Rules Index Quick Reference
Rules Index Quick Reference Keyword Rule / Regulation Adults in the dugout 3.17 Adult warming up pitcher 3.09, 8.03 Appeal 2.00, 7.11 Balk (see also "Illegal pitch") 2.00, 2.00, 8.01(c,d), 8.05 Ball, illegal substance 3.02, 8.02(a-c) Ball, when called 2.00 Ball accidentally touching coach or 5.08 umpire Base on balls 2.00 Baserunner 7.00 Batboys / girls 3.17 Bats 1.10 Batted ball hits runner 7.04(a), 7.08(f, k) Batter 6.00 Batter refuses to take position 6.02(c) Batting helmet 1.16 Batting order 2.00, 3.03, 4.04 Batting out of turn 6.07 Breakaway base dislodged 1.06 Bunt, "slash bunt" 2.00, 6.05(n) Called game 2.00 Casts, splints, slings 1.11(g) Catcher ineligible to pitch Regulation IV(a), (e) Note 3 Catcher positioning 4.03(a) Cleats, spikes 1.11(d) Coaches, positioning 4.05 Collisions 7.08(a)(3) Courtesy runner 3.04 Cups 1.17 Dead ball 2.00, 5.09 Doubleheaders 2.00, 3.11, 4.13 Double-hit batted ball 6.05(g) Dropped third strike 6.05(i), 6.09(b), 7.08(a) Dugout, who can be there 3.17 Electronic equipment 3.17(b) Ejections 4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 9.05(b,c) Fielder's choice 2.00 Force play 7.08(e) Forfeits 2.00, 4.15, 4.18 Foul ball 2.00 Foul tip 2.00 Game length 4.10 Game start time 4.01(d) Gloves 1.12-1.15 Ground rule double 6.09(e-f-g) Hit by pitch 6.05(e), 6.08(b) Home run 6.09(d,h) Illegal pitch 8.01(d,e), 8.05 Illness, injury to player during game 4.04(b) Infield fly 2.00, 6.05(d,k), 7.08(f) Injury to player or umpire, play stops 5.10(c) Inning run rule 5.07 Interference 2.00, 5.08, 7.04(c), 7.07, 7.09 Interference by on-field volunteer, 3.15, 3.16 spectator Jewelry 1.11(f) Late arriving player 4.01(d) Mandatory play 3.03 Meeting at the plate 4.01 Obstruction, blocking the base or line 2.00, 7.06.
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