Imperial prcoo 8

W GOVERNMENT LANDS 1 1 w,thCHEAF> WATER § HI IN TH E §i iIMPERIAL SETTLEMENT 1 Do you want a ranch in Southern ? n M H fi| \u25bc A ranch of first class soil at the government y W H price of $1.25 per acre? * .<> M Hm With a right at small cost to all the irriga- 3 m tion water that can be used? *#. * m m a|C Atan annual expense for water lower than ever a|C m Wt Jl before offered on the pacific coast? Jt W

Iff so, the following Information will interest you* !||2 The River furnishes the most abundant supply of water for irrigation purposes to be found west *W& of the . Its greatest supply is furnished during the month of June, when it is needed the most, %jg and the least supply during December, when it is needed the least— the river being about nine feet higher in June IrS than inDecember. fi&a The river carries enough water to irrigate 8,000,000 acres of land, hence the supply can never be cut short jEfil by dry seasons. A3 The Colorado Delta, located inRiverside and San Diego counties in Southern California and extending flaw down into Lower California, comprises about 1,000,000 acres of level, irrigable land that has been made during the past Eg ages by alluvial deposits carried down by the waters of the . 53 The waters of this river carry more fertilizers than is carried by the waters of any other river in world, not feft excepting ever the Nile. j£» The soil of this Delta is therefore as fertile as soil can be, and when it is cultivated and irrigated by water »£$ &g'' from this source of supply, itmust continue to remain fertile, as each season's irrigation willdeposit on each acre ir- Sgß rigated more than SlO worth of commercial fertilizers aeposited by the water without extra expense. jgffij r& An extensive irrigation system is now being constructed to reclaim this large tract of country. The main ffia I22* canal willbe enlarged and the main branch catials extended to meet the demand for water as the irrigated area is w&a jJ3 enlarged. j^u ra The land to be reclaimed is located inSan DieKo county, east of the New River, and embraces 500,000 ]«Js| SW acres of level, fertileland, free from alkali, with sufficient slope to be easily irrigated. Itis allGovernment land and 1 £j| 320 be 2 $2 can De taken up under the desert land law or the homestead law. acres can taken up by each person under the J jg[ R3 desert land law, and residence on the land is not required. This liberal law is liable to be repealed or unfavorably j?

j?5 A branch railroad tapping the Imperial Settlement connecting with the Southern Pacific, ison the program i? ? ;j*j . This country is suited to the production of alfalfa and other farm products, and the fattening of cattle, a jgS |gj line (ifbusiness that can never be overdone. Gl| jpI Itis also believed that this willbecome a great early fruit country. S j| ;» Water willbe ready for use for fall and winter crops. Sj| [?R For circular matter and full information, address E v I Imperial Land Co. I hanager. H S. W. FERGUSSON, General IMPERIAL, via flowingwell. CAL. W)

GENERAL MANAGER FERGUSSON IN SANDIEGO and other officers necessary to preserve S. W. Fergusson failed to reach Im- good order. He will also urge the building perial yesterday, as was expected. of a stage road to Imperial. fyoklDiadem built, ir the *&\u25a0 The San Diegan Sun of the 23d says: If such a road were the Imperial *****7mperial, S. W. Fergusson, general manager of Lanh company would at once institute California***** a regular the Imperial Land company, was an stage service between San Offers superior accommodations to land^scekers, tourists andthepublic arrival on last evening's train from Diego and Imperial. the north. Mr.Fergusson's visit here Mr. Fergusson willremain here sev- per dap t Imperial Land (&Proprietors eral days to urge these propositions natta $ is for the purpose of advocating and and transact other business of impor- urging the appointment of a constable tance to the company he represents.