Developing the Science of Networks Annualreport
developing the science of networks annual report 2www.networks.imdea.org0 Arturo Azcorra Director of the IMDEA Networks Institute September 2020 0 annual report annual report 2 IMDEA Networks Institute is a top research institute in network in the world that could have supported such a the Science of Networks and Communication Technol- drastic increase in demand. For instance, if the demand 3 ogy worldwide. It focuses on an area that has a profound of electricity suddenly increased by even a much smaller impact on people’s lives. Over the last decades, the wide- amount, the electricity network would collapse, and the spread access to networks has dramatically changed the same would happen with the road system, public trans- 9 way manufacturers produce and supply their goods, how portation, or any other existing network. 1 public administrations operate, how professionals work 0 Beyond networks, the COVID-19 crisis has also taught annual report annual report and, in general, how individuals and society are shaped. 2 us a lesson on the importance of digital transformation. The importance of networks has made itself even more Digital transformation deals with the digitalization of the evident during the current crisis of COVID-19. In this society as a whole, involving areas such as teleworking, crisis, networks have played a fundamental role to sub- electronic commerce, telemedicine, teleteaching, digital stitute the physical interaction between people. Indeed, administration and connected industry, among others. We during this period networks have allowed that work, social have seen that those societies that are more advanced in interactions, entertainment and life in general continue in terms of digital transformation have been able to cope spite of the drastic confinement measures that have been with the crisis much more effectively, suffering a much adopted.
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