Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:IX Issue No:280 Price: Afs.15 SATURDAY . MAY 16 . 2015 -Sawr 26, 1394 HS www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes Pakistan launches yet MoPh Billboards: Dissidence breaks Govt officials, crackdown lawmakers another military on private out as people in Charikar declare blamed for offensive against HOSPITALS ABDULLAH AS PRESIDENT Badakhshan’s insecurity Taliban in N-Waziristan SLAMMED AT Monitoring Desk AT Monitoring Desk Pakistan’s security officials confirm AfPak AT Monitoring Desk KABUL: A number of people, in parts of Charikar city of central KABUL: A number of experts, coordination to check infiltration into Af- KABUL: Condemning the crack- Parwan province, declared Abdul- activists and residents of the north- ghanistan in the wake of the military operation down of the Ministry of Public lah Abdullah the Chief Executive eastern Badakhshan province the Health (MoPH) against private of the National Unity Government other day held a gathering in Kab- Muhammad Nadeem surgents would be attacked from hospitals, private health centers as the president of Afghanistan. ul to exchange views on growing different directions. “As the gov- association said that some govern- According to Afghan Pajhwok insecurity in northern provinces. PESHAWAR: In a bid to eliminate ernment wants to conclude the ment officials were hell-bent on News, residents of Pul-i-Lashmak Participants of the event operation soon. Therefore, the se- tarnishing the image of private hos- area of Charikar, the capital city claimed that a number of govern- remaining shelters of the Taliban pitals.