MltcheM/le.· Experiment in Freedom ....... Chicora Foundation, Inc. 1995 On the cover: Artifacts of Slavery and Freedom. Upper lcn, annular ware bowl, frequently given to slaves by their masters. Upper right, a slate "pencil," for writing on slate tablets and used by the freedmen in school. Lower left, a Union bu tton, perhaps lost by a soldier al Mitchelville. Lower right, a whiteware cup, probably purchased by a freedman from one of the stores operating in Mitchelvillc. $ 1995 by Chicora foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transcribed in any form without permission of Chicora Foundation, Inc. except for brief quotations used in reviews. Chicora Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 8664 • 861 Arbutus Drive Columbia, South Carolina 29202-8664 803nB7-6910 The Ovil War changed the lives or bolh planten and '1aves on I llhoo Head Island. Gradually a plan wu formulated li>r the education, wd(are, and employ ment of the blacks, combining both government and missionary efli>ns. The Depanment or the South, headquanered on Hilton Head Island, became a •ocpanmcnt or Experiments." conducting what a modern historian has called a "dress rcbcanal for Reconstruction" and is often Clllled the "Pon Royal Experi ment." The town or Mitchclville is the clearest expression of that experiment. The Civil War, Hilton Head, and The Evolution of Mitchelville The choice having been made to attack the Confederacy in the deep Sou lh, a Union neet of aboul 60 ships and 20,000 men sailed from Forlress Monroe at Hampton Roads, Virginia on October 29, 1861 and arrived off the coast of Beaufort, South Carolina on November 3rd through .5th.
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