

Mam~treet Hwdoso members Uecember l~KI. "i~'£{ _._, gathered Thursday at Cree Lahey wa:; the first pn·sident of :1 Meadows to celebrate the group's the MainStrel't board, and she just fifth anniversary. rejoined the board. MainStreet President Alden DPyo :>aid tlw early Yl' tlhese than happy to go out and purchase his hometown of Lubbock, Texas. Ceographically, Ruidoso is about the necessary pipP, gatP valves and Back to business, board mem­ to gPt bigger over 1l:nme andl ~lhleHll nott 11:alke steps ll:o go nn and get more feeds. bers were told February activities "He can 1t without going out ln a ~IH'cial meeting last Wed­ cusll:omeirSa JBeca use 11: hac s w lh at K t lhl nmiik \'V .L!rn1·~ a,.;kt·d Alonsc, both s:ud they w1·rp sur­ 1992. prepared by watrr drpartmrnt Porler suggPsLed ( 'arn t11 ~Pt trw nllagt•'s rommllmt•nt to tl!' about ttH· ach·anlhPU ll~> W1ckt·r s:ud rw d1dn·t haq· tht· ltlUntv. not within the village direction. So far March has lwen line to br about $R1.700. That ··That was another ;ssw·. th1· Lit1'r t~.ar: tht· .. nd of ,Jurw. figure~ nllagt• plannPr (')patu:; :1m It~ another good month and she ex· rst1matt> includ.-d mstallation of sewer lme~. that they had pmd fr,r !\1y cnnu-m ~~- th1s 1" a 1,40r1 R1chards had suhrr.1ttPd He s:ud 1t W1ckrr said the council adopted pects to at least hit budget and pos· Lhe hrw, about 1,400 feet. with fire sPverRI year~ ago," \\'1ckn '0,000 fa~ hvdrants. owrs1zing the six-inch "The owners, then, had pa;d f,r 1t requ1r,. 'r.··, • to f,,~Jr WPPk;;; cnr, !11 pa:. h.tck th•· .,.J;!age'~ lr;ltl

~~~~~~.:~::;}i_~- Blaze des1troys cabilt1l

A fire of unknown origin propr>rty belongs to out-of-towners ..,~=;;~~====:;;;~==~~=~~~:::=.;~::::::=====~~=?··~~~ o_/,:; destroyed an apparently un- and had been rented or loaned this ;::_..:...:.;~~.::::..::?::TI~~__::_:::::.::~!!!2~!!!!!!!:'2~.:.:...... _:_ _ _;;;______.•:..;~'...;;."11 occupied cabin in the Bonito arra week. The property adjoins the Lin- last night. coin National Forest. ,. I At 7 p.m. Sunday evening, pas- Wednesday inornmg are The weather at the 8:15a.m. report time was clear because the area Is above the sersby on the road near Runnels firefighters fought a five-acre grass clouds. Settled snow depth midway on the mountain Is 68 1nches Skiing conditions Stables noticed flames and drove to fire on an Alto ranch. are good. Surface conditions are vmlable spring conditions and groomed The road a nearby residence to report it. Is clear. All the lifts are open dally and all trails are open Some of the trails groomed Bonito Volunteer Fire Depart­ Witnesses said Marshall Peebles todaywarllt Chino, Wild Or-''Jn. Roy's, Elk Rldgllt Sllltrra Blanca. Apache Bowl Ridge, of Shamada Ranch on Fort Stanton one side of Capitan and the lower mountaln novice slopes ment (BVFD) and the U.S. Forest The skl report phone number Is 257-9001 Ser.vice (USFS) arrived to find the Road had been cutting fence cable one-bedroom residence destroyed. with a torch when the hot end of L The fire, however, had not spread the cable recoiled, starting fires in GOOD MEWS FOR RUIDOSO ...... ONLY 355 MORE DAYS/II! to nearby buildings or vegetation. the dry grass. SlJnday's bw...... ······...... 28 When fire crews arrived, they SUnday's h!gh...... 67 Within minutes, firefighters had found heavy smoke and fire fanned l.ow Mondaiy rnod 11l'ro38 the l<~ebruary 11, but more than likely it would be his Barbara recollects that Miller He had some difiicult,y in speak~ 1993, ciatt· on Barbara and Mike entire body," remembers Barbara. and his mom were very close. ing at first because his mouth was Miller's k1tchen calendar are the "Then I saw Grandma, whO died so dry, but by the ond of the day he words, "1 Love Life." That is the day She adds that. she knew Miller three months after Mom, and she was walking and talking. Later on family and friends say Mike came would not want to be a vegetable, encouraged me, too. Last, I saw the nurse came to change the back to life. preferring quality over quantity of Grandpa, who has been dead for 26 sheets, and Miller volunteered to The ordeal began February 7 life. But what does one do? years, and he was adding his sup~ help! when Miller, manage1· of the Yogi That dark Tuesday became Wed­ port," Miller happily recalls. Mike's like thot, friends will say. Bt·ar's Twin spruce Jellystone nesday, and quickly spread among He emphasized that the:e was a He will give you the slrlrt off his ('amp Rl•sort, suffered an intense family and friends. Prayer chains feeling of love and support that sur­ back. Big, lovable Mike, the guy nug-minl' headache. were activated and prayers went up rounded him all the time. It was who will dress up again as Yogi "I had migraines when I was a all across the United States. the same feeling of love and sup­ Bear at Jellystone Park, now knows knl... ..:HV'l. fhP :'17-VPR.r-n]fl. "Rut Love a.11d support began to work, port that surrounded him all the he is not immortal. glas~ws slopped them, and this one emphasizes Barbara. Friends Tom time. It was the same feeling he ex· "I just didn't think that it would was diffPrent." and Linda Billingsly, who run the perienced when family and friends happen to me. I should have real­ It would not let up, and over-the­ Bradley Fruit Stand in Hondo, shut came to visit while he was in the ized that a two-pack-a-day smoker counter nwdications were useless. it down and came to be with Bar­ deep recesses of the coma. for the past 22 years, burning the The next day saw no relief either. bara. candle at both ends, being over~ "By ~ a.m. Tuesday morning I Believing that Miller would be "[ had read that people in a weight and having high blood pres­ knew something was wrong," wife back to nonnal soon and knowing coma could hear even though they sure would make me a candidate ]larbara says. "He was pale and not that like so many Americans the couldn't communicate ... so I rubbed for a stroke, even though I am only acting ri~ht." Millers did n~t have health insur­ his anna and spoke of our future. I 37," Miller says as he shakes his F.ven answers to her questions ance, the Billingslys established a knew his friends loved him, too, so I head. wen~ ''ofT the wall," she states with medical fund at the First National invited them to come and visit l'Prtainty. She called Miller's dad, Bank in Ruidoso with Don him," Barbara relates. He knows that if he is going to Dr. Jor Miller, a retired Swalander, the phannacist, as Barbara says he must have again give wagon rides and open up \'t'tt~rinanan now living in Ruidoso trustee. wanted to be a part of all of those the pool and Jacuzzi this next sea· who once st'rved this area, and the The posted flyers simply stated good feelings because he tried to sit son, he will have to change his life­ two of them took Miller to Lincoln that the man who has given so up twice, There were no bright style. His brother, Jim, is keeping County MPdical Center (LCMC) much to others needs your help lights or a tunnel, just loye. things going at the RV park while Slifllt•wlwn• anJUnd 9 a.m. now. Miller, however, was getting Thursday morning, February 11, Mike is recuperating. \Vt' think sometime between the help from another source. Barbara placed a call to the hospi~ tmw ht• enten~d and before noon Sometime during Miller's tal to see if he had been medicated Giving up smoking is the hard­ Mlllt'r Jit•d, Barbara says softly. Dr. "death," Jim Myers, a close family yet. (He was given a mild sedative est. Then there is the l,BOO·calorie­ (; LCMC staff for she always wore it, and she looked some headaches and nausea. pulllng ~tiller through thus far. healthy ... even though she died of "''ve been reading those fonns But for a guy who to all iritents .\'t·xt. the talk crntered about if csmcer that had wasted her away," for years, and I'm just like my mom and purposes was dead, that's not Barbara and Mike Miller take things r Raid. condos are now going to be charged done by the initiation of the council. demand. meeting next week and should com­ That should mcreBse our in­ $26.80 or whatever the minimum Wicker said the village could The increase would not Tesult in plete the process in three to four com~' as wPll, 1f thry go for it," charge is per unit, as opposed to come up with the money out of the an across·the-board increase but in months. l\lr1nso said. having a single water bill for the budget for the project, but labor the adjustment of its varying rates. W1cker said unless the newly an­ lodge. would be a problem, committing a The Ruidoso Village Council h&B nPxf'd were forced to tie on, they "In other words, we have an or­ crew to stay and get it installed. already given approval for .the in· would claim they have their own dinance set up that you can't have The mayor recommended the crease~ and with the board's ap­ well and would want to remain on multiple living units on a single council proceed with the annexa· proval Stover will now go before tba thAt Wf'l\. meter," Andrews said. "Even if you tion and asked for a motion. State Corporation CnmmiSBion. do, we still bill $26.80 per unit per Duff made the motion and "Hut when that well goes bad, month." Andrews seconded. It p8SBed with and it' A going to cost them $4,000 to Wicker indicated the committee all ayes. Councilor Bill Kam was $6,000 to fix it, then it's very at· had not discussed that with James. absent. · tractive for them to want to tie on. "I think he may be aware of it," A second motion passed to pro­ It takes time. That's one of the he said. ceed with negotiations with Carrizo things the council wiH have to Andrews said water costs would Lodge for the costo discussed and make a decision on at the time of jump significantly, but the cost will water and sewer credit, to be annexation," Wicker said. be bome by the individual owners. brought back at the next; council Alonso said recent village ae- "We don't want it to be a sur-- meeting. Blaze__,_-- .. Continued from page 1A MainSb'eet coulcln' have done it witbaut the good PR. Baid Deyo in mailed to Lou Medrano and Tom handing a certificate to The News Dick of the State Highway Depart­ publisher Sammy Lopez. ment. Tho Ruidoso News and the Also Thursday Don Dutton, Bon· Village of Ruidoso both were hand· nie Mattox and Tom Rigsby were ed certificates, with Deyo lUlling re·elel>ted to tba boatel. new mem· that MainStreet ..,.. a lot to bors elected include Margaret doput,y village manager AIO!l Lahey, Michael Rodzi!I\ViC!, Sally Briley. Burkataller and Ann llol!M.

. -,.' • • ·--' ·. __ . ··l!l1!·., ·d·• • 11)),nr>f'llfehii:o11"~ -u ·_ · -~.u.·-~· \_ -: 'e·· ·e·· · · .. :. :D. - -,~-:i.v-.~\\it~ ·-~.u.lU· 'lko:·· :··~e" ·iJ,;.~tt- · · · • •' •_:, . ~-·-',< !, .·•. _.. •· ' ...• _- .. !""' .:··',..,__ : -;.,··,, ., :.-:-: ;· ;..'. .-. ·'~--:' ,:_,•;c• .· .. ,,-,. _' -.' • : ,._--_,.-.- ..,. _-.• -.... '" ·-. ~ ...... !; .. -~. ·: ,.:, .....,..,. , ___ ,~- .. -.-.· . PIANNE'S1AI.i..ING$ .··· .... , . .. di;e.{oi-with oldori~t!~ chi!Qren. ·... · ·· ·· ·. · ·· · · ' · <1 'llnli ·· 1111 Ul1 ·!ll'li ~lluldosoNews$iliiiW>!Ier .· · · ·· ·ld···:ti':··.•. ~<1!1 , .. ••Ill!'' .i.· ' ... ·· "'- · · " · · M t·' ·• ·· · ~w .:1!1!1'1'>1 a Ill),. ·"""e ..l!l\llcs bo;."!.:!T.~~ O'!" j& :)i~t ~~cQ Wi: ~---~Pi J¥a!l··. y O'Uth. sought to hell.p Smokey a romom ·M>O .~~~~~~ ,!folr$$'.11!11il!Y ~1lti-~~.ll!lcl. •bout t ., ~·...... ,, h&'#•"""Ylill: t . . Smokey Bsll!' ;Histori.cml State Park is looking fo1' a few good • wo ,..,.. '.' ". . ... ·,.''"'ll'ul ,_, '''-. . inlli' ·i . youilg psople to be a part of the youth conservation corp for a e!Uil· ·· .. Broughrt ; t.lneo!n £iiJ1Dt1. ,_.''~i, 'tllll c.l'!iil.·~ ··Nil~··. ~~~mane Scil>lety A.lliD,Ia! .,. ..Iter, "!'~111 ...• 0~!\!. !\:. . · . mer project. ill<~ cute duo, dUbbed Trekker and where tlil! I . . l¢1i.'b)lb.,..g.anicl Seven total poeitions, including ons crew leader, will bs selected 11 by the ~nd of the month to boli!n on a two-month prOject, rafurbiab­ :rr~ w the sbeltof -~· 111'0 pull~r(!Jl ))116 ulllllhl)llie a¥, puU ~u>w I!VB!l&hl• for odopliol! !DDCe no OJl·IUl!l tl.lke him for.~ walk, Ba!!Ch ing ·the l,lltlerior of tho original Capitan train dopot. The applic:anm one has called'to cllliJ!l th'em. :l'hBy eai.d,' · · ·· · . · · · · · sh!lpld be 18 to 26 years of age and reeidonts of .New Mexico. The imived without licstiSee or rabies. · '!'lie !>ig pins in· ailoplil'l! B.li!lll. selected l\Pplioants will also bo trained in fire fighting to be prepared Ji~; · . . . . NO!l',.beeic!ea ~ttii)J i!'plil)'l'ul.!!li4> for poseibl• wndfires during the upComing season. . . z, '~acker 1s a neuti!J'e~llllll~ and, !o)>lll. com~on.ll!'that Jle"l!h>elidy To apPly for the project stop by the Smokey Bear Hiatoncal State Ueheve, Trekker hae baen~~tl!Y"d· 1s neuwoij ~.heusebtl!'!""· · Park at 118 First. Street in Capitan as soon as poseiblo. ll'here appears 1!1 he a ecsr, B$11ch ·lt J1U13! be l!!o· ••on to J~, ~ut !faid. "l'ln almost po!lltive th~ BIISc:h ill eautiilcil!ljr liptimiotie that ;brothsr and sister. They'l'tl 'about tha pcuiS!'j!l' ol' a ll!>lll(.Jind neulolr How to sell to government :eight mo11the old and well Olllitcd . ordinan~;lll Rui.da8o end /DetB­ :t'lll' our climate. They have haavy •pllblie ·.IIWereliCSS .\lM -tributed WJ the dogs and cam· that. are number being returned to owners If you are a Sinall busineas owner or manager, the state General ~atsfol'thewinter." , .. . to a .. ®or&ase in /JIIe nUJIIb..-. of picked up running loose or ~a.use or adopted has remained about the Servicss Department (GSD) can help you develop your company's " Bernese ·Mountain l)ogs are OIUJIIals ~sing dest;toyed at the. problell>!l in a neigbborhood who .same, Basch said. . aln'lity to quaUIY as a supplier for local, stalol and fedareleontrsetJ. jl!aptable animalei'·fitting into ehelter.. · . .. · . end up at the sheller, be said. The As the summer season . ap· Government red tape, eom~ex forml!l and federal laws are be­ ;tpany situations well, b~cause of "We had ~~· this ycat to . dote owners would then be required to proaches ani!' the numher of aban­ wi!doring.and frustrating obstacles that must be overeome to become Jhair even disposition.· CODIPB!'8ci to .900 Iaiit' year at t!'ie COI01ply · with the sterilization doued litters lticreases, the abeltor a qualiJied supplisr for fodsral eontrscm. To find out bow to become : "They're good working with time,'' Basch said. 'That's one-third mandate fo1' pet.. . ' would .weJcome volunreers who one plan to attend one of three free workshOps set for Ruido!J(J this ·cattle, they're excellent watch dogs, what it was last year. · 1~ also may be that paople adopt- would act as fosw homes fllr the spring. Tha lolntative dates aet for tho soaeions are April27, May 25 do well on farms and ranches, and "fd like to believe public awars­ ing pets ftOUI tha slu!lw are befug young pups or k\tmns. and June 22. The workshops will begin at 9 a.m. · .they're s!Tectionam. Great with noes is the reason, but my practical DlOl'fl conscientious and are follow- Without foster homes, the . Attend on.e of the workshops and your business will be listed in kids," Basch said. "They also can be eido kacps thinking, it's just a late. ing through on .spaying and neulolr- chances of young animals surviving the Small IJusineBs Assistance's Procurement Automated Source Se­ trained to leave poultry and other season (for hasvy inl!ux of abau- ing. in the kenhe1 is very low. Even lectioo data h&$0 making it. capabilities available t.O government bamysrd animale alone." dnned animals). though Basch gives protective agencies and·IIU\lor companiSB. It will a1ao be listed iD. the U.S. De­ The siblings are brown and 'Realisticelly, it should. take Basch said he would welcome shot., they toke 10 deys to two partment of Commerce's Minority Vmid.or Profile ~~·s database black and are just beginning to ob- from thrso to five years bafers you the day when the pet population is weeks to become .effective. Staying for award .eonaidaration of future contract. and subeol\tram. tain their longer coat of hair. see results from a mandatory spay sullleiently uruler control . that in a home atmosphere for a few Businesses can also receive the current lists of names, .addresses ,· Another r8Sident looking for a and neuter ordina.n.ee." animals would not have to be weeks also tendo to maka the pup­ and telephoDe numbers of key ~vermn~t ~es ~ ·eont~ to :,_· new owner is Beau Noir, who was However, because the ordinance doatroyed. But undar the current pies more socialiZed and, happy, .help market products and servJ.ces, r~mve .tree ~s of pendi~ written about before, but not pie- was talked abou~ months before aituation,. the doath of one dog that creating better candidates for B.dop­ high dollar contracts as they sro published m the Commerce BUSl­ tured. being passed and bas received a otherwise would run looQe, could tion. ness Daily," and receive free one-on-one business counseling sessions An owner·release, Beau Noir 'great deal of publicity, it may be pravent hundreds of ita posaill!e otT­ For more infonnation about to help you complete your government paperwork. . came from a home where tha chi!- that owoers are kasping their springs from being killed in tha fu­ Beau N oi:r:;, Trekker or Ttack.et,. con­ To reBQrYB }'()\D' .seat now for the free workshop eall Nate Segel, dren tonnented the dog, Basch animals confined so they don't fall turs he said. tact Basch at 257-9841 or stop at :business procurement consultant, at 624-7348. said. For that reason, he m·ay do under the enforcement thrust of the Whlle the number of animale the shpltar on Gavilan Canyon bettor \n a household witheut chil- ordinance. being dostroyad locelly is dowo, the Road. · ·" · Golden Cruet HOMES OF COMBO OF THE MONTH Bread CHICKEN 2/$1.09 RUIDOSO BREAST or 69¢each SANDWICH S.UNSHINE COMING OUT &ATALLSUP SALTINE MARCH 1993 FOR ONLY CALL

TAMI •• • j • ·. t ~ 1 .~ ' ., ' ·.· as7~oo1 1 ':~.:1:· ~~ ' '""'-


All Alamogordo, Cloudcroft, Ruidoso, and Can'lzozo Locations - OIL OR WATER PACK fUAX STAR·KIST LAUNDRY. TUNA DETERGENT 6118 oz. Q,II.N 0202.110)( $149 iJNITED .. 69¢.. ·.· ..

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- .. , ·... I .BACQN .,·· 99¢ ,u;, .. . ,. ,; '_; ·~ ' __ ,._. - ,-. •: -.-·.. ;,- -, : . ,... ' . ~· ' ' -,, ,. '_., '.· r •. .,-:· .. : ,__'--· ... :... :·.· ".-· :-:·_•.. .. -- . . .,; ', -.,· .:. ' ' ". ,'; '( '· -,' .. ··. .,., ,:..·.,_. ·.:. ,. --:.-:· . :· -:· '.; ' ' '• \•: .. ·, '· -' -::,:_.'.· .. ' _--\ ·: "• .,_ .. \ ·. ·'· ,,'· >.• '..• • •. ,_...... ;,,,' ., . .' ..• ,' .. ·•.- ,-•, -. : ... '~ " ·- , "- ""·~ ·.-: .. .. ··. : ', .-_ ~ _,,._.. _.- .-. '· ··'.' _.,·- - ,'" _:,;..,.--.. . ' ...... :::·_-.. ' i·: -_ -'-;:_··. ,:--.. -- ,-,:_·-·." ',. ,.• -._ .. _------.. - - - ' . . - - . ------. ,._ .. -. . . · Business · · · ,·;, Tw() local 'agetits' win ...""' ...... regional Century 21 Peggy Jordan and. Susan Miller sales assoalates wl!c) achieved this of Century 21 Aspen Real Estate, distinction were inVited, as guests Inc., were- among the recipients of of the tegion, to a formal award~! the impressive "Picture of Success" dinner held at the Rite Carlton success. Hotel in l>h:oenlx, · Arizona, Febru· corresponds award for production in excess of ary 13 .. ing within the . . $'15,000 in gross closed eommis~ The winners comprise. J;he sions during 1992. In addition. eaeh of lhasa top four perCent of active' egei!ts Wli»Ult' According to a news release, agents l"eceived a limited_ edition the region. UNM medical student.working with area family practice doctor University of New Mexico contnbute their tims arid upertiae range l'ro!n conducting · a ·ftee (IJN:M) fourth-year medical student in the inetruction of medical lltu-· community-wide health screening Annie Simpson, from AJbuquerque, dents in this critical part of their .to preparing health i1)format;ion in All at home will assist Dr. D,vid Rouleau in his medical edtleation. order to help residents make ··iti­ Capitan family practice. During her preceptorabip, which fonned medical trea;tment deci­ Ruidoso Valley Grfjeters vielcome Bill .. lifti!e director J an Batley, J.L. Wlls!)_IJ, . Simpson will benefit from the .runs through MarCh, Simpson will sions. 0 Capitan physicians' professional ex­ liai'n skills in patient manpgement, In addition, the pre

' EQUIPMeNT· FASTENERS . 1"''1 t~-tA Daniel R. Barrow UIDOSO • '"If Neuromuscular Massage Therapist ENT-ALL • FIIEB ESTIMATES 2608 Sudderth Drive Serulce .. 3 lltelang prov. Ruldoaa, NM 88345 & StJPPl.Y ::::~~CQMHo~·~~~!-~~~~ '• lhD I:Jest tlnHIS aro atlll .tllllld. (505) 257·7777 KEN WHIPPLE, OW..r . ..._ • :zona. Blip. : ... oii'IJ,I LleeUI!d • "The cemetery Club" (505) 2584814 ...... -· • AJLOiUDcoiD co...... ELECTRIC SERVICE AND REPAIR DAN FENDER 'I"IRB. "SUMMERSBV" Call 1021 MICHIM-DR.-RUIDOSO CENTUR'l.-&t.F.l'i~/.t Serulqlllolduo••!l••-••.,...... ,-·romptOio&Day ...... • No,._ Tao ·-ll:.~i Ycrii ~Jrperlcace s• Rates: ...... -uc•s"" 8 MO(I!Jhs ':" _CI¥1 ot COunty ...... 30~ 157·6811 .1 Veot • Ollt i11Coun1y ...... - .... .32Jiil _.see our ad In the Y4lliow ...=· ,IJ;l CLASSIC· (605) 978-4488 . Sl ERRAMlltAPA (506) 378-4322 -. CONSf; '(:(). DELUXE \ . coml'tlr:!rch!il & ' ·· ·_i(!ij,tdttnlial · c ii. a. Lubi,ber a Supply Inc. P~·''NICK'' NU~J¢'E!i~i;>N ·- . :.... • ·- '·•,

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. :--- . ··.~~· . " ' .·--_ ... . :· ,. .. i·; • ,·'• _.-·. ' .. -.- '' . ,• ,·,· MOndaY., Maroh22, 1993/The Ruidoso NeWWSA . ' ' .

partmenta for money l)l~ a trai,ning for prospective prope~es .in the progriiDI for new OJIIPloyeea fi>r ·area. .' ' businesses 'in the area. Special speaker for the meeting group any lQDger. · . ·. CLC.. . . wae Aubrey Dunn, form(ll' otate· 1 . Vice piasident !!<:ott Shafer pre. The goal of the projeet is to get Sbe is gatheril!glnfonnation on leglalator from .Alamogordo. Puim ~ented P~r a ploq~ for his lli!r­ long..lerJn financial commitmenta a direct marke1ilng.·eampaign, in ·spoJ development m the aepect or retired membar or \he EDOLC. 'l'llulger The prqject will help the group ters directly to prospec1ilve pe!>ple traveling in re

-· " stresses 3Q4 MECHEM DRIVE (HWY 48) ·.!';.;-engineering~ 'f.,,_ ·- . . • TELEPHONE: 257•2116 "' HOURS: SUNDAY 8 a.m./7 p.m. -· ; MON. thru SAT. 8 a.m./8 p.m. c Why choose a ·career in science « ebglneering'l *SERVICE MEAT COUNTER WE OLA!!LY * BREEN GROCERY ,. Ymena Temple, a . nll\th grade. *LIQUOR/BEER/WINE ~8.Wa¥AMY.f· · *GDUIIMET FOODS teaober at Ruidsso High School, and 17 lecal studsnta were part of.a group qf 350 studants on band YOUR HOME OWNED, FULL SERVICE SUPERMARKETS when Georga A. Orlicki, teChnical WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD, VISA, DISCOVER .a ALL ATM CARD SYSTEM direetor and ehief scientist at White Sands M;saile Ranga . (WSMR), eiJ.IIlES &FFECliVE ·Pasad that question. MARCH 17 :· Orlicld was featurad speaker for . THRU . ihe annual "Eapanding Your ~Horizons" career· conference at 23,1993 'WmRMareh5. '': "It teaebea you a way to think, :11ow to reason. Enginearing and iicience are going to teach you somethins you can use," he said. "You are at the age you can still decisions. At your age you .1JD]~t:_ed horizons. You can You can have a family, have a career and you can . WHOLE .... · • .b~!t..; •. • ... . ·- ..H .. ··~Ms· . .. -·--· .. .'"'·,I,·.· -----Ally 7 oz. jar ------of Taster's Cbolee<> 100% Freeze Dried Coffee •2.99 WfTHCOUPON women Mexico State southern New com- !'m,unlty who present tho "Expand· Your Horizons" conference each during Women"s History either at WSMR or at 14 high schools in Mexico and west ~,o_,t.-~cc~OKICE~EoF. AST *129 TASTER'SCHOICEASST. *4•• the clay·long evant, GnU n . ..LB. COFFEE ,...... /IIIIT ...FD. career exploration in biology, computsr 5 computer graphics, ~C~s.. ~.. A;.o;;;cC~oK~'c~e~~iial~N~E.::A:::.~K:._:_ ..:::La~. $;;;-:;i1i-;;; :ng iceA:~::. ~~~-e~ ..... ·.. ·.. ·· · · · · · · · · · 7 9$ ~~~~~~ei,m:~a~mati~. mem-

workebops in Balf· pcei· ac- tom'$ to WSMR tlil> stndi!IM op- . and as1t quo ... ·.. at worllln .tellhineal ,• ' - ., I . : ... ' I) I .. . • • .....I 59' • ...... '__& ' . '

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. Although .the team Isn't 'l'!l~illt- . · full speed ye~, the Warrior I)Oys . tmck squad earned a third ll)!illll . . tiJJish at the · Rose Relayli ; fn · Tularosa Saturday. · ·. .. - The event ClUne at the tai!•eXtd of . !lpring break when many athl~ .were still on vacation;. but *!los• that went gave some Gu~tliJidlriB performances• The bays onlycplitl:l4• iP!I!ed in in'!ividual evon~.. no. relays, ond still scored 48 polllts, justth!:ee behind Col>re. First pl!IOO went·to Silver City, who had a fun squad, with 79. points. - · Jlltkie Lynn onoe again proved his abilities in the BOO mster with a .~ . - ll!"st,,plsce spot in a time of. 2_:07.4 • : -~ ~ also received first place.Dt the ·-· event at tho West Telve a ohiuic' tue~>< tho bSIIt in.~ Jason Dix performed well in state as Ruidoso hosts the seloons's ehampii>)\, •Will ~e ~ag his state title in the mQ!I'e b!ae\.belt welter ... ~~ diO!IiiOit;,. . Spectstors are iliV!ted tc ~lilne watdl Rllid<>lp's .·first 8ver martial arts oompotition. The cost"'l! $5 fQr adulbli·~•ildrsn six-12 $8,. and children under six lll'e atbllitted free, ' -· · . · - Fi-shermen prepare for, new yeai Af'ril 1 The proceed& for the event wilf go th tJw non•profit New 'Mexico Taekwondo Asaociaf;ion. For additional in!l)rmldion please call Maul ·at 257-4019. · · -· .• · · It may not_ be considered a new year by lots . ' of folks but here in New Mexico April! is a new year for sportsmen. April 1 marks a new Program st:rl,ves fof''a perfect license year for hunters, anglers and trappers. Not only is it a new license year, but new regulations far fishing also take effect and performance by. warrior boys there have been kits of changes.

Let's trade a look at chBnges in fishing regulations that begin on April 1. The most sweeping changes have been in the bag limits placed on different waters around the state. libarelized so anglers may take 12 kokanee Let's start with trout. In most waters, the per day with a possession limit of 24. Be sure bag limit on rainbow, brook and brown trout to oheck the regulations for "special trout along with kokanee salmon is six per day and water~" that have further restrictions on bag six in po;mession for any combination of these limits and angling methods. species. There are also some special waters There have also been some major changes that have daily bag and possession limits of 10 in regulations for warm water anglers. In the rainbow, brook, brown and kokanee. These past these folke have been shle to use two waters are Bluewater, Heron. Navajo, Eagle poles, but that is no longer the case. An Nest, Abiquiu, Charette, McAllister, Quemado anglers in the state are restricted to using and Bonito hikes. only one pole at a time anywhere in the state. In addition, at Bluewater Lake there is a In addition, bag limits have been changed minimum size limit of 10 inches on trout. The for most species: The limit for black bass bag and possession limit is tvto in all waters Oargemouth, smallmouth and spotted) is five for cutthroat and lake trout. During the spe­ per day with a ~inch minimum size limit at cial kokanee season, the bag limit has been Brantley, Cebelio, Choehiti, Conchas, Clayton, -: - .

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Starling :Saturday• April :S In

.the Senior Clllzano BUilding at • c ., lt:OO a.m. Contact


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on tho up on· clel!ghtful to no longsr have group CODlmU· to leavs hero at the end of tho sum- -mer, "-L~eBBl_. 'd can expect RussoU ~~d as .soon as abe gets approach, but settled in to her Jlew home snd abe 'Can't sehoduls she bas a couPle ol' books said It io on foiklqJ8 snd folk Jnusic th.at are to see tho stu· . out of pript and 9lie. wante to get " .

St. Patrick's Day marked at San Patricio

Oil Sablt Patrick's Day friends, to know.and to love as a companion on our earthly pilgrimage. ill Your bo~ss Early In the morning tho phone rang and compa.ssion, cpnSole us who mourn. Give us Mol O'Reilloy calling !Tom Alhuquorque, sang faith to see in death the gate of etemallife, so .the lirst vsrse ol' ''Danny Bqy." Mel said hia that in quiet _confidence we may continue our · ~ Monic!J ~ hia sons -Mel Dylan, Col,m course on earth until,. by your call, we are ~~..4. . -•. ""'''"·, • :8Jii!lli,illul!!a1tiQk Branden ·~ are all dolll · reunited -,vith ~~- who have gone before; . · ·· '. ·· · · ··· · · \Y!111:'~• WiBl!Oil:t~ySrybody in .Lincoill County:; through Jasus Christ Our Lord. Amen." sulliciiant; gasoline . ·· 'h/q>py Saint Plltrll>k's Day. It was Ilks a 'voice ~~~· Lueero trailhead. Each perBOI) !Tom Ireland itself to hoar from Mel, .and it bs- "Lord Jesus Christ. we commend to You our water, a snack if dsairod, sun gan tho special day just right. sister Jane who was reborn by water and the : oboes and suitable dross for tho Later m the day I ~d corned beef and cab- Also, tho Twenty-third Psalm: "Tho Lord is spirit in Holy baptism, grant that her death bage at the homo of Helga Haske,_ tho Nordic JllY Shepherd, I ohall not want... " may recall to us Your victory ·over death and Queen, along With some of her mends. And from tho ·Book of Revelation: "And I, be an occasion for us to i-enew our trust in John, saw tho Holy City, new Jerusalem com­ Your Father"s love. Give us, we pray, the faith -~ .. Servlees at Church of San Patricio ing down from God out of Heit"''en.o to follow where You have led the way; and The Revere·nd Jan Davey read from the where you live and reign with the Fathei- and One hundred or more from all around Lin­ Gospel according to Saint John: '1 go to the Holy Spirit, to the agea of ages. Amen." · coln Cpunty. attended services tho evening of prepare a place for you ... that where I am there Saint Patrick's Day at tho historic Oburch of yo may be also... " The blessings that Jane has brought to otir San PatriCio. lives will remain with us always, and we will Elli's Lee Ivey Donna GonsB!es road from the Book of · · Special Eulogy ever hold a fond spot in our hearts. And now DsuteroJlomY: ''Babold I have taught you the Lord has welcomed our dear friend into M&lllllrial service of Ellis Lss He is surviVed by his wife, Rsba statutes snd judgments, even as the Lord, JllY ill tho hcmily, Father John W. Penn do­ Heaven. Jyey, 59, of.Ruldoso Downs will be ol' Ruidooo Downs; two sons, Ellis God oemmandod me, thot you should de so in scribed Jane as one of the mOst caring and lit $ JI.DI. Tues!IBY in tho Gateway Lee Ivoy Jr. of Ignaeio, O!iliftdo the land whither you.ga to poasSB it." compasJlionate people 'hQ had ever known; and Spring is Here Obutth of Christ In Ruidoso: Of. and Ooopor Roes lv&f of D'emior Father Richard Catanach road from tho read from a eulogy written by Jane's life-long liciating will be Mr. Tommy Allison City, 'l'ellas; a deugb.ter, Bec'k;y Gospel according to Saint Metthow: mend, Dorothy Walker: I om jumping a little ahead, as I writs this Lynn lvay Honson of Los LUJIIIS: ol' EI.Paso. • "Think not that I ~ coma to destroy the to you just after high noon on March 18, be­ . Ivoy .di&d Saturday at his homo. two brothers, Elias Ivey Jr. and law, or the prophets; I am·come not to destroy ''Today a bright new star is sbiniilg in cause by tho time you read this, we Will be He """' blirn A~ .10, 1933, in Richard Byron lvay of Brownwood, but to fullill." Heaven. That star is Jane Louise Lancaster." over into spring, which is on the twentieth. y~ !J!JIInty, 'l'ellas, to Ora and Texas; sister Eva Maqraret Ivoy The services at Sao Patricio Oburch Dorothy went On to say that their friend­ Today, tho cightsenth, tho March wind that Elias Ivey, who botD precede him in Todd of HObbs and four grsnd­ in has been unusually light this season, is piek~ !lsath; . broUght Saint Patrick's Dey in Lincoill County ship began ai the age ot three San Marcos, cbildren. lllemories of early days and special blessing. Texas. She went on to trace Jane's many ae­ ing up the pace a little, singing through the He ~v&d to Ruidoso Downs in compliohmonts and closed by saying: land out of the west. 1980 tram. Denwt (Jlty, Texas. He The family eilggssts memorials Jane Lanoa•r "Remember how much your love and friend­ The light wind brings a warm breath into wllii ;II" member ol' the New Mexico to tho Gateway Church of Christ ship meant to Jane ... she is smiling dOwn on the Vale, along with aroma of earliest flowers Building Fund, Ruidoso or to your Horseman's Asstleiation. He was a Memorial services wore held March 17 at us from Heaven." and leaf buds. The song of the dove resounds maintenlu!"e sUpervisor for El Paso favorite eberity. from the hill, and they have joined the snow Arrangements are nnder tho Oburch ol' ths Holy Mount for Jane Louise i Gas OoJDPiinY· Lsncaetor who was called Homo by Our Lord Special Prayers birds and finches at the feeding stations. ' . Ivey' married Reba Stone on o.. direction or LaGrone Funeral The fresh breBth of rain from up the way Ohopel Ruidoso. on March 10. tobed,1987, in Lao Cruces. of Lay Eueberiatic Minister Bob G. Whiteley Father John and the Rev8rep.d Jan Davey reaches you on the warm breeze, and you feel read !Tom tho Book oflsaiab: read from The Prayer Book: your hr-art rejoice with all the mountain world "And it Bboll be said in that day, Lo, this is "Oh God of grace and glory, we remember at the arrival of welcome spring. ·our God; we have waited for Him and He shall before You tllls day, our sister Jane. We thllllk. Let us thank God for the arrival of spring save us/' You for giving her to us, her family and and all our other many blessing. HeuumrisdOH~adelosBantos L------~------1 on Angast 27, 1941, at '3an Diego, Texas.

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10 a.m.-SOUTH CENTRAL MOlJlllTAJN RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND'Dil!VELOP· J\llENT COUNCn. in the eonuniesio~a room of the Lincoln County Courthouse iii Qam•ozo. Dr. Jim Miller, director of Eastern New Mexico Uniwr· 7 p.m.--.LENTEN ~VICES at '!ibepherd qf sity, Ruidoso Instructional· Center, Wlll speak on the Hille Lutheran Church, 1210 FMl Road. 8()1l.p voeational·technicel programs for Lincoln and and pie 11\lppero will be ·&om 5:30 tq 6:45 p.m. j~. Otero counties. The business session will include before the worship services eaob Wedneedey reports of· progress on various projeclll ·iuch as a throughout the Lenten aeason. Everyone io wel­ money piilon·juniper utilization study,. Smokey Bear come. For more informatiOn, call Jeanette ToenBirig The celebration activities, Corona multi-purpose build· at 258·5699. · nephew to ing, ag internship program and Tularosa Pipeline. music, over JameS All are encouraged to attend. . 7 p.~TO VU..LAGE HOlliE OWNEI,lS Boren written, IIUJlll and·:Pf<> • ASSOCIATION lDOe\ing at the Club House. , duced recordings. · . .. > 11 a.m.-FEDERATED REPUBLICAN Now Boren and his wife ate at WOJ\IlEN OF LINCOLN COUNTY membership home in RuidQBO where he'd liP :to meeting at Enchantment Inn. Cost of meal is $6. eetehlieh a preproduction recording Cell Patsy Lackoy, 257-5672, or Coleta Elliott, 258· 6 p.m.-REPUBLICAN PARTY EXECUTIVE studio. He says in a preproduolion 4455, for reservations. BOARD at Shepherd of tho Hille ·Lutheran studio, musi~s produce a~ Church, 1210 Hull Road. For information, call 112 t>;•ck eisht-track to .be ill 7-9 p.m.-PARENTING FOR CRISIS PRE­ ::;t•. chairman. Mike Kakuska, 258-4231 or 257-2440. . working out the bllgl befO>"\i· .· ng VENTION IV in the ccmmunity room at Ruidoso to a big studio fDl' a final rec ;. lligh School. Dr. Birgit LaMothe will lead the next BOZ.im waS r~sed in YeSo;'"~­ in a ~ve-part. series in the annual free spring Fort Sumner, Texas, and has parenting course offered by the Ruidoso Municipal . 7 p.m.-RUIDOSO DUPLICATE CLUB joins worked in the music scene iii AliS' Schools. Sessions will deBl with basic parenting in a ccmpelition to benefit the National Multiple tin, Te"'!"· As a lieenoed preducer, ·

principles and will include an open forum for. Sclerosio . Society with a sanctioned game at Boren worked for access television ,James Boren (i:lenter) Is shovyn performing In .T.=~~;(~~~~~ pertinent, specific situations to be discussed. For Ruidoso Senior Citizena Center. For further in· in Austin. He aleo has the ereden. musical trio. Boren and his wife, lie, will p more information, cell257-6149 or 354-2761. formation, call Ruby Greenhaw at 257-7411; tialo and experience to work as a Thur;.day, Friday and Saturday, March 2ti, 1------...;...... ;.______. director. · the Texas.Ciu~. . ·

• TWELFI'H JUDICIAL the following described Banking Corporation, the Superintendent. 200 the Est1.1te of M.N. LEGAL NOTICE havo . standing Wagner, Deceased. IN THE DISTRICT DISTRICT COURI' real pro~y in ihe name Plaintiff, ' Horton Circle, Ruidoso, NOTICE is hereby' Qbjections or pn>tc•~ All persons havlng claims COURT OF STK!'E OF NEW of tbc plaintiff. N.M. 88345 or telephone given that on March 12. Any person, · aga_inst this estate are LINCOLN COUNTY MEXICO YOU ARE vs. 257-4051. 1993. Alpine Village oorpotatlm orolhar cow~· required to. present their TWELFTH COUNTY OF l'IIOTIFIED that w~ilo~s Bids must be received in Sahltation District. lf'.O. objecting lhat the MICHAEL F. the office of the claims within two months '.'JUDICIAL LINCOLN you outer your Box. 2918, Rui.doso. New of tho applica~n after the date or the fu'st DISTRICT appearance or file GABALDON, and Superintendent on or Mexico 88345, . filed contrary to·. publication or this Notice STATE· OF NEW RUIDOSO STK!'E pleadings herein on or PERLA GABALDON before April 13, 1993 at appHcation No. H-505-S-. cOnsO;rv&tion of watct or Lhe 'claims will be ~~ICO BANK. aNew Mexico before April 7, 1993. the CHAVARRIA. 4:00 P.M. Bids will. be 3 with tbe STATE within the State·' of Corpotalion, Defendants, opened and read aloud at forever barred. Claims the plaintiff will make must be presented elther to IN THE MATTER OF ENG1NEER for permit to dobimontal to lpillill~ Plaintiff application to the Court the regular Board Meeting welfiU"8 of· the. state anA on Aprill3. 1993, at 7:00 the Personal THE NAME •:~~;:; lhe rollowuig for a Decree by Default, CHANGE OF ~ shallow wcJls: showing lhat the objectoj­ vs and Decree by Defal:llt ORDER P.M. at the Ruidoso Hisb Representative at Post JOSEPH ORTEGA wm be subs-tiBily an1J. School Public Meeting orrJCC Box 1524. Ruidoso. • ' ~';!"!~.~H-505 will be rendered against New Mexico. 88345. or Pebtloner, zpeclflcally al'l'ecbldl>x lhO MICHAEL F. you as prayed for in the THIS MATTER Room. gnmtlng of the applicslh>ol having' come on before The Board reserves the GABALDON, ond complainL filed wilh tho District ~C~a~:~#ii~ shaU llave.$-.llng the Court upon right 'to' reject anY and all Court of Collllty, ( N OF 109 PERLA GABALDON The name of the ~m.:!>ln 'TidE 11 s. objeotlonif· 'lit !iW>!l!st CHAVARRIA, plaintiff's attorney is plaintiff"& motion herein, bidS and wOlve all New McXlCO. - ·•. ~ .. • E· .. RON·· '!fO .. .Bl!lJg§ 13 E. Provlaed. ho-ver. Defendants HAWTHORNE & and the Coun having read tcclmicalities. Well No, H·SOS·S tho State of New Mexico fully /s/Mike GladdCJI BETI'Y R. WAGNER ' CHANGE NAME HAWTHORNE. P.A., the same and being Snbdiylsioo or any Of its brlt!l~. CV-92-212 Div lli R.chard A. Hawthorne, advised in the premises Superintendent .Notibc of publication is SWI/4NW1{4NWI/4 agenCios.departmenti· Michael S. Line" and whose address is rmds that the motion is Rui4o&o Muuieipal herCby giVen pursuant to section 9 boaids, lnsttumeniij!lti<(O UNDERLINE, LTD. LEGAL NOTICE 1221 Mechem, Suite 1. well taken. Schools Section 40-8-1 et seq •• 1bv(psJ]_jp 11 ·or institUtions. and aJl 1096 MechCm Drive, s. NOTICE OF Ruidoso. New Me;xico. IT IS IAgal #8516 N.MiS.A. 1978 Comp., 13E. political subdivisionS THEREFORE, ZT(3)18,Zi Suite 3E i PENDENCY OF 88345. IbM IOSEPH ORTEGA H-505-S-2. the state and .\he Ruidoso. New Mexico SUIT WITNESS my hand ORDEREtl, l.hat will apply to the Tweiilh agencleS,InSlnmlentalltl 88345 and seal of the District plaintiff be, and he is Judicidl District Court of TO: MICHAEL F. hereby allowed to make Uncoln County, New Court of Lincoln #8506 ZT (3) 15, ZZ section GABALDON County, New Mexico service upon the IN THE DISTRICT Mexico to change his ibwnshiJI 11 s. or==~~!~""+ protests. Tbo p~ this 18th day of Defendant Michael F. COURT OF LINCOLN name to IOSEPH RUE. B!!nll§ 13 E. or objections 'Sliall b;'~ GREETINGS: February. I 993. Oabaldon by publication COUNTY Said application wlll be for lho continued diversion wtlting and: ohlill· ..,·l'onh in l.he manner prescribed TWELFl'H JUDICIAL made at Carrizozo. N~w of up to 11.7 acre-feet per all protestant"'s Or YOU ARB HEREBY MARGO LINDSAY bylaw. DISTRICT LEGAL NOTICE Mexico on the 151h day of annum of shallow ground objector's reasons why til, NOTlFIED llult there has DISTRICT COURI' RICHARD A. S'L'JE OF NEW SPECIAL BUDGET A.¢1, 1993 at9:00 AM at water by, using existing application should not ti& been filed in the District CLERK PARSONS MEXICO HEARING the' Lincoln County well No. H-857. located approved. and must _.-Ita Court of Lincoln LINCOLN COUNTY. DISTRICT JUDOE :Ouc to the increase iD Courthouse in Carrizozo. in lhe SEI/4NEI/4 filed, ln !rlpllcatc, wid> County. State of New NEW MEXICO #8489 4t(3) IN THE !dm"TER OF unit value a special budget New Mexico. NEl/4 of Section 8, Bluid Martinez. StaGe. Mexico. a certain cause by: Elizabelh Lueras 1,8,15,~1 ESTATE OF hearing will be hold by the If no sl!ffi;:ient cause be. 'lbwnsbip 11 South. Englneer,1900W. ~d of action wherein Deputy Court O..k MN. WAONER.Deceosed Hondo V~ley Board of sJtown to tlte contrary.Lhe Range 13 East'. St., Roswell. · Ne Ruidoso State Bank is Bducation on Monday, name change shall be N .M.P.M.. for domestic, Mexlc:o 88201, within Ii the plaintiff and you are TWBLFI'H JUDICIAL Cause No. PB..!I3-09 Matob 29, I 993 M 6:00 Hsl:<: 81!341i • or tllo application' Will be promissory note and a RUIDOSO STArn Specifications m.By . bo hall been appointed #8508 4T · · , i.egal 118529 dettlnielital to tho suit for foreclosure on BANK, a New Mexico picked up at the oftlce of Personal Re~tative of (3) 15, zz, 29 (4) ··s : · ,.,. · • 2T(3)a2,n ob.!Ollior's wark- rilibt ohali · $tO> ~; 2~~~;~ ;• ' . ' 1 , . .. .,.A... '! A Bear Of A Time Finding . Lincoln. Cab·tevision. . What You Want? ' -. ~- "·''. .. -.. Are You Just Bu$iness A'Mr Hovt• ': ·. ·· Your Wheels

Jbound ····l"hi:Jrsday, Maroh ..25 ,. · ·.':' · ·~ '. . • . • .,_. ' .• : •, . --- c ' .·, ,•' •• . ' •' -: ' -· . Ia. ~·1··s· ·· .. ···a·' ·1s·,: '· · --·7··. . '.· ,•, '• ·.:.. ·· . ,,·.. ·we sell,· maintain,. ·repair, m1:1ve, change '-'•,',- . . • ' 1ii -. •• ·., - '..... __ '· ._ ' _.. ..:~'·:- -- ;;~·· ~·- . •, .•· '~ • "' . ' .. ·: . . . ' - ' . ' :. ·- . •, . ·. ··._ -.- .: .. ,: . -> · · .· · ·~dd.all teJephorie systems Jricludlitg ·. .. . Gomdlaf : "· · . . Executon& > .: Come byandvisitWithyourChair,bqr-of O;;~'ft!ffi.erce frJ.e(lqs;. •·• . : .. Miter ·: ·· · · · ' ·• · .: · · · ,:· "•Panasonlo . ·.: . .. .-_.: ,- -.... -' ~ .... '·,:: -< .; . -.' ·-' ..:.· •. >. ·.. ,. .-- ,- ... ·.~ .- ..- ·,~ ..-- ,··-,-~,-~ ', e,- .~ ~ , ,. ..· '!Ilea ···· ··· - · 'Tie · · · roshlba · · ·· Norsiar · . .< .,tt. ' . seeandkear' . . - . -' . ' - .- ::. · ',.• , . ·· lT&"t'· ··• · . Premelr . " .. ~ .. ;,, ... , .·;. ·. ·.A'f&i' . •. ·: ·.- .1. ~~~f!J New ·· . Ol01t$J::*r" , .. sou~~ .. :. '~· ,_ ·.. ··.oJt\ftJ

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~-- ~ . - -~-·------· ------.'______'... _ RUIDOSO, NEW r~EXICO , . .~~~'~ _k·. - EDITOR'S NOTE: 'Sixth graders at Ruidoso Middle School pro.vided ·the cartoons and essays printed, in today's edition, '!'heir work was dime before Spring Break io com· memorate National. Middle School ., Reaa au··about it . week last week. •· · Ut~~ Jiirb an opl!llriar sklll In the t990s. Stu· ··• dents, workers aru;l. prospective workers 'are .lhnited in Sex educattion . ·· iall areas of 1.~ If tliey•can't comprehend the written ·.. word an.cl reG.Iifr ~heirlll!fi!rds on paper. , by NICHOLAS BORN Special to The News Sex education ia a con~aversial ~~m:r~ ',reading is an lndlspenslble skill, young' ~ssue. It'" is important that· they. P: need to .reeogfll~e Its use :1n their dally Uves, teach it here. in the seventh and that's where smalltown newspapers can help. eighth grade. The peop~ that teach ~~~~~~~:~~lsllikes tQ Jl!ad about and see plctlires 11f . it here are Mrs. Rhonda Snowden, ·ti and neighbors. Sixth graders will have Mrs, Judy Morris and Mrs. Linda a Hawthorne. It is important that chance to do just that through a Newspapers In Edu- they stress the importance of AIDS . 'cation ·Jiroject beginning today. Students will have a and the proper protection and the conttlmporary reading· tool where they'll see what's real proper protection, abstinence. . happening in their town. That will lead them to want to Years ago people waited for·mar­ read about Issues beyond their village In regional and riage before having sex, and it was national publications and In books and other period!- important. People have 10$t sight of this importance. If they would go back t.o this way, we would have less sexually transmitted diseases HII!Jbard ..Foullcfatlon, for the second year,· has ~d unwanted teenage pregnancj.es. with The RuldQsc:i News In this literacy project designed to show young p~ople that reading has daily · relevance In their lives. The Hubbard Foundation and Indian culture The Ruidoso News will .again donate individual sub-' by RAENETTE EVANS to The News to all sixth graders In this AND LAURA PARR and Mescalero. Copies of the weekly County Special to The News also will be delivered to sixth graders in the We feel the Indian club is the that have .:»pted to take part in this project. most wonderful activity in the schools participating are Corona, Capitan, Car­ Ruidoso Middle School. The Indian Ji!dili!o•zo, Hondo and Mescalero. club can be for anyone who would like to attend. _They waited until the first nine Jol<•''' 1Ne appreciate the Hubbard Foundation's commit· weeks of school to begin Indian club rr;lf\lnt to a literate future and thank the Hubbards and activities. Their meetings are· held foundation director Jim Stoddard for their generosity in the band halL So the kids. could share their culture with school. In­ ~e~:'l~.;'h!':t~;ylde The Ne~ t,,~!¥~ !JJlld~~MP , dian ~lub was .~s\;~o~jl\She~ ~~awl• . ' ' . the kids, espeCially the giTls, liiid asked about having one.

, rt!'>u-.. • . ' '' . . ' . · i.rfbought for the day; · Channel One I D ;. ·i znc by AARON GILLLESPIE, WES TEMBY AND .;rfJ. JournaUsm is literature in a burry." JOSH VARNADORE ..,.Mattllew English critic, 1840 1 Arnold, Special to The News ().1 ' ' ·~'~One of tbe most importailt purposes of society Channel One started Friday, Janu3TY 14, three years ago. ' :,:'and government is tbe discovery of trutb on lt is a program that has been m· ·subjects ol:' general concern. Tbis is possible forming students at RMS about b only tbropgh absolutely unlimited dls.cussion. current events for three years. It . -Zechariah Chatee, constitutional law scholar, 1919 has covered such stories as: Desert Storm, the Rodney King trials, the • ·:"A stancl can be made against invasion by an fall of the Berlin wall and Opera· tion Restol'e Hope. • ; llnllY! no stand can be made against invasion by The reporters for Channel One ... .: an idea." are: Lisa Ling, Justin Gunn, -VIctor Hugo, French writer, 1850 Rawley Valverde, Craig Jackson, ~ " . Andersen Cooper, Cathy Kronen­ o!!l berger, Hicks Neal and Ryan Burn· ham, Channel One is broadcast from the Channel One Hacienda in New York, New York. They constantly Student Council: backbone of the middlie school get memorllbilia from Channel One schools from all Over the country. Our opinion is that Channel One is a good thing because it informs student of stories going on around · tlie world.


" ,. : ' ~ .· ' :~ - .!. •!

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Call 257-40011 O< fAX 257-7~0~53:__,.._,. ___...;;::::;.;:~::;.::~

,.., aD rnanwd dwdHI,

D\EADUI>IliES !RIEAIDEIR ADS Thursday, 5:® 1 Announc;emenls ;lt. Prop'!'irtY ~-~Jlaima~lt 2n1Dnk you 20 St~r&qq Spbi=e-hM' Rent p.m. for the Monday Issue: Tuesday, 5:00 3 Personal$ 21. Wan1ed to RQnl 39SporJingGoc;t\IQ ·.~· p.m. fqr the Thursday Issue. 1:. -, ... 4 Lost and Found 22 PastUre tor "'"" 40 lkla1S. Mllrtne iqql~Jmvrit 5 Land I!Cir Sale 25 Autos tor &ale 41 ~f!Hiell!lneaus · · -· · · I Houaas lor Sale 24 Ackups • T~ka 42 \IY.Qnlel;i To Buy ''''iiW!;·,., .. DEADLINES FOR ALL DISPLAY 7 Cabins tar ·Sale 25 Vana tor. $ale 43 tietp Wanted ': ADS:·Thuraday, 5 p.m. forth& Mon• 8 Reel Estale nadeB 28 Motorcycles tor ·sale 44 .W~rk Wa~:~tiHf day lesuo; Tu0sc1ay, 5 p.m. for the 9 Re•l EstPie 27 Auto Pans 45 FJnanciCII Services Thursday ISSUQ. 10 Mabl,le Hoinaa tar Sale "28 R.V.'a l.,..d Travel Trailers 48 Service& 11 Business OpportuniUOe 29 UveatOak and Horan 47 Houae Sltllne ..... 12 Jiouses tar Rent :W Farm Equipment . 48 Chile\ Care DEADUNES FOR ALL LEGAL 13 Apartments tor Rent 31 Feefl and,Or•ln 49 ChileS care wa-:-...1 _. '/ N011CES : Wednaaday, 5 p.m. fGr the 14 Mobile& tor Rent 32 Ptoduce and ptants 50' Enli:lrlalll_trutnl ; I · · Monday Issue; Monday, 5 p.m. for thf 115 Mobile SpaceS lor Rent 33 Pels and Suppll~s 51 Firewood For •le 1& Rent to ·share 34 Yard Sales Thursday Issue. 52. Te&,phone Seni&:lO$' , 17 Buatneaa Rentals 35 Houa1111hold Goode ' ' ~ . 1$ Resort Rentals 38 Muslc.PIInstrumenls

• , !-), Heal 8stflte PUBLISHER'S NOTICE -All real BY OWNER - Upper Canyon, EXQUISITE SIX BEDROOM - Bonita ·estate advertising in this news· near ri:ver. Four bedroom, three six bath hOme. M~eent view, river, and sec;:luded in paper is subject to the Federal bath, large den. Call 505·257· great rental history. Call Jeff at historic · Electric and Fmr Housing Act of 1968 which 4504. M-B-60-tf~ Doug Bass and Associates. Call teli\Phcine on property. Sacrifice. makes it illegal to advertise "any FOR SALE - furnished, one 258-5252. 19·IJ.56-tfc 257·3629. 16·E·90-4tpR2tp preference, limitation or dis­ bedroom, one bath, floor furnace,' FOR SALE - two bedroom, one LARGE ALTO HOME - five crimination based on race, color, sleeps 8. $25,000. 822 5th Street. bath house, partially furnished, bedroom, 4 bath, easy access, religion, sex, .handicap, familial Call257·7808. M·H·87-8tpR4tp all appliancea including washer/ fobulous views and a full golf status, or national ongin, or an $38,000. TWO • bedroom home. ~ryer and microwave. Lot backs membership~ A must to see at intention to make any such pref­ DeckS, fireplace, paved road. up to National Forest, owner $189,000. furnished! Seller erence, limitation or discrimina­ financing possible. $49.900. Call wants to see all offers. Call Alyce tion." This newspaper wiU not Close to Barnett Carpet 378· 4661. M·R-!ll·tfc 258·5559 or 257-5699. 24·H·64· at JJ's Real Estate 258-4379. knowingly accept any advertis­ tfc Evenjngs call336-4949. 87.J-93· ing for real estate which is in UPPER CANYON - llO Upper. 4to-R2tc · violation of the law. Our readers Deck. One bedroom, large MIDTOWN • 19 apartments • fobu· livingroom, kitchen. Fullr lous condition 100% occupan~. ALTO VILLAGE · fuli membership are hereby informed that all large lot. Large, buiidoble, woode.d. dwellings advertised in this furnished including washer and Two bedroom, rented at $476, dryer. Big corner lot - fenced one bedroom. rented at $875. $13.900. Owner/agent, 336· newspaper· are available on an 4621 M·Y·91-4tp-R2tp equal opportunity basis. To com­ bacl< yard with large patio. $240,000. assumobl, • ~·ce plain of discrimination, call $40,000., $6.000 down. 257· $640,000. a bargain ,as re ce­ ALTO LOT • full golf membership. HUD toll·free at 1·800-424-8590. 3844 31-R-93-4tc·R2tc ment cost would be $75 ,000. · $13,900 will finance. Call owner Call owner 257·7841 or 257· 800.·888·4083 M·B·91·8tp·R41!' For the Washington, DC area FOR SALE ·owner finance. 2816. 32-Y-89-tfc please call HUD at 426-3500. Restored Victorian, four RESPONSWLE • older couple' The toll-free telephOne number bedroom. two bath. $152,000. REMODELED • special fresh new seeks unfumished house in is 1-800-543-8294. R-62-tfc Call (210) 226·6863. M·R·93-4tp· kitchen large two bedroom, two Ruidoso for long term lease or ELKS LODGE BINGO - every R2tp bath new liot water heater and lease purchase. Requires three Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m., closet· space on paved street ·or four bedrooms, .large dining Early Bird 7:00 p.m. Kitchen .' ' $37,000. Call now Stinnan Real double garage, and good :, S. Hc:d J<;c:;tat(l 'l'rades Estate 378-4391. 28•8·89·8tc acc:O!s 214·296.0604. 26-W-92· will be open • come out & play & . ' eat with us! E·R-81-tfnc PECOS TEXAS - · ownet will OWN A ISLAND - Two bedroom FOR ANY PERSONAL CRISIS - trade for Ruidoso property. 800 cabin surrounded by Brady call the Mental Health Hotline irrigated acres. REALTY- SER· Creak $39,900. Water lovers. at 1-437-8680 (collect). M-55·tfnc Call Barbara Willard, Siemi VICES. 258-4574. M·H-93-4to­ Blanca Realty, 257-2576. 20-!>· YOU CAN GIVE the gift of sight R2te 90-tfc by being an eye donor. Contact any Lion or call 257-2776 for RV CARPORT - nlus imm.. ulats details and a donor card. Do it home with double garage. Classy now; thflre is a tremendous need ALTO VILLAGE - life styla. $149,000. Please call for eye tissue. L~87-tfnc on 8 lola in Alto Vii· Barbara Willard, Sierra Blanca 3.000 BqJiarO feet. Realty. 257-2576. 20·13-90-tfc TRYING TO .REACH MORE - . tiOllSES ~ s~yeu people than our local market? Four bedroom, two· bath. Hot $49,000.- Two bedroom home in tub, sauna, 360 degree views. good . neighborhood, assumable covered stalls, bllt ·How about 213,000 readers in 29 Two ear g&rage, auto door, two area. Csllf~ for hometown newspapers all over loan, low p~ts. Newer, in fireplaces. Full Country Club great shape. Call Pat at Sierra 364-8124.· ·M· New Mexico. For $96.13 your 25 membership, Jockey seats word ad will reach 29 pap!rB auD Blanca Realty. 257 ·2576. availoble. Call Nick Patterson Owner/agent. 25·D·66·tfc outside of Albuquerque. can The Owner/agent. 505-898·1948 45· Ruidoso News at 257-4001 for P-43-tfc WHAT A DEAL- newly .listed, ful· more information. R-92-tfnc ly furnished three bedroom, two NEEDS TLC tlll'ee bedroom, bath mountain home, possible FAMILY CRISIS CENTER - 24 three bath territorial style home hour crisis line. Answered by owner financing. $62ii000. Please plus a two bedroom one bath call Beverly S~n~nson at Ruidoso Police. 257-7365. rental cottege. $89,900. with M.J-99-tfnc Sierra Blanca Reali!~ 257· possible owner financiim. Please 2...,·90-tfc AT.!lYl KNOW A CRIPPLED - or burned eaii Barbara Willard; Sierra child? Call Shriners for free Blanca Realty. 257-2576. 29-8- help. 257·7333 days, 258·5860 90-tfc eveninga or 257-4871, 257-2079. 18-8·13-tfnc WE BUY FREE SUPPER - every Monday REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS Evening at the Episcopal Church can Rod 1·865-9247 10. Mobile Homes fo1· Sale of the H~lr. Mount, 121 Mas· or 1-263-1638 calero Trai , Ruidoso. Everyone lnveiltors Welcmne is Welcome, bring the kida. For FOR SALE - Three bedro-· one more information call 257· 314 bath. Fully carpeted. Ex· 2356. M·E-60-tfnc cellent appliances .,.. wiil sallt<> By OWner he moveil. 205 Del Norte Fantastic Sierra Blanca Drive. 20.S-90-4tpR2q, VIews. 5 bl!drooms, 3 bath, 2 SOME WAY ENmRPrusES _:·of· living llfllas, 2 fireplaces, lots fers custo1n mads lea'ther· and of decks, all cliy utllltles and fobrlc clothing and ~pilUs . or · very pr!Yate. Close to shop· alters leather clothing, chaps, · etc. We whcllesalelit ritall·tbe plng and 2 golf c:Ourses. IIOtive man wall~. 1204 !ofer:hlim EIGHT ACRES - in Capitan city $176,000 .. ' ·. . Dt-..111& (Raillbdw C!Mter) '258· limits. Water and alectricity Next door'213 acre view bUild· 8804. . . 29·D~ availoble. Beautiful bullcHng ,lng lot $1$,000 - site parltlme stream. $19 000. oan 2!i!I-5P!l!l 11. Busi1-1c5s Oppol't~J..nitics Call386-4994 after 5pm. · 2o.O· 90-6tpR2tp FOR SALE 1/3 afor car or .cars that need worli; ga- l.l~"' rage equlJIDl&nt ·or what nave , you. Call Peter at 257·2alli or 257·7341.. . . :U:Y..~tr· "?/;• ,_, J? 15. 1\Ioh)i<' Space for Hent ~\ J .low~·es I'oi· Sale ,

17. BtP.. int>-.;'-..l{Pnlnl"l'

' .. -- ' .... ·~. " ..._, -·' .. . , '· .· '

SHARPENING - ·Chain saws, .Mower repair. .MciCullough Dealor.. Pro·Service. 257·5479 M· P-79-tfe · BANDYllfAN Painting, and floor

!~_pair '!'RIC service-serving rounding·areas. 30 + years sonable rates. C-1-9tf 23-P-92-4tp-R2~ FREE ESTlMATES . TV's, VCR's, FULL-TIME - housekeeper. 0 stereos. Only authorized service ONLY EXTRA - gats your phone calls. A.Ppl_y in ~orson at on both TV's & VCR's in reader ad in The Ruidoso. ·High Country Lodge in Alto. M­ Ruidoso.- AFFORDABI$ SER­ Reporter, following ·one or more H-9l-4te VICE, 1925 Sudderth. 257- p~lications in The Ruidoso 4147. M-A-R-tfc SEEKING - certified nursing as­ News. · sistants - day and evening shift. NO!SYWATERSPAS&BA~.,..- · '116 Oodae Colt VIsta Contact Theresa Knis


LEGAL NOTICE T R U C K Academy, N . B • : COURr OF LINCOLN IN THE DISTRICT DRIVER/LABORER with Albuquerque, New Mexico COUNTY COURT OF Lhe Lincoln County Road 87109; (505) 821-0235, TWl!LPfH JUDICIAL TEMPORARY - Softball end Tournament League Technician. LINCOLN COUNTY DepartmenL Must have a and at the following DIS TRier Complete job deseription and ap­ TWELFTH minimum of five years locations: STATBOFNBW plications at Village of Ruidoso, JUDICIAL experience and be able to Builders News; 3435 MEXICO 313 Cree Meadows Dr. PO DISTRICT perform minor PrincetonN.E.; drawer 69 Ruidoso NM 88345, STATE OF NEW maintenance and repair on Albuquerque, NM IN THE MA'ITBR OF ~YDANDY -good USI>dlilr­ phone 268-4343. Applications MEXICO equipmenL Mustalsohave Dodge Reports; 1615 ESTATE OF ·~, nlture. B~g and selling. 301 will be accepted until 4:00 pm IN THE MATTER OF a Class A Commercial UnivCJSity Place; CLINTON DELBERT • ·• Mei:he'mDiiw. 257-2727. M-H· Mareb 23, J.993. EEOE 37-V-93- ESTATE OF SARA Driver's License. with no Albuquerque. NM GREEN, dec:eased - - 73-tll: .JANE CROSSLAND. points. on their license. Dodge Reports; 1800 ;1JeYCE'S.ANI'IQUES-used ll>r· Deceased Obtain application at lhc South Washington; Cause No. PB-93-08 "~ nlture, ap~ces. We buy sell Cause No. PB .. 93-10 Lincoln County Manager's Amarillo. TX Division D • ·and trade. 1150 Sudderth. 251- Division m Office in Carrizozo or by Dodge Reports; 7SOO -~ ··"1575. · . · M.J-66-tfc NOTICE TO calling 505/648-2385. Viscount. Suite 106: E1 LEGAL NOTICE :'":JiUYiNG AND SELLING - good CREDITORS Applications must be Paso. TX NOTICE TQ • • ·used !Uri>lture and ~liimees or GBNE E. CROSSLAND. received no later that 5:00 School Administration CREDITORS >: · ol...alu&. C 3.18-11439 hss been appointed P.M.• March 26. 1993. OffiCe; 200 Harton Circle; c. ·-=94. ~ ,~-. ,91'!1\CR2te Personal Represenbllive of LINCOLN COUNTY Ruidoso, NM NOTICE IS HEREBY -.iiOR mti..,. Catalina Eial!.teen 8 lhB Estate of Sara Jane EQUAL OPPORn.JNITY Bidders may obtain GIVEN that the ; : ·cycle wt~Sb.,., $76. o.'lf.O. Call Crosslan~ Deceased. All EMPLOYER AND iN Bidding Documents at the on4ersigned has been ':: 257~88.~. , · . "'"M;ji'-;illl-trc persons having claims COMPLIANCE WITH off"ace of the ArchiteCt or appointed Personal iflliRK PINE.~ lledei\tiii table, six against this estate are THB AMERICANS lhe School Adn:linisualion Representative of lhts • :. : cbil®, lal'go 11u~ $500. ea1>h required to present 1helr WITH DISA.BILITlBS Office a11er March 9, 1993 estate. Ail persons bavlug ;.> •• 354-1119!)'. . . ~ .. M-!~Mt:p · 4:t. Wtmted to Bu.y claims within two months ACT. TI'ILE.II-A. upon deposit of One claims against lhis estate ••QUEEN' SLEEPER SOFA - tail, · after the date of the first Legal 118534 2T(3)22 Hundred1>ollars($100.()()) are'"'JulredtOpresen11balr · . ,.: · omtellent ~ eoh412!1• ·· ·. . ~. M'P-114-llte ot the claims will be The deposit is ref\mdable after the date o£ the fkst :-w. Spol"tin~ Goods ruteV'er barred.. Claims upon return of the publication of -tilt$ Notice · · ellher ·~ tho claim« bo mustbe~nted to Docum8ritS:. in good "'"' w'IU t h e P e.r s· o n a 1 LEGAL NOTICE condition. Within ten days forever barred. -claims R.epres~tive at: Post VE~ S MEN -~--•·bid. lti.Ustbepresente(l~tbettb : omce.Box 731' Ruid(JSO, AD A Tl E T .m~. ";::..·B·· C-'forenee the .undersignod.-P lteld at S:OO~p.m. ·g '"']t • . ·.:.· ~! ~~tn:,r.. ~:~~ RuldoBo Mtmlclpal · !ileal tlmo, Tilursda,-, J:ieo.ss's~ .. School Disltitl . will . ~~,1993,at.Wblt4 Jill 1ho:b' lrlotCt>'-'= ~ .New Mexico. · · receive seall!d Jump ~n~m Mounl:llh Int~o;dla~ ., • ,. ~ ~i '<-""1<"= ·. lsfOena :E. er ..slaud bids ft>teonsii'Uctlilnof.W. · lfchQOlr.Wblte Mountalll ~. D.ATBJ?, 3!3J!I;$ ·, . . ~~~~~~.Llnt'i'n,, i'IBW llLBM!>NTARY :Otiv~:. :ltJ;ldoso; NM tr... · ,._.;_,. ~~ . ~ W!l!"'~~ ' 'iOllil 'Mo~btiln Prl'v.o,. MoxlcOc until 2:00 p.m; .. TJI>!llltlliloj:f· - • · . IWit» U, I!l.!llJ ~ at thti. .the .· . . · · ·· . ~ _. ' Mexleo 88345 ' ' · Ruidoso Municipal ·MlfGiruldel'l, · A't'iOl'!NBYSl'()lt, ~.""· ·8 ry·st·udlo"·l~· nAw . soiU2S~·liO!Ii) ~· · schools Adtlliulsttalioo·· · soperinl.elidenr ~ I'BRSONi!.L . .. . . ·' M""" " " u • L•PIIIS$30' !luildlng; 200 ~tan . ltuidos~ Munlci!!Bl ScMal ~· ~.· .accepUng applications: for 2~(3):!l!,2S Cltc!e; Ruidoso, New Dlslricc . · . · · . ··. .·· Kan>n~ ~ · · ~· . qualified artists to wo.rk Moxlco. Til<> uoJecl . Rlli PARSONS &'llli.YANTs, .with three dlmenslona1. _ ...... ______Includes approxlm~ttil:V · P.A. , ~ fine art. . . . . 1 LEGAL NOTtC£. . . ~32,110{) liquareteot otnew . . IIIIS63· Kuretr be oxrunined at II"' ofl"tC6 , (50.'1)257~ for more lntonnatlon. three position• ·of · of ; 'ihe Mcblte<>t. , : TJlMPORARY DUMP GtroJ1S1~ lnc,; 6020 · INTHB DISTlUCT . " '

" -~ ~-ry.··•'~'""""rr~""""P-7'1'f~~7';"-'.~~r:-" '!'~~ .. . ..,, ..,. ::::~~.r ..... ' .,.. ~ . -I.- ',

.• '·.. . :.... f·, 12A!The Ruldoeo New;;~/Monday, March22,, 1.993 ·

! ., "' I ' uper

"Spring Break"· - Space Avanable "' Plhloall'lllx Gateway Charterr .l . Tahiti $3$~fl Mazatlan or Puerto Vallaria i < .. e.nta.Multi '. · · Wednesday/SaturdflY Rotation o 3 nightsi7 nights · •, Purple Iris ·White FROM $279 P.P.DBR.. . HT. Advertisers who want to place their Prin~ * SPECIAL DEPARTURE * RIG· · . ads in a quality publication ask 'the question: Travel Agent Rate Available ·w E· R "Is your circ;:ulatiol) audited?" Operates Wednesdays & Saturdays uhtil September 8, i 993 A N S We're vary proud to answer ~·vas." · · We are a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations because we share ABC's belief that circulation audits are an essential assurance of value ... Afari Travel . ABC is the premier circulation auditing organization in the world, and has been Centre since 1914. Each year, 'ABC auditors test and Spring Shoes ' verify that our circ.ulatlc;m figures are facts, Arriving Dally Check out our not claims. An ABC audit Is the sign of a sale b~lconyl sound investment for advertisers. Not all publications are audited, but they should be. Because. whQn advertisers ask -SIERAA MALL- "Is 7~1 Mechem Mon. • Sat. 9:30 • your circulation audited?" there's only ByFurr's Sunday- 12 • 4 617 SUDDERTH DRIVE CHARLESTON SQUARE one answer. 257-5924 257-9026 RUIDOSO, NM 88345 Audit Bureau of Circulations "Yes."

NORTH CAPE MAJESTIC FJORDS Sail on this thirteen-da.~ OdysseY to the mostdzamalic and ~tacu'hu' ~ •· d~tination on earth - Norway's.north cpil.s~ RolDI.dlrip from London. '.! 1...... -J ~ Sce'ftt:;er 2'12·Gallon Poly you'll visit historic old cities such as.lJergen, Trondhelm .and Molde. Marvel at .·· Lamp and 21-lnch the breathtaking beauty of the IAJfoten Islands, the soaring North Cape, the · Appliance GAS mystical midnight sun and the aWe$ome grandeur of Belranger .Fjo~. PRUNER The elegant C1'01Nn Odyssey setS the startdllld f01' lt1Xurious shipboard Jiv~g. TIMER CAN Come experience Royal Cruise Line's aw~d-winniJig service and exquisite cui- ~ with FRe;E sine featuring special entrees prq>ared accordance with the Aml¢c:m~~t Twin Funnol Sot Heart Association . · Book 379 349 Departure Date: July 11, 1993 299 Departing From: Bl Paso; Texas ~ ~ ~.~9 rf!fb. f . •. -~ .~!~!- ~u· · .a Ruidoso·'s - GOPHER PROBLEMS? J-?!~fJt'"er~ Trp~el

For a possible solution 443Mechem Terrace f.lazq Call 258-4525 !!~:~2~g:;~~~ . - (505) .251'-3'030 FMcJoso, New MeliCica>l_ Ben and Betty Wilcox 921 New York • Downtown • A 1109 Mechem .• Next To Ruidoso Rent-All 25B-4525 • Open 7:30-5:30 Mon-Satw Sunday 1-~ . DECORATOR'S STUDIO Michelena 's Italian 700 Mechem 257=2350 Jira Plaza Restaurant "Casual Family Dining" 2703 Sudderth • 257-5753. WALLPAPER Year-Round SALE Luncheon Specials New Books Hav~ Arrfved Served From 11 :00 am - 3:00 pm Monday thru Friday MARCH 1993 Your Choice Of: WIDE SELECTION OF WINDOW & BED 95 CUSTOM TREATMENTS $ 2 Rigatoni • Spaghetti ·-w. JI""'T"'fzo ,,. """'' liu=riful <.' ~ enJ6u/tnn,._,., Mostaciolli • Lasagna ~tisvl ...... ww.e .. 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE NEW MENU ITEMS ...oAAPERE.C ~DOXIOO o£EDGPRV.DB ..cct6~ FETTUCINE ALFREDO • BAKED MANICOTTI ..COVERlJiiTI> .OUOT RtH'Fl.SO • oHaADDC>J\RD1l .vA~..:AHCEG .PUCNI CHAMa. .1HROWPJlLOWO oKI>tSc:H 6 GRAsat RODO JlAV¥m!IX:N#AOOO Night1y Entre' Specials Hours 11 :00 am .. 9:00 pm 50% OFF LouverDrape• VERTICALS: Includes:• FREE M!ZAS.URING & P:RS.IE- INSTALLATIONn ·sa 4 ' SUPER. ~UlDOSO.. · Lirtcoln~Mercury . SERVICE 4IJII · Yot~cwant your car-to hav~ilie At The Ruidoso . be5tcatepbssil;>l~•. Wed6t0d; ·· pur Quallty_Care ~tviceand · · ... · News, service is OUl?' . Fom:tl:'a.inetl tet:tiliician~ help to·. full name. We ·are ensure tha~ y()ut

·.c· "e·. -.·...... -- 4ii.'1l •-••~·.··:e· ·· ···- . · • · · -~- r ~-- ~--·-:

/ ,, .q. ' ;f. ~ • i . • • • f ... ·~ . . ' ~ '·,. ~:=! ' ~''I''·'Jtf ~~et-h,-q .4rlT ' ' Pago2/TbeRuldoso•NQWl>r•,! . _.. , . . . .- · - · .:••mnlillua~·,l···· ill!J Evanlog Shuda Q @ MOVIE: D~ik Mirror A P$YGhqli~ 11:115 ® MOWE; ASmMII JQjyl[ !Jtielllla After oo MIME; HI~ o\r#~d~v l\ haf~\l'r!Jar mc'JII.hl'' ... .•. ·~ '!:~ all ,, .

• . . . . '·, :·~... '" ...... ••' . . . ~ ......

~ . ~ i\ g ~ !1 ~ ~ r?c ~ t 'g ~ ~ :~ e ~ ~ ~ Page 4 1lOu'! Ruldoao• life~-.;• ' · · . , . ~--• .. .,. •• 1'·.~ ::;. .,• .."1· r• • "'~ ~ , ' .;. ... ,.,. .• ,.., , ' - . ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ., Scotlarulissentunced til deatn for de!l'in~· 1m) t.lijVtE: Mlsle) Rdeds.,ille bekiWd · · • l!lll Family Feud Ellzabe)h I of llngland. Katharine Hepi/Um, seCIJnd officer on· a U.S. !>laW · fdll Cmsby, Stills & Nosh: Lono limo car~a. $blp~ ,:~ Comlll' A montage of footage, Including FmQrlc March (19361 ·· during World Wa~lllonMiorcombill'blll , ' ·"' ... clips tram Woodstock and eerly television @MOVIE: Pufnsf!JIA maglcflllle traru;por\S . baliJps V!ilh nis autocmlfQ ~iP,Ialn lnstelll • ·. ~1 . appearances, chronicles the 20-year evolu­ a boy to a fantastic land. wMre he mellts a l/eruy Fonda, Jambs Cagnef.':lack Letilmon~ "·. dmoon and ballles an evil witch. Jack Wild, (1955} ; . • .. . lion of the music group. ' BIUie HilYB!l (1970} '· ll!l Volr.ml ~~~· • · • ' lll!TBN Today Ill! MOVIE: Tllbul81o a Bad Man Agl~ and Ill SlghUngs · • .: • ill~ House Floor Debate or Public Poll'l/ ' .. a naive Easterner try to convince .a @ 'IIIII bland • ..• . Cenlerence hard-bitten Ta~ Jhat his ~lllng Of rustlers ® QUQQ!IIQl J.eep Q •1 111~ (! ..... ,... ® $bart AllenUon Span Titoaler .. ... IS unnecessanly cruel. Jemes Cagf)ey,/mne @Pratte lhellifd '' .::: .: 11:05 ()D M"A'S"H !;J Papas (1956) @ Saiunlay Nigh! UVe ..., .: . ( ~ tmJ Cbeors I] 4:00 (I) Motow~rld 8:05 ~MOVIE: 11\ld BiWs Jailed t~r an accidental !Ill MOVIE: -hptalns Ceurageous A boy ..:.: •\ liD MOVIE. Rocky v R~Hred boxer Rocky killing, a youth elruggle$ ag~nst viol~nce • :3l$@ .. ' learns about l1fe. and the sea while sailing Balboa takes a young lighter as .a protege . and vendettas while in a prison lbrjwenlles. •1 ' .. - w1th a Portuguese fisherman. Spencer while trymg to mend his relatiOnship wtth his Sean Penn, All( Sheed)f, fi's~f Monlles "' -· TIIJCY. Freddie Bartholomew, Uanat son. Sylll8ster Sl2//ane. Tal/a Shiro (1990) (1003} · '· · Barrymore (1937) Q · 8!30 (!) WaD $1reet weak Q 11:30@ Heart ol Courage .. 4:30 00 ~P Close . (!) Where 1Uvei;J QID Joe Franklin ' fill Prime Time Pmlse 5:00 ® Sportscenter NCAA Spedal lSI AusUn Encore · (Z) MOVIE: Cenle A woman leaves a · (!\! Ttue Slod~ Amother goes unden:over ':""' ., 11 :35 @ Love ConnecUon salesman lo run off wllh a married man, but with the FBI lo break a drug ring in her .•. lfl NlghUine C the romance tum~ sour as she develops Into daughtel'sahhoJISe to save the lives Q! her ®J Designing liomen Q a successlul actress. laurence OOVier, daughter d!ler granddaug~ter. Q. ® Arsenio Hall Q Jennifer Joftes (1952} 8:35@ MOVIe My F~DIIIIi Year Awrftor on 12:00 CD MacNeil/lehrer NowsHour Q 1111 PGA Goll Players Championship, 2nd TV's top comedy s!iow in 1954 is given the ' @ Worldwfdo Update round (T} job of chaperoning lhe 'Week's uoest, a • 01 John Atzuereld Kennedy: His Ute end screen swashbuckler 1'/ith·a nose for trouble. Times Peter· OToole, Mark L/nn'liak6r, Jses/ca !liD scerecrow and Mrs. King EVENING . Harper (1982} • • fo1ced to oppose a train robber who Is also @ (f) @ Spaib n Martin, Rock Hvdson, News Toiifght an old lnend. o.. rn MOVIE: White Men Cae'IJump Two ml!fl · (Z) MOVIE: 111e Memst Man In lhe .Woild Susan Clark (1973) wtth dynamic basl

~·-·.. ~.~1';.~_111'1....,...,__,':.. . '"J:t!l!;i';fl;:~-.r.- ..... '"•' .. ·.. "·--·,(llitl~"-.,n.~· ' 1\ ;>(.~ ~----ill<.~'l""""';V'tJtJ! ' • ~ .. {,),1 .f'l. ~ •'!I, • 1;\1., ?! l1!."1 ""l'f -a !:' '\" Sl 1!1 ,.£j 14/1.·- .• 1 : ...... · ,Yhe:fluldpso News/Page 5 . .~ · .· · ·• '•, ' ~~ ' ' : during his ;ktat a bizN~ell~mm'r ;;.m,p;, YP,llf-Oid orphan ,IIVIOg With her $ftpl1Q' , . ,. i tiD (!lQVIE! Fear No E.vll A domonicolly Sallj ~fletma~ . Pali/ok Dpii'IRSB~, ··AI l]lmded aunt, works hor•speciall]laglc Blid. PI!SSessed b;by grows to be a teteklnitiC Wa.imi!/1 (19$7.). . • ., '' . softens the hearts of file to•ms~oople. · teenager who viclpusly pursues his frlenJis illi·J!ll

·.; . 4:os wWC?I satuil!aY ~IQIIt wrestling · ~ 1]1~ ~-U!I . · · 10:35 help Eileen Brennan (1975) 11990) 2:311aJAI! of SeW!agWIIh Sue H111tm111n d' hi fl • b l!lJ Stand-Up Stlnd·U_p 12:15 "' Hanlcore TV" ti)NtWI/!'ldllli'WJicb !;I · by 'sousing1 s an®es$onasamem er VIE: 111 Tb 188 .... .,. mRelleiliaa on tlla SIIVI!r Screen of file fe3lrl. llol/noy DanJI!.IIIBid, ./adaJo. 9:05 mMO ALetfer Three Wlm 12:30 ® Spells LaleNigllt 1PGA Gtll Jonathan Bmnd/tif992} Gil women in a !mall tOI'm get ~ IaUer ~ a wMOVIE: PsyctiDI!IInln Tbe leader ¢ a llte Dl file SellS of lite !Jl PrlaiiHe'/11 !;1. lnend who 10 arms fllem she 's eloping l'li1h motort:yllle oanb auemptS to the ~ 11~ Dese~ 01 brlri~ Fansollaurel.andHanly,whoreltlsetotalw ®l Hetr WKIIP In CillclliiiU one fllelr husbands.1949 Jeanne Cnrln, Unda members ol his group to the pblnl alter · !We too seriously, continue the pair's ll2i MQVIE! The Oreal Walda Papper After llamel/, Ann Solhem ( ) death, fllen tetum llleln to f~e. George ttadillon ol slapsticK. several people die from wing-walking 9:30 l2l Spertseenter Sanders, Betyl Reid, 1/icky Heni!M (1971 l AFTERNOON lUI Tlle Rlffitllln mishaps, a barnstorming pilot gsls ajob as !Jl Clp!lll Gang/Hews l12l second GenertUon ®Alan Klef, lnlde tile cametlr Mfbd a stunt nter In a war movie. RObell Rlld/olll, lftl MOVIE! St 1m Acrime reporter who ,. ® Austin &!core ,., Jllkl , All w=,_ Bo Svenson, 8o Bnmdin (t975) researching a book tJaoomes Involved wfih IUITbe Hineman 12:'00 Wi'GA;, .....,.,. 3:00 ~ Flb=cliiQ~ ~ma Q1) Uvhlg Pluet Portrait olllle El11h the eHarts of-a wealthy, ldlosynctatlc crook. l'l!l Paid Pregram ~--·1111 · ... w ''"""'",.! Q ® Qnov Bscllslall!! Charles Brenson, John Houseman, Jac· - Meadowlalfl iJimoo 00 n•••r•..., ,.... (J) Ea me . ... Rid ·c ll 81 (1976) .. 0 !f!i·GoldiliNiabt An Academy ~Jn,;a~~~~ ==~~:: !£:b• ;;v-.., i ~:.;~~'-~ 1Jvo 1 ~45 : ::~~~':~ ~ t;l '"' w~ .. Ulftr friend whoinlorms fllem she ls eloping Willi 110 Alllerlcan Gflllialarl @ PteYlew Show 1:OU ~ SpodsCenter ""' "''" •• •· ona of tlleit husbands. Jeanne Cnr/n, Unda 13 Hare'S Laililqal YDJI, Wailler BIOS. illl Jon JICIIbs 00 All Hews Hight 9 Tlltkl( USA /lame!/, Mn Sothem (t949} Stars relate file hiS!OIY o1 the Warner Bros. all USQ ~omedy Taur Robert Wuhl, Blake !Jl HllWJHigllf Update 1!1) Mnlllr!reUf tile Black SldiH .1;1 Q1) Grill Organ lamr studio. Hosts: Clint Eastwood, Barbra Clark. Soe Klltinsky_ IW 9 Pahl Program ~=etl(i'lhf 1 l)(lB93)Q l!ll~lfiArlleriCI:SldebySide Strelsand, Chevy Cllase, Goldie Hawn. 10:00CID0nlsCD)ITermls tmCCHCNM-HTV dH N @MOllE! 11t1 ~Adnllltli; ~IIIIVIII ~ = ~'7a!:=i!ostlptOOSSipl Gaalpl • !!! ~ICII!," N~ Clluged Die Worbl Q ~ Alseni:"Hal~: vf:e•d Jam Q ol COirqe Tlla EwokS hc'.p \Wil tpaoo · • lit Weaiier ® Huey HllittDI "" N"' 'Ill !It @ MOVIE: HeUa, Ooflvl A:._, ··::,;.t,fW:~:\~~.i:I:)~P~~~·f<4U';JW.:'£,~!i~~~,·~~~.:.i;~'~.ii~~;::·~.U~~~;~~·to:~':',ft.:.ji~~·~~~·~*·

. . '•. . . . \

' . Page 6/ The Ruidoso News lllJ Cornerslooe Wllh John Hapeo 9:30 ro $p~mGenrer .· . 2·00, l NASCAR Racing ®·vrewer CaU •.In · .· .o· Larry King Weekend llll Satg~y;Nigtit Uve ·• rn G~q~lwmed3 . ··~· . .1~ Wild Wild Wesl ® l~l$ Week Jtillie NQ&· @ Paid .Program 6:05 oo FilniSionss ® C'alhlll!c Mass . . . ~ WWF Soperslars 8:30 lh!i 'A~•.&prt 3~hltller \'l!lli.l!t~ H~ur ell Power l• MOVIE: Glllchl Broke and luckless. lwo '-,;, y~.~!'> nave no tdea what they're getting into I lll!l~lllltel~ ut Ute West . .!llr1 !hey break mto a film producer's ® ti~~D~~- ; . """'"" red Lange. Julia Nickson, Will t!Jl·SupR!.M na,a Egan · 1989) ® Jtio W~e · In 89111 ilt Sland-Up Sland·Up !II) Tlie•IJI!Il~nlilne · @ Pald:l'IOOIIIDf . 2:05 r! MOVIE: High Anxlely A psychiatrist :1 'YI•l'l n1s dul1es as dtrector of a sanitarium l'!!l Mo~te T!i~~s Q . ·o 111es to \11de the fact he suflers from ®J Fann Repo~ 1o:oo rnf"tiill JriA~t~~n . ""i> Mel Btooks. Madeline KJhn. Cloris llll Pf)ople lo People . . $ ~IIA B!llkiQJP•l . · •Jehman (197/j @ King Mhur and lhe llnighls of ® lle\II~Day . : . . Juslice . ® New Me!l~o:Today 2:30 '~ House Floor Debale or Public Polley l!ll llll Andy~tQUih Conlerence Welcome Back, Koller Q . llll Nalure Willeh C 2:00 ~ london UndellJround 6:355 Captain Pla.nel and lhe Planelee!S tl!ltn·flsherman tel'evlslon .. 2:35 II! The Honeymooners 11!1 Caplain " ~ · age. Garro//, Elena S/ralheros, Chuck Conners l1l ®J· Roll In liie fli!alfotir u;ericeffar>ey, Rita Moreno tt!l61) (t983) News/On the Menu rn Jerry FalWell Pre~enls @ Mijor Leag~e Prenason Baseball Tom11ftd· JetrY's:FonltOuw ·. lllJ Carpenter's Home Church Wllh Kod ®J CBS Sunday Morning 1:;1 @ Great Dtgao Bazaar 011' Slreet JusUce . · ·· · I Strader llll Ed McMahon's Slar Search trn The l!aSllmaslllrs @Mao UluUir ....''· ' . .: · . · 4:05® World Tomonow !!}) Homeworlrs 11!1 fnspeclilr Glda~l. , , .. . ® Ch•!itPldnshiP::I(if!l~li · •\ • ... ' 4:30 cal Scholaslic Spans Amadea [] IBl Winners tm Free..rrruweekeiid ~'~ ·- '' : 1!1¥:vou·W!!Ito·n, :'(Otl·vta!cf\lt' .· . , · I §I Coral Ridge Mlnlsldes Wilh D. James ®MDVIE:C'aieBei!SlllAifeVIIi,nereUoo oWealbet ...· ·" ... :.. : .:. . . @ News/Siyle Wilh Elsa KlensCII Th~ Care Beats venlore Irom thQ Greal 19 Wid Wesl (P11hl 10) (1~93) D @ Winning Walk V/llh Ed Young Kennedy ®J In lhe Black @MTVJams Wishing 'Siar tii .H children abotit caring. riii~CGnrtflltcJ. ·· ·' '. • 5:35® Yo. Yogi! 1:;1 ®lrtsidtwtnsliliCui!Ridnr · . ~llatur•arHitlbtUrJi • 6:00 cal Flex Workout li1tf!Plle)e · ' ·. · tii3oOO'Ihln~ng.Ail'iiW!{ ·· · tll Go~ernmenl by Consent tW .Mlf sports . -. "® l'llA Qoll .. ·IJ Dabar tm Bea~man'd'lorld ... ·. . , . . . . ·. m&rill Ma~iil .. · rn Day8relrk IYlJ Wealher . ·. . . . · .. •. . · ·. ..., ..., ·I1 ....., ·iJ!• " · ® Good Morning America Q till Feed llie ChlldiettWllltUnt~~-·. . · . • ."" ms •••. - • • · ®J·finhtno lbe Wosl llll Mr Ulll- Jl'i1111al~ . .. .· .. .. ®l Hea!Uty l!lds. "' ..... 112\ Charlando eMoV(E:;.;BIIi Slee Pi9ltee' II ~~urp'" ·.. : ·m AtfoienlureJ '*·~~~~~dina J;J' . .· ~ ® Paid Prooram MatloW"o encour\lers bta~li!rlail ~n~litlild't · 1:!HI(J) WaafttnelonWee'lcln RnUW E.i! ..• .. ® Frte Trial Wee)end ~lbll~ .. wotRI~.Q' fDr .1 wa:dthy. faJ!iJiy;·. .. · m,MI)VI£: lltf~ast l'layA!fer his faltiefl~ ~ Weallter 1/Jltnph(BJ Bb!tal:f, .ta~rRh ;&calf;· Malt/i~ .·· , lmpllca!fn I~ Jli~ muid~t bf a. profeJJ!!Or, a 1m Wizard ol Oz Vickd!SJ!946) ·.. ·, : .· :.' , < .: ,le&®gerl!eO!n!!ldilrl~etou~lnves!lQationto . ID Popeye . f$JI.W. Schimbich •• : ... ,:. .. ·... ·· .· , ...... ··. ~lear h)~ fatlt8r s~a(lta:)1avfr!:Dg~r;~P. ® we11ome dadt, Kober Q ®SaruldiyNJghlllfe; · ·• .' ··lflsltt~~MN~Mptkli~l19ii8) . : ' , . .. •• > ,•: ... -;;,, . '·: ' . ,.. . .· ...... ' '· ' ' ' ' ". :~ . ' :··,· . • ·&'' ;·, .' . "' . '.,, ,. . "• .... ' '.· "1····· ...... ·•. "" ...... --· .. --...... •i' ... ·· •'' .... ·.;·_· .. ,·.>:·:.:··.:·· "'·.:,_.·,:_:; ..:· ..... ·{.~\·.~~·.· .... ., ·.•'. ~ ~""- ~~ ·.·~ .... ' ,:·' -.' .. ' 0 . ·.... · '·' .,.,': " ,· ' . ,~ ~ ~ . ' .. ,. 0 ,... . ·. .. 0 ' '. ', / .. -, . ', ' . ,, '::. .-_. ,_, 0 ° ,~·~· •,• ;.~.,.,•• ~.:·.< .. ,! :~:-~,,. ·.~~t:.::.'~ ... ~'fj' ~·· o• , ... ,;,•.,·, •••••• , ... ,, ... ;,;,., t<,,'"T~< ·:· :•t ~'f (:, :: O < .i~'""-· _.,,_,:_,_,,·~.0''~.:~,.~ ... ·,,.:.: " • ;;: ••• ...(";,¢' ··:·'.• •",..._.;·•; "'~''c•".-"•'"''.'>'lX.',."~'"~'~o;,...,~I•P,<"'"'''"f",-""''\i""{•"r*""·-'',''""'•"'',, -.,-u., y ,' v ~ .... ._._ ~ ... Ill;_ ...... ,._ ,... •" -•• ~"" "l! .,...... ,~ .. ..,. •• Y o( r' 'Q 1' 010 • " r ·• •~ 'f" ... "' • .,... • •., ' ~ •- . .

' •,'

The Ruldoso,News I Page 7 .. ' o~·a I. · . · · ® Really mg loon Sbow . ' . ~AU AeW!i Nlohl . .... ® .U~Ijl Side~ Willi Je~so dllt~on 00m -1 o d'~·... s ,,.u. '!.' " "": . ~tBNTodaf .;,.' :f:l~t~~~·· l!'ll MOVIE: r~lflle ~o . to lllbnhr Cado 4:05.® t Love Lu~y . . . ·.. While Hetbie, itie ipuni\Y VOtksti~gan, Is In 'ii!J CNM K.cadUne News France for an ·alllo lllllO, two thieves steal a 4:1500 MOVIE: Tbo Falcon's Atlbt The Falcon Q!l Uome Sho~~lng diamond and hide ifln his gas tank. Oean must solve three murders in order to clear Ql! Whoop! GOidbB!ll Jones, Oon Knotts, Julie Sommars (1977) his secretaiY Of theft charges. Tom Conway. WI Uoll~ood Insider llita!Jorday, Jane Greer {1946) ® PraiSe the Lord . ~Hal f.lndse; 4:30 @ Fitness Pros (!) Business Momlng 1':05 ID MOVIE; in Old Calllomla A pharmacist 3:35 (I) CNN Headline News ' from 8pston searthes for sue<:ess during the w Kenneth Copeland eariy days of Callfomia's Gold Rush, John 4:00@ Bodies ln. Mollon l!ll To Be Announced ® AII·News Night · • l!l!J Tom and Jerry Wayne, Pat$y Kelly, Binnie lkmes (1942) Worlll News Now lil!l Runaway With the Rich & Famous . l!l Q C8 Paid Program wToday With Marilyn @Benny Hfnn 1:10@ MOVIE: I Am a FugiUve From a Chain lil!l CNN Hea~llne ~ews ® Congressional Hearing or Public Polley Gang·An innocent man is sentenced to the l!lJ Speed. Racer • • Conference· grueling brutalillss of a chain gang, from 1!!11 Pald·Proprpm . 4:35 (I) Tom and Jerry's Fun house which he escapes and becomes a fugitive. ®He.euaw ' 1'8ul Munl, Glenda Farrell, Helen Vinson (1932) ' 1:30 @ ti~$CAR Rllclng . Gl News/FI!fu 111 Watch C li1J Filed lb~ Clilldren Wllij Larry Jones THIS SPACE WOULD COST l!ll MOVIE:.Tite Chosen Two JBWish boys . from vastly .dfffarenl backgrounds form a ' speclallriendship In 1940s New York. Robby 55 Benson, MBJtimlllan Schell, Red Steiger $5 A WEEK l (1981) I IB Paid Program I ® Congresslo~al Hearing or Public Polley I . Conlere.nce. · · . 1:351il!l Up to th~ Ml~'!l& I 1:45 (il ~evtSiogm Q .. 2:0.0 wtlews/J.b~ BID Storv ~ ® (!llPald Pro'gram I . @ VIM Wil~ W1!111 . I , (!D Apollo Cinnedy Hour I . 2:30 oo Mob Stories Q I · !il ReUabte Sources I 2:35 (i) MOVIE: Kentucky A feud between rival J'(.j Kentucky horsebreeding families that began .. I during the CivU'War is threatened when two modem·day he[rs fall in love. LDrerta Yormg. I J!ltlianl Greene, Walter Brennan {19381 -T 3:00!il Sports LateNfght j (!l CNN lldadllno News I ®)Up to tho Minute · ®JLOU Grant . l!lJ DreamUme o Weallle.r fill Uptown ComedY Club -.. ~ . 1!$ N•ncy .Ho!IJ!on 3:05 (I) Gol!lerl')'la 3:10 IIJ Weird. ShoriS 3:30 @ Getting fit . · ®11lOVIE:.SJind,VIslon A peeping Tom is .The Bob Dylan •• suspected of murder wnen the date of the woman he spies on is found dead. Lenny Von 30th Anniversary Celebration IJohlen, 08bomh Shelton, Robert V.ughn (1992) Tbe Bob Dylan ;!Otb Anniversary · KrislorTC150n, Tracy Chapman, Richie Celeb!'D1jon is ~ st:1Ntudded concert Havens, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, lribute1othcAnl~canP!'Pr1111siCicon. Mary-Chapin Carpenter, Sincad ·Pihnedal New Yolk's M'adisonSiiuarc O'Connor, Sophie B. Hawkins, Roger : Gan!rolnOclober,thekma:nwtdoul McGuinn, The Band, The Clancy' 18,200 s.eals in 'a.~ralitic,. record· Brothers, O'Jays, J'carl Jam's Eddie b.re~klng 70 ·ntinute.s; The concert Vedder and Mike McCready., and . ~. ~-: ®I~Iml~ Ut" 30th iirutivemitty of lhe Booker T and th~ MG'$. enigmalicsOllgwritef(~Ortllet'~ 1962 Bob Dylan, heralded as thedefinitlve . . ' dclilit·albiim, ''Bob Pylant > · voice of the turbulent l960s.bi'QUght lo The: !fob D.Yiiln lmh Anniversary rock 'n •·rolllhe tritdition~ of P!'•IIY, Celebrallon,.afour-bolll'.speciai. takes prates~ and personal i:on!Cssion. Each .t SQcond.tlome viewers frontrow center and backstage, performer inte'iprets Dylan favorites, , . · Purchase & Refinance capturing aU of the.cJtci1pment and revealing lhe indeliblcimpression Oylarr emotion of Ibis historic co~~C~m as the has ltladc on Ainerican music- from .t · Jumbo Loans grca~t naltles in popuiiU' lhusic pay folk 1o alternative rock, from comtuy 1o Jn'buliliD Oylim and the songs !hat made gospel. him a legend. Artists inclu~e Eric The Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary . •.. .t Equity Take Out • Clapton, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Celebm1lon will be broadcast Stlnday, • George Hlllrison. SleVie Woll!le:, Jobn Marcb21stat7:00p.m.on KENW-TV • :" Give 'yourself a Raise . McllC\I)camp, Johnny 'Winter, Kris Reftnance your home." Paul Simon: Born at the Right Time 3() year fixed 7.50% 0 + 1 ht the 1960s. Paul Simon's "Bridge Simou'stransitionloperl'orming alone. 15 year fixed 7.50% o+ 1 Over Troubi¢ Wrw:r" was llllll!lthem On his"Bom at the Right iune"tmu' a ge~Cilltion ot i\meriCDQS. Three in Rio- where Simon pcrt'onns wilh GeneraUOil. Q ARM . · 4.75% 0 + 1 decades later, Simon is stlU creating celellraled Brazilian musician Millon . ' . mU'licwith lhepowertomoveJIIillicns. Nascimcnro- kids, who weren'tiwcn . · Paul Simon: Born ntlhe Rlgbt bomwltenSimonbeganhisc:arecr,sing . 1lme, a tbree•bOill' specinl, follows alongloanewlyordtt:slraterlversionof . '·. lA · Simon on a mosicnl bdyssey'from the "The Sounds or Silence."lo China, .. '- 1""1~ • plncld, inidd!...:lllsstlred5ilf Queens, where there hadn't been a large-scale ·.~ New Yotlc, in lhe.l951ls to.politically c:oncat since 1945,SimanperfamtS in :· '.'- ~rlnillentSOnth Alii® in lholg90s. a stadium for an audience of - -:·- . I -~- • > • . .. . . '•, , ~ '-··· · · Pg11l Sinton: iloril ntllre Right Despite guards.and an ,.-,. ·., .. ..-. , Tlnt~ iS tho lUst teleVIsion ~rograrn 1o lhat dancing is teUPaulSio!Oll'ssfciijlinhis!IWD\'Iotds enlhusiastic audience defies the . " : artd tbtll)IJlli his music. ll.is·lheskity of audlioritlcs, jilllllping 11p 1o dance. .... - ,- ·~ killhin l'i'ewYorktitywlto bccante · Paul Slmloon~::,::~~·:t,~fh~;e', ~;~· dllri!lg wlll be br . ... -- . ··:· . hilte)y.t\t~lill ~~heyday of · 111!\e ' . simon ana Giilfun'kcl, and tells of 22nd •r7:0op.m.

. .· •' ·.·.· . • . "; • ._ ! ' • ,_ :. - ,- :-{,. .' '.. ' ' ... ":;.-: ... :-. ,~ _, . ·•. '.'· .... '·

' .'f~ IHl Day ·of RilsloratJpn. With Ja.mes 00 •tw.£) KentuCkylfoonshlne ~ ~: •• Robison · ·· ® ttoinoworkS · ~...... ~ o:ID ·(MO~ Paid Program . · · I® C~QQ~ln' US.A. ·• ._ . 5:00 SportsCenler . · rn @l (TU,WE,TH,FR) Sftver Spoons t;l ® P~ld,Pronram · . · {~ This Morning's Business ® Bcetlejulce c;l ·. ® Qumbo~$:.ctrcus CSJ (TUjlncredlble Ida Early @Music Box · @.~oml~S·PIIIY , JJ DayBreak 't,, "-,' '-.\1_,., ' ' ® first Business 11:00 Cil jMQJ Senior PGA Golt (~J (MOj CNN Headline Ne\;'IS ~ John Hi!gee Today @ (MO) In Touch With Charles Stanley ®Congressional Hearing or Public Alia irs (!J (TU~. form~la One, .A,~lo. ~acing @ (TU) John Hagee Today Address ®.Cal ·lwTU rwAmerican...oin ... ~.".'s... :C.lille.·g· MusclQ.Maua~Jnoe Gy.mQ~sllcs ~ (WE) Old Time Gospel Hour With Jerry @ Manly Python's Flvlng Circus Falwell Ql FR Oa~ls qun'Tennls ·· · · o · (MPlTU} U:$. Houso ol B:OO rn SportsCenter (}) (WE) Musical ·Encounlers · · · · RepreseotatJv~s . @ ITH) There's Hope CD Mls1er Rogers; Neighborhood · @ Women· ftloud @ FRl Jack Van lmpe 0 .en (FR) Ch.all!lnue olthe Unknown @l (MO) Paid Program (Il (WE) Nate and Hayes @ Dar.i ol OUr lives C 1:05® ·(Mo;w~JH.FR) Tom. and J.erry's. ®Jinspeclor Gadget (1.) (MO) !he Shocking Miss Pilgrim 00 (TUj Cocoon: The netum Q . Funhouse · . "' . · (!) JTU) Magnificent Obsession 00 (WE) Robot Jox . ® (MO) A-Team 1:30 CID.· (MO) .NTP. AGrand National Pulls ® (TH) To Be Announced (Z) FR) Slar Dust l1J Sonya [email protected], · @) ally Jessy Raphael CD (MO) Suu: . . m. (WE) Mus· I· c.al Encounters. . @ (MO) Crosby, Stills & Nash: long Time (}) (FR.J Barney 6 Friends @ Peny Mason CD (f.h] ilfui BoUom ot t~e Bo111e Q Comin' (!)· ScallerQorfli~ · @ Bugs Bunny &Pals @ (MO,FR) Best ol Europe ® AU MY CbllaOlD [3 . @ (TlJ,TH) Travel Magazine f!l!l F~mpy Feud CbaHenpe am Bold and lhli. Bea~lllul 1;1 ® Prime Time Pr11lse ® Three $loo~es 1 ® (TU,WE.TH.FRj House Floor Oebato or @ (WE) On Top of the World @f(ll~ . ® Augie Doggie end Friends ll]l Kllthen Elpress Guldlng·Ughl m (TH) Christopher Strong lllJ (fA) Great Ch~l$ ol S~n frandsco QZC.O.P.S. . (FR) House of Strangers Qll FliniSione Kids ® (TU) Miller & Company · I m III!lll's a U11ing @ ~P.FRl Rand McN.atty VJifeotrlps m ABC World t~ews This rnornlng ® People's Court I , O ®Tale Spin (!}) . U,TH) Wort~ Away @l CBS This Morning Q @ Jumpt Rattle and Roll · Qll Adventures .In Wonderland t;1 llJl WE) America Coast ro Coast I @ Flintstones IS Casev Treal Ministries ® Club D~nee .. ®JI Dream ol Jeannie ® Marilyn Hickey ·) I ®SCTV Oll Bonanza . i (!] Weather · «ZZ MlV Stocks . I ® 8:45 Cil (MO) Swlno ShiH Q AFTERNOON '.\ James Bond Jr. Qll~e.QoaL I l @ (MD) AOJontea C (5) (FR) Alone In the Neon Jungle 9 Caplalft·H D . · l ' I @ (FR) Crosby, Stiifs & Nash: lono Time 9:00 (]) Fitntlss Pros 12:00 CD (TH) Auto Racing @ (MD) Aminng Bun)ee Venture Com in' CD lamb Chop's Play-Along t;1 Cll (MO,WE,FR) Sll aPd Ba Fit @ tlU~- lb.~ love Bug Q. · . . · . j @ Popeyo (!) Jane Whitney ()) (TU.TH) Creatlve Uvlng With Sheryl p, (Wt) FemGully -lite l.lst Rainforest ® (TU) Paid Progmm 00 (TU) The Last Tycoon Bordep · IS (VJE.TH) My Sister Sam Q Inspector Ga~get .0 · FH};Trihult.lo'•·.BI~ Man Rlthard Bey m (W.. IE.J Bolanu._,oa. L.. 1'8. ~Uyw.OOd:SQUlffll ' ' . .. f @ (TH) Harry Connick Jr.: The flew York !W m.ono urat~UviiL,I Big Band Concert 9 Weather ®Hew. IB: Com,rsla!le Willi Jo~n Hagee · .· . .. ® Chip 'n' Dale'.s Rescue Rangers t;l ® .,· (WE.TJI.FR} ·u.$•. ·ttoU$1! . :Qf 6:30 CD To Ulel YOJ2 @J AndY GrJmth . @ Fragglo Rock Q (!]) low Choles~rol Gou·rmel · Repres~ntatlvn· , ; . ·. · CD Plnoccblo L,l ® Charlie's Angels ®Be a Star · ® Al~il King: t~fde tfi11 CiimedfM!nd·. CD (MO) Strange Trlonolo ® Kenneth Copeland ®flashhpck CD (WE) The Snako Pll ® Saturday Nloht Uve @Bozo Q1l Hart to Hart .I , ® Bewltdled 9:30 (2) GetUno Fll ()]Weather 2;05 00 Tll!l Jetsons ® Stunt Dawgs (]) Where In lha World Is Carmon ® Jenny Jorie$ ~30 W:'(MO,TU,w.£) Dream l.eagqll Sandlego? @ Gumml'Sears @ (TU) Donacr Boy Q J;l . CD Reading Ril"bow ·Q @ (WE) Zona rn crm & co. Q 0 rO) While Comanche ID (MO) Deleue Piaj ® (WE.TH,FR) Paid Program (111) Just ollho Guvs 7:00 ril Bodv by Jake fD 'JE) ADtlent Israel bno t;l @ H Bill Gallher CD Sesame Street Q t 12:30 (2) (MD) Road Rate ol tho r~ooth @)Today C 1D FR) Tim Storey (j) (WE) Latin Futbol Weekly t ~ (MO) rilemol11 of on Invisible r.,on w (TH) Thoroughbred Olgosl • a:> tiomostrotctl • 10:00 (}) Bodies lA Mollon en (JUt Mister Johnson (I) (W~e Naked Guo 21/2: Thil Sme!J {l) (WE) World Entertalnmaat flc\W (]) Square One TV t;J of Fear Report @ r.1ontc1 Williams 11) ~FR}" Can Gctll for You Wllolesate C3) (WE) Mob Stories 0 Ill (TH) Radio Ayet C @) Inside Edlllon Q ,. CD (FA) The flew AdVentures of Pippl @ tlewsHour @ Tho HoDeymooncrs ,, longstacking tD (TU) The Big Ull \1IJ Graham Korr ® Joan Rivers ' . CD Morning News ®Top Card . ' CD Good Momiog America g @) As lhe World Turns tm Paid Prcgram all (MO) 01 Energy, Minerals aml Man @ Geroldo (D Ludch Box !Ill (TU) 01 Snakes and Software: India a1 @ EllilV Does It ® The Judae Q , ® (MO,WE.FR) Country Kllchen .. lhe Crossroad$ @ Benny Hlan· '~ ® O'U.THl Alccne's CreaUvo Uvlng VJlt~ "" ([J) ~'IE) \'nldlifo Chronlcles ® Aholl'a ,., Ctalls ):'~ ~ ) Trcnsure Chest 12:35 liD (MOl AIJ In tho Fnmiiy rDJ FA) Japan al Work ®Tho VJaltons ® VldeoMomlno ® crm Headline fJews ® Today With f.1arllyo ® MlVRocks aiD tJews Q. 'f:OO (}) (MO) ScbolasU~ Sped: Arnerfel Q ® CNU Hoadlloa rJows ~-- -A--o:: ® Kenneth Copeland (1) ~ Global Supercard Wre'sUinG · .. , ® Stoptess Hila . ' ®) leave 11 lo Deaver ® Under tho Umbrena Tree (}) ) Polo. . . : ...;.·- ® Gaol Troop Q @ (MO} Snowman a> H· Arill!rtca's Homo ® r.1ouserclsa @ ml) Strt~lt·Jackct (]) MR,TU.W£,TH).ITV Pmgrammlcg . ® Pink Panther Parade @ Je)The Five· Man Arnw (]) {Fn) Whertf lrr thll·World Is carrn~n ® Prime Time Update ® H)'Gunliglltem of Costr Gr.~ndo Sandlego? t;J ® women Aloud @ FA) Man Fr.om U.U,C.LE. ® Scrabble . ® Prime Time Pralse m. · (TU.) .. lnt(edlbltHdlf EariV . 7:05 CID Lilli a ~ouse on the Prairie @ (MO.TU) U.S. House ol (I) (TH) 'SIIpSttcalli . ·· 7:30 CD BodyShnplno Reprosentallves @ rnt~matlart;\fHour IJ , . CD (TH) Botany nay all Stand-Up Sland·Up (!) (MO) ·Maonlfltcnl obscsslo:t @Bewitched 10:05

t .• ' l ; :•;. ' -~ .

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