
The:rapiubUosia i^^

'•]f\Mitiu^''M*-.J^ yoti^ .aiid to liuive tbe^^d^iit p^dii and tlib honor of the Btateimain'tained ;^^^w^ 'cn^ta aire diyided; fl^ on t^e quOs- tioni' bohseqiiehtiy, next fall the fe- Anotbtir ln«erc«tlar Ii«U«r irjwm.lirv' publicaiis and ^tato^ebt democrats will Am DcMrlptlir* mti- Tlialr Jraraair— NaakvlUc ana; P*tiiMa«' Ii>.*«r««( be comiielled to go. together. ' I can i Thereln-4>ltaWaealliern Cities., not i>ut believe, and am told, that tbe Out at Cost , (Tpihe.tkUiar.Xi sentiment toward the north has chang­ : In my laatletter; I aime as far as ed wonderfully within the loJst fiftecft MASON. MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 11. 1880. WHOLE NO. 1105. ; Nashville, or, rather, Ten'nesaee. From years; and is now raplidly tiirnlngin jQuthrle,,where \«re entered the state, their favor. They claim thiey want There are a few Specialties in Dry Mnson Basiness Directory. can be consulted free of charge at the carried the city by storm. He was re­ Written for The news. • AWewspapcrrree.'"' ' ion to the dty, the countir^ northern men to come here,-make it American hotel upon all forms of called four times by irresistible storms LET HIM BE HEARD. I will Insure every man In the Watertown ' foronoyeorand Ainiiah hinr with Tub IKO- i A large porldqn; of it ISjjjeautlfUU^^ their home and be one of them. So Goods on which we can save JEWEfiKRH. chronic, surgical, eye nnd ear dlisease). of applause and the large audience i ing and excellent fori farming, raising far oa we are ooncenied, we have uni­ Qi W. Polar having retired from the flmi of Polar & Puller, you money by buying Published Evkiiv TiunisaAV Aktek- LTAS CULVER, dealer In watches, clocks, BY J. T. BIII.I.EN. iiAM CouNTV News, Hi. Ijoula Xeader or Ing- ' Jewelry, silverware, etc. Ropalring done. We cidl attention to tho "sandy" was held in almost breathless silence. bam county i7eniocra<, for what It costa him to.- { I all the crops to perfection. > Good tlm-versally met Avith the kindest .treat­ E Ye temperance men who love tho cause, - J. L. Fuller will continue to sell this month. KOON IIY,-,. statement made in the local notice col­ Tho mftsic that camo out of that little And sigh for better temperance laws, insure In the Mutual for one year.).'' I her is iiere in aibtindanoe. NashvlUei is ment aiid cordiality imaginable. You C.nERRY,JewcIer,and dealer In watches. OTIS FULLER. J. clocks. Jewelry, silverware, and musical umn by L H. Vandercook, the wide­ instrument under this great master's Though you have kept the pledge so long. 4tf. • . I. H. VAirOEKCOOK.. / see from this that I am favorably im­ Instruments. Itepalrlnit a specialty. Calll You ought to hoar this comic John. i the capital of the sta^'l«»!te4 awake agent of the Watertown Insur- hand was wonderful. Indescribable. •• 'AU Peraona'' pressed with this state. I confess I am, BOOT® A.i^r> •rasiaa.ia:/ Indebted to mo' by notb or bthorwiso are ro- I ! Cumh^rldnd river, and contri^^ Qua y«ir, ll.Sb; •ix monllii, 7S ctntt; thraa DRVOOINTM. nncec ompany. There is a chance to For an instant it wbitld be as low and Ye moderate drinkers that havo'shown j fifty tiipuMiind inbabitant8,;;U aiid'think there are good reasons for it. Tlie cup could drink or let alpne— quested to come and pay up Iminedlately. i noollii, ^0 .oeriii—in ninttet, M.WILLIAMS.druKKlstand apothecary. get The News free. sweet as tho 'softest tones of the flute, • C.P.Bkown. ' jwhite.; Nearly.one-third of the popu­ Wo visited the Fisk university for IN MARCH H. Prescriptions carenilly comiwundcil. Who claim that you so neutral are AT THE OLD STAND ADVERtmiNQ RATES. E. Beinent of Lansing, the well and then suddenly swell to the volume You surely ought to hear John R, , lation is composed of the'former class. colored people. You know it wos built Our adTortlslns rates nro 8100 per column f\ W. HALSTEAD, dealer In drugs, nicdt Tbe n. n. W. So. CIvair, ) per yonr. Business cards n a lino per your. \J, cinos, pornimery, fancy goods, notions, known manufacturer of agricultural of d pipe organ. Tbe Methodist churcli Is the dellght'of o'very^ sraokor—clear Havana • :a%o river is quite large and af^ by the Tennessee Jubilee singers—that We Can Save You Money on .1 Business locals flvo cents per line each and Intemperate men and topers all, every Insertion. implements, died last Monday aged was packed to its utmost capacity, four Wlio bow before king alcohol. flilcd, at William'8 drug-storoi : 1 oelleht transportation. Th!o!, city is is^ the greater part—from their con­ MorrloBO, birth, and death notices IVoe. OUOCERN. At Prices that Catch Them All. sixty-nine years. C. E. Smith, his liundredand flftypersonsbeihgpresent . To whom tho fljluro looks ho dark farm for •*!«. ibullt quite compact, and bos many cert^ both in this country and in Eu­ Obituary notices, resolutions or respect, UNNING & HOWARD, dealers In grocor- You ought to bear this .lohn R, Clark. card! of thanks, etc., five cents a line. D los, crockery, and provisions. Ash street. ogent in this city, closed his business Tho receipts at the door, exclusive of A great bargain, for eOacroa; l>.<;mllcs cast ol jgood buiidings, but nothing to compare rope.' It Is a largo, nice building, flne- HAMBURG R. D.W. HAI.STED A CO., dealers In gro- and attended the funeral. season tickets, was $133, which a little No man so low but there Is loft Mason. Inqulro.nt Puller'a shoo atore. ] with Chicago or Detroit. The streets iy located, occupying the site of what JOB PRINTING! D cerlcs, drugs, sewing machines, etc..etc. more than paid expenses without A spark of manhood In his breast- Iiuniber Wanted. I are generally narrow, and are not kept was known during the war Fort CALL AND BE CONVINCED. steam Power, Now PrcHsos, and Now Type .1. T. Campbell of Onondaga, who drawing from the lecture fund on hand. To And and fan this feeble spark. Rook Elm j Block Hickory, Whltowood, Buss-' enable us to do .Tob I'rlntlng on short ROOTN AKll NHWEN. has been reading law with Henderson Is now tho work of John R. Clark. ; clean. It is built on a sort of lime-stone Oihiian, opposite forts Nayler and EDGINGSI notice, at low prices, and In tho OLAR * FULLER, dealers In boot«, shoos, wood, and Oak, in exchange for blacksmlthing, '. millinery, and fancy goods. Main street. & Day this winter, has been appointed Ye wives and daughters, too, should hear. carriage or cutter work.- • rock, which comes near the surface, Morton. We found its president tob e Reepectfully, BEST POSSIBLE MANNER! P Circuit Court. I consequently their sewers are all on Eev. Mr. Cravath, cousin of Capt. Chi- We have Just added to our stock G. HUNTINGTON, exclusive dealer In deputy county clerk, and will continue And mothers who.havo sous to rear; Wtf. B. F. Gnirwy. :, . boots and shoos. Repairing done cheap. The circuit court convened yesterday Not one of them should miss the chance. I the surface, taking the place of our gut- vath, who used to reside at Lansing. nearly $400 worth of new and de­ C his study of law in tlie clerk's oflOoe. Honey to Loan. J. L. rUUBR. Business Curds. ICE BROS, manufacture and repair hoots for the purpose of finishingsom e chan­ To hear John Clark on temperance. AtelffUpereenfongiltedgoaecurlty. . ; i tere on each side of the streets. There We found there several persons who sirable styles in Hamb\irg Edg­ and shoes. Shop In express building. An excellent appointment. North Auhgmus, March 2. ' Dabt it CLABK, Lansing, Mich, r ATTORWKYN. R cery business, and is still in session to­ iare two bridges across the river, one a formerly lived in Michigan, among ings, from So to $1.76 a. yard. Wo learn from Dr. Lyon tliat Miss All Aceonnta Bnnkrupt Store. B.CDAnT. „ ' B.A.Or.AIlK. IHINCKM.ANKOVIV. day. Since our lost report George I nice suspension bridge. It has quite them, their music teacher, Miss Swift DARTA CLARK, Theresa Austin ofOnondaga township, The republic of Liberia has by Duo Polar A Fuller most be' settled In thirty : W. TANNER, dealer In dry goods, no- Howard, tbe burglar, who went diiys. . • : I a number of churches, none very cost-of Lansing. There are three hundred A TTORNEYS, LANSING, MICH. .SPECIAL who has been sick for over two years through Emery & Forester's store at friendly negotiation secured the anneX' A attention given to Investigating and ner- M. tlons, silks, nnd fancy goods. Main st. Explanation;"'.'!''':'- !iy„and an unusually large number of and forty students, one hundred and icctlng titles and all questions pertaining to EBB * ME.\D, exclusive dealers In and conflned to her bed most of that Lansing, has been sentenced to six ation to its eastern frontier of the na­ j universities; this section having a rep­ fifty of whom board in the building; rcalcHtAtc. clothing and gent^t' furnishing gootls. tive kingdom of Medina. Progress People go to'W. M. Clino's for their tnonu- Bankrupt Again! THIS :m:on"ti3c W time, is much improved and has prom­ years in the Jackson state prison. menta and tombstones because hla work bos . utation for healthfulness induced al- the remainder either reside in tho city 1 A. B. HAVNES, FRANK CLARK, blacksmith and flno ise of making a good recovery. shines even on the sands of AfHca. TTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR L. carriage builder. Repairing neat, cheap. Frank Mortimer, the reform school token thoload In thla county for ten yean and jmost all the religious denominations to or elsewhere. Their t)oard and tuition We can show you the largest stock of In chancery. Collections a Hpcclnlty, Clicster Granger of Ingham has re­ graduate, who stole a suit of clothes, can be bought for:lcss money than of other - celaDnrrow block. Mnson, IRST NATIONAL BANK. M. McRoliert, It is gratifying to know that one shops. j locate their institutions of learning cost twelve dollars per month, beside Fine Laces, Common Laces,. and 4 president. H. L. Henderson, cashier. turned after two or three years absence got eighteen months in the Ionia re­ Trochon Laces we have ever (;apltjilF , »100,(Ha General l>anking business. southern democrat — Alexander H. here. The Vanderbilt university one hour's work per day. Both young RUSSELL C. OSTRANDER, in Lucas county, Ohio, and will once formatory. In the libel suit of George Come One, CooieAU, ; |(Methodlst), a Baptist and a Presby­ men and young women attend the col­ been able to display in TTORNEY AT LAW AND CIRCUIT LARK HOUSE, Wm. H. Clark, proprietor. Stephens — has had tbe courage and both great and small, and aettle up your ao . Having bought the Bankrupt Stock of Dry Mason. _ court commissioner, Lan8jng.Jllch._ Best one dollar a day house in the clty. more occupy his old farm one mile H. Murdook of the Berrien Springs counta at once,/or J mtut Aave

BuBeneAngelltoA. M. Turner, sw port Sayera taste,. andnot promtioubualuiiMtnBlntedwlthVMBtory,ortbrameny u The man of great piaetloal ^abiUtlo < a bung. A Uttle btmp bracket In thla oorner, a GOO /'^OMUISSIONKHS'NOTIOB.-TaB UNDKK- conical wall-pboket tn another; theblrdcagsubjue t la.Uable to miAe great mistakes, and PJUaAOB \j signed, hnvlng licon appointed by tliu probate with Ita aweet eingeia, hanging betweenancoonno thee hte b ela troated Umid,. I torf no Ift cona eonsoiousc onao,f rash hla. igno SayNa Thnrsday, March 11, 1880. ,-inBt court for tbu county of Ingbaih, coiiiinlsBloDcrs boiAe-made,t«stenilljr adorned ourtolnaof one GLARKlVANDERCOOK It Will Pay You section 85, Wlliiamston, and 18 acres on the estate of James Alton; decesand. to sotUo window and balanced by a flowerbaske t and IS square rods on section 2, Wheot1,700 - banyd giv s^ase uotlet nile claim thats the againsy wiltl esimeedt estate for tha, dto purpos here­e pendeht!in another, A wall ehelf—the old BORNt C."Hl'Eiiiotrto'jM^^^^^ HEAT HAREET! stthohouaeof Usry Couvorsc, In Aurelius, o» clock; a Bide table with ita bible and Theryoau few eal lcome thats tcaon you ber aiknowd thne experiencabout osubiecte of th.e TJIOHINSOK.-To sTihomlnson of Vevny, ocros on section SO, Whcatfleld. 1,200 tho 8th dsy of April next, and August lOtti, 188D, booka,'and four chain.' 'Tla a bumble homewhol. e worid, and of all post history. -Tho March S, o daughter. of sow ofse\4, section ta, Delhi at ten o'clsck In tho forenpoii ot said days. Sb: ,.' ,11.1 "HOME."' In reaponse to a comment on the comfortablemoro-l Influence of good .books Is not sm oil; E. J.Ryon to D. 11. Ryan, se!< otaaW1,623 months from tho Wlh day orrobruary, Av D; 1880, they purify tho tastes, elevate the.character, TO BTJY section 17 ond ne^ of neii section 30, Is tbo timo limited for the prosontatloo of oUlnn^. . All''' Biawv'.'bjr' "'Dr. J. ".Harvejr'Ictm, ness ot hla home, the farmer replied, '.'Youmok seee low pleasures unattractive, aiid corry Farmers* Club. , ' Delhi :* 1,000 i. W. FllBKMAN, •••« •el#re The BarMeM* €tmh, »»U tho.gtria hod earned a little money withth e soul up Into a region of noble olins ond E.S.Sanford to Wm. Sonford, a purcels . R. L. noi.F£, which they went off to school loat winter,generou and a purposes. Wo Bhould be glad to On account of Bickness, Mr. Webb on Bw!.^ of ne^, section 28, Leslie..... fiOO ; Comn>la»loiiora. ':«ir«IVirah. M. IMO. ' they must have learned a sight, for at holidayotibrs somethin g upon the "Novel,'' B that within twenty Ah idea,' and perhaps' the Imaglnatloh taketrivialities s ore weighty in their influence upEliot,­ " Murilbooh's historicol novels, the writ­ •ff-EXCLUSIVE-^ ANYTHING vicinity that wo are uro|}arod to furn­days corapluinunt cnuso notice uf thla/order to tin deflnlte shape In' the conception of ah Ideaon lth o tastes and cliarncten forming ining thse of "Jules Verne," and various tronslo- Lake Shore nursery at quite low rates. ish them with ail kinds uf Aesh published In TuE Inoiiam Codhty Nxwa, and Utile sons and daughters rapidly growingtion up.s from French and Qerinun novelists. Persons wishing anything in this line nnd suit meats at as weethutk sai fodr alpubllcutiux snccuaslvu boo wcoks continue. d" a t least Once u borne. That we may be adjudged in mor:e On in­e word respecting family governmentStil. l oscending we greet the writings of Scott. would do well to consult Mr. Overholt. In the line of Lowest Maeket Prices! timate sympathyrWltb tma titb, the relationThis a the writer bos found many times, aDickenss for , Hawthorne, Irving, Thockcry and Lttn8lug,Fob. M, 1880.- of which, In some, piurtlbulars, wo will' consid- stylEmersono and; eacthoughth migh. Thougt beh studierollgoud sfo rbook theisr Next Saturday, Mr. B. J. Bullen of 11U8SELL Ci OSl'RANDEK, as the children aro concerned, left to tho over­ GASH GROCERY! Aurelius, will read an essay before CONSISTINO OF LOW miCES Circuit Court Commissioner Ingbam Co., Mich. er,let It' be known that the writer has haburdened am-d mother; ond frequentlyth o fathsometimes­ , nnd perhaps generally, ore con­ D*nT A Ulahk, Solrs. fur tlomplt. 110i!w7 plbopportiinlty to know 'aim lifo In alle Itrs woul d shirk all responsibility in the mattesiderer d dull and uninteresting, it need not the olub. n As nny other mnrkot in the city. pl^aaes, both In the ea^t ahdln.Mlchlgan. oHf theie r training, while I believe that, thnibno tso charmin, us verifieg ollegory,d by th"o PilgriinsTrogress, merited pomilarit"y of H. J. Haioht, 'Viee-president. STATE OF RUPU8 SWAllT, DECEASED. has employed and been emplbyed;and his ownman'y coses, to this fhct IS due the stronogr anthodt absorbing narrative of church history, E. A. SwKET, Secretary. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, EAtaseaelonofthStale of Michigane probat,e count couryt ofofr Ingham tlict count, si:y. bands have done everything Inbluded In evenlthe y developed and generous natures of D'Aublgnfiour s " history of the Qroot Koforma- In Mason. of Ingham, holdon at the probato olllco in the farmer boys, yet It Is often tho straw wolghtlon."t The unlimited, persistent and constant UWADILLA. BooeS 'Webuy nono but tho very best stock nncitdy ou otf Mason, on the tenth day of Kebrnnry, Ih duties of ••lilred man" upon some of our tolargo emuc h to bear that crushes wife ond mothereadinrg of stories is vicious and leads to men­ Builders' Hardware a Specialty it up to suit our customers. tho year one thousand eight hundred and eighty. wheatlhrms. If we shall seem to strike tierclton earth. Tremendous are tho responsibilita­l Imbecility. But wo might go on almost Hostetter's Bitters. I'raseut, M. D. Ohnttcrtou, Judge ol probutu. atabiises, oqaezoeptlons are not taken withtie­s of guiding a young life along the roolliimltublyd to , discussing tho ueneral subject of Jaat • HprluklluK of Wowm TblM Week. Blank Books, In the matter of tho estate of Itunis Swart, de­ out example*; In every Instance, ofwblohmanhood we . Instilling with tho formation omemorreodlnf gy inof al whosl Itso phaseslecture. Dron. Clark"self, cultureto th"o [Special Correspondeme.] Give me a Call. ceased. hove persbnally been oognlsant. It Is nottha,t character, sentiments of virtue and habitthos writer shall feel ever Indebted, emphasizes UNADII.LA, March R, Binding or We are constantly receiving New Gootls direct from the Manu­ HEBMABT FRAZEI.. 1o fO nAmy'Bwart reading an, dprayin filingg tbthao tpeUtlon adminiatratio, dnly nverified of , therefore, upon a basis of :lnexipbrlence, nbofr industr y and sobriety. tho importanceofrendlng that which interests. On Sunday, March 7, Miss Ann Stationery said estate may bo cranted to Ohsrlos Cugiwcll, deductions from nicely,'drawn theories; thos" Theo whic besht bookure sclearest are th, beae most expressedt interesting, and, Striker united with the Baptist church facturers, and are prepared to give you the Latest Style; or aome other suitable poraon: \ But from thorough knowledge'of the practicadeservlTh oe door-ynr a passind nngd notice surrounding. Frequentls of thyo housonmosoo t logical; which uro deepest, broadest and in WillianisviUe by immersion. ' and Best Goods now in use, and at 9 Michigan Central. Thoroupunlt la ordersd, that, tho 7ttadayof relations and the grand {xkHlbllltles of lifeo fon th e firstimprovement s the young wifloftiest.e " Atthesome time study to extend tho On Saturday, March 6, Mrs. Robert algneAprild next for, th atoue bearine o'clocg kof Inaal dth epetition afternoon, an, dbe tha* aa-. makes is to get a little corner in front orangr beo o f appreciation for knowledge. If agri­ TM Yon GaDit Get tbe heirs at law of naid doceasod, and all othar tbe term. ' ' side the house, where she can grow a feculturmanw ye subject has sfascination which sar efor contiguou you, tlierse to or thie s Bullls was buried in Plutnfleld. Mrs. puraona interested in naid estate, are required to Thiitmtich heroin considered lias its appliflowers—pretty­ emblems and tendeand rwlilo remindh ma­y bo wisely and protitubly con­ B. was sixty-four years old ond settled Prices that Defy Competition! ^ appear at n acaslon of said court, than lo be hold- cation to the borne anywhere Is.true; butotheersnm o fher ae linpp thayt hegirlhoo that pooullor and valued bultivation acquiredevastatiod n in this restful pleasure groundthn oft would be tiio best sort of companions for Write at once to \jriHANCEU gnu, Thyo SALE.-STATcircuit courtE I'ortheoounty'ot OP MICHI- ' 'by contact with mony and voricd cliaractcrstbo, wife's diversion. growing families nnd enlarge tho Intelligence eranve HaetlnBS-Red-lllbbou Club Rumaey & Co,'a Wind Mill Force Pumpa; Ingham—In chancery. Septimus Clarlc.com- take the place largely of the cultivotlon How often we disregard tho "externalu fflt- our communities vastly. One housc,wlth a . Meeting—Local Howa Generally. nlninnnt, vs. Charles 'W.Butler and Kuwnrtl which one acquires by stuiiy of chornctcriies, a.s of things." Frequently the house lookworths y philanthropic nlin, publish tho works [Special Cortctpondencc,] Crane Broa. Manufacturing Co. —Charcoal W. Sparrow, dct'endnnt«. Notice is liorcb.v out upon the cattle-yard, and many timesof th ouer best authors. Including the writings of E. B. SMITH & GO. given, that In pursuance ofa decree of the cl!^ wo meet It In the printed page. Those who Dickens, Tliackery, Black, McDonald, etc.. 7 BctNKlcRUlLl., March 8. Galvanised Iron Well-Bipe; mo lli'erous odors from a too convenienItn pi papeg r form (Tho Sea nnd Lakeside library), cerycull ,cour madte fo ron th tiieo count sovontiy ojf Inghnniday of ,July In'chan, A.- D. beard the Hon. 'Wm. Parsons, last Tuesdastyye regolo the senses, os you would enjoanyd th ewhic h may be purchased for from llvo to We hear that J. L. Clark is on the DETROIT, MICH. 1871), In tlic above entitled cause, I shall sell nt, ovoning, will remember his reference to eveningcoothel breeze. Agains on, a sth evidencee frontd porc byh a totaat lnoo disretwentn ­ory cents per number, according tesize , sick list. Boston Rubber and Leather Belting and Hoae public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the cultivation of travel, which simply means the work usually complete in one number. Company; west front door of tho court-iiouse in tho city ooiit4M:twith new scenes, new fltces, now garablna­de foofr th buildine topographg purposesy of: the ground, nsThi sultsr wa s to drown out tho trashy literature - Frank L. Clark storted for the Black of Mason, In said county,on Saturday, the27tli tures and Btrongo customs, and the orator's which was corrupting our youth of both sexes. hills to-day. He takes with him a seSHOBT-HORt N SALE Jackaon Fire Clay Co.—Brain Tile, Well Tile, The Sllohignn Central rallroiul, with Its conday­ of March, A. D. 1881), at 11 o'clock In tho groundThe barns, and, situatetho dhous one a u commandin couple ofg hundre risIen o dthl e shape of dime novels and the like. Of of block-smith tools. nections at Chlcngo, afTorda the moat direcforenoot n of that day, tho promises described allusion to the ancient custom, before bookfeets distont on a lower level—thus renderincoursg e 'tis better to get such works lu more There will bo o sale of Durhaiwam, Cows, Uolf- Fire Brick and Fire Clay; and desirable route of travel from MlclilgnnIn to sai d decree, to wit: Lots ono'(l) and two wore known, of sending the youth to distonimpuritt y of water liable, and damp anddurabl un­ e shape, for mauy of them will beaorfTh re th-eo Bitter complexios invariabln anyd remedwhiteys oyellownesf tho eyess , J. J. Pcttycs has s61d his farm andf s and Bulls, on tho fair-ground, Howell, all points in Knnsas, Nebrnskn, Colorndo,(2) , block ono hundred and nfty-thrce (1511), U> rending nnd a closer study than this cheap pa­ talks of going to the Black hills. He Lansing Tile Works. Te.vus, Minnesota, Dakota, Manitoba, etc., etctho. city of Ijanslng, county of Ingham unit olUcs to acquire knowledge by gross observaAgainhealth­ y, perhaps cellars, commo the housn osource Is burles ofd conuiglon In foliageper. .wil l stand. linlns In the right side nnd under tho right orMich.s and, Marc. Bullth 35,1880^ on.th, froem falr-ground,_Howell the herds of Hosloy, , Sure nnd close connections um always bstato roe­ uf Michigan, with tiio appurtonnnccK tion and contact. Again, the town drawIf's ' paint costs nothing," sunshine costs less, KliouIder-blnp vey. requlum to tho happy name of home. typeWo, nn d well ndaptod for children. Thcsallyo. llS5w« Harlo Becker has sold his house anCatalogued s furnished on application to HIONJ. ORTGAGE BALE.—DEFAULT HAVING dwell upon these errors, sure that they ariswille ai d very much in tliolr developeniont of lot near the Felt school-house, and P. BATCHBLOIl, Occoln, or ALEX. .McPII lilt SHEET-ntON flBE, TIN AND GOFFER VIRE! notpurclinao yonr tlckctH nor contract .vouMr been made in thccondillonsofucertnlti "Farmer vertui torm wife" might well ofTefrorm a a too severe practicality; to a narrota,stews nnd cultlvntion of manners; their ma­ Chester Field of Stockbridge, tbe pur-SON, Howell. Il0;iw3 gafreighn Centralt until. you have heard from the Michimortpng­ e mndo by Byron W. Evnrts nflft «ubject for profltoble dtscnsslon. Wo will leavanmentsed unenlightene. Of form dcourtesie view osf lifwec an ddo Itnos trequire feeturitl a­ty of thought and solidity of character. Harness. chaser,has taken nosession of the prop­ eAmelid Septembea J. Evartr 20ths to, A Hanna. D. 1877h ,Q.Moshcr and recorde, datd­ In this time to say much. Some one hasO dof cours- e tho intelligent, progrcaaivo former mruKnAXit to mum ass stock saisiss. And are prepared to do Jobbing and Re­ tho oflico of the register of deeds, for tho Coun­ It with a remark or two. A former andUne wifde manners as " a contrivance of wisemus metn have his technical paper. Ho would erty. Mr. B. will go to Lansing. Miscellaneous. ty of Inghnm, nnd stato of Michigan, on the sbiho years since, when youth and vivoclttoy kee p fools at a dlstjinco," but" Mie basinewspapellkowlss ofo rdesir presse ,som aned rcprascntiitlvprobably hics ocountf thDIey D YOU^XSVER DANSVILLE! This spring has brouglit the usual A Stock Book by Stock-Jircedcrs. pairing on the Shortest Notice. 21st dny of September, A. V. 1877, fiilibe r .lilCf were their dowry, with little else save detergood- manners is self reliance." Manners muspapet r would meet this Indication. For the gen­ number of men looking for houses to CRAY'S NPEOiriC MEDICIBTCi mortgnges, on pngo sH'l on which mortgage ' mlnatlon and habits of Industry—len eachb thoo inspire d by a good heart, a desire toera carrl discussioy n of political situations, perhaps Tbe Dlostniteil American Stock Book, TBAOE MARK, 'f'" l/reat mi-TRME theroisclnlmedto bo due nt tho dutoofthis Joy and peace, and not pain or discomfortherot is no higher resource than The NiMon, VINIT TIIE rent. Farmers ought to make a rule to — Itsh remedy, nn " notice tho sum of five hundred nine dolhiij:, bomfortablo home of parents (who had acquirabou­t us. "Thero Isalwaysa best way of doinor gth e editorials of Harper's Weeklii, the Int/- publish the names of dead beats whoA Common.Heniie Treatment of the nnd 80 cents, and an attorney's fee of fUty dol­ ed o competency by toil) and, selecting aever tracyt thing, if it bo but to boll an egg." ter"Man ­also meeting the desideratum ofa family leave a liouse without paying the rent. niiteaMeN or IlameM, Cattle, founfailinr seminag eurol lars provided for in said mortgage,and no suit of land, started out in their humble crofnert tos aro tho happy ways of doing thingspictoria; l paper, a great source of pleasure IABNES3ISAOUIand T STORE HoKM and Sbcep, weakness,sper- or proceedings at law having boon Instituted rldo tho mounting bUlows of a selflsb worldoueacrh. bette strokre home a stroks Iet Iosf nogeniut wantings and. love. Childre"roll Innt among children. Each family should The red-ribbon club will hold their niatorrliea, Im- gageto recove, or ran thyo par moneyt thereofs secure; d by aald mort­ Ho, strong in honesty and manly independearl­y learn (If parents aro mindful of thKenv o sometliing to meet the demand for re­ -next meeting, Sunday evening, Marcii ALL IN ONE VOLU.MK. alldlNcaacsth'potency, a nt d Now, therefore, by virtue of tho power of ence; she, confident and contented inthosunright- s of each other) to show kindness toligiou eld­s reading. "Rellijious books, says one, Lowest Bottom Fnces CKiaxanteed! 14, at the Centre scliool-housc.and Ilov,"Th o Live-stock Publishing Comjiany," follow as a se-. sale conuilned In said mortgage, andthostat- , ers; brothers to sisters; and all to strangersstand. nt the summit of literature. First, tho Chlcngo, have Just i.isuod the nbove new SAYERbook S k PHELPS! .Hhtno of his devotion, has left oil—the homHowe beautiful arc such courtesies In the famibible­s of tho races; then. In the second class, Geo. Stoweof Stocitbridge will deliverwhic h trcnts dlseiuiea of horsca, entile, hogs quonce of self- , ... herebute iny sucgivehn cos thaet mad one Tliursday nnd provided, llie ,11t notlch daoy ia around which cluster tho recollections ofly s.o Siste r or mother, or age of cither sexHomer en­ , lloslod, Escliylus, and tho groat a temperance sermon. Let every-bodynn d sheep. In plnln language tiny ono cnn un­ ofMarch.A. D. 1880, nt one o'clock in tho aJ- many happy, careless hours; tho companionterss; brother nnd son rises and hands noemsothem f Milton and Dante;" after these, thCe. A. NIMS, Wagons, Carrlagesj^to^ hear him. derstand, and explains dlseiuios by perfuse Il­ E. Bice's Column, Dansville. Before Tfildiig.^i.»-..i^^^^ tornoon, I shall soil at pubUo auction, to Ui« and associations among which her womanlthye easy chair. These courtesies redoundlive tos of good and noblo, self-sacrlllclng men lustrations. It la by tho combined tnlentof vcrsnl insaltude, pnin in tho back, dimneshigliess of t bidder, at tho front door oftbo court ncstheB greate of thre unitIndividualy of tli,o eac familyh desirin, andg thcotherunsolllshanWesleyds- women, Swodonborgs; tho writing, Taylor's ofs Luther"Holy, CalvinLiv­ , The Pomona or county grange wilthlo best Votorlnry nuthors of the United diaenaevlalou,a prematur ^hat leade tolod Insanit nge, yan odr consumptiomany othehousnro In the city of Mnson (that being the nature has developed; the paronts,whose lovcomfort­ . They further help to knock ofl'thing,e " Itunan'a "Life of .Icsus," etc. That thero A-t r>a-iisville? TUB OELBEKz-A-TElD meet with Felt's grange,No.347, in tillStatess , selected with their speclnl roferenco to and n prcmaturegrivve. FullparHcularsInouplacr e where tho circuit court for Ingham ing core, whoso watchful oyes, whose gentlrougeh and uncouth from tho youth of stronis nothing g so Interesting tu the human heart town on Friday, March 19. They wilupontheil r. fitnes It hns afo rnls trcntino n Homoeopnthg dlsonscK ythe dopnrty writ-e |iainpliIot,wIilcli wo doslroto send ft'oob y maicountl y is holden), tho promises described In counsel, whoso experienced Judgment haphysicas l framenn d rapid growth. Italso prea­s religion, la teatllled to, by tho vastcireulaDid- you ever sco nny iif his work? There have u public meeting ut the school-ment, for treating domestic nnlmnis In addi­ ;o every one. ^s-Tlio Specific Medicine la necessarsaisoldd mortgngoy to ,pa ory sthoo muc amounh thereot duef uosn ma aniyd h o ever guarded and directed her path. Shencsvent ss w thoe soni seemino timeg nogllgoucs meet,o whic andh thouglilloss permitllndsltswntlo husn- ­of suclyi intworkso man. Thye homesreligiou,s an newspaped if readwerr, e Inrgo numbers of linrnesses of his mnko house in tiie afternoon and grangetio n to tho regular practice Tho object ofBOOM tho ! BOOM! BOOM! ngeby sal lfo rdruggist $1, ors wil atSl lb ope rsen pncknget free, bory simalx piicklmorlgnge on- re­, with ton per <:ent. interest, and aU must leave nil nnd cling only to him, herban husd­ or sou to sit content lu tiie onlyperhap easys nieot« this want. No home .thouldsol bed In Ingham county last yenr, and ho de- meeting at the hall in the evening. company acoma to bo to give tho farmer n re- ceipt of tho money, by nddreasliig 2Vie Oro.legavl costs, together with an nttornoy's fee of band, nnd servo him. Many times tempestchuirs , Willie wife and mother gets woodwiUiOut for a lUurury periodical In the shapeiend of ns upon their merits to Inrgcly Incrciuo llnblo guldo nnd at tho anmo time It contnlna Medicine 0>., 10 Mechanics block, Delroil,fift Mich.y dollar s covenanted for therein, the prem­ of odvorslty struck their llttio ship, but witthhe flro ur draws u pail of water from themonthl well. y Journal, iicrlbncr'a or J/urpcr'a fIliss sales during the coming year. Ho doesn't vnluablo Infiirmntlon whlcli ordinarily would «3»Sold In Miwon by all druggists, and everyises­ being described In said mortgage ns till Wc have seen husbands, and they pro.siierauperhaps s tho beat for the family. The Allanlic,claim to sell cheaper than any other manMilbur, but n Wagons ONPyPAGA. bo contnlncd In flvo or sl.x high priced books. where by wholesale and retnll dcnlers. Slythosl e certain pieces nnd pnrcclsof land situat­ faith ond courage they greeted another year'farmerss , who thought such aid to theirth wifee Qalaxy, the JEclcclic, and the variouclaims re­s to do Into one of very modorato price. It la sl.x ed in tho city of Mason in tho county of IiiK- crops with glod hearts. Year by year, In their North Ajiiericati Conleniporarji, books In ono at tho price of one Homembor ham and st4ito of Michigan, and known and aidena insul of bemeanlngtt to her oabilit hisy royn to ldo highness, or th. eDiarview worsde eacse (th ho periodicals of standard moril. The etc,y ) AOenernl Collection of Items Broiiirhtth o title nnd tho compnny. "The Illustrnt- described ns foUows.to wit: Lota ton(10)aifd humble homo, they sco tho Incubus of .thedebt ove r fall to manifest Interjsl In his gnrruwould- furnish healthful food for thought,Bette r Work for the Money AT COST! ToKetber Eapeeinlly for The NeWM."o d Amcrlcnn .Stock book," by the Live-stock Glioice Flower and Sarden Seeds, eleven (U) of block No. four (-1) of Smith aiW fading owny, while better barns and bettelousnossr , about this or that stock, this fielandd of subjec t for convcrBatlon—be a relief to [Specitil Osrrespondence,] Publishing compnny, Chlcngo, Iw Call and examine my large stock of goods, purchased before Ponso nddltlon to the sitld city. stock, improved ond labor saving form Impleclove­r or that of grain. Did she not nurseth the eneve r ending chlH-chatf and hum-drumthan hi sca storn ebe a tprocure Dansvillde elHcwhere will convinc. Ae visi thet te Ononoaoa, March 8. the recent ad'vance. I am gi'ving my customers the STRAWBERRIES, PEACHI«,&c Dated Doc. 1,1870. ments, tho farm bell, ond now the windablfeebl milee lsheep lamb?s Perhapnnd thus evens sav, eas yo Inu numeroumany oohnnnolvalusf mucIn­- hs of outhoughr talkt ,an would dbrighte liberatn eth thee unite frozend purchase r thathlsclalmscon bo Tlie Advents ore holding religious ASK the recovered New Sorts by Mail. '] HANnXh g". MOSHER, MortgngeeOiwlli, —liondsomo emblem of tho farmer's progressslonccK­ , slie drove the horses at tho havrelation fork, s of tho family circle. Erncrson says: sub.stanclated. Full lino of meetings at No. 6 school-house. Dyspeptics, nilllous benefit of my foresight. Plants of the newest nnd finest ImprovedV. B. Haykes, Attorney for Mortgngeo. ive spirit—hnvo aU been added, Havo Iman­d tiioreforc, no boy was hired for the" purIn­ the country, In long time, for want of Sull'orors,'Victims of sorts, carefully packed and prepaid bjc'inall. ORTGAGbeen madE BALE.—6EFAULe In tho conditionT HAVINs of a Gcort^il n provements about ond within tho houso kepstubbleposet ; .o rDi dsh esh erod noet thstaey ruk hios nrInm hawhey nfielgooliiventio dfaild an­ dconversationu contract, aone' moss sunderstandin on them,g lik aneTi'tinks,d ni l Travelinij Jtays, Grifl&n's Platform Wagons !! Farmers about here arc improving Kovcr and Ague, the Sly collection of Htrnwiiorrlea took tl|o: tlraMmortgaget , executed by Benjamin F. Rix and pace with these additions and advancementurse of crops dislieartcned, or sickness disableoldd ? palin g in an orclinrd." Valises, Jilankcis, Whips, their time in getting out wood, stave- Mccnrlal Diseased shopremiuw mof fothre th Mnsao bes. tHorticultura collection,l n Societt thoy groaCynthi In t a W. Rix, of Mason, Michigan, to Ro- about tho farm 7 If not, why not? ThoHe relar ­eye of fnlU> and wifely confidence over IJf/IU and Heavy Jlarnesses, bolts, etc. Patient, how they Boston. 1 grow over lOO varieties, the salvmosot F. Grillinof thosaine place, bearing date tions aro mutual, Why should not she, whpointeo d out the inevitable suecessftil Issue nilosw unsatisfyingofLouourliabltofthougiit, SInyte aud Double J/arncsses, Miss Hattio Wilson of Eaton Rnpids recovered ' lloaltli. conipieto collection in tho country. Includinthgo sixteenth day of December, 1870, nnd ix>- the reward of courngo, nnd industry, nndho perw­ poor nnd S(|uaild olicn; and what our Trimminys, Ktc, IStc,, The Best and Cheapest in the Market. CABRIAGES Cheerful Spirit.'^ and ill tlie now, largo American and linportoicordcl d In the otilco ol the register of deeds for presides in queenly patience and saintly devoseverance­ , and turncil the gloom of liusbnnd'almss ? "I'lic success wiilcli satlsllcs us, founil lias been visiting relations and friends Good.Appotlte-tliey lilnda. Priced (Icscrlptlvo catalogub.s, grailssixteentInghn, mh county day o,f stntDecembero of Michigan, 1870, In, upolibenr 2tli9c of tion over those Intimato interests withouawearnt energetiy discouragemenc hope ant dInt otrust the. Dbrigho yot uray sisan yo af good bargain, im ndvantngo gained over on hand and made to order, at of all kinds on hand and Manufactured to in tills vicinity. by mall. Also Bulbs, Fruit Trees, Hoses, lOvormortgnges- , on pngo 230, and nsstgncd by Rrj- which honio would be but a name, be considtliese­ aro mere trivialities? Tho a.ssertloiin I scompetitor , a marriage, a pntriiuony and order at Low Prices. Farmei-s nro engaging their lielp for will tell you by tak­ Including the Best 50c. Tea in tlie market. greena. Choice Flower, Garden, Tree, Herbsnlv, o F. Grllhii toCharlea .1. Rayncr, upon the ered, and her life's labors amoliorated? baseIs d on Ignorance at least to the childth ena like.­ " With such objects convcrsntlon ing Evorgi-oeii, or Fruit accilH, 2.'i packots ol eithe28thr da y of Juno, 18711; said assignment avos there no need of reiiovlng tho drudgery,tur the there Is no such thing as trivialitiesexponendeal ? sA swit th of surfacesour tliouglii, niitl., Iafs w conversatioe can expresn Iss the season ut from sixteen to twenty HIiiininiiN Liver KoKUlutor for 81rti byTh malle tru. e Cape Cod Cranberry, bearecordet d upon the 17th day of December, 18711. pot and kettle Bervltudc,by such convonlenccthse llttio being traces its way throughn oth eide a outside of the range of our ImmedinlC. Ae. Niins' Han aM Saddlery Store, dollars per month. 1>\ir DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, O. V/.sort for upland, lowland, or gardenIn, tho register's ofllce aforesaid, in liber •IS bf wonder wood of childhood, everything Isbusiness an , how narrow must grow ourconcep- Prof. Churles Clark of Leslie, (ho WlllloHs attack.s, .Sick Hkad.vciik, Colic. De­ by mall, prepaid. SI per 100, S5mortgages per , on pngo 304. Thero is claimed to us may bo hud 7 The more commodiouso.>caniplo apart­ , everything a lesson. ScMom do wo Dansville. Mich. pression of .Spirits, .Souii .S'ro.HACii, Heart be duo and unpaid upon said mortgngo four ments, tho improved range, better water contrac-e Important decisions to any but thenewstions ., nn"Personad the lrain, delects" say, exaggerateds Emerson, Islin dth e for­ horse tamer, is caiiva.s.sing tlio town. Burn, etc. tradeC. Agent1,001)s. wantedWholoaal. e catalogue to thohundre d and soventy-flvo dollars; and no suit, vonlcnees, etc., etc. scemliiKly little cveiita of exporionco. uiowlornn topic of much ofour talk. It is the i.soln- Ho is in the picture business. II. M. WATMUaV. Old Colony Niirsorlosaiuorecoverl iirocoodliir nnyg par att lathereofw havin, nngd beethon powe Instituter ofd snl toe mighty In that to which thoy lead. Thistlo apn­ of the farm house, which renders special Ulaclisniitli Shop. The social iield ut air. Meadsker's IT HAN XO EUVAI.ly. Is war-3,001 Pairs Boots and Shoes, Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Mstabllalitherei- n contained having become absolute Ijy plies ns forcibly to the subject of reading,effor ast a necessar y tokee p light the dark corners HOESE SHOEDTG A SPECIALTY ! last Friday evening was i)ronouiicud ,..0 partlcio of Mku- cd 1812. vli;tnoof tho stdtnto in such caso made mid And now a word on houao furnlshinentlightenmentvalunbl; o mean. Eves onf thcdiicntloe newspapen andr rendingeneragl nn isen,d ­ expand and broaden the conceptions. cuKVThis, ounrivaller any dliijurlousmlnora Southern romodl subatanco, , but provided, notice is liereby given, thnt upon Tho same amount of money, by two personto as certain extent,valuable; for, poor as iiiuclJi'nrmorlamillei as Ifrequentln Ibisy particular forgot th. oTh neede malse o fniem their- by those iu attendance, ii vci-y en.joyu- of the best inanuftietures In the countrj'. Saturday, the fifth day of June, 1880, at invested for tho same object, will lead to Ivasts tha­ t is printed. It is better tlian the commolieis cann go hero and tlioio and do more or ble atiair. ranteis d noi>i;iiKi.t to contaiY VKntrrAuiiBn a single partlci. o of Mku- MONEY TO LOAN! one o'clock In tho afternoon of snld day, IshTill ly .dilforent results in furnishing n room.talk . The nvornge newspaper Is higher thalessn. When opportunity oilers In the notBLACKSMITHING too ! If yon leel drowsy, debilitated, havo frequent solthoi afront publit (>n n W. A. POLfiLASK. n. v.. Koaideut THEY ARE CHEAP. snlnramendmeny of Oovornort to Sectio, providen 1, d.•Articl fore b0y, rclntiv jointo resolu madeto th­o, executed , and delivered oli the 10th dny another name for rest, which Is essenmenhi­ l exercise. It Is little less than mciitnmngazlnnobenutlful l farrm som Ien boo Nekw wn Yors takek stjiten up, whe; thenn th thoeCarriag-es , FRM AND SALT MEATS! • Ptiy.luliiu and Siirgoon, tion No. 33, laws.of 1870. , . ''' ' of Junosnld ,registe A. Dr. 1870of deed, ansd of recorded. said count' Iny sai odf olllcIng-o tial to comfort and health. Every homedlsalpntlon . This tnkca awny mentnl earnesifarrm wife would vend n fow pages, and the en- dxttex*s and. Kcal Estate Traiisfur.s. Ofllce 204 Woodward Avenue In toBilmony whorcof, I linvo hereunto sotlin my o n tho 18th day of JJovomber, A. D. isifl, should havo o. rocker or two, and everyweakenncss.nn wife ds destroytho memorys all heart, whichy Interes, liket Ialnl truthothecourageir; l nxprosslon of commont from each, MAB^' The following lire tlio real-estate hniKl, nt the city of Maaon. the day nud yeainr lUier.'iOo first f mortgag'os, on page 101),on whlcli own o sowing chair, which should bo sopowers con . Is strengthened by exercise; thereforore questio n on cxplaiinlloii. 'I'lils was over —C.Vi-I. ON— transactions recorded in tiio books of Homo anil Room* fnr HnaTdltigPntlont» above written. JAMES 1(. DAllT, said mortgage there is claimed 16 bo due nt the structed ns to well support tho back, givinIf rending g not to remember, but to forgetltath,no w hou oson rs o fan restfud daughterl piciuiurso o fto tha allt , faranmd to-dahomye the register of deeds of Ingbam county in WuUUWAnii AVKMIU. rrhe Finest .A-ssortment of 1102tt'7 ShorllV of Inghnm County.lirlnnlpal,andat - e hereofd th tlilrly'sovcndollarsandelghtyo sum' of two himdrod dolliiDi- , comfort and rest and lightening tho neyorrathe- r cultivate the iinbit of forgetting. Wloook bade with the most toiidor rocollections. On the Shortest Notice. for tbe week ending Feb. 27, 1.S.S0, Or. Stuno'* TurkirCureh. Itailis and IJygoiao STATE OF LEVI' MANN, DECEASED.—thro e cents Interest; nnd no suit or procccdliigs cndlng task of mending and making. mathoy manner obviate, thirathes evir ltha Inflnencn thoe mattearisingr froofmTher ou re lived hualtli, ponco nnd honor, nnd ^Henry Peters^ A NEW COMPOUND, wiiei-e the consideration isijUOO or over: E Stnto of Michigan, county of Inghnm,a ast .law'liavlngaioo n Instituted' to recover any reading, by selecting n few Important pointthencs e v/ent these, who, becnuso of the homo .Scientifically, prepared ot: Jlnlnam Tatti,Cri/s- S. C. Owen to K. II, Lyndon, a parcel on nil. .SPIN'NEV Iiaa liiica twenty years at At n session of tho probnto court for thepnrttherebf county' ; Now, therefore,'by virtue of tho The subject of houso adprhmont might welfroml whatever we read, remembering nndllkene/to re­ f thnt dcnr old place, sliall overGooi rc- l Work iumI Fair prices! tallzril Jiork anid/j. Old liyc Whisky, and other section 1!!, Delhi ,.,S ncllvc iiractico In llila Sluto. twelve years In a of Inghnm, holden: ut the probata olllco. poweIn thre ofsnio In sjilil mortgngo'contained, nud occupy oiir consideration; but con only volvinbo g these In our minds. In nil thntsldver wco imt'i! thei namre childhood of their .parcnUig In conclusiono nnd tli, ow oHre - Jh iliii Cltcukercil Store, east of Dun- 'J'onlcs. The formula Is known to our best D.C. Thompson to .1. A. Freer, wJ<;orso10K0 largo guneral pniotlco. l.nst eight years !ins cityeayr o fon .Maaiino ihouaunr, on tht eeigh 2otht dahundrey ofd Fchcuiiry nnd eighty,Notlco Ifn th th.eo o stntutI s herebo Iny suchdaagiven, otha madt oen on Tuesdayd provided, trio, .brlofly hinted nt hero. Have you not beerennd our minds should be uctlve, not passiveask !«An<. l what Is tho secret of culture? H. L. CHAJPTN. iiinr/ it HntiiariJs, pliyslolaii.s, la highly conimonilcd by tliom, and e}<|ofoj-^of o!4i)l'swj(i,sccl,lon 1, Au­ fidvolud nil Ills tirno nnd energies to thcsliul;.' I'roaont, M. D. Chatterton; Judge of probato.twentiet h day, of April, A. D. 1880. at pnci struck with thb frequcney of thoanpaintodMilto n snya: . Emc/Ion snya: "To learn that a fow great nnoliemlstsd tlionnalyslso. Prof. G..\f on. Marineo of ourr o mosf Chlcngot prominen, Is ont relius .%m niuForiMsol trenMiiiinf (.'hronlct of, Surgluahla Specialtiesl iiyenm,l v'.v.:Ksr TiK Al- l In t ho matter of tho oBtnte of Lovl Mnnno'cloc, latek o lfu tlioaftornoon'6f»hatdny,atthoeust house through tho country? There is on old —" Wlio rends polrflstendlly reappear alike In the poverty tlie labol of every bottle. It Is n well known E.bloc S.k Thompso 21, Lansinn log O. F. Graham, losot o1' fiiafia, ii'ii'ticiiliirly Catarrhnftli« r'uyc. Jiiii.s. Ulster county. Now York. ' front door of thoconrf-houso In the city ot Incessantly, nnd to his rending brings noto f thf obsurost farm, and in tho miscellany of Miscellaneous. fact to the medical profession that TOLU P.O. Sprang to \V. J. Ileal, 11% of lot 1, 'V'liroia and Uroiiclila. all of wliii h nn' \y-f< To bo Found in tlio County. The Place Ton can got STBICTLY Ou reading nud filing tho petition, duly rorlflodMn.son, , In the county: of Inghnm, stato or Dutch proverb'whichi translated soys," PainAt spirit or genius equal, or superior, livesmottbpolltn, couragne life. to" b eTh owha eaoapt woo froarom, alanld lols lovoe of UOCIC nnd UYE will afl'ord tho grcntcst re­ block 8.1, Lansing •1,000 M'catml liy Inhalalioss of \nrlnns fnnim iinil PUKE GROUND SPICES. of Banlel G. Mann, eonof said docenaod, prnylngoMichiganr vendue: , ,thor too th wile highesl bo solt dbidder nt publl, thoo promiseauctions «bet8 nothing"—such ore its preserving qualITncortol­ n nnd unsettled still remains whnlls simple and beautiful, Indopendenco XI PRICE LIST. lief for Couphs, Ould.i,Jnlliicnzii, Jlrotichclls,,Sori: IdnF. Mann to ii". A. Whipple, 100 acres Inr'.'niil .M.'dlclnra. rolypiis of the .iiiii.s. thntndmlnlBtrntlon of shid cstato may bo grantdescribe­ d In said mortgage, or so much orsudi ities iti'dtimp climates and it always reflectDcosp versed In books nnd shallow In himself.and" chcorm i relatlons,tlicsoarc the essentials; Throat, WeakJ^miys, nlso 0)H.fHm;)((oH, in tho on aoctlon 10, i nnd fl,lngham1,20 0 Noao and Womb BiicccKsi'iiUv rmiov.-d iin.l ed to hllil. 11 . ; part.thoreof ns mivy bo necessary to satisfy tlio upon tho cebnomlo wisdom of the owner to tlm^o nnd the wish toserve , toad d somewhat sirloin steak liiclplcntnnd advanced stages of that disease. Lucy O. Wells to E. 1). Allon, 21 nnd 17-M^ii.tr.i'd I'rimto l.)iHciist.'S of ^Ial(< or I^'cirn!.'; Thereupon' It Is'ordered, that tho'Slth daynmountdu of o on said ihort8ngo,',wlth interest nt Lord Bacon tells us that, " reading mokes a Porterhouse steak loa It Is used as II lu-vcrayennd Tnrnn appetizer, lOOncresoii ao>.i acnilon ;l, Lnnslng :'iii'.:lcjd OnoraUona pcvfovmcd foe ('h-s JInroh next; ai onu'i o'clock .In the nfteruodn, bo see his houstflstoiidnbkod, imclothed withmi l man, conference (or conversation) a readtojlliy e well being of men. Round .10® iiinking a dollghtftil tonic for Family uao. Tr3' C. B. Stobbliis to O. Jt. Bnrncs, partlot!!liOO, i:,vna.. liil) I'Cfit. ilair LipR.'I'liniorft. Mom.' 1 1-- asslcned for the hearing ot aald petition,coststh anod rat; thae oftet ins .tpeor iay:.nll..tli03ocortaiiv cent, pur annum, pan deoc ogns l tto preserving, ond purifying garment • omanf n , and writing, an exact man:" nnd thnt TRAVELING^ PUBLIC 1 Shoulder steak 1058 It; you will find It plcnsnnt to tnko, of grcnt block III, and part of lots.'inud Ii block c.'Hi^a nnd all roi'iiia of Dcfoiniitioa .^i ii i 1 Alter yoit, have posted yourself on Prices, come and see us, as wothnt~lh niakoe heira nt law of Bold ddcoaBOd; and andparcelH.o(ill oth­ f Innd; situate In. the county 01 good coat of palnt,'^( As yoU;Onter some house" wso should rend not to contradict, nnd con- Roup or boil ing piece m .soivlec, If weak or debilitated, aa It gives 218, Lnnslng 0,855 Cnrvatiii'.is. Hip DlsPaaea nnd Club Feet (Hi. il er persona intoritated in eald eetato, are nqnireInghadm ni)d stato of Mlchlgnn, dCsoribcd ns mte, nor to believe nnd toko for granted, but m « slrenylh, lime and aclMly to tlie whole hiiinoTi Willi UniivH iMl forms of Kyonnd Kor I'if'- to appear Ota noBBlon Of'Sold courtt'thento bo what Is'it thot gives '.that iairbf cosy contentto ­weigh and consider." vlulverttsed Iiotter Llst^ The mall route from Dnnsvlllo to MasoSalFresn th por pork k fi« frame. Clotfijliloo. W. Brownsok I ofn Piino' toH M .sub. A. , DrownsonLnnslng..70., 0 c.iai'..s t.cafc.I with the bent Iiniirovcit enlRa < specialt f y of the Best and Cheapest goods that come to tills corner ofholde crean­ at'thoprobateofllco,>lntbncity ofMnson:'northoaatqnarterfollowiU'vlz' . .•' TliesonthwCs. (Ui) of'aeotiot quarten elever (Jin) o(11);f the; ment to iu ntmbiipberc?'. That Is but aie•i"Books,g " soya one, "aro friends thnt never : Mason, March s. having boon discontinued, tho subscriber Corned beef; m as-Put up In nunrt size bottles for family .lohn Peacock to First Lutheran church, Mio .\ge V^.i'v Htjvnro cnst'S of riiroiil. T.ii'.ic. and show caDso,'ir anyithere betwhy:thoiprarcrornnd. one and uphalf !l>.^ auresiofjland.in tlio • oiiiirpevclddhly swept,'which coven .the floorannrrol.tlieynove. r complain, aro never falseBurton,.TncobW. . LockwboU,'MlssBcll will heronfter, run a vehicle over tho rooLard d m 7 use .Sold by druggists nnd deiilersovery where. lota, block 10, Lanalng •175 Kyu, Ear and 'CfiM'lno Disenai'S enmiol be tioncs . If you have any desire to Hyp well a,nd pi-ospcr in tliis world,'makthe petitioner should not:lio. ffrapted:an d itsoutlieiui. is l corner of,tho southeast quarter (J^) THii'toungb lias'cYld'iiiitly b^^ shop..They , come from nil ages and all lands toBrook tnlk , D) ' Morrison, Chas. E, dnily (Sundays nnd the iVh of July excoptcd) (loo. J. Foster to C. 10. M'hcoler, lota, aiicceasfuU.vIreiiti'damust nceils onmii ttn nrtlatniicc.liPnwKUil Detroit.. Hest of Olnssfi its a point to pay our store frequent visits^ • • furtheror4oriid;.that' said,pctliloooi;give notlcoo,f tHb'.;iiprthC!tat nnartcr (JO 'of (taldl section; ^ with us when we wish to hear them, anDarlind arge A Christian. Kose;PmnkP.';ii onford tlie'convoynnc freight,o t reasonablo of pnssengorse rates, leavin, expressg Dons, - block ini), Lnnslng 400 of all forms alwava on band.' UrBSLlIInn Peb- to thpporpona^IntoroBtcd « sold'oatatu;. of.tho'alsoone>nd;n-liair';. nt or boforb 10 o'clock A. M., returning ot such Solo Agents for the United Stntes nnd' of'nUoymv'4~nnd"nJ^'of'ii\^^• ^ m... nubhoi'or (lold Ooiiaiil'ntion nlwiiys free iJ^JTo Trouble to Shotv Goo'^a,,,^^ .x,. V' of, by causing a cony of this Older to bd^iiblltheof thod nprthwe s tqqorKJr (Ji) or,»ectlQi> twelve «hulr«;(we tbelntafe^iOuahions and covarini'thonght,nobleneasi,ans d truth;; They;oreaoi- lis caHlng.'fbrjthe above'alibu^^ times cnob ,.day. oa . shall, best promoteOom, the e to the New Market! Cnnudna. Also imporloraof section !Vi, Lnnslng 2,080 Frank cnndld .iijinions always glvoii. A 1 In "Tin iKoiiiM Cooirrv iN«w*, a.'Dewkpape(12),nlnumbec lr In tw towo (2n) numbewest, ir '.ouo'(l > ') nortliofruiigj ' a ii>:ttid:Mmt^hwdIWMk.oit^iw^^ »ee.Jni aorrow, .;andeeompanlons.>lnvJoy;..i^Wo dvertli^.y •(j-jt•.i i•;P.T.:Aj.BBtbBT;VIM.,.l oonvonionce of the public. I). .1. Salea 10 David June, nv:<4ntH0]4 rntlnnts trfnti-il liv tlio week or month. No Rirorlntoed anceetsiv and circulatee weeksd ,tn provlon Bnid'connts toy osaif Inchamd day ,o l the approach of n past Chrlstmos; tho prettneeyd not omplinslie then, the wisdom of thThusbxclalmco d nn old gentleman recover­ FINE WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS, section 7, nnd wl/j nf o"^ ol nwJi of sw!4Credi t given. Olin i-gcs low. hearing. Dated January M; 1880, ftuan llbroiv. CEO. W. GLYNN. section 8, Lnnslng 3,000 f A trno copy.) M. D. CHATTBHTON, THOMASJUAGUIRK, Assignofl., l>apor, holders, wore mode ontiiely at home•tablt, a of eoromi reading givo' mental ing from a severe attack bf tho bronchial tubes, AND SAVE MONEY. •II Mh

thtwaUftUU on tba workmto, kilUag Ja- «M IniM WU to itmvida toe tu dtftlMMir «bt(M(» a MtawiUi Mml to, dtad," who Tb« HW mdriMsOalliit ot Mtdlda*.** liiui Blown wdtMrMMly taJaiiBg othtn. ' tha.atvMpiiatloM fttr th* inmpStSSSm ith lafletod (bt BlMriN ot a eongh or eold, «k* MffMC of lOiwot •*• and' AatoUa ti, waa V Uwiaitha.ptayaltM* of a.hMvjr tlont tt BwUaoatlt_ r loatM lie tb* flioatjlnwrMdiagvm t Mdi ; y«t a^ilMitMi totiy "BtUtM'Oottgf Hyrapf" 1bwMmy:optntd TtWiJty tmBltut.' BldBty P; wiad aaa lala at Tolado Ndajr .fflomian. tba JantSOi. Oidettd piiatod aad pliMtdontlM •tleadM. THE FABM. ties was the "Michigan wbeat belt," at one of hla last writings, speaking of bis fully vouched for, and if a few aimilair MUler. pretldeat of tht board ^ tnutect, de- ehimney of the Baokgyt btewtry wm Blown An Entllih Veterinary Bumoon and Chumlit, n flngina Mr. Oarpsator (Hep., Wit.) tubmitted a tMo- »r.iw;"mii li> tM» oomi'ry, »».»•»mi umt niort of tlio llon«i Vim leastior the y^ar 1878.. Improvements in Bbeep, he says, ."I have experiments produce a like result,' It Uvered an addl«M.^'-' J:w..' miilCaiM"I'owiluwaU, at prcaent attittant gen­ house in whiob polioeaian John Hasiett i»nd Intloa iaatnietlus the oommittet on }ndleiaty Sy»thntHh«riclan'«<;la .a(ioiU',t6iMaept a timilar breweiybad taken refnue. Tbe two former make tile Innlan Territory a separate Judicial of each of the two sections of tbe Health Hints. of tbe family. The members aieoom- wecti kiUid.ind theItlterinioiuly:injured. : diatriot, and to oraaniia • eourt at oonrtt stitution with quantity and quality Farmer's Advocate. i ^ '/ ' ,tl,BlS,e86 »B potition on thj^Htablgan Central The general «...«or«,ntby j2,''„Syig'c"S.r'a" rtived at Tawas government for tba fiscalyea r ending June 8U, An explosion of fire damp took place at tbe committee on military affairs. Kew nienta wanted hi everr town. Acres. "Wsf , tototal yield wootl strain of blood is now a mooted made of it. The mind is care-free. Oity from' Bay Oity Tnesday afternoon, being abaft No. 2, Eaat Nanticook,near Boranton, Pa, Mr. Baldwin (Bep., Mich.) advocated the pamphlet of 202 pages, including 30 iBuihehi. Vield In per boro, Tenn. His opinion agrees closely from heart disease is usually caused 1881, foot up $1,095,081.20. tbeSUte Acre. question among the best sheep men of There is plenty of time. The stomach •I'tteflrsttooitof the umod.' , "\'\"] \ \ • Friday. One man wu killed and eight men bill. pages of Introductory, wheat and wool with what we heretofore expressed in by the rupture of some large artery i.iWiUlam'-Addii', ai promliieht bnainciis.'inap The proprietors of ' the Hicbigan Oar Works are atUi in tbe mines, supposed to be killed Vermont. Men of close observation isn't abused by long fasting, or hasty Mr. Oookrell (Dcm., Mo.) held that it wu aisiTrmWd'M maps, and comparative tables. The IS7» 1000,007 14,81111,41)4 02.70 13.t>'i therecoluma. He says: We took the near the heart; from congestion of the ' 'of 'Oran'd Bapida, hat 'tanwd qnite a leniuitton some time aince increated tbewtget of. their byfoulair; merely a question o( removing a record of Uurgs orders, »;i.44 and large experience, claim that none stuffing, or by fret and worry, as it is : employes ten per cent. On Monday a delega* ms St, Chicago. report is Issued under act No. 24, laws 1876 i,ia;i,ii2ii 90.25 li,488,!l8» 01.7,1 14.03 ground two or three years ago that it lungs, by instantly stopping the breath, by. getting'a dlroree from his wife on the A tornado passed over Indionoplis Thursday desertion, which could bb done by the war de­ 1877 11,168'80.1 88.80I'.10,788,110 2 87..17 17.04 of the original classes have been kept too apt to be on other days. The food ; groanda of adultery by what it beUerad to be tion of spf t-iron moldera waited on tbe Qen- of 1870, and is the llrst of tbe series of was useless, and a waste of money, to from congestion of tiie brain, by caus­ night. A large number of bonaes were unroof­ partment without special legialntinn. ABSOI.UV£.E,Y CVinEN ^^ti.T^SSii&lLT'" I878| 1,904,827 8II.88 20,047,710 88.48 10.08 pure, while others make strong claipis may be tasted, en joyed. and seasoned, •' perjnred tettlmony.. They bad been mattled oral Superintendent of the worka and demand­ ed, chimneys blown down and trees nprooted. The morning hour expired pending disons- Consuniplicn, ARlhniu, Braii> annual statistical reports provided for continue the indiscriminate importa­ ing pressure on the brain, which par­ ed a atillf urther increase of twenty per cent. ^TheTurkishShampbo.^ WIIBAT PHOOUCl' for the pure Atwood. These last are with that best sauce, after appetite— thirty yean and had' five childien, all yaung Tbe Central avenne Methodist church waa al­ sioa. cbitisi, and all diauntca o( tbe by that act. It is the most comprehen­ tion of queens from Italy; that we alyzes and. instantly destroys life; . ladiet and gen^ethen.' - Booially (bs ftuily bit ' The latter agreed to advance ten per cent. Tbe Tliraat,Z.uuBaaua ClivtU producing a class of sheep with su­ conversation aud happy sociality. . most entirely demoliahed, One dwelling In the Houae Mr. Fernando Wood (Dcm., N. A dillohirtil, frsgranl Shampop, wlih n selsctlan ol four sive report of tlie kind ever published [or THK COUKTIlla MUHTH OF THE, EOUTR 4 TIKKa had a good race from former importa from apoplexy, by hemorrhage in the . . alwayt been. tMpeoted.:. Mrt. Addit hat gone payroll ot the Company amounts to (40,000 houaea wat Iif t^ dfrom ita foimdation and car­ Y.) moved to dispense with tbe morning hour rare and exquisite pcrlumct; Oltar ol Rosas, While Via-' perior fleeces. There is time, too, for entprtaihing Vtd.Quuda,,carrying with .beic tha tympathy permontb. in this State. It contains for i,he State, tions, that had been kept pure and biain. ried five or niz feet. The inmatet of the bonse for the purpose of moving tu go into commit­ let,EaudoCclogncPorshnPlant Thconly nonicdy J Per Cent I'er Cent,Averait e the sentiment of gratitude. Too sel­ of almoit the entire intelligent oommunity, O. M. Ferry & On. have commenced moving tee nf tbe whole un tbe refunding bill. The and also for each county and township, of Acreage yield of yield were greatly improved, aud that our Heart disease most frequently re­ eaoaped with but alight inj ury, Two or three known nnd oudor.scd by physicians nnd chciulata to'Total In tn total yielu MERITS OK THE MODERN MEKJNO. dom, in this bustling age, do we stop nnder tha beliet that ahe haa been abamefulfy Into their new seed factory on Brush street pcrnons areseiioiisly injured, but so far as Bonse, however, refused t« deapenae with the the statistics of all the leading farm Acre a. per home breeders were to furnish better sults from neglected or improperly taken advantage of, androbbtd of good name the floors cover an aggregate of five acres, and tor enectually rcmavl.'ig tianiirufl ind proi^atliig Acreage In IJuahels. VIold In Acre. The improvement of our sheep of to- to think with true thankfulness of the known, no lives were loat. morning hour and resumed oonaideration of THE ONLY LUNG PAD products of the year 1878, and the State the State queens than could be obtained from treated rlieumatism. It more often tbat the'bad-never to mnoh at, placed at three hundred tons nf iron, two miUiou bricke tbe bill regulating the removal ot cauaet from A Natural Growth of tho Hair. dav, over the native stock, is due to constant supply of our daily wants. Tbe blacksmith shop, locomotive erection statistics of land, orchards and live Italy, and that, too for less than half follows mild rheumatism than the se­ •:»>Maid. ; , • • , ' and six hundred thouaand feet uf lumber were state to federal courts. Cures Scurvy ^-r-^ and Itching of 187.1: 74,477 6.6B 1,119,788 7.24 I.1.08 the introduction of tlie pure Merinos; A mumbled, stereotyped and too often used in'its oonatrnction. thop and locomotive bnllding shop proper of Han porformej ninny wonderful Cures. If yon the Scalp. We P'opuro capoa. stock as found in the spring ot 1S7U. 1870] 110,28.1 • 9.711 1,11911,780 8.27 II. 71 IJie cost. We were opposed in our posi­ vere kind, because severe rheumatism Olemeat Peanall, an .octogenarian, was the Dantorth looamotiva and mtohine worka The morning hour expired without anal Buiror from some of us can remember when the graceless "grace"—the form without . The Michigan Orand Central Trotting eif action on the Dili and the Sonata resolutions tally forlhobir / T^Kn \ trndo tho The aeveral State totals were furnished 1877, 163,<>40| 11.70, 8.004,977 12.0.1 19.67 tion by several bee-keepers aud inter­ receives prompt treatment, while the bnried In Troy, Oakland eounty, on Taeaday, at Poteraon, N. J., burned Saturday- Losa Shampoo, with/ Its^HH icsacntlal pnits 18781 207,0301 18.171 8,407,780: ll.fi7 10.49 sheep of this State would not average the spirit—is made to do duty for that with three paekagea ot nitro-glyoerine placed onit haa been filled ana no more applicationt from one hundred and seventy five thousand relative to tbo late tsenutnr Huuaton of Ala­ ASTH.ua, CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, the newspapers in December, and may ested importers of queens at th.it time, inild form is often neglected and left will be considered. Circuit inoludea Adrian, bama were taken up. Eulngiea were pru- of Btf Rum,I • 4* which l3 pro- four pounds of wool per head, but now beautiful feeling of gratitude to the aroand him- tor the benefit of the grave- dollars to two hundred thousand dollars; OONBDMPriON, nonuccitbyhalrV * Wjf /drcaBorsun. be found in The Homestead of De­ The ,irea in wheat in the northern the flock that will not average 6 to 7 but are pleased now to note, that sev­ to work its way to the heart. Persons robbcia. ' Flint, Pontiao and Fort Wayne, and tho putaet insurance ninety thousand dollars. Over three nounocd by Mcaars, Wright (Dem, Pa.), Fcr- Great Giver of all good, which is nat­ tggregate 860,000. nondo Wuod (Dem., N. Y.) Cox (Dem., N. Y.), equaled. In ord Vt^*^?***/ erlng jlve per- cember 11, 1870. counties has increased from 74,477 eral influential parties are speaking who suppose themselves suffering hundred mon wore thrown out of employment OrnnyLlln(tlnl1rmltlo^aon,l for teatlinuntala nnd lumi desired. Sencon rncclpt pounds per head is thought hardly ural to the heart in its calm and hap­ Ohtrter eleottbnt were held In many oitioa and othera, u a mark of respect tho House ad­ ourtrotttlnu, "TnUu Uiiro of youtaulf" The number of acres of wheat har­ acres in 1873, to 207,020 acres in 1878, out in praise of the American-Italian from heart disease, because they have and yillaget tbrongbont the State .on Monday. Tbe twelfth annual oommenoemcnt exeroiaen The works will be rebuUt ot price, 76 cts. ^^ilt-^ FouriierfHinea worth the raising. A few years ago py experiences. Once a,week, at of Detroit Medical College were held in the. journed. •ennroly packed. f3.2S. Discount to dcalcra. Ite- vested in 1878 was 1,575,580. This ex­ an increase of 178 per cent. The whe.it these pure bred sheep were sold at bee. pain in the region of the heart, or pal­ . The vote waa generally light and had Uttle po- Tbe grain elovatur of Munger, Morkell AOo., pitation, seldom have any disease of least, should the busiest man eat with Utioal tigniiloance.' Detroit Opera Houne Wedneaday evening. Tbe Oulutb, burned Saturday evening. It cost March 4.—In tbe Sonato Mr. Vest (Dem.Ho.), mltby P.O.Ordcr.ExprcaaorRosiatorcd Letter. ceeds by nearly 83,000 acres the aggre­ acreage in 1873 was six and one-half fabulous prices .Sl.OOO, 82,000 and 88,- The Editor of the American Bee graduating oUaa numbered 27. from the committee on territories, reportea • OLIVEU. BATES A CO., thiit organ. In nine casea out of ten, a fine appreciation of tlie truth which flfty thouaand dolbrs in 1872. Insured for gate acreage of corn, oats, clover seed, per cent, of the entire wheat acreage 000, being paid for three dilferent sheep Journal who lately visited Italy Jesus spake, "Your Heavenly Father The Boyal' Areannm oonnbll, in eetaion at A Bubemian woman named Brabctz com­ a bill tu esUbiinh a United States court Dr. Only's Lung Pad ^l:ir Orand Hotol, Cincinnati, O. they are aufferera from dyspepsia— Iianaing, elected grand offioera aa foUona: twenty thouaand dollars. It contained about Agents Wanted. Write for particulars. barley, peas, and potatoes harvested of the State. The proportion In 1878 in Vermont and brought to this State, and other countries, says: "No mat­ mitted saioide Thuraday morning by hanging. one hundred and seventy thouaand buaheia of in the Indian territory. Placed on the oolen- nothing more. Congestion of the knoweth that ye have need of all Orand iregent. 0. A. Oower.Xanaingi vica re­ dar. iVon ."1.'.I'l'iigirlata, or aont on recoliit of priee. the same year. Ranking the several was over thirteen per cent. The area yet we do not know but that the own­ ter whether we anxiously watch for these things." There are inany little gent, Byron O. Stark, Saginaw: orator. O. B. She lived at fi61Twelft h atrebt and leaves ain. Innuranoe on grain about eighty five 9S .20, AdilruHs A.RK IN-VITKD lungs is moat frequently caused by a huabind and two children. She had been Tbe Senate took up and passed the: Bouse crops in the order of greatest acreage, devoted to the cultivation of this ers made money on them even at these the next progressive step, or earnestly customs adopted in familes that think: Dennlaon, Bay 0 tT;Beoretaiy OharleeT. Hnd- Souaand dollara. to examine the Light Running sudden change from the heat of an ill- great anfferer for aevertl months. bill making an additional a|iprnpriatiou of THE OXLY LUNG PAD CO. wheat is followed with bay SSU.OiiO cireal is gradually increasing in the jirices. But now they can be pur­ deairs to discover the Bee of the .future, Bon, Detioit; tieaanter, Jacob Brown, Detroit; The exploaion in No. 2 shaft, at Nanticoke, 9135,000 for the support of certain Indian ventilated room or railroad car, or the art of living well not beneath , obaploin. B. S. Hotallng, Iianaing; gnide, W. K. There were 60 vagranta lodged at tho Wood- Pa., Friday, killed Jamea Henry, Edmund acres, corn 701,123 acres, oats 453,08Ji northern section of the State, but it chased within tbe means of almost the flnger of destiny points directly to their study, which give an additional tribes for the year ending June 30,1880. YOUi NEW HOME is clear that the principal portion of street-car, to the cold air outside, with­ Laiid, Maniateejwaiden, E. M. Skinner, Hills- bridge • Btreet poUce etation Friday night Morgan, Joseph Andcrnott and David T Mr. Junea of Florida from the committee on acres, clover seed 122,043 acres, pota­ any farmer, and the breeder who neg­ Apis Americana, as the bee tbat will charm to the Sunday dinner. The The approaoh of navigation is bringing many At nhol«:ilo liy Fnrrnnd. Wllllnma .V Co., T. II. Sewing Machine, We have Just added aeveral new out being protected by sufficient cloth­ dale; sentry, F.w. Carpenter, YptiUnti; repre- Wotkina. John T. Watkina was aovorely public buildings and grounds, reported favor­ ninolimun i Sons, und Swift & Uuilda, Detroit. feature, la ihe machine, which will intemi every one toes 75,825 acres, barley 40,108 acres, Michigan's great cash crop will, for a lects to make good aelectlons for the fill the bill of all our expectations, &o." first fruits of the year are always aentatlveto anprome oonnoil, J. B. IP. Curtis, unemployed men to the city who aro com­ injured. ably on billa providing for the conatruotion uf number of years to come, be grown in ing; hence, many persons thus seized Flint. pelled to apply to the police stations for shol. who contemplatet buying a Sewing Machine. Don't and peas 39,772 acres. improvement of his flock, neglects his And the Bev. M. Mahin, D. D., in an brought forward on that occasion. We On Monday the San Francisco Coll published publio buildings at Toledo and at Charleston fall lo try one before buying any oUier. Il will coat the south four tiers of counties.—itfic/t- own best interests. Blood, constitu­ drop de.id in the streets. Tbe Addis divorce case oontinnes tbe aensa- ter. tbe result of inquiries regarding the recent W. Va. Placed on tbe calendar. und nil oUiera witli The area in wheat in 1876 was 203,- article in the Bee-Keeper's Magazine, quite appreciate the sentiment of that you nothing lo try it. Machines tent on trial to aay igan Somestead. tion, form and fleece are the principal tion of tbe day at Orand Rapids. On Wednes­ The Society News has been pnrehaaed by Mr. military movements in that oity from which it In tbe House tho speaker announced the SOW ONION SEED .MuSIIBII'.if llA.NI) part ol the country. Send for circular tad Icratk. 228 acres, or twenty per cent, more than on the "improvment of bees," says, Congestion of the brain most fre­ executive and succesaf ul home-maker Skkii Dnii.L. Mun- requisites. Wool and mutton are the day a petition was presented to the ptoaeeut- Charles Moore of tho YpaiUnti Commercial and appeors tbat oil the arms of tbe 2d regiment regular order to be tho eonaideration uf tbe ufact red liy H. DTOSHKIt, Agents wantsd In unoccupied territory. in 187,7. This is but 27,.S7.'i acres less "America beats the world in improved quently results from trouble and anx­ wUo insists on having strawberries, ! ing attorney (Signed by abontlOOof themostii^- Obarlea M. Parker of the Post and Tribune, notinnal guards hod been removed from. va­ bill regulating the removal of causes from lolly. MIoh. chief sources of profit to the farmer, Address, than the wheat acreage of 1873 ex­ THE MEItlXO. hive3,'ini can be at the world in improv- iety of mind, producing sleeplessness, green peas, and all other good things iiaential lawyers, merchants, manufacturers and the name hat been changed to Every rious county amories, and deposited in the old state to federal courts, Tbe question wu on Iience a large sheep and well fleeced is Saturday. The new paper made its appearance Mm\m TRlJTHTEMiER. v^^r^^: JOHNSON, CLARK & CO. ceeded that of 1803, or in tlie words beea." followed by engorgement of the small in their season, make their first ap­ nnd other citizens, asking him, at the legal city hall, or ccntial police station, where a tbe amendment offered by Mr. Culberson the only one that will meet both these repreientative of the State of Michigan, to in- Saturday and it a very handsome well filled guard of a lieutenant and ten men was kept (Dem., Texas.) and it waa agreed to without Totoil to Homo and Labor Intarcata, 'roniiiernnce, CHICAOO, IU4 of the Secretary, "the ten years from The wide awake Editor of Gleanings blood-vessels of the brain, sudden loss pearance at the family dinner on Sun­ JIualo, *o. Wide awako nnd iirogronalvo. Cumllil demands. And the man who can com­ qnire into the manner in which the divorce of jonmal. over them. Companies B and 0 of tbe 1st reg­ diviaion. 1803 to 1873 sliow an incre.ise of but Something About ita History and in Bee-Culture, in a late number, aays, of vital power, and almost instant day. Her choisest table service and iment had been onnoentroted at the armory of oilltiirhila. crisp nowa, lively stiirlcs. Dotmit, Midi. bine these with style of sheep, length death. Apoplexy may be an inherited WilUom Addit from hla wife, Hope Addia, hot Up' to Saturday the snbsoriptions to the The amendment offered by tbe minority al- (111(1 II yuiir; 11 months S.ic. Auoiita wimtoil. 27,375 acres greater than the increase Characteristics, "As a great many imported queens briglitest flowers are brought into re­ been procured. Tbe proaeenting attorney de­ tbe latter company, and the arms of company lowiug United States circuit courts to take and tliickpess of fleece, may be con­ Detroit and Butler railroad amounted to 8123,. of 1S78 over 1877." have been found dead in front of their disease, or it may be induced by too quisition to give distinction to this ' termined to act in the matter. Blodgett, who 150. G of the 2d regiment had been placed in tbeir original cognizance of any suit uf a civil sidered a successful breeder. But per­ free living,or its opposite, too great meal. And the result is that the hour sworo to having committed adultery with Mrs. charge. An oSiccra' guard was mounted night­ nature arising under the patent and copy­ "Adventures of James Brothers" hives this fall, would we not better Peter Oesnoyert, for some yeart the oldest J3ut there has been no such increase Bead Before tbe State 'Wool Orowers' As- fect sheep, like perfect men, are eager­ abstemiousness. Paralysis may effect is welcomed with a double pleasure, Addis, cannot be found, and It is believed he ly at tbe armory of tbe 3d regiment under right laws between a oorpurotinn and a citizen •-A.M)— in the urea iu otlier crops. The acre­ find how Eioroni Bianconcini Tremon- hat left the city, fearing the living native born citiien of Detroit, died arms. The armory of the 1st regiment was Bociation. ly sought for, but never found; yet the only a small portion of the body, from and enjoyed in- like proportion. A equeno Saturday at his residence, 119 Congress street of tho slate in wbioh tbe corporation was tani, rear theirs?" closely guarded, and no one allowed tn enter. carrying un its business wu agreed to without TKUK STORY OF TIIEIU LIVES. WM. HALIS age in corn in 1870 was but a trifle greater the effort to attain perfection a flnger or toe to an entire limb, or it happy liome life ia one of the sweetest The as remaining ejectment tnlta bronght east Efe waa born April 21, 1800. In 1831 The most excltlnu nliil Intensely Interesting book greater than in 1873; in 1877 It w;is For several years we have had as Oen, McDowell, commanding the military di­ diviaion. of tho nso. Tho faiiioua Woatorn outlows, nnti'd in either case the nearer we will ap­ may disable half the body, or the of Sabbath blesaings, and few things by John A Boaoh against parties in Ludingion Andrew Jackson, then President, appointed vision of the Pi.cifio, was telegraphed Sunday , At the State 'NVool Growers' Conven. fine queens, or finer, than can be pro­ have been set .down for trial in the United him United States Marahal, which position he Tho minority amendment wu adopted prc- platol nbina, wind expert horsoinon, who wero never 34 per cent, greater than in 1S70, but proach to it. Every breeder, to a wliole body, when death soon follows. will contribute more to this than the from Woabington ta bring the availAbie troops viding tbat this act shall not effect jurisdic­ cniitureil. AUBNTs WANTKi). Send $1,011 for ouint tion at Lansing, Air. C. M. Fellows of cured in Italy, and have aa careful States court at Orand Bapids, May 35, j held until the territory of Michigan became a in 1878 only three and eight-tenths large extent, cm get what he breeds When half the body is affected by par­ amiable moods resulting from a de­ in bin division to San Francisco, and the com- tion over, or diapositiun uf, any suit removed prospuntiiii, Tho book now rumly. 40(1 piiKua V-'uik. Manchester, President of the Michig.m breeders as can be found in any coun The annual report of the Grand Bapids and State in 1837. In 1838 he was appointed city poniea, amounting in oil to 600 men, were al­ Ilhi.stnitnil. Ilotnll»l..10. FHKI). I.. UOllTO.'J & CO., per cent, greater tlian in 1877; the for. If wrinkly sheep are desiretl, he alysis, we may be certain tbat the seat lightful dinner honx.—Qolden Rule. treasurer, and in tho following ye«r Stevens T. from the court of any atato, or a suit coni- Piilillshcrs, Inillniiniiiills. Inil. Merino Slieep Breeding Association, Ltry, and why, we ask, i a this yeavl^y Indiana, Itailr'oad Company shows that the ready en route, with more to follow, prubably menocd in any United Statoa court before tho BALSAM area in oats in 1878 wiis 22,000 acres can secure them; if size and wool is of the disease is in the opposite side total earnings of the road daring the past Mason, governor, appointed him State Treas­ read a paper on line wool slieep, ot •'Importation from Italy continued ? 1,61.0 altogether. The object of oil this in nup- paaBogo hereof. j^xuricK .f iXFoitM.vrrnx IWUKAV, greater than in 1877, but the crop o more desirable, he can produce them. of the brain, because nerve-fibres cross. year were 91,345,134 40; an increase over the urer. posed to be to proteet the Chinese from a ^-'Okthiiit. MICH. Address iia ubuvo for nny sei^ which tbe following are the principal you have .'$5,00 to SlO.OO, that you The bill then passed; yeu 166 nays 1S77 was more than 10,000 acres less Of an ideal slieep, let every man be Piirtial paralysis ia often temporary , preceding year of 0144,505 11; the net in­ The committee appointed to go to Washing­ threatened assault by tbe hoodiuma. vice t,r nny liiforinutlon reqiilring personal atton­ Cures Colds. Fnenmonla, BroncUtb, points: wish to spend m tjueens, send to some crease of earnings over the preceding year 75. tlon In iMtnilt. .Send for clreulur. than the crop of 1S70; and tlie area fully pursuaded in his own mind, and when caused by the rupture of a small Co-operative Housekeeping. ton and urge the necessary legislation permitt­ Tbe House then took a reoeas until 7.30 P. M., Asthma. Croup, Whoopins Cough, and home breeder, and nine times out of was $190,187. The company will lay forty ing tho building of a railroad bridge at this The Kansna innanennyliim nt Oanawatomie iu barley in 1877 was more than 1,000 EAllLY IMI'OKTATIONS. then do his best to secure it. blood-vessel, if the clot is got rid of by miles of strol roils this year, and erect a large the evening aeanion to bo for tbe consideration all diseases oftheBroatlilng Organs. iicres less than in 1870, tmd in itil ten you will get value received, which city left Monday afternoon, expecting to ap­ waa portlv destroyed by tiro Monday evening. of penaion billa, It Soothes and heals the Hombraiie of The lirst sheep imported to this coun­ absorption or otherwise. Although Mr. Thom.13 Wood writes to the- building in Orand Bapids for the use of the pear before the committee on commeroe of the It had about 300inmatca oil ut whom were rea- A Beautiful Song for Half Price! more than 8,000 acres less than you will fail to do eight times in gcneial oflleers. Morcb 6,—In the Senate &tr, Baldwin (Bop. the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned bjr try from Spain were clandestinely ob­ HOW HANDLE SHEEP. this is a disease that all classss of peo­ American Cultivator m follows: I do aonate and houae Wednesday. The committee eued. Mich.), from tha committee cm commeroe, re­ ' wimy TJiii piiiMiiosis IILOOMS A ci/av 3S77. ten, in purchasing an improved conaists of James F. Joy, Alexander Lewis, tho disease, and prevents tbe BlKta^ tained or smuggled through the port As to the care aud management of ple are liable to, its most destructive not despair yet of seeing some patent Navigation was reported fairly open at Sag­ The barque Ebiann, from Newport, Wolos, ported adveraoly on the houao bill to amend Uy n populnr song writer. A porfcct goiii Price sweats ond tightness across theebest queen. boiler that will tra'verse the streets • inaw on Thursday and boats were plying bet­ Detroit; O. M. Barnes, LanainK; Wm. L. for St. John, N. B„ waa wrecked Monday tho statutes lelotivo to the importotion Tlie total yield of wlieat iu 1878 w.is ol'Cadiz, by V/iiliam Porter of lioaton, slieep, we think too close housing det­ work is done among the depraved and Webber, Saginaw ; A. B. Mayntrd, Romeo; E. 110 cents. Sent fur Inirodnetloii for J.I CKXTS, which occompanv It. CONSCIIIPTION In this cpnnection we will mentian ween tho river and shore points, and tbe pro­ morning at Nigger Bead, five milea from St. nest cattle. Indefinitely postponed. 20,511,88!) biisliels, or 2-1 per cent, more Mass., who imported two ewes anil a rimental totlieir constitution andbreed- dissipated* There is no doubt that the and wash dishes for the year by con- O. Oroavenor, Jonesville ; Miobacl Shoemaker, Is not nn incurable maladv. It is only another point, which all the journals peller OakUnd and her tow oommenoed load­ John. Capt. Barry nnd aoven men were Mr. Dovis (Dom., W.Vo.), Iron tbe commit Address. Jt. It. MAIlAhl'JSY, than in 1877, and the average yield per ram in 1703. These he gave to Mr ing qualities.yet all sheep sliouldbe shel­ habitual use of tobacco is one of the tr.ict, perhitps also a patent, sweeper , ing with lumber for Olerelaad. ^ Jackaon ; Charles T. Gorbam, Marshall; Hen­ rowned. The vcsael waa driven oloao to the tec nn appropriations, reported a substitute necessarr to have tho riBht remedy, and societies have discussed over and ry Fralick, Orand Bapids. Altiionn, Pa. acre 18.77 bushels, or two-thirds of Craig bf Connecticut, who not knowing tered from cold rain and snoW storms. most prominent causes of paralysis and duster to make ita periodical' shore, right under a frowning preoipice. for tho senote bill to repeal certain Inwn relat­ and HALL'S BALSAM Is that remedy. over again—regarding the Dollar / . Jennie Chambers, of Battle Creek, an habitual bushel more than in 1877. The in­ their vaiuekilled and ate tliero. Craig Exposure to these lessens the amount and other nervous diseases. visits to our homes. I am serious, in ,. opium eater, took an nnusually large dose of The aub-comraittce of tho house oommitteo ing to permancntandindefinitcappropriaticna. DON'T DESPAIR OP BELIEF, for Queen. Comraeicially the Dollar Pidocd nn the calendar. Tin; Ibis benign speclilo will cure yon, creased total yield is mainly dtie afterward paid .'Jl.OOO for a Merino of wool, and often causes the loss of these remarks. The enormous differ­ ; ; laudanum, snppotsd to ba seven ounces, on on oiimmerce, in charge of the tiver and har­ Queen, (untested queen) is the "coming '"Thursday and died from the effects. Mr. Harria (Dem,, Tenn.) presented the BTen though professional aid falls. the greatly enlarged acreage, while tlie ram at auction. Col. Davis Humphrey the slieep, but even if there were no A severe cold can be soonest cured- ence between the economy of a, good,, MISCELLASTEOUS. bor bill, hna teen ot work on it nnd expect to ECLIPSE bee," perh.ips already is, aa Mr. Root Mrs. Norton Haydon of Onondaga, Ingham report it the full ecimmittee in a week or two. memorial of the cotton exchange nnd 50 lead­ increase in the average per acre is duo who was minister at tlie court at Mad­ loss, they ought to be sheltered for by remaining within doors, in a warm prudent aud interested housekeeper For several days post Georgo Woods, a print­ ing firms of Memphia, praying tbat tbe mail tells us of last season's orders and county, died Febrnary 24 trom tbe effects of The eatimatea of the CGginecra foot up an to the fact that, in 1878, full crops rid in 1802, became interested in the their comfort, which ia of great im­ room and near tlie fire, until all signs and the ordinary servants or help ob­ er aged about 26 years, lias been on trial at aggregate ut' thirteen million dtdlors. The service may not bo reduced, but maintained Vav farm mc shipments, that out of 1,705 queens of injuries received b^ being thrown from a bug- It ml Unrint: were obtained in the counties that Spanish sheep, they being so much su­ portance in the care .ind m.inagement of it li.ive disappeared. Then, care tainable, makes it a matter of individ­ .Sy two weeks previous, < Evanaville, Ind„ for tbo second timo for tho sub-committee will rcduco tho aggregate to by proper apprnprintiuna. HENBY'S imported, tested, dollar, hybrid ' yield in the otlier counties being as When about to'leave the court for home might speak of the inhuman way some having the feet warmly clad, and the system which'shall bring the waste tained un absolute divoreo from her husband, for life to the penitentiary, but obtained a a rcaolution calling on the Secretary of War a rule less per acre than in 1877. the customary present of a certain num­ Why is it that some parties persist whole body, and particularly the chest and expense within the complete con- •Rev. Amos \V. BoovUIo, formerly of Camden, Saw-Milis people have of catching sheep; we new trial. Tueadoy night tho jury, after 18 fur information relative to the condition of ber of bars of silver, were ottered to in arguing that good Italian queens and the back of the neck, well protect­ troll of the owner of the house and, .'N. I., but now of Potterville, Uioh., on tho hoars' doliborotion, was unable to apree, nnd Also The following is a list of counties have aeen men who shear smoothly and the harbor of Orand Haven, Mich. Adopted. hiiu which he declined, it being con­ ed when going out. A recent cough table. Now this is quite impossible , ground of adultery. was disoharged. Woods procured morphine FEESOIfAI.. Mr. Henderson (Itop., IlL), from the oom- EOLIPSEJ cMBflLic nm. that produced over a million bushels fast, and even are called good shearers, cannot be produced for one dollar.Cun trary to the regulations of the United tested), is a mystery to ns. Mr. New will almost always yield to the follow­ where servants are kept. I have lieafd. . Two fatal accidents occurred at Adrian Fri­ und took it during the night, and was found Burgeon-Qenorol William Maxwell Wood, mitteo of commerce, reported a resolution of wheat each in 1S7S: catch the sheep by the wool, pull it in­ dead in bis cell Wednesday morning. United Statea nav}-, died Tuesday at hia roai- Trantlon States, but afterwards he intimidated man has stirred up the old world with ing treatment within two or three days: gentlemen of moderate familiea'aud day evening within an hour of eaohother. 0, calling on the Seoretary of Wor fur informa­ tlte Most Powerful Sealing to the bam, and sometimes lift it onto .Young, switchman at the Lake Sboieand Mich­ dcnco at Owings Milia, Maryland. Aged seven­ tion na to tho improvement of the Rook Island lonln . 1,571,471 that for the benefit of his country he some specimens of Apis Americana- Mix in a bottle four ounces of glycer­ means in the cities say they think their . Tbe house committee on ways and mcana ty-two. KNOIA-ES. Agent ever Discovered. Waabtenaw . 1,660,026 tlie bench in the same manner. If igan Southern depot, was run over by a awitch baa virtually decided ogainat any reviaiuu of rapida of tho MiaaiaRippi river. Adopted. would accept some Merino sheep. He Italian, and why seek further than at ine, two ounces of alcohol, two ounces bills are double with a hired girl the Tli"rraiBlily tcsteil anil (niarantoeil. Klevoii flrst-rla'« JZenru's Carbolic iSalvo heals burns. Clinton . 1,429,159 such men must shear they ought to ' engine und hia left log severed at the thigh. the tariff laws at tbe present neaaion. Ml a. Mary Chapman, formerly a well-known Mr. Ellia (Dem., Lo.) introdueod a hill to premliiiiisnHanled, IncliidlngCenteiinlnl. 18"i!. Write Jaotaon . 1,436,918 was informed that uo order could be home for the finest bee the world evei- of water, two grains of morphine. amount which.they reach under' their 'Ho aurvivecl, but his nase waa onnsidered hope- outreas, died ot Sun Francisco un Tuenday. punish with death the crime of rape in the (IS imTilCTiIni^ nf yoiirwnnts and ymi will ri-cnivi' proniiaHenry's Cnrbolte Salve eurca aorea, shear hogs as they can better stand tbat Tbe committee on appropriation a has agreed roiily. CntaloKiu-. <.;i;ntennlnl .Iiidgps. limiiirt. Ac. .id- lienry'a Carbolie Salve atlaj/t ,>"<». Galbonn . ],!l44,86tl signed for their exportation it being aaw. Shake well. Dose for an adult, one to wives' management. M^y will say less. Ho was married. Oeorge Kane, age 19, Aged sixty-seven. Diatriot of Columbia. ilre.sa, PBIOK »t CO., WnyneBboro, Franklin Co.. Pa. Oakland...... 1,837,007 kind of handling. To catch or pull a ' - employed in tbe Cleveland paper company's to incorporate in. a apeoial defioienoy bill an Mr. Delainatyr (Nat, Ind.), offered o res«lu- Benry'a CarboUe Salve eurea eruptUma. against the laws of Spain, but that he two teaspoonfuls every two or three the wages of a girl is less than their item of (tne hundred tbouaand dullora to oomi Tbe duchess of Malburougb'a relief fund bos ttenry'a CarboUe Salve heala vtmplea, Kalan . \,\m,m sheep by the wool breaks the ligaments 'mill was caught in the machinery and instant­ received X2,000 from Jamea B. Koene of New tion, which won adopted, directing the cenana l.enawee . 1,096,809 might obtain some for himself, and no and ruptures the blood vessels which, American Horses Abroad. hours. Half this quantity to, children waste, when the kitchen is left to her. ly kiUed. plete the Chicago custom houne. committee to inquire into the adviaobility uf Uenry'a CarboHo Salve heala %rutaea, Kent . 1,0114,016 Another nation of people might be fed York. Aak tbr llonry'a, and Take No Other. Uvlnsaton notice would be taken of it. Accord­ connect the skin to the flesh, causing a from ten to fifteen years. It is not safe A. J. Hoffman, was placed in jail at Hastings A suit waa entered in tho supreme court taking o ocnnua in .\iaaka. LI50,000 FARMS! A , 1,081,024 by our farmers if our system of house: of tbe Oirtrict of Columbia by Jennie llay- Secretary Sherman arrived in New York oity tar BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ^ Barry . 1,028,538 ingly he secured 75 ewes and 25 rams soreness which it takes nature a long The English Live Stock Journal, in to give it to infants or children under . charged with placing obstructions on the rail- Mr. Vonoc (Dcm., N- C.) from tho committee (iouesoe keeping-could avoid this waste.; ' . rood track just north of Middleville Thursday mond, who charges Senator Hill of Georgia Wcdneaday. on coinage, wolgbta and mcaaurea, aubniittcd . 1,011,283 of the Duke of Infantado, and had time to heal. It is not supposable that referring to the importation of horses ten years of age. with aeduotion, and claims $10,000 dam iNorthern Pacific R. R. tliem driven across the country through . . evening. He was detected in the act' by Mrs, Preaident Diaz gave a banquet in honor of the repcrt of the oommitteo in regard to the This is an immense product for tbe any member of this association will into that country, says: Of late a con­ To stop bleeding, if from a cavity in The tendencies of the the times are Fatriok O'Day, wife of the section foreman. ages I Gon. Grant Tueaday night iu tho national decimal ajatom of weights nnd meoaurca for TOWNSLEY'S Portugal and shipped at Lisbon. After 2IIIT1TES0TA & SAEOTA, territory represented, and one we think thus catch a sheep or allow any one to siderable trade has been done in im­ the jaw after a tooth has been extract­ towards associations and divisions of . Tho evening express was only saved by her A fire broke out Tuesday morning in Farn- palace. Ail the members of tbe cabinet and Engliah speaking people. Ordered printed and a voyage of 00 days 01 were landed at diplomotio corps and many others were piea- recommitted. BEST WHEAT LAUD IN AMEEIOAI it entirely safe to compare with the handle their sheep in this manner, porting horses from the United States ed, shape a cork into the proper form labor. The spinning wheel and loom stopping the train with a self-construoted sig­ ham A Cumatoek'a plaining mill nt Seventh Kew York, and thence were taken to nal of danger. ent. Clrculura and Slapa Frco. product ot any other equal area in our yet we who love the sheep ought to and Canada. The North Metropolitan and size to cover the blleiling cavity, have left the household, and mammoth , avenue and Twenty-ninth atrcet. New York. March 8.—In the Senate Mr. Kirkwond (Rep., his farm in Derby, Conn. This was the In half an hour that building and the adjoin­ Ia.) submitted a resolution inatructing the J. D. POWER, Land Commissioner, own country, if not in the world. The correct ns far as possible thia cruel and tramways (this is the name given in and long enough to be kept firmly in factories clothe us cheaper and better In the review uf the Addis divoroo ease at Byron F. Judklns of Beraoy will bo appoint llrst importation of any considerable Grand llapida on Friday, Blodgot waived ox- ing factory of the Domestic sewing maohice ed by Gov. Croaweli tn fill the vacant jndgo Secretary of the Treasury to communicate tu St. Paul or Rrainerd, Minn, TflOmCIB AWBIIYMI total yield in the counties named was hurtful habit England to all horse railroads) import­ place when the mouth is closed. This, than could be possible in the old way. ' aminntiou in the police oonrt and was com­ company were entirely oonaumed. The Fhip in the 19tb circuit caused by the death uf the senate a atotcmont of the amount of mon­ 3,310,382 bushels more than in 1877 number to the United States. ed more than a thousand. They were we believe, ia our own invention, and losses are estimated at $76,000 on tbe plain­ Judge Hoight of Ludington. ey expended by the United Htatea for all pur- JBvery year brings improvements in mitted in default of twelve thousand dollani CUBES IN ONB iniNVTB. So large an increase would be peeU' Again we think the common practice full of quality, with fair and in some we h.ive never known it to fall, It has bail for perjury. Hci is said to have previous­ ing ir ill stock and 925,000 on tbe building; poaca ncceanarily growing out of the lote war, Hon. 'William Jarvis was at tliis fabrics suited for clothing the buinan JomcB Huaaeil Lowell, American miniater, liarly gratlfylnt? if it were to a greater of washing aheep ought to be ab.indon- specimens fine action. Tliere were been of service to us in many desperate ly confessed, although not in court, that he on tho sewing moohino property ond building has left Madrid for London, apecifying acparatoly the omount paid on the time minister to Portugal, and hearing body, but facilities in the art of feed­ ' bod been suborned by Addis. Judge Holmes probably 960,000. Stewart's carpet cleaning principlol of the pubUc debt thereby incurred, extent the result of an increased ed. To drive a Hock from one to five pairs well worth .9750 to a dealer, but casea. ing it are little better how than they ' Horace Maynard, United States miniater to of Mr. Humphrey's investment iu ' in tho superior court set aside tbe decree o{ factory, adjoining the sewing machine the amount of interest poid on such debt tor %i>BREECH-LOADING DOUBLE GUNS Edey's Carbolic Troches,. average yield per acre—which would miles in a hot day, then rush and crowd they are being superseded by the were a hundred years ago. Yet there . factory, wns flooded. Loss entoled heavy. Turkey, has aailod from Smyrna on a three each year, tbe amount paid for pensions, in­ Spanish sheep, became very desirous to When an artery ia cut, the red blood divorce on application of Mrs. Addia oounael, N-'-" liiJ.VUI.S-K TWIST lUltUELS. indicate improvement in the method into a small pen, to be caught and French iiorse of the class so largely is encouragement iu the fact that a ' and. her former answer to the bill of complaint, montha' tour in Syria nnd Egypt. cluding arrcara, and the amuunt poid tbe obtain some also, and wrote to his cor­ plunged into cold water, with heated spurts out at each pulsation. Press the Tho paper makers of the northwest, rep­ %-\ 4MUZZLE-L0ADIN6 DOUBLE GUNS A SURE PREVENUVE OP of culture—and less to an increased used for the last five years by the Lon­ thousand foolish notions have been in which she neither admitted nor denied lier resenting all the principal paper manufactor­ Tho Preaident haa nominated Capt. James aoldiern and anilora of tbe wor, anoh informat­ respondent in Spain to that effect, but blootl, must be injurious, for the same thumb firmly over the artery, near the husband's charges, was stricken from the E. Jonot ot the navy for promotion to tbe ion to bo brought down to Jonuary 1, li80. ^P-Ln: lilCXUlNF, TWIST llAltllELS. acreage. True the average per acre don Omnibus Company. Unless the swept away before the light of science ies in the weatem country, are unanimously Krut foot ampuuted last week, aa • letnlt of htving Obambets ot Texas for Vioe Preaident. nearly a party vote. frightens them. The smoke destroys trrlMa, pllri. ihiumaliM,. atmnf othit .UMa...'wWo.i. ehltdnn mvltr U be brilliant, entertaining* popular but having the best dinner df the week on it crushed by a twitoh engine, died Monday Oakland and the north three town­ their purity and improving their qual­ transplanted during daylight shed front of the nest a ' dressied • lawn' • of'' Etrly Friday morning Cleveland was visited Mr, Garfield offered a resolution tbat tho the smell. I have kept my premises lfct«fftM^ii. day; 'for There it snow from one to two feet deep box trap. Always smoke it after before, and the actual work in cook­ female teminary on:Woodland avenue, wat March 8.—In the Senate a ormmnnication *Mir*Htrtt'ul 1» -bf -mvl* M OM*. TbooMRibKKlln Wittl tto rn Clmtj.'^ioiMSIli I the wheat acreage of either of the the purchase of one ewe from Col; dark maintained their condition fully. the delectation iot his mate, flowers tbrongbont northtm Miohlgan, the retnlt of half unroofed and part of the uper wett wtll WM received from the Secretary of War giv­ catching one." Mamri ' south four tiers of counties except the Humphrey's. By careful breeding he Do not think ot knocking out another ing be no more than is usual and neces­ recent ttormi. l.«S„„ii "IKiynlcnt and can have noai.lmltKto He did the same with ten dwarf trees i.and fruits of bright tjolois and"'"plea*-/: torn ofl. AboatTO young Itdiei were tieep- ing the number, age, rank, etc., of oflleers re­ Levi Arnold, of Plainwell, this State, com„„ ,,i""'f'"i.""'°"".''.'='' wllb the irlturaled first; the total yield was 7,334.048 bush­ developed one of the finest flocks if not man's brains biecause he differs in opin­ sary ; and if the lady or the 'daiiightefs ,Win. J. Lloklm of UeUey'i. oornen, BlUt- ingintheiBttitntion but nonewerd injured. tired from the army since the act ot June 18, onTn'^^l'ij''' °J ''i"=-''P »"•' eaaenlul oils, after the Iruit was one-third grown. ion from you. It would be as rational recently sold in one week thirteen Bm. jr^a tvtita, 1.4.df. Of .Oim often sold under the. name of Biticra. els, which was more than the yield in tlie finest flock in the world; ao noted of the house will spread the- simple daltoonnto, told Ittt wMt 8009 poiindaof Tbe toot ot (be ntw briek wire mUl ut the 1878. Those transplanted during the day to knock yourself on the head because evening lunch themselves, the faithful Olevdaad rolling r mill eompany, ia the Mr. Wallaoe (Dem., Pa.) ftor n the oommitteo head of Poland-China hogs that netted either of the four tiers named except were hia sheep that their true name i". • i • !!•;;..1.....;:" i^'fiVv I-i;; wool, for M OMttaa powd. The wool oom- For tale by shetl their fruit, those during the night you differ from yourself ten years ago. helps in the kitchen can haVie''the la^ jpriied two yean'oUp. KlflbtMBtti ward, wit opUfttd, aad one end ot on approprUtloiii, reported with aBMBdoitat* eaoo. , DRUGCIST8 the fourth, and the average yield per "Infantado" was nearly supplanted by Btber Boa awttblngtoa GUfJI.Cor IadlaDacaUi,M. perfected their crop and showed no in- —Horace Mann. ter part of the day to themselves-^' .it isvbnly bylabbr that'thoughtr'oan' CEALfiRS Bvaavwuaaa. acre was S5 hundredths of a busliel the term "Atwood." Thus by small be­ Jury from having been removed. With be made healthy, and'only by''thought more than in either tier: It would ginning and close .ipplication, he won He only is rich who owns to-day. relieving the custom of a "good Sun­ each of these trees he removed some day dinner," of the objection t^at it canilabor be made happy, and the Itwo seem that this imaginary tier of coun-1 for himself a fortune and fame. In earth with the roots. Tiie incident is 'Tis the measure ot a man— his appre­ hension of to day.—ifn»erso«. makes somebody do too much werk. cannot be Mpuatedmth'impunity,^ ; 4

,dne quart. Theii the bark Is scraped of this ylUaBe, moved to his farm near Breweri lectured at Whipple school M. W. Tanner's Column. oiF above this cup forfwo or three Ifcet, Noryal, Jookson countyi on Tuesday. house and the next evening at Mead- in. suoh a manner its to lead (be pitoh The obolr at. the Baptist church has vllle. into it. Usually tbese-boxos will fill lately received several valuable addi­ Miss Nettle Wnmer will teach the V Thdr«ds]r»' Maroh 11, 188flC ^ In fhimiten.to > twenty days, according tions. The church lately appointed Whipple school for: the sum*inor term, to the weather,"" and {WUli continue to Mr. F. Field OS chorister. , y and Miss Martha Lninb the Howard riiri for two or three,years, with fresh School. ;':• • SOLTHEBX SCENES, cutting and scraping, for about nine Eev. Mr. Kingsbury .closed his lec­ Geo. C, Lathrop of White Oak Inven­ months in each year. This pitch is ture Sunday evening on "Fools In i As i'loturwl' by Oar'Hpetilal'Vorren^ ted a sawing macuino last year and had gathered in open-headed barrels, and prosperity," by saying: Hethaitis en­ Itundont ill tbe Hontbi N. A. Dunnlnv Itpatente'd. Recently two men from drawn to the distillery. There It Is tering upon life with the prospects of —A'Parlber Beeord of the Wander* Washington visited Mr. Lathrop with mixed with water and put Into a large prosperity before him, would tlo well luvaorihe Maiion'Pariy. a view to buy the right, oflbring him Iron tank, looking something like a to see to It that his brain Is healthy, $1,000; but it had been sold toother teakettle, with a cover that screws on and his morals securely moored to tho ' ; JacksonVI iiM!; Fob. 29. parties for much less. SPECIALTIES tight. A flre Is built, und the steam cross; or over against his prosperity VOL. XXII-NO. 12. I cntiie (Jo>vn ns far as Chattanooga shall bo written "fool and destruc­ MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1880. passing through the worm, condenses R. P. Dayton, In company with oth WHOLE NO. 1106. ! iu my lust ietter. ' Froni tliero to At- and: comes out spirits of turpientine, and tion." ' or Michigan agents, visited the Chani- ;iantft, Georgia, was a charming ride. hn: almost worthless acid. The tur­ Last week .Tudgc Paddock's horses pion reaper and mower machlno works MiLSon Business Directory. Mr. Baker sold this In competition with L. Sturgess of Meridian, an es.say; ! AVo breakfasted'at paiton station, pentine, coming Immediately to the broke a defective halter, ran away, de­ at Spriiiglleld, O., last week and re­ There are a few Specialties in Dry f ttgtam ®0tttttg gentleman's engagements prevent a A Xewapnper Free. - surface, Is drawn off in casks, ond tho molished the buggy; ono of them broke ports the company Immensely repre­ Mr. Bullock of .Tackson, und thinks he Mrs. A. Allen—" Keeping und adorn­ longer stay." I win insnro overy mani In the Watertown ; which wiis quite an' important Juili; Gooda on whioh we can save JEWKI.RRN. add thrown away. What remains in one of Its legs, and the judge liad It sented, with 00,000 machines on hand can give better bargains than any other ment of parks and lawns;" W. W. for ono year and AirnlBh him wlth'TUKlMG- I tary point, during • the war;, in lUct LIAS CULVER, dealer In watches, clocks, the kettle is boiled down and drawn shot. Our honored townsman, Mr. nnd still behind orders. ' you money by buying Pcvi.isiii;:n Eveiiy Thchsdav Ajthu- ngent in Michigan. Matrimonial. HAJt CouNTV News; st, Louis Leader ot Ing­ i nil along the route we saw the evi- NOON iiv E Jowolr.v,sllverwaro,otc, Kopalrliigdoiie Applcton—"Ornnmentlipg a home;" oft-through a stem at the bottom of the Carl Osborn, is tho flrst to take Avaru- Miss Delia Field closed her second ham county Democrat, for what It coats him to ; dences of war. Marietta, about thirty this month. C. llERHV.Jowolor.and donlor In watches. Tho greenbackers held a noisy state Mrs. M. W. Howard—"Influence of H. S. Worden, formerly of this city, Insure In tho Mutual for one year. tank, being rosin. After being strain­ Ing from this snd mishap, and has pro­ term of school In the Phillips district OTIS FULLER. J. docks. Jewelry, silverware, and musical I miles from Atlanta, is tlio handsomest ed several times it is run into barrels vided himself with a very strong, new last week Tuesday; Miss Martha Lamb instruments. Repairing a spoclalty. Cnll' convention ut Jackson yesterday, to horticulture and floriculture." but now engaged In the hardware busi­ 4tf. I. H. Vandbiicook. for shipment. About one barrel of halter to tie his horses with when he towui^n the stoto; if not in the country In tho Howard school last Saturday^ elect delegates to the national conven ness at Cedar Springs, Kent county, All Persons spirits of turpentine Is made out of has occasion to spend an hour iu our giving eight cards of honor; Edward On* yiir, tl.SOi tlK inonlhi, 75 cenU; three nKiinoiNTN. Tho uuscarrcd and bloodless warrior —lino. residences,' elegant flower gar- tion at Chicago, In June, and to choose was married yesterday to Miss Sadie Indebted to mc by noto or otherwise are re­ live of tho crude, as It Is called, besides village. X Waterman In the Mead vllle school last monlhii 40 oanli—In adoance. of the Lansing Journal, who has been I dens,,nnd clean, shaded streets, glye M. WILLIAMS, drugglstand apothecary. a stjitc central committee. General quested to como and pay up Immediately. three barrels of rosin. It is considered week Friday, giving ten cards of honor. ADVERTISINQ RATES. H. Proscriptions carofully compounilod engaged In stroking the greenback cat E. Lawrence of Saline, Washtenaw j a most enchanting view. All along a very lucrative business, especially IN MARCH Innls, of Grand Rapids, was elected . 0. F, BnoWN. FITCHBURG. One day last weelv, while Lewis Staf­ Our ndvorllslng rates uro 8100 per column W. H.VLSTEAI), dealer In Urngs, niodl- tho wrong way of the fur since his dis­ county. Miss Lawrence was for three since prices have advanced. The lum­ per yonr. IUisIuokm onrds SI n lino por your. . cincs, porlliinory, fancy goods, notlon.s. The It. If. W. Sc. ClKnr, I we passed through- a rich farming ford, Frank Mann and Geo, Post were O chairman. Whitney Jones, of Lan years engaged as teacher In the second­ ber Is said to bo inferior on account of Cloae or Winter MciioolH-llpnlb ol' nn Business locals live cents per line caoli und astrous defeat on tho demo-greenback Is tho delight of overy smoker—clear Havana i country—-large plantations aad splen- cutting trees in tho woods two and one- We Can 8avc Yon Meiiey on every InsorHoii. sing, represents this congressional dis­ the trees having been turpentined. Old nealdent —Slarrled-Other I>cr- KIIOVEKN. state ticket, Is now gently reversing ary department of the Mnson union flllod, at WlUlam'a drug-store. half miles northeast of Dansville, they MarrlnRO, birth, und doiith tioMccs freo, j did country homes. The principal We passed through over ono hundred Bonnla. Etc. Obltuury iiotlccH, rcsoluilouH' ol' respect, UNNING A HOWARD,dealers lu groccr- trict on tho state committee and also in school, nnd was one of our most suc­ cuta tree which lodged on another and hia strokes nnd Is trj'lng to smooth rnria ear Sale. eropsTrln fact about all they raise—arc miles of country where this was tlie [iSpcciat Oon'espottdetice,] cards ortbnnks, etc., llvo cents a lino. D los, crockery, and provlsloiiH, Asli street. tho national convention. No platform cessful nnd popular teachers. The only business being done—no cotton, FiTCiiiiuito, Klarch 10, , while preparing to cut this other tree down tho ruffled fur in anticipation of A groat bargain, forUO'aeres; l}^mlloa cost of. i corn and cotton, both of which grow HAMBURG U. D.W. HALSTEDi CO., doalers'ln gro^ was adopted. young couple have a host of friends In no corn; nothing but poor whisky and Elder and Mm, Campbell aro enter­ tho flrst one Anally slipped oft'and fell ccrloH, drugs, sowing machines, olc,etc. the approaching elections. Ho has Mason, Inquire at Fuller's shoo store.' here to perfection. Whole fields, as far on Mr. Post prosaing him snugly to the JOB PRINTING! D turpentine. As wo near Brunswick, taining a brother and two sisters; resi­ At VIclcsbui'g, Mich., last Thursday, not succeeded, however, In evolving this city, who will view with pleasure : as the eye could reach, were being pre- ground, injuring Him Internally and Bteain PowerT., No J w Presses, and Now Typo HOOTS ANM NII«»EN. I.ainb«r Wanted. the country becomes even worse—so dents of Nashville, Barry county. enablableo uus to do .fob I'rlntlnK on short tho village president's son was fined any responsive purrs from tho green­ the rose-tinged horizon of their future, JtockElm,Black Hickory, Wbltowood, Boaa-^ liared for cotton. Cotton culture must, poor that it won't produce but little of breaking several ribs. He has not been EDGINGS! notico, nt low prices, anil In tho T30LAU & FULLER, dealers in boots, shoos Tho joyous notes of tho festive frog cxnected to live ever since. Drs. Ban S15 and costs for slapping a young lady back cut thus far. The action of the A reception will be given In their wood, and Oak, In exchange for blaoksmlthlag, I of necessltyi be good. Poor culture al- anything. Brunswick Is located on a are already reminding us of approach­ BEST POSSIBLE MANNER J. UL!'.'.''i?.r>lLL'i''i.'''}'l<'>lK2."''''' Alalnstreel, carriage or cutter work. dall of Dansville and Root of Mason We have juat added to our stock In the face; but In this lawless city St. Louis convention would seem to in­ honor to-morrow evening at the resi­ I ways give; poor crops. Tho ground is small sound near the ocean, and here ing spring; and, by the way, tbe G. HUNTINGTON, exclusive dealer Tn 97tr. B.F. QBirvnr. we took steamer for Feiiaiidlnn. The attend him. ?_tL"iI':'ii.>.l'd shoes. Repairing donojjhcap. dence of Mayor J. H, Sayers of this aroma of tho atinosiihore ])olilical nearly $400 worth of new and de­ llnsiness Cardn. C young lady Is permitted to slap the face dicate that tho persuasive caresses of IIIone.v t» Iionii. ! first plowed—not very deep, say four trip wa.s a very, delightful ono of about remind us of the same thing. ICE IIROS. manufacture and repair boots of a high-toned society " masher" while copperhead democracy will be lost upon city. At eight per cent on gilt odgo security. I inches; then it is plowed again Into fll'ty miles, wincliiig In and out among " MILLVI1J.E. sirable styles in Hamburg Edg­ R and shoo.s. Shop In express building. The winter schools are closing in ArrOKNEYN. justice stands by with folded arms and the Irredeeinables this year; but noth­ Dabt IIYNIC'IASIN. the bodies, physically or politically, thirty days. . old home. It contains many tWngs of C store, Nnts, cundh^s, etc., Uoptjn sloclc. well known law tlini ol' Waddcll & our heartfelt thanks. May you nil receive tlie balance made into oil, and the refuse interest besides the grave of Light school which of necessity becomes Clark does the work for ninety dollars. 1. A? snIX^Tm."?.? AYEliS & PHELl'.S, dealers In liardwaro, of any man or set of men, who attempt blessing of Him who Isnn ever present help In Wcddlnff InvltntloiiH and Cnrda. more or less demoralized, by the vneat- School closed last Saturday in district OMaMPATHlC PHYSICIAN ANDSUR- Montague, of Howell, made The time of trouble. Mrs. P. R, Peck, usedaa a fertilizer. Cotton ha.s been Horse Harry. There are other meni- geon, Olllco at resldoiice on Main street S stoves, tinware, nnlls, glass, putty, cic. to obstruct a consolidation of all the Ella Peck. Tho most complete stoek ever brought l,nto .. iiig of one teacher and the time .spent No, 11, with a spelling match. John Hnorth or Oroiil block. Mason, News a i)lca.saiit cull last Thursday. Mnson win be founil at The iNonAU Covnty king this year. burs of the Lee and Custls family, buried Night calls .M. GREGG * CO., niaiiul'actiirors o( wings or branches of the greenback hero whose names have gone into his­ In procuring another, yet the past few Fulclier came out victor with Miss Cora M.W.TANNER promptly attended. W Gregg's p^itcnt bout slone-boal.S; liq.sl,! He -will be a candidate for congress News office. weeks have flown pleasantly and swift­ party." We dropped Into the conven­ Election tickets and slips printed at Their corn is all white flint dent, and tory ; a flne orange grove; also an olive Burgess next. E. E. Holmes was an OR. HENRV COOK, F. DROWN, manfr. and dealer In harness, BooU nnd Shnea ly by, and, in alibis experience he has from this district and his friends claim tion about three minutes and ob.served The News office on short notice and yory beautiful, growing large ears, and orchard, the only one In America. excellent teacher. HYSICIAN AND SUUOEON. OKFICE . saddles, whips, robes, trunks, etc., etc. At your own price at J. L. Fuller's for 80 days , never found, in so large a school, the at residence on Jlnln streel. Mason. C he will be the unanimous choice of the good style^ ^ yielding good. The t inber is a mix­ Beautiful old oaks and along, nice P i K. S.MITII, dealer in agricultural Implo- Hiram, the prophet of Vevay, waving degree of intelligence, aptness to learn, The oldest son of Christopher Brogan Livingston county delegation. Gene­ Marblo Notlee. ' ture of pine ond oak—sometimes all drive along the beach, make it even was buried yesterday. He had the W. W. ROOT, M, 0., C nicnt.s. itcpalrs forall niosvors,j;eapers. his arms wildly upon the breeze and BOBX. now, in its ruin, what Its former owner the gentlemanly and ladylike dcjiort- The bankrupt stock of marble, Ibrmerly nine, sometimes all oak—with very lit­ .scarlet fever when about eighteen FFICIO AT UESIDENCK. CALLS AT- 15EKCII it PECK, proiirlolors of lli« Mason see county will present the name of making a blustering speech In defense used to call it, Beautiful Duiigencss. ment, and ail that tends to make things tended at all hours, except [j foundry and inaclilne shops. Repairing. CROWL.—To,Iolin Crowl of Vevay, March 12, owned hy Goo. T. Davis, Is now lor sale at a tle swamp; In faet, it Is a fine country months old and has been and Invalid Obetweetendcn II da ,a .mt al. anl liotirsd i-. ,ji. excep, andt «o nto Sunday0 s Sumner Howard, of Flint, Shiawas.see n son, —none better in the world. We again took the cars, and after a pleasant, as so far cliaracterizes the of the ".solid south." Stiiinge how the discount, and Is one of tbe largest and flnest ' Centre school. ever since. He was twenty-three years J, HILL, real oslate and collections, county, .Judge Turner, of that circuit, [Additional local on fifth pane.] stocks ofmarble In the county. All styles of As we near Atlanta, there are some short ride through a poor country, we old at the time of his death. A, B. CAMPBELL, M. 0.. .Alason.Mlclu Olllco In Darrow block. cojipcr comes to the surface on all oc­ reached Jackson vllle,theobJcctlve iwint HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE and Ingham county can be counted monuments and slabs will bo found at tho Hills and mountains. This country is Mi's, Eunlco-Newkirk AUi.s, a na­ District No, 1 is to have a new school ...9yof.'J\.'yi_^Vl|'lam^^ W. VAN SLYKE, photographist. Flnerc.-- casions In these greenbackers (?) of old of our journey. Hero we found the P , touched iihotos. lilicap. In Polar block. solid for S. D. Bingham, of Lansing, shop south of tho court-house. Work gnaian- . i'dll of iron and coal, and there are many tive of Oneida, New York, and for the house in place of the one that was burn­ C time confederate sympathies. BUSINESS LOCALS. teed to suit tho purchaser in quality ani> iron works scattered through it. We balance of our party, all well and ready DR. j. H. LVON, " in ease ho becomes a candidate, ns last thirty years a resident of this ed a few weeks ago. David Clark has Notices under this head villi be inserted atprice the . Frank P. Mlllbery^ Maaon. , ,1102tr. [)!W3 round the base of bid ICenesuw for a start up the St. Johns river. They state, died at the residence of her son- ATE ASSISTANT TO TlIF, DEP.VIIT- PIXAX€i.lLi., reported everything right on their the job. He furnishes material and mont or diseases of women and children rumor says he will. Our present repre­ Dr. C. N. Zlegler, who Is spending rate of five cents jier line, each insertion. iVo no- mountain, a description of which will in-law, Charles B. Hyde of Jackson on aLt tho University oiMlchlgan, will attend all Ball Prosrammea nnd Invltatlana. journey, excepting that Dr. McRob- does the work all complete for $475. C. £. Smith's Column. MONEY TO LOAN sentative, Hon. Mark S, Brewer, of ticc inserted for less than twenty-five cents. «ot be needed by many of your Mlchl- the 4th Inst., of congestive chill.s, in calls, city or coimtry. Olllco.over Jloucli & few weeks In this city, has lately A fan line of elegant designs at Tkb Hews erts had been growing young so fast Mr. Clark is a flrst-class workman. Roxe's airnlturo storo, south of court-house, N REAL ESTATE SECURITY, .\T 8 PER f^n readers—many things yet remain the sixty-ninth year of her age. As cent., at county clerk's olllce. C, C. Wal- Oakland county, has made a highly come from Kansas, whore ho spent sev­ office, printed at lowest prices. that they had named him the boy of Miss A, A. Pease closed her third N. n.—Night calls answered at olllco. 0 •> Good Times*' C^rolnnr. m remain to remind one of tliat battle, her name implies, she hits been twice cr, agent. satisfactory record iu congress and it' eral months, and In a long letter to the t'assing within sight of numberless the crowd, and that Dnkln liad been married. She loaves a father nliiety- term of school in district No. C, March Money to I.oan, JVNTIVEN. he again entci-s the Held he will also 'oronto Olobc, he gives a view of Kan­ Kew Cniidy t'notorjr. earth works, we reach the city. It is taken all along the trip for a Methodist oiie years of age, live sisters, one hrotli- 2. .She has secured regular attendance SEASON OF 1880! by the Real Estate Agent, JVHWS NOTES. be numerously heard from in the con­ I hnve opened In tho building south of tho X " rattling"; town; everything is minister. Mr. Drew was feeling much er, three children, and a host of grand­ nnd uniformity of school books. She S. W. HAMMOND, sas from adisinterostedobserversstand- JonW DOHSBACK. ' better than when he started, and Bus- is truly wide-awake to the best interest TU.STICE OF TIIE PEACE. CONVEY- post omeo n factory for tho manufacture of Dated Mason, Feb. 18,1880. . 1102tf; fiUriviug, and business is on the: boom. children to revere her memory. The Xew AflverllNcineiitN ThIw Week. vention. —«« _\ point, diflbring materially from the se­ sell wits hard to keep track of. of her scholars. May success attend «l nnclng and general collecting. Olllce eandy which will ho furnished ut wholcsaloor People l!rom the north have filled up the fuiienil services, which wore held on third uoorcast ofjjiinnIng A lIowarcntlne manufacture,, as I am sure: It Mr. David Camp has so far recover­ Thursday night. GENTS FOR THE .TACKSON AND LAN- . jamu doolittlb, fbir. ti..A.BAXKB,Agant. . . CATTLE, por 100 pounds 3 50®l 00 sing lUo works. If you want any tile or Charles Brunk of Henrietta, Mr, means; the Improvement of our streets, " Tbe lust of tho series of lectures of J. will be Interesting to many of your ed from sickness as to be out once more. F. A. Niin's cigar factory at Dansville BEEP, dressed, per 100 pounds 4 00@6 (10 aeweA r pipe, call nnd see us, a.j. hollbt, «M ' . .;: I^nstng,MIoh.... renders. There is no underbrush in Ho looks rather white. ^ makes 200 good cigars daily. Nichols will remove, the flrst of April, parks, vacant lots, school grounds and Kay Applebeo was given lost night to Hakvy Wilson, HOGS, j>or 100 pounds ®l 00 I carry a full line of E. Bement & Son's theao woods, nothing,but Saw palmet­ Prof. Qrr Schiiriz'will talk to the The teachers in the Dansville union PORK, dressed, piSf 100 pounds ®i 761, ~ L, J.IiNCOLNi to his own farm nc,ar St. Louis, Gra­ cemeteries." The flrstmeetlng will be a large and appreciative audience. It > WM.M.WBBB, iMllea, Wkr BMfllsrf ' RTESIAN WELL BORER. RESIDENCE When Dr. UM«hlsl's tTterine Oatboltoon will) to and ft wild gross; it is burned oyer Bond of Hope next Sunday afternoon school are doinig excellent work. 8H0ULDER.S, per ppund ,, ,® 6 tiot county. He will have an auction held at the new capltol building In waa by far the best of tho series, and o. R. Larrii(owit.i., FARM TOOLS. Oall and see me before bujring. ou Mill street, Mason.' positively euMItoifute WMknew.sueh h