Fareham Local Development Scheme Shaping ’s Future

Annual Monitoring Report 2012 - 2013 (Published February 2014)

Fareham LDF Monitoring Report February 2014

Further Information and Contacts

Information on the general Local Development Framework process, updates on the progress of Fareham’s Local Development Documents and current consultations, are available at the following website: www.fareham.gov.uk/ldf.

If you have any questions regarding Fareham’s Local Development Framework including this document, please contact a member of the Strategic Planning & Design Service at Fareham Borough Council.

Telephone: 01329 826100

Email: [email protected]

Address: Strategic Planning & Design Department of Strategic Planning and Environment Fareham Borough Council Civic Offices Civic Way Fareham PO16 7AZ

For more detailed information and guidance on the planning system, visit the Department for Communities and Local Government website at http://www.communities.gov.uk.

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Page No.


1. INTRODUCTION 4  Purpose & Aim of the Monitoring Report 4  Related Visions & Objectives 5  Fareham in Context 5

2. LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME DELIVERY AND 8 IMPLEMENTATION 8  Local Development Scheme 8  Local Development Document Progress 8  Progress in preparing the Local Plan

3. HOUSING MONITORING AND SUPPLY 13  Past Housing Delivery (outside Welborne) 13  Projected housing delivery (outside Welborne) 14  Five Year Housing Land Supply (outside Welborne) 14  Fareham Borough Housing Trajectory 2006-2026 (outside 15 Welborne) 18  Housing Supply at Welborne (SDA)


5. POLICY ANALYSIS 22  Development Plan Policies 22  Analysis Methodology 22  Key Findings 23  Conclusion 27



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APPENDIX 1 – Development Plan Policy Analysis 33

APPENDIX 2 – List of Saved Local Plan Polices Replaced by the 97 Core Strategy

APPENDIX 3 – List of Local Plan Policies not saved in 2007 by 100 Government direction

APPENDIX 4 – Schedule of sites comprising the five year housing 101 land supply

APPENDIX 5 – List of Sources 103


Table 2.1 Development Plan Document Progress against the 2011 Local 12 Development Scheme timetables

Table 3.1 Past Annual Housing Delivery 13

Table 3.2 Five Year Housing Land Supply 15

Figure 3.3 Fareham Borough Housing Trajectory (outside Welborne) 17

Table 3.4 Housing Trajectory for Welborne 18

Table 4.1 Net Employment and Town Centre Use Floorspace since 2006/07 20 to 2010/11

Table 4.2 Employment Requirements and predicted supply 22

Table 5.1 Gypsies and Travellers: Permanent Site Accommodation 25

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Executive Summary

i. This is the 9th Monitoring Report (MR) to be produced by Fareham Borough Council and the 2nd MR following adoption of the Fareham Borough Core Strategy. The MR covers the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013, and considers progress of the Local Plan up until the publication of this MR in 2014. ii. The Localism Bill removes the requirement to submit the MR to the Secretary of State. Previous editions of the MR have been required to report on a number of Core Output Indicators. Core Output Indicators were designed by central government as part of the monitoring framework to achieve a consistent approach to data collection across the national, regional and local level. A ministerial letter of 30 March 2011, sent to Local Authority Chief Planning Officers, removed the requirement to report on Core Output Indicators and withdrew guidance on local plan monitoring. Thus, it is now for individual local authorities to determine what to include in their monitoring reports, providing they are prepared in accordance with relevant UK and EU legislation. iii. Chapter 7 of the Core Strategy provides an indicative monitoring framework in recognition of the importance of retaining an effective monitoring system. Performance measured against Core Output Indicators will still be reported where it is considered to be relevant to the effective monitoring of Core Strategy Policies. The MR is critical in the understanding of the effect and impact of planning policies in the Borough once they are adopted. iv. This MR covers four key areas:

 Progress of all Local Development Documents (LDDs) and any milestones that have been reached against the timetable in the Local Development Scheme (LDS)  Analysis of individual development plan policies (Core Strategy & 'saved' Local Plan Review policies;  Housing monitoring and supply - providing the most up to date housing land supply for the Borough and setting out housing completions for the past year; and  Employment & Retail floorspace monitoring - setting out the employment and retail floorspace completions for the monitoring year. A summary of these sections of the report are provided below.

Progress On Local Development Documents v. The Local Development Documents contained in the 2011 Local Development Scheme (LDS) are in part meeting the milestones indicated in the LDS. Fareham's Core Strategy was adopted a month earlier than anticipated. The Fareham Town Centre Area Action Plan was merged with Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites & Policies, which was the subject of public consultation during Winter 2012. Public consultation on the Local Plan

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Part 3: Draft Welborne Plan was carried out during April-June 2013.

vi. The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Coldeast Site was adopted in October 2011 and the SPD for the Daedalus Site, which had been put on hold following the designation of the site as an Enterprise Zone, has subsequently been cancelled due to Outline Permission being granted on the site. vii. Community Infrastructure Levy: As noted in the previous Annual Monitoring Report, the Council carried out public consultation period from 19th March 2012 to 30th April 2012 on Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule. The Draft Charging Schedule was a subject of second public consultation carried out from 31st July to 11th September 2012 with the final draft submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination on 22nd November 2012. The Examination process concluded with the receipt of the Examiner's Report on 13th December 2012. Following the conclusion of the Independent Examination the Council adopted the Levy which came into force on the 1st of May 2013.

Policy Analysis viii. With the use of indicators1, the saved policy analysis demonstrates how the majority of current local plan policies are working effectively, particularly through the use of development management in pre-application and decision-making processes.

ix. The analysis shows how a number of policies, particularly Local Plan policies, cannot be successfully measured through the use of Core or Local Indicators. This raises the issue that future policies should aim to be written in such a manner that they can be assessed in quantifiable terms. Furthermore, a system must be in place to continually collect and assess data in order to provide an effective method of policy analysis.

x. This analysis is important and in highlighting policies (or parts of policies) that require revision or deletion in order to reflect current and changing circumstances that the Borough faces. Chapter 6 of this MR sets out such recommendations.

Housing Monitoring and Supply

xi. As required by The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, Local Planning Authorities must report on annual housing delivery as part of their MR. xii. During the 2012/13 year Fareham has delivered 238 dwellings. Chapter 3 demonstrates that there is an adequate five year housing land supply in the Borough (outside the North of Fareham SDA) for the period of 2013/14 - 2017/18 with a target of 1,058 dwellings and a supply of 1,163 deliverable dwellings. Therefore the supply meets the target required for the five year housing land supply. The sites which form this supply are listed in Appendix 4. xiii. Core Strategy Policy CS2 (Housing Provision) sets out the strategic housing requirement for Fareham Borough, outside of Welborne (previously known as New Community North of Fareham). The policy was based on evidence set out in the PUSH

1 Further information on indicators is provided on pages 23-24. For further information on this document please contact [email protected] hhhhhhhhh2

Fareham LDF Monitoring Report February 2014

sub-region Strategy which required Fareham Borough to deliver 3,729 dwellings between 2006 and 2026. Of this figure, 2,514 dwellings have been delivered between April 1st 2006 and March 31st 2013, requiring a balance of 1,216 dwellings to be delivered during the remaining part of the plan period (2013-2026).

Since the adoption of the Core Strategy, the PUSH has updated their strategy to take account of revised economic forecasts, including the effect of the recession on rates of economic growth and housing building. The review, known as the South Hampshire Strategy: A Framework to Guide Sustainable Development to 2016 has resulted in revised district level housing numbers for the remaining plan period to 2026. Taking account of previous completions, Fareham Borough is now required to deliver 1,687 dwellings across the remainder of the plan period (excluding Welborne). xiv. The Welborne Plan (previously known as the North of Fareham Strategic Development Area Plan) anticipates that the first dwellings will be delivered at the site in 2016/17, with around 2370 dwellings completed by the end of the Core Strategy plan period, with development continuing until 2041.

Recommendations for improved policy monitoring xv. Chapter 6 sets out the recommendations regarding current monitoring processes and potential improvements to data capture mechanisms. The relevant polices addressed under this section are as follows:

CS15 Sustainable Development and Climate Change CS16 Renewable Energy CS17 High Quality Design CS20 Infrastructure and Developer Contributions CS4 Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and Geological Conservation CS21 Protection and Provision of Open Space

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report February 2014

1. Introduction


1.1 This is the ninth Monitoring Report (MR) produced by Fareham Borough Council covering the monitoring period, 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013. It reports upon progress of the Local Plan up until publication of this MR and the effectiveness of Local Plan policies. Where data is not available for this period, the recommendations section (Chapter 5) clearly identifies the period for which data is available and/or how this data will be secured for future MRs.

1.2 The purpose and aim of this MR is to:  Report progress of Local Plan Documents in relation to the timetable and key milestones established in the Fareham Local Development Scheme (LDS);  Update the five year housing land supply position and set out the housing trajectory for housing outside of Welborne, and at Welborne.  Report progress on current (‘saved’) policies in the Fareham Local Plan Review (2000) and the polices contained within the Core Strategy, where appropriate

1.3 Pr evious editions of the MR have been required to report on a number of Core Output Indicators. Core Output Indicators were designed as part of the monitoring framework to achieve a consistent approach to data collection across the local and regional levels. However, the ministerial letter of 30 March 2011, sent to Local Authority Chief Planning Officers, removed the requirement to report on Core Output Indicators and withdrew the following guidance on local plan monitoring:  Local Development Framework Monitoring: A Good Practice Guide (ODPM, 2005),  Annual Monitoring Report FAQs and Emerging Best Practice 2004-05 (ODPM, 2006),  Regional Spatial Strategy and Local Development Framework: Core Output Indicators - Update 2/2008 (CLG, 2008).

1.4 It will now be for individual Councils to determine what to include in their monitoring reports, providing they are prepared in accordance with relevant UK and EU legislation. In line with provisions contained within Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, Local Planning Authorities are still required to report on the following:  The progress of DPD production against the LDS timetable and any suggested

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report February 2014

associated amendments.  Where an authority is not implementing a policy specified in the development plan, the annual report must identify that policy and include reasons why the authority is not implementing the policy; the steps (if any) that the authority intend to take to secure that the policy is implemented; and whether the authority intend to prepare a DPD or a revision of the DPD (as the case may be) to replace or amend the policy.  Specify the number of net additional dwellings built in the authority’s area.

1.5 Chapter 7 of The Core Strategy provides an indicative monitoring framework in recognition of the importance of retaining an effective monitoring system. This framework includes a number of the Core Output indicators contained in the withdrawn guidance listed above. Performance measured against Core Output Indicators will still be reported where it is considered to be relevant to the effective monitoring of Local Plan Policies.


1.6 The Fareham Local Plan aims to adopt an integrated approach to monitoring. The MR has regard to the vision and objectives of related Council strategies and plans which have been taken into consideration in the preparation of the Core Strategy.

1.7 The Council's Corporate Strategy (2011) describes Fareham as, ‘Fareham - the prosperous, safe and attractive place to live and work'. The Strategy is updated annually by the Council and is guided by following corporate priorities:  To protect and enhance the environment.  To maintain and extend prosperity.  To ensure that Fareham remains a safe and healthy place to live and work.  To provide a reasonable range of leisure opportunities for health and fun.  To work with our key partners to enable and support a balanced housing market.  To build strong and inclusive communities.  To be a dynamic, prudent and progressive council.

1.8 Fareham's Core Strategy, which identifies the Borough's development needs and how they will be met up to 2026, is a key part of the Local Plan. The Core Strategy was adopted by the Council on 4 August 2011 following public examination of the plan by an independent planning inspector from the Planning Inspectorate.


Physical Environment

1.9 Fareham lies on coastline between the cities of and , covering an area of almost 30 square miles. Rapid development has occurred over the past 50 years, although approximately 60% of the Borough remains as countryside. The Southern and Western boundaries of the Borough are formed by the Solent and , respectively, which are internationally recognised for their environmental and recreational value. The special character of the Borough’s older

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settlements is recognised by conservation area designations.


Findings of 2011 Census

All Residents England; 53,012,456 All Residents South East; 8,634,750 All Residents Fareham; 111,581

1.10 Hampshire County Council quotes the Office of National Statistics 2011 census which recorded a resident population of 111,581. This is an increase of 3,604 since the 2001 census (107,977). This figure is estimated to increase by 1% between 2011 and 2018. In 2001 the average age of residents in Fareham was 40. The retired population is expected to increase by 47% by 2021.


1.11 The M27 South Coast motorway links Fareham to the wider motorway network and provides easy access to Ports and Airports. London is 75 miles away via the M3 or A3(M). Two international sea ports lie close to the Borough - Portsmouth European Ferry Port and Southampton cruise liner and container port. The Solent corridor’s regional international airports are also close by - Southampton Airport and Airport. Britain’s leading international airports are little more than an hour away. The Borough also has direct train links to Southampton, Portsmouth, , and London, with London Waterloo under 2hrs away. This makes Fareham ideal for commuters.


1.12 Fareham is located at the heart of urban South Hampshire. The Western Wards and Whiteley, around Junction 9 of the M27, have been growth sectors within South Hampshire over the last 30 years. The availability of high quality employment land has allowed the Borough to become a very buoyant part of the sub-regional economy. In addition, over the last decade, Fareham has become a telecommunications hub served by high capacity fibre optic infrastructure that facilitates sustained business growth focused on the Cams Estate, close to Junction 11 of the M27.

1.13 The relocation of National Air Traffic Services to the Swanwick Control Centre and to the Whiteley Technical Centre supports about 2500 well-paid jobs, making it the largest employer in the area.

1.14 The Core Strategy provides the framework for the delivery of a strategic employment site at Daedalus airfield. This area has recently been given Enterprise Zone status which is designed to boost local job creation in the area.


1.15 Fareham remains the largest town in the Borough. However the 'Western Wards' (comprising Locks Heath, Sarisbury, Park Gate, Warsash and Titchfield Common) are

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report February 2014

now almost as large. and Stubbington and Hill Head have grown from small villages to large residential suburbs containing over 6,000 dwellings in each. Only Titchfield, Lower Swanwick, Hook and Burridge retain a village scale and character. The number of dwellings in Fareham Borough has increased from approximately 12,000 in 1951 to about 47,800 in March 2011, an increase of almost 400%. Information from the Land Registry1 shows that the average house price in Fareham in the period April to June 2013 was £231,292, compared with £76,536 in January to March 1996. This is a price increase of over 300% over a period of 16 years. Average property prices for a detached, semi-detached, terrace or flat are £313,602, £209,192, £196,351 and £129,462, respectively. Whilst past completions of new housing have been healthy in the Borough, the rate of delivery remains insufficient to successfully address the problems of affordability.

1 Source: ONS figures reported via BBC News Website

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report February 2014

2. Local Development Scheme Delivery and Implementation


2.1 The Local Development Scheme (LDS) identifies the preparation stages and timetable for each of the Development Plan Documents (DPD) that the Council is preparing. In accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, the MR must report on the progress of documents against LDS timetable and milestones. Where milestones have not been met a detailed explanation of why this has not been achieved is provided.

2.2 The first iteration of Fareham LDS was published on 19 April 2005 under Regulation 11(3) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. The LDS has had a number of revisions since the original publication. Updated versions have been published; 28 June 2006; 30 March 2007; 12 March 2009, 16 May 2011 and more recently; 1 March 2012. The original LDS and its subsequent revisions are later referred to as 2005 LDS, 2006 LDS, 2007 LDS, 2009 LDS 2011 LDS and 2012 LDS respectively.

2.3 Following the amendments in 2008 to the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, it is no longer necessary to include Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) within a LDS.

2.4 A revised LDS was adopted by the Council in March 2012 and sets out the most up to date published timetables for the production of DPDs.


2.5 The diagram overleaf provides an overview of the documents - existing and those being prepared - that currently make up the Fareham Borough Local Plan.

2.6 This section of the MR goes on to audit the progress of each Local Plan document during the period 1 April 2012 to the date of publication of this MR. The summary table on page 12 sets out the progress of production of Documents against the 2012 Local Development Scheme (LDS). It also provides a useful indication of any potential need to re-program or reallocate resources where delivery of a Plan has missed (or is at risk of missing) its key deadlines/milestones.

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Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy Development Plan Document

2.7 Following submission at the end of February 2011 for examination, the hearing sessions took place during May 2011 and the Inspector's Report was received in July. The Core Strategy was adopted by the Council on 4 August 2011.

2.8 The plan identifies the Borough's development needs up to 2026 and how they will be met. It sets out the spatial vision, a series of objectives designed to achieve the vision; overarching key policy areas which provide focus and link the objectives to the spatial strategy; core delivery policies and an implementation and monitoring framework. The Core Strategy replaces a number of the Local Plan Review 2000 policies.

2.9 The Core Strategy has achieved its milestones as set out in the LDS 2011 from Examination through to adoption and was adopted one month in advance of the expected adoption date.

Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites & Policies

2.10 On the advice of the Inspector conducting the advisory visit on the Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy, development management policies removed from the Core Strategy is being incorporated in the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies.

2.11 The Core Strategy allocated key strategic development sites at the former Coldeast Hospital and Daedalus Airfield, as well as Welborne. The Development Sites and Policies Plan will allocate sites for specific land uses whose locations, along with designations such as areas to be protected from development; will be illustrated on the Policies Map.

2.12 Consultation on Issues and Options took place alongside that for the Core Strategy with a Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report prepared in 2008. Although summarising and reporting on the responses received from organisations and individuals has been carried out no further progress towards preparing preferred options was made due to the need to concentrate resources on the Core Strategy and Welborne Plan.

2.13 Work on the Development Sites & Policies Plan recommenced in November 2011 with a 'call for sites' exercise. This was required to provide the Council with an update of available sites. It was also agreed that the Policies within the Fareham Town Centre Area Action Plan should be incorporated within the Development Sites & Policies Plan.

2.14 The draft Development Sites and Policies Plan was consulted on between 15 October, and 26 November 2012.

Local Plan Part 3: Welborne Plan

2.15 Local Plan Part 3: Welborne Plan was previously known as the Area Action Plan for the New Community North of Fareham. The preparation process for this plan commenced with the production of the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report which was consulted upon from 6th July to 11th August 2009. Subsequently a number of consultation events

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and studies directed towards planning for the new community were undertaken with their n BT 1 0 0 1 416.47 758.88 Tm 0 g [(w)12(e)-3(r)-6(e)-3( )-61(C /P <> BDC q 26.88 79.824 48.744 690.1 re W* n BT 1 0 0 1 3161(w)o) BT 1 0 0-6(e)-33 ET Q EMC /P <> BDC q 26.88 79.824 48.744 690.1 re W* 690.1 re W* n BT 1 0 0 1 46.4n0W* 3Tm 14 489.19 690 BDC Tc[(a)] /44 400. n 1 46.4n re 344 400. Tm 0 g Je C /P <> BDC q 26.88 79.824 48.744 690.1 re W* n BT 1 0 0 1 316 B6.88 79.824 48.744 690.1 re W* n BT 1 0 0 3 q

BT 1 0 0 3u re 38 79.824 48.74 g [(o)n BT 1 1oID 1BG [(e)-3(i11 0 0 1 55.68 593.26 Tm 0 g [(1)] TJ ET Q q 26.88 79.824 48.744 690.1.* n BT rG8.91 4 )] TJ ET Q >> BDC q 26.88 79.824 48.744 690.1 re W* n BT 1 0 0 1 32.28 96.384 Tm 0 g 0 BDC4 48.744 690 75.62 q 0>> BDC q 26.88 Q EMC /P dT g [(2)]1690.1 re








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consultation in February 2014 and that the plan will be submitted in May 2014 and this is reflected in the 2014 revision to the LDS.

Community Infrastructure Levy

2.23 Following two periods of consultation, the Draft Charging Schedule for the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was submitted for independent examination in November 2012. The Examiner's report was received on 13 December 2012 with the recommendation that the Charging Schedule be approved in its published form, without any changes.

2.24 Fareham Borough Council formally approved the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule on 25 April 2013 to start from 1 May 2013. Development permitted from the 1st of May 2013 will be liable to pay the Levy as per the charges set out in the schedule. Charges will be payable when development starts.

2.25 Alongside the CIL Charging Schedule a guide and calculator were published to help developers better understand and calculate their liability. Although related to implementation of the Development Plans and forming part of the LDF it is not included in the Scheme.

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Table 2.1 - Development Plan Document Progress against the 2011 Local Development Scheme timetables


Achieved Early Achieved On Track At Risk/Need for re-programming

Regulation 25 Submission Document LDS Consultation Publication to Secretary Examination Adoption Title Edition and SA Stage of State Scoping Local Plan th May 2007 – 13 December th Part 1:Core 2011 st 28 February th September September 2010 - 31 28 February Strategy LDS 2011 2011 2009 January 2011

Local Plan Part 2: January 2008 - 2011 28 February – Late Summer Winter Development November May 2014 LDS 11 April 2014 2014 2014/5 Sites & 2011 Policies Local Plan Part 2011 January 2009 - 28 February – Winter May 2014 Autumn 2014 3:Welborne LDS July 2012 11 April 2014 2014/5 Plan

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3. Housing Monitoring and Supply


3.1 As4 per the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, Councils. are required to report on housing delivery that has occurred during the past monitoring1 year, in this case the period starting April 1st 2012 until publication date of this report.

3.2 Housing4 monitoring is undertaken in partnership with Hampshire County Council to ensure that. the housing completion count is accurate and robust. During the 2012/13 year a total of2 238 dwellings (net) have been completed in the Borough.

3.3 As4 in the previous MR the delivery figure has been put in the context of those of previous years. so as to facilitate a comparative view. Table 3.1 below sets out annual housing completions3 since the beginning of the Core Strategy plan period in 2006/2007.

3.4 Table 3.1 - Past Annual Housing Delivery

Year 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Total

Housing 548 320 188 364 275 238 1933 Delivery Housing Provision 340 340 340 340 252 252 1864 Target Surplus/ +208 -20 -152 +24 +23 -14 +69 Deficit

Source: Hampshire County Council Housing Land Supply Monitoring 2012-2013

3.5 As4 the table above demonstrates, housing delivery has reduced since the last monitoring year,. further declining from the previous monitoring year’s delivery. This trend should perhaps4 be expected as it is broadly consistent with trends in the UK housing market throughout this period.

3.6 T4he housing provision achieved for this year exceeds the annual target rate of 220 dwellings. per annum, as set out in Fareham’s adopted Core Strategy. However, when considered5 against the increased target resulting from the South Hampshire Strategy it falls marginally short.

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3.7 In4 addition to looking at past delivery, Councils are also required to maintain a flexible, responsive. supply of land in order to demonstrate its ability to attain housing delivery objectives7 across the plan period. Housing provision data contained within this MR draws upon information contained within the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (January 2014). Where completions have occurred on identified SHLAA sites, these have been discounted from its overall yield and where new information about existing sites has come to light this has been considered and where necessary the delivery phasing of the site has been adjusted accordingly. In addition, new sites that have been granted planning permission, and are above the SHLAA threshold of 5 units, have been included as part of the housing supply. This process has ensured that this MR takes account of the most up to date information available and provides the most current housing land supply position for the Borough.

3.8 In4 the short-term, Council's must be able to demonstrate a robust five year housing land supp. ly of deliverable sites. In line with Planning Policy Framework deliverable housing sites8 are those that are suitable, available and achievable (a definition of these terms can be found in paragraph 47 of the NPPF). The determination of a sites' deliverability has been undertaken through the SHLAA process.

3.9 It4 is also important to consider housing supply in the medium to long term (beyond five years).. For the purposes of this MR (and in line with the format of the SHLAA) the medium to9 long term supply is presented in two distinct delivery phases; medium-term 6-10 years and; long term 11+ years. Sites within these two latter phases are considered to be developable: they must be in a suitable location for housing development and there should be a reasonable prospect that the site is available for, and could be developed at the point envisaged.


3.10 Local4 Planning Authorities must assess and demonstrate the extent to which existing plans. already fulfil the requirement set out in this statement to identify and maintain a rolling1 2 five-year supply of deliverable land for housing, particularly in connection with making0 planning decisions.

3.11 Table4 3.2 below sets out the amount of housing that is expected to be delivered in the coming. five years on an annual basis. The table also provides the housing target for the same1 period. It should be noted that the housing target has been adjusted to account for overprovision1 of housing in the previous years, as set out in Table 3.1 (housing provision targets, before adjustment, are set out in paragraph 4.16 of the Fareham Borough Core Strategy).

2 The supply of land should be managed in a way that ensures that a continuous five year supply of deliverable sites is maintained ie at least enough sites to deliver the housing requirements over the next five years of the housing trajectory.

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Table 3.2 - Five Year Housing Land Supply

Year 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Total Projected Housing 194 259 333 204 173 1163 Supply Housing Provision 262 262 262 136 136 1058 Target Surplus / -68 -3 +71 +68 +37 +105 Deficit

Source: Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites & Policies Draft Plan October 2012

3.12 As table 3.2 demonstrates, the Borough is in a very strong position in terms of housing supply being able to demonstrate over 5 years supply of housing. Appendix 4 sets out the schedule of sites that constitute the five year housing land supply.


3.13 The Council is required to identify a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years' worth of housing against its housing requirements, with an additional buffer of 5% (moved forward from later in the plan period) to ensure choice and competition in the market for land. Table 3.3 below, considers housing delivery, past and future, providing the overall housing trajectory across the plan period.

3.14 The4 trajectory identifies past housing delivery and the expected rate of projected housing delivery. for the remainder of the plan period to 2026. Past housing completions are represented1 by row A. Rows D (Total Projected Housing Supply) represent the anticipated4 housing supply for Fareham Borough. This consists of sites identified in this Plan (Row C - Projected Planned Housing Completions), and a windfall allowance (Row C - Projected Windfall Allowance).

3.15 Row4 I (Total Strategic Housing Requirement) represents the housing requirements for the Borough. outside Welborne. It is a combination of the housing ascribed to Fareham through1 the revised South Hampshire Strategy (2012 PUSH South Hampshire Strategy Requirement5 )4 and, as required by paragraph 47, bullet point 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework, an additional 5% buffer of deliverable sites moved forward from later in the plan period (5% Buffer applied to five year housing supply).

3.16 Row4 K demonstrates the number of dwellings above or below the housing target at any one. year. Despite a shortfall in housing land availability toward the latter stages of the plan1 period, significant projected over-delivery in the early stages of the plan period will ensure6 that Fareham is capable of meeting its housing requirements.

4 Partnership for Urban South Hampshire; South Hampshire Strategy: A Framework to Guide Sustainable Development and Change to 2026, October 2012

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3.17 Row4 L shows the number of dwellings above or below cumulative housing requirement. A positive. figure demonstrates that a strategy is ahead of the delivery target whereas a negative1 figure shows a shortfall in housing delivery. The cumulative rate of delivery remains7 positive across the plan, despite a shortfall in annual delivery against annual supply in the latter stages of the plan period.

3.18 As4 the table demonstrates, Fareham is capable of meeting and exceeding its five year deliverable. housing land requirement by 95 dwellings (1,163 – 1,068 = 95). With regards to1 the developable supply (i.e. 6-10 year and 11-14 years supply) Fareham is in a housing deficit8 of -169 (427 - 596 = -169) and -106 (233 - 333 = -100), respectively. However, when past delivery is taken into account, Fareham is capable of delivering the Cumulative Requirement across the plan period (i.e. 2006-2026) of 4201 dwellings with a projected surplus of 136 dwellings.

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Table 3.3: Fareham Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land (Excluding Welborne)

1-5 Year Supply 6-10 Year Supply 11+ Year Supply

Plan Year 4/15

2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 201 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2006/26

A Past Completions 581 548 320 188 364 275 238 2514

B Projected Planned Housing Completions 174 239 313 184 153 132 95 100 30 70 78 78 77 1723

C Projected Windfall Allowance 20 20 20 20 20 100

D Total Projected Housing Supply 194 259 333 204 173 132 95 100 30 70 78 78 77 1823

E Cumulative Completions / Projections 581 1129 1449 1637 2001 2276 2514 2708 2967 3300 3504 3677 3809 3904 4004 4034 4104 4182 4260 4337 4337

F 2011 Core Strategy Housing Requirement 340 340 340 340 340 220 220 220 220 220 94 94 94 94 93 92 92 92 92 92 3729

2012 PUSH South Hampshire Strategy G 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 472 Requirement

5% buffer applied to five year deliverable H 12 12 12 12 12 0 0 0 -12 -12 -12 -12 -12 0 housing supply

Total Strategic Housing Requirement (2006- I 340 340 340 340 340 252 252 264 264 264 138 138 125 125 124 111 111 111 111 111 4201 2026)

J Cumulative Requirement 340 680 1020 1360 1700 1952 2204 2466 2728 2960 3126 3262 3387 3512 3636 3749 3862 3975 4088 4201 4201

Number of dwellings above or below annual K 241 208 -20 -152 24 23 -14 -70 -5 69 -60 -91 7 -30 -24 -81 -41 -33 -33 -34 N/A housing requirement

Number of dwellings above or below L 241 449 429 277 301 324 310 240 235 304 370 405 412 418 358 277 236 203 170 136 136 cumulative requirement

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014


3.19 The Draft Welborne Plan anticipates that the first dwellings will be delivered at the site in 2016/17, with development continuing until 2036. Table 3.5 below sets out the proposed annual housing delivery rate at Welborne.

Table 3.4 - Housing Trajectory for Welborne Strategic Development Area (SDA)

Phase 1 2 3 4 5


Year 2016


2006 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/3


Housing 0 120 180 200 320 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 1780 Delivery

Source: Local Plan Part 3: Welborne Plan (April 2013)

3.20 As housing construction has not yet started at Welborne, monitoring cannot be undertaken. However, at this stage it is assumed that the projected completion rate will be equal to the

target build rate. It remains to be seen whether this planned rate of delivery will be so closely aligned to the actual delivery rate and in reality this is unlikely to occur. Thus, it will be for future editions of the AMR to report on any deviation of delivery from the planned rate

of delivery and, where possible, manage any potential discrepancy according to policies set out within the Welborne Plan

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4. Employment and Retail Floorspace Monitoring


4.1 An3 important aspect of Fareham's strategy is to encourage economic growth. The Strategy seeks to increase Gross Value Added by 3.5% per annum by 2026. However, given the current and recent economic climate this is perhaps an ambitious target. Indeed, the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH) commissioned an update to the original Economic Development Strategy (EDS) produced in 2005, which takes account of the current macro-economic situation. It is now thought that average annual Gross Value Added (GVA) growth over the period 2006-26 will be around 2% rather than the PUSH aspiration of growth in excess of 3% (PUSH Economic Development Strategy (October 2010)).

4.2 With3 regards to employment floorspace (B use class) delivered in the Borough, there were several schemes in the Borough. Together these produced 988sq.m of additional B use floorspace across the 2012/13 period.

4.3 Turning3 to 'Town Centre Use' floorspace, there were 206sq.m of “town centre uses” floorspace completions within any of the Borough’s centres with an additional 476sq.m being completed outside the centres. Although this runs contrary to the Council’ Core Strategy and national planning policy contained within National Planning Policy Framework, in terms of directing town centre uses into the Borough’s centres, since 2006 the floorspace that has been completed in the Borough’s centres is almost double of that completed outside of them.

4.4 The Retail Health Check is an essential tool for measuring the vitality and viability of Fareham Town Centre, the district centres at Portchester and Locks Heath and the local centres at Stubbington, Park Gate, Broadlaw Walk, Highlands Road, Gull Coppice, Titchfield and Warsash. The study measures:

 Diversity of main town centre uses (by number, type and amount of floorspace);  The amount of retail, leisure and office floorspace in edge-of-centre and out-of-centre locations;  The potential capacity for growth or change of centres in the network;  Retailer representation and intentions to change representation;  Proportion of vacant street level property;  Pedestrian Flows;  Accessibility;  Customer and residents' views and behaviour;  Perception of safety and occurrence of crime;

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 State of the town centre environmental quality.

4.5 The Fareham’s Retail Health Check, published Summer 2013, reported a slight increase in vacancies across all centres. There has also been a notable increase in Sui Generis uses in Fareham Town Centre, Portchester and Locks Heath. Retail use remains the dominant feature across all centres with the exception of Park Gate where A1 and A2 uses are similar as a proportion of overall use. It is worth noting that there are policies in place to prevent further loss of retail space to non-retail uses. The only out of centre retail development was the extension of Smyths Toys in Titchfield.

4.6 Although3 recent years have been disappointing in terms of employment development it is useful to observe the temporal trends in employment uses provision in order to provide an historical context and to allow comparisons to be drawn. It is also worth noting that there are a number of employment site that have planning permission but no material start made. This is a reflection of the current economic climate.

4.7 The Fareham Employment Study (2014) sets out a projected future need for employment floorspace across the Borough in order to accommodate projected job growth. The floorspace requirements across the different use classes, as well as the projected supply, are shown in Table 4.2. This demonstrated that there is a healthy surplus in terms of overall supply of employment floorspace in the Borough.

Table 4.1 - Net Employment and Town Centre Use Floorspace since 2006/07 to 2012/13

2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Total

Employment Floorspace 4,247 1,596 6,108 0 -193 0 0 11,758 (B1 gain sq. m) Employment Floorspace 0 986 (B2/B8 gain sq. 4,379 1785 3,363 688 -360 10,841 m) 'Town Centre Use' Floorspace - 933 within Town (gross 0 833 2,536 -82 7,916 206 12,342 Centre areas figure) (A1, A2, B1a, D2) 'Town Centre Use' Floorspace - Outside of Town Centre areas 1000 1,216 950 0 2,706 0 476 6,348 (A1, A2, B1a, D2) Total Commercial Development 10,559 4,597 11,254 3,224 2,071 7,916 1668 41,289 Floorspace

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Table 4.2 – Employment Requirements and predicted supply

2011-16 2016-21 2021-26 Total 2011-26 B1a B1c/B B1a B1c/B2/B B1a B1c/B2/B B1a B1c/B2/ Total 2/B8 8 8 B8 Completions 200 1300 - - - - 200 1300 1500 2011-13 Excess 3400 8600 - - - - 3400 8600 12000 Vacancies Permissions 2300 7100 12000 - 11500 - 25800 7100 32900 Allocations 2300 29090 - 33100 - - 2300 43190 64490 Welborne - - - 1700 4400 14200 4400 15900 20300 Total 8200 46090 12000 34800 15900 14200 36100 95090 131190 Total 13567 19800 13567 19800 13567 19800 40700 59400 100100 Requirement

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5. Policy Analysis


5.1 The development plan policy analysis will help to identify whether a policy requires amendment or replacement in future Development Plan Documents (DPDs) or whether it should be considered for deletion. The development plan currently includes saved polices5 retained in the Fareham Borough Local Plan Review (Local Plan) and polices contained within the Core Strategy. Appendix 1 of this MR provides a detailed policy analysis of the existing Development Plan, linking the monitoring framework for the Local Plan with that of the Core Strategy (as set out in Core Strategy Chapter 7) and grouping the policies by theme e.g. 'Development Strategy'.

5.2 Following the adoption of the Core Strategy in August 2011 a number of Local Plan policies have been replaced and hence deleted from the Development Plan and it will no longer be necessary to monitor and report on these policies. Appendix 2 provides a list of the Local Plan policies replaced by the Core Strategy and Appendix 3 lists those polices that were not saved by the Secretary of State's direction in September 2007.

5.3 It is important to note that this MR does not report on Local Plan policies that are now deleted.


5.4 The analysis identifies, where possible:

 those policies which have not been implemented, explaining why, and setting out what steps are to be taken to ensure implementation;  policies to be amended or replaced;  whether policies are achieving objectives, in particular achieving sustainable development;  any unintended consequences arising from the implementation of policies;  whether the assumptions and objectives behind policies are still relevant; and  any identified targets being achieved.

5.5 With regards to the Local Plan, there are a limited number of policies that contain specific time-related wording or targets. Appendix 10 of the Local Plan contains an implementation schedule for a number of the policies. A summary analysis has been made of progress towards meeting this implementation schedule. This is based upon the full assessment in

5 saved by direction of the Secretary of State in September 2007.

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Appendix 1.

Core Output Indicators

5.6 As3 mentioned in section 1 of this MR, the requirements for monitoring and reporting on Core Output Indicators were removed by the Ministerial Letter of 30 March 2011. However, some of these indicators are still considered useful in terms of measuring LDF policies and will therefore be retained.

Local Indicators

5.7 Local3 Indicators help to form a baseline or backdrop covering areas that are not encompassed by the Core Output Indicators. Local Indicators are used to consider the effects of policies and help inform the interpretation of Core Output Indicators.

Contextual Indicators and Significant Effects Indicators

5.8 Contextual3 indicators can help to form a profile of the area, and assist in creating an assessment of the Borough. Significant Effects Indicators are established through the sustainability appraisals process. As the monitoring framework for the LDF matures, as DPD policies are formulated and progressed, a more quantitative framework will be applied to ensure the monitoring and assessment of objectives, targets and indicators is undertaken on a quantifiable basis. Over time contextual and significant effects indicators will be more readily use in the monitoring process.

Data Availability and Gaps

5.9 The3 main sources of data and information on development completions and other indicators of the state of the borough are derived from Fareham Borough Council departments, Hampshire County Council Survey Reports, and Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre. A full list of sources is provided in Appendix 5.


Development Strategy

5.10 The3 Development Strategy policies set out the proposed distribution of development across the Borough. The Plan area is broad settlement areas, focussed around the established settlements - Fareham, the Western Wards & Whiteley and the smaller settlements of Portchester, Stubbington & Hill Head and Titchfield. The Core Strategy seeks to focus development on previously developed land within the most sustainable and accessible settlements (this was also a key policy approach in the Local Plan). The majority of development is proposed to take place in Fareham and the Western Wards.

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Site Specific Polices

5.11 CS10: Coldeast Hospital Strategic Development Allocation - Hybrid Planning application (P/12/0299/FP) – Approved with S106 Agreement

Full consent:

 Erection of 168 residential dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping and infrastructure, equipped play space;  Change of use, extension and restoration of the mansion house for use as a hotel with functional rooms and facilities, ancillary accommodation, associated works, landscaping, parking and access; Restoration and reuse of existing Brook Lane Gate Lodge for residential purposes with erection of new garage, curtilage and access, reinstate brick piers and wing walls to Brook Lane entrance;  Use of land and woodland for open space/recreation with new paths.

Outline consent:

 Erection of sheltered accommodation;  Provision of community facilities to include sports pitches, community building/pavilion with changing facilities and community meeting room including demolition of former farm buildings;  Public swimming pool and ancillary facilities, allotments, cemetery, and public car park with new access from Barnes Lane.

CS12: Daedalus Airfield Strategic Development Allocation – outline planning application (P/11/0436/OA) for the use of airfield for employment based development (up to 50202 sq.m. of floor space) in new and existing buildings (use class B1, B2 & B8) together with clubhouse (class D2) vehicle access, allotments, open space and landscape (with amended position of the allotments and the access to them) has been provisionally approved, subject to other agreements.

Development Guideline (DG) Policies

5.12 Existing3 Local Plan DG policies are difficult to measure. The analysis demonstrates that targets and indicators are predominantly subjective, where only the site specific policies can be measured through Local Indicators. The majority of the DG policies are achieved through consideration during pre-application discussions and development management decision making in general. The remaining DG policies will be revised through the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites & Policies Plan.

Countryside, Coast and Nature Conservation Policies

5.13 The3 majority of 'Countryside policies' are measurable through counting the number of applications permitted in accordance with each of the policies. All of the 'Countryside policies' continue to be achieved through consideration throughout pre-application and development management decision-making processes. The principle of maintaining and safeguarding the countryside has been revised and carried through into the Core Strategy DPD.

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Historic Environment Policies

5.14 All3 the existing policies for the historic environment are measurable through counting the number of applications permitted in accordance and not in accordance with the policies. Furthermore, the historic environment policies are continually used throughout pre- application and development management decision-making processes. However, the outstanding issue is the lack of a monitoring system in place to record the exact achievement of these policies.

Housing Policies

5.15 Housing3 policies are predominantly measured through a combination of progress of delivery of housing allocations and Core Output Indicator information. The housing policies will be revised and encompassed within a variety of future LDDs including the Core Strategy and SPDs due to their site specific nature.

5.16 Local Plan Policy H15 Sites for Gypsies and Travellers (now replaced by CS19 Gypsies Travellers and Travelling Showpeople) has historically been a difficult policy to measure. Core Output Indicator H4 now covers this and this indicator has been carried forward. The achievement of policies has been assessed predominantly through the identification of permission granted for such uses. Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople pitch need and provision will be addressed through the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites & Policies Plan.

5.17 The Hampshire Traveller Assessment 2013 written by Forest Bus set out the findings of the field-work undertaken in the summer of 2012, The results of the survey are shown in Table 5.1 below.

Table 5.1: Gypsies and Travellers: Permanent Site Accommodation

Current and Current provision on Estimate of current Estimate of Projected Need for Identified Sites notional need for projected future Additional Pitches (April 2013) additional pitches need for pitches in Authority addition to the current (April 2013) provision on Identified Sites (but including current notional need) Total by 2017 Total by 2022 by 2027 See Table A17 Table 4(a) Table 4b Table 4c Table 4d Number of pitches Number of pitches (cumulative) East 26 2.5 18 20 22 Hampshire Eastleigh 24 2.5 12 15 21 Fareham 5 1.5 6 7 8 1 1.0 1 1 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 45 0.5 10 12 12 NFNPA 2 0.5 2 2 2

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SDNPA 13 2.5 5 6 7 Test Valley 13 1.5 4 7 10 Winchester 41 3.0 12 19 26 Total 169 15.5 70 89 109

5.18 Fareham Borough Council has temporary sites at 302A Southampton Hill and The Retreat, Newgate Lane; these however, are not counted towards meeting the perceived need. Following the assessment, 2 new sites were granted Planning Permission on Appeal, at the land adjacent to 293 Titchfield Road and on land to the south west of Burridge Road.

5.19 Policy3 H10 Affordable Housing (replaced by Core Strategy policy CS18) is supplemented by the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document which was adopted in December 2005 and came into effect in January 2006. This SPD has helped to deliver the target level of affordable housing throughout the Borough. In the previous monitoring period (2010/2011) low completions in market housing, as a result of the recession, resulted in a significant decline in the number of affordable houses delivered. Completions in market housing were relatively low through 2012/13. As shown in Core Output Indicator H5 there has been a marked decrease in the number of affordable homes being delivered through CS18 in the Borough with 35 social rented and 17 intermediate homes being delivered. These figures are all units delivered not just those obtained through planning gain. 2010/11 was skewed by a large delivery on Hunts Pond Road and the regeneration project at Broadlaw Walk. Those developments aside, the picture is one where the economic conditions have had a significant impact upon delivery and where this impact is still filtering through. Looking forward conditions are improving but delivery is highly dependent upon sites being identified and brought forward. As Council land is very limited, the delivery of significant quotas of affordable housing remains dependant on SHLAA sites and the Welborne Plan.

Facilities, Services Infrastructure and Contributions Policies

5.20 The3 majority of the existing facilities and services policies are site specific and therefore measurable through the progression of site development. The measurement of the site specific policies can be measured as Local Indicators with implementation established in the saved polices of the Local Plan. The achievement of these polices is analysed through the completion and progress of specific sites.

Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Policies

5.21 The3 analysis of the recreation, leisure and tourism policies show that these policies can be measured through either Local or Core Output Indicators. The achievement of these policies can then be assessed through examples of development or progress toward delivery of identified sites. These policies will be revised and encompassed within the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites & Policies Plan.

Employment Policies

5.22 The3 existing employment policies can be measured through Core Output Indicators and Local Indicators where a schedule for their implementation has been established in the adopted Development Plan. Where the policies refer to specific sites their achievement can be assessed using examples. The employment policies will be revised and

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incorporated into a variety of DPDs.

Shopping and the Town Centre Strategy Policies

5.23 The3 saved policy analysis demonstrates that the majority of existing policies can be measured. The Retail Health Check, completed annually in Spring, will assist with monitoring and measuring the vitality and viability of centres within the Borough. The achievement of these policies is predominantly measured through the development management process. Where a policy refers to a particular site, examples have been noted indicating any achievement. The principle of town centre and shopping development is established in the Core Strategy, with any detail to be encompassed within the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites & Policies Plan.

Transport Policies

5.24 The3 policy analysis demonstrates how the current transport policies can be measured in a variety of ways, with their achievements assessed through examples and through use within development management. Because the existing policies are varied they will be covered within all future DPDs including Area Action Plans depending upon the nature of the policy. The analysis highlights how transport policies must be dealt with individually in order to form effective policies within the LDF.


5.25 The3 saved policy analysis demonstrates how the majority of current local plan policies are working effectively, particularly through the use of policies in decision-making processes.

5.26 The3 analysis shows how a small number of policies cannot be measured through the use of Core Output Indicators or Local Indicators. This raises the issue that future policies should aim to be written in such a manner that they can be assessed in quantifiable terms. Furthermore, a system must be in place to continually collect and assess data in order to provide an effective method of policy analysis.

5.27 This3 analysis is important and useful in highlighting areas of policies that require revision in order to reflect current and changing circumstances that the Borough faces, in order to derive effective policies. This is shown in the recommendations to a number of saved policies on the grounds that they are repeating other government guidance, or have no further use. A more detailed overview pertaining to the deletion or amendment of polices is provided in the next chapter.

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6 Recommendations

6.1 The following section provides an overview of the recommendations that will improve the monitoring of LDF policies. The feasibility, including the resource implications, of implementing the below recommendations is being investigated with a view to having new systems in place by April 2012. Any available data will first be reported in the subsequent monitoring reports.

CS15 Sustainable Development and Climate Change

6.2 There is currently no monitoring system in place to effectively measure the promotion of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Furthermore, defining a Sustainable Urban Drainage System is subjective in itself. A new monitoring system should be devised to address this indicator.

6.3 At present there is no system in place to effectively monitor compliance with this policy. Conditions should be attached to planning consent to ensure relevant Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM standards are achieved. Conditions could be devised that require the applicant to commission a report by an independent licensed code assessor to ensure that the standards are being met post construction/pre occupation. This cost would be the responsibility of the applicant.

CS16 Renewable Energy

6.4 There is no monitoring system currently in place to effectively monitor renewable energy production. The policy only seeks renewable energy contributions from developments over a certain threshold. However, renewable energy generation can be undertaken under permitted development rights. The Fareham Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Capacity Study 2013 identified the technologies and their respective capacities to contribute towards the Borough’s12MW target. These include (in order of capacity) solar, wind energy, biomass, district heat, and combined heat and power. Solar was identified as having the greatest capacity of all technologies due to Fareham’s geo-location. As suggested in the last MR Southern and Scottish Electric (SSE) were approached with view of obtaining contribution data. However, they deemed that the information they held was of a commercially sensitive and could not be made public. Ofgem has access to the data but it is still not publicly accessible data and therefore cannot be used as a monitoring resource.

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CS17 High Quality Design

6.5 The design principles set out in the policy should form an intrinsic aspect of any development. Where possible, design should be considered from the out-set and should ideally be discussed at the pre-application stage. All residential schemes should be required to meet Lifetime Home Standards. Lifetime Home Standards are closely allied to the design principles set out in the policy. Development Management, in consultation with the Design Team, will ensure that the principles are met before the grant of planning consent (with regards to Lifetimes home this will be encouraged up to 2013 and required thereafter). It will be necessary to devise a monitoring system that captures the number of schemes that do not conform to these principles, in order to determine the effectiveness of the policy.

CS20 Infrastructure and Developer Contributions

6.6 In order to monitor the effectiveness of this policy, a system will need to be devised that records the number of developments permitted that do not make infrastructure obligations that should be required to do so by the policy. In some instances, where it can be demonstrated that it is not possible (or necessary) to provide contributions this should be justified by the applicant. It will be important to distinguish, through the MR, which planning applications which have not justifiably provided planning obligations; if the policy is effective this figure should be nil.

CS4 Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and Geological Conservation

6.7 Policy C17 sets out the requirement to contribute to the objectives and targets set out in UK, Regional, County and Local Biodiversity Action Plans, particularly within the identified Biodiversity Opportunity Areas. This indicator cannot be reported on currently due to a lack of data availability. A reliable data source to report on this indicator is required in order to measure the effectiveness of part of the policy.

6.8 It is currently not possible to measure the amount, quality and function of green infrastructure delivered. It will be necessary to devise a monitoring system that captures the number of schemes that do not conform to these principles, in order to determine the effectiveness of the policy.

CS21: Protection and Provision of Open Space

6.9 There is no robust mechanism for monitoring the quantum of additional open space being provided or the loss of open space. A mechanism will be required where the quantum of open space is recorded at the point where consent is granted. It will also be necessary to measure the quality and accessibility and spatial location of the addition open space in order to measure the effectiveness of this policy.

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7 Duty to Cooperate

7.1 The ‘duty to co-operate’ is set out in Section 110 of the Localism Act. It applies to all local planning authorities, national park authorities and county councils in England and to a number of other public bodies as set out in Section 4 (1) of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The duty:

 relates to sustainable development or use of land that would have a significant impact on at least two local planning areas or on a planning matter that falls within the remit of a county council;  requires that councils set out planning policies to address such issues;  requires that councils and public bodies to ‘engage constructively, actively and on an on-going basis’ to develop strategic policies; and  requires councils to consider joint approaches to plan making.

7.2 Fareham is a two-tier area, with Hampshire County Council providing some public services including education, highways and social services.

7.3 Fareham is a member of the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH), which is made up of 12 local authorities, including New Forest District Council; Test Valley Borough Council; Southampton City Council; Eastleigh Borough Council; Winchester City Council; Fareham Borough Council; Gosport Borough Council; Portsmouth City Council; Havant Borough Council, East Hampshire District Council, Isle of Wight Council, and Hampshire County Council. The PUSH was formed in 2003 is a strategic partnership that deals with strategic and sub-regional issues. The partnership produces various evidence documents used by officers. Fareham Council is also part of the PUSH Planning Officers Group which is a group of leading planning policy officers representing local authorities within the PUSH area meet regularly to discuss strategic issues that affect more than one local authority, such as housing, employment, transport, waste, environment and biodiversity, and provision for gypsies and travellers.

7.4 During the Monitoring Period 2012/13 various bodies were consulted during the Preferred Options stage of the Development Sites and Policies Plan (15th October to 26th November 2012). These include:

 Officers within Fareham Borough Council  Hampshire County Council,  Government bodies,  adjoining Local Planning Authorities,  Local Businesses,

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 Business Associations,  Hampshire Police,  Fareham Youth Council,  Residents Associations, civic, community and voluntary organisations, environmental groups, transport operators, education authority, public service providers, utility providers, and local residents.

7.5 Details of the compliance with the duty to Co-operate Statement for the Welborne Plan are subject to a separate document which sets outs a more detailed account of stakeholder consultations.

7.6 Further details of how Fareham Borough Council has complied with the duty to cooperate are set out in the Duty to Cooperate Statement on the Council’s website at www.fareham.gov.uk

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APPENDIX 1 – Development Plan Policy Analysis

APPENDIX 2 – List of Saved Local Plan polices Replaced by the Core Strategy

APPENDIX 3 – List of Local Plan Policies not saved in by 2007 Government . direction

APPENDIX 4 – Schedule of sites comprising the five year housing land supply

APPENDIX 5 – List of Sources

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 Core Strategy Polices can be distinguished from Local Plan policies by the usage of the prefix 'CS' in the policy title.  Core Strategy and Local Plan policies have been grouped into related policy themes.

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type


CS6 The Development Strategy Core Output Total amount of Indicator additional Use Gross Net There were only 3 sites Development will be focussed in: BD2 employment Class (sq. m) (sq. m) that registered floorspace - by type B1 0 0 employment floorspace Fareham (Policy CS7), the Western Wards & and settlement. completions across B1A 206 206 Whiteley (Policy CS9), Portchester, Stubbington & Fareham Borough Hill Head and Titchfield (Policy CS11); B1-B8 270 270 during this monitoring period namely: B2 Land at the Strategic Development Locations to the 0 0 North of Fareham (Policy CS13) and Fareham 1. 34-35 Locks Heath B8 716 716 Town Centre; (Policy CS8); Total Centre, Locks Heath

(sq. 2. Unit 6 Castle Trading 1192 1192 Land at the Strategic Development Allocations at m) Estate, Fareham the former Coldeast Hospital (Policy CS10) and 3. Unit A1 Premier

Daedalus Airfield (Policy CS12). Business Centre, Speedfields Park, In identifying land for development, the priority will Newgate Lane, be for the reuse of previously developed land, Fareham within the defined urban settlement boundaries including their review through the Site Allocations All these schemes did and Development Management DPD, taking into not involve any loss in consideration biodiversity / potential community employment space. It is value, the character, accessibility, infrastructure also worth noting that and services of the settlement and impacts on both there were a number of

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type the historic and natural environment. Opportunities sites with permission will be taken to achieve environmental on which no material enhancement where possible. starts have been made. This is a reflection of Development which would have an adverse effect the economic climate on the integrity of protected European conservation following the recession. sites which cannot be avoided or adequately mitigated will not be permitted. This will be For employment informed by the results of ongoing surveys and provision by settlement research, including the Solent Disturbance and area see policies CS7, Mitigation Project, which may result in adjustments CS9, CS11. CS11. to the scale and/or distribution of development set Core Output Total amount of There was no net gain out in policies CS7-CS13 and could reduce the Indicator floorspace for "town Gross Net of town centre use floor Use overall level of development. BD4i centre uses" delivered (sq. (sq. space. Class within Town Centre m) m) areas - by settlement. A1 0 0 For 'town centre use' provision by settlement A2 0 0 area, see policies CS7, B1a 206 206 CS9 D2 -206 -206 Total 0 (sq. 0


Core Output Total amount of Total of 476 sq. m (net) Indicator floorspace for "town Use Gross Net of 'town centre' uses BDii centre uses" delivered Class (sq. m) (sq. m) provided outside Town outside of Town A1 687 687 Centre areas. Centre area - by A2 0 0 settlement. The latest development B1a 0 0 completed within D2 352 -211 current monitoring period includes:

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type Total Smyths Toys,160

(sq. Southampton Road, 1039 476 m) Titchfield – Mezzanine

Floor Extension.

Wicor Recreation Ground, Cranleigh Road – Replacement Sports Pavilion. For 'town centre use' provision by settlement area, see policies CS7 Local Total number of 40 units were recorded as vacant (12 up from 2012), While there was a rise Indicator vacant units in giving a vacancy for the town centre as a whole of in vacancy rates FTC Fareham Town just 10.05%.6 had a rate lower than Centre the national average of 14%. Core Output Plan Period and See Section 4, Tables Indicator housing targets. 4.1, 4.3 and 4.4. H1 & H2 Core Output Greater than 60% of Total There has been a Indicator new dwellings Net significant decrease in H3 delivered on Completions 238 the percentage of new previously developed % on PDL dwellings completed on 26.89 land (PDL). (Net) PDL when compared with data from the previous monitoring year ( 54.74% ).

26.89% is significantly below the national target of 60% as set out in Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing

6 Retail Health Check Summer 2013

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type (PPS3). This is because the definition of PDL now excludes Residential Garden Sites which previously had been considered PDL.

Local Net additional This indicator is measured under CS7, CS9, CS11 For total additional Indicator dwellings by dwellings, see Section settlement. 4, Table 4.1.

For additional dwellings by settlement area see policies CS7, CS9, CS11. CS7 Development in Fareham Local Contribute toward 680 123 dwellings were

Indicator dwellings in Fareham delivered between



Development will be permitted within the Fareham settlement area 2010 and 2012. Further





settlement boundary where it contributes to one or between 2010 and ) 22 dwellings delivered


2012 201

202 2026)

- - - -

0 2

more of the following: 2026. 8 between 2012 and






11+ years 11+


201 201 20

 the provision of around 680 dwellings in the 201 2013.

( (

5years ( - period 2010-26 (including around 350 0 Capacity exists to within the Fareham Town Centre area); Housing 123 22 - - - 145  employment floorspace for B1 Delivery deliver a further 909

Housing dwellings. development, in the region of 13,000 sq. m; - 595 124 190 909 Supply

 the expansion and strengthening of the role of the town centre, including a new Total 123 22 595 124 190 1054

supermarket on the Foundry site, of 3,900 Local Contribute toward 350 This indicator is measured under CS8 See policy CS8 sq. m net sales floorspace and additional Indicator dwellings within comparison retail floorspace; Fareham Town  sustainable transport measures; Centre between 2010  facilities for business, education, leisure, and 2026.

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type culture or community uses; Local Contribute toward B1 floorspace

 provision of green infrastructure including Indicator 13,000 sq. m of B1 completions at one

additional parks and amenity open space, employment sites during previous

outdoor sport pitches and access to natural floorspace between monitoring period

Net Lost

greenspace; 2010 and 2026. Gains occurred at:

Floorspace Floorspace

Floorspace Employment  the delivery of a high quality transport Employment interchange facility at Fareham railway 6-10 SPURLINGS station; Site 1 313 506 -193 INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, Total 313 506 -193 SPURLINGS YARD,

 development of the Bus Rapid Transit FAREHAM South East Hampshire Harbour Link and 1. improvements to air quality. Loses in employment floorspace exceeded gains resulting in a net Development will only be permitted where it does loss of 193 sq. m B1 not significantly affect the setting and landscape employment character of the town or diminish the town’s, floorspace. community, historic, biodiversity and cultural resources nor have an adverse impact on air There were no B1 quality floorspace completions within Fareham over The Fareham Town Centre Area Action Plan (see this monitoring period. Policy CS8) will identify will identify development Local Contribute toward B2 B2 floorspace sites, transport and environmental improvements

Indicator employment completions during and define the town centre boundary. e

floorspace between previous monitoring

2010 and 2026. period occurred at one

Net Lost

Gains site:

Floorspace Floorspac

Floorspace Employment Employment 1. LUCKETTS TRAVEL, Site 1 832 1318 -486 BROADCUT, Total 832 1318 -486 FAREHAM

Loses in employment floorspace exceeded gains resulting in a net loss of -486 sq. m B2 employment

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type floorspace.

There were no B2 floorspace completions within Fareham over this monitoring period.

Local Contribute toward Retail (A use class)

Indicator 20,000 sq. m of retail completions at four

floorspace between sites:

2010 and 2026.

space 1. BROADCUT, gains


floor floorspace Centreuse)


Retail (Town Retail (Town

NetFloorspace ALTERATIONS TO SAINSBURYS Site 1 2241 0 2241 STORE Site 2 350 0 350 2. 66 WEST STREET, Site 3 890 1322 -432 FAREHAM - Site 4 465 0 465 CHANGE OF USE OF Site 5 6215 0 6215 GROUND FLOOR/FIRST Site 6 1701 0 1701 FLOOR FROM Total 11862 1322 10540 OFFICE TO RETAIL



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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type -RESTAURANT EXTENSION TO FRONT OF STORE

All retail development in the Borough has occurred within Fareham's settlement area. Completions are a result of redevelopment and extensions and change of use to existing developments. However, only Site 2 was delivered within Fareham Town Centre.

The latest completions include:

Former Foundry Site and adjacent land, Quay Street – retail food store (Class A1), Site 5

Civic Way, Multi Storey Car Park site – retail extension and replacement multi storey car park, Site 6

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type

CS9 Development in the Western Wards & Local Contribute towards 213 dwellings delivered

Whiteley Indicator 1,480 dwellings in the within Western Wards

) )

3 8 3

Western Wards & Whiteley settlement

2012 201 201 202 2026)

- - - -

Development will be permitted within the Western between 2010 and - area.

0 2 3 8 3


5 years 5 years


10 years 10 -

Wards and Whiteley settlement boundaries where it 2026 and 180 -


11+ years 11+


201 201

(201 (20 protects their setting and the natural, historic, dwellings at Whiteley . (201 Capacity exists to biodiversity and cultural resources and contributes Housing 65 deliver a further 1093 213 - - - 278 to one or more of the following: Delivery dwellings. Housing - 288 1093 Supply 762 43  the provision of around 1,480 dwellings This quantum of 65 1371 Total 213 288 between 2010 and 2026 in the Western 762 43 housing is consistent Ward settlements and around 180 with the Core Strategy dwellings at Whiteley; vision to direct  economic development through the development toward provision of 1,000 sq. m of B1 and 29,000 the Western Wards and sq. m of B2/B8 floorspace in the western Whiteley. ward settlements and around 23,000 sq. m Local Contribute towards The total floorspace is of B1 floorspace at Whiteley; Indicator 1,000 sq. m of B1 Approximately 657 sq. m B1 floorspace completed approximate only, the  local facilities for business, leisure, culture floorspace in the at Great Brook, Brook Lane, Warsash permission granted or community facilities, including the Western Wards allowed B1-B8, provision of a community hospital, open between 2010 and however, given the space, sports pitches, allotments and 2026. nature of the business cemetery provision at the former Coldeast it can be assumed that Hospital site; half of the total  supports sustainable transport and an floorspace will be in B1 enhanced pedestrian environment; use.  supports the provision of additional access to and/or enhanced biodiversity at Another completion at Chilling/Brownwich and in the Hamble Midas Marine & Valley where possible contributing to the Joinery, Coal Park conservation or enhancement of the Lane, Swanwick, also interest features of nearby sites of national delivered B1 or B2 use, or international importance; however given the  expansion of the district centre; nature of the business,  a swimming pool in the Western Wards. it is likely that the whole floorspace will be B2

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type and therefore not included here.

Local Contribute towards No completions during

Indicator and 29,000 sq. m of this monitoring year.

B2/B8 floorspace in

the Western Wards

Net Net Lost

between 2010 and Gains

Use Use Class

Floorspace Floorspace Floorspace Floorspace Employment Employment 2026. Employment Site 1 B2 349 223 126 B1- Site 2 1717 0 1717 B8

Total - 223 2066 1843

Local Contribute towards Indicator and 23,000 sq. m of 1000 sq. m of floorspace for B1/B8 completed in B1 floorspace in the Whiteley between 2011-2012. Whiteley between 2010 and 2026.

CS11 Development in Stubbington & Hill Head, Local Contribute towards 60 2 dwellings delivered

) )

Portchester and Titchfield Indicator dwellings in within Portchester

2 3 8 3

Portchester between settlement area.

201 201 201 202 2026)

- - - -

Small scale development will be permitted within 2010 and 2026. -

0 2 3 8 3


5 years 5 years


10 years 10 -

the settlement boundaries of Portchester, - This low quantum of


11+ years 11+


201 201 201 201 20

( ( Stubbington & Hill Head and Titchfield where it: ( housing is consistent Housing 11 - - - with the Core Strategy  protects the setting of the settlement; Delivery 2 13 vision to direct Housing - - 20 development toward  protects their natural, historic, biodiversity Supply 20 0 0 the Western Wards to

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type 2 0 and cultural resources; Total 11 20 0 33 and minimise the level

 contributes to the provision of green of development in lower infrastructure; order settlement area  maintains and strengthens the character, of Portchester. vitality and viability of district and local Local Contribute towards Nil B1 floorspace completed in Portchester. centres; Indicator 1,800 sq. m B1  contributes to the following levels of employment development. floorspace between 2010 and 2026 in Settlement Residential Employment Portchester. Area Development Development Local Contribute towards Nil B2/B8 floorspace completed in Portchester. Portchester Around 60 1,800 sq. m B1 Indicator 300 sq. m B2/B8 dwellings 300 sq. m employment B2/B8 floorspace between 2010 and 2026 in Stubbington & Around 60 Portchester.

Hill Head dwellings Local Contribute towards 60 2 dwellings delivered

) ) Indicator dwellings in within Stubbington &

Titchfield Around 30 650 sq. m

2 3 8 3

dwellings Stubbington & Hill Hill settlement area.

201 201 201 202 2026)

- - - -

Head between 2010 -

3 8 3



5 years 5 years


10 years 10 -

and 2026. - Capacity exists to 0

The provision of new community, built sports and years 11+


2010 201 201 201 20

( ( cultural facilities will be supported in Stubbington & ( deliver a further 56 Housing -1 Hill Head and Portchester through the expansion of 36 - - - dwellings. Delivery 35 existing facilities. Housing - - 15 0 15 This low quantum of Supply 0 housing is consistent Total 36 -1 0 15 0 50 with the Core Strategy vision to direct development toward the Western Wards to and minimise the level of development in lower order settlement area of Stubbington & Hill Head.

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type

Local Contribute towards 30 Nil dwellings delivered

) )

Indicator dwellings in within Stubbington &

2 3 8 3 s s

Titchfield between Hill Head settlement

201 201 201 202 2026)

- - - -

2010 and 2026. - area.

0 2 3 8 3


5 5 year


10 years 10 -



11+ years 11+


201 201 201 201 20

( ( ( Capacity exists to Housing 0 8 - - - 8 deliver 29 dwellings. Delivery

Housing This low quantum of - 0 15 0 15 Supply housing is consistent with the Core Strategy Total 8 0 15 0 23 vision to direct development toward the Western Wards to and minimise the level of development in lower order settlement area of Titchfield. Local Contribute towards Nil employment floorspace completed in Titchfield. Indicator 650 sq. m of employment at Titchfield between 2010 and 2026.

SITE SPECIFC POLCIES CS10 Coldeast Hospital Strategic Site Within Urban Area

The comprehensive development of the former To deliver the 2nd See comment P/12/0299/FP - Full Coldeast Hospital Site will be achieved through the phase of the application for 168 Local implementation of the existing residential planning community hospital residential dwellings, Indicator permissions for 250 dwellings and through the (or other uses as equipped play space, preparation and adoption of a Supplementary described). change of use, Planning Document. Development will be permitted Deliver up 30 See comment extension and Local where it delivers, or facilitates the delivery of high dwellings including restoration of the Indicator quality development: affordable housing in mansion house for use

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type between 2010-26. as a hotel, restoration Within the urban area and reuse of existing  the development of a second phase of the Brook Lane Gate Lodge community hospital on approximately 1.0 for residential purposes, ha of land immediately north of the existing use of land and community hospital, or for other health, woodland for open community, or residential institution uses space/recreation. (use Classes C2, D1 or D2) in the event it Outline application for is declared surplus to foreseeable NHS sheltered requirements; accommodation and the  the development of approximately 0.75 ha provision of community of land immediately west of the community facilities to include sport hospital for up to 30 dwellings including pitches, community affordable housing, with appropriate links building/pavilion with to surrounding development and open changing facilities and space community meeting room, allotments, Development outside the urban area cemetery, public swimming pool, public  the repair, and long term restoration and car park etc. re-use of the Planning permission Mansion House, including the repair of the granted subject to walled garden, Brook Lane Gate Lodge, conditions and legal with the repair and reinstatement of agreement (27.03.2012) associated Lodge gates, gate piers and wing walls, as part of the complex of locally Construction has begun listed buildings on the site. The Mansion House with Phase 1 having and approximately 3.5 ha of grounds (an historic been completed (154 park and garden) would be suitable for use as a dwellings). hotel with associated conference and leisure facilities or for employment or care use provided Outside Urban Area that the permitted use safeguards the integrity of To secure a long term See comment Development at this site the house and gardens, including the walled Local use for the Mansion (in addition to that garden, whilst enabling some public access. Indicator Extensions to the Mansion house and/or satellite House. already underway) has Local Provision of sport See comment not yet started however

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type buildings in its grounds will be strictly limited in Indicator pitches, cemetery the Supplementary scale to that demonstrated to be necessary to extension, allotments, Planning Document has secure the swimming pool and been adopted.  restoration and re-use of the Mansion. The improved built Brook Lane Gate Lodge is suitable for community facilities. P/12/0299/FP – as residential re-use; Provision of between See comment above.  improvements to pedestrian, cycle and Local 150 and 170 public transport access to and through the Indicator dwellings including site, together with appropriate traffic affordable housing between 2010-26.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type calming and safe routes to schools and Local Provision of a See comment links to the footpath network in the local Indicator sheltered housing area; scheme comprising  the provision of sports pitches and informal private and affordable public open space, including retention of dwellings of up to 60 the existing woodland, and conservation units. and enhancement of biodiversity and habitat interests on the site, linking with Holly Hill Woodland Park and the wider countryside;  the provision of a new cemetery;  the provision of new allotments;  the provision of a sports pavilion with an integral community meeting room;  the provision of a public swimming pool facility; and  between 150 and 170 dwellings including affordable housing, of a mix of sizes, together with a sheltered housing scheme comprising private and affordable dwellings of up to 60 units of accommodation and associated communal facilities, will be permitted on approximately 6.0ha gross of the site to facilitate the delivery of the above listed social, environmental and repair/restoration benefits.

Planning Permission will not be granted for residential development outside the urban area in isolation of the repair/restoration of all of the locally listed buildings, and the provision of appropriate financial contributions towards delivery of the identified social and environmental benefits,

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type together with the securing of the publicly accessible open space through the transfer of the land to the Council or an appropriate management company.

The dwellings and sheltered housing accommodation, together with related open space would be built in the south-east of the site, to the north and south of the former Mansion House drive. The precise number of dwellings will be subject to detailed site analyses and design and the need to ensure that the integrity of the locally listed buildings, trees and the parkland setting is appropriately protected whilst ensuring the living environment of future occupiers is safeguarded. This development, together with the Mansion House will be accessed via Coldeast Way and Brook Lane. The sports pavilion and pitches, cemetery, allotments and site for the future provision of a public swimming pool facility will be provided in the Southern and Western parts of the site, accessed from Barnes Lane. CS12 Daedalus Strategic Site Local To provide between See comment Development at this site Indicator 10,000-33,000 sq. m has not yet started The Daedalus Airfield is allocated for strategic of industrial and however an outline employment development. Development will be warehousing planning application was permitted where: employment submitted in June 2011. development. • it is demonstrated that it does not adversely affect Local Contribute towards See comment P/11/0436/OA – outline the existing or future potential general aviation Indicator provision for application for the use of operation of the airfield; recreation and open airfield for employment • it does not unacceptably diminish the integrity and space accessible to based development (up function of the strategic gap between Stubbington/ new and existing to 50202 sq. m of floor Lee-on-the-Solent and Fareham/ Gosport; residents. space) in new and • it does not adversely affect the integrity of the Local Provision of See comment existing buildings (use landscape character of the countryside; Indicator landscaping and class B1, B2 & B8) • it can demonstrate that there will be no adverse green infrastructure together with clubhouse

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type impacts on European designated sites; including allotments (class D2), vehicle • primary access is from Broom Way (Hangars together with linkages access, allotments, open East) and Gosport Road (Hangars West); to the existing space and landscaping). • it does not have an adverse impact on air quality; footpath network and • prior consideration is given to the potential the Alver Valley. P/11/0545/DP/A: st extraction of mineral deposits; (Approved 21 March • it incorporates the site's heritage where feasible; 2012) - Construction of • both archaeological and contamination new vehicular access & assessments and evaluations are carried out prior associated access road to the commencement of development; from the B3334 Gosport • it delivers, or facilitates the delivery of high quality Road to provide access development including: to existing Hangars West area of Daedalus a. employment development that retains and airfield. strengthens the marine and aviation employment clusters, particularly those that P/11/0544/DP/A: require direct access to an operational (Approved 19 July 2013) airfield; - Improvements to an b. between 10,000 sq. m and 33,000 sq. m of existing vehicular access net additional general, or light industrial or including construction of warehousing (associated with aerospace or a new ghost island & marine) employment floorspace with only pedestrian facilities from ancillary office accommodation, to the B3385 Broom Way contribute towards the overall provision set and the construction of a out in Policy CS1; new site access road. c. the creation of local employment opportunities that take advantage of and P/13/0194/FP: develop local skills, including during (Approved 3rd June construction; 2012)- d. open space accessible to residents New vehicular and particularly those of Stubbington and Hill pedestrian access from Head; Broom Way including e. landscaping and green infrastructure alterations to existing including allotments together with linkages junction and construction to the existing footpath network and the of internal access road Alver Valley; and associated drainage

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type f. environmental and biodiversity protection works. and enhancement; g. minimising increases in traffic levels and CEMAST college congestion, through sustainable transport building (P/13/0201/FP) arrangements; was approved at h. a reorganisation and consolidation of Planning Committee 22 existing and new floorspace, including the May 2013. phased removal of some existing built structures to create an efficient arrangement of buildings and associated activities sympathetic to the landscape and strategic gap, whilst having regard to the specific space and operational requirements of aviation related employment uses; i. appropriate utility service provision (water, waste water, energy and communications).

Replacement and new buildings will be energy efficient and be designed to reflect existing building heights and mass and take advantage of site topographical and built features that help to reduce adverse impacts upon residential amenity, landscape character and the integrity of the strategic gap.

Development must take account of the odour contour on the north of the site from the Peel Common waste treatment works.

Local Provide 6,500-7,500 See comment Development at this site CS13 North of Fareham Strategic Development Indicator dwellings at the SDA has not yet stated Area (Welborne) Provide up to 90,750 however Welborne Plan Local See comment sq. m of employment is in preparation. Indicator Permission will be granted for the development of a floorspace

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type Strategic Development Area to the north of Local Provision of road See comment Fareham following the adoption of an Area Action Indicator access to the M27 The number of dwellings Plan and the preparation of a comprehensive Provision of a Bus to be provided has been Local See comment masterplan for the development. The development Rapid Transit link to revised down to 6000 Indicator will include provision for between 6,500- 7,500 Fareham town centre dwellings, unless it is found that this level of housing cannot be delivered without adversely affecting the integrity of protected European conservation sites. If any potential adverse effects cannot be avoided or adequately mitigated, the level and scale of development would need to be reduced accordingly to ensure that there are no adverse effects on the integrity of any European sites. The development will also provide supporting environmental, social and physical infrastructure, retail and employment floorspace to both support the development and to contribute towards meeting the development objectives of the South Hampshire Sub-Region. The new community will aim to be as self-contained as possible, whilst complementing and supporting the established town centre of Fareham and adjoining settlements.

The high level development principles are:

 the new development will create an inclusive and cohesive community, built upon the principles of sustainability;

 the development will be an exemplar of sustainable design, and resource efficiency, and will minimise water consumption and carbon emissions arising from operational energy use in new and existing buildings and infrastructure within the SDA;

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type

 the development will provide up to 90,750 sq. m of employment floorspace, in a range of employment opportunities which contribute to sub-regional economic development objectives and contribute towards creating a high level of self- containment and accessibility to reduce the need for commuting;

 the layout will create a connected network of Strategic Green Infrastructure, open spaces and recreational facilities that respects and enhances the landscape qualities of the area and meets the needs of the new community; and avoids or mitigates the potential ecological impacts of the development, and provides a net gain in biodiversity in the area. The basis for developing a Green Infrastructure Strategy will be to conserve and enhance the existing landscape, historic and ecological features on the site and adjacent areas, whilst linking new and established green spaces within the built environment and connecting the urban area to its wider rural hinterland;

 the provision of Green Infrastructure to meet the recreational needs of additional residents, to contribute to the access networks to the natural environment and BAP targets to achieve a net gain for biodiversity, to make a positive contribution towards implementing the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire Sub-Regional

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type Green Infrastructure Strategy, and to ensure that any potential adverse effects on nationally and internationally protected sites identified through the SA/ HRA work are avoided. Where adequate mitigation or avoidance measures cannot be achieved on site through the provision of Green Infrastructure a financial contribution will be sought to provide off-site mitigation measures such as managing access to nationally or internationally important sites or the provision of off-site Green Infrastructure;

 green buffers will be incorporated into the layout to prevent coalescence with Knowle, Wickham, Funtley and Fareham;

 the AAP and masterplan will be developed in accordance with the Emerging Transport Strategy, which is based on the following key principles; o The SDA will have high levels of self- containment; o The SDA will address a significant proportion of trips through the development of robust reduce and manage policies; o Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) will form a key component of the access strategy; o Access will initially be via the A32 and junction 10 of the M27; o At a later stage a link road may be required from the A32 to junction 11 of the M27; o A phasing plan will be agreed, setting

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type out how the rate of development will be linked to the funding and provision of the necessary transport infrastructure.

 the longer term transport interventions will need to be carefully designed to minimise the impacts on the strategic road network and fully mitigate any environmental or traffic impacts. It will also need to help facilitate an effective Bus Rapid Transit system;

 a balanced package of measures will be introduced to encourage smarter transport choices to meet the needs of the new development, and maximise the opportunities for sustainable travel; including the provision of a network of footpaths, cycleways and bridleways to enhance permeability within the site and to access the adjoining area; connection to the Bus Rapid Transit system; and effective measures to mitigate the transport impacts of the proposed development on the strategic and local road network;

 the development will provide supporting social and physical infrastructure; including a range of convenience and comparison shopping, local employment, health, community and leisure facilities centred around a new district centre, together with provision for pre-school, primary and secondary education. Up to three local centres will be provided to act as neighbourhood hubs for the provision of

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type social infrastructure and local employment opportunities;

 the layout will provide for a range of housing types, sizes and tenures to meet the needs of the new community and aim to provide between 30-40% affordable housing;

 a Sustainable Drainage System will be fully integrated into the network of open spaces, to mitigate potential flood risk, allowing the SDA to adapt to climate change whilst providing biodiversity benefits and enhanced recreational opportunities. The development must also provide sewerage infrastructure.

The detailed framework setting the nature, form and boundary of the new community will be set out in an Area Action Plan. Other locations in the Borough will not be developed in lieu of development at the Strategic Development Area regardless of the eventual capacity or the phasing of the development.

An infrastructure phasing plan will be prepared and agreed by the Council, setting out how the rate of development will be linked to the funding and provision of the necessary social and physical infrastructure to ensure that the respective phases of the development do not come forward until the necessary infrastructure has been secured.

The masterplan will be produced in partnership with the development interests and will provide an

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type indicative layout showing the disposition and quantity of future land-uses, and give a three dimensional indication of the urban design parameters which will be incorporated into any future planning application; together with a phasing and implementation strategy. The masterplan will be accompanied by or incorporate a sustainability strategy which clearly demonstrates how the principles of sustainable development will be incorporated into the proposals and implemented to achieve the aim of an exemplar of a sustainable community.

A management plan will be produced as part of the masterplanning process to demonstrate how infrastructure and community assets will be maintained and managed.

All the above documents will need to be clear on the expected outcomes, and be sufficiently flexible to respond to changing opportunities and circumstances. They will also need to demonstrate how the National Air Quality Standards will be met.


Local Number of dwellings Data for this indicator is unavailable An improved monitoring CS15 Sustainable Development and Climate Indicator not meeting the system must be Change relevant Code for developed in order to Sustainable Homes test the effectiveness of The Borough Council will promote and secure standards. this policy in terms of sustainable development by directing development achieving the Code for to locations with sustainable transport options, Sustainable Homes. access to local services, where there is a minimum Local Amount of multi Data for this indicator is unavailable An improved monitoring negative impact on the environment or Indicator residential and non- system must be opportunities for environmental enhancement. residential floorspace developed in order to

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type Development must not prejudice the development completed that does test the effectiveness of of a larger site. not meet the relevant this policy in terms of BREEAM standards. achieving BREEM This will be achieved by: standards. Local Number of planning 1 consent was granted for conversion of office A Flood Risk  Ensuring that the scale and density of the Indicator consents granted for building into two flats and erection of first floor rear Assessment, concluding proposal makes an efficient use of land. non-compatible extension (P/11/0772/FP) (see comments) that there was no With a minimum of 60dph within areas with development (as unacceptable risk in this high multi-modal transport accessibility and defined in PPS25) case, was submitted as good access to a range of social, outside of Flood Zone a part of the application. environmental and economic infrastructure, 1. Environment Agency taking account of the character of the was consulted and location. raised no objections,  Seeking to achieve the following timescale subject to conditions. and levels for the Code for Sustainable Moreover, FLPA Homes and the equivalent for non considered that the residential development unless it can be proposal meets the demonstrated to be unviable: Exception Test outlined by PPS25.

All residential development achieves at Overall policy has been least the following level of Code for effective Sustainable Homes standard Core Output Number of planning None Policy has been effective Until the end of 2011 4 Indicator E1 permissions granted contrary to EA advice From 2012 5 on flooding and water From 2016 6 quality grounds Local Number of Data for this indicator is unavailable There is currently no

Indicator developments monitoring system in All multi-residential and non-residential incorporating place to effectively development with a floorspace of over Sustainable Urban measure this indicator. 500m2 must achieve the following BREAM Drainage Systems. standards.

BREEAM ' Until the end of 2011 very good' From 2012 BREEAM

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type 'excellent' BREEAM From 2016 'excellent'

Ensuring that there is sufficient capacity available, or will be made available, in existing infrastructure to meet the needs of the new development including adequate land and funding for waste management.

Avoiding unacceptable levels of flood risk and proactively managing surface water through the promotion of sustainable drainage techniques.

CS16 Natural Resources and Renewable Energy Local Amount of Indicator development on the New development will be expected to safeguard best and most The policy has therefore been effective as no “best the use of natural resources by: versatile and most and most versatile” agricultural land has been lost. agricultural land  Demonstrating the latest best practice for (Grades 1, 2 or 3a energy efficiency, passive solar design and agricultural land). water conservation in the construction and use of the buildings; Core Output Contribution toward No data for this indicator available. There is no currently no  Taking measures to reduce carbon Indicator (E3) 12 MW of renewable mechanism in place to emissions, pollution and waste during the energy generated by monitor this indicator. construction and operation of new 2012. developments through orientation, layout, design and material selection;  Reducing, reusing and recycling waste on- site;  Preventing the loss of the best and most versatile agricultural land (Grades 1, 2 or 3a of the Natural England Agricultural Land Classifications System);  Protecting mineral resources from

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Fareham LDF Monitoring Report January 2014

Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type permanent development, without first allowing for extraction, which would lead to the sterilisation of the deposit.

Development (1 dwelling or more and 500m2 or more of non-residential floorspace) will be encouraged to contribute to the Fareham target of 12MW of renewable energy by 2020. Major developments (250 dwellings or more or 5,000 sq. m or more of non-residential floorspace) should aim to maximise on-site renewable energy production and resource efficiency. In such cases, the extent of contribution should be demonstrated, taking account of viability. The generation of energy from renewable or low carbon sources will be permitted unless there are judged to be unacceptable social, environmental or economic impacts. CS17 High Quality Design Core Output Number of new No data is available for this indicator. Building for life Indicator H6 development standards are not a All development, buildings and spaces will be of a achieving the Building policy requirement. high quality of design and be safe and easily for Life (BFL) However, the accessed by all members of the community. standard of 'good' or Assessment provides a Proposals will need to demonstrate adherence to above. useful indicator of high the principles of urban design and sustainability to quality design and will help create quality places. In particular be retained to measure development will be designed to: this policy.

 respond positively to and be respectful of The two criteria which the key characteristics of the area, most often contributed including heritage assets, landscape, towards low scores scale, form, spaciousness and use of were: Public transport external materials, and Character.  provide continuity of built form, a sense of Local Amount of No data is available for this indicator All relevant planning enclosure with active frontages to the Indicator development applications should have street and safety of the public realm, permitted following regard to design  ensure permeable movement patterns and design principles principals from the out-

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type connections to local services, community set. facilities, jobs and shops, Local Number of dwellings See Policy CS15  create a sense of identity and Indicator not meeting the distinctiveness and one that is legible, relevant Code for  enable and/or encourage a mix of uses and Sustainable Homes diversity in an area, standards.  ensure that the public realm has pedestrian 77 Local Amount of multi See Policy CS15 priority , is safe, secure, functional and Indicator residential and non- accessible, and is constructed of quality residential floorspace materials and well maintained, completed that does  enable buildings to provide flexible not meet the relevant accommodation, which can be adapted to BREEAM standards. suit all members of a community Local Number of dwellings Data for this indicator is unavailable There is currently no throughout their lifetime, Indicator meeting the Lifetime mechanism in place to  provide green infrastructure, including Homes from 2013. monitor this indicator. landscaping, open spaces, greenways and

trees within the public realm, and

 provide appropriate parking for intended uses taking account of the accessibility and context of a development and tackling climate change.

In addition new housing will be required to:

 secure adequate internal and external space, dwelling mix, privacy, and sunlight and daylight to meet the requirements of future occupiers.

Demonstration of adherence to the principles must be set out within design and access statements, and/or where relevant, design codes, briefs, frameworks or masterplans and to include a contextual analysis. Where relevant, a report by a licensed assessor which sets out compliance with the BREEAM and/or Code for Sustainable Homes

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type level operating at the time of any application for planning permission.

New housing should seek to achieve the Lifetime Home standard from 2013. Prior to 2013, the Council will encourage developers to meet the lifetime home standard having regard to the viability of the proposal DG4: Site Characteristics Local Maintaining important This policy has been taken into account during pre- This policy will be Indicator site characteristics application discussions and in the determination of replaced in principle as Development will be permitted, provided that it: (A) and features. applications. part of the DSP Plan. retains any important historic features on the site; (B) does not detract from the natural landform of the site; (C) retains areas or features of landscape or nature conservation value; (D) respects views into and out of the site; and (E) takes proper account of any contamination of the land DG7: Signs and Advertisements Local Ensure signs and This policy has been taken into account during pre- The content of this policy Indicator advertisements in application discussions and in the determination of will be covered in the Signs and advertisements will be permitted, accordance with applications. upcoming Design SPD provided that they: (A) do not adversely affect the policy. character, quality and appearance of the building or the surrounding area; (B) do not combine with existing advertisements to create an unacceptable cumulative impact; (C) do not create a hazard to public safety; and (D) in the case of a listed building or a building in a conservation area, it complies with Policies HE2 and HE7 respectively. DG8: Commercial Frontages Local Effect of policy on This policy has been taken into account during pre- The content of this policy Indicator appearance of application discussions and in the determination of will be covered in the Development involving the creation of a new commercial frontages. applications. upcoming Design SPD frontage, including the erection of blinds, canopies and shutters or the alteration of existing frontages, will be permitted provided that: (A) it takes account of the architectural characteristics of the individual

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type building and its surrounding area; (B) it does not adversely affect the character and appearance of the building or the surrounding area; and (C) in the case of a listed building, it complies with Policy HE2 or in the case of a building in a conservation area, it complies with Policy HE6 and/or Policy HE8. DG11: Seafield Park Local Enabling development Residential development for 51 units was granted Completed Proposals for the future use or development of Indicator to support the in 2001 and is now complete. Seafield Park will be permitted provided that: (A) provision of the open the largely open nature of the site is maintained; space. (B) the future use and management of the open area is resolved before any planning permission is Local Development of open Open nature of site maintained though location on granted; and (C) any buildings necessary to secure Indicator space where majority largely previously developed area and within urban (A) and (B) are restricted to the part of the site of site remains natural area boundary. Remainder left open and is within the urban area. and any buildings managed as public open space with an equipped necessary are children’s playground. restricted within the urban area.


CS4 Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and Local Projects completed in None known Geological Conservation Indicator line with PUSH GI Infrastructure Habitats important to the biodiversity of the Strategy. Borough, including Sites of Special Scientific Local 95% of SSSIs in 91.6% of SSSIs in favourable or recovering Condition of SSSIs: Interest, Sites of Importance for Nature Indicator favourable or condition by 2026. Fareham is still 3.4% short of 75.3% Favourable Conservation, areas of woodland, the coast and recovering condition this target, although good progress has already condition; 16.3% trees will be protected in accordance with the by 2026. been made. unfavourable following hierarchy of nature conservation recovering; 6.8% designations: Update as of 31st March 2012 – 92.38% of SSSIs in unfavourable the borough in favourable or recovering condition. no change and; 1.6% (i) International - Special Protection Areas (SPA), unfavourable Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and HBIC monitoring report 2011/12 explains that declining. RAMSAR; although this figure is shown as 92.38%, the true

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type (ii) National - Sites of Special Scientific Interest figure is nearer 98.2% due to a previous error in the As of 31st March 2013, (SSSI) and National Nature Reserves (NNRs); NE GIS layer. As at 31st March 2013, 92.38% of 75.32% favourable, (iii) Local - Sites of Importance for Nature SSSIs in the borough in favourable or recovering 17.06% unfavourable Conservation (SINC), Local Nature Reserves condition. recovering, 6.78% (LNR), other Ancient Woodland (AW) not identified unfavourable no change, in (ii) above; and 0.84% unfavourable (iv) Sites of Nature Conservation Value (SNCVs). declining Local Amount, quality and Data unavailable There is currently no Where possible, particularly within the identified Indicator function of green monitoring system in Biodiversity Opportunity Areas, sites will be infrastructure place that will enable enhanced to contribute to the objectives and delivered. this indicator to be targets set out in UK, Regional, County and Local measured Biodiversity Action Plans. Green Infrastructure Core Output Change in areas of networks, which buffer and link established sites, Indicator Biodiversity Loss Gain Net No changes to/increase whilst also enabling species to disperse and adapt E2 Importance (SPAs, (ha) (ha) (ha) in numbers of statutory to climate change will be maintained and SACs, Ramsar, SPA 0 0 0 designated sites in enhanced. National Nature SAC 0 0 0 2012/2013. Reserves, SINCSs, Greater detail regarding Networks of accessible multi-functional Green LNRs, Ancient Ramsar 0 0 0 environmental Infrastructure will be planned around existing green Woodland and NNR 0 0 0 designations is provided spaces in urban, urban fringe and rural areas and SNCVs) SINC 0.06 4.20 4.14 by Hampshire will be appropriate to the extent and distribution of LNR 0 6 6 Biodiversity Information the existing and proposed population. Centre Monitoring AW 0 0 0 Report. Development Proposals will be permitted where SNCV n/a n/a n/a Green Infrastructure provision in accordance with SNCVs have been the Green Infrastructure Strategy has been surveyed where possible integrated within the development where this is and either put forward as appropriate. Development proposals will provide for SINCs where meeting appropriate access to greenspace for informal SINC criteria, or deleted. recreation to avoid adverse impacts from recreation No data is available for and other impacts on European and Ramsar sites AW. and on nationally and locally important sites. 4 new SINCs were Green Infrastructure will be created and approved between 1st safeguarded through: April 2012 and 31st

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type  Investing in appropriate management, March 2013 (Salterns enhancement and restoration, and the Park East; St. Mary’s creation of new resources including parks, Churchyard, Warsash; woodland and trees, and wildlife habitats; Meadow South of  Not permitting development that Burridge Road; Fareham compromises its integrity and therefore that Common). of the overall green infrastructure Amendments were framework made to the criteria met In order to prevent adverse effects upon sensitive by two SINCs (Land European sites in and around the Borough, the South of Dibles Road; Council will work with other local authorities Hook Lake Marshy (including the Partnership for Urban South Grassland) due to lack Hampshire) to develop and implement a strategic of management and approach to protecting European sites from agricultural recreational pressure and development. This will improvement, include a suite of mitigation measures, with respectively, at these adequate provision of alternative recreational sites. space for access management measures within Local Amount of additional Data not available. and around the European sites and mitigation for Indicator BAP habitat delivered, impacts on air quality due to road traffic, supported including buffering This policy has been taken into account during pre- by developer contributions where appropriate. and linkages of application discussions and in the determination of Development likely to have an individual or established sites; applications. cumulative adverse impact will not be permitted unless the necessary mitigation measures have been secured. Local Contribution to This policy has been taken into account during pre- The Council will, through its Monitoring Report, Indicator Biodiversity application discussions and in the determination of Local Air Quality Management and ongoing visitor Opportunity Areas applications. surveys and related activities, scrutinise the and County and local effectiveness of the joint strategic approach to BAPs. Agreed adoption of land within the Hamble Valley avoidance and mitigation of effects on European BOA in the Coldeast development site by FBC, with sites. It will adjust the rate, scale and/or distribution provision for suitable enhanced management of the of housing or employment development across the woodland and meadow habitats. Borough to respond to the findings of new evidence where appropriate, including the Solent Forest of Bere BOA being taken into account in the masterplanning and policy for the NCNF, with

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type Disturbance and Mitigation Project in order to opportunity to connect up existing habitats, e.g. preserve the integrity of European sites. woodlands.

Sites of geological importance will be protected and Local Condition of SSSIs No development affecting SSSIs enhanced. Indicator

Local Number of planning No development impacting upon site of geological A reliable data source to Indicator consents granted importance. report on this indicator is which impact upon required. sites of geological This policy has been taken into account during pre- importance. application discussions and in the determination of applications.

CS14 Development on Land outside Local Number of planning 89 sites granted permission outside of the defined Policy C1 has been Settlements Indicator consents granted urban areas. replaced by the Core contrary to policy Strategy policy CS14. As Built development on land outside the defined permitted outside of 56 of these were householder planning the Core Strategy was settlements will be strictly controlled to protect the defined urban areas. permissions. None of these proposals were not adopted at the point countryside and coastline from development which contrary to CS14. of determination of all of would adversely affect its landscape character, these applications, the appearance and function. Acceptable forms of This policy has been taken into account during pre- grant of permission was development will include that essential for application discussions and in the determination of considered in the agriculture, forestry, horticulture and required applications. context of the Local Plan infrastructure. The conversion of existing buildings policies being applied at will be favoured. Replacement buildings must the time. reduce the impact of development and be grouped with other existing buildings, where possible. In Although the 89 sites coastal locations, development should not have an were granted permission adverse impact on the special character of the despite their countryside coast when viewed from the land or water. location these permissions were in line with CS14.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type CS22 Development in Strategic Gaps Local Number of planning 68 planning consents (including 28 householder Policy C11 was replaced Indicator consents granted on consents) granted on land in strategic gaps. by the Core Strategy Land within a Strategic Gap will be treated as land in strategic gaps. policy CS22 in August countryside. Development proposals will not be This policy has been taken into account during pre- 2011. As the Core permitted either individually or cumulatively where it application discussions and in the determination of Strategy was not significantly affects the integrity of the gap and the applications. adopted at the point of physical and visual separation of settlements. determination of all of these applications, the Strategic Gaps have been identified between grant of permission was Fareham/Stubbington and Western Wards/Whiteley considered in the (the Meon gap); and Stubbington/Lee on the Solent context of the Local Plan and Fareham/Gosport. policies being applied at the time. Their boundaries will be reviewed in accordance with the following criteria: Although a number of a) The open nature/sense of separation between sites were granted settlements cannot be retained by other policy permission, these small designations; scale developments were acceptable due to b) The land to be included within the gap performs other policy an important role in defining the settlement considerations character of the area and separating settlements at risk of coalescence; c) In defining the extent of a gap, no more land than is necessary to prevent the coalescence of settlements should be included having regard to maintaining their physical and visual separation. C7: New Moorings Local Number of new No new moorings have been permitted. This policy has been New moorings will be permitted provided that: (A) Indicator moorings permitted in taken into account they are not located in the Mooring Restriction accordance with and This policy has been taken into account during pre- during pre-application Areas: (i) Fareham Lake, other than at Upper Quay not in accordance application discussions and in the determination of discussions and in the under Policy R8; (ii) south of Warsash Sailing Club with the policy. applications. determination of Jetty; (iii) between Warsash Ferry and Hamble applications. Village; (iv) south of Crableck; (v) south of Swanwick Public Hard; and (vi) the Upper Hamble This policy will be

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type and Curbridge Creek (B) the River Hamble Harbour reviewed in the Site Authority’s limit on the total number of moorings is Allocations and not exceeded; and (C) there is no adverse impact Development on nature conservation and other environmental Management DPD. interests.

C8: Existing Moorings within Mooring Local Number of No replacement or relocation of existing moorings This policy has been Restriction Areas Indicator replacement moorings has been permitted. taken into account The replacement or relocation of existing moorings permitted in during pre-application within the Mooring Restriction Areas will not be accordance with and This policy has been taken into account during pre- discussions and in the permitted unless: (A) there are no alternative not in accordance application discussions and in the determination of determination of locations outside the Moorings Restriction Areas: with the policy. applications. applications. (B) it will result in improvements to navigation and the appearance of the River Hamble or Fareham This policy will be Lake; and (C) there is no adverse impact on nature reviewed in the Site conservation and other environmental interests. Allocations and Development Management DPD. C15: Local Nature Reserve Allocations Local Safeguarding from The following areas are proposed as Local Nature Indicator development of Reserves and they will be safeguarded from proposed nature development in order that they can be implemented reserves to be during the plan period: (A) Hook-with-Warsash implemented during (extension to existing); (B) South west of Gull the plan period on Coppice, Whiteley; (C) North west of Gull Coppice, the following sites: Whiteley; (D) Quaveys Copse, Whiteley; and (E) Bushy Land, Whiteley. A) Hook-with- No development Warsash

B) South west of Gull No development Coppice

C) North west of Gull No development Coppice, Whiteley;

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type D) Quaveys Copse, No development Whiteley;

E) Bushy Land, No development Whiteley. C17: Sites of Nature Conservation Value Core Output Change in areas and This Core Output Indicator is reported under policy Policy C17 is Development which would adversely affect non- Indicator populations of CS4. predominantly covered designated sites or features of nature conservation E2 biodiversity under CS4. However, value will be not permitted unless, where possible, importance. unlike CS4, this policy provision is made to offset the adverse impact. Local Change in priority See Policy CS4 acknowledges the Where appropriate, a legal agreement will be Indicator habitats and species importance of protecting sought to secure the replacement of habitats or (by type). non-designated sites. features lost to development. Local Change in areas See Policy CS4 Indicator designated for their This policy will be intrinsic environmental reviewed in the Site value including sites Allocations & of international, Development national, regional or Management DPD. sub-regional significance C18: Protected Species Local Amount of No data available. This policy has been Development which would adversely affect species, Indicator development taken into account or their habitats, protected by the Habitats permitted which during pre-application Regulations 1994, the Wildlife and Countryside Act proposes harm to discussions and in the 1981 or other legislation will not be permitted species or damage to determination of unless measures can be undertaken which prevent habitats, where applications. harm to the species or damage to the habitats. mitigation is Where appropriate, permission will be conditioned inadequate. This policy will be or a legal agreement sought to secure the reviewed in the Site protection of the species or their habitats. Allocations & Development Management DPD. Additional guidance is contained in the Fareham Biodiversity

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type Action Plan.


HE5: Change of Use in Fareham High Street Local Amount of No applications were granted permission contrary This policy will be Conservation Area Indicator development to policy. replaced by policies Changes of use to offices (Classes A2 and B1) or permitted in DSP6 Protecting and non-residential institutions (Class D1) will be accordance with and This policy has been taken into account during pre- Enhancing the Historic permitted within Fareham High Street Conservation not in accordance application discussions and in the determination of Environment and DSP24 Area, provided that: (A) there would be no with the policy. applications. Mix of Uses in Fareham prejudice to the mixed-use character of the High Street when the conservation area or the retail character of the DSP Plan is Adopted. shopping area; (B) there would be no loss of a residential unit unless it is essential to protect the Additional guidance is fabric of a building or the environment; and (C) available in the Fareham provision can be made for off-street car parking on High Street the site or in the vicinity without the loss of gardens Conservation Area and without the creation of vehicular access onto Character Assessment. Civic Way. This document was adopted on 9 October 2006. HE6: Conservation Areas - Shopfronts Local Number of planning No applications were granted contrary to policy. This policy will be New shopfronts in conservation areas will be Indicator consents granted not replaced by policy DSP6 permitted, provided that: (A) it does not result in the in accordance with This policy has been taken into account during pre- Protecting and removal or alteration of features of architectural or the policy application discussions and in the determination of Enhancing the Historic historic value; and (B) the new design relates applications. environment when the closely to the overall character of the building in DSP Plan is Adopted. terms of scale, style and materials, together with the use of traditional elements.

HE7: Conservation Areas - Signs and Local Number of planning No applications were granted contrary to policy. This policy will be Advertisements Indicator consents granted not replaced by policy DSP6 New signs and advertisements in conservation in accordance with This policy has been taken into account during pre- Protecting and areas which accord with Policy DG7 will be the policy application discussions and in the determination of Enhancing the Historic permitted provided that: (A) the size, design and applications. environment when the materials are related to the building on which the DSP Plan is Adopted.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type sign is to be displayed; and (B) if freestanding, they are positioned so that the setting of the building or character of the area is not harmed; and (C) fascias, letters and signage are not internally illuminated. HE8: Conservation Areas - Blinds, Canopies Local Number of planning No applications were granted contrary to policy. This policy will be and Shutters Indicator consents granted not replaced by policy DSP6 Blinds, canopies and security shutters in in accordance with This policy has been taken into account during pre- Protecting and conservation areas will be permitted, provided that: the policy. application discussions and in the determination of Enhancing the Historic (A) they are designed as an integral part of a applications. environment when the shopfront; and (B) the size, colour, materials and DSP Plan is Adopted. design are appropriate to the character of the building. External security shutters will not be permitted. HE9: Buildings of Local Architectural or Local Number of planning No applications were granted contrary to policy. This policy will be Historic Interest Indicator consents granted not replaced by policy DSP6 Proposals for Buildings of Local Architectural or in accordance with This policy has been taken into account during pre- Protecting and Historic Interest (that is, buildings not on the the policy application discussions and in the determination of Enhancing the Historic Statutory List but contained within the Local List), applications. environment when the involving alterations, additions or other DSP Plan is Adopted. development, including changes of use, will be permitted, provided that such development does not adversely affect their character or setting.

HE10: Historic Parks and Gardens Local Number of planning No applications were granted contrary to policy. This policy will be Development in accordance with the other policies Indicator consents granted not replaced by policy DSP6 in the Plan will be permitted provided that it does in accordance with This policy has been taken into account during pre- Protecting and not harm historic parks and gardens, whether of the policy application discussions and in the determination of Enhancing the Historic regional or local importance, or their settings. applications. environment when the DSP Plan is Adopted.


CS2 Housing Provision Core Output Achieve 3,729 These indicators are discussed under policy CS6 See Section 4 of this MR 3,729 dwellings will be provided within the Borough Indicator dwellings in the for further details.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type to meet the South Hampshire sub-regional strategy H2 Borough outside the housing target between 2006 and 2026, excluding SDA across the plan the SDA. Priority will be given to the reuse of period. previously developed land within the existing urban Core Output Plan period housing areas. Indicator targets H2 Housing will be provided through; Core Output Net additional Indicator dwellings  completions between April 2006 and March H2c 2010 (1,637 units); Core Output New and converted  sites that already have planning permission Indicator dwellings on (1,434 units); H3 previously developed  dwellings on previously developed land; land  sites allocated in earlier local plans;  the Strategic Development Allocation at the Core Output Managed delivery former Coldeast Hospital; Indicator target  the Strategic Development Location at H2d Fareham Town Centre; and  new allocations and re-designations to be identified through the Site Allocations and Development Management DPD

The supply of sites will be kept up-to-date through a regular review of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment which will identify sites. Those that are allocated will be done so through the Site Allocations and Development Management Development Plan Document. The Monitoring Report will inform the pace of housing delivery and update the housing trajectory.

Development will achieve a mix of different housing sizes, types and tenures informed by the Housing Market Assessment and the Council's Housing Strategy.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type CS18 Provision of Affordable Housing Core Output Gross affordable

The Council will require the provision of affordable Indicator housing completions Up until the end of

housing on all schemes that can deliver a net gain H5 2010/11 Fareham aimed

via via

of 5 or more dwellings. to provide 100 new


affordable homes each



its outside itsoutside

units Provided of

 On sites that can accommodate between 5 Totalunits year. This objective has


Intermediate via and 9 dwellings developers will be Rentalunits now been replaced. expected to provide 30% affordable units OR the equivalent financial contribution 12/13 35 17 47 99 Over the six year period towards off-site provision. between 2011/12 and  On sites that can accommodate between 2016/17 Fareham aims 10 and 14 dwellings developers will be 11/12 34 12 47 93 to provide 500 new expected to provide 30% affordable units. affordable homes. This  On sites that can accommodate 15 or more equates to an average of just over 83 units per dwellings developers will be expected to 10/11 61 29 133 223 provide 40% affordable units. year.

Development proposals will be required to provide As the figures illustrate it a mixture of dwelling types, sizes and tenures is not presently possible reflecting the identified housing needs of the local *in addition to securing units through planning to meet this target population. policy, affordable housing has been delivered through planning policy

through other mechanisms including developing on alone and other options

Where development viability is an issue, Council land, 'off the shelf purchasing', 'New Build continue to be explored. Homebuy' and mortgage rescue . developers will be expected to produce a financial Delivery rate has slowed assessment in which it is clearly demonstrated the since 2010/11 due to maximum number of affordable dwellings which economic conditions but can be achieved on the site. at this time the Council

remains on track to meet Should a site fall below the above identified thresholds but is demonstrably part of a potentially the target. larger developable site, the Council will seek to achieve affordable housing on a pro rata basis.

The level of affordable housing provision will also be subject to other planning objectives to be met from the development of the site.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type CS19 Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Core Output Number of pitches One permanent site at Showpeople Population Indicator provided for Gypsies, Permanent 1 293 Titchfield road, Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople H4 Travellers and Temporary 4 Titchfield was granted pitches will be permitted or allocated in accordance Travelling Transit 0 on Appeal on 14 March with current government policy to meet the needs Showpeople Travelling Show People 0 2013. Total 5 identified in the Gypsies and Travellers and Assessment and any Travelling Showpeople Accommodation subsequent revisions. Nopermissions were Assessments updated as necessary Any specific granted for any, transit sites identified within the Borough will be allocated sites nor travelling in the Site Allocations and Development showperson's units. Management Development Plan Document. Temporary planning In identifying sites through the Site Allocations and permission was granted Development Management Development Plan on 6th April 2010 for two Document for Gypsies and Travellers and gypsy caravans in Travelling Showpeople, previously developed land Newgate Lane which will within or on the edge of urban areas will be expire on 31 December considered before sites in rural locations. The site 2016. must be suitable for this type of accommodation in Two further temporary that it meets the criteria below and there is a pitches were granted realistic likelihood it will come forward during the permission at 302A plan period, taking into account site constraints Southampton Road such as flood risk, access to the highway network which will expire on 31 and infrastructure. December 2016.

Planning permission will be granted where the There is currently no following criteria can be met: provision for Transit or Travelling Show people ,  The site is accessible to shops, schools this will be addressed by and health facilities by public transport, on future PUSH policy. foot or by cycle. H1: Housing Allocations Local Number of Dwellings East of Botley Road: Construction complete on Completed The following sites together with existing Indicator & completed at each southern portion, 7 units. Part of allocation to north allocations and sites with planning permission part of Core Local Plan housing granted planning consent for 15 units, 1 of which is shown on the Proposals Map and listed in Output allocation. now complete. Appendix 5 are allocated for residential Indicator H2

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type development. They will be safeguarded from any North of Whiteley: Completion estimated other form of permanent development in order that 303 dwellings completed. 61 dwellings completed for 20113/14 they are available for implementation during the in 2012/13. Construction on remainder of the site plan period: for 29 units has commenced.

Peters Road: Development Brief SPD Permission Granted for 49 dwellings adopted November Number of Dwellings (indicative) 13/12/12.Outline planning permission for 307 2007.Completion dwellings granted 2008, has lapsed 21/11/11. 2 full estimated for 2017/18. Built or Without renewal applications received in 2011 and a full New Allocated Permitted Permission Allocations (1997) application for the erection of 206 new dwellings (1997-99) (1999) received in August 2012. Granted on Appeal East of 13/03/14. 25 0 25 Botley Road Hunts Pond Road: Development Brief SPD North of 260 0 260 Whiteley Permission granted for phase 1, 248 dwellings; adopted January 2007. phase 2, 73 dwellings; and permission granted for 220 units completed to Peters Road 210 0 210 4 dwellings to the north. Part of allocation to south date. and east do not have a planning permission. 50 dwellings completed in 2012/13.

Hunts Pond 240 0 240 Road Segensworth 160 0 160 Road - North Segensworth Road - North: Site complete East of 217 dwellings completed Whiteley 15 17 0 Lane East of Whiteley Lane Site complete Segensworth 17 dwellings completed 63 0 Road - South Segensworth Road - South Development Brief SPD Catisfield 0 30 63 dwellings completed adopted February 2004 Lane Catisfield Lane Former WT 0 75 No planning permission Station Former Former WT Station Site complete 35 0 Wicor School 75 dwellings completed

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type

Chalk Pit, Hill 20 0 Road Former Wicor School Site complete 35 dwellings completed Total 910 263 840

Chalk Pit, Hill Road Site complete 24 dwellings completed

Area II (part) Shetland Rise, Whiteley: 27 Site complete dwellings completed in 2011/2012.

Former WT Station, Burnt House Lane: 8 Site complete dwellings completed in 2011/2012.

Course Park Farm, Hunts Pond Road: out of 31 Site complete dwellings approved 21 completed in 2011/2012.

H4: Retention of Housing Local Number of planning The policy has generally achieved the aim of The policy was reviewed Change of use or development which results in the Indicator & application granted retaining residential accommodation with losses in the DSP Plan and will loss of residential accommodation will be permitted, part of Core proposing the loss of only being permitted where the use complies with not be replaced when provided that: (A) the new use is for the Output residential the policy. the DSP Plan is establishment of a small business, a medical or Indicator H2 accommodation. Adopted. dental practice or another community facility to serve the wider residential area; and (B) a unit of accommodation is retained.

H5: Conversions to Flats Local Number of planning No accurate data is available to monitor this policy. The policy was reviewed The conversion and/or extension of offices, existing Indicator consents granted for in the DSP Plan and is dwellings and of vacant floorspace above shops to & the conversion and/or to be replaced by smaller self-contained units of accommodation will Part of Core extension of offices, DSP41 Subdivision of be permitted, provided that: (A) the proposal, or the Output existing dwellings and Residential Dwellings cumulative impact of the proposal with other similar Indicator H2. of vacant floorspace when the DSP Plan is proposals would not adversely affect the character above shops to Adopted. of the area, particularly in conservation areas, or smaller self-contained have unacceptable environmental, amenity or units traffic implications; (B) intrusive features, for

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type example, rear fire escapes or external access stairways are sympathetically designed and, where there may be problems of overlooking, housed in a covered structure; (C) the property to be converted is not a small family dwelling but is large enough to enable the provision of new dwellings with adequate space standards; (D) with the exception of the town centre and other commercial locations, appropriate outdoor amenity space is provided; and (E) where appropriate, the proposal meets the criteria in Policies DG3, HE2, and HE4. H6: Houses in Multiple Occupation Local Number of planning There has been limited demand for houses in The policy was reviewed The sub-division of existing dwellings within the Indicator permission granted multiple occupations in the Borough. During the in the DSP Plan and will urban area for the purposes of multiple occupation & proposing the change 2012/13 monitoring year no planning permissions be replaced by DSP45 will be permitted, provided that: (A) the property to Part of Core of use from existing were granted for HMO. Houses in Multiple be converted is not a small family dwelling; (B) a Output dwellings to HMO and Occupation when the satisfactory living environment for the occupants is Indicator H2. not in accordance DSP Plan is Adopted. provided; (C) the proposal, or the cumulative with the policy. impact of the proposal with other similar proposals would not adversely affect the character of the area, particularly in conservation areas, or have unacceptable environmental, amenity or traffic implications; and (D) where appropriate, the proposal meets the criteria in Policies DG3, HE2, and HE4.

H8: Community-Based Supported Housing Local Number of There is no accurate way of monitoring this policy. The policy was reviewed Units Indicator community-based This is because no Planning Permission is required in the DSP Plan and will Community-based supported housing units will be supported housing for a scheme of 5 units or less. not be replaced when permitted within existing residential areas within the units permitted in the DSP Plan is urban area, provided that: (A) they contain accordance with and Adopted. adequate safeguards to protect the residential not in accordance amenity of the occupiers of neighbouring with the policy. properties; (B) the cumulative impact of the

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type proposal with other similar proposals would not adversely affect the character of the area or have unacceptable environmental, amenity or traffic implication; and (C) appropriate outdoor amenity space is provided except where the property adjoins an existing public open space. H9: Annexes for Dependent Relatives Local Number of self- There is no accurate way of monitoring this policy. It will be difficult to The provision of self-contained annexes to Indicator contained annexes to accurately monitor the accommodate dependent relatives will be accommodate application of policy in permitted, provided that: (A) it is not possible to dependent relatives term of criteria A) and B) satisfactorily cater for dependent relatives within will be permitted in post development.The the existing dwelling;(B) the annexe is capable of accordance with and policy was reviewed in incorporation into, or use as, an ancillary part of the not in accordance the DSP Plan and will be existing dwelling when there is no longer a need for with the policy. replaced by DSP46 Self the annexe; and (C) adequate gardens and car Contained Annexes and parking spaces are provided. Where the annexe is Extensions (LP 2) when detached from the original dwelling, a legal the DSP Plan is agreement will be sought to prevent the use of the Adopted.. annexe as a separate dwelling.

H13: Extensions to Dwellings and Ancillary Local Number of planning There is no accurate way of monitoring this policy. The policy was reviewed Buildings in the Countryside Indicator permissions granted in the DSP Plan and will A residential extension or the erection of an for extension or the be replaced by CS14 ancillary building be permitted in the countryside, erection of ancillary Development Outside provided that:(A) in the case of an extension, it is of buildings permitted in Settlements (Core an appropriate size and design and does not the countryside, Strategy 2011) and adversely affect the character of the area or the contrary to policy. DSP7 New Residential wider landscape; or (B) in the case of the erection Development Outside of of an ancillary building, it is of appropriate design the Defined Urban and located within or close to an existing group of Settlement Boundaries buildings so that it does not adversely affect the when the DSP Plan is landscape; and (C) in the case of an extension to Adopted. an agricultural worker’s dwelling, it does not result in a dwelling larger than the unit can sustain in the long term.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type H14: Frontage Infill in the Countryside Local Number of planning There is no accurate way of monitoring this policy. The policy was reviewed Residential development for one or two new Indicator permissions granted in the DSP Plan and will dwellings on infill sites within the countryside will be for one or two new be replaced by CS17 permitted, provided that: (A) it occupies a gap dwellings on infill sites High Quality Design between existing dwellings in an otherwise within the countryside, (Core Strategy 2011), continuously built-up frontage and would not harm contrary to policy. DSP2 Design and DSP7 the character of the area; (B) the new dwellings New Residential and plots are similar in size and character to Development Outside of adjoining properties; (C) it does not result in the the Defined Urban extension of a frontage or the consolidation of an Settlement Boundaries isolated group of dwellings; and (D) it does not when the DSP Plan is involve the siting of dwellings at the rear of existing Adopted. dwellings.


CS20: Infrastructure and Developer Local Number of No data is available for the indicator. Monitoring system will Contributions Indicator developments need to be devised in Development will be required to provide or permitted not making order to test the contribute towards the provision of infrastructure infrastructure effectiveness of this through planning conditions, legal agreement or obligations that are policy. directly through the service provider. Contributions required to do so. or provision may also be required to mitigate the impact of development upon infrastructure. Detailed guidance on provision or contributions is or will be set out in Supplementary Planning Document(s) including any standard charges introduced through the Community Infrastructure Levy. FS1: Community Facility Allocations Local Allocated sites to be The policy was reviewed The following sites are allocated for community Indicator safeguarded from in the DSP Plan and will purposes and they will be safeguarded from permanent be replaced by CS10 development in order that they are available for development: Coldeast Hospital (Core implementation during the plan period: (A) a new Strategy, 2011), DSP52 community centre, south of Gull Coppice, Whiteley; (A) a new community Whiteley Community Centre now constructed. Community Facilities

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type (B) an extension to the Fareham Youth Centre, centre, south of Gull and DSP32 Corner of Park Lane, Fareham; and (C) community uses, Coppice, Whiteley; Trinity Street & Osborn Hunts Pond Road, Titchfield Common, as part of a Road of the DSP Plan larger scheme to include education uses and open (B) an extension to when the DSP Plan is space; the Fareham Youth Fareham Youth Centre has not been extended. Adopted. Centre, Park Lane, Fareham;

(C) community uses, Hunts Pond Road, No community uses provided at Hunts Pond Road Titchfield Common, as part of a larger scheme to include education uses and open space; FS2: Education Allocations Local Sites allocated for This policy was reviewed The following sites are allocated for education Indicator educational purposes as part of the DSP Plan purposes and they will be safeguarded from to be safeguarded: and will not be replaced. permanent development in order that they are available for implementation during the plan period: (A) a new primary school, Heath Road/Centre Way, (A) A new primary Locks Heath (2.8 hectares); and (B) educational school, Heath A. A new primary school has not been developed. uses, Hunts Pond Road, Titchfield Common, as Road/Centre Way, part of a larger scheme to include community uses Locks Heath (2.8 and open space (7.5 hectares). hectares); and

(B) Educational uses, Hunts Pond Road, B. No educational uses have been developed. Titchfield Common, as part of a larger scheme to include community uses and open space (7.5 hectares).

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type FS4: Health Facility Allocations, Coldeast Local Safeguard land for the This policy was reviewed Hospital Indicator following uses: as part of the DSP Plan Land is allocated at Coldeast Hospital for the and will be replaced by following health facilities and they will be CS10 Coldeast Hospital safeguarded from development in order that they Strategic Development are available for implementation during the plan Location (Core Strategy, period: (A) a community hospital; and (B) learning 2011) when the DSP disability homes. (A) A community Plan is Adopted. hospital; A. This has been implemented in part. See Land remains allocated Policy CS10 above for a 2nd phase through the Coldeast strategic site allocation in the Core Strategy so the designation on the Proposals Map remains in part. (B) Learning disability homes B. No new consents have been granted for this Part B) of this policy has type of development during the 2010/11 year been part implemented. (see comment for further details) The health authority has provide two dwellings for learning disability homes and a further two dwellings are proposed as part of the next phase of development at Coldeast. This policy could potentially be deleted following consultation with the Health Authority.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type


CS21 Protection and Provision of Open Space Local Number of planning No data available There is currently no The Borough Council will safeguard and enhance Indicator consent granted robust mechanism for existing open spaces and establish networks of where the proposals monitoring the quantum Green Infrastructure to add value to their wildlife will result in a net loss of additional open space and recreational functions Development which of open space and is being provided. would result in the loss of or reduce the not in line with the recreational value of open space, including public policy provisions. and private playing fields, allotments and informal Local Achieve greenspace No data available There is currently no open space will not be permitted, unless it is of Indicator standards of 4.7ha robust mechanism for poor quality, under-used, or has low potential for per 1,000 population monitoring the quantum open space and a better quality replacement site is (1.5ha parks and of additional greenspace provided which is equivalent in terms of amenity; 2ha being provided. accessibility and size. accessible natural greenspace; and 1.2 Proposals for new residential development will be ha of outdoor sport) permitted provided that, where existing provision is Local Amount of additional No data available There is currently no insufficient to provide for the additional population, Indicator public open space robust mechanism for public open space is provided as follows: achieved by monitoring the quantum development of additional open space  Parks and Amenity Open Space 1.5 ha / being provided. 1,000 population Local ANGSt standards No data available There is no robust  Outdoor Sport – 1.2 ha / 1,000 population Indicator achieved, by mechanism for  Children’s Play Equipment – 14 pieces of reference to scale and monitoring the scale and equipment per 1,000 1-12 year olds accessibility of green accessibility of Youth Facilities – 1 youth facility/MUGA per space greenspace. settlement area

In addition to these types of open spaces, where existing provision is insufficient to provide for the additional population, the Borough Council will seek the provision of accessible greenspace which meets the standards set out in the South East Green Infrastructure Framework including

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type Accessible Natural Green Space standards. R2: Cams Alders Sports Ground Local Development at Cams No applications proposing a new development on Future provision of Proposals which improve the range and quality of Indicator Alders Sports Ground the Cams Alders Sports Ground received in this outdoor and indoor outdoor and indoor sports provision at Cams Alders that is in accordance monitoring period. sports facilities at sites Sports Ground will be permitted, provided that: (A) with the policy. within the Borough will they include redevelopment of the stadium to be usefully informed by provide a football pitch and other sporting and recent government ancillary facilities; (B) the existing rugby and cricket guidance (see comment) pitches are relocated within the site; (C) access is and a number of provided from Palmerston Business Park and the subsequent relevant existing access from Highfield Avenue is closed LDF evidence studies except for emergency purposes; (D) if necessary, that have been additional parking is provided on-site to an completed; Playing Pitch appropriate standard; (E) the nature conservation Study; Greenspace interest of the site is respected and the existing Study and; Indoor Sport trees and hedgerows are retained together with an Study area of public open space; and (F) further All three studies make landscape screening is provided along boundaries informed with residential areas. recommendations of what facilities are needed in the location based upon the most recent evidence and informed by extensive community consultation.

This policy will be replaced by policy CS21 Protection and Provision of Open Space (Core Strategy, 2011) when the DSP Plan is Adopted. R4: Public Open Space Allocations Local The following new All allocated sites have been successfully LDF evidence studies The following sites are allocated for new public Indicator public open space safeguarded from development. have been completed: open space and they will be safeguarded from allocations (i) The

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type development in order that they can be implemented safeguarded from Greenspace during the plan period: (A) Informal open space at development: Study the Former Orchard Land, north west of Yew Tree Safeguarded, not implemented (ii) The Playing Drive, Whiteley (2.8 hectares); (B) Informal open (A) Informal open Pitch Study space at Quaveys Copse, Whiteley (4.4 hectares); space at the Together these two (C) Sports pitches and informal open space at Former Orchard studies assessed the Hunts Pond Road, Titchfield Common as part of a Land, north west Borough’s open spaces larger scheme to include Community and of Yew Tree Drive, for quantity, quality and Education Uses (5.5 hectares); (E) Sports pitches Whiteley accessibility. They will and informal open space at Seafield Park Safeguarded, not implemented inform site by site (10 hectares); (F) Extension to Stroud Green (C) Informal open recommendations to be Allotments (0.9 hectares). space at Quaveys made through the LDF Copse, Whiteley process. Safeguarded, not implemented (D) Sports pitches and An update to the informal open Playing Pitch Strategy space at Hunts and the Greenspace Pond Road, Strategy will be Titchfield Common undertaken as part of the Site Allocations and Development at Seafield Park (Site E) was development (E) Sports pitches and completed and brought into use in January 2008. Management DPD informal open where this policy will be space at Seafield Safeguarded, not implemented reviewed. Park

(F) Extension to Stroud Green Allotments Local Improvement of the An application was submitted for the improvements See policy R2 Indicator range and quality of to the facilities at Portchester Football Club. outdoor and indoor sports provision. R7: New Footpaths Local Development of new Neither footpath has been completed. In both cases, their Development will be permitted provided that the Indicator footpaths development is proposal incorporates the provision of any relevant incorporating dependent to a large

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type sections of the following footpaths: (A) the final provision in degree on enabling section of the Portchester Coastal Footpath from Portchester and development and the the southern end of Wicor Mill Lane; and (B) south- Warsash implementation of east of Fleet End Road, Warsash. schemes on adjacent land.

Completion of the Portchester coastal footpath is largely dependent on development of the category B employment land to the north. In the case of Fleet End Road, Warsash, the housing allocation to the north is not wholly built out, so the footpath remains possible.

This policy will be reviewed as part of the Site Allocations and Development Management DPD. R8: Upper Quay, Fareham Local Development of the The seaborne aggregate depot remains This policy remains In the event of the seaborne aggregate depot at Indicator site for appropriate operational, so the detail of this policy is not relevant. Upper Quay, Fareham closing or relocating, leisure uses relevant. development of the site for appropriate leisure uses This policy will be will be permitted, provided that: (A) any additional deleted when the DSP moorings or waterside uses are limited to the area Plan is Adopted. currently used by waterside vessels; (B) there is no adverse impact on the Town Quay Conservation The facility is included in Area or buildings of special architectural or the Hampshire Minerals historical interest; (C) there is no adverse impact on & Waste Plan (Draft) nature conservation interests; and (D) it would not November 2011 Policy

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type have unacceptable environmental, amenity or 16 Safeguarding traffic implications. Minerals Infrastructure.


CS1 Employment Provision Core Output Contribute toward See policy CS6. Additional employment development will be Indicators 41,000 sq. m of permitted to meet a minimum floorspace target of BD2, BD4i employment 41,000 sq. m (excluding the SDA) and to contribute and BD4ii floorspace by 2026 to GVA growth. This will be met through: (excluding the SDA) Core Output Amount of floorspace See policy CS6.  Completed floorspace between April 2006 Indicators lost in existing and March 2010; BD2, BD4i employment area.  Safeguarding existing employment areas; and BD4ii  Implementing existing commitments;  Requiring the inclusion of 10,000 sq. m of Core Output Amount of See policy CS6. new B1 development as part of mixed use Indicators employment schemes within Fareham town centre; BD2, BD4i floorspace lost by type  Daedalus Airfield Strategic Development and BD4ii Allocation to accommodate a minimum of 10,000 sq. m and up to 33,000 sq. m of net Core Output Total amount of See policy CS6. additional23 general, or light industrial or Indicators additional warehousing employment floorspace BD2, BD4i employment (Policy CS12); and BD4ii floorspace - by type  Taking a flexible approach to the redevelopment of existing employment Core Output Total amount of Great Brook, Brook Lane, Warsash – use of This development sites for different uses which contribute to Indicators additional floorspace building for light industrial/storage (B1-B8) - 1315 included internal economic development. BD2, BD4i on PDL. sq. m completed during this monitoring period on a alterations of a part of  Employment sites and areas will be and BD4ii greenfield land. existing chicken shed reviewed through the Site Allocations and and not a new build, Development Management Development therefore, considered Plan Document, informed by the acceptable in greenfield land.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type

Employment Land Review Core Output Employment land As the table Total 2011-26 Indicators available - by type B1a B1c/B2/B8 Total demonstrates Fareham Completions 200 1300 1500 To support economic and GVA growth, BD3 2011-13 has a significant surplus Excess Vacancies 3400 8600 12000 development will be permitted where it: in identified employment floorspace across all use Permissions 25800 7100 32900

 Supports the continuing use of an existing classes.

employment site for uses which contribute Allocations 2300 43190 64490 Welborne 4400 15900 20300 to economic development;

 Allows for diversification and Total 36100 95090 131190 modernisation;

 Supports the enhancement of identified Total Requirement 40700 59400 100100

local clusters; Identified Supply as % of requirement 89% 160% 131%  Supports advances in ICT, and the

development of communications technology infrastructure.

Development will be permitted where it provides a necessary ancillary service to support the primary business function of the employment area.

E1: Existing Employment Areas in the Urban Core Output Amount of All category A areas remain largely in use for B1- The Fareham Borough Area Indicators B1, development B8 uses as intended. Employment Land

Category 'A' Areas. Within Category 'A' B2 and B3. permitted in Review considers the employment areas, listed in Appendix 7 and shown accordance with and Two of the E1B sites (Old Turnpike – The Retreat extent to which existing on the Proposals Map, the expansion of existing not in accordance and South of Warsash Road) have been developed employment sites should premises within their curtilages or the with the policy. solely for residential. be protected and for redevelopment of existing premises for what uses. development within Use Classes B1 (Business), B2 (General Industrial) or Class B8 (Storage or This policy including the

Distribution) will be permitted, provided that: (A) the issue of uses that do not development includes, where appropriate, a range fall within use classes of sizes and types of premises; (B) where B1-B8, but often seek to appropriate, sites or accommodation suitable for locate within starter and small businesses constitute at least employment areas, e.g.

10% of the net developable area; (C) only uses crèches, childcare within Classes B1 and B8 are located near facilities, vehicle hire

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type boundaries with residential areas; and (D) it would operators and health & not adversely affect the character of the area or fitness centres is being have unacceptable amenity or traffic implications. replaced by policy ED1 Changes of use or redevelopment of Category ‘A’ Existing Employment employment areas which would result in their loss Sites and Areas when from employment uses will not be permitted. the DSP Plan is Adopted. Category 'B' Areas. Within Category 'B' employment areas, listed in Appendix 7 and shown on the Proposals Map, the intensification of existing uses will not be permitted if it would result in the over-intensive use of the site. Where appropriate, any permission may be conditioned or a legal agreement sought to prevent the future intensification of development on the site. Within Category ‘B’ employment areas, the expansion of existing premises within their curtilages or the redevelopment of existing premises will be permitted for either Class B1 (Business) uses or for mixed-use development, including Class B1 (Business) uses, provided that the development would not adversely affect residential amenity, the character of the area or have unacceptable environmental or traffic implications. E2: Employment Allocations Local Delivery of allocated Development has taken place on most of the Little Park Farm is Development for employment uses (Classes B1, Indicator & sites for employment Borough’s employment allocations. The only subject to ongoing B2 and B8) will be permitted on the following sites: Core Output uses (Classes B1, B2 notable exception is Little Park Farm, which suffers investigation and (A) Kites Croft; (B) Segensworth South; (C) Area 1, Indicators and B8) in from serious accessibility problems. discussion between the Segensworth West; (D) Area 4a, Segensworth BD1, BD2 accordance with and Borough Council, West; (E) Little Park Farm Road, Park and BD3 not in accordance Hampshire County Gate. Provided that: (i) the development includes, with the policy. Council and the site where appropriate, a range of sizes and types of owners. premises; (ii) that sites or accommodation suitable for starter and small businesses constitute at least This policy will be 10% of the net developable area; (iii) only uses replaced by policy ED2

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type within Classes B1 and B8 are located near Employment boundaries with residential areas; and (iv) it would ~Development when the not adversely affect the character of the area or DSP Plan is Adopted. have unacceptable environmental, amenity or . traffic implications. Change of use or redevelopment of the above sites, which would result in the loss of these areas for employment uses, will not be permitted. E3: Solent Business Park - Phase 2 Local Amount of No additional development for business uses This policy will be Development of 11 hectares for business uses Indicator development (Class B1) as part of Phase 2 of the Solent replaced by policy ED2 (Class B1) as part of Phase 2 of the Solent permitted in Business Park. Employment Business Park will be permitted, provided that: (A) accordance with and ~Development when the at least 40% of the development area is parkland; not in accordance Permission has been granted for business uses, DSP Plan is Adopted. (B) the development is of a high standard of with the policy subject the satisfaction of a number of conditions design; (C) it would not adversely affect the The permission has not been implemented. character of the area or have unacceptable environmental, amenity or traffic implications; and The site is being marketed although the developer (D) the applicants enter into a legal agreement to has also promoted the site for potential residential secure the long term management of the parkland. development. E4: Fareham Railway Station Yard Local Amount of No progress in 2010/11. The facility is included in In the event of the railhead aggregate depot closing Indicator development the Hampshire Minerals or relocating and no suitable alternative rail freight permitted in Aggregates depot still operating so policy has not & Waste Plan (Draft) uses coming forward, comprehensive development accordance with and come into effect. November 2011 Policy of the area to the east of Fareham Railway Station not in accordance 16 Safeguarding for Class B1 (Business) uses or for mixed-use with the policy. Development of the area to the east of Fareham Minerals Infrastructure. development, including Class B1 ( Business) uses, railway Station for Class B1 uses or for mixed-use will be permitted, provided that: (A) the development including Class B1 This policy will be development is part of a comprehensive scheme replaceed by policy for the whole site, including the provision of TC13 Fareham Station additional station car parking; (B) the scheme East when the DSP Plan includes improved access to the station is Adopted. roundabout; (C) the scheme includes the landscaping of the eastern boundary with adjoining residential areas; (D) the proposal does not prejudice the implementation of the South

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type Hampshire Rapid Transit Scheme; and (E) it would not adversely affect the character of the area or have unacceptable amenity or traffic implications.

E5: Open Storage Uses No development contrary to policy in 2010/11. This policy will be The following sites will be safeguarded for open Local Sites to be replaced by policy ED1 storage uses: (A) land at Segensworth (approx. 1.2 Indicator safeguarded for open The east side of Segensworth has been developed existing Employment hectares); and (B) land at Clapgate, Wallington storage uses as the ‘Start Centre’, a B1 office block. The western Sites and Areas when (approx. 0.5 hectare). Provided that: (i) no buildings site of Segensworth is a recycling centre. the DSP Plan is are located on the site other than ancillary offices Adopted. or workshops; (ii) the stacking heights of materials Clapgate remains largely in open storage use. and the heights of buildings do not adversely affect the character of the area; and (iii) at Segensworth, screening is provided in the form of mounding and planting belts.

E11: Boatyards Local Amount of Planning permission was granted for the This policy will be Marine-related development will be permitted at the Indicator development redevelopment of the boatyard at Swanwick Marina replaced by policy ED3 following boatyards: (A) Eastlands Boatyard, Coal permitted in including residential development, allowed as an Boatyards when the Park Lane, Swanwick; (B) RK Marine, north of accordance with and enabling element, a material start has been made DSP Plan is Adopted. Bridge Road, Swanwick; (C) Swanwick Marina, not in accordance at this site to prevent the lapse of the permission. South Of Bridge Road, Swanwick; (D) Universal with the policy. Shipyard, Crableck Lane, Sarisbury Green; (E) . Stone Pier Yard, Shore Road, Warsash; (F) Wicor Marine, Cranleigh Road, Portchester; and (G) Lower Quay, Fareham. Provided that: (i) it relates to boat building, repair, maintenance, fitting out and other ancillary uses; (ii) it does not extend beyond the defined cartilage of the boatyard onto undeveloped land; (iii) it would not adversely affect the character of the area or have unacceptable environmental, amenity or traffic implications; and (iv) waterside sites are safeguarded for boatyard uses.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type


CS3 Vitality and Viability of Centres Core Output This policy is See policy CS6 Development proposals within the Borough's Indicators measured under CS6 identified centres will be encouraged to promote BD4, BD1, competition and consumer choice, whilst BD2 maintaining and strengthening the individual character, vitality and viability of the centre. Development will be permitted provided it maintains the current hierarchy of the retail centres:

 Town Centre - Fareham  District Centres - Locks Heath, Portchester, North of Fareham Strategic Development Area  Local Centres - Stubbington, Broadlaw Walk (Fareham), Highlands Road (Fareham), Gull Coppice (Whiteley), Titchfield, Warsash and Park Gate

Whilst each centre will be developed to promote its unique identity, the overall retail hierarchy should be adhered to. CS8 Fareham Town Centre Strategic Site Part of Core Contribution toward Tesco Store now complete on the former Foundry The sub regional role of Fareham town centre will Output 20,000 sq. m of retail site and adjacent land, Quay Street. be strengthened through major proposals for retail, Indicator floorspace in Fareham office, leisure and culture facilities which will be BD4 town centre. directed to this location. Development will be permitted where it is in accordance with the Part of Core Contribution toward No significant employment additions. Fareham Town Centre Area Action Plan and Output 10,000 sq. m of makes provision for: Indicator BD1 employment floorspace in Fareham  a new supermarket on the Foundry site, of town centre 3,900 sq. m net sales floorspace; Part of Core Contribution toward 6 dwellings (Net) completed in the Town Centre  additional comparison shopping floorspace; Output 350 dwellings in area (43 (Net) total from 2010)

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type  around 350 dwellings; Indicator Fareham town centre  approximately 10,000 sq. m B1 office floorspace;  the replacement of healthcare facilities;  the replacement of community centre facilities;  other supporting town centre uses;  the creation of mixed use buildings and spaces within specific development sites;  improved transport links through the development of a public transport hub and priority measures for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport;  a high quality public realm including green infrastructure and measures to support biodiversity, where practicable;  parking facilities in accordance with adopted standards and ensuring the efficient use of space, particularly underground and multi-level arrangements;  the protection and enhancement of conservation areas and historic buildings.

The Fareham Town Centre Area Action Plan will identify site specific proposals, which will take into account areas at risk to flooding. The Action Plan will define the town centre

S7: Non-Retail Uses in District and Local Local Amount of This policy generally continues to serve its intended This policy will be Centres and Parades Indicator development purpose, although the growing extent of A5 class replaced by policy DS1 In the District and Local Centres and Parades, with permitted in hot take away uses in one or two parades is a trend Development in District the exception of Middle Road, Park Gate, changes accordance with and that needs to be carefully monitored. Centres, Local Centres of use of the ground floor from Class A1 retail to not in accordance and Local Parades when non-retail will be permitted, provided that: (A) the with the policy. the DSP Plan is use would not extend or consolidate existing non- Adopted.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type retail uses so that they would dominate the character of the area and shoppers would be Issues regarding non discouraged from using the centre or parade; (B) Class A1 and active the non-retail use provides a service appropriate to frontages also as with a shopping centre, such as financial and policy S3 need professional services, a launderette, café or consideration. restaurant; and (C) a shop window display will be maintained. In Middle Road, Park Gate the change of use of any shop to a non-retail use at ground floor level will not be permitted S8: Retention of Local Shops Local Outside centres and parades, the change of use of Indicator Amount of This policy continues to serve its intended purpose. This policy will be local shops from retail to non-retail use will not be development replaced by policy DS5 permitted unless: (A) there is an alternative local permitted in Local Shops when the shop which can conveniently serve the area; or (B) accordance with and DSP Plan is Adopted. the unit is vacant and there have been reasonable not in accordance attempts to let it for retail use. with the policy.

S9: New Local Shops Local Amount of This policy continues to serve its intended purpose. This policy will be The provision of local shops within the urban area Indicator development The new local shopping centre has been developed replaced by policy DS5 and in areas of new development to meet the day- permitted in in Whiteley. Local Shops when the to-day shopping needs of the immediate locality will accordance with and DSP Plan is Adopted. be permitted provided that such development is of not in accordance a scale and character appropriate to its with the policy. surroundings and local function. A site of 0.5 hectares (1.25 acres) is safeguarded for a new local shopping centre adjoining the Whiteley Primary School south-west of Gull Coppice, Whiteley. S12: Hot Food Shops Local Amount of This policy continues to serve its intended purpose. This policy will be Proposals for shops for the sale of hot food (Class Indicator development replaced by policies CS3 A3) will be permitted provided that either by permitted in The Vitality and Viability themselves or cumulatively they would not: (A) accordance with and of Centres (Core damage the vitality and viability of the centre or not in accordance Strategy, 2011) and DS6

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type area contrary to Policies S3 and S7; (B) adversely with the policy. Hot Food Shops when affect the character of the area, particularly within the DSP Plan is conservation areas; and (C) have unacceptable Adopted. environmental, amenity or traffic implications, particularly in residential areas. Where proposals involve the cooking of food, the applicants will be required to provide details of odour neutraliser equipment, such details to include the design, location, size and position of the outlet, materials to be used for trunking and pipework and the method of installation.


CS5 Transport Strategy and Infrastructure Local Implementation of Phase 1 of the Bus Rapid Transit system now The Council will, where necessary, work with the Indicator phase 1 of the Bus complete. Local Highways Authority, Highways Agency and Rapid Transit system transport operators to promote, permit, develop and/or safeguard a high quality and sustainable Local Identify road access No progress made This is being considered integrated transport system for the Borough. This Indicator route linking the SDA through the Welborne will include the following measures: and M27 Plan (Local Plan Part 3).

1. Land will be identified and safeguarded in Local Progress made No progress made This has been Local Development Documents where Indicator toward the considered in the necessary for the following: development of Development Sites &  Bus Rapid Transit - Gosport to Fareham to Fareham railway Policies Plan and the SDA to Portsmouth and towards station public redevelopment potential Southampton Premium Bus Network transport interchange. of the wider Fareham Corridors; Station site includes the  Access to the Strategic Development Area requirement to consider north of Fareham, including land at an improved public Junction 10 and 11 of the M27 motorway transport interchange. and from Junction 11 to the A32(subject to the outcome of the sub regional transport Local Progress toward A section of Newgate Lane has been altered to This has been modelling); Indicator works identified at facilitate the BRT route. No additional highlighted as necessary Newgate Lane, improvements have been made. by Hampshire County

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type  Fareham railway station public transport Fareham. Council and potential interchange; works have been  Key junctions and links on the strategic and identified in the local road network; Development Sites &  Pedestrian and cycle corridors and access Policies Plan. points including access to the natural environment through Countryside Access Plans and Rights of Way Improvement Plans, to improve people’s health and wellbeing;  Wharves and depots associated with the extraction and delivery of aggregates and minerals by non-road based transport;  Works identified at Newgate Lane, Fareham;  Potential for a rail station for the SDA.

1. Development will not be permitted where this is prejudicial to the implementation of these schemes and associated land.

2. Development proposals which generate significant demand for travel and/or are of a high density, will be located in accessible* areas that are or will be well served by good quality public transport, walking and cycling facilities.

3. The Council will permit development which:  contributes towards and/or provides necessary and appropriate transport infrastructure including reduce and manage measures** and traffic management measures in a timely way;  does not adversely affect the safety and operation of the strategic and local road

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type network, public transport operations or pedestrian and cycle routes;  is designed and implemented to prioritise and encourage safe and reliable journey's by walking, cycling and public transport.

T3: South Hampshire Rapid Transit Local Safeguard from SHRT is no longer being implemented. A This policy has been The line of the proposed South Hampshire Rapid Indicator development line replacement strategy which seeks to safeguard reviewed in the Transit system will be safeguarded from proposed for South land for Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) is being Development Sites & development which would prejudice its use for this Hampshire Rapid progressed. BRT Phase 1 is under construction. Policies Plan and has purpose. Transit System been reworded to reflect (SHRT). the loss of the SHRT and its “replacement” by the BRT. Land is still safeguarded along the same basic route. T7: Improvements to the Strategic Road Local Safeguard land for the Outstanding elements Network Indicator following proposals have been reviewed as Land is safeguarded for the following proposals which will improve part of the Development which will improve and maintain the effectiveness and maintain the Sites & Policies Plan. of the Strategic Road Network: (A) B3385 Newgate effectiveness of the Lane, Fort Fareham - Peel Common; (B) Gosport - Strategic Road Fareham Link Road; and (C) A27/A32 Quay Street Network: Roundabout, Fareham. Development will not be permitted where it would be likely to prejudice A) Progress scheme Not implemented future proposals at the following junctions: (i) at Newgate Lane Segensworth Roundabout; and (ii) A27 west to east flyover, Quay Street, Fareham. B) Progress Gosport Not implemented Fareham Link road

C) Progress scheme Alterations to Quay Street roundabout completed at Quay Street as part of the Tesco development on the Foundry roundabout Site.

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type T8: Improvements to the Distributor Road Local Improvements to the Outstanding elements Network Indicator distributor road have been reviewed as Land will be safeguarded for the following network at: part of the Development improvements to serve development: (A) The Sites & Policies Plan. remaining stages of the Western Local Distributor Road, Warsash; (B) The remaining sections of the A. Western local Complete Park Gate Short Bypass; (C) The remaining distributor road sections of the Local Distributor Roads linking the Whiteley Area Distributor Road to Botley Road; and B. Park Gate Park Gate bypass abandoned. The Executive confirmed (D) A new access road to the Knowle Hospital Site. the abandonment of the western and eastern sections of the bypass in May and October 2007 respectively following decisions by the Highway Authority, Hampshire County Council. C. Botley road link No progress made. from Whiteley Implementation stalled Way by land acquisition difficulties and related costs. Recent Housing permission at Shetland Rise has allowed for a financial contribution and part of the remaining D. A new access Completed land towards completion. road to the Knowle Hospital T9: Access to Whiteley Local Progress toward the Outstanding elements (A) Road connections from Whiteley to Botley Road for Indicator delivery of the have been reviewed as general traffic will not be permitted until Whiteley Way following part of the Development is complete between Junction 9 on the M27 and the infrastructure: Sites & Policies Plan. A3051 north of Curbridge; (B) Bus only access from The proposal for 3,000 Botley Road to Yew Tree Drive and/or Rookery Avenue A. Whiteley Way Completion is subject to potential development of dwellings North of

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Indicator Policy Indicator Achievement Comments Type will be permitted provided that it can be demonstrated to 3,000 houses to the north of Whiteley within Whiteley is contained in be safe and that satisfactory arrangements can be made Winchester District the Winchester Core to exclude other vehicular traffic. Strategy which has reached pre-submission stage, but is subject to consultation and public B. Bus link Completed examination.

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List of Local Plan Policies Replaced by the Core Strategy

Local Plan Policy Replacement Policy Development in the C1 CS14 Development Outside Settlements Countryside Conversion of Existing C2 CS14 Development Outside Settlements Buildings in the Countryside New Buildings in the C3 CS14 Development Outside Settlements Countryside Development Outside Settlements CS14 C4 Farm-Based Diversification Sustainable Development in Rural PPS7 Areas C5 Coastal Zone CS14 Development Outside Settlements River Hamble and Fareham C6 CS14 Development Outside Settlements Lake Areas of Special Landscape CS6 The Development Strategy C9 Character CS14 Development Outside Settlements Protection of the Setting of CS6 The Development Strategy C10 Settlements CS14 Development Outside Settlements C11 Strategic Gaps CS22 Development in Strategic Gaps Statutory National and Local Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and C14 Nature Conservation CS4 Geological Conservation Designations Sites of Importance for Nature Green Infrastructure, Biodiversity and C16 CS4 Conservation Geological Conservation Sustainable Development and Climate CS15 DG1 Environmental Impact Change CS16 Renewable Energy Sustainable Development and Climate Prejudice to Other CS15 DG2 Change Development CS17 High Quality Design Impact on the Surrounding Sustainable Development and Climate DG3 CS15 Area Change Sustainable Development and Climate CS15 DG5 Design Change CS17 High Quality Design DG6 Landscape Design CS17 High Quality Design Infrastructure and Development DG9 Infrastructure Requirements CS20 Contributions Coldeast Hospital (Strategic DG10 Coldeast Hospital CS10 Development Allocation) Daedalus Airfield (Strategic DG12 Daedalus Airfield CS12 Development Allocation) Employment Development in E6 CS6 The Development Strategy the Urban Area Business Development in CS8 Fareham Town Centre (Strategic E7 Fareham Town Centre Development Location)

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Local Plan Policy Replacement Policy CS1 Employment Provision Employment in the E10 CS14 Development Outside Settlements Countryside Coldeast Hospital Strategic FS1 (D) Community Facility Allocations CS10 Development Allocation FS6 Renewable Energy CS16 Renewable Energy Housing Provision CS2 Residential Development in the The Development Strategy H2 CS6 Urban Area Sustainable Development and Climate CS15 Change Areas of Special Residential Sustainable Development and Climate H3 CS15 Character Change Housing Provision Elderly Persons' Housing, Rest CS2 H7 Sustainable Development and Climate Homes and Nursing Homes CS15 Change H10 Affordable Housing CS18 Provision of Affordable Housing Residential Development in the H11 CS14 Development Outside Settlements Countryside Conversion of Existing H12 Buildings in the Countryside to CS14 Development Outside Settlements Residential Use Sites for Gypsies and Gypsies, Travellers & Travelling H15 CS19 Travelling Showpeople Showpeople Population HE1 Archaeology CS6 The Development Strategy HE2 Listed Buildings CS6 The Development Strategy HE3 Conservations Areas Setting CS6 The Development Strategy Conservations Areas - New HE4 CS6 The Development Strategy Development Protection of Existing Open R3 CS21 Protection and Provision of Open Space Space R4 Coldeast Hospital (Strategic Public Open Space Allocations CS10 (D) Development Allocation) Open Space in New R5 CS21 Protection and Provision of Open Space Residential Development Recreation, Leisure and R6 CS14 Development Outside Settlements Tourism in the Countryside Shopping in the Retail Core, Fareham Town Centre (Strategic S2 CS8 Fareham Town Centre Development Location) Non Retail Uses in the Retail Fareham Town Centre (Strategic S3 CS8 Core, Fareham Town Centre Development Location) Fareham Town Centre (Strategic S5 Quay Street, Fareham CS8 Development Location) The Vitality and Viability of Centres CS3 Development in the Western Wards and Shopping Development in CS9 S6 Whiteley District and Local Centres Development In Portchester, CS11 Stubbington and Whiteley S10 Out-of-Centre Shopping CS3 The Vitality and Viability of Centres

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Local Plan Policy Replacement Policy S11 Retail Warehouses CS3 The Vitality and Viability of Centres S13 Garden Centres CS14 Development Outside Settlements Transport Strategy and Infrastructure CS5 The Development Strategy CS6 T1 Location of New Development Sustainable Development and Climate CS15 Change CS17 High Quality Design Sustainable Development and Climate CS15 T2 Public Transport Change CS17 High Quality Design Walking, Cycling and Mobility T4 CS5 Transport Strategy and Infrastructure Impairment Sustainable Development and Climate CS15 T5 Transport Development Change CS17 High Quality Design New or Improved Highway T6 CS5 Transport Strategy and Infrastructure Access

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List of Local Plan Policies not saved in 2007 by Government direction

C13 Statutory International Nature Conservation Designations FS3 Educational Establishments and Institutions in the Countryside FS5 Garden of Rest, Portchester R1 Recreation, Leisure and Tourism in the Urban Area E8 Business Development in District and Local Centres S1 Fareham Town Centre Strategy S4 Market Quay, Fareham T10 Rear Service Roads, Fareham Town Centre T11 Public Car Park Allocation, Market Quay, Fareham

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Schedule of sites comprising the five year housing land supply

Capacity in Net SHLAA Site Name Settlement Area 2013- 2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 5 year Capacity Ref No. 14 15 16 17 18 period 0041 Peters Road (northwest section) Western Wards & Whiteley 49 0 30 19 0 0 49 0041 Peters Road Western Wards & Whiteley 230 0 0 20 50 50 120 0050 Hinton Hotel Fareham 30 0 30 0 0 0 0 0058 East of Raley Road Western Wards & Whiteley 50 0 0 0 0 30 30 1007 Land at Heath Road Western Wards & Whiteley 70 0 0 0 0 20 20 1014 Land at North Whiteley Western Wards & Whiteley 29 29 0 0 0 0 29 1058 Former Community Facilities, Wynton Way Fareham 10 0 10 0 0 0 10 1064 21 Bridge Road Western Wards & Whiteley 9 0 9 0 0 0 9 1068 Land at Fleet End Road Western Wards & Whiteley 10 0 10 0 0 0 10 1071 St Christopher’s Hospital, Wickham Road Fareham 36 20 16 0 0 0 36 1072 399-411 Hunts Pond Road Western Wards & Whiteley 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 1072 Land to rear of 347-397 Hunts Pond Road Western Wards & Whiteley 40 40 0 0 0 0 40 1075 33 Lodge Road Western Wards & Whiteley 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 1077 East of Northway, Southway and Western Wards & Whiteley 14 14 0 0 0 0 14 1095 40-42 Westley Grove Fareham 13 13 0 0 0 0 13 1121 Coldeast (LOT 1) Western Wards & Whiteley 118 25 25 25 25 18 118 1124 ATC Site, Farm Road Western Wards & Whiteley 34 0 11 23 0 0 34 1127 Land south of Palmerston Avenue Fareham 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 1144 Newpark Garage, Station Road Western Wards & Whiteley 14 0 14 0 0 0 14 1203 Swanwick Marina, Bridge Road Western Wards & Whiteley 49 0 0 20 29 0 49 1216 Linden Lea Portchester 8 8 0 0 0 0 8 1249 East of Lower Duncan Road Western Wards & Whiteley 18 0 0 0 0 5 5 1258 Coldeast Sheltered Element Western Wards & Whiteley 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 1258 Coldeast (LOT 2) Land opposite Parklands, Sarisbury Western Wards & Whiteley 85 20 45 20 0 0 85 1259 Hope Lodge, Fareham Park Road Fareham 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 1288 324-326 Brook Lane Western Wards & Whiteley 4 0 4 0 0 0 4 For further information on this document please contact [email protected] a 101

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1305 69 Botley Road Western Wards & Whiteley 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 1308 157 White Hart Lane and land to the rear Portchester 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 1316 Collingwood House, Gibraltar Close Fareham 6 0 6 0 0 0 6 1426 Land to the rear of Red Lion Hotel and Bath Lane Fareham 55 0 0 25 30 0 55 1992 Catholic Church of our Lady, White Hart Lane Portchester 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 1993 38 Columbus Drive Western Wards & Whiteley 12 0 12 0 0 0 12 1995 Land to rear of Coldeast Cloe Western Wards & Whiteley 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 1996 Land to the rear of 123 Bridge Road Western Wards & Whiteley 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 2531 Fareham College Site Fareham 110 0 0 30 50 30 110 2851 Genesis Centre Western Wards & Whiteley 35 0 0 35 0 0 35 Totals = 174 239 313 184 153 1,063

Source: Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (January 2014)

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APPENDIX 5 List of Sources

 Census 2011 http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/census/2011/index.html

 Fareham Borough Council's Corporate Strategy 2011–2017 http://www.fareham.gov.uk/pdf/cxoffice/vision.pdf

 Fareham Borough Core Strategy (August 2011) http://www.fareham.gov.uk/pdf/planning/corestrategy/CoreStrategyAdopted.pdf

 Fareham Borough Local Plan Review (2000) http://wwwfareham/pdf/planning/corestrategy/localplan.pdf

 Retail Health Check Autumn 2013 http://www.fareham.gov.uk/PDF/planning/FinalRetailHealthCheck2013.pdf

 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (January 2014) http://www.fareham.gov.uk/pdf/planning/corestrategy/shlaavol2.pdf

 Local Development Scheme (March 2012) http://wwwfareham/pdf/planning/LDSrevMar12.pdf

 Hampshire County Council 2011 Small Area Population Forecast http://www3.hants.gov.uk/factsandfigures/population-statistics/pop- estimates/small-area-pop-stats.htm

 PUSH Economic Development Strategy (October 2010) http://www.push.gov.uk/pos-101109-r02-bto-amm-appendix_b.pdf

 Fareham Borough Employment Land Review (2010) http://www.fareham.gov.uk/council/departments/planning/ldf/landreview.aspx

 Hampshire County Council Housing Monitoring 2011/12 http://www3.hants.gov.uk/factsandfigures/land- supply/housing_land_supply_in_hampshire.htm

 Hampshire County Council Employment / Retail Monitoring returns 2011/12 http://www3.hants.gov.uk/planning/factsandfigures

 Annual Monitoring Report (December 2011) http://www.fareham.gov.uk/pdf/planning/amr2011.pdf

 Land Registry http://www.landreg.gov.uk/house-prices

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 PUSH South Hampshire Sub-Regional Strategy - Final Advice to SEERA 2005 http://www.push.gov.uk/partnership/background/content-advice-to-seera.htm

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