Design and Access Statement DRAFT 8
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CYNGOR CAERDYDD CARDIFF COUNCIL THORNHILL CEMETERY NORTHERN EXTENSION DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT (PLANNING STAGE) Project No: RSSC1099 Date: APRIL 2018 Status: DRAFT FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION Datblygu’r Ddinas City Development Dylunio Adeiladau a Rheoli Adeiladu Buildings Design and Construction Management Gavin M Traylor RIBA Rheolwr Gweithredol (Dros Dro) Operational Manager (Acting) County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF10 4UW Tel: 029 2233 0200 Design & Access Statement for: Thornhill Cemetery Northern Extension Project: Thornhill Cemetery Northern Extension Project No: RSSC1099 Name of site/address: Land off east of Thornhill Road north of M4 at New House Farm, Capel Gwilym Road, Cardiff CF14 9UB CONTENTS: PART A: DESIGN STATEMENT PART B: ACCESS STATEMENT Part A – Design 1.0 Background 2.0 Underlying Philosophy 3.0 Inclusive Design 4.0 Planning Policy 5.0 Character 6.0 Community Safety 7.0 Environmental Sustainability 8.0 Movement to, from and within the development 9.0 Accessibility Part A: DESIGN STATEMENT 1.0 Background 1.1 Cardiff is one of the fastest growing Cities in the UK with an increasing population, and as the population grows so does the death rate for the City. Whilst cremation is the preferred choice for the majority of people, around 30% of deaths still opt for burial for personal and religious reasons. 1.2 As a Council responsible for a growing, diverse community it is essential that it provides the necessary infrastructure to accommodate all citizens who will encounter bereavement at some point and ensure it adequately plans for the long term future. 1.3 At present, the Council operates seven burial sites of which Thornhill, Pantmawr and Western cemeteries are the only current sites providing new graves. The smaller churchyards and the oldest site at Cathays Cemetery are all full for new burials. 1.4 Thornhill Cemetery is the busiest site in the City dealing with over 700 burials a year and over 200 new graves. The site serves residents mainly in the north, east and south of the City. 1.5 Thornhill Cemetery was first opened in 1952 covering a total area of 40 acres including the crematorium facility. The cemetery grounds were extended by a total of 5 acres in 2010 on adjacent land already in Council ownership previously earmarked for cemetery use. There are no options for further expansion as the site is bordered on three sides by housing and on the other by the main A469 Thornhill Road. 1.6 Based on the remaining space at the site and current usage, Thornhill Cemetery will not be able to provide any new graves after June 2020. 1.7 The Council therefore needs to develop a new substantial sized cemetery to cater for the future needs of its residents. 1.8 Many sites have been considered during investigations by officers to identify suitable ground. This has been a challenging exercise in order to meet all of the key criteria such as the size of the area required, ground suitability and an accessible location. 1.9 Of the few sites that met all the required criteria, the preferred location for the Council to continue providing cemetery space in the north of the City has been chosen by Bereavement Services. The site is located off the east side of Thornhill Road north of M4 motorway and currently forms part of New House Farm. 1.10 The site covers an area of about 3.7 hectares (9 acres) in total. It is located less than 650 metres from the existing cemetery at Thornhill and therefore provides the benefit of being able to be managed from the current site which ensures operational costs are not significantly increased. This also means capital costs are significantly less as there will be no need to construct offices, staff facilities and plant & machinery storage. 1.11 The site is of adequate size to allow for a range of burial options to be provided including traditional graves, lawn graves, cremated remains graves with a dedicated natural burial area. 1.12 When fully developed the site will provide adequate space to serve this area of the City for approximately 18 to 20 years. 1.13 The site however occurs outside the Settlement boundary within the green wedge as defined on the Proposals Map of the Adopted Cardiff Local Development Plan (LDP). 1.14 Brief The brief is for the conversion of agricultural land at New House Farm into a new burial site as an extension of the existing burial site located at Thornhill Cemetery. 2.0 Underlying Philosophy 2.1 Cardiff Council has in place a “Strategic Equal Opportunities Policy Statement” which aims to ensure the Council continues to be an organisation which recognises and values diversity and intends to be a leading edge example of good practice, achieved by implementing equal opportunities across the whole spectrum of the Council’s activities. [Full statement can be viewed on the website – ref. ‘4.HR.152.’ The authority also has in place a draft reasonable adjustments policy. 2.2 Cardiff Council has recently published a draft Single Equality Scheme. This outlines the Council’s commitment to promoting independence and involvement of all people (including disabled people) in the life of the City. Cardiff Council, in line with The Equality Act 2010 , has carried out a review of our original Strategic Equality Plan published in 2012. As a result of this review Cardiff Council have produced a new Strategic Equality Plan with new equality objectives entitled 'Equality Making a Difference for Cardiff'. The equality objectives contained within the plan demonstrate Cardiff Council's ambition for equality to "make the difference" in building a fairer society for all of Cardiff's citizens, and help us achieve our vision of Cardiff becoming Europe's Most Liveable Capital City. The Strategic Equality Plan is linked directly to the What Matters Strategy , the Corporate Plan and all service area business plans. 2.3 City of Cardiff Council has guidance in place on implementing the Crime and Disorder Act: Section 17 (Mainstreaming of Community Safety) responsibility – which aims to produce a Crime Reduction Strategy for the city [A full copy of the documents can be viewed on the website - 5.HANR.502] 3.0 Inclusive Design 3.1 All aspects of the design have been considered to ensure that there are no barriers created and that the proposed cemetery, including the toilet facility building, can cater for and be accessed by all sections of society. 3.2 An Equality Impact Assessment has been completed by Cardiff Council Bereavement Services in accordance with the requirements of Cardiff Council as a service provider. 4.0 Planning Policy 4.1 As the site lies outside the Settlement boundary and within the Green Wedge as defined on the Proposals Map of the Adopted Cardiff Local Development Plan (LDP), the proposal will need to be assessed against the following policies: KP3 (A): GREEN WEDGE KP3 (B): SETTLEMENT BOUNDARIES KP16: GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE EN1: COUNTRYSIDE PROTECTION EN3: LANDSCAPE PROTECTION 4.2 Policy KP3 (A): Green Wedge of the adopted LDP identifies land for Green Wedge, whereby development that would prejudice the open nature of this land would not be permitted. Paragraph 4.81 of the LDP states that Planning Policy Wales (PPW) provides specific guidance on the consideration of planning applications within the green wedge designation. Paragraphs 4.8.14 to 4.8.18 of Planning Policy Wales (PPW) state the following: 4.8.14 When considering applications for planning permission in Green Belts or green wedges, a presumption against inappropriate development will apply. Local planning authorities should attach substantial weight to any harmful impact which a development would have on a Green Belt or green wedge. 4.8.15 Inappropriate development should not be granted planning permission except in very exceptional circumstances where other considerations clearly outweigh the harm which such development would do to the Green Belt or green wedge. Green Belt and green wedge policies in development plans should ensure that any applications for inappropriate development would not be in accord with the plan. These very exceptional cases would therefore be treated as departures from the plan. 4.8.16 The construction of new buildings in a Green Belt or in a locally designated green wedge is inappropriate development unless it is for the following purposes: • justified rural enterprise needs; • essential facilities for outdoor sport and outdoor recreation, cemeteries , and other uses of land which maintain the openness of the Green Belt or green wedge and which do not conflict with the purpose of including land within it; • limited extension, alteration or replacement of existing dwellings; • limited infilling (in those settlements and other development sites which have been identified for limited infilling in the development plan) and affordable housing for local needs under development plan policies; or • small scale diversification within farm complexes where this is run as part of the farm business. 4.8.18 Other forms of development would be inappropriate development unless they maintain the openness of the Green Belt or green wedge and do not conflict with the purposes of including land within it. 4.3 Policy KP3 (B): Settlement boundaries states in all areas outside the defined settlement boundary, otherwise referred to as countryside, there will be a corresponding presumption against inappropriate development. 4.4 Policy KP16: Green Infrastructure states that natural heritage assets, including the undeveloped countryside are key to Cardiff’s character, value, distinctiveness and sense of place and if development results in overall loss of green infrastructure, appropriate compensation will be required. 4.5 Policy EN1: Countryside Protection states that development beyond the settlement boundaries will only be permitted where the use is appropriate in the countryside, respects the landscape character and quality and biodiversity of the site and surrounding area and where it is appropriate in scale and design.