Empirical Analysis of User Data in Game Software Development The Story of Project Gotham Racing 4 Kenneth Hullett* Nachiappan Nagappan Eric Schuh John Hopson UC Santa Cruz Microsoft Research Microsoft Game Studios Bungie Studios Santa Cruz, CA, USA Redmond, WA, USA Redmond, WA, USA Bellevue, WA, USA
[email protected] {nachin, eschuh}@microsoft.com
[email protected] ABSTRACT For several years empirical studies have spanned the spectrum of General Terms research from software productivity, quality, reliability, Design, Measurement performance to human computer interaction. Analyses have Keywords involved software systems ranging from desktop software to Game design, Game development, Game metrics telecommunication switching systems. But surprising there has been little work done on the emerging digital game industry, one of the fastest growing domains today. To the best of our knowledge, our work is one of the first empirical analysis of a 1. EMPIRICAL RESEARCH AND GAMES large commercially successful game system. In this paper, we Empirical research in software engineering has typically focused introduce an analysis of the significant user data generated in the on software systems ranging from the traditional gaming industry by using a successful game: Project Gotham telecommunication systems to more recent web services. There Racing 4. has been little research on the software engineering aspects of More specifically, due to the increasing ubiquity of constantly digital games (a.k.a. video games, computer games, electronic connected high-speed internet connections for game consoles, games, etc.; referred to simply as games for the remainder of this developers are able to collect extensive amounts of data about paper).