~Volume LVIII, Number 42 V Talley's Return Probable by John Flasher
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Technician ~Volume LVIII, Number 42 North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 v Friday, December 9. 1977 Talley’s return probable by John Flasher member to take leaves of absence that while and view a situation from a different point of view." he said. News Editor could last as long as two years. Talley said perspective. and that is just what a leave ”There is more contact and business that he agrees with the policy. of absence allows one to do. However. I between the government and State than “I have had one conversation with Gov. “It's good for anyone to get away for a believe that being away too long is bad. most people realize." he added. “There is a (Jim) Hunt and ‘will hopefully have w” for it causes one to become detached from great similarity between University and another in the upcoming week. but right and lose contact with the university." he government operations. It would be very now I simply cannot say whether or not I said. beneficial to State to have someone in its will return to State next month." said Prepares schedule employ with a knowledge ofthe gover- BanksTalley. executive assistant to Hunt. nor's office and how it works." A source clam to Hunt. however. said~ Talley explained that his job with the Talley said that he should be able to aid that Talley will very probably return to government has several important as- State in lobbying efforts should the need State in January. pects. one of which is helping to prepare arise. “I‘m speaking of honest. aboveboard Talley took a one-year leave of absence the governor's schedule where’business bill promotion. ofcourse." he said. “This is last January from his job as Vice-A away from the Capitol is concerned. a perfectly legitimate practice if done in Chancellor of Student Affairs to work in In addition. he works directly with the proper manner. I think that. with my the Hunt administration. officials in the nine cabinet positions. and knowledge of the legislature and many of According to Talley. his conversation functions as the governor's “liaison" in its members. I could greatly aid the with Hunt last week was mainly con- that he maintains good contacts between University in this manner." cerned with his past year as the . the governor and the cabinets. According to Talley. State and the state governor's assistant. He said that they Talley said that his work with the government operate similarly in matters discussed Talley's likes and dislikes of the governor will be beneficial to him and the of the budget and personnel. He said that job and Hunt's opinion of Talley’s university if he returns to State. "It is one his experience gained this year could performance. thing to live and work in a college. but it's enable him to aid the University in these University regulations allow a faculty BariksTaley another to observe it from a different areas. J “Of course. these are just areas where I could possibly be of service. Should .I . Ex-‘presidents state views return to State. my duties would be assigned by the Chancellor." he said. Talley's acquaintance with Hunt began nearly 20 years ago when Hunt was a student at State. He was student body Board defeats proposal president for two years while Talley was assistant dean of students. by Robin Ludlow ance between Student Government and consultations by appointment if neces- “I've kept up with him over the years Staff Writer the Student Center in ’71. According to sary. and watched him progress. and it was a Arroyo. when they explained their goals “There have been five student center real thrill to see him become the The proposal to change the selection of in changing the position from an elected to presidents in the past three years." said governor." Talley said. “I could recite a the Student Center President from a vote an appointed one. Sterling agreed to come Sterling. “That is indication enough that number of cases where students at State. by the student body to an appointment by to the meeting to show her support for the the office is frustrating and something is whom I knew and was in close contact the student body president was defeated measure. wrong with the way it is set up." with. have risen to important positions in in Wednesday’s meeting of the Student Sterling was given the floor to discuss Ericson objected to the idea that prev- the government or other areas. Tradition upheld Center Board of Directors. the situation at State when she was ious presidents had resigned because of “That is one ofthe intangible rewards of Members of State's Air Fome ROTC braved freezing temperatures The prposal, introduced by Student student body president and her motives frustration with the system. “I resigned teaching—working with young people and and gusty winds while participating In the annual wreath-lam Senate resident Kevin Beasley. was for the change. She explained how the because of personal academic reasons." seeing them succeed." Talley continued. ceremony at the bell tower yesterday. The event. a Pearl Harbor Day voted down by a 5-7 mar 'n. Eight votes. a student center had been one of two Ericson said. Upon questioning. Wayne “and it is one of the things that I have tradition. is a tribute to American servicemen of all wars who two-thirds majority 0 those cast. was student voices which had a direct line of See "No-charge. " page 3 missed most since I took my leave." necessary forthe proposal to be approved. communication with the chancellor in the defended their country. The discussion began with Student early 60‘s. Body President Bias Arroyo's presenta- She then described how the center had tion of a rebuttal to an editorial and a fallen under the jurisdiction ofthe division column in the Technician concerning the of Student Affairs. cutting off that direct proposal. Arroyo called the Technician's line. Crievants granted access to files editorial more of a “personal" attack on “Somewhere around '65 student gov- himselfthan an argument against the pro- ernment decided to take over the pro- posal. gramming part of student union." said by Sylvia Adcock immediately so they would affect the Committee. the proposal passed without dissent. Sterling. “and that’s how it was when I Stqff Writer May. 1978 graduates. There was some dispute among faculty In other Faculty Senate business. Fltes Importance stressed took office. a...“ . "We essentially recommended that the members as to the interpretation of the reported that-the senate had received “Then in 1970 we voted on a referendum Provost Nash Winstead has recom- implementation be for the 1978 com- proposal. Anyone applying to the communication from the provost concom- Arroyo stressed the importance of the to return all programming activities to the mended to the Faculty Senate that the mencement.” said Fites. “The provost has University for employment may voluntar- ing the recent change in academic honors. proposal. saying that changing the posi- student center and again make the center proposed change in designation of recommended to the senate that the ily waive the right to see any letters of Fites also told the senate that William tion of Student Center President from an an independent voice with a direct line of academic honor graduates take place after change. which will raise the academic recommendation as granted by North Friday. president of the University of elected to an appointed one would add a communication to the chancellor." said the May. 1978 commencement. said Roger standards for graduation with honors. Carolina state law. missing link between Student Govern- Sterling. Fites in Tuesday’s meeting of the Faculty take place after the May 1978 The waiver can later be revoked. but. ment and the Student Center. “Programming was given back to the Senate. commencement." letters submitted with the promise of “The idea of ‘forced cooperation’ is a student center. but the full circle was A proposal giving grievants access to confidentiality would still be subject to the very big key in this issue." said Arroyo. never completed and that direct line to the their personnel files also was unanimously Summer seniors subject waiver. “If we can't insure the compatibility of chancellor was never given," she added. passed. The idea that a letter of recommenda- personalities in the offices we can at least Sterling said that the proposal is an The Faculty Senate made a recom- Fites advised that students who are tion must be kept confidential raised a insure the compatibility of the offices." attempt to give the student center a direct mendation Nov. 8 stating the basic now seniors. but will not receive their question about the quality and accuracy of He explained that after reading Student line of communication to the chancellor standards for graduation with honors be degrees until summer. will be subject to such recommendations. According to Body President of 1970-71 Cathy Ster- through the student body president. increased to alleviate the existing the new standard. some faculty members. if a letter is ling's letter against the change. several Martin Ericson. Student Center Pres- confusion between State's honors pro- The bill passed by the senate concerned objective and fair the writer should have Student Government leaders contacted ident in '74. questioned Sterling about this grams and other universities that use the the process by which personnel can no qualms about who might read it. One her at an elementary school in Garner direct-line-to-the-chancellor argument.