Software Reusability: Approaches and Challenges
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VI, Issue V, May 2021|ISSN 2454-6194 Software Reusability: Approaches and Challenges Moko Anasuodei1, Ojekudo, Nathaniel Akpofure2 1Department of Computer Science and Informatics, Faculty of Science, Federal University Otuoke, Nigeria 2Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Nigeria Abstract: Software reuse is used to aid the software phases. Software engineering has been more centered on development process which in recent times can improve the original development which gives an optimal software at a resulting quality and productivity of software development, by faster and less costly price, a design process based on assisting software engineers throughout various software systemic reusable is now recognized. engineering phases to enhance the quality of software, provide quick turnaround time for software development using few Software reuse reduces efforts and cost, because software people, tools, and methods, which creates a good software development costs can be extremely high, but they are quality by enhancing integration of the software system to shared, such that the cost of reuse can be extremely low. provide a competitive advantage. This paper examines the One major advantage of software reuse suggested by concept of software reuse, the approaches to be considered for keswani et al (2014) explains that there is a significant need software reuse, which is broadly shared into three categories: component-based software reuse, domain engineering and for the number of bugs to be reduced during software software product lines, architecture-based software reuse and development process, such that instead of developing an challenges that affect the software reuse development process.
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