How to Become a Motorcycle Roadracer Version 3.35 30 August 2002 Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 Robert Robillard This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about becoming a Motorcycle Roadracer. It is maintained by Duke Robillard,
[email protected] (that's me!). Please send me any additions, corrections, clarfications, or suggestions. In particular, if you find a dead link, please let me's hard to keep up with stuff as it moves 'round. Also, this FAQ is very USA-centric, (even Northeastern US-centric) because that's what I know. Please send me other stuff so I can add it. A new version of this document appears now and again. It was last modified on 30September 2000, and its travels may have taken it far from its original home on the Web. It may now be out-of-date, particularly if you are looking at a printed copy or one retrieved from a tertiary archive site or CD-ROM. You can always obtain the most up-to-date copy on the WWW at This article was produced for free redistribution. You should not need to pay anyone for a copy of it. You may wonder why I think I'm an authority on this subject. Well, I've got a racing license, which is more than you! :-> Seriously, I'm no authority at all, but I did spend a couple of years going through the process of getting started. I got a tremendous amount of help from people, both on-line and off, and I thought maybe I could do something to help pay back my karmic debt.