Ammonium Sulfite 121 1. Ammonium Sulflte; (NH4)2S03; [10196-04-0] 2

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Ammonium Sulfite 121 1. Ammonium Sulflte; (NH4)2S03; [10196-04-0] 2 Ammonium Sulfite 121 COMPONENTS: ORIGINAL MEASUREMENTS: 1. Ammonium sulflte; (NH4)2S03; Terres. E.; Hahn, E. [10196-04-0] Das Gas- und Wasserfach 1927, 70, 363-367. 2. Ammonla; NH 3; [7664-41-7] 3. Water; H20; [7732-18-5] VARIABLES: PREPARED BY: Four temperatures: 273 - 333 K Mary R. Masson Concentratlons of the components EXPERIMENTAL VALUES: Composltion of egullibrium Solutlons a a (NH4)2S03 NH 3 (NH4)2S03 NH 3 mass % mass % mol/kg mol/kg Temperature = OOC 32.93 0.0 4.227 O. 26.11 3.97 3.215 3.334 24.78 7.52 3.152 6.523 24.34 8.41 3.116 7.343 32.70 8.57 4.794 8.569 40.81 10.26 7.181 12.313 33.08 10.40 5.039 10.805 26.91 10.43 3.698 9.774 34.41 10.93 5.420 11.742 31.89 12.11 4.903 12.698 102.87? 13.94 - 26.93 16.80 4.121 17.531- 33.47 1/~. 38 5.526 16.192 20.80 17.98 2.925 17.246 32.28 18.08 5.599 21. 387 66.02 18.92 37.746 73.770 71.08 19.02 61.820 112.813 26.70 19.57 4.279 21.387 47.96 20.20 12.970 37.253 43.97 20.40 10.626 33.620 38.09 20.76 7.970 29.624 27.19 21.15 4.532 24.040 (continued on next page) AllXI LI ARY INFORHATlON METHOD A1'PARATlIS/PRoOnURF: SOURC<. AND PURITY OF ~IAH.R( ALS: To a saturated Solutlon of ammonium sulfite was added ammonla gas. After separation of the SOlld, the solution was analysed for NH 3 and S02' then the mass % of ammonium sulfite and the excess amount of ammonia were calculated. ESTIMATED ~RROR: Temperature: to.1 K Analyses: no estimate posslble. RJ-.H.RJ-.NCIo.S: 122 Ammonium Sulfite COHPON~.:-'TS : ORIGINAL MEASUREMENTS: 1. Ammonlum sulfite; (NH4)2S03; Terres, E.; Hahn, E. [10196-04-0] Das Gas- und Wasserfach 1927, 70, 363-367. 2. Ammonla; NH 3; [7664-41-7] 3. Water; H2O; [7732-18-5] EXPERIMENTAL VALUES (contlnued): a a (NH4)2S03 NH 3 (NH4)2S03 NH 3 mass % mass % mol/kg mol/kg Temperature = 20°C 36.60 0.0 4.971 O. 36.49 0.52 4.988 0.485 32.09 2.59 4.230 2.328 30.28 4.94 4.025 4.478 29.84 5.65 3.983 5.143 32.14 8.21 4.644 8.085 33.19 8.43 4.895 8.479 30.15 8.69 4.245 8.343 30.37 8.77 4.297 8.462 33.38 8.98 4.986 9.148 38.90 9.07 6.437 10.236 34.37 9.20 5.244 9.573 38.92 9.35 6.478 10.613 36.26 10.57 5.872 11.673 34.26 12.86 5.578 14.280 36.63 13.07 6.270 15.258 56.55 14.71 16.942 30.055 32.18 14.98 5.244 16.647 32.36 16.54 5.453 19.006 34.00 17.24 6.004 20.762 38.00 17.39 7.334 22.890 54.70 17.47 16.924 36.961 43.28 18.09 9.647 27.498 46.05 18.15 11.076 29.770 72.71 18.18 68.722 117.182 66.10 18.59 37.174 71.300 64.93 19.09 34.985 70.148 Temperature = 40°C 42.50 1.05 6.483 1.092 40.01 2.28 5.969 2.320 37.24 4.92 5.544 4.995 37.70 5.74 5.739 5.959 36.00 6.27 5.369 6.378 32.55 7.93 4.709 7.823 55.60 9.06 13.546 15.054 31.95 9.53 4.701 9.563 32.42 9.79 4.830 9.948 37.08 9.81 6.011 10.846 31.56 9.84 4.637 9.860 36.20 10.03 5.797 10.953 39.90 10.16 6.879 11.946 35.30 10.41 5.599 11.259 38.06 10.30 6.346 11.712 37.03 10.49 6.075 11.737 31.82 10.54 4.753 10.737 38.37 11.50 6.590 13.471 39.30 11.84 6.926 14.229 39.33 12.00 6.958 14.478 55.23? 12.24 14.619 22.094 37.00 12.70 6.334 14.826 36.60 13.26 6.285 15.529 51.707 13.34 12.733 22.406 37.27 14.07 6.595 16.979 37.86 14.26 6.808 17.488 36.12 14.58 6.308 17.366 36.05 15.03 6.345 18.041 44.33 15.44 9.488 22.536 (continued on next page) Ammonium Sulfite 123 COHPONU,TS: ORIGINAL MEASUREMENTS: 1. Ammonium sulfite; (NH4)2S03; Terres, E.; Hahn, E. [ 10196-04-0] Das Gas- und Wasserfach 1927, 70, 363-367. 2. Ammonia; NH 3; [7664-41-7] 3. Water; H20; [7732-18-5] EXPERIMENTAL VALUES (cont~nued): a NH 3 (NH4)2S03 mass % mol/kg Temperature = 60°C 50.07 0.53 8.727 0.630 47.58 2.18 8.154 2.548 46.68 4.05 8.158 4.827 45.25 4.77 7.795 5.604 45.60 4.78 7.913 5.657 39.01 11.68 6.812 13.909 44.33 5.55 7.616 6.502 41.87 7.11 7.066 8.183 39.80 9.03 6.697 10.362 38.73 9.79 6.478 11.167 38.86 10.16 6.563 11. 703 38.46 10.23 6.454 11. 707 38.43 10.49 6.478 12.059 39.14 10.82 6.735 12.697 56.92 10.87 15.216 19.816 52.95 12.29 13.116 20.761 39.54 12.53 7.103 15.351 40.68 12.54 7.480 15.741 47.34 12.66 10.190 18.585 47.68 12.90 10.414 19.216 38.99 13.36 7.045 16.464 a Molalities calculated by the compiler b The solid phase was (NH4)2S03.H20 throughout. H:20Au...................~~""'"'"'~ ....................................~,( NHi '2S0:3 (NHi )2S03 H20&u...u.......u............u.....u.....J!I.<....................u...uU~~,( NHi '2SO:3 H2 OA....u...........,.........~u..!Jr.u.... ........u......uJ.<........lJ.u.~LI.lIi,( NHi '2S03 124 Ammonium Sulfite COMPONENTS: ORIGINAL MEASUREMENTS: 1. AmmonIa; NH 3 ; [7664-41-7] fl111, L.M. 2. Sulfur dIoxide; 502; [7446-09-5] J. Chern. Soc. 1948, 76-8. 3. Water; H20; [7732-18-5] VARIABLES: PREPARED BY: Concentrations of the components Mary R. Masson One temperature: 298 K EXPERIMENTAL VALUES: ComposItIon of equIlIbrIum SolutIons at 25°C a a NH 3 5°2 5°3 NH 3 S02 mass % mass % mass % mol/kgt mol/kg 23.8 6.5 0.2 20.051 1.456 19.9 9.3 16.505 2.051 17.4 13.5 14.786 3.050 16.1 15.9 0.3 13.903 3.650 15.8 16.4 0.1 13.684 3.776 13.8 19.0 12.059 4.414 13.8 19.2 0.1 12.095 4.473 11.9 20.7 0.7 10.367 4.794 12.1 21.0 10.620 4.900 11.5 22.0 0.3 10.155 5.164 11.8 27.3 0.2 11. 378 6.998 12.4 33.3 0.3 13.409 9.573 13.4 41.4 0.8 17.408 14.298 13.8 43.2 0.2 18.845 15.683 14.1 44.9 0.4 20.194 17.095 14.8 49.2 0.5 24.140 21. 334 a MolalitIes calculated by the complIer. SOlId phase: 2NH 3.S02.2H20 [= (NH4)2S03.H20] (contInued on next page) AUXILIARY INFORHATION METHOD M'PARATUS/PROClDURE: SOliRer. AND PURITY lH HAHRIALS: MIxtures were prepared from the reagents in Freshly distilled water, reagent ammonIa an 8-oz bottle fitted with a glass stirrer. solution (0.88), gaseous ammonIa, and The mIxture was stIrred at constant gaseous sulfur diOXIde were the reagents temperature under coal gas (but some used In thIS study. oxidatIon still occurred). SeedIng with solId was done when supersaturatIon occurred. OvernIght (17 hr) was usually suffIcIent time for equilibration. Samples of lIqUId were separated and weIghed. SulfIte was determIned by tItratIon WIth IodIne, total sulfur gravimetrIcally as barIum sulfate after OXIdation of sulfite WIth bromine, alkalinIty by titration with lSTlMAHO ERROR: sulfuric acid to Methyl Orange, and ammonia by dIstIllatIon from sodium hydroxIde No estimates possible. SolutIon and collectIon In sulfuric aCId, or by calculatIon from the other analyses (NH3 = alkalInity + 1sulflte + sulfate). lU.n.RENClS: Ammonium Sulfite 125 COHPONENTS: ORIGINAL MEASUREMENTS: 1. Ammonia; NH 3; [7664-41-7] Hill, L.M. 2. Sulfur dIoxide; S02; [7446-09-5] J. Chern. Soc. 1948, 76-8. 3. Water; H20; [7732-18-5] ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: The orIginal data have been recalculated by the compiler in order to facilitate comparison with other data. (NH4)2S03 NH 3 mol/kg mass % mol/kg mass % 1.456 11.58 17.133 19.97 2.051 16.43 12.403 14.57 3.050 23.58 8.686 9.85 3.650 27.59 6.603 7.32 3.776 28.42 6.132 6.77 4.414 32.70 3.231 3.51 4.473 33.02 3.149 3.41 4.794 35.46 0.779 0.85 4.900 35.95 0.820 0.88 (NH4)2S03 S02 mol/kg mass % mol/kg mass % 5.078 36.97 0.086 0.35 5.689 37.87 1.309 4.81 6.704 39.68 2.869 9.37 8.704 42.67 5.594 15.13 9.423 43.86 6.260 16.07 10.097 44.74 6.998 17.10 12.07 46.80 9.264 19.81 OR (NH4)2S03 (NH4)2S205 mol/kg mass % mol/kg mass % 4.992 36.32 0.086 0.97 4.380 29.14 1.309 13.52 3.835 22.68 502 2.869 26.35 3.110 15.23 5.594 42.55 3.163 14.71 6.260 45.21 3.099 13.72 6.998 48.12 2.806 10.87 9.264 55.74 H201u...'JJ..I.-.......l........>J.LL~ .........~.................................'JJ..I..........,( NHi )250:3 NHJ ~o,~ .........~u..u..:.x.-"""""'J-u..<""""''''''''''''''''''''''''''u.u..1iI,( NHi '250:3 ~OI""""~~""""''''''''''~~''''''''''''''''''''w....~<UJ....,..;y( NHi '250:3 126 Ammonium Sulfite COMPONENTS: ORIGINAL MEASUREMENTS: Ishikawa, F.; Hiroshi, H.
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