Approaching Mental Health Care Reform Regionally: the Mental Health Project for South-Eastern Europe
Approaching Mental Health Care Reform Regionally: The Mental Health Project for South-eastern Europe This report was produced for the SEE Mental Health Project, a programme of the SEE Health Network sup- ported by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The editors and main writers were Desmond Maurer and Melita Murko, while the text was reviewed by Ms Vesna Purati}, Regional Project Manager of the SEE Mental Health Project, Dr Matthijs Muijen, Regional Adviser, Mental Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Dr Maria Haralanova, Regional Adviser, Public Health Services, SEE Health Network Secretariat, WHO Regional Office for Europe. Special thanks for their contributions are due to the nine Country Project Managers, Dr Zana Kokomani, Albania, Dr Joka Blagov~anin Simi}, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr Hristo Hinkov, Bulgaria, Dr Neven Henigsberg, Croatia, Ms Tatijana Mandi} \uri{i}, Montenegro, Dr Larisa Boderskova, Republic of Moldova, Ms Raluca Nica, Romania, Dr Vladimir Jovi}, Serbia, and Dr Vladimir Ortakov, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. We would also like to acknowledge the use in the text of materials provided for various train- ing seminars and workshops by, amongst others, Dr Carlos Artundo, Mr Ray Baird, Professor Athanassios Constantopoulos, Dr Michelle Funk, Dr Margaret Grigg, Dr Paul O'Halloran, Dr Sla|ana [trkalj Ivezi}, Dr Matthijs Muijen, Dr Mario Reali, Dr Colin Rickard, and Professor Peter Ryan. Finally, we are grateful to Dr Judit Csiszar, Regional Director of Project HOPE Central and Eastern Europe, who provided the personnel and ad- ministrative support required for the production of this report. Design and layout were done by Graphic Studio Oskar.
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