Rrsq Wzrwfiftq{Rqftre
rrsqwzrwfiftq{rqftre NationalCouncil for TeacherEducation (AStatutory Body of theGovernment of lndia)- (qr{d{r<rR i5r q6' Ae-€ €sri) SoutheinRegional Committee qQurqHq qnR $?I€g5-dcr em NCTE F.SRO/NCTE/ApS09669/8.Ed/Ap/201 6814s- Date:\O TO BE PUBLISHEDIN GAZETTEOF INDIAPART III SEGTION 4 CORRIGENDUM With referenceto this officeorder No. F.SRO/APSO9669lB.EdlAP12Q15164506dated13.05.2015 wherein a revised recognitionorder was issuedto PalnaduCollege of Education,Sy No. 158/94, 158/1081,1SBI1'|B, 1Sgt12B, Narayanapuram,Dachepalli Village, Guntur District-522414,Andhra Pradesh the followinqcorriqendum is Sl.No. INSTEADOF WORDS MAY BE READ AS Page 1 AND WHEREAS,the institutionPalnadu Cottege AND WHEREAS,the institutionPalnadu Cottege of -2 Para of Education, Sy No. 158/9A, 158/10B1, Education, Sy No. '158/9A,158/1081, 158/118, '158112B, 15An1B, 1581128,Narayanapuram, Dachepa i Narayanapuram, Dachepalli liltage, Village, Guntur District522414, A,ndhra Guntur District-522414,Andhra Pradesh has by Pradesh has by affidavit consentedto come affidavitconsented to come underNew Regulationi underNew Regulationsand soughtfor two basic andsought for one basicunit in B.Ed. unitsin B.Ed.,which require additional facilities Page 1 I AND WHEREAS,it has been decided to permit AND WHEREAS,it has beendecided to permitthe Para 4 I institutionto have two basic units of 50 studentsei institutionto haveone basicunit of 50 studentseach i suhjecitc th: inoti:ut:cirfuif;l:ing f,.rI-J*i;g cci.:d:ii I namety, namery, I | (D. The institutionshall submit revalidated FDRS (i). The institutionshall submitrevalidated FDRS of I of the enhancedvalues, in jointaccount with the enhancedvalues, in joint accountwith the I the SRC before30 June,2015 faitingwhich SRC before 30 June, 2015 failing which the I the recognitionwill be withdrawn.
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