FINANCIAL TRANSACTION TAXES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE Leonard E. Burman, William G. Gale, Sarah Gault, Bryan Kim, Jim Nunns, and Steve Rosenthal June 2015 DISCUSSION DRAFT - COMMENTS WELCOME CONTENTS Acknowledgments 1 Section 1: Introduction 2 Section 2: Background 5 FTT Defined 5 History of FTTs in the United States 5 Experience in Other Countries 6 Proposed FTTs 10 Other Taxes on the Financial Sector 12 Section 3: Design Issues 14 Section 4: The Financial Sector and Market Failure 19 Size of the Financial Sector 19 Systemic Risk 21 High-Frequency Trading and Flash Trading 22 Noise Trading 23 Section 5: Effects of an FTT 24 Trading Volume and Speculation 24 Liquidity 26 Price Discovery 27 Asset Price Volatility 28 Asset Prices and the Cost of Capital 29 Cascading and Intersectoral Distortions 30 Administrative and Compliance Costs 32 Section 6: New Revenue and Distributional Estimates 33 Modeling Issues 33 Revenue Effects 34 Distributional Effects 36 Section 7: Conclusion 39 Appendix A 40 References 43 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Burman, Gault, Nunns, and Rosenthal: Urban Institute; Gale and Kim: Brookings Institution. Please send comments to
[email protected] or
[email protected]. We thank Donald Marron and Thornton Matheson for helpful comments and discussions, Elaine Eldridge and Elizabeth Forney for editorial assistance, Lydia Austin and Joanna Teitelbaum for preparing the document for publication, and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation for funding this work. The findings and conclusions contained within are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies of the Tax Policy Center, the Urban Institute, the Brookings Institution, or their funders.