revised February 2017

curriculum vitae

Dr. Christine McCall Probes, Professor Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques Outstanding Faculty Award, March 5, 2014 Chair, CAS Faculty Council, 2014-May2016 Chair, USF Library Council, 2008-2010 Senate Executive Committee, 2007-2011 Elected Member of USF System Council, 2010-2014 Associate Director, Humanities Institute of USF, 2007-2011 Coordinator, Faculty Mentoring Program, College of Arts and Sciences, 2000-present Vice-President, Alliance Française de Tampa, 2000-2011 Co-Director, Florida-France Institute, 2000-present Executive Council, French CIR 17, 1996 to present Executive Council, North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, 1989 to present Present Head, French Section of Department World Languages Department, College of Arts and Sciences University of South Florida CPR 107 Tampa, Florida 33620

(813) 974-2743, Fax: (813) 905-9937 e-mail: [email protected]

1. EDUCATION a. Undergraduate: B.A. in French and Art from Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Alabama, 1963. b. Graduate: Research and study at the Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris and at l'Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 1965-1966. Ph.D. in French, minor: Romance Linguistics from , New Orleans, Louisiana, 1968. Dissertation: "St. Augustine as 'Garent' of Jean de La Ceppède: Attested Influence in the Théorèmes." Chairman: Francis L. Lawrence.



a. Scholarships held throughout undergraduate school, French Government Fellowship "France-Amérique" for a year of study in France, Title IV NDEA Fellowship held for three years at Tulane University. Chosen in October, 1970 as Florida Atlantic University's one official nominee for summer stipend from National Endowment for the Humanities. February, 1971 awarded seed grant by Florida Atlantic University for summer research. Twice awarded a Research and Creative Scholarship Grant (USF Sponsored Research) totaling $12,655. Various Library Enhancement Grants. Co- authored a Departmental Grant for Teacher Education in Foreign Languages, MLA/NEH 2 year grant, awarded February, 1995. Co-authored with Dr. Trevor Purcell of Africana Studies the CAS Colloquium Grant, funded by CAS ($3,750) and LACS ($1,500), for the April 1999 conference, “Culture, Wisdom and Pratice of the African Diaspora: the Caribbean and Tampa.” Co-authored with officiers of Phi Sigma Iota, a Community Service Grant to benefit local Haitians, awarded February, 1996. Co-authored a $15,000 Center for Teaching Excellence Grant (awarded in 1998-1999) “African and African- American Images in Film.” Various International Travel Grants benefitting research; latest awarded in September 2012 for presentation at international conference in Paris and subsequent meetings with officials of U de Paris regarding exchanges with USF. “Florida-France Linkage State Grant on Globalization”, total with cash matches and in- kind: $40,000. Co-authored with Dr. Kofi Glover an Innovative Teaching Grant, “Africa and the African Diaspora: Film, Languages, Study Abroad, Undergraduate Research and Service Learning at Home and in Africa” (not awarded, plan to resubmit). Co-authored Grant application to Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation for Conference: Book 2.0 (not funded without criticism, encouraged to reapply). Submitted, application to Faculty Research Grant Program with the Institute on Black Life for project “Memory and Identity Transmitted by the Antillean Woman: Strategies of Literature and Film.” Grant application submitted, “Taste, Literature and the Arts,” to the France Florida Foundation for the Arts. Speakers’ award applied for at request from the Miami Consulate, granted. Co-PI with Mark Greenberg and Paul Dosal: “Interpreting Cultural Heritage: Tampa’s Cubans and Their Club, 1886 to present,” written in 2007, grant awarded January 2008 by Florida Humanities Council, total with cash matches and in-kind: $80, 534. International Travel Grant from CAS in 2009 for two presentations at two international conferences in Geneva and subsequent research in Paris. International Travel Grant from Research Council for 2010 presentation in London and research at the British Library. International Travel Grant from Research Council for 2012 presentation in Paris and exchange meetings with U de Paris V. Advisory Committee for NSF Grant, head PI Kathy Borman of Anthropology; focus is on Mentoring in Chemistry and Engineering. Applied, not awarded: “Historical Ideas and Exemplifications of Virtue As Seen through 3

Humanistic and Scientific Lenses: What Are the Implications for Individuals and Groups in the Twenty-first Century?” co-PI with Mozella Mitchell, Navita C. James and Deborah Noonan. Grant agency: Arete Initiative at the U of Chicago. Applied as member of grant team from the Humanities Institute and CSILC for 2010 NEH Bridging Cultures Grant, not awarded. CAS Development Grant in 2013 toward publication of volume Emblems and Propaganda (Glasgow University) for 2014. Elected Chair, CAS Faculty Council, 2014-present. Research One Grant awarded in December 2014 for February 2015 event on Sino-French Film; Confucius Institute support also awarded. Faculty International Travel Grant awarded for 2014 invited presentation at the international Conference on Emblem Studies at Kiel, Germany. b. Dean's List throughout undergraduate school; college honorary societies: Kappa Pi, national art; Chi Delta Phi, national English; Alpha Beta, local scholarship honorary; Tri Sigma, scholarship, spirit and service; twice awarded the French scholarship prize. Phi Sigma Iota, national language honorary; Pi Delta Phi, national French honorary.

c. Membership in: MLA, SAMLA, NASSCFL, AATF, CIR 17, WIF, SSCFS, International Society for Emblem Studies, ADIREL, American Society of French Academic Palms, SEMFS (UK), RSA, Australian Society for French Studies.

d. Bio-Bibliographical mention in French 17, ADIREL, and in Répertoire des dix- septiémistes.

e. Executive Council, NASSCFL, 1989 to present. NASSCFL Editorial Board, 2007 to present. Executive Council, CIR 17, 1996 to present. MLA Delegate Assembly, Named Representative of Executive Committee, MLA's Seventeenth Century French Literature Section, Fall 2007 to present. Editorial Board of SAMLA’s South Atlantic Review 2008 to present. Nominee to MLA Organizing Committee of the Delegate Assembly. Nominee to MLA Bibliography Advisory Committee. f. Appointed to MLA’s Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession, 2007 to 2011. g. Elected to MLA’s Delegate Assembly, 2007 to 2011.

h. Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2002.

i. European “Prix Web” for 2002 volume French 17 (I am a member of the team that produces this annual critical bibliography).

j. Diversity Award in 2010 from USF’s Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity.

k. Named by French government Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, October 9, 2012. Decoration bestowed in 2013. 4

l. Outstanding Faculty Award, March 5, 2014. m. Mention of achievements in Fall 2015 Humanities Institute Newsletter

3. FACULTY APPOINTMENTS and ADMINISTRATION a. Taught as graduate assistant at Tulane University, 1966-1967. b. Joined faculty of Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, in September, 1968 with rank of instructor; September, 1969, promoted to rank of assistant professor (Voluntary resignation due to move, June, 1971). c. Joined faculty of Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, in September, 1972 with rank of assistant professor (Interim). d. Joined faculty of University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, in September, 1975 with rank of assistant professor (part-time). e. Joined faculty of University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, in August, 1987 as full-time, tenure track assistant professor. Tenured and promoted to Associate Professor, August 1990. Promoted to Full Professor, August 2008. f. Associate Chair, Division of Languages and Linguistics, 1992-1996 and 1997- 2001. g. Interim Chair, Division of Languages and Linguistics, 1996-1997. h. Associate Director, Humanities Institute, January 2007-August 2011. i. Courses taught. Undergraduate: French Conversation, Composition and Grammar (all levels), the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Seventeenth Century, the Eighteenth Century, the Nineteenth Century, the Twentieth Century, Survey Courses on Literature and Culture. Graduate level courses and seminars: Bibliography and Research Tools for French and Spanish graduate students, French for Research, Baudelaire, Existentialism, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Classical Prose and Poetry, Classical Drama, the Eighteenth Century, French Women Writers (cross-listed at request of Womens Studies Department), Fables, Fairy Tales and Philosophy. Developed with a grant from 5

USF’s Center for Teaching Enhancement: African Images in Francophone Film (Exit Course for Liberal Arts Curriculum), cross-listed at request of Africana Studies Department. Research Methods in Humanities for Honors College, General Education course Great French Love Stories. j. International Teaching. As “Professeur Invitée” at French universities, for several periods teaching in the specializations as above (including Women Writers and African Images in Film, as well as American Literature and Culture). Co- direction of M.A. thesis at the U de Perpignan and invited participation in the Jury. k. Theses directed at USF are listed under Service. Similarly for Thesis Committee work.

4. PRESENTATIONS a. "La Ceppède and St. Augustine," SAMLA annual meeting, November 6, 1970, Washington, D.C. b. "L'influence germanique sur la syntaxe de Yvain de Chrétien de Troyes," XIIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes, Québec, August 29- September 5, 1971. c. "Recent German Criticism of Seventeenth Century French Literature" at Mississippi MLA meeting, November 11, 1972, Jackson State College, Jackson, Mississippi. d. "Calvin on Astrology," ETS meeting, Jackson, Mississippi, April, 1974. e. Read short paper and served as discussion leader for Mythology and Literature Section, NASSCFL, Santa Barbara, California, February, 1974. f. "Critique of a Proposed Model of Meditative Structure," MLA, New York City, December, 1976. g. "The Occult in the Poetry of Théophile de Viau," NASSCFL, Las Vegas, Nevada, March, 1977. h. "John Calvin and l'Astrologie judiciaire," SAMLA, Louisville, November 5-7, 1981.

6 i. "The Occult in the Poetry of Théophile de Viau," MLA, New York City, December 27-30, 1981. This is a much longer, more developed version of item g. j. "Les Origines de l'Eros: Eve et Satan dans Le Paradis perdu de Pierre Jean Jouve," Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures, Orlando, February 10-12, 1983. k. "The Ultimate Voyage in la poésie dévote: La Ceppède's Théorèmes," NASSCFL, Montréal, April 7-10, 1983. l. "Le Paysage érotique du Paradis perdu de Pierre Jean Jouve," Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 20-23, 1983. m. "The Guest Interview in Foreign Language Teaching," Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures, Orlando, February 27-March 1, 1985. n. "Reprise of Molière's Le Malade imaginaire," NASSCFL, Baton Rouge, March 28-30, 1985. o. "Contestation, conversation et humilité," NASSCFL, Banff, Canada, April 27-30, 1986. p. "Avoir recours aux invités dans l'enseignement du français,"AATF, Montréal, Canada, July 7-11, 1986. q. "Truth, Falsehood and the Maxims of Albert Camus's La Chute" at annual meeting of Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures at Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, February 26-28, 1987. r. "Molière" to Seminole Pres. School French Class, May 1987. s. "Perceived Deficiencies in FL Students" to Bay Area FL Teachers Association of Private Schools, at Tampa Prep., October 16, 1987. t. "In Praise of the Redeemer: Images of Victory in La Ceppède's Théorèmes" at SAMLA annual convention, Atlanta, November 5-7, 1987. u. "Seventeenth Century Poetry," Pinellas County Alliance Française, February 21, 1988. v. Organized and chaired session on "Women in French Literature" at Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures, Rollins College, February 25- 27, 1988. w. "The Renaissance Woman- Modest or Daring?" at above meeting. 7

x. Chaired session on Italian Renaissance at New College's Medieval and Renaissance Conference, March 10-12, 1988. y. Served on Executive Council of North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature and presented "Contribution of Louis Van Delft to French Scholarship" at Davis, CA, March 24-27, 1988. z. "'L'amour spirituel': La Madeleine in Jean de la Ceppède and César de Nostredame," MLA in New Orleans, LA, December 27-30, 1988. aa. "The Magdalene: Two Seventeenth Century Portraits and the Biblical Document," Western Society for French History, annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 18-21, 1988. bb. "L'Astrologie et le voyage spirituel. Avertissement et expression poétique: Jean Calvin et Jean de La Ceppède" at the Festival d'Histoire de Montbrison, France, October 3-7, 1990. Congress sponsored by the Bibliothèque Nationale and the Collège de France. cc. English version of above presented at Dr. Shea's request to his Graduate Student Forum, fall 1990. dd. "Researching the Renaissance at the Bibliothèque Nationale" to Library Science Graduate Studies Group, fall 1990 (invited by head of library). ee. "Balance," a message on the Freshman Experience, based in part on interviews of my students (10 pages). Invited talk at Tampa Prep. April 22, 1991. ff. "Francis Lawrence, 'homme de mérite'" at March 4, 1991 Inaugural Evening for New President Francis Lawrence. I carried official greetings as well from USF and NASSCFL. gg. Presentation of Dr. Renée Lecomte's work at the Alliance Française, April 19, 1991 (4 pages). hh. Brief presentation of the South Atlantic Review Prize at the SAMLA Luncheon, Nov. 1991. ii. February, 1992, invited lecture at U of Tampa on 17th century authors and themes. jj. March 1992, two presentations of speakers at Phi Sigma Iota: Drs. Sweetser and Lecomte, lectures sponsored by International Affairs Center and University Lecture Series. 8

kk. "Poetic Composition as Voyage: Jean de La Ceppède's "Théorèmes" at Medieval and Renaissance Conference, 12-14 March 1992, Sarasota. ll. "The Freshman Experience," April 1992 at Tampa Prep. mm. "Jean Calvin et Strasbourg, des bienfaits mutuels: le témoignage des lettres" at 18-23 July 1992 American Association of Teachers of French, in Strasbourg, France. nn. "The Joint Ph.D with the College of Education at USF" at November 1992 SAMLA, Graduate Studies Forum. oo. "Judges" at Trinity Presbyterian Church, November 1992. pp. December 1992, "Montaigne and Today's Personal Essay" for College English Association Round Table at the MLA. (Participants were notified by letter; designation was made too late for inclusion in program). qq. "Degrees of Madness: The Madeleine in French Baroque Poetry" for February 1993 at Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Conference in Miami. rr. "La Mort dans la correspondance de Madame Palatine," for March 1993 Congress in Lexington, NASSCFL. ss. "Les 'lieux de l'écriture' comme 'lieux de mémoire'" for inaugural international conference of CIR 17 in Kiel, Germany, July, 1993. tt. "'Lieux de mémoire' in Renaissance dévotion magdalénienne" for Oct. 7-9, 1993 MIFLC at Clemson U. uu. "'Lieux de mémoire' in the Lettres françaises of Madame Palatine," for Oct. 13-16, 1993 annual meeting of the Western Society for French History at Missoula, Montana. vv. Presentation on Panel, "Is Diversity Possible Without Dilution" at SAMLA, November 4-6, 1993 in Atlanta, Georgia. ww. "A Woman's Sentiments and Philosophy: the Maxims of Madame Palatine" for MLA, December 26-30, 1993 in Toronto. xx. "Nature Imagery and Poetic Composition in the Late French Renaissance," for the Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Sarasota, March 10-12, 1994. I also organized the session entitled "Nature Imagery and the Literary Composition in the French Middle Ages and the Renaissance." 9

yy. Chaired session “Renaissance Novels,” at above conference. zz. Panel Participant on “Le Corps dans la rhétorique, la théologie et la philosophie,” International Colloque of CIR 17 at UCSB (Santa Barbara), March 17-19, 1994. aaa. “Rhetoric and Aging,” May 31, 1994 for Interdisciplinary Panel on Research Initiatives at USF, televised for distance learning. bbb. “Good Counsel in the Writings of Two European Princesses: Marguerite de Navarre and Madame Palatine,” Conference on Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective, October 20-21, 1994 at USF, televised for distance learning. ccc. “Inspiration from Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, and from Two European Princesses,” October 15, 1994 at state Presbytery meeting, Lake Wales. ddd. Participation in Interdisciplinary Round Table with Prof. Desjeux of the Sorbonne and French composers Goupil and Marchand of Le Havre, Nov. 1994 at the Tampa Art Museum. eee. “Rhetoric in the Service of Truth: John Calvin’s Advertissement contre l’astrologie judiciaire” MLA, December 27-31, 1994, San Diego, CA. fff. Organized, with Martin Jacobi of Clemson, two sessions for SAMLA at the MLA, December 27-31, 1994, San Diego, CA: “Rhetoric and Cultural Criticism” and “Rhetoric and Popular Appeal.” ggg. Panel Participant for “Le ‘Tombeau’ du XVIIe siècle: bilans et perspectives” at colloque “Et in Arcadia Ego”of the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature, April 20-22, 1995. hhh. “Teaching through Metaphors, Parables and Proverbs: Wisdom in the the Sermon on the Mount,” at Trinity Presbyterian Church, October 10, 1995. iii. Organized, with Martin Jacobi of Clemson, two sessions for SAMLA at the MLA, December 27-31, 1995, Chicago: “Ethics and Rhetoric.” jjj. Presided at Foreign Language session on Ethics and Rhetoric, MLA, December 27-31, 1995, Chicago. kkk. “Using Technology in the Foreign Language and Literature Classroom: A Beginner’s First Steps,” USF’s Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies, February, 1996.


lll. “A Curricular Response to a Market Survey of Teachers’ Needs,” presentation with Grant Team at MLA-sponsored Conference for MLA/NEH Teacher Education Project, March 1996.

mmm. Organized and chaired a session on the Renaissance at the New College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, March 14-16, 1996.

nnn. Organized and chaired a session, “L’Esprit au féminin” at the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature, April 11-13, 1996, Houston, TX.

ooo. “Moi je vous dirai auff gut pfältzisch: les expressions allemandes au service de Madame Palatine, épistolière française,” at conference on Contacts et échanges linguistiques au XVIIe siècle, Fribourg, Switzerland, May 16-19, 1996. ppp. Organized and chaired a Round Table on the “Benefits of Technology in the Foreign Language and Literature Classroom,” at the Florida Foreign Language Association, October 1996. qqq. “Distance Learning and Technologies: Realities and Dreams,” in the Teaching Languages and Literatures section of SAMLA’s annual meeting, November 8-10, 1996, Atlanta, GA. rrr. “The First Illusion and Some Current Transformations of Pierre Corneille’s Play,” at the invitation of USF’s Theatre Department, Panel with Nancy Cole and Pat Finelli, November, 1996. sss. “Isaiah’s Rhetoric and Prophecy for Troubled Times,” November 12, 1996 at Trinity Presbyterian Church. ttt. Participated by invitation in session organized for Department Chairs at the MLA in Washington, December 27-30, 1996. (Discussions, not formal presentations)

uuu. “Curricular Reform in the Division of Languages and Linguistics: Factors that Inspire and Influence It,” at the invitation of Associate Dean Myerson, for the Council of Chairs, December 1996.

vvv. “La Nature, la créativité et le texte biblique dans la poésie religieuse du premier XVIIe siècle: César de Nostredame, Henri d’Angoulême et Marc-Antoine Durant,” at conference “Bible et poésie: de la renaissance à l’âge classique,” March 25-26, 1997, Besançon, France.

www. “Le Couvent comme prison: l’enfermement des femmes et des enfants réformés, leur captivité dans les couvents,” at conference of the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature, April 3-5, 1997, Victoria, Canada. 11

xxx. “Images and Metaphors of Suffering in the Prophets: Isaiah,” at Trinity Presbyterian Church, June 17, 1997.

yyy. “Correspondence as a Revealer of Ways of Knowing: Madame Palatine’s Lettres françaises,” at the conference of The Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth Century Studies, October 26-18, 1997, New Bern, N.C.

zzz. “Feminine Friendship in the Royal Family: Testimony from Madame Palatine’s Lettres françaises,” at SCMLA, October 30-November 1, 1997, Dallas, TX.

aaaa. Secretary, also charged with co-organization of SAMLA’s Teaching Language and Literature program, November 13-15, 1997, Atlanta.

bbbb. “Dramatizing Renaissance History: The Role of Biblical and Theological Allusion in Pierre Matthieu’s Guisiade,” at New College’s Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, March 12-14, 1998, Sarasota. I also presided at a session. cccc. “African Images in Film,” presentation with Dr. Diane Turner of Africana Studies, at USF’s Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies, March 12, 1998.

dddd. “Biblical and Theological Allusion in the Service of the Dramatization of History: Christopher Marlowe’s Massacre at Paris and Pierre Matthieu’s Guisiade,” for the June 29-July 3, 1998 Fourth International Marlowe Conference in Cambridge, England.

eeee. “La subversion au sein de la famille royale: Les Lettres françaises de Madame Palatine,” for the conference jointly sponsored by the British Society for Seventeenth Century French Studies and the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature, July 13-17, 1998, Bristol, England.

ffff. “Le Jeu et la sagesse d’une princesse de la renaissance: une enluminure de Marguerite de Navarre et les maximes de l’Heptaméron,” for the conference “A Quoi Joue-t-on? Pratiques et Usages des Jeux et des Jouets à Travers les Âges,” September 30-October 2, 1998, Montbrison, France.

gggg. “La Rhétorique des sens et la célébration des secrets de la nature chez Racine poète,” for The Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth Century Studies, October 8-10, 1998, Orange, CA.

hhhh. “African Images in Francophone Film,” for the October 1998 Conference of the Florida Foreign Language Association, Tampa, FL. I also organized the session “Technology Communicating Culture” for the conference.

12 iiii. Organized the session “Teaching Languages and Literature” for the SAMLA convention, November 5-7, 1998, Atlanta. jjjj. “Epistolary Monogamy and Cinematic Polygamy in Francophone African Literature and Film since 1970” with Dr. Michelle Bloom of the U of CA, for the MLA convention, December 28-30, 1998, San Francisco, CA. kkkk. "Pre-performance presentation "Tartuffe: Reflections on Stagings and Women Characters over the Years", Feb. 15, 1999, Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, with Dr. Nancy Cole. llll. “African and African-American Images in Film: A Grant-Funded Curriculum Project” at the CAS Colloquium “Culture, Wisdom, and Practice of the African Diaspora: the Caribbean and Tampa,” April 9, 1999. mmmm. "L'entrelacement des sens et de la nature chez Jean-Baptiste Chassignet" for the Colloque Chassignet, May 3-5, 1999, Besançon, France. nnnn. "La Rhétorique des sens et la célébration de la nature chez Racine poète: soleil et mer" for the Colloque International Racine: "Racine et la Méditerranée. Soleil et mer, Neptune et Apollon," May 19-20, 1999, Nice. oooo. "Images of Africans and African-Americans in Film: A Grant-funded Curriculum Project" with Dr. Diane Turner, for Millenium Film Conference, Bath, England, June 29-July 2, 1999. pppp. Organized and presided session "Mythe et Religion" for the international conference of NASSCFL and the Société Racine: "Racine et/ou le Classicisme," Santa Barbara, October 14-16, 1999. qqqq. "Chassignet's Sonnets and Pierre de Loisy's Emblems", invited lecture at California Polytechnic University, October 11, 1999. rrrr. Organized and presided the session "French II: Literature, 1600-1850: Looking Forward. Looking Back. Intersections of Culture, Genre and Style," for SCMLA, October 28-30, 1999, Memphis. ssss. "Foxes, wolves, monkeys, stags, birds and plants: Jean-Baptiste Chassignet's emblematic Sonnets franc-comtois," Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth Century Studies (SE 17), Nov. 11-13, 1999, Lexington. tttt. "The Ideal and/or Intended Reader in Chassignet's Sonnets franc-comtois" for the Twelfth Biennial Medieval and Renaissance Conference at New College, March 9-11, 2000. (preliminary findings of my research, building up to the Metz 13

conference below, after I was able to consult archives and rare book collections in France).

uuuu. Organized session on "The Ideal and/or Intended Reader" for the Twelfth Biennial Medieval and Renaissance Conference at New College, Sarasota, March 9-11, 2000.

vvvv. Presentation, with Dr. Diane Turner and Dr. Amina Alio, of recent results of grant project, "Images of Africans and African-Americans in Film" for USF's March 24, 2000 Conference on Technology, Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies.

wwww. "Countering Suppression in the Royal Court of France: Madame Palatine's Lettres françaises" for the March 30-April 1, 2000 conference: The Female Principle: Eclipses and Re-emergences, held at the U of Texas, Arlington.

xxxx. Presider at session "Percezioni dell'Oriente", CIR 17 international conference on "Les Méditérannées", Bari, Italy, April 13-15, 2000, Giovanni Dotoli, Presidente del Convegno.

yyyy. Series of invited lectures at the Université d'Artois, Arras, France, April 25-May 12, 2000.

zzzz. "Les Sonnets franc-comtois de Jean-Baptiste Chassignet: la représentation du 'premier lecteur' et la persuasion du lecteur idéal", for the May 25-27, 2000 conference in Metz, France, "La Poésie Religieuse et ses Lecteurs aux XVIe et XVIIe Siècles", organizer Alain Cullière. aaaaa. "Feminine Friendship at the End of the Century: Testimony from Madame Palatine's Lettres françaises" for the interdisciplinary British Society on Seventeenth Century French Studies Conference in St. Andrews, Scotland, Sept. 7-9, 2000. bbbbb. "Des lectures au sein de la famille royale: la correspondance de Madame Palatine comme révélant des modes féminins de connaissance aux XVIIe siècle" for conference "Lectures de femmes", October 5-7, 2000 in Besançon, France. ccccc. Organized and presided session "Harmonies or Disharmonies in Literature and Culture" for SAMLA's Nov. 10-12, 2000 conference in Birmingham, AL. I was also a member of the Executive Committee of the "Teaching Languages and Literatures" session of the association. ddddd. Presided at session on French Literature at De Bartolo English Conference, Feb. 15-17, 2001, Tampa, FL.


eeeee. "La Littérature et l'art au service de la théologie: le voyage terrestre et le voyage spirituel, la poésie de Jean-Baptiste Chassignet mise en rapport avec les emblèmes de Pierre de Loysi," for NASSCFL's May 2-5, 2001 international conference in Tempe, AZ. fffff. Organized four sessions on "La Femme à l'Âge Classique" for above conference.

ggggg. "Le Pouvoir des sens: une exploration des poésies de Madeleine de Scudéry," for the international Colloque du Tricentenaire, Madeleine de Scudéry, Sorbonne, Paris, France, June 28-30, 2001.

hhhhh. "Une exploration de la profusion des sens dans la poésie de Tristan l'Hermite," for the international conference, Actualités de Tristan, Université de Paris (Nanterre), Nov. 22-24, 2001.

iiiii. "Un project de recherche sur les cinq sens: Racine, Madeleine de Scudéry, Chassignet, et Tristan," lecture for the Université de Perpignan, Nov. 27, 2001, Perpignan, France.

jjjjj. Participated in the Table Ronde, representing Women in French, " Building Coalitions among the MLA Caucuses? A Roundtable on Grassroots Problems and How We Might Solve Them," Modern Language Association Convention, December 27-30, 2001, New Orleans, LA.

kkkkk. "A Cinema in the Service of the People? Women and the Marginalized in Recent Francophone African Films," at the Modern Language Association Convention, session "Cinema", December 27-30, 2001, New Orleans, LA.

lllll. "International Perspectives on Women's Leadership and Learning: Mentoring and Collaborative Learning," for FAWE's Feb. 18-19, 2002 conference, "Living in Higher Education," St. Petersburg, FL. (Co-presenters: students Kalko Alio and Margie Thorpe)

mmmmm. "Le Savoir historique à l'intersection de l'art et de la poésie emblématiques: les gravures de Pierre de Loysi mises en rapport avec Les Sonnets franc-comtois," for March 14-16, 2002 conference of NASSCFL, "Les Savoirs en France au XVIIe Siècle," Charlottesville, VA. nnnnn. "A la page et à l'écran: Voix et images féminines comme révélant de la transmission du savoir et de la culture," for session "Hybridity, Multiculturalism and Women's Voices," Kentucky Foreign Language Convention, April 18-20, 2002, Lexington, KY. ooooo. Invited participation in the Table Ronde on literary criticism, organized by R. Ganim, at above convention. 15

ppppp. Lectures as professeur invité at the U. de Perpignan, France, late April-mid-May 2002. Lectures treated research on Madame Palatine, Foreign Language Teaching in France, and African Film. qqqqq. “Rhetorical Strategies for a locus terribilis: Senses, Signs, Symbols and Theological Allusion in Marlowe’s The Massacre at Paris”, invited presentation for The Fifth International Marlowe Conference at Cambridge, England, June 30- July 4, 2003. rrrrr. Moderator at above conference, for session “Marlowe and Intertextuality.” sssss. Presentation at USF’s Globalization Program, September 27, 2002 on “Globalization in Renaissance Poetry” and the Florida-France Globalization Project. ttttt. Co-presenter with James Aubry, “Translating the Renaissance” at SAMLA, Atlanta, GA, November 2003. uuuuu. Organized and moderated session on “Les Beaux Arts et les Belles Lettres” for December 2003 MLA Convention, San Diego, CA. vvvvv. “The Prince and the Subject at the Intersection of Emblematic Poetry and Art: Moral and Pragmatic Reflections” for the March 11-13, 2004 Fourteenth Biennial New College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Sarasota. wwwww. Moderated session at above conference. xxxxx. “Avez-vous senti Dassoucy? Pour une rhétorique des sens chez ‘l’Empereur du Burlesque’” for the June 2004 Colloque on Dassoucy organized by Dominique Bertrand at Clermont-Ferrand, France. yyyyy. “La Mémoire et l’identité transmises par la femme antillaise: stratégies littéraires et cinématographiques” for the June 2004 convention of the CIÉF (Conseil International des Études Francophones), Liège, Belgium. zzzzz. “Bossuet, poète lyrique?” with Mary Rowan, for the April 14-16, 2005 international NASSCFL conference held in Columbia, SC. aaaaaa. “Sensory Appeal in the Oraison funèbre d’Henriette d’Angleterre” for the April 14-16, 2005 international NASSCFL conference held in Columbia, SC. bbbbbb. “Engraving, Sonnet, Devise: Harmony or Disharmony at the Intersection of Emblematic Art and Poetry in the Sonnets franc-comtois?” for the 7th Triennial 16

Conference of the International Society for Emblem Studies, July 24-30, 2005, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. cccccc.“La Représentation emblématique de la femme à l’entrecroisement de l’art et de la poésie: les gravures de Pierre de Loysi mises en rapport avec Les Sonnets franc- comtois” for the IXe Colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle, March 16-18, 2006 at Kiel, Germany. dddddd. “Becoming Global in the Early Modern: A Case of Modernity in French Emblematics,” for the 15th Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, March 9-11, 2006 at New College, Sarasota, FL. Please note that this is a first and much shorter version of the following paper. eeeeee. “Modernisation des Écritures: Becoming Global in the Early Modern, A Case of Modernity in French Emblematics” for the international conference on “Modernités” held June 28-30, 2006 at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, organized by the following five international societies: The British Society for Seventeenth- Century French Studies, La Société d’Études du XVIIe Siècle, CMR, La Société d’Étude du XVIe Siècle (France), NASSCFL (US and Canada). ffffff. “Devotional Poetry as a ‘miroir du prince’”, at the annual MLA Convention, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 27-30, 2006. gggggg. Session of four speakers organized at the annual MLA Convention, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 27-30, 2006: “Le Grand Siècle: Le divin, le moderne, le subversif et l’ambigu.” I reviewed and edited these for a 2008 issue of PFSCL. hhhhhh. “The Five Senses and God’s Beauty: Early Modern French Emblems,” August 26, 2006, State Presbyterial, Tampa. iiiiii. “The Emblematic Power and diversity of the ‘Incidental’ Woman: The Sonnets franc-comtois”, for the annual convention of the Renaissance Society of America, Miami, FL, March 22-24, 2007. jjjjjj. Co-organized session for the conference of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, May 10-12, 2007, at Lincoln, Nebraska: “Madame Palatine and Louis XIV: From Innocence and Happiness to Eavesdropping and Embarrassment: Portrait of Madame Palatine by Mignard, 1680-1681 and letter to Louis XIV of May 24, 1685. Published by editor Russ Ganim in the 2009 refereed volume. kkkkkk. Invited participation on two panels on “University Exchanges” and “International Studies” at Education Forum: Global Florida, June 13-15, 2007, Miami, FL, organized by the French Government and the State of Florida.


llllll. “In Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of Pascal’s Lettres Provinciales: ‘L’Amour de Dieu’, Rhetorical Strategies of the Controversy.” First version was delivered at USF’s Conference on Pascal which I organised with Roger Ariew of Philosophy, October 5-6, 2007. A second, revised version was delivered at the MLA in Chicago, December 27-30, 2007. mmmmmm. “Assessment Obsession: Endless Cycles of Assessment,” delivered at the MLA in Chicago, December 27-30, 2007. nnnnnn. “The Perception of God as Creator and Protector chez Jean Racine: Continuities of Lyricism across Genres,” for the New College Medieval and Renaissance Conference, March 6-8, 2008. At their request, in English. Please see publications for French version. oooooo. “Le Goût de la violence: l’allusion biblique et théologique au service de la dramatisation de l’histoire dans deux pièces de la Renaissance, la Guisiade de Pierre Matthieu et The Massacre at Paris de Christopher Marlowe,” invited speaker for the March 28-29, 2008 conference on “Goût” organized by Gaëtan Brulotte at USF. pppppp. “Les nourritures de l’amitié: le goût, l’esprit et l’âme chez les deux La Fayette, la romancière et son descendant, le général de la Révolution Américaine” for the April 24-26, 2008 international conference of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, held at Lafayette College. qqqqqq. “Poetry and Education in the Petites Écoles of Port-Royal,” MLA, December 2008 meeting in San Francisco, session “Poetry as an Educative Tool in the French Republic of Letters.” rrrrrr. “Word and Image, the sacré and the profane in Early Modern Emblematic Literature: A Case in French Humanism,” MLA, December 2008 meeting in San Francisco, session “Renaissance Humanism and Secular Culture.” ssssss. “The CAS Faculty Mentoring Program,” invited talk at the Diversity Summit on Mentoring and Diversity: Building a Community of Excellence,” February 5, 2009, Traditions Hall, USF.

tttttt.“Boileau et Bossuet, le poète-satiriste et le pasteur d’âmes: leurs rôles et leurs armes dans la controverse sur l’amour de Dieu,” delivered at the international meeting of NASSCFL, May 21-23, 2009 in NYC. I was also asked to deliver “Opening Remarks” before the French Baroque Music Concert “Discordant Harmonies.”

uuuuuu.“’Seul je déploie les cieux’: La représentation du Créateur qui ‘affole les devins’ et ‘tourne leur science en déraison’ dans les sermons de Calvin sur Esaïe, 18

découverts à Londres,” delivered at the international congress “Calvin et son Influence, 1509-2009,” Geneva, May 24-27, 2009. vvvvvv.“Mundus imago Dei est: The Spirituality of the Emblematist of the French Renaissance” delivered at the international conference of The Sixteenth Century Society, Geneva, May 28-30, 2009. wwwwww. Organized and presided at session at the November 2009 SAMLA meeting in Atlanta, GA, “The Marginalized: Women and Children in Literature and Film.” xxxxxx. “Women of Color and Academic Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities,” delivered at the December 27-30, 2009 MLA, Philadelphia. I organized this panel for the MLA Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession (to which I was named). I was pressed into service as speaker when another person cancelled. yyyyyy. Panel Presentation: “USF’s Mentoring Programs: Best Practices, the CAS Faculty Mentoring Program,” at the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity’s 6th Annual Diversity Summit, “Mentoring and Diversity: Building a Community of Excellence.” February 5, 2009, USF.

zzzzzz. “Discovery, Dissemination, Distinction: The Joy of Research,” delivered January 19, 2010 at the invitation of the UGRB (Undergraduate Research, under the advising of Dr. Naomi Yavneh).

aaaaaaa. Panel organization and presidence: “Staking Your Claim: Are You Represented in Your Institution’s Strategic Plan?” for MLA 2011, Los Angeles, CA.

bbbbbbb. “Dogs in the French Royal Family: Madame Palatine and her Spaniels in Letters and Portraits,” delivered at the ACLA Conference in April 2010, New Orleans. A larger study with references to controversies about animals, involving Descartes and Leibnitz, has been developed for an international conference (see below). ccccccc. Session organization and presidence: “Mémoires, journaux, lettres . . . le ‘je’ dans l’écriture,” for joint WIF/PAMLA November 2010 conference in Hawaii. ddddddd. Session presidence “Lettres et mémoires” at international CIR 17, March 24- 27, 2010, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. eeeeeee. Organization and presidence of panel for SAMLA, November 2010, Atlanta, GA: “Emblematic Literature in the Early Modern: Engaging Instruction.” fffffff. “Poetry and Education in the Petites Écoles of Port-Royal,” a second, revised version, for the March 11-13, 2010 New College Conference on Medieval and 19

Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, FL. I was also asked to preside at the session “Medieval French Romance.”

ggggggg. “Controverses, doutes, impertinences, subversions: le ‘je’ dans les lettres de Madame Palatine” for November 2010 joint WIF/PAMLA Conference in Hawaii.

hhhhhhh. “Controversy and Consolation: The Animal in the Royal Court, Madame and her Spaniels” delivered at the Thirty-Third annual Conference on “Animality/Animalité” of the British Society for Seventeenth Century French Studies, London, September 2010. iiiiiii. “Hands and Clouds: Key Theophanies and Anthropomorphisms in Georgette de Montenay’s Emblemes ou devises chrestiennes”, a first version presented at the Fall 2010 Religious Representation Symposium of the Humanities Institute of USF. kkkkkkk. “The Early Modern Emblem: Global Elements in Text and Image,” delivered at the Globalization in the Humanities Symposium of the Humanities Institute of USF, March 4, 2011. lllllll. “Eclectic Approaches to a World of Words and Images,” paper delivered at invitation of Madeleine Camara for Theory Talk Series I, April 8, 2011, USF. mmmmmmm. “Hands and Clouds: Key Theophanies and Anthropomorphisms in Georgette de Montenay’s Emblemes ou devises chrestiennes”, presented at International Society for Emblem Studies Conference in Glasgow, June 26-July1, 2011. nnnnnnn. Invited presentation on the French Emblem in the Early Modern by the Kunsthistorisches Institut of Kiel, Germany, July 4, 2011. ooooooo. “‘Le Roi me disait quelquefois: ‘D’où vient donc, Madame, que vous aimez tant Fontainebleau’”: Les lieux de la cour comme lieux de culture, les réflexions de Madame Palatine sur Fontainebleau, Marly, Saint-Cloud et Versailles,” delivered at the international conference “Lieux de Culture” held in London, England, July 6-9, 2011. ppppppp. Organization and presidence of panel, “Seeds of the Modern in Ancient and Early Modern Poetry,” for English, Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages for SAMLA’s November 2011 Convention in Atlanta, GA. Also presented a paper on the French Emblem when a panelist had to be absent at the last minute. qqqqqqq. “Hope Kindled by a Cinema in the Service of the People? Women and the Marginalized in Recent Francophone African Films,” presented at the USF 20

World/ USF Center for India Studies Conference on Eastern and Indigenous Perspectives on Sustainability and Conflict Resolution, November 13-15, 2011 at USF, Tampa, FL. rrrrrrr. Co-authored paper with Martine Landis, “The Taste of Violence: Senses, Signs, Biblical and Theological Allusion in the Service of the Dramatization of History: Pierre Matthieu’s Guisiade, presented at the March 2-3, 2012 conference of SCFLLF at Stetson University, Deland, FL. sssssss. “An Incognito Voyage by Sophie of Hanover to the Court of France,” this is a first version of the longer one just below. Presented at the 2012 New College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Sarasota, FL, March 8-10, 2012. ttttttt. “Au Cours de la route: un voyage incognito de Sophie de Hanovre à la cour de France,” presented at the international conference of CIR 17, in Durham, England, March 26-29, 2012. uuuuuuu. “La Vie selon les emblematistes: les sens et les significations,” presented at the May 2012 international conference of NASSCFL held at . vvvvvvv. “‘There isn’t a novel that I haven’t read’: Reading Fiction, Interpreting Scripture, Madame Palatine’s Letters, an ‘Exceptional Mirror’ of the Grand Siècle,” presented at the international SSCFL conference in Paris, September 2012. wwwwwww. Invited presidence of session at above conference. xxxxxxx.“Maximizing Support for Women’s Work: Family Medical Leave, the MLA, and Mentoring,” delivered at the January 2013 annual convention of the MLA, Boston. yyyyyyy. “La Sainte-Baume et la Madeleine chez les poètes du cénacle aixois d’Henri d’Angoulême: vers une rhétorique du paysage et de ‘l’heureuse pécheresse,’” delivered at the international conference “Voyages, rencontres, échanges au XVIIe siècle” at Aix- Marseille, 5-8 juin 2013. zzzzzzz. Organized 7 person panel for WIF for the January 2014 MLA in Chicago: “Voyages de femmes entrepris et rapportés: Représentations littéraires et/ou artistiques.” aaaaaaaa. “‘Vita Virtutis Expers Morte Peior’: Le foctionnement de l’allégorie dans l’emblématique chez Jean-Baptiste Chassignet et Jean-Jacques Boissard”, for international conference of CIR 17, Toronto, May 8-10, 2014.


bbbbbbbb. “‘Fama Virtutis Stimulus’: Allegory and the Emblem in the Early Modern”, at the January 2014 MLA, Chicago session “Allegory: Reflection between Ornament and Sign.”

cccccccc. “Woman at the Margins: Her Strength and Diversity in a Representative Emblematic Album of the Early Modern, the Sonnets franc-comtois,” delivered at the February 21-22, 2014 at the SCFLLF conference, held at USF.

dddddddd. Introductory remarks on “Beauty” as part of my role as co-organizer of the international conference on “The State of Beauty Today” held February 28-March 1, 2014 at USF.

eeeeeeee. “Un réseau d’amitié, de plaisir, et de nouvelles: quelques aspects de la correspondance volumineuse d’Élisabeth-Charlotte de Bavière, princesse Palatine, duchesse d’Orléans,” delivered at the international conference of NASSCFL, held at Duke and at UNC, Chapel Hill, May 15-17, 2014.

ffffffff. “’Plaire’ et/ou ‘instruire’? The Landry Edition of Otto van Veen’s Amoris divini emblemata,” invited paper, delivered at the 10th International Conference of the Society of Emblem Studies, held at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany), July 27-August 1, 2014. gggggggg. “Contingent Labor and Unionization: Faculty Mentoring and Collegiality,” delivered for the MLA Committee on Contingent Labor in the Profession at the 2015 MLA, held in Vancover, Canada, January 8-11. (written in 2014)

hhhhhhhh. “More-Than-Human Worlds in the Renaissance Emblem,” delivered at the panel on “Ecocritical Approaches to the French Renaissance,” MLA, January 8-11, 2015 in Vancouver, Canada. (written in 2014)

iiiiiiii. “‘Nous ne pensons ici qu’à vaguer deçà et delà’: le voyage en Italie dans les Mémoires et lettres de voyage de Sophie de Hanovre,” for the June 4-6, 2015 international conference of NASSCFL, “Errances” held in Québec. jjjjjjjj. “A Princess’s Compulsory Voyages of Childhood and Voluntary Voyages of Adulthood: The Mémoires et lettres de voyage de Sophie de Hanovre,” presentation at the December 2016 conference of the Australian Society for French Studies held in Adelaide, Australia. kkkkkkkk. “Valuing and Evaluating Contingent Faculty” presentation for panel organized by the MLA Committee on Contingent Labor in the Profession. Delivered at the MLA Conference, January 6-11, 2016 in Austin, Texas.


llllllll. “Engaging Students Ecocritically and Metaphorically: Jean-Jacques Boissard’s Early Modern Emblems”, delivered at the 22nd Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages, Literatures and Film, Orlando, February 25-27, 2016.

mmmmmmmm. “Towards an Ecocritical Exploration of the Late Renaissance Emblem: Vaenius’s Amoris Divini Emblemata”, delivered at the New College Medieval and Renaissance Conference, March 10-12, 2016, Sarasota, Florida. nnnnnnnn. “Royal Games in Germanic, French and Italian Courts: The Mémoires et lettres de voyage of Sophie de Hanovre”, delivered at the international NASSCFL conference, held in Orlando, June 1-3, 2016. oooooooo. “More-Than-Human-Worlds: An Ecocritical Exploration of the Emblem, Florda and Fauna chez Chassignet, Boissard and Vaenius”, delivered at the international SCS conference, held in Bruges, Belgium, August 18-20, 2016. Presided, on invitation, a different session.

pppppppp. “Exploring the Nuanced Role of Astrologia in the Early Modern: Reformers, Emblematists, Devotional and Libertine Poets”, presentation for the panel sponsored by the forums CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern and TC Science and Literature at the MLA, January 5-8, 2017. qqqqqqqq. “Le Livre d’emblèmes et le livre de devises: foisonnement et diversité de l’emblématique à Lyon au XVIIe siècle”, presentation accepted for the NASSCFL Conference “Literature, the Book and the Book Trade in 17th-century France” to be held June 21-14, 2017 in Lyon, France. rrrrrrrr. “‘Res tam multiplex propeque ad infinitum varia’: The Liminary in Early Modern Emblem Books”, submitted for the July 3-7, 2017 Conference of the international Society for Emblem Studies to be held at the Université de Lorraine, Faculté de droit, sciences économiques et gestion, July 3-7, 2017.




(The following are book-length descriptive/critical bibliographies, housed internationally in research libraires; I am a member of the team which publishes them under sponsorship of the MLA). This critical bibliography, now under the title French 17 is also digitized for online access.

23 a. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 20, 1972 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). b. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 21, 1973 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). c. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 22, 1974 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). d. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 23, 1975 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). e. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 24, 1976 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). f. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 25, 1977 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). g. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 26, 1978 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). h. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 27, 1979 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). i. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 28, 1980 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). j. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 29, 1981 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). k. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 30, 1982 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). l. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 31, 1983 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). m. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 32, 1984 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). n. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 33, 1985 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). o. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 34, 1986 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University).

24 p. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 35, 1987 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). q. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 36, 1988 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). r. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 37, 1989 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). s. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 38, 1990 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). t. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 39, 1991 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). u. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 40, 1992 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). v. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 41, 1993 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). w. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 42, 1994 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). x. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 43, 1995 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). y. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 44, 1996 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). z. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 45, 1997 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). aa. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 46, 1998 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). bb. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 47, 1999 (Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University). cc. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 48, 2000 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). dd. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 49, 2001 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University).

25 ee. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 50, 2002 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). This bibliography won the Prix Web 17 for 2002. ff. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 51, 2003 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). gg. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 52, 2004 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). hh. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 53, 2005 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). ii. Contributing Specialist for NEH Grant sponsored Niccolò Machiavelli: An Annotated Bibliography of Modern Criticism and Scholarship, Silvia Ruffo Fiore, editor. Greenwood Press, 1990 (My contribution was the annotation of French scholarly books and articles on Machiavelli in the last 50 years). jj. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 54, 2006 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). kk. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 55, 2007 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). ll. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 56, 2008 (Rohnert Park, CA: Sonoma State University). mm. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 57, 2009 (Worcester, MA: College of the Holy Cross). nn. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 58, 2010 (Bennington, VT: Bennington College). oo. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 59, 2011 (Bennington, VT: Bennington College). pp. Contributing Editor. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 60, 2012 (Bennington, VT: Bennington College). Although carrying the date of 2012, the volume had production delays and did not come out until June 2013. qq. Contributing Editor. French 17. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 61, 2013 (Bennington, VT. Bennington College). Although carrying the date of 2013, the volume had production delays and did not come out until June 2014.


rr. Contributing Editor. French 17. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 62, 2014 (Bennington, VT. Bennington College).

ss. Contributing Editor. French 17. Bibliography of French Seventeenth Century Studies. No. 63, 2015 (Bennington, VT. Bennington College). Delivery in 2016.

Edited Volumes

a. La Femme à l'âge classique; le baroque, musique et littérature, co-editors: Christine M. Probes, Buford Norman (Editors of the Collection: David Wetsel, Frédéric Charbonneau), Gunter Narr, Tübingen, 2003. My part in this volume was the solicitation of and refeering, with a committee, contributions for the section on Women in the Classical Age, pages 41-217. I also wrote the preface, pages 11-15. Wolfgang Leiner, Head Editor of the Collection. b. Co-editor (with Bill Brooks and Rainer Zaiser), Lieux de Culture dans la France du XVIIe siècle, collection: Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, Bern: Peter Lang, 2012. c. Co-editor (with Sabine Moedersheim), The Art of Persuasion: Emblems and Propaganda. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, Glasgow Emblem Studies, 2014. d. Co-editor (with Catherine Montfort), Women’s Mobility throughout the Ages (Voyages de femmes). Volume is in progress and accepted for publication with Women in French Studies in 2018. Some 20 articles accepted, most have now undergone two blind reviews. They range from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century.

Edited Section of Refereed Journals

e. PFSCL, XXXII (2005) no. 62, pages 10-64: “Beaux Arts et Belles Lettres: MLA 2003 Convention.” I organized this MLA session and edited it at the request of Wolfgang Leiner, series editor who also asked me to write the introduction.

f. PFSCL, XXXIIII (2008): “Le Grand Siècle: le divin, le moderne, le subversif et l’ambigu”. I organised this MLA session of 4 papers, refereed it with a committee, and transmitted it to editor Rainer Zaiser who also asked me to furnish an introduction.

Articles and Chapters in Books (all refereed)

27 a. "La Ceppède's Théorèmes and Augustinian Sources," Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, XXXII, 2 (1970), 407-422. b. "St. Augustine, A Font of Poetic Inspiration for the Théorèmes of La Ceppède," Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa, XLI, 3 (1971), 472-494. c. "L'influence germanique sur la syntaxe de Yvain de Chrétien de Troyes," Actes du XIIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes, 491-498. d. "La Ceppède's Discriminatory Use of St. Augustine as Garent," Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, XXXIV, 1 (1972), 65-87. e. "Calvin on Astrology," Westminster Theological Journal, XXXVII, 1, (1974), 24- 33. f. "Mythology in the Théorèmes of Jean de la Ceppède: Sources and Function," Australian Journal of French Studies, 14 (1977), 39-47. g. "The Occult in the Poetry of Théophile de Viau," Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 9 (1982), 7-20. h. "The Ultimate Voyage in la poésie dévote: La Ceppède's Théorèmes," Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature 11 (1984), 59-75. i. "Reprise of Molière's Malade imaginaire," Biblio 17 25 (1986), 92-96. j. "Beaux Arts and Belles Lettres in Praise of the Redeemer: Images of Victory in La Ceppède's Théorèmes," in volume: Baroque: Literature and the Other Arts, ed. Wolfgang Leiner. Tübingen, 1988, 609-620. k. "'L'amour spirituel': La Madeleine in Jean de La Ceppède and César de Nostredame," Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature 17, 32 (1990), 107-120. l. "L'Astrologie et le voyage spirituel" in Renaissance Européenne et phénomènes religieux, 1450-1650. Montbrison, France, 1991, 137-148. m. Review article, invited, illustrating breadth and depth of present-day Madeleine scholarship, in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 19, 36 (1992), 222-231. n. "The Magdalene: Two Seventeenth Century Portraits and the Biblical Document," for volume: Création et Récréation: Un Dialogue entre Littérature et Histoire, ed. Claire Gaudiani, Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1993, 223-234.


o. "Les 'lieux de l'Ecriture' comme 'lieux de mémoire,' Memoria: ses racines bibliques et son fonctionnement dans la poésie dévote" for volume: Les "lieux de mémoire" et la fabrique de l'oeuvre, ed. Volker Kapp, Paris, Seattle, Tübingen: Biblio 17, 1993, 147-160.

p. "Calvin on Astrology" in volume Calvin and Science of the 14 vol. set Calvin and Calvinism, ed. Richard C. Gamble. Hamden, CT: Garland, 1993. As requested by Garland, rpt. from The Westminster Theological Journal.

q. “La Mort dans la correspondance de Madame Palatine,” for volume Les Actes de Lexington, éd. Jean Charron, Tübingen: Biblio 17, 1995: 301-306.

r. “Death in the Fables of La Fontaine: Commentary” in volume Les Actes de Lexington, éd. Jean Charron, Tübingen: Biblio 17, 1995: 229-231.

s. “Providence, Grace, Discipline: The Example of a Princess’ Reformation Heritage” AR Presbyterian, October 1994, 10-14.

t. “A Woman’s Sentiments and Philosophy: the Maxims of Madame Palatine’s Lettres françaises,” Papers on French Seventeenth Century French Literature, 22, 42 (1995): 135-144.

u. “Good Counsel in the Writings of Two Mature European Princesses: Marguerite de Navarre and Madame Palatine,” in volume Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective, eds. Sara Deats and Lagretta Lenker. Praeger Press (Greenwood) 1999, 149-159. v. “Les Études dix-septiémistes se portent bien,” in Et in Arcadia Ego, ed. Antoine Soare. Paris-Seattle-Tübingen: Biblio 17, 1997, 337-339.

w. “’moi je vous dirai auff gutt pfältzisch,’ les expressions allemandes au service de Madame Palatine, épistolière française,” in Contacts culturels et échanges linguistiques au XVIIe siècle en France, éd. Yves Giraud. Paris, Seattle, Tübingen: PFSCL, 1997, 265-277.

x. “’Lieux de mémoire’ dans la ‘dévotion magdalénienne’ de la Renaissance,” Archives d’Anjou, numéro 1, 1997: 17-24.

y. “A Curricular Response to a Market Survey of Teachers’ Needs,” with USF’s Grant Team, sponsored by the MLA/NEH Teacher Education Project in volume, Preparing A Nation's Teachers, eds. Phyllis Franklin, David Laurence, and Elizabeth Welles. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1999, 221-240.


z. “La Nature, la créativité et le texte biblique dans la poésie religieuse du premier XVIIe siècle: César de Nostredame, Henri d’Angoulême et Marc-Antoine Durant,” in Bible et poésie: de la Renaissance à l’âge classique, 1550-1680, éd. Pascale Blum and Anne Mantero. Paris: Champion:1999, 213-231.

aa. “Le Couvent comme prison: l’enfermement des femmes et des enfants réformés, leur captivité dans les couvents,” Claire Carlin, ed. La Rochefoucauld, Mithridate, Frères et soeurs, les muses soeurs. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1998, 205-213.

bb. “Madame Palatine,” for the Feminist Companion to French Literature, invited article, ed. Perry Gethner, Greenwood Press, 1999, 404-405.

cc. “Le Jeu et la sagesse d’une princesse de la Renaissance: une enluminure de l’époque et les maximes de l’Heptaméron,” in volume Pratiques et usages des jeux et des jouets à travers les âges, 1999, Montbrison, France, 173-185. dd. “Lamentation in the Service of the Dramatization of History: The Choir in Pierre Matthieu’s Guisiade,” Medievalia et Humanistica 22 (1999): 245-262. ee. "La Rhétorique des sens et la célébration de la nature chez Racine poète: soleil et mer" in volume Racine et la Méditerranée. Soleil et mer, Neptune et Apollon, eds. Jean Emelina and Hélène Baby, Nice: Publications de la Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines de l’Université de Nice, 1999, 227-241. ff.. "La Subversion au sein de la famille royale: Les Lettres françaises de Madame Palatine" Seventeenth Century French Studies (England) 21 (1999): 157-164.

gg. "Providence, Grace and Discipline: The Example of A Princess' Reformation Heritage," The Forum of Phi Sigma Iota, Fall 2000: 7-10. Rpt. on request from article in the ARP journal.

hh. "Feminine Friendship at the End of the Century: Testimony from Madame Palatine's Lettres françaises", Seventeenth Century French Studies (England), editor: Jan Clarke, vol 23, 2001: 43-54. ii. "Le Pouvoir des sens: une exploration des poésies de Madeleine de Scudéry," in Madeleine de Scudéry: Une Femme de Lettres au XVIIe siècle, eds. Delphine Denis and Anne-Elizabeth Spica, Arras: Artois Presses Université (France), 2002, 93-104. jj. "L'entrelacement des sens et de la nature chez Jean-Baptiste Chassignet" in volume Jean-Baptiste Chassignet, ed. Anne Mantero and Olivier Millet. Paris: Champion, 2003, 163-179.


kk. "La Littérature et l'art au service de la théologie: le voyage terrestre et le voyage spirituel, la poésie de Jean-Baptiste Chassignet mise en rapport avec les emblèmes de Pierre de Loysi," in volume La Spiritualité, L’Epistolaire, Le Merveilleux au Grand Siècle, éds. David Wetsel et Frédéric Canovas, Gunter Narr, Tübingen, 2003, 81-93.

ll. "‘N’ois-tu pas soupirer Zéphyr’, ‘Goûtons mille douceurs’: Une exploration de la profusion des sens dans la poésie de Tristan l'Hermite," in Actualités de Tristan, éd. Jacques Prévot. Nanterre: Centre des Sciences de la Littérature, 2003. 241- 259.

mm. “Women in the Classical Age,” preface, p. 11-15 of the volume I co-edited, Les Femmes au Grand Siècle. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2003. nn. “Le Savoir historique à l’intersection de l’art et de la poésie emblématiques: les gravures de Pierre de Loysi mises en rapport avec Les Sonnets franc-comtois” in Le Savoir au 17e siècle, eds. John Lyons and Cara Welch. Tübingen: Biblio 17 147 (2003): 81-90.

oo. “Beaux Arts et Belles Lettres: Comment peut-on parler de littérature et d’esthétique au dix-septième siècle?”, introduction for my edited section of journal PFSCL, XXXII (2005), no. 62: 11-15.

pp. “Des lectures au sein de la famille royale: la correspondance de Madame Palatine comme révélant des modes féminins de connaissances au XVIIe siècle” for volume Lectrices: de la symbiose à la metamorphose, edited by Marianne Camus, Presses de l'Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, 2004, 43-52.

qq. "Les Sonnets franc-comtois de Jean-Baptiste Chassignet: la représentation du 'premier lecteur' et la persuasion du lecteur idéal," for volume edited by Anne Mantero and Alain Cullière, La Poésie religieuse et ses lecteurs aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles (Dijon, France: Éditions Universitaires de Dijon, Collection Écritures, 2005), 151-170.

rr. “Avez-vous senti Dassoucy? Pour une rhétorique des sens chez ‘l’Empereur du Burlesque” in volume Avez-vous lu Dassoucy, edited by Dominique Bertrand of the Université Blaise Pascal at Clermont-Ferrand (Centre d’Études sur les Réformes, l’Humanisme et l’Âge Classique: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal), 2005, 127-142. ss. “Rhetorical Strategies for a locus terribilis: Senses, Signs, Symbols and Theological Allusion in Marlowe’s The Massacre at Paris,” for refereed volume Placing the Plays of Christopher Marlowe: Fresh Cultural Contexts, edited by Robert Logan and Sara Deats, Ashgate, 2008, pages 149-165.


tt. “The Prince and the Subject at the Intersection of Emblematic Poetry and Art: Moral and Pragmatic Reflections,” in refereed volume, edited by Anne Birberick, The Art of Instruction: Education, Pedagogy and Literature in Seventeenth- Century France, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008, pages 255-292.

uu. “Bossuet, poète lyrique? Deux lectures,” with Mary Rowan, for refereed volume, editor Buford Norman, Formes et formations au dix-septième siècle, Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2006, 210-223.

vv. “Engraving, Sonnet, Devise: Harmony or Disharmony at the Intersection of Emblematic Art in the Sonnets franc-comtois”, Emblematica vol. 16 (2008), Mara Wade, editor, 197-221. ww. “Becoming Global in the Early Modern: A Case of Modernity in French Emblematics,” in refereed volume Religion, Ethics and History in the French Long Seventeenth Century, edited by Rainer Zaiser and William Brooks, Series: Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, Bern: Peter Lang, 2007, pages 259- 277. xx. “La Représentation emblématique de la femme à l’entrecroisement de l’art et de la poésie: les gravures de Pierre de Loysi mises en rapport avec Les Sonnets franc- comtois,” in refereed volume, L’âge de la représentation: L’art du spectacle au XVIIe siècle, Rainer Zaiser, editor, Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2007, pages 271-288. yy. “La Perception de Dieu créateur et protecteur chez Jean Racine: des continuités d’un lyrisme à travers des genres,” Travaux de Littérature, XXI (2008): 159-171, editors Olivier Millet and Madeleine Bertaud. zz. “Madame Palatine and Louis XIV: From Innocence and Happiness to Eavesdropping and Embarrassment: Portrait of Madame Palatine by Mignard, 1680-1681 and letter to Louis XIV of May 24, 1685, co-authored with William Brooks, with sections by Bertrand Landry, Mary Rowan, Bill Roberts and Buford Norman, for refereed volume Origins/Origines edited by Russ Ganim, Gunter Narr, Tübingen, 2009, pages 259-271. aaa. “Le Grand Siècle: Le divin, le moderne, le subversif et l’ambigu”, my introduction to the section of the journal I edited, PFSCL XXXV, 69 (2008), pages 465-468. bbb. “In Commemoration of the 350th Anniversary of Pascal’s Lettres Provinciales: ‘L’Amour de Dieu’, Rhetorical Strategies of the Controversy.” First version was delivered at USF’s Conference on Pascal which I organized with Roger Ariew of Philosophy, October 5-6, 2007. A second, revised version was delivered at the MLA in Chicago, December 27-30, 2007. Published in PFSCL XXXVI, 71 (2009): 529-540. 32

ccc. “Nourishing Friendship: Taste, Mind and Soul chez Madame de La Fayette and her Descendant, the General of the American Revolution,” in volume Nourritures, edited by Roxanne Lalande, Tübingen: Narr, 2010, pages 173-189.

ddd. “Boileau et Bossuet: le poète-satiriste et le pasteur d’âmes: leurs rôles et leurs armes dans la controverse sur l’amour de Dieu,” in volume Concordia Discors II, eds. Henriette Goldwyn and Benoît Bolduc, 2011, pages 127-135.

eee. “Mundus imago Dei est: The Spirituality of the Emblematist of the French Renaissance” in Reformation and Renaissance Review 11.2 (2010): 165-180.

fff. “Controversy and Consolation: The Animal in the Royal Court, Madame and her Spaniels,” in the British Seventeenth Century French Studies 33.1 (2011): 16-23, editors Amy Wygant and K. Ibbet. ggg.“‘Le Roi me disait quelquefois: ‘D’où vient donc, Madame, que vous aimez tant Fontainebleau’”: Les lieux de la cour comme lieux de culture, les réflexions de Madame Palatine sur Fontainebleau, Marly, Saint-Cloud et Versailles,” in 2012 volume Lieux de Culture, Berne: Peter Lang. Pages 39-55. hhh. “In Search of ‘l’amy’ and ‘l’amitié’: Early Seventeenth-Century Editions of Emblems from the Glasgow University Collection,” published in the British SCFS 34.1 (2012): 2-16. iii. “‘ Pource faire cognoistre ici bas en tout lieu’: Zealously Advancing God’s Truth through Key Theophanies and Anthropomorphisms in Georgette de Montenay’s Emblemes ou devises chrestiennes,” refereed and accepted by Alison Adams for volume I was subsequently invited to co-edit, The Art of Persuasion: Emblems and Propaganda. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, Glasgow Emblem Studies, 2014. Pages 57-77. . jjj. Co-authored article with Martine Landis, “The Taste of Violence: Senses, Signs, Biblical and Theological Allusion in the Service of the Dramatization of History: Pierre Matthieu’s Guisiade,” in volume Current Trends in Language and Culture Studies, edited by Margit Grieb, Yves-Antoine Clemmen and Will Lehman, Boca Raton, FL: Brown Walker Press, 2013. Pages 39-50. kkk. “La Mémoire et l’identité transmises par la femme antillaise: stratégies littéraires et cinématographiques” in volume Enjeux identitaires dans l’imaginaire francophone, edited by Kanaté Dahouda and Sélom K. Gbanou, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2012 (production delays prevented arrival before 2013). Pages 81-93.

lll. “Hope Kindled by a Cinema in the Service of the People? Women and the Marginalized in Recent Francophone African Films,” in Eastern and Indigenous 33

Perspectives on Conflict Resolution, ed. Yashwant Pathak. Published by the International Center for Cultural Studies, USA Inc., Pennsylvania, 2013. Pages 61-73.

mmm. “La Vie selon les emblematistes: les sens et les significations,” published in refereed volume La Vie/Life with Cahiers du dix-septième, ed. Holly Tucker XV.2 (2014): 18-33. nnn.“Au Cours de la route: un voyage incognito de Sophie de Hanovre à la cour de France,” accepted and in press for refereed volume, ed.R. Maber. Currently at proof stage. ooo. “‘There isn’t a novel that I haven’t read’: Reading Fiction, Interpreting Scripture, Madame Palatine’s Letters, an ‘Exceptional Mirror’ of the Grand Siècle,” for refereed volume Interpretation in/of the Seventeenth Century, ed. Pierre Zobermann. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. Pages 301-312. ppp. “La Sainte-Baume et la Madeleine chez les poètes du cenacle aixois d’Henri d’Angoulême: vers une rhétorique du paysage et de ‘heureuse pécheresse,’” completed, delivered at international conference and accepted for refereed volume edited by Sylvie Requemora-Gros. Currently at proof stage. qqq. “‘Vita Virtutis Expers Morte Peior’: Le foctionnement de l’allégorie dans l’emblématique chez Jean-Baptiste Chassignet et Jean-Jacques Boissard”, in refereed volume S’exprimer autrement: poétique et enjeux de l’allégorie à l’age classique, eds. Marie-Christine Pioffet and Anne-Elisabeth Spica. Tübingen: Narr, 2016. Pages 65-74. rrr. “Woman at the Margins: Her Strength and Diversity in a Representative Emblematic Album of the Early Modern, the Sonnets franc-comtois,” in refereed volume Contemporary Approaches to World Languages and Cultures, eds. Margit Grieb, Yves- Antoine Clemmen, and Will Lehman. Boca Raton, Florida: Brown Walker Press, 2015. Pages 105-118. sss. “Un réseau d’amitié, de plaisir, et de nouvelles: quelques aspects de la correspondance volumineuse d’Élisabeth-Charlotte de Bavière, princesse Palatine, duchesse d’Orléans,” in refereed volume Networks, Interconnection, Connectivity, eds. Ellen R. Welch and Michèle Longino. Biblio 17. vol. 210. Tübingen: Narr, 2015. Pages 59-68. ttt. “’Plaire’ et/ou ‘instruire’? The Landry Edition of Otto van Veen’s Amoris divini emblemata,” invited paper, delivered at the 10th International Conference of the Society of Emblem Studies, held at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany) in 2014. My article, invited by Dr. Ingrid Hoepel, organizer of the conference, for refereed volume, is now in press for late 2016.


uuu. “A Princess’s Compulsory Voyages of Childhood and Voluntary Voyages of Adulthood: The Mémoires et lettres de voyage de Sophie de Hanovre,” for refereed WIF volume in progress and for presentation in December 2016 at the Australian Conference of French Studies.

vvv. “Engaging Students Ecocritically and Metaphorically: Jean-Jacques Boissard’s Early Modern Emblems,” submitted for publication to Yves Clemmen and Margit Greib, eds. of refereed volume of selected proceedings due in 2017.

www. “Royal Games in Germanic, French and Italian Courts: The Mémoires et lettres de voyage of Sophie de Hanovre”, submitted for publication to Charlotte Trinquet, ed. of refereed volume of selected proceedings due in 2017.

Other (Requested reprints for scholarly volume)

Two of my previously published articles on Jean de La Ceppède were invited for inclusion in the multi-format library reference volume 249 of Literary Criticism, 1400- 1800, Farmington Hills, Michigan, Gale, 2016. 146-155 and 159-164.

Invited Book Reviews

a. Paul Chilton's La Ceppède in PFSCL, 1981.

b. Mathieu-Castellani's Eros Baroque in Esprit Créateur, 1981.

c. Actes du Congrès Bossuet in PFSCL, 1981.

d. Bayley's French Oratory in PFSCL, 1982.

e. Hennequin's Henri IV in PFSCL, 1982.

f. Tietz et Kapp's La Pensée religieuse in PFSCL, 1985.

g. Robert Corum's César de Nostredame. Les Perles in Continuum, 1990: 207-210.

h. Josiane Rieu's Jean de Sponde ou la cohérence intérieure in PFSCL, 1990: 643- 647.

i. Yvette Quenot's Jean de La Ceppède. Les Théorèmes in PFSCL, 1990: 639-642.

j. Locey and Pallister's edition of G. Colletet's Vies des poètes tourangeux. Paris, in PFSCL, 1992: 271-272.

35 k. Review article on Calvin et la dynamique de la parole: Étude de rhétorique réformée. Paris: Champion, 1992. 930 pages. Westminster Theological Journal 59 (1997): 348-352.

l. W. S. Brooks and P.J. Yarrow. The Dramatic Criticism of Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchesse d’Orléans in PFSCL (1997): 287-289. m. Isabelle Trivisani-Moreau. Dans l’empire de Flore: la representation Romanesque de la nature de 1660 à 1680. 509 p. in PFSCL 33, 58 (2003): 294- 298. n. Jole Morgante, Quand les vers sont bien composés: Variation et finesse, l’art des ‘Contes et nouvelles en vers’ de Jean de La Fontaine, Berne: Peter Lang, 2013, Franco-Italica, no. 9. Invited book review for L’Érudit franco-espagnol, delivered in 2013. 3 pages.

Non-refereed Reports a. “Session Report of Emblem Panels at the SCSC.” At the request of President Mara Wade of the Society for Emblem Studies, I wrote this session report on their panels at the international SCSC for their 2009-2010 international newsletter.


a. Baudelaire's Theory of Correspondances and French Libertine Poetry, research stage. b. Albert Camus - Images, myth and maxims in La Chute, research stage. c. Pierre Jean Jouve's poetry - themes of death, love and guilt, research stage. d. French pedagogy, composition and conversation, papers delivered and in revision for possible submission. e. French 17 Bibliography no. 62, publication scheduled for 2014/ 2015. f. "Jean Calvin et Strasbourg" (presented in Strasbourg) and “’Seul je déploie les cieux’: La représentation du Créateur qui ‘affole les devins’ et ‘tourne leur science en déraison’ dans les sermons de Calvin sur Esaïe, découverts à Londres,” on the recently discovered sermons (presented in Geneva) in revision for submission.

36 g. Maxims in Madame Palatine's letters, research and writing stage (several articles have appeared which are part of this larger project). h. "Le corps métaphorique dans la littérature de dévotion," research stage. i. The poetic circle of Henri d'Angoulême in research stage (one article has been delivered). j. Article for WIF volume on Sophie de Hanovre. l. Submission on diverse French poetry in various editions of Otto Van Veen’s sacred emblems.


a. University Committee Work, especially with honor students at Florida Atlantic U and at USF with Arts and Letters Honors and Awards Committee. b. Local talks for University, town and Junior High and High Schools. Distribution of French prizes in local schools. c. Sessions organized and/or chaired at various meetings (American Association of Italian Studies, Southeastern Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures, Medieval and Renaissance Conference in Sarasota, SAMLA, SCMLA,WSFH, NASSCFL, SE 17, CIR 17, MLA, etc.). d. Equivalent of an Italian minor - study at USF and at Università per Stranieri in Perugia, Italy, summer 1985. e. Organized and sponsored various international speakers at USF often with funding from IAC, CAS, and ULS (e.g., Prof. Eugène Boyer of the Faculté de Théologie Réformée of Aix-en-Provence 1984 and 1985, Prof. Daniel Madrid of Spain, March 1986, Dr. Renée Lecomte of Paris 1991 and 1992, Dr. Marie-Odile Sweetser 1992 and 1993, Dr. Dirk Van der Cruysse of Belgium, 1993, Poet Olga Mercouly, 1994, Dr. Mary Rowan of New York in 1994, Dr. Marie-France Hilgar of France and UNLV, 1995, Dr. Raymond Ledru of Université d’Artois in 1996, Dr. Francis Marcoin in 1997, Dr. Dominique Desjeux of the Sorbonne in 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2005 and Dr. Frédéric Monneyron of the U. de Perpignan in 2000.) In 2006 Dr. Gaëtan Brulotte invited Dr. Michael Erman of the Université de Bourgogne (Dijon) to USF; I sponsored his lecture at our Spring 2006 PSI/WLE Research Colloquium and again in 2007 at the Alliance Française de Tampa. 37

f. Participation in Rassias workshop on Pedagogy, Feb. 27-29, 1986.

g. Volunteer for the American Heart Association.

h. Several terms on the Board of Directors of Tampa's Alliance Française.

i. Two terms on Board of Publications of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Denomination. Chair 1993-1995. Included oversight of two journals, the AR Presbyterian and Faith and Practice.

j. One term on Executive Council, Board of Trustees of Wm. H. Dunlap Orphanage.

k. Volunteer for the Scholarships, Grants and Exchanges Subcommittee of the AATF Commission on Mobilisation Pédagogique.

l. Languages other than French: Italian, Spanish, German and Latin.

m. Participated upon invitation in Faculty Development Seminar sponsored by Québec Government, May 1989.

n. Executive Council of the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature, 1987 to present.

o. Served September 1988-1991, and 2008-2010 on USF's Library Council.

p. USF's Faculty Senate, 1989-1991, and 1993-1996, 1998-1999, and 2005- May 2007 as Chair of Commencement and Convocation Committee, 2007-2008 as Chair of Research Council

q. Faculty Senate's Committee on Committees, Sept. 1989-1991.

r. Parliamentarian of Faculty Senate, 1995-1996. s. Senate Executive Committee, 1995-1996, 2007-2010 (due to my election as Chair, Research Council, then again as Chair, Library Council). t. Served on Departmental Foreign Language Placement and Proficiency Committee, Sept. 1989-1991. u. Co-chaired local arrangements committee for Tampa, SAMLA convention, 1990.

v. Five-year term, 1990-1995, on the South Atlantic Review Prize Selection Panel. Chair, 1994-1995.


w. 1990-1994, nominating committee of the Graduate Studies in French Forum (SAMLA).

x. Reviewer of manuscripts for Cahiers du 17, PFSCL, Biblio 17, University Press of Florida, as needed, Festschrift by Gaudiani, Faith and Practice, EMF, International Journal of Early Childhood, Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, NASSCFL, SAMLA, SSCFS, SAR.

y. Tenure and Promotion reviewer for Wake Forest University, Kansas State University, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Portland State University, USF-St. Petersburg, University of Memphis, University of Central Florida and University of Mary Washington.. z. Organized local chapter of international honorary Phi Sigma Iota at USF in 1991. Serve as Faculty Advisor to present. aa. Christian Education Committee at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1993-2000. bb. Planning Committee for joint Ph.D. with College of Education, 1991 to present. Planning Committee for proposed Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Film, 2004 to present. Committee member for proposed Ph.D. in Global Literacies (possibly to be renamed). cc. College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Council, 1992-1994. dd. Chair of Dept. Search Committee for new faculty position in French, 1992-1993. ee. Dept. Committee on Publications, 1993-1994. Charged with revision of tenure and promotion guidelines. ff. Mentor, McNair Scholars Program for Minorities, 1993-1994, 1995, 2001-2004. Judge for Minorities Research Forum in 1996, 1999 and 2000.

gg. College of Education and DMLL committee. Charged with developing Program Folio for Florida Department of Education, 1994.

hh. University Programs Committee, 1994-1996.

ii. Served as Committee Member on Jan Anderson’s Ph.D. Dissertation Committee (English) in 1988 and on numerous M.A. Thesis Committees, for example in 1994 for Françoise Jean, Carine Strebel-Halpern, Gaia Seagram, in 1995 for Shannon Mikell (who won a coveted university wide prize for her thesis), in 1995-1996 for Kristin Parker, Maria Blount, and Olivier Girard, in 1998 for Nicole Stauffer, in 1998-1999 for Marta Baca. Served on Ph.D. Examining Committee for Mark Adderly in 1998; Head, Ph.D. Examining Committee for 39

Sheila Diecidue, 1999; for Priscilla Glanville, 2002; member Examining Committee for Deborah Noonan in 2002; in 1998-1999 Director of Thesis by Lesley Hanlon, 1999-2000 Director of Honors' Thesis by Leslie Holland, 2000- 2001 director of Honors’ Thesis by Jamie Holeman; Member of Committee for Honors’ Thesis of Catherine Tramer, 2001 and for Peter Murphy, 2001. Co-Chair Honors’ Thesis for Lladnar Miranda, 2001. In 2003, Co-Director of M.A. Thesis by Caroline Salvet with Prof. André Béziat of the U. de Perpignan. In 2003-2004, Co-Director of Honors’ Thesis of Nadia Redman; in 2004-2005, Co-Director of Honors Thesis of Ryan Orgera. In 2006-2007, Committee Member for M.A. Thesis of Melanie Hackney. Director of M.A. Thesis of Martine Landis 2007- 2008. 2006-to present, Ph.D. committee for Susan Eschrich of English. Supervision of various GAs over the years, most recently: Sandrine Savona, James Aubry, Martine Landis, and in 2008-2010, Cédric Michel. Committee of M.A. Thesis for Lesley Kynes, 2010. M.A. Thesis Committee of Eimma Chebinou in 2014-2015.

jj. United Way Department Chair for 1994 and 1995.

kk. CIES Faculty Associate for Exchanges: Monneyron, Desjeux, Mounier, Marcoin, Joblin, Benoit, etc.,1993-to present.

ll. Developed, with Eugene Scruggs, Susan Ansara, Dean Jo Ann McCarthy, and other faculty from the DLL/WLE and CAS departments, exchanges with l’Université d’Artois, the Sorbonne, and the Université de Perpignan, 1994- to present. Similar work on exchanges with Grenoble, 1994-1995. Explored, with Susan Ansara, state-wide accord with MICEFA, Paris, 2001- 2004.

mm. Aging Research Council, 1995-2000. Represented Research Council at Aging Studies Retreat, June 21, 1999.

nn. Co-Author of MLA/NEH Departmental Grant (Teacher Education Project for 1994-1998).

oo. Curriculum Review Committee for Graduate and Undergraduate Programs in French, 1995 to present.

pp. Judge for Rotary International Declamation Scholarship Contest, 1996.

qq. Search Committee for French faculty position, 1995-1996.

rr. Department Representative for Faculty/Staff Scholarship and Library Campaign, 1996. ss. Proxy on the Graduate Council, Dec. 15, 1995- April 15, 1996.


tt. Mentor in College of Arts and Sciences Mentoring Program for new Faculty, 1994 to present. Head of CAS Mentoring Program, 1998 to present. Various programs and workshops, on Tenure and Promotion, Grantwriting, Excellence in Teaching, etc. organized with the Dean's Office, for junior faculty. uu. Prepared with officers of Phi Sigma Iota a Grant Proposal for the Community Foundation of Greater Tampa, Inc. Funded, $500 for benevolent projects, primarily involving the Haitian community in Tampa, 1996. vv. USF’s Marshal Corps, 1996-2005. Platform Marshall for 1998-1999 and 2005. ww. Sabbatical Committee, 1996-1999, Chair, 1998-1999. xx. Commencement and Convocation Committee, 1996- to present. Chair, 1998- 1999. Chair, 2005 to August 2007. yy. Ad Hoc Committee of the Research Council, to judge grant applications, Spring 1996. zz. Executive Council of the international CIR 17, 1996 to present. aaa. Executive Council of the Society for Interdisciplinary French Seventeenth Century Studies, 1997-1999. bbb. Officer of SAMLA’s Teaching Languages and Literatures section: Secretary, 1996-1997, President, 1997-1998, Nominating Committee, 1998-2001. ccc. CPR Representative for the College Faculty/Staff Scholarship Campaign, 1996- 1997. ddd. Member, CAS Faculty Forum, led by Steve Turner. eee. Search Committee for Philosophy and Classics, 1997-1998. fff. Planning with County FL Supervisors and Undergraduate Dean’s Office for dual registration initiatives with high schools, 1994 to present, as needed. ggg. Planning and testing for Interact with Languages, a study abroad initiative for Florida High Schools, 1997. hhh. Distance Learning on Education Channel. Topic: Aging and Literature, shown frequently on channels 21-23. iii. Sponsored Volunteer Internship Programs with Tampa Prep High School, 1994- 1996. 41

jjj. Participation regularly over the years in the “Great American Teach-In” at local high schools, at Brewster in 2007. See also hhhh. below. Planning for fall 2013 larger initiative with TAs. kkk. FL Day for students in French and Italian from Brandon High, 1997. lll. “Professeur invité” at the Université d’Artois, France, Spring 1996. mmm. Spring 1997 helped prepare high shool student choir for trip to France (St. John’s Episcpopal). nnn. Co-Chair of SUS 5 year Self Study and Review of Division, 1996-1998. ooo. CAS Committee for Western European Certificate, 1996-1998. Present Coordinator for Certificate. ppp. CAS Grievance Committee, as needed. qqq. Graduate and Undergraduate Certificate Contact for DLL, 1997 to present. Interdisciplinary Comparative Literature Certificate, planned with Dr. Fiore of English and Dr. Gaggi of Humanities, passed councils in 1999. rrr. Co-Author with Dr. Trevor Purcell of Africana Studies of the CAS Colloquium Proposal, funding granted by the CAS and the LACS, for April 9-10, 1999, “Culture, Wisdom and Practice of the African Diaspora: the Caribbean and Tampa.” sss. Vice-President Florida Presbyterial, 1997-1998. President, 1998-1999. Advisor, 1999-2000. ttt. Co-sponsored with the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies an evening of culture with the Haitian community- Sosyete Koukouy, 1997. uuu. Reviewer for State FL Certification Examination in French Language, Literature, Civilization and Culture, 1998 to present. vvv. Undergraduate Council of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1996 to 1998. Chair, 1997-1998. www. EXCEL Fellow (Excellence Through Leadership Program), 1997-1998. Dr. Dale Johnson, Dean of Graduate School, mentor. xxx. Executive Committee, Division of Languages and Linguistics/ World Languages Department, 1992 to present. 42

yyy. SCMLA’s French II section: Secretary, 1997-1998; President, 1998-1999.

zzz. SAMLA’s Medieval and Renaissance section: Secretary, 1998-1999; President, 1999-2000. aaaa. University Liberal Arts Committee for Strategic Planning, appointed by Provost, 1998-1999. bbbb. College Quality 2010 Committee, appointed by Dean, 1998-2000. cccc. Graduate School Grievance Committee, December 1998 and as needed. dddd. Adjunct Committee, DLL/WLE, 1996 to present. eeee. Mace Committee, 1998-1999 (developed plans and approved at various stages the creation of a new University Mace by Artist and Dean Emeritus Harrison Covington). ffff. Presided at session "Paradigm Shifts" at USF's 14th Annual De Bartolo Conference for Eighteenth Century Studies, Feb. 17-19, 2000. Also presided at session for the 20th annual De Bartolo Conference, Feb. 2006. gggg. Classics Search Committee, 1999-2000. hhhh. Led program on French Language and Culture for the "Great American Teach-In," Nov. 1999, Nov. 2000, Nov. 2001, and Nov. 2003 at Tampa Bay Technical Magnet School. In Nov. 2004 led program on “African Images in Film” at Blake Magnet School for the Arts. iiii. Title VI Planning and Advisory Committee for 2 year grant awarded August 1999: "Internationalization of the Curriculum: Languages, International Studies and Business.” jjjj. Film Workshop Committee, with Dr. Nancy Cole (Theatre) and Dr. Michelle Bloom of UC, Riverside, planned Film and Pedagogy Workshop for Spring 2000. kkkk. Presided at a session of the interdiscipinary CIR 17 European conference: Les Méditerranées du XVIIe siècle, Bari, Italy, 13-15 April, 2000. llll. President, Florida Presbyterial and Delegate to Women's Synodical Union (ecclesiastical educational organization), 1998-1999. Advisor, 1999-2000. mmmm. Jury Duty, Hillsborough County, January 1999.


nnnn. Created two new Exit Courses: Introduction to French Poetry and Drama and African Images in Francophone Film, passed councils in 1999. Teaching both in Spring 2000. African Images course also taught in Spring of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006.

oooo. Presented the Mentoring Program to new CAS Faculty at Orientation, August, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Associate Dean Bell now prefers to convey herself my annual invitation as well as delivering my letter to the new faculty.

pppp. Presented benefits of Faculty Mentoring Program at the CAS Tenure and Promotion Workshop continually since November 1999, as requested. Organized with Dean’s Office and spoke at other events for Mentoring and Humanitites Institute such as programs on Scholarly Book Publishing and Excellence in Teaching. Presented paper on the situation and resolutions of the MLA.

qqqq. DLL By-Laws Subcommittee, with Dr. Carlos Cano. Presented revised By-Laws to faculty in 1999. rrrr. Obtained 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, and 2003-2004 Library Grants for purchase of new journals and re-instatement of others, to support position in French and Spanish Linguistics, and to enhance Renaissance collections and acquire publications of faculty at universities in France with which we have exchanges. ssss. Organized several DLL /WLE Colloquia, speakers from faculty, visiting scholars and alumni. tttt. Provided Directed Study to Donna Ettel, student in Ph.D. program in Nursing, summer 1999. Others as needed, before and since. uuuu. Research Subcommittee of College Quality 2010 Committee, 1999-2000. vvvv. Provost's Pilot Project on Teaching Evaluation, 1999- 2002. Chair of WLE's Committee through 2010. wwww. College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Council, 1999-2001, 2002-2004, and 2010 to present. Vice-Chair, CAS Advisory Council, 2003-2004. Organized with Dean’s Office and Chaired the Spring Faculty Assembly in 2004. xxxx. Equal Opportunity Committee, appointed by President, 1999-2002. yyyy. Co-author of State FL Certification Examination on French Language, Literature, Civilization, and Culture, 1999. Created items relevant to new state and national standards, "Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, Experiences." 44

zzzz. Coordinator of Center for Advanced Languages, Literatures and Cultures, January 2001-2011.

aaaaa. Supervision of Master's level interns from Université d'Artois, ongoing, in connection with the French university's FLE Master's program. Latest supervision in 2004.

bbbbb. Vice-President, International Honor Society Phi Sigma Iota, 2000 to December 2006.

ccccc. Judge McNair Scholars Research Colloquium, June 2000, 2001 (other dates separately). dddd. Mentor for McNair Scholars Program, several times, including recent mentees Margie Thorpe, 2000-2001, and Jean Mathurin, 2003-2004. eeeee. Search Committee for Medievalist for English Department, 2000-2001. fffff. Search Committee for French and Spanish Linguistics position, WLE, 2000-2001. ggggg. Vice-President, Alliance Française de Tampa, 2000-2011. hhhhh. Co-Director, Florida-France Institute for the State of Florida, 2001 to present. iiiii. Co-Chair Honors Thesis of Lladnar Miranda, 2000-2001, several others before at invitation of Georg Kleine. Co-director thesis of Nadia Redman, 2003-2004. Co- directed Honors Thesis of Ryan Orgera, 2005. jjjjj. Chaired defense of English Ph.D. dissertation of Sheila Diecidue. kkkkk. Chaired defense of English Ph.D. dissertation of Priscilla Glanville, at invitation of Nancy Tyson. lllll. Elected Executive Committee, MLA Division on Seventeenth Century French Literature, 2002-2006. Chair, 2005-2006. mmmmm. Scorer and Team Member for creation of the State of Florida's Certification Examination for Teachers of French, 2000 to present (that contract is now located with a company in Texas and engages professors there as I understand). nnnnn. Search Committee for position in Spanish for WLE, Spring 2002. ooooo. Search Committee for position in German for WLE, AY 2002-2003.

45 ppppp. Organized Grant-supported “Globalization Symposium” of Florida-France, with featured speaker Dr. Dominique Desjeux of the Sorbonne and 28 other speakers, February 25, 2003 at USF. qqqqq. “WLE Globalization Symposium for Visiting Scholars and Graduate Students”, February 26, 2003 at USF. rrrrr. Reviewer of Grant Projects for Canadian Research Council for Social Sciences, as needed. sssss. Reviewer of manuscripts for the International Journal of Early Childhood, as needed. ttttt. International Fulbright Fellowship Committee and Language Proficiency and Selection Committee, as needed (for professors and students). uuuuu. Chair, Search Committee for Visiting Italian Position, 2003-2004; Chair, Search Committee for tenure-track Italian Position, 2004-2005; Chair, Search Committee for tenure-track French position in medieval, Spring 2007. vvvvv. Organized with faculty team our WLE Research Colloquium for Visiting Scholars, Graduate Students and Undergraduate Research for March 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. In progress for 2015. wwwww. Ad Hoc Committee of Research Council to evaluate proposals, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. xxxxx. Invited Judge, USF’s Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. yyyyy. Created with team of 8-10 new test items for the State French Certification Examination on French Language, Literature and Culture, 2004. zzzzz. Member, CAS Committee for Faculty Development, 2004 to May 2006. aaaaaa. Board Member, Humanities Institute, 2003 to January 2007 at which time I was appointed Associate Director. Associate Director, January 2007 to 2011. bbbbbb. SACS Accreditation Committee for French B.A. and M.A. Programs, organization and submission of all reports, 2003 to 2008. cccccc. Research Council, 2005-2008. Chair, 2007-2008. dddddd. Reviewer of manuscripts for the international Mentoring Journal, Carol Mullen, editor, as needed. 46

eeeeee. Honors Undergraduate Research Advisory Board, 2005 to present. ffffff. LACS poetry readings at invitation of Jorge Nef, Dali Museum and Tampa Public Library in 2005. Invited again as poetry reader for LACS poetry celebration in 2007. gggggg. Supervision of French recordings for Florida State Certification Exam, 2005- 2010, as needed. hhhhhh. External Program Reviewer for Modern Languages and Literatures Department at California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA, October 2005 (conducted site visit and wrote 13 page review). iiiiii. Organized MLA session for 2006. jjjjjj. Prepared Academic Learning Compacts for French section (with input from other French faculty), 2005 to 2008. kkkkkk. English Department Ph.D. Committee for Susan Eschrich, 2006-to present. llllll. Invited participation in English Department celebration of Beckett (read poetry and organized graduate students to read –invitation of Dr. Susan Mooney), Fall 2006. mmmmmm. Invited participation in Borgès celebration, Fall 2006. Read poetry at invitation of Dr. Pablo Brescia. nnnnnn. Member, WLE Self-study Committee for SACS (several meetings with outside reviewer Dr. Deborah Losse), Spring 2006. oooooo. Member, Board of Directors, Chapel Center at USF, 2003-2006. Educational Programs Committee. pppppp. Invited speaker on African Film at Brewster Technical School for May 8, 2007. qqqqqq. Volunteer Faculty Lecture Program of USF, 2005 to present. rrrrrr. Head Judge at invitation of Dr. Yavneh for USF’s NSF-sponsored Undergraduate Research Symposium: “Social Aspects of Hurricanes: Preparation, Response and Recovery,” August 2, 2007. ssssss. Elected Chair, USF Research Council on April 30, 2007. tttttt. President’s Advisory Committee for the Search for the Vice-President for Research and Innovation, appointed by the President, August 2007. 47

uuuuuu. Mentor for Honors College Discovery Scholars Renée Sessions and Joyce Yong, 2007. Continued as Mentor for Ms. Yong in 2008.

vvvvvv. Reviewer for the Committee on the Women in Leadership and Faculty Research Recognition Award (due to my position as Chair of the Research Council), 2007.

wwwwww. Head Judge for Humanities Research section of the USF Undergraduate Research Symposium, for April 2008.

xxxxxx. Requested as Research Mentor for May-June 2008 REU of Honors College, planned by Gurleen Grewal.

yyyyyy. Member, Senate Executive Committee (due to my position as Chair of the Research Council, 2007-2008). Continuing Member of SEC in 2008-2009 (due to my position as Chair of the Library Council, 2008-2011). zzzzzz. MLA Delegate to the Assembly, named by the Executive Committee, MLA Division on Seventeenth Century French Literature, 2007-2010. Nominated by the committee as permanent delegate. aaaaaaa. Appointed to national MLA Committee on Status of Women in the Profession, 2007-2010. bbbbbbb. Tenure and Promotion External Reviewer for Portland State University in 2007. ccccccc. Tenure and Promotion External Reviewer for USF/St. Petersburg in 2008. ddddddd. Elected Chair, USF Library Council for 2008-2011. eeeeeee. Faculty Participant at request of Chair Deb Plant in the March 31-April 2, 2008 Review of the Africana Studies Program. At Dr. Plant’s request I met with External Reviewer Dr. Mario Azevedo. fffffff. Directed M.A. Thesis of Martine Landis, 2007-2008 (degree conferred August 2008). ggggggg. Elected to CAS’s Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2008-2010. Chair, Subcommittee on Humanities and Social Sciences (at request of Professor Himmelgreen). Elected to CAS’s SHUM Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2010-2012. hhhhhhh. Invited Judge for Humanities and Social Sciences Research section of the USF Undergraduate Research Symposium, for April 2009, 2010 and 2011. 48

iiiiiii. Chair of Doctoral Defense of candidate Mary E. Wilson, at request of Dr. Silvia Fiore of English, February, 2009. Developed questions for candidate.

jjjjjjj. Advisory Committee for Interdisciplinary Grant Planning Team led by Dr. Kathy Borman of Anthropology (Grant awarded by NSF in 2009, focus on Mentoring in Chemistry and Engineering) through 2013.

kkkkkkk. Interdisciplinary Grant Planning Team with Dr. Mozella Mitchell of Religious Studies, Ava Chitwood of WLE and others, proposal on Virtue and Science for March 2009. Not awarded. lllllll. Nominated by Hunt Hawkins, President of SAMLA, to the Editorial Board of the South Atlantic Review, 2008-2012. mmmmmmm. Nominated by President Genshaft to the Executive Vice-President and Provost Search Committee, 2009. nnnnnnn. Presided at various sessions of conventions in 2009, as requested (SAMLA, NASSCFL, USF’s Sacred Leaves Symposium). ooooooo. Fulbright-Hays Evaluation in 2009 of applicant Kelley Sams (she won the multi-year grant for Niger). ppppppp. Reviewer in 2009 for PUF Grant Applications for the French Embassy. qqqqqqq. Planned program featuring Yves Michaud, Professor at Paris I and founder of the Université de tous savoirs. Event on Feb. 6, 2009 planned with the Miami Consulate and the Washington Embassy. Co-sponsored by the Humanities Institute, the Alliance Française de Tampa, and the Délégations des Alliances Françaises (Washington). rrrrrrr. Created Portfolio Instructions in 2009-2010 for French B.A. and M.A. Programs, following Classics format and building on our own SACS standards for French. sssssss. Organized program with Honorary French Consul for National French Week in November 2009. ttttttt. Conducted peer-review of teaching in 2009, as requested by Camilla Vasquez. uuuuuuu. Conducted peer-review of teaching at Madeleine Camara’s Recitation Event in 2009.


vvvvvvv. Participated, along with Dr. Tucker and graduate students in the Graduate and Professional Student Recruitment Fair, November 12, 2009 (organized by the Graduate School). I also represented our SLAIT Ph.D. Program there. wwwwwww. Recommended Dr. Brulotte in March 2009 for the CASE Teacher of the Year Award xxxxxxx. Began planning in 2009 for two new mentoring programs in CAS: for the new Instructor Career ladder and for Associate to Full.

yyyyyyy. Exhibit in CAS Research Day, October 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.

zzzzzzz. Exhibit in university-wide Research Exposition, October 2009, 2010, and 2011.. aaaaaaaa. Organized NEH/NEA Grant Panel featuring Margaret Miller and Roger Ariew at university-wide Research Exposition, October 2009.

bbbbbbbb. Search Committee for Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, as requested by Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Community College Relations Janet Moore, February 2010.

cccccccc. Committee of M.A. Thesis of Lesley Kynes 2009-2010.

dddddddd. Interview team as requested for CAS Director of Advising, 2010.

eeeeeeee. 2010 Diversity Award by USF’s Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity..

ffffffff. Interview as requested by Magdana Gedeon for project “Parental Supports in the Public School.”

gggggggg. Brief consultation for ACLS grant proposal by Patrick Finelli on Digital Humanities Research, September 2010.

hhhhhhhh. Host as requested in 2010 for Spanish and Chinese Search Committees. iiiiiiii. Judge as requested for MA Linguistics student projects of April 2010. jjjjjjjj. Invited as member of Grant Advisory Committee to workshop of the Alliance for the Advancement of Florida’s Academic Women in Chemistry and Engineering (part of NSF Grant), October 2010 in Tallahassee. Service to 2013. kkkkkkkk. Representative for WLE at the Academic Showcase organized by the Provost’s Office for Guidance Professionals, February 22, 2010.

50 llllllll. Elected replacement member of WLE Tenure and Promotion Committee, spring 2010. Re-elected to present. mmmmmmmm. Re-elected to CAS Faculty Council, fall 2010-2013. Re-elected in 2013 to present. nnnnnnnn. “George Baxter’s Prints: Color for the Victorian Middle Class,” reader report for publisher (for book by William H. Scheuerle). oooooooo. WLE Representative for CAS Stampede for Success (for prospective students), several events in 2010 and 2011. pppppppp. Judge for Undergraduate Research Forum as requested by Dr. Yavneh, 2011. qqqqqqqq. WLE Research Colloquium, organizer with faculty committee for 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. Continual service as such since beginning of Colloquium in early 2000s. rrrrrrrr. Reviewer of manuscripts as needed, New Zealand Journal of French Studies. ssssssss. Interviews in 2010 and 2011 for Mass Communication project of Evan Tokaz. tttttttt. Collaboration on future Fulbright FLTA program for WLE, 2010-2011. uuuuuuuu. Revitalization of WLE Pedagogy Workshops, one with Oksana Vorobel for March 2011. Sponsored with Phi Sigma Iota, another Pedagogy Workshop in 2012, featuring Mariam Manzur and Chloé Savenko. vvvvvvvv. Evaluation of Library Administrative Staff Florence Jandreau for her Management Certificate Program, 2011. wwwwwwww. Advised consultant Dr. Elizabeth Boles (as requested by Linda Whiteford) regarding feasiblity of creating an INTO/USF Center in Washington, DC., 2011 as special duty of SEC. xxxxxxxx.Evaluator of Study Abroad Essays for USF World, 2011 to present. yyyyyyyy.Regularly represent over the years WLE on Plaform of USF Commencement, most recently in 2014.. zzzzzzzz.Peer Evaluation for Dr. Amy Thompson at her request, March 2011. aaaaaaaaa.WLE Representative to university-wide Graduate Student Recruitment, April 2, 2011.


bbbbbbbbb.USF’s Evaluation Committee for vetting of Limited Admissions Grant Applications to NEH (through the Humanities Institute), 2007-2011.

ccccccccc.Humanities Institute Associate Director, 2007-August 2011.

ddddddddd.Humanities Institute Grant Committee for Summer HI Grants, 2007-August 2011.

eeeeeeeee.Research Council Grant Evaluator, on-going, most recently for Arts and Humanities, Social Science applications in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.

fffffffff.Nomination in April 7, 2011 of Jennifer Bosson for the Diversity Honor Roll; awarded at Diversity Summit, April 26, 2011.

ggggggggg.Various Translation Services for WLE, on-going.

hhhhhhhhh.Elected MLA Delegate, 2008-2011.

iiiiiiiii.Appointed to MLA Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession, 2008- 2011. jjjjjjjjj.Organized and presided at session “Staking Your Claim: Are You Represented in Your Institution’s Strategic Plan” MLA, January 2011, for MLA Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession. kkkkkkkkk.Assessment for WLE’s French Programs, with committee, notably on the portfolio evaluations, on-going.

lllllllll.Coordinator for Certificate on Western European Studies (and assessment of same), on-going.

mmmmmmmmm.Various letters of recommendation for successful students at undergraduate and graduate levels, on-going.

nnnnnnnnn.Chair, Library Council of USF through August 2011, various reports to Senate as required.

ooooooooo.Editorial Board, South Atlantic Review, 2008-2011.

ppppppppp.Editorial Board, North American Society for Seventeeth-Century French Literature, on-going to present. qqqqqqqqq.Elected Member, USF System Faculty Council, 2010-2013.


rrrrrrrrr.Co-Director, Florida-France Linkage Institute (for State), on-going, report annually.

sssssssss.Invited January 2012, to USF Research Council of Reviewers (accepted).

ttttttttt.Faculty Advisor for USF Chapter of Phi Sigma Iota, on-going.

uuuuuuuuu.Interview Committee as requested by Provost’s Office for the search for the Executive Director for Financial Management and Resource Planning for USF, July 2011.

vvvvvvvvv.Planned and presided at Dr. Brulotte’s featured presentation of his ground- breaking history of 150 years of short story production in Québec, “The Québec Short Story: its First History” (based on his recently published book). Program sponsored by Research One, WLE, Humanities Institute, and Florida-France Linkage Institute, October 12, 2011. wwwwwwwww.CAS Mentoring Coordinator, on-going. Presentation annually at New Faculty Orientation. xxxxxxxxx.Tenure and Promotion Evaluation for dossier of Assistant Professor Brooke Donaldson Di Lauro, for University of Mary Washington, 2011. yyyyyyyyy.Editorial Board of Referees for L’Érudit Franco-Espagnol, September 2011 to present. zzzzzzzzz.Planned Program with USF World and D. Roussellière, “Conducting Successful Research in France, February 16, 2011. Invited speakers: Dr. Jacqueline Signorini, Attaché scientifique; Dr. Jacques Pothier, VP of the Institut des Amériques, Paris; and Dr. Jean Paulhan, Director of Campus France Agency in Washington. aaaaaaaaaa.Florida-France co-sponsored Benefit Concert for Japan, April 10, 2011, Tallahassee. bbbbbbbbbb.Organized with committee of HI and others the February 17-18, 2011 conference “The Early Modern: The Cultural Foundations of Europe.” cccccccccc. Organized with committee of HI and others the March 3-4, 2011 conference on “Global Humanities.” dddddddddd. Organized talk by C. David Frankel, “Staging Molière in the 21st Century,” October 17, 2011. Co-sponsored with Research One, WLE, and Florida- France Linkage Institute. Now director of the Tampa Repertory Theatre, he agreed to return for a talk in 2014.


eeeeeeeeee. Meeting with CAS Diversity Committee as requested regarding Mentoring, January 14, 2011.

ffffffffff. Invited Lecture for the Huguenot Society on “John Calvin and Astrology,” held at the Saint Pete Yacht Club, February 12, 2011.

gggggggggg. Invited by Library Director Nancy Cunningham to test new “Discovery” Research System, March 2011. hhhhhhhhhh. Research poster presentation at the CAS Oktoberfest, October 21, 2011 (on my 3 international presentations during summer 2011). Others since to present. My students also present. iiiiiiiiii. Invited member Transatlantic Studies Committee, Fall 2011 and on-going (meetings in 2010-2012 with visitors from Malaga, planning with committee and chair Dr. Camara the certificate). jjjjjjjjjj. Arranged Research One program “Teaching World Languages: Practical Insights,” November 14, 2012 with guest speakers Mariam Manzur and Chloé Savenko.

kkkkkkkkkk. Organized with colleagues in Anthropology, English and the Humanities Institute the program “To Africa with Aimé Césaire and Wifredo Lam,” February 13, 2012 with distinguished scholar A. James Arnold of the University of Virginia.

llllllllll. Tenure and Promotion Evaluation of Assistant Professor C. Trinquet at University of Central Florida, 2012.

mmmmmmmmmm. External Department Review of Modern Language Department of University of Memphis, 2012-2013. Conducted on-site visit with Andres Zamora of Vanderbilt and furnshed 14-page review to Provost Office of University of Memphis.

nnnnnnnnnn. Chair, French Visiting Instructor Search Committee, summer 2012.

oooooooooo. Member, Spanish Tenure-Track Professor Search Commmittee, 2012-2013.

pppppppppp. Member, Humanities and Cultural Studies Instructor Search Committee, 2012-2013.

qqqqqqqqqq. Nominated Professor Madeleine Camara for USF’s Diversity Award. She received it at the Diversity Summit in 2013.

rrrrrrrrrr. Member of USF’s Publications Council, 2013 to present.

54 ssssssssss. Sponsored with WLE, USF World, and the Florida-France Linkage Institute of the State, Intern Audrey Bourdin of Champollin University in France. Supervised her along with staff at USF World in 2013. tttttttttt. Planned with Intern Audrey Bourdin of the Florida-France Institute which I co- direct and Mary Cardenas of USF World, the April 16, 2013 program: “Navigating the Intercultural Aspects of Business in France and the U.S.” Sponsored by the Institute, USF’s College of Business, FRAMCO (the French-American Regional Council for Business), and USF World, the program featured the following speakers: Dean Moez Limayem of the College of Business, Jean-Charles Faust, Honorary Consul of France and President of FRAMCO, myself, and the following successful entrepreneurs: Jean-Bernard Lemal, Michel Amblard, Alex Dammous, and Guillaume Thomas. uuuuuuuuuu. Member, WLE Unified B.A. Committee, 2014 to present. vvvvvvvvvv. Member, Coordinating Committee of WLE, on going. wwwwwwwwww. Revised with other members of WLE’s STP Committee the new Annual Review Guidelines, 2014. xxxxxxxxxx. Created new Tenure and Promotion document for WLE with other members of WLE’s STP Committee, 2014. yyyyyyyyyy. Conducted and wrote with other members of STP annual review reports for the faculty of WLE. zzzzzzzzzz. Represent WLE at “Stampedes for Student Success” at least annually. aaaaaaaaaaa. Represented WLE at Global Citizenship Meetings in 2014. bbbbbbbbbbb. Organized with faculty team the annual WLE Research Colloquium for Undergraduates and Graduate Students, held April 4, 2014. Applied for and received permission for this to be a Research One event. Open to public. This is an annual event which I spearhead. ccccccccccc. Organized with students three Research Expositions December 1 and December 4, 2014. Applied for and received permission for these three events to be Research One events. Senior Vice-Provost Dwayne Smith attended one of those on December 1. Open to public. ddddddddddd. Organized with Distinguished University Professor Gaëtan Brulotte the international conference “The State of Beauty Today,” held February 28-March 1, 2014 at USF. Open to public.


eeeeeeeeeee. Obtained sponsorship of above conference from Florida-France Linkage Institute which I direct and from the USF chapter of Phi Sigma Iota of which I am faculty advisor, 2014.

ffffffffff. Phi Sigma Iota chapter of USF which I advise co-sponsored with WLE and AL the talk by Dr. Kevin Mc Manus, October 20, 2014 on “Examining L1-L2 Similarities and Differences for L2 Grammar Learning in the Classroom.” Nicole Tracy-Ventura was the main organizer of this event. Similar AL event in 2015 also sponsored by PSI. ggggggggggg. Conducted Portfolio evaluations with the French faculty on May 1, 2014 and annually since. hhhhhhhhhhh. WLE Commencement representative for May and December 2014 graduation exercises and annually at least. iiiiiiiiiii. Catalog review for French program in USF Catalog and for pages of the Certificate for Western European Studies which I direct, 2014 and annually. jjjjjjjjjjj. Assessment report submitted for Western European Studies Certificate which I direct, 2014 and annually. kkkkkkkkkkk. Participated in the Great American Teach In. Claudine Buell of our French MA program and I visited Veterans Elementary School and gave 3 presentations on French Songs and French, a Global Language and Culture, November 21, 2014, 1-4 p.m. lllllllllll. Received from Provost’s Office, Outstanding Faculty Award, March 5, 2014. mmmmmmmmmmm. Publications Council Member, 2013 to present. In 2014, 2015 and 2016 we awarded several grants to faculty. nnnnnnnnnnn. Reader of manuscripts in 2014 for several boards and publications, for example, for journal L’Érudit franco-espagnol (on-going), for editors of books at U d’Aix-Marseille and for editors at Duke and UNC, Chapel Hill. ooooooooooo. Research One Grant awarded in December 2014 for event with speaker Dr. Michelle Bloom on Sino-French Film to be held in 2015. Also received Confucius Institute support for this collaborative event with Assistant Professor Mei-Hsuan Chiang. ppppppppppp. Chair, Dissertation Defense of English Ph.D.candidate Katherine McGee’s “Responsiblity and Responsiveness in the Novels of Ann Radcliffe and Mary Shelley,” November 14, 2014. qqqqqqqqqqq. M.A. Thesis Committee of Eimma Chebinou, 2014-2015. 56

rrrrrrrrrrr. Fulbright service for Language Proficiency for Christy Foust, August 2014, for research at Rennes.

sssssssssss. Fulbright service for applicant Joy Newman, 2013-2014 (recommendation and lunch).

ttttttttttt. WLE represesentative, at Chair Schindler’s request, for Fulbright breakfast honoring Drs. Wei Zhu and Camilla Vasquez, November 21, 2014.

uuuuuuuuuuu. Creation and evaluation of MA Comprehensive Exams, annually.

vvvvvvvvvvv. Ad Hoc Promotion Committee, Fall 2015 for a candidate’s promotion to Full Professor.

wwwwwwwwwww. Search Committee member for Visiting French Instructor in 2015.

xxxxxxxxxxx. Search Committee member for Assistant Professor of French 2015-2016.

yyyyyyyyyyy. Invited workshop presentation “La Mise en scène du moi” for AATF in Florida, July 2015, Orlando.

zzzzzzzzzzz. Invited article in August Newsletter of AATF in Florida. aaaaaaaaaaaa. Invited Judge in March 2015, 2016 and 2017 at the annual all-Florida High School French Congrès. Orlando. bbbbbbbbbbbb. Participation at WLE Language Fairs, International Days, Admitted Student Saturdays and other College and University-wide events for prospective and admitted students, 2015, 2016, and on-going. cccccccccccc. Summer 2016 collaboration with WLE advisor Yury Riascos on FUSE and on a recruitment document. dddddddddddd. Major Curricular Revision with Dr. Latowsky for undergraduate French tracks, delivered in response to External Review and also under the planned Unified BA (French and Francophone Studies and French/Business/International Studies). Delivered French contribution (a collaborative effort) to a major course which all WLE students will take under the new BA. Changed with approval of Councils several titles to reflect actual learning outcomes and objectives of courses, such as important cultural components of conversation and composition courses (the cultural component was always substantial but titles and descriptions had not indicated such). 2014-2016.

57 eeeeeeeeeeee. M.A. Thesis Director for Sophia Boules, began in summer 2016. Committee Member M.A. Thesis for Elizabeth Walley, began in fall 2016. Committee Member M.A. Thesis for Souad Bouhayat, began in fall 2016. (Previous thesis duties may be found above in this section.) ffffffffffff. Fulbright recommendation and language evaluation in 2016 for Dr. Amina Alio (destination Niger). gggggggggggg. Represented USF and presented Florida-France Linkage Institute at Linkages Summit, March 4, 2016, Orlando. hhhhhhhhhhhh. Recommendations in 2016 for colleagues elsewhere for special awards: Dr. Albanese for Alumni Award, U of Memphis; Dr. Trinquet for USF Award for Excellence in Professional Service. iiiiiiiiiiii. Request in 2016 from Dr. Ann Dozier, Professor and Chair, Department of Public Health Services, U of Rochester, for Letter of Evaluation and Support for Promotion to Associate Professor for Dr. Amina Alio. Letter delivered in 2017. jjjjjjjjjjjj. Invited to volunteer by Florida DOE to serve as Key Validator of exam items for Florida Teacher Certification Examinations. kkkkkkkkkkkk. Appointed in 2016 to Ph.D committee in English for Dana Laitinen (Chair, Laura Runge). llllllllllll. Appointed to Library Council, 2016-2019. mmmmmmmmmmmm. Appointed to CAS Development Committee, 2016-2019. nnnnnnnnnnnn. Requested service by Ruth Bahr and Amy Thompson as Judge at university-wide Graduate Student Research Symposium, March 28, 2016. oooooooooooo. Completed two terms as elected Chair of CAS Faculty Council. Duties included leading fall and spring College Assemblies until May 2016.