PRECISION BUILDS WITH a short period of time, it in my friend’s garage.” he is no stranger to the Carter says completing the world of custom items. project made him realize PANGEA SPEED Carter’s parents owned how much more fun it was an industrial design to work on a bike than and rapid prototyping a car. “An average car company for most of project is probably a year By Jeanette D. Moses
[email protected] his life. “When I was and a half or two of full- It’s mid-June, and Andy Carter, on the day,” is exactly what super little, me and my time work. A bike is half owner and sole employee of \RX·GKRSHWRÀQG brother would build that. It’s a lot less stress Pangea Speed, is 14 days away custom bicycles, cut our than a car,” he says. from his next big motorcycle Carter admits that he is never fully skateboard in half and show—Born Free 3 in California. Andy Carter, owner VDWLVÀHGEXWKHUHIHUVWRWKH6SHHG glue it back together In addition to building The bike he plans to enter, which he Master as a nearly perfect project. “I got and watch it break in half Photo: custom bikes, Carter calls the Speed Master, sits partially and sole-employee of paid to do it, and I got all the leeway that [again],” says Carter. also specializes in disassembled in the shop he shares with Pangea Speed. I wanted. I could do it however I wanted,” “We always just sort of custom parts. “A lot of his father.