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*r Three Day Fast for the Watergate Crisis Preparing for the fast

1 During early morning Sunday speech, Public Relations team receives direction from Our Master concerning the Watergate Prayer and Fast. 2 Our Master, Ye Jin and Hyo Jin look over album of Senators and Congressmen prepared by the Public Relations team.

154 We must be responsible for the shortcomings of this nation, for collapsing it means that the nation is collapsing. The God-denying its difficulties. What are the most difficult problems in this nation? ideology of Communism is infiltrating the nation and undermining First is the ruin or crisis in the Christian world. In this nation not only the hearts of the people and separating them from God. the Christian ideology, which was the founding ideology of this July 14, 1974 nation, is being corrupted and is collapsing. If families are

155 ational Prayer SBFast Committee, Inc. 219 Park Lane Bldg., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 / 872-0461 Edward Roush Janet Nimz Cong. Pastor William Luke Cong. J. Elwood Hilliz AI Tucker Cong. Clair W. Burgener Betsy O'Brien Cong. William G. Darlene Stewart Cong. Victor V. Veysey Mary Puget Cong. Bray Cong. John T Myers Debra Kidd Colorado Cong. Roger H. Zion Rhonda Schmitt Sen. Peter H. Dominick Sandy Nimick Cong. Lee H. Hamilton John Gowey Sen. Floyd K. Haskell Margaret Hodes Cong. David W. Dennis Christine Jankowiak Cong. Patricia Schroeder Bill Shields Cong. William H. Hudnut 3rd Maria Byrne Cong. Donald G. Brotzman Margaret Brown Ken Borneman Cong. Frank E. Evans Iowa John Dolen Cong. James P. Johnson Paul Valin Sen. Harold E. Hughes Michael Urbonya James Stinnard Cong. William L. Armstrong Sen. Dick Clark Rick Sorenson Connecticut Cong. Edward Mezvinsky Culver Smith Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff Martha Wheeler Cong. John C. Mary Dean Sen. Lowell P. Jr. Kass Erickson Cong. H.R. Gross Phillip Weicker, Linda Roberts Cong. William R. Cotter Pam Moore Cong. Neal Smith Scherle Anthony Aparo Cong. Robert H. Steele William Simpson Cong. William J. Charlene Sexton Cong. Robert H. Giaimo John Maniatis Cong. Wiley Mayne Cong. Stewart B. McKinney Kathy Heney Kansas Brenda Runkle Cong. Ronald A. Sarasin Murphy Sen. James B. Pearson Connie Truini Schmitt Mr. President Cong. Ella T Grasso Gus Sen. Bob Dole Robert Mrs. Ernest Plank Rebecca Salonen Mrs. Pat Nixon Delaware Cong. Keith G. Sebelius James Anderson Betsy Drapcho Tricia Cox Sen. William V Roth, Jr. Cong. William R. Roy John Hessel Janice Kaufman Ed Cox Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Nan Crist Cong. Larry Winn, Jr. Steve Mattix Barbara Mallory Julie Eisenhower Cong. Pierre S. du 4th Steve Cong. Garner E. Shriver Pont, Honey McKeehan Tom Miner David Eisenhower Cong. Joe Skubitz Sandy Janet Cook Rabbi Baruch Korff Florida Sen. Edward J. Gurney Dorothy Haley Kentucky Cook Marilyn Green MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Sen. Lawton Chiles Charles Anceney Sen. Marlow W. Cong. Robert L.F. Sikes Neal Tibbetts Sen. Walter Huddleston Greg Breland Alabama Cong. Don Fuqua Sydelle Block Cong. Frank A. Stubblefield Gary Scharf Sen. John J. Sparkman Gary Fleisher Cong. Charles E. Bennett Brian Parks Cong. William H. Natcher Bill Haines Sen. James B. Allen Franette Palmer Cong. Bill Chappell, Jr. Bill Miller Cong. Romano L. Mazzoli Dennis Thompson Cong. Jack Edwards Glenn Carroll Cong. Bill Gunter Robert Garlock Cong. M.G. (Gene) Snyder Bryce Hickey III Cong. William L. Dickinson Michael Breedlove Cong. C.W. Bill Young Hercules Pettis Cong. Tim Lee Carter Gary Fleischman Cong. Bill Nichols Michael Amui Cong. Sam Gibbons Jenny Herring Cong. John Breckinridge Rebecca Miles Cong. Tom Bevill Melmida Johnson Cong. James A. Haley Desmonde Eclmede Cong. Carl D. Perkins Ken Westmoreland Cong. Robert E. Jones Chris Abel Cong. Louis Jr. James Frey, Story Louisiana Cong. John Buchanan Annette Griffin Cong. L.A. Bafalis Sergio De La Mata (Skip) Sen. Russel B. Long Susan Kruse Cong. Walter Flowers Emily Hill Cong. Paul G. Rogers Paul Kerr Sen. J. Bennett Johnston, Jr. Mark Turegano Cong. J. Herbert Burke Michael Martin Alaska F. Edward Herbert Dwight McCarthy Cong. William Lehman Kevin Cong Sen. Ted Stevens David Adams Connelly Cong. Corinne C.L. Boggs Fiona Williamson Cong. Claude D. Pepper Eleanor LeClain Sen. Michael Gravel Elaine Hanson Cong. David C. Treen Robert Herring Cong. Dante B. Fascell Ed Benfold Cong. Donald E. Young Rex Butler Cong. Joe D. Waggonner, Jr. Marty Fortenberry E. Passman Lori Gagne Arizona Georgia Cong. Otto Jack Hart Cong. John R. Rarick Sen. Paul J. Fannin Marilynne Bruin Sen. Herman E. Talmadge Dieter Miller Cong. John B. Breaux Chick Roland Sen. Barry Goldwater George Edwards Sen. Sam Nunn Linda Cong. Gillis W. Chris Kreft Cong. John J. Rhodes Brad Anderson Cong. Bo Ginn Sharp Long Cong. Dawson Mathias Chris Allen Cong. Morris K. Udall Bernadette Goftle Maine Cong. Jack Beth Stronski Cong. Sam Steiger J.C. Matalon Brankley Sen. Edmund S. Muskie Mary Beth Pender Cong. Ben B. Blackburn Marie Owen Cong. John B. Conlan Richard Vornbrock Sen. William D. Hathaway Kathy Conley Cong. Andrew William Young Gailey Cong. Peter N. Kyros Joe Siteman Arkansas Cong. John J. Jr. Tom Selover Flynt, Cong. William S. Cohen Rick Hunter Sen. John J. McClellan Kent Dixon Cong. John W. Davis James Dennis Sen. J.W. Fulbright William Poe Cong. W.S. (Bill) Stuckey, Jr. Don Harbour Maryland Cong. Bill Alexander Courtney Aldridge Cong. Phil M. Landrum Michael Meyers Sen. Charles Mc. Mathias, Jr. Mike Beard Cong. Wilber D. Mills Bonnie Aldridge Cong. Robert G. Stephens, Jr. Douglas Fine Sen. J. Glenn Beall, Jr. Peggy Parker Cong. John P. Hammerschmidt Talbot Cong. Robert E. Bauman Michael Wendy Hawaii Bradley Cong. Thornton Bonnie Blair Cong. Clarence D. David Miller Ray Sen. Hiram L. Christopher Long Fong Ching Cong. Paul S. Sarbanes John Sen. Daniel K. Inouye William Miho Crimy Cong. Marjorie S. Holt James Darda Sen. Alan Cranston Steve Deddens Cong. Spark M. Matsunaga Adam Cargill Cong. Lawrence J. Hogan Barbara Mikesell Sen. John V. Tunney Larry Glasner Cong. T Mink Pobanz Patsy Kerry Cong. Goodloe E. Byron Michael Macijeski Cong. Don H. Clausen Dennis Townsend Cong. Parren J. Mitchell Felice Walton Cong. Harold T. Johnson Lisa Martinez Idaho Sen. Frank Church Krishnek Cong. Gilbert Gude Barbara Larsen Cong. John E. Moss Susan Hibbard Larry Sen. James A. McClure Rick Mercer Cong. Robert L. Leggett Maureen Tate Massachusetts Cong. Steven D. Symms Frank Davis Cong. Burton Angie Giorgio Sen. Edward M. Tallakson Phillip Cong. Orval Hansen Joanne Kennedy Jeffrey Cong. William S. Mailliard Louise Recnlis Galloway Sen. Edward W. Brooke Jamie Sheerin Cong. Ronald V. Dellums Bobby Sanders Illinois Cong. Silvio O. Conte Pauline Pilote Cong. Fortney H. (Pete) Stark Eileen Boegel Sen. Charles H. Percy Ronald Pepper Cong. Edward P. Boland Henry Christopher Cong. Don Edwards Stephanie Schutz Sen. Adlai E. Stevenson 3rd David Schaeffer Cong. Harold D. Donohue Steve Conlon Cong. Charles S. Gubser Katny Aldridge Cong. Ralph H. Metcalfe Larry Chiamey Cong. Robert F. Drinan Leslie Weiss Cong. Leo J. Ryan Frank Johnson Cong. Morgan F. Murphy Sharon Chrominsky Cong. Paul W. Cronin Paula Dinecco Cong. Burt L. Talcott Joan Haley Cong. Robert P. Hanrahan Steve Mudgett Cong. Michael J. Harrington David Carlson Cong. Charles M. Teague Grant Davis Cong. Edward J. Derwinski Raleigh Murbach Cong. Torbert H. MacDonald Kurt Reynolds Cong. Jerome R. Waldie William Cook Cong. John C. Kluezynski John Nowicki Cong. Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Peter Perry Cong. John J. McFall Danny Rose Cong. Harold R. Collier Paula Gray Cong. John Joseph Moakley Mark Heckler Cong. B.F. Sisk Tim Forester Cong. Cardiss Collins Don D. Freites Cong. Margaret M. Heckler Dan Carey Cong. Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. David Scrivener Cong. Dan Rostenkowski Phillip Vandervaart Cong. James A. Burke Jim Brady Cong. Robert B. Mathias Nick Kurt Cong. Sidney R. Yates Eddy Lowden Cong. Gerry E. Studds Jim Cowin Cong. Chet Holifield Tom Mohammed Cong. Samuel H. Wayne Heinsroth Young Michigan Cong. Carlos J. Moorhead Adrienne Delias Cong. Frank Annunzio Ron Koonce Sen. A. Hart Debbie DeCaen Cong. Augustus F. Hawkins Bea Benson Cong. M. Crane Ken McDonald Philip Philip Sen. Robert P. Griffin Luther Mitchel Cong. James C. Corman Richard Murphy Cong. Robert McClory Richard Wojcik Cong. John Conyers, Jr. Dale Swisher Cong. Del Clawson Sara Peterson Cong. John N. Erlenborn Mark Trotter Cong. Marvin L. Esch Bill Greenshield Cong. John H. Rousselot Robert Preece Cong. Leslie C. Arends John Baird Cong. Garry E. Brown Donna Iverson Cong. Charles E. Wiggins Helen Danby Cong. John B. Anderson Dennis Holahan Cong. Edward Hutchinson Don Cong. Thomas M. Rees Arlene Sinclair Cong. George M. O'Brien John Cocalucca Holiday Cong. Charles E. Chamberlain Dennis Cong. Goldwater, Jr. Jennel Ward Cong. Thomas F. Railsback Leo Mattern Bishop Barry Cong. Donald W. Riegle, Jr. Helen Cong. Alphonzo Bell Deborah Gildner Cong. Robert H. Michel Sandy Moldenhauer Bishop Cong. James Charles Cong. George E. Danielson Dan Mathers Cong. Paul Findley Klaus Schick Harvey Harvey Cong. Guy Vander Jagt Donna Johnson Cong. Edward R. Roybal Rosemary Byrne Cong. Edward R. Madigan Karen Graham Cong. Elford A. Albert DeCaen Cong. Charles H. Wilson Cindy Efaw Cong. George E. Shipley Eileen Welch Cederberg Cong. Philip E. Ruppe Roxanne Adler Cong. Hosmer Chuck Jenner Cong. Melvin Price Todd Marchant Craig Cong. James G. O'Hara Renita McNeal Cong. L. Pettis Eddy Kaady Cong. Kenneth J. Gray Don Brown Jerry Cong. Charles C. Diggs, Jr. Lorman Lykes Cong. Richard T. Hanna John Chinault Indiana Cong. Lucien N. Nedzi Carolyn Nelson Cong. Glenn M. Anderson Diane Hanson Sen. Vance Hartke Tirza Shilgi Cong. William D. Ford Butler Cong. William M. Ketchum Joe Brown Missy Sen. Birch Bayh Susan Najar Cong. John D. Dingell Cheryl Smith Cong. Yvonne B. Burke Danilla Hoos Cong. Ray J. Madden Claire Kelly Cong. Martha W. Griffiths Patti McNeal Cong. George E. Brown, Jr. Maria Gill Cong. Earl F. Landgrebe Laurie Carlson Cong. Robert J. Huber Zella Steward Andrew J. Hinshaw Steve Chapman Cong Cong. John Brademas Carol Plummer Cong. William S. Broomfield Sandra Mann Cong. Bob Wilson Faither Peterson

156 Minnesota Cong. James M. Hanley Chad Huber South Dakota Sen Walter F. Mondale Jeff Scharfen Judy Green Cong. William F Walsh David Mendiola Sen. George McGovern Sen. Hubert H. Sharyl Nelson Humphrey Robert Sullivan Cong. Frank Horton Jane Cook Sen. James Abourezk Cong. Albert H. Quie Aman Lorie Amundson Cong. Barber B. Conable, Jr. Chad Huber Cong. Frank E. Denholm Oakley Cong. Ancher Nelsen Gorden Anderson Cong. Henry P. Smith III Stephanie Chait Cong. James Abdnor Lisa Jensen Cong. Bill Frenzel John Sykes Cong. Thaddeus J. Dulski Renee Futral Tennessee Cong. Joseph E. Karth Ted Cong. Jack Kemp Wayne Steffen Sen. Howard H. Baker, Jr. Peggy Kercz Cong. Donald M. Fraser Hawry Renee Strickrath Cong. James F. Hastings Maria Pascher Sen. Wlliam E. Brock 3rd Bruce Biggins Cong. John M. Zwach Julie Abeln Cong. James H. Quillen Claire Allen Cong. Bob Bergland North Carolina Sue Schreder Cong. John J. Duncan Marshall Cong. John A. Blatnik Sen. Sam. J. Erwin, Jr. Alan Cayton Jerry Steve Hawre Cong. LaMar Baker Will Mississippi Sen. Jesse A. Helms Bill Winfrey Torrey Cong. Joe L. Evins Sen. James O. Eastland Richard Cong. Walter B. Jones John Case Sapp Cong. Richard H. Fulton Sen. John C. Stennis Gene Immel Cong. L.H. Fountain Alvin Johnson Cong. Robin L. Beard Gricar Cong. Jamie L. Whitten Julie Sawyer Cong. David N.Henderson Thomas Nelson Shirley Cong. Ed Jones Renee Stueckrath Cong. David R. Bowen Daniel Pore Cong. Ike F. Andrews Karen Klaus Cong. Dan H. Kuykendall Rosemary Guy Cong. G.V.S. Montgomery Johnnie Ergut Cong. Wilmer Mizell Rick Whittwer Cong. Thad Cochran Sarah Sickles Cong. Richardson Preyer Scott Powell Texas Cong. Trent Lott Joy Schmidt Cong. Charles Rose Marcia Murphy Sen. John G. Tower Kathy Donovan Cong. Earl B. Ruth Kathleen McGuire Sen. Lloyd M. Bentsen John Doroski Missouri Cong. James G. Martin Christine Skiba Cong. Wright Patman Julie Turner Sen. Stuart Symington Robert Poland Cong. James T Broyhill Brown Cong. Charles Wilson Steve Bradshaw Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton Mark Pierron Kathy Cong. Roy A. Taylor Russell Odone Cong. Roberts Paulette Martin Cong. William B. James Robinson Ray Clay Cong. Alan Steelman Richard White Cong. James W. Symington Turner North Dakota Shelly Cong. Olin E. Teague Pat Sheffield Cong. Leonor K. Sullivan Bergman Sen. Milton R. Young James Gavin Cindy Cong. Bill Archer Carla Ellis Cong. Wm. J. Randall Carl Werkowitch Sen. Quentin N. Burdick Brock Johnson Cong. Bob Eckhardt Westerlage Cong. Richard Bill Paustian Cong. Mark Andrews Benedict Sherry Boiling Gary Cong. Jack Brooks Alva Lines Cong. Litton Charlie Wheeler Ohio Jerry Cong. J.J. (Jake) Pickle Estaban Galvan Cong. Gene Taylor Ethel Sen. William B. Saxbe Larry Ross Rudwig Cong. W.R. Poage Virginia Riggs Cong. Richard H. Ichord Barbara Sen. Robert Taft, Jr. Michael Quinn Mallory Cong. James C. Wright, Jr. DeWayne Allen Cong. William L. Peter Pierron Cong. Donald D. Clancy Dan Stana Hungate Cong. Robert D. Price John Oldham Cong. Bill D. Burlison Royce Hopkins Cong. Charles W. Whalen, Jr. Robert Clawitter Cong. Tennyson Guyer Martha Baker Cong. John Young Joni Gentry Montana Cong. Delbert L. Latta Moran Cong. E. (Kilka)de la Garza Ray Thompson Sen. Mike Mansfield Rob Sayre Marty Cong. William H. Harsha Ellen Mitchell Cong. Richard D. White Dan Gressett Sen. Metcalf Lee Ray McReady Cong. Clarence J. Brown Neil Shukerow Cong. Omar Burleson Robbie Meripol Cong. Dick Shoup Kathy Stanley Cong. Walter E. Powell Cong. Barbara Jordan Mark Hernandez Cong. John Melcher Patrick Hickey Cong. Thomas L. Ashley Wayne Danberry Cong. George H. Mahon Larry Moffitt Cong. B. Gonzales Ted Miller Nebraska Cong. Clarence E. Miller Robert Nadeau Henry Cong. James M. Collins Sarah Willingham Sen. Roman L. Hruska Mitch Dixon Cong. J. William Stanton Michael Hill Cong. O.C. Fisher Ann Viscardi Sen. Carl T Curtis Edmund Bolton Cong. Samuel L. Devine Steve Hawre Mary Cong. Bob Richard Root Cong. Charles Thone Leon Pine Cong. Charles A. Mosher Buff Baker Casey Cong. Abraham Kazen, Jr. Kevin Aldridge Cong. John Y. McCollister Betsy Thurmond Cong. John F. Seiberling Liona Dick Cong. Dale Milford Ann Aldridge Nevada Cong. Chalmers P. Wylie Catherine Walker Sen. Alan Bible Gary Brown Cong. Ralph S. Regula Michael Herbers Utah Sen. Howard W. Cannon Greg Hixon Cong. John M. Ashbrook Helen Koepke Sen. Wallace F. Bennett Larry Trenbeath Cong. David Towell Ray Mosely Cong. Wayne L. Hays Maria Gill Sen. Frank E. Moss Leonard Norman Cong. Charles J. Carney Catherine Walker Cong. K. Gunn Ron Allen New Hampshire McKay Cong. James V. Stanton Tim Butterfield Cong. Wayne Owens Rob Kittel Sen. Norris Cotton Burt Leavitt Cong. Louis Stokes Elaine Parker Sen. Thomas J. Mclntyre Peter Gogan Cong. Charles A. Vanik Carroll Ann Dobrotka Vermont Cong. Louis C. Wyman Michael Smith Cong. William E. Minshall Dean Haegle Sen. George D. Aiken Nels Erickson Cong. James C. Cleveland Robert Oulette Sen. Robert R. Stafford James Garland Oklahoma Cong. Richard W. Mallary Pat Eaton New Jersey Sen. Henry L. Bellmon Anne Gordon Sen. Clifford P. Case Jeanne Bannister Sen. Dewey F. Bartlett Beverly Millard Virginia Sen. Harrison A. Williams,Jr. Lorenzo Gaztanaga Cong. James R. Jones Kyle Nichols Sen. Harry F. Byrd, Jr. William Baum Cong. John E. Hunt Tom Field Cong. Clem Rogers McSpadden Jeff Winfield Sen. William Lloyd Scott Susan List Cong. Charles W. Sandman, Jr. Marcia Lawton Cong. Carl Albert David Richison Cong. Thomas N. Dowing Nanette Semha Cong. James J. Howard Joseph Coyne Cong. Tom Steed Mark Johnson Cong G. William Whitehurst Ray Brogan Cong. Frank Thompson, Jr. Scott Jamison Cong. John Jarman Mehbooh Mithaiwalo Cong David E. Satterfield 3rd William Gertz Cong. Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen Tony Scazzero Cong. John N. Happy Camp Joe Tanner Cong Robert W. daniel Reginald Rush Cong. Edwin B. Forsythe Doug Guscott Cong M. Caldwell Butler Gerald Mullins Cong. William B. Widnall Mitchell Bien Oregon Cong J. Kenneth Robinson Sandy Payne Cong. Robert A. Roe Allison Gardner Sen. MarkO. Hatfield Loretta Schauffler Cong Stanford E. Parris Debbie White Cong. Henry Helstoski Emily Wesson Sen. Bob Packwood Ron Troyer Cong William C. Wampler Terry Luizzi Cong. Wendell Wyatt Marianne McCourt Cong. Peter W. Rodino, Jr. James Mallory Cong Joel T Broyhill Michael Jacula Cong. Joseph G. Minish Carol DeMicco Cong. AI Ullman Tommy Bonhagen Washington Cong. Matthew J. Rinaldo Laurie Toker Cong. Edith Green Wally Wenger Sen. Warren G. Magnuson Kris Heckel Cong. Joseph J. Maraziti Grybe Cong. John Dellenback Colleen Wenger Barry Sen. M. Jackson Zulkowski Cong. Dominick V. Daniels Tom Cox Henry Patty Pennsylvania Cong. Joel Pritchard David Balise Cong. Edward J. Patten Ann Zeigler Sen. Hugh Scott Joe Stein Cong. Lloyd Meeds Debbie Smith New Mexico Sen. Richard S. Schweiker Gregory Novalis Cong. Julia Butler Hansen Mary Oliver Sen. Joseph M. Montoya Gerard Treffry Cong. William A. Barrett Betty Jane Young Cong. Mike McCormack Sandra Hilts Cong. Robert N.C. Patterson Sen. Peter V. Domenici Mary Prusko Nix Lisa Cong. Thomas S. Foley Cong. William J. Green Clark Cong. Manuel Lujan, Jr. Martin Squire Marie Cong. Floyd V. Hicks Kent Eng Cong. Joshua Muriel Cong. Harold Runnels Dennis O'Malley Eilberg Schneps Cong. Brock Adams Ellen Boyd Cong. John H. Ware 3rd Kathy Goldman New York Cong. Gus Yatron Talmadge Lambert West Virginia Sen. Jacob K. Javits John Sonneborn Cong. Lawrence G. Williams Tom Callahan Sen. Jennings Randolph Dan Stein Sen. James L. Buckley Sue Reinbold Cong. Edward G. Biester, Jr. Kathy Boruque Sen. Robert C. Byrd Harry Baisden Cong. Otis G. Pike Rachel Spang Cong. E.G. Shuster Scott Simonds Cong. Robert H. Mollohan Wanda Crowder Cong. James R. Grover, Jr. Robert Selle Cong. Joseph M. McDade Bill Taylor Cong. John Slack Terry Darby Cong. Angelo D. Roncallo George Herbert Cong. Daniel J. Flood Donna Allen Cong. Ken Hickler David Misner Cong. Norman F. Lent Nancy Beeler Cong. R. Lawrence Coughlin Tom West Cong. Harley O. Staggers David Gordon Cong. John W. Wydler John Jones Cong. William S. Moorhead Diane Fernsler Wisconsin Cong. Lester L. Wolff David Cong. Sperling Fred B. Rooney Bill Reno Sen. William Proxmire Thomas Wojcik Cong. Joseph P. Addabbo Jeff Hauft Cong. Edwin D. Eshleman Ken Bickford Sen. Gaylord Nelson David Hager Cong. Benjamin S. Rosenthal Peter Schepmoes Cong. Herman T Schneebeli Donna Oulette Cong. Les Aspin Gary Kragenbrink Cong. James J. Jackie Vargas Cong. H. John Delaney Heinz 3d Len Collier Cong. Robert W. Kastenmeier Sandra Jarrett Cong. Mario Biaggi Bruce Mahen Cong. George A. Goodling Mark Bouchard Cong. Vernon W. Thomson Dan Marsolic Cong. Frank J. Brasco Orngard Cong. Shelly Joseph M. Gaydos Steve Kendall Cong. Clement J. Zablocki Tom Olson Cong. Shirley Chisholm Wesley Samuels Cong. John H. Dent George Fernsler Cong. Henry S. Reuss Tommy Cong. Bertram L. Podell Orngard Cong. Thomas E. Rich Kong Andy Morgan Bob Cong. William A. Steiger Lynn Nessa Cong. John J. Rooney Don Lynch Cong. Albert W. Johnson Richard Crowder Cong. David R. Obey David Andrew Cong. Hugh L. Carey Cong. Joseph P. Dave Garcia Harry Conroy Vigorito Cong. Harold V. Frehlich Salts Cong. Elizabeth Holtzman Robert Azar Cong. Shirley Frank M. Clark Cong. Glenn R. Davis Cynthia Shea Cong. John M. Murphy Brian Gueber Rhode Island Cong. Edward I. Koch Jeff Berlowitz Wyoming Sen. John O. Cong. Charles B. Rangel Michael Christiani Pastore George Glass Sen. Gale W. McGee Michael Cate Sen. Claiborne Pell Glenn Strait Sen. P. Cong. Bella S. Abzug Celeste Cohen Clifford Hansen Kathy Stanley Cong. Cong. Herman Badillo Sue Hibbard Fernand J. St. Germain Marilyn Kerins Cong. Teno Roncalio Frank Zochol Cong. Robert O. Tiernan Maureen Musso Cong. Jonathan B Bingham Martin Browne District of Columbia Cong. Peter A. Peyser Steve Babcock South Carolina Delegate Walter E. Fauntroy Isaiah Poole Cong. Ogden R. Reid Michael Ureino Sen. Strom Thurmond William Haines Guam Cong. Hamilton Fish,Jr. Gary Abrahams Sen. Ernest F. Hollings James Bowles Delegate Antonio Borja Won Pat Wanda Mylar Cong. Benjamin A. Gilman Tony Vozza Cong. Mendel J. Davis Carol Olander Cong. Howard W. Robinson George Whitfield Cong. Floyd Spence Missy Gambrell Cong. Samuel S. Stratton Robert Torres Cong. Wm. J. Bryan Dorn Ken Rozier Cong. Carleton Steve La Eleven J.King Valley Cong. James R. Mann Randy Reed people are fasting for the members of the Cabinet. Cong. Robert C. McEwen Margie Petrikot Cong. Tom S. Gettys Art Lanipson Cong. Donald J. Mitchell Joann Lore Cong. Edward Young William Pfeiffer


Beginning July 22, over 600 people will be States is uniquely suited to be the vanguard nation of praying and fasting on the Capitol grounds. Each a better world. Nowhere else is there such an person will be praying for a specific national abundance of resources and creative opportunities. leader for his Congressman, the Chief Justice, the No nation can compare with America's potential for President, the First Family, Cabinet members and goodness in a world ridden with poverty and our nation as a whole. Citizens of at least a dozen corruption. God has assembled in America people

foreign nations will also participate. The major group whose ancestors originated from all nations, of young people, from all parts of the country, are societies, races and cultures of the world, in order to members of the National Prayer and Fast Committee create a universal society in microcosm. God has (NPFC), founded by Reverend Sun Myung Moon. given America special blessings and a particular Formed in January of this year, NPFC found its responsibility of moral and material leadership in this Declaration" inspiration in Rev. Moon's "Watergate age. proclaiming the need for forgiveness, love and unity. Recognizing this, we all feel mixed Since then the Prayer and Fast movement has spread emotions about the ramifications of the Watergate

throughout the nation and many parts of the world. crisis. On the one hand, we cannot for a moment NPFC members have come from every state for condone the placing of politics above morality, purposes of this solemn assembly. They have either in national or international affairs, by any of determined to fast for a minimum of three days to our nation's leaders. On the other hand, we know demonstrate their concern. that our democracy requires a strong and independent Presidency. A delicate balance between

the separate branches of government must be maintained. If any one of them is significantly What Are We Praying For? weakened, particularly the Executive, serious instability may develop. We have only to look at

spirit recent events in Europe to see that if the We are praying to bring God's back Presidency into the life of OUR COUNTRY. We believe that is reduced in effect to a prime ministry subservient to God longs to express His will today. The United the whim of parliament, neither the cause of unity,

Above and right: Leaflets used during Watergate urging Americans to support the efforts of members in the 3 day prayer and fast.

158 nor of progress, nor i if the Presidency. May our responsibility in acceptance of him as a international affairs may brother during his time be served. We should in office inspire a

take note that both relationship of trust Hitler and Lenin took between him and his power on the heels of people and a high, leaders made impotent God-centered example of by constraints upon their leadership. office and lack of We are praying cohesive support. for God's help so that We are praying there will be no more for the people of the Watergates. This goal

United States. In the will not be achieved wake of Watergate many simply by removing one Americans feel deceived man from office. Rather,

and compromised. We all of us must make a want to ask God to keep recommitment to the the hurt from growing democratic process. into bitterness. As United in hope and

Watergate we purpose to create a great unfolds, WASHINGTON AT PRAYER find its roots nation for the sake of the

everywhere not only in world, Americans can the White House, but in deteriorating moral build a good society with a moral government standards at every level of our society. We have hope maintained by honest, conscientious people. that God will lead us into rebuilding our national Our Congressmen represent that hope. We and personal characters in His image. are praying that God will be with them as they near We are praying for Richard Nixon, who their critical decision so that His spirit may prevail in especially needs God's love and guidance at this whatever course is taken. We also believe that God's time. We detest the attitude of those who consider will requires a partnership with men. To be guided by him an inherently evil man whose removal will God, men must pray with humble hearts. We stand somehow purge our nation of corruption. He has behind our elected representatives as God's

guided our country through a perilous course in representatives in a democratic society. We are international affairs a delicate if imperfect confident in their leadership. We love and support

settlement in Vietnam, peace in the Middle East, them. And we have faith that as a result of our and sensitive negotiations with the Soviets. We call prayers and fast, God will make His will known and

on Richard Nixon to fulfill the role of the office of realized.


I I I would like to join NPFC. Please send me . c - NAME more information.

~ want to financially. Enclosed is ] I help my ADDRESS

contribution of $ .

C1TY STATE ~2 I pledge to pray and fast for America's future ZIP for days. PHONE



In place and singing, fasters filled the east steps of the Capitol Building.

Those who cannot love their own country cannot love God. Sun Myung Moon September 75, 1974

President Salonen briefs fasters

on seriousness of their mission

I think most of you are aware of this whole demonstration is one of sac

the fact that this is a crucial time. We're rifice. Our movement has been

at almost the final moment when an criticized and our members have been effort can be made to change the course abused because of it. Very possibly of history and to redirect the nation in there have been individuals who would fulfillment of God's will. Now is the have joined our movement except for time for everyone to repent, to reunite, the barrier of understanding our politi and to center America firmly on fulfil cal involvement. But it's so important called-collect! address Rabbi ling the will of God. and so crucial that Master has been wil The President '-to Korff's banquet, which 2.000 people attended, in If through this fast Master can find to make those sacrifices in order to ling cluding 300 Family members in us hope and reason to believe that we stand up for the direction he feels the can change the course of this nation, country must be going at this time. Be then he can really find hope that our fore we can hope to win America mission in this three year period can be through what we know is the most in

accomplished successfully. ternal struggle, we have to fight this

I know most of you realized last external battle.

November when we first unveiled the I know that each one of you has Watergate Declaration that Master did come here with a deep commitment, but I expect that all of us will deepen not lightly involve himself in these our commitment beyond what things, that it was a serious question, it has ever so that as we march one which he held off from being in been, off, even this handful of people just like the volved in for a long time because he of people that took didn't want our movement to be ac handful responsibil the our cused of partisan political interest. And ity for founding nation, move ment can take re- we don't have those goals. No matter responsibility for some or it again in At an briefing. Dr. Sheftick showed how we may be criticized to find founding it, founding early morning fasters the signs would be and explained God. I know that's the deepest of they wearing purpose, the very underly desire self-serving the purpose of the fast. each one of our members. ing principle of this whole activity and J&wMty&iy&m August 29, 1974



Three solemn days in Julv America's top leaders debating the fate of a President and 610 of America's youth praying for a new vision and new direction for America and her leaders. Rabbi Baruch Korff, in plan ning a second annual Citizens Congress for Fairness to the Presi dency in Washington, thought of holding a prayer and fast vigil as part of the program. The only vol unteers for a three-day fast were members of the National Prayer

and Fast Committee. The fast was planned for July 22-25, to take place on the East

Capitol steps. Each faster would carry the name and photograph of one person, for whom he would momentous one. The Supreme and ordered its cover-up, Nixon branch, comparable to the heart, is

pray during those three days. Rev Court handed down a decision announced his resignation. the most central organ. If the heart erend Sun Moon, whose is ruled the stomach (as when Myung limiting executive privilege. The This was a time for serious by Watergate Statement stirred wide the legislative branch controls the House Judiciary Committee prayer, as has been the American interest when it was issued on executive the organism opened its final debates to the tradition during times of past crises branch) November 30, 1973, planned the public and at the end of the week and new beginnings. As the 610 cannot move forward. Mr. Salonen go gave as an of focus of the fast and promised to passed three articles of impeach prayed for Nixon and leaders of illustration this point enough fish to feed 610 recent political developments in fishing for ment. Not long afterwards, when Congress and the Supreme Court, fasters at the end of three days. transcripts of Presidential conver Europe, where Prime Ministers they will continue to pray for As events turned the sations was are often subservient to the legisla out, showed Nixon indeed America's new President, Gerald week chosen for the fast was a aware of the Watergate break-in Eord. ture and thetefore the govern ments cannot be stable. National Prayer and Fast truly "The President should not be tied Committee President Neil Salo to the internal struggles of Con nen briefed the fasters on July 19, he concluded. 1974, in Barrytown, New York. He explained further, "When "The underlying principle of this God gives His forgiveness. He whole demonstration is sacrifice. does it in an unconditional way. We must demonstrate a deeper Peace will never come about heart and more dedication than by one side clobbering the other; others who have come to the peace only comes through a per Capitol to demonstrate. Each one fected relationship between a Cain of you has come here with a deep figure." and an Abel commitment, but I expect that "It is a historical occasion you will leave with a deeper com when over 600 people make came." young mitment than when you a fast for he began.

Mr. Salonen explained ac "This is fantastic to make a fast

cording to the Divine Principle the for the purpose of a whole reason for supporting the Presi He urged the fasters to sing and dency. The functions of govern pray and do all things as if they ment in American are democracy were not fasting, and to seriously divided into legislative, executive, prav and summarize the purpose of

three- and judicial branches. These the fast before breaking it. functions are comparable to the "Your ancestors came to this

three main organs of the human nation as he continued,

body, the lungs, heart, and "and now your nation is in crisis, stomach, which function accord not fulfilling God's will. If we have ing to the directives of the btain. no clear view of our nation, and no

Ideally, in human society there clear view of our family, where can

should be smooth give and take America go? Because of the ptes-

among the legislative, executive, ent individualism, people don't

.,'A and judicial branches, centered on care about the nation of America. the will of God. But the executive (continued)


Now there is no tie between the official, or the President and his

nation and the family. Each indi family. Each senator and con vidual goes his own way, and each gressman was informed in advance family goes it own way, and each about the praver and fast vigil and nation its own invited to come out to meet the flow?" he- "Who will stem the person who was praying and fast challenged. "Christians as indi ing for him. Also, permission had

viduals and as groups do not have to be obtained from police and

this power. We are the only ones Secret Service and Parks Depart ment officials for the various ac who carry this destiny on our shoulders. Because of you, your tivities planned during the period. expectations will be ful Bv 11:00 a.m. Monday all ar filled." rangements were completed and

Reverend Moon recounted the 610 fasters arranged them how ethical decay and corruption selves on the central steps of the has been the cause of the fall of east front of the Capitol. Mr. and nations in the past. "This is going Mrs. Neil Salonen donned the

on in this he affirmed. placards of President Nixon and

positive- "But if people have a his wife Pat, and Mr. Salonen gave stimulus, maybe this will an opening speech before the fast He attributed the loss of faith ers, newsmen, congressmen, and in God and the rising indi passersby.

vidualism to the failure of Christi "Over 600 members of the

anity. "Therefore, God is raising National Praver and Fast Commit up spiritual groups to bring a new tee will be praying for congress tradition for the new future of men, senators. Cabinet members, have- Christianity. Bv 1977-78 we the President and his family, and

to fulfill this the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court," "You are making a tradition he began. Continuing future," for the he encouraged the with a history of the founding of fasters. "This is a great hope for the National Praver and Fast God. You are going to restore mo Committee with Reverend rality to God's standard. You will Moon's Watergate Statement and be the great champions to recon its subsequent action, he said, family. Be struct the heavenly "We ate detetmined to pray and cause of you, a new America shall fast on these steps for at least three

born." be days, so that God's spirit can move land." Washington, D.C. National in this Prayer and Fast Committee mem After recounting Nixon's bers had worked day and night in achievements in intetnational af preparation for these three days on fairs, Mr. Salonen expressed hope

the Capitol steps. About 560 post that our "acceptance of him as our

ers were silkscreened and iden brother will inspire him and his

tified with the photograph and workers to good leadetship. name of a senator, congressman, America can build a good society S S Cabinet member, Supreme Court (continued)

163 maintained feel the im by conscientious peo stand up for freedom together, around the world who will join you they could definitely their own lives knowing that we will be free one in the cause of the brotherhood of pact of prayer on day." "We hope that as a tesult of man and the fatherhood of God. and in their work.

our progress, God will make His The first of the fast was a Col. , who had just worth minute of day known," "It's every will Mr. Salonen con it!" typical and very hot finished a ten-city tour with the Mr. Salonen exclaimed at one sunny tinued. "We hope that God will Washington day. The lines back Celebration of Life program cal point in the three days. With each accept this sactifice and that it will and forth to the water jugs never ling Americans to a new spirit of succeeding day, congressmen and His presence to the Supreme ceased. But the sun descended bring love for God and Christ, joined the senators who came to speak to the the and the below the Capitol about Court, Ptesidency marchers. At the Lincoln Memor fasters expressed more amaze building Congress. 4:30 and brought welcome relief. ial he announced, "This is my ment that young people should be this Mr. The afternoon and evening of the Following speech, greatest day, walking down Con so dedicated to God and their Salonen led in an second brought intermittent opening prayer stitution Avenue with all of you. In country to sacrifice so much. Over day for the nation and its leaders. Con spirit hundreds and thousands of and over they stressed that if ever light rain, and the Capitol police gressman Tim of Lee Carter Ken brothers and sistets will join you. America needed prayers, it was allowed the fasters to retreat under also tucky addtessed the crowd: There are millions of people now. Many speakers stressed that the central portico to doze during "It gives me great pleasure to be

here today and to take part in this **"' * ~m ptayer for the people of America and the world. We return to the

principles that have made this country great Jesus Christ and his teachings. Let us put them into


Rabbi Baruch Korff of the Citizens Committee for Fairness to the Presidency briefly visited the opening ceremony and added, "I have come to declare my per sonal solidarity with these young people who are following the path of their forefathers who 198 years ago declared a day of prayer and fast." He pledged to fast for one day in the spirit of the demonstra tion.

There was little chance for boredom during the three days. Eighty-one congressmen and senators came out to briefly ad dress the fasters. Song and prayer services four or five times a day developed a deep spirit of love for America and her leaders and a strong desire for God's will to be come known and carried out in a

time of national crisis.

Monday evening the demon strators rode to the Washington

Monument fot a prayer service.

The next afternoon's activities in

cluded a march on foot the three miles from the Capitol Building to the Lincoln Memorial. The 610 marched and sang down Pennsyl vania Avenue, the traditional route of violent anti-war demonstrators, and Constitution Avenue. A color

guard and costumed dancers

dressed in period clothes of the revolutionary era added consider able interest to the parade.

At the Lincoln Memorial, a

candlelight service captured the

tradition of American visionaries

calling for a land of freedom and justice under God. At the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 Martin Luther King delivered his renowned "I dream" have a speech. "With this

faith," proclaimed the American

civil rights leader, "we will be able to hew out of the mountain of de

spair a stone of hope. With this

faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphonv of brotherhood. With this faith we

will be able to work together, to

pray together, to struggle to gether, to go to jail together, to

164 a Pastor Luke told the In foot-stomping , fast-moving testimony, revival audience that, "These people [the Unification Church] love God with a 24-hour sanctification. 1 took the advice of the Holy Spirit and Ijust humbled myself, and thesefolks taught me

a lesson. ... Don't hold yourselfaway from these people; they love the Lord.

After the Washington Monument prayer meeting, fasters marched down the hill to join a tent revival meeting being held Answer." by "Christ Is The Mr. Salonen had secured permis sionfor thefasters to join the tent meeting and so they surged in and up the aisle to the front, where many jumped up onto the stage along with the leaders ofthe revival. The two groups sang and prayed together.

At the Washington Monument , fasters assembled on the grassfor an inspiring sunset prayer meeting.

stu support the President and the House Committee the night. After this, the weather prayer and fast and told his help Judiciary about it. Five of them drove America be one nation under debates. More than 350 stories was kind. dents help through the night and arrived in God. "God is giving the U.S. a and/or photogtaphs appeared in Many tourists and employees Washington, D.C. about 8:00a.m. new he said, "to live newspapers throughout the Unit of the Capitol stopped to try to stayed for about four hours, under prayer, and to live in peace ed States. Overseas wire services listen to the singing, speeches, They carried photos and stories to observed the rally, and talked with and joy for many generations. This and prayers throughout the three Europe and which appeared Gary Fleischman, Unification can only be done through God's Asia, days, but the police consistently Church state representative in Mr. Seal met the fasters in print in Spain, France, Ger them to move on, prevent forced and Denmark. Television Kentucky. According to Gary they during their first evening's service many, the from a substan ing rally having coverage was were moved and inspired by their at the Washington Monument and extensive, especially tial impact on the minds of the the and last experience. joined in the remainder of the first days. Barbara passerby. visitors came even Some from prayer and fast. Walters interviewed Mr. Salonen away. was Heinz news teporters and One professor at Asbury farther One Mr. Howevet, and Susan Hughes on NBC-TV's Theological Seminary in Ken Seal from Germany. Last March photographers abounded because Today Show for five minutes on God told him to go to America to of the Supreme Court hearings and morning. tucky noticed a picture of the Thursday (continued)

165 Los Angeles Church of God pastor, William H. Luke, ad dressed the fasters at the Washington Monument "If you want to see our sin- sick land healed, God is the an swer! He promised, 'It my people who are called by my name hum ble themselves, and ptay and seek my face, and tutn ftom their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin land.' and heal their (II Chron.


Fasters ranged from the youngest, Jo-Ann Lurie (age 11) from New York, who told us, "I have never loved America before

now," as much as I do to the old est, Dorothy Haley (age 66) from Florida, "I now have many sons and daughters that I am very proud


The first night the House Judiciary Committee's hearings were open to the public, the fast- ers returned from the Lincoln Memorial to sing and pray in the

East courtyard . One reporter (Saul Kohler) covering the event must have been struck with the differ ence in atmosphere inside and outside and wrote, "It was pitch dark outside the

massive marble-and-granite Ray-

burn House Office Building. . .

and voices of six hundred persons still musty after two days with out food or sleep sang to the

glory of God and nation. . ..

"Outside, clearly it was nicer. The full foliage on the trees

blocked out the light of the mer cury vapor lamps, and if you have never heard the 'Star Spangled

Banner,' Beautiful,' 'America the

Republic' the 'Battle Hymn of the and 'A Generation of Righteous

under those conditions, you

life." haven't quite led a full The heavy atmosphete that had settled around Washington for the past two years during the in vestigations of the Watergate scandal pressed more heavily dur ing this critical week. The 610 gathered for fasting and prayer felt like representatives of all of America calling upon God for for giveness for this land and for gui dance for the leaders of America. Many received new visions of the mission of America and the depth

of God's personal love and care. as And praying was as natural duting those three days, breathing President and Mrs. Neil Salonen fast Congressman John whether led by and pray for President and Mrs. as Ware, or at 6:00 in the morning Richard Nixon. prepared to begin the fasters the tent another day, or under big Answet" Church members not come with the "Christ is the The Unification did for comfort, did the in crusade. Throughout day, not come for the relaxation, did not come here for games. We are dividuals and groups sat quietly here to give ourselves, to be summoned for this cause of sacrifice, Bible ot prayed and studied the so that we shall be used on the altar of God, so that God might save quietly as well. this world. Sun Myung Moon September 15, 1974 TheWay of theWorld

July/August 1974

166 but I've / have so far met many Senators and Congressmen, that never found a single man who was really patriotic in such a way the he would think about the future of this nation without considering of how to opposition in power. On the contrary, each was thinking patriotic remain in his position longer. Some of them, of course, are anxious to and think this nation is faced with great peril. They are thinks save this nation, butthey think, "Well, I'm the only person who nation?"up. like this; how can one person save this So they give Before it is too late, those who are really anxious about this nation nation. must be mobilized and rise in a common effort to save this Sun Myung Moon February 23, 1975

astor William H. Luke shares his heart at a Washington Monument prayer ervice.

Answer" Button and American asters lead in singing and prayer in the "Christ is the tent on the Washington Monument grounds. flag pin worn by fast participants.

167 a@ si

WEARim nifty |j

Once we awaken to God's way of life and return to Him to the absolute degree that He expects of us, then we shall truly see that all the problems of this country will dissolve. Greatjoy and happiness will blossom in this land and through this nation the rest of the world will have hope. Sun Myung Moon October 8, 1974

' the hurt in our nationfrom Mr. Salonen askedfasters to pray to God 'to keep our national character and turning into bitterness, to lead us to rebuild image in His

168 169 .,..-...... v,...~m .,,,,




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170 If America goes on like this any longer, then the youth will be ruined, and this nation will perish. Already "America has no future "is ****s the view of the people. If this nation is going to be saved at all, it is the youth who will do thejob. But you look at the facts: the young people in this country are being corrupted, moral decay prevails here and there is family disintegration. You have no notion of what your country means to you. If you remember your Puritan forefathers who erected this nation, and realize that all their work is being destroyed, then won't you mobilize yourself now to fight against the negative power and rebuild this nation? Sun Myung Moon February 16, 1975

All of today's problems the world problems, national problems, social problems, and the problems of each individual come from one thing: everyone thinks only of himself. We forget that God created us to serve others and others to fulfill our own lives. Sun Myung Moon October 8, 1974

Mr. David S.C. Kim wears placard for attorney James St. Clair.


East Cat itch. St


OCTOBER 2 8 ? 19 7 4 A July22 KEPOKTER. IN WASHINGTON D.C. Monday morning. A bright, III~5UMMEI\ NOTE5 the debate on the articles. Nobody clear not too warm. seems to have a clear idea of just what day Jenner's deputy, Sam Garrison, a thir This is the week that will form the debate will take. The process ty -two-year-old Virginia attorney and have been. the end of the is still invented as it goes along. By week, former member of Vice-President Ag being to the House This on the steps of the according Judiciary ue w's staff, to prepare an anti-impeach morning, Committee's it will have Neil president of the predictions, ment argument. He will present it to Capitol, Salonen, voted on articles of impeachment. Over National Prayer and Fast the committee this morning. The Pres Committee, the members of the commit conference. He is weekend, ident has now been in San Clemente is holding a press tee have been the articles vacation."a red button that says "NA considering for ten days, on a wearing "working FAST," offered the staff last and TIONAL PRAYER AND and an by Friday, According to his aides, he has been tak the three-hundred-and-six- pin is in his lapel. A few studying ing long walks on the beach, swim American-flag page of the case presented dozen people are with and he says summary ming, and working on the economy. him, that same John the spe that six hundred are expected. The day by Doar, His aides, meanwhile, have been con cial counsel to the committee. Doar committee was founded in late 1973 tinuing their attacks on the committee. by recommended that President Nixon be the Reverend Sun the Following up the accusation by Ron Myung Moon, impeached. Albert the minori evangelist from Korea whose followers Jenner, Ziegler, his press secretary, that Doar joined Doar in this rec court,"been for the President ty counsel, had conducted a "kangaroo have turning up Since on the at crucial moments since then. At ommendation. Jenner, Dean Burch, a Presidential counsellor, Rabbi ground of his own belief, had refused called the committee's proceedings "a twelve-fifteen, Mr. Salonen says, to jurisprudence." will arrive and express present the case against impeach black spot on Burch Baruch Korff with this group. The White ment, the committee Republicans asked added that the President himself solidarity worked with Rabbi thought the committee had acted un House has closely him organize his Na fairly. Within the next few days, the Korff, helping tional Citizens Committee for Fairness Supreme Court is expected to rule on to the Most of the people the question of whether the President Presidency. THE NEW YORKER on the Capitol steps with Mr. must surrender the tapes subpoenaed standing OCTODER 14, 19 74 by Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski. Salonen are young, wearing heavy suits with flags in their lapels. Most of During the noon recess today, the com Outside the and them stand hotel, it is chilly mittee Democrats will caucus to plan very quietly, looking intent. raining. Near the door on Michigan This group has an ascetic look a look Avenue are picketers with signs saying of religiosity and apartness. They look NIXON," "IMPEACH "NIXON PAY neither like the anti-war demonstrators

TAXES," CROOK." YOUR "NIXON IS A nor like the clean-cut young Nixonians Someone in this group is playing a tuba. who turned up at the 1972 Republi Across the street in Grant Park, dem can Convention shouting "Four more

years!" onstrators are carrying neatly lettered Members of the Prayer and

AMERICA" signs that say "GOD BLESS Fast Committee will maintain a three-

NIXON." and "GOD LOVES Many day prayer vigil this week for individual of them are also waving red-white- members of Congress, hoping, Mr. and-blue paper pennants that say Salonen says, that "God's will will be

PRESIDENT," revealed" "SUPPORT OUR "GOD to them. Under questioning,

AMERICA," LOVES and "GOD LOVES one of several public-relations repre

NIXON." A man, using a bullhorn, is sentatives of the Prayer and Fast Com leading them in a singsong chant: mittee says, "Many people feel that it is America." "God Loves They are fol God's will that the President should not impeached." lowers of the Reverend Sun Myung be Moon, the evangelist from Seoul, The striking thing is how little Korea, whose trucks circled Lafayette demonstrating over this issue this is Park blaring prayers for the President sue that was to inflame public pas after he fired Archibald Cox, and sions there has been. Aside from the whose followers have been turning up people on the Capitol steps, hardly any Christmas- for the President at a one is here, and Rabbi Korff and Rev tree lighting, at a prayer breakfast, at erend Moon do not, to put it politely, crucial moments ever since. One of seem to represent great masses of

Americans. And no one on them, a young man in his twenties, tells is marching me that the Reverend Moon has about the Capitol for impeachment. There three hundred and fifty followers in seems to be some unspoken understand Chicago. He says that the man with the ing that marching is not in order. And bullhorn came to Chicago from Wash many Americans seem not to care, or ington to organize this demonstration. figure that the politicians will or will

who not handle are on The man with the bullhorn, ap it. Many vacation, or are home about pears to be in his mid-thirties, is staring worrying inflation. And so the is not as so intently at the Hilton and seems lost in country being, apart" his chant. He changes the chant to many predicted, "torn by the President." "Support the question of impeachment.

172 (Stye Jfatrftork $ime$


Nixon Backers Begin Fast and Prayer Vigil at Capitol

WASHINGTON, July 22 come to Washington for a [AP) About 350 supporters week of rallies and anti-im of President Nixon gathered peachment efforts by the Cit an the steps of the Capitol izens Committee for Fairness today to begin what they said to the President. would be a 72-hour fast and Rabbi Baruch M. Korff, prayer session. chairman of the citizens com Standing beneath Ameri- mittee, briefly addressed the :an flags and signs saying Capitol rally, saying the Nixon," 'God Bless President group was emulating the the crowd heard speeches de "founding fathers who, 198 crying the impeachment pro years ago, declared a day of fasting." ceedings against Mr. Nixon prayer, a day of as no solution to the "Water "Now that we are under

morality." gate going a crisis of the gravest "We should take note that dimensions, it is incumbent both Hitler and Lenin took upon us to seek spiritual di

guidance," power on the heels of lead vine he said. ers made impotent by con founded in January by the straints upon their office and Rev. Sun Myung Moon, head support," lack of cohesive of the Unification Church of said Neil Salonen, president America. Mr. Moon, a Ko of the National Prayer and rean, sponsored several weeks Fast Committee. of pro-Nixon activities in the The organization, which capital earlier in the year. claims a nationwide member Mr. Salonen said that some ship of about 25,000, was of those at the Capitol had

Neil Salonen, president of the National Prayer and Fast Committee, and his wife on the steps of the Capitol yesterday as they began their demonstration.


TUESDAY. JULY 23, 1974

the Capitol to launch a 72- marks to the gathering.

and prayer vigil you' hour fast in "God bless you for what Pro-Nixon support the President. re doing. Your right motives

continued," Rabbi Korff said his doctor should be said would allow him to fast for Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska). one with the Vigil only day young He told a reporter his re Fast, who have organized people, marks were addressed to the themselves as the National emphasis of the young people Prayer and Fast Committee Launched on prayer and that no political for their current effort. implications should be "read Last week's nationwide Citi into it."

Marjorie Hyer zens' By Congress of Rabbi Washington Post Staff Writer Korff's organization saw the Each member of the vigil 300" Rabbi Baruch Korff and fol involvement of "close to wore a professionally pre lowers of the Korean evangel of the youthful Moon follow pared sandwich board with ist, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. ers, according to Janet Cook, the name and photograph of a joined forces in defense of who answered the telephone member of Congress, the Cabi President Nixon, yesterday "as in Rabbi Korff's office but net or the Nixon family under the time nears for the vote on identified herself as "with the the legend: "I am praying for impeachment. National Prayer and Fast Com

mittee." The rabbi, founder of the In addition, colorful plac National Citizens Committee As the fast and prayer vigil ards exhorted passers-by to Congress" for Fairness to the Presidency, of the young people got under "Fray for and "solidarity" Furture." proclaimed his way yesterday some 20 mem "Pray for America's president of the National "We do not think the Presi impeached," with several hundred young bers of Congress slipped out The placards did not specifi Prayer and Fast Committee, dent should be he followers of Mr. Moon who at intervals during the after cally mention the impeach Inc., made it clear where the told a visitor. took over the east steps of noon to address informal re ment issue but Neil Salonen, group stands on the question.

173 Washington StarHems


Star-News Photographer Wa

Supporters of President Nixon on the impeachment issue spend the night on the Capitol steps. Nixon Backers Keep Capitol Vigil

Committee of Fairness to the Presiden no arrests the night. By Lance Gay during cy. and Gloria Borger Earlier this month, members of the members of the Star-News Staff Writers Early today, group Vietnam Veterans Against the War/ the vigil at the Capitol had maintaining Winter Soldiers Movement were forced East Steps of the Capitol were The unrolled bags and blankets and sleeping to leave their encampment on the Mall into impromptu pews as turned today were on the cold white marble dozing because were in violation 300 persons clustered together in they sleeping about steps in a position. sitting of National Park Service Regulations prayer for national unity on the second , executive director of However, U.S. Capitol Police Chief day of a three-day fast and vigil to show James Powell said there are no specific support and concern for the President the group, said U.S. Capitol Police had Nixon," statues regulations for demon 'God Bless Richard read one told the group it couldn't camp on the outlining steps and would to remain strations on Capitol grounds which of the signs carried by a follower of the Capitol have come under the jurisdiction of Congress Rev. Sun Myung Moon's National awake. people are to and not the National Park Service. Prayer and Fast Committee "Let he "So a lot of trying sleep up," Fefferman said. "We do not have the right to who is without sin among you cast sitting legally stone," evict demonstrators for other first read another. anything POLICE WATCHED the crowd as than if they interfere with the orderly Congress," THE GROUP maintained the vigil they walked their regular beats around conduct of the business of throughout the night after marching to the Capitol, and occasionally would re Powell explained. the Washington Monument and the mind protest leaders that sleeping on "As long as they police themselves, steps was White House yesterday with Rabbi Ba the Capitol not permitted. don't litter or become public nuisances

police this reported . . ruch Korff's contingent of the National However, morning they have their First Amendment

174 demonstrate," rights to and the Supreme weeks ago to stay he Court two chose Rep. Richard Boiling, D-Mo. a* said. "If sit and hear arguments on President's they pray without dis the the congressman he was praying for. I don't know of law refusal to give tape the turbing anying, any recording to "I'm praying that God will work to use pertaining that they would be vio special prosecutor's office. through him, that he will become an lating. is vague." Everything pretty extension of God's arm ... so he will THE VIGIL began with a decision," Pan- POWELL NOTED that the law which yesterday make a God-centered "prayer breakfast" Korff. forbade demonstrations at the Capitol addressed by stein said. grounds was declared unconstitutional "Just as our Founding Fathers de in a May, 1972 U.S. District Court rul clared a day of fast 198 years ago, so do "I'M PRAYING in general that all I commend com ing. Before that ruling, only the Sepaker these young people for Congress will seek the will of God in this guidance," of the House or the Vice President of the mitting themselves to divine (impeachment) matter," said Robert Korff told the in an appearance could give special permis group Herring, 23, of Miami, Fla. "God can sion for greeted with applause and song. demonstrations and that was use this Congress in any manner He Armed with a brown paper usually during national holidays or mile-long wants to keep him (Nixon) in office or scroll a pro-Nixon petition here," inaugurations. containing do what he wants done said Her Decide," The vigil and "Let God and "God Loves group had sent a letter to ring, who opposes impeachment. Nixon" demonstrators Speaker of the House Carl Albert re placards, the Mark Hickler, 23, of Boston, said he heard Neil of the Na cently requesting permission for its Salonen, president also opposes impeachment of Nixon. "In prayer tional Prayer and Fast Committee, say, session and fast on the East my personal opinion, I don't mink it's "We should take that Hitler Steps. note both God's will. The office of the president is Some and Lenin took power on the heel of respected," Vietnam veterans, however, something that has to be he made constraints were unhappy last night that members leaders impotent by said. of the National Prayer and Fast Com upon their office and lack of cohesive Peggy Sanborn, a member of KorfTs support" mittee were sleeping on the steps and group from Dearborn, Mich., said, "If complained to the police, who then Each in the group had picked a con we have one theme in this whole thing, ordered their group leaders to keep gressman, Cabinet member or a Su it would have to be lov. We must love members awake. preme Court justice to pray for in oar President and we must be aware The police action was in generally said, that God would make that his mistakes are not worth pulling hopes, they for." with the U.S. Capitol Police line way them reach righteous decisions. our country apart handled lines of people who gathered at Bill Ponstein, 23, of Kansas City, Mo.

Mr. Salonen shows fasters the Siat-News' Washington frontpage story on their vigil. The accompanying photograph shows fasters dozing on the Capitol steps late Monday night.



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175 The daily News

TARRYTOWN, NY. Tuesday, July 23, 1974

PRO-NIXON VIGIL - Members Monday on the Capitol steps in Wash committed anything wrong that was not done other presidents. AP of an organization supporting Presi ington Rabbi Baruch Korff, who by Photo. dent Nixon begin a three-day vigil heads the group, said Nixon has not IMPEACHMENT

According to the volunteer, the members of the prayer and fast committee consist of followers of Mr. Moon and Rabbi sect Baruch M. Korff, founder of the Committee for Fairness to the Unification and author of a recent book on Mr. Nixon. The President church followers come from Unification centers throughout the country, the volunteer said, and they met in Tarrytown before making the trip to Washington. Each participant in the fast is wearing a sandwich board spearheading bearing the name and picture of a. government official, the volunteer said. The vigil began on the east steps of the Capitol and eight members of Congress addressed the demonstrators, pro-Nixon according to the volunteer. fast Many demonstrators carried American flags and signs Nixon." saying "God Bless President Speakers decried the A prayer and fast vigil supporters of Presi three-day by impeachment proceedings as no solution to the "Watergate dent Nixon who belong to a committee organized by the Rev. Sun founder of Unification Church on South Myung Moon, Neil Salonen, acting president of Unification, said, "We is in D.C. Broadway in Tarrytown, underway Washington, should take note that both Hitler and Lenin took over on the members National Prayer and Fast More than 500 of the heels of leaders made impotent by constraints upon their Committee, one for each congressman and cabinet member, office and lack of cohesive began their fast Monday at 10 a.m., according to a volunteer headquarters From 1 to 2 the volunteer the demonstra who was manning telephones at the committee's p.m., continued, in Washington today. tors participated in a motorized and walking parade from the capitol Constitution Avenue According to a press release read by the volunteer, the along marchers stayed at the V, until theme of the vigil is to promote "Congressional sensitivity to The hington Monument 7 this p.m and then paraded to the ellipse. at 8:30 p.m. the God's guidance on crucial decisions facing Congress Starting demonstrators stood vigil outside the White House and then The statement is appparently a reference to the House returned to the capitol steps to for the night, the impeachment articles which are due for action by the they sleep Judiciary Committee in the near future, the volunteer said. volunteer said.

176 Me yftlaforipfife Inquirer Oldest Daily Newspaper in the United States Founded 1771

Wednesday, July 24, 1974

Songs at Capitol Open Vigil to Back Nixon

sis," By LAURA BERMAN said Albert Salonen, the will come from uncovering

inquirer Washington Bureau corruption," group's president. "We can said Dan Feffer

WASHINGTON - Six hun not for a moment condone man, the group's executive dred supporters of the Presi director. placing politics above moral dent unfurled flags and sang ity by any of our nation's "We are committed to the on the steps of the Capitol leaders. But on the other moral regeneration of the na Monday in the opening event hand, we know our democ tion not just Watergate but of a vigil for na three-day in racy requires a strong and the roots of decay that caused tional unity. Presidency." dependent Watergate." "Let He Who Is Without Sin wore a sand As caravans of supporters Among You Cast the First Salonen, who Stone," wich sign with a picture demonstrators al read one sign. "God board unloaded, Nixon," of President on said he on the Capitol steps Bless Richard read the it, ready Mr. Nixon in cheered and applauded. another. would pray for next few days. His wife The "America Most of the are mem the group sang group Beautiful" Nixon. and "The Star bers of the American Prayer will pray for Pat the Banner" with tears and Fast Committee for the Each member of the group Spangled Watergate Crisis, founded will be praying for a specific and smiles. Supreme Court Several speakers addressed last year by the Rev. Sun congressman, Rabbi Baruch Myung Moon, Korean minis Justice, or Cabinet member. the crowd. National ter. Their message, they say, is Korff, who heads the Citizens' Fair Their theme is "Forgive, more spiritual than political. Committee for love, unite." "The damage impeachment ness to the Presidency, led Lord's "We all feel mixed emo would do to the country is the group in the tions about the Watergate cri greater than the good that Prayer.

UNITE,' 'FORGIVE, LOVE AND don't impeach, urge mxatB these supporters of President Nixon as they con ftc Angela tinue their fast and vigil Tuesday on the Capitol

*** steps. usGesrcBcuwuow am. wsr, t Mi*r+ ouLt, lzhj** The youngsters are members of the Unifica tion Church International, founded by the Rev. Sun Moon of South Korea. of the youths Tuesday, July 23, 1974 Myung Many are holding up placards with photographs of mem bers of Congress, imploring them to vote against 350 Nixon Supporters Fast, Pray impeachment.

WASHINGTON UP) that both Hitler and Lenin pro-Nixon activities in the dergoing a crisis of the inantly young and white. took power on the heels of capital earlier in the year. gravest it is Ron Gunnell, 22, a college About 350 supporters of dimensions, leaders made impotent by Salonen said some of incumbent upon us to seek student from Santa Ana, gathered President Nixon, guidance," constraints upon their of those at the Capitol had spiritual divine Calif, said that he felt he the Capitol on the steps of fice and lack of cohesive come to Washington for a he said. Rabbi Korffs re should take part in the support," anti- too Monday to begin what Neil Salonen, week of rallies and marks were met with ap fast "because many 72- of National people have they said would be a president the impeachment efforts by plause and cheering from already hour fast and prayer ses Prayer and Fast Commit the Citizens Committee for some of the tourists who passed, sentence on Pres sion. tee, said. Fairness to the President. paused to watch the rally. ident Nixon. beneath Ameiv Rabbi Baruch "A lot of us are "here be Standing Korff, Salonen said each mem flags and signs that The organization, which chairman of the fairness cause we're worried about ican ber of the group had been President claims a nationwide mem ad what this will do to the said, "God Bless committee, briefly assigned a member of Con country," Nixon," crowd heard of about 25,000, dressed the Capitol rally, said the bership gress to for. "We are Gunnell, the" pray im- in was emu who stood in midst of a speeches was founded January saying the group the decrying praying that God will be Rev. Sun fath of e a chment proceedings by the Myung the group young persons p lating "founding with them as they near of with against Mr. Nixon as no Moon, head the Unifica ers who, 198 years ago, de signs. their critical decision . . press?" "Watergate tion Church of America. clared a of prayer, a "Who elected the solution to the day he said. morality." Mr. Moon, a Korean, spon day of fasting. one sign said. "Let God de The was predom cide," "We should take note sored several weeks of "Now that we are un group another said.

177 Senators and Congressmen visit the rally and meet the person praying for them

"None of us try to direct our "Our founding fathers came to prayer other than that right shallpre this country often because they were de vail. We take a solemn oath that we nied the right to pray as they wished. shall render impartialjustice. At our They had a prayer before they got off

their ships. ... placed their des family prayer service at the breakfast They Creator." in the hands their table every morning we close our tiny of prayers, 'Trust in the Lord with all Cong. John Myers, Indiana thine heartandlean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways ac knowledge Him and He shalldirect thy '

paths. ' 7 greatly admire and respect the Sen. ("harks Percy, Illinois love of your country that has brought you here. I want to assure each of you that I will make nojudgments until we

have all the evidence. "Let me thank you on behalf of Sen. Alan Cranston, California the other 37 members of the House Judiciary Committee we need your prayers now more than ever in our deliberations. I thank Reverend Moon "You brought we for what he is doingfor the people of something this nation and the world. need enthusiasm. Also, you have the 81 congressmen and senators Among who visited the and met the Cong. Charles Rangel, New somethingwe need a deep respectand rally person praying for them were Cong. Seiberling (above) and Cong. Zion (below). York faith in God. I receive theprayers you " are offeringfor me with deep thanks. Cong. John Wydler, New York

"Thejob is monumental / need

all the prayerpossible. It will require all the wisdom man has, bolstered by " "We congressmen have been re divine guidance. Cong. Mario Biaggi, New York ceiving letters, often with a rock, which read, 'He that is without sin among ' you lethim cast thefirststone. All ofus

need the strength that comes from


"Tllprayforallofyou. I'm glad Cong. Garner Shriver, Kansas Ifound the person who is prayingfor

Cong. Henry Reuss, Wisconsin

"The thing that inspires me more than anything else is the prayers ofthe "/ think the three most powerful people in my district. I reallyfeel it is love words in English are for our " the thing that enables me to go on. prayerforthe nation andeach other, Cong. Marjorie Holt, Maryland future, and freedom the desire for "

continuedfreedom . Cong. Ralph Regula, Ohio

like I am ' "/ hope you are hungry 7 had somepractice sleeping sif "We have so many blessings, we for truth andfair play. If there ever too. I don't ting up, know aboutfast haven't thanked God enough. I pray, a time in the our nation was history of ing, but I do know about praying. 'God, I don't ask you for anything world that we need a real " "I don't believe that there has or the Thank you much. very more, just let me keep what I have a time. ' or memor spiritual revival, now is the Ask been anything more exciting Cong. Albert Quie, Minnesota little longer. Forty-nine countries exorcise the in the hearts than you all on these God, to hate of able to me seeing changed hands last year. Time was and thatvacuum with God's must the most construc people fill steps. This be when people would fortheirlead ' pray am satisfied that been a great them." tive effort to put this on the love. I if happens, 'You have inspira country ers instead of condemn " thatthefuture this nation is secure. tion to all rightfooting again. of of Cong. Bill Archer, Texas Cong. Bill Young, Florida Cong. Donald Clancy, Ohio Cong. Tennyson Guyer, Ohio

178 Representative Gene Snyder

National Prayer and Fast Committee

Marjorie S. Holt (left) and Rep. Gene Snyder (above) meet and speak to the fasters at the Capitol steps.

"Although I came here yesterday, "I don't know ifyou know what I just can't stay away. This sort of it means when you people come and patriotic enthusiasm does catch hold of visit our office. You don't know how me. One congressman said at a very much your prayers mean to us. It is high level meeting what an exciting ex very difficult to make decisions some help." perience he hadthis morning. I came by times, and your prayers do to see how you are bearing up. You are Cong. Angelo Roncallo, New doing very well. Maybe we should all York do that. We must be positive, we must

" be confident. Cong. Earl Landgrebe, Indiana "There is nothing wrong with this country that a good, old-fashioned re vival won't cure. Almost every Sun ' I can 'You are like a warm embrace. It day be found in a church, no matter what is very difficult unless you have people denomination, speaking " about God. I to the like you around. belong congres Cong. George O'Brien, Illinois sional prayer breakfast and my wife often speaks to prayer groups. Stand by God and your beliefs, and we can beaten." "/ think it is a marvelous thing not be you all are doing praying for this Cong. John Hunt, New Jersey country. We all need it, notjust mem

Congress." bers of Smith New Cong. Henry III, "It is a pleasure for us to come

York over and visit you. Prayer for this

country and all the people around the world should be on the lips and hearts "I believe that we are one nation each one us. It's good to be with under God, and that God listens. I of of believe ourprayers will be answered if we but listen. I think that with God's Cong. Bill Chappell, Florida help our nation will remain strongand be a beacon of light to freedom-loving

' people around the "Continue to remember You bring clear air to America, us as we "George Washington laid the Cong. Chalmers Ohio somewhat polluted Washington. go about our difficult work. I promise Wylie, to a cornerstone ofthis Capitol. The British You are for us and we will you, we will come with some an praying up burned it. It was rebuilt because of the swers that will makeyouproud your pray for of faith thepeople. We needfaith in this " of Cong. John Zwach, Minnesota nation. "Thank you for your love and land. Cong. Victor Veysey, California faith. It is one ofthe evidences ofwhat Cong. Mark Andrews, North is right in America and with a great Dakota ' 'Please tell all theyoungpeople I Christian movement. Thank you for admire their determination and to giving us a demonstration we can be "You are clad in the please up the work. armor of a proud The of theWorld keep ' ' Way Cong. Charles Wiggins, Cali righteous cause. Cong. Barber Conable, New fornia Cong O.C. Fisher, Texas York July/August 1974

179 What will naturally happen is that if the Christian ideology is corrupted, conflict will come about in the political system, too. Since your homes are established under the Christian ideology and every social system is established under the Christian ideology, if the Christian ideology declines there will come about disunity and disharmony in your families, in any group or organization. Sun Myung Moon August 25, 1974

PR sister Yoshiko Toyomura briefs Dr. Sheftick on Congressmen and Senators expected to come out to speak to the group and to meet the person praying and fasting for them.

r* I

Laurie Carlson from National Headquarters won the heart of Congressman Earl Landgrebe ofIndiana, who later sent her this picture. Congressman Landgrebe was responsible was subsequently the Senators and Congressmen to address the group Among for getting us a room in the Longworth House Office Building to Illinois Senator Charles Percy, who said, "We in the Senate and hold a Capitol Hill reception for the International on the power Leadership in the House place a great deal of importance of Seminar students when visited Washington. than the they prayer. We think that prayer is mightier

180 Media coverage

Mr. Salonen described media cover event. age of the fast as "really and Among the many newspapers and papers all across the nation carried pictures news magazines who sent their own repor and articles about the three-day vigil, and ters to cover the vigil were Time, News many television stations and all three week, New Republic, U.S. News & World broadcasting networks showed film of the Report, New Yorker, Washingtonian, event and described it in their newscasts. Chicago Sun, Knight Newspapers (a chain Both Associated Press and United Press of 50 papers), Congressional Press, Bos International carried pictures and stories ton Globe. Kansas City Star, Village on the fast which were reprinted by many Voice, Philadelphia Bulletin, Chicago member newspapers across the nation. In Sun-Times, Cleveland Plain Dealer, and addition, many of the major metropolitan and Star-News. newspapers maintains Washington bureau Theodore H. White, author of The and thus had men already in the city who Making of the President, came to the interview Mr. Salonen. could easily be dispatched to report on the Capitol steps to *v >v August 29, 1974

181 : ,ii'.

182 Why are they here?

Like all other people they have parents, brothers and sisters and children, and the home they can go anytime to rest.

They are not crying for hunger, they are not crying for clothes, nor are they crying for individual unhappiness.

Also, indeed, they are not crazy people.

Then, why, the six hundred people like crazy people cry out in the streets without shame and without eating?

This country, America has great origin in its building, and proud history, and today, she was given the responsibility of a guide for the world.

However, the leaders and the citizens of this country leaving from God, truth and its mission, forgot the true meaning of true freedom and democracy wondering in degradation and bewilderment of ideas.

Accordingly, the future of this country, America, is at stake, tomorrow's democratic world is in peril, and the future of the world and its way of history is in danger.

Therefore, they are praying without eating, under the hot sun and pouring cold rain, look up to heaven and appealing.

They are crying out, to the leaders of America, to the citizens of America, to repent, forgive, love and unite.

Therefore, to safeguard the great tradition of this country, America, to take up the great mission for the establishment of the ideal world, they are appealing.

Now, even at this moment, it's not late, it's not late.

July 24, 1974

Kwang-yol Yoo

Director of Cultural Department Unification Church of Korea

183 FLF Secretary General Dan Fefferman held a flashlight for Mr. Salonen as he read a sennce. passage from the Bible to assembled fasters and guests at the candlelight

184 "When you cry, you're not crying for mankind," yourself but for America and Dr. Sheftick had told the fasters. Father ' called these 'tears ofHOPE, shed notfor ' ' himself butfor God and his lost brother.

Wednesday night, the final night of the fast, a serious and reverent atmosphere prevailed as the candlelight service opened at the jYe&MvpitjY&m Pool. Reflecting August 29. 1974

185 The Arizona Republic

Phoenix, Arizona, Tuesday. July 2 4, I*)74

Washington staff said. into the Capitol entrance. want God's will to gov "We The prayer vigil began Capitol support im demonstrators ern. not We do Monday. The demonstrators peachment. Wc feel that agreed to go through the day would weaken the presidency with only water to drink and the position of the presi call for faith and no solid food. One girl faint love dency." ed but the group "held up United Press International If Nixon has done some really well, fantastically

well," thing wrong, she said, "then Miss Schneps said. let God." - him repent to WASHINGTON A young, through their three-day "Na Many of the crowd held up well-scrubbed crowd spread tional Prayer and crowd seemed Fast for The to be photographs of Crisis." placards with over the east front of the the Watergate college age mostly young members of Congress. "I am Capitol and with men Tuesday mostly in suits, young plac They contend impeachment praying for . . The hymns and prayers asked women in dresses or slacks, of President Nixon is the ard would say, and then the America to solve Watergate most of them holding plac identification of answer and want picture and problems with faith and love. wrong they ards. members of Congress to a congressman, different for unite." followed. The youngsters, members "forgive, love, and Capitol police kept the each placard, or supporters of the Unifica crowd inside yellow ropes decide." tion Church International "Impeachment is a very and stanchions so that an "Let God some thing," De- founded by the Rev. Sun difficult complex aisle remained open f o r signs said. "God will bless Nixon." Myung Moon, were midway nise Schneps of the church's tourists to climb the steps President |e tete|fjt|jt0tt ftet

WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1974 Flag-Waving Crowd of 350 Marches to

By Jane Rippeteau the Capitol to the Lincoln tive. . .and leave it open for Back President Washington Post Staff Writer Memorial. Communist inroads. Even if the

Each member of the main President is guilty, the crime of Inspired by patriotism and re body of marchers wore a which he is guilty does not merit impeachment." ligious fervor, a flag-waving, sandwich board with a photo who heads a sub placard-wearing contingent of graph of a congressman, senator, Bowman, committee mem 350 young persons marched in Cabinet member or member of group of eight sandwich Washington yesterday afternoon the President's immediate family bers and who carried a to advertise their belief that God and proclaimed that the wearer board for Sen. Strom Thurmond, person. "I'm here can help America out of a cur was praying for the (R.S.C.) continued, that rent moral crisis. Some marchers openly op to pray for Sen. Thurmond, "Now is the time for America posed the impeachment of Presi he will turn back to God com to renew her faith in her motto. dent Nixon. Others said that the pletely. God is absolute, eternal 'In God We Trust', blared a loud political issues were not the and unending. He has all the speaker from the first in a parade motivation for their actions. of about 50 vans that followed "I don't think it (impeach The impetus for the three-day of Mr. the marchers. "God is the one ment) is in the best interests vigil came directly from to who has the the said Dan G. Fef Moon, according Gary Yesterday's march took place ferman, 25, executive director of Brown, one of the committee's representatives. "Rev. on the second day of a three-day the vigil committeee, who car media of started it because God fast and prayer vigil by the Na ried a placard for Secretary Moon this message to tional Prayer and Fast Commit State Henry Kissinger. told him to bring America," he said. tee, and a group formed at the "We have faith in the Con Korean direction of the gress to make the right decision Mr. Moon, who, according to Rev. Sun is in New York and evangelist, the Myung and we're praying God will Fefferman, with Moon, in conjunction guide them to make the right de will not attend the vigil since he Rabbi Baruch Korff's group Should Congress vote is a foreign citizen, founded the Citizens called the National for impeachment, Fefferman Unification Church International Fairness to the 1959. Committee for says, "then we'll have to pray in Korea in In late 1973, Senate." Presidency. for the he began a speaking tour of

well- advocate the im American cities, Ameri The marchers were "We don't urging Nixon," President cans to forgive misdeeds dressed and had traveled from peachment of among officials and event. said Jackson Bowman, 28, of its high to trust in around the country for the chanted North Carolina. "It's from a God. They sang, clapped and anti- standpoint and an He has said that in the motto scattered bemused moral to tourists, Trust" Communist standpoint. It (im "In God We lies Ameri construction workers and exas would undermine ca's to survival and proper Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) talks tu backers of perated motorists along their peachment) key the execu ty- President Nixon as held prayer on steps. Constitution Avenue route from the power of group rally Capitol



Washinpton Starlkuis


Nixon Backers End 72-Hour Vigil Today

thing," march at the Reflecting kind of said Shellie Undaunted by a night of Pool followed by a rally at Orngard, 24, of New York light rain showers, more the White House. who claimed onlookers than 200 members of the City, Each member of the pro have been enthusiastic National Prayer and Fast test has been assigned a about their efforts. Committee continued their congressman, cabinet mem Most of the young people spiritual embrace of the ber or Supreme Court jus in the demon East Steps of the Capital participating tice to pray for. Yesterday, stration claim they're not today in support of Presi some of the congressmen but dent Nixon. political enthusiasts, got to see the protesters interested in prompt The mostly young and rather who were God to spiritual well-scrubbed followers of asking ing the country's them. the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's help identity. glad that some fella Unification Church were al "I'm "I'm not interested in for politics," PRAYER lowed to last night over there is praying partisan said sleep me," Associated Press Wlrephoto Herman Tal- under the portico of the said Sen. Laurie Toker, 23, from East Steps as they prepared madge, D-Ga., after wading Montclair, N.J., "I just Still a final day of rallying con through the crowd on the want to let people know that Praying gressmen to national unity. steps. "I appreciate it, you I think you can't pass judg Supporters of President Nixon, wearing posters depicting: The 72-hour demonstra know. These days, people ment on any man and do to various Congressmen, pray and fast on steps of Capitol as tion was to end today with a need all the prayer they can him what has been done to

get." House Judiciary Committee prepares to open impeachment S p.m. parade to Lincoln Mr. Nixon. This country has debate. Vigil was organized by supporters of the Rev. San Memorial, where a prayer "So many people have to turn back to the central Myung Moor of South Korea and Rabbi Baruch Korff's service was slated, and told us that it's wonderful to values upon which it was founded." National Committee for Fairness to the Presidency. then a 9 p.m. candlelight see young people doing this

187 The Christian Science Monitor


WEDNESDAY. JULY 24, 1 9-74

DIVINE GUIDANCE URGED IN IMPEACHMENT the By Associated Press Reference avoided Judiciary Committee who is thought to vote for impeachment. But participants In the activities likely Washington Tuesday avoided any specific refer President Nixon and an impeach ence to how thought Congress they Prayers appreciated ment-conscious Congress are the ob should vote on the question of whether prayers as jects of an effort said to be aimed at "We certainly need your Mr. Nixon should be Impeached. deliberate," Rangel told the assuring that "God be at the center of we Mr. Signs held aloft the group de all by thoughts and actions in our govern America." group. clared: "We ment." for "Pray to the Congress," Also speaking briefly group have faith in our and "Let of On the second of what decide." was Rep. Elford A. Cederberg (R) was to be a God three-day effort, about 600 supporters Michigan. "We feel that this nation was said he was glad to of President Nixon prayed, sang, and Mr. Cederberg founded by God and Congress is a listened to speakers as see demonstrators bringing a positive Tuesday they representative through which body Capitol. "God bless continued a fast and vigil on the steps manifest," message to the God's will can be made of the Capitol. much," Washington SlarHfius said Richard Wojcik, a student at the you and thank you very he The vigil was organized suppor Thursday,. July 25, 1974 by international training center run by said. ters of the Rev. Sun Moon of Myung Mr. Moon's Unification Church in Another trainee from the Tarry South Korea and the National Com Tarrytown, N.Y. town center, Richard Sapp, said he mittee for Fairness to the ' >' Presidency, prayer '?;;'*> Mr. Wojcik said the vigil was not believes that the effort is which is headed Rabbi Baruch by intended to pressure members of pertinent to the impeachment pro Korff. ceedings "I can Congress in any specific political because think we Both Rabbi Korff and the Rev. Mr. direction. Instead, he said, "we're really revive the spirit of God giving Moon guidance." have defended President Nixon us asking that they seek the guidance of God." against his Watergate critics, and Mr. Sapp, who formerly worked as Rabbi Korff said Monday as the vigil Among the speakers Tuesday was a city planner in Columbia, S.C., said got under way that it was being held Rep. Charles P. Rangel (D) of New he views politics and religion as "both life." to express support for Mr. Nixon. York, a member of the House vehicles to give man a better

Star-New Staff Rabbi Korff at vigil. Prayer Vigil

The National Prayer and Fast Committee ends its three-day vigil in support of President Nixon today. Yesterday, the group handed out leaflets and sang at the Capitol. Rabbi Baruch Korff, chairman of the National Committee for Fair ness to the President, told the demonstrators that "You are our fu ture; fight, fight as if your lives de pended on it. "The United States has never lost to allow us . . you a war . are going

within?" to be defeated from he "No," asked the crowd of some 250. response. came back the loud


New York, N.Y. 10017, Thursday, July 25, 1974*

By JEROME CAHILL Nixon Washington, July 24 (News Bureau)Holding Amer Supporters photos of members of Congress, ican flags, banners and received about 650 persons on the steps of the Capitol

word of the Supreme Court decision today, quietly, almost

prayerfully. Take It need for love than with his legal "Certainly, we were dishearten tactics. They also had trouble Quietly ed," notorious said Joseph Stein, 23, with Washington's of Pittsburgh, a coordinator of summer heat, and lack of sleep the round-the-clock vigil now in and food. its second day. "We felt that even Some Have Difficulty deeper prayer was needed at this time." "If you are feeling dizzy and everyone does, sometimes put As the group sang hymns and your head down for a few min out posters their held proclaiming utes," coordinator Becky Miles of faith in God, Richard Nixon and Louisville, Ky., told the group Congress, the scene several hun which has subsisted on nothing dred yards away, in front of the but water since the vigil began Supreme Court was tu building, at 11 a.m. Monday. multuous. Some of those on the steps Mask, Wearers Applauded sat with heads bent low. Others

More than 300 persons greeted stared glacsy-eyed toward the

Watergate Special Prosecutor sun, which was obscured by haze. Leon Jaworski with thunderous Some had difficulty managing applause as he emerged from the their signs. gleaming courthouse of white "Try to keep the signs

straight," marble with word of the high Becky urged. "If you court's decision against President need help, see your team leader. towels." Nixon in the White House tapes We have cold dispute. "Many of the people here are impeachment," opposed to said Earlier, those in front of the Dr. Joseph Sheftick, a Brooklyn Supreme Court building laughed chiropractor who gave up bis and applauded two men young practice three years ago to work who appeared wearing masks of World Crusade." He insisted that President Nixon and Secretary of the purpose of the vigil was not but to be Kissinger. The men to pressure Congress, State, banner"joined lawmakers to and a group carrying a deri seech the pray, seek divine guidance for them. ding Nixon's instruction to aides to it" to "stonewall before the "If the House votes to Impeach Watergate grand jury. Nixon, we'll probably pray for more," the Senate even Sheftick Participants in the Capitol vigil and fast most of them followers said. of the Korean evangelist Sun Crowd waiting outside Supreme Court Building before decision was delivered. Myung Moon were more con cerned with President Nixon's

.andwich board with Throggsmutton's pictute on it. Congressman." "I'm praying for you, Throggsmutton seemed sha book," ken. "I have nothing to hide. Mv private life is an open he


"I'm God to you see the light on the President's THE DAILY NEWS asking help "I've said man) tunes that 1 will hear all the evidence before I make decision." my

that," "God isn't going to like the young man said. "God doesn't want Nixon to he know.'" Sot., lulv 27. 1974 "How do you Throggsmutton asked. "Because I spoke to Him. God thinks the President is getting a raw deal by Congtess and the media. He intends to punish anyone who votes Nixon." against

"See here, young man. I go to church every Sunday and God has 'God doesn't want never indicated He is tor ot against impeachment. As a matter of fact, He hinted to me 111st last week that He would like to hear all the tapes

impeached' before He makes up His then," He- "I've spoken to God since the young man said, "and

Nixon thinks the whole procedure is a kangaroo

ridiculous," "That's Throggsmutton said.

"You mean you want me to tell God you won't stonewall it with the Art Buchwald White House.'"

"I will do my own talking with God, thank you. 1 believe I have as WASHINGTON They had a pray-in on the Capitol steps this good a line to Him as you do. I'm sure if God wants me to vote against week. Ardent Nixon supporters held the vigil to pray not only for the impeachment, He'll give me some kind of sign. Why don't you just go President hut also for members of Congress. Each member wore a pray tor somebody late," professionally prepared sandwich board with the name and photograph "I got bete the young man said. "Yours was the only sandwich

left." of a member of Congress or the President with the words "I AM board they had FOR" PRAYING boldly printed on it. "Well, 1 want to thank you Throggsmuttonn said. "In It was a rather scary moment for congressmen and senators who are these times one needs all the prayers he can get. I'm sure whatever you're harm." used to being vilified but are not prepared to face up to people who are doing cannot cause an\

praying for them. "1 wouldn't he too sure of the young man said. "God told me saw He's The other day we Congressman Throggsmutton walk up the it you vote wrong, not going to let Getry Ford come into your fall." stepsof the Capitol to be suddenly confronted by a young man carrying a district and campaign tor you this

189 Prayers and persuadables: While a pro-Nixon group holds prayer meeting on the Capitol steps, GOP converts Hogan, Butler and Cohen (top) and committee counsel Garrison, Doar and Jenner ponder the evidence.

190 TIME August 5, 1974

THE PRESIDENCY/HUGH SIDEY ousines. The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the committee, delivered his final exhortation in Korean, the kids, A Summer Week in Washington clutching their American flags, cheering in ecstasy. When it is all over, it may be one of Last week this remarkable odyssey All during the week, tourists poured the most eloquent stories that democ of the American spirit reached a new through this scene, stopping to lift their racy has written. Not Richard Nixon height. Up on Capitol Hill, there was a Instamatics for a snap or two, pointing and his squalid crew of fanatics, who cre town meeting of this nation, perhaps the out the famous and the infamous to their ated the scandal. But the men, women, first like it in our history. All three children. Teddy Kennedy paused at one nation and system that patiently, fairly branches of our Government were at point in front of the Capitol to survey and inexorably unraveled the mess and work. So were the people, looking, lis the scene and was instantly set upon by moved to set it right. tening, talking and singing in the mel well-wishers and the curious. He The main actors in this part of the low summer nights with the great Cap grinned, gave a few handshakes, and Watergate drama form a remarkable itol dome glowing above. ducked into a convertible with his friend profile of America. There is Frank Wills, In the early light of Wednesday Senator John Tunney. As he was riding the black guard who found the tape on morning, Chief Justice Warren Burger off and the fasters were starting anoth the lock of a Watergate building door climbed into his chauffeured Chevy, put er song and Rodino had his committee and called the police. Reporters Bob up the small portable desk in the back well into the impeachment debate and Woodward, an Ivy Leaguer, and Carl seat, and as he rode over the Potomac Justice Burger was still at work in his Bernstein, a dropout from the University River and up the Mall, looked over his hilltop citadel, a couple of joggers from of Maryland, enlarged that slender notes on what he would say in a couple the Marine barracks slogged through in thread into the picture of corruption. of hours. Sixty years ago, Burger was a shorts, cropped hair and G.I. boots. Judge John Sirica, the Italian American boy in St. Paul whose special summer They stopped, looked at each other, and old welterweight, applied common joy was eating ripe tomatoes off the vine grinned, wiped their brows and ran on. sense and created a new sense of jus in the family garden. On Wednesday, tice. Senator Sam Ervin, with a little he read the court decision that put the NIXON SUPPORTERS ON CAPITOL STEPS help from St. Paul and Shakespeare, pro most powerful man in the world back vided the best civics lesson in 50 years. under law and the will of the people. Archie Cox of Harvard, the blueblooded Just a block away, Rodino gaveled mm Elliot Richardson and Bill Ruckelshaus, his Judiciary Committee into session to a Hoosier Republican, gave individual render their decisive verdict that Rich for honor a fresh luster. Leon Jaworski, the ard Nixon should be impeached. There lawyer from Houston, showed principle were Southerners and Northerners, lib and courage. And then House Judiciary erals and conservatives, black and mi Chairman Peter Rodino, out of the white, male and female, and they came tough precincts of Newark, looking from California, Massachusetts and more like a Hollywood bit-player than most places in between. 7 000 a pol, steered his committee through in On the Capitol steps, 500 or so pray vestigation, hearing and vote with good ing, fasting kids ended their three-day I AUSUff will, restraint and dignity. vigil for Nixon. They sang beautifully, P /E strong voices lifting the strains of Amer HAVE They still argue in the Washington ica and The Battle Hymn of the Repub FAITH clubs that it was an accident. Time and lic out over Capitol Plaza. It reminded m ouk time again, we hung by a thread, and one of others in our history like the only luck uncovered this monstrous as Mormons whose nourishment in times sault upon the Constitution. Maybe so. of stress came from song. White House I But it is interesting that all through our Aide Bruce Herschensohn came round "threads" GODBLESSW history those have held us to and read a message from the President, PRESIDENT^ gether. One suspects that if the Siricas ensconced in his San Clemente mansion. I and Rodinos had not been there, others A flack kept the publicity flowing. Thou NIXON just as clear-sighted and determined sands ofdollars went into elaborate signs fci would have been in their places. and banners. The leaders arrived in lim

TIME, AUGUST 5, 1974

191 1 Our Master greets Rabbi Baruch Korff before the ceremony to conclude the fast. 2 Our Master embraces White House Aide Bruce Herschensohn, who has just delivered President Nixon's telegram. 3 Rabbi Korff, Mr. Salonen, Mr. Herschensohn and Our Master listen as Mr. David S.C. Kim reads President Nixon's telegram.

192 western union Telegram






















193 Mr. Salonen, Bruce Herschensohn from the President's Office, Master, Mother and Mr. Kim at closing offast.

President acknowledges prayer and fast vigil with message of thanks;

mission," "You have completely accomplished your Master tells fasters have been for. Our Master speaks to the fasters. striving you, because you are centering on God, not With more than 600 National Prayer on yourself.

and Fast Committee membersfrom all over We have to be united into one, more I express special thanks to God that America, we initiated this three day fast desperately, more solidly. We have to in under such hardship you have completed right here. We represent the people of crease from six hundred to six thousand your three day prayer andfast. America. We are here on behalf of the young people, andfrom six thousand to six historic national shrine, the Senators and Congressmen and President million. This We have to unite all young people is a symbol America. and Cabinet. We participated in thisfast in Capitol Building, of who are willing to risk their lives, willing to This is the heart of the nation of America. order to bring unity to the three branches of sacrifice for the sake of the nation and the This symbolic building is created not for government in this nation to become one, whole world. You are the ones; you must be America alone butfor the whole ofmankind, centering on God's will-not on their own the model. I hope you will bepioneers in this will not on one nation. We spoke centering on God. God has always thought and only area, carrying on in the spirit ofthefound would the centerfor out on one the biggest issues for this fathers. you that this place be Him, of ing Then shall be the leaders of nation and for the whole world. not just for one nation. the nation and of the whole world. situation You are young. You must take respon When you look at the today, 1 deeply appreciate all the things you for state this for America is in crisis. If we have no oneness sibility the of nation, have done during this period, and I thank Senate and the America andfor thefuture. American youth here-unity of Congress, the God and thank you all. You have completely oneness this arc in have no place to go. White House-there is no in despair, they accomplished your mission of the three day can be no in this the people in prayer nation, and there unity Among young America, very and fast. Also, I give my special participate think the Congress or the world. The reason we in Water few of nation, of of thanks to all other people who helped, par demonstrations goes be people. think about themselves all the gate Declaration They ticularly Senators and Congressmen who we are time. In contrast to these people, you yond national boundaries; centering young came out to show their gratitude and coop nation and the whole a special who will take responsi- on God's will for this are breed eration with your demonstration. I thank all to make for this nation's future and destiny. you world. We have beenfighting unity bility of who are gathered here todayfor your the The nation America needs people generosity- among the Senators, Congressmen, of young and public support, and espe on God. Not this President and the people. Now the time has like you, centering only cially 1 thank Rabbi Korff. nation the whole world needspeople come to fulfill this goal, which all nations but like Thank you.

future." "We must take the responsibility for the state of this nation, for America, and for the

EDITOR'S NOTE; As this issue goes to press, President Nixon has resigned and Gerald Ford has been installed in the Oval Office as America's 38th President. Nevertheless, this issue is presented as an historical record ofwhat we did, because the principles we upheld are still true both an external and spiritual and the cause that we stood upfor still lives on, and because in sense, the successful completion ofthe prayer andfast vigil has laid an invaluable foundation for success at Madison Square Garden.

194 OllT Commitment in perspective: President Salonen speaks to demonstrators in front of the White House awaiting President Nixon's resignation

I spoke seems to be to Rev. Moon this morning doing those same things for some personal It's true that our nation when the President's resignation didn't or selfish motive, he's criticized. great at this time, but actually we're at the seem as imminent as it does now, and still So the act itself is not what's good or crossroads of our greatness, because if we he made world in the several points which I'd like to bad in our society as it now stands, but can't continue to serve the share with you because I think they're im rather the motivation behind it. capacity that God intended, then there's no portant. And because Rev. Moon believes that justice to our continuing to receive the The first was that our commitment President Nixon has been acting for the blessings that we have. was not made for personal gain or the ad good of this country, and because God is For all of these reasons Rev. Moon vantage of President our group. Therefore we're not willing to forgive him for his wrongdoing, even said that if necessary, in a position taken all the tapes at the to alter our commitment. Our then man must be willing to forgive him, Nixon should have commitment was based on a principle, and or else man himself can't ask God to be very beginning and destroyed them and it's important to make the point that no forgiven. That's the second point. said that many things may have been done matter what may happen, from the begin The third point is that all of America, which were right or wrong, and he would ning until the end our commitment and our collectively, has to take responsibility for repent for the things which were wrong, support him for the responsibility have been the same, stead the society in which we live, and that the but call the people to fast, and that history must know that the only hope no matter what the crimes, no sake of the continued strength of the na position which we took is the one we stuck matter what the faults the only hope for tion. with, the one that we remained committed this country is if we won't rather than seek In this crucial moment a lot of people to, no matter how unpopular it became. to assign blame to one another, repent, who know they should be supporting the The second point was that in the eyes acknowledge our own shortcomings, for President have turned their backs on him of many nations the activities of other na give others for theirs, and come back to because it's become politically too dif tions are crimes. There are spying ac gether in a spirit of unity and love to fulfill ficult for them to continue. Those people tivities upon one another. There is no ef the will of God. will bear a heavy responsibility in the fu fective international law. Within this na America is now far from the ideals ture for the actions that they failed to carry tion there are many illegal acts performed upon which she was founded, and yet out at this time. by individuals and by institutions, and those are the ideals for which God blessed No matter what may happen, it's im when those individual acts serve the pur this nation to fulfill a certain role at this portant for history to record that Rev. and Prayer and Fast pose of good, then the persons committing time. And if America is going to fulfill her Moon the National stood at this time for the those acts become heroes. If it were to be role, we must live up to those ideals and be Committee up found out, for example, through wire united around them. If we can't do that, strength of the Presidency, for the spirit of and and for a real desire tapping or in some other way that a great then the reason that America was created is love forgiveness, effort crime was about to be committed, then the nullified, and the reason for God to con to transcend all shortcomings in an to live to the national mission of person performing that illegal act would be tinue to bless her is nullified, and America up praised. But instead when he's accused of will dissolve. America. This is our responsibility.

^mr Wtir

195 1200 hands clapping all around me like jungle rains on the tin roof; filled with God's love God's tears God's joy. Waters gathering shining faces pure and swelling the rivers. The End at last bursts open; the flood cannot be turned back!

600 voices lifting as one in prayer like Niagara waters: white, falling, thundering;

filled with God's power God's determination

God's victory. Waters rushing excitement gathering- filling, brimming the ocean:

seas." "The waters that cover the

Thank you, oh Father! Thank you! B.R. Mikesell July 20, 1974

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a We should never feel that anything is lost. can God use what we did to accomplish something greater. .. failure." There is only victory ahead, no

When Master spoke to the Belve sense the U.S. government the people that the President should not have res dere trainees on the first Sunday follow of America, collectively is commit igned from his Master con ing the resignation of President Nixon, ting these crimes. Thus the nation is a tinued. Before long, history will record he said that a great storm has been com sinner. But we justify the crimes by that the Watergate Statement was right. ing to America. It is evident in the dis doing them to destroy the evil power and that if America had followed Mas harmony between the government and and protect America. But compared to ter's advice, then the danger that is the people, and between the Senate and such crimes, what Nixon did is nothing. coming to America would not have oc the House. In a sense, Nixon's use of the curred. "Are people really happy to see wiretaps to investigate the activities of "If Nixon had just pushed on, God Nixon Master asked. Answer the Democratic Party could be justified, was ready to help him. He should have God," ing his own question, he said that they Master said. What if he had actually taken my voice as coming from were not, because that would be equiva uncovered Communist activities? Then Master said. But the nation and its lent to loving to see the nation decline he would have been praised. Possibly people are not yet aware that Master is faster. He said that some people, how he might have found this in the Democ here at the call of God and that he is ever, such as the liberals and leftists, ratic Party, "so don't you think he doing critically important things. If the were happy to see Nixon step down, should have the right to look, to find American people reject him, how sad and among those the Communists were out? God will feel. "In view the President has to the happiest. Master stressed the impor my Master called upon Family mem act that Master said. "Without tance of understanding this fact. He bers to be even stronger than ever, to try that right he has no said that the Communists actively their best to change this nation, to stop worked those opposed to Nixon Master said that if we think Nixon among , it from going to destruction and to take committed great crimes and must and even threatened to kill him if he did has be it to the eternal goal. impeached, then we must impeach our not resign. Master said that some Family sin Master said that even before he selves as well, because we are all members feel that we expended so in a collective in a published the Watergate Statement, he ning, sense, way much effort with the demonstrations much worse than that. knew that Nixon was wrong, that the and the fast, and that it is already lost, "We're all sinners in the sight of President was lying about not being in but this is wrong and we shouldn't so we have no right to cast stones volved in the Watergate cover-up. But God, worry about it. God will take that at other sinners. That's I advocated he knew that in a world where evil al why energy and indemnity and bring about love and Father ready prevails, the President must have forgiveness, an even greater solution. We should said. that kind of right, even the right to dis never feel that anything is lost. God can our position, Master solve the Senate and House, if neces Explaining use what we did to accomplish some said we loved the Presidency, not the sary. He said that it is critical for the thing even greater. will never change our President to be strong and to have suffi President, and we "What you have done will be re attitude on our to the nation, cient power. way help corded in American history and known so we will support President Ford and Master said that at this time some throughout the world, and our ideology him to the right thing. "We will of the evil in the world is almost neces help do will become known as the one that never change our he said. sary evil, for example the activities of saved the he said. "So in the "We will this nation in the United States CIA in fighting help every way history of God's providence, what we possible. It be to have a Communism. "Do you think what the may necessary have done will be recorded and remem fast." written larger prayer and CIA is doing is not sin? Is it in bered . Master said that God has so pre the Constitution that to corrupt another "There is only victory ahead, no failure." nation is not a he asked. He pared this nation that the problems will be corrected. God has not yet left this said that the CIA is doing unimagin here," nation. "That's I came he able, horrible things and that wiretaps why are among their lesser activities. The said, emphasizing that we will not stop CIA can even hold people hostage and until we restore this nation to God's kill. will. Master said that in an ultimate "From all this you can understand August 29, 1974