Association of American Universities American Medical Association American Association of University Women


American Alumni Council American Council on Education Association of American Colleges Association of Urban Universities National Association of Schools of Music Association of University Evening Colleges Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Southern University Conference Tennessee College Association CATALOG, 1947-1948 •• ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1948-1949




Vol. XXVII January, 1948 No. 1 Issued Quarterly. Entered as second-class matter, April 13, 1921, at the Post Office in Chatta­ nooga, Tennessee, under the Act ot Congress of August 24, 1912. COLLEGE CALENDAR 1948-1949


June 14, Monday. Summer session begins. June 15, Tuesday. Late registration fee charged, beginning today. June 21, Monday. Last day for registration with full credit in first term. July 23, Friday. Final examinations for first term. July 24, Saturday. Registration for second term, until 12:00 noon. July 26, Monday. Late registration fee charged, beginning today. July 31, Saturday. Last date for registration with full credit in second term. August 23—September 3, Monday—Friday. Comprehensive ex­ aminations for summer graduates. September 3, Friday. Final examinations for second term. September 6, Monday. Commencement for summer graduates.

FALL—1948 September 23—25, Thursday—Saturday. Freshman consultation, examination, registration. September 21, Monday. Registration for upper-class students. September 28, Tuesday. Classes meet, 8:30 a.m.; first chapel service, 10:20 a.m. Late registration fee charged, beginning today. October 7, Tuesday. Founders' Day Service. October 15, Wednesday. End of special examination period for removing conditions. October 16, Saturday. Last day for registration with full credit. November 6, Saturday. Last date for dropping a failing course without penalty. November 25, Thursday. First quiz period ends; Thanksgiving vacation begins. November 30, Monday. Class work resumes, 8:30 a.m. December 18, Saturday noon. Christmas vacation begins. January 3, Monday. Class work resumes, 8:30 a.m. January 20—27, Thursday—Thursday. Comprehensive examina­ tions for first semester graduates. January 26—February 3, Wednesday—Thursday. Final examina­ tions for first semester.


February 4—5, Friday—Saturday. Registration of all students for second semester. February 7, Monday. Classes meet 8:30 a.m.; chapel, 10:20 a.m. Late registration fee charged beginning today. February 26, Saturday. Last date for registration with full credit. March 15, Monday. End of special examination period for remov­ ing conditions. April 13, Thursday. First quiz period ends; spring vacation begins after classes this date. April 17, Monday. Class work resumes, 8:30 a.m. May 10—2lf, Wednesday—Wednesday. Senior comprehensive ex­ aminations. May 2lf—June 1, Wednesday—Thursday. Final examinations for second semester. June 3, Saturday. Alumni Day. June 4, Sunday. Baccalaureate service, 5:00 p.m. June 5, Monday. Meeting of Board of Trustees, 10:00 a.m.;, Com­ mencement service, 8:00 p.m. ; -. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Officers of the Board MORROW CHAMBERLAIN Chairman LUPTON PATTEN Vice-Chairman STACY E. NELSON Secretary JOHN S. FLETCHER Treasurer For Term Expiring: June, 1948 CREED F. BATES Chattanooga W. E. BROCK Chattanooga EARL P. CARTER Chattanooga T. O. DUFF Chattanooga D. H. GRISWOLD- Chattanooga C. D. LITTLE Chattanooga J. M. MELEAR Athens FELIX G. MILLER Chattanooga SCOTT L. PROBASCO ., Chattanooga JOHN ROSS SCOTT Chattanooga P. H. WOOD Chattanooga EDWIN C. WOODWORTH Chattanooga For Term Expiring- June, 1949 CLARENCE R. AVERY Chattanooga J. W. BISHOP Chattanooga HARRY CARBAUGH Chattanooga ALEXANDER GUERRY Sewanee BISHOP PAUL B. KERN Nashville P. J. KRUESI Chattanooga STACY E. NELSON Chattanooga LUPTON PATTEN Chattanooga Z. C. PATTEN Chattanooga A. F. PORZELIUS Chattanooga JOHN H. RACE Z. W. WHELAND Chattanooga Members of the Board For Term Expiring June, 1950 MORROW CHAMBERLAIN Chattanooga JOHN S. FLETCHER Chattanooga SUMMERFIELD K. JOHNSTON Chattanooga J. BURTON FRIERSON Chattanooga EARL WINGER Chattanooga MRS. IPHIGENE OCHS SULZBERGER New York City OTTO J. HUBBUCH Chattanooga ROBERT J. MACLELLAN Chattanooga ROY MCDONALD Chattanooga T. R. PRESTON Chattanooga R. P. PURSE. JR Chattanooga L. W. RHODES Chattanooga Alumni Trustees MAX FINLEY 1945-48 DONALD H. OVERMYER 1946-49 MERCER REYNOLDS, JR 1947-50 Executive Committee MORROW CHAMBERLAIN, Chairman STACY E. NELSON, Secretary W. E. BROCK DAVID A. LOCKMILLER HARRY CARBAUGH FELIX G. MILLER JOHN S. FLETCHER LUPTON PATTEN D. H. GRISWOLD Z. C. PATTEN P. J. KRUESI Z. W. WHELAND Endowment Committee JOHN S. FLETCHER ROBERT J. MACLELLAN D. H. GRISWOLD FELIX G. MILLER DAVID A. LOCKMILLER Z. C. PATTEN FACULTY The first date after each name indicates the year of appointment and the second denotes the year the present rank was attained. DAVID ALEXANDER LOCKMILLER (1942) President B.Ph., A.M., Emory University; LL.B., LL.D., Cumberland University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina. MAXWELL AUSTIN SMITH (1922) (1929) Dean and Professor of Modern Languages A.B., A.M., University of Wisconsin; Docteur de l'Univer- site de Paris REUBEN WRIGHT HOLLAND (1946) Associate Dean and Director of the Evening College A.B., M.A., Emory University

PROFESSORS ROBERT HERMANN ANACKER (1932) Professor of Modern Languages Ph.D., University of Berne ROBERT JACOB BARR (1947) Professor of Economics B.S., University of Chattanooga; Ph.D., University of Wis­ consin WILBUR KINGSLEY BUTTS (1931) Professor of Biology B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University JOSEPH SEVIER CALLAWAY (1930) (1947) Professor of Classics A.B., University of Chattanooga; M.A., Harvard Univer­ sity; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University IRVINE WALTER GROTE (1931) (1940) Professor of Chemistry B.S., University of Chattanooga; A.M., Columbia Univer­ sity; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati ROLLO ALVORD KILBURN (1927) 1943) Professor of Sociology and Religion A.B., Middlebury College; B.D., Union Theological Semi­ nary EDWIN SAMUEL LINDSEY (1924) Professor of English A.B., A.M., Ph.D., University of North Carolina JAMES WESTON LIVINGOOD (1937) (1946) Professor of History A.B., Gettysburg College; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton Univer­ sity MYRON STANLEY McCAY (1948) Professor of Physics A.B., University of Georgia; M.A., University of North Carolina; Ph.D., Ohio State University PAUL LESTER PALMER (1926) Professor of Education and Psychology A.B., A.M., Northwestern University FRANK WILLIAMS PRESCOTT (1928) Adolph S. Ochs Professor of Government A.B., University of New Hampshire; M.A., Ph.D., Univer­ sity of Wisconsin STUART ROBERT PURSER (1945) (1946) Professor of Art A.B., Louisiana College; B.F.A., M.F.A., The Art Institute of Chicago CULVER HAYGOOD SMITH (1932) Professor of History A.B., Trinity College; M.A., Yale University; Ph.D., Duke University

ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS ROBERT OSBORNE BAKER (1946) Associate Professor of Economics and Commerce A.B., M.B.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas ISOBEL GRISCOM (1922) (1945) Associate Professor of English A.B., Miami University; M.A., University of Wisconsin OLIVER PARIS HODGE (1946) Associate Professor of Modern Languages A.B., University of Chattanooga; M.A., Columbia University ELEANOR ROSS McGILLIARD (1927) (1946) Associate Professor of Biology A.B., M.A., University of Cincinnati WINSTON LOUIS MASSEY (1933) (1946) Associate Professor of Mathematics A.B., University of Chattanooga; M.A., Duke University ROBERT ARTHUR MERRILL (1946) Associate Professor of Engineering B.S., C.E., University of Illinois ANDREW CECIL MOORE (1926) (1944) Associate Professor of Physical Education B.S., University of Georgia RUTH CLARK PERRY (1922) (1944) Associate Professor of Mathematics A.B., Wellesley College KARL GUST AVE REGNOLDS (1946) Associate Professor of Economics and Commerce A.B., St. Olaf College WILLIAM ORR SWAN (1941) Associate Professor of Chemistry B.S., University of Mississippi; M.S., Ph.D., University of Virginia TERRELL LOUISE TATUM (1924) (1943) Associate Professor of Modern Languages A.B., University of Chattanooga; M.A., Middlebury College GODFREY TIETZE (1926) Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion A.B., Morningside College; B.D., Garrett Biblical Insti­ tute; A.M., Northwestern University


GEORGIA LAXSON BELL (1943) Assistant Professor of Home Economics B.S., M.S., University of Tennessee KENNETH E. CARPENTER (1946) Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Health B.S., University of Illinois; M.A., Ohio State University ROLAND DeBUSKE CARTER (1942) (1944) Assistant Professor of English A.B., Lincoln Memorial University; M.A., Duke University JULIUS PEALE FREEMAN (1947) Assistant Professor of Sociology A.B., M.A., Wake Forest College KENNETH ALVIN FRY (1947) Assistant Professor of Biology B.A., M.S., Kansas State Teachers College JEAN GILLIS (1946) Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Health B.S., University of Alabama; M.A., George Peabody College JOHN TOY GRAY (1946) Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.S., East Tennessee State College; M.A., George Peabody College KAREL HUJER (1946) Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy D.Sc, University of ; Advanced Study, University of London; University of Chicago NORBERT KOCH (1947) Assistant Professor of Engineering B.Ed., Platteville State Teachers College; M.S., Univer­ sity of Tennessee ROBERT DARDEN LITTLE (1946) Assistant Professor of History A.B., University of Alabama; M.A., Columbia University BRADFORD KUHNS MacGAW (1946) (1947) Assistant Professor of Geography and Geology B.A., Cornell College; M.S., University of Iowa ANDREW JOHN NARDO (1935) (1947) Assistant Professor of Physical Education A.B., University of Chattanooga; M.A., Columbia Univer­ sity CURTIS C. PAGE (1946) (1947) Assistant Professor of English B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Yale University JEAN MORRIS PETITT (1946) (1947) Assistant Professor of English A.B., University of Chattanooga; M.A., Middlebury College SARAH PHILLIPS (1943) (1945) Assistant Professor of Commerce A.B., Western Kentucky State Teachers College; M.A., Columbia University HOWARD SUTTON (1937) Assistant Professor of Modern Languages A.B., University of Chattanooga; MA., Vanderbilt Univer­ sity PAUL VESPA (1947) Assistant Professor of Economics B.S., Syracuse University; M.A., Columbia University DOROTHY HACKETT WARD (1938) (1946) Assistant Professor of Dramatics and Speech A.B., University of Chattanooga; Speech Diploma,. Cadek Conservatory of Music; M.F.A., Yale University ULREY KAULBACH WILSON (1946) Assistant Professor of Psychology A.B., University of Chattanooga; M.A., Duke University

INSTRUCTORS MARY NOEL BARRON (1946) Instructor in Economics and Commerce B.S., University of Kentucky; M.B.A., University of Mich­ igan; C.P.A. LOUISE BISHOP (1947) Instructor in English A.B., University of Chattanooga; M.A., Vanderbilt Uni­ versity ESTHER LEA DAVIS (1947) Instructor in Physics B.S., University of Chattanooga MARGARET LUCILLE EVANS (1947) Instructor in Physical Education A.B., University of Chattanooga MARJORIE FOX (1947) Instructor in Chemistry B.S., University of Chattanooga LOUISE KATHLEEN GEER (1946) Instructor in English A.B., University of Chattanooga GAIL SHIPMAN HAMMOND (1946) Instructor in Art B.A.E., M.A.E., Art Institute of Chicago MARTHA FRANCES HILL (1946) Instructor in Commerce A.B., Berea College; M.A., Duke University SULAMITH B. MENNEN (1946) Instructor in Mathematics and Physics B.A., Morningside College; M.S., University of Iowa ESSIE LEE MYERS (1946) Instructor in Biology A.B., University of Chattanooga ELMO MOSTELLER ROBERDS, JR. (1946) Instructor in Social Science A.B., Emory University; M.A., University of North Caro­ lina PHYLLIS LOUISE STROBEL (1946) Instructor in Chemistry B.S., University of Chattanooga THERESA WALLER (1946) Instructor in History B.S., Mississippi Southern; M.A., University of Alabama IRENE WHEELEY (1946) Director of the Nursery School and Instructor in Home Economics B.S., University of Tennessee

SPECIAL INSTRUCTORS HILDE ANACKER (1934) German Ph.D., University of Berne CARL J. ARNOLD (1947) Commerce B.S.C., Bowling Green College of Commerce JOSEPH P. BOUQUARD (1947) Mathematics B. Str. E., Fenn College JAMES R. BUTTS (1946) Mathematics and Engineering B. S., University of Kentucky ROBERT CURTIS (1945) Engineering C.E., University of Cincinnati PHILIP H. DONOVAN (1947) Commerce LL.B., Chattanooga College of Law; C.P.A. RAY WILLIAM EVANS (1946) Commerce B.S., University of Cincinnati; B.S., George Williams College ABRAHAM FEINSTEIN (1947) Religion A.B., University of Cincinnati; M.A., New York Univer­ sity; Advanced Study, Columbia University; Rabbi, He­ brew Union College. JAMES LUTHER FOWLE (1945) Bible A.B., D.D., Davidson College; B.D., Union Theological Seminary; Th.M., Princeton Theological Seminary; D.D., Westminster College; LL.D., University of Chattanooga J. HOMER HARDY (1947) Commerce LL.B., Chattanooga College of Law; C.P.A. JAMES MARION HOLBERT (1942) Chemistry B.S., University of Chattanooga; M.S., University of Ten­ nessee; Ph.D., Northwestern University GORDON C. HORTON (1946) Home Economics A.B., Davidson College ANN DOZIER HUNT (1946) Home Economics A.B., University of Chattanooga; R.N., Columbia Medical Center CLAUDINE BERTHE MARTHE JEULIN (1947) French Diplome, Haute Ecole Commerciale pour Jeunes Filles MAURICE H. MARTIN (1947) Mathematics A.B., Western State Teachers College. WILLIAM G. McGLOTHLIN (1946) Biology B.S., Murfreesboro State Teachers College; M.A., George Peabody College WESLEY W. MOULTON (1946) Commerce B.S., South Dakota State College; M.A., University of Minnesota PLACIDO TOM AS PACHECO y QUINTAN A (1947) Spanish Universidad de la Habana DAVID MANKER PATTEN (1940) English A.B., Wesleyan University JAMES H. PLESS (1947) Sociology A.B., University of Florida; M.A., Columbia University; B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute. MARY M. PURSER (1945) Art Studied Industrial Art at Art Institute of Chicago; studied in in 1938 EDWARD L. RHODES (1945) Health Director of Safety, Chattanooga American Red Cross ROBERT P. SCHEIBACH (1947) Commerce B.S.E., B.S. in B.A., Ohio State University. GLENDA SLUTZ BALLINGER (1946) Home Economics B.S., M.S., University of Tennessee EDGAR K. SMITH (1947) Education B.S., Cumberland University; M.A., Peabody College 10 ELIZABETH SUSSDORFF (1946) English A.B., University of Chattanooga; A.B. in L.S., Univer­ sity of North Carolina ROBERT I. TENNEY (1947) Economics and Commerce A.B., LL.B., Stanford University MIRIAM HINES THATCHER (1943) History A.B., Swarthmore College HARRIETTE E. WELLS (1947) Education A.B., Milligan College CHARLES G. WRIGHT (1946) Engineering Graduate, Berea Academy GEORGE R. WRIGHT (1946) Commerce B.B.A., University of Chattanooga GEORGE E. ZIMMERMAN (1947) Sociology B.P.E., Springfield College

CADEK CONSERVATORY of the University of Chattanooga

HAROLD CADEK (1935) (1945) Director and Professor of Piano and Violoncello Studied piano with Roy Lamont Smith, Howard Brockway (New York), Leonid Kreutzer and Egon Petri (). Studied 'cello with Bedrich Vaska (New York) and Otto Niedermayr (Berlin) ARTHUR PLETTNER (1937) Juilliard Professor of Music Mus. Baa, University of Toronto; State Conservatory of Music, Wurzburg, ; Fellowship, Juilliard Grad­ uate School of Music JAMES OSCAR MILLER (1935) (1945) Professor of Voice Studied with Frederick H. Haywood, Sergei Klibanski, John W. Nicholas and Mme. Estelle Burns-Roure; reper­ toire with Emil Pollack, William Reddick and Fay Foster (New York); Member of American Academy of Teachers of Singing ISA McILWRAITH (1938) (1945) Associate Professor of Music University Organist and Choirmaster A.B., Barnard College; M.A., Columbia University; M.S.M., Union Theological Seminary; AA.G.O. (Asso. American Guild Organists), Victor Baier Fellow of Co­ lumbia University; Fellowship at the Juilliard Graduate School EMMY LAND WOLFF (1940) (1947) Associate Professor of Voice Graduate, Silesia College; studied with Aranji-Lombardi (Milan), Gerianger and von Wymethal (), Conrad von Boss and Hertha Dehmlow (Berlin)

11 WERNER WOLFF (1943) (1947) Associate Professor of Opera J.D., University of Berlin; State Diploma—Professor of Music, Germany; studied with Humperdinck and Nikisch; conductor Opera and Symphony Concerts, 1917- 1932. WILLARD LEROY ANSPACH (1945) Assistant Professor of Piano B.M., Temple University; studied with Leo Ornstein, Al­ berto Jonas, and Olga Samaroff HARRY SHUB (1945) Assistant Professor of Violin Studied with Paul Koschanski, Hans Letz, and Adolph Betti; Fellowship, Juilliard Graduate School of Music JOHN CASALE (1935) (1946) Assistant Professor of Violin Studied with Maestro Giuseppe Bilancia (Villarosa), Ba- rone Michele Deodato (Catania) and Edouard Dethier (Institute of Musical Art, New York) LILLIAN CADEK DAME (1935) (1947) Assistant Professor of Violin and Piano Regular course, Conservatory of Zurich (Switzerland). Studied piano with Roy L. Smith, Carl Baldegger (Zurich) and Eugene Heffley (New York). Studied violin with Jo­ seph O. Cadek and Ottokar Cadek MAY SPENCER HICKMAN (1935) Instructor in Piano Diploma in piano from Ward-Belmont College (Nash­ ville). Studied piano with Dr. and Mrs. Emil Winkler FRANCES HALL HILL (1934) Instructor in Piano B.M., University of Chattanooga CHARLES DAVID McNAUGHTON (1946) Instructor in Music A.B., Dickinson College; M.A., New York University; Fellowship, Juilliard Graduate School LEE GREENE GULLEY (1946) Instructor in Piano A.B., M.M., University of Chattanooga. Studied with James Friskin


RAYMOND B. SEYMOUR Director B.S., M.S., University of New Hampshire; Ph.D., State University of Iowa

IRA BRANUM, JR., Analytical Chemistry B.S., University of Chattanooga JAMES H. COULLIETTE Physics A.B., A.M., Birmingham-Southern College; Ph.D., Colum­ bia University MILTON GALLAGHER Physical Chemistry B.S., University of Illinois; M.S., University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D., University of Illinois

HAROLD H. GOSLEN Chemical Engineering B.Ch.E., North Carolina State College

FREDERICK W. HAYWARD Physiological Chemistry B.S., Middlebury College; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University

WILLIAM F. LUTHER Textile Chemistry B.S., University of Kentucky; M.S., Ph.D., University of Iowa

GEORGE MAPES SCHRODER Organic Chemistry B.S., Pennsylvania State College; M.S., North Carolina State College

THOMAS G. STREET, JR. Chemistry B.A., Vanderbilt University


GILBERT GOVAN Librarian MARY YOUNG HALE Assistant Librarian CLARA B. WASHBURN Reference Librarian EVELYN HOUCK PRINCE Circulation Librarian ANITA STEPHENS PATTON Calatoguer GRADY LONG Circulation Assistant


ANDREW C. MOORE Director of Athletics EARL R. CAMPBELL, M.D Physician ANDREW J. NARDO Assistant Coach WILLIAM P. O'BRIEN Assistant Coach DAVID SANDLIN Trainer CHARLES EMERSON, JR Manager


ROY McDONALD Chairman of the Board DR. A. F. BRANTON Superintendent HELEN S. STEELE Director ELIZABETH NEWMAN PARKER Educational Director


RAYMOND B. WITT, JR., '37 President BELFIELD H. CARTER, '32 Vice-President GRACE BROWN BIGGERS, '36 Secretary A. REED GARDNER, '31 Treasurer TELFAIR BROOKE, JR., '47 Executive Secretary


DAVID ALEXANDER LOCKMILLER President STANLEY F. BRETSKE Vice-President and Comptroller MAXWELL AUSTIN SMITH Dean REUBEN W. HOLLAND Associate Dean and Director of the Evening College DOROTHY HARRIS WOODWORTH Dean of Students HAROLD CADEK Director, Cadek Conservatory RAYMOND B. SEYMOUR Director, Research Institute BETTY BLOCKER Registrar and Secretary of the Faculty GILBERT GOVAN Librarian ROLLO A. KILBURN Chaplain TELFAIR BROOKE, JR Alumni Secretary IRENE WHEELEY .Director, Nursery School MANKER PATTEN Director of Publicity CHARLES G. WRIGHT Director of Maintenance MRS. WARD BUHRMAN Assistant Comptroller JAMES G. UMBARGER Bursar ALBERT RANKIN : Purchasing Agent MRS. W. H. BROYLES Manager, Student Commons MIRIAM MALLORY Dietitian MRS. W. T. HORNSBY Assistant Dietitian MRS. ROSE BARNES Assistant in Student Commons MRS. KATHLEEN EDWARDS Assistant Dietitian MRS. RAYMOND WALLACE House Mother, Girls' Dormitory MRS. WOODALL JOHNSON House Mother, Johnston Hall MRS. ETHAN W. BIXBY University Nurse JOE THOMASSON: Manager, Bookstore MARY DAVID HOUSTON Assistant, Bookstore JAMES H. MORGAN Maintenance Assistant MARY ELIZABETH PAST Secretary to the President VIRGINIA HELLMANN Secretary to the Comptroller MRS. J. W. SAUNDERS....: Secretary to the Dean BETTY FLO OLDIS Secretary, Alumni Office BETTY JOHNSON Secretary, Business Office BETTY MOODY CULLOM Secretary, Business Office NELLIE RUTH DAY Secretary, Registrar's Office VEDA STEIL Secretary, Research Institute MARY GUY BLANTON Attendance Clerk PATSY WILLS Switchboard Operator MARTHA SCHMIDT ALLISON Mimeograph Operator


The President and Dean of the College are ex-officio members of all committees. The first person named is chairman of the com­ mittee. , Athletics: Bretske, Carpenter, Koch, Moore, Patten, Swan, Vespa. Catalogue: Holland, Blocker, Carter, Fox, Hammond, Hill, Davis. Carnegie Research and Creative Activity: Livingood, Govan, Grote. Chapel: Lindsey, Freeman, Hujer, Kilburn, Mcllwraith, Saunders. Co-operative Education: Merrill, Davis, Koch, McGilliard, Reg­ nolds, Swan. Curriculum: Dean Smith, Anacker, Butts, Cadek, Govan, Kilburn, Palmer, Purser, Seymour, Tatum. Evening College: Holland, Barr, Bell, Bretske, Livingood, Prescott. Fraternities: Massey, Carter, Page, Perry, Saunders, Woodworth. Honorary Degrees: Grote, Barron, Govan, Gray, Lindsey, Perry. Library: Govan, Callaway, Little, Phillips, Plettner, Roberds. Publicity: Patten, Bretske, Cadek, Holland, Dean Smith, Wood- worth. Radio: Ward, Bell, Brooke, Cadek, McNaughton, Sutton, Tatum. Regulations: Dean Smith, Carpenter, Gillis, Holland, MacGaw, Tietze, Woodworth. Standards and Evaluations: Palmer, Fry, Griscom, Hodge, Plett­ ner, Waller. Student Activities: Woodworth, Evans, Gillis, Nardo, Page, Patten, C. Smith, Strobel, Wheeley, Wright. Student Guidance: Wilson, Barr, McGilliard, Palmer, Petitt, Sut­ ton. Student Honors: C. Smith, Baker, Butts, Geer, Mennen, Prescott. Student Publications: Petitt, Bishop, Brooke, Griscom, Patten, Purser.



The University of Chattanooga is a privately controlled and endowed institution for men and women. It is the successor of two older institutions: East Tennessee Wesleyan University, estab­ lished at Athens in 1866, and Chattanooga University, chartered in 1886. The two institutions, only fifty miles apart and at that time under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, effected a consolidation in 1889 under the name of Grant University.

From 1892 to 1903 the College of Liberal Arts was located at Athens and the Chattanooga division offered professional training in medicine, law, and theology. A reorganization took place in 1903 when the College of Liberal Arts was merged with the pro­ fessional schools at Chattanooga. In 1907 the present name, "University of Chattanooga," was adopted, the unit at Athens being continued as a preparatory and normal school under the name of the Athens School of the University of Chattanooga.

In 1909 the Methodist Episcopal Church deeded all university property to a self-perpetuating board of trustees. During the years which immediately followed, the professional schools were abol­ ished and all resources were devoted to the development of a supe­ rior program in liberal arts and science. In 1925 the University and the Athens School were separated, the latter institution being re­ organized as a junior college. In 1935, the Cadek Conservatory of Music of Chattanooga was affiliated with the University. The Industrial Research Institute was established in 1945.

The University of Chattanooga has experienced a steady growth in enrollment, equipment, endowment, and influence since its es­ tablishment. Its work is fully accredited, and over 2,500 students annually attend the Day, Evening and Summer divisions.

17 Location The University is located in the center of an area which is known throughout the world for its natural beauty and places of historic interest. Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, the battle­ grounds at Chickamauga, Fort Oglethorpe, and the Tennessee River with its TVA dams and lakes are only a few of the many at­ tractions readily accessible to students. Beginning with the Revo­ lution, armies fought over Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, and here was the beginning of the "trail of tears" followed by the Cherokee Indians when removed from their old homes to the West. Chattanooga, with a population of 200,000, is the leading indus­ trial and commercial city of southeastern Tennessee, north Geor­ gia, and northeastern Alabama. Its many railroads, highways, and the municipal airport provide splendid transportation facilities to all parts of the country. The diversified manufacturing and busi­ ness activities permit frequent educational inspection trips and afford opportunities for part-time employment to enterprising students. Retaining the best traditions of the Old and the New South, Chattanooga is a cultural center, and the atmosphere is stimu­ lating, wholesome, and typically American. It is a community of churches and accredited high schools and private preparatory schools. Opportunities abound for hearing the leading ministers, lecturers, artists, and musicians of the day. Its public-spirited citizens are interested in the University, and it in turn is dedicated to the ideal of maximum service to the City and Nation in the realm of higher education. Individuals desiring additional information about the industries or the scenic and historic sites in and around Chattanooga may obtain illustrated literature by writing the Chamber of Commerce, 819 Broad Street, Chattanooga 2, Tennessee.

Gifts and Memorials Since its establishment the University of Chattanooga has re­ ceived financial support from hundreds of individuals, families,

18 business firms, and religious and philanthropic organizations. All contributions are recorded in the permanent records of the institu­ tion and for this generous support the trustees, faculty, students, and alumni are deeply grateful. Among the more significant gifts are those of the Methodist Church, the General Education Board, the Carnegie Corporation, the Carnegie Foundation for The Advancement of Teaching, the Juilliard Foundation, the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton Coun­ ty, D. K. Pearson, Andrew Carnegie, the John A. Patten family, Adolph S. Ochs, W. E. Brock, George H. Patten, Z. C. Patten, Summerfield K. Johnston and Mrs. James F. Johnston, Miss Maria Louisa Craig, B. A. Disney, Miss Inez Brown, Paul J. Kruesi, and Mrs. Annie Merner Pfeiffer. Living memorials at the University include the John A. Patten Chapel, Chamberlain Field, the Adolph S. Ochs Chair of Municipal Government, the Hinds Memorial Science Library, the Edgar B. Tolson Memorial Book Collection, the Xenophen Wheeler Home, the Myra Smartt Kruesi Memorial, the L. Raymond Runyan Me­ morial Room, and the John B. Hoskins, Jr., Memorial Laboratory. The University also administers several memorial prizes, scholar­ ships and loan funds. The needs of the University and suggested methods of giving are set forth in the back of this catalog.

Grounds and Buildings The University campus, comprising seventeen acres and nine­ teen buildings, is located on an eminence in the heart of Chatta­ nooga. It faces historic Lookout Mountain, the principal buildings being located on McCallie Avenue and Oak Street. The grounds are attractively landscaped and include a large athletic field, prac­ tice field, and tennis courts. The Tudor-Gothic influence dominates the architecture of the University. The buildings are modern, spa­ cious and comfortable. The central location of the school enables its students to take advantage of the many religious and cultural opportunities which the city affords. A plat of tht campus will be found on the inside back cover of this catalog.

19 Alumni Memorial Gateway. This main entrance to the campus on McCallie Avenue was erected by the Alumni Association in 1947 in grateful memory of sixty-two graduates and former students who gave their lives during World War II for their country and the ideals of liberty, justice, and peace.

The John A. Patten Memorial Chapel was presented to the University by Mrs. Patten and members of the family as a tribute to the distinguished trustee, business, religious, and civic leader. The religious life of the University centers in this beautiful build­ ing. The Chapel also serves as an auditorium for public lectures and music programs.

The Administration Building contains the offices of the Presi­ dent, Vice-President-Comptroller, Deans, and Registrar. A student Art Gallery is on the second floor, and the Art and Music Depart­ ments have classrooms on the second and third floors.

The Academic Building, which is connected with the adminis­ tration Building and the Chapel to form the Quadrangle, consists of two large units. The first contains classrooms, offices, and the Secretarial and Accounting laboratories. The second unit contains classrooms, the Physics laboratories, and the Little Theatre.

The Science Building, located on the corner of Vine and Baldwin Streets, contains the laboratories, classrooms, and offices of the de­ partments of Biology and Chemistry. It is also the college head­ quarters of the Nurses' Training Program. A new science build­ ing will be constructed at an early date.

The Research Building, located at 614 Baldwin Street, contains the offices and laboratories of the Industrial Research Institute. Constructed in 1945, the building and its valuable scientific equip­ ment are modern in every respect. The adjoining annex, built in 1947, contains additional laboratories and storage space.

The Engineering Shop, with excellent facilities for wood and metal work, is located a few feet south of the Research Building and is available to staff members as well as students.

20 The Home Economics Building contains gas and electric kitch­ ens, dining room, living room, bedroom, sewing room, and class­ room space. It adjoins the Nursery School, and both serve as laboratories for students in Home Economics courses. The Girls' Dormitory, located on the northeast corner of the main campus, provides attractive and comfortable quarters for twenty-two students and the House Mother. It contains a large reception room and it is only a few feet from the Dining Hall. The Annie Merner Pfeiffer Hall, a new three-story fireproof dormitory for eighty women, will be available for the school year 1948-49. Modern in every respect, the building contains a beautiful lounge, study and music practice rooms, sun-deck, and an apart­ ment for the House Mother. Bretske Dining Hall, a modern cafeteria built on Oak Street, was constructed in 1947. Wholesome and well-balanced meals are available to the boarding and day students at cost, and a Hostess is in charge at all times. Johnston Hall. Located on McCallie Avenue across from the main campus, this building provides attractive and convenient rooms for thirty-two men and an apartment for the House Mother. Fraternity Houses. Sorority Row includes the attractive club houses of Pi Beta Phi, Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, and Phi Mu. The Kappa Delta house is located nearby on Vine Street. These are not residence halls, but centers for student social life and ac­ tivities. The chapters for men are located in the Xenophen Wheel­ er Home and the adjoining home, 725-729 Oak Street. The University Art Gallery in the Library Auditorium is the art center of the area. Several times during the school year, the Art Association of Chattanooga exhibits in this gallery remarkably fine collections of paintings, etchings, sculpture, and the like. Works by local artists and students are featured at the begin­ ning and end of each year. Student Commons. The recreational center, game room, and book store for students are located on the first floor of the Sta­ dium on Oak Street. Supplies and light refreshments are avail­ able at reasonable prices, and a Hostess is in charge at all times.

21 Chamberlain Field and Stadium-Dormitory. The field is adapted to various forms of outdoor athletics. The Stadium and perma­ nent bleachers have a seating capacity for 12,000 spectators. The second floor of the Stadium building on Oak Street and the four stories in the new section on Vine Street are used as a dormitory for men. A practice field and tennis courts adjoin Chamberlain Field. An additional practice field is located two blocks north of the main campus.

The Gymnasium, a modern brick building, was especially de­ signed for physical education classes and indoor sports. It con­ tains basketball and badminton courts, body-building equipment, and locker and shower rooms for men. The First Aid Room and offices for members of the Physical Education Department are also located in this building.

Women's Gymnasium. Located across the street from Pfeif­ fer Hall and Girls' Dormitory, this new gymnasium contains basketball and badminton courts, body-building equipment, and ample locker and shower rooms for women.

The President's Home was a gift of the citizens of Chattanooga to the University. Colonial in architecture, it was especially de­ signed for receptions and gracious living. The traditional hospi­ tality of this college home is utilized the year around by students, faculty, trustees, and visiting guests alike.

The Library No stimulus to the inquiring mind can surpass that of a collec­ tion of great books, source materials and important periodicals effectively arranged and adequately housed for study, reference and research.

The student at the University of Chattanooga is particularly fortunate in finding on the campus not only the University Library but also the Chattanooga Public Library, both libraries being com­ bined in a fine modern building, a brick structure of modified Tu­ dor Gothic architecture to conform to the other University build­ ings, completed in 1940.

22 The bringing together in one building of an academic library and a public library was a unique experiment in education. It enables students and the public to have access to the mutual collec­ tions through immediate inter-library loans. The reading rooms of the University Library will accommodate 250 at a time, while the Public Library rooms are approximately 40 per cent larger.

The total number of volumes available on the campus is 132,000. 48,000 in the University Library and 84,000 in the adult collections of the Public Library. Some 357 periodicals are taken by the two libraries: 207 by the University and 150 by the Public Library. Many of the periodicals are bound after current use.

Special Libraries

The Medical Library of the Hamilton County Medical Asso­ ciation is in the Public Library section of the building. It con­ tains 2,500 volumes and subscribes to 130 journals.

The Engineers' Club of Chattanooga has started a library of books and periodicals for the various branches of engineering. The collection is housed in the Public Library and consists of 600 vol­ umes and 34 periodicals. The Hinds Memorial Chemical and Scientific Library, largely a chemistry collection, is located in the Science Building, available to workers in the University science laboratories. This collection is being greatly augmented by the library of the Industrial Re­ search Institute.

The Law Library of the Hamilton County Bar Association, though located downtown, is also available for necessary student use. Source Materials and Special Collections

The University Library has several memorial collections and special groups of books, but the primary intention is to build a strong general library for undergraduate use.

The Tennessee Valley Authority has designated the University Library as the depository of the worksheets and data on the re-

23 moval of families from its reservoir areas. The use of these doc­ uments is reserved to bona fide research students. The Public Library has a particularly strong collection of Ten­ nessee and area history, and is the depository of the collection on journalism gathered by the Southern Newspaper Publishers' Asso­ ciation. The Observatory The University Observatory, with its 20%-inch reflector tele­ scope, is one of the largest and finest in the South. It is located on a beautifully landscaped hill in Brainerd four miles east of the main campus. Designed and built by Clarence T. Jones and Sons and given to the University by the Chattanooga Department of Education, the building contains a lecture room, dark-room, library, workshop, and lobby with numerous astronomical transparencies.

The observing room is on the second floor under a 17-foot re­ volving dome. The telescope, a fork-mounted Cassegrain, con­ tains a 20%-inch parabolic mirror with a 5%-inch convex secondary, the combination giving an equivalent focal length of 350 inches. The instrument is electrically operated, making possible minute adjustments while in use.

Astronomy courses may be taken by students in the Day or Evening College with or without credit. The Observatory will also be open one evening a week during the school year, weather con­ ditions permitting, to students of Chattanooga schools and adults.

Cadek Conservatory of the University of Chattanooga In 1935 the Cadek Conservatory of Music was affiliated with the University of Chattanooga. This was a logical step in the de­ velopment of the two institutions, both of them dedicated to the ideal of a cultural center that will enrich the spiritual life of the community. Believing music to be an art and a science, the conservatory division provides for the instruction and development of artists, teachers, and non-professional music students. It encourages the

24 study and appreciation of music as a desirable asset in modern social relations. Instruction is offered in the fields of piano, organ, violin, 'cello, voice, wind instruments, theory and composition, history and litera­ ture, methods, diction, and group music. The University confers upon qualified students the degrees of Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Arts with a Music Major, and Master of Music. The Cadek Conservatory of the University of Chattanooga is an institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music. It possesses the combined resources of the University and Conservatory, including buildings and equipment. A superior faculty and well-integrated courses of instruction combine to as­ sure the student of maximum progress in a chosen field. Through a grant of the Carnegie Corporation in 1936, the University acquired a collection of more than 1,100 records, since increased to 1,600. These recordings of musical masterpieces are available to all students under supervision at designated hours. The University also has a large library of music books and scores. Faculty and student recitals, programs by guest artists and by the University choir are free to students, patrons, and friends of the University.

Evening College The Evening College, started in 1930, is an integral part of the University. Through late afternoon and night classes adult students may take regular college courses carrying full credit or special courses with or without credit for their professional and cultural advancement.

The instructors in the Evening College are full-time members of the University faculty and qualified business and professional men and women who are employed to teach technical or special­ ized subjects.

For information concerning registration, courses offered and class schedules, applicants should contact Dean Reuben Holland, Director of the Evening College. Individuals and groups desiring

25 instruction in special fields are invited to submit their problems to the University and every effort will be made to meet their educa­ tional requirements.

Work Shop for Teachers

In the summer of 1944 the University in cooperation with the Chattanooga and Hamilton County Departments of Education and the Graduate School of Education of the University of Tennessee held the first work shop for teachers granting college credit in this area.

From time to time this type of program as well as other spe­ cial features for teachers will be provided in the University's sum­ mer session. Such programs when combined with its Evening College opportunities enable many teachers to gain their degrees while maintaining their positions in the school systems of the Chattanooga area.

Summer School and Acceleration

The Summer Session of the University of Chattanooga was begun in 1912, though at first it confined itself largely to refresher and preparatory courses for teachers who had not completed their high school work. After having been suspended for several years, it was reorganized on a college level in 1925 and in 1927 became an integral part of the University program. In 1929 the plan of one term for eight weeks was changed to two terms for six weeks each, followed by a regular Summer School Commencement. Dur­ ing the next twelve years the enrollment approximately doubled and in 1942, under pressure of the war emergency and the request of our Government for an accelerated program, the plan of a full semester, divided into two terms of eight weeks each, was adopted. In 1948, the University is returning to the pre-war plan of two six weeks terms.

By carrying a maximum of two courses, a student may earn a total of twelve or fourteen semester hours. All classes except science laboratory are conducted in the morning, and it is possi-

26 ble to complete a full year's work in each subject during the two terms. By attending both terms it is possible for a student to graduate in three calendar years. Though the Summer Session still enrolls a number of in-service teachers, the trend during re­ cent years has been marked by an increasing proportion of trans­ fer students from other colleges and of our regular college stu­ dents. In addition to our own faculty a number of distinguished visiting scholars have been brought to teach specialized courses, particularly in the fields of Education and the Fine Arts.

Industrial Research Institute The Industrial Research Institute commenced operations as a division of the University with the opening of the school year in 1945. Closely coordinated with the departments of Chemistry, Physics, Geology, and Biology, it assists in the trainmg of re­ search specialists and cooperates with industries in the develop­ ment of new products, in finding new and better uses for known materials, and in bringing about more efficient and economical manufacturing processes. The Institute enables staff members and advanced students to engage in fundamental research as well as to work on special trade problems. It is expected that a limited number of fellow­ ships will be available. Library resources are being rapidly ex­ panded through the purchase of books, science abstracts, and tech­ nical journals to meet the demand for such materials. The labora­ tories, containing the finest equipment available, are located at 614 Baldwin Street. The Co-operative Plan The University of Chattanooga offers co-operative courses to a limited number of students in the fields of business and pre- engineering. The co-operative plan, requiring five calendar years for graduation, is a combination of theory and practice. In general, two students fill a single position in industry or business related to their major field, one working while the other studies. Ordi­ narily the University secures the jobs which are assigned follow­ ing conferences with the students and employers concerned.

27 The University regards vocational orientation and the work experience as a valuable part of a liberal education. It believes that the co-operative plan stimulates academic achievement by making academic theory real and emphasizing the use and integra­ tion of knowledge as well as its accumulation. Finally, this pro­ gram will enable students to "earn while they learn," to decide upon a career in keeping with their interests and capacities, and it will provide industrial and commercial firms with educated and experienced workers.

Since most freshmen enroll for full-time study, the student's initial contact with the co-operative plan will be through the course in Occupational Orientation. During subsequent years students work in close co-operation with their advisers, employers, and the Personnel Director. Each student is responsible for his own earn­ ings and expenses. Income under this program is secondary to education and it varies according to business conditions, types of work, and the skill and maturity of the students.

The co-operative courses are open to both men and women who have an average of "C" or better. The University makes no guarantee as to work or wages, and it assumes no responsibility for accident. It will make every effort to place students to their best educational and financial advantage. While on the job, co­ operative students are subject to the regulations of the company for which they work and to all existing labor conditions and laws.

The Alumni Association With a realization that the University of Chattanooga is a liv­ ing institution made up of its alumni, faculty, and students the Alumni Association promotes the interests of the school, fosters a spirit of friendship among former students, preserves worthy traditions of the University, and serves mankind through the personal exemplification and advocacy of the ideals of Alma Mater.

The General Association holds two meetings annually, one on Homecoming Day during November and the other on Alumni Day

28 during Commencement Week. Regional clubs in various sections of the country meet once or twice yearly. The Association at­ tracts worthy students to the University, gives generous support to the Annual Sustaining Fund, and publishes news letters which are distributed to Alumni and friends of the University. The Association maintains an office on the campus which keeps the records of some 12,000 graduates and former students, includ­ ing 1,250 who served in World War II. Its affairs are managed by its officers and an executive secretary. The Association is rep­ resented on the Board of Trustees by three associate trustees.

War Services Beginning in the fall of 1939, the • University co-operated with the Civil Aeronautics Administration in the training of pilots, of­ fering both primary and secondary courses, with ground school training at the University and flight instruction at Lovell Field. This program was completed March 1, 1943.

With the advent of War, the University of Chattanooga placed its total resources at the disposal of the Federal Government. In co-operation with the U. S. Office of Education, the University offered short non-credit Engineering, Science and Management War Training Courses, as well as special work in Civilian Defense, Radio, Explosives and War Gases, the Economics of War, Food and Nutrition, Physical Education and Health, and the Japanese lan­ guage.

A faculty committee on Veteran's Guidance is available at all times to advise returning service men and women of their rights under the "GI Bill" (Public Law 346) and Public Law 16.

The University oversubscribed its quotas in the various War Chest and Red Cross campaigns. Numerous students and faculty members volunteered as blood donors, nurse's aides, Civilian De­ fense and U. S. O. workers. Many students also participated in Red Cross Surgical Dressing, First Aid, Home Nursing, and Motor Corps units on the campus.

29 In February, 1943, the University of Chattanooga was selected by the War Department as the location for the 45th College Train­ ing Detachment for Aviation Cadets. These trainees were housed and fed on the University campus and they received intensive training for periods of five months in English, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Military Science, Physical Education, and Flight Training. All of this work, except Military Science and Flight Training, was taught by members of the University faculty in University classrooms although separate and distinct from the civilian educational program. The Army Air Force program was ended on June 30, 1944, at which time the University received a Certificate of Service Award for meritorious service. By 1946 more than 1,250 former students of the University had served in the armed forces, and sixty-two gave their lives for our country. Nurses' Training Program In September, 1944, the University entered into an agreement with The Baroness Erlanger and the T. C. Thompson Children's Hospitals School of Nursing to instruct its pre-clinical cadet nurses in the required basic science courses. Each year a large number of young women complete eight semester hours of work in Anat­ omy, Physiology, Chemistry, and Micro-biology. This work, car­ rying regular college credit, assures more and better trained nurses for civilian and military employment. Emergency Changes In view of unsettled conditions arising from the war, the University reserves the right to change the rules regulating ad­ mission to the institution and any other regulations affecting the student body or the granting of degrees. The University also reserves the right to withdraw courses, to change its calendar, and to alter charges and fees as conditions may require. Such changes shall go into force whenever the proper authorities may determine, and shall apply not only to prospective students, but also to those who may, at such time, be matriculated in the University.

30 College Regulations The University has a limited number of definite regulations regarding registration, scholastic standards, student conduct, eligi­ bility for participation in athletic and student activities, special examinations, use of the library, responsibility for injuries, respon­ sibility for personal property, and other matters.

The Student Handbook carries a clear explanation of these regulations and a full statement of the Student Honor System. Students are held responsible for a knowledge of the information contained therein and are advised to make this booklet available to their parents or guardians.

31 II


Both men and women students find at the University of Chat­ tanooga a college life that is varied and full. Diverse and stimu­ lating extra-curricular activities permit the free expression of the different interests of individual students and the development of positive, well-rounded personalities.

Religious Life The University of Chattanooga is, in all that the words imply, a Christian institution. It is non-sectarian in its government, its faculty, and its clientele, and during the past year nineteen denom­ inations were represented on the campus.

Through the office of the University Chaplain, the student's personal religious life is promoted and his religious development in campus and local church groups is encouraged.

Student religious organizations include the Ministerial Club, the Methodist Student Fellowship, the Baptist Student Union, the Catholic Study Club, the Westminster Student Fellowship, the Hillel Counselorship, the Interdenominational Club, the Young Women's Christian Association, and the Young Men's Christian Association.

Religious Emphasis Week, observed each year, inspires with its urgent presentation of the supreme values found in religion. Its features are public worship services with addresses by Christian leaders, personal counseling, and special interest group meetings for discussions.

The Chapel Services, with required student attendance, are held in the beautiful John A. Patten Memorial Chapel. A vested choir of sixty-five student voices leads in anthem and choral re­ sponse. Prayers, scriptures, and hymns are used in ways which invite student participation.

32 Student Guidance

Friendly guidance and counseling by members of the faculty and administration are among the chief advantages to the student attending the University of Chattanooga. Each incoming freshman is assisted in planning his course of study by the Dean or the Counselor, or by his major professor in case of a student transferring to the University from another college. During their first month at the University, freshmen and those transfer students who have not yet chosen a major field of study have as their special adviser the Dean of Students. After the first month, each student is assigned a member of the faculty as his adviser.

When the student has decided upon his major field of study, the professor who is head of the department in this field becomes his personal adviser and assists and guides him throughout his college career, planning his schedule, and counseling him with regard to personal problems and vocational opportunities.

Because the number of student advisees is small per professor in an institution of the size of the University of Chattanooga, and because each student normally meets his major professor several times weekly, a close relationship naturally develops between the student and his adviser. At regular office hours, which are posted for each faculty member, the student has easy access to his adviser and his other teachers.

Veterans Counseling Hundreds of Veterans have enrolled in the University under the "G. I. Bill" and Public Law 16, and they are carrying on suc­ cessfully in various departments. In co-operation with the Vet­ erans' Administration, the University has established a counseling service for Veterans who wish to enroll either for a college degree or for shorter courses of study directed toward specific vocational, semi-professional, or pre-professional objectives.

33 Former service men and women are given opportunity to talk over their problems with experienced advisers and administrative officials and are then referred to the member or members of the faculty under whose direction their study programs will be under­ taken. Veterans desiring additional information about the oppor­ tunities offered by the University should telephone or write the Dean of the College or the University Comptroller.

Visiting Lecturers and Artists Each year students of the University of Chattanooga have the privilege of hearing, on the college campus, speakers and artists of national and international renown.

Students may also attend at greatly reduced prices the pro­ grams of the Community Concerts Association, the Chattanooga Civic Chorus, the Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra, and the Chat­ tanooga Opera Association—the last three being directed by mem­ bers of the University's music faculty.

Dramatics The University offers work in dramatics and speech which is planned to meet the needs of several classes of students: (1) those who expect to teach English and consequently will be re­ quired to direct school plays, (2) those who wish to prepare them­ selves to take part in or direct club or church plays, (3) those who are interested in the theater from the acting or production stand­ point, and (4) those who wish to acquire a general familiarity with drama and dramatics.

At intervals during the year, the University Players present plays at which time the students in Play Production courses have an opportunity for practical laboratory experience in the various problems pertaining to play presentation. The efforts of the Uni­ versity Players are devoted to producing plays of literary worth and cultural value.

Opportunity is offered for an extensive reading of the best works of the contemporary playwrights. Plays are discussed and


analyzed from the standpoint of their production possibilities as well as from the angle of good technique or dramatic construction so that the student is able to formulate the criteria for the selec­ tion of the best modern drama, either for production or his general reading, and at the same time to develop an appreciation for that type of drama which may contribute to cultural development.

Athletics, Physical Education and Health The University of Chattanooga maintains a varied intercol­ legiate and intra-mural athletic program. In football, basketball, track, and tennis its teams compete with the teams of the best col­ leges and universities of the South. Intercollegiate contests for both varsity and freshman teams are scheduled.

In basketball, tennis, baseball, track and field, swimming, bad­ minton, volley ball, wrestling, boxing, and soccer this college car­ ries on a splendid and comprehensive year-round intra-mural sched­ ule for the benefit of all men students, especially those who are not candidates for the varsity and freshman teams.

In addition to these sports there are regular classes and groups in physical education. The idea of "athletics for all" finds definite realization at this institution. Since the war has made physical fitness a part of the duty of every American citizen, a special program of directed physical exercise is required of all men stu­ dents with the exception of those excused by the University physi­ cian.

Under the guidance of a trained Women's Athletic Director, the girls of the college enjoy one of the best programs in the South in sports of all sorts and in physical education. Almost all the young women participate in the athletic program for women which is designed to meet the individual needs of the student through wholesome outdoor and indoor sports and recrea­ tional games.

The University offers a major in physical education and health and its program meets the state requirements for certifying both elementary and secondary teachers. Exercises for general con-

37 ditioning, muscular co-ordination and balance, and fundamentals in both individual and dual sports and group games are stressed in the required freshman program. The student may elect from fundamentals in golf, tennis, archery, badminton, basketball, soft- ball, and kickball. Women's Athletic Association promotes and manages tourna­ ments in kickball, basketball, Softball, badminton, and tennis among the sorority and non-sorority groups on the campus. Through a well-established point system women may become eligible to membership in the Women's Athletic Association and the Mocette Club. All freshmen and transfer students upon entering the Univer­ sity are given a physical examination. A trained nurse is in resi­ dence throughout the school year. All women students are re­ quired to complete two years of seasonal sports unless excused by the University physician.

Student Organizations Honorary and Recognition Societies Election to Alpha, the scholastic honorary society of the Uni­ versity, is the highest academic distinction granted for all-round excellence in scholarship. Scholarship among freshmen is encouraged and recognized by two national honor societies, Phi Eta Sigma for men, and Alpha Lambda Delta for women. Students who become seriously interested in some special branch of learning may, by the quality of their academic work, be­ come eligible for election to the various national undergraduate honor societies having chapters on the University of Chattanooga campus. These are Alpha Kappa (Sociology), Beta Beta Beta (Biol­ ogy), Gamma Sigma Epsilon (Chemistry), Pi Gamma Mu (So­ cial Science), Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish), Sigma Pi Sigma (Phys­ ics), Theta Alpha Phi (Dramatics), and Sigma Tau Delta (Writers). Those who demonstrate all-round abilities in leadership, stu­ dent activities, and scholarship may win election to the honorary

38 recognition societies, Blue Key (men) and Quadrangle (women), or the honorary service society, Kappa Chi Epsilon (women). Former Scouts are eligible for election to the Alpha Phi Omega national service fraternity. There is also the Varsity "C" Club composed of men who have won their letters in a major sport; and, for women, the Women's Athletic Association and the Mo­ cette Club, election to both being based on a point system.

Independent Student Body

The non-fraternity men and women are organized as the Demo- Frat or Independent Association. This is the largest social group on the campus and under the sponsorship of the Student Activities Committee its officers and members schedule social events throughout the year.

Social Fraternities and Sororities

The following national sororities have active chapters on the university of Chattanooga campus: Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu, and Pi Beta Phi. Men's fraternities include two local fraternities, Phi Delta Sigma and Lambda Chi, and three national fraternities, Theta Chi, Sigma Chi, and Pi Kappa Alpha.

Other Organizations

Other clubs and organizations of which students may become members are: the religious clubs previously mentioned (page 32), the Classics Club and the Collegium Musicum, les Independents, der Deutsche Kreis, the Home Economics Club, the Art Club, the Co-ed Cotillion Club, the International Relations Club, the Profes­ sional Business Club, the Reserve Officers' Club. Forensic ac­ tivities are encouraged, and students interested in developing their musical abilities may become members of the University Choir, Band and Orchestra. Those interested in journalism may become members of the staffs of The Echo, The Southern Accent, or The Moccasin, official publications of the students of the University of Chattanooga.

39 Honor System It is the purpose of the Honor System to foster a sense of aca­ demic honesty and fair dealing in the lives of all U. C. students. The system is administered by an Honor Council composed of rep­ resentatives from each class.

All students, prior to the acceptance of their first registration must sign the following pledge: "I understand that I am subject to the rules and regulations of the Honor System of the University of Chattanooga, and I agree to abide by the decisions of the Honor Council and the Administration."

Student Government Through an established organization, the Student Body of the University of Chattanooga, operating under a written con­ stitution, the students take an active interest in self-government. The objectives of the organization are to promote the general wel­ fare of the University, to develop a wholesome college spirit, and to maintain cordial relations between student body and faculty.

The Student Body meets from time to time to consider matters of general importance to all undergraduates; and the Student Council, composed of the presidents and vice-presidents of the four college classes and the President of the Student Body, acting as chairman, meets semi-monthly as the executive committee of the Student Body. The Council assists in the administration of the Student Activity Fund. The Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes hold meetings to consider their particular problems at times and places set by their elected officers.

Awards and Prizes

Many valuable prizes and trophies are offered by friends and organizations to students in the University for some specific ac­ complishment or achievement.

The Alumni Medal is awarded by the Alumni Association at the close of each academic year to that student in the Senior Class who

40 has done most for the University. This student is elected by the faculty from a list of ten candidates nominated by the student body. The medal is awarded at the last Chapel service on Moving Up Day.

The Fraternity Scholarship Trophies are two silver cups pre­ sented by former President Arlo Ayres Brown and awarded annu­ ally at the Chapel service in the first week of college, one to the fraternity and one to the sorority which have excelled in scholar­ ship during the preceding school year. The winning of the cup three successive times brings permanent possession.

The William Reavis Roberts Medal is presented annually to the junior writing the best essay on some phase of the subject, "The Value of a Liberal Arts Education."

The Templeton Cup is awarded each year by Templeton's Jewelers to the best all-round athlete in the University.

The Gray's Watch is awarded each year by Gray's Jewelers, to the Varsity football man with the highest scholastic average in the graduating class.

The J. W. Edwards Memorial Award. This prize is presented each year by the Lettermen's Association to the most valuable player on the football team.

Chi Omega Economics Prize. To encourage interest among women in the Social Sciences, the Chi Omega National Fraternity offers a prize of $10 to the woman student who excels in Eco­ nomics. Conditions governing the award are defined by the De­ partment of Economics and Commerce.

Alpha Delta Pi Alumnae Cup is awarded each year by the alumnae of Beta Beta Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi to the outstand­ ing woman student in the senior class. The winner of the cup is selected by the University Faculty.

Phi Mu Prize in Dramatics is awarded each year to the best actor or actress in the University Players' productions during the year.

41 Pi Beta Phi Scholarship Plaque. The name of the senior at the University making the highest average for the four years is en­ graved on this plaque, which hangs in the University Library.

Beta Beta Beta, biology fraternity, awards a prize each year to the outstanding first-year biology student.

Gamma Sigma Epsilon, chemistry fraternity, awards to its outstanding member each year a membership in the American Chemical Society.

Sigma Delta Pi, honorary Spanish fraternity, awards a prize each year to the student who has shown the most marked im­ provement in Spanish during the year.

Sigma Pi Sigma, physics fraternity, gives a certificate annually as a prize for scholarship and achievement in physics.

The Collegium Musicum Prize is awarded annually to the most outstanding freshman majoring in music.

The Women's Athletic Association Cup is awarded each year to the sorority or other group winning the most points throughout the year for participation in various sports.

Les Independants Prize is awarded annually to the most out­ standing freshman student in first year French.

Who's Who in American Colleges. Each year the Student Council nominates a number of students as a list of eligibles to represent the University in the publication, "Who's Who in Ameri­ can Colleges." From this list, a committee of which the Dean is chairman selects the names of students to be included, retaining the right, in exceptional cases, to add to the list nominated by the Student Council.

42 g o to 'o to CO to Ill

ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS AND HONORS The system of academic distinctions and honors at the Uni­ versity of Chattanooga provides a continuing incentive to sincere and persistent educational effort on the part of its student body.

Merit List At the end of each quiz period and each semester the names of all regular students in the University who have not dropped any of their work with failing grade during the semester, and have no grade for the quiz period that is "incomplete" or lower than "C," are published as the Merit List. A still higher academic distinction is represented by inclusion in the Dean's List.

The Dean's List At the end of each semester the names of all students who have made an average grade of "B" or higher are published as the Dean's List. No student whose regular work amounts to less than 14 hours, except in the case of a senior doing the work of the final semester, shall be eligible for this list. Juniors and seniors whose names appeared on the Dean's List for the preceding semester are released from compulsory class attendance, except as follows: in certain classes in which the subject matter makes attendance indispensable, as announced by instructors at the beginning of the semester; in the case of a student who fails to maintain his work at the satisfactory level and who should, in the teacher's opinion, be removed from this list. The privilege of voluntary class attendance is granted, not with the idea of suggesting indiscriminate cutting, but to allow students more time for independent work on theses, comprehensive examinations, honors work, and to give students whose records show them worthy of it an opportunity for developing a sense of responsibility.

45 The Alpha Society The highest academic distinction granted for general excellence in scholarship is election to Alpha, the scholastic honorary society of the University of Chattanooga.

Members of each Senior Class of the college who, at the close of the first semester of their senior year, have an average grade for their entire college course of 2.25 or better are regarded as a list of eligibles from which members may be selected. The elec­ tions are by vote of the faculty members of Alpha.

Graduation With Honors Scholarly achievement on the part of a student in some partic- lar branch of learning (in addition to maintaining an average of better than graduation quality in all his academic work) is stimulated and officially recognized by the University through graduation of the student with honors in his major subject. i 1 Admission to Candidacy for Honors

Any regular student of the University who has an average grade of "B" in his major subject, and an average of 1.50(A-3.00; B-2.00; C-1.00) in all subjects, may be recommended to the Fac­ ulty by his major professor to be classified as an honor student.

It is very strongly urged that the student shall have completed all required courses except the major and related subjects before petitioning for honors. A student who desires to become a candi­ date for honors should consult the professor of his major subject; and, with his approval, the student shall make application pre­ scribed by the Faculty.

The application to the Faculty may be made as early as the beginning of the student's junior year, and must be made not later than the second Saturday after convening of classes in the student's senior year. If the student expects to graduate in less than the usual four academic years, he must apply early enough to allow for two full semes icrs of honors work.

46 If the Faculty approves his application, the student will im­ mediately be classed as a candidate for honors. The final list of approved candidates will be posted on the bulletin board of the University.

2 Period of Candidacy A student shall, during his period of candidacy, confine his attention in general, to his major subject, but he may be required to take such other course or courses as his major professor may deem germane to his field of concentration.

During this period, the student shall carry the equivalent of the number of hours which he needs to complete the 128 semester hours required for the degree. This work may be apportioned between the major and related subjects in any way directed by the major professor.

3 Class Attendance

Work done in the related subjects or other courses shall be carried in regular classes, but no attendance record is kept for an honor student in these courses unless his work falls below the grade of "B." In the major subject, the work may be done in or out of class as directed by the professor in charge, and no attendance record is kept.

But when an honor student is enrolled in any regular course other than his major or related subjects, he shall take the regular quizzes and examinations given in that course.

4 Thesis*

Three weeks before the beginning of the final examinations of the semester in which the student expects to graduate, he shall present a paper showing Jie result of some piece of investigation assigned by the major professor.

* *l™ 01-,™tuclents are advised to take the course in Thesis Writing, English o^y, .330.

47 It is not required that this paper shall indicate original research on the part of the student, but it should give evidence of extensive reading on the subject and thorough knowledge of the content.

Two copies of this paper shall be submitted for approval to the examiners. If the paper is approved, both copies shall imme­ diately become the property of the University. One copy shall be placed in the University library and the other shall remain in the possession of the major department. Both copies shall be typed in the form prescribed by the Faculty. The regulations concerning this form may be secured from the Chairman of the Honors Committee.

5 Preliminary Examinations

At some time during the first three weeks of the semester in which he expects to graduate each honor student shall take, under his major professor, preliminary examinations in his major subject.

The examinations shall be written, or oral, or both, at the discretion of the major professor, two hours being allowed for the written examination and one-half hour for the oral.

These preliminary examinations shall not be exhaustive. They are intended to discover if the honor student is profiting from his honors work and if he will probably be able to pass the final examinations later. A student who does not make a creditable showing in the preliminary examinations will be advised to drop his candidacy for honors.

6 Final Examinations

Each honor student shall take examinations in his major sub­ ject, the object of which is to test, in a broad way, his knowl­ edge and understanding of the field covered, no emphasis being placed on mere undigested information. The candidate shall be passed in these examinations by all examiners, as in the case of the thesis above.

The examination shall be oral and in writing. A maximum of eight hours shall be allowed for the written, and one hour for

48 the oral examinations. The written examination shall be offered during the period when senior comprehensive examinations are held. The written examination shall be given by the major professor assisted by the other examiners and shall be read by all the ex­ aminers. The oral examination shall be given by the major pro­ fessor assisted by the other examiners. All questioning of the candidates shall be directed by the examining professors. 7 Examiners The examiners shall consist of the student's major professor and one or more other professors selected by the major professor from the same department or related departments in the Uni­ versity of Chattanooga or in some other university. In the case of students who are candidates for simple "honors," the examining professors may be from the University of Chat­ tanooga. In the case of students who are candidates for "highest honors," at least two of the examining professors must be recog­ nized as scholars in the field of the student's major, attached to some other university, and approved in advance as examiners by the faculty of the University of Chattanooga. The major pro­ fessor shall submit to the honors committee in March the names of the examiners, who shall be approved or rejected by the com­ mittee within one week and by the faculty before May 1. Failure of the committee to reject an examiner is equivalent to approval by the committee.

8 Honors and Highest Honors If the student attains an average of "B" or better in all courses in his major subject, if his thesis is approved by the examiners, and if all examiners agree that the final examinations average "B" or better, the student shall be recommended to the faculty for "honors," If the student's average is 2.75 in all courses in his major subject and 2.50 in all subjects, including his major, and if all examiners agree that his thesis and final examinations are of ex­ traordinary quality, the student may be recommended to the fac­ ulty for "highest honors."


General Students are not accepted for less than the entire semester, and they and their parents or guardians specifically assume re­ sponsibility for the tuition and fees of the entire semester. All financial obligations must be fulfilled before the student attends classes.

Credit Arrangements Applications for deferred payments should be made to the Comptroller. In the event of the acceptance of a tuition note pay­ able monthly in lieu of cash settlement, the carrying charge is $1.00 for each delayed payment. There is no interest charge on a tuition note within the semester.

Adjustments and Refunds If a student is called for military service, the tuition refund will be made on the basis of the length of time of attendance and the credit earned. Those claiming refunds must notify the Dean of their withdrawal and file a written application at the business office as far in advance as possible. More definite information concerning withdrawals for military service may be secured from the Comptroller. If a student is compelled to leave college on account of serious illness, certified by the written statement of a physician, the University will share the resulting loss with the student and his parents or guardians by refunding two-thirds of the tuition and course fees for the unexpired time on a pro rata basis. The $5 matriculation fee will not be refunded in cases of with­ drawal. In this connection special students and candidates for music degrees withdrawing will be charged matriculation fee of $5.00. A student will be regarded as in attendance until formal notice of withdrawal has been filed with the Dean by the student or his parents or guardians. Claim for adjustment of tuition or room

50 and board for the time prior to the filing of such notice will not be considered. No adjustment will be made for changes of courses after the second Friday of a semester. Tuition and Fees Regular students in all programs except those leading to the Bachelor and Master of Music degrees pay $165.00 per semester. This includes a $5 matriculation fee, and a $5 activity fee voted by the students. There is no additional charge for use of Library, Gymnasium, Commons, home athletic games, first aid service, sub­ scription to student publications, dramatic productions, concerts, art exhibits, and lectures. A normal course load is 16 credit hours per semester. In case a student takes work in excess of 16 semester hours, he is charged $10.00 for each additional hour (unless such hours are in ungraded subjects, such as band, choir, orchestra, and certain courses in physical education). Two hours of ungraded courses are allowed each regular student without extra charge. Special students, those taking less than 12 hours, pay $15.00 for each credit hour plus a $5.00 matriculation fee. Ungraded courses are allowed special students at $6.00 a semester hour. Special students who take private lessons in applied music pay a University fee of $5 plus the fee for private lessons listed on page 52. Auditors, those registering to attend classes without credit, pay half of the tuition which would be charged for credit in the same work. Candidates for Bachelor or Master of Music degrees pay a University, Matriculation and Activity fee of $40.00 per semester, plus $10.00 per semester hour of credit in academic and music sub­ jects, and the applied music fees listed below. Like regular stu­ dents, B.M. and M.M. students are allowed to take two hours of ungraded courses without additional charge. Laboratory and Special Fees Science laboratory, applied music, and other special fees are charged by the semester as follows: Astronomy 101, 102 $ 5.00

51 Biology 101, 102, 210b, 301, 302, 309 10.00 Biology 105, 106, 201, 202, 206, 210a, 213, 214, 308 5.00 Chemistry 101-2, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 317, 318 10.00 Commerce 121, 122, 223, 224 5.00 Education 205, 303 (per semester hour) 5.00 Engineering 111, 112 10.00 Engineering 101, 102, 121, 122 5.00 Geography 101, 102 5.00 Geology 101-2, 201, 203 - 5.00 Home Economics 103, 104 5.00 Home Economics 106, 201 10.00 Physical Education 118, W8X, W9X 5.00 Physical Education M104, W124 2.50 Physics, each semester laboratory course 10.00 Music, 132, 231xr, 332 (per semester hour) 10.00 Music, Applied (practice fee) practice rooms with piano or organ are available at the University at the rate of $1 for one hour per week per semester. Music, Applied (private lessons): 'Cello—Mr. H. Cadek $55.00 $100.00 Organ—Miss Mcllwraith 55.00 100.00 Piano—Mr. Anspach, Mr. H. Cadek 55.00 100.00 *Mrs. Dame, Miss Gulley, Miss Hick­ man, Mrs. Hill 35.00 65.00 Violin—Mr. H. Shub 55.00 100.00 tMr. Casale, Mrs. Dame 35.00 65.00 Voice—Mr. Miller, Mrs., Wolff 55.00 100.00 Voice Literature—Dr. Wolff 45.00 80.00

Other charges A charge of $2.00 per day is made for late registrations. Graduation fee, payable by seniors in the month before Com­ mencement, is $12.00. Two-year graduates will pay a fee of $6.00. In a few advanced courses a nominal charge may be made for published materials in lieu of a textbook.

'•'Elective and minor. tA.B., elective and minor. 52 Room and Board The cost of board in the University Cafeteria is $40.00 per month, with no deduction for week-ends or holidays. Room rates vary from $10.00 to $20.00 per month depending upon the size, location and number of students in each room. Specific informa­ tion may be obtained from the Business Office. Installment pay­ ments may be arranged with the Business Office, but students or their parents or guardians are responsible for room rent for the entire semester. Dormitory rooms are supplied with furniture, but students must furnish their own bed linen, blankets and towels. Permis­ sion must be obtained to use special appliances. Owing to the uncertainty of conditions, the University reserves the right to change its rates at any time and to relocate the room­ ing and boarding of students. All non-resident students are required to live in University dormitories unless specific permission is obtained from the Dean of Students to reside elsewhere. Scholarships Individuals and organizations have established scholarships of various amounts for students at the University. These generous contributions enable many students to complete their college edu­ cation. Competitive examinations are held each spring to select the winners of scholarships given by the City of Chattanooga and Hamilton County. Applicants for these scholarships will, insofar as possible, be selected on the basis of character, ability, need, and leadership. All students holding scholarships are required to maintain an average of "C." Holders of Methodist Scholarships must maintain a "B" average. Scholars and their parents or guardians agree that, in the event of transfer to another college before the com­ pletion of the second year at the University of Chattanooga or in case of withdrawal on account of unsatisfactory work or miscon­ duct, they will repay any amounts which have been granted, which amount becomes due on the date of transfer or withdrawal. No transcript of credits will be released until such payment is made.

53 Loan Funds Loan funds are available to students in the University who are compelled to borrow money in order to attend college. When a loan is made tp a student, it is granted with the definite understanding that he will pay two per cent interest semi­ annually, and that upon graduation from the University, he will begin to repay in installments the principal of the loan. Only by definite repayment of these loans by students who leave college can the loan be perpetuated for the use and benefit of other students in the future. Student Employment A limited number of self-help jobs are available at the Uni­ versity, and a large number of students secure part-time employ­ ment with business firms in the city. While every effort will be made to help needy and worthy students, employment is not guar­ anteed. The University also maintains a Placement Service to assist its graduates in locating desirable positions. Work of a general or temporary nature, whether at the Uni­ versity or elsewhere, should not be confused with Co-operative Education (see pages 27, 28). In awarding University jobs, pref­ erence will be given to advanced students with good scholastic records. Application for employment should be filed at the Comp­ troller's Office.


Freshmen New students may apply for admission at the Fall, Spring or Summer semesters. All applications must be approved by the Admission Committee. Applicants are admitted as regular students on presentation of the prescribed application form and a transcript from an ac­ credited high school showing that they graduated in the upper- half of their high school class. Members of the Armed Forces with honorable discharge, if unable to qualify under the above, may be admitted as regular students if their educational records furnished by the Armed Forces Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, or their entrance examina- tons convince the Dean that they are capable of doing satisfactory university work. Civilian students also, not eligible under the above require­ ments, may be admitted as regular students on the basis of en­ trance examinations if they convince the Dean that they are ca­ pable of doing satisfactory work. Upperclassmen Students from other colleges seeking admission with advanced standing shall present evidence of honorable dismissal, and a cer­ tificate showing (1) a full record of preparation for college (2) college record, subject by subject, with grade and credit obtained in each subject, (3) record of educational and training experience from the Armed Forces Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, in the case of returning service men and women.

Regular Students Regular students are those whose applications have been ap­ proved for regular admission in accordance with the above re­ quirements and who are registered for at least 12 credit hours.

55 Special Students Two types of students are admitted as special students: (1) those who are able to qualify as regular students but who are registered for fewer hours than the number stipulated above; (2) those who are unable to meet entrance requirements but are at least 21 years of age and can satisfy the Dean of their fitness to undertake college work.

56 mammasmm

An Experiment in Chemistry

VI REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREES The University of Chattanooga offers the regular courses of study leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Music, and Master of Music, as well as shorter programs qualifying for the Associate in Arts diploma and Certificates in Education, Home Economics, and Sec­ retarial Science. Academic Divisions > For purposes of administration and effective coordination of subject matter, the University is organized into divisions as fol­ lows: Humanities—English, French, German, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Philosophy, and Religion. Fine Arts—Art, Dramatics, Music, Speech. Social Sciences—Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology. Science—Mathematics—Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geol­ ogy, Mathematics, Physical Science, and Physics. Applied Arts and Sciences—Commerce, Education, Engineering, Physical Education, Health, Home Economics and Psychology. Bachelor's Degrees For attainment of any bachelor's degree students are required to complete at least 128 semester hours, with at least 128 quality points, and pass a comprehensive examination in the major subject. The minimum requirements of residence work for students transferring from other colleges shall be the last two semesters, the completion of 32 semester hours of passing grade with 32 quality points, and passing the comprehensive examination in the major subject. No student shall be eligible for graduation unless his passing grades, received in local residence, include quality points equal to the number of semester hours. Any graduate of the University of Chattanooga who wishes to obtain a second bachelor's degree at this college will be required

59 to complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of passing grade with 30 quality points, and fulfill all requirements for the second degree including the comprehensive examination in the major field. Core Curriculum The University of Chattanooga, feeling that the former system of distributive requirements has failed to provide the basic ground work of general information which should be held in common by all men and women who have received a liberal edu­ cation, has established a core curriculum which went into effect with the Freshman Class in September, 1946. This new curricu­ lum for the first two years of the A.B. degree, with some modifi­ cations for other degrees, is intended to introduce the student to the four main fields of General Education: Humanities, Fine Arts, Social Science, and Natural Science. While keeping the standard requirements in Freshman English, Foreign Language, Physical Education and one year in either Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, or Physics, the new plan is characterized by broad survey courses in Humanities, Fine Arts, Biological Science, Physical Science, and History of Civili­ zation. Though it is expected that students entering the Univer­ sity as freshmen will take all of these courses, as outlined on later pages for the various degrees, a certain amount of latitude will be allowed for alternation between freshman and sophomore years, and, when necessary, for postponement in some cases to the junior year. It is understood, of course, that allowance will also be made for students entering with advanced standing who may present the traditional departmental courses in these divisional fields. Interdepartmental Majors In the work of the junior and senior years, although no change has been made in the traditional departmental or subject majors, an opportunity is now offered to students who wish to spread their major concentration over a broader field. Such students may se­ lect the following field or inter-departmental majors: American Culture Classical and Medieval Backgrounds (3), Development of Modern English (2), American Literature (12), Philosophy and Re-

60 ligion (6), Geography (3), American History (12), Political Science (6). Total 44 hours. Church Workers Typing (4), Shorthand (9), Sight Singing (4), History of Music (4), (2), Organ (4), Psychology (6), Religion (12). Total 45 hours. Classical Civilization Philosophy 205 or 303 or Religion 207 (3), Greek History (4), Roman History (4), English 307 (3), History of Art (4), Greek Vases (2), Greek and Roman Sculpture, Architecture and Topog­ raphy (12). Total 32 hours. Combined Science At least 52 hours in science including at least three years of one science, two of another and one of a third.

Combined Social Science (Contemporary American Civilization) I. The Historical Background: U. S. History (6), History of Economic Thought (3), and either U. S. in the Twentieth Century or Contemporary World History or History of American Foreign Relations (3). II. The Institutional Structure: American Citizenship (3), Con­ stitution of the United States (3), Principles of Economics (3), Principles of Sociology (3), Principles of Public Ad­ ministration (3). III. Man and Society: Psychology (3), Applied Economics (3), Social Problems (3), Social Change (3), Economic Theory (3), Political Theory (3). Total 45 hours.

European Culture Classical and Medieval Backgrounds (3), Third year of two lan­ guages (12), History of Europe including England (12), Polit­ ical Science relating to Europe or World Affairs (6), Philosophy and Religion (6), Economic History of Europe (3), Geography (3). Total 45 hours. Humanities Classical and Medieval Literaure (3), Renaissance and Modern Literature (3), English and/or American Literature (12), De-

61 velopment of Modern English (2), Philosophy and Religion (6), Third and Fourth year of Ancient or Modern Language or third year of two languages (12), History or more Philosophy, Re­ ligion or Languages (6). Total 44 hours. Home Making Biology including Bacteriology (11), Chemistry (8), Home Eco­ nomics (26), Psychology (6), Art, Applied and Costume Design (6), The Family (3), Economics (6). Total 66 hours. Literature and Dramatics Classical and Medieval Backgrounds (3), Development of Modern English (2), Drama (including Shakespeare) (6), Advanced Eng­ lish and/or American Literature (6), Philosophy and Religion (6), Play Production (14), History of the Theatre (4), Speech (6). Total 47 hours. Philosophy and Religion Old and New Testament (4), History and Philosophy of Religion (6), History of the Christian Church (3), History of Philosophy (6), Logic, Ethics (6), Principles and Methods of Religious Lead­ ership (6), Classical and Medieval Backgrounds (3), Greek or Latin (6), Psychology (6). Total 46 hours. Romance Languages Latin (6), Classical and Medieval Backgrounds (3), Romance Philology (4), 14 hours and 12 hours respectively beyond second year French and Spanish (or Spanish and French). Total 39 hours. Stage Design Design (6), Freehand Drawing (6), Painting and Composition (6), Advanced Design (6), Play Production (8), Stagecraft (6), His­ tory of the Theatre (4). Total 42 hours. Comprehensive Examinations As a prerequisite to the degree of A. B., B. S., B. B. A., B. M., or M. M., each student, except those who are candidates for a degree with honors, shall be required to pass a comprehensive examination in his major subject. This requirement went into effect beginning with the graduating class of 1936.

62 1. Purpose The purpose of the final comprehensive examination is to stim­ ulate the student during his undergraduate years to attain a real understanding and thorough grasp of his major subject as a whole. The examination shall not stress unduly his memorization of facts, but shall offer the student an opportunity of showing to what extent he has synthesized the material of the various courses in his major and to what degree he has developed the power of independent thought in his major field. 2. Nature The questions in a comprehensive examination shall not neces­ sarily be limited to those particular courses which the student may have taken, but may touch any of the fields represented by the courses offered by the department. The questions may be of the essay type or the objective type, but usually will be a combination of these. The comprehensive examination shall include optional questions. The examination shall be written, and six hours shall be the maximum time granted for its completion. The student shall be excused from the regular final examina­ tions in the courses of his major. If, however, he fails the com­ prehensive, he must take examinations in his major subject in order to establish credit if possible and receive grades. If for any reason, even though passing the comprehensive, he should desire to take the regular examinations also in order to raise his grades in his major courses, he may be permitted to do so.

3. Examiners The examination shall be given and read by the head of the de­ partment in which the student majors. This department head may invite professors in his own or in related departments to assist him in preparing and reading the examination. Only two marks shall be used in grading comprehensive examinations: "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory." 4. Preparation The student should consult the head of the department and begin to prepare for the comprehensive examination preferably as

63 soon as he has chosen his major, but in all events not later than the beginning of his senior year. Each department shall provide aid for students preparing for comprehensive examinations by offering either special senior seminars, individual conferences at office hours or other times, or both. Students are urged to take full advantage of such assistance.

5. Time of Examination The student shall take the comprehensive examination in his major before the beginning of the final examinations in his senior year. Pre-medical and pre-law students may take this at the end of their junior year. Comprehensive examinations shall be offered by the various departments two weeks before the final examination period in the first semester, second semester, and Summer Session.

6. Re-examinations Students who fail to pass the comprehensive examination shall, upon payment of a suitable fee, be given a second opportunity after a lapse of at least one semester or Summer term. Further opportunity to take this examination shall be given only by a special vote of the Curriculum Committee. It should be understood that an average of "C" or above, which meets the University requirement for quality points for graduation, is not a substitute for the comprehensive examination in the major field, nor a guarantee that a student will pass this examina­ tion. Passing the comprehensive examination is a requirement for graduation in addition to the requirement of a "C" average, or 128 quality points.

Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts The course of study leading to the A. B. degree is designed to afford the student a well-balanced cultural training by requiring a minimum distribution in the general fields of fine arts, human­ ities, social science, and natural science, while allowing a major concentration in any subject. It also provides the solid foundation of general knowledge on which students preparing for the liberal professions may build in

64 Administration Building from South Gate i postgraduate schools such as law, journalism, fine arts, and theol­ ogy. Naturally it affords excellent preparation for a teaching career. For the attainment of the degree of Bachelor of Arts, the student is required to complete at least 128 semester hours with 128 quality points in accordance with the following group distribu­ tion. 1. A reading knowledge of two foreign languages or a thor­ ough literary knowledge of one. A "reading knowledge" is gen­ erally interpreted as being the completion of second year college work in the language. The first year work may have been taken in college or be the two high school units offered for entrance. A "thorough literary knowledge" is generally interpreted as being the completion of the survey given as third-year college work in French, German, or Spanish. In case of Latin, this requirement would be fulfilled by Latin 105, 106. In some cases it is possible to pass the requirements by a special examination though no hours of credit towards graduation will be given in such cases. Any foreign language begun in col­ lege and offered for required language credit must be pursued at least two years, except that students presenting four units of Latin may fulfill their language requirements by taking one year of Greek. 2. English 101, 102 (must be taken the first year) and 203, 204 (World Literature). 3. History 101-102 (the survey course in History of Civiliza­ tion). 4. A semester each of Survey of Music and Survey of Art. 5. 12 semester hours chosen from Biological Science Survey, Physical Science Survey, Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, Geog­ raphy, Mathematics, or Physics. 6. Four semesters of Physical Education, unless excused by the Dean. 7. A major in one department, together with a certain number of courses in related departments, chosen with the agreement of the student's faculty adviser, or an area major. 8. The remaining hours may be elected freely.

67 Core Curriculum for the A.B. Degree Semester Semester First Year Hours Second Year Hours English 6 World Literature 6 History of Civilization... 6 ^Physical Science 6 '"Biological Science 6 Foreign Language 6 Foreign Language 6 Art and Music Surveys§ 4 Physical Education 2 Physical Education 2 Electives ..' 6-8 Electives 8-10

Total 32-34 Total 32-34

Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science The course of study leading to the B. S. degree offers a sound preparation for careers in teaching, scientific research, industrial research, engineering, medicine, and many positions using scientific training only as a background. .Mathematics should be taken in the first year in order that the student may have the proper mental tool for future study in any division of science. In case one plans to major in chemistry or physics, he should obtain a working knowledge of calculus as soon as possible. It is desirable that a student majoring in physics have, in addition, a knowledge of differential equations, especially if he expects to continue in technical or graduate study. In order that a student majoring in any one of the basic sciences may have a well-balanced training, it is recommended that he have at least one year of college training in each of the other sciences. After having given due consideration to the neces­ sary sequences of scientific subjects, the student should include subjects in the literary and social groups as soon as possible, according to his interest and those particular subjects required for the degree. For the attainment of the degree of Bachelor of Science, the

^'Interchangeable between first and second years, or Mathematics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, or Geology may be substituted. §May be taken in first year, leaving 12-14 hours electives the second year. For students preparing to teach, Psychology and Educational Psychology should be taken in the second year in place ot electives. This applies, of course, to all degrees.

68 student is required to complete at least 128 hours with 128 quality points in accordance with the following group distribution. 1. A reading knowledge of French or German (or Spanish for Engineering major.) The student's major professor will specify which of these languages shall be chosen. A "reading knowledge" is generally interpreted as being the completion of second-year college work in the language. The first-year work may have been taken in college or be the two high school units offered for en­ trance. 2. English—101, 102 (must be taken in the first year and 203, 204 (World Literature). 3. History 101-102 (the survey course in History of Civiliza­ tion). 4. A semester each of Survey of Music and Survey of Art. 5. A one-year course in Mathematics (except Math. 100 or lllx) and 40 additional semester hours in the Science-Mathematics group (Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Geography, Mathematics, Physics). 6. Four semester hours of Physical Education unless excused by the Dean. 7. Either a major in one science department, and related courses chosen under the guidance of the student's major pro­ fessor, or the combined science major, or the engineering major. 8. The remaining hours may be elected freely. Core Curriculum for the B.S. Degree Semester Semester First Year Hours Second Year Hours English 6 World Literature 6 French or German 6 French or German 6 Mathematics 6 Art and Music Surveys.. 4 History of Civilization.... 6 Major (Math or Science) 6-8 Science! 8 Physical Education 2 Physical Education 2 Electives 8-10

Total 34 Total 32-34

§In case of Mathematics majors, the course will be Biological Science Survey or Physical Science Survey. (6 hours).

69 Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration The purpose of the course of study leading to the B. B. A. degree is to provide college training especially adapted to the needs of students seeking to prepare for executive positions in business. Similar courses of study leading to this type of bache­ lor's degree are offered in over one hundred of the better known universities and colleges in the United States. It is intended that the student shall devote most of his four- year course to the study of the humanities, the natural sciences, general subjects, and the social sciences other than Economics— the requirement for Economics and Commerce courses being 40 semester hours. The program for the degree Bachelor of Business Administration thus attempts to provide the student with a thor­ ough grounding in Economics and a background emphasizing the fundamentals common to all business, and seeks to insure that graduates shall leave the University as cultivated men and women. Students who wish to study for the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Economics (24 semester hours) instead of the B. B. A. degree will find the program outlined on pages 64-68. For the attainment of the degree of Bachelor of Business Ad­ ministration, the student is required to complete at least 128 se­ mester hours with 128 quality points in accordance with the fol­ lowing group distribution. 1. English 101, 102 (must be taken in the first year) and 203, 204 (World Literature). 2. 12 semester hours in Biological Science Survey, Physical Science Survey, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Geol­ ogy, Mathematics, or Physics. 3. A semester each in Survey of Art and Survey of Music. 4. History 101-102 (the survey course in History of Civiliza­ tion). 5. Four semesters of Physical Education unless excused by the Dean. 6. Economics and Commerce, 40 hours, the remaining hours to be elected freely.

70 Core Curriculum for the B.B.A. Degree Semester Semester First Year Hours Second Year Hours English 6 World Literature 6 History of Civilization.... 6 Art and Music Surveys.. .4 Biological Sciencet 6 Physical Science! 6 Business Mathematics Principles of Economics 6 and Math 100 or 103.... 6 Elementary Accounting.. 6 Physical Education 2 Physical Education 2 Electives 6 Electives 2-4

Total 32 Total 32-34

B.B.A. With Industrial Management Major Industrial Management involves a knowledge of the policies and problems of industry. There are three major fields of knowl­ edge here involved: Financial Management, Production Manage­ ment and Marketing Management. Financial Management deals with the keeping of accounts, pre­ paring statements and analyzing costs. Additional capital require­ ments and means of securing these are considered. Production Management calls for a knowledge of economic principles, costs of various kinds, labor policies, wage systems, personnel problems, manufacturing methods, flow of materials and preferred plant layouts. The best answers to the equation "raw materials plus labor equal finished product", are what is being sought. Marketing Management involves an analysis of all available markets to determine the greatest potential sources of demand. The various channels of distribution, warehousing and sales fac­ tors are also of prime importance. The course provides thorough training for those students whose ultimate goal is a managerial position in industry.

^Interchangeable in first and second years, or Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, geography, Geology, Mathematics or Physics may be substituted. 71 B.B.A. Degree With Industrial Management Major Semester Semester First Year Hours Second Year Hours English 6 World Literature 6 Math 103 or Math 100 Geography or Physical and Commerce 101 6 Science or Biological History of Civilization.... 6 Science 6 Shop 4 Art and Music Surveys 4 Geography or Physical Economics (Principles Science 6 and Applied) 6 Physical Education 2 Elementary Accounting.. 6 Elective or Engineering Manufacturing Proc­ Drawing 4-6 esses 3 Safety Engineering 2 Total 34-36 Physical Education 2 Total 35 Semester Semester Third Year Hours Fourth Year Hours Business Organization Cost Accounting 3 & Management 3 Auditing 3 Personnel Management.. 3 Economic Problems Business Law 6 and Policies 4 Statistics 3 Government and Production Control 3 Business 3 Time and Motion Study.. 3 Economic Theory 3 Intermediate Accounting 6 Industrial Plant Labor Problems 3 Design 3 Electives 4 Financial Administra­ tion (Corp. Finance).. 3 Total 34 Quality Control 3 Purchasing 3 Budget Control 3 Elective (Psychology, Public Speaking, Eco­ nomic Geography, Po­ litical Science, etc.).... 3 Total 34

72 Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physical Education The course of study leading to the B. S. degree in Physical Education is designed to prepare students for teaching physical education, health education, and safety education; coaching ath­ letics; and directing recreation. For the attainment of this degree the student is required to complete at least 128 hours with 128 quality points in accordance with the following group distribution: 1. English 101, 102, 203, and 204 12 History 101 and 102 6 Art 101 and Music 111 (Survey courses) 4 Biology 101 or 105, 102 or 106, 207, 210, 213 17-20 Psychology 201, and 202 6 Education 201, 202, 301, 303r, and Electives in Education 12 Additional hours in Social Science, or Mathematics, or Foreign Languages 6 2. Physical Education, minimum of 30 semester hours, including P. E. 100 2 Activity courses: 12 For men, P. E. 101, 102, 103, 104 For Women, P. E. 121, 122, 123, 124 P. E. 154*, 201*, 203*, 301, 302, and electives 16 3. Additional courses in other departments for teaching certification as required by the Tennessee State Depart­ ment of Education 6-18 4. Balance in free electives 14-29

Certificate in Secretarial Science For the attainment of the degree of Bachelor of Business Ad­ ministration with Certificate in Secretarial Science, the student must complete 12 semester hours of Shorthand, 8 of Typewriting, and 3 of Office Practice in addition to fulfilling the other course requirements for the degree. See page 84. A course in Nutrition may be substituted for one of these courses.

73 Engineering Program Since Engineering is a profession requiring much specialized study, the student may wisely take general college work as a cul­ tural background before entering an Engineering school. The University of Chattanooga now offers such general college work organized as a basic Engineering program. This program is designed 1. To give a thorough training with emphasis on technical subjects; 2. To equip a graduate with sound basic technical training so as to permit rapid advance in any technical field—bor• derline or intensive—in which he may be employed; or 3. To prepare a graduate for concentrated, specialized pro­ fessional training in an Engineering school. Many technical and non-technical electives are available. Others will be added as facilities and demand warrant. For graduation with an Engineering Major, 144 semester hours and at least 144 quality points are required. The program for the four years is given below. Note that those desiring to complete a specialized undergraduate course in four years may transfer at the end of the second year, the University's program being so designed as to meet usual require­ ments for full Junior standing.

Engineering Major on B.S. Degree Semester Semester Freshman Year Hours Sophomore Year Hours Mathematics 151-2 10 Physical Education ...... 2 Chemistry 101-2 8 Mathematics 153-4 10 English 101, 2 6 English 203, 4 6 Engineering 101, 2 Physics 101-2 8 (Drawing) 6 Descriptive Geometry .. 4 Engineering 121 Mechanics (Statics) 3 (Surveying) 3 Engineering Problems.... 2 Physical Education 2 Electives 2 Engineering 111 2 37 37

74 Semester Semester Junior Year Hours Senior Year Hours French, German or French, German or Spanish** 6 Spanish** 6 History of Civilization.... 6 Art and Music Surveys.. 4 Kinematics and Kinetics 4 Highways 3 Elec. Engineering 8 Electron Tubes 3 Machine Design 3 Strength of Materials .... 3 Thermodynamics 3 Structural Design 3 Hydraulics or Elective.... 3 Public Speaking 2 Materials of Engineer­ Report Writing 2 ing 2 Electives 10 Electives 3

38 36

Approved Electives for Engineering Major Technical and Scientific Electives Biology, Quantitative Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Wave motion and Sound, Principles of Radio Commu­ nication, Optics, Advanced Shop, Geology and Mineralogy, Ad­ vanced Surveying, Route (Highway) Principles, Astronomy, Ad­ vanced Calculus and Differential Equations. Non-Technical Electives Psychology, Economics, Elementary Accounting, Geography (Physical and Economic), Public Speaking and Report Writing, Business English, Political Science, Sociology. Total electives 25 hours, of which at least 12 hours should be non-technical. Industrial Engineering Major If a student wishes a concentration in Industrial Engineering he may take all of his electives in Economics and Commerce courses.

In case a student enters with two years of high school modern language and wishes to continue same language, he may take the 103, 104 college course in I"3* language during his freshman year in place of another subject, thereby luinumg his foreign language requirement.

75 Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Music The program leading to the B. M. degree is designed to prepare students for the professional field of music as performers, com­ posers, and teachers, while providing a background of necessary general knowledge. It lays stress on a complete and well-rounded comprehension of musical art and theory, rather than on technical dexterity alone. The requirements for entrance and graduation as set forth in this catalog are in accordance with the published regulations of the National Association of Schools of Music.

The musical preparation for admission must include a knowl­ edge of elementary theory and ear training (see prerequisite for Music 103-4 and 105-6 on page 127). Entrance requirements in applied music are available upon request. Advanced standing in applied music is granted only after an examination, or after a semester's study in residence, at which time the students will be classified.

Students who wish to study for the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in music, instead of the B. M. degree, will find the program outlined on page 126.

For the attainment of the degree Bachelor of Music, the stu­ dent is required to complete at least 128 semester hours with 128 quality points in accordance with the following group distribution. 1. A reading knowledge of one foreign language. Voice majors are advised to have a reading knowledge of two foreign languages; school music majors are exempt from the foreign language requirement. 2. English 101, 102 (must be taken in the first year) and 203, 204 (World Literature). 3. History 101-2 (History of Civilization). 4. Physics 211. 5. Four semesters of Physical Education unless excused by the Dean.

76 6. Major—IN APPLIED MUSIC (piano, organ, violin, 'cello, voice), two private lessons of 30 minutes per week for 8 semesters, plus minimum practice of 3 hours per week for each semester hour credit. Instrumental majors earn 5 credit hours per semester, voice majors 4 credit hours per semester. At the end of each semester, in order to receive credit, the student must demonstrate before a faculty committee that he has adequately covered the prescribed repertoire; a full length recital during the senior year; IN THEORY AND HISTORY OF MUSIC (Composition major), in addition to the subjects listed under 8 and 9 the following: Music 221, 222, 223, 307-8, and 401-2; IN SCHOOL MUSIC, Biology 105, 106, Psychology 201, 202, Education 201, 202, 301(g), 323, and in addition to the subjects listed under 8 and 9 the following: Music 221, 222, 223, 321, 324, 325-6.

7. Minor—For an applied minor a student will take 8 semester hours in a single applied field; one private lesson of 30 minutes and a minimum of 8 hours practice per week will earn 2 credit hours per semester. A minor in piano is required of majors in theory and history of music, violin, 'cello, voice, and school music. School music majors will also elect voice as an additional minor; theory and history of music majors will elect an additional minor from one of the following: organ, violin, 'cello (if violin or 'cello is elected the student will be excused from taking Music 221).

8. Theory—Music 103-4, 105-6, 203-4, 205-6, 207-8, 305-6, 309-10. Organ majors will take 307-8. 9. History and Literature of Music—Music 311, 312, 313, 314.

10. Group Music—All music majors—with the exception of piano majors—must participate in group music (choir, band, or­ chestra) for the full length of their residence, regardless of phys­ ical education requirements that may be set up from time to time by the faculty.

11. Any remaining hours may be elected freely.

77 Suggested Program for the First Two Years of the B.M. Degree Semester Semester First Year Hours Second Year Hours English 6 World Literature 6 Foreign Language 6 Foreign Language or Music 18-20 History of Civiliza- Group Music 2 tiont 6 Physical Education 2 Music 18-20 Group Music 2 „ Physical Education 2 Total 34-36 Total 34-36

Requirements for the Degree of Master of Music The degree of Master of Music will be granted to holders of the Bachelor of Music degree from this or another accredited insti­ tution after the satisfactory completion of one year (30 semester hours) of advanced work in residence. A student holding a standard baccalaureate degree from this or other accredited institution may be admitted upon passing the required entrance examinations. Before admission to candidacy, all students will be examined in the field of applied music and theory in order to determine adequacy of preparation for work on the graduate level. The major concentration may be in one of the following fields: theory and composition, piano, organ, violin, 'cello, voice. A comprehensive oral and written examination at the conclu­ sion of the course must demonstrate the satisfactory completion of the requirements. A composition major must submit an original work in one of the larger forms before the degree will be granted. Similarly, a full length recital of advanced character is required of instrumental and vocal majors. In special cases an acceptable thesis may be submitted for either the original composition or the recital. tPostponed to the third year unless foreign language is completed in the first year. To be taken first year instead of foreign language if foreign language is begun in college. 78 b^'ihliif- ^4i

Activity Period in Nursery School


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Kitchen in Home Economics Building

VII Requirements for Certificates Students following certain programs of study at the University of Chattanooga may qualify for certificates evidencing training and qualification for work in several important fields of endeavor. Tennessee Requirements for Teaching Certificates All new teachers in Chattanooga and Hamilton County must have a Bachelor's degree and must meet requirements specified by the Tennessee State Department of Education. Elementary School Certificates Students expecting to qualify for the Tennessee elementary school certificate must include in their college courses the follow­ ing: Sem. Hrs. English 101, 102, 203, 204, 228 14 History 101, 102, or 203, 204 6 Geography 101, 102, 201, 307 (two courses) 6 Biology 105, 106 6 Psychology 201, 202 , 6 Art lOlx and either 221 or 222 4 Music 321 and two additional hours, preferably Music 101 or 102 (or a more advanced course) 4 Health and Physical Education 111, 202, 203..... 6 Home Economics 105 2 Education* 201, 203, 204 8 Education 205r : :..'. 4 Mathematics lllx 3 Secondary School Certificates All candidates for high school teaching must fulfill two types of college course requirements specified by the Tennessee State Department of Education. One group relates to the student's preparation in the content field or fields he expects to teach. These specifications may be obtained in the office of the Education


81 Department, Room 43. The other type of preparation relates to professional courses and at the University of Chattanooga in­ cludes the following: Semester Hrs. Psychology 201, 202 6 Education 202, 301 5-7 Education *303 3-4 A minimum of four additional semester hours chosen from the following: Education 201, 304, 306, 410. * Practice teaching should relate to the same field or fields selected in Education 301. Practice teaching credit is limited to a maximum of four semester hours and a minimum of three semes­ ter hours unless the student is registered for two methods courses in which case he should register for two semester hours of prac­ tice teaching in each. Requirements for Associate in Arts Diploma For students who are unable to devote the time required for the attainment of a bachelor's degree, the University of Chatta­ nooga offers a junior college program leading to the diploma of Associate in Arts. To obtain the Associate in Arts diploma the student must com­ plete 64 semester hours (with 64 quality points), of which at least 32 must be taken at the University, with the following distribution: Semester Hrs. 1. Freshman English 6 2. World Literature 6 3. Twenty-eight semester hours in at least three of these four fields: Foreign Language, Social Science (in­ cluding History 101, 102), Science-Mathematics (including Biology Survey or Physical Science Survey), Art and Music Surveys 28 4. Physical Education 4 5. Electives 20

Total 64

82 Requirements for the Two-Year Certificate in Home Economics A standard and accredited two-year program in Home Eco­ nomics* was introduced at the University of Chattanooga in 1943. Students who complete the 68 semester hours (equivalent to 102 quarter hours) of the program with an average of C may transfer to the University of Tennessee for advanced work in Home Eco­ nomics if they should so desire.

FRESHMAN YEAR Semester Semester Subject Hours Subject Hours Freshman English 3 Freshman English 3 Zoology 4 Zoology 4 Clothing Selection 3 Elementary Costume Applied Design 3 Design 3 Elementary Nutrition .... 3 Elementary Clothing Physical Education 1 Construction 3 Elementary Meal Prepa­ 17 ration and Table Serv­ ice 3 Physical Education 1

17 SOPHOMORE YEAR Semester Semester Subject Hours Subject Hours World Literature 3 World Literature 3 General Chemistry 4 General Chemistry 4 Principles of Economics Bacteriology or Econom­ or Introduction to So­ ics 4 ciology 3 Child Psychology or Introduction to Psychol­ Child Development .... 3 ogy 3 Home Nursing and Advanced Meal Prepara­ Family Health 3 tion 3 Physical Education 1 Physical Education 1 18 17 _The courses listed below are, of course, open to all students whether candi­ dates for the certificate or not.

83 Requirements for the Two-Year Certificate in Secretarial Science An exceptionally thorough program of training for those in­ tending to prepare for secretarial work was begun in the Univer­ sity of Chattanooga in 1943. The courses are conducted at the college level, which insures superior competence among students successfully completing the requirements for the Certificate in Secretarial Science*. Students planning to attend college for four years should post­ pone taking courses in shorthand until their last two years.

FIRST YEAR Semester Semester Subject Hours Subject Hours Freshman English 2 Business English 3 Business Mathematics... 3 Elementary Typing 2 Elementary Typing 2 Elementary Shorthand.. 3 Elementary Shorthand.. 3 Approved Electives 6-8 Approved Electives 3-5 Physical Education 1 Physical Education 1 15-17 15-17

SECOND YEAR Semester Semester Subject Hours Subject Hours World Literature 3 World Literature 3 Principles of Economics 3 Applied Economics 3 Elementary Accounting.. 3 Elementary Accounting.. 3 Business Law 3 Office Practice 3 Advanced Typing 2 Advanced Typing 2 Advanced Shorthand .... 3 Advanced Shorthand .... 3 Physical Education 1 Physical Education 1

18 18

Bachelor's Degrees with Certificate in Secretarial Science By carefully planning a program of study, the candidate for a regular bachelor's degree in business administration, in arts, or in

*The courses listed below are, of course, open to all students whether candi­ dates for the certificate or not.

84 science may secure the Certificate in Secretarial Science with the B.B.A., A.B., or B.S. degree. The Certificate may also be secured with the Associate in Arts diploma, although a total of more than 64 semester hours of work will be needed to satisfy all requirements. VIII PRE-PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS Students who plan to attend graduate or professional schools should carefully work out their undergraduate programs of study in consultation with their faculty advisers so that courses afford­ ing the best possible background and preparation for the partic­ ular field of graduate or professional work may be chosen. It is preferable, of course, for a student to have the broad foun­ dation represented by a bachelor's degree (128 semester hours) before entering a graduate school for professional study. But some graduate schools receive as candidates for graduate degrees (e. g., in law and medicine) students who have satisfactorly com­ pleted only three years (96 semester hours) of college work. In such cases the University of Chattanooga student will receive his bachelor's degree after a year of successful work in the graduate school, subject to the provisions explained below. In practically all cases, the Pre-Medical curriculum fulfills the pre-professional requirements in Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Vet­ erinary Medicine. Students desiring to enter these or related fields should plan their programs to meet the specific requirements of the professional schools concerned.

Pre-Medical Program Sixty semester hours of college work, including 8 hours of Biology, 8 hours of Physics, 12 hours of Chemistry, and 6 hours of English is the minimum requirement for admission to a Class "A" College of Medicine. However, most medical schools require at least three years of pre-medical college work and some of the best require the Bach­ elor's degree for entrance. Accordingly students are advised to take as much pre-medical training as possible. Students who complete 96 semester hours of work with at least 96 quality points in the University of Chattanooga may receive the Bachelor's degree from the University upon the satisfactory com­ pletion of 32 semester hours of additional work in an approved medical school provided the comprehensive examination and the group requirements for the degree are satisfied.

86 Pre-medical students may major in Chemistry, Biology, or Physics. It is recommended, however, that three-year students take a pre-medical major, the requirements for which are as follows: Biology 101, 102; Chemistry 101-2, 207, 208; Physics 101-2; and fourteen additional hours chosen from the following: Biology 301, 302; Chemistry 205, 206; Physics 201-2, 203-4. The comprehensive examination for the pre-medical major is prepared jointly by the Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Depart­ ments. Pre-Nursing Program The University of Chattanooga in cooperation with the Na­ tional Nursing Council, is urging women interested in nursing careers to obtain a college background. The best plan is to take two or three years of college before going to nursing school. Thirty-two semester hours credit will be given by the Univer­ sity of Chattanooga for satisfactory completion of the nursing program in an approved school of nursing. A student may thus obtain a bachelor's degree by taking three years (96 semester hours) at the University and 2 to 3 years in a school of nursing, provided the comprehensive and group requirements for the de­ gree are satisfied. It is recommended that the pre-nursing program include 8 hours of Chemistry; 8 hours of Biology; 12 hours of English; 6-12 hours of Sociology; 3 hours of Psychology; and 6-12 hours of foreign language, French or Spanish preferred. Pre-Law Program Students who complete 96 or more semester hours of work with 96 quality points in the University of Chattanooga may re­ ceive the A.B., B.S., or B.B.A. degree from this university upon the satisfactory completion of thirty-two semester hours additional work in a law school accredited by the National Association, pro­ vided the group requirements and the comprehensive examination for the degree are satisfied.

87 Pre-law students, however, are urged to complete the work leading to the bachelor's degree before entering the professional school. Pre-Engineering Program The University of Chattanooga offers a pre-engineering pro­ gram for students who expect to continue their studies at insti­ tutions giving specialized and advanced training. The first two years of the University's program will be accepted by the great majority of Engineering schools in lieu of their own Freshman and Sophomore years. For prescribed courses see page 74. Ministerial Program For the prospective minister's course, The American Associa­ tion of Theological Schools recommends a liberal arts program rather than a pre-professional program. "In the judgment of the Association the appropriate foundations for a minister's later pro­ fessional studies lie in a broad and comprehensive college educa­ tion, while the normal place for a minister's professional studies is the theological school." However, students who complete ninety-six or more semester hours of work with 96 quality points in the University of Chatta­ nooga may receive the A.B. or B.S. degree upon the satisfactory completion of thirty-two semester hours' additional work in a theological school accredited by the American Association, pro­ vided the group requirements and the comprehensive examination for the degree are satisfied. The student is, however, urged to complete the work leading to the bachelor's degree before enter­ ing the professional school.

88 IX COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Designation of Courses Odd-numbered courses (e.g., 101) are given in the first semester and even-numbered courses (e.g., 102) in the second semester. Other characteristics are indicated as follows: 101-2—a year course which must be taken both semesters to se­ cure credit. 101, 102—a year course either semester of which may receive sep­ arate credit. lOlx—a semester course repeated each semester. 101-r—a course which, because of difference in subject matter, may be taken more than once for credit. The number of semester hours credit is indicated by figures in parenthesis immediately following course titles.

Classification of Courses The numbering of courses by hundreds indicates to whom the courses are open. Courses numbered 1-99 are ungraded courses, open to freshmen and upper-classmen, which carry one quality point for each semes­ ter hour credit. A maximum of 8 semester hours credit in un­ graded courses may be applied toward a degree. Courses numbered 100-199 are open to freshmen and upper-class­ men. Those numbered 200-299 are open to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Those numbered 300-399 are open to juniors and seniors. Those numbered 400-499 are open to seniors and graduate students only. Exception to the above may be made in special cases by the head of the department concerned.

Aeronautics 101 Meteorology and Navigation (1) Elementary principles of the theory of flight and navigation; meteorology. Recitation and lecture one hour per week. 102 Civil Air Regulations (1) Study of Civil Air Regulations. Recitation and Lecture one hour per week.

89 103 Flight Training (1) Actual flight training in cooperation with approved flying school. Dual instruction flying and solo flying. Art Major: 34 semester hours, including Art 103, 104, or 105, 106 in Freshman Yeai, and 207, 208, 211, 212. Art lOlx does not count toward the major. lOlx Art Survey (2) For students in all divisions of the University who are inter­ ested in developing a general cultural background for the appre­ ciation of art. Illustrated lectures. 103, 104 Applied Design* (3, 3) The elements of art and the principles covering their use studied through an analysis of everyday objects such as buildings, interiors, household objects, dress, and accessories. 105, 106 Drawing* (3, 3) Elementary drawing in charcoal, pencil and free brush from still life, landscape, and figure. 203, 204 Advanced Design (3, 3) Advanced problems in principles of design. Two and three dimensional problems in various techniques and mediums. 205r, 206r Advanced Drawing (3, 3) Drawing from the model with emphasis placed on figure con­ struction, action and proportion; varied mediums. 207r, 208r Painting and Composition* (3, 3) Elementary painting from still life and landscape; also original compositions. 209r, 210r Commercial Art (3, 3) Beginning commercial design leading into advanced problems for the professional commercial designer. 211, 212 History of Art* (2, 2) Development of architecture, sculpture, painting, and the minor arts from their earliest beginnings to the twentieth century. Illustrated lectures.

"'Required for majors. 90

I 221, 222 Teaching Art in the Elementary School (2, 2) The aims, activities and materials in the teaching of elementary school art. Combines art history with practical experiment in project activities and materials of the elementary art curriculum. 303r, 304r Design (3, 3) Individual problems for the professional designer pertaining to interior and industrial design. 307r, 308r Advanced Painting (3, 3) Figure and portrait painting in oils. 407r, 408r Materials and Mediums (6) Painting in egg tempera, oils, casein, gouache on various backgrounds and textures. Emphasis on mural decoration.

Astronomy 101-2 Introduction to Astronomy (6) A study of the solar system, of the constellations and of the fundamental methods by which astronomical data are obtained. From time to time the weekly laboratory period will be replaced by an evening session at the University Observatory. The course is descriptive rather than mathematical. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory 2 hours weekly.

Biology Major: 25 semester hours, including course 101-102 (or 105, 106 and 206), either 301 or 302, 400 and chemistry. Courses 101, 102, or 105, 106 are prerequisites for all others in the department except 107x and 109x. Pre-medical students and science majors should take course 101, 102. Course 105, 106 is de­ signed for liberal arts and education students. Credit in both 101, 102 and 105, 106 is not allowed. 101, 102 Zoology (4, 4) The nature of life; a survey of the animal kingdom; vertebrate anatomy and physiology; heredity, environment, and evolution. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 4 hours weekly. Special permis­ sion must be obtained to begin the course the second semester. 105, 106 Biological Science (3, 3) Designed to give a conception of man's place in nature and an acquaintance with the scientific method. The nature of life; a brief survey of the plant and animal kingdoms, interrelation of

91 living things, and an introduction to physiology, bacteriology, gen­ etics, evolution, anthropology, and psychology. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 2 hours weekly. 107x Anatomy and Physiology (4) The structure and functions of the human body. A basic science training course for nurses. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory 4 hours weekly for 12 weeks. 109x Microbiology (2) Microorganisms and their relation to health and sanitation. A basic science course for nurses. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 2 hours weekly for 12 weeks. 201, 202 Botany (3, 3) The structure, physiology and classification of plants; identi­ fication of spring flora. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory or field trips 2 hours weekly. 206 Zoology Laboratory (1) Laboratory work, mostly on the frog, to supplement the train­ ing of students who have taken 105, 106 so that they will be pre­ pared for advanced work in the department. 207 Physiology (3 or 4) Functions of the human skeletal, muscular, nervous, circula­ tory, digestive, respiratory, excretory, and endocrine systems. Lec­ ture 3 hours weekly. May be taken with or without laboratory 2 hours weekly. 210 Bacteriology (3 or 4) Microorganisms and their relation to health, decay, and food preservation; immunity and sanitation. Lecture 2 hours and lab­ oratory 1-4 hours weekly. 213, 214 Nature Study (2 or 3, 2 or 3) The aims, methods, and materials of nature study; identifica­ tion and habits of insects, birds, and other animals; conservation of wild life. For teachers, students of physical education, scout and camp leaders, and others interested in wild-life. Lectures, laboratory, and field trips. 215, 216 Genetics, Eugenics, and Evolution (2 or 3, 2 or 3) The principles of heredity and their application to the im-j provement of plants, animals, and man. The evidences, factors and course of evolution.

92 301 Embryology (4) {Prerequisite 102) The development of vertebrates. Lecture 3 hours and labora­ tory on cytology, frog, chick and pig embryos, 4 hours weekly. 302 Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (4) The structure and evolution of vertebrates. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory in dissection of dogfish and cat, 4 hours weekly. Prerequisite Biology 102. 305 Scientific Method (2 or 3) The philosophy, logic, history and method of science; its rela­ tion to religion, language, and mathematics; planning of experi­ ments; methods of measurement, collection and interpretation of data. 308 Parasitology (3) Parasites which affect man. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 2 hours weekly. (1949-50 and alternate years.) 310 Laboratory Technique (2 or 3) Methods of preserving biological material and preparing of permanent mounts of plant and animal tissues. (1948-49 and alter­ nate years.) 400 Seminar (1 or 2) Round table discussion, assigned reading, and conferences to correlate the content of the student's various courses, and fill in the gaps where his training is lacking; recent progress in the field of biology; preparation for the comprehensive examination. For biology majors only.

Chemistry Major—For Chemistry as the major for the B.S. degree, 40 semester hours, including Chemistry 101-102, 205-206, 207-208, 317-318, plus Physics 101-102, Calculus and two years of German. As soon as facilities are available, the 5 hour per semester course in 205-206, 207-208 will be required for chemistry majors. For the three-year pre-medical or pre-dental courses leading to the B.S. de­ gree after one year in professional school, 27 semester hours, in­ cluding Chemistry 101-102, 205-206, 207-208. Chemistry 101-102 is prerequisite to all other courses. 101-2 General Chemistry (8) The fundamental principles and laws, with experiments to illustrate the methods of preparation and reactions of metals and

93 nonmetals; second semester, qualitative analysis. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory 4-6 hours weekly. Prerequisite, high school alge­ bra and geometry. 205, 206 Quantitative Analysis (4 or 5, 4 or 5) General volumetric and gravimetric methods, the laws of solu­ bility, mass action and stoichiometric calculations. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 6-8 hours weekly. 207, 208 Organic Chemistry (4 or 5, 4 or 5) The fundamental principles of organic chemistry. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory 4-6 hours weekly. 209, 210 Technical Analysis (3, 3) A laboratory course covering selected commercial analytical methods. Prerequisite Chemistry 205, 206. One conference and 8 hours laboratory weekly. 311 Elementary Physiological Chemistry (3) The chemistry of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, digestion, ab­ sorption, metabolism and excretion, vitamins and hormones. Lec­ ture 3 hours weekly. Prerequisite Chemistry 207, 208 and ele­ mentary biology. 313, 314 Advanced Organic Chemistry (2, 2) A review of the principal reactions of organic chemistry, with library and problem assignments to acquaint the student with the use of chemical literature. Lecture 2 hours weekly. Prerequisite Chemistry 207-208. 315, 316 Industrial Chemistry (2, 2) The manufacture of heavy and fine chemicals and the unit processes used in their production. Lecture 2 hours weekly with frequent visits to industrial plants. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 317, 318 Physical Chemistry (4, 4), The fundamental physical-chemical laws, the laws governing chemical change, the structure of the atom, periodic system, etc. Prerequisites, Chemistry 205, 206 and Physics 101-2 or 103-104. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory 3 hours weekly. 401, 402 Research (1-2, 1-2) Special advanced laboratory work. 403 Qualitative Organic Analysis (3) Identification of pure organic compounds and mixtures. Pre­ requisites: Chemistry 205, 206 and 207, 208. Lecture 2 hours laboratory 6 hours weekly.

94 405 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis (3) The use and manipulation of modern precision devices as ap­ plied in physical, industrial, and organic chemistry. Prerequisites: Chemistry 205, 206, 207, 208, 317 and 318. Lecture 3 hours. To be offered by the faculty members of the Industrial Research In­ stitute. 406 Chemical Thermodynamics (3) This course includes the study of the basic concepts and the fundamental laws of thermodynamics with their applications to chemical problems. Prerequisites: Chemistry 317, 318; Mathe­ matics 201, 202. (Faculty of Industrial Research Institute.) 407 Carbohydrate Chemistry (3) A fundamental and practical consideration of proof of struc­ ture, reactions and derivatives of carbohydrates. Prerequisites: 205-206, 207-208, 317-318. (Faculty of Industrial Research Insti­ tute.) 408 High Polymer Chemistry (3) Chemistry of condensation and addition type polymers, the effect of chemical structure of plastics on physical properties. Prerequisite Chemistry 205, 206, 207, 208, 317 and 318. (Faculty of Industrial Research Institute.) 409, 410 Chemical Change (2, 2) Atomic and molecular structure and properties. Nature of chemical combination and types of chemical bonds. Chemical and physical factors important in chemical change and their operation. Types of chemical change and their mechanisms. (Faculty of In­ dustrial Research Institute.)

Classics The department offers two majors, one in the Greek and Latin languages and literatures and one in classical civilization. Major in the Greek and Latin languages and literatures: 22 semester hours in Greek or Latin or divided between the two. Latin 101 and Latin 102 will not count toward this major. Major in classical civilization: 24 semester hours. Courses offered by other departments leading to this major are: Art 211, Art 212, English 307, Philosophy 303.

Greek 101, 102 Elementary Greek (3, 3) Elements of the Greek language. Reading of Greek prose.

95 202 Greek Epic (3) Readings from the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer. 204 Greek Tragedy (3) Three tragedies. The same three will not be read in consecu­ tive years. Usually one each by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Eurip­ ides will be read in the course. In 1948 the three will be the Alcestis (Euripides), the Persians (Aeschylus), Oedipus Rex (Soph­ ocles). 305 Greek Lyric Poetry (3) 306 Greek Prose Authors (3) The authors read will vary from year to year. Orators, philos­ ophers and historians will be represented. Note. Practice in Greek composition is given in all Greek courses. Lectures and collateral reading on the history of Greek literature will form a part of all the courses in Greek. Latin 101-102 Elementary Latin (3, 3) Elements of the language. Reading of Latin prose. 103, 104 Intermediate Latin (3, 3) Reading of selections from Cicero, Virgil and Ovid. Prerequi­ site, Latin 101, 102 or 2 years of high school Latin. At the discre­ tion of the department, properly qualified students with only 1 year of high school Latin may be admitted. 105 Livy, Pliny (3) Book I of Livy and selections from the Letters of Pliny. Prerequisite, 4 years of high school Latin or Latin 103, 104. At the discretion of the department, properly qualified students with less than 4 years of high school Latin may be admitted. 106 Horace (3) Selections from the Odes and Epodes. 203 Latin Lyric Poetry (3) Selections from Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius. 204 Latin Comedy (3) Comedies of Plautus and Terence. The same comedies will not be read in consecutive years. 305 Latin Satire (3) Selections from Horace (Epistles and Satires), Persius and Juvenal.


306 Lucretius, Cicero (3) The Somnium Scipionis of Cicero and the De Rerum Natura of Lucretius. Note: Practice in Latin Composition is given in all Latin courses. Lectures and collateral reading on the history of Latin literature will form a part of all the courses in Latin. Classical Civilization 101, 2 Greek History (2, 2) (See History 151, 2). 103, 4 Roman History (2, 2) (See History 153, 4). Dramatics and Speech Major: 24 semester hours. 101, 102 Play Production (3, 3) Elements of play production: acting, costume design, scene design, lighting, directing, make-up and business management. Practical application of the artistic theories of each element through productions sponsored by the department and the Uni­ versity Players. 105, 106 Stagecraft (2, 2) The construction and painting of scenery, properties and ar­ rangement of lighting effects in University plays. 107-8 Fundamentals of Speech—Voice and Diction (6) Practical training of the speaking voice. Study of the organs of speech and their functioning; the development of breath control, musical quality of voice and sonority of tone. Systematic training for careful articulation, audibility, volume and sustained tone; methods for recognition and correction of speech defects. 109, 110 Public Speaking (2, 2) Principles of public speaking, parliamentary procedure, and debate. 203-4 Advanced Play Production (6) Further study in all elements of play production, particularly directing, casting, and choice of plays to suit various types of audiences. 211, 212 History of the Theatre (2, 2) The development of the theatre and drama from earliest times to the present.

99 Economics and Commerce Major: For the A.B. degree, 24 semester hours of courses chosen with the advice and approval of the head of the department —required courses are marked by (*); for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, 40 hours are to be selected in like manner—courses required are indicated by (t). Students who fulfill the requirements for the Certificate in Secretarial Science must complete 13 additional semester hours of economics courses (History of Economic Thought, Economic Theory, Government and Business, and Economic Problems and Policies) for a major in Economics, or 25 additional semester hours of courses in Economics and Commerce (Statistics, History of Economic Thought, Economic Theory, Government and Business, Business Organization and Management, Personnel Management, and Economic Problems and Policies) for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration.

Economics 104 Economic History of the United States (3) The development of our economic system, with special empha­ sis placed upon the history of agriculture, manufacturing, com­ merce, finance, transportation and labor. 105 General Economic Geography (3) World resources: the relationship between geographical facts and institutional development, with functional rather than de­ scriptive approach. 201 Principles of Economics* f (3) The principles underlying production, exchange, distribution, and consumption. 202 Applied Economics* i (3) Application of general theory and principles to the economic problems of modern society. 213 Marketing (3) The principles and practices involved in getting goods from producers to consumers. 301 Money and Banking (3) The structure, theory, and fundamental problems of monetary and banking systems.

100 302 Public Finance (3) Public expenditures and revenues, public credit, principles and methods of taxation, and proposals for reform. 304 International Economics (3) Theory of international economic transactions, national policies affecting foreign economic relations, the network of world trade, and current problems in international economic relations. 317 Labor Problems (3) Labor problems in the United States and attempts at their solution by employees, and government. 423 History of Economic Thought*]- (3) The development of the classical theories of economics, the contributions of the various critics, and the attempts to recon­ struct the science. 424 Economic Theory*f (3) An advanced course giving special attention to recent develop­ ments in economic analysis. 425 Government and Business*^ (3) The control of business and the participation in business by the Federal Government; the changing relationship between gov­ ernment and business. 426 Alternative Systems of Economic Organization (3) Economic aspects of socialism, communism, fascism, and co­ operation compared with capitalism. 429, 430 Economic Problems and Policies*^ (2, 2) Current economic problems and the policies adopted in at­ tempting their solution.

Commerce lOlx Arithmetic and Business Mathematics^ (3) Fundamental fractions, percentage, interest, bank discount, insurance, graphs, square root, and other aspects of mathematics most important for use in business control and in statistical re­ search. 102 Business English (3) The preparation of various types of business letters and of business reports.

101 121 Elementary Typewriting (2) Includes learning the keyboard, operating the parts of the ma­ chine, writing simple letters, simple tabulation, continuity writing. 122 Elementary Typewriting continued (2) The writing of different styles of business letters, manuscript copy, carbon copies, and tabulation. 125 Elementary Shorthand^ (3) A study of the first seven chapters of the Gregg Manual and Speed Studies. Dictation is begun early in the course. 126 Elementary Shorthand continued^ (3) Chapters 8-12 of the Gregg Manual and Speed Studies are completed. Continued dictation. A speed of 60 words per minute on new material with 95 per cent accuracy is required. 201-2 Elementary Accounting^ (6) Accounting principles underlying the balance sheet and profit and loss statements as they apply to the proprietorship, the part­ nership and the corporation. 220 Office Practice (3) The training of students to meet the situations which will con­ front them in a modern business office. Prerequisite Commerce 122. 223 Advanced Typewriting (2) A thorough review of the writing of business letters, manu­ script copy, and tabulation. Business reports, legal documents, and effective display of typed matter. Speed is emphasized. 224 Advanced Typewriting continued (2) A continuation of Commerce 223 with a greater emphasis on speed. 227 Advanced Shorthand^ (3) Dictation and transcription with a thorough review of theory. A speed of 80 words per minute on new material with 95 per cent accuracy is required. 228 Advanced Shorthand continued^ (3) Dictation and transcription with further review of theory and vocabulary building. A speed of 100 words per minute on new material with 95 per cent accuracy is required. §Candldates for B.B.A. or other bachelors' degrees should postpone courses in Shorthand until the Junior and senior years. 102 303 Intermediate Accounting (3) Accounting statements and their presentations, with emphasis on the valuation of assets and liabilities; profit and loss analysis, statement of application of funds. Prerequisite: 201-2 304 Advanced Accounting (3) Accounting for partnerships, consignments, ventures, install­ ment sales, receiverships, branches, estates and trusts, budgets, public accounts, and stock brokerage. Application of accounting principles to consolidations. Prerequisite: Commerce 303 305 Cost Accounting (3) Methods for collecting data relative to prime costs and analysis of methods of burden distribution. Budgets for cost accounting in different classes of enterprise. Prerequisite, Commerce 201-2. 307 Federal Tax Accounting (3) Makes a study of the Internal Revenue Code and the regula­ tions of the United States Treasury Department. Problems as­ signed include the preparation of numerous tax returns. Pre­ requisite: Commerce 201-2. 311-12 Statistics! (6) The collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data. Prerequisite, a knowledge of algebra. 321, 322 Investments, Trusts and Insurance (3, 3) Principles of investment; diversification, spread and maturity spacing; stocks, bonds and mortgages; stock exchanges and money markets; investment banking; interest trends; rating agencies. Life insurance; anatomy of policies; policy provisions; annuities and settlement options. The investment portfolio. Trusts and trust service. 331 Business Organization and Management'] (3) Basic features of business administration, and the general problems of the business executive: personnel, production, market­ ing, accounting, research, form of the business unit, finance, risk- bearing, external relations, location of establishment. 332 Personnel Management* (3) An introduction to the principles and practices involved in the effective administration of personnel.

103 L 334 Corporation Finance (3) The promotion and organization of corporations; the manage­ ment of corporate income; analysis of securities issued, causes of failures, reorganizations, and receiverships. 335 Business Law (3) The historical development of law and equity; the fundamen­ tal legal principles governing contracts; agency; negotiable instru­ ments; banks and banking. 336 Business Law (3) Real property; sales of personal property; bailments and car­ riers; insurance; bankruptcy; partnerships; corporations. 337 General Insurance (3) An introductory survey of the principles of fire, casualty, marine, surety and fidelity insurance; insurable interest and values; insurance codes and problems. 339 Life Insurance I (3) Principles and practices. (Designed for Chartered Life Under­ writer candidates.) 340 Life Insurance II (3) Economic and Social Functions. (Designed for Chartered Life Underwriter candidates.) 406 Auditing (3) Kinds of audits, systems of accounts and methods of conduct­ ing audits. Preparation of working papers and reports. Pre­ requisite, Commerce 303-4. 407 Governmental Accounting (3) Accounting systems of institutions and various governmental units. Fund transactions, revenues and expenditures, appropria­ tions, and form and content of reports. Prerequisite: Commerce 201-2 408 Specialized Accounting Systems (3) Systems used by banks, building and loan associations, insur­ ance companies, brokers, and transportation companies. Prere­ quisite: Commerce 303 Education Major: 26 semester hours, including Psychology, 201-202, Edu­ cation 201, 306, and 410, and all other requirements in Education

104 and content fields specified by the Tennessee State Department of Education for either an elementary or a secondary school teaching certificate. Prospective teachers are urged to take Biological Science in the freshman year and Psychology in the sophomore year. Meet­ ing certification requirements requires careful planning early in the student's career, and to that end students are urged to consult freely with the head of the Education Department. Students working toward an elementary school certificate reg­ ister for Psychology 201 and 202 and Education 203, 204, 205r, and all courses in other departments specified on page 81. Those qualifying for secondary school certificates take Psychology 201 and 202 and Education 201, 202, 301, and 303r. 101 College Adjustment (2-3) This course will deal with student motivation, effective study and reading techniques, organization of student time and materials, college social adjustments and general orientation to the college curriculum. Registration by 'permission of the Dean or instructor. 201 History and Principles of American Education (2) The various forces—social, economic, religious, and cultural— which have shaped American education; European and American developments with special emphasis on progress in Southern States. 202 Principles of Secondary Education (2) The development, purposes, program and standards of Ameri­ can secondary schools; counseling and guidance programs; ex­ perimental projects among southern high schools; secondary schools in relation to the war effort. 203 Teaching in the Elementary School (3) New conceptions of the aims and programs of the elementary school; the aims, materials, and pupil activities in reading in­ struction; language skills, spelling and writing; teaching arith­ metic. First and summer semesters. 204 Teaching in the Elementary School (3) Teaching the social studies, nature and science; creating and evaluating teaching units for the various grades; the activity pro­ gram of the school; fundamentals of classroom management. Second and summer semesters.

105 205r Observation and Practice Teaching in the Elemen­ tary School (4-6) Students are assigned to a classroom in the Clara Carpenter Training School; must be taking or have completed Education 203, 204. 301 A. Teaching Secondary School English (3) B. Teaching Secondary School Foreign Language (3) C. Teaching Secondary School Mathematics (3) D. Teaching Secondary School Science (3) E. Teaching Secondary School Social Studies (3) F. Teaching Secondary School Art (2-3) G. Teaching Secondary School Music (2-3) H. Teaching Secondary School Physical Education (3) Following a preliminary survey of major theories and prac­ tices of instruction in American secondary schools, each student will give major attention to the aims, materials, teaching methods, and testing procedures for his own chosen teaching field, and its relation to the whole program of the school. Parallel registration of a minimum of two and a maximum of four semester hours in practice teaching is required for regis­ tration in special methods courses. 303r A. Practice Teaching in Secondary School English (2-4) B. Practice Teaching in Secondary School Foreign Language (2-4) C. Practice Teaching in Secondary School Mathe­ matics (2-4) D. Practice Teaching in Secondary School Science (2-4) E. Practice Teaching in Secondary School Social Studies (2-4) F. Practice Teaching in Secondary School Art (2-4) G. Practice Teaching in Secondary School Music (2-4)• H. Practice Teaching in Secondary School Physical Education (2-4)

106 At least two semester hours must be taken in connection with Education 301. Students serve in an apprentice capacity to the extent of thirty class periods for each semester hour of credit, including one required conference hour each week. 304 Secondary School Organization and Administration (3) A study of efficient practices in organizing, administering and supervising the use of equipment, records, and teaching personnel to achieve the goals of a modern junior or senior high school. 306 Education and Psychological Measurements (2-3) An introduction to modern practices and techniques to evaluate and measure abilities and the outcomes of instruction. 310r Curriculum Construction (2) For advanced students and teachers in service who are working on organization of instructional materials in their respective teach­ ing fields. 410 Advanced Principles of Education (2) A reading and discussion course for students majoring in Education. Open by permission to other advanced students or ex­ perienced teachers. Engineering Major: For a B.S. degree a minimum of 30 semester hours in advanced Technical subjects is required. See page 74 for Freshman and Sophomore requirements. Minor concentrations in specialized fields may be worked out in consultation with the Dean and Department head. Elementary Engineering 101, 102 Engineering Drawing (2-3, 2-3) Instruction is given in the use of instruments, drafting tech­ nique, lettering, and dimensions, including the theory of ortho­ graphic, isometric, and oblique projections, simple sections, and auxiliary views. The second semester covers advanced projections and machine, topographic, and perspective drawing. Ill, 112 Machine Tool Laboratory (2, 2) The use of hand tools, plain and precision measuring and checking devices, and operation of the lathe, shaper, milling and drilling machines. The study of measurement, tools, machines and other related shop theory.

107 The second semester extends the study and practice to cover tools used in woodworking, sheet metal forming, welding, pipe bending and forge shop. 121 Elementary Surveying (3) This course is designed as a basic course for all Engineering students and a first semester course for Civils. Instruction is given in the theory and use of the tape, level, compass and transit and their applications to field problems. The theory of stadia, ad­ justments of instruments, and methods of locating details are also included. 122 Plane Surveying (3) The second semester is a continuation of 121 and also includes land area problems, fundamental principles of topographic map­ ping, cross-sections, simple curves, basic map projections, and methods of plotting. 201, 202 Descriptive Geometry (3, 2) An elementary study of the point, line and plane with problems solved graphically. Second semester—curved surfaces and their intersections with planes and other curved surfaces. Development of surfaces; shades and shadows. 203x Engineering Problems (2) Methods of analysis and solution of selected elementary en­ gineering problems, with emphasis on systematic procedure and accuracy in the making and checking of computations; use of charts and tables. A study of the nature of various branches of the engineering profession, through lecture, discussion, and read­ ing. 204 Mechanics {Statics) (3) Fundamental definitions and the concept of static equilibrium; applications to solution of trusses and frames; systems of forces and couples; centers of gravity, centroids and moment of inertia. 205 Manufacturing Processes (3) Construction and principles of operation of machines and equipment typically found in various manufacturing industries. Machines and equipment classified as to their function and ex­ amined as to their mechanical features and economic considera­ tions.

108 206 Safety Engineering (2) Methods and techniques developed for reducing and preventing accidents in industry. Safety Engineering history. Analyzing causes of accidents. Plant inspection. Guarding of equipment. Accident records and reports. First Aid and Industrial Health. Advanced Engineering 301 Kinematics & Kinetics (4) Rectilinear, curvilinear, and rotary motion. D'Alembert's principle; principle of work and energy; impulse and momentum; impact; belts, chains, and toothed gearing. Plain and epicyclic gear trains. Study of tooth forms, action and generations. Bevel and worm combinations. Helical gearing. 302 Fundamentals of Machine Design (3) Analysis of Mechanisms. Computations of proportions of ma­ chine elements under practical office conditions. Study of charac­ ter of materials and processes. Fastenings, gearing and shafting. 303 Hydraulics (3) Fundamental properties of fluids with special attention to water. Theory and laboratory study of hydrostatics, Bernoulli's theorum, and the measurement of flow by orifices, weirs and meters. Streamline and turbulent flow in pipes and pipe systems. 304 Thermodynamics (3) A mathematical study of the principles of thermodynamics with special reference to the properties of gases and vapors used in various heat engines and other processes with specific applica­ tions thereto. 305, 306 Electrical Engineering (4, 4) Elementary theory of direct and alternating circuits and machinery. Direct current generator—e.m.f., commutation, paral­ lel operation, etc. Transformers, polyphase and single phase mo­ tors, synchronous motors, alternators and convertors. Three hours class and one laboratory or computing period. 307 Materials of Engineering (2) Selection and use of materials for engineering purposes. Inves­ tigation of the functional and manufacturing characteristics of structural and nonstructural materials. Specifications. 401 Strength of Materials (3) Stress and strain; direct and shearing stresses; torsion and bending. Problems in design of riveted and welded joints, short

109 columns, tension members, shafts and beams. Deflection and statically indeterminate beams; theorum of three moments; theory of columns and column formulas. 402 Design of Framed Structures (3) Selection of rolled beams; design of plate girders; design of compression and tension members. Typical detailing problems and elements of estimating. 403 Electron Tubes and Circuits (3) A study of thermionic emission, diodes, multipurpose tubes, static characteristics, dynamic characteristics, rectification, ampli­ fier circuits, oscillators, glow and arc discharge tubes. 404 Highways and Routes (3) Basic theories involved in determining width, alignment, grades, and capacity of highways and other routings. Study of intersections, drainage, erosion control, and roadside development. Cross-sectional design studies. 405 Technical Public Speaking (2) A course including the fundamental principles of extempora­ neous speaking and the principles of verbal reports based on notes, an outline and a full draft. 406 Technical Report Writing (2) Acceptable procedures and practices in the preparation of engi­ neering reports. Definition of the project; scope, extent and lim­ itations. Preparation of bibliography. Organization of the report. Letter of transmittal.

English Major: In English literature, 26 semester hours in advance of English 101, 102, including courses 203, 204, 305, 307, 310 or 314, 311, 312, and six hours elected from other courses. Major in American literature, 26 hours in advance of English 101, 102, including courses 203, 204, 305, 307, 310 or 314, 321, 322, 323, and 324. Students who expect to major in English are advised and urged to complete 4 years of high school Latin or the equivalent thereof in college. This should be done before the college junior year, if possible. English 101 and 102 are prerequisite to all other courses within the department; English 203 and 204 are prerequisite to all litera­ ture courses.

110 101, 102 Freshman English (3, 3) Composition of varied types of themes. Practice in reading and speaking. Discussion of correctness and effectiveness in written and spoken English. Reading and discussion of selected literary masterpieces. Required of all freshmen. 110 Business English (3) See Commerce 102. 203, 204 World Literature (3, 3) Study of selected masterpieces of world literature. Required for all degrees. 228 Children's Literature (2) A survey and evaluation of some of the best children's litera­ ture, with special attention to literature for pre-school and ele­ mentary school years. 231 News Writing (2) Introductory study of news writing, copy reading, and news­ paper practice. 232 News Writing (2) Advanced and more specialized journalistic practice. Head­ lines, make-up, editorials, magazine features. 241, 242 Creative Writing (2, 2) For those who have shown special aptitude for writing and who wish more training and practice. Enrollment limited to stu­ dents approved by the instructor. 305 The Development of Modern English (2) An introduction to the historical study of the English language. Emphasis on Modern American English. Some study of Old and Middle English. 307 Classical and Medieval Backgrounds of Modern Literature (3) The great classical and medieval writers and critics who have influenced the course of literature. Readings in English transla­ tion from Homer, Aristotle, the Greek and Roman dramatists, the medieval epics and romances. 310 Chaucer and Spenser (3) Middle English poetry represented by Chaucer; Renaissance English poetry centered around Spenser. (1947 and alternate years.)

Ill 311, 312 English Drama, including Shakespeare (3, 3) English drama from its origin to the close of the nineteenth century.

314 Milton (3) All of Milton's English poetry and some of his prose. (1948 and alternate years.) 315, 316 The Eighteenth Century (3, 3) The principal writers of the Age of Pope, the Age of Johnson, and the beginning of Romanticism. 317 The Romantic Period (3) Poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats. Es­ says by Lamb, Coleridge, Hazlitt. 318 The Victorian Period (3) Poetry by Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Rossetti, Morris, Swin­ burne. Essays by Macaulay, Arnold, Carlyle, Newman, Ruskin, Huxley, Pater, Stevenson. 319, 320 Contemporary Literature (2, 2) Reading, lectures, and discussion intended to arouse curiosity in the student's mind about the writers and literature of his own time. 321, 322 Survey of American Literature (3, 3) 323, 324 American Novel and Poetry (3, 3) 325, 32S Special Topics in American Literature (2-3, 2-3) A reading course with emphasis in a special field, as drama, or in a period, as the 1350's. 327, 328 The English Novel (3, 3) Development of the English novel from the Eighteenth century to the present time. 329, 330 Thesis Writing (1, 1) Individual conference once a week. The course is designed to assist students writing theses or semesier papers. 351 Modern Drama (2) Plays by great modern dramatists of England and America. Reading of a few modern Continental plays.

112 401-2 Senior Reading Course (4) Intended to acquaint students with fields of knowledge not in­ cluded in their formal course of study, to bring them into contact with books written for purposes of general reading (by which their education will be continued), and through a selected list of readings to correlate the areas of knowledge. Geology and Geography Major: In Geology, 25 semester hours; in Geography, 25 semes­ ter hours. Students planning to enter the geological profession should have at least one year of chemistry, trigonometry, and, depending upon the field of geology they intend to enter, biology or physics. Geology 101-2 is a prerequisite to all other geology courses. Geology 101-2 Dynamic and Historical Geology (8) The topographic form of the earth's surface and the natural forces which have produced it; the history and structure of the earth and the record of life in the geologic past. Laboratory and local field trips. 201 Mineralogy (3) Crystallography, blowpipe analysis, and methods of determina­ tion of minerals. Laboratory. (1947-48 and alternate years.) 202 Economic Geology (3) The occurrence and production of the economic minerals of the world. (1946-47 and alternate years.) 203 Invertebrate Paleontology (3) The origin, development and geologic history of fossil inverte­ brate groups and their relationships to living forms. Laboratory. (1946-47 and alternate years.) 204 Stratigraphy of North America (3) The sedimentary succession in North America and the index fossils of the strata. Field trips. (1947-48 and alternate years.) 301 Structural Geology (3) Geologic field methods, and study of the visible effects of rock deformation. (Offered on demand.) 302 Advanced General Geology (3) Laboratory techniques in the study of rocks and sediments. Interpretation of geologic maps. Reading in theoretical geology. (Offered on demand.)

113 Geography 101 Human Geography (3) The adaptation man has made to the climate, soils, flora and fauna of the respective areas of the world in which he lives. 102 Physical Geography (3) The physiographic regions of the world, their geologic struc­ ture, and the effect upon man. Introduction to climatology, meteorology and mapping. 201 Economic Geography (3) A study of word commodities, their production, marketing and consumption. (In alternate years with 203.) 202 Caribbean America (3) The economic and political aspects of the countries and islands of the Caribbean Sea region, with a comprehensive study of their past, present and future. (In alternate years with 204.) 203 Geography of South America (3) An investigative study of the continent of South America, its people, industries and activities, and its place in the world. (In alternate years with 201.) 204 Geography of North America (3) The people, their activities and industries of the North Ameri­ can continent. Based upon the natural regions, cutting across all other boundaries. (In alternate years with 202.) 301 Political Geography (3) World geopolitics, with emphasis upon the major nations and their geographic thinking. (In alternate years with 303.) 302 Geography of the Pacific (3) A study of the countries immediately bordering the Pacific Ocean, and their world outlook as influenced by that ocean. Also a comprehensive study of Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia. (In alternate years with 304.) 303 Climatology (2) The why and wherefore of weather and climate. (In alternate years with 301.) 304 Land Utilization and Soil Geography (2) A study showing man's dependency upon the soil and how soil types have influenced his life.

114 307 Regional Resources (2) A study of the natural resources of the United States and their conservation, with emphasis on the State of Tennessee and adjoin­ ing territory. History Major: 24 semester hours. For a combined major in history and political science, 27 semester hours approved by the heads of both departments. Credit of not more than six hours toward a major in history may be accepted for Political Science courses 301, 302, 304. 101-2 History of Civilization (6) A general survey of the peoples, cultures and civilizations, both oriental and occidental, from ancient times to the present. Ideas; economic, political and religious institutions; technological changes; artistic achievements and social developments. Credit is given only upon completion of the course unless justi­ fiable exception is made by the head of the department. 151, 152 Greek History (2, 2) A general course in Greek history from the Homeric age to the age of Alexander the Great. 153, 154 Roman History (2, 2) A general course designed to afford an introduction to many phases of Roman civilization. The first semester is devoted to the Republic and the second to the Empire. 203, 204 United States History (3, 3) A survey of American history. Brief review of early colonial period; more intensive study beginning with 1763. Special atten­ tion given to national leaders, their ideas and contributions, as well as to the main currents and developments in American life. 207 European Expansion and Colonial America (3) A study of the expansion of European peoples, and their civ­ ilization, to the Western hemisphere. Emphasis given to the British North American colonies—their political, social and eco­ nomic development under imperial control and frontier environ­ ment. 208 Twentieth Century American History (3) A closer study than is possible in course 204 of the last two generations, with emphasis upon social developments and cultural phenomena.


L 221, 222 Medieval and Renaissance Europe (3, 3) The rise of Christian civilization; the break-up of the Roman Empire by the Germanic invaders; formation of new states; feudalism; the Crusades; the great personalities and their con­ tributions; and Renaissance civilization to about 1500. 233 Economic History of Europe (3) The economic development of the major European countries in modern times with emphasis placed upon the history of agri­ culture, manufacturing, commerce, finance, transportation, and marketing. Attention also given to the economic relationship of these developments to society, politics, and thought. 234 History of the American Frontier (3) Westward expansion and the conquest of the continent from colonial days to the disappearance of the frontier with emphasis on the influence of the frontier upon American life. 308 Disunion and Reconstruction (3) A special study of the Old South and the causes of the War Between the States; the leaders and the chief political, military and economic developments from the Compromise of 1850 to the removal of the Federal troops from the reconstructed Southern States. 311 The French Revolution and Napoleon (3) The Old Regime and its critics, reform, revolution, interna­ tional war, the Napoleonic regime and European readjustments to 1815. 313 European History 1815 to 1914 (3) A comprehensive study of internal developments and interna­ tional relations and issues. Will include domestic, political, eco­ nomic, social, and cultural trends, the policies of imperialism and diplomatic relations. 314 Contemporary World History since 1919 (3) National problems and policies, and international crises be­ tween two world wars; emergence of non-democratic ideologies and leaders; world, peace efforts; the second World War (Political Science 301 may be substituted for this course.) 317, 318 History of American Foreign Relations (3, 3) The foreign policies of the United States from the Revolution to the present, with the background that gave rise to them. Public opinion on international questions as well as the attitudes of the Presidents and Secretaries of State.

116 323, 324 History of England and the British Empire (3, 3) Medieval and early modern England from Saxons to Stuarts in the first term, with emphasis upon constitutional developments and the growth of English institutions; second term, the growth of empire and democracy from the 17th to 20th century. 429, 430 Special Studies and Problems in History (2, 3) A finishing course for seniors majoring in history. Historical criticism. Study of historical problems of a controversial nature, and exercises in review and orientation designed to fill the gaps in the student's general historical knowledge. Home Economics Major: In homemaking, 38 semester hours. Consult with tht head of the department or the Dean for details. Certificate in Homemaking: 27 semester hours. See page 83 This department provides: 1. A non-professional major in general home economics. 2. Foundation courses so that students who wish to specialize may transfer to some other institution with no loss of time or credit. 3. Necessary courses in clothing, foods, and related subjects to allow women majoring in othei fields to secure some training in homemaking. 101 Applied Design (3) The elements of art and the principles covering their use studied through an analysis of everyday objects such as clothing and dress, accessories, buildings, interiors, and household objects. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 2 hours weekly. (Same as Art 103.) 102 Elementary Costume Design (3) The art principles underlying dress and costume design as an aid to the selection of garments; dress in relation to personality development, dress for occasion with regard to the financial con­ dition of the consumer. Lecture 1 hour and laboratory 4 hours weekly. Prerequisite, Art 101. (Same as Art 104.) 103 Clothing Selection (3) The clothing problems of the freshman student; personal grooming, selection of appropriate clothing, clothing costs and care of clothing. Lecture 3 hours. 104 Elementary Clothing Construction (3) Principles of selection and construction applied to simple gar­ ments. Study of commercial patterns, fitting, use and care of sewing machine. Six hours laboratory weekly.

117 105 Elementary Nutrition (3) The principles of nutrition; the relation of food selection to health. Three hours weekly. 106 Elementary Meal Preparation and Table Service (3) Principles of cookery; the planning and serving of meals in the home. Lecture 1 hour and laboratory 4 hours weekly. 202 Child Psychology (3) {Same as Psychology 202) The behavior and development of young children. Problems of heredity and environment, habit formation, language, mental and social development. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite, Psychology 201. 201 Advanced Meal Preparation (3) Meal preparation, methods of table service for all occasions, marketing, and cost of meals. Lecture 1 hour and laboratory 4 hours weekly. Prerequisite, Home Economics 106. 204 Home Nursing and Health of the Family (3) Simple procedure in nursing the sick; prevention of illness. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 2 hours weekly. 301 Child Development (3) Study of the development and training of the young child. Observation and participation in direction of children in the Nursery School. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 2 hours weekly. 302 Advanced Clothing (3) Planned to give additional experience in clothing construction, in fitting and in pattern alteration. 6 hours laboratory weekly. 304 Home Management (3) Managerial problems of the various aspects of family living such as: housing, feeding, and clothing of the family, furnishing and equipping the home, operating the household, maintaining health and providing recreation. Lecture 3 hours weekly. 401 Seminar (1-2) Integration of the different phases of homemaking; study of recent developments in the field; preparation for comprehensive examination. For homemaking majors only. Mathematics Major: 18 semester hours in advance of Mathematics 151-2. A Mathematics Placement Test is given to entering students who desire to continue the study of mathematics in college. Those

118 who fail this test are eligible only for Mathematics 100. Before admission to any course other than Mathematics 111, a student must pass either the Placement Test or Mathematics 100. 100 Algebra (3) A review of first year algebra, ratio and proportion, variation, exponents, radicals; quadratic equations. No credit will be given to those students who enter with more than one unit of high school algebra. lOlx Trigonometry (3) Plane trigonometry, including identities, the sums and differ­ ences of angles, multiple angles, inverse functions, equations, right and oblique triangles, etc. Prerequisite, two units of high school algebra or Mathematics 100, and Plane Geometry. 103x College Algebra (3) Progressions, inequalities, binomial theorem, complex numbers, theory of equations, permutations and combinations, probability, logarithms. Prerequisite, 1% units of high school algebra or Mathematics 100. 106 Analytic Geometry (3) The straight line; circle and conic sections; a few higher plane curves. Prerequisite, Mathematics 101. lllx Arithmetic and Business Mathematics (3) See Commerce lOlx. 151-2 Mathematics for Engineers (10) A course for freshmen engineers; includes algebra, trigo­ nometry and analytic geometry. Prerequisite, two units of high school algebra or Mathematics 100, and Plane Geometry. 201-2 Calculus (6) Differentiation and integration of functions with applications to geometry and physics. Prerequisite, Mathematics 101, 106. 203x College Geometry (3) The notable lines, points, and circles associated with the plane triangle; the geometry of circles and systems of circles. Prerequisite, one year of college mathematics. 301 Second Course in Calculus (3) Partial differentiation, definite and multiple integrals, series expansions, and other selected topics. Prerequisite, Mathematics 201-2.

119 302 Differential Equations (3) Ordinary differential equations with applications to geometry and physics. Prerequisite, Mathematics 201-2. 303 Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions (3) Coordinate systems of space, the plane, the line, the quadric surfaces, the theory of space curves and surfaces. Prerequisite, Mathematics 106 and 201-2. 304 Theory of Equations (3) Methods of solution of equations of one unknown. Prerequi­ site, Mathematics 201-2. 306 Vector Analysis (3) Fundamentals of the algebra and calculus of vectors with applications to geometry and physics. Prerequisite, Mathematics 201-2. 309 Topics in the History of Mathematics (1) Required of those majoring in mathematics. Modern Languages Major: In either French or Spanish, 22 semester hours beyond Course 101-2. (Students will be admitted to courses above 103-4 only after consultation with the head of the department.) In Ger­ man, a major may be arranged by consultation with the head of the department. Students who expect to major in a modern language are ad­ vised and urged to complete four years of high school Latin, or the equivalent thereof in the University. This should be done before the college junior year, if possible. For area majors in Romance Languages or European Culture detailed outlines may be ob­ tained on request.

French 101-2 Elementary French (6 or 8) The essential points in grammar, practice in reading, composi­ tion and pronunciation. 103, 104 Intermediate French (3, 3) Rapid review of grammar, irregular verbs and reading of French short stories and plays. Two years high school credit is accepted as prerequisite in lieu of French 101-2.


Class in Fencing

Wrestling Practice &

105, 106 Elementary Composition and Conversation (1,1) For those wishing a practical knowledge of French other than merely a reading knowledge. May be taken with or without French 103-4. Prerequisite, French 101-2 or 2 years of high school French. 201 General Survey—Seventeenth Century (3) Selections from poets, critics, and moralists of the age, with especial attention to drama (Corneille, Racine, Moliere). 202 General Survey—18th and 19th Centuries (3) Reading of selected texts, study of the literary movements: the decline of Classicism, the French Revolution, Romanticism, Nat­ uralism, and contemporary thought. Correlation of political and social background with literary movements. 203, 204 Advanced Composition and Conversation (2, 2) May be taken with or without French 201, or more advanced courses. Required of all majors in the department; optional for others. Prerequisite, French 103-4, or equivalent. 301 French Romantic Drama (3) Selected plays illustrating important movements in the French theatre from Hugo and Romanticism, through the realism of Augier and Dumas. (1947-48 and alternate years.) 302 Modern French Drama (3) This course will complete French 301 by a study of the Theatre Libre and of recent dramatists, such as Curel, Brieux and Hervieu. (1947-48 and alternate years.) 303 The French Romantic Novel (3) The evolution of the modern novel during the first half of the Nineteenth century, beginning with Chateaubriand, through Hugo, Vigny, Stendhal, Merimee and George Sand, to the realism of Balzac. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 304 The Modern French Novel (3) Selected novels from the leaders of the French Naturalists, Flaubert, Zola, Daudet and Maupassant; contemporary novelists such as Anatole France, Pierre Loti, Bourget and Romain Rolland. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 305 Le Dix-huitieme Siecle (2-3) Lectures, reports and class discussion conducted in French.

123 306 La Poesie Moderne en France (2-3) Methods the same as for French 305. 307 Les Comedies de Moliere (2-3) Lectures and reports and class discussion conducted in French. 308 Litterature Contemporaine {fiction) (2-3) The reading of French fiction of the last quarter century. Either concentration upon one or two outstanding figures, or rapid survey of the output of the whole period, according to the prefer­ ence of the class. 310 Litterature Contemporaine {drama) (2-3) The reading of French drama of the last quarter century. Either concentration upon one or two outstanding figures, or rapid survey of the output of the whole period, according to the prefer­ ence of the class. 401-2 Honors course (2-3) For French majors who are candidates for graduation with honors. German 101-2 Elementary German (6 or 8) The fundamentals of German grammar; pronunciation; prac­ tice in reading. 103, 104 Intermediate German (3, 3) Grammar review. Reading of short stories and classical dramas, 105, 106 Composition and Conversation (1,1) 205, 206 Advanced German (3, 3) Reading of outstanding literary texts, selected and arranged for the student's orientation in German literatutre. 207, 208 Das deutsche Drama des 19 Jahrhunderts (2, 2) A study of representative dramas from Tieck to Gerhard Hauptman. 209, 210 Survey of German Literature (3, 3) 307, 308 Faust (2, 2) Linguistics 301, 302 Germanic Philology (2, 2) Earliest history of the English and German languages. Read­ ing in Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse, and Old High German. An

124 initiation to the science of philology designed to give students majoring in either English or German a more solid foundation. 303, 304 Romance Philology (2, 2), The origins of Italian, French, Spanish. Readings in Old French, Provencal, and early Spanish.

Spanish 101-2 Elementary Spanish (6 or 8) The fundamentals of Spanish grammar. Drill in pronunciation; reading and dictation in Spanish and practice in translation; col­ loquial exercises; memorizing of short selections. 103, 104 Intermediate Spanish (3, 3) Reading of texts such as Cuentos de Espana y de America and others that will give the student a general idea of the life and lit­ erature of the Spanish-speaking countries. Two years high school credit is accepted as prerequisite in lieu of Spanish 101-2. 105, 106 Elementary Composition and Conversation (2, 2) Special opportunity for conversation, composition and the acquisition of a practical vocabulary. May be taken with or with­ out Spanish 103-4. Prerequisite, Spanish 101-2 or 2 years of high school Spanish. 201 General Survey (3) Spanish literature from the earliest times through the Golden Age, with especial attention to the rise of the drama, the picar­ esque novel, Don Quixote and other works representative of the nation's thought and ideals of the age. 202 General Survey (3) Spanish literature during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth cen­ turies and to the present; Romantic movement and lyric poetry. 203, 204 Spanish Conversation (2, 2) Minimum prerequisite, Spanish 103-4 or the equivalent. 301 La Novela Del Siglo XIX (3) The novelist trends of the century in Spanish literature based on the lives and works of novelists such as Fernan Caballero, Juan Valera, Pedro Antonio de Alarcon, Jose Maria de Pereda, Benito Perez Galdos, and the Condesa Emilia Pardo Bazan. Conducted in Spanish. (1947-48 and alternate years.)

125 302 La Novela Contempordnea (3) The contemporary fiction of Spain as represented by Valle- Inclan, Concha Espina, Baroja, Unamuno, Perez de Ayala, Azorin, and others. Conducted in Spanish. (1947-48 and alternate years.) 303, 304 El Teatro Contempordneo (2-3, 2-3) The lives and works of contemporary dramatists such as Mar­ tinez Sierra, Linares Rivas, Los Hermanos Quintero, Marquina and Benavente. Conducted in Spanish. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 305, 306 Commercial Spanish (3, 3) Practical study of the language for business purposes, with attention to the geography, economics and mechanisms of trade in Spanish-speaking countries. Letter writing and newspapers. 307, 308 Survey of Spanish American Literature (3-4, 3-4) The trends in the making of Spanish-American literature, with a critical discussion of its most representative figures. 401, 402 El Teatro Cldsico (3, 3) The rise of the Spanish Theater and its culmination during the Golden Age; Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, Calderon, Juan Ruiz de Alarcon and others. Conducted in Spanish. 403-4 Honors Course Hours and credit arranged with the department head.

Music (Programs leading to the degrees Bachelor of Music and Master of Music are outlined on pages 76-78. The following explanation refers only to the B.A. degree with a major in music.) Major: IN THEORY AND HISTORY OF MUSIC, 32 semester hours, including Music 103-4, 105-6, 203-4, 205-6, 311, 312, 313, 314; IN APPLIED MUSIC (piano, organ, violin, 'cello, voice), 2 private lessons of 30 minutes per week in a single applied field with 8 hours practice per week for 8 semesters (16 semester hours credit), and Music 103-4, 105-6, 203-4, 205-6, 311, 312, 313, 314. Courses in Music Education will not be credited towards the music major on the B.A. program. Physics 211 is a requirement on all music degrees. No more than 2 hours of credit in an applied field may be earned in any one semester. In case a student transfers from the B.M. to the B.A. program, credit in applied music will be reduced to conform with this rule.


J Before registering for a music major with concentration in ap­ plied music, the student must demonstrate in an examination his fitness to pursue the work. For graduation, the requirements in applied music prescribed by the National Association of Schools of Music for the first two years of the program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Music must be completed. If a major other than piano or organ is chosen, the candidate must demonstrate sufficient pianistic ability to meet the practical requirements of the courses to be pursued. If the entrance exami­ nation shows insufficient preparation, the study of piano will be required until adequate pianistic ability has been attained. Applied music may be taken as an elective, in which case a 30-minute private lesson per week with adequate outside prepara­ tion shall constitute one semester hour credit.

Theory 101-2 Elements of Notation, Ear Training and Sight Singing (4) Designed for those taking music theory as an elective without previous experience, or for credit towards the elementary teacher's certificate. Music majors will not receive credit for this course. Two hours per week. (Prerequisite for Music 103-4 and 105-6; a thorough knowledge of major and minor scales, key-signatures, treble and bass clef and other elements of notation, plus a simple test in sight singing and melodic dictation. Students without this minimum prepara­ tion will take Music 101-2 before entering Music 103-4 and 105-6.) 103-4 Ear Training and Sight Singing I (4) Melodic dictation and sight singing of diatonic melodies and also the easier chromatic alterations in major and minor keys. Two hours per week. 105-6 Elementary Harmony (6) Review of scales and intervals. Primary and secondary triads and the dominant seventh chord in root position and inversions; tones and figuration; dictation. 203-4 Ear Training and Sight Singing II {A) Dictation and sight singing of melodies including modulations and more difficult chromatic alterations; modal melodies: complex rhythmic groups. Two hours per week. Prerequisite, Music 103-4. 205-6 Intermediate Harmony; Strict Counterpoint (6) Diatonic sevenths and ninths; the higher dominant discords;

127 suspensions; modulation. Strict counterpoint in all five species and in combined fifth species in two and three parts. Dictation. Prerequisite, Music 105-6. 207-8 Keyboard Harmony (2) The use of harmonic materials at the keyboard; a required course for Bachelor of Music students. *305-6 Advanced Harmony; Free Counterpoint (6) The chromatic harmonic resources. Free counterpoint in two and three parts. Applied technique in accompaniment writing, variation, invention, polyphonic dance forms, and chorale prelude. Dictation. Prerequisite, Music 205-6. *307-8 Elements of Composition and Orchestration (6) Binary and ternary instrumental forms, art songs, choral set­ tings. Scoring for strings, woodwinds, brasses, small orchestra and band. Piano transcriptions from orchestral scores. (Graduate credit for voice, violin, 'cello, and school music majors.) Prerequi­ site, Music 205-6. *309-10 Conducting (4) Technique of the baton; score reading; problems in orchestral and choral conducting. For music majors, others by permission. *401-2 Advanced Composition and Orchestration (10) The sonata and rondo forms; invertible counterpoint, canon fugue; advanced problems in orchestration. For B.M. seniors with major in theory and history of music. (Graduate credit, 6 hours, for piano and organ majors.) Prerequisite, Music 305-6 and 307-8. 403-4 Graduate Seminar in Composition and Orchestra­ tion (10) For graduate students majoring in theory and history of music. Prerequisite, Music 401-2.

History and Literature lllx Music Survey (2) An introductory course designed to acquaint the student with the principal styles of music. Extensive use of phonograph record­ ings throughout the semester. Not credited towards the music i major.

^May be taken for graduate credit.

128 311 History of Music and Musical Forms I (2) The contributions of classic antiquity; the medieval and renais­ sance periods (from pre-Christian times to 1600). Special empha­ sis on vocal monody and polyphony. For music majors, others by permission. (1949-50 and alternate years.) 312 History of Music and Musical Forms II (2) The music of the baroque period (1600-1750). Special emphasis on instrumental polyphony and the major works of Bach and Handel. For music majors, others by permission. (1949-50 and alternate years.) 313 History of Music and Musical Forms III (2) The Viennese classic period (1750-1827). Special emphasis on the classic sonata form and the major works of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. For music majors, others by permission. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 314 History of Music and Musical Forms IV {2) The music of the romantic period and of modern times (from 1800 to the present day). For music majors, others by permission. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 411, 412 Graduate Seminar in Music History (3, 3) Group discussions and presentation of papers on individual investigation.

Group Music No more than 8 ungraded credits in Band, Choir, or Orchestra and Physical Education will be accepted toward fulfilling the re­ quirements for any degree. lxr University Choir {1) Open to University students after passing audition. Regular attendance is required at designated chapel periods and public per­ formances by the choir. Choir membership is obligatory for regu­ lar students who are B.A. or B.M. voice majors for the entire length of their residence. Two hours per week. 3xr University Band (1) Open to University students with sufficient technical ability. Regular attendance at football games and public performances by the band is required. Two hours per week.

129 5xr University Orchestra (1) Open to University students with sufficient technical ability. Regular attendance at public performances by the orchestra is re­ quired. Two hours per week. Music Education 221 String Class (2) Methods and procedures of class teaching of string instru­ ments; foundation principles of playing, tuning and stringing the violin; ensemble playing. (1947-48 and alternate years.) 222 Woodwind Class (2) Methods and procedures of class teaching of woodwind instru­ ments; fundamental principles of playing the clarinet; tuning and care of instruments; ensemble playing. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 223 Brass and Percussion Class (2) Methods and procedures of class teaching of brass and per­ cussion instruments; techniques of playing the trumpet and trom­ bone; ensemble playing. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 321 The Teaching of Music in Elementary Schools (2) Suggested content for the music program of the elementary school; desirable objectives for various grade levels and specific procedures for their attainment. (1947-48 and alternate years.) The Teaching of Music in Secondary Schools (2) Register for Education 301 (g) The application of principles of education to the music cur­ ricula of the junior and senior high school; classification of voices; problems involved in the organization, administration, and develop­ ment of vocal and instrumental groups; choice of suitable mate­ rials. (1948-49 and alternate years.) The Teaching of Instrumental Music (2) Register for Education 323 Methods and materials for class instruction in instruments; problems of organization and management of the school band and orchestra. (1947-48 and alternate years.) 324 Classroom Techniques for Music Teaching (2) Each member of the class must demonstrate ability to conduct activities that are necessary for successful teaching in the elemen­ tary grades; presenting and directing of rote songs; directing rhythmic activity; teaching the basic problems that lead to de­ velopment of music reading.

130 325, 326 Practice Teaching (4) Mastery of subject matter and method through practice in the presentation and development of problems occurring in the teach­ ing of music at elementary and secondary school levels. Conservatory Coursest 132 Italian Diction (2) Lessons in pronunciation for singers, with special reference to voice repertoire. Required of voice majors in the B.M. program. 231xr Ensemble (1) Supervised study in the playing of chamber and other ensemble music. Required of piano and string majors in the B.M. program. 332 Piano Methods and Literature (2) Technical principles in teaching piano. Study materials, his­ tory and literature of the piano; survey of great pianists and pedagogues. Required of piano majors in the B.M. program. (1948- 49 and alternate years.) Philosophy Major: For a combined major in philosophy and religion, 24 hours selected with the advice and consent of the instructors of the departments. 201 Introduction to Philosophy (3) The leading problems of philosophy and representative solu­ tions. Designed to stimulate philosophic thinking and to train the student in the use of philosophical terminology. 202 Ethics (3) The leading theories of the moral life; modern social institu­ tions in their bearing on the moral life. 203 Logic (3) The process of reflection; the nature of formal reasoning; the laws of valid and consistent thinking. 204 Philosophy of Religion (3) See Religion 204. 205, 206 Survey in Philosophy and Religion (3, 3) A study of the development of religion and of philosophy and their interrelationships in the Western World from ancient times to the present. tFees for these courses are listed on page 52. 131 303, 304 History of Philosophy (3, 3) The history of philosophy from its rise in ancient Greece to the 20th century. 401 Contemporary Trends in Philosophy (2) For majors in philosophy and religion. Physical Education and Health Major: 30 semester hours (for requirements see page 73.) Theory Courses For Men and Women 100 Living (2) Principles of effective personal hygiene. This course is pre­ requisite for all Physical Education and Health courses. Ill Plays and Games for Elementary Schools (2) Conditioning exercises, stunts and tumbling, story plays and mimetics, singing games and rhythmic activities for elementary schools. (Requirement for elementary school certificate.) 118 Senior Life Saving (1) The Standard Red Cross certificate will be issued to those com­ pleting the required work. ($5.00 laboratory fee, Y.M.C.A.) 154 Safety Education and First Aid (2) Study of accidents, their cause and nature. Safety measures for the prevention of common accidents of the home, school, in­ dustry, transportation, and recreation. The Standard First Aid Certificate will be issued to those completing the required work in first aid. 201 History and Principles of Physical Education (2) The origin, development and objective of Physical Education in our present educational system. 202 Health Instruction Content and Method (2) Curriculum organization and instruction of Health Education for the elementary and secondary school. 203 Health Examination and Follow-Up (2) Teacher's function in aiding with the medical examination. Prompt detection and control of communicable diseases. The pre­ scribing of exercises for the handicapped and remediable defects. 204 Camp and Outing Leadership (3) To acquaint the student with the function of the summer camp as an educational agency. Leadership, organization, problems, and programs in camping.

132 * Methods and Curriculum in Physical Education (3) The program in Physical Education for the elementary, junior high, and senior high school. Each student will formulate a cur­ riculum for the type of school in which he plans to teach. 302 Organization and Administration of Physical Educa­ tion (3) A study of the problems involved in the organization and ad­ ministration of curricular, extra-curricular activities, and care of facilities and equipment. 400r Problems in Physical Education and Health (2, 2) Round table discussion and conferences to correlate the con­ tent of the student's various courses and fill in gaps where his training is lacking. Activity Courses For Men M 101 Football, Basketball (3) Study of fundamental skills, theory, rules and technique of football and basketball. Lecture and laboratory 5 hours weekly. M 102 Boxing, Wrestling, Baseball, Track and Field (3) The rules, skills, technique, and strategy of boxing, wrestling, and baseball. The technique of performing track and field events and the organization of meets. Lecture and laboratory 5 hours weekly. M 103 Recreational and Social Activities, Folk Dancing, Conditioning Exercises, Outdoor and Indoor Sports (3) Participation in folk, country, clog, tap, and ballroom dancing, party games, and social activities. Calisthenics, marching, and additional exercises for the development of strength, co-ordination, and general conditioning of the body. Skills, rules and technique of soccer, speedball, touch football, volleyball, and other outdoor and indoor organized sports. Lecture and laboratory 5 hours weekly. M 104 Swimming, Badminton, Fencing, Gymnastics, Soft­ ball, Tennis, Golf and Archery (3) The technique of various swimming strokes and diving. Per­ formance and understanding of tumbling and apparatus stunts. Rules, skills, technique, and appreciation of badminton, fencing, Softball, tennis, golf and archery. Lecture and laboratory 5 hours weekly. ($2.50 laboratory fee, Y.M.C.A.)

"Register for Education 301-H. 133 Activity Courses For Women W 121 Field Hockey, Soccer, Speedball, Basketball, and Volleyball (3) Study of fundamental skills, theory, rules, and practice of team sports for women. Lecture and laboratory 5 hours weekly. W 122 Badminton, Tennis, Golf, and Archery (3) Rules, skills, technique and appreciation of badminton, tennis, golf, archery and other recreational sports. Lecture and laboratory 5 hours weekly. W 123 Recreational and Social Activities, Folk Dancing, Tumbling and Stunts (3) Participation in folk dancing, country, tap, and ballroom danc­ ing, and party games. Performing and understanding tumbling, stunts and apparatus exercise. Lecture and laboratory 5 hours weekly. W 124 Modern Dance, Conditioning Exercises, and Swimming (3) Studies in the elements of the modern dance. Calisthenics, marching and additional exercises for the development of strength, co-ordination, and general conditioning of the body. Teaching of various swimming strokes and diving. Lecture and laboratory 5 hours weekly. ($2.50 laboratory fee, Y.M.C.A.) Required Physical Education Four semesters. Required of all students entering the Univer­ sity for the first time, unless presenting credits for these courses. (Students majoring in Physical Education will not receive credit toward the major for these courses.) All new students are required to take a health examination. No more than one hour credit in the courses listed below will be given per semester. Students will purchase a gymnasium uni­ form which meets the department's specifications.

For Men Mlxr Adaptive .Exercises and Sports (1) M2x Fencing and Golf (1) M3xr Seasonal Sports (1) M4xr Varsity Sports (1) M5x Boxing (1) 134 M6x Wrestling (1) M8x Golf, Archery, Tennis (1) M7x Tumbling (1) For Women Wlx Adaptive Exercises and Sports (1) W2x Basketball, Softball and other team sports (1) W3x Tennis, Badminton, and Archery (1) W4xr Streamlining and Conditioning Exercises (1) W5x Tumbling and Streamlining Exercises (1) W6x Modern Dance Composition (1) W7x Dancing {Folk and Social) (1) W8x Beginning Swimming ($5.00 laboratory fee Y.W.C.A.) W9x Intermediate Swimming ($5.00 laboratory fee Y.W.C.A.) Physics Major: 24 semester hours in Physics, Chemistry 101-2, Mathe­ matics 101, 103, 106, 201-2. 101-2 General Physics (8) The essentials of mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and mag­ netism, light and modern physics. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 2 hours and recitation one hour weekly. 201-2 Electricity and Magnetism (6) The elementary theory of electric and magnetic fields and electro-magnetism, including direct and alternating currents and their applications. Laboratory includes measurements of electric circuits and the study of various electrical instruments. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 3 hours weekly. Prerequisite Physics 101-2, Mathematics, 101, 106 and registration in 201. (1947-48 and alter­ nate years.) 203-4 Optics (6) Geometrical and physical optics, including reflection, refrac­ tion, interference, diffraction and polarization. An introduction to the theory of spectra. Lecture 2 hours and laboratory 3 hours weekly. Prerequisite, Physics 101-2, Mathematics 101, 106, and reg­ istration in 201. (1948-49 and alternate years.)

135 205 Mechanics (4) The fundamentals of statics and dynamics forming a founda­ tion for advanced physics. Lectures 3 hours and laboratory 3 hours weekly. Prerequisite, Physics 101-2, Mathematics 101, 106, and registration in 201. (1947-48 and alternate years.) 206 Heat and Thermodynamics (4) Temperature measurement, expansion calorimetry, change of state, transfer of heat and an introduction to the theory of thermo­ dynamics. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory 3 hours weekly. Pre­ requisite, Physics 101-2, Mathematics 101, 106, and 201. (1947-48 and alternate years.) 207 Wave Motion and Sound (4) Simple harmonic motion and wave motion in general, reflection, refraction, interference and diffraction of sound, theory of vibrat­ ing strings and pipes, musical sounds and instruments, the acous­ tics of auditoriums. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory 3 hours week­ ly. Prerequisite Physics 101-2 and Mathematics 101, 106, and regis­ tration in 201. (Not offered 1947-48.) 208 Principles of Radio Communication (4) The fundamentals of radio communication including the theory of the vacuum tube and its application to radio. High frequency measurements and the properties of resonant circuits. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory 3 hours weekly. Prerequisite Physics 101-2, Mathematics 101, 106, and 201. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 209 Atomic Physics (3) A study of the structure of the atom including recent investi­ gations in the fields of gaseous discharge, atomic spectra and nu­ clear physics. Prerequisite, Physics 101-2, Mathematics 101, 106, and registration in 201. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 211 Sound and Music (2) A study of the physical principles underlying the production, transmission and reception of musical sounds. (1948-49 and alter­ nate years.) 301xr Advanced Physics Individual work on problems chosen from the field of physics. For majors in the department. With or without laboratory. Credit to be arranged.

136 401 Spectrographic Analysis (2) Instruction in the practical application of spectrographic analy­ sis to industrial plant control operations. The techniques of analy­ ses used in determining the composition of ferrous alloys and similar metallic materials are demonstrated. Practical operation of the instruments used is taught along with the techniques of measurement and calculation. Physical Science 111, 112 Introduction to Physical Science (3, 3) A survey of the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geol­ ogy, and Geography. Political Science Adolph S. Ochs Department of City Government Major: 24 semester hours. Twenty-seven hours, chosen with the advice and consent of the heads of the departments concerned, are required for the combined history-political science major. History 313, 314, 323 and 324, not in excess of 6 semester hours, are applicable toward a political science major. Course 101 is prerequisite for all other courses in political science except by permission of the Department Head. Students who plan to enter the government service should consult the head of the department for suggestions as to the courses considered most useful for government positions. 101 American Citizenship (3) A survey course on the fundamentals of Federal, State and local governments; the rights and duties of citizens in the solution of the practical problems of government in everyday life. 201 American National Government and Politics (3) The government of the United States in its constitutional back­ ground; structure and functions of the national government; cur­ rent political problems. 202 State Government and Administration (3) The American colonial background; State constitutions; struc­ ture and functions of the States; politics and electoral systems; administrative reorganization; the relations of the State to local units. 203 American Local Government and Administration (3) Urban and rural governments; origins, developments and ad­ ministration; city government, county organization; administrative problems.

137 204 Political Parties and Electoral Problems (3) American party history and the present status of the party sys­ tem; leaders, issues, and the practical problems of democracy. (1948-49 and alternate years.) 205 The Governments of Europe (3) A comparative analysis of government and politics in England, the Dominions, France, Italy, Germany, and Russia; current prob­ lems and issues. 301 World Politics (3) The background and setting of international politics; rise of the Western state system; elements of geography, nationalism, im­ perialism, world peace organization and its breakdown under pressure of power politics; diplomatic and military strategy in World War II; the problems of organizing the peace after the war. 302 The Constitution of the United States (3) The origins and development of the American constitutional system; judicial review; fundamental civil rights, due process; contracts, commerce power; taxation; the constitution and the territories; recent and contemporary constitutional problems. 303 Public Administration (3) The government as a business organization; administrative organization; financial control; personnel problems; adjustment of area to function. 304 Political Theory (3) Theories of the State and government from Plato and Aristotle to the present. The issues which produced American political theory; struggle for independence; the constitution; the nature of the Union, and slavery; recent and contemporary problems and theories. (1949-50 and alternate years.) Psychology Major: 24 semester hours, including courses 201, 202, 303, 305 and 410. Biological Science or Zoology is strongly advised for pros­ pective psychology students in their freshman year. Psychology 201 is a prerequisite for (or in cases of juniors and seniors, it must be taken simultaneously with) other 200 level courses. Candidates for education certificates and Home Economics students planning to teach register for Psychology 202. Students planning to major


J in Psychology or Home Economics or who are candidates for teach­ ing certificates, should register for Psychology in the sophomore year. 201x Introduction to Psychology (3) The nervous system and related sensory and reacting struc­ tures; inborn tendencies, emotion, and basic motivation; emotional habits in relation to personality and social effectiveness; indi­ viduality, intelligence, and special aptitudes; the major schools of psychological thought. 202 Child and Educational Psychology (3) The study of growth and maturation in infancy and childhood with special emphasis on pre-school and elementary school years. The last third of the course will present a rather intensive study of the psychology of learning. 208 Applied Psychology (2) The practical applications of psychology in a variety of social, economic, legal, and personality aspects. Primarily for the general student who has had an introductory course but who has no specialized interest in psychology. 301 Social Psychology (3) Some basic relations of personality to society and the cul­ tural environment; areas of prejudice, conflict, and mass behavior; problems of group morale, fashion, public opinion and propaganda. 303 Educational and Psychological Measurements (2-3) See Education 306. 305 The Psychology of Adjustment (3) The meaning and characteristics of good adjustments; varie­ ties, causes, and prevention of maladjustments; the development of well-adjusted personality (principles of mental hygiene); adapt­ ing the home, school, and other community agencies to meet mental hygiene objectives. 308 Principles of Abnormal Psychology (3) The field and scope of abnormal psychology; sensory and motor disorders of association and memory, of the central and conative; sleep, dreams, and hypnosis; the abnormally endowed; mental dis­ eases classified; theories of etiology; chemical therapies; psycho­ therapy.

139 310 Mental Measurements (2-3) The meaning of intelligence; individual and group intelligence testing including test rapport, interpretation, and reporting. Lim­ ited to seniors and high-ranking juniors. Prerequisite: Psychology 201, 202, and 303. 312 Psychology in Business and Industry (3) Applications of psychological principles in personnel selection, placement and training; effects of working conditions with refer­ ence to fatigue and efficiency; problems in merchandising and distribution of products. Prerequisite: Psychology 201 and 303. 318 Principles and Techniques of Educational and Vocational Guidance (3) Application of psychological principles and techniques for the determination of abilities, aptitudes, and interests. The uses and limitation of specialized tests and interview techniques in guidance. Prerequisite: Psychology 201 and 305. 410 Modern Schools of Psychology The historical background, major characteristics, and principal contributions of the more important modern schools of psychology. Religion Major: 24 semester hours beyond 102, selected with the advice and consent of the instructors of the Department. The courses in this department fall into three classifications; Bible: 101, 102, 207, 208, 302; Religious Education: 103, 104, 201, 202, 303, 304; General Religious Culture: 203, 204, 205, 206, 301, 401, 402. 101, 102 Introduction to the Bible (2, 2) 103, 104 The Church at Work (3, 3) The work of the Christian Church and the program by which it achieves its purpose; evangelism, worship, missions, education, community service, stewardship, organization. 201, 202 Principles and Methods of Religious Education (3, 3) The contributions of psychology, sociology, and education to the art of guidance of groups and individuals in religious develop­ ment.

140 Modern Dance

Tumbling Class

203 Outline History of Religion (3) The nature of religion and its primitive manifestations. The religions of ancient Egypt, Babylonia and Assyria, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Living religions of the world as found in India, China, Japan; in Mohammedanism, Judaism, and Christianity. 204 Philosophy of Religion (3) Religion as a personal relation and a social force for the con­ servation and increase of value, in the light of its historical and psychological development. The nature of religious truth, and the evidence for a theistic interpretation of the universe. 205-206 Survey in Philosophy and Religion (6) See Philosophy 205-206. 207 The Devotional and Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament (2) A study of the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes. 208 Paul and His Letters (2) 301 Great Christian Leaders (3) The history of Christianity through the study of the person­ alities and influence of the outstanding leaders from the First to the Nineteenth Century. 302 The Teachings of Jesus (3) The character of the sources of Jesus' teaching; His methods of teaching; His social and religious teachings studied inductively and with special reference to modern conditions. 303 The Psychology of the Religious Experience (3) The genesis and development of the personal religious ex­ perience. The nature and function of such religious experiences as conversion, worship, prayer, belief, and mysticism. 304 Worship (3) A study of the individual's experience as it is related to the Supreme Being by means of group and individual practices. 401 Biblical Literature, History, and Interpretation (2) For majors in Religion. 402 Theory and Practice in Religious Education (2) For majors in Religion.

143 Sociology Major: 24 semester hours, including 201, 202, 309, 310. 101 Introduction to Social Institutions (3) A study of the major social institutions like the family, gov­ ernment, religion, education, and the economic system, together with a survey of the disciplines that treat them, such as economics, political science, history, sociology, social psychology, etc. 201 Principles of Sociology (3) The expanding personality and its social contacts. Social forces and processes. The origin, development, and present status of the institutions. Social disorganization and reorganization. Socio­ logical method. Sociological theories. 202 Social Problems (3) Social change, population, race, industry, migration, poverty, illiteracy, crime and the family, as forms of social uncertainty; their causes and treatment. 203 Community Organization (3) The evolution of the community. Principles and methods of community organization. Survey methods and data. Community leadership. 204 Group Leadership (3) A study of personality development through the use of social groups.

205 The Family (3) The origin of the family and its various historical forms and functions. The history of marriage. The modern family as con­ ditioned by social and economic influences; its size and functions. Marriage and divorce. Proposed program for the future. 206 Criminology (3) Causes of crime; segregation; punishment; reformation; the police; the courts; probation; prevention of crime; evaluation of the present situation. 301 Social Psychology (3) See Psychology 301. 302 Personality and Social Adjustment (3) See Psychology 305.

144 303 Rural Sociology (3) Rural social structure; the characteristics of rural people; rural social institutions; trends and planning for rural society. 304 Urban Sociology (3) The ecology of city life; urban population characteristics; changing urban social institutions; social maladjustments of the city; social services and social planning for urban society. 305 Race Relations (3) Analysis of the concept of race. Present inter-racial situation in America. Race and the "new World-Order." 308 Southern Regional Sociology (3) Study of the sociological concept of Regionalism. Analysis of the South's physical, human, and Cultural potentialities as con­ trasted with numerous Southern deficiencies. 309, 310 Systematic Sociology (3, 3) The principal findings of sociology as interrelated parts of a system; the history of social thought. For Sociology majors. 411, 412 Social Change and Social Problems (2, 2) Seminar. Theory of social change. The relation of social change to contemporary social problems.


(President David A. Lockmiller welcomes inquiries from friends and alumni of the University of Chattanooga regarding benefactions, small or large, and will gladly supply any informa­ tion desired concerning the program and needs of the University.)

Like all accredited colleges, the University of Chattanooga is not entirely supported by student fees. Students in this institution pay only a little over half of the cost of their education. Gifts to the Sustaining Fund, scholarships, and income from endowment supplement tuition charges and enable the University to carry on its educational programs.

Buildings, endowment, and general development depend upon the gifts of men and women of vision and discernment—those who are convinced that the only enduring investment is in the training of present and future citizens for service to God and man.

If the friends and alumni of the University of Chattanooga would make gifts or bequests to the institution according to their means, its financial problems would gradually be solved. Such gifts constitute excellent memorials.

Methods of Giving

PRESENT ABSOLUTE GIFT. Such a contribution for general or specific purposes is the most ideal gift, and it is deductible from taxable income up to 15 per cent of net income.

LIFE ANNUITY BOND. Through a signed agreement, a donor may transfer to the University a sum of money or other property, in consideration of which the University of Chattanooga will pay the annuitant, or some other person named by the donor, a definite income for life.

LIFE ESTATE PLEDGE. Donors who do not find it conven­ ient to relinquish immediate control of a principal sum which they intend to give to the University of Chattanooga at a later date may pay the University an annual sum equivalent to the interest on the principal, and make provision in their wills leaving the principal sum to the University of Chattanooga.

146 LIFE INSURANCE. Insurance permits the donor of limited means to make a much larger bequest than might be provided out of capital funds. If the University of Chattanooga is named the sole and irrevocable beneficiary, the premiums on such a policy may be deducted from taxable income up to 15 per cent of net income for charity contributions. WILLS. Where there's a will, there's a way to provide for the establishment and maintenance of projects dear to the donor's heart. Many people plan to dispose of their estates in an orderly manner, with a view to preventing unnecessary shrinkage, but for one reason or another they defer the making of wills until it is too late. A large measure of satisfaction and peace of mind will come to the man or woman who has done the best he can in mak­ ing provision for the future.

Forms of Bequests An unrestricted endowment bequest may be made as follows: "I give, bequeath, and devise to the University of Chattanooga, incorporated under the laws of the State of Tennessee and located in the City of Chattanooga, the sum of dollars ($ )."

Restricted endowment bequests may be made as follows: "I give, bequeath, and devise to the University of Chattanooga, incorporated under the laws of the State of Tennessee and located in the City of Chattanooga, the sum of ., dollars ($ ), in trust, the income therefrom to be expended by said college for the following purposes:

147 DEGREES CONFERRED IN 1947 June 2 Doctor of Laws Elbridge Woodman Palmer Edward Reilly Stettinius, Jr. Bachelor of Arts Barbara Ann Allen Katherine Estelle Osborne Rosalie Champe Andrews Joe Eldridge Parks Nancy Evalyn Bacon Gordon Eugene Payne Avis Marie Bass Gray Phillips Ray Olen Bedwell Augustus Putnam Porter, Jr. Glendon Laws Bennett Sophronia Thompson Ragsdale Telfair Brooke, Jr. Virginia Charlotte Robbins Sara Lee Buchanan Jean Sailing Frederick Leon Cofer, Jr. Dorothy Dean Shelton Virginia Estelle Coflin Mary Helen Smith Carey Shepard Crantford Dorothy Marie Taylor Ray Bryan Crow, Jr. Louis Sherwood Taylor Joseph Rollins Curtis Thelma Lee Thomas* Dorothy Ailene Davidson Bettye Virgin Emily Ann Davis June Morgan Hall Hugh Curtis Erwin Virginia Hendricks Alice Elizabeth Evans Martha Jean Hill Ethel Frazier Arthur William Hoist* Olive Lynette Glenn Lorraine McEntire Jewell Sarah Evalyn Gray Reba Nina Ketner Miriam Evans Leeper Tina Sullivan Waterhouse James Eugene Lewis Polly Watkins Elizabeth Louise McAlister Mary Dove Whaley Sarah Catherine Milligan Mary Coghlan White Herschel Wallace Nation Genevieve Elizabeth Wiggins Margaret Kirk Osborn Jane Jacobs Williams Bachelor of Science Samuel Tony Benton Mary Agnes Morgan Mildred Carolyn Burchfield Walter Babb Nash Albert Richard Casavant Merrill Craig Palmer Frances Louise Crowell Graham William Prince Harold Lane Elmore James Davis Rivers, Jr. Marjorie Fox Harold Eugene Shrader James Howard Hill Margie Lee Spearman Edna Cureton Jacoway Sidney Burkett Taylor Frances Catherine Mclsaac Frederick Hopper Woodruff

148 Bachelor of Business Administration Clyde Burton Barker Glenn Reichert Kleinau, Jr. Stanton Harold Barrett, Jr. Herman Lebovitz David Lipscomb Boyd William Henry Lumpkin, Jr. James Clifford Edwards, Jr. James Albert McMahon Robert Clay Evans Gene Roberts Donald Rex Gaither Ben Lee Taylor, Jr. Durwood Chandler Harvey William Charles Thompson, Jr. Bennie Eugene Hatfield David Coulter Trundle Daniel Beck Hon Samuel Monroe Wade, Jr. Thompson Wolle Jones Linton Stephens Waterhouse John Nance Karwoski Norman Wood Bachelor of Music William Morris Bales Opal Rhea Mildred Louise Perry Margaret Ann Shelton Mary Hammond Prince Samuel Haskew Stanton Bessie Evelyn Stone Master of Music Donella Cochran Brown Dorothy Virginia Evans Lee Greene Gulley Associate in Arts Cutis June Hardin Mary Jo Willis Certificate in Home Economics Emma Idell Eberhart Joyce Virginia Smith Certificate in Secretarial Science Irene Elizabeth Allison Susie Mae Gard Virginia Nelson Cobleigh Beverly Ann Marsh Mary Elizabeth Ford Louise Marie Stanko September 17 Doctor of Laws Oliver Cromwell Carmichael Goodrich Cook White Bachelor of Arts Betty Lee Albert Marvin Murray Brackin Mabel Marie Alexander Sara Cline Caldwell* George Wroten Alsup Albert Richard Casavant *In absentia

149 George Coleman Connor Cowdeli Alexander Meacham Thomas Walter Eiseman Idella Mae Moon Nola Hunter Goebel William Osovsky Elizabeth Ridley Hackworth John Raulston Prigmore Margaret Helen Hipp Alfred Irving Sager* Wilma Katherine Johnson Thomas Gordon Seibold* La Verne Avoy Jones William Laurie Selman* Jess Willard Lasley Walter Hunter Stamper, Jr. Marjory Drucile McGlothlin* Mary Kelly Woodward Bachelor of Science Thomas Albert Barr Fred Ellington Lancaster, Jr. Ella Hartwell Brown Dorothy Elizabeth Montgomery Martha Delane Coile William Parker Ruth Denham Colston* Genevieve Phillips Scarborough Franklin Wendell Costner John Cessna Sharp, Jr. William Daniel Johnston, Jr.* Betty Jean Smith Lewis Anderson Wilkins Bachelor of Science in Physical Education Elmo Cecil Gooden Peter Patrick Mattis Betty Jane Standifer Bachelor of Business Administration Juliette June Agee Clinton Sheffield Ferguson Betty Proctor Drummond John Irving Foster, Jr. Mildred Ownby Fariss Eugene Duke Glaze, Jr. Louise Tillett Bachelor of Music Mary Frances Brady Associate in Arts Joan Hill Marie Josephine Awad DEPARTMENTAL HONORS Honors in Biology Albert Richard Casavant Honors in Economics and Commerce Durwood Chandler Harvey Herman Lebovitz "In absentia

150 Honors in English Genevieve Elizabeth Wiggins

Honors in French Betty Lee Albert

Honors in History Telfair Brooke, Jr. James Eugene Lewis

Honors in Spanish Virginia Estelle Coffin Carey Shepard Crantford Arthur William Hoist

Elected to Alpha Society; Betty Lee Albert Carey Shepard Crantford Ethel Frazier June Morgan Hall Durwood Chandler Harvey Arthur William Hoist Anne Frances Locket Paul Wallace McGillt Alfred Mynders** Stuart Robert Purser*/* Margaret Ann Shelton Miriam Hines Thatcher (Mrs. Alfred H.)** Genevieve Elizabeth Wiggins tClass of 1946 "Honorary Member */*Faculty Member

151 DEGREES CONFERRED IN 1947 June Graduates Men Women Total Bachelor of Arts 15 37 52 Bachelor of Science 11 7 18 Bachelor of Business Administration.. 22 0 22 Bachelor of Music 2 5 7 Master of Music 0 3 3

September Graduates Bachelor of Arts 14 0 14 Bachelor of Science. 7 6 13 Bachelor of Business Administration 3 4 7 Bachelor of Music Oil Bachelor of Science in Physical Education 2 1.3

Total degrees for the year.. 76 64 140

Certificates Associate in Arts 0 2 2 Certificate in Secretarial Science 0 6 6 Certificate in Home Economics 0 2 2

152 REGISTER OF STUDENTS FOR THE YEAR, 1947-1948 Regular and Special Students Mary Katherine AbeeL.-Chattanooga Gordon Atchley Chattanooga fEugene Abercrombie Chattanooga Hall Atchely Chattanooga tJerome Abies S. Pittsburg Mary Katherine Atkins..Chattanooga Frank Acton Chattanooga Troy Atkins LaFayette, Ga. Gray Adams Chattanooga Janet Au Rossville, Ga. fGeorge Adams Signal Mountain Harry Au Rossville, Ga. Joanne Adkins Chattanooga Donald Ault Bellaire, Ohio Robert Adkins .Chattanooga George Awad Chattanooga Milton Adler Chattanooga tRoy B. Bacon Chattanooga Jack Agnew Chattanooga Margaret Ann Bagley....Chattanooga tJames Akin, Jr Chattanooga tHaskin Bailey Rossville, Ga. Ollie Albea Chattanooga Owen J. Bailey... Chattanooga "Conde Alday.. : Chattanooga "Warren E. Bailey Chattanooga Cecil Aldridge Chattanooga William C. Bailey....Signal Mountain Anita Alexander Rossville, Ga. •Hugh H. Baker Chattanooga Conrad Alexander Daisy Jack Baker Chattanooga George F. Alexander. "Joseph Baker Chattanooga Signal Mountain Lewis W. Baker Chattanooga George W. Alexander Menlo, Ga. Robert H. Baker Chattanooga James Alexander.... Bellaire, Ohio William Dean Baker Chattanooga "Leroy H. Alexander Menlo, Ga. "William G. Baker Rossville, Ga. Wallace R. Alexander....Chattanooga James D. Bales Chattanooga Billy J. Allen Chattanooga Charles S. Banks Chattanooga Grace T. Allen. Montgomery, Ala. "Robert Bannister.. Chattanooga Russell L. Allen Daisy "Max Barber. Hixson "Dale Allison Chattanooga Robert Barclay Copperhill tJack W. Allison... Chattanooga Ethel Bardill Oak Ridge Robert E. Allison Rossville, Ga. George Barker Chattanooga Frances Alper Chattanooga James W. Barker Chattanooga Flora Mae Alsup Pineville, La. "Katherine Barker Chattanooga Max Anacker... Chattanooga Evelyn Barnes Chattanooga Alfred W. Anderson. Chattanooga Gloria Barr Chattanooga Fred Anderson Chattanooga Harold Barrows....Lookout Mountain Lee S. Anderson Chattanooga Mary C. Barrows.Lookout Mountain Robert K. Anderson Chattanooga Robert Barrows....Lookout Mountain Lorna Andreae Chattanooga Roy M. Barrows.Xookout Mountain Charles Aquadro Chattanooga Kenneth M. Barry Chattanooga Edward S. Archer Rome, Ga. tEdward W. Bartlett Chattanooga Joseph Arledge Chattanooga Jeffra Basenach Chattanooga Cedric Armor.-- - Chattanooga Gene Baskette Chattanooga Florapearl Armstrong tBobbie Jean Baxter Calhoun, Ga. Lookout Mountain Edward L. Baxter.. Chattanooga Maude Elsie Armstrong Roy A. Baxter..... Chattanooga Lookout Mountain Sarah Bayston Chattanooga Ann Arnold Estill Springs Rene Bazan Havana, Cuba Inez Ashby Hanson, Ky. Cecil Beach Chattanooga Ray Ashworth Chattanooga James W. Beard Chattanooga "Charles Atchley Chattanooga Robert Bearden ...Chattanooga "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only. 153 Lundy E. Beatey ..Chattanooga Barbara Brady Crossville James F. Beattie Jasper Ri.chard Brady .Crossville Mary M. Beattie ...Jasper Thomas E. Braly, Jr Chattanooga William S. Beck Chattanooga Charles Brickell Chattanooga "William S. Becker .....Chattanooga Marian W. Brickell Chattanooga "Charles Beene Hixson Ralph Brickell Chattanooga Edith Beene ...Signal Mountain Harry E. Bridges LaFayette, Ga. William Beene Chattanooga "James B. Bridges Chattanooga Claude Belcher Chattanooga "Mary Dorothy Brien Chattanooga John L. Bell.. —Chattanooga Lucy Bright.... Lookout Mountain Mary Frances Bell Chattanooga Edgar L. Brinkley..Signal Mountain Diane Bender Chattanooga "Edwin B. Brinkley Chattanooga "Mark Benedict Chattanooga Marjorie Brinkley.-Signal Mountain John F. Bennett. ..Chattanooga "Robert Briscoe Chattanooga Jack Benson Chattanooga Charles L. Brock Chattanooga LeBron Benton Chattanooga Glen A. Brock Chattanooga Robert Berg.... E. Chicago, Ind. Suzanne Brock Chattanooga Arnold Beyer Chattanooga Sam S. Brody Chattanooga Earl Bible Chattanooga DeForrest Brooke....Signal Mountain Ruth Bible Chattanooga "Douglas Brooks Chattanooga Betty Jo Bishop Chattanooga Frank R. Brooks Chattanooga "Vance D. Bishop .Ocoee "Giles R. Brooks Chattanooga Doris Black Chattanooga John R. Brooks Chattanooga James T. Black Chattanooga Louis P. Brooks, Jr Chattanooga "Joan Blackford Signal Mountain Martha Brooks Chattanooga Edward W. Blake ...Chattanooga Thomas H. Brooks Chattanooga Byron Blanchard Chattanooga fGeorge C. Broome Chattanooga Edward Blanton... Chattanooga "Raymond J. Broome "Mark Blaylock. Chattanooga Chickamauga, Ga. Herbert Boerger Chattanooga William Brotbeck Chattanooga Edwin Bohr Chattanooga Michael Brouner Chattanooga James L. Bolton. Graysville "Carl E. Brown Jasper Clarence Bonner Dalton, Ga. Charles S. Brown. Chattanooga John B. Bonney Chattanooga Fred E. Brown Chattanooga Charles T. Booth Chattanooga Henry Leo Brown ...-Chattanooga Myrtle Booth ...Soddy Jack R. Brown..... Chattanooga "Joseph Bosnick Masontown, Pa. Kenneth P. Brown Jasper Katherine Bowen..Chickamauga, Ga. fMary Ruth Brown Chattanooga Anne Bowman.... .Chattanooga Carter D. Broyles Chattanooga Denton W. Bowman....Rossville, Ga. fHubert H. Broyles Chattanooga Eugene C. Bowman Rossville, Ga. Charles L. Bryant Chattanooga Theodore M. Bowman....Chattanooga Dorothy Bryant Chattanooga William C. Bowman Chattanooga "Harold W. Bryant. Rossville, Ga. W. Eugene Bowman Chattanooga "William B. Bryant Chattanooga Herschell Boyd ..Chattanooga Mary Edna Buchanan....Chattanooga Harold L. Bracken Chattanooga Paul Buchanan.- Barbourville, Ky. fThomas L. Brackett....Pearson, Miss. "Charles A. Buhler Chattanooga William M. Brackett...Rossville, Ga. Frank Bullock. Signal Mountain Marvin M. Brackin.. Chattanooga Milton Bundschu Chattanooga Frank R. Bradford... Chattanooga Herbert Burchfield- ..Chattanooga "George Bradford Signal Mountain Robert Burdine Union City William H. Bradford....Chattanooga Frank L. Burrell Attalla, Ala. Bettye J. Bradley... Chattanooga Robert Burgner Chattanooga Dorothy Bradley Signal Mountain Shirley Burkhart Chattanooga Robert Bradshaw. Chattanooga fJames H. Burnett Chattanooga "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only. 154 John B. Burnett -Chattanooga Mary Langley Clarke....Chattanooga "Carl Burney Chattanooga Thomas L. Clary..Lookout Mountain William T. Burns Chattanooga fCecil C. Clements LaFayette, Ga. "Frank L. Busby Chattanooga Polly Anne Clemmer Chattanooga Billy G. Bush Lookout Mountain Oliver Cline Rossville, Ga. fDavid E. Buttram Chattanooga Bennie Louise Cloninger Bernard Byrne Chattanooga Chattanooga "Virginia Cade- Chattanooga James E. Cochran Chattanooga Fred C. Caldwell.. Calhoun, Ga. Kenneth Cochrane Chattanooga James C. Caldwell Rossville, Ga. Benjamin F. Cofer Tilda Caldwell Lookout Mountain Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. "Martha Campbell Chattanooga "Robert L. Coffey.-Lookout Mountain William M. Campbell.Rossville, Ga. William M. Coffey "James F. Cannon Chattanooga Lookout Mountain Joe S. Cannon Chattanooga Henry Cofrancesco Ooltewah John F. Cannon -Rossville, Ga. William A. Cohn Chattanooga "James T. Capley.. Chattanooga Bobby Lee Coker Chattanooga George C. Carden Chattanooga Louise Colby.— Chattanooga James E. Carden. Chattanooga Buford Cole Chattanooga "Dan Carmichael Cedartown, Ga. James B. Cole Chattanooga John W. Carr— Chattanooga James H. Cole LaFayette, Ga. Gene Carrick Chattanooga "Josephine Collett Chattanooga tDewey E. Carroll Chattanooga Lyman Collie Chattanooga James E. Carroll Chattanooga Eric Collins Evensville Chester Carson Chattanooga Eugene Collins Chattanooga Dale E. Carter Chattanooga t Pauline Collins Chattanooga Holly B. Carter Chattanooga "Augusta Colston Chattanooga fLeRoy M. Carter Chattanooga Kenneth Colston Chattanooga William C. Carter Chattanooga fJack B. Combs Chattanooga "William Cartinhour Charles A. Comer Chattanooga Lookout Mountain "i Ray ma Condra Jasper "Henry CarutherS— Chattanooga "Frank G. Conley Chattanooga Burkett Reed Carver Chattanooga Leafle S. Conley Chattanooga "LeBron Carver Chattanooga Mai Bell Conley Chattanooga Vincent Casale Chattanooga Eddie M. Connell Chattanooga "A. R. Casavant Chattanooga Richard Connell -Chattanooga "Joe D. Case Chattanooga Mary Edna Connelly Chattanooga Claude C. Casey Chattanooga Samuel Conner -Signal Mountain fDonald F. Casey Chattanooga Dorothy Cook Chattanooga James E. Casey— Chattanooga Earl Cook Chattanooga Charlaine Cash Chattanooga James H. Cook Brunswick, Ga. Harry L. Cash Chattanooga Joseph W. Cook Chattanooga Jack Cassell Chattanooga William H. Cooke Chattanooga Goodwyn Cates Atlanta, Ga. James H. Cooley Chattanooga "Carolyn Chamberlain Chattanooga Jean Cooley Chattanooga Joanne Chambers Rossville, Ga. Drusilla Cooper Chattanooga John Chambers Chickamauga, Ga. Neal Cooper Rossville, Ga. "Peggy Chandler Chattanooga fWilliam J. Cooper Glendale, Cal. Catherine Chapman Chattanooga "Cecil W. Copeland Chattanooga Doris Chapman Chattanooga "David Corey Honolulu, T. H. William E. Cherry Chattanooga Richard Corley -Chattanooga Lamar Christian Chattanooga Nicholas Cotoulas Chattanooga Ross Christian Chattanooga tRobert P. Couch Chattanooga David O. Chumley Chattanooga William Couch Chattanooga Starr Clark Calhoun, Ga. Kenneth Courtenay. -Chattanooga •First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only. 155 Robert Cousar...... Chattanooga Ann C. Delaney -...Chattanooga "William Cowart. Chattanooga fKeith Delk... LaFayette, Ga. Joan Cowell -Chattanooga "Irving Dennis Chattanooga Evelyn J. Cox Chattanooga Fred Denson Chattanooga "Ellis Cox Dalton, Ga. Grover C. Denton. Chattanooga Mary June Cox Chattanooga W. Stewart Denton Guild fWalter E. Cox Chattanooga Howard Derrick Signal Mountain William L. Cox .....Chattanooga Sally Derrick Signal Mountain Wilma Ann Cox Chattanooga Lawrence G. Derthick—Chattanooga Mary Nell Crabtree Chattanooga Chester DeVaney -Chattanooga Eugene Crane Chattanooga Vernon DeVitt Chattanooga Roy Craven Chattanooga Troy Dickson Graysville. Ga. "Robert H. Crawford....Rossville, Ga. Mary K. Diefenbach Chattanooga "Carl Crawley Chattanooga Margarita Dietel- Collegedale Margaret Crimmins Donald Dietrich Chattanooga Lookout Mountain "Mariann Deitrich— Chattanooga John Crisman Chattanooga Shirley Jean Dixon Hixson Lee Crosby Chattanooga Virginia Ann Dixon Chattanooga William Crow Rossv.ile, Ga. James K. Dodd....Chickamauga, Ga. "Maurice Crowder Kensington. Ga. Jasper Dodd Rossville, Ga. Lou Emma Crox Chattanooga Charles Donahue —Chattanooga Molly J. Crumbliss- Richard City Marylen Donham. Rossville, Ga. Ward Crutchfleld Chattanooga Marjorie Dooly Cleveland Virginia Cullom Chattanooga "James C. Doran...Chickamauga, Ga. Cecil Culpepper Chattanooga James Dorris — Chattanooga •James P. Cunningham..Chattanooga Betty Jo Doty Rossville, Ga. Larry W. Cunningham-Chattanooga Anne Doughty Lookout Mountain Ernest Cushman Chattanooga Lou Doughty Lookout Mountain Geraldine Daneman Chattanooga Elizabeth Douglass Athens Beth Daniel Chattanooga "Richard Dowdy Philadelphia, Pa. fLynn Daniel LaFayette, Ga. Martha Drennen Chattanooga Edward Dantzler Chattanooga Connie Duke Chattanooga Sam Darras Chattanooga Fred T. Duke Rossville, Ga. Harold Davenport Daisy Mary Ann Dulaney Warren Davenport Soddy Lookout Mountain Frances Sue Davidson....Chattanooga William S. Dunwoody Jasper Mary Ruth Davies ...Chattanooga James R. Durham Chattanooga "Jack B. Davis ...Chattanooga Aubrey L. Dyer. Trenton, Ga. James A. Davis ...Chattanooga Jessie Mae Dyer Bessemer, Ala. James Paul Davis Ringgold, Ga. Mary Elene Dyer Trenton, Ga. James Pickens Davis Chattanooga George Dyke Chattanooga Mary Ruth Davis Sale Creek John Dyke Soddy, Tenn. Raymond M. Davis —Girard, Ohio Clarence Dykes Chattanooga "Slater Davis ...Chattanooga tWilliam D. Dykes ...Chattanooga William C. Davis Chattanooga Stephen Eady Chattanooga William L. Davis Chattanooga Betty East —Chattanooga Audrey Dawn Ringgold, Ga. Joseph L. Eaves Chattanooga Frank Dawn Rossville, Ga. S. Gilmore Eaves Chattanooga "Henry Dawson... LaFayette, Ga. David Edmondson Robert Day Lindale, Ga. Lookout Mountain Doris Deakins. Chattanooga Billy Edwards.. Gadsden, Ala. Margaret Dean Waco, Texas •Helen Egan Chattanooga Eben DeArmond..- Chattanooga John Egan -Chattanooga Eileen Deel. Clintwood, Va. •Evalyn Eiseman Chattanooga James E. DeFriese Tampa, Fla. Lon Eldredge. Chattanooga "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only.

156 Sue Eldredge Hixson "John W. Fleming Chattanooga Ernestine Eldridge Daisy Patrick Fleming Chattanooga Robert A. Eldridge Chattanooga Dorothea Flenniken Chattanooga William B. Eldridge Chattanooga Charles P. Fletcher Chattanooga William G. Eldridge Soddy f Claire Fletcher Chattanooga fJ. Bryan Elkins Chattanooga William P. Flower Chattanooga Joe Elkins Chattanooga "William S. Flynn Crossville Andrew G. Elko ..Fords, N. J. Gordon Follett Chattanooga William Ellington Chattanooga fGeorge Fontaine-Lookout Mountain Eugene Elliott .-. Soddy Benjamin F. Ford, Jr. ..Chattanooga Henry Elliott Trenton, Ga. Lillie Lou Ford Chattanooga f Charlton Ellis Chattanooga Mary E. Ford Chattanooga E. A. Ellis Trenton, Ga. Evelyn W. Forman Chattanooga fForrest W. Ellis .Chattanooga "George T. Forman Chattanooga "George G. Ellis Chattanooga "Donald R. Foster Chattanooga McGhee Ellis Chattanooga Martha C. Foster Chattanooga Marion Ellis Chickamauga, Ga. Solie I. Fott Chattanooga Nick V. Ellis Chattanooga Marshall Fox Chattanooga Arvin Elmore Chattanooga Ben F. Foxworth Chattanooga Charles F. Emerson, Jr James B. Foxworth Chattanooga Chattanooga "Anna Hartte Frank Chattanooga Robert A. Emerson Chattanooga "Clarence M. Frank Chattanooga William K. Emerson....Mentone, Ala. Corinne Frazier Chattanooga "Delmar Emery Chattanooga Harriet Frazier Chattanooga Ernest C. English, Jr Chattanooga William H. Frazier Chattanooga James F. Ensign Chattanooga •William Taft Frazier..Tallassee, Ala. Frank C. Erwin Gadsden. Ala. Clara Freedman Chattanooga John M. Erwin Chattanooga tEsther Abbie Freedman Joe W. Esch Rossville, Ga. Chattanooga Patricia Eslinger Chattanooga Howard Fremmer Peggy Espy Chattanooga Lookout Mountain Elza A. Evans Coeburn, Va. Harold S. French Chattanooga fJames L. Evans Chattanooga Dabney Frierson Chattanooga Joyce Evans Chattanooga Harold M. Frost—Philadelphia, Pa. Theodore Evans Chattanooga Edgar W. Fruit, Jr Donelson Malone Everett Chattanooga Erika M. Fulcher Pikeville "Elizabeth Eyster Scottsboro, Ala. tGene Fulghum Chattanooga Betty Jo Ezell Pulaski •Betty Ann Fuller Chattanooga Charles S. Faris -Chattanooga William E. Fulmer Chattanooga Jane Fariss Chattanooga Mary A. Funk Chattanooga Charles E. Farrar Chattanooga Raymond R. Funk- Chattanooga flvie M. Farrar, Jr Chattanooga •Roy E. Gallaher Chattanooga Pollyanna Featherston— Decherd Marilyn Gamble Chattanooga Dora E. Fehn Chattanooga John Straley Gamble Chattanooga Charles B. Felts, Jr Chattanooga William T. Gamble Chattanooga Mary Mac Fenn Signal Mountain Murray Garber ..Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph L. Fergus, Jr Chattanooga Susie Mae Gard Chattanooga f Bill Joe Fields Cleveland •Don W. Garner Chattanooga Roberta Figgins Ooltewah Kenneth B. Garner ...Chattanooga Rita Fillauer Chattanooga •James E. Garrard .Chattanooga "James T. Finney Chattanooga Marjorie E. Gass Chattanooga James A. Fitch Chattanooga Mildred L. Gass Chattanooga Betty Fite Chattanooga Spencer R. Gass Chattanooga John Fitz..... Chattanooga John W. Gates ...... Chattanooga James E. Flegal Chattanooga Sam S. Gennoe Decatur "First Semester Only. tSecond Semester Only.

157 James E. Gentry Chattanooga Creed Guinn Chattanooga Evelyn Gibbs Chattanooga Reed Guinn. Chattanooga "Wilburt T. Gibson.-South Pittsburg Jo Anne Gunter Chattanooga James E. Geisemann Soddy Edwin D. Gupton. Chattanooga Harold D. Gilbert Chattanooga Jack Guthrie Chattanooga William H. Gilbert, Jr. ..Chattanooga Chester Guzek....Moundsville, W. Va. Donald H. Gilflllan..Signal Mountain Reginald Gwin Chattanooga Wlllson Gillespie -Chattanooga Joyce G. Harney Chattanooga Thomas A. Gillespie, Jr Allan D. Hail, Jr Chattanooga —Chattanooga Mary Margaret Haile.-.Chattanooga Dorothy Gilliam ...Chattanooga Billie L. Hale Chattanooga "Allen Gilliland Chattanooga Edmund Hale -Signal Mountain Dan C. Girton Chattanooga Anne Hall Lookout Mountain "Darrell Gladdish Chattanooga Harry P. Hall— Chattanooga William J. Gladish Chattanooga James M. Hall Ringgold, Ga. Elaine Gleason Rossville, Ga. Paul M. Hall ...Ringgold, Ga. Martha Godbey Chattanooga Stanley Lee Hall '. Chattanooga Mary Dean Golley "Thomas M. Hall, Jr.- Lookout Mountain Signal Mountain flsaac B. Gonia, Jr Chattanooga Camielou Hallam ...Dayton Earl P. Good Chattanooga Larry Hamby Tyner Kimble Gooden Hixson fDeWitt F. Hamilton, Jr Timothy S. Gooden, Jr ...Hixson Chattanooga Charles F. Goodgame Chattanooga Homer C. Hamilton, Jr Louis P. Goodwin Chattanooga Sheffield, Ala. Frances H. Gordon Chattanooga Joseph L. Hamilton.-Caldwell, N. J. Lamar R. Gordon Chattanooga Paul J. Hammel Chattanooga Betty Goudelock ...Chattanooga fRalph H. Hamner Jasper, Ala. Martin J. Graham, Jr...Chattanooga Elizabeth Ann Hampton Hartford F. Granitz.Ambridge, Pa. Chattanooga Robert E. Grant, Jr Chattanooga "Jerry Stivers Hampton Cleveland Ruth A. Gray Chattanooga Robert E. Hampton Cleveland William R. Green Chattanooga Dennis R. Hamrick... Chattanooga Harry Green Chattanooga fWilliam A. Hand, Jr Daisy Robert A. Greene.. Chattanooga James S. Hankins "Thomas J. Greeson Chattanooga Rock Springs, Ga. Robert L. Greever Chattanooga Charles B. Harbin Fred M. Gregg, Jr Chattanooga Lookout Mountain John F. Gregory, Jr... Dayton Cutis J. Hardin Chattanooga Frances E. Greiser— Chattanooga Dana Hardin -Chattanooga William J. Gribben Chattanooga Barbara Jean Harmon ...Chattanooga Lorraine M. Grier Rossville, Ga. John Harrell. Jr Chattanooga Malcolm L. Grier Rossville, Ga. Charles B. Harris..- Georgetown Charles H. Griffin Chattanooga fCharles H. Harris,III Wayne Griffith Chattanooga .Lookout Mountain Raymond E. Griffith Chattanooga Dorothy T. Harris -Chattanooga "Frank J. Grigonis.-Calumet City, 111. Elizabeth R. Harris Virginia Griscom.- Atlanta, Ga. Lookout Mountain Allen K. Grissom.. Chattanooga Frank F. Harris -Chattanooga Juanita M. Grissom Chattanooga John E. Harris Chattanooga Charlotte Groover Chattanooga Lolann Harris Lookout Mountain Melvin D. Grubb Chattanooga Ruth Ann Harris- -Chattanooga Jack E. Gryder Chattanooga William C. Hart Chattanooga "Charles M. Guedron Chattanooga "Mary Ellen Hartley Collegedale Betty Guerber..... Chattanooga fErnest H. Hartman, Jr.-Rome, Ga. "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only.


- Geraldine E. Hartman Rome, Ga. Walter S. Horsley Chattanooga •Gail M. Hartmann Chattanooga Anita Horton .....Chattanooga •Philip K. Harvey Chattanooga Ray L. Hoskins Rossville, Ga. •Shirley B. Harvey Chattanooga Austin House ....Chattanooga Janis B. Haskew Signal Mountain John C. Houts Chattanooga fDennis B. Haskins, III Ada Belle Howell Chattanooga Chattanooga Jane E. Howk Chattanooga Robert W. Hasselle Chattanooga Thomas N. Hubbard, Jr Gus D. Hatfield, Jr Whitwell -Rossville, Ga. "Virginia Haven Ooltewah Ronald V. Huckabee Chattanooga Douglas Hayes Rossville, Ga. Henry A. Huckaby Chattanooga Marion L. Hayes Rossville, Ga. Harold K. Huddlestun....Chattanooga Nick M. Haynes Chattanooga Barbara Hudgel Rossville, Ga. Bobbie G. Hays Chattanooga Betty Hudson -Chattanooga Kenneth S. Hays Chattanooga June Ellen Hudson.. Chattanooga Arthur L. Healan, Jr Chattanooga Vera Elizabeth Hudson-Chattanooga Dorothy Healan Chattanooga Evelyn Huey Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Bettye Held Chattanooga George T. Huff Chattanooga Peggy Held Chattanooga Paul Huff Chattanooga Jack Helms.. Miami, Fla. Ann Huffaker Chattanooga "Richard K. Hemphill Chattanooga •Julia Ann Huffaker- Chattanooga Betty Jo Henderson Chattanooga •Buford O. Huffman Decherd John F. Hendricks, Jr. ..Chattanooga Carl T. Huggins. ..Chattanooga fRobert F. Henson, Jr Chattanooga Hal E. Huggins Chattanooga William A. Henson Chattanooga Charles E. Hughes Cleveland Joseph C. Herman, Jr. ..Chattanooga Donald L. Hughes Cleveland Glen W. Herren Chattanooga "William G. Hughes Chattanooga James W. Heyer Chattanooga Hannah Hulon Chattanooga Thomas J. Heyer -Chattanooga Frank B. Hundley Chattanooga Jane Heymann Chattanooga James W. Hunt Chattanooga Murray F. Hicks.— Chattanooga Mary Spann Hunt -Chattanooga Edith Joan Hill - .—Lupton City Douglas Hunter, Jr ..Chattanooga James E. Hill Crossville Joseph E. Hum. ...Chattanooga Joan Hill... -Chattanooga Adelaide W. Hurst Robert H. Hitz Chattanooga Lookout Mountain fBetty Jeanne Hixson Hixson James A. Huskey Chattanooga Gordon L. Hixson Chattanooga Bettye L. Huskins Chattanooga Harry W. Hixson, Jr Hixson "Frank K. Hutcheson Chattanooga Hodge H. Hixson, Jr Chattanooga Ralph Hutchinson Silas. Ala. Jack D. Hixson, Jr Chattanooga Joseph E. Hutson ...Chattanooga Roger S. Hixson ..'. Hixson Hoyle D. Hyberger Cleveland •Virginia T. Hixson Hixson James S. Hyde. Rossville, Ga. Dorothy Ho back Cowan R. L. Hyde ..Chattanooga Carolyn J. Hodge Chattanooga James M. Igou — Chattanooga Clyde Hodge, Jr Chattanooga James T. Igou Chattanooga fBen B. Holeman Chattanooga Peggie Igou Chattanooga Alvis W. Holland, Jr.—Chattanooga James H. Ingle Chattanooga Katherine Holland .....Chattanooga Bill G Ingram Cleveland fGordon H. Holloway Spring City Basil L. Irwin -Chattanooga Herbert R. Hollifleld Chattanooga Virginia Jo Irwin Chattanooga Arvel R. Holmes Scottsboro, Ala. tThomas J. Isbelle Chattanooga Jack L. Hoover Mt. Calm, Texas Louise M. Israel Asheville, N. C. Wanda June Hope Spring City Eugene W. Ivey.. South Pittsburg Robert F. Hopper Chattanooga William P. Jackson... Chattanooga Franklin Horner Chattanooga Mary L. Jacoway...... Chattanooga "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only.

159 Ruth Jacoway Chattanooga Lucile Kays Chattanooga Marjorie Jahn Lookout Mountain Mary Katherine Kellerhals Mildred Ann Jahn Chattanooga Ringgold, Ga. John C. Jakes, Jr Chattanooga Charles G. Kelley Chattanooga Mary Jean James Chattanooga Vernon C. Kelley, Jr Chattanooga Joan D. Jarrett Chattanooga Willie Francis Kelley....Mobile, Ala. John J. Javorsky Ronco, Pa. "Robert C. Kelly Chattanooga Etoile H. Jenkins Chattanooga "Leona Kemp Chattanooga Rose E. Jenkins Soddy "William A. Kemp Chattanooga "Thomas E. Jenkins Soddy Cecil Kennedy South Pittsburg Roy K. Jensen Selma, Ala. Faye M. Kennedy Chattanooga Barbara Jernigan Chattanooga "Jack R. Kennedy Chattanooga John Paul Jernigan Chattanooga •William C. Kennedy Claudine B. M. Jeulin Birmingham, Ala. Chartres, France George D. Kennerly Chattanooga Thomas O. Jewell Chattanooga Lawrence E. Keown Chattanooga John Jobron, Jr Chattanooga William E. Kerley Kingsport Blair D. Johnson.. Chattanooga Jere C. Killian Richard City C. Amos Johnson Chattanooga Josephine E. Killian Chattanooga Clay M. Johnson Soddy Jim S. Kilpatrick Chattanooga George E. Johnson Chattanooga James W. Kimbell LaFayette, Ga. Howard L. Johnson.. Chattanooga fWilliam R. Kimbro Chattanooga Jacqueline L. Johnson...Chattanooga Rutherford H. Kimbrough James Fred Johnson, Jr Chattanooga Chattanooga Betty Ann Kimsey Chattanooga James O. Johnson Chattanooga Thomas R. Kimsey Rossville, Ga. Mary Jeane Johnson.Mountain City William H. Kines Chattanooga f Jesse L. Johnson Blytheville, Ark. Clifton H. King— Chattanooga Joe W. Johnson Chattanooga Henrietta King....Lookout Mountain Martha L. Johnson Chattanooga •Theodore King.. -Chattanooga Raymond W. Johnson Cleveland Thomas W. King Chattanooga "Richard W. Johnson Chattanooga fAlvin E. Kinsey, Jr Chattanooga William F. Johnson Rossville, Ga. "George W. Kirklen... —Hixson "Albert S. Johnston, Jr. ..Chattanooga Joseph G. Kissinger Chattanooga Ann Johnston Chattanooga Vibert D. Kitts Chattanooga Bettye Johnston Chattanooga Sol Klaus Chattanooga Edgar M. Jolley Chattanooga John M. Klein. Jr Chattanooga John E. Jolley Chattanooga Theodore Kopkin Chattanooga Edna Fay Jones Chattanooga Catherine Koskos... -...Chattanooga tElizabeth Ann Jones Chattanooga "John Kovacevich Belmont, Ohio Gordon E. Jones Copperhill Charles A. Krauth Chattanooga Henry Jones —Chattanooga Elizabeth Kreis Chattanooga Herbert K. Jones Chattanooga John L. Kroeger.. Oak Ridge Paul Jones Chattanooga Guion H. Kropp Signal Mountain tRobert C. Jones, III Chattanooga Bettye L. Krug Chattanooga Robert T. Jones LaFayette, Ga. Philip S. Krug Chattanooga Tom P. Jones, Jr Chattanooga Philip T. Krug Chattanooga tSue Foreman Jones Chattanooga Carl A. Labbe, Jr Chattanooga "Robert H. Jordan Chattanooga Thomas V. Labbe Chattanooga James C. Jumper Chattanooga Joseph L. Lahiere Chattanooga Robert L. Jumper Chattanooga Robert Lahiere Chattanooga fEdwin F. Jurczak Hammond, Ind. James W. Lail Chickamauga, Ga. John H. Kaiser Chattanooga Lowry Lamb, Jr Chattanooga Bert Kakascik..Mingo Junction, Ohio Betty Lamon Chattanooga Louise Kalanzis Chattanooga Richard D. Landis Chattanooga "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only. 160 Ben S. Landress Chattanooga James F. Lowe Chattanooga Leonard F. Lane Chattanooga "Sam B. Lowe Lookout Mountain fCarlos S. Lang Hixson Albert Rigsby Lucas Chattanooga Kenneth B. Langley Chattanooga Charles L. Lucas Chattanooga Edwin G. Lansford... Chattanooga George R. Lucas Chattanooga Fred D. Lansford— Chattanooga Robert W. Luckadoo Chattanooga Paul Larimore Chattanooga James W. Lunsford Chattanooga Louis W. LaRowe....South Pittsburg William P. Lydon Scranton, Pa. James T. Lawrence.- Chattanooga Oscar W. Lyle.. ...Chattanooga James B. Lawson Chattanooga John D. Lynch Sherwood "Kermit O. Lawson Chattanooga Joseph D. Lynch Jackson, Ala. John B. Lea Chattanooga Stuart Lynch Chattanooga "Elizabeth Leavenworth..Chattanooga "William W. Lynskey Harrison Leon Lebovitz ...Chattanooga Doris Lyons Chattanooga Wolf Lebovitz... Chattanooga fRalph E. MeAdams— Chattanooga David G. LeDoux Chattanooga •Hoyt McBryar.. Chattanooga Jack E. Lee.... Chattanooga Katherine L. McClure.-Chattanooga Virginia L. Lee Chattanooga Carl McCollum Lookout Mountain Andrew L. Lees, Jr ...Chattanooga fWilliam D. McConnell Robert C. Lees Chattanooga LaFayette, Ga. Edwin M. Lehman— Chattanooga James R. McCormack....Chattanooga John H. Leinart, Jr Chattanooga William D. McCormack Robert J. Leiper Signal Mountain South Pittsburg George N. Lerch Chattanooga Paul B. McCroskey Chattanooga Paul H. LeRoy Dalton, Ga. Sherman H. McCulley—Chattanooga George C. Lessig... -Chattanooga Hal E. McCullough Chattanooga Martin D. LeVan... -..Chattanooga Joan McCune Chattanooga Deene R. Leventhal- Chattanooga Bobbie McCurdy.. Chattanooga Roy E. Levi Chattanooga Harry McDaniel- Chattanooga Mildred Levine Chattanooga Elizabeth McDonald Chattanooga Betty Jean Lewis Hixson Milton W. McDonald Chattanooga J. Hutch Lewis —Hixson Andy McDonald Chattanooga James A. Lewis Chattanooga William W. McDowell Winchester John C. Lewis Chattanooga Betty McFarlin McDonald Paul S. Lewis Signal Mountain Marjorie McGavock Chattanooga Billy Van Lillard. Cleveland fGeorge S. McGee, Jr "Charlotte Anne Lilly Chattanooga Long Island, Ala. Clarence Lindsay... Chattanooga tWilliam G. McGill, Jr. .Chattanooga "Charles A. Lindsey —Chattanooga Donald G Mclntyre Chattanooga "John E. Ling .—Chattanooga John L. McKenzie —Chattanooga John R. Little Chattanooga "William C. McKenzie Chattanooga Wallace Little Chattanooga John R. McKinney David G. Ditz Chattanooga Lookout Mountain William Lloyd Rossville, Ga. Almeda McRee.- Soddy Jean M. Logan —Chattanooga Joe R. McRee Soddy Anthony M. Lombardo..Chattanooga •Marilyn McWhorter ...Chattanooga Arthur Leon Long- Chattanooga fBevars D. Mabry .Chattanooga Grady M. Long... Rossville, Ga. "Mary Frances MacLeod.-Chattanooga Charles C. Looser LaFayette, Ala. Arthur Riley Macon Rossville, Ga. Thomas A. Lotspeich, Jr — Joshua L. Magnes....Brooklyn, N. Y. Chattanooga Earl K. Magrath, Jr Chattanooga Barbara Love -Chattanooga Nance R. Magrath Chattanooga Harry M. Love, Jr ...Chattanooga Celia Mahan Chattanooga John R. Love, Jr.— -Rome, Ga. D. R. Mahan, Jr Chattanooga •Aaron A. Lowe Chattanooga John L. Mahan, Jr Rossville, Ga. •First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only. 161 Ralph E. Mahan Chattanooga •Harry A. Miller Chattanooga "George B. Mahoney.. Chattanooga Howells D. Miller, Jr Chattanooga Robert L. Mahoney.. Chattanooga John S. Miller Signal Mountain fHelen Manis Cohutta, Ga. "Martha Bell Miller.. Chattanooga David L. Mann... Chattanooga Ward W. Miller.. Rossville, Ga. Anna Belle Mansfield Chattanooga Ben Hill Millican Dalton, Ga. Barbara Jo Mansfield Chattanooga fManyon M. Millican Chattanooga Lucile J. Mansfield Chattanooga fSidney K. Millican Chattanooga fWiley R. Markum, Jr.—Chattanooga Leslie Milligan — Chattanooga William C. Marlin Chattanooga Clarence S. Mills Chattanooga John L. Marlow, Jr Chattanooga Donald J. Mills Chattanooga William H. Marsh Chattanooga Sayle Milne Cleveland Ivan Marshall Chattanooga Fred L. Mitchell..— Chattanooga "Celeste Martin —Chattanooga Teresa R. Mitchell. Chattanooga "Donald B. Martin Chattanooga Douglas D. Molander Chattanooga John C. Martin Ringgold, Ga. Ted J. Moon Harrison Philip O. Martin— Chattanooga Alex G. Moore Chattanooga Virginia M. Martin Chattanooga Ben S. Moore Cleveland fWalter L. Martin Chattanooga Bettye Jean Moore —Chattanooga fAnthony S. Martino—Garfield, N. J. Charles W. Moore Chattanooga Mayo L. Mashburn -Chattanooga fDon Moore, Jr .....Chattanooga Jack E. Mason, Jr ...Chattanooga fFrank C. Moore Chattanooga Lark E. Mason Signal Mountain Jack M. Moore Chickamauga, Ga. Robert H. Mason..Chickamauga, Ga. Marjorie Moore Chattanooga Joseph Mattis Masontown, Pa. Phyllis Moore Chattanooga •John K. Mauney Chattanooga Robert C. Moore Signal Mountain Shirley Maxey Chattanooga Robert L. Moore Chattanooga fMary Ellen Maycann Chattanooga "Thomas T. Moore, Jr.- James E. Mayfield— Chattanooga Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. •William E. Meadows Chattanooga Franklin Morast, Jr Chattanooga Gene A. Mealor Chattanooga John E. Moreland Chattanooga Mimi Mendelsohn Chattanooga "Leonard M. Moreland—Chattanooga Charles B. Meriwether Memphis Raymond J. Morgan Chattanooga Virginia L. Merriam Chattanooga William B. Morgan Chattanooga Joseph E. Merritt Chattanooga Edward M. Morris, Jr. ..Chattanooga Augusta Meyer ...Chattanooga James D. Morris LaFayette, Ga. Pauline E. Meyer Chattanooga John P. Morrison Chattanooga Robert C. Meyer Chattanooga Ray M. Morrison Chattanooga fHarvey Pendell Meyers.— "William C. Morrison Chattanooga Lookout Mountain Marvin J. Moseley, Jr. ..Chattanooga Demetrios Michaelides.Chattanooga Ratus C. Mosley- —Whitwell John L. Mighton Chattanooga Charles W. Moulton ..Chattanooga James E. Milburn Chattanooga Myrtice A. Moulton.. Chattanooga John W. Milburn Chattanooga Robert A. Mowrey Chattanooga Joseph L. Milburn ...Chattanooga Eugene Mulliean Chattanooga Roland Miles Chattanooga Fred F. Munson— Chattanooga Richard R. Miles Signal Mountain Janice Murphy... Chattanooga Calvin E. Millard Chattanooga "Claude V. Murr, Jr ..Chattanooga Dorothy L. Millard Chattanooga Ann E. Murton -Chattanooga fJames A. Millard Chattanooga Robert D. Myers Chicago, 111. •Jane Millard Chattanooga Stanley V. Myers Chattanooga Barbara Miller— Chattanooga Peggy Nagel Chattanooga Earl B. Miller. Athens fWilliam N. Narramore.-Chattanooga Edward N. Miller Jamaica, N. Y. fWilliam H. Nash Chattanooga Glenn Miller Chattanooga Kenneth A. Naylor... Webster, Pa. •First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only. 162 Charles O. Neal Chattanooga Willis M. Park Cleveland Carl R. Neidhardt Chattanooga "Charles H. Parker Chattanooga William R. Neighbors—Chattanooga Joseph M. Parker Chattanooga fPatrick J. Neligan Chattanooga Margaret H. Parker Chattanooga "Joseph E. Newberry Chattanooga Thomas Hilton Parker..Chattanooga Darden Newman Chattanooga Katherine F. Parks Chattanooga Lewis Newman Buffalo, Ala. Marjorie Ann Parks Forrest Newton Rossville, Ga. Pensacola, Fla. Ruth W. Newton Chattanooga fCraig S. Parrish..Wilmington, N. C. William Carlin Newton..Chattanooga George M. Parsons William J. Newton Ooltewah Chickamauga, Ga. Ralph A. Nite Chattanooga Augusta Patten Chattanooga Robert D. Nix Chattanooga Alvin H. Patterson Chattanooga Edward Nobles, Jr Chattanooga "Robert P. Patterson Chattanooga Robert Nolan Chattanooga "William S. Patterson Chattanooga fAnne Elizabeth Nolen....Chattanooga Scott Patton South Pittsburg Donna K. Norrell Chattanooga Eugene T. Payne Chattanooga fHarold L. North Rossville, Ga. Joseph W. Payne Chattanooga Geraldine F. Norton Chattanooga James M. Payton Chattanooga David B. O'Connell——Chattanooga Ethelyn M. Peace Chattanooga Kitty N. Oehmig -Chattanooga George Pearce, Jr Chattanooga Dwight Ogle Chattanooga Henry E. Pearman Chattanooga Hazel M. Ogle Chattanooga Ray Peck Chattanooga Mary Katherine Ogle Horton F. Pedigo, Jr Chattanooga Signal Mountain Lollie Peeples Chattanooga Edward A. O'Harra Gordon R. Pendergrass.-Chattanooga Springfield, Ohio fPaul A. Peppers LaFayette, Ga. Gloria E. Oldis Chattanooga Charles E. Perkins -Chattanooga William Oliphant Chattanooga Louise Perkins Chattanooga fJack A. O'Neal Martha J. Perkinson Chattanooga New Lexington, Ohio Mildred L. Perry Cedartown, Ga. "James E. O'Neal Chattanooga William H. Perry Chattanooga Alf R. O'Rear Chattanooga Mildred G Perryman -Chattanooga Elsie M. Orr Trenton, Ga. "Stanton M. Peters Crossville Jack T. Orr Chattanooga Thomas E. Pettis, Jr Chattanooga Martin P. Orr Chattanooga Emil A. Pfitzer Chattanooga Kenneth D. Orrell Chattanooga Jarrett C. Pharr Chattanooga James N. Ott —Chattanooga Harry J. Phillips Ooltewah Alfred G. Owens Chattanooga fJoseph B. Phillips Chattanooga fGeorge M. Owens Chattanooga "Katherine Phillips Chattanooga Morton L. Pace Chattanooga Lowell B. Phillips Chattanooga Placido Pacheco Havana, Cuba fRoger W, Phillips Sale Creek Dorris M. Paetzell Milford, N. J. Thomas R. Phillips, Jr William M. Pafenbach Chattanooga Dalton, Mass. Virginia H. Phillips Chattanooga Herschel E. Page Chattanooga Carroll Pickering Chattanooga Albert F. Painter Chattanooga Earl W. Pickering Chattanooga Peggy Palmer Chattanooga Paul N. Pittenger Chattanooga Weyman C. Panter Victoria Hays Pogue Chattanooga fEdward T. Papson Chattanooga William G. Polley, Jr "Allen J. Park, Jr Signal Mountain Signal Mountain J. Franklin Park Benton John F. Post Chattanooga "Raymond M. Park Chattanooga George P. Poston Chattanooga Roger Park Cleveland Mary Ann Potter Chattanooga Willard J. Park : Benton L. D. Potts Chattanooga "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only. 163 Mildred R. Potts .....Chattanooga Barry V. Rhodes.. BB. Worth Powell Chattanooga ...Chickamauga, Ga. Frank H. Powell Mt. Pleasant Charles E. Rice.. Rossville, Ga. Ned F. Powell Rome, Ga. fJames G. Rice Chattanooga Samuel H. Powell. Rossville, Ga. Kenneth M. Rice Chattanooga Charles D. Richards Dunlap William O. Powell, Jr..Chattanooga John E. Richards Memphis Clifton Powers Sheffield, Ala. fOtis R. Richards Dawson, Ala. fVernon D. Prater Chattanooga Don H. Richardson..Signal Mountain Florence E. Pratt Chattanooga Betty Jean Richey. Chattanooga James F. Prescott Chattanooga •John F. Ricketson, Jr.... June E. Prestridge ...Chattanooga .Warrenton, Ga. James T. Price- Chattanooga Alma Ruth Riddle Hixson Margaret Price Rockwood Sara Lou Riddle..... Hixson Mary Joan Price Chattanooga "Buel Edwin Ridge.. Chattanooga John R. Prigmore Chattanooga fLewis L. Ridley Chattanooga Dorothy R. Prince Chattanooga Felix E. Riggs Chattanooga fGraham W. Prince Chattanooga Larry Rigsby Savannah, Ga. John W. Proctor Centre, Ala. Elizabeth Riheldoffer Chattanooga Charlotte M. Prokop Chattanooga Robert Ripple -Rossville, Ga. Betty Province Chattanooga Anne Ritchey Rossville, Ga. Carol E. Pruette Chattanooga Lovenia Ritchie Chattanooga Dykes L. Pruitt. -..Cleveland Betty Roane Chattanooga Donald Lynn Puckett—.Chattanooga Jack L. Roberson—- Chattanooga tWilliam A. Puckett....LaFayette, Ga. John M. Roberson.. Calhoun, Ga. John L. Puett. Athens "Marshall E. Roberson.— — Soddy "William F. Pugh Chattanooga Betsy Mae Roberts —Chattanooga Bernice C. Purcell Chattanooga "Charles R. Roberts Chattanooga William J. Purcell Chattanooga Jean Roberts Chattanooga "Morris W. Quave Chattanooga Frances Ann Roberts Chattanooga Betty Quintrell Chattanooga Thomas D. Roberts ...Chattanooga Paul F. Ragon Chattanooga Edward Robinett— Chattanooga Jacob P. Ramsey Chattanooga Bettie Joe Robinson Chattanooga William A. Rankin Chattanooga "David M. Robinson... Chattanooga fKerry E. Ransom LaFayette, Ga. "Elizabeth F. Robinson.—Chattanooga fDan Rapaich Niagara, Wise. Homer Lee Robinson..... Cleveland Jack H. Raulston Trenton, Ga. James A. Robinson.. Chattanooga fBen Rawlings Lookout Mountain Ruth C. Robinson.— Chattanooga fGeorge Rawlings..Lookout Mountain Carl B. Roden Chattanooga Inez Byrd Ray Chattanooga Alfred P. Rogers.... Chattanooga Richard D. Ray... Chattanooga Bert A. Rogers ...Chattanooga Robert C. Ray ...Chattanooga Darwin Lee Rogers .....Chattanooga Charles R. Reckard, Jr David D. Rogers Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain fEarl R. Rogers James A. Reckard Travelers Rest. S. C. -Lookout Mountain "William C. Rogers, Jr.-Chattanooga "Eugene A. Reed- -Chattanooga James Waymon Rose Chattanooga "Charles H. Reese....Summerville, Ga. Lawrence F. Rose .....Chattanooga "Jack L. Rehring Chattanooga Barney L. Roth, Jr Chattanooga Gloria Reif Signal Mountain Homer E. Roth Chattanooga F. Ward Reilly...Lookout Mountain Robert O. Rowlett Chattanooga •Myrna Renfroe Trenton, Ga. Dallas Y. Rucker.- -Chattanooga tWilliam E. Reno.-- Chattanooga fDavid John Rudder ...Chattanooga fDortha O. Rheay.. -Chattanooga Roy R. Rudder, Jr ...Chattanooga Vance E. Rhinehart Apison Charles G. Ruffner .Harriman "First Semester Only. tSecond Semester Only. 164 Joseph P. Rungee, Jr Chattanooga Jonathan H. Sherwood George D. Russ -Chattanooga Spring Valley, N. Y. Richard T. Russell ...Chattanooga Kenneth C. Shipley Soddy Darrell Rutherford- Chattanooga Eugene C. Shirley, Jr. ..Chattanooga Dwight Rutledge Chattanooga Robert L. Shivers Rossville, Ga. Jeanne M. Rymer Cleveland James T. Shoemaker Chattanooga Patrick W. St. Charles, Jr.- Georgette Short Chattanooga Chattanooga Steven A. Short Chattanooga Mary Clark St. Cin Chattanooga Eugene N. Shrader Chattanooga Kathryne St. Clair Chattanooga Bertha J. Shub Chattanooga Arthur L. Saloshin Chattanooga Dayle H. Shull Chattanooga Christopher C. Sanders-Chattanooga Carl R. Shutting Chattanooga James S. Sanders Chattanooga "Dennis W. Sibert Mentone, Ala. Jerry M. Sanders Chattanooga Harold G. Sibold Chattanooga Vincent A. Sarratore ! John D. Silas Chattanooga Martins Ferry, Ohio Don H. Simpson Chattanooga James H. Sasse Henderson, Ky. fBuell E. Siniard, Jr.....Rossville, Ga. "Caleb J. Saulpaw Chattanooga fEdwin H. Siniard.Rising Fawn, Ga. "Daniel L. Sawyer Chattanooga Manuel Sir Chattanooga fCharles E. Saylor Chattanooga •John H. Sivley Chattanooga William F. Schaefer Chattanooga James E. Skeen Rossville, Ga. Charles W. Schenck Chattanooga "Dan L. Skilton Chattanooga Menno Schepers The Netherlands Merton H. Slutz Chattanooga Eugene H. Schimpf Chattanooga fFrank M. Smallwood.Jr Clinton J. Schmitt, Jr. ..Chattanooga Chattanooga fEdward N. Schneider Collegedale Eugene Smedley, Jr Ooltewah "Marie G. Scholze Chattanooga Anna Louise Smith Chattanooga Charles K. Schoocraft...Chattanooga Arch Y. Smith, Jr Chattanooga William Schulte -...Chattanooga Arthur U. L. Smith Dalton, Ga. Gordon W. Scott. Rossville, Ga. fBettie Jeanne Smith Henry E. Scrudder Chattanooga Signal Mountain David O. Sebastian Huntland Charles Edward Smith..Chattanooga Robert R. Sebastian Huntland Charles G. Smith Chattanooga Homer H. Sellers Chattanooga "Cosima S. Smith... Dunlap William P. Selman, Jr David B. Smith Chattanooga Summerville, Ga. David L. Smith Chattanooga Earl Sertel Chattanooga Dexter W. Smith Chattanooga Richard G. Sessions Chattanooga "Frances M. Smith Chattanooga "Don T. Settles Chattanooga Frank M. Smith, Jr Chattanooga Harry B. Seward, Jr Chattanooga Glenn E. Smith Chattanooga Oscar L. Shackelford Chattanooga Gloria M. Smith Chattanooga Joe Allen Shadwick Daisy Harold S. Smith Chattanooga "Betty Gene Shafer, Chattanooga Henry R. Smith Chattanooga Howard S. Shaffer Miami, Fla. Inda Mae Smith Chattanooga Richard V. Shaffer Miami, Fla. fJames Karl Smith, Jr Cleveland "Olin Shaver Chattanooga James Robert Smith, Jr Frank C. Shaw, Jr Chattanooga - Chickamauga, Ga. James Vollard Smith Edward Shehee Chattanooga Barbourville, Ky. Walter H. Shehee Chattanooga Joseph H. Smith, Jr Chattanooga Richard D. Shellabarger John R. Smith Chattanooga Signal Mountain Lawrence Smith, Jr Chattanooga Paul W. Shepherd, Jr...Chattanooga Leon R. Smith Chattanooga Robert Dudley Sheppard..Rome, Ga. "Raymond F. Smith— Chattanooga "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only.

165 Robert E. Smith Chattanooga •Mary Agnes Strahle Chattanooga Robert O. Smith Chattanooga "Leonard O. Straker, Jr Robert W. Smith Chattanooga Chattanooga Thomas A. Smith Soddy Hannah E. Strickland—Chattanooga Thomas DeCosta Smith-Chattanooga George D. Stuart Chattanooga Warren J. Smith Chattanooga Glenn O. Sturdivant Chattanooga William F. Smith Chattanooga William J. Sturgeon Chattanooga fHoward P. Sompayrac.Chattanooga J. W. Suggs Chattanooga L. Edward Sparks Chattanooga fEverett T. Sullivan Chattanooga Leland Sparks, Jr Chattanooga Harry H. Summers fWilbur H. Sparks Dalton, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. James H. Spaulding, Jr Florence Sutherland Chattanooga Chattanooga Jane Sutton Chattanooga •Joe E. Spearman Chattanooga Sarah Sutton Chattanooga David Lynn Spears Chattanooga Billy Swafford Jasper Adele Spence Chattanooga Carol Swafford Chattanooga L. Jack Spence Chattanooga William O. Swan, Jr Chattanooga Harry D. Spencer Chattanooga Beverly A. Swingle Chattanooga Raymond H. Spiva Chattanooga Kenneth R. Sylar Chattanooga Shirley Sprague Chattanooga R. Houston Sylar Chattanooga Wendell P. Spurgeon •Hilda S. Taber....Lookout Mountain .....Signal Mountain William M. Taff Chattanooga tJ. Littleton Spurlock Chattanooga Aubrey L. Talburt Chattanooga Robert T. Staley Chattanooga •Jane C. Talley Chattanooga Belle Stamper Chattanooga Clarence A. Tapper..Hammond, Ind. Robert A. Standifer Chattanooga •William R. Tatum Trenton, Ga. "Howard O. Stanford—Sheffield, Ala. "Donald F. Taylor....Signal Mountain "Charles E. Stanley Chattanooga "Fofo E. Taylor Chattanooga Haskew Stanton Ft. Pierce, Fla. William T. Taylor Chattanooga John D. Starbuck Chattanooga Millard Teal Chattanooga Donald L. Starkey Chattanooga Jack P. Templeton Chattanooga Malvina Stegall Chattanooga "William H. Terrell Chattanooga Edward F. Steiner Chattanooga Martin L. Thach Chattanooga Joseph P. Steiner Mobile, Ala. Michael Thatcher..Lookout Mountain Mary Ann Steiner Chattanooga Ned W. Thaxton Chattanooga W. A. Steinmann Rossville, Ga. Doyle M. Thomas Cleveland "Brown C. Stephens Chattanooga Edward F. Thomas Chattanooga fWilliam F. Stephenson, Jr Harold E. Thomas Chattanooga Chattanooga John W. Thomas Stevenson, Ala. George W. Stevenson, Jr "Barbara W. Thomasson Ooltewah Chattanooga Charlyce Thompson Chattanooga Joseph W. Stevenson, Jr fHoward J. Thompson....Chattanooga .....Chattanooga James Charles Thompson, Jr Harvey T. Stewart Rossville, Ga. Chattanooga James A. Stewart.Ft. Benning, Ga. Mack Thompson Chattanooga fPattye Jean Stewart Chattanooga Martha E. Thompson Chattanooga Ruth Stiebel Chattanooga Miliner C. Thompson Chattanooga "David M. Stock Dalton, Ga. Gilford M. Thurman, Jr Betty Stacker Chattanooga Chattanooga E. J. Stone, Jr Chattanooga Lotte O. Thurnauer Chattanooga Lawrence B. Stone Ringgold, Ga. Dolphus Tidwell, Jr Chattanooga "Novelle R. Stone Chattanooga "Rodger L. Tidwell Chattanooga S. Lamar Stone Chattanooga Mary Alice Tietze Chattanooga Margaret C. Stong..Signal Mountain Lamar Tillett Chattanooga f John H. Stotts Chattanooga "Alice T. Timberlake Chattanooga •First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only.

166 Elizabeth Tipton Cleveland William L. Walters Chattanooga •James I. Tittle Chattanooga Frank Walton LaFayette, Ala. Jane E. Tolley Chattanooga George M. Wampler Jasper Helen J. Tombras Chattanooga Russell H. Ward Chattanooga fHerbert H. Towers Chattanooga Roland Wardlaw •Joseph F. Towles....South Pittsburg Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Nielsen Ware Chattanooga Max L. Trotz Chattanooga Hugh A. Warner....Signal Mountain Samuel I. Trotz Chattanooga Carl G. Warren, Jr Shannon, Ga. fWilliam L. Truex Chattanooga fHenry F. Waters LaFayette, Ga. D. Frank Trundle Chattanooga Betty Watkins Chattanooga Charles A. Tucker, Jr. ..Chattanooga "James K. Watkins Chattanooga •Thomas C. Tucker Hanson, Ky. Charlotte B. Watson Edward Turner, Jr Chattanooga Lookout Mountain Jere B. Turner Richard City Kenneth W. Watson Chattanooga William T. Turner Jasper Loren V. Watson..Lookout Mountain Nelson Turpin Chattanooga William T. Watts Rossville, Ga. William H. Tweed Chattanooga Harley B. Weatherly Chattanooga "Courtenay Twinam Chattanooga Robert K. Weatherly Chattanooga Rose Mary Valadie Chattanooga Joseph W. Webb..Chickamauga, Ga. "Forrest Vandegriff Chattanooga Paul P. Webb Chattanooga Jack B. VanHooser Chattanooga Robert B. Webb Chattanooga Merle C. VanVleet Chattanooga Virginia Webb Chattanooga Parker C. VanWinkle....Chattanooga Jack E. Weiler fEarl L. Varnell Chattanooga Chicago Heights, 111. Florence W. Varnell Chattanooga "Harold D. Welch Chattanooga f Jack O. Varnell Chattanooga Herman E. Welch, Jr Chattanooga Milton T. Varnell, Jr Chattanooga William P. Welch Chattanooga Walter T. Varnell Chattanooga Henry M. Weiler Chattanooga "Edra Jo Varner Hixson James M. Wells Griffin, Ga. Ruth Varner Chattanooga "Ronald L. Wells Rossville, Ga. Thomas C. Varner Chattanooga Thelma Werndli Chattanooga fJoseph A. Vechey....E. Chicago, Ind. Charles D. Werner Chattanooga George D. Vess, Jr Chattanooga George J. Werner Chattanooga Brownie W. Vines Chattanooga "Louise P. Werner Chattanooga Eleanor W. Virgin Chattanooga Robert Y. Wert Chattanooga Anne Viser Soddy John Ed West Chattanooga Barbara Vogel Chattanooga Samuel P. West Chattanooga Norman T. Vorwerk Chattanooga "Carl R, Wheeler Chattanooga Richard Vorwerk Chattanooga John L. Wheeler Chattanooga "Harvey L. Wade Chattanooga fWade H. Wheeler Chattanooga "J. B. Wade Chattanooga Eston V. Whelchel "Judson D. Wade, Jr Chattanooga Chickamauga, Ga. "John W. Waite Chattanooga Clyde M. Whisenant Chattanooga Charles A. Walker Alcoa Harvey C. Whitaker Chattanooga William H. Walker Chattanooga Elizabeth B. White Chattanooga Wynema Walker Dunlap "Floyd White Chattanooga Joseph G. Wallace Chattanooga Joyce White Chattanooga Shirley C. Wallace Chattanooga "Margaret R. White Chattanooga Carey H. Waller Chattanooga Mary Jim White Chattanooga fFrank A. Wallington fRhea J. White Chattanooga Moundsville, W. Va. Claude W. Whitehead....Chattanooga Joe D. Walls Chattanooga "June R. Whitlock Chattanooga "Charles H. Walsh Chattanooga Thomas M. Whitson, Jr John M. Walsh Chattanooga Chattanooga "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only.

167 Ernest F. Whittenburg..Chattanooga Drewry F. Wofford, Jr Mary Ruth Wilhoit Chattanooga Chickamauga, Ga. Sarah E. Wilhoit ..Chattanooga Donald M. Wolfe Chattanooga "Rhoten W. Willhoit Chattanooga Gladish A. Wolfe, Jr Chattanooga Charles R. Williams, Jr Kenneth Wolfe Chattanooga .....Chattanooga fRowland D. Wolfe Chattanooga Elbert Lewis Williams-Chattanooga Charles E. Wolff Chattanooga Elizabeth Ann Williams Junnus R. Womack Chattanooga ...Chattanooga "Frederick V. Wood Chattanooga fFrank E. Williams Chattanooga Nancilu Wood : Chattanooga John T. Williams Chattanooga David Woodall Chattanooga Luke E. Williams. Rossville, Ga. fFrankie E. Wooden Chattanooga Lamont Williams.. Chattanooga fMilton C. Wooden Chattanooga Samuel L. Williams Chattanooga Robert W. Woodfin..South Pittsburg Stanley R. Williams Chattanooga Anne Woodward Chattanooga •Stephen A. Williams, III Winfield T. Worley Chattanooga Chattanooga Luther T. Worsham, Jr William L, Williams, Jr ...Birmingham, Ala...... Chattanooga Robert C. Worth... Chattanooga Peter Williamson Chattanooga •Charles Lee Woy Chattanooga Thomas Willingham, Jr Collins Wright Chickamauga, Ga. : Chattanooga "Robert S. Wright- Chattanooga "Richard Willoch Chattanooga Susie Wright Chattanooga fBert W. Wills, Jr.... Chattanooga Veneta Yarbrough Chattanooga Charles F. Wilson Daus William M. Yearout Keith Wilson -Chattanooga Chickamauga, Ga. James P. Wilson Chattanooga Barbara Young Chattanooga Lamar Wilson Chattanooga Blanche Young Chattanooga Lee Roy Wilson Chattanooga Robert E. Young Chattanooga Macon C. Wilson Rocky Face, Ga. Walter B. Young Chattanooga Mary M. Wilson Sweetwater William E. Younger Chattanooga Minnie Sue Wilson Sweetwater Moses Zavels Chattanooga Porter C. Wilson Rossville, Ga. fJoseph H. Zawada ...Niagara, Wise. "Ruben W. Wilson- Chattanooga Robert V. Zimbelman fMarion R. Winfree Rossville, Ga. Signal Mountain "Earl W. Winger, Jr Chattanooga Ernest L. Zorn Chattanooga Joanne Winn Chattanooga James Carter Zorn Chattanooga Evening College Arabelle Abel Chattanooga James A. Bass, Jr Chattanooga Archie L. Adams Chattanooga William H. Bass, Jr Chattanooga Joe Adkins Chattanooga H. E. Bearden Chattanooga Edgar B. Alder, Jr Jasper Wilson Beeker Chattanooga Myrtle Alexander Daisy Charles Beene Hixson Carl Allen Rossville, Ga. Elizabeth Beene Hixson Edith E. Allen Signal Mountain Mildred Beene Hixson Allen Altman Chattanooga James J. Beene Chattanooga Betty Jean Anderson Chattanooga Glendon Bennett Chattanooga Faye Andes Chattanooga Mrs. Glendon Bennett. Chattanooga Charles S. Aplin Chattanooga Katharine Bennett Chattanooga Evelyn P. Atkinson Chattanooga Mildred Blackwelder Chattanooga F. Lamar Austin.... Chattanooga Helen Bogart Lookout Mountain John R. Barnes Chattanooga Ira Branum - Chattanooga Edward W. Bartlett Chattanooga J. T. Bratcher -Chattanooga "First Semester Only. fSecond Semester Only.

168 Roberta Bratcher.. Chattanooga Alvin S. Davis Cleveland Edwin B. Brinkley Chattanooga Joe W. Davis. Chattanooga Giles R. Brooks Chattanooga Marion L. Davis Chattanooga Edward E. Brown, Jr Chattanooga Thomas E. Dawson Chattanooga Hartwell Brown Chattanooga Sara Delaney Chattanooga Howard Brown Chattanooga Elsa Dennison Chattanooga Mary G Brown Chattanooga Rosa Lee Denton Soddy John W. Bryan Chattanooga Robert E. Dicks, Jr Chattanooga Alma Bond Bryant Soddy Margaret Dillon Chattanooga Kenneth H. Bright ...Chattanooga Edward Dubinski Chattanooga Virginia Bryson Chattanooga Walter E. Duke Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Regina Buck Rossville, Ga. Mrs. Robert Dulaney Henry Buhrman Chattanooga Lookout Mountain Irene Burks Chattanooga Estelle Dunlap Chattanooga Viva Lee Burks Chattanooga Jennings B. Elkins Chattanooga Dorothy Burns Chattanooga Floyd W. Eisner Chattanooga Atwood Butler Chattanooga James H. Evans.. Chattanooga Opal Callaway Lupton City John B. Evans. , Hixson Stella A. Callaway Rossville, Ga. Robbie M. Evans Chattanooga Mary E. Campbell Chattanooga Margaret Everett Chattanooga John L. Carmichael Chattanooga Icye W. Fariss Chattanooga Nannie N. Carpenter.. Hixson I. M. Farrar, Jr Chattanooga Lillian V. Carrick— Chattanooga Rufus R. Fisher Apison Robert W. Carson.... Chattanooga Lucy Fletcher -.Chattanooga Juliet Carter Chattanooga Robert C. Ford Chattanooga LeBron Carver Chattanooga Donald R. Foster.. Chattanooga A. R. Casavant.. Chattanooga Frances D. Fryar -Chattanooga Alice Evelyn Cash Chattanooga Roy E. Gallaher... Chattanooga Robert N. Chambliss Chattanooga Juanita Gee Chattanooga Mrs. M. E. Choate.— Chattanooga H. E. Germann... Rossville, Ga. Marie S. Christians.— Chattanooga Susie L. Glover Daisy Mercer Clementson. Chattanooga John D. Goode.. -Chattanooga William M. Coffelt— —Whitwell Peggy Granert Chattanooga Ida D. Coker... Chattanooga Richard Grant—. -Chattanooga Augusta B. Colston Chattanooga Margaret C. Gray .-Chattanooga Edna C. Condra -Chattanooga R. C. Green Chattanooga Rex E. Conley, Jr Chattanooga William A. Greer Chattanooga Melvin M. Conner... Chattanooga William F. Griffith -Chattanooga William O. Cooper, Jr Chattanooga Lucile H. Gupton Chattanooga James B. Cordell ...Chattanooga Charles M. Haggard Rossville, Ga. Florence Costello Chattanooga Lewis W. Hall.. Chattanooga Robert J. Cotter Chattanooga Thomas M. Hall, Jr ...Chattanooga James E. Couch Chattanooga David M. Hamilton Wildwood, Ga. John B. Cousar Chattanooga Oran N. Hancock— Chattanooga Ben F. Covington, Jr Chattanooga Carl J. Hanzlik— Chattanooga James M. Cox Chattanooga Raymond Hargis Soddy Martha Jo Craighead Chattanooga Don T. Harper Chattanooga Herman Bruce Crane Chattanooga Rhoton Sylvester Harris, Jr Robert L. Crawford, Jr...Chattanooga Spring City Stephen H. Cross Chattanooga Lou Nelle Haswell Chattanooga Lawrence Cuba Chattanooga William G. Hauptman Chattanooga A. O. Currey, Jr Chattanooga Billy Frank Hawk Chattanoga D. S. Dabbs Chattanooga Walter W. Headrick Soddy Denton Dabbs Chattanooga Albert B. Hicks Chattanooga Frank E. Dabbs Chattanooga Edwin A. Hicks Chattanooga Rufus T. Dabbs Chattanooga Lena Hicks Cedar Grove, Ga.

169 Thomas B. Highers Chattanooga Betty Magill Chattanooga Lola Hinson Chattanooga Donald L. Maguire Chattanooga Margaret Hinton Chattanooga C. C. Maher Chattanooga Franz L. Hisey Chattanooga William Manning Chattanooga Dewey G. Hixson.— Chattanooga Harry Mansfield Chattanooga Nora Rogers Hixson Hixson Edwin O. Martin Ralph E. Holland Chattanooga Lookout Mountain James Holley Chattanooga Opal Martin Chattanooga John D. Hoover Chattanooga Mrs. Robert Mason Chattanooga James L. Hornsby Jasper L. B. Mellett Chattanooga Sarah B. Hubbard Chattanooga John H. Meyer, III Chattanooga George C. Hudson Chattanooga Herbert H. Miller, Jr Chattanooga Analee Huffaker Chattanooga Hazel H. Millican Daisy John R. Humphries Chattanooga Inez Millican Dalton, Ga. Robert C. Hunt Chattanooga Sarah Milligan Lookout Mountain James S. Hyde, Jr Chattanooga Odessa Millsap Cleveland James B. Irvine, Jr Ian C. Mitchell Chattanooga Lookout Mountain Mary Rhoda Montague Chattanooga Ellen A. Johnson Chattanooga Edith E. Moore Chattanooga Jeffice Clinton Johnson Athene G. Morgan Hixson Chattanooga R. M. Morgan Chattanooga William C. Johnson Chattanooga Edward W. Morris Chattanooga William R. Johnson Chattanooga Fred J. Morrison. Jr Chattanooga H. Patricia Jonakin Chattanooga Mary Cathaleen Mullenix Kenneth W. Jonakin Chattanooga Chattanooga Robert E. Jonakin Chattanooga Margaret Nabors Chattanooga Sue Foreman Jones Chattanooga Grace Babb Nash Chattanooga Alice Kain Chattanooga William H. Nash —Chattanooga Gladys Kalb Chattanooga John Neligan Chattanooga Anna Rob Keith Chattanooga Mae Betty Nelms Chattanooga Alson R. Kemp Chattanooga Max T. Neville Chattanooga J. Beryl. Kemp Chattanooga A. F. Newman Chattanooga Edna J. Kent Chattanooga Hilda B. Newman Chattanooga John O. Lassiter Chattanooga Jeanne Newton Chattanooga James B. Layfield, Jr.—Chattanooga Thomas E. Newton Chattanooga Ruth Layfield Chattanooga Delia Nichols Chattanooga Elsa Lehmann Chattanooga Elizabeth Anne Nolen Chattanooga John R. LeVan Chattanooga C. C. Norcross Chattanooga Ivan L. Lewis .....Chattanooga Nancy Norcross Chattanooga Lula G. Lewis Hixson Milton Nuckolls Rocky Face, Ga. Mrs, Charles Lindsey Howard C. Oathout Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Mrs. Phillip Lowry....Rocky Face, Ga. Mary Painter Chattanooga John S. McBeth Chattanooga James H. Palmer Chattanooga Howard I. McBride .....Chattanooga Edward T. Papson Chattanooga Charles D. McCallie Chattanooga Robert T. Park Chattanooga Merlynne McCaul Chattanooga Richard L. Parker Chattanooga Emma P. McConnell Chattanooga Si A. Past, Jr Chattanooga Harry McCool Chattanooga Eugene C. Patterson, Jr Stewart M. McFadden Chattanooga Chattanooga Dorothy B. Mcintosh Chattanooga Esther Pearce Chattanooga Thomas J. Mcintosh Chattanooga Sarah B. Pennington Chattanooga Peggy McMillan Chattanooga Mrs. Raymond C. Perez Albert F. McReynolds Chattanooga Chickamauga, Ga. Mario P. Pfaff Chattanooga Paul H. Madden Chattanooga Margie Phifer Chattanooga

170 Jack Pitkin Chattanooga Glen O. Spry Chattanooga Dorothy W. Pitts Chattanooga Dorothy Stage Chattanooga Ela B. Poindexter Chattanooga Charles H. Stansifer Chattanooga Otis Potter Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. James H. Stephenson Chattanooga Johnnie Lou Powell Chattanooga Verne D. Steves Chattanooga Wayne A. Powell Chattanooga George Stillman Chattanooga Alfred R. Prince Chattanooga Mary Jo Stolpmann Alice Probasco Chattanooga Signal Mountain F. Miller Pruette Chattanooga Robert D. Strauss .Chattanooga Hassell B. Quails Chattanooga Mrs. Hassell B. Quails Chattanooga Mary Agnes Swafford Chattanooga Sam Raulston Jasper Thomas W. Tankesley Chattanooga L. F. Reid Chattanooga Mrs. Tom Tate Rock Face, Ga. Frances W. Revis Chattanooga Clara Louise Thoman Chattanooga Dorothy Rhyne Rossville, Ga. Nelle Thomas Rossville, Ga. Maurice Richelson Chattanooga Sue K. Thomas Hixson Charles Robinson Chattanooga Alvin D. Thompson Chattanooga Robert E. Robinson Chattanooga Alfred H. Tipps Chattanooga Charlotte Roesslein. Chattanooga Joseph F. Towles South Pittsburg Eufaula Runion Chattanooga Jack L. Trimble Signal Mountain Giles Rutherford Chattanooga Thomas C. Tucker Chattanooga Edward Ryon Chattanooga Julia Virginia Turner Chattanooga Fred A. Salmon Chattanooga Arnold Harrison Tweedle Albert D. Sauls Chattanooga Chattanooga Robert D. Sawin Chattanooga Parker C. VanWinkle Chattanooga Willow Dean Scroggins Hixson Norris E. Vaughn Rossville, Ga. Walter P. Selcer, Jr Chattanooga William W. Voigt Signal Mountain Glen S. Senters Chattanooga Thomas O. Ward Chattanooga George W. Sergent Chattanooga Linton Waterhouse Chattanooga Richard C. Sexton Chattanooga Louise Watkins Chattanooga Charles A. Sharp Chattanooga Laury K. Weaver, Jr Chattanooga Keith Shinault Chattanooga John S. Wesley Chattanooga Anthony H. Shookus....Rossville, Ga. James G. West Chattanooga Valerie Ann Shriver Chattanooga Clifford H. Whittle Chattanooga David W. Silver....Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. V. Joyce Wilkerson Chattanooga Earle Silver Chattanooga Faye Williams Chattanooga Elizabeth S. Silver Chattanooga Grace M. Williams Chattanooga Robert Simpson Jasper Loran Q. Williams Chattanooga Walter W. Simpson, Jr Mary Williams Chattanooga Chattanooga Roy Lamont Williams, Jr Dan Skilton Chattanooga Chattanooga William R. Slack Rossville, Ga. Ruth Williams Ringgold, Ga. Allison V. Slagle Chattanooga Doyle F. Wilson Chattanooga Henry L. Sliger Chattanooga Harry K. Witt Chattanooga Regina Sliger Chattanooga Raymond B. Witt, Jr -Chattanooga Edna C. Smith— Daisy Frankie Wooden Chattanoga Glenn W. Smith Ooltewah Wiley O. Woods Chattanooga Harmon M. Smith Chattanooga William B. Woods Chattanooga Howard E. Smith Chattanooga John D. Woodward Hixson John W. Smith, Jr Chattanooga Thomas L. Wrenn Chattanooga Mildred Smith Chattanooga James H. Wright .....Chattanooga Roy T. Smith Chattanooga Julius M. Wright Chattanooga Wilbur H. Sparks Dalton, Ga. Robert S. Wrinkle Cleveland DeForest A. Spencer Chattanooga Margaret R. Ziegler Chattanooga


Margaret V. Abel Claude Belcher, Jr. Inez Byrd William M. Abies, Jr. John L. Bell, Jr. Bernard P. Byrne, Jr. Jack Acton Betty Bennett Roy V. Byrum Joseph P. Adkins Arnold W. Beyer Fred C. Caldwell Milton C. Adler John R. Billingsley, Jr. James C. Caldwell June Agee Vance D. Bishop Sara Cline Caldwell Jack R. Agnew, Jr. Joann T. Blackford Joe S. Cannon Betty Lee Albert Byron W. Blanchard Sammie Jane Cannon Conde Alday, Jr. Edward Blanton Donald E. Carlock Cecil D. Aldridge Edwin T. Bohr Daniel W. Carmichael LeRoy H. Alexander William C. Bolen John W. Carr Mabel M. Alexander Myrtle L. Booth Lillian V. Carrick George W. Alsup Joseph R. Bosnic Dewey Eugene Carroll Louis A. Altamari Ben Boulware Ersaline Carroll Alfred W. Anderson Dewitt Bowen George E. Carroll Lee S. Anderson Anne Bowman James E. Carroll Robert K. Anderson Denton W. Bowman Holly B. Carter Thomas R. Anderson Eugene C. Bowman William C. Carter William D. Anderson, Jr. W. Eugene Bowman Reed Carver Melvin E. Arledge Herschell H. Boyd J. Vincent Casale Cedric Armor William M. Brackett A. R. Casavant Maude Elsie Armstrong Marvin M. Brackin Joe D. Case Albert Ray Ashworth William H. Bradford James S. Casey Hall M. Atchley Bettye Jane Bradley Jack Cassell Harry B. Au Robert J. Bradshaw Grace K. Castleberry Janet Au Roberta Bratcher Carolyn Chamberlain Ralph L. Brickell John L. Chambers Barbara J. Bachman Eugene H. Bridges Catherine Chapman Ernest A. Bachman James B. Bridges Doris Chapman Owen J. Bailey Mary Dorothy Brien Lemuel B. Chisolm Warren E. Bailey Edwin B. Brinkley Lamar M. Christian Jack M. Baker DeForrest Brooke Ross M. Christian Robert H. Baker Douglas Brooks Mary Langley Clarke William G. Baker Giles R. Brooks William A. Clift James D. Bales John R. Brooks Hawley A. Cline Vivian Ballew William B. Brooks James E. Cochran Jack L. Baras Charles S. Brown Kenneth D. Cochrane Max M. Barber Frances E. Brown Benjamin F. Cofer Joe P. Barger Fred E. Brown Robert L. Coffey George Barker Hartwell Brown William M. Coffey James W. Barker C. D. Broyles Henry Cofrancesco Curtis H. Barnes Charles L. Bryant Martha D. Coile Gloria Barr Charles A. Buhler Buford H. Cole Thomas A. Barr, Jr. Herbert Burchfield James B. Cole, Jr. Betsey J. Barrows Bobby N, Burdine James H. Cole, Jr. Harold L. Barrows Frank L. Burell Ray Coleman Kenneth M. Barry Robert W. Burgner Richard L. Coleman Edward L. Baxter Carl L. Burney Josephine H. Collett Roy A. Baxter William T. Burns, Jr. Lyman M. Collie. Jr. Robert M. Bearden Billy G. Bush Eugene N. Collins Gerald J. Beavers David E. Buttram Pansy T. Collins William S. Beck Hunter Byington Pauline M. Collins James Jerry Beene

172 Milton L. Colosia Byron Donahue James S. Foster Augusta B. Colston Marylen Donham John I. Foster, Jr. Thomas E. Colston, Jr. Betty P. Drummond Solie Fott Charles A. Comer James Duckett Charles E. Fox Frank G. Conley Fred T. Duke, Jr. Liston M. Fox Richard S. Connell Elene Dyer James B. Foxworth Samuel A. Conner Jessie Mae Dyer Taft Frazier Sidnah Jo Conner George A. Dyke Howard M. Fremmer Thomas H. Conner John L. Dyke Harold S. French Earl E. Cook Clarence T. Dykes, Jr. Dabney Frierson James L. Coombs Stephen J. Eady, Jr. Thomas Frost Luther M. Cope Nancy C. Earp Marie Fulcher Cecil W. Copeland Gilmore Eaves Roy E. Gallaher James J. Corbitt George S. Edwards James R. Gamble Frank Costner Bonnie Eichorn Marilyn Gamble George W. Couch Evalyn C. Eiseman William T. Gamble James J. Couch Thomas W. Eiseman Murray Garber Joseph K. Courtenay Reuben Eisenstein Susie Mae Gard Robert W. Cousar, Jr. Lon Eldredge Mrs. Betty M. Gardner Martha Jane Cox Jennings B. Elkins Warren J. Garmeson Walter E. Cox Joe C. Elkins Don W. Garner William H. Cox, Jr. Eugene Elliott Benny R. Gattis William L. Cox Henry Elliott Lee M. Gentry Robert H. Crawford McGhee A. Ellis Mrs. Henry R. Gettys W. Carl Crawley Marion V. Ellis Joyce Gillespie John F. Crisman Nick V. Ellis Dorothy Gilliam Maurice L. Crowder Robert B. Ellis William'H. Gilliam Katherine Crumbley Robert A. Elmore Allen Gilliland Ward Crutehfield Delmar B. Emery Dan C. Girton John W. Cullom Ernest C. English, Jr. William J. Gladish Cecil G. Culpepper Frank C. Erwin Eugene D. Glaze William J. Cunningham John M. Erwin Elaine Gleason A. O. Currey Joe W. Esch Olive L. Glenn John Curtis Wanda Ethridge Gladys M. Glover Geraldine Daneman Robbie M. Evans Nola H. Goebel Fletcher Daniels Malone J. Everett. Jr. Earl P. Good Edward C. Dantzler Bernyce M. Evitt Elmo C. Gooden Harold A. Davenport Charles S. Faris Kimble Gooden Frances Sue Davidson Mildred O. Fariss Charles F. Goodgame Esther Lea Davis William Farmer, Jr. Louis P. Goodwin Raymond M. Davis Marvin O. Farr James F. Govan Audrey M. Dawn Charles E. Farrar Ernestine Grant Henry D. Dawson I. M. Farrar, Jr. Harry Green Robert M. Denham Clinton S. Ferguson Robert A. Greene Jean Denman Nell L. Finch Robert L. Greever Fred A. Denson James T. Finney John F. Gregory, Jr. Grover C. Denton Jonah L. Fitch Frances E. Greiser William S. Denton James E. Flegal John M. Grierson Howard A. Derrick John W. Fleming Charles H. Griffin Sally Derrick Patrick Fleming Homer H. Griffin, Jr. Vernon D. Devitt Dorthea Flenniken Farris Wayne Griffith Mary Katherine Die- Charles P. Fletcher James S. Griffith, Jr. fen bach Nita C. Flowers Frank J. Grigonis Donald G. Dietrich Mary Elizabeth Ford Melvin D. Grubb Thelma Dillow James E. Forrester Jack E. Gryder Shirley Jean Dixon Donald R. Foster Charles M. Guedron

173 Elizabeth J. Guerber Creed E. Hoodenpyle, George Henry Jones Creed Guinn Jr. LaVerne A. Jones Reed Guinn Robert F. Hopper Margaret Ann Jones Reginald Gwin Franklin Horner Nan Hackett Jones Elizabeth Hackworth Walter S. Horsley Robert C. Jones Annie Hadaway Ray L. Hoskins Robert T. Jones Allan D. Hail, Jr. Austin House Thomas H. Jones Mary Margaret Haile Ruth N. Houser Mary Katherine Edmund Hale Ada Belle Howell Kellerhals Albert P. Hall Dale E. Hoyt Willie Francis Kelley, Anne Hall Thomas N. Hubbard, Jr, Jr. Paul M. Hall Naomi Hubble Glenese R. Kelso Stanley L. Hall Ronald V. Huckabee Leona H. Kemp Thomas M. Hall, Jr. Henry A. Huckaby William A. Kemp Camielou Hallam George C. Hudson, Jr. A. Gordon Kennedy William Hamill Wendell B. Hudson James D. Kennedy, Jr. Gilbert L. Hamilton George T. Huff John S. Kennedy, Jr. Homer C. Hamilton Analee Q. Huffaker Rodger B. Kennedy, Jr. Paul J. Hammel Julia Ann Huffaker George D. Kennerly Robert E. Hampton Buford O. Huffman, Jr. William E. Kerley Dennis R. Hamriek Dale L. Huggins Jim S. Kilpatrick James S. Hankins Hal E. Huggins R. H. Kimbrough Dorothy T. Harris Charles E. Hughes Thomas R. Kimsey Elizabeth Harris Ophelia S. Hughes Theodore King Frank Harris William Paul Hunter Thomas W. King William C. Hart Carl W. Hurst, Jr. Sol Klaus, Jr. Gail M. Hartmann James A. Huskey Hazel T. Knight Philip K. Harvey Frank K. Hutcheson Theodore J. Kopkin Frank Haskell Ralph Hutchinson Catherine Koskos Robert W. Hasselle James S. Hyde John Kovacevich Theodore E. Hatchett R. L. Hyde John L. Kroeger William G. Hauptman James M. Igou George J. Kuhnert Nancy T. Hawkins James T. Igou Carl A. Labbe, Jr. Eugene F. Hayes James Harold Ingle Joseph L. Lahiere Nick M. Haynes Basil L. Irwin Robert C. Lahiere Arthur L. Healan George Edward Irwin Lowry Lamb, Jr. Robert W. Henley Eugene W. Ivey Betty Lamon Joe H. Henshaw Hoke S. Jackson Fred E. Lancaster, Jr. Glen W. Herren Ruth A. Jacoway Richard D. Landis David E. Hess John C. Jakes, Jr. Selwyn Landman James W. Heyer Julian E. Jakes Edwin G. Lansford James L. Hicks Jean James Fred D. Lansford, Jr. Roxa Lena Hicks Thomas E. Jenkins Gladys M. Lansford Joan Hill John Paul Jernigan Jess Lasley Gilbert K. Hinshaw Thomas O. Jewell Lawrence H. Lassiter Margaret H. Hipp Blair D. Johnson David Lawson Robert H. Hitz C. Amos Johnson James B. Lawson Harry W. Hixson, Jr. Clay M. Johnson Kermit O. Lawson Jack D. Hixson Howard L. Johnson Peggy Lawwill Roger S. Hixson J. Fred Johnson, Jr. Doris Marie Lay Virginia T. Hixson J. Marshall Johnson Herman A. Lebovitz Harold T. Hogue William R. Johnson John S. Ledgerwood Elsie Irene Holder Wilma Johnson Jack Lee Alvis W. Holland, Jr. William D. Johnston, Jr. John H. Leinart, Jr. Herbert R. Hollifield John E. Jolley, Jr. Robert J. Leiper Arvel R. Holmes Edna Fay Jones George N. Lerch

174 Deene Leventhal Mimi Mendelsohn Morton L. Pace J. Hutch Lewis Joseph E. Merritt Albert F. Painter Paul S. Lewis Robert C. Meyer Mary Painter Marjorie Libby John L. Mighton Wayman C. Panter John E. Ling Roland Miles Allen J. Park, Jr. Calvin H. Lipham Calvin E. Millard Raymond M. Park David G. Litz Earl B. Miller Roger Park Leon Long Howells D. Miller, Jr. Willard J. Park Grady M. Long Martha Bell Miller Joseph M. Parker Juacile R. Long Vaughn Miller, Jr. William S. Parker Charles C. Looser Ward W. Miller George M. Parsons, Jr. Mitylene G Lovelady Clarence S. Mills Augusta Patten Aaron A. Lowe Donald Mills George Tarbell Patten James F. Lowe Paul E. H. Mills Alvin H. Patterson Samuel B. Lowe Dorothy E. Montgomery Scott Patton James W. Lunsford Idella Moon Raymond D. Payne, Jr. Oscar W. Lyle Ben S. Moore James M. Payton John D. Lynch, Jr. Charles W. Moore George Pearce, Jr. Joseph D. Lynch Thomas T. Moore, Jr. James N. Pearson Ralph E. McAdams Raymond J. Morgan Mary E. Pease Hoyt McBryar Robert S. Morgan William W. William D. McCormack Geraldine Morring Pennybacker Paul B. McCroskey Edward M. Morris, Jr. Mildred L. Perry Sherman McCulley William C. Morrison Thomas E. Pettis, Jr. Joan McCune Marvin Moseley, Jr. Walter R. Pettyjohn Milton W. McDonald Ratus C. Mosley Jarrett C. Pharr William A. McDonald Charles W. Moulton Harry J. Phillips William W. McDowell Myrtice Moulton Lowell B. Phillips Betty McFarlin Ollie M. Munn Thomas R. Phillips, Jr. Drucile McGlothlin Claude V. Murr, Jr. Paul Pittenger, Jr. George A. McGrew Ann E. Murton Robert W. Pittman Dorothy B. Mcintosh Stanley V. Myers Patience Place Fred Y. McKenney Margaret Nabors Peter R. Plemons Jeremiah M. McKenzie William H. Nash Hays Pogue William C. McKenzie Charles O. Neal Putnam Porter Annie Laurie McLester Jack Neff George Poston Edna L. McMillan Joseph E. Newberry B. Worth Powell Chauncey C. Maher Lee Newman, Jr. Frank Powell George B. Mahoney Hilda B. Newman Ned F. Powell Helen Manis Lewis Newman Samuel E. Powell David L. Mann Forrest L. Newton William O. Powell, Jr. Lucile J. Mansfield Delia Nichols Cullen Powers, Jr. William C. Marlin Julia Belle Nichols June E. Prestridge Charles H. Marsh Ralph A. Nite James T. Price Mary L. Marsh Robert D. Nix Mary Joan Price William H. Marsh Emma T. Noe Richard Price Celeste Martin Robert Nolan John R. Prigmore Don B. Martin Dwight A. Ogle Scott L. Probasco, Jr. Opal H. Martin Edwin A. O'Harra Betty Province Mayo L. Mashburn Alf R. O'Rear Dykes L. Pruitt Lark E. Mason Jack T. Orr Lynn Puckett Anne Mathes Martin P. Orr Young Quan Joseph Mattis Frances Louise Osborn Morris W. Quave Peter Mattis William Osovsky Mary Beth Quillian James E. Mayneld James N. Ott Betty Quintrell William Meadows Martha Owen Raymond B. Raines

175 William A. Rankin Keith E. Shinault Harvey T. Stewart Daniel C. Ratchford Mrs. P. M. Shinpaugh James A. Stewart Samuel R. Raulston Joe B. Shirley Pattye Jean Stewart Julian R. Ray Robert L. Shivers George E. Stillman Richard D. Ray James T. Shoemaker Lawrence B. Stone Paul H. Reece Steven A. Short Lamar Stone Frances W. Revis Carl R. Shutting Leonard Straker William Reynolds Harold G. Sibold James M. Strang James G. Rice, Jr. Don H. Simpson Hannah Strickland Charles D. Richards Robert B. Simpson Phyllis Strobel John E. Richards Manuel Sir J. W. Suggs Sara Lou Riddle John H. Sivley Harry H. Summers Buel E. Ridge Arch Y. Smith, Jr. U. Billy Swafford Larry C. Rigsby Betty Jean Smith William O. Swan, Jr. John M. Roberson Charleston A. Smith Mrs. Frank Swartz J. Bryson Roberts David B. Smith B. A. Swingle Charles R. Roberts Edna Mae Smith Everett T. Swingle Thomas D. Roberts Edward Robinett Frances M. Smith William M. Taff David M. Robinson Frank M. Smith, Jr. Aubrey L. Talburt Homer L. Robinson George Douglas Smith Jane C. Talley James A. Robinson Horace L. Smith, Jr. Clarence Tapper Darwin L. Rogers Howard M. Smith, III Florence R. Taylor Joe L. Rogers Joe H. Smith Millard Teal William C. Rogers, Jr. John R. Smith M. L. Thach J. Waymon Rose Lawrence Smith, Jr. Hardie Tharpe Homer E. Roth Leon R. Smith Robert C. Thatcher George D. Russ, Jr. Marion S. Smith Doyle M. Thomas Dwight Rutledge Robert E. Smith J. Charles Thompson. Alfred I, Sager Robert O. Smith Kathryne St. Clair Susan Connally Smith Jr. Marvin St. Clair, Jr. Thomas A. Smith Howard J. Thompson Fred A. Salmon, Jr. Warner G. Smith John H. Thompson Christopher C. Sanders Warren J. Smith Gilford M. Thurman James S. Sanders William F. Smith Rodger L. Tidwell Genevieve P. Scar­ Leland Sparks, Jr. Dolphus Tidwell, Jr. borough Joe E. Spearman Lamar Tillett June Schaubs L. Jack Spence Louise Tillett Anita G. Schubert Harry D. Spencer Elizabeth Tipton Robert R. Sebastian Howard Spiva James I. Tittle Gordon Seibold William R. Spradling Jane E. Tolley Homer H. Sellers, Jr. Walter H. Stamper Helen Tombras William L. Selman Betty Standifer Joseph F. Towles Earl Sertel Robert A. Standifer Rebecca Townsend Richard G. Sessions Thelma R. Standridge Don T. Settles Max L. Trotz Howard O. Stanford Sam I. Trotz Oscar L. Shackleford Charles H. Stansifer Medora Shadden Sam L. Trotz John D. Starbuck Donald Vandagriff Joe Allen Shadwick David B. Steinau Betty Gene Shafer Merle C. VanVleet Edward F. Steiner Parker C. VanWinkle John C. Sharp, Jr. Mary Ann Steiner Commena Shearer Walter T. Varnell William A. Steinmann Ed Shehee Edra Jo Varner Walter Shehee William M. Stephens, George D. Vess, Jr. Richard D. Shellabarger Jr. Brownie W. Vines Paul W. Shepherd, Jr. George W. Stephenson, Anne Viser Jr. Harvey L. Wade 176 Judson D. Wade, Jr. Samuel P. West Lester M. C. Winters John W. Waite John L. Wheeler Drew F. Wofford, Jr. William H. Walker Allen Wheeler Donald M. Wolfe Joseph G. Wallace June Wheeler Rowland D. Wolfe Charles H. Walsh Eston V. Whelchel Charles E. Wolff John L. Walsh Harvey C. Whitaker Junnus R. Womack John M. Walsh Thomas M. Whitson, Jr. Frederick V. Wood Frank Walton Ernest E. Whittenburg Lelia C. Wood Russell Ward Mary Ruth Wilhoit Frankie Wooden Roland L. Wardlaw Charles R. Williams, Jr. Robert Woodfin Nielsen Ware Silas Williams Anne Woodward Carl G. Warren, Jr. Stanley R. Williams Mary K. Woodward James K. Watkins William L. Williams, Jr. Winfield T. Worley Loren V. Watson Richard Willoeh Robert C. Worth Joseph W. Webb, Jr. Charles F. Wilson N. Collins Wright Paul P. Webb Lee Roy Wilson Robert S. Wright Robert B. Webb, Jr. Lloyd C. Wilson Robert T. Wright Henry M. Weiler Macon C. Wilson Barbara Young Marian Weiler Mary M. Wilson Blanche Young Charles D. Werner Porter C. Wilson Mildred Youngblood George J. Werner Keith Wilson William E. Younger Robert Y. Wert, Jr. Earl Winger, Jr. Ernest L. Zorn John Ed West Joanne Winn J. Carter Zorn

STUDENT NURSES Baroness Erlanger Hospital Martha R. Abney LaFayette, Ga. Margaret Graham Chattanooga Kathleen Acuff Chattanooga Alice Ruth Grasham Dalton, Ga. Polly Jean Adcox Tullahoma Anita Faye Greene Trion, Ga. Sybil C. Bandy LaFayette, Ga. Wynona Lee Greeson....Henegar, Ala. Jimmie Elizabeth Bartlett Apison Betty Gene Gregg Dalton, Ga. Mary Louise Bevil Dalton, Ga. Zetta Mae Hays Rock Springs, Ga, Dorothy Bland 1 Fayetteville Helen Louise Hilliard Cleveland Virginia Bridges—Alabama City, Ala. Dorothy M. Holland-South Pittsburg Margaret E. Burger Tellico Plains Audrey Lee Jacobs...Pembroke, N. C. Olivia Mardell Campbell Rockwood Mary Louise Jones Mentone, Ala. Betty Carson Chattanooga Sarah E. Jones Milwaukee, Wis. Lou Addie Carson Crossville Margaret Louise Keeton Martha Ellen Cathey Chattanooga Chickamauga, Ga. Jean Clark Byrdstown Jewell Lee Kingre Shelbyville Jessie Ruth Collins McDonald Grace N. Lancaster....Stevenson, Ala. Edith Marie Crowell Whitwell Annabelle Lord Cassville, Ga. Leona Davis Spring City Kathryn Lowry ...Rowland, N. C. Cewilla D. Elrod E. Gadsden, Ala. Biddie R. McAllister....Stevenson, Ala. Robbie Campbell Elkins Jackson Norma Helen McConkey Athens Dolores Marlyn Fischer Lois Anne McDonald Chattanooga Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Gaut McGuire Sweetwater Frances Fleming Chattanooga Doris Jean McGill Culberson, N. C. Patricia Charlestine Flynn Palmer Marion Malone Atlanta, Ga. Colleen M. Fricks.... Chattanooga Annie Laurie Nelson..South Pittsburg Jacqueline P. Gibson Coalmont Kathleen Palmer Marble, N. C. Irene Gilliam Cumberland, Ky. Lovisia Panter McMlnnville Hazel Marie Goodner Chattanooga Barbara Patton Chattanooga

177 Kitty Brown Patton Pikeville Mary M. Shelton Calhoun Margaret Hatcher Pearson..Kingsport Jewel Ailene Shugart Etowah Josephine Plemons Chattanooga Carol Joyce Spivey Chattanooga Louise Preston Manchester, N. H. Juanita Starling Gadsden, Ala. Mary Ancey Price Etowah Loweta Iris Taylor Chattanooga Katherine Marie Quinn....Chattanooga Mary J. Thacker....Rock Springs, Ga. Edith Rayfield Cqhutta, Ga. Betty Ruth Thompson Dalton, Ga. Margaret Pauline Riddle Apison Ruth Evelyn Thrasher Chattanooga Betty Ann Roach Richland, Ga. Emily Carolyn Wallace Dalton, Ga. Betty Kelly Rogers Comfort Nancy Lorene Wells Rossville, Ga.

Newell Sanitarium Lois Bradford Chattanooga Eunice Cuzzort ..Chattanooga Viola Hurd Chattanooga


Men Women Total Regular students 1140 447 1587 Special students (in day classes) 78 51 129 Evening college 224 123 347 Summer session of 1947 691 198 889 Student nurses 0 75 75

Total registrations 2133 894 3027 Deducting those counted more than once.. 532 107 639

Total individuals 1601 787 2388

178 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS Men Women Total Chattanooga and suburbs 1261 612 1873 Other Tennessee towns 123 98 221 Alabama 23 12 35 Arkansas 2 0 2 California 10 1 Florida 5 16 Georgia 137 50 187 Illinois ... 1 0 1 Indiana 4 0 4 Iowa 10 1 Kansas 10 1 Kentucky 4 2 6 Louisiana 0 11 Massachusetts 10 1 New Hampshire Oil New Jersey , 2 13 New York 5 0 5 North Carolina 15 6 Ohio 8 0 8 Pennsylvania 8 0 8 South Carolina 2 0 2 Texas 112 Virginia 112 West Virginia 2 0 2 Wisconsin 3 14

Total United States 1597 786 2383 The Netherlands 10 1 France 0 11 Cuba 2 0 2 Territory of Hawaii 10 1

Total individuals 1601 787 2388


INDEX Accreditation Degrees Conferred in 1947.—148 Inside Front Cover Degrees, Requirements for.. 59 Administrative Officers 15 Distinctions, Academic 45 Admission 55 Divisions, Academic 59 Aeronautics Courses 89 Dormitories 21, 53 Alpha Society 46 Dramatic Productions 34 Alumni Association 14, 28 Dramatics and Speech Applied Arts and Sciences Courses 99 Division 59 Economics Courses 100 Art Courses 90 Education Courses 104 Art Gallery 21 Educational Associations Associate in Arts Diploma.... 82 Inside Front Cover Astronomy Courses 91 Emergency Changes 30 Athletics 22, 37 Employment, Student 54 Awards and Prizes 40 Engineering Courses 107 Bachelor of Arts Degree 64 Engineering Program 74, 75 Bachelor of Business English Courses 110 Administration Degree 70 Evening College 25, 171 Bachelor of Music Degree.... 76 Examinations 48, 62 Bachelor of Science Degree.. 68 Expenses 51 Bachelor of Science in Phys­ Faculty Committees 16 ical Education Degree 73 Faculty Roster 5-12 Biology Courses 91 Fees 51 Buildings 19 Financial Information 50 Business, Preparation for 70 Fine Arts Division 59 Cadek Conservatory 11, 24 Fraternities 21, 39 Calendar for 1948-49 2 French Courses 120 Certificates 73, 81, 83, 84 Geographical Distribution Chapel 32 of Students 179 Chaplain 32 Geography Courses 114 Chemistry Courses 93 Geology Courses 113 Classics Department 95 German Courses 124 Commerce Courses 101 Gifts and Memorials 18, 146 Committees of Faculty 16 Government, Student 40 Comprehensive Examina- Greek Courses 95 tions 62 Grounds and Buildings 19 Co-operative Plan 27 Guidance of Students 33 Core Curriculum 60 Health and Physical Educa­ Counseling of Veterans 33 tion Courses 132 Counseling of Other History Courses 115 Students 33 History of the University 17 Courses of Instruction 89 Home Economics Certificate 83 Dean's List 45 Home Economics Courses 117

181 INDEX (Continued) Honor Societies 38 Political Science Courses 137 Honor System 40 Pre-Professional Programs.. 86 Honors, Graduation with 46 Prizes 40 Honors Conferred in 1947 .150 Psychology Courses 138 Humanities Division 59 Refunds and Adjustments.... 50 Industrial Management Register of Students 153 Major 72 Registrations for 1947-48 172 Industrial Research Regulations 31 Institute 13, 27 Interdepartmental Majors.... 60 Requirements for Degrees.... 59 Latin Courses 96 Religion Courses 140 Law, Preparation for 87 Room and Board 53 Lecture Program 34 Scholarships 53 Library 22 Science-Mathematics Linguistics Courses 124 Division 59 Loan Funds 54 Secretarial Certificate 73, 84 Majors 60 Shorthand Courses 102 Master of Music Degree 78 Social Science Division 59 Mathematics Courses 118 Sociology Courses 144 Medicine, Preparation for.... 86 Sororities 21, 39 Memorials 18, 146 Spanish Courses 125 Merit List 45 Special Students 56 Ministerial Training 88 Speech Courses 99 Modern Language Courses-120 Student Employment 54 Music Courses 126 Student Government 40 Music Faculty 11 Student Guidance 33 Nursing, Preparation Students, Register of 153 for 14, 30, 87 Summer School 26, 172 Observatory 24 TVA Records 23 Officers of Administration.... 15 Teachers Certification 81 Organizations, Student 38 Teachers Workshop 26 Philosophy Courses 131 Trustees 4 Physical Education Courses 132 Tuition and Fees 51 Physical Education Major.... 73 Typewriting Courses 102 Physical Science Courses 137 War Services 29 Physics Courses 135 Wills and Bequests 147


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Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Music Master of Music Associate in Arts Home Economics Secretarial Science Pre-Engineering Pre-Medicine Pre-Nursing Pre-Law Ministerial Training Teacher Training


Industrial Research Institute