www.corstorphineoldparish.org.uk Diary Dates

8th Feb (Wed) Fabric Committee meets at 7.30pm in the Session Room 11th Feb (Sat) Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Meeting at 8. 30am in the Kirk Loan Hall 12th Feb (Sun) Sunday Service at 10.30am 10th—15th Feb (inc) Church Office closed 19th Feb (Sun) Sunday Service at 10.30am 20th Feb (Mon) Finance Committee meets at 7.30pm in the Committee Room 20th Feb (Mon) Last date for March magazine material 22nd Feb (Wed) Congregational Board meets at 7.30pm in the Session Room 26th Feb (Sun) Sunday Service at 10.30am 27th Feb (Mon) Seedling Coffee Morning in the Kirk Loan Hall at 1 0am 1st March (Wed) Joint meeting of Kirk Session and Congregational Board at 7.30pm in the Session Room 2nd March (Thur) Office Hour 7-8pm — no appointment necessary 5th March (Sun) Sacrament of Holy Communion with services at 8.30am and 10.30am 11th March (Sat) Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Meeting at 8. 30am in the Kirk Loan Hall 12th March (Sun) Service at 10.30am 19th March (Sun) Service at 10.30am followed by the Stated Annual Meeting of the Old Parish (all members of the congregation warmly invited to attend)

Corstorphine Old Parish Church, Kirk Loan, EH12 8HD Scottish Charity number: SC016009

Sunday Worship at 10.30am - On the first Sunday of every month there is a short service of Communion at 11.30am except March, June, October and December when there are services of Holy Communion at 8.30am and 10.30am

Church Office - 2A High Street EH12 7ST. Open during school term time: Monday – Thursday 8.45am – 1.15pm and Friday: 8.45am – 12.45pm 334 7864 [email protected]

The Thursday Office Hour - In the Church Office, High Street Hall, on the first Thursday of every month 7.00-8.00pm (except July and August). No appointment necessary.

Church Halls - High Street Hall, 2A Corstorphine High Street EH12 7ST and Kirk Loan Hall, 18 Kirk Loan, EH12 7HD 1

Letter from our Minister

Dear Friends, A recent edition of ‘Antiques Roadshow’ on BBC 1 was concerned with some of the objects and letters kept by relatives of, or survivors of, the Holocaust. The programme was broadcast to coincide with Holocaust Memorial Day. Many of the stories were harrowing, with stories we have heard time and time again of persecution, starvation, bravery, sorrow, recovery, and which we need to keep hearing so as not to become immune to or blasé about, man’s inhumanity to man. Despite the awfulness of the stories, there was hope too, because people overcame the atroci- ty, and moved forward, and the fact that Holocaust Memorial Day exists at all suggests a com- mitment to never becoming complacent in the future.

One of the objects brought was a letter by the nieces of a Scottish missionary to Hungary, Jane Haining, who during the lead up to the war and in the early years of the war, was matron at a girls’ school in Budapest. Jane took in both Jewish and Christian girls, and treated both equal- ly and with respect, oblivious it seemed, or perhaps very aware of, the danger she was placing herself in as anti-Jewish feeling and laws grew alarmingly each day. Despite being recalled by the Church of Scotland, Jane chose to stay with her pupils in Budapest saying: if these girls need me in days of sunshine, how much more do they need me in days of darkness. Having told off a kitchen boy for stealing, he reported her to the authorities and Jane was arrested and taken to Auschwitz where she died. Jane Haining’s name is now recorded in the Holocaust Me- morial in Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, as one of the Righteous Among the Nations, non Jews who gave their lives to protect Jews during the war.

This month sees a celebration of love when St Valentine’s day comes around on February 14th, and words of love will be expressed as flowers, chocolates and cards are passed between cou- ples, and words of anger will be expressed between those who forgot or chose not to put much effort in! And while it is heart warming to be told that you are loved, or to tell another that you love them, many shudder at the commercialism, and the lack of individuality of our 21st cen- tury Valentine’s day. But none of us can be anything but emotional, thankful, sorrowful, admiring of the sort of love shown by Jane Haining, and the many others, often unnamed, whose love of friend and stranger alike led them to challenge hatred and division, putting their own lives in danger to save others.

Faith, hope and love abide, these three, wrote St Paul, but the greatest of these is love, and when we hear of stories like those of Jane Haining then we give thanks for the love that re- mains through both darkness and sunshine.

Enjoy (and remember!) February 14th, but give thanks for the love in which we dwell, both hu- man and divine, and for the faith that takes us to places where love is most needed.

Best wishes,


Guild News The Magazine Team

Tuesday 7th February at 7.30pm As we begin another year of church life, it is Vintage Dresses customary and appropriate to record the ap- Bertha Walker preciation of the congregation for the efforts

of all who are involved in any way in the pro- Tuesday 14th February at 2.00pm Edinburgh Presbyterial Council duction, compilation and distribution of the AGM Church Magazine and of Life & Work. and Afternoon Tea St Serf’s Church This important and valuable service regularly

brings news and information about the life and

witness of the Kirk both locally and worldwide.

In addition it is a service which is appreciated

by those members of the congregation who Tuesday 21st February at 7.30pm are unable to be at the church or participate Christian Aid Caring for Mother Earth in Bolivia in any of the church’s organisations. Guild Project Many people now also access the church maga- Friday 3rd March at 2.30pm zine on our website (address below) or have it World Day of Prayer sent to them every month as an attachment. Service at St John the Baptist Church That way, we save money on postage but you

also have the advantage of receiving and read- Tuesday 7th March at 7.30pm Open Evening - Concert by Glits ing the magazine before the date that it is put 'To Herald the Spring' into the church for uplift by distributors. Music and Verse performed by Glits Tickets will be on sale from early February, If you would like to receive a copy of the mag- price £8.00 azine every month via email, then please con- including refreshments. tact Christine in the Church Office on 334

7864 ([email protected]) All are welcome to come along to any of our Guild meetings, a warm welcome is assured. I would like to take this opportunity of ex- Brenda Russell, Leadership team tending a heartfelt thanks to all of you who Tel : 0131 629 1456 gather, type and print the articles, who con-

tribute articles, are part of the stapling team or distribute the finished product every month.

David Drummond Magazine Editor www.corstorphineoldparish.org 3 Life as a Woman Elder

In approximately eight months I shall have been an Elder of the Church of Scotland for 40 years. Following David Cameron’s articles on the History of Women Elders in the Church of Scotland, I was asked to write a few words about my thoughts as a woman ruling elder in Corstorphine Old Parish Church.

I clearly remember Mr Brady, then Minister of the Church, asking me to consider the possibility of being ordained. There followed two weeks of thought and prayer: should I? should I not? What is God’s will in this matter? Finally, I had the answer, which I believe was God given, “Step forward in faith”.

There followed three meetings with the Minister on the duties of an elder, which gave opportunities for questions and discussion. Then, there would be the Service of Ordination. Because I was going to be on holiday at the preferred time for the ordination service, I was treated to a service on my own! This was probably more nerve-racking than being together with the others. However, the service was meaningful, special, and important.

Thus followed the duties. I was given a District of members of the church to whom I was introduced by the Minister. This helped enormously because the introduction seemed to formalise the fact that I was to be the elder. I was expected to visit each home at least four times a year prior to the Quarterly Communions. During the Service of Ordination the congregation was charged to be welcoming to the elder and to invite the person into the home. Mr Brady said that you would not expect to discuss ‘Double Glazing’ on the doorstep, so why discuss the Church’s Business there? I have to say that I did not have difficulties in visiting, but I had to be sensitive to the fact that it may not be convenient at that moment and arrange to go at another time.

Attendance at meetings of Kirk Session is important. I hope that I have contributed to these in some small way. There followed other duties, for example, being the Presbytery Elder for two years, membership of the Presbytery Education Committee, and on one occasion being a delegate at the General Assembly of the Church.

What do I think about being a woman elder of the church now? ……. I don’t think it is important whether a member’s district elder is a man or a woman. The important thing when visiting is to try to get on with each other, and to take a real interest in the family. When the family is having a difficult time they will be glad of a listening ear, and it is good if the elder feels that they may be able to pray together. When I have offered to do this the family has always welcomed it.

I no longer have an elder’s district, I do what I can in other ways. I just wish I had the energy I had 40 years ago!

Pauline Baber


Church Flowers The name of the team member arranging the flowers is in brackets

5th February A member of the Congregation (Linda Gorrie)

12th February Sallie Bryson in memory of Joan (Sallie Bryson)

19th February A member of the Congregation (Sheila Irving)

26th February Doreen Hood (Sheena Crisfield)

Thank you to everyone who made donations for the flowers during December and January. If you wish to make a donation for flowers in memory of someone or just for yourself, please contact me. A special thank you to those in the flower arranging team who gave up their time to decorate the church for Christmas and to clearing up afterwards.

Sallie Bryson - Tel: 334 2614 - [email protected]

Thank You

The family of Kirstie Crozier would like to thank everyone for the kind donations made in Kirstie’s name which are being passed to the Western General Hospital's Breast Cancer Unit and Maggie's Centre, Edinburgh which came to £1750.

New Membership Group

The Minister is planning to hold a member- ship group for those who are interested in finding out about becoming a member of the Church of Scotland.

Anyone who would like to find out more should contact Moira by email, or after the Sunday service.

Email: [email protected] 5 Greetings from the country…

Hello, and Happy New Year to you all!

I can’t believe it’s been over a year that we have been in East Lothian now, although we do feel really quite settled in our home, and in the parishes, as well as in the Presbytery of Lothian. It’s been an eventful, busy year, with lots of new people to meet, new habits to learn, and many op- portunities to explore ways of working in and with the parishes and their people. It’s been great!

That’s not to say that there haven’t been challenges. For instance, we tried out different op- tions, and have now settled into a new pattern and timing for worship (when I arrived, there were three Sunday services, and we now have only two), which has helped in bringing the congre- gations closer together, and has given us all an opportunity to get to know each other better and to worship together. Another example is that one of the church buildings has been closed since before my arrival, due to a damaged ceiling. We are only now in a position, after many surveys and discussions, to take the fundraising forward, with the hope that the building might be back in use by Christmas.

By now, I feel that I know my congregations quite well, and that they know me. The Kirk Ses- sions are especially helpful; in the autumn we presented a number of long-service certificates to some elders and one of our organists, for a combined service of more than 279 years! As I’m writing this, there are plans in hand to ordain new elders this Spring, too.

One aspect of ministry that was already quite obvious during my time in Corstorphine, and is even more pronounced now, is that no day is like the next. With services to plan, people to visit, meetings to attend, plans to make and cups of coffee to be had, there’s always something dif- ferent going on. We’ve started a new Children’s Club, which very much follows the example of a certain early Sunday morning service…. although we meet on a Tuesday afternoon. We held a number of different midweek services, during Lent, in the summer, and in Advent. We’ve also had a good number of social events: a concert evening and a garden fete, a ceilidh, a bridge af- ternoon and an Advent fundraising lunch (at which we were joined by Alison and Hugh Edwards!).

Parish services such as weddings and baptisms, as well as my regular visits to the three primary schools mean that I’m getting to know people in the wider parish as well – which is just as well when I’m fulfilling rather unexpected tasks such as handing out the prizes at the annual Flower Show.

David is exploring our surroundings on his bike, when he has time, and I’m looking forward to get- ting out into the garden again. Merlin continues to love the garden as well, and makes us smile every day.

We’re very much looking forward to seeing many of you at the Burns Supper and hearing how you are. And if you’re ever in our neck of the woods, do come and say hello, or join us for one of our services.

Lots of love,

Anikó 6

13th Edinburgh Company The Boys’ Brigade

BB News

The Company had its annual Enrolment Service on Sunday 22nd January 2017, and as usual the service was devoted to the BB with membership cards being presented as usual during the enrolment part.

We had one extra special presentation after this year’s ceremony and it was to David Drummond for Long Service. As some may remember we’ve had a series of Long Service Badges presented to Officers over the last few years.

It’s not always easy to calculate a BB leader’s service as some records are held locally at the church and at the Company and/or Battalion. And it also includes years of adult service where they can be giving service as adult support to the BB whilst not actually being a BB officer! In David’s case this was harder to trace as he has been involved in the BB in three companies over two churches. After much ferreting around between family, friends, Battalion and fellow for- mer officers at Stenhouse, St. Aidan’s Parish Church, and then doing some sums, I was happy to find out that David Drummond had more than qualified for his Gold Long Service Badge for 30 years service.

Our Detective work uncovered David has served the BB in some capacity since 1983 with a small break in the late 1990’s, and another small break before joining us. In 1983, with the bustle of the BB centenary year, David, an ex Scout, started his BB service as an adult helper with the 32nd Edinburgh (Stenhouse, Avenue) and he continued giving service here, mainly with its Anchor Boy Section through to its abeyance in 2002. This company was latterly known as the 26th Edinburgh due to the 32nd joining with the 67th on the amalgamations of the two parishes. During these years, David only had a few years out in the late 1990’s, but he was always on hand to give help at annual events like fundraising coffee mornings and award nights.

In session 2004/5 he started giving us support here at the 13th, mainly helping covering when our adult leadership was short due to holidays or sickness. Since then he has been a regular leader with us, only missing a few nights since 2006/7.

With all our calculations we reckon David has 18 years service with the 32nd/26th Companies and 12 years with us so this qualifies him for the Gold Long Service Badge. Over the years, it has been a pleasure working with Da- vid, both within the BB Company, and Sunday Club.

I’ve lost count of the number of times that we have touched base with each other with similar suggestions or ideas for the BB or Sunday Club or Church, and I know Donald Baird could also probably say the same.

I know there is a small age difference between David and myself, and also probably the same difference the other way between Donald and David but it makes absolutely no difference to us in the way we plan things and operate with the Boys. Most of the time we really seem to be on the same wavelength.


It gave me the greatest pleasure to ask Moira to present David with his well deserved Gold Long Service Badge. Although David has clocked up this great amount of service with the BB it’s not a case of retiring yet. We all expect to see him for a long time to come at our Monday night meet- ings. I think we can say David was truly Gotcha’d, not suspecting any presentation, and not realising the family were in on it and in church for the service.

To finish off this BB service, we held a retiral offering in aid of the Boys’ Brigade (Church of Scot- land) World Mission Fund, for BB companies and projects in places of the world less fortunate than ours. The sum raised was £202.96.

Numbers are down drastically this session, and to this end we have started a big recruitment drive, many will have seen our banner advertising the Company on the outside wall of the Session Room. We have also had recruiting letters put into Corstorphine, Gylemuir and Primary Schools, and have numerous posters on local notice boards. If anyone has any other ideas where we can advertise, or have access to a local noticeboard please let us know.

Kevin Aitchison , Captain 13th Edinburgh

Duties for March

Welcome and Uplift

5th Team 8 R Ingle J Hartil K Ingle C Maxwell M Hills 12th Team 9 I Gordon J Wakeford K Lawrence F Morrison G Allan 19th Team 10 A Christie C Christie J Darling L Ingle S Macfeeters 26th Team 11 B Williamson M Gordon G Stewart L Fitzgibbon K Henderson

Sunday Beadles 5th 8.30am D Pearson 10.30am A Thom 12th R Allan 19th J Gorrie 26th A Thom

Bell Ringers

5th 8.30am H Edwards 10.30am K Walker 12th A Hay 19th P Carnie 26th R Ingle

Office Hour

2nd R Ingle

Sunday Coffee

5th The Guild 12th B Russell/C Calder 19th R and M Bowerbank 26th BB

Wednesday Church Opening 1st D Cameron 8th J Cassie 15th D Pearson 22nd G Stewart 29th I Chalmers


Corstorphine Youth & Community Centre Corstorphine Literary & Geographical Society Spring Programme 2017

There is a wide and varied programme to Monday 6th February Smacks - Eric Graham suit all tastes including:

Monday 13th February Mondays: Beginners IT Drop-in, Gentle Ex- Through Ice and Fire ercise, New Parents Group, Men’s Shed, DIY, Indoor Curling etc, Move Well/Feel Well Monday 20th February Picardy and Amiens - Tom Wright

Tuesdays: Beginners IT, Gentle Exercise, Monday 27th February Ladies Lunch Club, Outings, Bingo etc 100 Years of the Usher Hall Ruth Boreham Wednesdays: Parent and Toddler Group

(parents, grandparents, carers all welcome),

Storytelling, Cards and Jewellery Making.

Very short easy walks followed by coffee.

Thursdays: Walking Group (4-6 miles, fairly flat and easy), Aqua Fun at the Energize

Health & Fitness Centre)

Fridays: Knitting and Crochet Monday 6th March New Adult Colouring Club (1 0-12noon) Advice to a Victorian Lady Traveller Helen Edwards

For more information please contact Caro- Monday 13th March NB starts at line on 07580 659676 or email 7.30pm [email protected] Annual General Meeting and Music from Incognito

Friends of Corstorphine Hill All meetings take place at 7.45pm in the Burns Hall of St Ninian’s Church. Wednesday 22nd February at 7.30pm in the Capital Hotel Visitors £2 per meeting.

For more information please


Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels Valerie Thomson Dr Mel Tompkin of the Tel: 0131 339 615. Scottish Wildlife Trust 9 Burns Supper - Friday 27th January 2017 - High St Hall

10 11

Parish Records Deaths

8th December Marguerite Reid, The Paddockholm (ED20) 17th December Anne Ponton, Broomhall Place 30th December Kirstie Eleanor Crozier, North Bughtlinside, (Postal) 26th January Catherine Preston, Wester Broom Drive 30th January Helen Taylor, 12/1 Coxfield, Edinburgh


11th December Lawrie James Tanner Wallace, son of Susan and Tom Wallace

Officebearers, Elders and Magazine Distributors are asked to note these announcements and to adjust their records accordingly

Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Meetings

Saturday 11th February The guest speaker is Gordon Marshall (ex Hearts, Newcastle, Nottingham Forest, Hibs, Celtic, Aberdeen and Arbroath goalkeeper) and he will talk about ‘Life as a footballer in the Fifties and Sixties.’

Saturday 11th March The guest speaker is the Rev Cammy MacKenzie and he will talk about 'Celebrate Recovery’ which celebrates recovery from all different forms of addiction. It looks at recovery from a positive perspective.

Both meetings take place at 8.30am in the Kirk Loan. With Coffee and Bacon Rolls. All men, brothers, uncles, grandads welcome!

Church Contacts

MINISTER Rev. Moira McDonald 476-5893 [email protected]

WORK PLACE CHAPLAIN Rev. Kristina Herbold Ross 07702 863 342 [email protected] 01383 510511

ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Dr Archie Ewing 552-3799 [email protected] DMus, FFCM, LTCL, LLCM

CHURCH SECRETARY Christine Mill 334-7864 [email protected]

SESSION CLERK Alison Edwards 334-5093 [email protected]

CLERK TO THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD Ramsay Allan 332-5809 [email protected] or 07973 499297

TREASURER OF CONGREGATIONAL BOARD Alistair Christie 334-4893 [email protected]

FABRIC CONVENER Ramsay Allan 332-5809 [email protected]

MISSION COMMITTEE CONVENER Carol Christie 334 4893 [email protected]

WFO CONVENER Graeme Stewart 339-7718 [email protected]

FINANCE CONVENER Penny Salton 334-2652 [email protected]

CHRISTIAN AID CO-ORDINATOR Linda Ingle 444-2395 or 07530 988240 [email protected]

PUBLICATIONS DISTRIBUTION ORGANISERS Ken and Rena Ingle 334-9467 [email protected]

WEDNESDAY CHURCH OPENING ORGANISER Donald Baird 334-7591 [email protected]

ROLL KEEPER Marlene Pearson 538-5592 [email protected]

GIFT AID CONVENER Linda Gorrie 339 3687 [email protected]

SUNDAY CLUB LEADER & MAGAZINE EDITOR David Drummond 334 -5741 [email protected]

SAFEGUARDING OFFICER Liz Allan 332-5809 [email protected]

PRESBYTERY ELDER John Hartil 476- 9761 [email protected]


EXECUTIVE MEMBER Jane Walker 539-1080 [email protected]


THE GUILD (President) Doreen Hood 334-3467 [email protected]

BOYS BRIGADE (CAPTAIN) Kevin Aitchison 334-7731 kevin.aitchison@.ac.uk

GIRL GUIDES Joanne Newby 467-5900 [email protected]

RAINBOWS Debbie Scott 622-0487 [email protected]

BROWNIE GUIDES (Unit Leader) Fiona Sneddon 538-0371 [email protected]

FRIENDLY HOUR Margaret Borthwick 334-9217

FRESHSTART LEADER Jane Walker 539 1080 [email protected]