

Ketamine in Chronic Management: An Evidence-Based Review

Graham Hocking, MB, ChB, DMCC, FRCA, FFPMANZCA*†, and Michael J. Cousins, MB, BS, MD, FANZCA, FRCA, FFPMANZCA, FAChP (RACP)* From the * and Research Centre, University of Sydney, Royal North Shore Hospital, St. Leonards, Sydney, NSW 2065, Australia; and †Consultant in and Pain Management, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom

Ketamine has diverse effects that may be of relevance to evidence of efficacy of epidural ketamine. For fibromy- including: N-methyl-d-aspartic acid, algia, there is level II evidence of pain relief, reduced ␣-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic tenderness at trigger points, and increased endurance. acid, kainate, ␥-aminobutyric acid receptors; inhibi- For ischemic pain, a level II study reported a potent ϩ ϩ A tion of voltage gated Na and K channels and seroto- dose-dependent effect, but with a narrow nin, re-uptake. Ketamine has been in clinical therapeutic window. For nonspecific , practice for over 30 yr; however, there has been little level II and level IV studies reported divergent results formal research on the effectiveness of ketamine for with questionable long-term effects on pain. For phan- chronic pain management. In this review we evaluate tom limb pain and postherpetic , level II and the available clinical data as a basis for defining the po- level II studies provided objective evidence of reduced tential use of ketamine for chronic pain. Literature ref- hyperpathia and pain relief was usually substantial ei- erenced in this review was obtained from a computer ther after parenteral or oral ketamine. Acute on chronic search of EMBASE and MEDLINE from 1966 through episodes of severe neuropathic pain represented the August, 2002. Search terms included ketamine, ketalar, most frequent use of ketamine as a “third line analge- pain, painful, analgesic, and analgesia. Abstracts were sic,” often by IV or subcutaneous infusion (level IV). In screened for relevance and publications relating to conclusion, the evidence for efficacy of ketamine for chronic pain use were obtained. Levels of evidence treatment of chronic pain is moderate to weak. How- were stratified according to accepted guidelines (level ever, in situations where standard analgesic options I-IV). For central pain, there is level II and level IV evi- have failed ketamine is a reasonable “third line” option. dence of efficacy for parenteral and oral ketamine. For Further controlled studies are needed. complex regional pain syndromes, there is only level IV (Anesth Analg 2003;97:1730–9)

hen first and second-line drugs such as opi- lack of confidence in the drug or a perceived adverse oids, , or fail risk-benefit ratio is unclear. Although the use of ket- W to provide satisfactory analgesia for the pa- amine is now generally accepted, the evidence base for tient with chronic pain, third-line drugs such as ket- this remains poor. We present the available clinical amine may provide a suitable option. Ketamine has data as a basis for defining the potential role of been available in clinical practice for over 30 yr, and ketamine. the theory that N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) recep- tor antagonists may be useful in pathological pain states has been known for at least the last 10 yr. Methods Nevertheless, there has been little formal research on the effectiveness of the use of ketamine in chronic pain The literature referenced in this review was obtained from a computer search of the EMBASE© and MED- management. Whether the minimal research reflects a LINE© database from 1966 through August, 2002. A number of different search strategies were used with- Accepted for publication June 19, 2003. out language restriction. Search terms included “ket- Address correspondence and reprint requests to Professor M. J. Cousins, Pain Management and Research Centre, University of Syd- amine,” “ketalar,” “pain,” “painful,” “analgesic,” and ney, Royal North Shore Hospital, St. Leonards, Sydney, NSW 2065, “analgesia.” Abstracts were screened for relevance, Australia. Address email to [email protected]. and publications relating to chronic pain in humans DOI: 10.1213/01.ANE.0000086618.28845.9B were obtained. Additional reports were identified

©2003 by the International Anesthesia Research Society 1730 Anesth Analg 2003;97:1730–9 0003-2999/03 ANESTH ANALG REVIEW ARTICLE HOCKING AND COUSINS 1731 2003;97:1730–9 REVIEW OF KETAMINE IN CHRONIC PAIN

Table 1. Levels of Evidence Ratings Level I Evidence obtained from systematic review of relevant randomized controlled trials (with meta-analysis where possible). Level II Evidence obtained from one or more well designed randomized controlled trials. Level III Evidence obtained from well designed nonrandomized controlled trials OR from well designed cohort or case-control analytical studies, preferably multicenter or conducted at different times. Level IV The opinions of respected authorities based on clinical experience, descriptive studies or reports of expert committees. from the reference lists of retrieved reports and from Clinical Studies review articles. Unpublished reports and abstracts were not considered, and authors were not contacted. Details from the relevant reports are presented in The levels of evidence have been stratified according Table 2. to accepted guidelines (Table 1), and these have been applied to both the evidence and the conclusions. Central Pain Although level I evidence is the desired standard on The effectiveness of both parenteral and oral ketamine which to base clinical decision-making, treatment was studied in nine patients with central based on other levels of evidence can be used in ap- pain after spinal cord (level II) (6) and one with propriate circumstances. Level I evidence was not neuropathic pain after cauda equina trauma (level IV) available for any aspect of this review. Also, there is (7). Ketamine reduced both continuous and evoked only a small amount of level II evidence, all of which pain at the expense of only modest side effects. In one is borderline because of very small numbers of pa- case it was used as the sole analgesic. A further case tients. The impact of many studies can be questioned describes central poststroke pain after subarachnoid because they often lack specific diagnoses. However, it hemorrhage (level IV) (8), which was refractory to all is possible that considering symptomatology rather conventional therapy. The authors used midazolam than the exact diagnosis may be more relevant in the premedication, then incremental IV ketamine dosing chronic pain population. to effect. Marked relief of pain, , and hyper- This review is therefore based on evidence that algesia was obtained, and oral dosing commenced at would generally not be included in a systematic re- 50 mg nightly increasing to 50 mg 3 times a day. view. Because of the variation in the study objectives Increasing the dose further led to side effects without and design and the small number of level II studies, a additional analgesic benefit. Oral ketamine allowed the and anticonvulsants to be tapered and meta-analysis of the published data was not deemed discontinued. Sustained analgesic benefit was still ex- appropriate. perienced after 9 mo without apparent tolerance. Pharmacology Complex Regional Pain Syndromes This review will focus on the clinical aspects of ket- Two reports (level IV) (9,10) described complete pain amine. As the pharmacology has been discussed in relief using ketamine by the epidural route in three detail in the literature (1–3), it will not be extensively patients refractory to other treatments. In one patient, however, there was no comment regarding the use of repeated here. In summary, ketamine has an analgesic concurrent physiotherapy or rehabilitation although action at many sites both centrally and peripherally (4). the other two underwent “intensive rehabilitation” These actions are mediated via multiple receptor sub- that could have, at least partly, explained the observed types, including , NMDA, ␣-amino-3-hydroxy-5- ␥ results (11). The use of ketamine by bolus administration methyl-4-isoxazole propionate, kainate, and -amino bu- caused severe and nausea in one patient, but tyric acid A receptors. Ketamine also inhibits ϩ ketamine was deemed acceptable in the other two cases. and dopamine reuptake and inhibits voltage-gated Na ϩ Resolution of the autonomic features occurred in the two and K channels. The mechanism of action in the rever- patients treated by bolus administration and “intensive sal of opioid tolerance by ketamine is believed to involve rehabilitation,” but the autonomic features persisted in an interaction between NMDA receptors, the the other. Only one report (9) described ketamine ad- pathway and ␮-opioid receptors (5). With action at such ministered as the sole analgesic drug. a wide range of receptors, it could be perceived that ketamine has potential in a diverse spectrum of condi- Fibromyalgia tions. This, however, is likely at the possible cost of Two randomized controlled trials (level II) (12,13) re- diverse side effects. ported 46 patients fulfilling the 1990 American College 1732 REVIEW ARTICLE HOCKING AND COUSINS ANESTH ANALG REVIEW OF KETAMINE IN CHRONIC PAIN 2003;97:1730–9

Table 2. Published Reports Concerning Ketamine Administration in Chronic Persistent Pain

Design Study (Evidence level) Regimen Outcome Withdrawals/Side Effects Eide et al. (6) 9 Pts, R, DB, Spinal cord injury. K, AL or PL. Severity of continuous and 1—“bothersome dizziness.” (II) evoked pain 2by K and AL. Fisher and Hagen (7) 1 Pt, CR. 5-mo Postcauda equina trauma. Pt self report. Pain relieved at Bolus caused brief “floating/ FU. (IV) Haloperidol pretreatment 0.5 mg 5 mg/h. Persistent benefit dreaming” sensation, sc PO 4 hrly. K 10 mg sc bolus then from K po—other sites changed daily because 3 mg/h 1to 5 mg/h. Changed to stopped. of erythema. K10mg/8hPO1to 25 mg/8 h. Vick and Lamer (8) 1 Pt, CR. 9-mo Central poststroke pain. Midazolam VAS 9/10 pretreatment. VAS Dysphoria, confusion and FU (IV) pretreatment, IV boluses 3/10 posttreatment. Sustained refractory to (0.1 mg/kg) K to effect. effect. Other therapeutic benzodiazepines if dose Converted to oral dosing 50 mg drugs withdrawn. increased above 150 mg/day. nightly then 50 mg/8 h. Takahashi et al. (9) 1 Pt, CR. 8-mo CRPS 2 from sciatic n. injury. K Pain relief and disappearance of Initial SE not specified. FU (IV) 0.3 mg/kg IV ineffective and mechanical allo persisted Transient headache, nausea produced SE. Epidural K 0.3 mg/ during FU. Autonomic and discomfort after kg effective but SE—resolved features not abolished. epidural administration. after 24 h. Pain returned at same time. Continuous inf. 25 ␮g/kg/ h effective without SE. Epidural removed after 10 days. Lin et al. (10) 2 Pts, CR (IV) CRPS 1 of lower limbs K 7.5 mg, Almost complete resolution of Not documented. MO 0.75 mg and 0.1% B (6 mL) pain and autonomic boluses via a lumbar epidural dysfunction. every 8 h—continued 9–11 days while epidural remained patent and free from signs of , intensive rehabilitation, 7 and 11 treatments over 3 and 6 mo. Sorensen et al. (12) 31 F Pts, 3 Gp1(n ϭ 9) received PL ϫ 2, MO Gp 1—no significant changes. Gp 1: 7/9; Gp 2: 3/11; Gp 3: separate R, 10 mg or naloxone 0.8 mg IV Gp 2—reduction in pain both 10/11 had transient PLC, DB over 10 min–60 min between during and after the inf. Gp (Ͻ15 min) SE after K. studies (II) drugs. Gp 2 (n ϭ 11) received L 3—significant 2 pain Unreality, dizziness, 5 mg/kg or PL infused over intensity, tenderness at tender auditory change. 30 min followed by 4 h points, 1 endurance. observation—repeated daily for 1 wk—CO after 1 wk WOP. Gp 3 (n ϭ 11) received K 0.3 mg/kg or PL in similar protocol to Gp2. Graven-Nielsen et al. (13) 29 F Pts, R, K 0.3 mg/kg IV or PL over 30 min 2referred pain, temporal 2 withdrew—unrelated PLC, DB (II) on 2 separate days. Active drug summation, muscular reasons, 12 failed to Ͼ50%2 pain intensity at rest on and muscle pain respond initially. SE not 2 consecutive occasions identified at rest. documented. 17 K responders. 15 received DB inf of K or PL on two sessions separated by 1 wk WOP. Plasma K and norK levels analyzed. Persson et al. (15) 5F:3M Pts, R Lower extremity rest pain. K 0.15, Dose-dependent analgesic effect Disturbed cognition and DB CO (II) 0.3, 0.45 mg/kg IV or MO 10 mg of K with transient complete perception were IV over 5 min on 4 study days— pain relief in all at largest dose. pronounced and dose at least 24 h WOP. 5-complete relief with M; 3— dependant. little or no relief. Backonja et al. (16) 4F:2M Pts, DB, Premedicated (lorazepam or 3/6 Ͼ50% 2 pain, allo and 5/6 had SE during K; PLC (II) midazolam). K 0.25 mg/kg IV or hyperalgesia for 2–3h.1/6— diplopia, nystagmus PL given over 5 min. CO after no relief from pain but 2allo psychomimetic SE, 1HR/ 4h. and hyperalgesia. BP. Max et al. (17) 8F Pts, R, PLC, Posttraumatic neuropath pain. K K signif. 2pain and allo (P Ͻ SE always preceded DB CO (II) 0.75 mg/kg/h, AL 1.5 ␮g/kg/ 0.01). AL 2allo (P Ͻ 0.01) but analgesia and persisted min or PL IV for 2 h—doubled at not background pain. beyond return of pain after 60 min and 90 min if no benefit stopping inf. or minimal SE—halved if SE. Felsby et al. (18) 4F:6M Pts, R 3 sessions with 24 h WOP. K K—signif 2 pain (57%) and allo HR and BP within Ϯ 20% of DB PLC (II) 0.2 mg/kg, MG 0.16 mmol/kg or (33%). MG—non-signif 2 baseline. Psychomimetic SE PL IV over 10 min then pain (29%) and allo (18%). 7/10 after K. Heat and pain continuous inf. K 0.3 mg/kg, MG at injection site from MG. 0.16 mmol/kg or PL. Broadley et al. (19) 2M Pts, CR (IV) Refractory neuropathic pain. 1 Pain free until GI illness Vivid, not unpleasant initially controlled on K 0.2 mg/ prevented PO dreaming. kg/h SC then converted to PO dosing—converted to SC until dosing, 1as tolerated reaching death 1 mo later. Pain free for 200 mg/6 h. 1 commenced 3 mo, then symptoms 25 mg/8 h 1over2wkto returned—flecainide used 100 mg/6 h. with success for 2 mo then K restarted—Pain free without SE until reporting (4 mo). Enarson et al. (20) 13F:8M Pts, CS K 100 mg/day PO (40 mg in Only 4 continued K over 1 yr 9 discontinued within 2 wk— (IV) sensitive pts) given in divided with improved 2 pain and intolerable psychomimetic doses, 140 mg every 2 days until 2analgesic use; even these SE, 4—few SE but minimal effective or SE limiting. Final eventually discontinued K benefit, 4—equivocal doses 40–500 mg/day (median, because of an unfavourable response. 220 mg). benefit versus SE ratio. Walker and Cousins (24) 1M, CR (IV) K infusion 10 mg/h IV allowed Sustained reduction in Mild hallucinations on 3 intrathecal MO to be 2from hyperalgesia, intrathecal MO. occasions—controlled by 32 mg/day to 2 mg/day; K Dose slowly increased over temporary 2ketamine ceased at day 20. MO withdrawal next 12 mo to half previous infusion rate. anticipated; oral clonidine given. dose (15 mg/day). ANESTH ANALG REVIEW ARTICLE HOCKING AND COUSINS 1733 2003;97:1730–9 REVIEW OF KETAMINE IN CHRONIC PAIN

Table 2. Continued

Design Study (Evidence level) Regimen Outcome Withdrawals/Side Effects Mathison et al. (25) 7F Pts, U (IV) Nerve damage in trigeminal region. 4 nonresponders Ͼ5 yr pain Psychomimetic SE common, Nonstandardized regime—K history, 3 pts with short pain (R)-K Ͼ (S)-K. (racemic K, (R)-K or (S)-K) various histories consistently reported doses and various schedules (single prolonged 2 pain after K IV bolus Ϯ inf., IM dosing). (Ͼ12 h). 3—no benefit despite dose 1to near anesthetic levels. 1—pain 2only during the inf. Eide and Stubhaug (26) 1 Pt, N of 1, DB, “Optimal” dose 60 mg PO admin 6 Stat. signif 2 pain intensity on Some SE—, dizziness, PLC (II) ϫ/day—observed in open dose swallowing. “well tolerated.” escalating trial. N of 1 trial—KPO or PL on 10 2-day periods. Rabben et al. (27) 26F:4M Pts, DB, Secondary trigeminal neuralgia IM injections—9/30 no relief 4 withdrew; 3 nausea; 1 CO (II) Pethidine 1 mg/kg or K 0.4 mg/kg with either drug; 8/30 unrelated. Psychomimetic with 0.05 mg/kg midazolam IM. prolonged analgesia from SE more marked after Pts crossed after 1 wk WOP. 1 both drugs but 1 with K; PO—only reported if sleep week after IM challenge, remaining 9/30 transient relief with K did not occur within 26 pts received K 4 mg/kg PO or but minimal relief with 30 min. None reported PL for 3 nights then CO. Pethidine. PO dosing—5/8 hangover effect next day. with prolonged effect from IM dose obtained analgesia. 0/9 with transient effect IM obtained benefit. Nikolajsen et al. (28) 3F, 8M Pts, R, Stump and . K 0.1 mg/ 2 stump and phantom pain 9/11—insobriety or PLC, DB, CO kg IV over 5 min then inf. of 7 ␮g/ assessed by VAS and MPQ. K discomfort. (II) kg/min for 45 min, or PL. CO after significantly 1pressure 3 day WOP. thresholds and 2hyperpathia. Stannard and Porter (29) 2M:1F Pts, CS, U Phantom limb. K 0.125–0.3 mg/kg IV IV bolus—all described “warm 1—well for 4 days then (III) then cont. SC inf. 0.125–0.2 mg/kg/ feeling” and immediate became agitated, h for maintenance. Pts educated on pain2.1—prolonged benefit frightened and SC inf. and discharged home with over 6 months later reporting discontinued. portable inf. pumps. recurrence of symptoms on stopping K. 1—poor concentration—limited inf. to when pain was severe. Nikolajsen et al. (30) 1M Pt, CR (IV) Stump pain. Initial response to K Profound analgesia with initial Tolerance or adverse SE not assessed by DB PLC IV inf. at 2 test IV inf. K 50 mg PO produced observed during 3-mo sessions separated by 1 wk WOP 6 h of complete relief of treatment. (total dose 0.42 mg/kg as bolus ϩ stump P. inf over 50 min). Further single- blind PLC trial K 50 mg PO then K 50 mg/6 h PO. Eide et al. (32) 4F:4M Pts, R, DB, PHN at various sites. Single IV bolus K No signif change in thresholds 8/8 K pts had some SE— CO (II) 0.15 mg/kg, MO 0.075 mg/kg or PL for warm, cold, heat, pain, or number distressed were given over 10 min. 7 day WOP. No tactile sensation. K dizziness (5), fatigue (4), analgesics used in 48 h before testing. normalized abnormal heat unreality (3), altered visual pain sensations in 4 pts. K, (3) and auditory acuity (1), but not MO, produced signif. 6/8 MO and 1/8 PL had pain relief. Both drugs 2allo; SE—none distressing. only K inhibited hyperpathia. Eide et al. (33) 3F:2M Pts, Open Responders from Eide 1994. K SC inf. Relief of cont. pain (daily VAS) at SE occurred in 5/5—itching/ prospective (III) at 1ing doses 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, smallest dose—most marked at painful induration at 0.15 mg/kg/h. Each rate largest. 2 number and severity injection site, nausea, maintained for 7 days. Plasma of spont pain in 5/5. Allo2 fatigue, dizziness. 1 Pt levels K and norK before each dose 60%–100% after 1-wk inf. of discontinued after 2 wk change. 0.05 mg/kg/h and hyperpathia because of SE. 2 after 1 wk of 0.15 mg/kg/h. K and norK levels 1 throughout study without evidence of norK accumulation. Hoffmann et al. (34) 1M Pt, CR (IV) Ophthalmic PHN Initial IM test dose 2 h relief from test dose, Local at SC inf. 0.2 mg/kg then SC inf. 5 mg/h. maintained by SC inf. Pain site required daily changes. Converted to PO dosing 40 mg/4 h recurred at 2PO dose but No other SE reported. gradually 1 to 200 mg/5 h. controlled at larger—able to return home—2daily dose to 400 mg after 2 wk, stopped at 4 wk without recurrence. Klepstad and Borchgrevink 1M Pt, CR, 4-yr Initial bolus K 10 mg IV then SC inf. Pain abruptly 2from VAS 100 Painful local induration from (35) FU. (DB, PLC 100 mg/day. Changed to 10 mg IM to 0 after bolus—remained SC route test period) (IV) daily for 4 mo then PO dosing Ͻ20 for 12 h. VAS 5– initially—improved by 50 mg/4 h. 2 mo later reverted to 30 during IM dosing. “Good” topical heparin ointment. 10 mg/12 h IM because of relief obtained with PO Transient “insobriety” after unrelated gastrointestinal dosing. bolus. No signif. SE from K. pathology. Continued for 6 mo before commencing SC inf. 72 mg/ day—continued until death.

AL ϭ alfentanil; Allo ϭ allodynia; CO ϭ crossover; CR ϭ case report; CS ϭ case series; DB ϭ double-blinded; FU ϭ follow-up; inf ϭ infusion; IM ϭ intramuscular; IV ϭ intravenous; K ϭ ketamine; L ϭ ; MG ϭ magnesium; MO ϭ ; PL ϭ placebo (saline); PLC ϭ placebo controlled; PO ϭ oral; pts ϭ patients; R ϭ randomized; SC ϭ subcutaneous; SE ϭ side effects; U ϭ unblinded; WOP ϭ washout period; CRPS ϭ complex regional pain syndrome; VAS ϭ ; HR ϭ heart rate; BP ϭ blood pressure; GI ϭ gastrointestinal; MPQ ϭ McGill Pain Questionnaire; PHN ϭ Postherpetic neuralgia. 1734 REVIEW ARTICLE HOCKING AND COUSINS ANESTH ANALG REVIEW OF KETAMINE IN CHRONIC PAIN 2003;97:1730–9

of classification criteria for fibromyal- randomized trial, which made it possible to perform gia (14). Ketamine was compared against morphine, randomized blinded testing in a single patient (22). lidocaine, naloxone, and placebo, although none of Only 9 of 21 patients showed sufficient benefit to be these are of significant benefit. These 2 studies showed entered into the trial, and only 2 responded suffi- that ketamine increased endurance and reduced pain ciently to continue oral ketamine after the trial. intensity, tenderness at trigger points, , temporal summation, muscular hyperalgesia, and Acute on Chronic Neuropathic Pain muscle pain at rest. Both studies suggested that central sensitization is present in fibromyalgia and that tender Currently the most frequent use of ketamine is in points represent areas of secondary hyperalgesia and managing severe acute episodes of refractory neuro- deduced that relief of these symptoms by ketamine pathic pain, often in a situation where large doses of indicated a reduction in central sensitization. opioids have contributed to the development of severe hyperalgesia. Both the neuropathic pain and large Ischemic Pain dose opioid-related hyperalgesia are at least partly related to NMDA receptor activation, and thus a Both nociceptive and neuropathic components proba- NMDA blocker in the form of ketamine is theoretically bly contribute to the ischemic pain of arteriosclerosis, a logical treatment option. However there has been no which is often poorly responsive to opioids. Eight rigorous study of the effectiveness of a ketamine infu- patients with rest pain in the lower extremity received sion in controlling chronic episodes. This contrasts either IV ketamine or morphine (level II) (15). Pain with a significant literature demonstrating a reduction intensity, measured with a visual analog scale (VAS), in opioid requirements when ketamine is used pre- was highly variable during and after all the infusions. emptively before surgery (23). However, well- The three patients who experienced little or no relief documented case reports indicate that a ketamine in- with morphine had higher baseline scores, and pooled fusion can be invaluable in severe acute on chronic data suggest that 0.15 mg/kg ketamine was approxi- pain, with (level IV) evidence of decreased hyperalge- mately equipotent to morphine 10 mg, but this should sia and progressive reduction in morphine or other be interpreted with caution because control experi- opioid requirements. One case report (level IV) de- ments with a placebo were not performed. The au- scribes a patient receiving large-dose (32 mg/day) thors concluded that ketamine has a potent dose- intrathecal morphine for mixed nociceptive/neuropathic dependant analgesic effect in clinical ischemic pain pain (24). The patient presented with a severe exacerba- but with a narrow therapeutic window. tion of pain and extensive hyperalgesia that was unre- Nonspecific Pain of Neuropathic Origin sponsive to first- and second-line treatments and only briefly responsive to intrathecal bupivacaine. An IV in- Six publications present data from a heterogeneous fusion of ketamine was administered at a rate of group of patients with neuropathic pain. These in- 10 mg/h. Over the first 18 days the intrathecal dose of clude a wide variety of underlying diagnoses but with morphine was reduced from 32 mg/day to 2 mg/day, the common factor of neuropathic descriptors to their and ketamine was ceased at day 20. During this treat- pain. Three double-blinded, placebo-controlled stud- ment a sustained reduction in hyperalgesia occurred ies (level II) (16–18) showed a significant reduction in (Fig. 1), and the intrathecal morphine dose remained at hyperalgesia and allodynia although the effect on con- half the prior level 12 mo later. An additive analgesic tinuous background pain was less marked. One case effect or placebo response may have been responsible for report (level IV) (19) described success with subcuta- the improved analgesia, but if these were the only factors neous (SC) ketamine that was subsequently converted involved, a more rapid increase in intrathecal morphine to oral dosing. This provided good analgesia with requirements after cessation of the IV ketamine would some vivid, though not unpleasant, dreaming. A case have been expected. In some situations of extremely series, however, presented less favorable data (level severe acute exacerbations of neuropathic pain, ket- IV) (20) in which 21 patients commenced ketamine. amine infusion is combined with lidocaine infusion; Only four had sufficient benefit to continue oral ket- however, there is no rigorous evaluation of this com- amine for long periods (over 1 yr), reporting improve- bined treatment. From a practical aspect we have found ments in pain and reduced analgesic usage. Even that the SC route of administration is a useful option for these, however, eventually discontinued ketamine be- ketamine infusion in that it avoids potential delays in cause of side effects and minimal benefit. The authors treatment caused by problems resiting IV cannulae. It comment that the analgesic benefit appeared to be may also be the case that blood concentrations are more more pronounced in patients with pain histories of stable with the SC route for reasons noted above. We less than 5 yr duration. A further study (level II) (21) have also found that side effects are less likely if boluses determined ketamine responders by titration of oral are avoided, presumably because blood “peaks” of in- ketamine. These were then entered into an n of 1 creased ketamine concentration are avoided (level IV ANESTH ANALG REVIEW ARTICLE HOCKING AND COUSINS 1735 2003;97:1730–9 REVIEW OF KETAMINE IN CHRONIC PAIN

benefit in large concentration. The authors comment that nonresponders are likely to have mechanisms that are NMDA-independent. This assumes that there is continuing peripheral noxious input, or central sensi- tization mechanisms playing the sole or predominant role and seems to ignore the biopsychosocial model of pain. Phantom/Stump Pain A study of IV ketamine in 11 patients (level II) (28) reported a decrease in stump and phantom pain as- sessed by VAS and Magill Pain Questionnaire. Ket- amine significantly increased pressure thresholds and Figure 1. Intrathecal morphine and ketamine dose in a patient who reduced hyperpathia, although side effects (insobriety presented with a severe acute on chronic episode of neuropathic or discomfort) were observed in 9 patients. These re- pain. Reproduced with permission from The Journal of Pain and sults are supported by a case series (level III) (29); Symptom Management 1997;14:129–32 (24). however, all 3 patients were given ketamine, un- unpublished data). Local irritant effects, however, can blinded, having been told that there were good rea- sometimes complicate this route of administration. sons why it may have an impact on their phantom pain. This might have served to enhance the placebo Orofacial Pain response. A further case report described benefit in a patient with stump pain after bilateral amputation at Seven female patients with a diagnosis of neuropathic knee level (30). Before surgery he had experienced pain attributable to “nerve damage in the trigeminal severe ischemic pain despite large-dose opioid ther- region” refractory to conventional therapies were apy. Conventional treatments were either ineffective given ketamine (racemic, (R) or (S)) (level IV) (25). or not tolerated by the patient, but ketamine IV Consistent prolonged pain relief (Ͼ12 h) was obtained proved very effective. A subsequent trial of oral ket- in 3 patients who had suffered pain for Ͻ3 yr. Of the amine produced complete relief of pain. Attempts to remaining 4, who had suffered pain for more than 5 reduce the dosage resulted in recurrence of symptoms. yr, 3 reported no benefit despite dose escalation to Tolerance or problematic side effects did not seem to near-anesthetic levels. One reported pain relief during develop. The use of oral ketamine to control phantom the infusion that stopped shortly after it was termi- pain is supported by other researchers (level IV) (31). nated. An oral-dose escalation study in a patient with glossopharyngeal neuralgia followed by an N of 1 trial Postherpetic Neuralgia demonstrated statistically significant benefit. Relief of continuous and swallowing-induced pain was signif- One study (level II) (32) compared ketamine, mor- icant compared with placebo (level II) (26). In this phine, and placebo in eight patients with postherpetic patient, ketamine was commenced at 30 mg 6 times neuralgia at various anatomic sites. Ketamine pro- daily and increased to 100 mg 6 times daily, although duced significant pain relief and reduced allodynia the additional benefit from exceeding 60 mg 6 times and hyperpathia but caused side effects in all patients. daily was small. Pain relief was associated with some Sensory thresholds were unaltered, although the qual- side effects; however, the treatment was well tolerated ity of sensation may have been changed. The same by the patient. authors go on to describe 5 patients from this article in Ketamine has been compared to pethidine or pla- an open prospective study of SC ketamine adminis- cebo in 30 patients with secondary trigeminal neural- tration (level III) (33). Relief of continuous pain (daily gia (level II) (27). Eight patients obtained prolonged VAS) was observed at the smallest dose but was most relief (6–24 h) with IM ketamine, and five of these also marked at the largest. All reported reduction in the had a good response with subsequent oral dosing. number and severity of spontaneous pain attacks. Al- Nine patients obtained transient relief (Ͻ2 h) but did lodynia and hyperpathia were both maximally re- not then respond to oral therapy. The authors specu- duced after 1 wk of the largest dose. Side effects, most lated that NMDA receptor inhibition, even for a short commonly induration at the injection site that caused period, might annul the sensitization and thereby one patient to discontinue treatment, occurred in all cause pain relief even after ketamine has been elimi- patients. None chose to discontinue treatment because nated from the body. They also suggest those who of psychotomimetic effects, preferring the improved responded poorly or not at all may have complete and pain relief. irreversible excessive activation of the NMDA recep- One case report (level IV) (34) described complete tor. In this situation, ketamine is only likely to be of resolution of ophthalmic postherpetic neuralgia after 1736 REVIEW ARTICLE HOCKING AND COUSINS ANESTH ANALG REVIEW OF KETAMINE IN CHRONIC PAIN 2003;97:1730–9

ketamine administration at doses up to 1000 mg/day ketamine undergoes extensive first pass metabolism, pri- PO. The authors concluded that although the results marily via N-demethylation, resulting in small ketamine could be explained simply by the natural history of the concentrations and large nor-ketamine concentrations in disease, the immediate and definite effect of ketamine blood and tissue (37). We do not know how this affects in comparison with the other therapies was striking. the therapeutic ratio between analgesia and side effects One further report (level IV) (35) described the suc- because nor-ketamine has significant analgesic proper- cessful use of ketamine by various routes in a patient ties (37) and may indeed play an important role. This with multiple . Unusually, they docu- would be supported by analysis of the reported data that ment continued benefit over a 4-yr period with mini- confirm effective oral doses are often less than parenteral mal side effects. Ketamine was continued until the doses of ketamine (19). There is currently no readily death of the patient from unrelated causes. The au- available oral form of ketamine in the United Kingdom, thors also performed a double-blinded comparison of and dosing relies on using the injectable solution, which SC ketamine versus placebo (12% glucose to mimic has a bitter taste; an oral formulation to enable blinded local effects) to confirm the observed benefit was not studies has been suggested (21) (Appendix A). The simply attributable to the natural history of the dis- safety of neuraxially administered ketamine remains un- ease. Pain returned during the placebo days. clear, with mixed data in the literature. Radicular demy- elination has been observed in rats (38), subpial vacuolar Discussion myelopathy has been observed after intrathecal admin- We probably do not yet have sufficient evidence to istration (level IV) (39), and focal lymphocytic vasculitis advocate the routine use of ketamine in chronic pain. close to the catheter injection site has been observed Despite the use of ketamine for over 30 years, there are without neurological deficit or other histological changes few good-quality studies with adequate numbers of (level IV) (40). All reports used ketamine with benzetho- patients to clearly delineate the place of this drug in nium chloride as preservative. Animal studies report no chronic pain medicine. We do, however, have much inflammatory reactions when preservative-free drug is evidence that it can cause significant side effects. This used. More recently, however, it has been suggested that is not surprising, given the abundance of NMDA re- the preservative is also an active receptor blocker (41), ceptors using glutamate as the main agonist in both although the importance of this remains to be clarified. the central and peripheral nervous systems. It is not Although basic studies indicate a peripheral site of ac- possible to block such a widespread receptor without tion of ketamine, evidence of efficacy in humans for some adverse effect. This is in addition to the effect of peripheral analgesic effects of ketamine is conflicting ketamine on many other receptors, as alluded to and is restricted largely to acute pain. A controlled study earlier. of a transdermal ketamine patch reported significant We also have little data regarding long-term admin- adjuvant analgesic effects for postoperative pain after istration by any particular route. The data suggest that gynecologic surgery (36). However rigorous studies in ketamine may be used most effectively to reduce the volunteers, using inflammatory pain generated by an symptoms of allodynia, hyperalgesia, and hyper- infrared burn, showed only brief analgesic effects of pathia rather than acting as a traditional analgesic infiltrated ketamine (42). Although ketamine currently (level II). Thus, patients in whom this is a predomi- enjoys significant use in topical preparations for chronic nant feature may be more likely to benefit. This could pain, there are no published controlled studies. be consistent with NMDA receptor blockade limiting Parenteral administration, IV or SC, in the range or reducing central sensitization, although the ability Ϫ Ϫ 0.125–0.3 mg · kg 1 · h 1 appears to be optimal (level of ketamine to interact with such a wide variety of II) but there are occasional reports of larger or smaller receptors means that this is currently only speculative. doses. Because this mode of administration is imprac- Ketamine can be given by multiple routes: IV, IM, SC, oral, rectal, nasal, transdermal (36), epidural, or tical in the long term as a result of the need for intrathecal. Although experimental studies are often hospitalization or repeated changes of delivery site, performed with parenteral ketamine, the optimal the need for oral dosing has arisen. The doses reported route of administration remains unclear. Some reports in the literature for this route vary widely between describe parenteral administration at home (level III) 30–1000 mg/day (mean, 200 mg). If this is to be be- (29,33); however, this technique is probably impractical lieved then the therapeutic window is massive and in the long term. In addition to the logistics of refills and deserves comment. It could easily be speculated that sharps disposal, SC ketamine can be an irritant, requir- the analgesic effect from ketamine at the smaller doses ing almost daily changing of the infusion site; heparin may result from action at different receptor sites than ointment (level IV) (35) has been used with some benefit. that caused by larger doses. Alternatively, this wide Data from studies using systemic administration are of- dose range reflects the variation in diagnoses within ten extrapolated to other routes. Orally administered many study groups. Epidural administration has been ANESTH ANALG REVIEW ARTICLE HOCKING AND COUSINS 1737 2003;97:1730–9 REVIEW OF KETAMINE IN CHRONIC PAIN

reported as effective in complex regional pain syn- There was not a consistent dose response. One case drome with a dose of 20–30 mg/day (level IV). Ther- using ketamine 1000 mg/day PO reported no psycho- apeutic benefit is likely to be dose-dependent (26). mimetic side effects, yet they are commonly reported The role of the NMDA receptor and NMDA antag- at smaller doses. It has been suggested that oral ket- onists with respect to mechanisms of chronic pain amine administration causes fewer side effects, per- conditions is a controversial subject that has been re- haps because of the smaller plasma levels, improved viewed in detail elsewhere (5,6,42–45). In brief, much side effect profile of nor-ketamine, or reduced peak evidence points to involvement of NMDA receptors in effect (7). Night-time dosing can also reduce side ef- persisting nociceptive and neuropathic pain. Thus, pa- fects (level IV), perhaps because of the fact that pa- tients with pain conditions including nociceptive tients tend to be more relaxed (see discussion above) and/or neuropathic mechanisms may benefit. or perhaps because sleep intervenes. However, not all patients with nociceptive and/or Painful induration at the injection site is the most neuropathic pain respond to ketamine; there appear to common problem with SC administration, as previ- be three different patterns of response: full response, ously described, occurring both with and without pre- partial response, and nonresponders. Several reports servative. Some patients experience positive side ef- have suggested that the likelihood of response is in- fects such as improved sleep and elevated mood. creased in the younger patient with a shorter history Rarely reported side effects include hepatic failure, of pain (Ͻ5 years) (25), whereas the best results in one which has been reported after daily doses of 900– study (21) were obtained in 2 patients with prolonged 1500 mg orally (46). histories of 12–20 years (level II). In some studies, Clements et al. (47) found consistent increases of pain thresholds for plasma concentrations of racemic barely 30% had a beneficial effect; this is little more ␮ than can be obtained from a placebo response. The ketamine more than 160 ng/mL (0.36 mol/L) in ex- data also suggest a frequent incidence of intolerable perimental ischemic pain, and subsequent studies have confirmed this value (15). These concentrations side effects that does not seem to improve significantly Ϫ Ϫ were obtained with SC infusion of 0.05 mg · kg 1 · h 1 with altered dose or route of administration. There- (3–5 mg/h for an average adult) (33). The same study fore, even those patients who respond to ketamine demonstrated a significant positive correlation be- may not continue treatment as a result of intolerable tween pain relief and the serum ketamine concentra- side effects. It is interesting to note that even those tion (% pain relief ϭ 63.8 ϫ ketamine concentration Ϫ patients in whom the best results were obtained did 6.1, r ϭ 0.60, df ϭ 16, P Ͻ 0.01). There was also not persist with ketamine in the long term. significant positive correlation between pain relief and Human pharmacological studies indicate that NMDA the serum nor-ketamine concentration (% pain relief ϭ receptors are important for sensory perception, proprio- 111.6 ϫ nor-ketamine concentration Ϫ 7.8, r ϭ 0.49, df ception, cognition, and consciousness (43,44). It is there- ϭ 16, P Ͻ 0.05). The usefulness of this in clinical fore not surprising that NMDA-receptor antagonists practice is unclear and seems to ignore the highly commonly have psychotomimetic side effects, and this is subjective nature of the pain experience as a biopsy- one of the main disadvantages of ketamine administra- chosocial phenomenon. There was no accumulation of tion. Clinical experience shows that anxious and appre- either ketamine or nor-ketamine, nor did their relative hensive patients are more likely to exhibit psychotomi- concentrations change, during the 4-week treatment metic side effects. It is possible that this actually reflects period of this study. a pharmacological mechanism, as ketamine is more likely to bind to NMDA receptors when the channel is in the activated or open state. The reduction in side effects Summary associated with a quiet, relaxed atmosphere could there- Patients with incapacitating, otherwise intractable, fore be explained by the fact that the NMDA receptor is chronic pain may accept side effects from a treatment more likely to be closed. Pretreatment with a benzodi- if pain relief is sufficiently effective. In some patients, azepine is said to minimize psychotomimetic effects; ketamine has proved effective and, on this basis, a trial administration after they have developed is less success- of ketamine is probably warranted for the patient with ful. This could be explained by the same receptor state severe chronic pain that is incapacitating and refrac- mechanism. A benzodiazepine given before ketamine tory to other first- and second-line pharmacological may increase the likelihood of closing the NMDA recep- therapies. However, apart from a few cases of com- tor but may be less effective after ketamine has bound. plete resolution, this generally does not provide a The incidence of psychomimetic side effects, however, long-term solution and should therefore be regarded was not altered in the studies that routinely adminis- as a temporary measure while other treatment options tered benzodiazepines, and most only used them as are considered. We suggest that the following may be rescue . This is not in accordance with general a reasonable approach when considering ketamine thinking. administration: 1738 REVIEW ARTICLE HOCKING AND COUSINS ANESTH ANALG REVIEW OF KETAMINE IN CHRONIC PAIN 2003;97:1730–9

1. Ensure that there are no contraindications to the Placebo Liquid use of ketamine. 2. Educate the patient regarding the potential side 2 mL conc. peppermint water BP effects and obtain fully informed consent (level IV). 0.2 mL conc. anise water BP 3. Perform a fully monitored, placebo controlled IV 1.25 mL conc. chloroform water BPC. trial of ketamine to assess therapeutic benefit. 5 mL syrup (preserved) BP Available data suggest this should be a dose of Water for irrigation to 50 mL. 0.25–0.5 mg/kg given slowly over 30 min with pain assessments before and after administration We would like to thank Dr. W. A. Macrae for proofreading this (level II). review and providing helpful advice. 4. Poor responders or nonresponders are unlikely to benefit from oral ketamine. A good therapeutic response from systemic administration suggests a greater likelihood of benefit from oral dosing References (level IV). 1. Finlay I. Ketamine and its role in . Pain Reviews 5. 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