
Environ. Sci. Technol. 1998, 32, 3200-3206

Carbon have also been known to react with several -Initiated Degradation other systems, including N2O(12), (14), and methanol (15). Recent work on the reactions of chlorinated of Carbon Tetrachloride in the and fluorinated compounds with carbon have yielded some Presence of Molecular Oxygen: A insight into the atomic carbon reaction process. Initial studies by Weigert (16) suggested that arc-generated atomic Product and Mechanistic Study carbon inserted into fluorinated compounds. Nicoll and Francisco, investigating heterogeneous systems with acti- vated carbon and carbon tetrachloride, proposed that carbon GAYLE NICOLL AND atoms were inserting into the C-Cl bond (17). This is JOSEPH S. FRANCISCO* consistent with the findings of Choi et. al. (14), who also Department of Chemistry and Department of Earth & concluded that C-Cl is an intermediate in the reaction Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, pathway for the reaction of gas-phase carbon atoms with West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1393 chloroform. Of interest in recent years has been the mechanism behind these reactions. The majority of these studies have shown that the carbon prefers to insert rather than abstract in these This paper reports an investigation of the gas-phase reactions. Carbon atoms may react with these reaction of atomic carbon with carbon tetrachloride in via two routes: either carbon insertion, represented by the presence of molecular oxygen. It is demonstrated that reaction 1, or abstraction, represented by reaction 2. In carbon tetrachloride can be oxidatively degraded by this carbon insertion, the carbon atom initially inserts into the method. Results from FT-IR and GC/MS studies suggest that between the central carbon atom and ligand, as the major products from the reaction are and shown, before breaking apart into the carbon fragment and carbon dioxide. The initial step involves breaking the carbon- parent molecule fragment. However, in carbon abstraction, bond as a result of the reaction of atomic the carbon immediately pulls off the ligand from the central carbon in the molecule, forming two fragments. carbon with carbon tetrachloride. Laser-induced fluores- cence studies have shown the presence of CCl as an 3 + f - intermediate produced from this reaction. A tentative C( P) CCl4 ClC CCl3 (1) mechanism is proposed to describe the details of the 3 + f + chemistry. C( P) CCl4 CCl CCl3 (2)

Interestingly, the study of atomic carbon reacting with chloroform reported on the observation of both C-H and Introduction C-Cl fragments via laser-induced fluorescence (14). The This paper reports on the degradation of carbon tetrachloride study suggested that atomic carbon inserted into the reactant with carbon atoms in the presence of oxygen. The breakdown molecule. However, the study did not investigate the reaction of carbon tetrachloride is used as a model for the destruction mechanism, focusing instead on the dynamics of the insertion of similar chlorinated compounds, such as chlorofluoro- process. (CFCs). Because of the structure of CCl4, its reactivity It is the intent of this research to investigate the reaction with atomic carbon and oxygen serves as an example for of atomic carbon with carbon tetrachloride in the presence other CFCs and carbon-chlorine compounds. of oxygen using laser-ablated graphite as a source of C(3P). In light of the , which has regulated the The oxygen is used to oxidize the trichloromethyl radical production and emission of CFCs in industrialized countries, once the degradation process had been initiated by atomic there is a need for safe, economical methods for destruction carbon. In so doing, the oxygen allows the radical fragments of the CFC stockpiles that now exist (1). Several methods to be further oxidized into stable products that can then be have already been proposed (2-8). Our method, reported monitored via FT-IR and GC/MS techniques. here, exploits the affinity of atomic carbon to cleave the carbon-chlorine bonds in CFCs. In addition, the reaction products may be collected and used in other reactions. By Experimental Section understanding the details of the reaction mechanism, this There is a dearth of reports in the literature on atomic carbon process may be generalized to an industrial scale as well. reactions in general. The lack of studies of this system is This research may also have implications for other CFC mainly due to a lack of clean sources for producing atomic degradation methods. One such method involves the carbon. Sources of producing atomic carbon also inherently mineralization of CFCs using sodium oxalate (2). However, generate other carbon species, including C2,C3, larger carbon this method also produces atomic carbon, which cannot be compounds, and carbon clusters. Since these other species accounted for in the proposed reaction scheme. It may be interfere with the study of atomic carbon reactions, very few that the atomic carbon participates in the breakdown of CFCs studies of the reactions of atomic carbon have been reported via a reaction similar to the one postulated here. in the journals until recently. Several different methods of Atomic carbon has been a species of interest for many carbon production currently exist, including laser-irradiated years in a variety of investigations (9-12). In the past, studies carbon suboxide (18) and laser-ablated graphite as a source have focused on the insertion reactions of atomic carbon (19). Laser-ablated carbon, unlike other sources, is known with diatomic species, including H2, HCl, and HBr (13). to produce a relatively clean source of atomic carbon. It has been well-established that using laser irradiation above 354 * Corresponding author phone: (765)494-7851; fax: (765)494-0239; nm produces C(3P) (12), whereas C(1D) is produced with e-mail: [email protected]. carbon suboxide by laser photolysis at 193 nm (20). While

3200 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 32, NO. 20, 1998 S0013-936X(98)00475-1 CCC: $15.00  1998 American Chemical Society Published on Web 09/03/1998 FIGURE 3. Comparison of the carbon dioxide distributions from the reaction between atomic carbon, carbon tetrachloride, and oxygen FIGURE 1. Experimental setup used to investigate the reaction of based on the wavelength used for irradiation of the graphite block. carbon atoms with carbon tetrachloride in the presence of oxygen. The relative proportions for phosgene were similar to the trend for carbon dioxide.

TABLE 1. Possible Reaction Mechanism for the Reaction of Atomic Carbon with Carbon Tetrachloride in the Presence of Oxygen

a step reaction ∆Hf (kJ/mol)

3 initiation C( P) + CCl4 f CCl + CCl3 -47 3 3 C( P) + O2 f CO + O( P) -578 propagation CCl + O(3P) f ClCO -755 ClCO + O(3P) f ClC(O)O* -360 ClC(O)O* f Cl + CO2 -150 C(3P) + CClO f CCl + CO -322 CCl + O2 f Cl + CO2 -766 Cl + C(3P) f CCl -344 CO + Cl f ClCO -22 CCl3 + O f COCl2 + Cl -426 + 3 f + - FIGURE 2. Preliminary LIF scan from 277 to 280 nm showing peaks CCl2O C( P) CCl ClCO 15 + f - attributed to the CCl reaction fragment. The scan, although lower CCl3 O2 CCl3O2 93 f + resolution, agrees well with data presented by Tiee et al. (28). 2CCl3O2 2CCl3O O2 6 CCl3O f CCl2O + Cl -87 termination ClCO + Cl f COCl2 -336 3 laser-ablated graphite can also produce other species, the CO + O( P) f CO2 -532 types of carbon species generated by the laser can be Cl + Cl + M f Cl2 + M -242 controlled by the laser energy and position of the focal point a Heats of reaction were calculated from refs 26, 27, 29 and 30. (21). Focusing the beam to a small spot on the surface of the graphite block ensures that the maximum power is delivered to the sample, thereby breaking all the graphite reactants to a total pressure of around 10 Torr. Carbon bonds and ultimately producing atomic carbon. tetrachloride, because of its high , was Initially, approximately equal quantities of carbon tet- introduced directly into the evacuated cell without the need rachloride and oxygen were placed in a glass reaction for a carrier gas. The carbon tetrachloride was purified chamber, which was designed for the static observation of through a freeze/pump/thaw system before being placed in reactions. The reaction cell was placed in the path of the the cell. FT-IR beam, and an ultrahigh purity graphite rod was placed Results were collected using on-line FT-IR to monitor the flush with the FT-IR beam, as shown in Figure 1. The laser concentrations of reactants and products. On-line GC/MS beam entered the cell perpendicular to the FT-IR beam was also available to corroborate the results obtained by through a planoconvex focusing lens ( f ) 5.0 cm) and was FT-IR. Pressure calibrations were done using the FT-IR on focused down to a spot about 1 mm wide. The laser beam carbon tetrachloride and carbon dioxide, so that the con- struck the stationary graphite block, generating atomic centrations of reactants and products could subsequently carbon. Both 351- and 308-nm laser radiation were used: be monitored in the reaction chamber. To conduct the either was sufficient to generate atomic carbon, C(3P) (12). calibrations, individual gases were placed in the cell, and the percent transmittance was monitored as a function of Initial studies employed 308-nm radiation from a Lambda pressure. Calibration curves of the FT-IR absorbances were Physik 301 EMG XeCl laser with approximately 80 mJ of subsequently constructed versus reactant and product power. Those studies using 351-nm radiation were con- concentrations. Before each reaction, a background spec- ducted using a Lambda Physik Compex laser with ap- trum was recorded and subtracted from all scans collected proximately 40 mJ of power. In both cases, the laser was by the FT-IR. Sixty-four scans were averaged for each allowed to ablate the graphite sample for 10 min between reaction, with a spectral resolution of 2 cm-1. Reproducibility FT-IR scans. and accuracy of the initial sample concentrations were found Prior to filling the cell, it was pumped down with a to be approximately (1%. diffusion pump to less than 3 × 10-5 Torr. The cell was then For the laser-induced fluorescence studies, which were consistently filled with approximately equal pressures of designed to probe for the presence of C-Cl fragments, a

VOL. 32, NO. 20, 1998 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 9 3201 FIGURE 4. Production of carbon dioxide and phosgene as carbon tetrachloride degrades. The 308-nm laser ablated the graphite for 2 h after 4.55 Torr of oxygen and 6.01 Torr of CCl4 were placed in the reaction vessel. similar reaction cell was used. In this case, the cell was for CCl suggests that the reaction does occur and can best evacuated to less than 1 × 10-6 Torr before reactants were be described by added to the cell. The carbon block, with the capability for rotation, was placed into the cell, and 351-nm radiation from 3 + f + C( P) CCl4 CCl CCl3 the Lambda Physik Compex laser was focused onto the face of the block to produce carbon atoms. The probe laser, which We cannot discern from these experiments if carbon atoms was a Lambda Physik Dye laser with crystal doubling, scanned are inserting into the C-Cl bond of carbon tetrachloride or from 277 to 280 nm perpendicular to the pump laser beam. abstracting chlorine atoms in the reaction process. We do The resulting fluorescence was observed orthogonal to the confirm that the product of the reaction is CCl. To explain pump/probe beams via a scanning monochromator attached the observation of the apparent no net loss of CCl4 in the to a photomultiplier tube. final product mixture, as observed by FT-IR studies, the following reaction mechanism is proposed:

Results and Discussion 3 + f + C( P) CCl4 CCl CCl3 3 Study of the Reaction of C( P) with CCl4 in the Absence of O2. In experiments in which only carbon tetrachloride was 3 + f + C( P) CCl Cl C2 used in the absence of oxygen, there was no net loss of carbon tetrachloride observed in the FT-IR. Upon repeated laser Cl + CCl f CCl irradiation, carbon depositation on the walls of the reaction 3 4 cell was observed. However, carbon deposits were not 3 observed in the control experiments or experiments in which In this mechanism, the CCl4 in the reaction converts C( P) oxygen was present in the reaction cell. To determine if a atoms into C2 with no net loss of CCl4. There should be a reaction was occurring in the absence of oxygen, we buildup of C2 from the reaction, which is consistent with our performed a series of laser-induced fluorescence experiments observations that carbon deposits build up on the walls of to probe for the reaction product CCl. the reaction vessel upon repeated irradiation. Moreover, we have also probed for C2 with laser-induced fluorescence The CCl radical has an A2∆-X2Π transition in the 270- and have observed a signal consistent with C2 observed in 280-nm region, and the laser-induced fluorescence of the the literature (19). We also note that some C2 is produced CCl radical from this transition has been previously observed from the ablated graphite, so it is difficult to distinguish how by other groups (18, 28). A series of control experiments 3 much C2 was contributed from the reaction of C( P) with were initially performed. When the carbon block was ablated CCl. However, we note that the addition of oxygen com- in the absence of CCl , no laser-induced fluorescence signal 4 petitively removes CCl and CCl3 from the reaction process. 3 for CCl radical was observed. When carbon tetrachloride Product Study of the Reaction of C( P) with CCl4 and was present without the carbon block, no signal was observed. O2. Control experiments were performed with the individual When carbon tetrachloride was introduced in the presence reactants to correct the data for any side reactions attributable of the carbon block, signals were observed from the CCl to atomic carbon reacting with either oxygen or carbon fragment. Figure 2 shows the LIF scan showing the CCl signal, tetrachloride separately. When oxygen and atomic carbon with a delay time of 2 µs between pump and probe lasers. only were present in the cell, the only product was carbon When the probe laser was blocked, the signal was observed monoxide. This is consistent with other reports in the to disappear. The observation of a fluorescence spectrum literature, which found that was produced

3202 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 32, NO. 20, 1998 in the presence of oxygen (22). When oxygen and CCl4 were While phosgene initially grows, it then begins to decline irradiated without graphite present, no reaction was observed. as it degrades into carbon dioxide. The carbon monoxide When oxygen, atomic carbon, and carbon tetrachloride also initially grows, but is then consumed in the reaction. were all present in the reaction chamber, significant amounts From the control experiments, the carbon monoxide is of carbon dioxide and phosgene were formed. The FT-IR apparently generated from the reaction of atomic carbon and GC/MS scans show the presence of unreacted carbon with oxygen. However, it also appears to serve a useful role tetrachloride as well as carbon dioxide and phosgene. The in the reaction mechanism, as it is then available for GC/MS, which scanned up to 650 m/e, also revealed that no successive reactions, as seen in Table 1. Because of these high mass species were present in the cell. The major peaks processes, the carbon dioxide concentration continues to in the GC/MS were carbon dioxide, phosgene, and unreacted increase. 3 13 carbon tetrachloride as well as a small contribution from Product Study of the Reaction of C( P) with CCl4 and carbon monoxide and hydrogen . Traces of water O2. Following the time studies, experiments employing 13 in the cell led to the production of from isotopically labeled CCl4 were used to attempt to gain more the decomposition of phosgene (23). insight into the reaction mechanism. Since the ablation of 12 13 graphite would produce C, whereas the breakdown of CCl4 To account for the reactions that were proceeding inside would produce 13C, it was possible to follow some of the the cell, a series of steps have been postulated to describe steps of the reaction by monitoring the concentrations of the chemistry. Table 1 is a step-by-step listing of the reactions 12C- and 13C-containing species relative to time. Specifically, proposed to characterize the reaction mechanism. It follows the experiments were designed to help distinguish what role from the types of products formed that atomic carbon is atomic carbon played in the reaction mechanism. After the reacting with the carbon tetrachloride. Regardless of whether 12 initiation step as shown in reaction 3, if only CO2 were atomic carbon inserts into the molecule or abstracts chlorine, produced, then the laser-generated carbon atoms would be CCl must be formed in the process. The CCl can then react the only source of carbon-producing carbon dioxide, as with molecular oxygen through a series of steps to produce 13 shown in reaction 4. If only CO2 were produced, then it carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Similarly, CCl3 can 13 could come from the oxidation of CCl3, as shown in reactions undergo similar reactions, giving up chlorine and reacting 5a-5g. with oxygen to produce phosgene. It can also react with oxygen and donate chlorine, ultimately producing carbon 12C + 13CCl f 12CCl + 13CCl (3) dioxide. 4 3 The reaction was then conducted with two different types 12 + f 12 + CCl O2 CO2 Cl (4) of lasers to determine if the reaction had any wavelength dependency. In both cases, it was found that phosgene and 13CCl + O f 13CCl O (5a) carbon monoxide were initially produced, but that these 3 2 3 2 species both rapidly decayed away as the carbon dioxide 213CCl O f 213CCl O + O (5b) grew in. Comparing the curves for 308-nm radiation versus 3 2 3 2 351-nm radiation, the product distributions were very similar 13 f 13 + to one another, although the 308-nm laser, with twice the CCl3O CCl2O Cl (5c) power of the 351-nm laser, produced more phosgene and 13 + 12 f 12 + 13 carbon dioxide than did the 351-nm laser. The increase in CCl2O C CCl CClO (5d) power implies the production of more carbon atoms from 13 + f 13 the ablation process. Figure 3 is a comparison of the product CClO O2 CCl(O)O2 (5e) distributions of carbon dioxide from the two laser frequencies. The product distributions for phosgene are comparable to 13 f 13 + 2Cl C(O)O2 2 CCl(O)O O2 (5f) those from carbon dioxide. Therefore, the energy of the laser did not appear to affect the reaction as far as the production 13CCl(O)O f Cl + 13CO (5g) of any new species. Both studies resulted in the same general 2 trends of products and reactants, although the 351-nm studies However, if both isotopes are produced, then both fragments inherently produced lower volumes of products, due to the must be playing a role in the reaction in order to yield equal difference in power. quantities of the isotopically labeled carbon dioxide. In this After2hoflaser ablation, the 308-nm experiment resulted case, all of the above reactions would be feasible. Reaction in 27.9% CCl4 degradation, while the 351-nm study resulted 5d is included because the data indicate that the phosgene in 9.5% degradation (24). The concentrations of all products decreases as more atomic carbon is generated, which is then were monitored with the FT-IR every 10 min over the2hof free to react with the phosgene. Thus, as 13C-containing 13 irradiation of the sample. The concentrations of carbon phosgene is degraded, CO2 is produced, accounting for the monoxide, carbon dioxide, phosgene, and unreacted carbon production of this species. 13 tetrachloride were subsequently plotted versus time to obtain When using CCl4, the general trends for all species were some insight into the time profile of the reaction. Figure 4 similar to that for the nonisotopically labeled CCl4 studies. is a plot of the concentrations of carbon tetrachloride The percent degradation was also similar: 29% after2hof degradation relative to product generation vs time, illustrating irradiation with 308-nm radiation. The major products of that the carbon dioxide grew in direct relationship to carbon the reaction, which were identified by both GC/MS and FT- 12 13 12 13 tetrachloride degradation. Ultimately, the carbon tetra- IR, were COCl2, COCl2, CO2 and CO2. The intensity of chloride is then degraded into carbon dioxide in this process. the characteristic peaks of all these species was monitored The phosgene initially grew in and then began to die away as a function of time with the FT-IR. 12C-containing phosgene after 30 min of irradiation. This can be explained by taking was identified in the FT-IR spectra through the characteristic -1 -1 into account the chemistry going on during each laser pulse: peaks at 1827 cm from the ν1 mode and at 850 cm from 13 the products from the initial reaction are available for further the ν4 mode (25) while C-containing phosgene was shifted chemistry with other species as the laser is successively fired. toward lower frequencies, at 1777 and 830 cm-1 for the Therefore, the CCl generated in the first laser pulse, for respective vibrational modes. 12C-containing carbon dioxide -1 instance, is available to interact with oxygen, chlorine, and was observed at 2349 cm for the ν2 mode in the FT-IR, carbon generated in the consecutive laser pulses. while 13C-containing carbon dioxide was present at 2331 cm-1

VOL. 32, NO. 20, 1998 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 9 3203 FIGURE 5. Relative ratios of the carbon-containing species as well as the degradation of carbon tetrachloride. The ratio of the production 13 12 13 12 of COCl2 to COCl2 versus time is illustrated, showing that the C-containing species grow rapidly as compared to the C compounds 13 as CCl4 is degraded.

FIGURE 6. Kinetics plot of the species produced when 4.57 Torr of chlorine and 4.78 Torr of oxygen are reacted with laser-ablated carbon for 2 h. Note that the carbon dioxide continues to increase, while phosgene and carbon monoxide rapidly increase and then decay away.

12 13 12 12 (23). The production curves for COCl2 and COCl2 as well tetrachloride and COCl2 and CO2 are formed from the 12 13 as CO2 and CO2 were not only similar to one another but reaction of atomic carbon with the carbon tetrachloride also similar to the results obtained from the nonisotopically molecule, as shown in Table 1. labeled studies. Figure 5 illustrates the relative ratio of On the basis of the data obtained in this study, which 13 12 COCl2/ COC12 production as a function of time when indicate that both phosgene and carbon monoxide are isotopically labeled carbon tetrachloride is degraded. produced and consumed in the reaction process, we postulate 12 13 The ratio of Cto C for both COCl2 and CO2 indicated a tentative reaction mechanism to account for these phe- that more 13C species were initially created than 12C. The nomena. The mechanism also takes into account the viable ratio for both compounds was initially very high in 13C reactions of atomic carbon with carbon tetrachloride, oxygen, content, but as the reaction progressed, this ratio plateaued and phosgene. The proposed reaction processes are listed 13 12 out around 1. For instance, the ratio for COCl2: COCl2 in Table 1. The major product formed from this mechanism, was initially 2.2 after 8 min of irradiation. However, this carbon dioxide, is consistent with all of the available data. ratio gradually declined to 1.0 after2hoflaser irradiation, Note that in this reaction scheme, the disappearance of both 13 12 as shown in Figure 5. The CO2: CO2 ratio was similar. This carbon tetrachloride and phosgene appears to be the result would indicate that the 12C species are growing slower than of the reaction of C(3P). 13 13 13 their C counterparts, since COCl2 and CO2 are formed The reactions listed in Table 1 are thermodynamically from the degradation of the original 13C-containing carbon feasible, based on the constituent species’ heats of formation

3204 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 32, NO. 20, 1998 (26). All of the reaction steps are exothermic at room phosgene initially grows but then begins to decline as it temperature, not just the overall reaction. At room tem- degrades into carbon dioxide. The carbon monoxide initially perature, the exothermicity of the process will drive the grows but is also consumed in the reaction. Because of these reactions. Furthermore, the isotopic labeling studies show processes, the carbon dioxide concentration continues to indirect evidence for the formation of the C-Cl intermediate increase. The general trends for carbon monoxide and species, which is one of the key initiating steps in the proposed phosgene are remarkably similar to the trends observed for 12 13 reaction process. Since both COCl2 and COCl2 were the degradation of carbon tetrachloride. Therefore, the data observed in the FT-IR spectra, this leads to the conclusion obtained in this product study indicate that any Cl2 produced that 12C reaction took place to create 12C-Cl. This is one way in the reaction of C(3P) with carbon tetrachloride will most 12 13 in which COCl2 could be formed: the COCl2 originated likely be consumed and contribute to the production of both 13 from the degradation of the CCl4 fragment. These results phosgene and carbon dioxide. This also suggests that another 12 3 are consistent with the laser-induced fluorescence studies, pathway to produce COCl2 is via the reaction of C( P) atoms which show the presence of CCl from unlabeled CCl4. with any Cl2 produced in the reaction mixture. 3 Product Study of the Reaction of C( P) Atoms with Cl2 The data suggest that the carbon atom reacts with carbon - in the Presence of O2. One of the interesting observations tetrachloride, forming a C Cl intermediate species. The from our experiments when C(3P) atoms are allowed to react addition of oxygen allows the conversion of the intermediates with CCl4 in the presence of oxygen is the lack of Cl2 present into carbon dioxide and phosgene as the major products. in the reaction mixture. It is possible that some Cl2 present Carbon monoxide and phosgene are also consumed in the in the reaction mixture could be photolyzed with either 351- reaction, producing carbon dioxide. From these data, a or 308-nm irradiation. However, to understand the reaction tentative reaction mechanism has been proposed. Moreover, 3 completely, it was necessary to investigate the fate of chlorine data from the study of the reaction of C( P) with CCl4 in the in the reaction scheme in the presence of C(3P) atoms. presence of molecular oxygen suggest that it may be a model Chlorine was placed in the reaction cell along with oxygen system for breaking the C-Cl bond and initiating the and irradiated graphite. The results from these studies could oxidation process using laser-generated atomic carbon. then be used not only to understand what role the chlorine Results from this research should pave the way for future was playing in the reaction but also to clarify the proposed research using atomic carbon to degrade CFCs. In addition, reaction mechanism. these data may help account for the role of atomic carbon It was necessary to conduct the study of atomic carbon in the destruction of CFCs using sodium oxalate (2). reacting with chlorine because there have been few reports 3 of the reactions between atomic carbon C( P) and diatomic Literature Cited species. The reaction of atomic carbon C(1D) with molecular hydrogen and HCl (21) attempted to elucidate the mechanism (1) Kaye, J. A.; Penkett, S. A.; Ormond, F. M. Report on Concentra- tions, Lifetimes, and Trends of CFCs, Halons, and Related of reaction but did not actually propose a reaction scheme. Species. 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