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12-16-1948 Spectator 1948-12-16 Editors of The pS ectator

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. WELCOME HIGH SCHOOL DEBATERS A Message Never Too Old Merry Merry Christmas The Spectator Christmas Published by the ASSOCIATED STUDENTS of UNIVERSITY

Volume XVI M <^b>, SEATTLE, , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1948 No. 6 Don't Forget the Inthe Future December 13th Annual Forensic Christmas Boxes 16. Examination Finals. 17. ExaminationFinals. The Sodality campaign for 17. 13th Annual Forensic Tourna- Christmas Boxes willbe completed ment. Tourney,December 17-18 Friday, Agues McSharry and Jack Pain, ChristmasVacation. general chairmen, announced 18. 13th Annual Forensic Tourna- Sixty-two contestants from today. ment. Northwest Catholic high Special recognition should be January SU Debate Clubs Join Forces To schools have registeredfor the given the Mendel and Sociology 3. Winter Commences. 13th Annual Forensic Tourna- Clubs, which showed exemplary Quarter 5. MendelClub Meeting, 7:30. organization. The Iliyu Coolees Sponsor High School Tournament ment at . 7. Scots Club Mixer. will finish their box on Sunday, Entrants include: 9. Hiyu CooleeHike. "And Joseph also went from Galilee out of the town of when hikers assemble contribu- O'Dea High School, Leon Brown, 10. Surf & Stream Club Meeting. Nazareth into Judea to the town of David, which is called tions for their box. Hugh McGough, Richard Voiland 11. Gavel Club Meeting:, 7:30. Bethlehem— because he was of the house and family of David and William DeForrest. The Christmas boxes are for Colhecon Club Meeting. Seattle Prep, Jim Robinson, Ray — register, together Mary, his espoused wife, who needy families in and they to^ with Seattle Commerce Club Meeting. Maiser, Louis Kaufer, Jim Wilson, was with child. And it came to pass while they were there, will be distributed under the su- 12. Sodality Meeting. Pat Riley, KarlTosaya, Phil Wilson pervision of Father Thomas Gill that the days for her to be delivered were fulfilled. And she and John Anderson. of Catholic Charities. WINTER QUARTER PROGRAM brought forth his first-born 'Son, and wrapped Him in swad- Holy Angels, Eileen Wagner, Committee members working dling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was January Nancy Ferguson, Barbara Perry, with Miss McSharry were: John 26. Homecoming Game. Jill Pederson, Barbara Marusick, no roomfor them in the inn." Colasurdo, RitaScanlon, Bill Suver, 27. Homecoming Open * * ♥ House. Holy Rosary, ColleenLand, Carol E. Archbold, and Bill Tronca. 28. Homecoming;Ball. Lesser, Jean Kraft, Anne Lippert, For those students are simply St. Luke narrates the e,yent that we term the "First who not ASSU Meeting. Ruth Cheshier, Charlotte Grzlch, So members of any particular clubs, Christmas". February CharlotteMcCartney. completing preparations it hasbeen arranged that they con- Bellarmine, Alan Tait, Bill La- All over the world clergy and laymen are Mldquarter Examinations. From tribute through their respective 3. vine, Bob LaPorte, Jim Martin, for the commemoration of this awesome and wonderful birth. 4. Midquarter Examinations. chapel, kneeling classes. Dick Jensen andRobert Popisil. the most magnificent cathedral to the tiniest wor- AWSSU "Valentolo." Suggestions in the way of "what 12. Aquinas, Madelyn Bosko, Jane shippers will offer their hearts to the Christ-Child, the hope of the Drama GuildProduction. compelled to bring" include: Canned goods, 13-26. Mclntire, Gloria May, Dorothy world.Will you be among them or willthe Holy Family be 23. Father-Daughter Pictured are: Dick Wright, Jim O'Neil, Bob Larson, John Spell- your apples, oranges, cranberries, po- Silver Scroll Cvitanovich,Mary Mickey, to turn away because there is no welcome,no place for them in Banquet. man (chairman); front row: Jack Dreaney (chairman), Ann Jeanne tatoes, squash, jams, jellies, or Marie Henriot, Marilyn Mitchell, l»3art? 25. Mendel Club Mixer. Brenner,Bob Lucid, Gerri Testu (Gavel President),Katie RunnelIs. * * * packaged cake mixes. Rita Dyckman and Marie Peterson. Gonzaga, March Under the chairmenship of John Spellman and Jack Bud Howard,Bill Don- ". 'For there has been born to you today in the town of 1. dis, Ray Tanksley, Mark Ricjeson, .. Mardi-Gras. will get under a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a 2. Ash Wednesday. Dreaney,the 13th annual Forensic Tournament Bob Egan,Jim Powers, BobTanks- David AWS "Valentolo" University. sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling 5. Frosh Bingo Party. way Friday, December 17, at Seattle ley and Dave Olivier. Clubs, Marycliff, AnneLane and Joanne clothes and lyingina manger.' And suddenly there was with 9. Sodality Meeting. Co-sponsored by the Gavel and Forum the tourney Co-Chairmen Set 10. FinalExaminations. features extemporaneous, impromptu, oratory and debate Allen. the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God Joseph's (Yakima), Veronica Rosemary Barrett, AWSSU pres- 11. FinalExaminations. speeches by the contestants from Catholic Northwest high St. and saying, 14. Holiday. Dillenger, Roberta Korke, Mary ident, announced this week that schools. "Glory to God in the highest, EllenNickerson (Sophomore,Nur- Ann Cockery, Marybelle Ditter, SPRING PROGRAM Senior members of the Gavel evening, a banquet, and an infor- peace earth among sing) and Barbara Patten (Fresh- QUARTER Barbara Marsh, Patricia Loftus. and on " ' ' Club collaboratingin the formation mal party and dance for the en- of good will Tflan, Prtfmajor) will co-chairmats Mareh $ Marqjiette, John Ledwich, Wes- men 'of plans included in the tourna- trants and committee men and ley Smith, Ted RegJmbal, * * * the annual "Valentolo." 15. Spring Quarter Commences. Testu, Bob ment are Gerri Lee presi- women. Lawrence, Fred Benoit and Ber- Date for the winter quarter ac- 17. Junior Class's St. Patrick's Runnels, secretary; "A how long the world had awaited His coming. dent; Katie Savior" ... tivity has been slatedfor Saturday, Mixer. AWARDS nard Steckler. is always with us everywhere! All through the year we Bob Larson, vice president; and And yet He February 11. 25. AWSSU Card Party. Trophy cups willbe awarded tc STUDENT JUDGES privilege turning our minds and hearts towardHim. How John Spellman, former president. have the of 22. Gavel Club Intramural De- finalists in debate, one to the best year, opportune time to renew Further details concerning the Committee chairmen appointed The following is a partial list fortunate we are! Christmas, this is an bates. team and one to the best through His grace blessing, for the dance will be announced in the by the co-chairmeninclude:Judges men's of S.U. students who willserve as our prayers for guidance, and 23. team; oratory, January 12 SPECTATOR. Gavel Club Intramural De- and Chairmen,Bob Larson; Debate, women's first place judges for the tournament: Jim coming year. bates. winner; extemporaneous, place Those students who have not Frank Sullivan; Impromptu, Jim first Turner, Pat Foley. Maxine Gill, 24. Gavel Club Intramural De- winner; impromptu, first place registered for committees in AWS O'Neill; Extemporaneous, Dick John Eckhart, Ray Siderius, Tom bates. functions, are requested to do so Wright; Oratory,BobLucid; Schol- winner. Tangney, Anne Brenner, Jim Reil- FROM THE PRESIDENT- this week. April arship, Gerri Testu; Housing, Pat A one-year scholarship at Seat- ly, Betty Ann Lonergan, Ellen is think of unselfishness, for- 1. Silver Scroll Talent Show. Maloney; Social, AnnBrenner; In- tle University will be awarded to Nickerson, Madelaine McGreal, To think of Christmas to orator, This spirit a Little Babe brought formation and Publicity, Margaret thebest woman and another Lois Murphy, Hal Wales, Pat Mor- giveness, and kindliness. one - year scholarship will be gan, MarybethMoreland,Margaret years ago. Each year O'Brien. into the world two thousand at Christ- I.K.S SCHEDULE Other members of the Club as- awarded to the best man orator. Corrigan, Kathleen Conroy, Rose- mastime we succeed to capture it for a moment. How for- Sodality Plans sisting on committees are Dick mary Barrett, Jack Pain, Jackie tunate we and the world would,be if we would make thisi PLEDGE PARTY Gardner, Frank Perri, Pat O'Mal- Haw, Teresa Cain, Virginia Mas- spirit of mercyand love an enduringpart of ourselves. Ipray ley, and Bert Trupp. sart, Virginia Todd, Rosemarv Saturday evening is the time. Christmas Party 26 SUStudentsin Burkhalter, Pat Small, Barbara that the Babe of Bethlehem may give to each and every one Junior of Olym- GENERAL PROGRAM The Ballroom the Under the sponsorship of the Klingele. unselfishness and love for your fellow man. pic place. The occa- The two days' schedule includes of you this gift of Hotel is the Sodality, the ASSU 1949 "Who's Who" students, Formal of the members of registration, a general meeting, A merry and a happy Christmas to all, both sion? initiation In- will present annual tercollegiate Knight pledges. the Christmas three rounds of debate, oratory, The following Senior students and faculty Seattle University. A party for sixty girls from the at banquet will precede the initiation impromptu, and extemporaneous from Seattle University have been Thank You A. A. LEMIEUX, S.J.. Sacred Heart Orphanage. in "Who's Who in American and a dance honoring the new speaking, two semi-final rounds, a listed The Seattle University Opera President. Colleges": pledges will climax the affair. The party will be held at the general assembly for finalists, pre- Universities and Guild wishes to express its appre- Knights of Columbus Hall,Friday, sentation of awards on Saturday George Anderson, Francis Bar- ciation of the helpful interest December 17, in the afternoon. rett, Rosemary Barrett, Wyoming shown by the student body and Ireuli Is To Brenner, parents in recent production, Elizabeth Preside A program of games, entertain- Brooks, Eugene Jane its Queen SU Journalists Cavendar, Kathleen Conroy, Leon "Naughty Marietta." ment and refreshments has been IfInDoubt .. Dobler, James Henriot, Robert We were thrilled to know that For S.U. Homecoming Week* Activities scheduled. FRIDAY Officers Larson, Margaret O'Brien, Ray- the Jesuit faculty was present 100 Elect Playing the part of Santa Claus 1:00 - 2:00—Registration. Tuesday body in the selection mondO'Leary, JohnPowers, James per cent, and we are particularly student elections resulted At a recent meeting, membersof will be Jack Marilley; games will 2:00 -2:30—General meeting, room (Senior,Education) to be the 1949 Home- Sigma Alpha offi- Reilfy, Patricia Small, John Stan- grateful to the 10 members of the of Elizabeth Ireuli > Gamma selected be supervisedby the Chalfa twins. 123. Tang- Un "«»<» '° ■***»«*»«" ."<■. 15-1(1-17 Tom Tangney and Beverly Mc- man), Margaret Radcliffe, Bernice 11:15 12:00—Second round motionpicture producedby a group Lucas, members of the Senior Miller, Mickie McKee, Terry Me-. extemporaneous. of Seattle University students, was "Angel on—My Shoulder" PAVE >H\| A.\\\ Class, at work since the Kee, LuanneMalsie,BarbaraKlin- 12:45- I:3o—Second round im- awarded second prize ina national BAXTBB have been Vets'Mixer,"MistletoeMingle," ToBe Also start of Fall Quarter, planning the gele, Lois Anderson, Joe Roller, promptu and schol- contest sponsored by a Hollywood "EAGLE Franett, Gerri arship. SQUADRON week's activities included in Pat Hinkle, Jerri publication. Hobi-rt Slack - Diiimi Ilarr>morr "Homecoming." Testu, and Melvin Minnis; Enter- 1:30- 2:30—Third round debate. HeldatEncoreBallroomFriday,Dec17 - The judges, in commenting on Kllt.-Su.-Mon.-Tit. !»«"<". tainment, Shirley Lewis; Decora- 2:30 3:oo—Semi-finals: IN-10-2U-21 Queen Elizabeth's court willcon- the Him, rated it as "a superb ex- tions, Pain, Jackie Haw, Joe "Mistletoe Mingle", the annual all-school mixer sponsored impromptu and "THE PIRATE" (Color) sist of: Senior Princesses Kathleen Jack ample of what group of .imly - Murphy, Virginia Hall, agenda for scholarship. a enthusi- Oarland Gene Kalty Conroy and MargoBrenner, Junior Haley, Frank by the residents of Vets' is on the ASSU astic and painstaking amateurs can Also Todd, Betty Dilly, Bernie Miller, 3:00 - 4:00—Semi-finals: oratory Princesses Patricia Fogard and Friday evening,December 17,at the Encore Ballroom (1214 accomplish with a motion picture "Bachelor's Daughters" Dorgan, Kathy O'Hogan, andextemporaneous. " - Marie Sullivan, Sophomore Prin- Pauline East Pike), which is approximately three blocks from the - camera." iiill Kiimhi II Clnlre Trrvur Jackie Haw and Jeannie and Nick Grossi. 4:00 6:00—General assembly cesses University. W«MI.-Thur.-Kri. Dot-. Tl-Z:\--lI Kumhera andFreshmanPrincesses Others working on publicity in- finals; presentation "Escape" will be shown in New O'Brien, Barbara The dance, which will continue from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 of York City on December 20, at the "THE OTHER LOVE" Patricia Walsh and PatriciaMoore. clude: Dick awal'ds. ftanwy«k - Torlai, a.m., by Pennsylvania Hotel, Barbara Oumiiti Nlven The week's functions shall con- Ashe, Henry Coger, Gloria will be co-chairmaned 6:00 —Dinner at the 'Cave.' before the sist of a Basketball Game, Exhi- June Preston, Tom Towey, and Pat Wilson andGeorge Thornton. Grant Moyer, Entertainment; Dan Following the banquet there will New York Movie Club. The film "Flcme of New Orleans" bitions by the clubs and halls, members of the News Department Working on committeesare:Jim Stumpf, Earle Libby, BillSullivan, be an informalparty and dance at was shown at the University last Miirl.n,. nirtrlch - llru,-.- (abut Coon, Refreshments; Hall the Uni- month, in "The Open House, theHomecoming Ball, of the SPECTATOR. Moreland, Joe Dahlem, Roy Ralph Uphus, Bert Buhr-Simmons on Little Theater." Silt.-Mil.-Mun.-Til. I)ep.a5-"iU-'J7-an Erickson, John Brenner and Troup, Roland Blanchette, Tom versity Campus. Earl ( "Mr. Blandings Builds Morris, Tickets; Perri Carroll, Hawley, TomKop and TO THE FACULTY AND STUDENT BODY Tom Frank Bill NEW BOARD MEMBER His Dream and Dean Sharer, Business; Walt Jim Collins, Orehestra. NOTICE! - House" (Irani > OF SEATTLE UNIVERSITY Flynn (boy presi- There will be a special mass at Joan Linder, president of the l rim ■.»> Webster, Louie "To put a gala end to the Fall " " " dent), Tuohy, Jim Ryan and St. James Cathedral at 8:15 a.m., Providence Student Nurses Asso- Also Steve Quarter, a must on the Dreaney, Publicity; Carl this is on Saturday, December 18, for all ciation, was sworn in as a mem- "A FOREIGN AFFAIR" "MERRY CHRISTMAS" Jack ■II:V SeattleUniversity social calendar," and partici- N VKTIIIIt . .Kins 1.l mi from the SPECTATOR STAFF Brenner,PaulSavage,TomCarroll, contestants students ber of the Advisory Board at the UARLBSB DIBTBIOH Lloyd Reed, Bert Goodman, and stated the chairmen. pating in the tournament. Dec. 10 meeting of the ASSU. THE SPECTATOR Thursday, December 6.: 1948 2 THE SPECTATOR Twas Right Finals Sound Off Member . durlnic the school >enr. Kdltorltil and Term-End Nostalgia Street, Seattle Washington. Sub- Business Offices nt 10th und Miullson Ti. Inch, scription rates. $1.50 per ycnr. Advertising- rates *1.00 per column entered as third class mnt'cr. Advertising Service, Inc., Grips Our Columnist National advertising r<-pre»rntutivei National 420 Madison Aye.. New York 17. By Bricker designed sets and properly planned Margaret O'Brien Charles Editor ICame, ISaw, It Conquered wardrobes which are unobtrusive, yet helpful in getting the action Faculty Owen McCusker, SJ. Red-rimmed, watering eyes not * Moderator... Rev. impressively across. long ago sure sign of were the lim- Journalism Adviser Leland Hannum students who had zealously been Fully realizing the budget — itations of S.U. productions, Istill FHitnrinl «Unff Feature Writers Bill Suver, Bill consuming the midnight kilowatts. EidllOliai mail Cullen, Teresa McKee,Mary Louise feel that the important factor of McKee,nAgnes Remmes, Pat O'Mal- Now, bloodshot eyes are the badge NewsVowa EditorKMitnr DnvlrlDavid KnenhßivKneeshaw setting Do r>pck John Blewltt- Agnes of the rapidly mushrooming tele- can't be overlooked. AWSSU Editors. Bettianne Lonergan McSharry, Charles Mitchell. The operettaitself showsits age Virginia Massart Reporters— Handley,Don vision cults, of whichEyestrain is sports Leo °" and several of its lines and situa- SPOrts Editor Tom M the chief high priest. "XX& g&S'KSft Pain" tions creak wearily, but the re- Feature Editor Jack Dieaney ,, ey The paradoxicallittleclusters of — An MUol. Tom ToW markably trainedchorus and prin- Reporters Gerry Connors, "» could never stand News _, <- fanatics who cipals hackneyed Jacquelyn Desimone. Maryanne liUSineSS Stall singing jingles or radio tobaccoads overcame the Zigan, Ray Uantz, Sylvia Croce, story, poor costumes and indiffer- Yvonne Peterson, Ginny Florendo, Business Manager..Richard Gardner gather around tiny ten-inch ex- Mary Alice Coughlan, Normadean Advertising Mgr Larry Mahoney ent settings, impressing vividly Howell. Barbara Ray, Fred Cor- Ass't Adv. Mgr Virginia Ridder panses of wavering, streaky screen dova, Rita Wright. Madeleine Circulation Mgr Pauline Dorgan Victor Herbert's unmatchedmusi- Klingele to gaze fascinated whilesome car- Binet. Marie Ultch, Pat Lowney. Exchange Editor..Barbara cal skill on an enthusiastic audi- Photography by Jon Arnt toon character devours Ernie's for ten After ence. Hamburgers minutes. * " ♥ that, they'll avidly observe a two- hour fracas between what appears IGot Plenty of KnittitT Christmas 1948 to be twenty-two trained fleas A steady click-click from some- kicking a flyspeck around and where in the rear of the class WORLD is facing the threat of another major con- claim they saw Notre Dame play punctuated Dr. Hickey's Lit. 64 THEflict too soon after the close of the last one, which we theU.of W. Only the commercials lecture recently with such nerve- hoped would establish peace. Greed, selfishness, and the (and a long, monotonous show wracking monotony that the pa- lethargy that settle on the human soul by too much opposi- called "Test Pattern") seem to tient professor finally paused omi- in with anything resembling nously. A flashing pair of knitting tion to conscientiousness of right and wronghave taken hold Mea Maxima Culpa come clarity. kept right on, intent on direc- needles of whole nations, and are leading them in the opposite By THE FEATURE EDITOR There aremorebrickbatsto hurl a difficult cable-stitch. tion from which they wish to go.Itis hard to see how armed at this modernhaven for old vau- "Well, Miss Q ," resumed Sir, im- conflict can be avoided in the face of so much violation of We have publisheda vari- ural limitations of the type of cerned. (Ed. Note: the devilleacts calledvideo,but they'll Dr.Hickey,"having anotherbaby?" provement policy in existence * * * military proclaim ety of "things" on this, the column she has to write. The is have to wait. I've gotta go watch human rights. Our leaders that we must may for the SPEC- same be equally said for at all times entire the fights, right now. Flaming Youth: 1948 prepare for war to safeguard the peace, but peace will come Spectator Feature Page, TATOR.) * * * Pat Lanes- and Chuck Bricker " Little Brother pulled the jacket when we prepare for peace! during the last quarter, and regards Off". It involves, first, the setting as their "Sound Gemsof Purest Ray Serene from a shiny new record and slid preparation peace our attitude towards the re- Further, we know that Tom up of Page Two with only four The for involves the Christianization Jewelerschoose settings for bril- the disk over the turntablepost. may Towey Denning (car- columns, eliminating all column of our motives, our ambitions and the actions by which we sult, viewed en toto, and John liant stones which enhance, but "Listen to this!"he yelled enthu- toonists par-excellence) are out- lines, printing all stories in hope fulfill ambitions. Christianization means the re- now be summed up ina sin- do not overshadow, their flashing siastically, and as the syncopated to our — standing in collegiate publica- either square or oblong blocks prayer petition beauty. that the rhythm of "Varsity Drag" hit the cruiting of all our faculties for the promotion of fundamental cere of printing all regular features It's unfortunate tions. and gemlike in "Naughty sound waves, a look of rapture Christian principles, such as the existence of the human soul ► "Heaven forgive us!" in the same place every issue, voices the LET'S FACEIT were displayed on Little Brother's face. equality universal But we are not one ("We, it and, finally, using only Caslon Marietta" cast settled and the of all men before God. A more As to the rest of the page, against entirely too gaudy and dis- "Isn't it neat?" might be added, is never "one" Italic type for headlines, such realization of the existence and immortality of the human — though, we had might as well tracting backgrounds. Father and motherlookedat one but wotthehell, but wotthe- as appears above these few (no soul whould inevitably result in the higher regard for the bend over, and, metaphorically The costuming of the principals another with a faint smile, got up hell!) to let our attitude be — comment) words. speaking, face it the quality of was fairly well done, although and commenced to Charleston, rights of man and human dignity. If all men perceived their summedup. We have space (Do It further means the addition the rest has fluctuated between "Brocklind's" might as well have right there on the living roomrug. equalobligations and blessings from God, their relations with we have space!) and we may of some new features and the bad and worse. (We have two written in neon across the "Zounds!" said Little Brother, have faculty permission toprint elimination of some old ones. been — adjectives that would ap- men's clothes. The chorus was a "I didn't know you could do the this so wewillelucidateonthe other But we are not completely cer- ply more aptly here.) What kaleidescope of conflicting colors Balboa!" above briefly stated "attitude". on this last and we may hurts itthat the fault lies wholly tain and periods. Only Spanish And thus it goes, of late. Why We will scribble excuses and merely whisper (We could the onour ownback. We can whim- dancers showed any evidence of do we of this first atomic genera- apologies to our ego's content, shout, too, and as great a crowd per about lack of experience, — planned costuming; the can-can tion return to the twentiesfor our read who may? (Which last, the of people andmay wetake this "apathy", grade-point (has any- girls as they popular songs,fashions, and lately, "read who may" part, might occasion to thank Mother and looked if wouldhave found our grade-point, by felt at home on a runway. dance steps? It can't be nostalgia, well be considered as a very one Dad who readour words faith- more way? It was last seenhead- The a scene can and we've always been told that pointed question to be followed the fully — would hear and notice whole mood of Fall.) period by a very black questionmark.) ingSouth for the andsuch us!) that, with the approval of be put over by effective costume the from 1920 to 1930 was — eventually admit PRAISEFOR A FEW but wemust (may design alone,whiledingy lacesand a pretty decadentdecade. we, alone, responsible. Editor O'Brien her tribe To begin, we are, con- that are. increase!), will steps. limitationbrocades from a costume We've also been toldthings don't in. Indirectly, it"is Ihrough our we take' change much, beginning science, able to discover merely (Ed.Note: tribe?) shop can ruin it. and I'm greater What five writers who have honestly ownnegligence that the Successful dramaticand operatic to think maybe that's so. Look at have per- ALL given us good, interesting, Uni- amountof articles we THROUGH productions should include well- the girls around you. versity-type copy. (Let it be mitted to appear are trite. We We might continue on this remembered that we arespeak- should have either "cut" those veinof thought for quitea while articles, them. (Ed. correspondingly equalized. ing only of thematerialthathas or re-written Note: Oh, no), but pru-- one another would become Little — Directly, withreservation, we appearedon the Feature Page dence, a virtue wehave notbeen Off The Record words of scorn and ridicule are the precedents for bombs and accept full responsibility for the — there's no use alienating the too well acquainted with in the holiday prominent flourishes only in love for God, for is "Modern series, the all- We LIKE: the decorations so in the bullets. Peace love it News and Sports staffs as we Morals" past, cries that we stop. We will men, "fillers" whichhave neighborhood shoppingdistricts;tocogitate New Year's Eve, in learning to love God that we learn to love our fellow "make our mistake".) They are too-obvious add, however, that we are sin- (sickened) our readers 1949; who are his creatures. Chuck Bricker ("SeattleU, Too, startled cere, that advice and help from and the reminder of resolution for the marvelous at- minute, Jack) Therefore,as individuals we must include in the business Can Become a University"); (Oh, now wait a all of you is certainly needed tendance at the basketball games, the true sign of school from time to time, andthe over- that it will certainly of living the givingof worship to our Creator and the helping Don Peck ("Music Notes"); and be spirit. " all makeup. well received. of our neighbor in his search for happiness. It can be found Gene Maloney ("'ASSU Neuro- WE SALUTE: June Preston, th< year and help Tinntinntabellum tic,' Says Psychiatrist"); Betti- COMES TI