EUROPEAN UNION European Structural and Investment Fund annual report 18 20 annual report imdea software institute science and technology for developing better software imdea software institute annual report Contact software
[email protected] Campus de Montegancedo tel. +34 91 101 22 02 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón fax +34 91 101 13 58 Madrid, Spain The IMDEA Software Institute was created by the Madrid Regional Government under the strong belief that quality research and innovation in technology-related areas is the most successful and cost-effective way of genera- ting knowledge, competitiveness, sustainable growth, and employment. The Institute focuses on research on the science and technology behind the creation of reliable, scalable, and secure software. The relevance of software in the global market is supported by existing data: the spen- ding on ICT for 2017 in the EU28 area was estimated in 624M€, a 4.4% of the GDP of the same area (D2.1 First Report on Facts and Figures, IDC Italia srl and The Lisbon Council, March 2018), while the worldwide tendency is that of a sustained growth of an approximate annual 5% (, IDC Italia srl, consulted on April 2019). In addition, trends such as the wider application of AI and the emergence of blockchain-based technologies Manuel Carro applied to a variety of scenarios unrelated to cryptocu- Director, IMDEA Software Institute rrencies, continued their consolidation during 2018. As April 22, 2019 with all new technologies, their adoption is not without risk, and careful deliberation is needed to ensure that they can be safely used.