NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE MAGNUS EFFECT ON DIMPLED SPHERES Nikolaos Beratlis Elias Balaras Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of Mechanical Arizona State University and Aerospace Enginering Tempe, AZ, USA George Washington University
[email protected] Washington, DC, USA
[email protected] Kyle Squires Mechanical and Aerospace Enginering Arizona State University Tempe, AZ, USA
[email protected] ABSTRACT 0.5 An efficient finite-difference, immersed-boundary, k 0.4 3 k2 Navier-Stokes solver is used to carry out a series of sim- k1 ulations of spinning dimpled spheres at three distinct flow 0.3 D regimes: subcritical, critical and supercritical. Results exhibit C 0.2 all the qualitative flow features that are unique in each regime, golf ball smooth namely the drag crisis and the alternation of the Magnus 0.1 effect. 0 5 6 10 Re 10 Figure 1. Variation of CD vs Re for a smooth sphere Achen- INTRODUCTION bach (1972), –; spheres with sand-grained roughness Achen- Golf ball aerodynamics are of particular importance not −5 −5 bach (1972), −− (k1 = k=d = 1250×10 , k2 = 500×10 , only due to the quest for improved performance of golf balls − k = 150 × 10 5); golf ball Bearman & Harvey (1976), ·−. but also because of the fundamental phenomena associated 3 with the drag reduction due to dimples. Dimples are known to lower the critical Reynolds number at which a sudden drop in the drag is observed. Figure 1, for example, shows the tion caused by dimples. Using hot-wire anemometry they drag coefficient, CD, as a function of the Reynolds number, measured the streamwise velocity within individual dimples Re = UD=n, (where D is the diameter of the golf ball, U the and showed that the boundary layer separates locally within velocity and n the kinematic viscosity of the air) for a golf ball the dimples.