Combined radiolarian-ammonite stratigraphy for the Late Jurassic of the Antarctic Peninsula: implications for radiolarian stratigraphy Wolfgang KIESSLING Museum für Naturkunde, Invalidenstr. 43, D-10115 Berlin (Germany)
[email protected] Roberto SCASSO Departamento de Geología, Ciudad Universitaria, 1428 Buenos Aires (Argentina) Arnold ZEISS Institut für Paläontologie, Loewenlchstrasse 28, D-91054 Erlangen (Germany) Alberto C. RICCARDI División Paleozoologia Invertebrados, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata (Argentina) Francisco A. MEDINA CIRGEO, Velasco 847, 1414 Buenos Aires (Argentina) Kiessling W., Scasso R., Zeiss A., Riccardi A. C. & Medina F. A. 1999. — Combined radio larian-ammonite stratigraphy for the Late Jurassic of the Antarctic Peninsula: implications for radiolarian stratigraphy, In De Wever P. & Caulet J.-P. (eds), InterRad VIII, Paris/Bierville 8-13 septembre 1997, Geodiversitas 21 (4): 687-713. ABSTRACT New biostratigraphic data from co-occurring radiolarians and ammonites in Upper Jurassic sequences of the Antarctic Peninsula (Byers Peninsula on Livingston Island and Longing Gap, Graham Land), permit a revised and more refined regional stratigraphy. The new data also allow a revision of the chronostratigraphic assignment of some American radiolarian zones establi shed by Pessagno and collaborators: the boundary of Zone 3-4 is assigned to the latest Kimmeridgian, contrasting the former assignment to the early/late KEYWORDS Tithonian boundary. The boundary between Subzone 4 beta and 4 alpha is Radiolaria, assigned to the early Tithonian, but was usually correlated with the early late ammonites, Late Jurassic, Tithonian/late late Tithonian boundary. The new chronostratigraphic data Kimmeridgian, from Antarctica are used together with recent results of Baumgartner and Tithonian, collaborators to revise the age assignment of the North American Late biostratigraphy, Antarctic Peninsula.