconsin) to the PERC: Property and Environment Research Center, Bozeman MT. October 31-Nov. 3, 2013

2013 “Paths in the Wilderness, The Politics and Practices of Hopi Religious Freedom”: Invited Lecture for the Politics of Religious Freedom: Contested Norms and Local Practices. Capstone Workshop. , October 17-18, 2013

2012 “Perpetuities As (And Against) Rule: Law, Tradition, Juris-diction, American Bar Foundation, Chicago, IL, October 17, 2012

2012 “Tribal Juris-Diction.” Invited Lecture, Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, March 13, 2012

2012 “Routine Exceptionality.” Invited Lecture, “Law As…” Symposium, Organized by Prof. Christopher Tomlins, UC Irvine School of Law, March 9-11, 2012.