IIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll . US005256220A United States Patent [191 - 1111 Patent Number: 5 9 256 9 220 Baroody et al. [45] Date of Patent: Oct. 26, 1993 [54] LIQUID MONOPROPELLANTS 3,705,197 12/1972 Kaplan 6181. .................. .. 149/88 x 3,751,476 8/1973 Adolph C181. .. 149/92x [75] Inv=m0r$= Edward E- Blro?dy; BryanS_Rd-; 3,770,795 11/1973 White ........ .. 149/88 x Horst G. Adolph, S1lver Sprmg; 3,778,319 12/1973 Benziger .. 149/92 X Mortimer J. Kamlet, Rockville; 3,845,104 10/1974 Gilligan .. .. 149/92 X Robert C. G111, White Plains; Herman 3,845,105 10/1974 Gilligan .... .. .. 149/92x s_ miss, pores, Heights, an of Md, 3,873,617 3/1975 Adolph C181. .. 149/92 x _ _ 3,907,907 9/1975 Frankel et a1. .. 149/92x [73] Assignee: The Umted States of America as 3,962,349 6/1976 Adolph ..... ., 149/88 x represented by the Secretary of the 4,026,739 5/1977 Reitlinger ..... .. 149/88 Navy, Washington, DC. 4,048,219 9/1977 Adolph . .. 560/156 4,214,929 7/1980 Camp 8131. 149/88 [21] Appl-Nm 101,402 4,219,374 8/1980 Cziesla C181. .. 149/75 - , 4,292,098 9/1981 Mastroianni =1 81 149/88 [22] Med‘ Dec‘ 3’ 1979 4,764,231 8/1988 51881111816 et a1. .... .. 149/88 [51] Int. Cl.5 ............................................ .. C06B 25/00 4,988,397 1/1991 Adolph 9* a1- ---------------------- 9- 149/88 52 US. Cl. ....................................... .. 149 88; 149 92 , _ , 1581 Field of Search .; ...................... .. /l49/88/92 PM”? Ex“"""e’-Edwa‘d A‘ M111" , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ Attorney, Agent, or Firm-John D.
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