18 May 2015 to 12 May 2016

Prepared in the Journal Office of the House of Commons


1. This diary records the business on which the House spent its time in Session 2015–16, analysed into categories, and similar information for sittings in Westminster Hall. It is intended mainly to provide information in response to statistical inquiries, and in using it the following points should be borne in mind:

(a) The diary does not include business which took little or no time, such as presentations of bills, unopposed private business, and motions agreed to without debate or division.

(b) Divisions are normally included with the business to which they relate.

(c) Timings are taken from the Official Report, using the printed times where available, and otherwise taking a column of debate to last three minutes. Daily prayers are assumed to last a standard five minutes, unless stated otherwise (and are not itemised in the analysis).

(d) Periods of suspension are included in the total sitting time, and are listed in section 14j of the analysis (Miscellaneous). However, the 2½-hour suspension from 11.30 to 14.00 in Westminster Hall on most Tuesdays and Wednesdays (introduced on 1 January 2003) is shown in brackets in the “Duration” column and is left out of the totals. Other suspensions in Westminster Hall are included in the totals and in the analysis under section 7.

(e) The times in the column headed “After appointed time” refer to business taken after the time appointed as the “moment of interruption”. In Session 2015–16, these times were as follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2200 *1900 *1900 1700 1430 * 2200 on the day of the State Opening of Parliament and immediately following a periodic adjournment.

(f) All times are in hours and minutes, using the 24-hour clock.

2. A Sessional Diary has been kept in the Journal Office for most sessions since 1906, although in the early years times were kept only to the nearest quarter hour. An analysis substantially in the current form begins in the 1960s. The totals from the analysis have been reproduced in the Sessional Information Digest since 1984–85 until 2010–12 and in the House’s Sessional Returns since 1987–88.



Part Contents Duration After Page appoin- ted time I Diary for House 1

II Analysis for House 1215.03 115.03 1. Addresses other than Prayers 39.17 4.01 96 2. Government bills 289.46 25.17 a Second readings: committed to public bill 71.30 3.54 96 committee b Second readings: committal to Committee of 31.01 2.10 97 whole House (wholly or partly) c Second readings: no committal (Consolidation — — bills) d Committee of the whole House 57.57 5.19 97 e Consideration 87.08 8.59 98 f Third reading 11.45 1.59 99 g Lords amendments 24.33 2.56 99 h Allocation of time motions 0.58 — 100 i Other stages 4.54 — 100 3. Private Members’ bills 61.29 0.23 a Second readings (and all stages) 49.38 0.23 100 b Later stages 11.51 — 101 4. Private bills at time for opposed private business 2.42 0.49 101 5. Government motions 60.00 13.09 a documents 4.07 1.25 101 b Business motions 0.04 — 102 c General motions 43.30 11.44 102 d General debates 12.19 — 102 6. Opposition business 125.12 4.47 a Opposition days 125.12 4.47 103 b Opposition motions in Government time — — 7. Backbench business 130.19 0.12 105 8. Private Members’ business (other than bills) 97.54 59.41 a Substantive motions 1.06 — 107 b Ten-minute rule motions 11.14 — 107 c S.O. No. 24 debates 11.34 — 109 d Daily Adjournment Debates 74.00 59.41 109 9. Estimates 8.56 0.15 113 10. Money Resolutions 0.58 — 113


Part Contents Duration After Page appoin- ted time 11. Ways and Means 46.09 2.20 113 12. Affirmative Statutory Instruments 7.27 2.15 114 13. Negative Statutory Instruments 0.22 — 114 14. Business when no Question before House 332.09 1.54 a Questions 109.52 — 114 b Topical Questions 25.57 — 118 c Urgent Questions 47.39 — 121 d Statements 82.50 — 124 e Business Statements 32.27 — 127 f Select Committee Statement 2.15 — 128 g S.O. No. 24 Applications 0.25 — 128 h Points of order 12.08 0.39 128 i Public petitions 1.58 1.15 141 j Miscellaneous 16.38 — 143 15. Daily prayers 12.23 — 147

III Diary for Westminster Hall 149

IV Analysis for Westminster Hall 461.20 — 175 1. Private Members 399.15 — a Private Members’ Adjournment Debates 342.25 — 175 b Private Members’ (Backbench Business 56.50 — 182 Committee recommended) Adjournment Debates 2. Liaison Committee Adjournment Debates 4.08 — 183 3. Petitions 38.01 — 183 4. Suspensions 19.56 — 183

iv PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 1 PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

1. Monday 18 May 2015 14.30 Message to attend the Lords Commissioners; Suspension 0.17 14.47 Election of a Speaker 0.26 15.13 House rose [Totals for session: 0.43; 0.00] 0.43 0.00 2. Tuesday 19 May 2015 14.40 Message to attend the Lords Commissioners; Suspension; Approbation of 0.20 Speaker; Speaker’s Statement 15.00 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 2.20 17.20 Suspension 0.40 18.00 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.51 18.51 House rose [Totals for session: 4.54; 0.00] 4.11 0.00 3. Wednesday 20 May 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 1.43 13.18 House rose [Totals for session: 6.42; 0.00] 1.48 0.00 4. Thursday 21 May 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.44 10.19 Suspension 0.56 11.15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.16 11.31 House rose [Totals for session: 8.43; 0.00] 2.01 0.00 5. Tuesday 26 May 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.23 14.58 Suspension 0.22 15.20 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.10 15.30 House rose [Totals for session: 9.43; 0.00] 1.00 0.00

2 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

6. Wednesday 27 May 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Message from the Queen; Suspension 2.40 14.15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.15 14.30 Speaker’s Statement: Duties and responsibilities of Members 0.04 14.34 Address [1st day] 1.56 16.30 Points of order: Alex Salmond: Attempt to change Standing Orders to restrict 0.03 voting rights of members John Redwood: Changes to Standing Orders outlined in the Gracious Speech Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Historical case of House limiting voting rights 16.33 Address [1st day] [Resumed] 5.27 3.00 22.00 Adjournment: Mr Richard Bacon: Zero-hours Contracts 0.27 0.27 22.27 House rose [Totals for session: 20.40; 3.27] 10.57 3.27 7. Thursday 28 May 2015 0.31 0.31 09.30 Prayers 0.04 09.34 Speaker’s Statement: Changes to Standing Orders 0.02 09.36 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.52 10.28 Urgent Question: Stephen Phillips (asking); Secretary of State for Culture, Media 0.33 and Sport (Mr John Whittingdale) (answering): Indictment against FIFA Officials 11.01 Point of Order: Alec Shelbrooke: Consequences and powers of the Speaker when 0.02 individuals in the House are being targeted after encouragement from Members 11.03 Address [2nd day] 5.48 16.51 Adjournment: Alex Salmond: HM Naval Base Clyde 0.39 0.30 17.30 House rose [Totals for session: 28.40; 3.57] 8.00 0.30 8. Monday 1 June 2015 0.26 0.26 14.30 Prayers 0.04 14.34 Urgent Question: Chris Bryant (asking); Secretary of State for Culture, Media and 0.31 Sport (Mr John Whittingdale) (answering): FIFA 15.05 Address [3rd day] 6.55 22.00 Adjournment: Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Upland Farming 0.29 0.29 22.29 House rose [Totals for session: 36.39; 4.26] 7.59 0.29

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 3 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

9. Tuesday 2 June 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Speaker’s Statement: Death of Rt. Hon. Charles Kennedy 0.02 11.37 Questions: Health 0.44 12.21 Topical Questions: Health 0.15 12.36 Address [4th day] 6.24 19.00 Adjournment: Mr Graham Allen: Child Sexual Abuse 0.28 0.28 19.28 House rose [Totals for session: 44.37; 4.54] 7.58 0.28 10. Wednesday 3 June 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Speaker’s Statement: Private Members’ Bills and Deputy Speakers ballots 0.01 11.36 Questions: International Development 0.25 12.01 Questions: Prime Minister 0.33 12.34 Tributes: Charles Kennedy 1.13 13.47 Address [5th day] 1.15 15.02 Speaker’s Statement: Results of Deputy Speaker election 0.03 15.05 Address [5th day] [Resumed] [Division] 4.12 0.17 19.17 Government Motion: Select Committees 0.59 0.59 20.16 Adjournment: Jeremy Lefroy: Health Services in Staffordshire 0.26 0.26 20.42 House rose [Totals for session: 53.49; 6.36] 9.12 1.42 11. Thursday 4 June 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.32 10.07 Topical Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.13 10.20 Questions: Leader of the House (9); House of Commons Commission (3) 0.12 10.32 Urgent Question: (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State 0.42 for Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): NHS Service Regime 11.14 Point of Order: Andy Burnham: Government policy announcements to the House 0.02 11.16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.03 12.19 Address [6th day] 0.33 12.52 Point of Order: Clive Efford: Apology for intimidating the Chancellor 0.01 12.53 Address [6th day] [Resumed] 0.20 13.13 Point of Order: Chris Leslie: Convention of informing Members of changes to 0.01 public services 13.14 Address [6th day] [Resumed] [Divisions] 4.30 0.44 17.44 Adjournment: Jonathan Ashworth: Rohingya Community (Burma) 0.28 0.28 18.12 House rose [Totals for session: 62.31; 7.48] 8.42 1.12

4 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

12. Monday 8 June 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.44 15.19 Topical Questions: Defence 0.16 15.35 Urgent Question: Mr Bernard Jenkin (asking); Minister for Immigration (James 0.35 Brokenshire) (answering): Clandestine Migrants (Harwich) 16.10 Second Reading: Scotland Bill 0.45 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 16.55 Points of Order: Alex Salmond: Members with prompt sheets for questions to the 0.02 Minister Sir Edward Leigh: Availability of prompt sheet Mr Bernard Jenkin: Reports of Members signing paper undertaking not to disagree with the Front Bench 16.57 Second Reading: Scotland Bill [Resumed] 5.02 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 21.59 Public Petition: Rehman Chishti: Protection of green spaces at Capstone Valley 0.02 0.01 and areas around Otterham Quay Lane (Gillingham and Rainham) 22.01 Adjournment: Sir David Amess: Inward Investment: Southend 0.28 0.28 22.29 House rose [Totals for session: 70.30; 8.17] 7.59 0.29 13. Tuesday 9 June 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.16 12.36 Points of Order: Paul Flynn: Prime Minister’s Question Time 0.05 Ian Lavery: Firefighters’ pensions Chris Stephens: Request for Government statement on deportations to unstable world regions 12.41 Second Reading: European Union Referendum Bill 1.19 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 14.00 Point of Order: Ian Austin: Alex Salmond’s comments on his referendum 0.01 campaigning 14.01 Second Reading: European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] [Division] 5.33 0.34 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 19.34 Point of Order: Mr Bernard Jenkin: Delay in the Aye Lobby [During division] 0.02 0.02 19.36 Second Reading: European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] [Division] 0.04 0.04 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 19.40 Adjournment: Mr David Winnick: Black Country University Technical College 0.25 0.25 20.05 House rose [Totals for session: 79.05; 9.22] 8.35 1.05

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 5 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

14. Wednesday 10 June 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland 0.25 12.00 Questions: Prime Minister 0.36 12.36 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): G7 1.11 13.47 Opposition Day (1st allotted day): Housing [Division] 2.56 16.43 Opposition Day (1st allotted day): Climate Change 2.17 19.00 Adjournment: Gareth Johnson: Unduly Lenient Sentences 0.20 0.20 19.20 House rose [Totals for session: 86.55; 9.42] 7.50 0.20 15. Thursday 11 June 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Transport 0.46 10.21 Topical Questions: Transport 0.13 10.34 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.05 11.39 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 0.54 Anderson Report 12.33 Statement: Economic Secretary to the Treasury (Harriett Baldwin): Royal Bank of 1.02 Scotland 13.35 Second Reading: European Union (Finance) Bill 2.48 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 16.23 Adjournment: Valerie Vaz: Mental Health (Higher Education Institutions) 0.22 16.45 House rose [Totals for session: 94.10; 9.42] 7.15 0.00

6 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

16. Monday 15 June 2015 14.30 Questions: Education 0.49 15.19 Topical Questions: Education 0.16 15.35 Point of Order: Louise Haigh: Request for Government statement on the alleged 0.01 misconduct of South Yorkshire police 15.36 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill 1.34 17.10 Point of Order: Ian Paisley: Not ‘British Parliament’ but ‘Parliament of the United 0.01 Kingdom’ 17.11 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill [Resumed] 0.01 17.12 Point of Order: Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Knowledge of what constitutes the 0.01 UK 17.13 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Division] 3.02 20.15 Point of Order: Mr Graham Allen: Informing the Chair that he will request a vote 0.01 on a clause 20.16 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 2.31 0.47 22.47 Public Petition: Andrew Stephenson: Car insurance costs 0.02 0.02 22.49 Adjournment: Richard Drax: Navitus Bay Wind Farm 0.29 0.29 23.18 House rose [Totals for session: 102.58; 11.00] 8.48 1.18

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 7 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

17. Tuesday 16 June 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Treasury 0.44 12.19 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.17 12.36 Point of Order: Kevin Brennan: Visa application for charity guest turned down 0.02 12.38 Committee of the whole House: European Union Referendum Bill 0.01 12.39 Point of Order: Alex Salmond: Calling of a starred amendment 0.01 12.40 Committee of the whole House: European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] 0.53 13.33 Point of Order: Mr Bernard Jenkin: Scope of debate 0.01 13.34 Committee of the whole House: European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] 2.01 15.35 Point of Order: Alex Salmond: Length of Minister’s speech 0.01 15.36 Committee of the whole House: European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] 0.05 15.41 Points of Order: Mr Pat McFadden: Time for debate on amendments 0.02 Alex Salmond: Time for debate on certain amendment Mr Steve Baker: When to expect division on certain amendment 15.43 Committee of the whole House: European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] 0.10 15.53 Point of Order: Alex Salmond: Whether explanation for not giving way was 0.01 reasonable 15.54 Committee of the whole House: European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] 2.46 [Divisions] 18.40 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Landfill Tax 0.20 19.00 Adjournment: Keith Vaz: Refugee Situation in the Mediterranean 0.30 0.30 19.30 House rose [Totals for session: 110.58; 11.30] 8.00 0.30 18. Wednesday 17 June 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Wales 0.30 12.05 Questions: Prime Minister 0.32 12.37 Opposition Day (2nd allotted day): Skills and Growth 2.49 15.26 Point of Order: Ian Austin: Minister on Front Bench being noisy during speech 0.01 15.27 Opposition Day (2nd allotted day): Skills and Growth [Resumed] [Division] 0.45 16.12 Opposition Day (2nd allotted day): Productivity [Division] 3.00 0.12 19.12 Public Petition: Keith Vaz: Road safety on Spencefield Lane (Leicester) 0.02 0.02 19.14 Adjournment: Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Alternative Transport Fuels 0.29 0.29 19.43 House rose [Totals for session: 119.11; 12.13] 8.13 0.43

8 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

19. Thursday 18 June 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.30 10.05 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.09 10.14 Questions: Church Commissioners (8); Electoral Commission Committee (9); 0.18 Public Accounts Commission (1) 10.32 Speaker’s Statement: Results of elections for Chairs of Select Committee 0.03 10.35 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.11 11.46 Points of Order: Angus Brendan MacNeil: Request for Government statement on 0.04 onshore wind Mr Barry Sheerman: Government policy announcements to the House 11.50 Committee of the whole House: European Union Referendum Bill [Divisions] 5.19 0.09 17.09 Points of Order: Ian Murray: SNP Members tweeting incorrectly about votes 0.06 0.06 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Additional provisions on HS2 not available until after visit of HS2 Committee to her constituency Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Whether details on additional provisions on HS2 could be made available prior to the visit 17.15 Adjournment: Louise Haigh: Recruitment and retention of teachers 0.30 0.30 17.45 House rose [Totals for session: 127.26; 12.58] 8.15 0.45 20. Monday 22 June 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Work and Pensions 0.41 15.16 Topical Questions: Work and Pensions 0.18 15.34 Statement: Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (Amber Rudd): 1.06 Onshore Wind Subsidies 16.40 Points of Order: Diana Johnson: Whether the Secretary of State for Health will 0.03 make statement on compensation for those affected by NHS contaminated blood scandal Marie Rimmer: Request for answer to topical question 16.43 Second Reading: Education and Adoption Bill [Division] [PBC] 5.28 0.11 22.11 Adjournment: Jason McCartney: Stone theft 0.20 0.20 22.31 House rose [Totals for session: 135.27; 13.29] 8.01 0.31

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 9 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

21. Tuesday 23 June 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Justice 0.37 12.12 Topical Questions: Justice 0.22 12.34 Point of Order: Chi Onwurah: Notification of National Women in Engineering day 0.02 and Parliamentary Links day 12.36 Committee of the whole House: European Union (Finance) Bill [Division] 3.00 15.36 Third Reading: European Union (Finance) Bill 0.08 15.44 Instruction: High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill 1.29 17.13 Government Motion: Use of the Chamber (Youth Parliament) 0.57 18.10 Adjournment: Ian Blackford: BUTEC Facility (North-West Scotland) 0.40 18.50 House rose [Totals for session: 142.47; 13.29] 7.20 0.00 22. Wednesday 24 June 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Northern Ireland 0.26 12.01 Questions: Prime Minister 0.35 12.36 Urgent Question: Mr David Hanson (asking); Secretary of State for the Home 0.47 Department (Mrs Theresa May) (answering): Border Management (Calais) 13.23 Point of Order: : Contradiction between answer to question and 0.01 submission to Information Commissioner 13.24 Presentation of Private Members’ Bills: First Reading 0.05 13.29 Opposition Day (3rd allotted day): A & E Services 0.32 14.01 Point of Order: : Scope of debate 0.01 14.02 Opposition Day (3rd allotted day): A & E Services [Resumed] 0.02 14.04 Point of Order: Robert Flello: When it is in order to challenge the Chair’s ruling 0.01 14.05 Opposition Day (3rd allotted day): A & E Services [Resumed] [Division] 2.38 16.43 Opposition Day (3rd allotted day): Sport and the 2012 Olympics Legacy [Division] 2.28 0.11 19.11 Adjournment: John Glen: Public Health England: Porton Down 0.25 0.25 19.36 House rose [Totals for session: 150.53; 14.05] 8.06 0.36

10 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

23. Thursday 25 June 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.45 10.20 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.15 10.35 Urgent Question: Chris Leslie (asking); Secretary of State for Work and Pensions 0.54 (Mr Iain Duncan Smith) (answering): Child Poverty 11.29 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.39 12.08 Statement: Secretary of State for Transport (Mr Patrick McLoughlin): Network 0.47 Rail 12.55 Government Motion: Reports into Investigatory Powers 4.05 17.00 Adjournment: John McDonnell: National Gallery Industrial Dispute 0.29 0.29 17.29 House rose [Totals for session: 158.52; 14.34] 7.59 0.29 24. Monday 29 June 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.43 15.18 Topical Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.12 15.30 Observation of a minute’s silence 0.01 15.31 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): Tunisia and European Council 1.44 17.15 Statement: Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr George Osborne): Greece 1.15 18.30 Points of Order: Alex Salmond: Opportunity for questions to Prime Minister 0.05 solely on European Council : Official visits to constituencies by other Members without notice to the constituency Member Kit Malthouse: Correcting record to declare interest Mr Gregory Campbell: Presence in Central Lobby of Member who did not swear in 18.35 Presentation of Bills 0.05 18.40 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill 3.03 21.43 Point of Order: Alex Salmond: Member appearing to redraft new clause 0.01 21.44 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 1.15 0.59 22.59 Public Petition: Ann Clwyd: Pardon for Dic Penderyn 0.03 0.03 23.02 Adjournment: Andrew Bridgen: Post Office Horizon System 0.28 0.28 23.30 House rose [Totals for session: 167.52; 16.04] 9.00 1.30

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 11 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

25. Tuesday 30 June 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.15 12.35 Points of Order: Angus Robertson: Whether the Government have notified the 0.06 Speaker on their plans to restrict voting rights of Scottish Members Mr Barry Sheerman: Mixed nature of Prime Minister’s statement on the previous day 12.41 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill 0.33 13.14 Point of Order: Sir Oliver Heald: Whether it is in order for Member to describe 0.01 him as illiterate 13.15 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 5.41 18.56 Point of Order: Ian Murray: Confirmation of voting on clause without debating it 0.01 18.57 Adjournment: Kirsty Blackman: City Deal Funding (Aberdeen) 0.29 0.26 19.26 House rose [Totals for session: 175.48; 16.30] 7.56 0.26 26. Wednesday 1 July 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Cabinet Office 0.19 11.54 Topical Questions: Cabinet Office 0.06 12.00 Questions: Prime Minister 0.36 12.36 Statement: Secretary of State for Transport (Mr Patrick McLoughlin): Davies 1.11 Commission Report 13.47 Statement: Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Mr Iain Duncan Smith): 0.53 Child Poverty 14.40 Point of Order: Alec Shelbrooke: Methods for the House to offer condolences to 0.02 families of victims of Tunisia attack 14.42 Opposition Day (4th allotted day): Equal Pay and the Gender Pay Gap [Division] 4.30 0.12 19.12 Adjournment: Stephen Phillips: Sub-Saharan Africa (Corruption and the 0.29 0.29 Economy) 19.41 House rose [Totals for session: 183.59; 17.11] 8.11 0.41

12 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

27. Thursday 2 July 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Attorney General 0.22 09.57 Questions: Women and Equalities 0.35 10.32 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.54 11.26 Statement: Leader of the House (Chris Grayling): English Votes on English Laws 1.12 12.38 Points of Order: David T.C. Davies: Rejection of question by Department 0.02 Chris Stephens: Language used in the House 12.40 General Debate: Britain and International Security 4.18 16.58 Adjournment: Edward Miliband: Hatfield Colliery 0.32 0.30 17.30 House rose [Totals for session: 191.59; 17.41] 8.00 0.30 28. Monday 6 July 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Home Department 0.45

15.20 Topical Questions: Home Department 0.15 15.35 Urgent Question: Chris Bryant (asking); Secretary of State for Culture, Media and 0.35 Sport (Mr John Whittingdale) (answering): Concessionary Television Licences 16.10 Statement: Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr George Osborne): Greece 1.09 17.19 S.O. No. 24 Application: Mr Alistair Carmichael: English Votes on English Laws 0.05 17.24 Points of Order: Angela Rayner: Correction of record and response to previous 0.10 Point of Order Mr Charles Walker: How he can bring concerns of black cab drivers to the House Sir Edward Leigh: Whether business could be marked as of particular national importance and be debated for longer Mr Peter Bone: Introduction of a House Business Committee Kirsty Blackman: Response to question to Leader of the House on England and Wales only bills : Nominations for Backbench Business Committee 17.34 Presentation of Private Members’ Bills: First Reading 0.02 17.36 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill 2.50 20.26 Point of Order: Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Whether he has right to intervene 0.01 20.27 Committee of the whole House: Scotland Bill [Divisions] 1.43 0.10 22.10 Adjournment: Craig Williams: Cardiff City Deal 0.30 0.30 22.40 House rose [Totals for session: 200.09; 18.21] 8.10 0.40

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 13 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

29. Tuesday 7 July 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Health 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Health 0.16 12.36 Motion: Clive Efford: Football Governance (Supporters’ 0.10 Participation) 12.46 S.O. No. 24 Debate: Mr Alistair Carmichael: English Votes on English Laws 3.14 [Division] 16.00 Points of Order: Ms : Government abstention in previous division 0.05 Mr David Davis: Explanation of abstention and communication of that to Government Alex Salmond: Necessity for more discussion on EVEL Mr Dennis Skinner: Government abstention in previous division Mr David Winnick: Whether Conservative Members heard division bell 16.05 Opposition Day (5th allotted day): Tax Credits (Working Families) [Division] 3.09 0.14 19.14 Public Petitions: Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Ending violence against children 0.02 0.02 Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Pedestrian access at White Cross (Hallatrow) 19.16 Adjournment: Mr David Lammy: Disabled Students (University of Cambridge) 0.28 0.28 19.44 House rose [Totals for session: 208.23; 19.05] 8.14 0.44 30. Wednesday 8 July 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: International Development 0.20 11.55 Topical Questions: International Development 0.06 12.01 Questions: Prime Minister 0.32 12.33 Ways and Means: Financial Statement 1.07 13.40 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] 5.12 18.52 Public Petition: Gavin Williamson: Closure of fire stations in South Staffordshire 0.01 18.53 Adjournment: Dr Liam Fox: South-west England (Long-term Economic Plan) 0.37 0.30 19.30 House rose [Totals for session: 216.23; 19.35] 8.00 0.30

14 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

31. Thursday 9 July 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.30 10.05 Topical Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.09 10.14 Questions: Leader of the House (14); House of Commons Commission (2) 0.16 10.30 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.59 11.29 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] 0.26 11.55 Point of Order: Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Shadow Chancellor saying he will give way 0.01 and then not giving way 11.56 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] [Resumed] 0.40 12.36 Point of Order: Chris Leslie: Questioning point in Secretary of State’s speech 0.01 12.37 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] [Resumed] 4.23 17.00 Government Motion: House of Commons Commission 0.01 0.01 17.01 Adjournment: Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Transatlantic Trade and Investment 0.27 0.27 Partnership 17.28 House rose [Totals for session: 224.21; 20.03] 7.58 0.28 32. Monday 13 July 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.45 15.20 Topical Questions: Defence 0.15 15.35 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Tom Pursglove: Parks and Playing Fields in Public 0.10 Ownership (Protection from Sale) 15.45 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [3rd allotted day] 6.15 22.00 Point of Order: Nic Dakin: Amendments to Standing Orders for English votes for 0.02 0.02 English laws 22.02 Adjournment: Dr Poulter: Broadband (Suffolk) 0.27 0.27 22.29 House rose [Totals for session: 232.20; 20.32] 7.59 0.29

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 15 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

33. Tuesday 14 July 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.44 12.19 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.16 12.35 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): Calais 0.42 13.17 Points of Order: Leader of the House of Commons (Chris Grayling): Correction to 0.04 business statement Ms Angela Eagle: Request for provision in Standing Orders for business statement every day 13.21 Statement: Leader of the House of Commons (Chris Grayling): Business of the 0.15 House 13.36 Points of Order: Robert Flello: Request for further supplementary business 0.02 statement Mr David Hanson: Request for reminder that statements should be made first to House 13.38 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Philip Hollobone: Civil Enforcement Officers and 0.10 Traffic Wardens (Integration of Duties and Powers) (England) 13.48 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [4th allotted day] [Divisions] 6.30 1.18 20.18 Adjournment: Mary Creagh: Thomas Cook: Christi and Bobby Shepherd 0.30 0.30 20.48 House rose [Totals for session: 241.38; 22.20] 9.18 1.48

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34. Wednesday 15 July 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland 0.25 12.00 Questions: Prime Minister 0.37 12.37 Speaker’s Statement: Opening of the House of Parliament Education Centre 0.01 12.38 Statement: Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Philip 1.15 Hammond): Iran: Nuclear Deal 13.53 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department: Water Cannon 0.37 14.30 Point of Order: Sir Gerald Howarth: Demonstration blocking Parliament Square 0.06 Mr Ben Bradshaw: Minister threatening to exclude Member from information and correspondence about local NHS Debbie Abrahams: Request for expedition of publication of data 14.36 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Caroline Lucas: Personal, Social, Health and Economic 0.32 Education (Statutory Requirement) [Division] 15.08 Government Motion: English Votes for English Laws 6.40 2.48 21.48 Point of Order: Alex Salmond: Whether McKay Commission supports Minister’s 0.01 0.01 arguments 21.49 Government Motion: English Votes for English Laws [Resumed] 0.11 0.11 22.00 Point of Order: Bill Wiggin: Name missed off list for appointment of members to 0.02 0.02 European Scrutiny Committee 22.02 Adjournment: Mr Charles Walker: London’s Licensed Taxi Trade 0.28 0.28 22.30 House rose [Totals for session: 252.38; 25.50] 11.00 3.30 35. Thursday 16 July 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Transport 0.43 10.18 Topical Questions: Transport 0.13 10.31 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.00 11.31 Statement: Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): NHS Reform 1.08 12.39 Statement: Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (Mr John 1.03 Whittingdale): BBC Charter Review 13.42 Point of Order: Stephen Doughty: Whether there has been notice of statement 0.02 13.44 General Debate: Summer adjournment 3.15 16.59 Point of Order: Mrs Madeleine Moon: Thanks to Deputy Leader of the House for 0.02 0.01 her response 17.01 Adjournment: Ann Clwyd: Insurance Companies: Child Abuse Inquiries 0.29 0.29 17.30 House rose [Totals for session: 260.38; 26.20] 8.00 0.30

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 17 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

36. Monday 20 July 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Education 0.42 15.17 Topical Questions: Education 0.15 15.32 Urgent Question: Diana Johnson (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State 0.39 for Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): Contaminated Blood 16.11 Statement: Secretary of State for Defence (Michael Fallon): Counter-ISIL 1.20 Coalition Strategy 17.31 Points of Order: Wayne David: Commission for Freedom of Information Act and 0.03 clarity on Opposition involvement Caroline Lucas: Fracking at sites of special scientific interest and whether there will be a statement 17.34 Second Reading: Welfare Reform and Work Bill [PBC] 0.22 17.56 Point of Order: Emily Thornberry: Impact Assessment for Bill not available at 0.01 beginning of debate 17.57 Second Reading: Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 0.37 18.34 Points of Order: Emily Thornberry: Publication time of Impact Assessments 0.03 Mr Iain Duncan Smith: Publication time of Impact Assessments Emily Thornberry: Publication time of Impact Assessments 18.37 Second Reading: Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] [PBC] 3.47 0.24 22.24 Point of Order: Pete Wishart: Official Opposition’s abstention 0.01 0.01 22.25 Public Petitions: Suella Fernandes: Installation of Bus Stop on Henry Cort Way in 0.03 0.03 Gosport Keith Vaz: Royal City Status for Leicester 22.28 Adjournment: Mrs Maria Miller: New Build Housing (Approved Inspectors) 0.26 0.26 22.54 House rose [Totals for session: 269.02; 27.14] 8.24 0.54

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37. Tuesday 21 July 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Treasury 0.46 12.21 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.14 12.35 Urgent Question: Debbie Abrahams (asking); Minister for Employment (Priti 0.32 Patel) (answering): DWP Data 13.07 Points of Order: David Rutley: Explosion at wood treatment mill site in Bosley 0.03 Ms Gisela Stuart: Appointment of Chairman and members of Intelligence and Security Committee Luciana Berger: Whether there will be an oral statement on funding arrangements for police forces in England and Wales 13.10 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr David Davis: Public Nuisance from Wind Farms 0.10 (Mandatory Liability Cover) Bill 13.20 Second Reading: Finance Bill [PBC] 3.49 17.09 Points of Order: Sir Edward Leigh: Members speaking who were not present for 0.02 opening speeches Simon Hoare: Which speeches are classified as opening speeches Alex Salmond: Members speaking who were not present for opening speeches 17.11 Second Reading: Finance Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] [PBC] 0.57 18.08 Points of Order: Nic Dakin: Vote in the other place on creating a Committee of 0.02 both Houses to examine EVEL Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Position of the Opposition in the Chamber 18.10 Public Petitions: Valerie Vaz: Speed limit and traffic calming on Monmouth Road 0.09 in Walsall Luciana Berger: Humanitarian situation in Yemen Mrs Louise Ellman: Humanitarian situation in Yemen Nic Dakin: Chemotherapy drug Abraxane Helen Hayes: Lambeth and Southwark Milkspots 18.19 Adjournment: : Public Transport (Greater Manchester) 1.00 0.19 19.19 House rose [Totals for session: 276.51; 27.33] 7.49 0.19

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 19 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

38. Monday 7 September 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Speaker’s Statement: Change of business to allow tributes to the Queen and 0.01 change to division lobbies 14.36 Questions: Work and Pensions 0.42 15.18 Topical Questions: Work and Pensions 0.13 15.31 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): Syria: Refugees and Counter- 2.16 terrorism 17.47 S.O. No. 24 Application: Yvette Cooper: Refugee Crisis in Europe 0.05 17.52 Points of Order: Sir Gerald Kaufman: Response from Home Office 0.10 Stephen Pound: Request to amend timetable for re-inclusion of Northern Ireland Questions Pete Wishart: Emergency debate on same topic as SNP opposition day debate Yvette Cooper: Clarification of importance of both refugee debates Mr Nigel Dodds: Provision of Government time for debate on situation in Northern Ireland 18.02 Programme Motion: European Union Referendum Bill [Division] 0.25 18.27 Consideration: European Union Referendum Bill [Divisions] 6.12 2.39 00.39 Adjournment: Stephen Hammond: Summer-born Children (Education Guidelines) 0.24 0.24 01.03 House rose [Totals for session: 287.24; 30.36] 10.33 3.03 39. Tuesday 8 September 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Justice 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Justice 0.16 12.36 Statement: Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mrs Theresa Villiers): Northern 0.59 Ireland: Political Situation 13.35 Point of Order: Diana Johnson: Response from the Department of Health 0.02 13.37 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Satellite Navigation 0.10 (Updating Scheme) 13.47 Point of Order: Ms Margaret Ritchie: Request for statement from the Minister of 0.01 Armed Forces 13.48 S.O. No. 24 Debate: Yvette Cooper: Refugee Crisis in Europe 3.01 16.49 Committee of the whole house: Finance Bill [Divisions] 4.56 2.45 21.45 Adjournment: Gavin Robinson: Online Retail Delivery Charges 0.25 0.25 22.10 House rose [Totals for session: 298.04; 33.46] 10.40 3.10

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40. Wednesday 9 September 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Commemorative speeches: Longest serving monarch 0.25 12.00 Questions: Prime Minister 0.39 12.39 Point of Order: Andy McDonald: Use of disorderly language 0.02 12.41 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Kerry McCarthy: Food Waste (Reduction) 0.11 12.52 Opposition Day (6th allotted day): Humanitarian Crisis in the Mediterranean and 6.23 0.15 Europe [Division] 19.15 Public Petition: Diana Johnson: Refugee crisis 0.03 0.03 19.18 Adjournment: Pauline Latham: Vehicle Speed Outside Schools 0.24 0.24 19.42 House rose [Totals for session: 306.16; 34.28] 8.12 0.42 41. Thursday 10 September 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.30 10.05 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.14 10.19 Questions: Church Commissioners (6); Electoral Commission Committee (5) 0.11 10.30 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.58 11.28 Backbench Business: Immigration Detention 2.51 14.19 Backbench Business: Sustainable Development Goals 2.41 17.00 Adjournment: Daniel Zeichner: Bassingbourn Barracks 0.30 0.30 17.30 House rose [Totals for session: 314.16; 34.58] 8.00 0.30 42. Friday 11 September 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Private Member’s Motion: Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.13 09.48 Second Reading: Assisted Dying (No. 2) Bill [PMB] [Division] [PBC] 4.34 14.22 Second Reading: Representation of the People (Young Persons’ Enfranchisement 0.09 0.01 and Education) Bill [PMB] 14.31 Adjournment: Dr Tania Mathias: Rugby World Cup 0.26 0.26 14.57 House rose [Totals for session: 319.43; 35.25] 5.27 0.27

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 21 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

43. Monday 14 September 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.42 15.17 Topical Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.15 15.32 Speaker’s Statements: Management of the House and speaking in second reading 0.03 debates 15.35 Second Reading: Trade Union Bill [Division] [PBC] 6.42 0.17 22.17 Adjournment: : British Airways (Pensions Uprating) 0.29 0.29 22.46 House rose [Totals for session: 327.59; 36.11] 8.16 0.46 44. Tuesday 15 September 2015 11.30 Prayer 0.05 11.35 Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.12 12.32 Statement: Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mrs Theresa Villiers): Northern 0.53 Ireland 13.25 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Andrew Rosindell: United Kingdom Borders (Control 0.13 and Sovereignty) 13.38 Second Reading: National Insurance Contributions (Rate Ceilings) Bill [PBC] 2.22 16.00 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Tax Credits [Division] 1.45 17.45 Instruction: High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill 1.13 18.58 Adjournment: Mr David Burrowes: Adult Stem Cells and Life Sciences 0.31 0.29 19.29 House rose [Totals for session: 335.58; 36.40] 7.59 0.29 45. Wednesday 16 September 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Wales 0.28 12.03 Questions: Prime Minister 0.34 12.37 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 1.12 Migration 13.49 Point of Order: Andrew Griffiths: Time available for backbenchers during PMQs 0.05 Mr Peter Bone: Time available for Front Benchers during PMQs 13.54 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Ms Karen Buck: Basement Excavation (Restriction of 0.15 Permitted Development) 14.09 Consideration: Education and Adoption Bill [Divisions] 4.36 18.45 Public Petitions: Robert Flello: Overseas doctors and nurses 0.03 : Muslim burial services in Birmingham 18.48 Adjournment: Phil Wilson: Stockton to Darlington Railway 0.30 0.18 19.18 House rose [Totals for session: 343.46; 36.58] 7.48 0.18

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46. Thursday 17 September 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Speaker’s Statement: Commemoration of Members who died in the First World 0.01 War 09.36 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.46 10.22 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.13 10.35 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.07 11.42 Points of Order: Jack Dromey: Non-publication of information held by the Home 0.12 Office Paul Flynn: Changes to PMQs Mr David Winnick: Importance of PMQs Chris Bryant: Members following incorrect voting practices 11.54 Government Motion: Serjeant at Arms 0.15 12.09 Backbench Business: UK Steel Industry 2.43 14.52 Backbench Business: Courts and Tribunal Services (England and Wales) 2.07 16.59 Public Petitions: Keith Vaz: Barclays Bank branch on Woodhill (Leicester) 0.03 0.02 Robert Jenrick: School hall for East Markham Primary School 17.02 Adjournment: Alex Chalk: Stalking (Protection of Victims) 0.23 0.23 17.25 House rose [Totals for session: 351.41; 37.23] 7.55 0.25 47. Monday 12 October 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.00 14.30 Speaker’s Statement: Deaths of Lord Healey and Lord Howe of Aberavon 0.01 14.31 Questions: Home Department 0.48 15.19 Topical Questions: Home Department 0.17 15.36 Urgent Question: Heidi Alexander (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of 0.33 State for Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): NHS: Financial Performance 16.09 Urgent Question: (asking); Minister for Housing and Planning 0.37 (Brandon Lewis) (answering): Right to Buy 16.46 Points of Order: Sir Nicholas Soames: Personal apology request 0.06 Mr Tom Watson: Notification of intention not to apologise to the House Robert Neill: Raising legitimate concerns about public authorities 16.52 Backbench Business: Superfast Broadband 3.02 19.54 Backbench Business: Stormont 2.06 22.00 Adjournment: Jo Cox: Civilians in Syria 0.30 0.30 22.30 House rose [Totals for session: 359.41; 37.53] 8.00 0.30

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 23 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

48. Tuesday 13 October 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Health 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Health 0.13 12.33 Urgent Question: Anna Turley (asking); Minister for Small Business, Industry and 0.45 Enterprise (Anna Soubry) (answering): Redcar Coke Ovens 13.18 Urgent Question: Andy Slaughter (asking); Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State 0.29 for Justice (Michael Gove) (answering): Saudi Penal System 13.47 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Richard Bacon: No Fault Divorce 0.19 14.06 Second Reading: Immigration Bill [Divisions] [PBC] 5.24 0.30 19.30 Public Petition: Mary Creagh: Closure of Wakefield Magistrates’ Court 0.01 0.01 19.31 Adjournment: Dr Andrew Murrison: Drones in Conflict 0.29 0.29 20.00 House rose [Totals for session: 368.11; 38.53] 8.30 1.00 49. Wednesday 14 October 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Northern Ireland 0.29 12.04 Questions: Prime Minister 0.34 12.38 Points of Order: Caroline Lucas: Request for Statement from the Prime Minister 0.14 on Wilson Doctrine Alex Salmond: Advice on Wilson Doctrine Mr David Davis: Wilson Doctrine and parliamentary privilege Mr David Winnick: Importance of Wilson Doctrine Mr Peter Bone: Response of Home Secretary Chris Bryant: Request for Statement from the Leader of the House Tom Blenkinsop: Redcar Coke Ovens redundancy funds Mr Dennis Skinner: Emergency debate on Redcar Coke Ovens 12.52 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Rehman Chishti: Perinatal Mental Illness (NHS Family 0.13 Services) 13.05 Second Reading: Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [Lords] [Division] 6.10 0.15 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 19.15 Government Motion: Charter for Budget Responsibility [Division] 1.44 1.44 20.59 Public Petition: Mrs Caroline Spelman: Realignment of Diddington Lane in 0.01 0.01 Hampton-in-Arden 21.00 Adjournment: Dr Lisa Cameron: Mental Health (Armed Forces Veterans) 0.30 0.30 21.30 House rose [Totals for session: 378.11; 41.23] 10.00 2.30

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50. Thursday 15 October 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Attorney General 0.20 09.55 Questions: Women and Equalities 0.36 10.31 Urgent Question: Tom Blenkinsop (asking); Minister for Small Business, Industry 0.26 and Enterprise (Anna Soubry) (answering): Redcar Steelworks 10.57 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.47 11.44 Point of Order: Philip Davies: Necessity of the conference recess break 0.02 11.46 S.O. No. 24 Application: Chris Bryant: Wilson Doctrine 0.06 11.52 Second Reading: Armed Forces Bill 1.53 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 13.45 Adjournment: Fiona Bruce: Alcohol Harm and Older People 0.35 14.20 House rose [Totals for session: 383.01; 41.23] 4.50 0.00 51. Friday 16 October 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Private Member’s Motion: Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.13 09.48 Second Reading: Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill [PMB][Division] 3.59 13.47 Second Reading: Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill [PMB] 0.44 0.01 14.31 Adjournment: Ruth Smeeth: Child Food Poverty 0.29 0.29 15.00 House rose [Totals for session: 388.31; 41.53] 5.30 0.30 52. Monday 19 October 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.42 15.17 Topical Questions: Defence 0.16 15.33 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): European Council 1.18 16.51 Statement: Secretary of State for Education (Nicky Morgan): School Expansion 0.44 17.35 S.O. No. 24 Debate: Chris Bryant: Wilson Doctrine 2.19 19.54 Second Reading: Psychoactive Substances Bill [Lords] [PBC] 3.18 1.12 23.12 Adjournment: Dr Phillip Lee: Heathrow: Noise Mitigation 0.30 0.30 23.42 House rose [Totals for session: 397.43; 43.35] 9.12 1.42

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 25 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

53. Tuesday 20 October 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.47 12.22 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.15 12.37 Urgent Question: Kevin Brennan (asking); Secretary of State for Business, 0.49 Innovation and Skills and President of the Board of Trade (Sajid Javid) (answering): Steel Industry 13.26 Statement: Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mrs Theresa Villiers): 0.50 Paramilitary Groups (Northern Ireland) 14.16 Ten Minute Rule Motion: : Victims of Crime Etc (Rights, 0.07 Entitlements and Related Matters) 14.23 Opposition Day (7th allotted day): Tax Credits [Division] 4.52 0.15 19.15 Adjournment: Mr Kevan Jones: Cosmetic Surgery 0.30 0.30 19.45 House rose [Totals for session: 405.58; 44.20] 8.15 0.45 54. Wednesday 21 October 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Cabinet Office 0.22 11.57 Topical Questions: Cabinet Office 0.07 12.04 Questions: Prime Minister 0.33 12.37 Point of Order: Sir Edward Leigh: Role of House of Lords 0.03 12.40 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Tim Loughton: Civil Partnership Act 2004 0.12 (Amendment) 12.52 Committee of the whole House: Cities and Local Government Devolution [Lords] 6.20 0.12 Bill [Divisions] 19.12 Government Motion: Human Rights (Joint Committee) 0.45 0.45 19.57 Adjournment: Dr James Davies: Road and Rail Infrastructure (North Wales) 0.30 0.30 20.27 House rose [Totals for session: 414.55; 45.47] 8.57 1.27

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55. Thursday 22 October 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Speaker’s Statement: Death of a Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher 0.01 09.36 Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.29 10.05 Topical Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.14 10.19 Questions: Leader of the House (12); House of Commons Commission (6) 0.18 10.37 Urgent Question: Fiona Bruce (asking); Minister of State, Foreign and 0.30 Commonwealth Office (Mr Hugo Swire) (answering): China (Human Rights) 11.07 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.05 12.12 Points of Order: Chris Bryant: Corrections to previous comments from the Leader 0.09 of the House during the Business Statement Leader of the House of Commons (Chris Grayling): Rebuttal to alleged inaccuracies in the Business Statement Chris Bryant: Clarification of the membership of the Committees on Standards and Privileges Paul Farrelly: Government policy announcements to the House : Guidance on how to question a Government minister 12.21 Government motion: Standing Orders (Public Business) 0.58 13.19 Point of Order: Pete Wishart: Length of speeches and amount of speaking time 0.02 given to Scottish Members 13.21 Government motion: Standing Orders (Public Business) [Divisions] 3.33 16.54 Points of Order: Kevin Brennan: Proposed introduction of different colour security 0.03 passes for Members according to EVEL designation Chris Bryant: Operation of double majority procedure Pete Wishart: Request for guidance on EVEL divisions Chris Grayling: Guidance on EVEL divisions 16.57 Adjournment: Valerie Vaz: Burma 0.29 0.26 17.26 House rose [Totals for session: 422.51; 46.13] 7.56 0.26 56. Friday 23 October 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Private Member’s Motion: Philip Davies: Motion to sit in private 0.01 09.36 Second Reading: Defence Expenditure (NATO Target) Bill [PMB][Division] 4.30 14.06 Point of Order: Sir Gerald Howarth: Participation in the Division and voicing 0.01 opposition in the Chamber Mr Peter Bone: Participation in the Division and voicing opposition in the Chamber 14.07 Second Reading: Higher Education (Information) Bill [PMB] 0.24 0.01 14.31 Adjournment: Kwasi Kwarteng: Local Flooding 0.27 0.27 14.58 House rose [Totals for session: 428.19; 46.41] 5.28 0.28

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 27 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

57. Monday 26 October 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Education 0.41 15.16 Topical Questions: Education 0.17 15.33 Speaker’s Statement: English Votes on English Laws Standing Orders 0.03 15.36 Urgent Question: Fabian Hamilton (asking); Minister for Policing, Crime and 0.26 Criminal Justice (Mike Penning) (answering): Arrests of Chinese Protesters 16.02 Urgent Question: Chi Onwurah (asking); Minister for Culture and the Digital 0.22 Economy (Mr Edward Vaizey) (answering): Data Breaches (Consumer Protection) 16.24 Point of Order: James Gray: Use of vellum to record Acts of Parliament 0.05 16.29 Consideration: Finance Bill [Division] 3.27 19.56 Point of Order: Sir Edward Leigh: House of Lords decision on vellum 0.01 Wes Streeting: Importance of House of Lords decision on vellum 19.57 Consideration: Finance Bill [Divisions] 1.44 21.41 Point of Order: John McDonnell: Government policy announcements to the House 0.02 Kirsty Blackman: Appointment of peers 21.43 Third Reading: Finance Bill [Division] 0.30 0.13 22.13 Adjournment: Patricia Gibson: Nuisance Calls 0.29 0.29 22.42 House rose [Totals for session: 436.31; 47.23] 8.12 0.42

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Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

58. Tuesday 27 October 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Treasury 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.15 12.35 S.O. No. 24 Application: Dr Eilidh Whiteford: Tax Credits 0.05 12.40 Point of Order: Dr Liam Fox: Decision of the House of Lords on tax credits 0.08 David T. C. Davies: Decision-making between the House of Commons and the House of Lords Christian Matheson: Ability of House to consider House of Lords decisions Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Financial privilege Alex Salmond: Conduct of another Member Clive Efford: Request for Government to reconsider position on tax credits Martin John Docherty: Decision-making between the House of Commons and the House of Lords Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Financial privilege Mr David Winnick: Request for a debate on the House of Lords decision on tax credits 12.48 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Benefit Sanctions Regime 0.18 (Entitlement to Automatic Hardship Payments) 13.06 Consideration: Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Divisions] 5.21 18.27 Third Reading: Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Division] 0.46 0.13 19.13 Adjournment: Mims Davies: Cardiac Screening: Young People 0.30 0.30 19.43 House rose [Totals for session: 444.44; 48.06] 8.13 0.43

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 29 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

59. Wednesday 28 October 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: International Development 0.21 11.56 Topical Questions: International Development 0.09 12.05 Questions: Prime Minister 0.33 12.38 Urgent Question: Chris Bryant (asking); Leader of the House of Commons (Chris 0.26 Grayling) (answering): Commons Financial Privilege 13.04 Points of Order: Chris Bryant: Disclosure of information about the reference panel 0.05 reviewing the House of Lords Alex Salmond: Request for Leader of the House to speak at the Dispatch Box Diana Johnson: Request to formally correct Government statement on free school meals Jonathan Edwards: Response from the Treasury to written questions 13.09 Ten Minute Rule Motion: : Regulation of Enforcement Agents 0.10 (Collection of Council Tax Arrears) 13.19 Opposition Day (8th allotted day): Steel Industry 0.39 13.58 Point Mr Kevan Jones: Ability to intervene 0.02 14.00 Opposition Day (8th allotted day): Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.22 14.22 Point of Order: Mr Kevan Jones: Convention for speakers to stay in the Chamber 0.02 for two subsequent speeches 14.24 Opposition Day (8th allotted day): Steel Industry [Resumed] [Division] 1.57 16.21 Opposition Day (8th allotted day): Junior Doctors’ Contracts [Division] 2.54 0.15 19.15 Adjournment: Mr Chuka Umunna: Corporate Boards (Diversity) 0.29 0.29 19.44 House rose [Totals for session: 452.58; 48.50] 8.14 0.44

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Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

60. Thursday 29 October 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Transport 0.43 10.18 Topical Questions: Transport 0.18 10.36 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.04 11.40 Points of Order: Alex Salmond: Delays in publication of Chilcot inquiry and 0.08 related request for a Government announcement in the House Chris Grayling: Timetable of Chilcot inquiry Mr David Davis: Timetable of Chilcot inquiry Paul Flynn: Form of the Chilcot inquiry Diana Johnson: Inaccuracies made by the Leader of the House 11.48 Backbench Business: House Business Committee 0.01 11.49 Point of Order: Graham Allen: Advice on how to continue campaign to introduce 0.04 a House Business Committee Mr Peter Bone: Creation of a House Business Committee 11.53 Backbench Business: Tax Credits [Division] 5.07 17.00 Adjournment: Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Chief Constable Dismissal Procedures 0.28 0.28 17.28 House rose [Totals for session: 460.56; 49.18] 7.58 0.28 61. Friday 30 October 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Private Member’s Motion: Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.11 09.46 Second Reading: Hospital Parking Charges (Exemption for Carers) Bill [PMB] 1.14 11.00 Point of Order: Barbara Keeley: Repetition in speeches 0.01 11.01 Second Reading: Hospital Parking Charges (Exemption for Carers) Bill [PMB] 3.29 [Resumed] 14.30 Point of Order: Andy Slaughter: Request for Government statement on release of 0.03 0.03 Shaker Aamer from Guantanamo Bay 14.33 Adjournment: Helen Hayes: Child Abuse Allegations (Police Resources) 0.25 0.25 14.58 House rose [Totals for session: 466.24; 49.46] 5.28 0.28

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 31 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

62. Monday 2 November 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Writ 0.01 14.36 Questions: Work and Pensions 0.41 15.17 Topical Questions: Work and Pensions 0.15 15.32 Point of Order: Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Clarification of EVEL certification 0.05 decision Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Impact of certifying Bills under EVEL during proceedings 15.37 Second Reading: Housing and Planning Bill [PBC] 1.27 17.04 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 17.04 Second Reading: Housing and Planning Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 1.52 18.56 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 18.56 Second Reading: Housing and Planning Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 2.12 21.08 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 21.08 Second Reading: Housing and Planning Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] [PBC] 1.42 0.50 22.50 Adjournment: Will Quince: Maternity Units: Bereavement Care 0.29 0.29 23.19 House rose [Totals for session: 475.13; 51.05] 8.49 1.19

32 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

63. Tuesday 3 November 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Speaker’s Statement: Commemoration of a Member who died in the First World 0.01 War 11.36 Questions: Justice 0.41 12.17 Topical Questions: Justice 0.17 12.34 Speaker’s Statement: Incorrect reporting of division numbers 0.01 12.35 Urgent Question: Yvette Cooper (asking); Secretary of State for International 0.41 Development (Justine Greening) (answering): Humanitarian Aid: Refugees in Greece and the Balkans 13.16 Urgent Question: Mr Christopher Chope (asking); Deputy Leader of the House of 0.17 Commons (Dr Therese Coffey) (answering): Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 13.33 Points of Order: Mr Philip Hollobone: Appointment of the Parliamentary 0.05 Assembly of the Council of Europe Tom Brake: Convention of Members only representing their constituents Sir Simon Burns: Criteria for granting an urgent question Mr Peter Bone: Debate on the appointment of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 13.38 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Bill Wiggin: Planning (Listed Buildings and 0.07 Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (Amendment) 13.45 Second Reading: European Union (Approvals) Bill [Lords] 0.59 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 14.44 Third Reading: National Insurance Contributions (Rate Ceilings) Bill 0.29 15.13 Money Resolution: Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill (Money) 0.02 15.15 Point of Order: Dr Sarah Wollaston: Neutrality of Government on a Bill 0.01 15.16 Money Resolution: Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill (Money) 0.56 [Resumed][Division] 16.12 Adjournment: Martin John Docherty: Military Personnel and Veterans (Children 0.31 and Young Carers) 16.43 House rose [Totals for session: 480.26; 51.05] 5.13 0.00

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 33 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

64. Wednesday 4 November 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland 0.29 12.04 Questions: Prime Minister 0.35 12.39 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): Draft 1.23 Investigatory Powers Bill 14.02 Points of Order: Alex Salmond: Request for Government response to delay in the 0.09 publication of the Chilcot inquiry findings Ian Paisley: Request for Government response to loss of jobs in Northern Ireland Paul Flynn: Appointment of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Brendan O’Hara: Quality of response to questions to the MOD 14.11 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Sir Paul Beresford: House of Commons 0.07 (Administration) 14.18 Opposition Day (9th allotted day): Policing 1.07 15.25 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 15.25 Opposition Day (9th allotted day): Policing [Resumed] 1.42 17.07 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 17.07 Opposition Day (9th allotted day): Policing [Resumed] [Division] 2.07 0.14 19.14 Point of Order: : Request for Government statement on the 0.01 0.01 simultaneous consideration of an SI and consultation on the same topic 19.15 Public Petition: Nic Dakin: Parking restrictions in Scunthorpe 0.01 0.01 19.16 Adjournment: Maria Caulfield: Palliative Care 0.27 0.27 19.43 House rose [Totals for session: 488.39; 51.48] 8.13 0.43

34 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

65. Thursday 5 November 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.34 10.09 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.15 10.24 Questions: Church Commissioners (6); Public Accounts Commission (5) 0.11 10.35 Urgent Question: Valerie Vaz (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.25 Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (James Duddridge) (answering): Burma 11.00 Urgent Question: Tom Brake (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.27 Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Tobias Ellwood) (answering): Human Rights (Egypt) 11.27 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.06 12.33 Point of Order: Wes Streeting: Clarification of Business Statement 0.01 12.34 Statement: Secretary of State for Transport (Mr Patrick McLoughlin): Aviation 0.28 Security 13.02 Points of Order: Robert Neill: Members’ involvement in DPP and CPS 0.08 investigations Andy McDonald: Responsibility of Members to act in the interests of entire population Mrs Sharon Hodgson: Quality of Government response to written questions Tom Brake: Request for Prime Minister to inform the House of the content of his discussions with the President of Egypt 13.10 Backbench Business: Royal Bank of Scotland 3.00 16.10 Backbench Business: Dog Meat Trade 0.48 16.58 Adjournment: Robert Flello: Driver First Assist 0.24 0.22 17.22 House rose [Totals for session: 496.31; 52.10] 7.52 0.22 66. Friday 6 November 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.03 09.33 Private Member’s Motion: Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private 0.01 09.34 Second Reading: NHS (Charitable Trusts Etc.) Bill [PMB] [PBC] 3.34 13.08 Second Reading: Off-patent Drugs Bill [PMB] 1.06 14.14 Point of Order: Albert Owen: Timing of when the question can be put 0.01 14.15 Second Reading: Off-patent Drugs Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 0.14 14.29 Points of Order: Nick Thomas-Symonds: Request to claim the closure 0.02 0.01 Albert Owen: Further request to claim the closure Patrick Grady: High attendance of SNP members 14.31 Adjournment: Mark Pawsey: Rugby World Cup Legacy 0.28 0.28 14.59 House rose [Totals for session: 502.00; 52.39] 5.29 0.29

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 35 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

67. Monday 9 November 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.43 15.18 Topical Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.16 15.34 Speaker’s Statement: Arrangements for Armistice Day 0.01 15.35 Urgent Question: Keith Vaz (asking); Minister for Policing, Crime and Criminal 0.51 Justice (Mike Penning) (answering): Police Funding Formula 16.26 Points of Order: Pauline Latham: Availability of female toilet facilities 0.14 Tom Brake: Government policy announcements to the House Mr Peter Bone: Inaccurate BBC reporting Paul Flynn: Right of backbenchers to move a closure Christian Matheson: Opportunity to support constituents in a court case Chi Onwurah: Request for a Government explanation on policy changes 16.40 Programme Motion: Scotland Bill (Programme) (No. 2) 0.12 16.52 Consideration: Scotland Bill 0.20 17.12 Point of Order: Pete Wishart: Scope of debate 0.01 17.13 Consideration: Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 3.03 20.16 Point of Order: Bob Blackman: Projection of a swastika onto the House of 0.01 Commons 20.17 Consideration: Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 2.13 0.30 22.30 Third Reading: Scotland Bill 0.11 0.11 22.41 Adjournment: Matthew Pennycook: Human Rights (Eritrea) 0.30 0.30 23.11 House rose [Totals for session: 510.41; 53.50] 8.41 1.11 68. Tuesday 10 November 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.43 12.18 Topical Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.16 12.34 Statement: Minister for Europe (Mr David Lidington): Europe: Renegotiation 1.23 13.57 Speaker’s Statement: Incorrect reporting of division numbers 0.01 13.58 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Ian Austin: Government Departments (Decentralisation 0.11 Target) 14.09 Programme Motion: Trade Union Bill (Programme) (No. 2) 0.04 14.13 Consideration: Trade Union Bill [Divisions] 4.23 18.36 Point of Order: Tom Blenkinsop: Request for Government statement on TATA 0.01 Steel Europe report 18.37 Third Reading: Trade Union Bill [Division] 0.33 0.10 19.10 Public Petition: Keith Vaz: Funding Formula for Leicestershire Constabulary 0.02 0.02 19.12 Adjournment: Oliver Colvile: Hedgehog Conservation 0.29 0.29 19.41 House rose [Totals for session: 518.52; 54.31] 8.11 0.41

36 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

69. Monday 16 November 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Home Department 0.44 15.19 Topical Questions: Home Department 0.15 15.34 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): Paris 1.39 Terrorist Attacks 17.13 Point of Order: Ian Blackford: Request for Minister to publish a consultation on 0.02 proposed byelaw changes 17.15 Backbench Business: Council of Europe [Division] 1.21 18.36 Point of Order: Pete Wishart: Clarification on division result 0.01 Mr Graham Allen: Attendance at debate of another Member 18.37 Backbench Business: Famagusta 1.30 20.07 Private Business: Transport for London Bill [Lords]: Revival [Division] 2.42 0.49 22.49 Adjournment: Jackie Doyle-Price: Illicit Arms Trade (Africa) 0.29 0.29 23.18 House rose [Totals for session: 527.40; 55.49] 8.48 1.18 70. Tuesday 17 November 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Health 0.46 12.21 Topical Questions: Health 0.11 12.32 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): G20 and Paris Attacks 1.31 14.03 Points of Order: Debbie Abrahams: Request for Secretary of State to make a 0.06 statement Louise Haigh: Timely and substantive response to PQs 14.09 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Sir Edward Leigh: House of Lords (Parliamentary 0.11 Standards Etc) Bill 14.20 Committee of the whole House: Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill 4.10 [Lords] [Divisions] 18.30 Adjournment: Ian Paisley: Michelin Factory: Ballymena 0.41 0.11 19.11 House rose [Totals for session: 535.21; 56.00] 7.41 0.11

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 37 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

71. Wednesday 18 November 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Wales 0.25 12.00 Questions: Prime Minister 0.36 12.36 Urgent Question: Sir Gerald Howarth (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of 0.44 State for Northern Ireland (Mr Ben Wallace) (answering): Parachute Regiment: arrest 13.20 Point of Order: Mr Clive Betts: Delayed response to Committee report 0.03 13.23 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Scott Mann: Speed Limits on Roads (Devolved Powers) 0.09 13.32 Opposition day (10th allotted day): The Economy 0.57 14.29 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 14.29 Opposition day (10th allotted day): The Economy [Resumed] 0.45 15.14 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 15.14 Opposition day (10th allotted day): The Economy [Resumed] 0.36 15.50 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 3 minutes 0.00 15.50 Opposition day (10th allotted day): The Economy [Resumed] [Division] 0.37 16.27 Opposition day (10th allotted day): Further Education 0.42 17.09 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 17.09 Opposition day (10th allotted day): Further Education [Resumed] 0.34 17.43 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 17.43 Opposition day (10th allotted day): Further Education [Resumed] 0.16 17.59 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 4 minutes 0.00 17.59 Opposition day (10th allotted day): Further Education [Resumed][Division] 1.12 0.11 19.11 Adjournment: Chris Stephens: Employee Pay (DWP) 0.24 0.24 19.35 House rose [Totals for session: 543.26; 56.35] 8.05 0.35 72. Thursday 19 November 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.40 10.15 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.18 10.33 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.56 11.29 Statement: Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mrs Theresa Villiers): Northern 0.55 Ireland Political Agreements 12.24 Backbench Business: Paris Climate Change Conference 2.38 15.02 Backbench Business: New Cancer Strategy 1.58 17.00 Adjournment: David Mackintosh: Mesothelioma Compensation (Military 0.25 0.25 Veterans) 17.25 House rose [Totals for session: 551.21; 57.00] 7.55 0.25

38 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

73. Friday 20 November 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Second Reading: Compulsory Emergency First Aid Education (State-funded 1.25 Secondary Schools) Bill [PMB] 11.00 Urgent Question: Heidi Alexander (asking); Minister for Community and Social 0.44 Care (Alistair Burt) (answering): Junior Doctors Contract 11.44 Urgent Question: (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.21 Justice (Andrew Selous) (answering): Transpeople (Prisons) 12.05 Points of Order: Heidi Alexander: Attendance of Secretary of State at Urgent 0.07 Questions Sir Peter Bottomley: Convention of who responds to UQs Nic Dakin: Inaccuracies in Ministerial statement Andy Slaughter: Inaccuracies in House debates 12.12 Second Reading: Compulsory Emergency First Aid Education (State-funded 2.20 0.02 Secondary Schools) Bill [PMB][Resumed] 14.32 Adjournment: Joan Ryan: Adult Skills Budgets: Enfield 0.26 0.26 14.58 House rose [Totals for session: 556.49; 57.28] 5.28 0.28 74. Monday 23 November 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.45 15.20 Topical Questions: Defence 0.12 15.32 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): National Security and Defence 1.53 17.25 Allocation of Time Motion: Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill [Division] 0.58 18.23 Second Reading: Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill 2.52 21.15 Committee of the whole House: Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill 1.02 0.17 [Division] Committed to a Committee of the whole House 22.17 Third reading: Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill 0.12 0.12 22.29 Adjournment: Maggie Throup: Antibiotics (Primary Care) 0.30 0.30 22.59 House rose [Totals for session: 565.18; 58.27] 8.29 0.59

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 39 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

75. Tuesday 24 November 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.47 12.22 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.13 12.35 Points of Order: Jack Dromey: Inaccuracies of Prime Minister during PMQs 0.06 Mr Graham Allen: Request for Ministerial statement Tom Brake: Request to extend question time session 12.41 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Steve McCabe: Protection of Family Homes 0.11 (Enforcement and Permitted Development) 12.52 Opposition Day (11th allotted day): Trident 1.16 14.08 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 14.08 Opposition Day (11th allotted day): Trident [Resumed] 0.07 14.15 Point of Order: Alan Brown: Scope of debate 0.02 John Nicolson: Language used in Chamber Ian Paisley: Language used in Chamber Mr Jamie Reed: Language used in Chamber 14.17 Opposition Day (11th allotted day): Trident [Resumed] 0.55 15.12 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 15.12 Opposition Day (11th allotted day): Trident [Resumed] 0.27 15.39 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 15.39 Opposition Day (11th allotted day): Trident [Resumed] [Division] 0.38 16.17 Opposition Day (11th allotted day): HMRC Office Closures 1.54 18.11 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 18.11 Opposition Day (11th allotted day): HMRC Office Closures [Resumed] [Division] 1.02 0.13 19.13 EU Documents: Iran: Nuclear Issues 1.25 1.25 20.38 Public Petition: Mark Spencer: Wheelchair access to railway stations 0.02 0.02 20.40 Adjournment: Nigel Huddleston: Mobile Telecommunications Market: Contracts 0.25 0.25 21.05 House rose [Totals for session: 574.53; 60.32] 9.35 2.05

40 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

76. Wednesday 25 November 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Northern Ireland 0.28 12.03 Questions: Prime Minister 0.30 12.33 Statement: Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr George Osborne): Spending Review 3.11 and Autumn Statement 15.44 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Scotland Act 1998 0.12 (Amendment) 15.56 Second reading: Childcare Bill [Lords] [PBC] 2.40 18.36 Public Petitions: Kevin Foster: Torquay Magistrates’ Court 0.06 Helen Goodman: Bishop Auckland Hospitals Helen Goodman: Richardson hospital Keith Vaz: Anti-social behaviour in Rushey Fields Park (Leicester) David Morris: Greenbelt land in Morecambe and Lunesdale 18.42 Adjournment: Mrs Louise Ellman: Safety in Deep Sea Diving: Stephen O’Malley 0.27 0.09 19.09 House rose [Totals for session: 582.32; 60.41] 7.39 0.09 77. Thursday 26 November 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Attorney General 0.23 09.58 Questions: Women and Equalities 0.32 10.30 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): Syria 2.46 13.16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.40 13.56 Backbench Business: Airports Commission: Final Report 0.10 14.06 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 14.06 Backbench Business: Airports Commission: Final Report [Resumed] 1.40 15.46 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 5 minutes 0.00 15.46 Backbench Business: Airports Commission: Final Report [Resumed] 1.14 17.00 Adjournment: Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Royal Agricultural University (Funding) 0.21 0.21 17.21 House rose [Totals for session: 590.23; 61.02] 7.51 0.21

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 41 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

78. Monday 30 November 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Speaker’s Statement: Davis Cup 0.01 14.36 Questions: Education 0.41 15.17 Topical Questions: Education 0.17 15.34 Urgent Question: Tristram Hunt (asking); Secretary of State for Transport (Mr 0.29 Patrick McLoughlin) (answering): High Speed 2 16.03 Statement: Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): Junior Doctors 0.47 Contract 16.50 Backbench Business: Middle East 0.16 17.06 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 7 minutes 0.00 17.06 Backbench Business: Middle East [Resumed] 0.48 17.54 Point of Order: Mr MacNeil: Government policy announcements to the House 0.01 17.55 Backbench Business: Middle East [Resumed] 2.49 20.44 Point of Order: Chris Bryant: Proceedings for vote and debate on Syria 0.02 20.46 Backbench Business: Middle East [Resumed] 0.35 21.21 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 21.21 Backbench Business: Middle East [Resumed] 0.39 22.00 Adjournment: Patrick Grady: Scotland and Malawi Relations 0.29 0.29 22.29 House rose [Totals for session: 598.22; 61.31] 7.59 0.29

42 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

79. Tuesday 1 December 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Treasury 0.43 12.18 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.17 12.35 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.30 13.05 Points of Order: Alison McGovern: Proceedings on Syria debate 0.14 Sir Edward Leigh: Extension of debate Mr Peter Bone: When the moment of interruption is Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Precedent on the cancellation of PMQs Chris Bryant: Publication of manuscript amendments Greg Mulholland: Request for BIS Ministers to give statement to the House 13.19 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mrs Anne Main: Consumer Protection (Standards of 0.11 Fire Resistance of Children’s Fancy Dress and Play Costumes Etc) 13.30 Consideration: Immigration Bill [Divisions] 4.59 18.29 Third Reading: Immigration Bill [Division] 0.44 0.13 19.13 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Social Security 1.18 1.18 20.31 Points of Order: Sir Edward Garnier: Procedure for presenting multiple petitions 0.05 0.05 Mr Robin Walker: Speech times in debate Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Length of debate Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Timetabling of speeches 20.36 Public Petitions: Graham Stuart: School funding model (29) 0.19 0.19 Mrs Caroline Spelman: School funding model Sir Edward Garnier: School funding model Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: School funding model Helen Jones: School funding model Rebecca Pow: School funding model John Howell: School funding model Richard Drax: School funding model David Mowat: School funding model Andrew Bridgen: School funding model James Heappey: School funding model Mr Laurence Robertson: School funding model Michael Tomlinson: School funding model David Warburton: School funding model Karl McCartney: School funding model Jeremy Lefroy: School funding model Pauline Latham: School funding model Victoria Prentis: School funding model Henry Smith: School funding model Daniel Kawcyznski: School funding model Neil Carmichael: School funding model Kevin Foster: School funding model Gavin Williamson: School funding model Victoria Atkins: School funding model Stephen Phillips: School funding model Andrew Percy: School funding model Helen Whately: School funding model Fiona Bruce: School funding model

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 43 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

Alex Chalk: School funding model James Cartlidge: School funding model William Wragg: School funding model Sir Edward Leigh: School funding model Antoinette Sandbach: School funding model Julian Knight: School funding model Peter Heaton-Jones: School funding model Matt Warman: School funding model Marcus Fysh: School funding model Dr Poulter: School funding model Michelle Donelan: School funding model Mark Garnier: School funding model Mrs Cheryl Gillan: School funding model Lucy Frazer: School funding model Rishi Sunak: School funding model David Rutley: School funding model John Redwood: School funding model Jo Churchill: School funding model Richard Graham: School funding model Bill Wiggin: School funding model Julian Sturdy: School funding model Mr Christopher Chope: School funding model Kevin Hollinrake: School funding model 20.55 Point of Order: Stephen Pound: Difficulties in accessing the parliamentary estate 0.01 0.01 20.56 Adjournment: Dawn Butler: Pre-payment meters 0.28 0.28 21.24 House rose [Totals for session: 608.16; 63.55] 9.54 2.24

44 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

80. Wednesday 2 December 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Business Motion: Business of the House 0.04 11.39 Point of Order: Melanie Onn: Mistake on Order Paper 0.01 11.40 Government motion: ISIL in Syria 2.07 13.47 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (): 8 minutes 0.00 13.47 Government motion: ISIL in Syria [Resumed] 0.57 14.44 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 14.44 Government motion: ISIL in Syria [Resumed] 2.24 17.08 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 4 minutes 0.00 17.08 Government motion: ISIL in Syria [Resumed] 2.29 0.37 19.37 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 19.37 Government motion: ISIL in Syria [Resumed] [Divisions] 2.55 2.55 22.32 Points of Order: Dr Philippa Whitford: Length of time the Speaker spent in the 0.01 0.01 Chair Mr David Winnick: Thanks for the length of time the Speaker spent in the Chair 22.33 Public Petition: Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Mandatory reporting of child abuse 0.02 0.02 22.35 Adjournment: Caroline Nokes: New Build Homes 0.19 0.19 22.54 House rose [Totals for session: 619.40; 67.49] 11.24 3.54 81. Thursday 3 December 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.33 10.08 Topical Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.11 10.19 Questions: Leader of the House (15); House of Commons Commission (1) 0.16 10.35 Urgent Question: Mark Durkan (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State 0.29 for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (James Duddridge) (answering): Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council 11.04 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.55 11.59 Points of Order: Crispin Blunt: Role of Select Committees 0.08 Bill Esterton: Room booking procedure 12.07 Second Reading: Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill [Lords] [PBC] 2.05 14.12 Adjournment: Norman Lamb: Mental Health: Out-of-area Placements 1.13 15.25 House rose [Totals for session: 625.35; 67.49] 5.55 0.00

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 45 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

82. Friday 4 December 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Private Member’s Motion: James Berry: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.11 09.46 Second Reading: Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] [PBC] 2.40 12.26 Second Reading: Pavement Parking (Protection of Vulnerable Pedestrians) Bill 0.55 [PMB] 13.21 Second Reading: Criminal Cases Review Commission (Information) Bill [PMB] 0.41 [PBC] 14.02 Second Reading: Assessment of Government Policies (Impact on Families) Bill 0.30 0.02 [PMB] 14.32 Adjournment: Iain Stewart: East West Rail 0.17 0.17 14.49 House rose [Totals for session: 630.54; 68.08] 5.19 0.19 83. Monday 7 December 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Work and Pensions 0.45 15.20 Topical Questions: Work and Pensions 0.15 15.35 Statement: Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Elizabeth 0.46 Truss): Flooding 16.21 Point of Order: Neil Coyle: Inaccuracies in Government responses to oral 0.02 questions 16.23 Consideration: Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 5.04 21.27 Third Reading: Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [Lords] 0.30 21.57 Government Motion: House of Commons Members’ Fund 0.04 0.01 22.01 Adjournment: Mr Mark Williams: Domestic Oil Purchasing Syndicates 0.27 0.27 22.28 House rose [Totals for session: 638.52; 68.36] 7.58 0.28 84. Tuesday 8 December 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Justice 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Justice 0.16 12.36 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Tim Farron: Asylum (Unaccompanied Children 0.09 Displaced by Conflict) 12.45 Lords Amendments: European Union Referendum Bill [Division] 3.02 15.47 Government Motion: Serious and Organised Crime: Prüm Convention [Division] 3.04 18.51 Public Petitions: Fiona Bruce: Car parking charges at Congleton War Memorial 0.04 Hospital Sir William Cash: Reopening of Barlaston Railway Station (Stoke-on-Trent) 18.55 Adjournment: Bob Blackman: Disabled Parking Permits (London Borough of 0.26 0.21 Harrow) 19.21 House rose [Totals for session: 646.43; 68.57] 7.51 0.21

46 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

85. Wednesday 9 December 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Speaker’s Statement: Outcome of Election Petition (Orkney and Shetland 0.01 constituency) 11.36 Questions: Cabinet Office 0.20 11.56 Topical Questions: Cabinet Office 0.06 12.02 Questions: Prime Minister 0.34 12.36 Point of Order: Tim Farron: Response from Government 0.01 12.37 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Sammy Wilson: Armed Forces Covenant 0.11 (Implementation) (United Kingdom) 12.48 Opposition Day (12th allotted day): Mental Health 1.33 14.21 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 14.21 Opposition Day (12th allotted day): Mental Health [Resumed] 0.23 14.44 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00 14.44 Opposition Day (12th allotted day): Mental Health [Resumed] 0.46 15.30 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 2 minutes 0.00 15.30 Opposition Day (12th allotted day): Mental Health [Resumed] [Division] 0.41 16.11 Opposition Day (12th allotted day): Women and the Economy 1.22 17.33 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 17.33 Opposition Day (12th allotted day): Women and the Economy [Resumed] 0.18 17.51 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 17.51 Opposition Day (12th allotted day): Women and the Economy [Resumed] 1.22 0.13 [Division] 19.13 Public Petitions: Robert Flello: Treatment of asylum seekers 0.02 0.02 James Heappey: Impact of Hinckley Connection Project on the Wells Constituency 19.15 Adjournment: Yvette Cooper: Kellingley Colliery 0.29 0.29 19.44 House rose [Totals for session: 654.57; 69.41] 8.14 0.44

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 47 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

86. Thursday 10 December 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Transport 0.45 10.20 Topical Questions: Transport 0.15 10.35 Urgent Question: Heidi Alexander (asking); Secretary of State for Health (Mr 0.38 Jeremy Hunt) (answering): Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust 11.13 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.51 12.04 Point of Order: Lilian Greenwood: Government policy announcements to the 0.02 House 12.06 Backbench Business: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership 0.18 12.24 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 8 minutes 0.00 12.24 Backbench Business: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [Resumed] 1.14 13.38 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 13.38 Backbench Business: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [Resumed] 1.24 15.02 Backbench Business: International Human Rights Day 0.12 15.14 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 8 minutes 0.00 15.14 Backbench Business: International Human Rights Day [Resumed] 0.33 15.47 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 7 minutes 0.00 15.47 Backbench Business: International Human Rights Day [Resumed] 1.13 17.00 Adjournment: Jeremy Lefroy: Burundi 0.28 0.28 17.28 House rose [Totals for session: 662.55; 70.09] 7.58 0.28

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Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

87. Monday 14 December 2015 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.43 15.18 Topical Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.14 15.32 Urgent Question: Mr Chuka Umunna (asking); Minister for Skills (Nick Boles) 0.33 (answering): National Minimum Wage: Sports Direct 16.05 Statement: Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (Amber Rudd): 0.45 Climate Change Agreement 16.50 Statement: Secretary of State for Transport (Mr Patrick McLoughlin): Airports 1.04 Capacity 17.54 Points of Order: Sir Nicholas Soames: Correction to record (attendance of 0.05 Member) Tom Brake: Attendance of Member during debate Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Request for Government statement 17.59 Committee of the whole House: European Union (Approvals) Bill [Lords] 0.01 18.00 Third Reading: European Union (Approvals) Bill [Lords] 0.15 18.15 EU Document: Relocation of Migrants in need of International Protection (Opt-in 1.40 Decision) [Division] 19.55 EU Document: European Agenda on Migration 1.02 20.57 Adjournment: Wes Streeting: Student Nursing (Finance) 0.38 21.35 House rose [Totals for session: 670.00; 70.09] 7.05 0.00

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 49 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

88. Tuesday 15 December 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.42 12.17 Topical Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.17 12.34 Point of Order: Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Complaint about IPSA 0.02 12.36 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Frank Field: Free School Meals (Automatic 0.07 Registration of Eligible Children) 12.43 Opposition Day: (13th allotted day): Climate Change and Flooding 1.24 14.07 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 14.07 Opposition Day: (13th allotted day): Climate Change and Flooding [Resumed] 0.59 15.06 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 15.06 Opposition Day: (13th allotted day): Climate Change and Flooding [Resumed] 0.20 15.26 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00 15.26 Opposition Day: (13th allotted day): Climate Change and Flooding [Resumed] 0.47 [Division] 16.13 Opposition Day: (13th allotted day): Housing 1.18 17.31 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 17.31 Opposition Day: (13th allotted day): Housing [Resumed] 0.28 17.59 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 17.59 Opposition Day: (13th allotted day): Housing [Resumed] 0.08 18.07 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 18.07 Opposition Day: (13th allotted day): Housing [Resumed] [Division] 1.05 0.12 19.12 Public Petition: Gavin Williamson: Divorce proceedings of a UK citizen abroad 0.02 0.02 19.14 Adjournment: Cat Smith: Transgender Prisoners 0.27 0.27 19.41 House rose [Totals for session: 678.11; 70.50] 8.11 0.41

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89. Wednesday 16 December 2015 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: International Development 0.21 11.56 Topical Questions: International Development 0.09 12.05 Questions: Prime Minister 0.32 12.37 Urgent Question: Diana Johnson (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State 0.36 for Health (Jane Ellison) (answering): Victims of Contaminated Blood: Support 13.13 Statement: Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Philip 1.27 Hammond): Daesh: Syria/Iraq 14.40 Points of Order: Tom Brake: Request for Prime Ministerial response 0.12 Hannah Bardell: Actions of DWP Patrick Grady: Noise levels during PMQs Greg Mulholland: Opportunities to raise issues in parliament before recess Ben Bradshaw: Request for Government statement 14.52 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Jonathan Reynolds: Representation of the People 0.23 (Proportional Representation) (House of Commons) [Division] 15.15 Committee of the whole House: Armed Forces Bill 1.58 17.13 Government Motion: Welfare Cap 1.05 18.18 Public Petitions: Chloe Smith: Climate change 0.04 Robert Jenrick: Merger of NHS Trusts in Mark Spencer: Merger of NHS Trusts in Nottinghamshire 18.22 Adjournment: Jo Churchill: East Anglia Rail Franchise 1.08 0.30 19.30 House rose [Totals for session: 686.11; 71.20] 8.00 0.30 90. Thursday 17 December 2015 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.34 10.09 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.11 10.20 Questions: Church Commissioners (7); Electoral Commission Committee (6) 0.13 10.33 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.08 11.41 Statement: Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Greg 1.02 Clarke): Local Government Finance 12.43 Statement: Leader of the House (Chris Grayling): Strathclyde Review 0.35 13.18 Points of Order: Mr Graham Allen: Time limit on speeches for backbench 0.04 business Mary Creagh: Response from Government department 13.22 Backbench Business: Sexual Exploitation: Protection of 16 and 17-year-olds 1.54 15.16 Backbench Business: Conception to Age 2: The First 1001 Days 1.44 17.00 Adjournment: Mr Jamie Reed: Access to Health Services: West Cumbria 0.30 0.30 17.30 House rose [Totals for session: 694.11; 71.50] 8.00 0.30

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91. Tuesday 5 January 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Health 0.43 15.18 Topical Questions: Health 0.17 15.35 Speaker’s Statement: Appointment of Serjeant at Arms 0.01 15.36 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): EU Council 1.36 17.12 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 0.45 Counter-terrorism 17.57 Statement: Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Elizabeth 1.23 Truss): Flooding 19.20 Statement: Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and 1.11 Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Tobias Ellwood): Saudi Arabia 20.31 Points of Order: Louise Haigh: Publication of historical Cabinet Office papers 0.06 Mr Andrew Turner: Consequences of approving programme motion Fiona Mactaggart: Request to change the order of debate 20.37 Ten Minute Rule Motion: : Mesothelioma (Amendment) (No. 2) 0.10 20.47 Programme Motion: Housing and Planning Bill (Programme) (No. 2) [Division] 0.23 21.10 Point of Order: Pete Wishart: Clarification of Madam Deputy Speaker’s 0.01 introduction 21.11 Consideration (1st allocated day): Housing and Planning Bill [Divisions] 4.48 3.59 01.59 Adjournment: Simon Hart: Future Funding for S4C 0.30 0.30 02.29 House rose [Totals for session: 706.10; 76.19] 11.59 4.29

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92. Wednesday 6 January 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland 0.27 12.02 Questions: Prime Minister 0.34 12.36 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Norman Lamb: National Health Service and Social 0.11 Care (Commission) 12.47 Opposition Day (14th allotted day): Universal Credit Work Allowance 1.42 14.29 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 14.29 Opposition Day (14th allotted day): Universal Credit Work Allowance [Resumed] 0.17 14.46 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 14.46 Opposition Day (14th allotted day): Universal Credit Work Allowance [Resumed] 0.30 15.16 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 15.16 Opposition Day (14th allotted day): Universal Credit Work Allowance [Resumed] 1.00 [Division] 16.16 Opposition Day (14th allotted day): Flooding 0.49 17.05 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 4 minutes 0.00 17.05 Opposition Day (14th allotted day): Flooding [Resumed] 1.12 18.17 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 3 minutes 0.00 18.17 Opposition Day (14th allotted day): Flooding [Resumed] [Division] 0.56 0.13 19.13 Public Petitions: Mrs Caroline Spelman: Compensation for negligent medical 0.03 0.03 treatment Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Park and Ride Scheme on Bathampton Meadows 19.16 Point of Order: Susan Elan Jones: Request for Government statement 0.01 0.01 19.17 Adjournment: Kate Hoey: Vauxhall Bus Station 0.29 0.29 19.46 House rose [Totals for session: 714.26; 77.05] 8.16 0.46

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93. Thursday 7 January 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.43 10.18 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.15 10.33 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.00 11.33 Backbench Business: State Pension Age (Women) 1.46 13.19 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 5 minutes 0.00 13.19 Backbench Business: State Pension Age (Women) [Resumed] 0.24 13.43 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 3 minutes 0.00 13.43 Backbench Business: State Pension Age (Women) [Resumed] [Division] 1.25 15.08 Points of Order: Alex Salmond: Request for Government response to Backbench 0.01 Business debate resolutions Alex Salmond: Powers of the House and Speaker 15.09 Backbench Business: Children in Care 0.35 15.44 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 15.44 Backbench Business: Children in Care [Resumed] 1.15 16.59 Adjournment: Suella Fernandes: Primary Schools Admissions Criteria 0.22 0.21 17.21 House rose [Totals for session: 722.17; 77.26] 7.51 0.21 94. Monday 11 January 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Home Department 0.45 15.20 Topical Questions: Home Department 0.17 15.37 Urgent Question: Andy Slaughter (asking); Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State 0.34 for Justice (Michael Gove) (answering): Prisons and Secure Training Centres: Safety 16.11 Urgent Question: Jo Cox (asking); Secretary of State for International 0.50 Development (Justine Greening) (answering): Syria: Madaya 17.01 Points of Order: Michael Fabricant: Thanks to the Speaker for his written guidance 0.08 on participation in the Chamber and Westminster Hall Stephen Doughty: Official visits to constituencies by other Members without notice to the constituency Member Jo Stevens: Official visits to constituencies by other Members without notice to the constituency Member Michael Fabricant: Type of stamp used on ministerial post 17.09 Consideration: Armed Forces Bill 0.49 17.58 Third Reading: Armed Forces Bill 0.28 18.26 Backbench Business: Local Government Funding: Rural Areas 3.11 21.37 Adjournment: Dr Rupa Huq: Feminism in the School Curriculum 0.37 0.14 22.14 House rose [Totals for session: 730.01; 77.40] 7.44 0.14

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95. Tuesday 12 January 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.44 12.19 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.17 12.36 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Greg Mulholland: Criminal Driving (Justice for 0.13 Victims) 12.49 Consideration (2nd allocated day): Housing and Planning Bill [Divisions] 4.15 17.04 Suspension 0.07 17.11 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W and E): Housing and Planning Bill 0.42 17.53 Points of Order: Lady Hermon: Guidance on challenging Speaker’s certification 0.02 Lady Hermon: Postponement of division 17.55 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W and E): Housing and Planning Bill 0.01 [Resumed] 17.56 Third Reading: Housing and Planning Bill [Division] 1.14 0.10 19.10 Adjournment: Guto Bebb: Connaught Income Fund 0.30 0.30 19.40 House rose [Totals for session: 738.11; 78.20] 8.10 0.40 96. Wednesday 13 January 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Wales 0.30 12.05 Questions: Prime Minister 0.31 12.36 Points of Order: Lady Hermon: Clarification on how to correct EVEL certification 0.09 Lady Hermon: Provision of additional support to aid independent Members’ understanding of EVEL certification 12.45 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Toby Perkins: English National Anthem 0.16 13.01 Opposition Day (15th allotted day): Trade, Exports, Innovation and Productivity 6.11 0.12 [Division] 19.12 Adjournment: Mr Alan Campbell: Catastrophic Sporting Injuries: Steven Cox 0.20 0.20 19.32 House rose [Totals for session: 746.13; 78.52] 8.02 0.32

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97. Thursday 14 January 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Attorney General 0.29 10.04 Questions: Women and Equalities 0.29 10.33 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.14 11.47 Points of Order: Chris Bryant: Guidance on consideration of statutory instruments 0.05 Chris Bryant: Request for Government to announce plans regarding the student finance SI Dr Therese Coffey: Ways to debate the student finance SI 11.52 Committee Statement: Mr Bernard Jenkin (on behalf of the Public Administration 0.17 and Constitutional Affairs Committee): Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: UK Delegation 12.09 Backbench Business: Space Policy 2.25 14.34 Backbench Business: House of Lords Reform 2.21 16.55 Adjournment: James Heappey: Hinckley C Connection Project 0.33 0.28 17.28 House rose [Totals for session: 754.11; 79.20] 7.58 0.28 98. Monday 18 January 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.46 15.21 Topical Questions: Defence 0.15 15.36 Statement: Minister for Small Business, Industry and Enterprise (Anna Soubry): 0.54 Steel sector 16.30 Second Reading: Energy Bill [Lords] [PBC] 1.21 17.51 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 10 minutes 0.00 17.51 Second Reading: Energy Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 0.45 18.36 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 9 minutes 0.00 18.36 Second Reading: Energy Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 2.20 20.56 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 7 minutes 0.00 20.56 Second Reading: Energy Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 1.05 0.01 22.01 Adjournment: Daniel Zeichner: Cambridgeshire CCG and UnitingCare 0.29 0.29 Partnership 22.30 House rose [Totals for session: 762.11; 79.50] 8.00 0.30

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99. Tuesday 19 January 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Treasury 0.47 12.22 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.16 12.38 Urgent Question: Stephen Phillips (asking); Secretary of State for International 0.48 Development (Justine Greening) (answering): Ebola: Sierra Leone 13.26 Points of Order: Kate Osamor: Language used in Chamber 0.11 Hywel Williams: EVEL certification Mr David Hanson: Opportunities to influence EVEL certification Ian C. Lucas: Notification that the Procedure Committee are undertaking an inquiry into EVEL Greg Mulholland: Official visits to constituencies by other Members without notice to the constituency Member 13.37 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Tom Brake: Freedom of Information (Public Interest 0.12 and Transparency) 13.49 Opposition day (16th allotted day): Student Maintenance Grants 1.04 14.53 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 14.53 Opposition day (16th allotted day): Student Maintenance Grants [Resumed] 1.47 [Division] 16.40 Negative Statutory Instrument: Education [Division] 0.22 17.02 Points of Order: Alex Salmond: Double-majority voting 0.06 Andrew Rosindell: Error on division tablet Jim McMahon: Error on division tablet Pete Wishart: Possibility of having a recount Lady Hermon: Impact of a England and Wales-certified SI on Northern Ireland Michael Fabricant: Praise to House staff, PDS and Deputy Speaker for new tablet division procedure 17.08 Opposition day (16th allotted day): Cost of public transport [Division] 2.06 0.14 19.14 Adjournment: Anna Turley: Post-SSI Support Package: Redcar 0.30 0.30 19.44 House rose [Totals for session: 770.25; 80.34] 8.14 0.44

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100. Wednesday 20 January 2016 11.30 Questions: Northern Ireland 0.20 11.50 Questions: Prime Minister 0.47 12.37 Urgent Question: John Woodcock (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of 0.19 State for the Home Department (Karen Bradley) (answering): Poppi Worthington 12.56 Urgent Question: Andy McDonald (asking); Minister for Immigration (James 0.28 Brokenshire) (answering): Asylum Seekers: Middlesbrough 13.24 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Owen Thompson: Transport of Nuclear Weapons 0.15 13.39 Consideration: Psychoactive Substances Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 3.34 17.13 Third Reading: Psychoactive Substances Bill 0.26 17.39 Affirmative Statutory Instruments: Proceeds of Crime (5) 0.34 18.13 Public Petition: Andrew Bridgen: BBC licence fee 0.02 18.15 Adjournment: Mr Charles Walker: Domestic Politically Exposed Persons: Money 0.28 Laundering Rules 18.43 House rose [Totals for session: 777.38; 80.34] 7.13 0.00 101. Thursday 21 January 2016 09.30 Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.33 10.03 Topical Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.15 10.18 Questions: House of Commons Commission (9); Leader of the House (8) 0.17 10.35 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.57 11.32 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 0.50 Litvinenko Inquiry 12.22 Statement: Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health (Jane Ellison): 0.37 Infected Blood 12.59 Point of Order: Matthew Pennycook: Government policy announcements to the 0.01 House 13.00 Backbench Business: Childhood Obesity Strategy 0.18 13.18 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 8 minutes 0.00 13.18 Backbench Business: Childhood Obesity Strategy [Resumed] 0.29 13.47 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 13.47 Backbench Business: Childhood Obesity Strategy [Resumed] 1.36 15.23 Backbench Business: Holocaust Memorial Day 0.32 15.55 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 15.55 Backbench Business: Holocaust Memorial Day [Resumed] 1.04 16.59 Point of Order: Wes Streeting: Apology for not talking until the moment of 0.01 interruption 17.00 Adjournment: Rebecca Long Bailey: Vulnerable Adults: Transport 0.28 0.28 17.28 House rose [Totals for session: 785.36; 81.02] 7.58 0.28

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102. Friday 22 January 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Private Member’s Motion: Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Motion to sit in private 0.12 [Division] 09.47 Point of Order: Mr Peter Bone: Time spent on division 0.01 09.48 Consideration: NHS (Charitable Trusts Etc.) Bill [PMB] 3.23 13.11 Third Reading: NHS (Charitable Trusts Etc.) Bill [PMB] 0.48 13.59 Second Reading: Local Area Referendum (Disposal of School Playing Fields Bill 0.31 [PMB] 14.30 Adjournment: Mike Freer: Free School Funding (Sixth Forms) 0.23 0.23 14.53 House rose [Totals for session: 790.59; 81.25] 5.23 0.23 103. Monday 25 January 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Education 0.45 15.20 Topical Questions: Education 0.16 15.36 Speaker’s Statement: Resignation of Select Committee Chair 0.01 15.37 Urgent Question: John McDonnell (asking); Financial Secretary to the Treasury 0.46 (Mr David Gauke) (answering): HMRC and Google (Settlement) 16.23 Urgent Question: Yvette Cooper (asking); Minister for Immigration (James 0.38 Brokenshire) (answering): Child Refugees in Europe 17.01 Consideration: Childcare Bill [Lords] Bill [Divisions] 1.27 18.28 Suspension 0.05 18.33 Legislative Grand Committee (E): Childcare Bill [Lords] 0.03 18.36 Third Reading: Childcare Bill [Lords] 0.24 19.00 Points of Order: Lady Hermon: Frequency of EVEL certification 0.01 Sir Edward Leigh: Outcome of EVEL division 19.01 Backbench Business: Central and East Asia 2.21 21.22 Adjournment: Marion Fellows: Financial Ombudsman Service: Strathclyde 0.19 Mining Group Pensions 21.41 House rose [Totals for session: 798.10; 81.25] 7.11 0.00

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104. Tuesday 26 January 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Justice 0.43 12.18 Topical Questions: Justice 0.19 12.37 Urgent Question: Heidi Alexander (asking); Secretary of State for Health (Mr 0.37 Jeremy Hunt) (answering): William Mead: 111 helpline 13.14 Points of Order: Andy Slaughter: Correction to Member’s speech 0.07 Mr Jamie Reed: Government reaction to request to claim from EU Solidarity Fund Mr Barry Sheerman: Increasing time restrictions on backbenchers 13.21 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Gareth Thomas: Profit-sharing and Company 0.11 Governance (Employees’ Participation) 13.32 Consideration: Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill [Lords] 3.23 [Divisions] 16.55 Suspension 0.04 16.59 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W): Charities (Protection and Social 0.16 Investment) Bill [Lords] 17.15 Third Reading: Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill [Lords] 0.35 17.50 Public Petition: Sir Edward Garnier: Transatlantic Trade and Investment 0.01 Partnership 17.51 Adjournment: Mr Andrew Mitchell: Sutton Coldfield Green Belt 0.24 18.15 House rose [Totals for session: 804.55; 81.25] 6.45 0.00

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105. Wednesday 27 January 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Cabinet Office 0.21 11.56 Topical Questions: Cabinet Office 0.09 12.05 Questions: Prime Minister 0.33 12.38 Points of Order: Paula Sheriff: Correction to Minister 0.10 Yvette Cooper: Language used in Chamber Chris Law: Correction to Leader of the House Stephen Doughty: Guidance on getting information from Government Christian Matheson: PM’s compliance with Chamber name rules 12.48 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Sir David Amess: Driving Instructors (Registration) 0.10 12.58 Opposition day (17th allotted day): Housing Benefit and Supported Housing 0.45 13.43 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 13.43 Opposition day (17th allotted day): Housing Benefit and Supported Housing 0.52 [Resumed] 14.35 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 14.35 Opposition day (17th allotted day): Housing Benefit and Supported Housing 1.38 [Resumed] [Division] 16.13 Opposition day (17th allotted day): Prisons and Probation 1.08 17.21 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 17.21 Opposition day (17th allotted day): Prisons and Probation [Resumed] [Division] 1.53 0.14 19.14 Public Petition: Christian Matheson: Planning and studentification (Chester) 0.01 0.01 19.15 Adjournment: Rachel Reeves: Flood defences (Leeds) 0.28 0.28 19.43 House rose [Totals for session: 813.08; 82.08] 8.13 0.43

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106. Thursday 28 January 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Speaker’s Statement: Thanks to Robin Fell and Owen Sweeney, retiring House 0.01 staff 09.36 Questions: Transport 0.43 10.19 Topical Questions: Transport 0.16 10.35 Urgent Question: Owen Smith (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State 0.32 for Disabled People (Justin Tomlinson) (answering): Under-occupancy Penalty 11.07 Urgent Question: Hilary Benn (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary for 0.38 Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Tobias Ellwood) (answering): Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia 11.45 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.47 12.32 Backbench Business: NHS and Social Care Commission 4.17 16.49 Point of Order: Mary Creagh: Request for Minister to make statement 0.01 16.50 Adjournment: Robert Neill: Southeastern Rail Services 0.34 0.24 17.24 House rose [Totals for session: 821.02; 82.32] 7.54 0.24 107. Friday 29 January 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.03 09.33 Private Member’s Motion: Tom Pursglove: Motion to sit in private 0.01 09.34 Consideration: Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill [PMB] 1.26 11.00 Urgent Question: Andy Slaughter (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of 0.14 State for Justice (Mr Shailesh Vara) (answering): Criminal Legal Aid 11.14 Urgent Question: Louise Haigh (asking); Minister for Small Business, Industry 0.18 and Enterprise (Anna Soubry) (answering): Closure of St Paul’s Place BIS Office () 11.32 Consideration: Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 1.28 13.00 Third Reading: Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill [PMB] 0.45 13.45 Second Reading: Child Victims of Human Trafficking Bill [PMB] 0.47 0.02 14.32 Adjournment: Mr Chuka Umunna: Gangs and Youth Violence: London 0.26 0.26 14.58 House rose [Totals for session: 826.30; 83.00] 5.28 0.28

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108. Monday 1 February 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Transport 0.42 15.17 Topical Questions: Transport 0.16 15.33 Urgent Question: Heidi Alexander (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of 0.42 State for Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): NHS Trusts: Finances 16.15 Second Reading: Bank of England and Financial Services Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 3.24 [PBC] 19.39 Backbench Business: Financial Conduct Authority 0.19 19.58 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 8 minutes 0.00 19.58 Backbench Business: Financial Conduct Authority [Resumed] 0.51 20.49 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 7 minutes 0.00 20.49 Backbench Business: Financial Conduct Authority [Resumed] 0.10 20.59 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 20.59 Backbench Business: Financial Conduct Authority [Resumed] 1.02 0.01 22.01 Adjournment: Nusrat Ghani: Deaths of Journalists: Conflict Zones 0.21 0.21 22.22 House rose [Totals for session: 834.22; 83.22] 7.52 0.22

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109. Tuesday 2 February 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.16 12.36 Urgent Question: (asking); Minister for Europe (Mr David 1.07 Lidington) (answering): UK’s Relationship with the EU 13.43 Urgent Question: Ms Diane Abbott (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of 0.26 State for International Development (Mr Nick Hurd) (answering): Zika virus 14.09 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Alistair Carmichael: Mobile Telecommunications 0.10 Network Coverage (Contractual Obligations) 14.19 Second Reading: Enterprise Bill [Lords] 0.13 14.32 Points of Order: Kevin Brennan: Non-publication of amendments 0.01 Kevin Brennan: Request to Secretary of State for amendments to be published 14.33 Second Reading: Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 1.04 15.37 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 7 minutes 0.00 15.37 Second Reading: Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 1.31 17.08 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 6 minutes 0.00 17.08 Second Reading: Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 1.06 18.14 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 18.14 Second Reading: Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 0.41 18.55 Point of Order: Ms Angela Eagle: Topic of Minister’s conclusion 0.01 18.56 Second Reading: Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [Division] [PBC] 0.20 0.16 19.16 Point of Order: Lady Hermon: Clarification on Speaker’s certification note in the 0.02 0.02 Order Paper 19.18 Government Motion: House of Commons Commission (External Members) 0.05 0.05 19.23 Adjournment: Chris Evans: Real-time Credit Scoring 0.26 0.26 19.49 House rose [Totals for session: 842.41; 84.11] 8.19 0.49

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110. Wednesday 3 February 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: International Development 0.23 11.58 Topical Questions: International Development 0.06 12.04 Questions: Prime Minister 0.33 12.37 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): UK-EU Renegotiation 2.01 14.38 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Siobhain McDonagh: Automatic Electoral Registration 0.10 14.48 Opposition Day (18th allotted day): Tax Avoidance and Multinational Companies 0.23 15.11 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00 15.11 Opposition Day (18th allotted day): Tax Avoidance and Multinational Companies 2.15 [Resumed] [Divisions] 17.26 Opposition Day (18th allotted day): Public Finances: Scotland 1.01 18.27 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 18.27 Opposition Day (18th allotted day): Public Finances: Scotland [Resumed] 0.59 0.26 [Divisions] 19.26 Adjournment: Sir Paul Beresford: Child Dental Health 0.30 0.30 19.56 House rose [Totals for session: 851.07; 85.07] 8.26 0.56

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111. Thursday 4 February 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.31 10.06 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.18 10.24 Questions: Electoral Commission Committee (6); Church Commissioners (11) 0.11 10.35 Urgent Question: Kate Green (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.27 the Home Department (Karen Bradley) (answering): Return of Kings 11.02 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.50 11.52 Point of Order: Chris Bryant: Clarification on Business Statement 0.02 11.54 Personal Statement: Mr Geoffrey Cox: Apology 0.02 11.56 Committee Statement: Mr Bernard Jenkin (on behalf of the Public Administration 0.34 and Constitutional Affairs Committee): Collapse of Kids Company 12.30 Backbench Business: Parliamentary Sovereignty and EU Renegotiations 0.21 12.51 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 6 minutes 0.00 12.51 Backbench Business: Parliamentary Sovereignty and EU Renegotiations 2.14 [Resumed] 15.05 Backbench Business: Yemen 0.40 15.45 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 15.45 Backbench Business: Yemen [Resumed] 0.40 16.25 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 4 minutes 0.00 16.25 Backbench Business: Yemen [Resumed] 0.35 17.00 Adjournment: Tom Brake: Delay Repay Scheme: Rail Commuters 0.29 0.29 17.29 House rose [Totals for session: 859.06; 85.36] 7.59 0.29

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112. Friday 5 February 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.02 09.32 Speaker’s Statement: Death of Harry Harpham 0.01 09.33 Private Member’s Motion: Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private 0.01 09.34 Consideration: Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] 0.24 09.58 Point of Order: : PM’s response to Named Day Questions 0.01 09.59 Consideration: Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 1.01 11.00 Point of Order: Philip Davies: Request for Home Office statement 0.01 11.01 Consideration: Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 0.24 11.25 Third Reading: Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] 0.27 11.52 Third Reading: Criminal Cases Review Commission (Information) Bill [PMB] 1.04 12.56 Second Reading: Bat Habitats Regulation (No. 2) Bill [PMB] 0.01 12.57 Point of Order: Philip Davies: Request for Home Office statement 0.01 12.58 Second Reading: Bat Habitats Regulation (No. 2) Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 0.33 13.31 Second Reading: Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) Bill [PMB] 0.42 14.13 Second Reading: Parks and Playing Fields in Public Ownership (Protection from 0.03 Sale) Bill [PMB] 14.16 Second Reading: Speed Limits on Roads (Devolved Powers) Bill [PMB] 0.16 0.02 14.32 Adjournment: Sir David Amess: Local Services (Scotland) 0.28 0.28 15.00 House rose [Totals for session: 864.36; 86.06] 5.30 0.30 113. Monday 8 February 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Speaker’s Statement: Death of Harry Harpham 0.01 14.36 Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.42 15.18 Topical Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.16 15.34 Urgent Question: Heidi Alexander (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary for 0.45 Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): Junior Doctors’ Contract Negotiations 16.19 Statement: Secretary of State for International Development (Justine Greening): 0.52 Syria Crisis: UK response 17.11 Statement: Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Greg 1.07 Clark): Local Government Finance 18.18 Affirmative Statutory Instruments: Social Security (2) 0.38 18.56 Backbench Business: Great Western Railway Routes 2.47 21.43 Adjournment: Craig Whittaker: Flood Insurance for Businesses 0.30 0.13 22.13 House rose [Totals for session: 872.19; 86.19] 7.43 0.13

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114. Tuesday 9 February 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Health 0.46 12.21 Topical Questions: Health 0.16 12.37 Points of Order: Mrs Sharon Hodgson: Use of vellum 0.08 Chris Stephens: Clarification on Minister’s statement Mr David Winnick: Origin of the Speaker’s political beliefs 12.45 Ten Minute Rule Motion: John Pugh: Ofsted Inspections (Schools’ Rights of 0.09 Challenge) 12.54 Opposition Day (unallotted): EU Referendum: Timing 1.19 14.13 Speech Limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 14.13 Opposition Day (unallotted): EU Referendum: Timing [Resumed] [Division] 1.52 16.05 Point of Order: Ian Paisley: The way the Secretaries of State for Wales, Scotland 0.01 and Northern Ireland voted 16.06 Opposition Day (unallotted): Housing: Long-term Plan [Division] 2.58 0.04 19.04 Adjournment: Martin Vickers: Humber Energy Estuary 0.29 0.29 19.33 House rose [Totals for session: 880.22; 86.52] 8.03 0.33 115. Wednesday 10 February 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland 0.32 12.07 Questions: Prime Minister 0.33 12.40 Points of Order: Mr James Gray: Use of vellum and decision in the Commons 0.08 Tommy Sheppard: Selection of Ministerial questions along EVEL lines Tim Farron: Investigation into cost of deporting unaccompanied minors and young adult refugees 12.48 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Will Quince: Wild Animals in Circuses (Prohibition) 0.14 13.02 Government Motion: Police Grant Report (England and Wales) [Division] 3.03 16.05 Government Motion: Local Government Finance (England) 0.30 16.35 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 16.35 Government Motion: Local Government Finance (England) [Resumed] 1.06 17.41 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 17.41 Government Motion: Local Government Finance (England) [Resumed] [Division] 1.44 0.25 19.25 Government Motion: Notification of Arrest of Members 0.35 0.35 20.00 Public Petition: Dr Tania Mathias: Proposed Sale of the Kneller Hall Site 0.02 0.02 20.02 Adjournment: Andrew Rosindell: Autism Sunday Campaign 0.29 0.29 20.31 House rose [Totals for session: 889.23; 88.23] 9.01 1.31

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116. Thursday 11 February 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.46 10.21 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.14 10.35 Urgent Question: Chris Bryant (asking); Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet 0.31 Office (John Penrose) (answering): Short Money and Policy Development Grant 11.06 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.48 11.54 Statement: Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): Junior Doctors 0.53 Contract 12.47 Points of Order: Tom Brake: Correction to Ministerial response to oral question 0.02 Diana Johnson: Meeting between the Prime Minister and constituents 12.49 Committee Statement: Mr Clive Betts (on behalf of the Communities and Local 0.18 Government Committee): Housing Associations and the Right to Buy 13.07 Committee Statement: Mr Bernard Jenkin (on behalf of the Public Administration 0.22 and Constitutional Affairs Committee): Future of the Union: English Votes for English Laws 13.29 Backbench Business: Equitable Life 0.00 13.29 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 13.29 Backbench Business: Equitable Life [Resumed] 0.32 14.01 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 14.01 Backbench Business: Equitable Life [Resumed] 1.14 15.15 Backbench Business: Recreational Sea Bass Fishing 0.00 15.15 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 15.15 Backbench Business: Recreational Sea Bass Fishing [Resumed] 1.01 16.16 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 16.16 Backbench Business: Recreational Sea Bass Fishing [Resumed] 0.45 0.01 17.01 Point of Order: Heidi Alexander: Correction to Ministerial statement 0.01 0.01 17.02 Adjournment: John Woodcock: Poppi Worthington 0.27 0.27 17.29 House rose [Totals for session: 897.22; 88.52] 7.59 0.29

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117. Monday 22 February 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Home Department 0.43 15.18 Topical Questions: Home Department 0.12 15.30 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): European Council 2.39 18.09 Points of Order: Luciana Berger: Request for Government statement on 0.04 publication of a report Alberto Costa: Parliamentary sovereignty across the UK 18.13 Second Reading: Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation 3.07 Plan) Bill Committed to a Committee of the whole House 21.20 Adjournment: Ian Blackford: Emergency Tug Vessels (West Coast of Scotland) 0.48 0.08 22.08 House rose [Totals for session: 905.00; 89.00] 7.38 0.08 118. Tuesday 23 February 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.17 12.37 Urgent Question: Luciana Berger (asking); Minister for Community and Social 0.44 Care (Alistair Burt) (answering): Mental Health Taskforce 13.21 Urgent Question: Chris Bryant (asking); Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet 0.35 Office (John Penrose) (answering): Short Money 13.56 Statement: Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport (Claire Perry): 0.23 Crossrail: Elizabeth Line 14.19 Points of Order: Alex Cunningham: Request for Government clarification on the 0.06 correct department to apply to for EU solidarity fund flood money Gavin Robinson: Request for Government response to Bombardier job losses Chris Bryant: Consultation of the Clerk of the House (as Accounting Officer) on Short Money Chris Bryant: Incorrect information in Government statement 14.25 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Geraint Davies: Air Quality (Diesel emissions in Urban 0.11 Centres) 14.36 Lords Amendments: Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Divisions] 3.46 18.22 Points of Order: David Mundell: Notification that he plans to make a statement to 0.05 the House on the Fiscal Framework Angus Robertson: Thank you to Scottish and UK Governments on reaching agreement on the Fiscal Framework Ian Murray: Timing of publication of Fiscal Framework David Mundell: Confirmation of publication of Fiscal Framework Mr Chuka Umunna: Postponement of scheduled backbench business debate 18.27 Lords Amendments: Education and Adoption Bill [Division] 0.56 0.23 19.23 Public Petition: Damian Collins: Election of FIFA President 0.04 0.04 19.27 Adjournment: Chris Skidmore: Waste Recycling: South Gloucestershire 0.22 0.22 19.49 House rose [Totals for session: 913.19; 89.49] 8.19 0.49

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119. Wednesday 24 February 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Wales 0.30 12.05 Questions: Prime Minister 0.34 12.39 Statement: Secretary of State for Scotland (David Mundell): Scotland’s Fiscal 0.39 Framework 13.18 Points of Order: Ian Blackford: Correction to Ministerial debate response 0.04 David Mundell: Acknowledgement of corrections 13.22 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Drew Hendry: Consumer Protection (Distance Selling 0.11 Delivery Charges) 13.33 Opposition day (19th allotted day): Transitional State Pension Arrangements for 1.05 Women 14.38 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 14.38 Opposition day (19th allotted day): Transitional State Pension Arrangements for 2.22 Women [Resumed] [Division] 17.00 Opposition day (19th allotted day): Police Funding, Crime and Community Safety 0.56 17.56 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00 17.56 Opposition day (19th allotted day): Police Funding, Crime and Community Safety 1.16 0.12 [Resumed] [Division] 19.12 Adjournment: Steve McCabe: Katie Road NHS Walk-in Centre 0.28 0.28 19.40 House rose [Totals for session: 921.29; 90.29] 8.10 0.40

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120. Thursday 25 February 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Attorney General 0.27 10.02 Questions: Women and Equalities 0.33 10.35 Urgent Question: Alex Cunningham (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of 0.30 State for Communities and Local Government (James Wharton) (answering): EU Solidarity Fund: Flooding 11.05 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.01 12.06 Points of Order: Joanna Cherry: Response to previous PoO by Alberto Costa. 0.07 Chris Law: Complaint against PM’s language in PMQs 12.13 General Debate: European Affairs 1.32 13.45 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 9 minutes 0.00 13.45 General Debate: European Affairs [Resumed] 1.08 14.53 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 8 minutes 0.00 14.53 General Debate: European Affairs [Resumed] 0.31 15.24 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 15.24 General Debate: European Affairs [Resumed] 1.24 16.48 Point of Order: Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Attendance of Foreign Secretary during 0.01 debate 16.49 General Debate: European Affairs [Resumed] 0.11 17.00 Points of Order: Mr Bernard Jenkin: Request for Government to make a statement 0.02 0.02 on ministerial access to EU related documents Mr Bernard Jenkin: Advice on how to raise urgent matter Alex Salmond: Purdah and ministerial access to EU related documents 17.02 Adjournment: Andrew Bingham: Transport: Glossop and High Peak 0.29 0.29 17.31 House rose [Totals for session: 929.30; 91.00] 8.01 0.31 121. Friday 26 February 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.04 09.34 Second Reading: Overseas Voters [PMB] 1.04 10.38 Second Reading: EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) Bill [PMB] 3.53 0.01 14.31 Adjournment: Andrew Gwynne: Planning Rules 0.27 0.27 14.58 House rose [Totals for session: 934.58; 91.28] 5.28 0.28

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122. Monday 29 February 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.46 15.21 Topical Questions: Defence 0.15 15.36 Urgent Question: Yvette Cooper (asking); Minister for Immigration (James 0.37 Brokenshire) (answering): Child Refugees: Calais 16.13 Urgent Question: Mr Bernard Jenkin (asking); Minister for the Cabinet Office and 0.48 Paymaster General (Matthew Hancock) (answering): EU Referendum: Civil Service Guidance 17.01 Points of Order: Mr Bernard Jenkin: Publication of Cabinet Office brief to civil 0.11 servants on conduct during the EU referendum campaign Mrs Anne Main: Definition of “may have a bearing” Matthew Hancock: Clarification on conduct of civil servants during the EU referendum campaign Nia Griffith: Government policy announcements to the House Kirsten Oswald: Quality of response from Minister to written questions Dr Liam Fox: Disclosure of documents to Ministers and the impact on answers to oral questions Michael Fabricant: Expression of admiration to Cabinet Office Minister 17.12 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Referendums [Division] 1.45 18.57 Opposition day (unallotted): UK Steel Industry 1.05 20.02 Speech Limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 7 minutes 0.00 20.02 Opposition day (unallotted): UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.37 20.39 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 20.39 Opposition day (unallotted): UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.51 21.30 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 21.30 Opposition day (unallotted): UK Steel Industry [Resumed] [Division] 0.39 0.09 22.09 Adjournment: Chris Stephens: Commonwealth War Graves Commission: Pension 0.27 0.27 Fund 22.36 House rose [Totals for session: 943.04; 92.04] 8.06 0.36

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123. Tuesday 1 March 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Treasury 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.17 12.37 Urgent Question: Jo Cox (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.49 Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Tobias Ellwood) (answering): Syria 13.26 Points of Order: Sir Edward Leigh: Attendance of Minister instead of Secretary of 0.05 State at UQ Mr Tom Watson: Government policy announcements to the House 13.31 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Mark Williams: Devolution (Bank Holidays) 0.11 (Wales) 13.42 Estimates Day (1st allotted day): The FCO and the Spending Review 2015 0.30 14.12 Point of Order: Sir Edward Leigh: Inability to debate estimates on Estimates day 0.01 14.13 Estimates Day (1st allotted day): The FCO and the Spending Review 2015 1.37 [Resumed] 15.50 Estimates Day (1st allotted day): Police Funding Formula 1.24 17.14 Point of Order: Mr Kevan Jones: Correction to Member’s speech 0.01 17.15 Estimates Day (1st allotted day): Police Funding Formula [Resumed] 1.32 18.47 Adjournment: Gavin Robinson: Bombardier: Job Losses (East Belfast) 0.31 0.18 19.18 House rose [Totals for session: 950.52; 92.22] 7.48 0.18 124. Wednesday 2 March 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Northern Ireland 0.58 12.33 Questions: Prime Minister 0.03 12.36 Urgent Question: Owen Smith (asking); Secretary of State for Work and Pensions 0.44 (Mr Iain Duncan Smith) (answering): State Pension Age 13.20 Urgent Question: Stuart C. McDonald (asking); Secretary of State for International 0.52 Development (Justine Greening) (answering): Humanitarian Crisis: Greece 14.12 Points of Order: Tom Brake: Request for progress update on Syria air strikes from 0.04 Prime Minister Alec Shelbrooke: Tribute to Tony Warren, Creator of Coronation Street 14.16 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr Jim Cunningham: Employment Status (Review) 0.12 14.28 Estimates Day (2nd allotted day): The Science Budget 1.24 15.52 Estimates Day (2nd allotted day): End of Life Care 2.14 18.06 Point of Order: Pete Wishart: Inability to debate estimates on Estimates Day 0.01 18.07 Lords Amendments: Consideration of Lords Message: Welfare Reform and Work 1.26 0.33 Bill [Divisions] 19.33 Estimates Day (2nd allotted day): Deferred Questions [Division] 0.15 0.15 19.48 Adjournment: Gareth Johnson: Dog Theft: Sentencing 0.22 0.22 20.10 House rose [Totals for session: 959.32; 93.32] 8.40 1.10

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125. Thursday 3 March 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.36 10.11 Topical Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.12 10.23 Questions: Leader of the House (5); House of Commons Commission (9) 0.14 10.37 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.03 11.40 Point of Order: Melanie Onn: Correction to Minister’s speech in a DL Committee 0.03 11.43 Backbench Business: Gangs and Serious Youth Violence 2.15 13.58 Points of Order: Nia Griffith: Attendance of Secretary of State for Wales in the 0.03 Chamber before Backbench Business debate on Welsh Affairs Wayne David: Attendance of Secretary of State at St David’s Day reception Alun Cairns: Availability of Secretary of State 14.01 Backbench Business: Welsh Affairs 0.48 14.49 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 9 minutes 0.00 14.49 Backbench Business: Welsh Affairs [Resumed] 2.11 17.00 Adjournment: Keith Vaz: Diabetes Care 0.30 0.30 17.30 House rose [Totals for session: 967.32; 94.02] 8.00 0.30 126. Friday 4 March 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.04 09.34 Private Member’s Motion: Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private 0.01 09.35 Point of Order: Meg Hillier: Correction to Chancellor of the Exchequer’s response 0.01 to an oral question 09.36 Third Reading: House of Commons Members’ Fund (No. 2) Bill [PMB] 0.18 09.54 Third Reading: Driving Instructors (Registration) Bill [PMB] 0.16 10.10 Second Reading: Illegal Immigrants (Criminal Sanctions) Bill [PMB] 2.28 12.38 Second Reading: European Parliament Elections Bill [PMB] 1.09 13.47 Point of Order: Stephen Pound: Question over whether tedious and needless 0.01 repetition is allowed in the Chamber 13.48 Second Reading: Football Governance (Supporters’ Participation) Bill [PMB] 0.46 0.04 14.34 Adjournment: Mr Graham Allen: Citizens Convention on Democracy 0.30 0.30 15.04 House rose [Totals for session: 973.06; 94.36] 5.34 0.34

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127. Monday 7 March 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Education 0.43 15.18 Topical Questions: Education 0.16 15.34 Urgent Question: Mr Alistair Carmichael (asking); Secretary of State for Defence 0.47 (Michael Fallon) (answering): Royal Naval Deployment: Mediterranean 16.21 Point of Order: Ian Austin: Quality of answer from Department of Health to 0.04 written question 16.25 Second Reading: Policing and Crime Bill [PBC] 4.22 20.47 Adjournment: Mark Pawsey: Medical Centre (Brownsover) 0.33 21.20 House rose [Totals for session: 979.56; 94.36] 6.50 0.00 128. Tuesday 8 March 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Justice 0.43 12.18 Topical Questions: Justice 0.16 12.34 Points of Order: Wayne David: Attendance of Secretary of State for Wales on St 0.05 David’s Day during a debate on Welsh Affairs in the Chamber Alun Cairns: Availability of Secretary of State for Wales Jo Cox: Request for Government progress update on Syria Michael Fabricant: Apology for unseemly language in the Chamber 12.39 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Will Quince: Driving Licence (Mandatory First Aid 0.09 Training) 12.48 Consideration (1st allocated day): Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 3.16 16.04 Backbench Business: International Women’s Day 2016 0.27 16.31 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 4 minutes 0.00 16.31 Backbench Business: International Women’s Day 2016 [Resumed] 1.05 17.36 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 17.36 Backbench Business: International Women’s Day 2016 [Resumed] 1.24 19.00 Point of Order: Mrs Maria Miller: Advice on how to get longer backbench 0.01 0.01 business debates 19.01 Public Petitions: Kevin Barron: Tobacco levy 0.03 0.03 Peter Aldous: Third Crossing (Lowestoft) 19.04 Adjournment: George Kerevan: Hinckley Point C Reactor 0.29 0.29 19.33 House rose [Totals for session: 987.59; 95.09] 8.03 0.33

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129. Wednesday 9 March 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Cabinet Office 0.20 11.55 Topical Questions: Cabinet Office 0.08 12.03 Questions: Prime Minister 0.34 12.37 Urgent Question: John Redwood (asking); Minister for Europe (Mr David 1.02 Lidington) (answering): EU-Turkey Agreement 13.39 Statement: Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): NHS: Learning from 0.56 mistakes 14.35 Point of Order: Dr Liam Fox: Request for Government clarification on the Head of 0.01 Government statement 14.36 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Liz Saville Roberts: Criminal Offences (Misuse of 0.13 Digital Technologies and Services) (Consolidation) Bill 14.49 Point of Order: Sir Edward Leigh: Announcement that the Procedure Committee is 0.01 conducting an inquiry into the Speaker’s ability to extend debates 14.50 Consideration (2nd allocated day): Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Division] 3.16 18.06 Point of Order: Ms Angela Eagle: Request for Government to abandon plans to 0.01 extend Sunday trading hours 18.07 Suspension 0.05 18.12 Consideration (2nd allocated day): Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] 0.01 18.13 Point of Order: Pete Wishart: Clarification on proceedings 0.01 18.14 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W and E): Enterprise Bill [Lords] 0.01 18.15 Point of Order: Mrs Madeleine Moon: Clarification on whether the LGC is E&W 0.01 or E 18.16 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W and E): Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] 0.01 18.17 Third Reading: Enterprise Bill [Lords] 0.11 18.28 Point of Order: Kevin Brennan: Clarification on meaning of amendment 0.01 18.29 Third Reading: Enterprise Bill [Lords] 0.21 18.50 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Immigration [Division] 0.14 0.04 19.04 Public Petition: James Cartlidge: Improved mobile telephone signal in South 0.01 0.01 Suffolk 19.05 Adjournment: John Mann: Pilgrim Fathers (400th Anniversary) 0.29 0.29 19.34 House rose [Totals for session: 996.03; 95.43] 8.04 0.34

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130. Thursday 10 March 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Transport 0.43 10.18 Topical Questions: Transport 0.18 10.36 Urgent Question: Greg Mulholland (asking); Minister for Small Business, Industry 0.22 and Enterprise (Anna Soubry) (answering): Pubs Code Adjudicator 10.58 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.59 11.57 Statement: Minister for Skills (Nick Boles): Apprenticeships 0.47 12.44 Committee of the whole House: Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and 3.02 Implementation Plan) Bill 15.46 Third Reading: Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) 0.16 Bill 16.02 Point of Order: Mr James Gray: Notification that he would not move the 0.01 backbench debate, scheduled to follow the third reading of the NI Bill 16.03 Third Reading: Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) 0.28 Bill [Resumed] 16.31 Public Petition: Robert Jenrick: Newark Free School 0.03 16.34 Adjournment: James Cartlidge: Flexible Ticketing: Rail Transport 0.38 0.12 17.12 House rose [Totals for session: 1003.45; 95.55] 7.42 0.12 131. Friday 11 March 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.04 09.34 Private Member’s Motion: Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private 0.01 09.35 Second Reading: Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the UK) Bill [PMB] 3.26 13.01 Point of Order: Caroline Lucas: Length of debate on PMB which is likely to be 0.05 withdrawn Philip Davies: Advice on closure motion Dr Philippa Whitford: Complaint about filibustering Owen Thompson: Inefficacy of PMBs and PMB Friday sittings 13.06 Second Reading: Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the UK) Bill [PMB] 1.07 [Resumed] [Division] 14.13 Second Reading: National Health Service Bill [PMB] 0.24 0.07 14.37 Adjournment: Mr Gavin Shuker: Luton Railway Station 0.20 0.20 14.57 House rose [Totals for session: 1009.12; 96.22] 5.27 0.27

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132. Monday 14 March 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Work and Pensions 0.44 15.19 Topical Questions: Work and Pensions 0.14 15.33 Urgent Question: Tom Watson (asking); Lord President of the Council (Chris 0.22 Grayling) (answering): EU Referendum (Privy Council) 15.55 Point of Order: Mrs Anne Main: Quality of answers to written questions 0.04 15.59 Consideration: Energy Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 4.22 20.21 Suspension 0.04 20.25 Consideration: Energy Bill [Lords] [Resumed] 0.02 20.27 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W): Energy Bill [Lords] 0.02 20.29 Third Reading: Energy Bill [Lords] 0.48 21.17 Public Petition: Helen Hayes: Appropriate mental health treatment for Mathew 0.01 Garnett 21.18 Adjournment: Mr Liddell-Grainger: Commonwealth Day 0.53 0.11 22.11 House rose [Totals for session: 1016.53; 96.33] 7.41 0.11

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133. Tuesday 15 March 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.40 12.15 Topical Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.20 12.35 Urgent Question: Hilary Benn (asking); Secretary of State for Foreign and 0.41 Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Philip Hammond) (answering): Syria: Russian Redeployment and the Peace Process 13.16 Points of Order: Mr David Davis: Advice on how to get extra time to debate a Bill 0.05 on the floor Andrew Griffiths: Declaration of interest Paul Flynn: Clarification of rules regarding reading lists of name in the Chamber 13.21 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Caroline Flint: Multinational Enterprises (Financial 0.09 Transparency) 13.30 Point of Order: Sir Edward Leigh: Interception of communications of MPs 0.01 13.31 Second Reading: Investigatory Powers Bill [PBC] 1.22 14.53 Speech Limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 8 minutes 0.00 14.53 Second Reading: Investigatory Powers Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 1.46 16.39 Speech Limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 4 minutes 0.00 16.39 Second Reading: Investigatory Powers Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 1.45 18.24 Speech Limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 18.24 Second Reading: Investigatory Powers Bill [Resumed] [Division] [PBC] 0.49 0.13 19.13 Affirmative Statutory Instrument: Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism 0.53 0.53 20.06 Public Petition: Royston Smith: Speed limit in Southampton, Itchen 0.01 0.01 20.07 Adjournment: Martin Docherty-Hughes: Clydebank Blitz Anniversary 0.28 0.28 20.35 House rose [Totals for session: 1025.58; 98.08] 9.05 1.35

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Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

134. Wednesday 16 March 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: International Development 0.18 11.53 Topical Questions: International Development 0.08 12.01 Questions: Prime Minister 0.32 12.33 Ways and Means: Financial Statement 1.06

13.39 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] 0.38 14.17 Speech Limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 10 minutes 0.00

14.17 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] [Resumed] 1.52 16.09 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 9 minutes 0.00

16.09 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] [Resumed] 1.07 17.16 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 8 minutes 0.00

17.16 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] [Resumed] 0.33 17.49 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 7 minutes 0.00

17.49 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] [Resumed] 1.12 0.01 19.01 Adjournment: Craig Williams: Commonwealth Games: England 0.29 0.29 19.30 House rose [Totals for session: 1033.58; 98.38] 8.00 0.30 135. Thursday 17 March 2016 09.30 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.40 10.10 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.10 10.20 Questions: Church Commissioners (11); Public Accounts Commission (3) 0.14 10.34 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.55 11.29 Statement: Secretary of State for Wales (Stephen Crabb): Macur Review 0.41

nd 12.10 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [2 allotted day] 1.18 13.28 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 8 minutes 0.00

nd 13.28 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [2 allotted day] [Resumed] 0.37 14.05 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00

nd 14.05 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [2 allotted day] [Resumed] 1.49 15.54 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00

nd 15.54 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [2 allotted day] [Resumed] 0.11 16.05 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00

nd 16.05 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [2 allotted day] [Resumed] 0.56 0.01 17.01 Adjournment: Jon Cruddas: School Places (Barking and Dagenham) 0.25 0.25 17.26 House rose [Totals for session: 1041.54; 99.04] 7.56 0.26

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 81 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

136. Monday 21 March 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.40 15.15 Topical Questions: Communities and Local Government 0.15 15.30 Urgent Question: John McDonnell (asking); Financial Secretary to the Treasury 0.45 (Mr David Gauke) (answering): Budget Changes 16.15 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): European Council 1.16 17.31 Statement: Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Stephen Crabb): Welfare 1.05 18.36 Points of Order: Owen Smith: Clarification to Budget Statement 0.10 Yvette Copper: Request for Chancellor to make a statement to the House Rachel Reeves: Request for Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to speak to disabled people in his constituency Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Request to extend the length of HS2 debate

rd 18.46 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [3 allotted day] 0.39 19.25 Speech limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 5 minutes 0.00

rd 19.25 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [3 allotted day] [Resumed] 1.30 20.55 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00

rd 20.55 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [3 allotted day] [Resumed] 0.15 21.10 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00

rd 21.10 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [3 allotted day] [Resumed] 0.50 22.00 Points of Order: Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Possibility to object to business of the House 0.01 0.01 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Guidance on how to raise further objections to business of the House 22.01 Adjournment: Paula Sheriff: Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 0.29 0.29 22.30 House rose [Totals for session: 1049.54; 99.34] 8.00 0.30

82 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

137. Tuesday 22 March 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Health 0.43 12.18 Topical Questions: Health 0.16 12.34 Points of Order: Mr Pat McFadden: Request for statement from the Prime Minister 0.11 on the Brussels terrorist attacks Bill Esterton: Request for the Government to make aircraft carriers provide reduced cost flights to UK citizens in Brussels who wish to return to the UK Geraint Davies: Settlement in Government vs. ClientEarth case at the Supreme Court Mr Iain Wright: Request for advice on witnesses who refuse to give evidence to a select committee Mr Dennis Skinner: Advice on witnesses who refuse to give evidence to a select committee Mr David Winnick: Advice that those found in contempt of the House of Commons could appear at the bar of the House as precedent dictates 12.45 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Wes Streeting: Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Operators 0.12 (Regulation)

th 12.57 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [4 allotted day] 1.29 14.26 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00

th 14.26 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [4 allotted day] [Resumed] 2.35 17.01 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00

th 17.01 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [4 allotted day] [Resumed] 0.36 17.37 Speech limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00

th 17.37 Ways and Means: Budget Resolutions [4 allotted day] [Resumed] [Divisions] 2.23 1.00 20.00 Point of Order: Mr Peter Lilley: Extent of the House’s power to affect taxation 0.02 0.02 20.02 Adjournment: Jake Berry: Breast Ironing 0.28 0.28 20.30 House rose [Totals for session: 1058.54; 101.04] 9.00 1.30

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 83 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

138. Wednesday 23 March 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Scotland 0.30 12.05 Questions: Prime Minister 0.35 12.40 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 1.10 Brussels Terrorist Attacks 13.50 Points of Order: Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Delayed publication of HS2 report and 0.15 amount of time to respond Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Time dedicated to HS2 debate Mrs Caroline Spelman: Time to debate amendments to HS2 report Mr Dominic Grieve: Notification that his name should have been added to some of the amendments to the HS2 report Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Clarification that a division on the HS2 Amendments would be counted within the programmed time for debate Robert Goodwill: Agreement of the Business of the House motion re. HS2 bill Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Confirmation of personal objection to Business of the House motion 14.05 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Norman Lamb: Cannabis (Legalisation and Regulation) 0.11 14.16 Consideration: High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill [Divisions] 2.23 16.39 Third Reading: High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill 0.08 16.47 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 3 minutes 0.00 16.47 Third Reading: High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill [Resumed] 0.47 [Division] 17.34 Points of Order: Heidi Alexander: Request for statement from DH on the 0.04 escalation of the industrial action of junior doctors Sir Edward Leigh: Amount of time on HS2 third reading debate Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Procedure Committee and the hybrid bill procedure Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Clarification on House procedures in light of EVEL 17.38 Lords Amendments: Scotland Bill 0.40 18.18 Points of Order: Sir William Cash: Query over legitimacy of succeeding debate on 0.06 Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 Sir William Cash: Reminder of rules set out in the Ministerial Code John Redwood: Inaccuracies in ministerial speeches 18.24 Government Motion: Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1.14 0.38 1993 [Division] 19.38 Public Petition: Valerie Vaz: HMRC closure Walsall 0.01 0.01 19.39 Adjournment: Mr Stephen Hepburn: Construction Companies (Fatal Accidents) 0.24 0.24 20.03 House rose [Totals for session: 1067.27; 102.07] 8.33 1.03

84 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

139. Thursday 24 March 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.44 10.19 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.14 10.33 Urgent Question: Heidi Alexander (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of 0.39 State for Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): Junior Doctors: Industrial Action 11.12 Business Statement: Deputy Leader of the House 0.49 12.01 Points of Order: Mr Barry Sheerman: Advice on how to raise security concerns 0.08 within the House Liz McInnes: Language used in Chamber Alberto Costa: Observation that SNP has not mentioned that 24/03/16 was to be day Scotland became independent Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Correction to another Member’s point of order Dr Julian Lewis: Expression of support for 23 June to become the UK’s independence day Chris Stephens: Response to named day questions 12.09 Backbench Business: Helen Hayes: Court Closures 1.21 13.30 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 8 minutes 0.00 13.30 Backbench Business: Helen Hayes: Court Closures [Resumed] 1.37 15.07 Backbench Business: Bob Blackman: Easter Adjournment 0.14 15.21 Speech Limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 10 minutes 0.00 15.21 Backbench Business: Bob Blackman: Easter Adjournment [Resumed] 1.39 17.00 Adjournment: Johnny Mercer: Charities: Veterans Care Sector 0.30 0.30 17.30 House rose [Totals for session: 1075.27; 102.37] 8.00 0.30

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 85 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

140. Monday 11 April 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Home Department 0.44 15.19 Topical Questions: Home Department 0.15 15.34 Statement: Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): Panama Papers 1.27 17.01 Statement: Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Sajid Javid): UK 1.18 Steel Industry 18.19 Statement: Minister for Europe (Mr David Lidington): Government Referendum 1.19 leaflet 19.38 S.O. No. 24 Application: Ms Angela Eagle: TATA and the UK Steel Industry 0.04 19.42 Points of Order: Paula Sherriff: Official visits to constituencies by other Members 0.14 without notice to the constituency Member James Cleverly: Notification of a former MP claiming to be a former Government Minister Kirsten Oswald: Guidance on poor quality Government responses Mrs Anne Main: Request to correct alleged error on the Government Referendum leaflet Alex Cunningham: Request for Government statement on closure of energy plants in Teeside Dr Julian Lewis: Announcement of the number of signatures to a petition against the Government referendum leaflet Diana Johnson: Impact of an emergency debate on parliamentary business 19.56 Second Reading: Finance (No. 2) Bill [Division] 3.21 1.17 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 23.17 Adjournment: Dr Andrew Murrison: Upper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage 0.27 0.27 23.44 House rose [Totals for session: 1084.41; 104.21] 9.14 1.44

86 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

141. Tuesday 12 April 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.16 12.36 Points of Order: Luciana Berger: Request for Government clarification on the 0.05 number of children who have died in psychiatric units Alistair Burt: Confirmation that the Government is investigating the number of children who have died in psychiatric units Mr Peter Bone: Attendance of the Secretary of State for the FCO at Questions Sir Peter Bottomley: Authority of different types of Ministers 12.41 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Nigel Adams: Events and Festivals (Control of Flares, 0.10 Fireworks and Smoke Bombs Etc.) 12.51 S.O. No. 24 Debate: Ms Angela Eagle: UK Steel Industry 0.53 13.44 Speech Limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 6 minutes 0.00 13.44 S.O. No. 24 Debate: Ms Angela Eagle: UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.31 14.15 Speech Limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 14.15 S.O. No. 24 Debate: Ms Angela Eagle: UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 1.13 15.28 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 15.28 S.O. No. 24 Debate: Ms Angela Eagle: UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.23 15.51 Backbench Business: Contaminated Blood 3.00 18.51 Consideration: Transport for London Bill [Lords] 1.33 1.24 20.24 Third Reading: Transport for London Bill [Lords] 0.37 0.37 21.01 Adjournment: Angela Smith: Road and Rail Links: Sheffield and Manchester 0.29 0.29 21.30 House rose [Totals for session: 1094.41; 106.51] 10.00 2.30

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 87 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

142. Wednesday 13 April 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Wales 0.29 12.04 Questions: Prime Minister 0.34 12.38 Points of Order: Tom Brake: Request for quarterly progress update on Syrian air 0.07 strikes Paul Blomfield: Request for information from BIS on closure of Sheffield BIS site Jake Berry: Whether PM intends to make a statement on the Chilcot inquiry report in w/c 18.04.16 12.45 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Joan Ryan: Improvement of Rail Passenger Services 0.10 (Use of Disruption Payments) 12.55 Opposition day (unallotted): Tax Avoidance and Evasion 2.10 15.05 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 15.05 Opposition day (unallotted): Tax Avoidance and Evasion [Resumed] [Division] 1.11 16.16 Opposition day (unallotted): Schools White Paper 0.22 16.38 Speech Limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 5 minutes 0.00 16.38 Opposition day (unallotted): Schools White Paper [Resumed] 1.16 17.54 Speech Limit: Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 3 minutes 0.00 17.54 Opposition day (unallotted): Schools White Paper [Resumed] [Divisions] 1.32 0.26 19.26 Public Petition: Mark Pawsey: Post office closures in Long Lawford and 0.01 0.01 Bulkington 19.27 Adjournment: Karl McCartney: Economic Value of Golf 0.26 0.26 19.53 House rose [Totals for session: 1103.04; 107.44] 8.23 0.53 143. Thursday 14 April 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Attorney General 0.25 10.00 Questions: Women and Equalities 0.32 10.32 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.57 11.29 Points of Order: Vicky Foxcroft: Quality of Government responses 0.03 Chris Grayling: Confirmation of a meeting with Vicky Foxcroft about youth violence Chris Bryant: Advice on how to correct Minister’s speech 11.32 Backbench Business: Report 2.22 13.54 Backbench Business: BBC: Diversity 3.04 16.58 Adjournment: Kate Osamor: Homelessness: Edmonton 0.26 0.24 17.24 House rose [Totals for session: 1110.58; 108.08] 7.54 0.24

88 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

144. Monday 18 April 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Defence 0.46 15.21 Topical Questions: Defence 0.16 15.37 Urgent Question: Heidi Alexander (asking); Secretary of State for Health (Mr 0.57 Jeremy Hunt) (answering): Junior Doctors Contract 16.34 Point of Order: Ian C. Lucas: Request for House to contact Peruvian Government 0.03 over missing man 16.37 Committee Statement: Mr Bernard Jenkin (on behalf of the Public Administration 0.18 and Constitutional Affairs Committee): Appointment of the Commissioner for Public Appointments 16.55 Committee Statement: Mr Charles Walker (on behalf of the Procedure 0.26 Committee): Private Members’ Bills 17.21 Backbench Business: National Living Wage 2.26 19.47 Backbench Business: Educational Attainment: Yorkshire and the Humber 2.13 22.00 Adjournment: Jim Fitzpatrick: Electoral Fraud: Tower Hamlets 0.27 0.27 22.27 House rose [Totals for session: 1118.55; 108.35] 7.57 0.27 145. Tuesday 19 April 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Treasury 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Treasury 0.17 12.37 Statement: Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Philip 1.10 Hammond): Libya 13.47 Point of Order: Andrew Gwynne: Praise for work of Commons library 0.01 13.48 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mrs Anne Main: Farm Produce (Labelling 0.09 Requirements) 13.57 Consideration: Bank of England and Financial Services Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 4.04 18.01 Third Reading: Bank of England and Financial Services Bill [Lords] [Division] 0.44 18.45 Public Petition: Gavin Williamson: Green belt land between Great Wyrley and 0.02 Cheslyn Hay 18.47 Adjournment: Robert Jenrick: UK citizens returning from fighting Daesh 0.40 0.27 19.27 House rose [Totals for session: 1126.52; 109.02] 7.57 0.27

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 89 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

146. Wednesday 20 April 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Northern Ireland 0.59 12.34 Questions: Prime Minister 0.03 12.37 Urgent Question: Andy Burnham (asking); Secretary of State for the Home 0.33 Department (Mrs Theresa May) (answering): Border Force Budget 2016-17 13.10 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Roger Mullin: Forensic Linguistics (Standards) 0.10 13.20 Lords Amendments: Energy Bill [Lords] [Division] 1.16 14.36 Backbench Business: Daesh: Genocide of Minorities 0.24 15.00 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 8 minutes 0.00 15.00 Backbench Business: Daesh: Genocide of Minorities [Resumed] 1.21 16.21 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 16.21 Backbench Business: Daesh: Genocide of Minorities [Resumed] [Division] 1.04 17.25 Backbench Business: Record Copies of Act 0.16 17.41 Speech Limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 17.41 Backbench Business: Record Copies of Act [Resumed] 0.43 18.24 Speech Limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 18.24 Backbench Business: Record Copies of Act [Resumed] [Division] 0.46 0.10 19.10 Point of Order: Ronnie Cowan: Difference between vellum and vellum paper 0.01 0.01 19.11 Public Petition: Jeremy Lefroy: Sports pitches at Shugborough Hall, Staffordshire 0.02 0.02 19.13 Adjournment: Stella Creasy: Butterfields Estate 0.27 0.27 19.40 House rose [Totals for session: 1135.02; 109.42] 8.10 0.40 147. Thursday 21 April 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.32 10.07 Topical Questions: Culture, Media and Sport 0.12 10.19 Questions: Leader of the House (10); House of Commons Commission (6) 0.16 10.35 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.43 11.18 Address: 90th Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen 1.57 13.15 Adjournment: Peter Aldous: Common Fisheries Policy (Article 17) 0.27 13.42 House rose [Totals for session: 1139.14; 109.42] 4.12 0.00

90 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

148. Monday 25 April 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Education 0.44 15.19 Topical Questions: Education 0.17 15.36 Urgent Question: Emily Thornberry (asking); Minister for Defence Procurement 0.42 (Mr Philip Dunne) (answering): Shipbuilding on the Clyde 16.18 Statement: Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): Junior Doctors 1.20 Contract 17.38 Statement: Minister for Small Business, Industry and Enterprise (Anna Soubry): 0.41 BHS 18.19 Points of Order: Carol Monaghan: Language used in Chamber 0.07 Sue Hayman: Correction to response of PM at PMQs 18.26 Lords Amendments: Immigration Bill 2.33 20.59 Speech Limit: Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 20.59 Lords Amendments: Immigration Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 1.39 0.38 22.38 Point of Order: Mrs Helen Grant: Declaration of interest 0.01 0.01 22.39 Adjournment: Mr Gareth Thomas: Nepal earthquake: First anniversary 0.30 0.30 23.09 House rose [Totals for session: 1147.53; 110.51] 8.39 1.09 149. Tuesday 26 April 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Justice 0.45 12.20 Topical Questions: Justice 0.14 12.34 Urgent Question: Mr Alistair Carmichael (asking); The Attorney General (Jeremy 1.01 Wright) (answering): European Convention on Human Rights: UK Membership 13.35 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Mr David Hanson: House of Lords Reform (Exclusion 0.11 of Hereditary Peers) 13.46 Programme Motion: Policing and Crime Bill (Programme) (No. 2) 0.02 13.48 Consideration: Policing and Crime Bill [Divisions] 5.39 0.27 19.27 Public Petition: Mr Virendra Sharma: Ealing Hospital and the Shaping a Healthier 0.02 0.02 Future programme 19.29 Adjournment: Mr David Winnick: All Saints National Academy, Walsall 0.21 0.21 19.50 House rose [Totals for session: 1156.13; 111.41] 8.20 0.50

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 91 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

150. Wednesday 27 April 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: Cabinet Office 0.20 11.55 Topical Questions: Cabinet Office 0.09 12.04 Questions: Prime Minister 0.35 12.39 Statement: Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 1.55 Hillsborough 14.34 Points of Order: Naz Shah: Apology for alleged anti-Semitism 0.07 Alex Salmond: Correction to PM’s response during PMQs Tom Brake: Advice on forcing a division Sir Peter Bottomley: Origin of steel in the Forth crossing 14.41 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Tom Brake: Landlord and Tenant (Reform) 0.10 14.51 Consideration: Trade Union Bill [Divisions] 2.54 17.45 House rose [Totals for session: 1162.28; 111.41] 6.15 0.00 151. Thursday 28 April 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Transport 0.44 10.19 Topical Questions: Transport 0.16 10.35 Urgent Question: Mr Bernard Jenkin (asking); Minister for Skills (Nick Boles) 0.40 (answering): Trade Union Bill (Discussions) 11.15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.58 12.13 Backbench Business: World Autism Awareness Week 0.21 12.34 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 12.34 Backbench Business: World Autism Awareness Week [Resumed] 1.08 13.42 Speech Limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 13.42 Backbench Business: World Autism Awareness Week [Resumed] 1.56 15.38 Backbench Business: HMRC: Building our Future Plan 1.21 16.59 Adjournment: Mr David Lammy: Mental Health Services: Haringey 0.33 0.32 17.32 House rose [Totals for session: 1170.30; 112.13] 8.02 0.32

92 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

152. Tuesday 3 May 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.47 15.22 Topical Questions: Business, Innovation and Skills 0.14 15.36 Urgent Question: Jo Cox (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.49 Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Tobias Ellwood) (answering): Aleppo 16.25 Urgent Question: Luciana Berger (asking); Minister for Community and Social 0.14 Care (Alistair Burt) (answering): Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust 16.39 Points of Order: Michael Fabricant: Practice of not applauding in the Chamber 0.28 Dr Julian Lewis: Frequency of applauding in the Chamber Kate Green: whether the Government intends to make a statement on the Citizens Advice report on pregnancy and maternity discrimination Caroline Lucas: Request for Home Secretary to make a statement on the surveillance of Green Party members 17.07 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Caroline Lucas: Transparency and Accountability 0.21 (European Union) 17.28 Lords Amendments: Housing and Planning Bill [Divisions] 3.42 21.10 Point of Order: Sir Peter Bottomley: Clarification of Bill text regarding possible 0.01 powers to propose SIs 21.11 Lords Amendments: Housing and Planning Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 1.20 0.31 22.31 Public Petition: Alec Shelbrooke: Closure of Garforth Clinic 0.02 0.02 22.33 Adjournment: Maria Caulfield: Letting Agent Fees and Deposits: Private Rented 0.25 0.25 Sector 22.58 House rose [Totals for session: 1178.58; 113.11] 8.28 0.58

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 93 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

153. Wednesday 4 May 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Questions: International Development 0.24 11.59 Topical Questions: International Development 0.06 12.05 Questions: Prime Minister 0.36 12.41 Urgent Question: Mrs Anne Main (asking); Minister for Immigration (James 0.36 Brokenshire) (answering): Dublin System: Asylum 13.17 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Tom Blenkinsop: Town and Country Planning 0.08 (Electricity Generating Consent) 13.25 Point of Order: Dr Alan Whitehead: Request for Secretary for Energy and Climate 0.01 Change to make a statement to the House 13.26 Opposition Day (unallotted): NHS Bursaries 1.07 14.33 Speech limit: Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 14.33 Opposition Day (unallotted): NHS Bursaries [Resumed] [Division] 2.05 16.38 Backbench Business: Education Funding in London 2.14 18.52 Public Petitions: Tom Pursglove: Children’s Centre Services in Corby 0.03 Caroline Ansell: Bowel cancer screening 18.55 Adjournment: Andrew Gwynne: Taxi Licensing Regulations 0.34 0.29 19.29 House rose [Totals for session: 1186.57; 113.40] 7.59 0.29 154. Thursday 5 May 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.31 10.06 Topical Questions: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.11 10.17 Questions: Church Commissioners 0.15 10.32 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.36 11.08 Backbench Business: Voluntary Sector: Faith organisations 1.41 12.49 Adjournment: Fiona Bruce: Human Rights (Burundi) 0.31 13.20 House rose [Totals for session: 1190.47; 113.40] 3.50 0.00

94 SESSION 2015–16

Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

155. Monday 9 May 2016 14.30 Prayers 0.05 14.35 Questions: Work and Pensions 0.49 15.24 Topical Questions: Work and Pensions 0.15 15.39 Urgent Question: Andy Slaughter (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of 0.39 State for Justice (Andrew Selous) (answering): Safety in custody and violence in prisons 16.18 Statement: Secretary of State for Education (Nicky Morgan): Educational 1.04 Excellence Everywhere: Academies 17.22 Points of Order: Karl Turner: Request for advice on challenging allegations made 0.04 by the Leader of the House Michael Fabricant: Request for information regarding House preparations in the event war breaks out in Europe following a vote to leave the EU 17.26 Backbench Business: BIS Sheffield/Government Departments outside London 1.58 19.24 Lords Amendments: Consideration of Lords Message: Energy Bill [Lords] 0.41 [Division] 20.05 Lords Amendments: Consideration of Lords Message: Housing and Planning Bill 1.33 [Divisions] 21.38 Lords Amendments: Consideration of Lords Message: Immigration Bill [Division] 1.13 0.51 22.51 Public Petitions: Nic Dakin: Community pharmacies 0.02 0.02 Rebecca Pow: Wellington Railway Station 22.53 Adjournment: Mr Christopher Chope: European Convention on Human Rights 0.30 0.30 23.23 House rose [Totals for session: 1199.40; 115.03] 8.53 1.23 156. Tuesday 10 May 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Health 0.41 10.16 Topical Questions: Health 0.20 10.36 Urgent Question: Yvette Cooper (asking); Minister for Immigration (James 0.41 Brokenshire) (answering): Child Refugee Resettlement 11.17 Statement: Minister for Schools (Mr Nick Gibb): Key Stage 2 Tests 0.40 11.57 Points of Order: Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Locus standi and HS2 0.05 Mr Robert Goodwill: Application of locus standi Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Spirit of locus standi 12.02 Ten Minute Rule Motion: Craig Mackinlay: Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses 0.16 Act 1847 (Amendment) 12.18 Backbench Business: Universal Credit (Children) 1.52 14.10 Public Petition: Tom Brake: Withdrawal of the Housing and Planning Bill 0.02 14.12 Adjournment: Valerie Vaz: HMRC Office Closure (Walsall) 0.26 14.38 House rose [Totals for session: 1204.48; 115.03] 5.08 0.00

PART I: DIARY FOR HOUSE 95 Time Subject Duration After appoin- ted time

157. Wednesday 11 May 2016 11.30 Prayers 0.05 11.35 Speaker’s Statement: Queen’s response to birthday message 0.01 11.36 Questions: Scotland 0.28 12.04 Questions: Prime Minister 0.40 12.44 Urgent Question: (asking); Secretary of State for Culture, Media and 0.40 Sport (Mr John Whittingdale) (answering): White Paper on the BBC Charter 13.24 Lords Amendments: Consideration of Lords Message: Housing and Planning Bill 0.33 [Division] 13.57 Lords Amendments: Armed Forces Bill 0.13 14.10 Backbench Business: Pensions Uprating (UK Pensioners Living Overseas) 1.22 15.32 Point of Order: Mr Charles Walker: Request for how to bring something to the 0.01 attention of the House 15.33 Suspension 0.52 16.25 Adjournment: Sir David Amess: Train Services: Southend 1.02 17.27 House rose [Totals for session: 1210.45; 115.03] 5.57 0.00 158. Thursday 12 May 2016 09.30 Prayers 0.05 09.35 Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.45 10.20 Topical Questions: Energy and Climate Change 0.15 10.35 Urgent Question: John Redwood (asking); Minister for Immigration (James 0.44 Brokenshire) (answering): EU Migrants: National Insurance Numbers 11.19 Statement: Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (Mr John 1.40 Whittingdale): BBC 12.59 Points of Order: Karl Turner: Clarification on the use of Government statements in 0.16 party political campaigning Mr David Davis: Implication of making unfounded allegations in the House Diana Johnson: Timeline of next quarterly update on Syria and the UK’s military involvement Tom Brake: Advice on alternatives to a Government statement on Syria and the UK’s military involvement 13.15 Suspension 0.02 13.17 Message to attend Lords Commissioners; Suspension 0.31 13.48 House rose [Totals for session: 1215.03; 115.03] 4.18 0.00

96 SESSION 2015–16

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 1: Addresses other than Prayers 27 May 15 [1st day] 1.56 27 May 15 [1st day] [Resumed] 5.27 3.00 28 May 15 [2nd day] 5.48 1 Jun 15 [3rd day] 6.55 2 Jun 15 [4th day] 6.24 3 Jun 15 [5th day] 1.15 3 Jun 15 [5th day] [Resumed] [Division] 4.12 0.17 4 Jun 15 [6th day] 0.33 4 Jun 15 [6th day] [Resumed] 0.20 4 Jun 15 [6th day] [Resumed] [Divisions] 4.30 0.44 21 Apr 16 90th Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen 1.57 Totals: 39.17 4.01 2a: Government Bills: Read a second time and committed to Public Bill Committee 22 Jun 15 Education and Adoption Bill [Division] [PBC] 5.28 0.11 20 Jul 15 Welfare Reform and Work Bill [PBC] 0.22 20 Jul 15 Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 0.37 20 Jul 15 Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] [PBC] 3.47 0.24 21 Jul 15 Finance Bill [PBC] 3.49 21 Jul 15 Finance Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] [PBC] 0.57 14 Sep 15 Trade Union Bill [Division] [PBC] 6.42 0.17 15 Sep 15 National Insurance Contributions (Rate Ceilings) Bill [PBC] 2.22 13 Oct 15 Immigration Bill [Divisions] [PBC] 5.24 0.30 19 Oct 15 Psychoactive Substances Bill [Lords] [PBC] 3.18 1.12 2 Nov 15 Housing and Planning Bill [PBC] 1.27 2 Nov 15 Housing and Planning Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 1.52 2 Nov 15 Housing and Planning Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 2.12 2 Nov 15 Housing and Planning Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] [PBC] 1.42 0.50 23 Nov 15 Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill 2.52 25 Nov 15 Childcare Bill [Lords] [PBC] 2.40 3 Dec 15 Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill [Lords] [PBC] 2.05 18 Jan 16 Energy Bill [Lords] [PBC] 1.21 18 Jan 16 Energy Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 0.45 18 Jan 16 Energy Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 2.20 18 Jan 16 Energy Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 1.05 0.01 1 Feb 16 Bank of England and Financial Services Bill [Lords] [Divisions] [PBC] 3.24 2 Feb 16 Enterprise Bill [Lords] 0.13 2 Feb 16 Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 1.04 2 Feb 16 Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 1.31 2 Feb 16 Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 1.06 2 Feb 16 Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [PBC] 0.41 2 Feb 16 Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] [Division] [PBC] 0.20 0.16

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 97 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 7 Mar 16 Policing and Crime Bill [PBC] 4.22 15 Mar 16 Investigatory Powers Bill [PBC] 1.22 15 Mar 16 Investigatory Powers Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 1.46 15 Mar 16 Investigatory Powers Bill [Resumed] [PBC] 1.45 15 Mar 16 Investigatory Powers Bill [Resumed] [Division] [PBC] 0.49 0.13 Totals: 71.30 3.54 2b: Government Bills: Read a second time and committed to Committee of the whole House (in whole or part) 8 Jun 15 Scotland Bill 0.45 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 8 Jun 15 Scotland Bill [Resumed] 5.02 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 9 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill 1.19 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 9 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] [Division] 5.33 0.34 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 9 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] [Division] 0.04 0.04 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 11 Jun 15 European Union (Finance) Bill 2.48 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 14 Oct 15 Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [Lords] [Division] 6.10 0.15 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 15 Oct 15 Armed Forces Bill 1.53 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 3 Nov 15 European Union (Approvals) Bill [Lords] 0.59 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 22 Feb 16 Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Bill 3.07 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 11 Apr 16 Finance (No. 2) Bill [Division] 3.21 1.17 Committed to a Committee of the whole House Totals: 31.01 2.10 2d: Government Bills: Committee of the whole House 15 Jun 15 Scotland Bill 1.34 15 Jun 15 Scotland Bill [Resumed] 0.01 15 Jun 15 Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Division] 3.02 15 Jun 15 Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 2.31 0.47 16 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill 0.01 16 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] 0.53 16 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] 2.01 16 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] 0.05 16 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] 0.10 16 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 2.46 18 Jun 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Divisions] 5.19 0.09 23 Jun 15 European Union (Finance) Bill [Division] 3.00 29 Jun 15 Scotland Bill 3.03 29 Jun 15 Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 1.15 0.59 30 Jun 15 Scotland Bill 0.33

98 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 30 Jun 15 Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 5.41 6 Jul 15 Scotland Bill 2.50 6 Jul 15 Scotland Bill [Divisions] 1.43 0.10 8 Sep 15 Finance Bill [Divisions] 4.56 2.45 21 Oct 15 Cities and Local Government Devolution [Lords] Bill [Divisions] 6.20 0.12 17 Nov 15 Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 4.10 23 Nov 15 Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill [Division] 1.02 0.17 Committed to a Committee of the whole House 14 Dec 15 European Union (Approvals) Bill [Lords] 0.01 16 Dec 15 Armed Forces Bill 1.58 10 Mar 16 Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Bill 3.02 Totals: 57.57 5.19 2e: Government Bills: Consideration 7 Sep 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Divisions] 6.12 2.39 16 Sep 15 Education and Adoption Bill [Divisions] 4.36 26 Oct 15 Finance Bill [Division] 3.27 26 Oct 15 Finance Bill [Divisions] 1.44 27 Oct 15 Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Divisions] 5.21 9 Nov 15 Scotland Bill 0.20 9 Nov 15 Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 3.03 9 Nov 15 Scotland Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 2.13 0.30 10 Nov 15 Trade Union Bill [Divisions] 4.23 1 Dec 15 Immigration Bill [Divisions] 4.59 7 Dec 15 Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 5.04 5 Jan 16 (1st allocated day): Housing and Planning Bill [Divisions] 4.48 3.59 11 Jan 16 Armed Forces Bill 0.49 12 Jan 16 (2nd allocated day): Housing and Planning Bill [Divisions] 4.15 20 Jan 16 Psychoactive Substances Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 3.34 25 Jan 16 Childcare Bill [Lords] Bill [Divisions] 1.27 26 Jan 16 Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 3.23 8 Mar 16 (1st allocated day): Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 3.16 9 Mar 16 (2nd allocated day): Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Division] 3.16 9 Mar 16 (2nd allocated day): Enterprise Bill [Lords] [Resumed] 0.01 14 Mar 16 Energy Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 4.22 14 Mar 16 Energy Bill [Lords] [Resumed] 0.02 23 Mar 16 High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill [Divisions] 2.23 12 Apr 16 Transport for London Bill [Lords] 1.33 1.24 19 Apr 16 Bank of England and Financial Services Bill [Lords] [Divisions] 4.04 26 Apr 16 Policing and Crime Bill [Divisions] 5.39 0.27 27 Apr 16 Trade Union Bill [Divisions] 2.54 Totals: 87.08 8.59

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 99 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 2f: Government Bills: Third Reading 23 Jun 15 European Union (Finance) Bill 0.08 26 Oct 15 Finance Bill [Division] 0.30 0.13 27 Oct 15 Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Division] 0.46 0.13 3 Nov 15 National Insurance Contributions (Rate Ceilings) Bill 0.29 9 Nov 15 Scotland Bill 0.11 0.11 10 Nov 15 Trade Union Bill [Division] 0.33 0.10 23 Nov 15 Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill 0.12 0.12 1 Dec 15 Immigration Bill [Division] 0.44 0.13 7 Dec 15 Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill [Lords] 0.30 14 Dec 15 European Union (Approvals) Bill [Lords] 0.15 11 Jan 16 Armed Forces Bill 0.28 12 Jan 16 Housing and Planning Bill [Division] 1.14 0.10 20 Jan 16 Psychoactive Substances Bill 0.26 25 Jan 16 Childcare Bill [Lords] 0.24 26 Jan 16 Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill [Lords] 0.35 9 Mar 16 Enterprise Bill [Lords] 0.11 9 Mar 16 Enterprise Bill [Lords] 0.21 10 Mar 16 Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Bill 0.16 10 Mar 16 Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Bill 0.28 [Resumed] 14 Mar 16 Energy Bill [Lords] 0.48 23 Mar 16 High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill 0.08 23 Mar 16 High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill [Resumed] [Division] 0.47 12 Apr 16 Transport for London Bill [Lords] 0.37 0.37 19 Apr 16 Bank of England and Financial Services Bill [Lords] [Division] 0.44 Totals: 11.45 1.59 2g: Government Bills: Lords Amendments 8 Dec 15 European Union Referendum Bill [Division] 3.02 23 Feb 16 Welfare Reform and Work Bill [Divisions] 3.46 23 Feb 16 Education and Adoption Bill [Division] 0.56 0.23 2 Mar 16 Consideration of Lords Message: Welfare Reform and Work Bill 1.26 0.33 [Divisions] 23 Mar 16 Scotland Bill 0.40 20 Apr 16 Energy Bill [Lords] [Division] 1.16 25 Apr 16 Immigration Bill 2.33 25 Apr 16 Immigration Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 1.39 0.38 3 May 16 Housing and Planning Bill [Divisions] 3.42 3 May 16 Housing and Planning Bill [Resumed] [Divisions] 1.20 0.31 9 May 16 Consideration of Lords Message: Energy Bill [Lords] [Division] 0.41 9 May 16 Consideration of Lords Message: Housing and Planning Bill [Divisions] 1.33 9 May 16 Consideration of Lords Message: Immigration Bill [Division] 1.13 0.51 11 May 16 Consideration of Lords Message: Housing and Planning Bill [Division] 0.33 11 May 16 Armed Forces Bill 0.13 Totals: 24.33 2.56

100 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 2h: Government Bills: Allocation of Time 23 Nov 15 Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill [Division] 0.58 Totals: 0.58 0.00 2i: Government Bills: Other stages 23 Jun 15 Instruction: High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill 1.29 7 Sep 15 Programme Motion: European Union Referendum Bill [Division] 0.25 15 Sep 15 Instruction: High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill 1.13 9 Nov 15 Programme Motion: Scotland Bill (Programme) (No. 2) 0.12 10 Nov 15 Programme Motion: Trade Union Bill (Programme) (No. 2) 0.04 5 Jan 16 Programme Motion: Housing and Planning Bill (Programme) (No. 2) 0.23 [Division] 12 Jan 16 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W and E): Housing and Planning Bill 0.42 12 Jan 16 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W and E): Housing and Planning Bill 0.01 [Resumed] 25 Jan 16 Legislative Grand Committee (E): Childcare Bill [Lords] 0.03 26 Jan 16 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W): Charities (Protection and Social 0.16 Investment) Bill [Lords] 9 Mar 16 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W and E): Enterprise Bill [Lords] 0.01 9 Mar 16 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W and E): Enterprise Bill [Lords] 0.01 [Resumed] 14 Mar 16 Legislative Grand Committee (E&W): Energy Bill [Lords] 0.02 26 Apr 16 Programme Motion: Policing and Crime Bill (Programme) (No. 2) 0.02 Totals: 4.54 0.00 3a: Private Members’ Bills: Second Reading 11 Sep 15 Assisted Dying (No. 2) Bill [PMB] [Division] [PBC] 4.34 11 Sep 15 Representation of the People (Young Persons’ Enfranchisement and 0.09 0.01 Education) Bill [PMB] 16 Oct 15 Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill [PMB][Division] 3.59 16 Oct 15 Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill [PMB] 0.44 0.01 23 Oct 15 Defence Expenditure (NATO Target) Bill [PMB][Division] 4.30 23 Oct 15 Higher Education (Information) Bill [PMB] 0.24 0.01 30 Oct 15 Hospital Parking Charges (Exemption for Carers) Bill [PMB] 1.14 30 Oct 15 Hospital Parking Charges (Exemption for Carers) Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 3.29 6 Nov 15 NHS (Charitable Trusts Etc.) Bill [PMB] [PBC] 3.34 6 Nov 15 Off-patent Drugs Bill [PMB] 1.06 6 Nov 15 Off-patent Drugs Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 0.14 20 Nov 15 Compulsory Emergency First Aid Education (State-funded Secondary 1.25 Schools) Bill [PMB] 20 Nov 15 Compulsory Emergency First Aid Education (State-funded Secondary 2.20 0.02 Schools) Bill [PMB][Resumed] 4 Dec 15 Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] [PBC] 2.40 4 Dec 15 Pavement Parking (Protection of Vulnerable Pedestrians) Bill [PMB] 0.55 4 Dec 15 Criminal Cases Review Commission (Information) Bill [PMB] [PBC] 0.41 4 Dec 15 Assessment of Government Policies (Impact on Families) Bill [PMB] 0.30 0.02 22 Jan 16 Local Area Referendum (Disposal of School Playing Fields Bill [PMB] 0.31

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 101 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 29 Jan 16 Child Victims of Human Trafficking Bill [PMB] 0.47 0.02 5 Feb 16 Bat Habitats Regulation (No. 2) Bill [PMB] 0.01 5 Feb 16 Bat Habitats Regulation (No. 2) Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 0.33 5 Feb 16 Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) Bill [PMB] 0.42 5 Feb 16 Parks and Playing Fields in Public Ownership (Protection from Sale) Bill 0.03 [PMB] 5 Feb 16 Speed Limits on Roads (Devolved Powers) Bill [PMB] 0.16 0.02 26 Feb 16 Overseas Voters [PMB] 1.04 26 Feb 16 EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) Bill [PMB] 3.53 0.01 4 Mar 16 Illegal Immigrants (Criminal Sanctions) Bill [PMB] 2.28 4 Mar 16 European Parliament Elections Bill [PMB] 1.09 4 Mar 16 Football Governance (Supporters’ Participation) Bill [PMB] 0.46 0.04 11 Mar 16 Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the UK) Bill [PMB] 3.26 11 Mar 16 Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the UK) Bill [PMB] 1.07 [Resumed] [Division] 11 Mar 16 National Health Service Bill [PMB] 0.24 0.07 Totals: 49.38 0.23 3b: Private Members’ Bills: Other stages 24 Jun 15 First Reading 0.05 6 Jul 15 First Reading 0.02 22 Jan 16 Consideration: NHS (Charitable Trusts Etc.) Bill [PMB] 3.23 22 Jan 16 Third Reading: NHS (Charitable Trusts Etc.) Bill [PMB] 0.48 29 Jan 16 Consideration: Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill [PMB] 1.26 29 Jan 16 Consideration: Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill [PMB] 1.28 [Resumed] 29 Jan 16 Third Reading: Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill [PMB] 0.45 5 Feb 16 Consideration: Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] 0.24 5 Feb 16 Consideration: Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 1.01 5 Feb 16 Consideration: Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] [Resumed] 0.24 5 Feb 16 Third Reading: Riot Compensation Bill [PMB] 0.27 5 Feb 16 Third Reading: Criminal Cases Review Commission (Information) Bill 1.04 [PMB] 4 Mar 16 Third Reading: House of Commons Members’ Fund (No. 2) Bill [PMB] 0.18 4 Mar 16 Third Reading: Driving Instructors (Registration) Bill [PMB] 0.16 Totals: 11.51 0.00 4: Private business at time for opposed private business 16 Nov 15 Transport for London Bill [Lords]: Revival [Division] 2.42 0.49 Totals: 2.42 0.49 5a: Government Motions: European Union Documents 24 Nov 15 Iran: Nuclear Issues 1.25 1.25 14 Dec 15 Relocation of Migrants in need of International Protection (Opt-in 1.40 Decision) [Division] 14 Dec 15 European Agenda on Migration 1.02 Totals: 4.07 1.25

102 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 5b: Government Motions: Business Motions 2 Dec 15 Business of the House 0.04 Totals: 0.04 0.00 5c: Government Motions: General 3 Jun 15 Select Committees 0.59 0.59 23 Jun 15 Use of the Chamber (Youth Parliament) 0.57 25 Jun 15 Reports into Investigatory Powers 4.05 9 Jul 15 House of Commons Commission 0.01 0.01 15 Jul 15 English Votes for English Laws 6.40 2.48 15 Jul 15 English Votes for English Laws [Resumed] 0.11 0.11 17 Sep 15 Serjeant at Arms 0.15 14 Oct 15 Charter for Budget Responsibility [Division] 1.44 1.44 21 Oct 15 Human Rights (Joint Committee) 0.45 0.45 22 Oct 15 Standing Orders (Public Business) 0.58 22 Oct 15 Standing Orders (Public Business) [Divisions] 3.33 2 Dec 15 ISIL in Syria 2.07 2 Dec 15 ISIL in Syria [Resumed] 0.57 2 Dec 15 ISIL in Syria [Resumed] 2.24 2 Dec 15 ISIL in Syria [Resumed] 2.29 0.37 2 Dec 15 ISIL in Syria [Resumed] [Divisions] 2.55 2.55 7 Dec 15 House of Commons Members’ Fund 0.04 0.01 8 Dec 15 Serious and Organised Crime: Prüm Convention [Division] 3.04 16 Dec 15 Welfare Cap 1.05 2 Feb 16 House of Commons Commission (External Members) 0.05 0.05 10 Feb 16 Police Grant Report (England and Wales) [Division] 3.03 10 Feb 16 Local Government Finance (England) 0.30 10 Feb 16 Local Government Finance (England) [Resumed] 1.06 10 Feb 16 Local Government Finance (England) [Resumed] [Division] 1.44 0.25 10 Feb 16 Notification of Arrest of Members 0.35 0.35 23 Mar 16 Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 1.14 0.38 [Division] Totals: 43.30 11.44 5d: Government Motions: General Debates 2 Jul 15 Britain and International Security 4.18 16 Jul 15 Summer adjournment 3.15 25 Feb 16 European Affairs 1.32 25 Feb 16 European Affairs [Resumed] 1.08 25 Feb 16 European Affairs [Resumed] 0.31 25 Feb 16 European Affairs [Resumed] 1.24 25 Feb 16 European Affairs [Resumed] 0.11 Totals: 12.19 0.00

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 103 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 6a: Opposition Days 10 Jun 15 (1st allotted day): Housing [Division] 2.56 10 Jun 15 (1st allotted day): Climate Change 2.17 17 Jun 15 (2nd allotted day): Skills and Growth 2.49 17 Jun 15 (2nd allotted day): Skills and Growth [Resumed] [Division] 0.45 17 Jun 15 (2nd allotted day): Productivity [Division] 3.00 0.12 24 Jun 15 (3rd allotted day): A & E Services 0.32 24 Jun 15 (3rd allotted day): A & E Services [Resumed] 0.02 24 Jun 15 (3rd allotted day): A & E Services [Resumed] [Division] 2.38 24 Jun 15 (3rd allotted day): Sport and the 2012 Olympics Legacy [Division] 2.28 0.11 1 Jul 15 (4th allotted day): Equal Pay and the Gender Pay Gap [Division] 4.30 0.12 7 Jul 15 (5th allotted day): Tax Credits (Working Families) [Division] 3.09 0.14 9 Sep 15 (6th allotted day): Humanitarian Crisis in the Mediterranean and Europe 6.23 0.15 [Division] 20 Oct 15 (7th allotted day): Tax Credits [Division] 4.52 0.15 28 Oct 15 (8th allotted day): Steel Industry 0.39 28 Oct 15 (8th allotted day): Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.22 28 Oct 15 (8th allotted day): Steel Industry [Resumed] [Division] 1.57 28 Oct 15 (8th allotted day): Junior Doctors’ Contracts [Division] 2.54 0.15 4 Nov 15 (9th allotted day): Policing 1.07 4 Nov 15 (9th allotted day): Policing [Resumed] 1.42 4 Nov 15 (9th allotted day): Policing [Resumed] [Division] 2.07 0.14 18 Nov 15 (10th allotted day): The Economy 0.57 18 Nov 15 (10th allotted day): The Economy [Resumed] 0.45 18 Nov 15 (10th allotted day): The Economy [Resumed] 0.36 18 Nov 15 (10th allotted day): The Economy [Resumed] [Division] 0.37 18 Nov 15 (10th allotted day): Further Education 0.42 18 Nov 15 (10th allotted day): Further Education [Resumed] 0.34 18 Nov 15 (10th allotted day): Further Education [Resumed] 0.16 18 Nov 15 (10th allotted day): Further Education [Resumed][Division] 1.12 0.11 24 Nov 15 (11th allotted day): Trident 1.16 24 Nov 15 (11th allotted day): Trident [Resumed] 0.07 24 Nov 15 (11th allotted day): Trident [Resumed] 0.55 24 Nov 15 (11th allotted day): Trident [Resumed] 0.27 24 Nov 15 (11th allotted day): Trident [Resumed] [Division] 0.38 24 Nov 15 (11th allotted day): HMRC Office Closures 1.54 24 Nov 15 (11th allotted day): HMRC Office Closures [Resumed] [Division] 1.02 0.13 9 Dec 15 (12th allotted day): Mental Health 1.33 9 Dec 15 (12th allotted day): Mental Health [Resumed] 0.23 9 Dec 15 (12th allotted day): Mental Health [Resumed] 0.46 9 Dec 15 (12th allotted day): Mental Health [Resumed] [Division] 0.41 9 Dec 15 (12th allotted day): Women and the Economy 1.22 9 Dec 15 (12th allotted day): Women and the Economy [Resumed] 0.18 9 Dec 15 (12th allotted day): Women and the Economy [Resumed] [Division] 1.22 0.13 15 Dec 15 (13th allotted day): Climate Change and Flooding 1.24

104 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 15 Dec 15 (13th allotted day): Climate Change and Flooding [Resumed] 0.59 15 Dec 15 (13th allotted day): Climate Change and Flooding [Resumed] 0.20 15 Dec 15 (13th allotted day): Climate Change and Flooding [Resumed] [Division] 0.47 15 Dec 15 (13th allotted day): Housing 1.18 15 Dec 15 (13th allotted day): Housing [Resumed] 0.28 15 Dec 15 (13th allotted day): Housing [Resumed] 0.08 15 Dec 15 (13th allotted day): Housing [Resumed] [Division] 1.05 0.12 6 Jan 16 (14th allotted day): Universal Credit Work Allowance 1.42 6 Jan 16 (14th allotted day): Universal Credit Work Allowance [Resumed] 0.17 6 Jan 16 (14th allotted day): Universal Credit Work Allowance [Resumed] 0.30 6 Jan 16 (14th allotted day): Universal Credit Work Allowance [Resumed] 1.00 [Division] 6 Jan 16 (14th allotted day): Flooding 0.49 6 Jan 16 (14th allotted day): Flooding [Resumed] 1.12 6 Jan 16 (14th allotted day): Flooding [Resumed] [Division] 0.56 0.13 13 Jan 16 (15th allotted day): Trade, Exports, Innovation and Productivity 6.11 0.12 [Division] 19 Jan 16 (16th allotted day): Student Maintenance Grants 1.04 19 Jan 16 (16th allotted day): Student Maintenance Grants [Resumed] [Division] 1.47 19 Jan 16 (16th allotted day): Cost of public transport [Division] 2.06 0.14 27 Jan 16 (17th allotted day): Housing Benefit and Supported Housing 0.45 27 Jan 16 (17th allotted day): Housing Benefit and Supported Housing [Resumed] 0.52 27 Jan 16 (17th allotted day): Housing Benefit and Supported Housing [Resumed] 1.38 [Division] 27 Jan 16 (17th allotted day): Prisons and Probation 1.08 27 Jan 16 (17th allotted day): Prisons and Probation [Resumed] [Division] 1.53 0.14 3 Feb 16 (18th allotted day): Tax Avoidance and Multinational Companies 0.23 3 Feb 16 (18th allotted day): Tax Avoidance and Multinational Companies 2.15 [Resumed] [Divisions] 3 Feb 16 (18th allotted day): Public Finances: Scotland 1.01 3 Feb 16 (18th allotted day): Public Finances: Scotland [Resumed] [Divisions] 0.59 0.26 9 Feb 16 (unallotted): EU Referendum: Timing 1.19 9 Feb 16 (unallotted): EU Referendum: Timing [Resumed] [Division] 1.52 9 Feb 16 (unallotted): Housing: Long-term Plan [Division] 2.58 0.04 24 Feb 16 (19th allotted day): Transitional State Pension Arrangements for Women 1.05 24 Feb 16 (19th allotted day): Transitional State Pension Arrangements for Women 2.22 [Resumed] [Division] 24 Feb 16 (19th allotted day): Police Funding, Crime and Community Safety 0.56 24 Feb 16 (19th allotted day): Police Funding, Crime and Community Safety 1.16 0.12 [Resumed] [Division] 29 Feb 16 (unallotted): UK Steel Industry 1.05 29 Feb 16 (unallotted): UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.37 29 Feb 16 (unallotted): UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.51 29 Feb 16 (unallotted): UK Steel Industry [Resumed] [Division] 0.39 0.09 13 Apr 16 (unallotted): Tax Avoidance and Evasion 2.10

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 105 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 13 Apr 16 (unallotted): Tax Avoidance and Evasion [Resumed] [Division] 1.11 13 Apr 16 (unallotted): Schools White Paper 0.22 13 Apr 16 (unallotted): Schools White Paper [Resumed] 1.16 13 Apr 16 (unallotted): Schools White Paper [Resumed] [Divisions] 1.32 0.26 4 May 16 (unallotted): NHS Bursaries 1.07 4 May 16 (unallotted): NHS Bursaries [Resumed] [Division] 2.05 Totals: 125.12 4.47 7: Backbench business 10 Sep 15 Immigration Detention 2.51 10 Sep 15 Sustainable Development Goals 2.41 17 Sep 15 UK Steel Industry 2.43 17 Sep 15 Courts and Tribunal Services (England and Wales) 2.07 12 Oct 15 Superfast Broadband 3.02 12 Oct 15 Stormont 2.06 29 Oct 15 House Business Committee 0.01 29 Oct 15 Tax Credits [Division] 5.07 5 Nov 15 Royal Bank of Scotland 3.00 5 Nov 15 Dog Meat Trade 0.48 16 Nov 15 Council of Europe [Division] 1.21 16 Nov 15 Famagusta 1.30 19 Nov 15 Paris Climate Change Conference 2.38 19 Nov 15 New Cancer Strategy 1.58 26 Nov 15 Airports Commission: Final Report 0.10 26 Nov 15 Airports Commission: Final Report [Resumed] 1.40 26 Nov 15 Airports Commission: Final Report [Resumed] 1.14 30 Nov 15 Middle East 0.16 30 Nov 15 Middle East [Resumed] 0.48 30 Nov 15 Middle East [Resumed] 2.49 30 Nov 15 Middle East [Resumed] 0.35 30 Nov 15 Middle East [Resumed] 0.39 10 Dec 15 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership 0.18 10 Dec 15 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [Resumed] 1.14 10 Dec 15 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [Resumed] 1.24 10 Dec 15 International Human Rights Day 0.12 10 Dec 15 International Human Rights Day [Resumed] 0.33 10 Dec 15 International Human Rights Day [Resumed] 1.13 17 Dec 15 Sexual Exploitation: Protection of 16 and 17-year-olds 1.54 17 Dec 15 Conception to Age 2: The First 1001 Days 1.44 7 Jan 16 State Pension Age (Women) 1.46 7 Jan 16 State Pension Age (Women) [Resumed] 0.24 7 Jan 16 State Pension Age (Women) [Resumed] [Division] 1.25 7 Jan 16 Children in Care 0.35 7 Jan 16 Children in Care [Resumed] 1.15 11 Jan 16 Local Government Funding: Rural Areas 3.11 14 Jan 16 Space Policy 2.25

106 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 14 Jan 16 House of Lords Reform 2.21 21 Jan 16 Childhood Obesity Strategy 0.18 21 Jan 16 Childhood Obesity Strategy [Resumed] 0.29 21 Jan 16 Childhood Obesity Strategy [Resumed] 1.36 21 Jan 16 Holocaust Memorial Day 0.32 21 Jan 16 Holocaust Memorial Day [Resumed] 1.04 25 Jan 16 Central and East Asia 2.21 28 Jan 16 NHS and Social Care Commission 4.17 1 Feb 16 Financial Conduct Authority 0.19 1 Feb 16 Financial Conduct Authority [Resumed] 0.51 1 Feb 16 Financial Conduct Authority [Resumed] 0.10 1 Feb 16 Financial Conduct Authority [Resumed] 1.02 0.01 4 Feb 16 Parliamentary Sovereignty and EU Renegotiations 0.21 4 Feb 16 Parliamentary Sovereignty and EU Renegotiations [Resumed] 2.14 4 Feb 16 Yemen 0.40 4 Feb 16 Yemen [Resumed] 0.40 4 Feb 16 Yemen [Resumed] 0.35 8 Feb 16 Great Western Railway Routes 2.47 11 Feb 16 Equitable Life 0.00 11 Feb 16 Equitable Life [Resumed] 0.32 11 Feb 16 Equitable Life [Resumed] 1.14 11 Feb 16 Recreational Sea Bass Fishing 0.00 11 Feb 16 Recreational Sea Bass Fishing [Resumed] 1.01 11 Feb 16 Recreational Sea Bass Fishing [Resumed] 0.45 0.01 3 Mar 16 Gangs and Serious Youth Violence 2.15 3 Mar 16 Welsh Affairs 0.48 3 Mar 16 Welsh Affairs [Resumed] 2.11 8 Mar 16 International Women’s Day 2016 0.27 8 Mar 16 International Women’s Day 2016 [Resumed] 1.05 8 Mar 16 International Women’s Day 2016 [Resumed] 1.24 24 Mar 16 Helen Hayes: Court Closures 1.21 24 Mar 16 Helen Hayes: Court Closures [Resumed] 1.37 24 Mar 16 Bob Blackman: Easter Adjournment 0.14 24 Mar 16 Bob Blackman: Easter Adjournment [Resumed] 1.39 12 Apr 16 Contaminated Blood 3.00 14 Apr 16 Iraq Inquiry Report 2.22 14 Apr 16 BBC: Diversity 3.04 18 Apr 16 National Living Wage 2.26 18 Apr 16 Educational Attainment: Yorkshire and the Humber 2.13 20 Apr 16 Daesh: Genocide of Minorities 0.24 20 Apr 16 Daesh: Genocide of Minorities [Resumed] 1.21 20 Apr 16 Daesh: Genocide of Minorities [Resumed] [Division] 1.04 20 Apr 16 Record Copies of Act 0.16 20 Apr 16 Record Copies of Act [Resumed] 0.43

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 107 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 20 Apr 16 Record Copies of Act [Resumed] [Division] 0.46 0.10 28 Apr 16 World Autism Awareness Week 0.21 28 Apr 16 World Autism Awareness Week [Resumed] 1.08 28 Apr 16 World Autism Awareness Week [Resumed] 1.56 28 Apr 16 HMRC: Building our Future Plan 1.21 4 May 16 Education Funding in London 2.14 5 May 16 Voluntary Sector: Faith organisations 1.41 9 May 16 BIS Sheffield/Government Departments outside London 1.58 10 May 16 Universal Credit (Children) 1.52 11 May 16 Pensions Uprating (UK Pensioners Living Overseas) 1.22 Totals: 130.19 0.12 8a: Private Members’ Motions: Substantive motions 11 Sep 15 Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.13 16 Oct 15 Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.13 23 Oct 15 Philip Davies: Motion to sit in private 0.01 30 Oct 15 Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.11 6 Nov 15 Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private 0.01 4 Dec 15 James Berry: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.11 22 Jan 16 Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Motion to sit in private [Division] 0.12 29 Jan 16 Tom Pursglove: Motion to sit in private 0.01 5 Feb 16 Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private 0.01 4 Mar 16 Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private 0.01 11 Mar 16 Mr David Nuttall: Motion to sit in private 0.01 Totals: 1.06 0.00 8b: Private Members’ Motions: Ten minute rule motions 7 Jul 15 Clive Efford: Football Governance (Supporters’ Participation) 0.10 13 Jul 15 Tom Pursglove: Parks and Playing Fields in Public Ownership 0.10 (Protection from Sale) 14 Jul 15 Mr Philip Hollobone: Civil Enforcement Officers and Traffic Wardens 0.10 (Integration of Duties and Powers) (England) 15 Jul 15 Caroline Lucas: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education 0.32 (Statutory Requirement) [Division] 21 Jul 15 Mr David Davis: Public Nuisance from Wind Farms (Mandatory Liability 0.10 Cover) Bill 8 Sep 15 Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Satellite Navigation (Updating Scheme) 0.10 9 Sep 15 Kerry McCarthy: Food Waste (Reduction) 0.11 15 Sep 15 Andrew Rosindell: United Kingdom Borders (Control and Sovereignty) 0.13 16 Sep 15 Ms Karen Buck: Basement Excavation (Restriction of Permitted 0.15 Development) 13 Oct 15 Mr Richard Bacon: No Fault Divorce 0.19 14 Oct 15 Rehman Chishti: Perinatal Mental Illness (NHS Family Services) 0.13 20 Oct 15 Keir Starmer: Victims of Crime Etc (Rights, Entitlements and Related 0.07 Matters) 21 Oct 15 Tim Loughton: Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) 0.12 27 Oct 15 Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Benefit Sanctions Regime (Entitlement to 0.18 Automatic Hardship Payments)

108 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 28 Oct 15 Yvonne Fovargue: Regulation of Enforcement Agents (Collection of 0.10 Council Tax Arrears) 3 Nov 15 Bill Wiggin: Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 0.07 1990 (Amendment) 4 Nov 15 Sir Paul Beresford: House of Commons (Administration) 0.07 10 Nov 15 Ian Austin: Government Departments (Decentralisation Target) 0.11 17 Nov 15 Sir Edward Leigh: House of Lords (Parliamentary Standards Etc) Bill 0.11 18 Nov 15 Scott Mann: Speed Limits on Roads (Devolved Powers) 0.09 24 Nov 15 Steve McCabe: Protection of Family Homes (Enforcement and Permitted 0.11 Development) 25 Nov 15 Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Scotland Act 1998 (Amendment) 0.12 1 Dec 15 Mrs Anne Main: Consumer Protection (Standards of Fire Resistance of 0.11 Children’s Fancy Dress and Play Costumes Etc) 8 Dec 15 Tim Farron: Asylum (Unaccompanied Children Displaced by Conflict) 0.09 9 Dec 15 Sammy Wilson: Armed Forces Covenant (Implementation) (United 0.11 Kingdom) 15 Dec 15 Frank Field: Free School Meals (Automatic Registration of Eligible 0.07 Children) 16 Dec 15 Jonathan Reynolds: Representation of the People (Proportional 0.23 Representation) (House of Commons) [Division] 5 Jan 16 Mike Kane: Mesothelioma (Amendment) (No. 2) 0.10 6 Jan 16 Norman Lamb: National Health Service and Social Care (Commission) 0.11 12 Jan 16 Greg Mulholland: Criminal Driving (Justice for Victims) 0.13 13 Jan 16 Toby Perkins: English National Anthem 0.16 19 Jan 16 Tom Brake: Freedom of Information (Public Interest and Transparency) 0.12 20 Jan 16 Owen Thompson: Transport of Nuclear Weapons 0.15 26 Jan 16 Mr Gareth Thomas: Profit-sharing and Company Governance 0.11 (Employees’ Participation) 27 Jan 16 Sir David Amess: Driving Instructors (Registration) 0.10 2 Feb 16 Mr Alistair Carmichael: Mobile Telecommunications Network Coverage 0.10 (Contractual Obligations) 3 Feb 16 Siobhain McDonagh: Automatic Electoral Registration 0.10 9 Feb 16 John Pugh: Ofsted Inspections (Schools’ Rights of Challenge) 0.09 10 Feb 16 Will Quince: Wild Animals in Circuses (Prohibition) 0.14 23 Feb 16 Geraint Davies: Air Quality (Diesel emissions in Urban Centres) 0.11 24 Feb 16 Drew Hendry: Consumer Protection (Distance Selling Delivery Charges) 0.11 1 Mar 16 Mr Mark Williams: Devolution (Bank Holidays) (Wales) 0.11 2 Mar 16 Mr Jim Cunningham: Employment Status (Review) 0.12 8 Mar 16 Will Quince: Driving Licence (Mandatory First Aid Training) 0.09 9 Mar 16 Liz Saville Roberts: Criminal Offences (Misuse of Digital Technologies 0.13 and Services) (Consolidation) Bill 15 Mar 16 Caroline Flint: Multinational Enterprises (Financial Transparency) 0.09 22 Mar 16 Wes Streeting: Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Operators (Regulation) 0.12 23 Mar 16 Norman Lamb: Cannabis (Legalisation and Regulation) 0.11 12 Apr 16 Nigel Adams: Events and Festivals (Control of Flares, Fireworks and 0.10 Smoke Bombs Etc.)

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 109 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 13 Apr 16 Joan Ryan: Improvement of Rail Passenger Services (Use of Disruption 0.10 Payments) 19 Apr 16 Mrs Anne Main: Farm Produce (Labelling Requirements) 0.09 20 Apr 16 Roger Mullin: Forensic Linguistics (Standards) 0.10 26 Apr 16 Mr David Hanson: House of Lords Reform (Exclusion of Hereditary 0.11 Peers) 27 Apr 16 Tom Brake: Landlord and Tenant (Reform) 0.10 3 May 16 Caroline Lucas: Transparency and Accountability (European Union) 0.21 4 May 16 Tom Blenkinsop: Town and Country Planning (Electricity Generating 0.08 Consent) 10 May 16 Craig Mackinlay: Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 0.16 (Amendment) Totals: 11.14 0.00 8c: Private Members’ Motions: S.O. No. 24 Debates 7 Jul 15 Mr Alistair Carmichael: English Votes on English Laws [Division] 3.14 8 Sep 15 Yvette Cooper: Refugee Crisis in Europe 3.01 19 Oct 15 Chris Bryant: Wilson Doctrine 2.19 12 Apr 16 Ms Angela Eagle: UK Steel Industry 0.53 12 Apr 16 Ms Angela Eagle: UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.31 12 Apr 16 Ms Angela Eagle: UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 1.13 12 Apr 16 Ms Angela Eagle: UK Steel Industry [Resumed] 0.23 Totals: 11.34 0.00 8d: Adjournment debates: Daily 27 May 15 Mr Richard Bacon: Zero-hours Contracts 0.27 0.27 28 May 15 Alex Salmond: HM Naval Base Clyde 0.39 0.30 1 Jun 15 Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Upland Farming 0.29 0.29 2 Jun 15 Mr Graham Allen: Child Sexual Abuse 0.28 0.28 3 Jun 15 Jeremy Lefroy: Health Services in Staffordshire 0.26 0.26 4 Jun 15 Jonathan Ashworth: Rohingya Community (Burma) 0.28 0.28 8 Jun 15 Sir David Amess: Inward Investment: Southend 0.28 0.28 9 Jun 15 Mr David Winnick: Black Country University Technical College 0.25 0.25 10 Jun 15 Gareth Johnson: Unduly Lenient Sentences 0.20 0.20 11 Jun 15 Valerie Vaz: Mental Health (Higher Education Institutions) 0.22 15 Jun 15 Richard Drax: Navitus Bay Wind Farm 0.29 0.29 16 Jun 15 Keith Vaz: Refugee Situation in the Mediterranean 0.30 0.30 17 Jun 15 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Alternative Transport Fuels 0.29 0.29 18 Jun 15 Louise Haigh: Recruitment and retention of teachers 0.30 0.30 22 Jun 15 Jason McCartney: Stone theft 0.20 0.20 23 Jun 15 Ian Blackford: BUTEC Facility (North-West Scotland) 0.40 24 Jun 15 John Glen: Public Health England: Porton Down 0.25 0.25 25 Jun 15 John McDonnell: National Gallery Industrial Dispute 0.29 0.29 29 Jun 15 Andrew Bridgen: Post Office Horizon System 0.28 0.28 30 Jun 15 Kirsty Blackman: City Deal Funding (Aberdeen) 0.29 0.26 1 Jul 15 Stephen Phillips: Sub-Saharan Africa (Corruption and the Economy) 0.29 0.29 2 Jul 15 Edward Miliband: Hatfield Colliery 0.32 0.30

110 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 6 Jul 15 Craig Williams: Cardiff City Deal 0.30 0.30 7 Jul 15 Mr David Lammy: Disabled Students (University of Cambridge) 0.28 0.28 8 Jul 15 Dr Liam Fox: South-west England (Long-term Economic Plan) 0.37 0.30 9 Jul 15 Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Transatlantic Trade and Investment 0.27 0.27 Partnership 13 Jul 15 Dr Poulter: Broadband (Suffolk) 0.27 0.27 14 Jul 15 Mary Creagh: Thomas Cook: Christi and Bobby Shepherd 0.30 0.30 15 Jul 15 Mr Charles Walker: London’s Licensed Taxi Trade 0.28 0.28 16 Jul 15 Ann Clwyd: Insurance Companies: Child Abuse Inquiries 0.29 0.29 20 Jul 15 Mrs Maria Miller: New Build Housing (Approved Inspectors) 0.26 0.26 21 Jul 15 Jonathan Reynolds: Public Transport (Greater Manchester) 1.00 0.19 7 Sep 15 Stephen Hammond: Summer-born Children (Education Guidelines) 0.24 0.24 8 Sep 15 Gavin Robinson: Online Retail Delivery Charges 0.25 0.25 9 Sep 15 Pauline Latham: Vehicle Speed Outside Schools 0.24 0.24 10 Sep 15 Daniel Zeichner: Bassingbourn Barracks 0.30 0.30 11 Sep 15 Dr Tania Mathias: Rugby World Cup 0.26 0.26 14 Sep 15 Kate Green: British Airways (Pensions Uprating) 0.29 0.29 15 Sep 15 Mr David Burrowes: Adult Stem Cells and Life Sciences 0.31 0.29 16 Sep 15 Phil Wilson: Stockton to Darlington Railway 0.30 0.18 17 Sep 15 Alex Chalk: Stalking (Protection of Victims) 0.23 0.23 12 Oct 15 Jo Cox: Civilians in Syria 0.30 0.30 13 Oct 15 Dr Andrew Murrison: Drones in Conflict 0.29 0.29 14 Oct 15 Dr Lisa Cameron: Mental Health (Armed Forces Veterans) 0.30 0.30 15 Oct 15 Fiona Bruce: Alcohol Harm and Older People 0.35 16 Oct 15 Ruth Smeeth: Child Food Poverty 0.29 0.29 19 Oct 15 Dr Phillip Lee: Heathrow: Noise Mitigation 0.30 0.30 20 Oct 15 Mr Kevan Jones: Cosmetic Surgery 0.30 0.30 21 Oct 15 Dr James Davies: Road and Rail Infrastructure (North Wales) 0.30 0.30 22 Oct 15 Valerie Vaz: Burma 0.29 0.26 23 Oct 15 Kwasi Kwarteng: Local Flooding 0.27 0.27 26 Oct 15 Patricia Gibson: Nuisance Calls 0.29 0.29 27 Oct 15 Mims Davies: Cardiac Screening: Young People 0.30 0.30 28 Oct 15 Mr Chuka Umunna: Corporate Boards (Diversity) 0.29 0.29 29 Oct 15 Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Chief Constable Dismissal Procedures 0.28 0.28 30 Oct 15 Helen Hayes: Child Abuse Allegations (Police Resources) 0.25 0.25 2 Nov 15 Will Quince: Maternity Units: Bereavement Care 0.29 0.29 3 Nov 15 Martin John Docherty: Military Personnel and Veterans (Children and 0.31 Young Carers) 4 Nov 15 Maria Caulfield: Palliative Care 0.27 0.27 5 Nov 15 Robert Flello: Driver First Assist 0.24 0.22 6 Nov 15 Mark Pawsey: Rugby World Cup Legacy 0.28 0.28 9 Nov 15 Matthew Pennycook: Human Rights (Eritrea) 0.30 0.30 10 Nov 15 Oliver Colvile: Hedgehog Conservation 0.29 0.29 16 Nov 15 Jackie Doyle-Price: Illicit Arms Trade (Africa) 0.29 0.29

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 111 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 17 Nov 15 Ian Paisley: Michelin Factory: Ballymena 0.41 0.11 18 Nov 15 Chris Stephens: Employee Pay (DWP) 0.24 0.24 19 Nov 15 David Mackintosh: Mesothelioma Compensation (Military Veterans) 0.25 0.25 20 Nov 15 Joan Ryan: Adult Skills Budgets: Enfield 0.26 0.26 23 Nov 15 Maggie Throup: Antibiotics (Primary Care) 0.30 0.30 24 Nov 15 Nigel Huddleston: Mobile Telecommunications Market: Contracts 0.25 0.25 25 Nov 15 Mrs Louise Ellman: Safety in Deep Sea Diving: Stephen O’Malley 0.27 0.09 26 Nov 15 Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Royal Agricultural University (Funding) 0.21 0.21 30 Nov 15 Patrick Grady: Scotland and Malawi Relations 0.29 0.29 1 Dec 15 Dawn Butler: Pre-payment meters 0.28 0.28 2 Dec 15 Caroline Nokes: New Build Homes 0.19 0.19 3 Dec 15 Norman Lamb: Mental Health: Out-of-area Placements 1.13 4 Dec 15 Iain Stewart: East West Rail 0.17 0.17 7 Dec 15 Mr Mark Williams: Domestic Oil Purchasing Syndicates 0.27 0.27 8 Dec 15 Bob Blackman: Disabled Parking Permits (London Borough of Harrow) 0.26 0.21 9 Dec 15 Yvette Cooper: Kellingley Colliery 0.29 0.29 10 Dec 15 Jeremy Lefroy: Burundi 0.28 0.28 14 Dec 15 Wes Streeting: Student Nursing (Finance) 0.38 15 Dec 15 Cat Smith: Transgender Prisoners 0.27 0.27 16 Dec 15 Jo Churchill: East Anglia Rail Franchise 1.08 0.30 17 Dec 15 Mr Jamie Reed: Access to Health Services: West Cumbria 0.30 0.30 5 Jan 16 Simon Hart: Future Funding for S4C 0.30 0.30 6 Jan 16 Kate Hoey: Vauxhall Bus Station 0.29 0.29 7 Jan 16 Suella Fernandes: Primary Schools Admissions Criteria 0.22 0.21 11 Jan 16 Dr Rupa Huq: Feminism in the School Curriculum 0.37 0.14 12 Jan 16 Guto Bebb: Connaught Income Fund 0.30 0.30 13 Jan 16 Mr Alan Campbell: Catastrophic Sporting Injuries: Steven Cox 0.20 0.20 14 Jan 16 James Heappey: Hinckley C Connection Project 0.33 0.28 18 Jan 16 Daniel Zeichner: Cambridgeshire CCG and UnitingCare Partnership 0.29 0.29 19 Jan 16 Anna Turley: Post-SSI Support Package: Redcar 0.30 0.30 20 Jan 16 Mr Charles Walker: Domestic Politically Exposed Persons: Money 0.28 Laundering Rules 21 Jan 16 Rebecca Long Bailey: Vulnerable Adults: Transport 0.28 0.28 22 Jan 16 Mike Freer: Free School Funding (Sixth Forms) 0.23 0.23 25 Jan 16 Marion Fellows: Financial Ombudsman Service: Strathclyde Mining 0.19 Group Pensions 26 Jan 16 Mr Andrew Mitchell: Sutton Coldfield Green Belt 0.24 27 Jan 16 Rachel Reeves: Flood defences (Leeds) 0.28 0.28 28 Jan 16 Robert Neill: Southeastern Rail Services 0.34 0.24 29 Jan 16 Mr Chuka Umunna: Gangs and Youth Violence: London 0.26 0.26 1 Feb 16 Nusrat Ghani: Deaths of Journalists: Conflict Zones 0.21 0.21 2 Feb 16 Chris Evans: Real-time Credit Scoring 0.26 0.26 3 Feb 16 Sir Paul Beresford: Child Dental Health 0.30 0.30 4 Feb 16 Tom Brake: Delay Repay Scheme: Rail Commuters 0.29 0.29 5 Feb 16 Sir David Amess: Local Services (Scotland) 0.28 0.28

112 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 8 Feb 16 Craig Whittaker: Flood Insurance for Businesses 0.30 0.13 9 Feb 16 Martin Vickers: Humber Energy Estuary 0.29 0.29 10 Feb 16 Andrew Rosindell: Autism Sunday Campaign 0.29 0.29 11 Feb 16 John Woodcock: Poppi Worthington 0.27 0.27 22 Feb 16 Ian Blackford: Emergency Tug Vessels (West Coast of Scotland) 0.48 0.08 23 Feb 16 Chris Skidmore: Waste Recycling: South Gloucestershire 0.22 0.22 24 Feb 16 Steve McCabe: Katie Road NHS Walk-in Centre 0.28 0.28 25 Feb 16 Andrew Bingham: Transport: Glossop and High Peak 0.29 0.29 26 Feb 16 Andrew Gwynne: Planning Rules 0.27 0.27 29 Feb 16 Chris Stephens: Commonwealth War Graves Commission: Pension Fund 0.27 0.27 1 Mar 16 Gavin Robinson: Bombardier: Job Losses (East Belfast) 0.31 0.18 2 Mar 16 Gareth Johnson: Dog Theft: Sentencing 0.22 0.22 3 Mar 16 Keith Vaz: Diabetes Care 0.30 0.30 4 Mar 16 Mr Graham Allen: Citizens Convention on Democracy 0.30 0.30 7 Mar 16 Mark Pawsey: Medical Centre (Brownsover) 0.33 8 Mar 16 George Kerevan: Hinckley Point C Reactor 0.29 0.29 9 Mar 16 John Mann: Pilgrim Fathers (400th Anniversary) 0.29 0.29 10 Mar 16 James Cartlidge: Flexible Ticketing: Rail Transport 0.38 0.12 11 Mar 16 Mr Gavin Shuker: Luton Railway Station 0.20 0.20 14 Mar 16 Mr Liddell-Grainger: Commonwealth Day 0.53 0.11 15 Mar 16 Martin Docherty-Hughes: Clydebank Blitz Anniversary 0.28 0.28 16 Mar 16 Craig Williams: Commonwealth Games: England 0.29 0.29 17 Mar 16 Jon Cruddas: School Places (Barking and Dagenham) 0.25 0.25 21 Mar 16 Paula Sheriff: Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 0.29 0.29 22 Mar 16 Jake Berry: Breast Ironing 0.28 0.28 23 Mar 16 Mr Stephen Hepburn: Construction Companies (Fatal Accidents) 0.24 0.24 24 Mar 16 Johnny Mercer: Charities: Veterans Care Sector 0.30 0.30 11 Apr 16 Dr Andrew Murrison: Upper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage 0.27 0.27 12 Apr 16 Angela Smith: Road and Rail Links: Sheffield and Manchester 0.29 0.29 13 Apr 16 Karl McCartney: Economic Value of Golf 0.26 0.26 14 Apr 16 Kate Osamor: Homelessness: Edmonton 0.26 0.24 18 Apr 16 Jim Fitzpatrick: Electoral Fraud: Tower Hamlets 0.27 0.27 19 Apr 16 Robert Jenrick: UK citizens returning from fighting Daesh 0.40 0.27 20 Apr 16 Stella Creasy: Butterfields Estate 0.27 0.27 21 Apr 16 Peter Aldous: Common Fisheries Policy (Article 17) 0.27 25 Apr 16 Mr Gareth Thomas: Nepal earthquake: First anniversary 0.30 0.30 26 Apr 16 Mr David Winnick: All Saints National Academy, Walsall 0.21 0.21 28 Apr 16 Mr David Lammy: Mental Health Services: Haringey 0.33 0.32 3 May 16 Maria Caulfield: Letting Agent Fees and Deposits: Private Rented Sector 0.25 0.25 4 May 16 Andrew Gwynne: Taxi Licensing Regulations 0.34 0.29 5 May 16 Fiona Bruce: Human Rights (Burundi) 0.31 9 May 16 Mr Christopher Chope: European Convention on Human Rights 0.30 0.30 10 May 16 Valerie Vaz: HMRC Office Closure (Walsall) 0.26 11 May 16 Sir David Amess: Train Services: Southend 1.02

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 113 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time Totals: 74.00 59.41 9: Estimates 1 Mar 16 (1st allotted day): The FCO and the Spending Review 2015 0.30 1 Mar 16 (1st allotted day): The FCO and the Spending Review 2015 [Resumed] 1.37 1 Mar 16 (1st allotted day): Police Funding Formula 1.24 1 Mar 16 (1st allotted day): Police Funding Formula [Resumed] 1.32 2 Mar 16 (2nd allotted day): The Science Budget 1.24 2 Mar 16 (2nd allotted day): End of Life Care 2.14 2 Mar 16 (2nd allotted day): Deferred Questions [Division] 0.15 0.15 Totals: 8.56 0.15 10: Money Resolutions 3 Nov 15 Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill (Money) 0.02 3 Nov 15 Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill (Money) 0.56 [Resumed][Division] Totals: 0.58 0.00 11: Ways and Means 8 Jul 15 Financial Statement 1.07 8 Jul 15 Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] 5.12 9 Jul 15 Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] 0.26 9 Jul 15 Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] [Resumed] 0.40 9 Jul 15 Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] [Resumed] 4.23 13 Jul 15 Budget Resolutions [3rd allotted day] 6.15 14 Jul 15 Budget Resolutions [4th allotted day] [Divisions] 6.30 1.18 16 Mar 16 Financial Statement 1.06 16 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] 0.38 16 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] [Resumed] 1.52 16 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] [Resumed] 1.07 16 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] [Resumed] 0.33 16 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [1st allotted day] [Resumed] 1.12 0.01 17 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] 1.18 17 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] [Resumed] 0.37 17 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] [Resumed] 1.49 17 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] [Resumed] 0.11 17 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [2nd allotted day] [Resumed] 0.56 0.01 21 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [3rd allotted day] 0.39 21 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [3rd allotted day] [Resumed] 1.30 21 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [3rd allotted day] [Resumed] 0.15 21 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [3rd allotted day] [Resumed] 0.50 22 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [4th allotted day] 1.29 22 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [4th allotted day] [Resumed] 2.35 22 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [4th allotted day] [Resumed] 0.36 22 Mar 16 Budget Resolutions [4th allotted day] [Resumed] [Divisions] 2.23 1.00 Totals: 46.09 2.20

114 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 12: Affirmative Statutory Instruments 16 Jun 15 Landfill Tax 0.20 15 Sep 15 Tax Credits [Division] 1.45 1 Dec 15 Social Security 1.18 1.18 20 Jan 16 Proceeds of Crime (5) 0.34 8 Feb 16 Social Security (2) 0.38 29 Feb 16 Referendums [Division] 1.45 9 Mar 16 Immigration [Division] 0.14 0.04 15 Mar 16 Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism 0.53 0.53 Totals: 7.27 2.15 13: Negative Statutory Instruments 19 Jan 16 Education [Division] 0.22 Totals: 0.22 0.00 14a: Questions 2 Jun 15 Health 0.44 3 Jun 15 International Development 0.25 3 Jun 15 Prime Minister 0.33 4 Jun 15 Culture, Media and Sport 0.32 4 Jun 15 Leader of the House (9); House of Commons Commission (3) 0.12 8 Jun 15 Defence 0.44 9 Jun 15 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.45 10 Jun 15 Scotland 0.25 10 Jun 15 Prime Minister 0.36 11 Jun 15 Transport 0.46 15 Jun 15 Education 0.49 16 Jun 15 Treasury 0.44 17 Jun 15 Wales 0.30 17 Jun 15 Prime Minister 0.32 18 Jun 15 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.30 18 Jun 15 Church Commissioners (8); Electoral Commission Committee (9); Public 0.18 Accounts Commission (1) 22 Jun 15 Work and Pensions 0.41 23 Jun 15 Justice 0.37 24 Jun 15 Northern Ireland 0.26 24 Jun 15 Prime Minister 0.35 25 Jun 15 Energy and Climate Change 0.45 29 Jun 15 Communities and Local Government 0.43 30 Jun 15 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.45 1 Jul 15 Cabinet Office 0.19 1 Jul 15 Prime Minister 0.36 2 Jul 15 Attorney General 0.22 2 Jul 15 Women and Equalities 0.35 6 Jul 15 Home Department 0.45 7 Jul 15 Health 0.45

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 115 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 8 Jul 15 International Development 0.20 8 Jul 15 Prime Minister 0.32 9 Jul 15 Culture, Media and Sport 0.30 9 Jul 15 Leader of the House (14); House of Commons Commission (2) 0.16 13 Jul 15 Defence 0.45 14 Jul 15 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.44 15 Jul 15 Scotland 0.25 15 Jul 15 Prime Minister 0.37 16 Jul 15 Transport 0.43 20 Jul 15 Education 0.42 21 Jul 15 Treasury 0.46 7 Sep 15 Work and Pensions 0.42 8 Sep 15 Justice 0.45 9 Sep 15 Prime Minister 0.39 10 Sep 15 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.30 10 Sep 15 Church Commissioners (6); Electoral Commission Committee (5) 0.11 14 Sep 15 Communities and Local Government 0.42 15 Sep 15 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.45 16 Sep 15 Wales 0.28 16 Sep 15 Prime Minister 0.34 17 Sep 15 Energy and Climate Change 0.46 12 Oct 15 Home Department 0.48 13 Oct 15 Health 0.45 14 Oct 15 Northern Ireland 0.29 14 Oct 15 Prime Minister 0.34 15 Oct 15 Attorney General 0.20 15 Oct 15 Women and Equalities 0.36 19 Oct 15 Defence 0.42 20 Oct 15 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.47 21 Oct 15 Cabinet Office 0.22 21 Oct 15 Prime Minister 0.33 22 Oct 15 Culture, Media and Sport 0.29 22 Oct 15 Leader of the House (12); House of Commons Commission (6) 0.18 26 Oct 15 Education 0.41 27 Oct 15 Treasury 0.45 28 Oct 15 International Development 0.21 28 Oct 15 Prime Minister 0.33 29 Oct 15 Transport 0.43 2 Nov 15 Work and Pensions 0.41 3 Nov 15 Justice 0.41 4 Nov 15 Scotland 0.29 4 Nov 15 Prime Minister 0.35 5 Nov 15 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.34 5 Nov 15 Church Commissioners (6); Public Accounts Commission (5) 0.11 9 Nov 15 Communities and Local Government 0.43

116 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 10 Nov 15 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.43 16 Nov 15 Home Department 0.44 17 Nov 15 Health 0.46 18 Nov 15 Wales 0.25 18 Nov 15 Prime Minister 0.36 19 Nov 15 Energy and Climate Change 0.40 23 Nov 15 Defence 0.45 24 Nov 15 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.47 25 Nov 15 Northern Ireland 0.28 25 Nov 15 Prime Minister 0.30 26 Nov 15 Attorney General 0.23 26 Nov 15 Women and Equalities 0.32 30 Nov 15 Education 0.41 1 Dec 15 Treasury 0.43 3 Dec 15 Culture, Media and Sport 0.33 3 Dec 15 Leader of the House (15); House of Commons Commission (1) 0.16 7 Dec 15 Work and Pensions 0.45 8 Dec 15 Justice 0.45 9 Dec 15 Cabinet Office 0.20 9 Dec 15 Prime Minister 0.34 10 Dec 15 Transport 0.45 14 Dec 15 Communities and Local Government 0.43 15 Dec 15 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.42 16 Dec 15 International Development 0.21 16 Dec 15 Prime Minister 0.32 17 Dec 15 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.34 17 Dec 15 Church Commissioners (7); Electoral Commission Committee (6) 0.13 5 Jan 16 Health 0.43 6 Jan 16 Scotland 0.27 6 Jan 16 Prime Minister 0.34 7 Jan 16 Energy and Climate Change 0.43 11 Jan 16 Home Department 0.45 12 Jan 16 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.44 13 Jan 16 Wales 0.30 13 Jan 16 Prime Minister 0.31 14 Jan 16 Attorney General 0.29 14 Jan 16 Women and Equalities 0.29 18 Jan 16 Defence 0.46 19 Jan 16 Treasury 0.47 20 Jan 16 Northern Ireland 0.20 20 Jan 16 Prime Minister 0.47 21 Jan 16 Culture, Media and Sport 0.33 21 Jan 16 House of Commons Commission (9); Leader of the House (8) 0.17 25 Jan 16 Education 0.45

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 117 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 26 Jan 16 Justice 0.43 27 Jan 16 Cabinet Office 0.21 27 Jan 16 Prime Minister 0.33 28 Jan 16 Transport 0.43 1 Feb 16 Transport 0.42 2 Feb 16 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.45 3 Feb 16 International Development 0.23 3 Feb 16 Prime Minister 0.33 4 Feb 16 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.31 4 Feb 16 Electoral Commission Committee (6); Church Commissioners (11) 0.11 8 Feb 16 Communities and Local Government 0.42 9 Feb 16 Health 0.46 10 Feb 16 Scotland 0.32 10 Feb 16 Prime Minister 0.33 11 Feb 16 Energy and Climate Change 0.46 22 Feb 16 Home Department 0.43 23 Feb 16 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.45 24 Feb 16 Wales 0.30 24 Feb 16 Prime Minister 0.34 25 Feb 16 Attorney General 0.27 25 Feb 16 Women and Equalities 0.33 29 Feb 16 Defence 0.46 1 Mar 16 Treasury 0.45 2 Mar 16 Northern Ireland 0.58 2 Mar 16 Prime Minister 0.03 3 Mar 16 Culture, Media and Sport 0.36 3 Mar 16 Leader of the House (5); House of Commons Commission (9) 0.14 7 Mar 16 Education 0.43 8 Mar 16 Justice 0.43 9 Mar 16 Cabinet Office 0.20 9 Mar 16 Prime Minister 0.34 10 Mar 16 Transport 0.43 14 Mar 16 Work and Pensions 0.44 15 Mar 16 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.40 16 Mar 16 International Development 0.18 16 Mar 16 Prime Minister 0.32 17 Mar 16 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.40 17 Mar 16 Church Commissioners (11); Public Accounts Commission (3) 0.14 21 Mar 16 Communities and Local Government 0.40 22 Mar 16 Health 0.43 23 Mar 16 Scotland 0.30 23 Mar 16 Prime Minister 0.35 24 Mar 16 Energy and Climate Change 0.44 11 Apr 16 Home Department 0.44 12 Apr 16 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.45

118 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 13 Apr 16 Wales 0.29 13 Apr 16 Prime Minister 0.34 14 Apr 16 Attorney General 0.25 14 Apr 16 Women and Equalities 0.32 18 Apr 16 Defence 0.46 19 Apr 16 Treasury 0.45 20 Apr 16 Northern Ireland 0.59 20 Apr 16 Prime Minister 0.03 21 Apr 16 Culture, Media and Sport 0.32 21 Apr 16 Leader of the House (10); House of Commons Commission (6) 0.16 25 Apr 16 Education 0.44 26 Apr 16 Justice 0.45 27 Apr 16 Cabinet Office 0.20 27 Apr 16 Prime Minister 0.35 28 Apr 16 Transport 0.44 3 May 16 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.47 4 May 16 International Development 0.24 4 May 16 Prime Minister 0.36 5 May 16 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.31 5 May 16 Church Commissioners 0.15 9 May 16 Work and Pensions 0.49 10 May 16 Health 0.41 11 May 16 Scotland 0.28 11 May 16 Prime Minister 0.40 12 May 16 Energy and Climate Change 0.45 Totals: 109.52 0.00 14b: Topical Questions 2 Jun 15 Health 0.15 4 Jun 15 Culture, Media and Sport 0.13 8 Jun 15 Defence 0.16 9 Jun 15 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.16 11 Jun 15 Transport 0.13 15 Jun 15 Education 0.16 16 Jun 15 Treasury 0.17 18 Jun 15 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.09 22 Jun 15 Work and Pensions 0.18 23 Jun 15 Justice 0.22 25 Jun 15 Energy and Climate Change 0.15 29 Jun 15 Communities and Local Government 0.12 30 Jun 15 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.15 1 Jul 15 Cabinet Office 0.06 6 Jul 15 Home Department 0.15 7 Jul 15 Health 0.16 8 Jul 15 International Development 0.06

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 119 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 9 Jul 15 Culture, Media and Sport 0.09 13 Jul 15 Defence 0.15 14 Jul 15 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.16 16 Jul 15 Transport 0.13 20 Jul 15 Education 0.15 21 Jul 15 Treasury 0.14 7 Sep 15 Work and Pensions 0.13 8 Sep 15 Justice 0.16 10 Sep 15 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.14 14 Sep 15 Communities and Local Government 0.15 15 Sep 15 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.12 17 Sep 15 Energy and Climate Change 0.13 12 Oct 15 Home Department 0.17 13 Oct 15 Health 0.13 19 Oct 15 Defence 0.16 20 Oct 15 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.15 21 Oct 15 Cabinet Office 0.07 22 Oct 15 Culture, Media and Sport 0.14 26 Oct 15 Education 0.17 27 Oct 15 Treasury 0.15 28 Oct 15 International Development 0.09 29 Oct 15 Transport 0.18 2 Nov 15 Work and Pensions 0.15 3 Nov 15 Justice 0.17 5 Nov 15 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.15 9 Nov 15 Communities and Local Government 0.16 10 Nov 15 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.16 16 Nov 15 Home Department 0.15 17 Nov 15 Health 0.11 19 Nov 15 Energy and Climate Change 0.18 23 Nov 15 Defence 0.12 24 Nov 15 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.13 30 Nov 15 Education 0.17 1 Dec 15 Treasury 0.17 3 Dec 15 Culture, Media and Sport 0.11 7 Dec 15 Work and Pensions 0.15 8 Dec 15 Justice 0.16 9 Dec 15 Cabinet Office 0.06 10 Dec 15 Transport 0.15 14 Dec 15 Communities and Local Government 0.14 15 Dec 15 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.17 16 Dec 15 International Development 0.09 17 Dec 15 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.11 5 Jan 16 Health 0.17 7 Jan 16 Energy and Climate Change 0.15

120 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 11 Jan 16 Home Department 0.17 12 Jan 16 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.17 18 Jan 16 Defence 0.15 19 Jan 16 Treasury 0.16 21 Jan 16 Culture, Media and Sport 0.15 25 Jan 16 Education 0.16 26 Jan 16 Justice 0.19 27 Jan 16 Cabinet Office 0.09 28 Jan 16 Transport 0.16 1 Feb 16 Transport 0.16 2 Feb 16 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.16 3 Feb 16 International Development 0.06 4 Feb 16 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.18 8 Feb 16 Communities and Local Government 0.16 9 Feb 16 Health 0.16 11 Feb 16 Energy and Climate Change 0.14 22 Feb 16 Home Department 0.12 23 Feb 16 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.17 29 Feb 16 Defence 0.15 1 Mar 16 Treasury 0.17 3 Mar 16 Culture, Media and Sport 0.12 7 Mar 16 Education 0.16 8 Mar 16 Justice 0.16 9 Mar 16 Cabinet Office 0.08 10 Mar 16 Transport 0.18 14 Mar 16 Work and Pensions 0.14 15 Mar 16 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.20 16 Mar 16 International Development 0.08 17 Mar 16 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.10 21 Mar 16 Communities and Local Government 0.15 22 Mar 16 Health 0.16 24 Mar 16 Energy and Climate Change 0.14 11 Apr 16 Home Department 0.15 12 Apr 16 Foreign and Commonwealth Office 0.16 18 Apr 16 Defence 0.16 19 Apr 16 Treasury 0.17 21 Apr 16 Culture, Media and Sport 0.12 25 Apr 16 Education 0.17 26 Apr 16 Justice 0.14 27 Apr 16 Cabinet Office 0.09 28 Apr 16 Transport 0.16 3 May 16 Business, Innovation and Skills 0.14 4 May 16 International Development 0.06 5 May 16 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 0.11

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 121 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 9 May 16 Work and Pensions 0.15 10 May 16 Health 0.20 12 May 16 Energy and Climate Change 0.15 Totals: 25.57 0.00 14c: Urgent Questions 28 May 15 Stephen Phillips (asking); Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport 0.33 (Mr John Whittingdale) (answering): Indictment against FIFA Officials 1 Jun 15 Chris Bryant (asking); Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport 0.31 (Mr John Whittingdale) (answering): FIFA 4 Jun 15 Andy Burnham (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.42 Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): NHS Service Regime 8 Jun 15 Mr Bernard Jenkin (asking); Minister for Immigration (James 0.35 Brokenshire) (answering): Clandestine Migrants (Harwich) 24 Jun 15 Mr David Hanson (asking); Secretary of State for the Home Department 0.47 (Mrs Theresa May) (answering): Border Management (Calais) 25 Jun 15 Chris Leslie (asking); Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Mr Iain 0.54 Duncan Smith) (answering): Child Poverty 6 Jul 15 Chris Bryant (asking); Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport 0.35 (Mr John Whittingdale) (answering): Concessionary Television Licences 20 Jul 15 Diana Johnson (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.39 Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): Contaminated Blood 21 Jul 15 Debbie Abrahams (asking); Minister for Employment (Priti Patel) 0.32 (answering): DWP Data 12 Oct 15 Heidi Alexander (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.33 Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): NHS: Financial Performance 12 Oct 15 John Healey (asking); Minister for Housing and Planning (Brandon 0.37 Lewis) (answering): Right to Buy 13 Oct 15 Anna Turley (asking); Minister for Small Business, Industry and 0.45 Enterprise (Anna Soubry) (answering): Redcar Coke Ovens 13 Oct 15 Andy Slaughter (asking); Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for 0.29 Justice (Michael Gove) (answering): Saudi Penal System 15 Oct 15 Tom Blenkinsop (asking); Minister for Small Business, Industry and 0.26 Enterprise (Anna Soubry) (answering): Redcar Steelworks 20 Oct 15 Kevin Brennan (asking); Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and 0.49 Skills and President of the Board of Trade (Sajid Javid) (answering): Steel Industry 22 Oct 15 Fiona Bruce (asking); Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth 0.30 Office (Mr Hugo Swire) (answering): China (Human Rights) 26 Oct 15 Fabian Hamilton (asking); Minister for Policing, Crime and Criminal 0.26 Justice (Mike Penning) (answering): Arrests of Chinese Protesters 26 Oct 15 Chi Onwurah (asking); Minister for Culture and the Digital Economy (Mr 0.22 Edward Vaizey) (answering): Data Breaches (Consumer Protection) 28 Oct 15 Chris Bryant (asking); Leader of the House of Commons (Chris Grayling) 0.26 (answering): Commons Financial Privilege 3 Nov 15 Yvette Cooper (asking); Secretary of State for International Development 0.41 (Justine Greening) (answering): Humanitarian Aid: Refugees in Greece and the Balkans

122 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 3 Nov 15 Mr Christopher Chope (asking); Deputy Leader of the House of 0.17 Commons (Dr Therese Coffey) (answering): Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 5 Nov 15 Valerie Vaz (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign 0.25 and Commonwealth Affairs (James Duddridge) (answering): Burma 5 Nov 15 Tom Brake (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign 0.27 and Commonwealth Affairs (Tobias Ellwood) (answering): Human Rights (Egypt) 9 Nov 15 Keith Vaz (asking); Minister for Policing, Crime and Criminal Justice 0.51 (Mike Penning) (answering): Police Funding Formula 18 Nov 15 Sir Gerald Howarth (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.44 Northern Ireland (Mr Ben Wallace) (answering): Parachute Regiment: arrest 20 Nov 15 Heidi Alexander (asking); Minister for Community and Social Care 0.44 (Alistair Burt) (answering): Junior Doctors Contract 20 Nov 15 Cat Smith (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice 0.21 (Andrew Selous) (answering): Transpeople (Prisons) 30 Nov 15 Tristram Hunt (asking); Secretary of State for Transport (Mr Patrick 0.29 McLoughlin) (answering): High Speed 2 3 Dec 15 Mark Durkan (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.29 Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (James Duddridge) (answering): Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council 10 Dec 15 Heidi Alexander (asking); Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt) 0.38 (answering): Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust 14 Dec 15 Mr Chuka Umunna (asking); Minister for Skills (Nick Boles) 0.33 (answering): National Minimum Wage: Sports Direct 16 Dec 15 Diana Johnson (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.36 Health (Jane Ellison) (answering): Victims of Contaminated Blood: Support 11 Jan 16 Andy Slaughter (asking); Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for 0.34 Justice (Michael Gove) (answering): Prisons and Secure Training Centres: Safety 11 Jan 16 Jo Cox (asking); Secretary of State for International Development 0.50 (Justine Greening) (answering): Syria: Madaya 19 Jan 16 Stephen Phillips (asking); Secretary of State for International 0.48 Development (Justine Greening) (answering): Ebola: Sierra Leone 20 Jan 16 John Woodcock (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the 0.19 Home Department (Karen Bradley) (answering): Poppi Worthington 20 Jan 16 Andy McDonald (asking); Minister for Immigration (James Brokenshire) 0.28 (answering): Asylum Seekers: Middlesbrough 25 Jan 16 John McDonnell (asking); Financial Secretary to the Treasury (Mr David 0.46 Gauke) (answering): HMRC and Google (Settlement) 25 Jan 16 Yvette Cooper (asking); Minister for Immigration (James Brokenshire) 0.38 (answering): Child Refugees in Europe 26 Jan 16 Heidi Alexander (asking); Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt) 0.37 (answering): William Mead: 111 helpline 28 Jan 16 Owen Smith (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.32 Disabled People (Justin Tomlinson) (answering): Under-occupancy Penalty

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 123 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 28 Jan 16 Hilary Benn (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign and 0.38 Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Tobias Ellwood) (answering): Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia 29 Jan 16 Andy Slaughter (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.14 Justice (Mr Shailesh Vara) (answering): Criminal Legal Aid 29 Jan 16 Louise Haigh (asking); Minister for Small Business, Industry and 0.18 Enterprise (Anna Soubry) (answering): Closure of St Paul’s Place BIS Office (Sheffield) 1 Feb 16 Heidi Alexander (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.42 Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): NHS Trusts: Finances 2 Feb 16 Jeremy Corbyn (asking); Minister for Europe (Mr David Lidington) 1.07 (answering): UK’s Relationship with the EU 2 Feb 16 Ms Diane Abbott (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.26 International Development (Mr Nick Hurd) (answering): Zika virus 4 Feb 16 Kate Green (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the 0.27 Home Department (Karen Bradley) (answering): Return of Kings 8 Feb 16 Heidi Alexander (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health 0.45 (Ben Gummer) (answering): Junior Doctors’ Contract Negotiations 11 Feb 16 Chris Bryant (asking); Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet Office 0.31 (John Penrose) (answering): Short Money and Policy Development Grant 23 Feb 16 Luciana Berger (asking); Minister for Community and Social Care 0.44 (Alistair Burt) (answering): Mental Health Taskforce 23 Feb 16 Chris Bryant (asking); Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet Office 0.35 (John Penrose) (answering): Short Money 25 Feb 16 Alex Cunningham (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.30 Communities and Local Government (James Wharton) (answering): EU Solidarity Fund: Flooding 29 Feb 16 Yvette Cooper (asking); Minister for Immigration (James Brokenshire) 0.37 (answering): Child Refugees: Calais 29 Feb 16 Mr Bernard Jenkin (asking); Minister for the Cabinet Office and 0.48 Paymaster General (Matthew Hancock) (answering): EU Referendum: Civil Service Guidance 1 Mar 16 Jo Cox (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and 0.49 Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Tobias Ellwood) (answering): Syria 2 Mar 16 Owen Smith (asking); Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Mr Iain 0.44 Duncan Smith) (answering): State Pension Age 2 Mar 16 Stuart C. McDonald (asking); Secretary of State for International 0.52 Development (Justine Greening) (answering): Humanitarian Crisis: Greece 7 Mar 16 Mr Alistair Carmichael (asking); Secretary of State for Defence (Michael 0.47 Fallon) (answering): Royal Naval Deployment: Mediterranean 9 Mar 16 John Redwood (asking); Minister for Europe (Mr David Lidington) 1.02 (answering): EU-Turkey Agreement 10 Mar 16 Greg Mulholland (asking); Minister for Small Business, Industry and 0.22 Enterprise (Anna Soubry) (answering): Pubs Code Adjudicator 14 Mar 16 Tom Watson (asking); Lord President of the Council (Chris Grayling) 0.22 (answering): EU Referendum (Privy Council) 15 Mar 16 Hilary Benn (asking); Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth 0.41 Affairs (Mr Philip Hammond) (answering): Syria: Russian Redeployment and the Peace Process

124 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 21 Mar 16 John McDonnell (asking); Financial Secretary to the Treasury (Mr David 0.45 Gauke) (answering): Budget Changes 24 Mar 16 Heidi Alexander (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.39 Health (Ben Gummer) (answering): Junior Doctors: Industrial Action 18 Apr 16 Heidi Alexander (asking); Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt) 0.57 (answering): Junior Doctors Contract 20 Apr 16 Andy Burnham (asking); Secretary of State for the Home Department 0.33 (Mrs Theresa May) (answering): Border Force Budget 2016-17 25 Apr 16 Emily Thornberry (asking); Minister for Defence Procurement (Mr Philip 0.42 Dunne) (answering): Shipbuilding on the Clyde 26 Apr 16 Mr Alistair Carmichael (asking); The Attorney General (Jeremy Wright) 1.01 (answering): European Convention on Human Rights: UK Membership 28 Apr 16 Mr Bernard Jenkin (asking); Minister for Skills (Nick Boles) (answering): 0.40 Trade Union Bill (Discussions) 3 May 16 Jo Cox (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and 0.49 Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Tobias Ellwood) (answering): Aleppo 3 May 16 Luciana Berger (asking); Minister for Community and Social Care 0.14 (Alistair Burt) (answering): Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust 4 May 16 Mrs Anne Main (asking); Minister for Immigration (James Brokenshire) 0.36 (answering): Dublin System: Asylum 9 May 16 Andy Slaughter (asking); Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for 0.39 Justice (Andrew Selous) (answering): Safety in custody and violence in prisons 10 May 16 Yvette Cooper (asking); Minister for Immigration (James Brokenshire) 0.41 (answering): Child Refugee Resettlement 11 May 16 Maria Eagle (asking); Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport 0.40 (Mr John Whittingdale) (answering): White Paper on the BBC Charter 12 May 16 John Redwood (asking); Minister for Immigration (James Brokenshire) 0.44 (answering): EU Migrants: National Insurance Numbers Totals: 47.39 0.00 14d: Statements 10 Jun 15 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): G7 1.11 11 Jun 15 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 0.54 Anderson Report 11 Jun 15 Economic Secretary to the Treasury (Harriett Baldwin): Royal Bank of 1.02 Scotland 22 Jun 15 Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (Amber Rudd): 1.06 Onshore Wind Subsidies 25 Jun 15 Secretary of State for Transport (Mr Patrick McLoughlin): Network Rail 0.47 29 Jun 15 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): Tunisia and European Council 1.44 29 Jun 15 Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr George Osborne): Greece 1.15 1 Jul 15 Secretary of State for Transport (Mr Patrick McLoughlin): Davies 1.11 Commission Report 1 Jul 15 Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Mr Iain Duncan Smith): Child 0.53 Poverty 2 Jul 15 Leader of the House (Chris Grayling): English Votes on English Laws 1.12 6 Jul 15 Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr George Osborne): Greece 1.09 14 Jul 15 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): Calais 0.42

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 125 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 14 Jul 15 Leader of the House of Commons (Chris Grayling): Business of the 0.15 House 15 Jul 15 Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Philip 1.15 Hammond): Iran: Nuclear Deal 15 Jul 15 Secretary of State for the Home Department: Water Cannon 0.37 16 Jul 15 Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): NHS Reform 1.08 16 Jul 15 Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (Mr John Whittingdale): 1.03 BBC Charter Review 20 Jul 15 Secretary of State for Defence (Michael Fallon): Counter-ISIL Coalition 1.20 Strategy 7 Sep 15 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): Syria: Refugees and Counter- 2.16 terrorism 8 Sep 15 Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mrs Theresa Villiers): Northern 0.59 Ireland: Political Situation 15 Sep 15 Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mrs Theresa Villiers): Northern 0.53 Ireland 16 Sep 15 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 1.12 Migration 19 Oct 15 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): European Council 1.18 19 Oct 15 Secretary of State for Education (Nicky Morgan): School Expansion 0.44 20 Oct 15 Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mrs Theresa Villiers): 0.50 Paramilitary Groups (Northern Ireland) 4 Nov 15 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): Draft 1.23 Investigatory Powers Bill 5 Nov 15 Secretary of State for Transport (Mr Patrick McLoughlin): Aviation 0.28 Security 10 Nov 15 Minister for Europe (Mr David Lidington): Europe: Renegotiation 1.23 16 Nov 15 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): Paris 1.39 Terrorist Attacks 17 Nov 15 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): G20 and Paris Attacks 1.31 19 Nov 15 Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mrs Theresa Villiers): Northern 0.55 Ireland Political Agreements 23 Nov 15 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): National Security and Defence 1.53 25 Nov 15 Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr George Osborne): Spending Review 3.11 and Autumn Statement 26 Nov 15 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): Syria 2.46 30 Nov 15 Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): Junior Doctors Contract 0.47 7 Dec 15 Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Elizabeth 0.46 Truss): Flooding 14 Dec 15 Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (Amber Rudd): 0.45 Climate Change Agreement 14 Dec 15 Secretary of State for Transport (Mr Patrick McLoughlin): Airports 1.04 Capacity 16 Dec 15 Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Philip 1.27 Hammond): Daesh: Syria/Iraq 17 Dec 15 Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Greg 1.02 Clarke): Local Government Finance 17 Dec 15 Leader of the House (Chris Grayling): Strathclyde Review 0.35

126 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 5 Jan 16 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): EU Council 1.36 5 Jan 16 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 0.45 Counter-terrorism 5 Jan 16 Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Elizabeth 1.23 Truss): Flooding 5 Jan 16 Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth 1.11 Affairs (Mr Tobias Ellwood): Saudi Arabia 18 Jan 16 Minister for Small Business, Industry and Enterprise (Anna Soubry): 0.54 Steel sector 21 Jan 16 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 0.50 Litvinenko Inquiry 21 Jan 16 Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health (Jane Ellison): 0.37 Infected Blood 3 Feb 16 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): UK-EU Renegotiation 2.01 8 Feb 16 Secretary of State for International Development (Justine Greening): 0.52 Syria Crisis: UK response 8 Feb 16 Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Greg Clark): 1.07 Local Government Finance 11 Feb 16 Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): Junior Doctors Contract 0.53 22 Feb 16 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): European Council 2.39 23 Feb 16 Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport (Claire Perry): 0.23 Crossrail: Elizabeth Line 24 Feb 16 Secretary of State for Scotland (David Mundell): Scotland’s Fiscal 0.39 Framework 9 Mar 16 Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): NHS: Learning from 0.56 mistakes 10 Mar 16 Minister for Skills (Nick Boles): Apprenticeships 0.47 17 Mar 16 Secretary of State for Wales (Stephen Crabb): Macur Review 0.41 21 Mar 16 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): European Council 1.16 21 Mar 16 Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Stephen Crabb): Welfare 1.05 23 Mar 16 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): Brussels 1.10 Terrorist Attacks 11 Apr 16 Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): Panama Papers 1.27 11 Apr 16 Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Sajid Javid): UK 1.18 Steel Industry 11 Apr 16 Minister for Europe (Mr David Lidington): Government Referendum 1.19 leaflet 19 Apr 16 Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr Philip 1.10 Hammond): Libya 25 Apr 16 Secretary of State for Health (Mr Jeremy Hunt): Junior Doctors Contract 1.20 25 Apr 16 Minister for Small Business, Industry and Enterprise (Anna Soubry): 0.41 BHS 27 Apr 16 Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mrs Theresa May): 1.55 Hillsborough 9 May 16 Secretary of State for Education (Nicky Morgan): Educational Excellence 1.04 Everywhere: Academies 10 May 16 Minister for Schools (Mr Nick Gibb): Key Stage 2 Tests 0.40

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 127 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 12 May 16 Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (Mr John Whittingdale): 1.40 BBC Totals: 82.50 0.00 14e: Business Statements 28 May 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.52 4 Jun 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.03 11 Jun 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.05 18 Jun 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.11 25 Jun 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.39 2 Jul 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.54 9 Jul 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.59 16 Jul 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.00 10 Sep 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.58 17 Sep 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.07 15 Oct 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.47 22 Oct 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.05 29 Oct 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.04 5 Nov 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.06 19 Nov 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.56 26 Nov 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.40 1 Dec 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.30 3 Dec 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.55 10 Dec 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.51 17 Dec 15 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.08 7 Jan 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.00 14 Jan 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.14 21 Jan 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.57 28 Jan 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.47 4 Feb 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.50 11 Feb 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.48 25 Feb 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.01 3 Mar 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 1.03 10 Mar 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.59 17 Mar 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.55 24 Mar 16 Business Statement: Deputy Leader of the House 0.49 14 Apr 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.57 21 Apr 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.43 28 Apr 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.58 5 May 16 Business Statement: Leader of the House 0.36 Totals: 32.27 0.00

128 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 14f: Select Committee Statement 14 Jan 16 Mr Bernard Jenkin (on behalf of the Public Administration and 0.17 Constitutional Affairs Committee): Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: UK Delegation 4 Feb 16 Mr Bernard Jenkin (on behalf of the Public Administration and 0.34 Constitutional Affairs Committee): Collapse of Kids Company 11 Feb 16 Mr Clive Betts (on behalf of the Communities and Local Government 0.18 Committee): Housing Associations and the Right to Buy 11 Feb 16 Mr Bernard Jenkin (on behalf of the Public Administration and 0.22 Constitutional Affairs Committee): Future of the Union: English Votes for English Laws 18 Apr 16 Mr Bernard Jenkin (on behalf of the Public Administration and 0.18 Constitutional Affairs Committee): Appointment of the Commissioner for Public Appointments 18 Apr 16 Mr Charles Walker (on behalf of the Procedure Committee): Private 0.26 Members’ Bills Totals: 2.15 0.00 14g: S.O. No. 24 Applications 6 Jul 15 Mr Alistair Carmichael: English Votes on English Laws 0.05 7 Sep 15 Yvette Cooper: Refugee Crisis in Europe 0.05 15 Oct 15 Chris Bryant: Wilson Doctrine 0.06 27 Oct 15 Dr Eilidh Whiteford: Tax Credits 0.05 11 Apr 16 Ms Angela Eagle: TATA and the UK Steel Industry 0.04 Totals: 0.25 0.00 14h: Points of Order 27 May 15 Alex Salmond: Attempt to change Standing Orders to restrict voting 0.03 rights of members John Redwood: Changes to Standing Orders outlined in the Gracious Speech Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Historical case of House limiting voting rights 28 May 15 Alec Shelbrooke: Consequences and powers of the Speaker when 0.02 individuals in the House are being targeted after encouragement from Members 4 Jun 15 Andy Burnham: Government policy announcements to the House 0.02 4 Jun 15 Clive Efford: Apology for intimidating the Chancellor 0.01 4 Jun 15 Chris Leslie: Convention of informing Members of changes to public 0.01 services 8 Jun 15 Alex Salmond: Members with prompt sheets for questions to the Minister 0.02 Sir Edward Leigh: Availability of prompt sheet Mr Bernard Jenkin: Reports of Members signing paper undertaking not to disagree with the Front Bench 9 Jun 15 Paul Flynn: Prime Minister’s Question Time 0.05 Ian Lavery: Firefighters’ pensions Chris Stephens: Request for Government statement on deportations to unstable world regions 9 Jun 15 Ian Austin: Alex Salmond’s comments on his referendum campaigning 0.01 9 Jun 15 Mr Bernard Jenkin: Delay in the Aye Lobby [During division] 0.02 0.02

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 129 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 15 Jun 15 Louise Haigh: Request for Government statement on the alleged 0.01 misconduct of South Yorkshire police 15 Jun 15 Ian Paisley: Not ‘British Parliament’ but ‘Parliament of the United 0.01 Kingdom’ 15 Jun 15 Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Knowledge of what constitutes the UK 0.01 15 Jun 15 Mr Graham Allen: Informing the Chair that he will request a vote on a 0.01 clause 16 Jun 15 Kevin Brennan: Visa application for charity guest turned down 0.02 16 Jun 15 Alex Salmond: Calling of a starred amendment 0.01 16 Jun 15 Mr Bernard Jenkin: Scope of debate 0.01 16 Jun 15 Alex Salmond: Length of Minister’s speech 0.01 16 Jun 15 Mr Pat McFadden: Time for debate on amendments 0.02 Alex Salmond: Time for debate on certain amendment Mr Steve Baker: When to expect division on certain amendment 16 Jun 15 Alex Salmond: Whether explanation for not giving way was reasonable 0.01 17 Jun 15 Ian Austin: Minister on Front Bench being noisy during speech 0.01 18 Jun 15 Angus Brendan MacNeil: Request for Government statement on onshore 0.04 wind Mr Barry Sheerman: Government policy announcements to the House 18 Jun 15 Ian Murray: SNP Members tweeting incorrectly about votes 0.06 0.06 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Additional provisions on HS2 not available until after visit of HS2 Committee to her constituency Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Whether details on additional provisions on HS2 could be made available prior to the visit 22 Jun 15 Diana Johnson: Whether the Secretary of State for Health will make 0.03 statement on compensation for those affected by NHS contaminated blood scandal Marie Rimmer: Request for answer to topical question 23 Jun 15 Chi Onwurah: Notification of National Women in Engineering day and 0.02 Parliamentary Links day 24 Jun 15 Debbie Abrahams: Contradiction between answer to question and 0.01 submission to Information Commissioner 24 Jun 15 Barbara Keeley: Scope of debate 0.01 24 Jun 15 Robert Flello: When it is in order to challenge the Chair’s ruling 0.01 29 Jun 15 Alex Salmond: Opportunity for questions to Prime Minister solely on 0.05 European Council Angela Rayner: Official visits to constituencies by other Members without notice to the constituency Member Kit Malthouse: Correcting record to declare interest Mr Gregory Campbell: Presence in Central Lobby of Member who did not swear in 29 Jun 15 Alex Salmond: Member appearing to redraft new clause 0.01 30 Jun 15 Angus Robertson: Whether the Government have notified the Speaker on 0.06 their plans to restrict voting rights of Scottish Members Mr Barry Sheerman: Mixed nature of Prime Minister’s statement on the previous day 30 Jun 15 Sir Oliver Heald: Whether it is in order for Member to describe him as 0.01 illiterate 30 Jun 15 Ian Murray: Confirmation of voting on clause without debating it 0.01

130 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 1 Jul 15 Alec Shelbrooke: Methods for the House to offer condolences to families 0.02 of victims of Tunisia attack 2 Jul 15 David T.C. Davies: Rejection of question by Department 0.02 Chris Stephens: Language used in the House 6 Jul 15 Angela Rayner: Correction of record and response to previous Point of 0.10 Order Mr Charles Walker: How he can bring concerns of black cab drivers to the House Sir Edward Leigh: Whether business could be marked as of particular national importance and be debated for longer Mr Peter Bone: Introduction of a House Business Committee Kirsty Blackman: Response to question to Leader of the House on England and Wales only bills Ian Mearns: Nominations for Backbench Business Committee 6 Jul 15 Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Whether he has right to intervene 0.01 7 Jul 15 Ms Angela Eagle: Government abstention in previous division 0.05 Mr David Davis: Explanation of abstention and communication of that to Government Alex Salmond: Necessity for more discussion on EVEL Mr Dennis Skinner: Government abstention in previous division Mr David Winnick: Whether Conservative Members heard division bell 9 Jul 15 Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Shadow Chancellor saying he will give way and 0.01 then not giving way 9 Jul 15 Chris Leslie: Questioning point in Secretary of State’s speech 0.01 13 Jul 15 Nic Dakin: Amendments to Standing Orders for English votes for English 0.02 0.02 laws 14 Jul 15 Leader of the House of Commons (Chris Grayling): Correction to 0.04 business statement Ms Angela Eagle: Request for provision in Standing Orders for business statement every day 14 Jul 15 Robert Flello: Request for further supplementary business statement 0.02 Mr David Hanson: Request for reminder that statements should be made first to House 15 Jul 15 Sir Gerald Howarth: Demonstration blocking Parliament Square 0.06 Mr Ben Bradshaw: Minister threatening to exclude Member from information and correspondence about local NHS Debbie Abrahams: Request for expedition of publication of data 15 Jul 15 Alex Salmond: Whether McKay Commission supports Minister’s 0.01 0.01 arguments 15 Jul 15 Bill Wiggin: Name missed off list for appointment of members to 0.02 0.02 European Scrutiny Committee 16 Jul 15 Stephen Doughty: Whether there has been notice of statement 0.02 16 Jul 15 Mrs Madeleine Moon: Thanks to Deputy Leader of the House for her 0.02 0.01 response 20 Jul 15 Wayne David: Commission for Freedom of Information Act and clarity 0.03 on Opposition involvement Caroline Lucas: Fracking at sites of special scientific interest and whether there will be a statement 20 Jul 15 Emily Thornberry: Impact Assessment for Bill not available at beginning 0.01 of debate

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 131 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 20 Jul 15 Emily Thornberry: Publication time of Impact Assessments 0.03 Mr Iain Duncan Smith: Publication time of Impact Assessments Emily Thornberry: Publication time of Impact Assessments 20 Jul 15 Pete Wishart: Official Opposition’s abstention 0.01 0.01 21 Jul 15 David Rutley: Explosion at wood treatment mill site in Bosley 0.03 Ms Gisela Stuart: Appointment of Chairman and members of Intelligence and Security Committee Luciana Berger: Whether there will be an oral statement on funding arrangements for police forces in England and Wales 21 Jul 15 Sir Edward Leigh: Members speaking who were not present for opening 0.02 speeches Simon Hoare: Which speeches are classified as opening speeches Alex Salmond: Members speaking who were not present for opening speeches 21 Jul 15 Nic Dakin: Vote in the other place on creating a Committee of both 0.02 Houses to examine EVEL Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Position of the Opposition in the Chamber 7 Sep 15 Sir Gerald Kaufman: Response from Home Office 0.10 Stephen Pound: Request to amend timetable for re-inclusion of Northern Ireland Questions Pete Wishart: Emergency debate on same topic as SNP opposition day debate Yvette Cooper: Clarification of importance of both refugee debates Mr Nigel Dodds: Provision of Government time for debate on situation in Northern Ireland 8 Sep 15 Diana Johnson: Response from the Department of Health 0.02 8 Sep 15 Ms Margaret Ritchie: Request for statement from the Minister of Armed 0.01 Forces 9 Sep 15 Andy McDonald: Use of disorderly language 0.02 16 Sep 15 Andrew Griffiths: Time available for backbenchers during PMQs 0.05 Mr Peter Bone: Time available for Front Benchers during PMQs 17 Sep 15 Jack Dromey: Non-publication of information held by the Home Office 0.12 Paul Flynn: Changes to PMQs Mr David Winnick: Importance of PMQs Chris Bryant: Members following incorrect voting practices 12 Oct 15 Sir Nicholas Soames: Personal apology request 0.06 Mr Tom Watson: Notification of intention not to apologise to the House Robert Neill: Raising legitimate concerns about public authorities 14 Oct 15 Caroline Lucas: Request for Statement from the Prime Minister on 0.14 Wilson Doctrine Alex Salmond: Advice on Wilson Doctrine Mr David Davis: Wilson Doctrine and parliamentary privilege Mr David Winnick: Importance of Wilson Doctrine Mr Peter Bone: Response of Home Secretary Chris Bryant: Request for Statement from the Leader of the House Tom Blenkinsop: Redcar Coke Ovens redundancy funds Mr Dennis Skinner: Emergency debate on Redcar Coke Ovens 15 Oct 15 Philip Davies: Necessity of the conference recess break 0.02 21 Oct 15 Sir Edward Leigh: Role of House of Lords 0.03

132 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 22 Oct 15 Chris Bryant: Corrections to previous comments from the Leader of the 0.09 House during the Business Statement Leader of the House of Commons (Chris Grayling): Rebuttal to alleged inaccuracies in the Business Statement Chris Bryant: Clarification of the membership of the Committees on Standards and Privileges Paul Farrelly: Government policy announcements to the House Owen Smith: Guidance on how to question a Government minister 22 Oct 15 Pete Wishart: Length of speeches and amount of speaking time given to 0.02 Scottish Members 22 Oct 15 Kevin Brennan: Proposed introduction of different colour security passes 0.03 for Members according to EVEL designation Chris Bryant: Operation of double majority procedure Pete Wishart: Request for guidance on EVEL divisions Chris Grayling: Guidance on EVEL divisions 23 Oct 15 Sir Gerald Howarth: Participation in the Division and voicing opposition 0.01 in the Chamber Mr Peter Bone: Participation in the Division and voicing opposition in the Chamber 26 Oct 15 James Gray: Use of vellum to record Acts of Parliament 0.05 26 Oct 15 Sir Edward Leigh: House of Lords decision on vellum 0.01 Wes Streeting: Importance of House of Lords decision on vellum 26 Oct 15 John McDonnell: Government policy announcements to the House 0.02 Kirsty Blackman: Appointment of peers 27 Oct 15 Dr Liam Fox: Decision of the House of Lords on tax credits 0.08 David T. C. Davies: Decision-making between the House of Commons and the House of Lords Christian Matheson: Ability of House to consider House of Lords decisions Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Financial privilege Alex Salmond: Conduct of another Member Clive Efford: Request for Government to reconsider position on tax credits Martin John Docherty: Decision-making between the House of Commons and the House of Lords Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Financial privilege Mr David Winnick: Request for a debate on the House of Lords decision on tax credits 28 Oct 15 Chris Bryant: Disclosure of information about the reference panel 0.05 reviewing the House of Lords Alex Salmond: Request for Leader of the House to speak at the Dispatch Box Diana Johnson: Request to formally correct Government statement on free school meals Jonathan Edwards: Response from the Treasury to written questions 28 Oct 15 Mr Kevan Jones: Ability to intervene 0.02 28 Oct 15 Mr Kevan Jones: Convention for speakers to stay in the Chamber for two 0.02 subsequent speeches

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 133 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 29 Oct 15 Alex Salmond: Delays in publication of Chilcot inquiry and related 0.08 request for a Government announcement in the House Chris Grayling: Timetable of Chilcot inquiry Mr David Davis: Timetable of Chilcot inquiry Paul Flynn: Form of the Chilcot inquiry Diana Johnson: Inaccuracies made by the Leader of the House 29 Oct 15 Graham Allen: Advice on how to continue campaign to introduce a 0.04 House Business Committee Mr Peter Bone: Creation of a House Business Committee 30 Oct 15 Barbara Keeley: Repetition in speeches 0.01 30 Oct 15 Andy Slaughter: Request for Government statement on release of Shaker 0.03 0.03 Aamer from Guantanamo Bay 2 Nov 15 Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Clarification of EVEL certification decision 0.05 Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Impact of certifying Bills under EVEL during proceedings 3 Nov 15 Mr Philip Hollobone: Appointment of the Parliamentary Assembly of the 0.05 Council of Europe Tom Brake: Convention of Members only representing their constituents Sir Simon Burns: Criteria for granting an urgent question Mr Peter Bone: Debate on the appointment of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 3 Nov 15 Dr Sarah Wollaston: Neutrality of Government on a Bill 0.01 4 Nov 15 Alex Salmond: Request for Government response to delay in the 0.09 publication of the Chilcot inquiry findings Ian Paisley: Request for Government response to loss of jobs in Northern Ireland Paul Flynn: Appointment of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Brendan O’Hara: Quality of response to questions to the MOD 4 Nov 15 Lisa Nandy: Request for Government statement on the simultaneous 0.01 0.01 consideration of an SI and consultation on the same topic 5 Nov 15 Wes Streeting: Clarification of Business Statement 0.01 5 Nov 15 Robert Neill: Members’ involvement in DPP and CPS investigations 0.08 Andy McDonald: Responsibility of Members to act in the interests of entire population Mrs Sharon Hodgson: Quality of Government response to written questions Tom Brake: Request for Prime Minister to inform the House of the content of his discussions with the President of Egypt 6 Nov 15 Albert Owen: Timing of when the question can be put 0.01 6 Nov 15 Nick Thomas-Symonds: Request to claim the closure 0.02 0.01 Albert Owen: Further request to claim the closure Patrick Grady: High attendance of SNP members 9 Nov 15 Pauline Latham: Availability of female toilet facilities 0.14 Tom Brake: Government policy announcements to the House Mr Peter Bone: Inaccurate BBC reporting Paul Flynn: Right of backbenchers to move a closure Christian Matheson: Opportunity to support constituents in a court case Chi Onwurah: Request for a Government explanation on policy changes 9 Nov 15 Pete Wishart: Scope of debate 0.01 9 Nov 15 Bob Blackman: Projection of a swastika onto the House of Commons 0.01

134 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 10 Nov 15 Tom Blenkinsop: Request for Government statement on TATA Steel 0.01 Europe report 16 Nov 15 Ian Blackford: Request for Minister to publish a consultation on proposed 0.02 byelaw changes 16 Nov 15 Pete Wishart: Clarification on division result 0.01 Mr Graham Allen: Attendance at debate of another Member 17 Nov 15 Debbie Abrahams: Request for Secretary of State to make a statement 0.06 Louise Haigh: Timely and substantive response to PQs 18 Nov 15 Mr Clive Betts: Delayed response to Committee report 0.03 20 Nov 15 Heidi Alexander: Attendance of Secretary of State at Urgent Questions 0.07 Sir Peter Bottomley: Convention of who responds to UQs Nic Dakin: Inaccuracies in Ministerial statement Andy Slaughter: Inaccuracies in House debates 24 Nov 15 Jack Dromey: Inaccuracies of Prime Minister during PMQs 0.06 Mr Graham Allen: Request for Ministerial statement Tom Brake: Request to extend question time session 24 Nov 15 Alan Brown: Scope of debate 0.02 John Nicolson: Language used in Chamber Ian Paisley: Language used in Chamber Mr Jamie Reed: Language used in Chamber 30 Nov 15 Mr MacNeil: Government policy announcements to the House 0.01 30 Nov 15 Chris Bryant: Proceedings for vote and debate on Syria 0.02 1 Dec 15 Alison McGovern: Proceedings on Syria debate 0.14 Sir Edward Leigh: Extension of debate Mr Peter Bone: When the moment of interruption is Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Precedent on the cancellation of PMQs Chris Bryant: Publication of manuscript amendments Greg Mulholland: Request for BIS Ministers to give statement to the House 1 Dec 15 Sir Edward Garnier: Procedure for presenting multiple petitions 0.05 0.05 Mr Robin Walker: Speech times in debate Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Length of debate Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Timetabling of speeches 1 Dec 15 Stephen Pound: Difficulties in accessing the parliamentary estate 0.01 0.01 2 Dec 15 Melanie Onn: Mistake on Order Paper 0.01 2 Dec 15 Dr Philippa Whitford: Length of time the Speaker spent in the Chair 0.01 0.01 Mr David Winnick: Thanks for the length of time the Speaker spent in the Chair 3 Dec 15 Crispin Blunt: Role of Select Committees 0.08 Bill Esterton: Room booking procedure 7 Dec 15 Neil Coyle: Inaccuracies in Government responses to oral questions 0.02 9 Dec 15 Tim Farron: Response from Government 0.01 10 Dec 15 Lilian Greenwood: Government policy announcements to the House 0.02 14 Dec 15 Sir Nicholas Soames: Correction to record (attendance of Member) 0.05 Tom Brake: Attendance of Member during debate Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Request for Government statement 15 Dec 15 Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Complaint about IPSA 0.02

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 135 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 16 Dec 15 Tom Brake: Request for Prime Ministerial response 0.12 Hannah Bardell: Actions of DWP Patrick Grady: Noise levels during PMQs Greg Mulholland: Opportunities to raise issues in parliament before recess Ben Bradshaw: Request for Government statement 17 Dec 15 Mr Graham Allen: Time limit on speeches for backbench business 0.04 Mary Creagh: Response from Government department 5 Jan 16 Louise Haigh: Publication of historical Cabinet Office papers 0.06 Mr Andrew Turner: Consequences of approving programme motion Fiona Mactaggart: Request to change the order of debate 5 Jan 16 Pete Wishart: Clarification of Madam Deputy Speaker’s introduction 0.01 6 Jan 16 Susan Elan Jones: Request for Government statement 0.01 0.01 7 Jan 16 Alex Salmond: Request for Government response to Backbench Business 0.01 debate resolutions Alex Salmond: Powers of the House and Speaker 11 Jan 16 Michael Fabricant: Thanks to the Speaker for his written guidance on 0.08 participation in the Chamber and Westminster Hall Stephen Doughty: Official visits to constituencies by other Members without notice to the constituency Member Jo Stevens: Official visits to constituencies by other Members without notice to the constituency Member Michael Fabricant: Type of stamp used on ministerial post 12 Jan 16 Lady Hermon: Guidance on challenging Speaker’s certification 0.02 Lady Hermon: Postponement of division 13 Jan 16 Lady Hermon: Clarification on how to correct EVEL certification 0.09 Lady Hermon: Provision of additional support to aid independent Members’ understanding of EVEL certification 14 Jan 16 Chris Bryant: Guidance on consideration of statutory instruments 0.05 Chris Bryant: Request for Government to announce plans regarding the student finance SI Dr Therese Coffey: Ways to debate the student finance SI 19 Jan 16 Kate Osamor: Language used in Chamber 0.11 Hywel Williams: EVEL certification Mr David Hanson: Opportunities to influence EVEL certification Ian C. Lucas: Notification that the Procedure Committee are undertaking an inquiry into EVEL Greg Mulholland: Official visits to constituencies by other Members without notice to the constituency Member 19 Jan 16 Alex Salmond: Double-majority voting 0.06 Andrew Rosindell: Error on division tablet Jim McMahon: Error on division tablet Pete Wishart: Possibility of having a recount Lady Hermon: Impact of a England and Wales-certified SI on Northern Ireland Michael Fabricant: Praise to House staff, PDS and Deputy Speaker for new tablet division procedure 21 Jan 16 Matthew Pennycook: Government policy announcements to the House 0.01 21 Jan 16 Wes Streeting: Apology for not talking until the moment of interruption 0.01 22 Jan 16 Mr Peter Bone: Time spent on division 0.01 25 Jan 16 Lady Hermon: Frequency of EVEL certification 0.01 Sir Edward Leigh: Outcome of EVEL division

136 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 26 Jan 16 Andy Slaughter: Correction to Member’s speech 0.07 Mr Jamie Reed: Government reaction to request to claim from EU Solidarity Fund Mr Barry Sheerman: Increasing time restrictions on backbenchers 27 Jan 16 Paula Sheriff: Correction to Minister 0.10 Yvette Cooper: Language used in Chamber Chris Law: Correction to Leader of the House Stephen Doughty: Guidance on getting information from Government Christian Matheson: PM’s compliance with Chamber name rules 28 Jan 16 Mary Creagh: Request for Minister to make statement 0.01 2 Feb 16 Kevin Brennan: Non-publication of amendments 0.01 Kevin Brennan: Request to Secretary of State for amendments to be published 2 Feb 16 Ms Angela Eagle: Topic of Minister’s conclusion 0.01 2 Feb 16 Lady Hermon: Clarification on Speaker’s certification note in the Order 0.02 0.02 Paper 4 Feb 16 Chris Bryant: Clarification on Business Statement 0.02 5 Feb 16 Andrew Gwynne: PM’s response to Named Day Questions 0.01 5 Feb 16 Philip Davies: Request for Home Office statement 0.01 5 Feb 16 Philip Davies: Request for Home Office statement 0.01 9 Feb 16 Mrs Sharon Hodgson: Use of vellum 0.08 Chris Stephens: Clarification on Minister’s statement Mr David Winnick: Origin of the Speaker’s political beliefs 9 Feb 16 Ian Paisley: The way the Secretaries of State for Wales, Scotland and 0.01 Northern Ireland voted 10 Feb 16 Mr James Gray: Use of vellum and decision in the Commons 0.08 Tommy Sheppard: Selection of Ministerial questions along EVEL lines Tim Farron: Investigation into cost of deporting unaccompanied minors and young adult refugees 11 Feb 16 Tom Brake: Correction to Ministerial response to oral question 0.02 Diana Johnson: Meeting between the Prime Minister and constituents 11 Feb 16 Heidi Alexander: Correction to Ministerial statement 0.01 0.01 22 Feb 16 Luciana Berger: Request for Government statement on publication of a 0.04 report Alberto Costa: Parliamentary sovereignty across the UK 23 Feb 16 Alex Cunningham: Request for Government clarification on the correct 0.06 department to apply to for EU solidarity fund flood money Gavin Robinson: Request for Government response to Bombardier job losses Chris Bryant: Consultation of the Clerk of the House (as Accounting Officer) on Short Money Chris Bryant: Incorrect information in Government statement 23 Feb 16 David Mundell: Notification that he plans to make a statement to the 0.05 House on the Fiscal Framework Angus Robertson: Thank you to Scottish and UK Governments on reaching agreement on the Fiscal Framework Ian Murray: Timing of publication of Fiscal Framework David Mundell: Confirmation of publication of Fiscal Framework Mr Chuka Umunna: Postponement of scheduled backbench business debate

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 137 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 24 Feb 16 Ian Blackford: Correction to Ministerial debate response 0.04 David Mundell: Acknowledgement of corrections 25 Feb 16 Joanna Cherry: Response to previous PoO by Alberto Costa. 0.07 Chris Law: Complaint against PM’s language in PMQs 25 Feb 16 Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Attendance of Foreign Secretary during debate 0.01 25 Feb 16 Mr Bernard Jenkin: Request for Government to make a statement on 0.02 0.02 ministerial access to EU related documents Mr Bernard Jenkin: Advice on how to raise urgent matter Alex Salmond: Purdah and ministerial access to EU related documents 29 Feb 16 Mr Bernard Jenkin: Publication of Cabinet Office brief to civil servants 0.11 on conduct during the EU referendum campaign Mrs Anne Main: Definition of “may have a bearing” Matthew Hancock: Clarification on conduct of civil servants during the EU referendum campaign Nia Griffith: Government policy announcements to the House Kirsten Oswald: Quality of response from Minister to written questions Dr Liam Fox: Disclosure of documents to Ministers and the impact on answers to oral questions Michael Fabricant: Expression of admiration to Cabinet Office Minister 1 Mar 16 Sir Edward Leigh: Attendance of Minister instead of Secretary of State at 0.05 UQ Mr Tom Watson: Government policy announcements to the House 1 Mar 16 Sir Edward Leigh: Inability to debate estimates on Estimates day 0.01 1 Mar 16 Mr Kevan Jones: Correction to Member’s speech 0.01 2 Mar 16 Tom Brake: Request for progress update on Syria air strikes from Prime 0.04 Minister Alec Shelbrooke: Tribute to Tony Warren, Creator of Coronation Street 2 Mar 16 Pete Wishart: Inability to debate estimates on Estimates Day 0.01 3 Mar 16 Melanie Onn: Correction to Minister’s speech in a DL Committee 0.03 3 Mar 16 Nia Griffith: Attendance of Secretary of State for Wales in the Chamber 0.03 before Backbench Business debate on Welsh Affairs Wayne David: Attendance of Secretary of State at St David’s Day reception Alun Cairns: Availability of Secretary of State 4 Mar 16 Meg Hillier: Correction to Chancellor of the Exchequer’s response to an 0.01 oral question 4 Mar 16 Stephen Pound: Question over whether tedious and needless repetition is 0.01 allowed in the Chamber 7 Mar 16 Ian Austin: Quality of answer from Department of Health to written 0.04 question 8 Mar 16 Wayne David: Attendance of Secretary of State for Wales on St David’s 0.05 Day during a debate on Welsh Affairs in the Chamber Alun Cairns: Availability of Secretary of State for Wales Jo Cox: Request for Government progress update on Syria Michael Fabricant: Apology for unseemly language in the Chamber 8 Mar 16 Mrs Maria Miller: Advice on how to get longer backbench business 0.01 0.01 debates 9 Mar 16 Dr Liam Fox: Request for Government clarification on the Head of 0.01 Government statement 9 Mar 16 Sir Edward Leigh: Announcement that the Procedure Committee is 0.01 conducting an inquiry into the Speaker’s ability to extend debates

138 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 9 Mar 16 Ms Angela Eagle: Request for Government to abandon plans to extend 0.01 Sunday trading hours 9 Mar 16 Pete Wishart: Clarification on proceedings 0.01 9 Mar 16 Mrs Madeleine Moon: Clarification on whether the LGC is E&W or E 0.01 9 Mar 16 Kevin Brennan: Clarification on meaning of amendment 0.01 10 Mar 16 Mr James Gray: Notification that he would not move the backbench 0.01 debate, scheduled to follow the third reading of the NI Bill 11 Mar 16 Caroline Lucas: Length of debate on PMB which is likely to be 0.05 withdrawn Philip Davies: Advice on closure motion Dr Philippa Whitford: Complaint about filibustering Owen Thompson: Inefficacy of PMBs and PMB Friday sittings 14 Mar 16 Mrs Anne Main: Quality of answers to written questions 0.04 15 Mar 16 Mr David Davis: Advice on how to get extra time to debate a Bill on the 0.05 floor Andrew Griffiths: Declaration of interest Paul Flynn: Clarification of rules regarding reading lists of name in the Chamber 15 Mar 16 Sir Edward Leigh: Interception of communications of MPs 0.01 21 Mar 16 Owen Smith: Clarification to Budget Statement 0.10 Yvette Copper: Request for Chancellor to make a statement to the House Rachel Reeves: Request for Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to speak to disabled people in his constituency Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Request to extend the length of HS2 debate 21 Mar 16 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Possibility to object to business of the House 0.01 0.01 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Guidance on how to raise further objections to business of the House 22 Mar 16 Mr Pat McFadden: Request for statement from the Prime Minister on the 0.11 Brussels terrorist attacks Bill Esterton: Request for the Government to make aircraft carriers provide reduced cost flights to UK citizens in Brussels who wish to return to the UK Geraint Davies: Settlement in Government vs. ClientEarth case at the Supreme Court Mr Iain Wright: Request for advice on witnesses who refuse to give evidence to a select committee Mr Dennis Skinner: Advice on witnesses who refuse to give evidence to a select committee Mr David Winnick: Advice that those found in contempt of the House of Commons could appear at the bar of the House as precedent dictates 22 Mar 16 Mr Peter Lilley: Extent of the House’s power to affect taxation 0.02 0.02

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 139 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 23 Mar 16 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Delayed publication of HS2 report and amount of 0.15 time to respond Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Time dedicated to HS2 debate Mrs Caroline Spelman: Time to debate amendments to HS2 report Mr Dominic Grieve: Notification that his name should have been added to some of the amendments to the HS2 report Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Clarification that a division on the HS2 Amendments would be counted within the programmed time for debate Robert Goodwill: Agreement of the Business of the House motion re. HS2 bill Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Confirmation of personal objection to Business of the House motion 23 Mar 16 Heidi Alexander: Request for statement from DH on the escalation of the 0.04 industrial action of junior doctors Sir Edward Leigh: Amount of time on HS2 third reading debate Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Procedure Committee and the hybrid bill procedure Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil: Clarification on House procedures in light of EVEL 23 Mar 16 Sir William Cash: Query over legitimacy of succeeding debate on Section 0.06 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 Sir William Cash: Reminder of rules set out in the Ministerial Code John Redwood: Inaccuracies in ministerial speeches 24 Mar 16 Mr Barry Sheerman: Advice on how to raise security concerns within the 0.08 House Liz McInnes: Language used in Chamber Alberto Costa: Observation that SNP has not mentioned that 24/03/16 was to be day Scotland became independent Ms Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh: Correction to another Member’s point of order Dr Julian Lewis: Expression of support for 23 June to become the UK’s independence day Chris Stephens: Response to named day questions 11 Apr 16 Paula Sherriff: Official visits to constituencies by other Members without 0.14 notice to the constituency Member James Cleverly: Notification of a former MP claiming to be a former Government Minister Kirsten Oswald: Guidance on poor quality Government responses Mrs Anne Main: Request to correct alleged error on the Government Referendum leaflet Alex Cunningham: Request for Government statement on closure of energy plants in Teeside Dr Julian Lewis: Announcement of the number of signatures to a petition against the Government referendum leaflet Diana Johnson: Impact of an emergency debate on parliamentary business 12 Apr 16 Luciana Berger: Request for Government clarification on the number of 0.05 children who have died in psychiatric units Alistair Burt: Confirmation that the Government is investigating the number of children who have died in psychiatric units Mr Peter Bone: Attendance of the Secretary of State for the FCO at Questions Sir Peter Bottomley: Authority of different types of Ministers

140 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 13 Apr 16 Tom Brake: Request for quarterly progress update on Syrian air strikes 0.07 Paul Blomfield: Request for information from BIS on closure of Sheffield BIS site Jake Berry: Whether PM intends to make a statement on the Chilcot inquiry report in w/c 18.04.16 14 Apr 16 Vicky Foxcroft: Quality of Government responses 0.03 Chris Grayling: Confirmation of a meeting with Vicky Foxcroft about youth violence Chris Bryant: Advice on how to correct Minister’s speech 18 Apr 16 Ian C. Lucas: Request for House to contact Peruvian Government over 0.03 missing man 19 Apr 16 Andrew Gwynne: Praise for work of Commons library 0.01 20 Apr 16 Ronnie Cowan: Difference between vellum and vellum paper 0.01 0.01 25 Apr 16 Carol Monaghan: Language used in Chamber 0.07 Sue Hayman: Correction to response of PM at PMQs 25 Apr 16 Mrs Helen Grant: Declaration of interest 0.01 0.01 27 Apr 16 Naz Shah: Apology for alleged anti-Semitism 0.07 Alex Salmond: Correction to PM’s response during PMQs Tom Brake: Advice on forcing a division Sir Peter Bottomley: Origin of steel in the Forth crossing 3 May 16 Michael Fabricant: Practice of not applauding in the Chamber 0.28 Dr Julian Lewis: Frequency of applauding in the Chamber Kate Green: whether the Government intends to make a statement on the Citizens Advice report on pregnancy and maternity discrimination Caroline Lucas: Request for Home Secretary to make a statement on the surveillance of Green Party members 3 May 16 Sir Peter Bottomley: Clarification of Bill text regarding possible powers 0.01 to propose SIs 4 May 16 Dr Alan Whitehead: Request for Secretary for Energy and Climate 0.01 Change to make a statement to the House 9 May 16 Karl Turner: Request for advice on challenging allegations made by the 0.04 Leader of the House Michael Fabricant: Request for information regarding House preparations in the event war breaks out in Europe following a vote to leave the EU 10 May 16 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Locus standi and HS2 0.05 Mr Robert Goodwill: Application of locus standi Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Spirit of locus standi 11 May 16 Mr Charles Walker: Request for how to bring something to the attention 0.01 of the House 12 May 16 Karl Turner: Clarification on the use of Government statements in party 0.16 political campaigning Mr David Davis: Implication of making unfounded allegations in the House Diana Johnson: Timeline of next quarterly update on Syria and the UK’s military involvement Tom Brake: Advice on alternatives to a Government statement on Syria and the UK’s military involvement Totals: 12.08 0.39

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 141 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 14i: Public Petitions 8 Jun 15 Rehman Chishti: Protection of green spaces at Capstone Valley and areas 0.02 0.01 around Otterham Quay Lane (Gillingham and Rainham) 15 Jun 15 Andrew Stephenson: Car insurance costs 0.02 0.02 17 Jun 15 Keith Vaz: Road safety on Spencefield Lane (Leicester) 0.02 0.02 29 Jun 15 Ann Clwyd: Pardon for Dic Penderyn 0.03 0.03 7 Jul 15 Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: Ending violence against children 0.02 0.02 Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Pedestrian access at White Cross (Hallatrow) 8 Jul 15 Gavin Williamson: Closure of fire stations in South Staffordshire 0.01 20 Jul 15 Suella Fernandes: Installation of Bus Stop on Henry Cort Way in Gosport 0.03 0.03 Keith Vaz: Royal City Status for Leicester 21 Jul 15 Valerie Vaz: Speed limit and traffic calming on Monmouth Road in 0.09 Walsall Luciana Berger: Humanitarian situation in Yemen Mrs Louise Ellman: Humanitarian situation in Yemen Nic Dakin: Chemotherapy drug Abraxane Helen Hayes: Lambeth and Southwark Milkspots 9 Sep 15 Diana Johnson: Refugee crisis 0.03 0.03 16 Sep 15 Robert Flello: Overseas doctors and nurses 0.03 Liam Byrne: Muslim burial services in Birmingham 17 Sep 15 Keith Vaz: Barclays Bank branch on Woodhill (Leicester) 0.03 0.02 Robert Jenrick: School hall for East Markham Primary School 13 Oct 15 Mary Creagh: Closure of Wakefield Magistrates’ Court 0.01 0.01 14 Oct 15 Mrs Caroline Spelman: Realignment of Diddington Lane in Hampton-in- 0.01 0.01 Arden 4 Nov 15 Nic Dakin: Parking restrictions in Scunthorpe 0.01 0.01 10 Nov 15 Keith Vaz: Funding Formula for Leicestershire Constabulary 0.02 0.02 24 Nov 15 Mark Spencer: Wheelchair access to railway stations 0.02 0.02 25 Nov 15 Kevin Foster: Torquay Magistrates’ Court 0.06 Helen Goodman: Bishop Auckland Hospitals Helen Goodman: Richardson hospital Keith Vaz: Anti-social behaviour in Rushey Fields Park (Leicester) David Morris: Greenbelt land in Morecambe and Lunesdale

142 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 1 Dec 15 Graham Stuart: School funding model (29) 0.19 0.19 Mrs Caroline Spelman: School funding model Sir Edward Garnier: School funding model Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: School funding model Helen Jones: School funding model Rebecca Pow: School funding model John Howell: School funding model Richard Drax: School funding model David Mowat: School funding model Andrew Bridgen: School funding model James Heappey: School funding model Mr Laurence Robertson: School funding model Michael Tomlinson: School funding model David Warburton: School funding model Karl McCartney: School funding model Jeremy Lefroy: School funding model Pauline Latham: School funding model Victoria Prentis: School funding model Henry Smith: School funding model Daniel Kawcyznski: School funding model Neil Carmichael: School funding model Kevin Foster: School funding model Gavin Williamson: School funding model Victoria Atkins: School funding model Stephen Phillips: School funding model Andrew Percy: School funding model Helen Whately: School funding model Fiona Bruce: School funding model Alex Chalk: School funding model James Cartlidge: School funding model William Wragg: School funding model Sir Edward Leigh: School funding model Antoinette Sandbach: School funding model Julian Knight: School funding model Peter Heaton-Jones: School funding model Matt Warman: School funding model Marcus Fysh: School funding model Dr Poulter: School funding model Michelle Donelan: School funding model Mark Garnier: School funding model Mrs Cheryl Gillan: School funding model Lucy Frazer: School funding model Rishi Sunak: School funding model David Rutley: School funding model John Redwood: School funding model Jo Churchill: School funding model Richard Graham: School funding model Bill Wiggin: School funding model Julian Sturdy: School funding model Mr Christopher Chope: School funding model Kevin Hollinrake: School funding model 2 Dec 15 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Mandatory reporting of child abuse 0.02 0.02

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 143 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 8 Dec 15 Fiona Bruce: Car parking charges at Congleton War Memorial Hospital 0.04 Sir William Cash: Reopening of Barlaston Railway Station (Stoke-on- Trent) 9 Dec 15 Robert Flello: Treatment of asylum seekers 0.02 0.02 James Heappey: Impact of Hinckley Connection Project on the Wells Constituency 15 Dec 15 Gavin Williamson: Divorce proceedings of a UK citizen abroad 0.02 0.02 16 Dec 15 Chloe Smith: Climate change 0.04 Robert Jenrick: Merger of NHS Trusts in Nottinghamshire Mark Spencer: Merger of NHS Trusts in Nottinghamshire 6 Jan 16 Mrs Caroline Spelman: Compensation for negligent medical treatment 0.03 0.03 Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg: Park and Ride Scheme on Bathampton Meadows 20 Jan 16 Andrew Bridgen: BBC licence fee 0.02 26 Jan 16 Sir Edward Garnier: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership 0.01 27 Jan 16 Christian Matheson: Planning and studentification (Chester) 0.01 0.01 10 Feb 16 Dr Tania Mathias: Proposed Sale of the Kneller Hall Site 0.02 0.02 23 Feb 16 Damian Collins: Election of FIFA President 0.04 0.04 8 Mar 16 Kevin Barron: Tobacco levy 0.03 0.03 Peter Aldous: Third Crossing (Lowestoft) 9 Mar 16 James Cartlidge: Improved mobile telephone signal in South Suffolk 0.01 0.01 10 Mar 16 Robert Jenrick: Newark Free School 0.03 14 Mar 16 Helen Hayes: Appropriate mental health treatment for Mathew Garnett 0.01 15 Mar 16 Royston Smith: Speed limit in Southampton, Itchen 0.01 0.01 23 Mar 16 Valerie Vaz: HMRC closure Walsall 0.01 0.01 13 Apr 16 Mark Pawsey: Post office closures in Long Lawford and Bulkington 0.01 0.01 19 Apr 16 Gavin Williamson: Green belt land between Great Wyrley and Cheslyn 0.02 Hay 20 Apr 16 Jeremy Lefroy: Sports pitches at Shugborough Hall, Staffordshire 0.02 0.02 26 Apr 16 Mr Virendra Sharma: Ealing Hospital and the Shaping a Healthier Future 0.02 0.02 programme 3 May 16 Alec Shelbrooke: Closure of Garforth Clinic 0.02 0.02 4 May 16 Tom Pursglove: Children’s Centre Services in Corby 0.03 Caroline Ansell: Bowel cancer screening 9 May 16 Nic Dakin: Community pharmacies 0.02 0.02 Rebecca Pow: Wellington Railway Station 10 May 16 Tom Brake: Withdrawal of the Housing and Planning Bill 0.02 Totals: 1.58 1.15 14j: Miscellaneous 18 May 15 Message to attend the Lords Commissioners; Suspension 0.17 18 May 15 Election of a Speaker 0.26 19 May 15 Message to attend the Lords Commissioners; Suspension; Approbation of 0.20 Speaker; Speaker’s Statement 19 May 15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 2.20 19 May 15 Suspension 0.40 19 May 15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.51 20 May 15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 1.43 21 May 15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.44

144 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 21 May 15 Suspension 0.56 21 May 15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.16 26 May 15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.23 26 May 15 Suspension 0.22 26 May 15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.10 27 May 15 Message from the Queen; Suspension 2.40 27 May 15 Members taking the Oath or making the Affirmation 0.15 27 May 15 Speaker’s Statement: Duties and responsibilities of Members 0.04 28 May 15 Speaker’s Statement: Changes to Standing Orders 0.02 2 Jun 15 Speaker’s Statement: Death of Rt. Hon. Charles Kennedy 0.02 3 Jun 15 Speaker’s Statement: Private Members’ Bills and Deputy Speakers 0.01 ballots 3 Jun 15 Tributes: Charles Kennedy 1.13 3 Jun 15 Speaker’s Statement: Results of Deputy Speaker election 0.03 18 Jun 15 Speaker’s Statement: Results of elections for Chairs of Select Committee 0.03 29 Jun 15 Observation of a minute’s silence 0.01 29 Jun 15 Presentation of Bills 0.05 15 Jul 15 Speaker’s Statement: Opening of the House of Parliament Education 0.01 Centre 7 Sep 15 Speaker’s Statement: Change of business to allow tributes to the Queen 0.01 and change to division lobbies 9 Sep 15 Commemorative speeches: Longest serving monarch 0.25 14 Sep 15 Speaker’s Statements: Management of the House and speaking in second 0.03 reading debates 17 Sep 15 Speaker’s Statement: Commemoration of Members who died in the First 0.01 World War 12 Oct 15 Speaker’s Statement: Deaths of Lord Healey and Lord Howe of Aberavon 0.01 22 Oct 15 Speaker’s Statement: Death of a Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher 0.01 26 Oct 15 Speaker’s Statement: English Votes on English Laws Standing Orders 0.03 2 Nov 15 Writ 0.01 3 Nov 15 Speaker’s Statement: Commemoration of a Member who died in the First 0.01 World War 3 Nov 15 Speaker’s Statement: Incorrect reporting of division numbers 0.01 9 Nov 15 Speaker’s Statement: Arrangements for Armistice Day 0.01 10 Nov 15 Speaker’s Statement: Incorrect reporting of division numbers 0.01 30 Nov 15 Speaker’s Statement: Davis Cup 0.01 9 Dec 15 Speaker’s Statement: Outcome of Election Petition (Orkney and Shetland 0.01 constituency) 5 Jan 16 Speaker’s Statement: Appointment of Serjeant at Arms 0.01 12 Jan 16 Suspension 0.07 25 Jan 16 Speaker’s Statement: Resignation of Select Committee Chair 0.01 25 Jan 16 Suspension 0.05 26 Jan 16 Suspension 0.04 28 Jan 16 Speaker’s Statement: Thanks to Robin Fell and Owen Sweeney, retiring 0.01 House staff

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 145 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 4 Feb 16 Personal Statement: Mr Geoffrey Cox: Apology 0.02 5 Feb 16 Speaker’s Statement: Death of Harry Harpham 0.01 8 Feb 16 Speaker’s Statement: Death of Harry Harpham 0.01 9 Mar 16 Suspension 0.05 14 Mar 16 Suspension 0.04 11 May 16 Speaker’s Statement: Queen’s response to birthday message 0.01 11 May 16 Suspension 0.52 12 May 16 Suspension 0.02 12 May 16 Message to attend Lords Commissioners; Suspension 0.31 Totals: 16.38 0.00 14k: Speech limit 2 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 2 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 2 Nov 15 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 4 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 4 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 18 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 18 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 18 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 3 minutes 0.00 18 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 18 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 18 Nov 15 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 4 minutes 0.00 24 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 24 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 24 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 24 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 26 Nov 15 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 26 Nov 15 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 5 minutes 0.00 30 Nov 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 7 minutes 0.00 30 Nov 15 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 2 Dec 15 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 8 minutes 0.00 2 Dec 15 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 2 Dec 15 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 4 minutes 0.00 2 Dec 15 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 9 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 9 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00 9 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 2 minutes 0.00 9 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 9 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 10 Dec 15 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 8 minutes 0.00 10 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 10 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 8 minutes 0.00 10 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 7 minutes 0.00 15 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 15 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00

146 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 15 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00 15 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 15 Dec 15 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 15 Dec 15 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 6 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 6 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 6 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 6 Jan 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 4 minutes 0.00 6 Jan 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 3 minutes 0.00 7 Jan 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 5 minutes 0.00 7 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 3 minutes 0.00 7 Jan 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 18 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 10 minutes 0.00 18 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 9 minutes 0.00 18 Jan 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 7 minutes 0.00 19 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 21 Jan 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 8 minutes 0.00 21 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 21 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 27 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 27 Jan 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 27 Jan 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 1 Feb 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 8 minutes 0.00 1 Feb 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 7 minutes 0.00 1 Feb 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 6 minutes 0.00 2 Feb 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 7 minutes 0.00 2 Feb 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 6 minutes 0.00 2 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 3 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00 3 Feb 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 4 Feb 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 6 minutes 0.00 4 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 4 Feb 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 4 minutes 0.00 9 Feb 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 10 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 10 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 11 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 5 minutes 0.00 11 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 11 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 11 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 24 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 4 minutes 0.00 24 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00 25 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 9 minutes 0.00 25 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 8 minutes 0.00

PART II: ANALYSIS FOR HOUSE 147 Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time 25 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 29 Feb 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 7 minutes 0.00 29 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 6 minutes 0.00 29 Feb 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 3 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 9 minutes 0.00 8 Mar 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 4 minutes 0.00 8 Mar 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 15 Mar 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 8 minutes 0.00 15 Mar 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 4 minutes 0.00 15 Mar 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 16 Mar 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 10 minutes 0.00 16 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 9 minutes 0.00 16 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 8 minutes 0.00 16 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 7 minutes 0.00 17 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 8 minutes 0.00 17 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 17 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 17 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 21 Mar 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 5 minutes 0.00 21 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 21 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 3 minutes 0.00 22 Mar 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 22 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 22 Mar 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 23 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 3 minutes 0.00 24 Mar 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 8 minutes 0.00 24 Mar 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 10 minutes 0.00 12 Apr 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 6 minutes 0.00 12 Apr 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 12 Apr 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 4 minutes 0.00 13 Apr 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 13 Apr 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 5 minutes 0.00 13 Apr 16 Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): 3 minutes 0.00 20 Apr 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 8 minutes 0.00 20 Apr 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Mrs Eleanor Laing): 5 minutes 0.00 20 Apr 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 5 minutes 0.00 20 Apr 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 25 Apr 16 Mr Speaker (John Bercow): 3 minutes 0.00 28 Apr 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 28 Apr 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 6 minutes 0.00 4 May 16 Madam Deputy Speaker (Natascha Engel): 7 minutes 0.00 Totals: 0.00 0.00 15: Daily Prayers Totals: 12.23 0.00

148 SESSION 2015–16

Date Subject Duration After appoin- ted time Grand Totals: 1215.03 115.03

PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 149 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL Durations in brackets represent the lunch-time suspension and are not included in the totals.

Time Subject Duration 1. [13] Tuesday 9 June 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Ms Diane Abbott: Air Pollution (London) 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Jonathan Edwards: Dyfed Powys Police Helicopter 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Neil Carmichael: Vocational Qualifications Day 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Bob Blackman: Libraries (Harrow) 1.30 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 4.59] 4.59 2. [14] Wednesday 10 June 2015 0.31 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Damian Collins: FIFA 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Christopher Chope: St Ives Firs School 0.27 11.27 Suspension [3.03] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Liz McInnes: Carcraft 1.06 15.36 Debate (Private Member’s): Jessica Morden: Organophosphate Sheep Dip 0.53 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Philip Hollobone: Gypsies and Travellers (Local 0.01 Communities) 16.30 Suspension 0.14 16.44 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Philip Hollobone: Gypsies and Travellers (Local 1.00 Communities) [Resumed] 17.44 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 10.10] 5.11 3. [15] Thursday 11 June 2015 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Emily Thornberry: Voter Engagement 1.30 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Kerry McCarthy: Food Waste 1.26 16.26 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 13.06] 2.56 4. [17] Tuesday 16 June 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Guto Bebb: Iran (Proposed Nuclear Agreement) 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Gordon Henderson: Isle of Sheppey (Prisons) 0.26 11.26 Suspension [3.04] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Greg Mulholland: Ultra-rare diseases 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Robin Walker: Worcester’s Southern Link and the 0.28 Carrington Bridge 16.28 Debate (Private Member’s): Patrick Grady: Sustainable Development Goals 1.02 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 18.02] 4.56 150 SESSION 2014–15 5. [18] Wednesday 17 June 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Rachael Maskell: Safety in Prisons 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Flynn: New Nuclear Power 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Anne Main: Bangladesh 1.30 16.00 Suspension 0.14 16.14 Debate (Private Member’s): Ann Coffey: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments) 0.30 16.44 Debate (Private Member’s): Graham Stuart: Personal Independence Payment Applications 0.59 17.43 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 23.15] 5.13 6. [19] Thursday 18 June 2015 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Fabian Hamilton: Tibet 1.07 14.37 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 24.22] 1.07 7. [21] Tuesday 23 June 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Stewart Jackson: English as an additional language (Pupil 1.17 Support) 10.47 Suspension 0.13 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): David Morris: House of Lords Reform 0.25 11.25 Suspension [3.05] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Teresa Pearce: Crown Prosecution Service 0.51 15.21 Suspension 0.14 15.35 Debate (Private Member’s): Teresa Pearce: Crown Prosecution Service [Resumed] 0.32 16.07 Debate (Private Member’s): Angela Rayner: Local Government Finance (Tameside and 0.29 Oldham) 16.36 Debate (Private Member’s): Mark Spencer: BBC Investment (East and West Midlands) 1.08 17.44 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 29.31] 5.09 8. [22] Wednesday 24 June 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Blomfield: Science and Research 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Jim Fitzpatrick: Leaseholders and Housing Association Ballots 0.22 11.22 Suspension [3.08] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Matt Warman: Superfast Broadband 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Julian Sturdy: Free Childcare and Nursery Providers 0.30 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Alison Thewliss: National Breastfeeding Week 1.08 17.38 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 34.31] 5.00 9. [23] Thursday 25 June 2015 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Grahame M. Morris: Older Industrial Areas: Economic 1.30 Disparities 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr : School Transport 1.07 16.07 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 37.08] 2.37 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 151 10. [25] Tuesday 30 June 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Kevin Hollinrake: Shale Gas 1.29 10.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Nadine Dorries: Ampthill Primary Care (Parking) 0.30 11.29 Suspension [3.11] 14.40 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Alistair Carmichael: Human Rights Act 1.30 16.10 Debate (Private Member’s): Ian Lavery: MV Seaman Guard Ohio 0.31 16.41 Debate (Private Member’s): Debbie Abrahams: Welfare Reform (People with Disabilities) 0.13 16.54 Suspension 0.16 17.10 Debate (Private Member’s): Debbie Abrahams: Welfare Reform (People with Disabilities) 0.45 [Resumed] 17.55 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 42.22] 5.14 11. [26] Wednesday 1 July 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Albert Owen: English Votes for English Laws and North Wales 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Alok Sharma: Fibromyalgia 0.28 11.28 Suspension [3.02] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Dr Matthew Offord: Operational Productivity in NHS Providers 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Ian Paisley: Colin Worton 0.22 16.22 Suspension 0.08 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck: Tyne and Wear Metro 0.57 17.27 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 47.17] 4.55 12. [27] Thursday 2 July 2015 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Mark Williams: Sustainable Development Goals 1.07 (Education) 14.37 Suspension 0.23 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Ian Austin: Iranian Nuclear Programme 1.15 16.15 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 50.02] 2.45 13. [29] Tuesday 7 July 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Melanie Onn: Coastal Flood Risk 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Margaret Ferrier: Nuclear Warheads (Transportation) 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Bob Stewart: Srebrenica Genocide (20th Anniversary) 1.16 15.46 Suspension 0.15 16.01 Debate (Private Member’s): Bob Stewart: Srebrenica Genocide (20th Anniversary) 0.14 [Resumed] 16.15 Debate (Private Member’s): Chris Skidmore: Avon Ring Road (M4 Link) 0.30 16.45 Debate (Private Member’s): Chris Evans: Jobcentre Plus 1.01 17.46 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 55.18] 5.16 152 SESSION 2014–15 14. [30] Wednesday 8 July 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Nick Herbert: Southern Railway (Performance) 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Keith Simpson: Norfolk and Suffolk Broads 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Holly Lynch: UN Independent Commission of Inquiry (Gaza) 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Nic Dakin: Independent Living Fund 0.28 16.28 Debate (Private Member’s): Daniel Kawczynski: Cremation of Infants (England) 1.01 17.29 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 60.16] 4.58 15. [31] Thursday 9 July 2015 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Jim Cunningham: Elected Mayors and Local Government 1.30 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Andrew Turner: Immigration 1.30 16.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 63.16] 3.00 16. [33] Tuesday 14 July 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Maynard: Rent-to-own Sector 1.27 10.57 Debate (Private Member’s): Jack Lopresti: Health Provision (South Gloucestershire) 0.33 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Chi Onwurah: Public Sector Broadcasting (Diversity) 1.26 15.56 Debate (Private Member’s): Mike Weir: Domestic Renewables Industry 0.26 16.22 Suspension 0.08 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Iain Stewart: Shared Ownership Housing 0.57 17.27 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 68.13] 4.57 17. [34] Wednesday 15 July 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Dr Rupa Huq: Housing Supply (London) 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Tom Blenkinsop: UK Steel Industry 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Robert Jenrick: Regional Support for the Arts 0.26 14.56 Suspension 0.14 15.10 Debate (Private Member’s): Robert Jenrick: Regional Support for the Arts [Resumed] 0.50 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Martin Vickers: Bank Closures (Northern Lincolnshire) 0.26 16.26 Suspension 0.04 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mike Gapes: Barking, Havering and Redbridge University 1.14 Hospitals NHS Trust 17.44 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 73.27] 5.14 18. [35] Thursday 16 July 2015 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mark Spencer: Sentencing (Cruelty to Pets) 0.56 14.26 Suspension 0.34 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Christian Matheson: Police Procurement (Motor Vehicles) 0.57 15.57 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 75.54] 2.27 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 153 19. [37] Tuesday 21 July 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Stewart McDonald: Human Rights (Saudi Arabia) 1.23 10.53 Suspension 0.07 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Dr Julian Lewis: Légion d’Honneur (UK Normandy Veterans) 0.28 11.28 Suspension [3.02] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jessica Morden: Severn Bridges (Tolls) 1.29 15.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Sir Gerald Howarth: Avro Vulcan XH558 0.31 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): John Redwood: Euro Area 1.00 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 80.52] 4.58 20. [39] Tuesday 8 September 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mike Kane: Hospital Services (South Manchester) 1.25 10.55 Debate (Private Member’s): Jake Berry: Business Rates (Rural Areas) 0.29 11.24 Suspension [4.36] 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Amanda Milling: FM Radio Applications 0.27 16.27 Suspension 0.03 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Alison McGovern: Urban Regeneration (England) 1.00 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 84.16] 3.24 21. [40] Wednesday 9 September 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Chris Philip: Affordable Housing 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Ms Margaret Ritchie: Contaminated Blood Products 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Burden: West Midlands Police (Funding) 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Madeleine Moon: Orphaned Open-cast Mines 0.29 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): Dementia Care Services: Edward Argar 1.01 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 89.16] 5.00 22. [41] Thursday 10 September 2015 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Neil Parish: Rural Broadband 1.30 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Alistair Carmichael: Common Fisheries Policy (Reform) 1.30 16.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 92.16] 3.00 23. [43] Monday 14 September 2015 16.31 Petition: Helen Jones: NHS (Contracts and Conditions) 2.24 18.55 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 94.40] 2.24 154 SESSION 2014–15 23. [44] Tuesday 15 September 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Zac Goldsmith: London Black Cabs 1.29 10.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Peter Grant: FOI Requests: Scotland Office 0.30 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Kirsten Oswald: Child Poverty 1.29 15.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Tim Loughton: Shoreham Air Show Crash 0.31 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): James Berry: Tamils Rights: Sri Lanka 1.00 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 99.39] 4.59 24. [45] Wednesday 16 September 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Harry Harpham: Midland Main Line (Electrification) 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Peter Aldous: Magistrates Courts: Suffolk 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Drax: Sgt Alexander Blackman (Marine A) 1.27 15.57 Debate (Private Member’s): Jim Shannon: Submarines and the Fishing Industry 0.33 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jo Stevens: Alun Richards and Kashif Shabir: SFO 0.13 16.43 Suspension 0.11 16.54 Debate (Private Member’s): Jo Stevens: Alun Richards and Kashif Shabir: SFO [Resumed] 0.46 17.40 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 104.48] 5.09 25. [46] Thursday 17 September 2015 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Ann Clwyd: Arms Sales (Human Rights) 1.30 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Alok Sharma: Dangerous Driving Penalties 1.29 16.29 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 107.47] 2.59 26. [47] Monday 12 October 2015 16.30 Petition: Paul Flynn: Cannabis 2.23 18.53 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 110.10] 2.23 27. [48] Tuesday 13 October 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Roger Mullin: Child Suicide Bombers 1.14 10.44 Suspension 0.11 10.55 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Gavin Shuker: Prostitution (Prosecution Trends) 0.23 11.18 Suspension [3.12] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Guto Bebb: Media Plurality (Wales) 1.25 15.55 Debate (Private Member’s): Andrew Griffiths: Burton Magistrates Court 0.34 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Maynard: Funeral Poverty 1.01 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 114.58] 4.48 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 155 28. [49] Wednesday 14 October 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jack Lopresti: Gibraltar and 1.18 10.48 Suspension 0.12 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Anne-Marie Trevelyan: HMP Northumberland 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Carolyn Harris: Welfare Benefit Changes 1.28 15.58 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Graham Allen: House Business Committee 0.27 16.25 Suspension 0.05 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Liz Saville Roberts: Capel Celyn Reservoir (50th Anniversary) 0.39 17.09 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 119.36] 4.38 29. [50] Thursday 15 October 2015 13.30 Debate (Committee): Robert Neill (on behalf of the ): Prisons: 1.15 Planning and Policies 14.45 Debate (Committee): Robert Neill (on behalf of the Justice Select Committee): Civil Legal 1.02 Aid 15.47 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 121.53] 2.17 30. [52] Monday 19 October 2015 16.30 Petition: Paul Scully: Immigration 2.36 19.06 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 124.29] 2.36 31. [53] Tuesday 20 October 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jim Shannon: Cancer Drugs 1.30 11.00 Debate (BBCom recommended): Gavin Newlands: Post-Study Work Visa (Scotland) 0.24 11.24 Suspension [3.06] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Julian Knight: Air Passenger Duty: Regional Airports 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Sir Paul Beresford: Travellers (Mole Valley) 0.21 16.21 Suspension 0.07 16.28 Debate (Private Member’s): Nick Smith: Individual Electoral Registration 0.59 17.27 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 129.20] 4.51 32. [54] Wednesday 21 October 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Flick Drummond: Rail Services: Portsmouth and the 1.30 South-West 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Stuart Andrew: UK Science Budget 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Angela Crawley: Black History Month 1.40 16.10 Suspension 0.15 16.25 Debate (Private Member’s): Toby Perkins: Accessible Toilet Availability 0.29 16.54 Debate (Private Member’s): Craig Tracey: Secondary Breast Cancer 1.01 17.55 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 134.45] 5.25 156 SESSION 2014–15 33. [55] Thursday 22 October 2015

13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Keith Vaz: Yemen 1.30 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Sir David Ames: Fire Safety: School Buildings 0.32 15.32 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 136.47] 2.02 34. [57] Monday 26 October 2015 16.30 Petition: Steve Double: Term-time Leave 1.18 17.48 Suspension 0.15 18.03 Petition: Steve Double: Term-time Leave [Resumed] 0.43 18.46 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 139.03] 2.16 35. [58] Tuesday 27 October 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jeremy Lefroy: Tropical Diseases 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Rehman Chishti: Pakistan 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Ben Bradshaw: Met Office 0.35 15.05 Suspension 0.22 15.27 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Ben Bradshaw: Met Office [Resumed] 0.28 15.55 Suspension 0.01 15.56 Debate (Private Member’s): Andrew Gwynne: British Property Owners (Cyprus) 0.34 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Chloe Smith: Young Jobseekers 1.18 17.48 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 144.21] 5.18 36. [59] Wednesday 28 October 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Stephen Kinnock: Transforming Rehabilitation Programme 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Barry Sheerman: Harold Wilson 0.28 11.28 Suspension [3.02] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): David Rutley: Outdoor Recreation 1.31 16.01 Debate (Private Member’s): Gordon Henderson: Living Wage (Farmers) 0.08 16.09 Suspension 0.15 16.24 Debate (Private Member’s): Gordon Henderson: Living Wage (Farmers) [Resumed] 0.21 16.45 Debate (Private Member’s): Dr Paul Monaghan: Chagos Islands 0.59 17.44 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 149.33] 5.12 37. [60] Thursday 29 October 2015 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Graham Stuart: Green Investment Bank 2.45 16.15 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 152.18] 2.45 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 157 38. [63] Tuesday 3 November 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Stephen Pound: Corporate Economic Crime 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Siobhain McDonagh: Sight Tests in Special Schools 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Amanda Milling: Police and Fire Shared Services 0.46 15.16 Speech limit: Chair (Mark Pritchard): 4.5 minutes 0.00 15.16 Debate (Private Member’s): Amanda Milling: Police and Fire Shared Services [Resumed] 0.22 15.38 Suspension 0.31 16.09 Debate (Private Member’s): Mike Freer: Gay Conversion Therapies 0.31 16.40 Debate (Private Member’s): Stuart C. McDonald: Maternity Discrimination 1.01 17.41 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 157.28] 5.10 39. [64] Wednesday 4 November 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Damian Collins: Prefabricated Housing 0.54 10.24 Suspension 0.36 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Scully: Secondary School Places (London Borough of 0.23 Sutton) 11.23 Suspension [3.07] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Angela Smith: Treasury Support for UK Science 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): John Mann: Wanless Review and the Dickens File 0.30 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Peter Heaton-Jones: Care Homes (Regulation) 1.00 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 162.21] 4.53 40. [65] Thursday 5 November 2015 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Graham Stuart: School Funding 3.00 16.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 165.21] 3.00 41. [68] Tuesday 10 November 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): David Warburton: British Council 1.29 10.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Andrew Bingham: Court Closure (Buxton) 0.30 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jess Phillips: Houses of Parliament (Family-friendliness) 0.30 15.00 Speech limit: Chair (Fabian Hamilton): 5 minutes 0.00 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Jess Phillips: Houses of Parliament (Family-friendliness) 1.00 [Resumed] 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Nick Thomas-Symonds: Barnett Floor (Wales) 0.30 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Stephen Gethins: Renegotiation of EU Membership (Devolved 0.08 Administrations) 16.38 Suspension 0.09 16.47 Debate (Private Member’s): Stephen Gethins: Renegotiation of EU Membership (Devolved 0.53 Administrations) [Resumed] 17.40 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 170.30] 5.09 158 SESSION 2014–15 42. [70] Tuesday 17 November 2015 09.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Mr Philip Hollobone: Reserve Forces 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Graham Evans: M56 (Junctions 12 to 14) 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Ian Blackford: Guaranteed Income for Retirees 1.17 15.47 Suspension 0.13 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Tulip Siddiq: Court Charges (Access to Justice) 0.01 16.01 Suspension 0.14 16.15 Debate (Private Member’s): Tulip Siddiq: Court Charges (Access to Justice) [Resumed] 0.29 16.44 Debate (Private Member’s): Julian Sturdy: Groceries Code Adjudicator 1.01 17.45 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 175.44] 5.14 43. [71] Wednesday 18 November 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Ruth Cadbury: Women and Low Pay 1.21 10.51 Suspension 0.09 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): David Kawczynski: Road Infrastructure (Shropshire) 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Karl McCartney: Personal Injury Fraud 1.26 15.56 Suspension 0.04 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Brendan O’Hara: Electrical Shore Supplies (Nuclear-powered 0.14 Submarines) 16.14 Suspension 0.10 16.24 Debate (Private Member’s): Brendan O’Hara: Electrical Shore Supplies (Nuclear-powered 0.14 Submarines) [Resumed] 16.38 Debate (Private Member’s): Anne McLaughlin: Deaths Abroad (Consular Assistance) 1.02 17.40 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 180.53] 5.09 44. [72] Thursday 19 November 2015 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Philip Davies: Male Suicide and International Men’s Day 3.00 16.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 183.53] 3.00 45. [75] Tuesday 24 November 2015 09.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Chris Heaton-Harris: World Prematurity Day 1.28 10.58 Debate (Private Member’s): Liam Byrne: Children of Alcoholics 0.32 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Naz Shah: Community and Voluntary Sector Funding 1.29 15.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr David Jones: African Lion Numbers 0.39 16.38 Debate (Private Member’s): Drew Hendry: Fuel Poverty 1.01 17.39 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 189.02] 5.09 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 159 46. [76] Wednesday 25 November 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Caroline Flint: Clean Energy Investment 0.31 10.01 Speech Limit: Chair (Mr Adrian Bailey): 4 minutes 0.00 10.01 Debate (Private Member’s): Caroline Flint: Clean Energy Investment [Resumed] 0.59 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Douglas Carswell: Forced Adoptions 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Nigel Adams: UK Musicians Performing Overseas 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): David T. C. Davies: Mr Shaker Aamer 0.29 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): Ben Howlett: Low Emission Zones 0.55 17.24 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 193.56] 4.54 47. [77] Thursday 26 November 2015 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Mr Nicholas Brown: North-East Devolution 1.37 15.07 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 195.33] 1.37 48. [78] Monday 30 November 2015 16.30 Petition: Helen Jones: Sugary Drinks Tax 2.51 19.21 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 198.24] 2.51 49. [79] Tuesday 1 December 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr David Davis: Armed Drones 1.30 11.00 Debate (BBCom recommended): Ronnie Cowan: Small Business Saturday 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): : Employment Tribunal Fees 0.59 15.29 Suspension 0.26 15.55 Debate (Private Member’s): Justin Madders: Employment Tribunal Fees [Resumed] 0.31 16.26 Suspension 0.04 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): : Post Office Closures 1.00 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 203.23] 4.59 50. [80] Wednesday 2 December 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Barbara Keeley: State Pension Age Equalisation 0.35 10.05 Speech Limit: Chair (Geraint Davies): 4 minutes 0.00 10.05 Debate (Private Member’s): Barbara Keeley: State Pension Age Equalisation [Resumed] 0.55 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Tom Blenkinsop: Boulby Potash and Teesside Unemployment 0.30 11.30 Suspension [4.30] 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Sir Simon Burns: Commuter Services (Chelmsford to Liverpool 0.29 Street) 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): Neil Gray: Benefit Sanctions 0.48 17.17 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 206.40] 3.17 51. [81] Thursday 3 December 2015 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Mrs Sheryll Murray: Fisheries Policy 3.00 16.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 209.40] 3.00 160 SESSION 2014–15 52. [83] Monday 7 December 2015 16.30 Petition: Ben Howlett: Neonicotinoids on Crops 1.56 18.26 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 211.36] 1.56 52. [84] Tuesday 8 December 2015 09.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Ian Austin: Cystic Fibrosis 1.29 10.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr : Shakespeare Theatre (Knowsley) 0.28 11.27 Suspension [3.03] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Caroline Spelman: Marriage Registration Certificates 1.26 15.56 Suspension 0.04 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Andrew Percy: Electronic Communications Code 0.30 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Gerald Jones: Lead Shot Ammunition 0.59 17.29 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 216.32] 4.56 53. [85] Wednesday 9 December 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Henry Bellingham: Exotic Pets Trade 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: UK Tourism after Paris Attacks 0.21 11.21 Suspension [3.09] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Steve Rotheram: The Shrewsbury 24 1.30 16.00 Suspension 0.10 16.10 Debate (Private Member’s): Fabian Hamilton: Anti-TNF Drugs 0.28 16.38 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Stewart Jackson: Electoral Integrity and Absent Votes 1.01 17.39 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 221.32] 5.00 54. [86] Thursday 10 December 2015 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Rebecca Pow: Protection of Ancient Woodland and Trees 2.13 15.43 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 223.45] 2.13 55. [88] Tuesday 15 December 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Gareth Thomas: Transport for London Funding 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Christina Rees: Spending Review and Autumn Statement: 0.30 Wales 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Specialist Neuromuscular Care and 1.30 Treatments 16.00 Suspension 0.11 16.11 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Drax: Weymouth to Waterloo Rail Line 0.27 16.38 Debate (Private Member’s): Carolyn Harris: Access to Justice: Wales 1.03 17.41 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 228.56] 5.11 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 161 56. [89] Wednesday 16 December 2015 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Maggie Throup: Community Transport 1.26 10.56 Suspension 0.04 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Graham: Sale of Ministry of Justice Land: Gloucester 0.21 11.21 Suspension [3.09] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Dr Eilidh Whiteford: Benefit Sanctions 1.39 16.09 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr David Lammy: Primary Care: Tottenham 0.30 16.39 Debate (Private Member’s): James Berry: West London’s Coroner’s Court 0.57 17.36 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 233.53] 4.57 57. [90] Thursday 17 December 2015 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Kevin Barron: Tobacco Control Strategy 1.45 15.15 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 235.38] 1.45 58. [91] Tuesday 5 January 2016 09.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Mr Philip Hollobone: EU Membership (UK Renegotiation) 0.42 10.12 Speech Limit: Chair (Andrew Percy): 3 minutes 0.00 10.12 Debate (BBCom recommended): Mr Philip Hollobone: EU Membership (UK Renegotiation) 0.48 [Resumed] 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Will Quince: Regional Theatre 0.30 11.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Ms Karen Buck: Safer Neighbourhood Policing: London 1.30 13.00 Suspension 0.30 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Bob Stewart: UK and Kazakhstan 1.00 14.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 240.38] 5.00 59. [92] Wednesday 6 January 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Sarah Champion: Child Prisoners and Detainees: Occupied 1.30 Palestinian Territories 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Andy Slaughter: Refugees in Calais 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.02] 14.31 Debate (Private Member’s): Derek Thomas: Food Security 1.29 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Ms Margaret Ritchie: Broadband Speeds: Northern Ireland 0.03 16.03 Suspension 0.08 16.11 Debate (Private Member’s): Ms Margaret Ritchie: Broadband Speeds: Northern Ireland 0.28 [Resumed] 16.39 Debate (Private Member’s): Kate Osamor: Healthcare: Yarl’s Wood 1.00 17.39 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 245.45] 5.07 60. [93] Thursday 7 January 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Mrs Anne-Marie Trevelyan: Armed Forces Covenant 1.26 Annual Report 14.56 Suspension 0.15 15.11 Debate (BBCom recommended): Mrs Anne-Marie Trevelyan: Armed Forces Covenant 1.03 Annual Report [Resumed] 16.14 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 248.29] 2.44 162 SESSION 2014–15 61. [94] Monday 11 January 2016 16.30 Petition: Paul Scully: NHS Bursary 2.52 19.22 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 251.21] 2.52 62. [95] Tuesday 12 January 2016 09.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Nick Herbert: Global fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria 0.21 09.51 Speech Limit: Chair (Nadine Dorries): 3.5 minutes 0.00 09.51 Debate (BBCom recommended): Nick Herbert: Global fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria 1.09 [Resumed] 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Crispin Blunt: Redhill and Reigate Rail Users 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Sir Alan Haselhurst: Airport Expansion: East Anglia 0.19 14.49 Suspension 0.25 15.14 Debate (Private Member’s): Sir Alan Haselhurst: Airport Expansion: East Anglia [Resumed] 1.01 16.15 Debate (Private Member’s): Stephen Twigg: Swine Flu Vaccination: Compensation 0.25 16.40 Debate (Private Member’s): Ian C. Lucas: Access to Jobs: Disabled people 0.10 16.50 Suspension 0.12 17.02 Debate (Private Member’s): Ian C. Lucas: Access to Jobs: Disabled people [Resumed] 1.05 18.07 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 256.58] 5.37 63. [96] Wednesday 13 January 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Marie Rimmer: Universal Credit: North-West 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Douglas Carswell: Defence Procurement 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Peter Kyle: Care Homes: England 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Gareth Johnson: Dartford Crossing: Congestion 0.30 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Nigel Mills: Hand Hygiene NHS 1.00 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 261.57] 4.59 64. [97] Thursday 14 January 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Chris Heaton-Harris: VAT Evasion: Internet Retailers 1.43 15.13 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 263.40] 1.43 65. [98] Monday 18 January 2016 16.30 Petition: Paul Flynn: Donald Trump 2.58 19.28 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 266.38] 2.58 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 163 66. [99] Tuesday 19 January 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Stephen Kinnock: Access to Justice: Vulnerable people 1.28 10.58 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Burgon: Historical Cabinet Papers 0.28 11.26 Suspension [3.04] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Pauline Latham: Cancer Drugs 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Karin Smyth: Towed Trailers 0.24 16.24 Suspension 0.26 16.50 Debate (Private Member’s): Karin Smyth: Towed Trailers [Resumed] 0.04 16.54 Debate (Private Member’s): Ben Howlett: STEM Careers: Diversity 0.25 17.19 Speech Limit: Chair (Mr Philip Hollobone): 3.5 minutes 0.00 17.19 Debate (Private Member’s): Ben Howlett: STEM Careers: Diversity [Resumed] 0.34 17.53 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 271.57] 5.19 67. [100] Wednesday 20 January 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Sir Edward Leigh: Out-of-school Education Settings 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Maynard: Concessionary Fares: Blackpool and Cleveleys 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Judith Cummins: Safety in Youth Custody 1.18 15.48 Debate (Private Member’s): Siobhain McDonagh: IVF: Welfare of Women 0.30 16.18 Suspension 0.12 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Siobhain McDonagh: IVF: Welfare of Women [Resumed] 0.07 16.37 Suspension 0.35 17.12 Debate (Private Member’s): Holly Lynch: Storm Eva: Local Authority Support 1.00 18.12 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 277.39] 5.42 68. [101] Thursday 21 January 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Stephen Kinnock: UK Steel Industry 3.00 16.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 280.39] 3.00 69. [103] Monday 25 January 2016 16.30 Petition: Oliver Dowden: Small Businesses: Tax Reporting 1.34 18.04 Suspension 0.26 18.30 Petition: Oliver Dowden: Small Businesses: Tax Reporting [Resumed] 1.10 19.40 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 283.49] 3.10 164 SESSION 2014–15 70. [104] Tuesday 26 January 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Kevin Hollinrake: Onshore Oil and Gas 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): : Child Poverty 0.28 11.28 Suspension [3.02] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Helen Goodman: Further Education Colleges (North-East) 1.29 15.59 Suspension 0.01 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): : Fire and Rescue Services 0.01 16.01 Suspension 0.29 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Margaret Greenwood: Merseyside Fire and Rescue Services 1.30 [Resumed] 18.00 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 289.17] 5.28 71. [105] Wednesday 27 January 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Neil Coyle: Disabled People: Support 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): David Simpson: Business Transactions: Cash Restrictions 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Helen Whately: Syrian Refugees: Resettlement 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Alok Sharma: Small Businesses: Late Payments 0.01 16.01 Suspension 0.09 16.10 Debate (Private Member’s): Alok Sharma: Small Businesses: Late Payments [Resumed] 0.30 16.40 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Benyon: Iraq Historic Allegations Team 1.01 17.41 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 294.27] 5.10 72. [106] Thursday 28 January 2016 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Carolyn Harris: In-work Poverty 1.00 14.30 Suspension 0.30 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s):James Heappey: Basic Payment Scheme 1.30 16.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 297.27] 3.00 73. [108] Monday 1 February 2016 16.30 Petition: Helen Jones: Transitional State Pension Arrangements for Women 0.51 17.21 Speech Limit: Chair (): 5 minutes 0.00 17.21 Petition: Helen Jones: Transitional State Pension Arrangements for Women [Resumed] 1.26 18.47 Speech Limit: Chair (Mr David Hanson): 4 minutes 0.00 18.47 Petition: Helen Jones: Transitional State Pension Arrangements for Women [Resumed] 0.27 19.14 Suspension 0.25 19.39 Petition: Helen Jones: Transitional State Pension Arrangements for Women [Resumed] 0.14 19.53 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 300.50] 3.23 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 165 74. [109] Tuesday 2 February 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Catherine McKinnell: Regional Airports 0.47 10.17 Speech Limit: Chair (Valerie Vaz): 3 minutes 0.00 10.17 Debate (Private Member’s): Catherine McKinnell: Regional Airports [Resumed] 0.43 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Wayne David: Caerphilly Country Borough Council 0.21 11.21 Suspension [3.09] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jason McCartney: Huddersfield Royal Infirmary 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Lucy Allan: Telford Co-operative Multi Academy Trust 0.18 Schools 16.18 Suspension 0.12 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Paula Sheriff: Gender Pricing 0.54 17.24 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 305.35] 4.45 75. [110] Wednesday 3 February 2016 09.38 Debate (Private Member’s): Derek Thomas: Fuel Poverty 1.22 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Byron Davies: Serious Fraud Office: Bryan Evans 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Liz Kendall: Local Government Funding 0.17 14.47 Speech Limit: Chair (Philip Davies): 3 minutes 0.00 14.47 Debate (Private Member’s): Liz Kendall: Local Government Funding [Resumed] 1.13 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Rachael Maskell: Bootham Park Mental Health Hospital 0.30 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Chris Green: Cycling: Government Investment 0.23 16.53 Speech Limit: Chair (Mr Peter Bone): 3 minutes 0.00 16.53 Debate (Private Member’s): Chris Green: Cycling: Government Investment [Resumed] 0.08 17.01 Suspension 0.21 17.22 Debate (Private Member’s): Chris Green: Cycling: Government Investment [Resumed] 0.30 17.52 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 310.48] 5.13 76. [111] Thursday 4 February 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Gavin Newlands: Prevent Violence against Women: Role 1.31 of Men 15.01 Suspension 0.07 15.08 Debate (BBCom recommended): Gavin Newlands: Prevent Violence against Women: Role 0.52 of Men [Resumed] 16.00 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 313.18] 2.30 166 SESSION 2014–15 77. [114] Tuesday 9 February 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Fuller: Emergency Services: Closer Working 1.29 10.59 Debate (Private Member’s): David Mowat: Sports Clubs: HMRC Status 0.29 11.28 Suspension [3.02] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Louise Haigh: Work Capability Assessments 1.23 15.53 Suspension 0.13 16.06 Debate (Private Member’s): Louise Haigh: Work Capability Assessments [Resumed] 0.11 16.17 Debate (Private Member’s): Simon Danczuk: Communications Infrastructure and Flooding: 0.27 North West 16.44 Debate (Private Member’s): Chloe Smith: Social Mobility Index 0.20 17.04 Speech Limit: Chair (Andrew Percy): 5 minutes 0.00 17.04 Debate (Private Member’s): Chloe Smith: Social Mobility Index [Resumed] 0.40 17.44 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 318.30] 5.12 78. [115] Wednesday 10 February 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Stephen Doughty: Asylum Support Contracts 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Meg Hillier: Digital Democracy Commission 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Adam Holloway: Migration into the EU 1.15 15.45 Suspension 0.12 15.57 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Adam Holloway: Migration into the EU [Resumed] 0.16 16.13 Debate (Private Member’s): John Glen: Mobile Infrastructure Project 0.30 16.43 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Arkless: Refugees: UK Government Policy 1.00 17.43 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 323.43] 5.13 79. [116] Thursday 11 February 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Siobhain McDonagh: Persecution of Religious Minorities: 2.22 Pakistan 15.52 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 326.05] 2.22 80. [118] Tuesday 23 February 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jo Stevens: Under-occupancy Penalty 1.29 10.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Jim Fitzpatrick: Canary Wharf Bombing: Compensation 0.30 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Derek Thomas: Community Pharmacies 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Caroline Ansell: Military Training: Mental Health Resilience 0.19 16.19 Suspension 0.11 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Alan Brown: Motability Car Schemes 0.17 16.47 Speech Limit: Chair (Mr Philip Hollobone): 3.5 minutes 0.00 16.47 Debate (Private Member’s): Alan Brown: Motability Car Schemes [Resumed] 0.41 17.28 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 331.02] 4.57 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 167 80. [119] Wednesday 24 February 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Nigel Adams: Biomass Energy 1.29 10.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Dr Tania Mathias: Kneller Hall 0.24 11.23 Suspension [3.07] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Kevin Barron: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 0.26 Office: Sheffield 14.56 Speech Limit: Chair (Mr George Howarth): 7 minutes 0.00 14.56 Debate (Private Member’s): Kevin Barron: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1.04 Office: Sheffield [Resumed] 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Natalie McGarry: Disabilities, Poverty and Inequalities 0.29 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Anne Main: Crohn’s and Colitis Treatment: England 0.17 16.46 Suspension 0.11 16.57 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Anne Main: Crohn’s and Colitis Treatment: England 0.57 [Resumed] 17.54 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 336.19] 5.17 81. [120] Thursday 25 February 2016 13.30 Debate (Committee): Mr Clive Betts (on behalf of the Communities and Local Government 1.51 Select Committee): Litter and Fly-tipping: England 15.21 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 338.10] 1.51 82. [123] Tuesday 1 March 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mark Menzies: High Streets 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Mark Prisk: Rail Services: East Hertfordshire 0.27 11.27 Suspension [3.03] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jenny Chapman: Local Government Funding: North-East 1.01 15.31 Speech Limit: Chair (Sir David Amess): 3 minutes 0.00 15.31 Debate (Private Member’s): Jenny Chapman: Local Government Funding: North-East 0.29 [Resumed] 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Helen Hayes: Lambeth County Court 0.30 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Neil Parish: Road Routes to the South-West 1.00 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 343.07] 4.57 83. [124] Wednesday 2 March 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Clive Efford: Southeastern Train Services 1.31 11.01 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Andrew Smith: Student Volunteering 0.29 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Kwasi Kwarteng: Egypt: British Support 1.29 15.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Christopher Chope: School Provision: Christchurch 0.28 16.27 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Arkless: Human Rights Framework: Scotland 1.03 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 348.07] 5.00 84. [125] Thursday 3 March 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Peter Aldous: Offshore Oil and Gas Industry 2.25 15.55 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 350.32] 2.25 168 SESSION 2014–15 85. [127] Monday 7 March 2016 16.30 Petition: Paul Scully: Non-EU Citizens: Income Threshold 1.37 18.07 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 352.09] 1.37 86. [128] Tuesday 8 March 2016 09.31 Debate (BBCom recommended): Dr Lisa Cameron: Welfare of Young Dogs Bred for Sale 0.13 09.44 Speech limit: Chair (Sir Roger Gale): 4 minutes 0.00 09.44 Debate (BBCom recommended): Dr Lisa Cameron: Welfare of Young Dogs Bred for Sale 1.14 [Resumed] 10.58 Debate (Private Member’s): Jo Cox: Autism Diagnosis Waiting Times 0.32 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Simon Hart: Swansea Tidal Lagoon 0.23 14.53 Speech limit: Chair (Mr Graham Brady): 5 minutes 0.00 14.53 Debate (Private Member’s): Simon Hart: Swansea Tidal Lagoon [Resumed] 0.42 15.35 Suspension 0.28 16.03 Debate (Private Member’s): Simon Hart: Swansea Tidal Lagoon [Resumed] 0.24 16.27 Debate (Private Member’s): Caroline Ansell: Bowel Cancer Screening Age 0.30 16.57 Debate (Private Member’s): Tristram Hunt: Ceramics Industry 0.58 17.55 Sitting Adjourned [Total for session: 357.33] 5.24 87. [129] Wednesday 9 March 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Caroline Nokes: BT Service Standards 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Sir Edward Garnier: Clinical Negligence Claim 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Brendan O’Hara: Scotch Whisky Industry 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): : Health and Safety Executive 0.24 16.24 Debate (Private Member’s): Dr Poulter: UK Energy Market 1.05 17.29 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 362.32] 4.59 88. [130] Thursday 10 March 2016 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Helen Goodman: BT Broadband Provisional: Local Businesses 1.30 15.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Graham Evans: Energy Intensive Industry 0.03 15.03 Suspension 0.14 15.17 Debate (Private Member’s): Graham Evans: Energy Intensive Industry [Resumed] 1.10 16.27 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 365.29] 2.57 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 169 89. [133] Tuesday 15 March 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Michelle Donelan: Engineering Skills: Design and Technology 1.30 Education 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Gordon Henderson: Sheppey Crossing: Safety 0.25 11.25 Suspension [3.05] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Burden: Local Government: Ethical Procurement 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Jim Cunningham: Housebuilding: King’s Hill, Coventry 0.20 16.20 Suspension 0.10 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Seema Kennedy: Transport Infrastructure: Lancashire 0.59 17.29 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 370.23] 4.54 90. [134] Wednesday 16 March 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Caroline Lucas: UNHCR: Admission Pathways for Syrian 1.30 Refugees 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Ms Margaret Ritchie: EU Referendum: Northern Ireland 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jeremy Quin: Govia Thameslink and Network Rail 0.15 14.45 Speech limit: Chair (Mr Philip Hollobone): 5 minutes 0.00 14.45 Debate (Private Member’s): Jeremy Quin: Govia Thameslink and Network Rail [Resumed] 1.15 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Nigel Huddleston: Three-tier Education 0.23 16.23 Suspension 0.06 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): Steven Paterson: West Highland Way 0.59 17.28 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 375.21] 4.58 91. [135] Thursday 17 March 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Jonathan Reynolds: Cabin Air Safety/Aerotoxic Syndrome 2.14 15.44 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 377.35] 2.14 92. [136] Monday 21 March 2016 16.30 Petition: Helen Jones: BMA (Contract Negotiations) 2.20 18.50 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 379.55] 2.20 93. [137] Tuesday 22 March 2016 09.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Carolyn Harris: Faulty Electrical Imports 1.26 10.56 Suspension 0.04 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Peter Grant: War in Yemen: First Anniversary 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Craig Mackinlay: GPS and Heavy Goods Vehicles 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Fiona Bruce: Daesh: Persecution of Christians 0.29 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): Liz Saville Roberts: Macur Review of Historical Child Abuse 1.01 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 384.55] 5.00 170 SESSION 2014–15 94. [138] Wednesday 23 March 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Scully: Burma 1.31 11.01 Debate (Private Member’s): Julian Sturdy: Legal Guardianship and Missing People 0.28 11.29 Suspension [3.02] 14.31 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Blomfield: National Minimum Wage: Care Sector 0.35 15.06 Speech Limit: Chair (Andrew Rosindell): 3 minutes 0.00 15.06 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Blomfield: National Minimum Wage: Care Sector 0.10 [Resumed] 15.16 Suspension 0.12 15.28 Debate (Private Member’s): Paul Blomfield: National Minimum Wage: Care Sector 0.47 [Resumed] 16.15 Debate (Private Member’s): Stella Creasy: Registration of Births 0.01 16.16 Suspension 0.19 16.35 Debate (Private Member’s): Stella Creasy: Registration of Births [Resumed] 0.17 16.52 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Graham: Hong Kong: Sino-British Joint Declaration 0.24 17.16 Suspension 0.10 17.26 Debate (Private Member’s): Richard Graham: Hong Kong: Sino-British Joint Declaration 0.46 [Resumed] 18.12 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 390.35] 5.40 95. [139] Thursday 24 March 2016 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Dr Rupa Huq: NHS in London 3.00 16.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 393.35] 3.00 96. [141] Tuesday 12 April 2016 09.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Jim Shannon: Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease 0.22 09.52 Speech Limit: Chair (Graham Stringer): 4 minutes 0.00 09.52 Debate (BBCom recommended): Jim Shannon: Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease 0.37 [Resumed] 10.29 Speech Limit: Chair (Graham Stringer): 3 minutes 0.00 10.29 Debate (BBCom recommended): Jim Shannon: Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease 0.31 [Resumed] 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Kirsten Oswald: National Defence Medal 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mike Freer: HIV: Women and Girls 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Robin Walker: Worcester University Arena: Disabled 0.29 People and Sport 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Nicholas Brown: Supported Housing 0.19 16.48 Speech Limit: Chair (Mr Philip Hollobone): 2.5 minutes 0.00 16.48 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Nicholas Brown: Supported Housing [Resumed] 0.41 17.29 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 398.33] 4.58 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 171 97. [142] Wednesday 13 April 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Jeff Smith: Private Members’ Bills 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Dame Angela Watkinson: Air Cadet Organisation and Gliding 0.28 11.28 Suspension [3.02] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): James Morris: Mental Health Taskforce Report 1.30 16.00 Suspension 0.11 16.11 Debate (Private Member’s): Ian C. Lucas: Personal Independence Payments 0.31 16.42 Debate (Private Member’s): Ben Howlett: Sustainable Development Goals 0.59 17.41 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 403.42] 5.09 98. [143] Thursday 14 April 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Greg Mulholland: Pubs Code and Adjudicator 2.55 16.25 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 406.37] 2.55 99. [144] Monday 18 April 2016 16.30 Petition: Helen Jones: Brain Tumours 0.25 16.55 Speech Limit: Chair (Sir Edward Leigh): 4 minutes 0.00 16.55 Petition: Helen Jones: Brain Tumours [Resumed] 2.35 19.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 409.37] 3.00 100. [145] Tuesday 19 April 2016 09.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Mr David Burrowes: Unaccompanied Children 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Julian Knight: M6 Toll Road 0.27 11.27 Suspension [3.03] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Ann Coffey: Children’s Homes 1.31 16.01 Debate (Private Member’s): Peter Dowd: Port of Liverpool: Road and Rail Access 0.25 16.26 Suspension 0.04 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Lucy Allan: Teenage Pregnancy: Regional variations 0.35 17.05 Suspension 0.23 17.28 Debate (Private Member’s): Lucy Allan: Teenage Pregnancy: Regional variations 0.24 [Resumed] 17.52 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 414.56] 5.19 172 SESSION 2014–15 101. [146] Wednesday 20 April 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Tom Tugendhat: Aircraft noise 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Stephen Doughty: Cardiff Coal Exchange 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.04] 14.33 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Mark Williams: UK Dairy Sector 0.22 14.55 Speech Limit: Chair (Joan Ryan): 4 minutes 0.00 14.55 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Mark Williams: UK Dairy Sector [Resumed] 0.23 15.18 Speech Limit: Chair (Joan Ryan): 3 minutes 0.00 15.18 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Mark Williams: UK Dairy Sector [Resumed] 0.44 16.02 Suspension 0.01 16.03 Debate (Private Member’s): Dr Tania Mathias: Small Weapons Trade 0.24 16.27 Suspension 0.03 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Alan Brown: Western Sahara: Self-determination 0.42 17.12 Suspension 0.11 17.23 Debate (Private Member’s): Alan Brown: Western Sahara: Self-determination [Resumed] 0.18 17.41 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 420.03] 5.07 102. [147] Thursday 21 April 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Jim Shannon: Clean Water and Sanitation 2.03 15.33 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 422.06] 2.03 103. [148] Monday 25 April 2016 16.30 Petition: Ben Howlett: Meningitis B Vaccine 2.21 18.51 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 424.27] 2.21 104. [149] Tuesday 26 April 2016 09.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Jim Shannon: Fixed Odds Betting Terminals 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Conor McGinn: Lewy Body Dementia 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Julian Sturdy: Antibiotics: Research and Development 1.16 15.46 Suspension 0.44 16.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Julian Sturdy: Antibiotics: Research and Development 0.14 [Resumed] 16.44 Debate (Private Member’s): Mark Pritchard: Quiet Cities 0.26 17.10 Debate (Private Member’s): Christian Matheson: Social Security (Equality) 1.00 18.10 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 430.07] 5.40 PART III: DIARY FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 173 104. [150] Wednesday 27 April 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mark Durkan: Violence against Women and Girls (Sustainable 1.30 Development Goals) 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): John Howell: Ambulatory Care 0.29 11.29 Suspension [3.01] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Amanda Milling: Coal-fired Power Stations 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Owen Thompson: Electoral Participation (Media) 0.21 16.21 Suspension 0.24 16.45 Debate (Private Member’s): Owen Thompson: Electoral Participation (Media) [Resumed] 0.08 16.53 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Stewart Jackson: Devolution (East Anglia) 1.01 17.54 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 435.30] 5.23 105. [151] Thursday 28 April 2016 13.33 Debate (BBCom recommended): Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Digital Records in the NHS 1.54 15.27 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 437.24] 1.54 106. [152] Tuesday 3 May 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Nigel Mills: Anti-corruption Summit 1.30 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Stuart Blair Donaldson: UK Foreign Policy on Libya 0.25 11.25 Debate (Private Member’s): Simon Danczuk: Asylum Seeker Dispersal Policy 0.58 12.23 Suspension 0.37 13.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mark Pawsey: Burial or Cremation (Delays) 0.28 13.28 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Virendra Sharma: Ealing Hospital 1.01 14.29 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 442.23] 4.59 107. [153] Wednesday 4 May 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Charlotte Leslie: The Gulf 0.33 10.03 Speech Limit: Chair (Mr David Nuttall): 3 minutes 0.00 10.03 Debate (Private Member’s): Charlotte Leslie: The Gulf [Resumed] 0.57 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Jamie Reed: West Cumbria Health Services 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mrs Sharon Hodgeson: North East Ambulance Services 1.30 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Will Quince: Knife Crime (Sentencing) 0.26 16.26 Suspension 0.14 16.40 Debate (Private Member’s): Daniel Kawczynski: Anglo-Russian Relation 1.00 17.40 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 447.33] 5.10 108. [154] Thursday 5 May 2016 13.30 Debate (BBCom recommended): Stephen Phillips: Great Northern Great Eastern Upgrade: 0.25 Compensation 13.55 Suspension 1.05 15.00 Debate (BBCom recommended): Mr Philip Hollobone: EU Immigration 1.24 16.24 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 450.27] 2.54 174 SESSION 2014–15 109. [155] Monday 9 May 2016 16.30 Petition: Paul Scully: EU Referendum Leaflet 3.00 19.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 453.27] 3.00 110. [156] Tuesday 10 May 2016 13.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Mr Keith Simpson: Commonwealth War Graves Commission 1.29 14.59 Debate (Private Member’s): Chi Onwurah: Housing in Newcastle 0.31 15.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Nusrat Ghani: Tenant Farming 0.53 16.23 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 456.20] 2.53 111. [157] Wednesday 11 May 2016 09.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Julie Cooper: Domestic Violence Refuges 0.26 09.56 Speech Limit: Chair (Geraint Davies): 4 minutes 0.00 09.56 Debate (Private Member’s): Julie Cooper: Domestic Violence Refuges [Resumed] 1.04 11.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Jack Lopresti: Organised Sporting Events: Charges 0.30 11.30 Suspension [3.00] 14.30 Debate (Private Member’s): Tom Blenkinsop: Steel Industry 0.27 14.57 Speech Limit: Chair (Mrs Madeleine Moon): 5 minutes 0.00 14.57 Debate (Private Member’s): Tom Blenkinsop: Steel Industry [Resumed] 1.03 16.00 Debate (Private Member’s): Gordon Henderson: Building Regulations 0.29 16.29 Debate (Private Member’s): David Simpson: Northern Ireland Economy 1.01 17.30 Sitting adjourned [Total for session: 461.20] 5.00 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 175 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL Date Subject Duration 1a: Debate (Private Members’) 9 Jun 15 Ms Diane Abbott: Air Pollution (London) 1.30 9 Jun 15 Jonathan Edwards: Dyfed Powys Police Helicopter 0.29 9 Jun 15 Neil Carmichael: Vocational Qualifications Day 1.30 9 Jun 15 Bob Blackman: Libraries (Harrow) 1.30 10 Jun 15 Damian Collins: FIFA 1.30 10 Jun 15 Mr Christopher Chope: St Ives Firs School 0.27 10 Jun 15 Liz McInnes: Carcraft 1.06 10 Jun 15 Jessica Morden: Organophosphate Sheep Dip 0.53 10 Jun 15 Mr Philip Hollobone: Gypsies and Travellers (Local Communities) 1.01 11 Jun 15 Emily Thornberry: Voter Engagement 1.30 11 Jun 15 Kerry McCarthy: Food Waste 1.26 16 Jun 15 Guto Bebb: Iran (Proposed Nuclear Agreement) 1.30 16 Jun 15 Gordon Henderson: Isle of Sheppey (Prisons) 0.26 16 Jun 15 Greg Mulholland: Ultra-rare diseases 1.30 16 Jun 15 Mr Robin Walker: Worcester’s Southern Link and the Carrington Bridge 0.28 16 Jun 15 Patrick Grady: Sustainable Development Goals 1.02 17 Jun 15 Rachael Maskell: Safety in Prisons 1.30 17 Jun 15 Paul Flynn: New Nuclear Power 0.30 17 Jun 15 Mrs Anne Main: Bangladesh 1.30 17 Jun 15 Ann Coffey: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments) 0.30 17 Jun 15 Graham Stuart: Personal Independence Payment Applications 0.59 18 Jun 15 Fabian Hamilton: Tibet 1.07 23 Jun 15 Mr Stewart Jackson: English as an additional language (Pupil Support) 1.17 23 Jun 15 David Morris: House of Lords Reform 0.25 23 Jun 15 Teresa Pearce: Crown Prosecution Service 1.23 23 Jun 15 Angela Rayner: Local Government Finance (Tameside and Oldham) 0.29 23 Jun 15 Mark Spencer: BBC Investment (East and West Midlands) 1.08 24 Jun 15 Paul Blomfield: Science and Research 1.30 24 Jun 15 Jim Fitzpatrick: Leaseholders and Housing Association Ballots 0.22 24 Jun 15 Matt Warman: Superfast Broadband 1.30 24 Jun 15 Julian Sturdy: Free Childcare and Nursery Providers 0.30 24 Jun 15 Alison Thewliss: National Breastfeeding Week 1.08 25 Jun 15 Grahame M. Morris: Older Industrial Areas: Economic Disparities 1.30 25 Jun 15 Mr Nigel Evans: School Transport 1.07 30 Jun 15 Kevin Hollinrake: Shale Gas 1.29 30 Jun 15 Nadine Dorries: Ampthill Primary Care (Parking) 0.30 30 Jun 15 Mr Alistair Carmichael: Human Rights Act 1.30 30 Jun 15 Ian Lavery: MV Seaman Guard Ohio 0.31 30 Jun 15 Debbie Abrahams: Welfare Reform (People with Disabilities) 0.58 1 Jul 15 Albert Owen: English Votes for English Laws and North Wales 1.30 1 Jul 15 Alok Sharma: Fibromyalgia 0.28 1 Jul 15 Dr Matthew Offord: Operational Productivity in NHS Providers 1.30 1 Jul 15 Ian Paisley: Colin Worton 0.22 1 Jul 15 Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck: Tyne and Wear Metro 0.57 176 SESSION 2014–15 Date Subject Duration 2 Jul 15 Mr Mark Williams: Sustainable Development Goals (Education) 1.07 2 Jul 15 Ian Austin: Iranian Nuclear Programme 1.15 7 Jul 15 Melanie Onn: Coastal Flood Risk 1.30 7 Jul 15 Margaret Ferrier: Nuclear Warheads (Transportation) 0.30 7 Jul 15 Bob Stewart: Srebrenica Genocide (20th Anniversary) 1.30 7 Jul 15 Chris Skidmore: Avon Ring Road (M4 Link) 0.30 7 Jul 15 Chris Evans: Jobcentre Plus 1.01 8 Jul 15 Nick Herbert: Southern Railway (Performance) 1.30 8 Jul 15 Mr Keith Simpson: Norfolk and Suffolk Broads 0.29 8 Jul 15 Holly Lynch: UN Independent Commission of Inquiry (Gaza) 1.30 8 Jul 15 Nic Dakin: Independent Living Fund 0.28 8 Jul 15 Daniel Kawczynski: Cremation of Infants (England) 1.01 9 Jul 15 Mr Jim Cunningham: Elected Mayors and Local Government 1.30 9 Jul 15 Mr Andrew Turner: Immigration 1.30 14 Jul 15 Paul Maynard: Rent-to-own Sector 1.27 14 Jul 15 Jack Lopresti: Health Provision (South Gloucestershire) 0.33 14 Jul 15 Chi Onwurah: Public Sector Broadcasting (Diversity) 1.26 14 Jul 15 Mike Weir: Domestic Renewables Industry 0.26 14 Jul 15 Iain Stewart: Shared Ownership Housing 0.57 15 Jul 15 Dr Rupa Huq: Housing Supply (London) 1.30 15 Jul 15 Tom Blenkinsop: UK Steel Industry 0.30 15 Jul 15 Robert Jenrick: Regional Support for the Arts 1.16 15 Jul 15 Martin Vickers: Bank Closures (Northern Lincolnshire) 0.26 15 Jul 15 Mike Gapes: Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust 1.14 16 Jul 15 Mark Spencer: Sentencing (Cruelty to Pets) 0.56 16 Jul 15 Christian Matheson: Police Procurement (Motor Vehicles) 0.57 21 Jul 15 Stewart McDonald: Human Rights (Saudi Arabia) 1.23 21 Jul 15 Dr Julian Lewis: Légion d’Honneur (UK Normandy Veterans) 0.28 21 Jul 15 Jessica Morden: Severn Bridges (Tolls) 1.29 21 Jul 15 Sir Gerald Howarth: Avro Vulcan XH558 0.31 21 Jul 15 John Redwood: Euro Area 1.00 8 Sep 15 Mike Kane: Hospital Services (South Manchester) 1.25 8 Sep 15 Jake Berry: Business Rates (Rural Areas) 0.29 8 Sep 15 Amanda Milling: FM Radio Applications 0.27 8 Sep 15 Alison McGovern: Urban Regeneration (England) 1.00 9 Sep 15 Chris Philip: Affordable Housing 1.30 9 Sep 15 Ms Margaret Ritchie: Contaminated Blood Products 0.30 9 Sep 15 Richard Burden: West Midlands Police (Funding) 1.30 9 Sep 15 Mrs Madeleine Moon: Orphaned Open-cast Mines 0.29 9 Sep 15 Dementia Care Services: Edward Argar 1.01 10 Sep 15 Neil Parish: Rural Broadband 1.30 10 Sep 15 Mr Alistair Carmichael: Common Fisheries Policy (Reform) 1.30 15 Sep 15 Zac Goldsmith: London Black Cabs 1.29 15 Sep 15 Peter Grant: FOI Requests: Scotland Office 0.30 15 Sep 15 Kirsten Oswald: Child Poverty 1.29 15 Sep 15 Tim Loughton: Shoreham Air Show Crash 0.31 15 Sep 15 James Berry: Tamils Rights: Sri Lanka 1.00 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 177 Date Subject Duration 16 Sep 15 Harry Harpham: Midland Main Line (Electrification) 1.30 16 Sep 15 Peter Aldous: Magistrates Courts: Suffolk 0.29 16 Sep 15 Richard Drax: Sgt Alexander Blackman (Marine A) 1.27 16 Sep 15 Jim Shannon: Submarines and the Fishing Industry 0.33 16 Sep 15 Jo Stevens: Alun Richards and Kashif Shabir: SFO 0.59 17 Sep 15 Ann Clwyd: Arms Sales (Human Rights) 1.30 17 Sep 15 Alok Sharma: Dangerous Driving Penalties 1.29 13 Oct 15 Roger Mullin: Child Suicide Bombers 1.14 13 Oct 15 Mr Gavin Shuker: Prostitution (Prosecution Trends) 0.23 13 Oct 15 Guto Bebb: Media Plurality (Wales) 1.25 13 Oct 15 Andrew Griffiths: Burton Magistrates Court 0.34 13 Oct 15 Paul Maynard: Funeral Poverty 1.01 14 Oct 15 Jack Lopresti: Gibraltar and Spain 1.18 14 Oct 15 Mrs Anne-Marie Trevelyan: HMP Northumberland 0.29 14 Oct 15 Carolyn Harris: Welfare Benefit Changes 1.28 14 Oct 15 Mr Graham Allen: House Business Committee 0.27 14 Oct 15 Liz Saville Roberts: Capel Celyn Reservoir (50th Anniversary) 0.39 20 Oct 15 Jim Shannon: Cancer Drugs 1.30 20 Oct 15 Julian Knight: Air Passenger Duty: Regional Airports 1.30 20 Oct 15 Sir Paul Beresford: Travellers (Mole Valley) 0.21 20 Oct 15 Nick Smith: Individual Electoral Registration 0.59 21 Oct 15 Mrs Flick Drummond: Rail Services: Portsmouth and the South-West 1.30 21 Oct 15 Stuart Andrew: UK Science Budget 0.30 21 Oct 15 Angela Crawley: Black History Month 1.40 21 Oct 15 Toby Perkins: Accessible Toilet Availability 0.29 21 Oct 15 Craig Tracey: Secondary Breast Cancer 1.01 22 Oct 15 Sir David Ames: Fire Safety: School Buildings 0.32 27 Oct 15 Jeremy Lefroy: Tropical Diseases 1.30 27 Oct 15 Rehman Chishti: Pakistan 0.30 27 Oct 15 Mr Ben Bradshaw: Met Office 1.03 27 Oct 15 Andrew Gwynne: British Property Owners (Cyprus) 0.34 27 Oct 15 Chloe Smith: Young Jobseekers 1.18 28 Oct 15 Stephen Kinnock: Transforming Rehabilitation Programme 1.30 28 Oct 15 Mr Barry Sheerman: Harold Wilson 0.28 28 Oct 15 David Rutley: Outdoor Recreation 1.31 28 Oct 15 Gordon Henderson: Living Wage (Farmers) 0.29 28 Oct 15 Dr Paul Monaghan: Chagos Islands 0.59 3 Nov 15 Stephen Pound: Corporate Economic Crime 1.30 3 Nov 15 Siobhain McDonagh: Sight Tests in Special Schools 0.29 3 Nov 15 Amanda Milling: Police and Fire Shared Services 1.08 3 Nov 15 Mike Freer: Gay Conversion Therapies 0.31 3 Nov 15 Stuart C. McDonald: Maternity Discrimination 1.01 4 Nov 15 Damian Collins: Prefabricated Housing 0.54 4 Nov 15 Paul Scully: Secondary School Places (London Borough of Sutton) 0.23 4 Nov 15 Angela Smith: Treasury Support for UK Science 1.30 4 Nov 15 John Mann: Wanless Review and the Dickens File 0.30 4 Nov 15 Peter Heaton-Jones: Care Homes (Regulation) 1.00 178 SESSION 2014–15 Date Subject Duration 5 Nov 15 Graham Stuart: School Funding 3.00 10 Nov 15 David Warburton: British Council 1.29 10 Nov 15 Andrew Bingham: Court Closure (Buxton) 0.30 10 Nov 15 Jess Phillips: Houses of Parliament (Family-friendliness) 1.30 10 Nov 15 Nick Thomas-Symonds: Barnett Floor (Wales) 0.30 10 Nov 15 Stephen Gethins: Renegotiation of EU Membership (Devolved Administrations) 1.01 17 Nov 15 Graham Evans: M56 (Junctions 12 to 14) 0.29 17 Nov 15 Ian Blackford: Guaranteed Income for Retirees 1.17 17 Nov 15 Tulip Siddiq: Court Charges (Access to Justice) 0.30 17 Nov 15 Julian Sturdy: Groceries Code Adjudicator 1.01 18 Nov 15 Ruth Cadbury: Women and Low Pay 1.21 18 Nov 15 David Kawczynski: Road Infrastructure (Shropshire) 0.29 18 Nov 15 Karl McCartney: Personal Injury Fraud 1.26 18 Nov 15 Brendan O’Hara: Electrical Shore Supplies (Nuclear-powered Submarines) 0.28 18 Nov 15 Anne McLaughlin: Deaths Abroad (Consular Assistance) 1.02 24 Nov 15 Liam Byrne: Children of Alcoholics 0.32 24 Nov 15 Naz Shah: Community and Voluntary Sector Funding 1.29 24 Nov 15 Mr David Jones: African Lion Numbers 0.39 24 Nov 15 Drew Hendry: Fuel Poverty 1.01 25 Nov 15 Caroline Flint: Clean Energy Investment 1.30 25 Nov 15 Mr Douglas Carswell: Forced Adoptions 0.30 25 Nov 15 Nigel Adams: UK Musicians Performing Overseas 1.30 25 Nov 15 David T. C. Davies: Mr Shaker Aamer 0.29 25 Nov 15 Ben Howlett: Low Emission Zones 0.55 1 Dec 15 Mr David Davis: Armed Drones 1.30 1 Dec 15 Justin Madders: Employment Tribunal Fees 1.30 1 Dec 15 Huw Merriman: Post Office Closures 1.00 2 Dec 15 Barbara Keeley: State Pension Age Equalisation 1.30 2 Dec 15 Tom Blenkinsop: Boulby Potash and Teesside Unemployment 0.30 2 Dec 15 Sir Simon Burns: Commuter Services (Chelmsford to Liverpool Street) 0.29 2 Dec 15 Neil Gray: Benefit Sanctions 0.48 8 Dec 15 Mr George Howarth: Shakespeare Theatre (Knowsley) 0.28 8 Dec 15 Mrs Caroline Spelman: Marriage Registration Certificates 1.26 8 Dec 15 Andrew Percy: Electronic Communications Code 0.30 8 Dec 15 Gerald Jones: Lead Shot Ammunition 0.59 9 Dec 15 Mr Henry Bellingham: Exotic Pets Trade 1.30 9 Dec 15 Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger: UK Tourism after Paris Attacks 0.21 9 Dec 15 Steve Rotheram: The Shrewsbury 24 1.30 9 Dec 15 Fabian Hamilton: Anti-TNF Drugs 0.28 9 Dec 15 Mr Stewart Jackson: Electoral Integrity and Absent Votes 1.01 15 Dec 15 Mr Gareth Thomas: Transport for London Funding 1.30 15 Dec 15 Christina Rees: Spending Review and Autumn Statement: Wales 0.30 15 Dec 15 Mrs Cheryl Gillan: Specialist Neuromuscular Care and Treatments 1.30 15 Dec 15 Richard Drax: Weymouth to Waterloo Rail Line 0.27 15 Dec 15 Carolyn Harris: Access to Justice: Wales 1.03 16 Dec 15 Maggie Throup: Community Transport 1.26 16 Dec 15 Richard Graham: Sale of Ministry of Justice Land: Gloucester 0.21 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 179 Date Subject Duration 16 Dec 15 Dr Eilidh Whiteford: Benefit Sanctions 1.39 16 Dec 15 Mr David Lammy: Primary Care: Tottenham 0.30 16 Dec 15 James Berry: West London’s Coroner’s Court 0.57 5 Jan 16 Will Quince: Regional Theatre 0.30 5 Jan 16 Ms Karen Buck: Safer Neighbourhood Policing: London 1.30 5 Jan 16 Bob Stewart: UK and Kazakhstan 1.00 6 Jan 16 Sarah Champion: Child Prisoners and Detainees: Occupied Palestinian Territories 1.30 6 Jan 16 Andy Slaughter: Refugees in Calais 0.29 6 Jan 16 Derek Thomas: Food Security 1.29 6 Jan 16 Ms Margaret Ritchie: Broadband Speeds: Northern Ireland 0.31 6 Jan 16 Kate Osamor: Healthcare: Yarl’s Wood 1.00 12 Jan 16 Crispin Blunt: Redhill and Reigate Rail Users 0.30 12 Jan 16 Sir Alan Haselhurst: Airport Expansion: East Anglia 1.20 12 Jan 16 Stephen Twigg: Swine Flu Vaccination: Compensation 0.25 12 Jan 16 Ian C. Lucas: Access to Jobs: Disabled people 1.15 13 Jan 16 Marie Rimmer: Universal Credit: North-West 1.30 13 Jan 16 Mr Douglas Carswell: Defence Procurement 0.29 13 Jan 16 Peter Kyle: Care Homes: England 1.30 13 Jan 16 Gareth Johnson: Dartford Crossing: Congestion 0.30 13 Jan 16 Nigel Mills: Hand Hygiene NHS 1.00 19 Jan 16 Stephen Kinnock: Access to Justice: Vulnerable people 1.28 19 Jan 16 Richard Burgon: Historical Cabinet Papers 0.28 19 Jan 16 Pauline Latham: Cancer Drugs 1.30 19 Jan 16 Karin Smyth: Towed Trailers 0.28 19 Jan 16 Ben Howlett: STEM Careers: Diversity 0.59 20 Jan 16 Sir Edward Leigh: Out-of-school Education Settings 1.30 20 Jan 16 Paul Maynard: Concessionary Fares: Blackpool and Cleveleys 0.30 20 Jan 16 Judith Cummins: Safety in Youth Custody 1.18 20 Jan 16 Siobhain McDonagh: IVF: Welfare of Women 0.37 20 Jan 16 Holly Lynch: Storm Eva: Local Authority Support 1.00 26 Jan 16 Kevin Hollinrake: Onshore Oil and Gas 1.30 26 Jan 16 Peter Dowd: Child Poverty 0.28 26 Jan 16 Helen Goodman: Further Education Colleges (North-East) 1.29 26 Jan 16 Margaret Greenwood: Merseyside Fire and Rescue Services 1.31 27 Jan 16 Neil Coyle: Disabled People: Support 1.30 27 Jan 16 David Simpson: Business Transactions: Cash Restrictions 0.29 27 Jan 16 Helen Whately: Syrian Refugees: Resettlement 1.30 27 Jan 16 Alok Sharma: Small Businesses: Late Payments 0.31 27 Jan 16 Richard Benyon: Iraq Historic Allegations Team 1.01 28 Jan 16 Carolyn Harris: In-work Poverty 1.00 28 Jan 16 James Heappey: Basic Payment Scheme 1.30 2 Feb 16 Catherine McKinnell: Regional Airports 1.30 2 Feb 16 Wayne David: Caerphilly Country Borough Council 0.21 2 Feb 16 Jason McCartney: Huddersfield Royal Infirmary 1.30 2 Feb 16 Lucy Allan: Telford Co-operative Multi Academy Trust Schools 0.18 2 Feb 16 Paula Sheriff: Gender Pricing 0.54 3 Feb 16 Derek Thomas: Fuel Poverty 1.22 180 SESSION 2014–15 Date Subject Duration 3 Feb 16 Byron Davies: Serious Fraud Office: Bryan Evans 0.29 3 Feb 16 Liz Kendall: Local Government Funding 1.30 3 Feb 16 Rachael Maskell: Bootham Park Mental Health Hospital 0.30 3 Feb 16 Chris Green: Cycling: Government Investment 1.01 9 Feb 16 Richard Fuller: Emergency Services: Closer Working 1.29 9 Feb 16 David Mowat: Sports Clubs: HMRC Status 0.29 9 Feb 16 Louise Haigh: Work Capability Assessments 1.34 9 Feb 16 Simon Danczuk: Communications Infrastructure and Flooding: North West 0.27 9 Feb 16 Chloe Smith: Social Mobility Index 1.00 10 Feb 16 Stephen Doughty: Asylum Support Contracts 1.30 10 Feb 16 Meg Hillier: Digital Democracy Commission 0.30 10 Feb 16 Mr Adam Holloway: Migration into the EU 1.31 10 Feb 16 John Glen: Mobile Infrastructure Project 0.30 10 Feb 16 Richard Arkless: Refugees: UK Government Policy 1.00 23 Feb 16 Jo Stevens: Under-occupancy Penalty 1.29 23 Feb 16 Jim Fitzpatrick: Canary Wharf Bombing: Compensation 0.30 23 Feb 16 Derek Thomas: Community Pharmacies 1.30 23 Feb 16 Caroline Ansell: Military Training: Mental Health Resilience 0.19 23 Feb 16 Alan Brown: Motability Car Schemes 0.58 24 Feb 16 Nigel Adams: Biomass Energy 1.29 24 Feb 16 Dr Tania Mathias: Kneller Hall 0.24 24 Feb 16 Kevin Barron: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Office: Sheffield 1.30 24 Feb 16 Natalie McGarry: Disabilities, Poverty and Inequalities 0.29 24 Feb 16 Mrs Anne Main: Crohn’s and Colitis Treatment: England 1.14 1 Mar 16 Mark Menzies: High Streets 1.30 1 Mar 16 Mr Mark Prisk: Rail Services: East Hertfordshire 0.27 1 Mar 16 Jenny Chapman: Local Government Funding: North-East 1.30 1 Mar 16 Helen Hayes: Lambeth County Court 0.30 1 Mar 16 Neil Parish: Road Routes to the South-West 1.00 2 Mar 16 Clive Efford: Southeastern Train Services 1.31 2 Mar 16 Mr Andrew Smith: Student Volunteering 0.29 2 Mar 16 Kwasi Kwarteng: Egypt: British Support 1.29 2 Mar 16 Mr Christopher Chope: School Provision: Christchurch 0.28 2 Mar 16 Richard Arkless: Human Rights Framework: Scotland 1.03 8 Mar 16 Jo Cox: Autism Diagnosis Waiting Times 0.32 8 Mar 16 Simon Hart: Swansea Tidal Lagoon 1.29 8 Mar 16 Caroline Ansell: Bowel Cancer Screening Age 0.30 8 Mar 16 Tristram Hunt: Ceramics Industry 0.58 9 Mar 16 Caroline Nokes: BT Service Standards 1.30 9 Mar 16 Sir Edward Garnier: Clinical Negligence Claim 0.30 9 Mar 16 Brendan O’Hara: Scotch Whisky Industry 1.30 9 Mar 16 Rosie Cooper: Health and Safety Executive 0.24 9 Mar 16 Dr Poulter: UK Energy Market 1.05 10 Mar 16 Helen Goodman: BT Broadband Provisional: Local Businesses 1.30 10 Mar 16 Graham Evans: Energy Intensive Industry 1.13 15 Mar 16 Michelle Donelan: Engineering Skills: Design and Technology Education 1.30 15 Mar 16 Gordon Henderson: Sheppey Crossing: Safety 0.25 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 181 Date Subject Duration 15 Mar 16 Richard Burden: Local Government: Ethical Procurement 1.30 15 Mar 16 Mr Jim Cunningham: Housebuilding: King’s Hill, Coventry 0.20 15 Mar 16 Seema Kennedy: Transport Infrastructure: Lancashire 0.59 16 Mar 16 Caroline Lucas: UNHCR: Admission Pathways for Syrian Refugees 1.30 16 Mar 16 Ms Margaret Ritchie: EU Referendum: Northern Ireland 0.30 16 Mar 16 Jeremy Quin: Govia Thameslink and Network Rail 1.30 16 Mar 16 Nigel Huddleston: Three-tier Education 0.23 16 Mar 16 Steven Paterson: West Highland Way 0.59 22 Mar 16 Peter Grant: War in Yemen: First Anniversary 0.30 22 Mar 16 Craig Mackinlay: GPS and Heavy Goods Vehicles 1.30 22 Mar 16 Fiona Bruce: Daesh: Persecution of Christians 0.29 22 Mar 16 Liz Saville Roberts: Macur Review of Historical Child Abuse 1.01 23 Mar 16 Paul Scully: Burma 1.31 23 Mar 16 Julian Sturdy: Legal Guardianship and Missing People 0.28 23 Mar 16 Paul Blomfield: National Minimum Wage: Care Sector 1.32 23 Mar 16 Stella Creasy: Registration of Births 0.18 23 Mar 16 Richard Graham: Hong Kong: Sino-British Joint Declaration 1.10 24 Mar 16 Dr Rupa Huq: NHS in London 3.00 12 Apr 16 Kirsten Oswald: National Defence Medal 0.29 12 Apr 16 Mike Freer: HIV: Women and Girls 1.30 12 Apr 16 Mr Robin Walker: Worcester University Arena: Disabled People and Sport 0.29 12 Apr 16 Mr Nicholas Brown: Supported Housing 1.00 13 Apr 16 Jeff Smith: Private Members’ Bills 1.30 13 Apr 16 Dame Angela Watkinson: Air Cadet Organisation and Gliding 0.28 13 Apr 16 James Morris: Mental Health Taskforce Report 1.30 13 Apr 16 Ian C. Lucas: Personal Independence Payments 0.31 13 Apr 16 Ben Howlett: Sustainable Development Goals 0.59 19 Apr 16 Julian Knight: M6 Toll Road 0.27 19 Apr 16 Ann Coffey: Children’s Homes 1.31 19 Apr 16 Peter Dowd: Port of Liverpool: Road and Rail Access 0.25 19 Apr 16 Lucy Allan: Teenage Pregnancy: Regional variations 0.59 20 Apr 16 Tom Tugendhat: Aircraft noise 1.30 20 Apr 16 Stephen Doughty: Cardiff Coal Exchange 0.29 20 Apr 16 Mr Mark Williams: UK Dairy Sector 1.29 20 Apr 16 Dr Tania Mathias: Small Weapons Trade 0.24 20 Apr 16 Alan Brown: Western Sahara: Self-determination 1.00 26 Apr 16 Conor McGinn: Lewy Body Dementia 0.30 26 Apr 16 Julian Sturdy: Antibiotics: Research and Development 1.30 26 Apr 16 Mark Pritchard: Quiet Cities 0.26 26 Apr 16 Christian Matheson: Social Security (Equality) 1.00 27 Apr 16 Mark Durkan: Violence against Women and Girls (Sustainable Development Goals) 1.30 27 Apr 16 John Howell: Ambulatory Care 0.29 27 Apr 16 Amanda Milling: Coal-fired Power Stations 1.30 27 Apr 16 Owen Thompson: Electoral Participation (Media) 0.29 27 Apr 16 Mr Stewart Jackson: Devolution (East Anglia) 1.01 3 May 16 Nigel Mills: Anti-corruption Summit 1.30 3 May 16 Stuart Blair Donaldson: UK Foreign Policy on Libya 0.25 182 SESSION 2014–15 Date Subject Duration 3 May 16 Simon Danczuk: Asylum Seeker Dispersal Policy 0.58 3 May 16 Mark Pawsey: Burial or Cremation (Delays) 0.28 3 May 16 Mr Virendra Sharma: Ealing Hospital 1.01 4 May 16 Charlotte Leslie: The Gulf 1.30 4 May 16 Mr Jamie Reed: West Cumbria Health Services 0.30 4 May 16 Mrs Sharon Hodgeson: North East Ambulance Services 1.30 4 May 16 Will Quince: Knife Crime (Sentencing) 0.26 4 May 16 Daniel Kawczynski: Anglo-Russian Relation 1.00 10 May 16 Mr Keith Simpson: Commonwealth War Graves Commission 1.29 10 May 16 Chi Onwurah: Housing in Newcastle 0.31 10 May 16 Nusrat Ghani: Tenant Farming 0.53 11 May 16 Julie Cooper: Domestic Violence Refuges 1.30 11 May 16 Jack Lopresti: Organised Sporting Events: Charges 0.30 11 May 16 Tom Blenkinsop: Steel Industry 1.30 11 May 16 Gordon Henderson: Building Regulations 0.29 11 May 16 David Simpson: Northern Ireland Economy 1.01 Total: 342.25 1b: Debate (Private Members’–BBCom nominated) 20 Oct 15 Gavin Newlands: Post-Study Work Visa (Scotland) 0.24 22 Oct 15 Keith Vaz: Yemen 1.30 29 Oct 15 Graham Stuart: Green Investment Bank 2.45 17 Nov 15 Mr Philip Hollobone: Reserve Forces 1.30 19 Nov 15 Philip Davies: Male Suicide and International Men’s Day 3.00 24 Nov 15 Chris Heaton-Harris: World Prematurity Day 1.28 26 Nov 15 Mr Nicholas Brown: North-East Devolution 1.37 1 Dec 15 Ronnie Cowan: Small Business Saturday 0.29 3 Dec 15 Mrs Sheryll Murray: Fisheries Policy 3.00 8 Dec 15 Ian Austin: Cystic Fibrosis 1.29 10 Dec 15 Rebecca Pow: Protection of Ancient Woodland and Trees 2.13 17 Dec 15 Kevin Barron: Tobacco Control Strategy 1.45 5 Jan 16 Mr Philip Hollobone: EU Membership (UK Renegotiation) 1.30 7 Jan 16 Mrs Anne-Marie Trevelyan: Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report 2.29 12 Jan 16 Nick Herbert: Global fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria 1.30 14 Jan 16 Chris Heaton-Harris: VAT Evasion: Internet Retailers 1.43 21 Jan 16 Stephen Kinnock: UK Steel Industry 3.00 4 Feb 16 Gavin Newlands: Prevent Violence against Women: Role of Men 2.23 11 Feb 16 Siobhain McDonagh: Persecution of Religious Minorities: Pakistan 2.22 3 Mar 16 Peter Aldous: Offshore Oil and Gas Industry 2.25 8 Mar 16 Dr Lisa Cameron: Welfare of Young Dogs Bred for Sale 1.27 17 Mar 16 Jonathan Reynolds: Cabin Air Safety/Aerotoxic Syndrome 2.14 22 Mar 16 Carolyn Harris: Faulty Electrical Imports 1.26 12 Apr 16 Jim Shannon: Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease 1.30 14 Apr 16 Greg Mulholland: Pubs Code and Adjudicator 2.55 19 Apr 16 Mr David Burrowes: Unaccompanied Children 1.30 21 Apr 16 Jim Shannon: Clean Water and Sanitation 2.03 26 Apr 16 Jim Shannon: Fixed Odds Betting Terminals 1.30 28 Apr 16 Geoffrey Clifton-Brown: Digital Records in the NHS 1.54 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 183 Date Subject Duration 5 May 16 Stephen Phillips: Great Northern Great Eastern Upgrade: Compensation 0.25 5 May 16 Mr Philip Hollobone: EU Immigration 1.24 Total: 56.50 3: Debate (Committee) 15 Oct 15 Robert Neill (on behalf of the Justice Select Committee): Prisons: Planning and 1.15 Policies 15 Oct 15 Robert Neill (on behalf of the Justice Select Committee): Civil Legal Aid 1.02 25 Feb 16 Mr Clive Betts (on behalf of the Communities and Local Government Select 1.51 Committee): Litter and Fly-tipping: England Total: 4.08 5: Petitions 14 Sep 15 Helen Jones: NHS (Contracts and Conditions) 2.24 12 Oct 15 Paul Flynn: Cannabis 2.23 19 Oct 15 Paul Scully: Immigration 2.36 26 Oct 15 Steve Double: Term-time Leave 2.01 30 Nov 15 Helen Jones: Sugary Drinks Tax 2.51 7 Dec 15 Ben Howlett: Neonicotinoids on Crops 1.56 11 Jan 16 Paul Scully: NHS Bursary 2.52 18 Jan 16 Paul Flynn: Donald Trump 2.58 25 Jan 16 Oliver Dowden: Small Businesses: Tax Reporting 2.44 1 Feb 16 Helen Jones: Transitional State Pension Arrangements for Women 2.58 7 Mar 16 Paul Scully: Non-EU Citizens: Income Threshold 1.37 21 Mar 16 Helen Jones: BMA (Contract Negotiations) 2.20 18 Apr 16 Helen Jones: Brain Tumours 3.00 25 Apr 16 Ben Howlett: Meningitis B Vaccine 2.21 9 May 16 Paul Scully: EU Referendum Leaflet 3.00 Total: 38.01 7: Suspensions 10 Jun 15 Suspension 0.14 17 Jun 15 Suspension 0.14 23 Jun 15 Suspension 0.13 23 Jun 15 Suspension 0.14 30 Jun 15 Suspension 0.16 1 Jul 15 Suspension 0.08 2 Jul 15 Suspension 0.23 7 Jul 15 Suspension 0.15 14 Jul 15 Suspension 0.08 15 Jul 15 Suspension 0.14 15 Jul 15 Suspension 0.04 16 Jul 15 Suspension 0.34 21 Jul 15 Suspension 0.07 8 Sep 15 Suspension 0.03 16 Sep 15 Suspension 0.11 13 Oct 15 Suspension 0.11 14 Oct 15 Suspension 0.12 14 Oct 15 Suspension 0.05 20 Oct 15 Suspension 0.07 184 SESSION 2014–15 Date Subject Duration 21 Oct 15 Suspension 0.15 26 Oct 15 Suspension 0.15 27 Oct 15 Suspension 0.22 27 Oct 15 Suspension 0.01 28 Oct 15 Suspension 0.15 3 Nov 15 Suspension 0.31 4 Nov 15 Suspension 0.36 10 Nov 15 Suspension 0.09 17 Nov 15 Suspension 0.13 17 Nov 15 Suspension 0.14 18 Nov 15 Suspension 0.09 18 Nov 15 Suspension 0.04 18 Nov 15 Suspension 0.10 1 Dec 15 Suspension 0.26 1 Dec 15 Suspension 0.04 8 Dec 15 Suspension 0.04 9 Dec 15 Suspension 0.10 15 Dec 15 Suspension 0.11 16 Dec 15 Suspension 0.04 5 Jan 16 Suspension 0.30 6 Jan 16 Suspension 0.08 7 Jan 16 Suspension 0.15 12 Jan 16 Suspension 0.25 12 Jan 16 Suspension 0.12 19 Jan 16 Suspension 0.26 20 Jan 16 Suspension 0.12 20 Jan 16 Suspension 0.35 25 Jan 16 Suspension 0.26 26 Jan 16 Suspension 0.01 26 Jan 16 Suspension 0.29 27 Jan 16 Suspension 0.09 28 Jan 16 Suspension 0.30 1 Feb 16 Suspension 0.25 2 Feb 16 Suspension 0.12 3 Feb 16 Suspension 0.21 4 Feb 16 Suspension 0.07 9 Feb 16 Suspension 0.13 10 Feb 16 Suspension 0.12 23 Feb 16 Suspension 0.11 24 Feb 16 Suspension 0.11 8 Mar 16 Suspension 0.28 10 Mar 16 Suspension 0.14 15 Mar 16 Suspension 0.10 16 Mar 16 Suspension 0.06 22 Mar 16 Suspension 0.04 23 Mar 16 Suspension 0.12 23 Mar 16 Suspension 0.19 PART IV: ANALYSIS FOR WESTMINSTER HALL 185 Date Subject Duration 23 Mar 16 Suspension 0.10 13 Apr 16 Suspension 0.11 19 Apr 16 Suspension 0.04 19 Apr 16 Suspension 0.23 20 Apr 16 Suspension 0.01 20 Apr 16 Suspension 0.03 20 Apr 16 Suspension 0.11 26 Apr 16 Suspension 0.44 27 Apr 16 Suspension 0.24 3 May 16 Suspension 0.37 4 May 16 Suspension 0.14 5 May 16 Suspension 1.05 Total: 19.56 9: Speech limits 3 Nov 15 Chair (Mark Pritchard): 4.5 minutes 0.00 10 Nov 15 Chair (Fabian Hamilton): 5 minutes 0.00 25 Nov 15 Chair (Mr Adrian Bailey): 4 minutes 0.00 2 Dec 15 Chair (Geraint Davies): 4 minutes 0.00 5 Jan 16 Chair (Andrew Percy): 3 minutes 0.00 12 Jan 16 Chair (Nadine Dorries): 3.5 minutes 0.00 19 Jan 16 Chair (Mr Philip Hollobone): 3.5 minutes 0.00 1 Feb 16 Chair (Graham Stringer): 5 minutes 0.00 1 Feb 16 Chair (Mr David Hanson): 4 minutes 0.00 2 Feb 16 Chair (Valerie Vaz): 3 minutes 0.00 3 Feb 16 Chair (Philip Davies): 3 minutes 0.00 3 Feb 16 Chair (Mr Peter Bone): 3 minutes 0.00 9 Feb 16 Chair (Andrew Percy): 5 minutes 0.00 23 Feb 16 Chair (Mr Philip Hollobone): 3.5 minutes 0.00 24 Feb 16 Chair (Mr George Howarth): 7 minutes 0.00 1 Mar 16 Chair (Sir David Amess): 3 minutes 0.00 8 Mar 16 Chair (Sir Roger Gale): 4 minutes 0.00 8 Mar 16 Chair (Mr Graham Brady): 5 minutes 0.00 16 Mar 16 Chair (Mr Philip Hollobone): 5 minutes 0.00 23 Mar 16 Chair (Andrew Rosindell): 3 minutes 0.00 12 Apr 16 Chair (Graham Stringer): 4 minutes 0.00 12 Apr 16 Chair (Graham Stringer): 3 minutes 0.00 12 Apr 16 Chair (Mr Philip Hollobone): 2.5 minutes 0.00 18 Apr 16 Chair (Sir Edward Leigh): 4 minutes 0.00 20 Apr 16 Chair (Joan Ryan): 4 minutes 0.00 20 Apr 16 Chair (Joan Ryan): 3 minutes 0.00 4 May 16 Chair (Mr David Nuttall): 3 minutes 0.00 11 May 16 Chair (Geraint Davies): 4 minutes 0.00 11 May 16 Chair (Mrs Madeleine Moon): 5 minutes 0.00 Total: 0.00 Grand Total: 461.20