= LCMC Mam~treet Hwdoso members Uecember l~KI. "i~'£{ _._, gathered Thursday at Cree Lahey wa:; the first pn·sident of :1 Meadows to celebrate the group's the MainStrel't board, and she just fifth anniversary. rejoined the board. MainStreet President Alden DPyo :>aid tlw early Yl'<lrs wPre Deyo, project manager Don Miller UPdicated to organizational work, and state Main Street director Julie such as adopting by-laws and piclcure ,Juhncox all looked back on those gathering committees. After the f1r::;t five year~ and spoke optimisti­ first two project Inanagers cally about the next steps for the uesig11ed, Mary Maul took the reins public/private partnership. in October of 1988, and led the healilchy ''You need to be very proud of group as it planned and carriPd out yourselves," said Johncox. many special events. Ruidoso's program is through Maul now is a consultant 011 the by KRISTIE SAATi\J,ANN most of the design and planning on streetscape program, and Don Mil· Ruidoso News Staff Writer a streetscapc ~!an that will go into In is at the helm. Another busy month for Lincoln construction soon, with plans for a Miller distributed pie charts County Medical Center paid off in river trail not far behind. showing that MainStreet Huidoso is revenues for the group as it Covering everything from real estate to family and Deyo recalled that MainStreet supported mainly by the Village of DON MH... LIER !{uidoso started in 1987 with a Uni­ prepares to close out its fiscal year domestic relations, graduates of the first People's l{uidoso (H3 2 percent), with 15.9 at the end of March. vHsity of New Mexico Design learn Law School at Eastern New Mexico University­ percent coming from dues and O.H strumental in MainStreet's funding Before discussing the well-being that came back in 1988 with a percent from other sources. and success. Ruidoso use the expertise of area lawyers to learn of the hospital, though, the board downtown revitalization plan for lie said his goal is to balance State Representative H. John welcomed two new members to the more about the profession. Dr. Jim Miller. campus the village. that chart, with the publie sPctor U nclerwood and Senator Pete family. Sonny Sanchez of San director, presents Luann Hill with her diploma on Margaret Lahey was village providing at !Past 50 percPnt of th1• Campos were named, but both were Patricio and Tom Battin of Ruidoso the final night of the eight week course. She was plannrr when the program was operational momes. in Santa Fe for the legislative ses­ will now be serving on the board to one of about 15 students from the county who at­ adopted, and has continued work­ Also Thursday, CPrtificates of ap· Slon. Certificates will also be replace Clem W eindorf and Bob tended the courses, which will be offered again next Ing with MainStreet even though preciat1on wt·r1· handl'U out to Finley. year. .··d11' n•sJg-n.·d fwr municipal job in se\'!•ral pl·oplt· and groups 111- Please see MalnStreet, page 2A Sanchez owns and operates a school bus and said he was honored to be selected to be on the board, which his father, Ben, also served on. Councili considers annexing Cannil:zo area Battin is the president of Ruidoso State Bank and he had by CHARLES STALLINGS at $8,600. He said Porter was more served on several hospital boards m Ruidoso News Staff Writer "K~ woulldrn '~ be consnstent an my ~lhnrnlknll1lg to develloJP> tlhese than happy to go out and purchase his hometown of Lubbock, Texas. Ceographically, Ruidoso is about the necessary pipP, gatP valves and Back to business, board mem­ to gPt bigger over 1l:nme andl ~lhleHll nott 11:alke steps ll:o go nn and get more feeds. bers were told February activities "He can 1t without going out ln a ~IH'cial meeting last Wed­ cusll:omeirSa JBeca use 11: hac s w lh at K t lhl nmiik \'V<e a Ire reaH lly hJtlllk nll1lg do were comparable to December and nesday, th!' Huidoso Village Council 99 for bids," Wicker said. "He said we January, which were million dollar gave its blessing to annexing both albollJIL Mayor Vncttor Allonsoo can just give him credit on water months, but with only 28 days the sides of Carrizo Canyon to and in­ for a year or two until the credit month didn't quite make the mark. cluding Carrizo Lodge. annexing the Carrizo Lodge proper somPthmg that we need in our pos­ "They 1fin· hydrants' really was eaten up.·· Valerie Miller, hospital administra· Village manager Ron Wicker ty by petition or by the initiation of sesswr:. wouldn't Sf'rvP C'arnzn l.odgP at Wicker srud he had already tor, reported to LCMC board mem­ said that .James Porter of C-Net the village. He asked the council to Wichr sa1d Porter had come up this limP,' \\'1cker sal[.l. ~ven Porter a list of specifications. bers Thursday night the month was Corporation, owner of some of the proceed with annexing both sides of with a proposal whereby neither Councilor Barbara Duff ashd if Alonso asked how soon after an· up $113,441 from February 1992. Carrizo Lodg-e condos, had ex· Carrizo Canyon up Lo Carnzo partv would put Ill tht• firr tht• util1ties would ht· tlt·d lllto tlw nexaticn of the Carrizo area can the If the county mill levy amount i:; pressed an urgency for the project Lodge. h;.·drants. wfurh would save about CamPlot subdinswr1 village start charging the residents subtracted from the other revenues to be completed by the end of ,June Wickt•r s;ud thP qtuck1·st WilY to $10,800. WickPr said at thf' piau whpn• access fees to the sewer~ the hospital and Carrizozo Health The prime reason for thP an­ PXpt~dlte the work would hP fur (':tr 'ThP ht·st estJmatPs that we (:am plot toudws ( :arrizu propPrty, I don't know whether we're Centers receive, the loss for thl' nexation is to mstall a water lirw tu rizo Lodge to initiate a pl'titwn fur havP at th1~ time on thP hasP 1! could bP anm•xpd from that point, charging them access fees or not,'. month would have been $6,72:~ thP Carrizo Louge property. annexation, iwraJsr it would L1\n matenal. :n;.;tt·lld of $16.000, would rather than extPnding anv annexa Alonso said On a year-to-date basis the PX­ liP's l!'orter) pushing the pro­ trw \illag-e longl'r bP spil'. at $K,IIUO each. They would t1on up Carnzo Canyon. Wicker :-;aid the last time he cess of revenue over expPnses 1s Jl'Ct. If 1t can't happen hy the end or" The \illagP managn d1sc1"' •I assump Llw cost of fndf of the l'lght­ Mayor \'1ctor Alonso rlanfi1·d checked with water department su­ $104,620 ahead of last year and ,Jurw. lw ba:;irally said, it wouldn't 1ssurs of water righL'-' and how th:tl ,mh gat!' va]w, and thE' pnce of that :;uch an anrwxat!llll whl'n' prrvisor M try \Vimherly, the vil­ $67,523 under budget. By subtract­ dll h1m HIIY g()()d," Wickf•r said. rmghl c()mf' into play liP ;.;:ud (' th1· sJX·lnch lirH· which is $1fi.OOO. Canwi(Jt tuudw~ ( 'arnzn propPrty lagP was charging them twicP the ing the millie\')! amount u ~ dPfiCit liP g;I',:P IHJ furthPr PxplanatJrlf\ N!·t fpf·ls that its wat1·r nght~ \\d. wouldn't ha\'t• any lllffPrl'ncP Ill tht· rPRular ratf' of revenue over exppnses 1s Lo lllf' counrd comr• mto play for $:l0,01111 !11 I II' p;.;limntr•d Carnzo's commlt­ utllitii'S or thP C[)St!-' Councilor .)amPs and Mayor $174,457 compared to $269,n5 in Tlw council dJscussPd a report $ ·10 '()( ){) rru·nt <tt th1s LmP tn hP $:t7,900 and ('ouncilur ,} I> .L!rn1·~ a,.;kt·d Alonsc, both s:ud they w1·rp sur­ 1992. prepared by watrr drpartmrnt Porler suggPsLed ( 'arn t11 ~Pt trw nllagt•'s rommllmt•nt to tl!' about ttH· ach·anl<tgPs "f ;trHwxa· pnsPd at thP charge smce thPy Miller said the hospital and cen· ht'ad l{ll·harJ SanchPz that $15,000 for the watt·r nght;.; and $:t~.-Wil plus labor HP stressPd tht· f ill ll don't own the S!'Wl'r and it's in thP ters are definitely going in the right estimatPd th!' cost of tlw new water sewer I i nes. !JTIIJ! Lt h.tJ [II lll' aLTOTTlpJii>hPU ll~> W1ckt·r s:ud rw d1dn·t haq· tht· ltlUntv. not within the village direction. So far March has lwen line to br about $R1.700. That ··That was another ;ssw·. th1· Lit1'r t~.ar: tht· .. nd of ,Jurw. figure~ nllagt• plannPr (')patu:; :1m It~ another good month and she ex· rst1matt> includ.-d mstallation of sewer lme~. that they had pmd fr,r !\1y cnnu-m ~~- th1s 1" a 1,40r1 R1chards had suhrr.1ttPd He s:ud 1t W1ckrr said the council adopted pects to at least hit budget and pos· Lhe hrw, about 1,400 feet. with fire sPverRI year~ ago," \\'1ckn '<a:d f,,ot i: , · ·~·,,r£· r ll';;s. and w1:. would take ah"'lf five ur ,;1x yt·ar~ ar. ordmance last year that anyone sib]y make $;j0,000 to $f'>0,000 fa~ hvdrants. owrs1zing the six-inch "The owners, then, had pa;d f,r 1t requ1r,.
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