Youth and Hooliganism in Sports Events
Saša Milojevi ć Branislav Simonovi ć Bojan Jankovi ć Božidar Otaševi ć Veljko Turanjanin YOUTH AND HOOLIGANISM AT SPORTS EVENTS Supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development Belgrade, 2013 Youth and hooliganism at sports events 2 Authors Prof. Saša Milojevi ć, PhD Prof. Branislav Simonovi ć, PhD Bojan Jankovi ć, MSc. Božidar Otaševi ć, MA Veljko Turanjanin, MSc. Publisher ОSCE Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe Mission to Serbia Supported by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development Reviewers Prof. Sr đan Milašinovi ć, PhD Prof. Božidar Banovi ć, PhD Prof. Goran Vu čkovi ć, PhD Proof-reader Design Pre-press and printing Circulation 150 ISBN Belgrade, 2013 Youth and hooliganism at sports events 3 Publication of the research supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia The views and interpretations expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the OSCE “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Sir Edmund Burke ) Youth and hooliganism at sports events 4 CONTENTS CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... 4 1. CONCEPT OF VIOLENCE AT SPORTS EVENTS ......................................................... 8 1. 1. CONCEPT OF VIOLENT CRIMINALITY ...................................................................... 8 1.2. CONCEPT OF VIOLENCE IN SPORTS ........................................................................
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