Price £1.00 to non-residents December 2018 / January 2019 ISSUE 113 OVER KELLET VIEW Photo: Peter Clinch Editorial Board: Peter Clinch, Paul Budd, Jane Meaden (Advertising) BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Chairs of the Parish Council and Parochial Church Council We are grateful to the above organisations for their financial support HOW TO PREPARE A CONTRIBUTION We are happy to receive electronic, typed and legible hand-written contributions. For a copy of the OK View Notes for Contributors please e-mail
[email protected] Electronic text contributions should ideally be in Microsoft Word format, but we can accept most other formats. Please set the page size to A4 and use 14pt Arial font. Photos and illustrations should be sent as separate files, NOT embedded within documents; most are reproduced in black and white and benefit from good contrast. Pictures intended for the front cover should be in portrait format. WHERE TO SEND IT Hard-copy contributions should be sent to The Editors c/o Tree Tops, Moor Close Lane, Over Kellet, LA6 1DF; electronic ones to the e-mail address:
[email protected] DEADLINE For each issue the closing date for contributions is the fifteenth of the previous month, but earlier submissions are always welcome. ADVERTISING Please e-mail us at
[email protected] for an advertising style sheet, rates and guidance. We are unable to offer a design service and will only accept material electronically. DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this magazine are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of either the Editorial and/or Management Board. Every care is taken to provide accurate information, particularly in the Village Listings, Directory and Local Services.