New Cooperation Agreement with India
2012 Press release 26 November 2012 Ministry of Health and Social Affairs New cooperation agreement with India Today, 26 November 2012, Sweden and India have signed a social insurance agreement that makes it easier for Swedish citizens to work in India and for Indian citizens to work in Sweden. Similar negotiations are taking place with Japan, China and South Korea. The agreement coordinates the general Indian and Swedish old-age, survivors' and disability pensions systems. It determines whether a person is to be insured in India or Sweden, thus preventing people losing the rights they have acquired and social security contributions being paid in both countries. Download The Social Security The agreement is important given that more than one hundred Swedish companies are operating in India, and Agreement between India and the number is growing every year. Sweden has similar agreements with ten other countries: Bosnia and Sweden (pdf 51 kB) Herzegovina, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, Croatia, Israel, Morocco, Serbia, Turkey and the United States. Under the agreement, employees can be sent from their home country to work for the company in the other country for two years at the most (can be extended by a further two years). They continue to be insured for old-age, survivors' and disability pensions in their home country and pay their social insurance contributions for these insurances there. An estimated 500 Swedish citizens live in India. About 160 Swedish companies are registered in India. In addition, about 1 000 Swedish companies do business in and with the country. Roughly 8 000 Indian citizens and 20 000 people of Indian origin live in Sweden.
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