Ariidae Mugilidae

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Ariidae Mugilidae l'', Mexican species of marine origin or with marine affinities that are (1) wholly confined to fresh water, or (2) have populations that are so confined. PETROMYZONTIDAE Lampetra spadicea Lampetra geminis ACIPENSERIDAE Scaphirhynchus platorynchus CLUPEIDAE *Dorosoma anale Dorosoma petenense - L. Catemaco Dorosoma smithi SALMONIDAE Salmo chrysogaster Salmo gairdneri - Rio Santo Domingo Salmo sp. - Rios Yaqui, Mayo, Casas Grandes ARIIDAE *Potamarius nelsoni *Cathorops aguadulce BATRDACHOIDIDAE *Batrachoides goldmani GOBIESOCIDAE Gobiesox fluviatilis Gobiesox mexicanus OPHIDIIDAE *Typhliasina pearsei EXOCOETIDAE *Hyporhamphus mexicanus Hyporhamphus patris (: rosae?) ATFIERINIDAE Atherinella balsana Atherinella crystallina (rarely brackish water) *Atherinella alvarezi *Archomenidia marvelae *Archomenidia sallei Chirostoma spp. - 18 Poblana alchichica Poblana ferdebueni Poblana letholepis *Xenatherina hyperoche MS xXenatherina lisa *Xenatherina sp. SYNGNATHIDAE Pseudophallus starksi (see Follett, 19 60'.224) GERREIDAE *Diapterus mexicanus SCIAENIDAE Aplodinotus grunniens MUGILIDAE {?) Joturus pichardi (where yg. born?) ELEOTRIDAE Gobiomorus polylepis (presumably) *Leptophilypnus pasionis MS GOBIIDAE *Sicydium gymnogaster * : southeastern freshwater species of marine derivation (15) SUMMARY: 15 families 18 genera ca. 50 species (excluding D. petenense and J. pichardi) I. Some populations of otherwise essentially salt/freshwater species are confined to fresh water: Dorosoma petenense in Laguna Catemaco II. Marine invaders (species of marine origin by family that are now permanent freshwater residents. PETROMYZONTIDAE Lampetra gemmifer Lampetra spadicea CLTIPEIDAE Dorosoma anale Dorosoma smithi ARTIDAE Potamarius nelsoni BATRACHOIDIDAE Batrachoides goldmani GOBIESOCIDAE Gobiesox fluviatilis Gobiesox mexicanus OPHIDIIDAE Typhliasina pearsi EXOCOETIDAE Hyporhamphus mexicanus Hyporhamphus patris (: rosae?) ATFIERINIDAE Atherinella balsana Atherinella alvarezi SYNGNATHIDAE Pseudophallus starksi - ? GERREIDAE Diapterus mexicanus SCIAENIDAE Aplodinotus grunniens ELEOTRIDAE Gobiomorus polylepis (presumably) Leptophilypnus pasionis n. sp. III. Not I or II clasification but live permanently in fresh water in Mexico. SALMONIDAE Salmo chrysogaster Salmo gairdneri Salmo sp. APPENDIX List of original descriptions This appendix lists in alphabetical order by families all species of Mexican fishes treated, with literature references and type localities. PETROMYZONTIDAE Lampetra geminis (Alvarez). Tetrapleurodon geminis Nvarez 196612l-122, fi9.5; Rio Celio above Jacona, Michoaca4 tributaryto Rio Duero in basin ofRio Lerma. Lampetra spadicea Bean 1887.374-375, pl. 20, fig. 6; probably from streams of the State of Guanajuato [:Jacon4 Michoac6n (see Alvarez 1966)]. CARCHARHINIDAE Carcharhinus leucas (Valenciennes) Carcharias (Ptg!ada!) leucas Valenciennes in Muller & Henle 1841.42; Antilles. PRISTIDAE Pristis pectinata Latham 1794.278; "in the ocean, without doubt the Atlantic". Pristis perotteti Muller & Henle 1 841 : 1 08; fresh waters of Senesal. ACIPENSERIDAE Scaphirhynchus platorynchus (Rafinesque). Accipenser [sic] platorynchus Rafinesque 1820:80( ) LEPISOSTEIDAE Atractosteus spatula (Lacepede). Lepisosteus spatula Lacepede 1803.333; no tlpe locality specified. Atractosteus tropicus Gill 1863:172-173; Costa Rica fprobably La Union, El Salvador, possibly near mouth of tributary to Lake Nicaragua in Costa Rica, see Miller 19541. Lepisosteus oculatus Winchell. Lepidosteus (Cylindrosteus) oculatus Winchell 1864:183-185, Duck Lake, Calhoun Co., Michigan. Lepisosteus osseus (Linnaeus). Esox osseus Linnaeus 1758:313; Virginia [see Suttkus 1963:79]. ELOPIDAE Elops affinis Regan 1909:38; Mazatlan and Jalisco. Elops saurus Linnaeus 1766:518; Carolinas. Tarpon atlanticus (Valenciennes). Megalops atlanticus Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1846:398; Guadeloupe, Santo Domingo, Martinique, Puerto Rico. ANGI.ILLIDAE Anguilla rostrata (Lesueur). Muraena rostrata Lesueur 1817.81; Cayuga Lake, New York. CLTIPEIDAE Brevoortia gunteri Hildebrand 1948'.31-37, figs. 7-9; Aransas Bay, Texas. Brevoortia patronus Goode I 878 :39; Brazos Santiago, Texas. Dorosoma anale Meek 1904'.93,fi9.26 El Hule [:Papaloapan], Oaxaca, on Rio Papaloapan. Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur). Megalops cepediana Lesueur l818:361-363; markets of Baltimore and Philadelphia fpresumably from Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, Maryland.] Dorosoma petenense (Ginther). Meletta petenensis Ginther 1866b:603; Lake Peten, Guatemala. Dorosoma smithi Hubbs & Miller 1941b 232-238,fig.1;Rio Piaxtla, Piaxtla, Sinaloa. Harengula jaguana Poey 1865.189; Bahia de Jaqua, Cuba Harengula thrissina (Jordan & Glbert). Clupeia tkissina Jordan & Glbert 1882:353-354; Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur. Lile stolifera (Jordan & Gilbert). Clupea stolifera Jordan & Gilbert T882a'.339;Mazatla4 Sinaloa. Opisthonema libertate (Ginther). Meletta libertatis Ginther 1866b:603; Libertad, Central America. ENGRALILIDAE Anchoa mitchilli (Valenciennes). Engraulis mitchilli Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1848:50; New York andlake Pontchartrain pouisiana]. Anchoa walkeri Baldwin & Chang 1970'.140-141, fig. 1; San Blas, Nayarit. Anchoa macrolepidota (Kner & Steindachner) Engraulis macrolepidotus Kner & Steindachner 1864'21, pl. 3, fig. 2; Rio Bayano, Panama. CHARACIDAE Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier) Chalceus fasciatus Cuvier l819:352-353; Brazil. Astyanax jordani (Hubbs & Innes). Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs & Innes 1936 .5-7 , pl. I ; Cueva Chic4 SW of Valles, San Luis Potosi, in Rio P6nuco basin. Astyanax mexicanus (Filippi). Tetragonopterus mexicanus Filippi 1853:166; "in lacu prope Mexico". Bramocharax caballeroi Contreras-B & Rivera 1985: Brycon guatemalensis Regan 1908:168-169; Rios Chixoy, Usumacint4 and Motagu4 and Lake Yzabal, all in Guatemala. Hyphessobrycon compressus (Meek). Hemigrammus compressus Meek 1904:87-88, fig. 25; El Hule [:Papaloapan], Oaxac4 on Rio Papaloapan. Roeboides guatemalensis (Ginther). Anacyrtus guatemalensis Giinther 1864a.347; 1868b'.479, pl. 82; Rio Chagres [Atlantic slope ofPanama] and Huamuchal [Pacific coast of Guatemala]. GYMNOTIDAE Gymnotus cylindricus La Monte 1935.2-3; brook E of Los Amates [in Rio Motagua basin], Guatemala. [Probably will use Gymnotus sp., not cylindricusl CYPRINIDAE Agosia chrysogaster Grard 1857 (1856):187; Rio Santa Cruz [Gla River basin], Sonora. Algansea aphanea Bartour & Miller 1978.21-24, fig. 6; Rio Ayutla, l0 km W jct. Mascota road with hwy. 80, about 5 km SE of Ayutla [Rio Armeria basin], Jalisco. Algansea avia Barbour & Miller 1978:10-18, fi5. 4; Tributary to Rio Grande de Santiago, 4.8 km NE hwy 15 on road to Santa Maria del Oro, Nayarit. Algansea barbata Alvarez and Cortes 1964'.104, fig 1, Rio Lerma at Lerma, State ofMexico. Algansea lacustris Steindachner in Therese von Bayern & Steindachner 1895.526, pI.3, figs. la,b; Lago de Patzcuaro, Michoacdn. Algansea monticola Barbour and Contreras 1968:l0l-107, fig l; Rio Juchipila at hwy. 70, 1.6 km E of jct hwy 41, NE of Jalpa, Zacatecas. Algansea popoche (Jordan & Snyder). Xystrosus popoche Jordan & Snyder 1900.123-124, fi5. 5; Lago de Chapala near Ocotlaq Jalisco. Algansea tincella (Valenciennes). Leuciscus tincella Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1844.240(323); Mexico City. Campostoma anomalum (Rafinesque). Rutilus anomalous Rafinesque 1820.520A|; Licking River, Kentucky. Campostoma ornatum Grard 1857.176; Chihuahua River [:Rio Chuviscar] and a tributary a few miles long, near Chihuahua City, Chihuahua. Codoma ornata Grard 1857(1856):195; Rio Chihuahua [:Rio Chuviscar] and tributaries, near Chihuahua City, Chihuahua. Dionda catostomops Hubbs & Miller 1977 .296-306, fig. 4D; Rio Tamasopo, 1.4 km N of Tamasopo, San Luis Potosi, in Rio Frio drainage ofRio P6nuco basin. Dionda diaboli Hubbs & Brown 1956.69-77, fig. 1;Devil's River, Texas, tributary to Rio Grande. Donda dichroma Hubbs & Miller 1977.307-320, figs. 5A-B,10; spring-fed marstL l0 km S of Rioverdg San Luis Potosi. Dionda episcopa Girard 1857(1856).177; headwaters of Pecos River, New Mexico, and Comanche Spring (where now extirpated since habitat destroyed), Texas. Dionda erimyzonops Hubbs & Miller 1974.I-16, figs. 1-2; Rio Guayalejo near Llera (Rio Tamesi basin), Tamaulipas. Donda ipni (Alvarez & Navarro). Notropis !pg! Alvarez & Navarro 1953.5-7, fig. l; Barranca de Venados, Rio Metaitlan, Hidalgo. Dionda mandibularus Contreras-Balderas &Martnez-Verduzco 1977.259-265, figs. 1-3; Arroyo 7 km SSE ofRioverde. San Luis Potosi. Dionda rasconis (Jordan & Snyder) Notropis rasconis Jordan & Snyder 1900.121-122, fig. Rio Verde [:Rio Gallinas] near Rascon, San Luis Potosi. Evarra bustamantei Navarro 1955:98-100, figs. 1-2; Canals near San Gregorio, Atlapulco, D.F., in southern part of Valley ofMexico. Evarra eigenmanni Woolman T894:64, pl 2;Mexico City. Evarra tlahuacensis Meek 1902:85-86, pl. 18, Tlahuac, on Lago de Chalco, State ofMexico Gila conspersa Garman l88l.9l; Rio Nazas, Coahuila. GiladitaeniaMiller 1945b.106-109, fig 1;RioMagdalenanearLaCasita, Sonora. Gila elegans Baird & Girard 1854a(1853):369; Zuni River, New Mexico, tributary to Little Colorado River. [Probably: Little Colorado River below Grand Falls, Arizona, see Smith et aL. 1979'.622). Gila intermedia (Girard). Tigoma intermedia Grard 1857(1856).206; Rio San Pedro, tributary to Gla Rivet Aizona. Gila modesta (Garman). Cheonda modesta Garman 1881.92, Rio Salinas, Saltillo, Coahuila [in basin ofRio San Juanl. Gila nigrescens (Girard). Tigoma nigrescens Girard 1857(1856).207;Boca Grande and
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