University Prepares for Week of Tricks and Treats by Velvet Litsey Lng at 9:30A.M
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University prepares for week of tricks and treats by Velvet Litsey lng at 9:30a.m. All US! faculty, staff and at ext. 1949 or Ta nya at ext. s tudent !D's. Staff Writer The other two programs students are Invited to bring 2043. Everyone without an 10 will be In the Orr Center lobby their children between the Later that night, a show will be charged $3. In order to enhance at 9:55 a .m. and at 10:20 ages of six and twelve. Ing of the movie The Rocky A list of a cceptable mate everyone's enjoyment of the a .m . In the UC Mall. The children will be di Horror Picture Show will be rial to bring to the movie In Halloween season, a number The programs Will consist vided according to age with gin at 9:00 p.m. In FA 1. clude rice, toilet paper, squlri of events have been sched of songs and rhymes per games planned for each According to Rob Kerney, guns and decks of cards. uled around campus for this formed by the children such group. vice president of program Concluding the llst are weekend as "Five Little Pumpkins" arid "We Will have a pinata, ming for APB, the city of newspapers, toast. noisemak On Friday, the Children's "Black Cat, Black Cat." make trick-or-treat bags and Evansville has a big under ers and flashlights. Center Will take part In short To prepare the children have a costume contest, • said gro4fld culture that enjoys Lighters Will not be al Halloween programs at vari for the Halloween festivities, APB president Amy Lantaff. the show. lowed. ous times throughout the day. BuschkUl said the songs were Lunch for the children will "Theatrically, Rocky Is Kerney said that the roles According to the included as a part of their be at 1:30 p.m . and includes probably one of the worst of Brad, Rocky and Rilfraff Children's Center cbordlna circle time. hot dogs, chips and apple el movies, but It's the Interac still need to be casted. tor, Pam Buschklll, these per According to BuschkUI, der. tion With the crowd that lf anyone Is Interested In formances are a change from the chlldren are not aware of Anyone Interested In vol makes It so fun," he said. filling the roles, they should the children's previous Hal the specifics of the program. unteering to help With the Cost for US! students Is contact Kerney at ext. 1872 loween activities. "However, they are ex party should contact Lantaff $1 and they must have their by 4 :30 p.m. Thursday. Last year the children tremelyexclted about the Hal went trick-or-treating from loween season In general," department to department. By said BuschkUI. the time they had flnlshed, She continued on to say the children were exhausted that anyone wanting to treat said B uschklll. the children should come pre ·we decided It would be pared because they would easler for us lo go to one place have their bags In hand. t.hJs yea r and h a ve people The A c UviUe s Program come to u s," Bus chklll said. ming Board also h ave events There will be three sepa planned, beginning with a rate performances beginning Halloween pa rty on Satur In the Administrative Build- day from noon until 2:00p.m . Oksoberfest provides fun, benefits wome_n 's chemical center by Heather Tripp "Great day, great activities staff Writer and It's fun," Pati Loehr, a counselor In the Counseling On Sunday, from noon to 4 Center, said. p.m., the Eicher Barn was the Themoneythatwasraised sight for the second annual went to Chrysalis, a transition photo by Jason Clark Oksoberfest. · house for chemical dependent SGA President Ken McWilliams reaches for help after being dunked In the Oksoberfest dunking booth. The event was held In con women. Loehr also helped Baseball coach Mike Goedde (behind cage) enjoys the scene while awaiting his turn In the booth. junction with alcohol aware with the alcohol awareness ness week. week. Oksoberfest had many ac- During the week, a drink tivities to offer the public. Ing simulation was done In the There was country line danc MASH rec room. Loehr said Ing, a dunking booth, clowns the place was full and that the and hay rides. simulation went over well. The dunking booth hosted A banner contest also took manyfaculltymembersofUSI. place In housing. "Anything for a good Trlsha Kempa, head rest cause," said Bruce Pearl, head dent In MASH, said that the basketball coach, when he got Wright Building In MASH was out of the booth. the grand prize winner. The children enjoyed face The three runner-ups were painting and clowns making Branch in Wellncss, Hammond them balloon animals. The In Old Campus and Chase on country Hne dancing attracted the Greek Courl the adults al the festival. The week long event also "Line dancing was a Jot of had a wall In the Eagles Nest fun to learn. It was Interesting that allowed people to remem and something everyone could ber friends and family who had do," Jean Moore, member of died or been hurt by dr1nklng USl cheer squ;1d. said. acddents. 2 The Shield-October 27, 1993 Campus & Community Bulletin Board ships Panel, 1 p.m. in SC Student Cbrlltlan l"el Today, 27 Mid-Week Bible study, Thursday, 28 Whistling in the Dark, noon 290. lowshlp Discipleship Math Club meeting 3- to 1 p.m. in UC 309A Student ChrlatlanFellow- Group, 1-2 p.m. in OC 4 2003. p.m. in sc 190. shlp Hayride, 7to 9 p.m. at Saturday, 30 Strange Puppies, noon to Westwood Lodge. 1 p.m. in UC 113F. Children's Halloween Baptist Student Union, 8 USI Penonnel Club ca AA Meetlngll, 3-4 p.m. in · Party, Noon at the Eagles . p.m. in MASH.S113A. reer enhancement clinic, speakers starting at 8:30 Over-Eaten Anonymous, uc 118. Nest. 11 p.m. in UC 118. Fellowship of Cbrlltlan am. in UC 350. Accountlng Club, Comp- Haunted House, 4 p.m . in Athletes, 9 p.m. in PAC Shield staff meeting at Accountlng Club meeting trolleroftheCurrency,4:30 the SC Basement. 207. at 5:30 p.m. in L 100. p.m. 4:30p.m. in UC 115. Any APB Presents Rocky Hor- Strange Puppy Celebrity one interested in writing Student Alumni Aasocla- ror Picture Show, in FA I Auction, 7p.m.iriUC309, welcome. Phi AlRha Theta, Interna tional Honor Society for tlon meeting, 3:45 to 4:30 at 9 p.m. showing starts at 4:30. Sociology Club meeting 1- History, will hold its Fall p.m. in_L 100. 2 p.m. in sc 290. induction at 7:30 p.m. at Sunday, 31 Social Work Club, Noon Red Bank Library. MedlevalSocletymeeting, in uc 118. SGA Supreme Court, 5-6 7:30 p.m. in UC 118. Newman Mass, 11:30 am. p.m. in UC 113F. Baptist Student Union, 8 in MASH Lounge. Juice, p.m. at Wrtght 8113A Personnel Club, 4:30 to donuts, and milk at 10:45. Tuesday,2 SGA Senate, 5-7 p.m. in 5:30 p.m. OC 2004. uc 118. Recruiter on Campus, US Monday, 1 SGA_House ofStudent Or- Navy, at j:he Eagles Nest. Job Search Correspon- &anlzatlons, meeting at 5 Black Student Union, 3- dence Workshop, 10:30 APB Meeting, 2 p.m. in UC p.m. in UC 118. 5 p.m. in UC 113F. Department of Communi am. in OC 2033. 118. ·cations Intern Workshop, Student Cbrlltlan Fel Residential Student Gov lowship Discipleship MASH Judicial Heru:!Dgs. 6:30 p.m. in UC Dining Friday, 22 ernment meeting at 4:30 7-10 p.m. in UC 118. Room. Group, noon-1 p.m. in OC Polltlcal Science Intern- p.m. in the MASH Lounge. 2003. Notice: Friday is the last day during which classes may be dropped without evaluation. Student Government Association Attention: Students, employees, faculty and staff members, the Black Student Union is preparing for its second year Thanksgiving Basket "GiveAways." Therewlllbelargedropboxesfordonatlons of any kind (canned goods, dry goods, personal items, etc.) in the following buildings: -Orr Center -University Center -Tech Building -Science Center This effort is being made in light of needy famllles. Our hope is to increase the number of baskets this year. Please help us to do this . _Black Student Union Wednesday, October 27, 1993 3 Volunteer USI The roUowing opportunities are available through Volunteer USI. Ir you or your group are Interested In helping, contact Christine Barton, Volunteer USI, at .uiS-1618. The ARK Crisis Center is searching for a club or organization to sponsor them as a charity for the year and conduct fund-raising activities on their behalf. The ARK provides short-term, temporary day care to children whose families are going through a crisis or stressful situation. No fees are charged to persons using the ARK's services. The Easter Seal Society needs individuals or groups to sell Safe Halloween coupon books Proceeds of the sale go to help children and adults with disabilities at the Rehabilitation Center. Prizes of a dinner for two or a getaway weekend are being offered to the person selling the most books. The United Methodist Youth Home is looking for an organization to sponsor them in il fund-raising event. The Youth Home provides residential treatment for teenage girls who are victims of abuse, and outreach care to many other boys and girls. They can provide a speaker if your organization would like one, to talk about the Home and its activities.