Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki


S.-W. Choi, 1998, Systematics of the genus Heterothera Inoue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae: Lar- entiinae). – Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 141: 19-47, figs. 1-57. [ 0040-7496]. Published 30 November 1998. The genus Heterothera Inoue, occurring widely in the Palaearctic and in the high mountains of the Oriental region, is revised and twenty-three species are recognized. Nine species are de- scribed as new: Heterothera hoenei Choi sp. n., H. yunnanensis Choi sp. n., H. triangulata Choi sp. n., H. eclinosis Choi sp. n., H. stamineata Choi sp. n., H. obscurata Choi sp. n., H. distinc- tata Choi sp. n., H. mussooriensis Choi sp. n. and H. kurenzovi Choi, Viidalepp & Vasjurin sp. n., and five new combinations are suggested: Heterothera tephroptilus (Fletcher) comb. n., H. serrataria (Prout) comb. n., H. etes (Prout) comb. n., H. comitabilis (Prout) comb. n. and H. undulata (Warren) comb. n. A key and illustrations of adults and genitalia are given. The monophyly of Heterothera and the species relationships are discussed. In addition, four poorly known taxa of sensu Prout, T. cyphoschema Prout (= atrinotata Joannis syn. n.), T. exan- gulata Warren, and Pennithera distractata Sterneck comb. n., are redescribed and the of these species is briefly discussed. Correspondence: Sei-Woong Choi, Department of Entomology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, NY 10024, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Key words. – Systematics; Geometridae; Larentiinae; Heterothera; Palaearctic; Oriental.

The genus Heterothera Inoue consists of medium- ular cornuti, well developed sterigma, and a broad sized geometrid in the subfamily Larentiinae, ductus bursae. which are widely spread in the Palaearctic and Orien- However, the genus Heterothera s.s. was found to tal regions. The genus was erected by Inoue (1943) be paraphyletic in relation to Viidaleppia and the lat- based on the following characters: the absence of un- ter was synonymized with Heterothera in a cladistic cus, long anal tube, stout and flat saccus, weakly scle- analysis of the sensu Herbulot (Choi 1997; rotized costa and a well developed sacculus. The mo- see ‘Diagnosis and monophyly’ for synapomorphies). nophyly of the genus Heterothera s.s. was first defined by Viidalepp (1980). He listed seven apomorphies for Since the works of Prout (1914, 1938, 1941), the the genus: the bifid saccus, the absence of an uncus, taxonomy of Thera s.l. has been considerably changed, the membranous ductus and corpus bursae without due to the discovery of many new species and a dif- signum, the simple sterigma, the distinct sacculus, the ferent analytical approach (e.g. Viidalepp 1980, Choi presence of cornuti on the vesica, and the filiform 1997). As a result of the cladistic analysis, the genus male antenna. Two synapomorphies out of seven, the Heterothera s.l. is characterized by several derived bifid saccus and the absence of uncus, were unique to characters and, based on these, many undescribed Heterothera s.s. However, the character ‘absence of species of the genus have been recognized, mainly uncus’ was found to be incorrect. from southwestern China and northern India. The Inoue (1982) proposed a new genus Viidaleppia for purpose of the present study is to revise the species of the species of Asaphodes sensu Viidalepp (1980). Later, Heterothera. While the taxonomy of several poorly he (Inoue 1986) described the characters of the genus known species of Thera s.l., such as T. exangulata, T. Viidaleppia as: doubly bipectinated male antenna, cyphoschema, T. atrinotata and T. distractata, is uncer- strongly sclerotized costa and pointed apex of fore- tain, another purpose is to redescribe these species in wing, sclerotized and plate-like sacculus, well devel- order to understand their relationships better. oped apical projection of the sacculus, numerous spin-

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Figs. 1-6. Adults of Heterothera. – 1, H. postalbida; 2, H. tephroptilus; 3, H. mussooriensis; 4, H. undulata; 5, H. hoenei; 6, H. quadrifulta.

   M , private collection of M. Fibiger, Copenhagen , Swedish Natural History Museum, The study is based on the material from the follow- Stockholm ing museums and private collections: , Institute of Botany and Zoology, Tartu , American Museum of Natural History, New , Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und York Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn , British Museum (Natural History), London , Zoological Museum, Helsinki , Bulgarian Natural History Museum, Sofia , Zoologische Staatssammlung München, , Hungarian Natural History Museum, München. Budapest , private collection of Katsumi Yazaki, Tokyo Examination and dissection of the genitalia, in-

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cluding everting the vesica, follow Hardwick (1950), slanted, bent, often toothed, medially bulged; central while the terminology of the morphology including fascia variable in width, form constant throughout fas- the genitalia follows Forbes (1948) and Klots (1970). cia or thinner at middle and dorsum, discoidal dot blackish, often indistinct by uniting with costal part of antemedial line (etes, firmata), dorsum distinct with S blackish scales (incerta, obscurata, dentifasciata, distinc- tata, triangulata, quadrifulta, undulata, stamineata); Heterothera Inoue, 1943 subterminal line sometimes present, blackish, scal- Heterothera Inoue, 1943: 12. Type species: Cidaria postalbi- loped (serraria, serrataria, kurenzovi); termen blackish da Wileman, 1911 (original designation). or dark ochreous. Hindwing ground colour whitish Viidaleppia Inoue, 1982: 283. Type species: Cidaria quadri- fulta Prout, 1938 (original designation). (postalbida, yunnanensis, sororcula, incerta, dentifascia- ta, distinctata, triangulata, consimilis, quadrifulta, ser- raria, serrataria, kurenzovi, hoenei, stamineata, ecli- Diagnosis and monophyly nosis), yellowish white (etes, firmata), greyish or Species of Heterothera are characterized by the scle- blackish (obscurata, tephroptilus, taigana, undulata, co- rotized costa and the triangular sacculus of the male mitabilis); discoidal dot usually small, often large; genitalia, the well developed sterigma and the greatly postmedial line blackish, usually medially bulged; ter- modified ductus bursae of the female genitalia. The men sometimes tinged with blackish (incerta, triangu- species of Heterothera have male antenna and a wing lata, consimilis, quadrifulta, serrataria, kurenzovi, un- pattern similar to the species of Pennithera Viidalepp, dulata) or with waving subterminal line (serraria). Praethera Viiddalepp and Thera Stephens. However, Male genitalia. – Uncus weakly sclerotized, tapered Heterothera can be distinguished from other taxa by at bottom or slender, length varies from moderate the triangular and sclerotized sacculus, several large (postalbida) to long (yunnanensis). Tegumen smaller spinular cornuti, the well developed sterigma and the than the total length of vinculum and saccus, dome- greatly modified ductus bursae. shaped or triangular. Saccus concave or medially in- The monophyly of Heterothera s.l. has been de- vaginated (postalbida, dentifasciata, yunnanensis, ob- fined by Choi (1997), and seven synapomorphies scurata, serraria, serrataria, kurenzovi, undulata, support the clade of Heterothera: (1) small process of eclinosis), broad and flat at bottom (incerta, tephrop- sacculus (or harpe), (2) long hairs on the cucullus, (3) tilus, distinctata, consimilis, taigana) or round (hoenei, medially invaginated saccus, (4) scattered cornuti, (5) firmata). Juxta sclerotized, broad, occasionally juxta semi-circular lamella antevaginalis, (6) relatively thick and transtilla form a long tubular structure (postalbi- ductus bursae, and (7) sclerites on the wall of the duc- da, sororcula); anellus lobe conspicuous, varies in tus bursae. shape, from simple and digitiform (postalbida, soror- cula, obscurata, distinctata, consimilis, firmata, taigana, Description serrataria, kurenzovi, undulata, hoenei) to large and tri- Antenna of male filiform (postalbida, yunnanensis, angular (yunnanensis, eclinosis) or small and nipple- sororcula, obscurata, eclinosis), bipectinate with short shaped (incerta, tephroptilus, dentifasciata, quadrifulta, pectinations (dentifasciata, distinctata, quadrifulta, serraria), usually long hairs present at apex. Valva dis- taigana, undulata) or with long pectinations (incerta, toventrally expanded, with long hairs; costa sclero- tephroptilus, consimilis, mussooriensis, firmata, serraria, tized, varies in width, distally wider (postalbida, soror- serrataria, kurenzovi, hoenei). Frons smooth, covered cula, obscurata, tephroptilus, dentifasciata, distinctata, with blackish or dark ochreous and whitish scales. consimilis, taigana, undulata, eclinosis), medially ex- Labial palp variable in length, often about twice as panded (yunnanensis, incerta, quadrifulta, hoenei, long as eye diameter. Interantennal fillet dark brown- mussooriensis) or medially and distally expanded (fir- ish in colour, often distinct by white scales. Legs mata, serraria, serrataria, kurenzovi); sacculus distinct, blackish or dark ochreous and whitish, with distinct usually sclerotized, with a distal process (yunnanensis, whitish tibial joints. Metathorax mediodorsally white, incerta, tephroptilus, dentifasciata, distinctata, consim- with blackish tufts. Forewing ground colour varies; ilis, firmata, quadrifulta, taigana, serraria, serrataria, basal part dark, occasionally white, basal line dentate, kurenzovi, hoenei, eclinosis) or two processes (postalbi- slanted, occasionally smooth, vertical; dorsum be- da, sororcula, obscurata, undulata). Aedeagus sclero- tween basal and antemedial lines with a black horizon- tized, slender, cylindrical or basally tapered to an tal streak (postalbida, sororcula, tephroptilus, etes, mus- apex, distally scobinated, often large spinular process- sooriensis) or with a vertical blackish bar (yunnanensis, es around neck present (incerta, kurenzovi); vesica taigana) or with a large dot (quadrifulta, consimilis); tubular or small, sac-like, cornuti usually present, antemedial line medially indented, occasionally not variable in size, with from small to large spines. indented, strongly waved; postmedial line costally Female genitalia. – Papillae anales weakly sclero-

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Fig. 7-14. Adults of Heterothera. – 7, H. obscurata; 8, H. distinctata; 9, H. yunnanensis; 10, H. eclinosis; 11, H. triangulata; 12, H. stamineata; 13, H. etes; 14, H. kurenzovi.

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tized. Segment 8 membranous or weakly sclerotized. ly modified anellus lobes: they are apically sharply pro- Anterior apophysis varies in length, from ½ to ¹⁄₅ of jected and medially triangular, expanded. Both species posterior apophysis, often anterior apophysis missing occur in southwestern China. Nevertheless, the wing (taigana, serraria, serrataria, kurenzovi). Ostium bur- pattern and the genitalia indicate that they are allied to sae ventrally with lamella antevaginalis bar-shaped Heterothera and especially, the characters such as the (postalbida, yunnanensis, incerta, hoenei, stamineata, filiform male antenna and lamella postvaginalis of the eclinosis) or shell-shaped (triangulata); dorsally with female genitalia show an affinity to H. postalbida. lamella postvaginalis forming large horn-like process- The presence of spines around the neck of aedeagus es (taigana) or semi-round processes densely covered is recognized as a derived character for Thera (Vi- with minute spines (serraria, serrataria, kurenzovi). idalepp 1980, Choi 1997). However, this feature is Ductus bursae varies in length, from very short (ser- also found in some species of Heterothera (e.g. incer- raria, serrataria, kurenzovi) to long, wall with sclerites ta, dentifasciata, hoenei, and yunnanensis). Therefore, (postalbida, yunnanensis), sometimes largely expanded it seems to me that the character is a symplesiomor- from the anterior to the antrum (quadrifulta). Corpus phy for Thera s.l. bursae varies in size and shape between species, ovu- lar, membranous (postalbida, incerta, dentifasciata) or Checklist of Heterothera strongly sclerotized (serraria, serrataria, kurenzovi), occasionally with appendix bursae (yunnanensis), of- ten wall with minute scobinations; signum usually Heterothera Inoue, 1943 absent, occasionally with one patch of scobinated H. postalbida (Wileman, 1911) signa (taigana sounkeana). H. sororcula (Bastelberger 1909) H. tephroptilus (Fletcher, 1961) comb. n. Distribution H. mussooriensis sp. n. The species of Heterothera are widely distributed in H. undulata (Warren, 1888) comb. n. the Palaearctic and Oriental regions, but they are es- H. hoenei sp. n. pecially abundant in the Oriental region: there are H. incerta (Inoue, 1986) eight species in northern India and Nepal, six species H. quadrifulta (Prout, 1938) in southwestern China (Tibet), two species in Tai- H. obscurata sp. n. wan, five species in northeastern Asia, one species in H. dentifasciata (Hampson, 1895) the western and eastern Palaearctic and one species in H. distinctata sp. n. the western Palaearctic only. Some species are quite H. yunnanensis sp. n. widely spread throughout the Palaearctic region. For H. eclinosis sp. n. example, H. serraria is found from northern Europe H. triangulata sp. n. to eastern Siberia, H. taigana from central Siberia to H. comitabilis (Prout, 1923) comb. n. Kurile Islands and Japan, and H. postalbida from H. stamineata sp. n. western China to the Korean Peninsula and Japan. H. consimilis (Warren, 1888) On the other hand, many species are endemic to the H. etes (Prout, 1926) comb. n. Oriental region (e.g. the two Taiwanese species H. in- H. taigana (Djakonov, 1926) certa and sororcula). taigana taigana (Djakonov, 1926) taigana sounkeana (Matsumura, 1927) Remarks taigana ishizukai (Inoue, 1955) syn. n. The bipectinated male antenna was used as a char- H. serraria (Lienig, 1846) acter for Viidaleppia (Inoue 1986). However, cladistic H. serrataria (Prout, 1914) comb. n. analyses of the Cidariini (Choi 1997) and of Thera s.l. H. kurenzovi Choi, Viidalepp & Vasjurin sp. n. (Choi unpublished) indicate that the pectination of H. firmata (Hübner, 1822) male antenna is not a synapomorphy of Heterothera, whereas the long pectination of the male antenna is a Thera Stephens, 1831 good diagnostic character for some species of Hetero- T. cyphoschema (Prout, 1926) incertae sedis thera (e.g. incerta, tephroptilus, mussooriensis, hoenei). atrinotata Joannis, 1929 syn. n. The anellus lobes of the male genitalia in Hetero- atrinotata reducta Joannis, 1929 syn. n. thera are quite helpful to diagnose taxa, especially T. exangulata (Warren 1909) incertae sedis those from southwestern China. The lobes are usually digitiform or rounded in the apical part. However, Pennithera Viidalepp, 1980 two species, H. eclinosis and yunnanensis, possess great- P. distractata (Sterneck, 1928) comb. n.

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Figs. 15-20. Genital capsule in the male genitalia of Heterothera. – 15, H. tephroptilus; 16, H. undulata; 17, H. incerta; 18, H. hoenei; 19, H. obscurata; 20, H. dentifasciata.

Key to the species of Heterothera (males) – Pectinations of male antenna short...... 12 3. Dorsum of the forewing with a long black hori- Two species, H. triangulata and H. stamineata, are zontal streak...... 4 not included, because they are only known from fe- – Dorsum of the forewing without a black horizon- males. However, based on the wing pattern elements, tal streak ...... 6 H. triangulata is similar to H. dentifasciata and H. sta- 4. Postmedial line of the forewing costally ample mineata is similar to H. comitabilis. and round; costa of the valva nearly flat or distal- ly expanded...... 5 1. Antenna of male bipectinate ...... 2 – Postmedial line of the forewing costally slightly – Antenna of male filiform...... 16 invaginated; costa of the valva basally expanded.. 2. Pectinations of male antenna long...... 3 ...... H. mussooriensis

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5. Costa of the valva nearly flat...... H. tephroptilus – Presence of a black spot at the dorsum of – Costa of the valva distally widely expanded...... forewing...... 19 ...... H. etes 18. Postmedial line of the forewing costally slanting; 6. Forewing ground colour blackish ....H. consimilis lamella antevaginalis reduced to small sclerotized – Forewing ground colour whitish or yellowish....7 process; corpus bursae large ...... H. sororcula 7. Forewing ground colour whitish ...... 8 – Postmedial line of the forewing costally convex- – Forewing ground colour yellowish ...... 10 shaped; lamella antevaginalis well developed with 8. Central fascia of the forewing medially reduced a pair of rod-shaped processes; corpus bursae rel- or broken...... 9 atively smaller...... H. postalbida – Central fascia of the forewing medially not re- 19. Central fascia dorsally reduced; anellus lobe apical- duced ...... H. serrataria ly sharply projected and dentate, medially triangu- 9. Termen of the hindwing with a blackish waved larly projected; lamella postvaginalis with a pair of subterminal line; occurring in Europe, Central large rod-shaped processes...... H. yunnanensis and Eastern Siberia...... H. serraria – Central fascia relatively even in width; anellus – Termen of the hindwing without a blackish lobe apically sharply projected and bifid; lamella waved subterminal line; occurring in the Russian postvaginalis simple ...... H. eclinosis Far East, Korea or Japan ...... H. kurenzovi 10. Forewing with a distinct blackish discoidal dot ... Heterothera postalbida (Wileman) ...... 11 (fig. 1) – Forewing with a discoidal dot united to the costal part of antemedial line...... H. firmata Cidaria postalbida Wileman, 1911: 325. Holotype ,  11. Central fascia of the forewing medially and dor- : Tokyo, Prov[ince]. Musashi, Honshu plains, 29.iv.1895, A.E. Wileman () [examined]. sally reduced; costa of the valva medially slightly Thera postalbida; Prout, 1941: 323. expanded; ductus bursae relatively short, pleated Cidaria (Thera) postalbida problematica Bryk, 1948: 173. in general ...... H. incerta Holotype , : Juwool (Shuotsu),, () – Central fascia of the forewing nearly even in [examined]. [Synonymized by Inoue, 1977: 268]. width; costa of the valva medially triangular, ex- Heterothera postalbida; Inoue, 1943: 12. panded; ductus bursae slim, membranous...... H. hoenei Diagnosis 12. Postmedial line of the forewing costally strongly This species is distinguished by the greyish fore- slanting...... 13 wing and whitish hindwing, blackish horizontal streak – Postmedial line of the forewing costally relatively at dorsum, smooth postmedial line, and the medially less slanting...... 14 reduced central fascia. The male genitalia show the 13. Central fascia of the forewing dorsally greatly re- well developed complex of juxta and transtilla, digiti- duced; interantennal fillet blackish...... form anellus lobe with an expanded and angled apical ...... H. dentifasciata part, broad valva with two spinular sacculus processes – Central fascia of the forewing nearly constant in and apically densely scobinated aedeagus. In the fe- width; interantennal fillet distinct with white male genitalia, the bar-like sclerotized lamella ante- scales...... H. distinctata vaginalis and a bowl-shaped antrum are characteristic. 14. Central fascia nearly constant in width...... H. taigana Redescription – Central fascia reduced at dorsum ...... 15 Antenna of male filiform. Frons mixed with black- 15. Antemedial line of the forewing medially sharply ish brown and white, below projected. Labial palp indented; anellus lobe digitiform; ductus bursae long, 1.5 times to twice of eye diameter. Wingspan anterior to antrum greatly expanded ...... 25-34 mm. Forewing ash grey; basal line grey, waved; ...... H. quadrifulta antemedial line smooth, dorsally greatly incurved; – Antemedial line of the forewing medially not in- postmedial line smooth, waved, costally and medially dented; anellus lobe relatively thick; ductus bur- bulged, subdorsally indented, dorsum projected; cen- sae anterior to antrum not expanded...... tral fascia reduced at bottom, discoidal dot long, ...... H. undulata blackish; subterminal line whitish and undulating; 16. Black horizontal streak or dot at dorsum between apical streak blackish; dorsum with long black hori- basal and antemedial line of forewing present ..17 zontal streak. Hindwing whitish, with grey discoidal – No blackish scales at dorsum between basal and dot; fringe blackish. Thorax greyish, dorsum of antemedial line of forewing...... H. obscurata metathorax white with blackish tufts. Legs mixed 17. Presence of a black horizontal streak at the dor- with blackish brown and white, tarsal joints distinct sum of forewing...... 18 and whitish.

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Male genitalia. – Uncus weakly sclerotized, moder- oungak-san, 1 , 13.x.1987, Korsos & Ronkay; S. Hwang- hae Prov., Haeju, Mt. Suyong-san, No. 1050., 1, ate, basally tapered. Tegumen dome-shaped, basally 16.x.1987, Korsos & Ronkay (). – : Tokyo, 1 incurved, with long, sclerotized anal tube. Saccus 10.v.1893, 1,, A.E. Wileman (), 1, broad, convex, sclerotized. Juxta and transtilla form a 1.v.1953, P. Savolainen; Karuizawa, 1 ex., P. tube-like complex, sclerotized, anellus lobe basally and Savolainen; Naganohara, 1, 9.x.1969. J. Kaisila (). – : Wenchow (Prov. Chekiang), 1, 1913, C.T. medially digitiform, apically expanded, triangular, with long hairs. Valva distally broad, round with long Bowring; Foochow (Prov. Fukien), 1 , April, 1885, Leech (). hairs; costa flat, sclerotized, sometimes distally ex- panded; sacculus triangular, sclerotized, two distal spinular projections. Aedeagus slender, distodorsally Heterothera sororcula (Bastelberger) densely scobinated; vesica tubular, with several minute Thera sororcula Bastelberger, 1909a: 34. Holotype , - scobinated cornuti. : Arizan, Kagi-Distrikt 7-10000 Fuss. in Sencken- Female genitalia. – Papillae anales weakly sclero- berg Museum, Frankfurt [Colour transparency in , tized. Anterior apophysis ⅓ length of posterior apo- examined]. physis. Antrum developed, deep, bowl-like, lamella Dysstroma (Thera) sororcula; Bastelberger, 1909b: 172. Thera sororcula; Prout, 1941: 323. postvaginalis large bar-like sclerotized processes, la- Heterothera sororcula; Inoue, 1992: 127. mella antevaginalis thin, round, sclerotized. Ductus bursae medially twisted, with sclerotized walls. Cor- Diagnosis pus bursae ovate, wall with very minute scobinations. This species is very similar to H. postalbida in the wing shape and the genitalia. However, it differs from Distribution H. postalbida in the distinct central fascia, dark grey- Japan, Korea, Ussuri, SE China. Sterneck (1928) ish termen, less slanting antemedial line and angled reported one female from Guanxian, Prov. Sichuan costal part of postmedial line. In the female genitalia (Kwan-hsien). the reduced lamella antevaginalis, strongly sclerotized ductus bursae and large corpus bursae are distinguish- Remarks ing features of H. sororcula. Inoue (1943) designated this species as the type of Heterothera. He incorrectly described the uncus of the Redescription male genitalia as absent. Antenna of male filiform. Frons covered with Bryk (1948) proposed a new subspecies from Korea, brown and white scales. Labial palp long. Wingspan H. postalbida problematica. However, Inoue (1977) 27-29 mm. Forewing greyish, basal line blackish, den- synonymized the subspecies with the nominal species. tate; area between basal and antemedial line tinged By checking the type specimens and the genitalia, I with dark grey; antemedial line smooth, slanted; post- confirm that subspecific division of the species is un- medial line smooth, blackish, costally slanted, medial- warranted. ly bulged, submedially indented, dorsum slightly Four species, H. postalbida, sororcula, tephroptilus bulged; central fascia dark grey, with black discoidal and mussooriensis, are similar to each other in the line, dorsally reduced; termen dark greyish, sometimes black horizontal streak along the dorsum of forewing, whitish subterminal line appeared; apical streak black- wing ground colour and the genitalia. However, these ish line; dorsum with black streak. Hindwing white four species can be divided into two groups based on tinged with grey, with small discoidal dot; fringe the male antennal pectination and the geographic blackish. Thorax dark grey, dorsum of metathorax range, (H. postalbida & sororcula) and (H. tephroptilus white with black tufts. Legs mixed with brown and & mussooriensis). Moreover, these species groups can white scales, tarsal joints white. be distinguished by the shape of the dorsal part of sac- Male genitalia. – Uncus slender, medially expand- culus, waved versus straight, and the processes of the ed. Saccus broad, middle invaginated, anellus lobe male genitalia, sharply pointed versus hooked. digitiform, apical part not expanded, with long hairs. Valva medio- and distoventrally membranous; costa Biology sclerotized, distally wider; sacculus triangular, sclero- The species is bivoltine (Wileman 1911) and in tized, one large and one minute distal processes. Japan the larva is found only on Pinus densiflora (Sato Aedeagus slender, distally scobinated; vesica tubular, & Nakajima 1987). cornuti small spines, arranged into two layers. Female genitalia. – Antrum bowl-like, lamella an- Additional material examined. – : Kangwon Prov. tevaginalis bar-like, sclerotized processes, ventrally Mt. Kumkang-san, 2 , 26.v.1985. Dr. A. Vojnits & L. thin and thread-like. Ductus bursae strongly sclero- Zombori; same locality, 2, 17-19.ix.1980, Dr. L. Forro & Gy. Topal; Pyongyang City, Pyongyang No. 1042. Mt. Ry- tized and twisted. Corpus bursae large, globular, wall has minute scobinations.

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Distribution of posterior apophysis. Antrum sclerotized, simple, Taiwan. relatively narrower. Ductus bursae broad, short, with a sclerotized wall. Corpus bursae large, subspherical, Remarks membranous. Bastelberger (1909a) noted that this species is sim- ilar to H. consimilis Warren and suggested it might be Distribution one subspecies of consimilis. However, he (1909b) Nepal. placed this species in Dysstroma based on the shape of the male antennae. Prout (1941) noted its closeness Remarks to H. postalbida. The specimens from Gandaki (Nepal) are smaller (wingspan 26-28 mm) than the type specimen Material examined. – : Alishan (2200 m), Chiayi, (wingspan 32 mm). 1 1, IX.1964, Y.I.Chu; 1 1, 9-11.vii.1964, H. In- oue; 1 ,, M. Owada; Nan-Tou-sien, 1 Additional material examined. – : Paratypes 1, 1959, ex. H. Kezuka (); Tayuling (2600 m), Hualien Mustangbhot, 29°11’ n. Br., 83°58’ ö. L., Tagsa, 3500m, Hsien, 1 , 26.iii.1987, Y. Shibata; 4 1 , 1.iv.1984, A. 12.viii.[19]55, Leg. F. Lobbichler; 1, same locality, 3800 Kawabe; 2 2, 1.iv.1984, S. Sugi (); 1, 28-  m, 8.viii.[19]55 ( ); Mustangbhot, 29°11’ n. Br., 29.viii.1983; 1 , 2-4.v.1984; 1 1 , 12-14.iii.1985, H. 83°58’ ö. L., Tagsa, 4300 m, 1, 24.viii.[19]55, F. Lob- Yoshimoto (); Rantaizan, 7500 ft. 1, 9.v.1909; 1,   bichler ( ); Gandaki above, Old Marpha 3450 m, 1 10.v.1909; 1 , 15.v.1909, A. E. Wileman ( ). 1, 12.viii.1996, M. Fibiger ().

Heterothera tephroptilus (Fletcher) comb. n. Heterothera mussooriensis sp. n. (figs. 2, 15, 27, 46) (figs. 3, 38, 39) Thera tephroptilus Fletcher, 1961: 170, figs. 10, 41, 50 & Type material. – Holotype , . : Mus-  51. Holotype , : Mustangbhot, 29°11’ n. Br., soorie, 6000’, Dehra Dun, U.P., 4.vii.1942 (). 83°58’ ö. L., Tagsa, 4300 m. 24.viii.[19]55, Leg. F. Lob-  bichler () [examined]. Paratype , same locality, 10.vii.1944 ( ). Diagnosis Diagnosis This species is similar to H. postalbida in wing This new species is very similar to H. tephroptilus in shape, but differs in the long, bipectinate male anten- the wing pattern and the male genitalia, but it differs na, blackish wing colour, the absence of the discoidal from tephroptilus in the slightly invaginated costal dot, and medially deeply indented antemedial line of part of the postmedial line of forewing, the discoidal forewing. dot of hindwing, and the medially projected valval costa of the male genitalia. Redescription Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectinations. Description Frons mixed with brownish and white. Labial palp Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectina- blackish, long. Wingspan 26-32 mm. Forewing black- tions. Frons mixed with brown and ochreous scales. ish; basal line blackish; antemedial line costally greatly Labial palp moderate, slightly longer than eye diame- slanted, dorsally waving; postmedial line costally slant- ter. Legs with yellowish tibial joints. Wingspan 27 ed, medially bulged; central fascia costally dark, dis- mm. Forewing ground colour brownish; basal line coidal dot absent, medially reduced; dorsum with waved, medially bulged; antemedial line costally black horizontal streak; apical streak black line. Hind- blackish, discoidal dot united with costal part of line, wing blackish, with weak discoidal dot. Thorax dark medially deeply indented, dorsally waved; postmedial grey, dorsum of metathorax white with black tufts. line costally slanted, medially bulged; central fascia Male genitalia. – Uncus long, medially bent. Tegu- costally blackish, medially and dorsally reduced; dor- men triangular. Saccus sclerotized, flat at bottom. sum with black horizontal streak; apical streak black Juxta broad, sclerotized, anellus lobe short, round. line; subterminal line very weak, waved. Hindwing Valva mid- and distoventrally expanded; costally flat, pale brownish; discoidal dot small, blackish. sclerotized; sacculus strongly sclerotized, triangular, Male genitalia. – Uncus long, slender, medially with dorsal border undulated, one sclerotized distal bent. Tegumen small, dome-shaped. Juxta broad, spinular process. Aedeagus small, sclerotized surfaces, sclerotized; anellus lobe long, digitiform, subapically having a bundle of small spines ventro- and distodor- expanded and fused with base of valva, apically long sally, small round vesica with several spinular cornuti, hairs present. Saccus sclerotized, both edges slightly arranged into a circle. projected. Ventral part of valva medially invaginated, Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis half length distally largely expanded; costa sclerotized, medially

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projected; sacculus triangular, sclerotized, dorsal bor- nalis a pair of round projections, densely covered with der waved, one distal spinular process. Aedeagus minute scobinations. Ductus bursae twisted, sclero- cylindrical, distally scobinated; vesica small sac-like; tized. Corpus bursae ovate. cornuti two bundles of small spines. Female genitalia. – Unknown. Distribution India, Nepal. Distribution N. India. Remarks Hampson (1895) listed the species under the char- Etymology acter “Antennae of male serrate and with fascicles of The specific name refers to the type locality, Mus- cilia”. Prout (1938) noted that H. undulata is similar soorie, Northern India. to siterata Hufnagel or Hydriomena, but differs in its antennal pectinations. Based on this, he put the species under Thera. Heterothera undulata (Warren) comb. n. (figs. 4, 16, 28) Additional material examined. – . : Paralectotypes 2 1, Thundiani, 6.ix.[18]86, (). – : Ganda- ki above, Old Marpha, 3450m, 1 1, 12.viii.1996, M. Ypsitpetes undulata Warren, 1888: 326. Lectotype , here  designated “. : Thundiani, 29.viii.[18]86.” (). Fibiger ( ). Cidaria (Thera) undulata; Prout, 1938: 111. Thera undulata; Prout, 1941: 323. Heterothera hoenei sp. n. Diagnosis (figs. 5, 18, 29, 47) H. undulata is identified by the blackish wings, double vertical ante- and postmedial lines, and the Type material. – Holotype , : Lijiang (Li- costally smooth and waving postmedial line of fore- Kiang), Province Nord-Yunnan, 27.viii.1935, H. wing. The species is similar to H. hoenei, but it can be Höne (). Paratypes 2, same locality, 27.vii. distinguished from that by the blackish ground 1935, 16.viii.1935, H. Höne; 1, Kangding (Ta- colour of wings and medially less projected costa, an- tsien-Lou), Prov. Sichuan, 18.viii.1898, Chasseurs gled edges of saccus, and relatively thin sacculus of the indigènes (). male genitalia. Diagnosis Redescription H. hoenei is similar to H. undulata in the wing pat- Antenna of male bipectinate, pectinations as short tern elements, but differs from the latter in the as diameter of shaft. Frons mixed with brownish and strongly bipectinate male antenna, ochreous ground white. Labial palp as long as eye diameter. Wingspan colour of forewing, and whitish hindwing. In the 24-33 mm. Forewing dark grey; subbasal line present, male genitalia, the species is characteristic by the me- blackish, basal line blackish, slanted, costally project- dially triangular process of costa, more or less round ed; antemedial line consisted of double vertical lines, saccus, and waving dorsal border of the sacculus and slanted, medially slightly indented; postmedial line its stellate process. forming two vertical lines, smooth, medially bulged; central fascia blackish, medially reduced, bottom dis- Description tinct with blackish scales; termen blackish, subtermi- Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectina- nal line whitish, waved; apical streak black line. tions. Frons smooth, covered with white and blackish Hindwing dark brownish, with blackish postmedial scales. Labial palp ochreous, moderate about as long line. Thorax with blackish tufts. as eye diameter, sometimes double of eye diameter. Male genitalia. – Uncus long and slender. Tegu- Wingspan 24-29 mm. Forewing ground colour men dome-shaped. Saccus strongly sclerotized, both ochreous; basal part whitish, basal line relatively edges projected. Anellus lobe short, relatively thick in thicker, blackish, slanted, bordered with white thin width, with apically long hairs. Ventral part of valva vertical line; area between basal and antemedial line medially slightly invaginated; costa medially slightly with blackish vertical bar-shaped band; antemedial expanded; sacculus strongly sclerotized, triangular, line blackish, medially indented; postmedial line with distally two processes. Aedeagus basally tapered, costally slightly curved, medially bulged; central fas- sclerotized, distally scobinated, vesica with three bun- cia whitish, sometimes tinged with blackish, discoidal dles of cornuti. dot large, blackish, dorsally reduced; subterminal line Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis ⅓ length of blackish, waved; apical streak blackish; fringe black- posterior apophysis. Antrum broad; lamella antevagi- ish. Hindwing whitish, with small blackish discoidal

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dot; postmedial line blackish; fringe lined with black- brown with whitish scalloped subterminal line; apical ish. Metathorax whitish, with black tufts. streak black line. Hindwing whitish with black dis- Male genitalia. – Uncus moderate, medially bent. coidal dot; termen greyish with black fringe. Thorax Tegumen triangular. Saccus shallow, flat at bottom, greyish, dorsum of metathorax white with black tufts. often midventrally slightly invaginated. Juxta sclero- Legs mixed with white and brownish black, tarsal tized, invaginated at bottom. Anellus lobe short, dig- joints whitish. itiform. Valva distoventrally membranous, expanded; Male genitalia. – Uncus slender, sclerotized, bent. costa sclerotized, medially triangular projection; sac- Tegumen dome-shaped. Saccus flat at bottom, sclero- culus relatively small, with distally stellate process. tized. Anellus lobe small, nipple-shaped. Ventral part Aedeagus slender, sclerotized, medially bent; small of valva medially expanded; costa medially expanded; spinular cornuti present around neck of aedeagus. sacculus triangular, dorsal border slightly waved, with Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis ¼ length of one spinular process. Aedeagus cylindrical, slightly ta- posterior apophysis. Lamella antevaginalis plate-like, pered, distoventrally scobinated and distodorsally a sclerotized processes, densely covered with minute bundle of large spinular processes present; vesica spines. Ductus bursae thin, long. Corpus bursae ovate. without cornutus. Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis ⅓ length of Etymology posterior apophysis. Lamella antevaginalis a pair of The specific name is given to honour H. Höne, scobinated large lobes, ventrally semi-round plate who dedicated his whole life to collecting and study- structure. Ductus bursae short, distally pleated. Cor- ing Chinese Lepidoptera. pus bursae ovate, wall with minute scobinations.

Distribution Distribution S.W. China. Taiwan.

Remarks Heterothera incerta (Inoue) Inoue (1986) noted that this species was similar to (figs. 17, 30) Dysstroma citratum (Denis & Schiffermüller)[incor- Viidaleppia incerta Inoue, 1986: 234, figs 25D, 26. Holotype rect authorship, Linnaeus] on the basis of wing shape,  , : Nengkaoshan, ca. 2800 m, Nantou Hsien, colour and maculation. He also noted that this species 20.V-2.VI.1966, Ching-Shong Yu () [examined]. Heterothera incerta; Choi, 1997: 311. was similar to quadrifulta in the male genitalia. Diagnosis Material examined. – : Mt. Yu Shan (3528 m), H. incerta is identified by the bipectinate male an- Paiyunshanchuang, Kaohsiung Hsien, 1 1 , 2-3.viii. 1985, M. Nishizawa (); Hohuanshan, 3100m, Nantou Hsien, tenna, paler forewing, medially indented antemedial 1 1, 5.viii.1987, A. Kawabe, Coll. Inoue; Nantou Hsien, line, the angled costal part of postmedial line, and the Formosa, 1, 1968, ex. H. Kezula, Coll. Inoue (). distinct dorsum of central fascia and one patch of spinular processes at the distal part of aedeagus. It is similar to quadrifulta in the wing pattern, but incerta Heterothera quadrifulta (Prout) is separated from the latter by having the blackish (fig. 6) scales at the bottom of the central fascia of forewing, Cidaria (Thera) quadrifulta Prout, 1938: 114. Lectotype , the waving dorsal border of sacculus, and the relative- here designated “: Shinano, 2.viii.1911, coll[ection]  ly short and distally pleated ductus bursae. Wileman” ( ). Asaphodes quadrifulta; Viidalepp, 1980: 64. Viidaleppia quadrifulta; Inoue, 1982: 283. Redescription Heterothera quadrifulta; Choi, 1997: 311. Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectina- tions, basal and distal parts ciliate. Frons mixed with Diagnosis brownish black and white, below projected. Labial The wings of quadrifulta have whitish ground colour palp long, nearly double of eye diameter. Wingspan with shades of black, a waving antemedial line at the 26-27 mm. Forewing greyish or dark greyish; sub- costal part, blackish discoidal dot, white scalloped sub- basal, basal lines blackish; area between basal and an- terminal line and basally blackish tinged hindwing. temedial lines with reddish brown band; antemedial This species is similar to H. incerta, but differs in the line costally slanted, medially indented, below slight- whitish ground colour of forewing and short pectina- ly dentate; postmedial line costally slightly angled, tions of male antenna. Distinguished from H. incerta slanted, medially bulged, dorsally waved; central fas- by the middorsal expansion of the costa in the male cia dark greyish, dorsally reduced, blackish scales at genitalia and the distally largely expanded ductus bur- bottom, discoidal dot blackish; termen reddish sae of the female genitalia.

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21 22

23 24

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Figs. 21-26. Genital capsule in the male genitalia of Heterothera. – 21, H. distinctata; 22, H. yunnanensis; 23, H. eclinosis; 24, H. firmata; 25, H. serrataria; 26. H. kurenzovi.

Redescription ally reduced, bottom distinct with blackish scales; Antenna of male bipectinate, with short pectinations, subterminal line costally blackish, medially whitish, about same width as the shaft. Wingspan 31 mm. undulating; termen dark grey. Hindwing whitish, ter- Forewing ground colour whitish; basal part dark grey, men blackish, with black discoidal dot. Thorax mixed basal line blackish, slightly dentate; area between with brownish and white scales with tufts. basal and antemedial lines with dark grey band; ante- Male genitalia. – Uncus long, sclerotized, basally medial line costally extended inward, medially in- tapered. Tegumen dome-shaped. Anellus lobe small, dented, dorsally slightly extended inward; postmedial nipple-shaped. Ventral part of valva medially slightly line costally slanted, medially projected, below waved; invaginated; costa sclerotized, middorsally expanded; central fascia greyish, with black discoidal dot, medi- sacculus triangular, dorsal border nearly straight, with

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one large distal process. Aedeagus distally scobinated; Male genitalia. – Uncus long, sclerotized, medially vesica with two bundles of cornuti. bent. Tegumen bell-shaped, sclerotized. Saccus scle- Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis ⅓ length of rotized, medially broadly invaginated. Juxta sclero- posterior apophysis. Lamella antevaginalis tongue- tized, anellus lobe long, digitiform with hairs on top. shaped with a pair of round patch and densely scobi- Costa of valva strongly sclerotized, distally wider; sac- nated. Ductus bursae long, greatly expanded at distal culus triangular, sclerotized, distally two processes part, wall with rows of spines and sclerites. Corpus with one large and one small. Aedeagus short, cylin- bursae membranous, ovate, signum absent. drical, distally tapered and scobinated; vesica small, with several large and small spinular cornuti. Distribution Female genitalia. – Unknown. Korea, Japan. Etymology Remarks The specific name refers to the indistinct pattern Prout (1938) described the species from two males elements of forewing. from Shinano, Japan. He noted that the species is sim- ilar to Pennithera comis Butler and Heterothera taigana Distribution sounkeana Matsumura, but differs from P. comis in the Nepal. less distinct dorsal dot between basal and antemedial line of forewing. Inoue (1982) designated this species Heterothera dentifasciata (Hampson) as type species for Viidaleppia. (figs. 20, 32) Additional material examined. – : Ontake, Gifu- Larentia dentifasciata Hampson, 1895: 379. Lectotype , ken. 1, 12-15.viii.1936, coll. Wileman; Kobushi, Saitama, here designated “: Murree, 1884, Harford 1, 4.viii.1953, T. Haruta (); Mt. Norikuradake, coll[ection].” (). 2600m, Azumi-mura, Nagano, 1, 6.viii.1988, Y. Kishida; Cidaria (Thera) dentifascia; Prout, 1914: 219. [Incorrect same locality, 1, 17.viii.1988, K. Yazaki; Odarumi-toge, spelling]. Yamanashi, 1 1, 29.vii.1990, K. Yazaki (). – : Thera dentifasciata; Prout, 1941: 324. Prov. Ryang-gang, Chann-Pay Plateau, Sam-zi-yan, 1700m, Viidaleppia dentifasciata; Yazaki, 1994. No. 285, 1, 24.vii.1975, J. Papp & A. Vojnits (). Heterothera dentifasciata; Choi, 1997: 311.

Diagnosis Heterothera obscurata sp. n. H. dentifasciata is easily identified by the blackish (figs. 7, 19, 31) and greatly slanting costal part of postmedial line and Type material. – Holotype , . : Karnali, large blackish discoidal dot of forewing. The male Mugu Dist[rict]., Rara lake 2,990 m, 25- 26.ix.1981, genitalia of dentifasciata are similar to those of H. ob- M. Owada, Coll. K. Yazaki (). scurata, but the processes of sacculus and the cornuti of the vesica are different. Diagnosis This species is quite similar to incerta in wing pattern Redescription elements but can be separated from it by the filiform Antenna of male bipectinate, with short pectina- male antenna without pectinations, its greyish wings tion as long as shaft. Frons mixed with brownish and by the male genitalia which have a relatively long black and white scales. Labial palp long about twice anellus lobe, a distally expanded costa, a relatively thin of eye diameter. Wingspan 29-34 mm. Forewing red- sacculus, and scattered spinular cornuti of the vesica. dish brown or greyish; basal line blackish; antemedial line weakly slanted, medially indented; postmedial Description line costally strongly slanted, medially bulged; central Antenna of male filiform. Frons covered with fascia blackish, medially broader and dorsally re- white and blackish scales. Labial palp long, about 1.5 duced, with black discoidal dot; subterminal line times of eye diameter. Metathorax has blackish tufts. blackish and undulating; apical streak blackish line. Wingspan 27 mm in male. Forewing ground colour Hindwing whitish, basal slightly blackish, with black greyish; basal line dentate; antemedial line medially discoidal dot and postmedial line, fringe black. Meta- sharply indented; postmedial line costally slanted, thorax middorsally white with black tufts. waved, medially bulged; central fascia greyish, with Male genitalia. – Uncus long, slender, sclerotized, black discoidal dot, blackish scales present at bottom, basally tapered. Tegumen dome-shaped. Saccus scle- medially reduced; termen brownish, with weak black- rotized, medially concave- shaped. Anellus lobe small, ish subterminal line. Hindwing greyish, with blackish digitiform. Ventral part of valva distally wider, with postmedial line. long hairs; costa sclerotized, distally expanded; saccu-

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lus triangular, with a distal spinular process. Aedeagus Description sclerotized, basally tapered, distally scobinated; vesica Antenna of male bipectinate, with short pectina- with two bundles of cornuti. tions. Interantennal fillet and frons white. Labial palp Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis half length moderate. Legs dark ochreous, with whitish tibial of posterior apophysis. Antrum broad, strongly scle- joints. Metathorax with whitish hairs on middorsum, rotized. Ductus bursae twisted, relatively short, thick. with black tufts. Wingspan 29 mm in male. Forewing Corpus bursae small, ovate. ground colour yellow ochreous; basal line blackish, nearly vertical; area between basal and antemedial line Distribution tinged with blackish scales; antemedial line blackish, India, Pakistan, Nepal. medially indented; postmedial line costally slanted, medially bulged; central fascia ochreous, discoidal dot Remarks one large blackish, dorsally distinct with blackish Hampson (1895) listed the species with Pennithera scales; subterminal line blackish and undulating; apical comis under the character “Antennae of the male with streak blackish line. Hindwing whitish, with black dis- two pairs of short cilia-bearing processes from each coidal dot; postmedial line blackish, medially bulged. joint”. Prout (1938) noted that the species is similar to Male genitalia. – Uncus sclerotized, medially bent, consimilis in the colour of central fascia and it is also moderate in length, as long as height of tegumen. similar to Thera exangulata Warren, but differs from T. Tegumen triangular. Saccus sclerotized, broad and exangulata by the less waved basal line of forewing, pale flat at bottom. Juxta sclerotized. Anellus lobe small, hindwing and the angled postmedial line of hindwing. digitiform, with hairs on top. Costa sclerotized, dis- tally largely expanded; sacculus triangular, sclero- Additional material examined. – : Central N. tized, distally with a hooked process. Aedeagus distal- Ganesh Himal. Nesim 2200m, 2 , 23.x.1995, M. Fibiger; ly tapered, sclerotized; vesica small, sac-like, cornuti Central N. Ganesh Himal. Godlang 2560 m, 1 2, 13.x.1995, M. Fibiger; Sagarmatha N.P., 27°49´N 86°44´E, mixed with small and medium spinular processes, lo- Kyang Juma, 3600 m, 1, 19.v.1996, A. Albrecht, O. cated around neck and middle of vesica. Bistrom, K. Mikkola & A. Wikberg; Sagarmatha N.P., Female genitalia. – Unknown. 27°48´N 86°44´E, Syanboche, 3800 m, 2, 22.v.1996, A. Albrecht, O. Bistrom, K. Mikkola & A. Wikberg (); W. Etymology Nepal, Karnali, Mugu Dist. Rara Lake, 2990 m, 1 , 25- The specific name refers to the diagnostic wing 26.ix.1981, M. Owada (); Bagmati Rasuwa, Yuli Karka, 3375m, 1, 12-13.v.1993, T. Haruta (). pattern elements of the forewing. Distribution S.W. China. Heterothera distinctata sp. n. (figs. 8, 21, 33) Heterothera yunnanensis sp. n. Type material. – Holotype , : Lijiang (Li- (figs. 9, 22, 34, 48) Kiang), Province Nord-Yunnan, 21.iv.1935, H. Höne (). Type material. – Holotype , : Lijiang (Li- Kiang), Province Nord-Yunnan., H. Höne Diagnosis (); Paratype , : A-tun-tse (Nord-Yunnan), The new species is identified by the short pectina- Talsohle ca. 3000m, 4.vii.1937, H. Höne (). tions of the male antenna, whitish interantennal fillet, ochreous forewing, whitish hindwing, and the strong- Diagnosis ly slanted costal part of the postmedial line of fore- H. yunnanensis is distinguished by the blackish and wing. This new species is very similar to dentifasciata in greatly reduced central fascia at the middle and dorsal the wing shape and the male genitalia, but it can be dis- parts and the black horizontal streak along the dorsum tinguished from dentifasciata by the whitish interan- of basal part and central fascia. The anellus lobes of the tennal fillet and the even width of central fascia, which male genitalia, apically sharp and pointed, medially tri- is not reduced at the middle and dorsum of fascia. angular and expanded, are characteristic. This new species is quite similar to H. dentifasciata in wing shape,

Figs. 27-37. Aedeagus with everted vesica of Heterothera. – 27, H. tephroptilus; 28, H. undulata; 29, H. hoenei; 30, H. incer- ta; 31, H. obscurata; 32, H. dentifasciata; 33, H. distinctata; 34, H. yunnanensis; 35, H. eclinosis; 36. H, serrataria; 37, H. kurenzovi.

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38 39

40 41

42 43

Figs. 38-45. Male genitalia of Heterothera and Thera s.l.; 38, 40, 42, 44, genital capsule; 39, 41, 43, 45, aedeagus. – 38, 39, H. mussoor- iensis; 40, 41, T. cyphoschema; 42, 43, T. exangulata; 44, 45, 44 45 Pennithera distractata. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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but it can be distinguished from H. dentifasciata by the ty, 16.v.1936, H. Höne (). filiform male antenna, black streak at the dorsum of forewing, the anellus lobe and the cornuti of the vesica. Diagnosis The lamella antevaginalis of the female genitalia, with a H. eclinosis is characterized by the slanted and dor- rod-shaped process, is similar to H. postalbida. sally blackish central fascia of forewing. It is similar to H. yunnanensis in the wing pattern and the male gen- Description italia, but it can be distinguished by its smaller size, Antenna of male filiform. Frons mixed with white ochreous ground colour of wings and relatively con- and blackish brown scales. Labial palp moderate in stant width of central fascia and the medially not ex- length. Legs mixed with white and blackish brown. panded anellus lobe of the male genitalia and the gen- Metathorax blackish, with black tufts. Wingspan 32 eral structure of the female genitalia. mm in male, 36 mm in female. Forewing ground colour greyish; basal line blackish, consisting of dou- Description ble vertical lines, dentate; antemedial line medially Antenna of male filiform. Frons with white and slightly indented, slanting from costa to dorsum; blackish scales. Labial palp long, about 1.5 times the postmedial line costally smooth, slanted, medially eye diameter. Legs dorsally blackish, with whitish tib- bulged, dorsally waving; central fascia blackish, medi- ial joints. Thorax dorsally white, metathorax with ally and dorsally greatly reduced, dorsally blackish; blackish tufts. Wingspan 27 mm in male, 30 mm in border of costal part of postmedial line lined with female. Forewing ground colour ochreous; basal area whitish; subterminal line blackish and undulating; dark ochreous, basal line waving; antemedial line termen greyish; apical streak black line; dorsum be- greatly slanted, medially indented; postmedial line tween basal and antemedial lines with black bar. medially bulged, slightly waving; central fascia dark Hindwing whitish; postmedial line blackish, double ochreous, dorsally slightly reduced; termen blackish, vertical lines; fringe dotted with black. subterminal line whitish, undulating; apical streak Male genitalia. – Uncus slender, long, about 1.5 blackish line; dorsum with black dot. Hindwing times the height of tegumen. Tegumen bell- shaped. white, with small discoidal dot; postmedial line light Saccus medially invaginated. Juxta round at bottom, blackish, medially bulged; fringe black. sclerotized. Anellus lobe medially triangular, sclero- Male genitalia. – Uncus strongly sclerotized, long, tized, apically sharp, slightly bifurcated. Costa sclero- about twice of height of tegumen. Tegumen triangu- tized, medially wider; sacculus triangular, sclerotized, lar. Saccus sclerotized, medially invaginated. Juxta distally spine-like process. Aedeagus slender, sclero- sclerotized. Anellus lobe sclerotized, long, rod-shaped, tized; cornuti comprised of three bundles of spinular medially elbowed, apically bifurcated. Costa sclero- processes at ventro- and dorsobasal part and middle tized, distally wider; sacculus triangular, sclerotized, part of vesica. with a distal spinular process. Aedeagus slender, scle- Female genitalia. – Papillae anales weakly sclero- rotized; cornuti small spinular process, present on tized. 8th segment weakly sclerotized. Lamella ante- basal and middle parts of vesica. vaginalis laterally a pair of large spinular spines, ven- Female genitalia.- Anterior apophysis ⅓ length of trally a pair of ring-like sclerotized processes with posterior apophysis. Lamella antevaginalis a pair of densely covered small spines. Ductus bursae short, triangular plates which are densely covered with small with sclerotized wall. Corpus bursae large with one spines. Antrum thin, sclerotized. Ductus bursae rela- large appendix bursae. tively short, sclerotized. Corpus bursae with ovate ap- pendix bursae, without signum, wall has minute sco- Etymology binations. The specific name refers to the type locality, Yunnan. Etymology Distribution The specific name refers to the sloping central fas- S.W. China. cia of the forewing.

Distribution Heterothera eclinosis sp. n. S.W. China. (figs. 10, 23, 35, 49) Type material. – Holotype , : Taibaishan Additional material examined. – : Taibaishan (Tapaishan im Tsinling), Sued- Shensi, 1, 2.vii.1935, 1 (Tapaishan im Tsinling), Sued-Shensi,, L.  (1700m), H. Höne (); Paratype , same locali-, H. Höne. ( ).

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Heterothera triangulata sp. n. al line of forewing and blackish ground colour of (figs. 11, 50) hindwing.

Type material. – Holotype , : Lijiang Redescription (Likiang), Province Nord-Yunnan, 25.ix.1935, H. Antenna of male bipectinate with short pectina- Höne (). tions. Frons covered with dark ochreous and white scales. Labial palp long, double of eye diameter. Inter- Diagnosis antennal fillet whitish. Wingspan 30 mm. Forewing This species is very similar to H. dentifasciata in the dark ochreous; basal part blackish, basal line distinct central fascia. However, it can be distinguished from with whitish; area between basal and antemedial line the latter by its smaller wings, less indented anteme- with blackish bar; antemedial line medially indented; dial line, and the lamella antevaginalis and ductus postmedial line costally dentate, slightly tinged with bursae of the female genitalia. white, medially bulged; central fascia blackish, with black discoidal dot; subterminal line thick, blackish, Description undulating. Hindwing pale blackish; discoidal dot Antenna of female filiform. Frons mixed with blackish; postmedial line paler; fringe black. white and blackish scales, with blackish projecting Male genitalia and female genitalia not examined hairs below. Labial palp long, double the eye diame- (see remarks below). ter. Legs mixed with white and blackish scales, and whitish tibial joints. Metathorax whitish at middor- Distribution sum, with blackish tufts. Wingspan 27 mm in female. N. India. Forewing ground colour ochreous; basal part whitish, basal line relatively thicker, blackish; antemedial line Remarks smooth, medially slightly indented; postmedial line Prout (1923: 198) noted that the species is similar costally strongly slanted, medially bulged; central fas- to Pennithera comis Butler in the antennal structure, cia tinged with blackish scales, with large discoidal but differs in the short branches of antenna. He also dot, medially reduced, dorsally distinct and blackish; noted that the species is similar to Electrophaes coryla- subterminal line weak, whitish vertical line; apical ta in the darkish coloration. streak blackish line. Hindwing whitish, with small The genitalia of comitabilis are not examined be- black discoidal dot; blackish postmedial line, medial- cause the types listed were lacking their abdomens. ly bulged; termen blackish. The placement of the species in Heterothera is based Male genitalia. – Unknown. on the shape of wing pattern elements which is simi- Female genitalia. – 8th segment long, with weakly lar to H. stamineata. sclerotized surface. Lamella antevaginalis shell-like pro- cesses. Antrum thin, sclerotized. Ductus bursae rela- Additional material examined. – Paratype , . .  tively thin, long. Corpus bursae ovate, without signum. Sikkim, Tonglo, July 1886, Collectio[n] H.J. Elwes. ( ).

Etymology Heterothera stamineata sp. n. The specific name refers to the triangular central (figs. 12, 51) fascia of forewing. Type material. – Holotype , : Lijiang (Li- Distribution kiang), Province Nord-Yunnan, 4.vii.1935, H. Höne S.W. China. (); Paratype , same locality, O,, H. Höne (). Heterothera comitabilis (Prout) comb. n. Diagnosis Larentia comis Hampson, 1895: 379 (in part), nec Butler. The new species is similar to comitabilis in the .  Thera comitabilis Prout, 1923: 198. Holotype , : shape of the wings, but differs in the whitish ground Sikkim, Jongri, 13000 ft., 1887, ex. coll. Elwes () [examined]. colour of the hindwing. Diagnosis Description The waved costal part of postmedial line, the rela- Antenna of female filiform. Frons covered with tively thicker and the blackish subterminal line of white and blackish scales. Labial palp length twice the forewing and blackish hindwing are characteristic fea- eye diameter. Metathorax with blackish tufts. Wing- tures of comitabilis. The species is similar to H. sta- span 30-31 mm in female. Forewing ground colour mineata, but differs in the costally toothed postmedi- brownish; basal part dark brownish, basal line den-

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tate; antemedial line bordered with whitish, costally wing whitish, termen dark greyish, with small black slanted, medially and dorsally nearly vertical; post- discoidal dot. medial line costally bordered with whitish line, medi- Male genitalia. – Uncus long, sclerotized, and ally bulged; central fascia brownish, discoidal dot slightly bent in middle. Tegumen triangular. Saccus black, bottom blackish; subterminal line blackish, flat at bottom and sclerotized. Anellus lobe small, dig- undulating; fringe dotted with blackish. Hindwing itiform. Ventral part of valva distally slightly expand- whitish, with black discoidal dot; postmedial line ed; costa sclerotized, medially very wider; sacculus tri- blackish; fringe lined with black. angular, dorsal border waved, with one distal large Male genitalia. – Unknown. sclerotized spine. Aedeagus distally scobinated, with Female genitalia. – 8th segment weakly sclerotized. round vesica and cornuti in two bundles. Anterior apophysis ¼ length of posterior apophysis. Female genitalia.- Anterior apophysis ⅓ length of Lamella antevaginalis a plate-like process, densely cov- posterior apophysis. Antrum simple, unmodified. ered with small spinular spines, ventrally with semi- Ductus bursae thick, wall sclerotized. Corpus bursae circular sclerotized plate. Ductus bursae relatively ovate, small. short, thin. Corpus bursae ovate, without signum. Distribution Etymology India, Nepal, Afghanistan. The specific name refers to the shape of the thread- like central fascia. Remarks Warren (1888) described the species based on five Distribution males and one female from Thundiani and noted that S.W. China. the species is closely related to Thera juniperata. Prout (1938, 1941) wrote that this species is similar to T. cupressata Herrich-Schäffer in the wing colour and he Heterothera consimilis (Warren) also pointed out the colour and size variation among (fig. 52) the specimens of Thundiani, Kashmir and Simla. Thera consimilis Warren, 1888: 326. Holotype , . : Thundiani, 9.x.[18]86, Genitalia slide No. 3986. () Additional material examined. – : Paratype 1, [examined] Thundiani, 2.v.[18]87, Genitalia slide No. 3987; Simla, 7000 Larentia consimilis; Hampson 1895: 380. ft., 3 2 A.E. Jones; Narkundah, 1, April.1888, H. Heterothera consimilis; Choi 1997: 311. McArthur coll.; Goorais Valley, 1, June1887, J.H. Leech; Kashmir, Gulmorg, 3,[19]31,[19]31, Diagnosis [19]31, Fletcher coll. (); West Bengal, Darjeeling Dist. H. consimilis is easily identified by the wavy central Tonglu, 3040 m, 2, 6.xi.1981, M. Owada (); N-Indien, fascia and dentate basal line of the forewing. In the fe- Uttar Pradesh, Kumson Himalaya, Dist. Nainital, Bhimtal,   male genitalia the thick and sclerotized ductus bursae is 1500m, 1 , 15-30.v.1990, A. Hauenstein ( ). – : Mustangbhot, 29°11’ n. Br., 83°58’ ö. L., Tagsa, 3500 m. characteristic. This species is similar to H. etes in wing 9.vii.[19]55, F. Lobbichler (); Gandaki above, Old pattern, but differs in the blackish ground colour of Marpha. 3450m, 1, 12.viii.1996, M. Fibiger; 15 km SW, wings. Kathmandu Hattiban for., 1500m, 1, 2.iii.1995, K. Mikkola & A. Wikberg; Godavari, 27°40´N 85°25´E, 15 Km Redescription SE Kathmandu, 1500 m, 1, 25.v.1996, A. Albrecht, O.  Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectina- Bistrom, K. Mikkola & A. Wikberg ( ); Kathmandu, Go- davari 1600m, 1, 18.vii.1990, K. Yazaki (). – - tions, tip and base filiform. Frons mixed with brown- : Afghanistan, 1, 84-41, Fletcher coll. (). ish and white scales. Labial palp long, twice diameter of eye. Thorax mixed with brownish and white scales, with tufts. Wingspan 24-29 mm. Forewing ground Heterothera etes (Prout) comb. n. colour dark greyish or blackish; veins of basal part on (figs. 13, 53) blackish streak; subbasal line blackish, round; basal Thera etes Prout, 1926: 251. Holotype , . : Assam line black, dentate; area between basal and antemedi- 5000ft. Shillong, Nov[ember] 1924, Fletcher leg. () al line with weak blackish band; antemedial line [examined] costally slanted, medially and dorsally waved; post- medial line costally straight, often bent, slanting, me- Diagnosis dially bulged, below waving, dorsally bulged; central The species is very similar to H. consimilis in the fascia dark grey, with black discoidal line, sometimes wings and genitalia, but differs in the greyish wing medially and dorsally reduced; dorsum with large ground colour, the process of sacculus and the three reddish dot; termen dark greyish with white undulat- bundles of cornuti of the vesica. ing subterminal line; apical streak a black line. Hind-

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46 47 48

49 50 51

Figs. 45-51. Female genitalia of Heterothera. – 46, H. tephroptilus; 47, H. hoenei; 48, H. yunnanensis; 49, H. eclinosis; 50, H. triangulata; 51, H. stamineata.

Redescription ish; dorsum with black horizontal streak. Hindwing Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectinations. yellowish white; blackish postmedial line. Frons mixed with yellowish and yellowish brown Male genitalia. – Uncus sclerotized, long about scales, smooth. Labial palp long, about 1.5 times of eye twice of tegumen height. Tegumen dome-shaped. diameter. Legs yellowish and yellowish brown. Meta- Saccus broad, sclerotized, medially slightly invaginat- thorax with blackish tufts. Wingspan 26 mm. Fore- ed. Juxta broad, sclerotized; anellus lobe long, digiti- wing ground colour greyish; basal line blackish, den- form, apically expanded with long hairs. Ventral part tate; antemedial line costally blackish, largely waved of valva medially invaginated, distally wide with a at middle and dorsum, medially indented; postmedi- patch of hairs; costa sclerotized, medially much wider; al line blackish, medially and dorsally bulged; central sacculus triangular, dorsal border waved, with one dis- fascia waved, discoidal dot long and distinct by unit- tal process. Aedeagus cylindrical, sclerotized, medially ing with costal part of antemedial line; subterminal slightly bent, distally densely scobinated; vesica small line indistinct, pale whitish; apical streak light black- sac-like, cornuti spinular processes in three patches.

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Female genitalia. – Papillae anales weakly sclero- dome-shaped. Saccus shallow, broad. Anellus lobe tized. Anterior apophysis 1/5 length of posterior apo- large, horizontally expanded, rod-shaped, with long physis. Antrum simple. Ductus bursae moderate, wall hairs on dorsal part. Valva sclerotized in general, dis- with sclerotized process. Corpus bursae ovate, signum toventrally membranous; costa largely sclerotized, absent. with distal end blunted; sacculus large, triangular, ventrally very slender, distoventrally with sharply Distribution pointed process. Aedeagus long, slender, sclerotized, N. India. distally scobinated; vesica tubular with small divertic- ula; cornuti mixed with large and small spines. Remarks Female genitalia. – 8th segment sclerotized. Anteri- Prout (1926) noted that the species is similar to Pen- or apophysis absent. Posterior apophysis long, slender. nithera comis Butler and H. consimilis Warren. Howev- Lamella postvaginalis with large horn-like sclerotized er, he distinguished etes based on its smaller size, red- process; lamella antevaginalis plate-like, sclerotized. dish and weakly marked wing pattern elements and Ductus bursae short, broad, wall with sclerotized slender male abdomen. He (1941) noted that the processes. Corpus bursae slightly slender or ovate. species is somewhat similar to Thera cyphoschema Prout or T. atrinotata Joannis in the wing pattern, but it can Distribution be distinguished by the male antennal pectination. Russia (eastern Siberia).

Additional material examined. – : Paratypes 2, Remarks Assam 5000ft. Shillong,, Fletcher leg.; Khasis, Djakonov (1926) noted its closeness to the firma- 5000 ft. Shillong, 1, 25.v.1923, Fletcher coll.; Assam, Shillong, 1, H.M. Parish (). ta-group in the wing pattern. Material examined. – : Irkutskaja obl., Hamar-Da- ban, taiga, Meteorolog st. 1450 m, 6 1, 25-27.vii.1984, Heterothera taigana taigana (Djakonov) ad. luc. Mikkola & Viitasaari; Magadan obl., Upper Kolyma r. 62°N 149°40´E, 600 m scree slope ad. luc., 1, 16.vii. Cidaria taigana Djakonov, 1926: 27. Holotype , : 1987, K. Mikkola; 59°10´N 150°E, Magad. obl., Ohkotsk Sajan Mountains. Kasyr, E. Minusinsk, 7.viii.[19]24, L. & coast, 100 Km W. Magadan, 1 2, 4-6.viii.1989, K. I. Koshantschikov (Djakonov 1926: 27) [not examined]. Mikkola (); Baikal, SW coast, Shumilikha river, 1, Asaphodes taigana; Viidalepp 1980: 65. 10.viii.1972, (ZMI). Viidaleppia taigana; Inoue 1982: 283. Heterothera taigana; Choi 1997: 311. Heterothera taigana sounkeana (Matsumura) Diagnosis H. taigana is characterized by the dark ochreous or Cidaria (Thera) sounkeana Matsumura, 1927: 184. Holo-  blackish ground colour of wings, small blackish dot at type , : Sounkei, Hokkaido (Mt. Daisetsu), 9.viii. 1926, Matsumura leg. [not examined]. the dorsum and the costally smooth waving post- Thera kurilaria Bryk, 1942: 70. [Synonymized by Inoue medial line of forewing. In the male genitalia the un- 1955: 72]. cus, anellus lobe, costa, and sacculus are characteris- Thera kurilaria ecce Bryk, 1942: 71. [Synonymized by Inoue tic. The females of taigana are distinguished by the 1955: 72]. very large horn-like lamella postvaginalis. Cidaria hospes Djakonov, 1955: 318. Asaphodes sounkeana; Viidalepp 1980: 65. Viidaleppia taigana sounkeana; Inoue 1982: 283. Redescription Thera taigana ishizukai Inoue, 1955: 72. Holotype , Antenna of male bipectinate, with short pectina- : Mt. Jonen (2500m), Japan Alps, Nagano Pref., tions. Frons blackish. Labial palp about 1.5 times as 26.vii.1951, H. Inoue () [examined]. syn. n. long as eye diameter. Legs blackish with white tibial joints. Wingspan 27-33 mm. Forewing ochreous Diagnosis brown; basal line blackish, forming two vertical lines, This subspecies is separated from the nominal sub- waved, slanted; antemedial line waved, medially in- species by the presence of the signum in the corpus dented; postmedial line black, medially round, bul- bursae. ged; central fascia even in width, with black discoidal dot; subterminal line blackish, round; dorsum be- Distribution tween basal and antemedial lines distinct with black The Russian Far East, Japan. dot. Hindwing blackish; discoidal dot black, small; postmedial line blackish. Remarks Male genitalia. – Uncus sclerotized, twice as long as Inoue (1955) noted that Thera kurilaria Bryk tegumen, basally tapered, medially bent. Tegumen might be the same species as sounkeana Matsumura on

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Figs. 52-55. Female genitalia of Heterothe- ra. – 52, H. consimilis; 53, H. etes; 54, H. serraria; 55, H. ku- renzovi.

52 53

54 55

the basis of the length of forewing and the structure of Biology male genitalia. He (1977, 1982) listed two subspecies Pinus pumila Regel is known as a host plant in of taigana in Japan, sounkeana and ishizukai. Japan (Sato & Nakajima 1987). The subspecies sounkeana has the derived feature in the female genitalia; the presence of one signum Material examined. – : Kemorovo obl. Gornaya, patch in corpus bursae. This subspecies ranges from Shoriya, 1 , 24.viii.1965, Kononenko; Kurilid, Itunup, 1, 25.vii.1979, V. Junno; Sahhalin, Birjusinka, L., 1, 7- Amur through Kurile Islands to Japan. 10.vii.1975, Viidalepp ; Kuriilid, Kunasir, Tretjakovo, 1, In the original description of ishizukai, Inoue 22- 24.vii.1980, Pototski, Ruben & Veldre (). – : (1955: 72) wrote the differences between these two Mt. Daisetsu, Hokkaido, 1 2, 29.vii.1978, Y. Kishida; subspecies: “larger, and a little lighter in colour and Kamikawa Mt. Daisetsu, Hokkaido, 1, 20- 21.viii.1993, postmedian line of forewing more weakly incurved in H. Kobayashi (); Mt. Mitsumata Range 2560 m, 1 ex.,  cellule 6, discal fleck a little less heavier than soun- 4.viii.1954, T. Haruta ( ). keana.” I have checked 3 type specimens of ishizukai, and the subspecific rank of ishizukai compared to sounkeana was very doubtful. Thus, I synonymized ishizukai with sounkeana.

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Heterothera serraria (Lienig) large, posteriorly strongly sclerotized, with sclerotized (fig. 54) striations at anterior part. Signum absent. Cidaria serraria Lienig, 1846: 200. Holotype  (). [not examined] Distribution Gnophos serraria Herrich-Schäffer, 1847: 72. Northern Europe to eastern Siberia. Cidaria lienigiaria Lederer, 1853: 183 [Synonymized by Staudinger & Wocke 1871: 184]. Cidaria serraria Zeller; Staudinger & Wocke 1871: 184, Remarks Prout 1914: 219 [Incorrect authorship]. The H. serraria-group, comprising three species, Melanippe ziczaccata Schöyen, 1875: 145. [Synonymized by H. serraria, serrataria and kurenzovi, is characterized Prout 1914: 219]. by the wing pattern and the female genitalia. Among Larentia serraria ab. continua Strand, 1903: 16. these species, the latter two species are sympatric in Larentia serraria ab. albida Stichel, 1911: 86. the Russian Far East. The species fly concurrently Larentia serraria ab. spania Stichel, 1911: 86. Asaphodes serraria; Viidalepp 1977: 576. during July in southern Ussuri and Habarovsk. The Viidaleppia serraria; Inoue 1986: 61. species kurenzovi can be distinguished by more black- ; Choi 1997: 311. ish coloration of the wing pattern elements and espe- cially, by the genitalia of both sexes. The distal part of Diagnosis the aedeagus in serrataria is sclerotized and the cornu- H. serraria is characterized by the whitish ground ti are more or less small spinular processes, but the colour, blackish dots between basal and antemedial aedeagus of kurenzovi is distally sclerotized and also lines, medially broken central fascia, white and scal- several spines are present at the vesica and the cornu- loped subterminal line of forewing and the blackish ti are the mixture of large and small spines in the vesi- and scalloped subterminal line of hindwing. In the fe- ca. In the female genitalia, the lamella antevaginalis of male genitalia, the antrum and very short and heavily serrataria is a pair of triangular processes, whereas that sclerotized ductus bursae are distinguishing features. of kurenzovi is a pair of rectangular processes. This species is very similar to the following two species, H. serrataria and kurenzovi, but differs in the termen Biology of hindwing and the sterigma of female genitalia. Probably Picea is the host plant, and the species hi- bernates in the larval stage (Mikkola et al. 1985). Redescription Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectina- Material examined. – : Seinäjoki,1 1, tions. Frons whitish, round. Labial palp short, less 1931; Porvoo, Aminsby, 1 1 ,,, E. Suomalainen. – : Murmansk district, 65 Km S. Mon- than eye diameter. Metathorax dorsally white with chegorsk, 3 2, 19.vii.1993, A. Lvovsky; Murmansk dis- blackish tufts. Wingspan 21-26 mm in male, 27-29 trict, Luvenga, White sea shore, 2 1,, M. Ko- mm in female. Forewing ground colour whitish; basal zlov; Petropolis, 1 1, Coll. Duske; S-Ural, Cheliabinsk line black, dentate; area between basal and antemedial dist., Iremel mountain reserve, 900-1300 m, 7, 23- line with blackish vertical band; antemedial line medi-, K. Nupponen, J.-P. Kaitila, J. Junnilainen & M. ally slightly indented; postmedial line costally waved, Ahola; Altai Sibr., 1 , Coll. Winter; Irkutskaja obl., Hamar-Daban, taiga, Meteorolog st. 1450 m, 13 4, 25- medially bulged; central fascia blackish, sometimes 27.vii.1984, ad. luc. Mikkola & Viitasaari; Buryatia, medially missing or reduced, discoidal dot large, 53°13´N 109°19´E, Barguzin valley 1000m, Ust- Barguzin- blackish; termen blackish, subterminal line white, Yambul rd. taiga, 5, 13.vii.1996, Jalava & Kullberg (). waving. Hindwing whitish; discoidal dot blackish; ter- men black with whitish, waving subterminal line. 1st Heterothera serrataria (Prout) comb. n. tergal sclerite minute. (figs. 25, 36) Male genitalia. – Uncus thin, shorter than tegu- men, medially slightly bent. Tegumen bell-shaped. Cidaria (Thera) serraria serrataria Prout, 1914: 219. Holo-    Saccus medially indented, broad. Juxta broad, sclero- type , : Kasakewitsch, Ussuri, in Coll. Püngeler (Prout 1914: 219) [not examined]. tized. Anellus lobe small round, sclerotized, very short Cidaria (Thera) serrataria; Prout 1938: 115. hairs on top. Valva distally tapered; costa sclerotized, Asaphodes serrataria; Viidalepp 1977: 576. with medial expansion; sacculus well developed, dis- Viidaleppia serrataria; Inoue 1986: 60. toventrally a large process. Aedeagus cylindrical, scle- rotized; vesica tubular, cornuti large spinular. Diagnosis Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis absent, pos- H. serrataria is very similar to H. serraria, but dif- terior apophysis long, slender. Lamella postvaginalis fers in the complete central fascia, the termen of hind- semi-circular covered with minute spines, lamella an- wing without blackish subterminal line, the digiti- tevaginalis sclerotized, V-shaped with medially in- form anellus lobe, the deep saccus and the lamella vaginated. Ductus bursae very short. Corpus bursae post- and antevaginalis.

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Redescription Habarovsk, Nelma, 16-26.vii.1977, Viidalepp, Laa- Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectina- netu & Talve leg. (). Paratype 1 S-Ussuri, Tsug- tions. Frons brownish black. Labial palp short, less ujevski rj. , Berjzovoi stats. , Metsavir, 9- than eye diameter. Wingspan 24-28 mm. Forewing 12.vii.1976, Viidalepp, Ruben & Vasjurin (). ground colour whitish; basal line blackish, dentate; blackish vertical dots between basal and antemedial Diagnosis lines; antemedial line costally largely toothed, medial- This species is very similar to H. serrataria, but dif- ly indented; postmedial line costally toothed with one fers in the more or less dark wing elements and medi- deep invagination, medially bulged; central fascia ally broken central fascia. The long spinular processes blackish, with blackish discoidal dot; termen blackish; at the distal part of the aedeagus, the very large spin- subterminal line waving, whitish. Hindwing whitish; ular cornuti and the sterigma of the female genitalia basal blackish, with weak discoidal dot; postmedial are characteristic. line blackish. 1st tergal sclerite moderate projection. Male genitalia. – Uncus short, sclerotized, basally Description tapered. Tegumen bell-shaped. Saccus broad, medial- Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectina- ly indented. Juxta broad, basally round. Anellus lobe tions. Frons brownish black. Labial palp short, less digitiform, small hairs on top. Valva slim, distoven- than eye diameter. Metathorax dorsally white with trally expanded; costa sclerotized, medially and distal- blackish tufts. Wingspan 26-28 mm. Forewing ly expanded; sacculus triangular, sclerotized, dis- ground colour whitish; basal part blackish, basal line toventrally with process. Aedeagus cylindrical, distally dentate; next to basal line are blackish, vertical dots; strongly sclerotized; vesica tubular, cornuti spinular. antemedial line costally and dorsally projected in- Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis absent, pos- ward, medially indented; postmedial line generally terior apophysis long, slender. Lamella postvaginalis waved, medially bulged; central fascia blackish, with large round processes with toothed surfaces, lamella strong blackish discoidal dot, medially broken; ter- antevaginalis broad, V-shaped, medially hollowed, men with round blackish, vertical band, subterminal covered with spines. Ductus bursae short, heavily line white, waved. Hindwing whitish, discoidal dot sclerotized. Corpus bursae large, strongly sclerotized, very weak; termen weak blackish spots. Metathorax with broad opening. whitish. 1st tergal sclerite with moderate process. Male genitalia. – Uncus short, sclerotized, basally Distribution tapered. Tegumen bell-shaped. Saccus broad, medial- The Russian Far East, Japan. ly indented. Juxta broad, sclerotized. Anellus lobe digitiform, apically with very short hairs. Valva basal- Remarks ly broad, distally reduced; costa slender, sclerotized, Inoue (1986) listed this species under Viidaleppia medially largely expanded; sacculus triangular, sclero- on the basis of the genitalia. However, he was uncer- tized, distoventrally with a claw-like process. Aedea- tain of its generic status because the species showed gus cylindrical, distally with spinular processes, cor- slender pectinations in male antenna which was simi- nuti large, spinular, scattered. lar to Pennithera, and single areole of forewing which Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis absent, pos- was exceptional in Thera- group. terior apophyses long, slender. Lamella postvaginalis Jaros et al. (1992) recorded the species H. serraria semi- circular processes with dentate surfaces, lamella from the Korean Peninsula. However, the record is antevaginalis large plate-like structure densely covered very suspicious based on the distribution and I suppose with sclerotized processes. Ductus bursae very short, that the specimen might be H. serrataria or kurenzovi. sclerotized. Corpus bursae large, opening with strong- ly sclerotized, anterior part with sclerotized striations. Material examined. – : S-Ussuri, 1 1, 9-   12.vii.1976, Tsugujevski rj. , Berjzovoi stats. . Distribution Metsavir, Viidalepp, Ruben & Vasjurin; Habarovsk, Nel- ma, 2, 16-26.vii.1977, Viidalepp, Laanetu & Talve (); The Russian Far East (Primorye, Sikhote Alin Pompejefka, Amur, 2 1 (). – : Mt. Peipan, Mts.), Sakhalin, N. Japan (Viidalepp 1996). Asahikawa C. 1, 12.vii.83, Y. Kusunoki (). Remarks Originally, the new species was described a decade Heterothera kurenzovi Choi,Viidalepp & Vasjurin sp.n. ago by Viidalepp and Vasjurin on the basis of the ma- (figs. 14, 26, 37, 55) terial which is now preserved in the Institute of Biol- Pennithera kurenzovi Viidalepp 1996: 23. [nomen nudum] ogy and Pedology, Vladivostok. However, unfortu- nately this description had not yet been published. Type material. – Holotype ,   : During my preparation of Heterothera, Dr. Viidalepp

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kindly provided the material. Thus, here, we are de- Distribution scribing this species jointly. Europe.

Remarks Heterothera firmata (Hübner) Pierce (1914) first pointed out that the genitalia of (fig. 24) H. firmata are different from Thera s.s. The species Geometra firmata Hübner, 1822: 515. Holotype Europe was transferred from Thera to Pennithera by Viidalepp [not examined]. (1980), and subsequently it was again moved from Thera consobrinata Curtis, 1834: 519 [Synonymized by Prout 1914: 219]. Pennithera to Heterothera (Choi 1997). The male and Thera simulata Stephens, 1831: 271 nec. Hübner, 1822 female genitalia of firmata, however, are somewhat [Synonymized by Staudinger & Wocke 1871: 184]. different from the typical shape of Heterothera and Chesias ulicata Rambur 1834: 394; Staudinger & Wocke the cladistic reanalysis of Thera and related genera 1871: 184, Prout 1914: 219. (Choi unpublished) proposes that the species firmata Larentia firmata; Herrich-Schäffer 1847: 171. is separated from Heterothera. Therefore, the generic Cidaria firmata; Staudinger & Wocke 1871: 184. ; Viidalepp 1977: 576. position of the species is unclear. Thera firmata ab. approximata Lempke, 1950: 163. Thera firmata ab. brunneofasciata Lempke, 1950: 163. Biology Thera firmata ab. grisescens Lempke, 1950: 163. The species is sometimes bivoltine in England and Thera firmata ab. interrupta Lempke, 1950: 163. southern Europe (e.g. Bulgaria), although it is univol- Thera firmata ab. purpureobrunnea Cockayne, 1952: 267. tine in northern Europe. Pinus is known as a host Asaphodes (Pennithera) firmata; Viidalepp 1980: 70. Heterothera firmata; Choi 1997: 311. plant (Mikkola et al. 1985). Material examined. – : Porvoo, 1, 31.viii.1952, Diagnosis Seppänen; Sibbo, 1 , 11.viii.1983, A. Albrecht; Tvärminne Biol. St., 1, 13.ix.1951, E. Suomalainen; Helsinki,1 , The wing pattern elements and the wing colour of 25.viii.1971, A. Albrecht(). – : Meran, Tirol, H. firmata are somewhat similar to . 1, coll. Winter (). – : Sopron, Tacsi drok, However, firmata can be easily distinguished by the 1, 31.viii.1978, Ronkay; Sopron, Kovas d., 1 1, bipectinate male antenna, strongly indented anteme- 16.ix.1949, Ambrus; Peszerpuszta, Hungaria cent., 1, dial line and the blackish discoidal line that is fused to 24.ix.1949, Dr. Issekutz (). – : Rhodope Mt. the costal part of the antemedial line of forewing. Lukovitza motel near Assenovgrad, 450 m, 1 , 31.vii.1985, 2, 3.x.1986, S. Beschkov; S.W. Bulg. Kresnensko defile, Station Stara Kresna, 200 m, 1, 17.x.1987, S. Beschkov; Redescription Troyanska Stara planina mount. hut Dermenka, 1533 m, Antenna of male bipectinate, with long pectina- 1, 21.ix.1987, S. Beschkov (). tions. Frons yellowish brown. Labial palp long, double eye diameter. Legs yellowish brown, with pale tibial Thera cyphoschema Prout incertae sedis joints. Wingspan 24-30 mm. Forewing yellowish; (figs. 40, 41, 56) basal line waved, occasionally costally strongly bulged; antemedial line costally blackish, medially deeply in- Cidaria (Thera) cyphoschema Prout, 1926: 312. Holotype , ..  dented; postmedial line costally blackish, medially : Htawgaw, 6000 ft. March 1923, A. E. Swann leg. () [examined]. bulged; central fascia dark yellowish, dorsally reduced, Thera cyphoschema; Prout, 1941: 323. blackish discoidal dot; subterminal line whitish, waved. Cidaria atrinotata Joannis, 1929: 485. Holotype , - Hindwing yellowish white, postmedial line very weak. : Hoang su phi, Tonkin in Paris Museum (colour Male genitalia. – Uncus strongly sclerotized, medi- transparency in , [examined]). syn. n. ally bent, short being less than tegumen height. Tegu- Cidaria atrinotata reducta Joannis, 1929: 486. syn. n. men triangular, shorter than vinculum. Saccus shal- low, round. Juxta well developed, sclerotized. Anellus Diagnosis lobes digitiform, apically expanded and hairs present. This species is similar to H. mussooriensis in the wing Valva midventrally expanded; costa strongly sclero- pattern, but differs in the short pectinations of the tized, with median and distal expansions; sacculus male antenna and the relatively short and thick uncus, sclerotized, with distoventral process. Aedeagus cylin- round saccus, unsclerotized costa of valva, the presence drical, sclerotized; vesica tubular, basally one patch of of diverticulum of vesica and the absence of cornutus. spinular cornuti present. Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis about 1/5 Redescription length of posterior apophysis. Antrum simple. Duc- Antenna of male bipectinate, with short pectination. tus bursae long, strongly sclerotized, basally thick, Frons reddish and white scales. Labial palp brownish distally reduced. Corpus bursae ovate, small. and white, long about twice the eye diameter. Legs

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Figs. 56-57. Female genitalia of Thera s.l. – 56, T. cyphoschema; 57, T. exangulata. Scale bar= 1 mm.

56 57

brownish and white scales, with white tibial joints. Distribution Wingspan 26 mm. Forewing ground colour greyish; Burma, S. China, N. Vietnam. basal line blackish, slanted; antemedial line costally blackish, medially indented; postmedial line black, Remarks medially bulged; central fascia thin, medially reduced, The species is similar to Heterothera in the bipecti- blackish on veins; dorsum with short blackish line at nate male antenna, the wing pattern and the male base. Hindwing whitish, discoidal dot blackish, post- genitalia, but it is very different from Heterothera in medial line very weak. the female genitalia, particularly the funnel-shaped Male genitalia. – Uncus thick, relatively short less antrum and the presence of a colliculum. Thus, the than half of tegumen, sclerotized. Tegumen dome- inclusion of the species in Heterothera is equivocal. shaped. Juxta broad, sclerotized; anellus lobe digiti- form, medially and apically with long hairs. Saccus Additional material examined. – : Paratypes 3, round, medially concave. Valva generally membra- Htawgaw, N.E. Burma, 6000 ft. IV- V.1923, A.E. Swann.; Htawgaw, N.E. Burma, 6000 ft, 1 3, IV-V.1923, A.E. nous; costa membranous, distally slightly projected Swann. – : Paratype 1, Hoang su phi, Tonkin. – upward; sacculus triangular, basally sclerotized, with : Tseku (Tse-Kou), Prov. Yunnan, 3, 1895, 2, a distal large spinular projection. Aedeagus slender, 1898, 5, 1900, R.P.J. Dubernard (). sclerotized; vesica tubular with one large lateral diver- ticulum; cornutus absent. Thera exangulata (Warren) incertae sedis Female genitalia. – Anterior apophysis half of pos- (figs. 42, 43, 57) terior apophysis. Sterigma simple, laterally with thin, sclerotized stripes. Antrum large, funnel-shaped. Perizoma? exangulata Warren 1909: 127. Holotype , .  Ductus bursae with colliculum in middle. Corpus : Srinagar, Kashmir 7000ft, col[lection]. Ward. 20.VI.[19]04 () [examined]. bursae large, subspherical, signum absent. Cidaria (Thera) exangulata Prout 1938: 113. Thera exangulata; Prout 1941: 323.

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Diagnosis Pennithera distractata (Sterneck) comb. n. The species can be distinguished by the black and (figs. 44, 45) medially reduced central fascia and white scalloped Thera distractata Sterneck, 1928: 152. Holotype , : subterminal line of forewing. This species is similar to Wassukou (Wassekou), Prov. Sichuan [not examined]. Cidaria deletaria Hampson in the male genitalia (the slender and sclerotized costa), but differs in the wing Diagnosis pattern elements. The species is similar to H. serraria and H. ser- rataria in the wing pattern elements, but it can be dis- Redescription tinguished by the short pectinations of male antenna, Antenna of male filiform. Frons smooth, mixed its wider central fascia and the male genitalia. The with ochreous and brownish scales. Labial palp short. well developed bilobed anellus lobe and the medial Legs dark brownish, with ochreous tarsal joints. process at the costa of valva in the male genitalia are Wingspan 32 mm. Forewing basal part dark brown- characteristic. ish, slanted; antemedial line costally expanded, slant- ed; postmedial line medially dentate, bulged; central Description fascia blackish, costally pale brownish, medially re- Antenna of male bipectinate, with short pectina- duced, with long black discoidal dot. Termen brown- tions. Frons with white and blackish scales. Labial ish, medially paler; subterminal line whitish, scallop- palp moderate about 1.5 times the eye diameter. Legs ing; apical streak brownish. Hindwing whitish; basal with whitish tibial joints. Wingspan 25 mm in male. part tinged with blackish, with blackish discoidal dot; Forewing ground colour whitish; basal line blackish, postmedial line blackish; termen dorsally slightly waved; area between basal and antemedial lines tinged tinged with black. with blackish, bar-shaped band; antemedial line Male genitalia. – Uncus about twice as long as waved; postmedial line costally dentate, invaginated, tegumen, basally tapering. Tegumen dome-shaped. medially slightly bulged; central fascia blackish, rela- Saccus round, medially expanded. Juxta broad; anel- tively constant in width, with black discoidal dot; ter- lus lobe long, rod-shaped, dorsally with long hairs. men blackish. Hindwing whitish; discoidal dot small Transtilla sclerotized, thin, round. Valva slender; cos- blackish, with blackish postmedial line; termen with ta long, slender, distally with long sclerotized hairs; black, waving subterminal line; fringe black. sacculus indistinct. Aedeagus cylindrical, sclerotized, Male genitalia. – Uncus long, slender. Tegumen ductus ejaculatorius distally sclerotized; vesica large small, dome-shaped. Juxta basally invaginated; anellus sac-like, cornutus absent. lobe bilobed with club-shaped large lobe and densely Female genitalia. – Papillae anales simple, sclero- hairy small lobe, apical part of large lobes with long tized. 8th segment slightly sclerotized. Anterior apoph- hairs. Saccus sclerotized, round with medial projec- ysis about 3/5 length of posterior apophysis. Antrum tion. Valva slender; costa sclerotized, with a medial broad, funnel-shaped. Ductus bursae short, with col- triangular process. Aedeagus slender, medially bent, liculum. Corpus bursae very large, subovate, posteriorly distally slightly scobinated; cornutus small process. with many striations; signum a long thread-like process. Female genitalia. – Unknown.

Distribution Distribution N. India. S.W. China.

Remarks Remarks Warren (1909) described the species under Peri- The species has never been reported since its origi- zoma, but Prout (1938 & 1941) listed it under Thera. nal description (Sterneck 1928). The identification of The wing pattern and especially the female genitalia the species is based on the original description and of the species (funnel-shaped antrum, the presence of drawing. colliculum and the thread-like signum) are different The combination with Pennithera is based on the from Thera s.l. The male genitalia of exangulata are following characters: the relatively smaller tegumen, similar to Cidaria deletaria Hampson, whereas the the triangular process at the middle of the costa and antrum of female genitalia is similar to T. cyphosche- the indistinct sacculus of the male genitalia. The ma. The systematic position of the species remains un- bilobed anellus lobes of the male genitalia are very clear. characteristic.

Additional material examined. – : Kashmir, 7000 ft, Material examined. – : 1 A-tun-tse, (Nord-Yün- 2,; Mussu Hills, 2 (). nan), Obere Hohe, ca. 4500 m, 13.vii.1937, H. Höne ().

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