Rendlesham Neighbourhood Plan Rendlesham Parish Council 2014- 2027 APPENDICES (January 2015) Locality Parish Office 33 Corsham Street, Rendlesham Community Centre London N1 6DR Walnut Tree Avenue Rendlesham Opus House 0845 458 8336 Suffolk
[email protected] IP12 2GG T: 01394 420207 01359 233663 E:
[email protected] .uk All photos: ©H Heelis unless otherwise stated 2 List of Appendices Appendices: A— Village Asset Map (contained within the main Neighbourhood Plan document) B—Decision Notification Letter C— SASR Response from Natural England D—Evidence for Affordable Housing E—Policy Context F—Sport in Communities G—Listing of Assets of Community Value: Angel Theatre and Sports Centre H—Assessment of community & leisure space required in the District Centre I—Education J—Bentwaters Master Plan K—Bentwaters Airbase, former Local Plan inset map L—Suffolk Coastal Leisure Strategy M—Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty N—Summary of lost facilities/services O—Housing stock and neighbourhoods of Rendlesham P– Analysis of bus survey 3 4 Appendices 5 6 Appendix B 7 8 Appendix C 9 Appendix C 10 Appendix D Evidence for Affordable Housing Report – Full Council 3 March 2014 Consideration of Affordable Housing Scheme in Rendlesham BACKGROUND In September 2012 the Parish Council undertook a Housing Needs Survey as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process in order to identify whether there was any defined need in Rendlesham for ‘affordable’ housing for local people. The survey was undertaken by Suffolk ACRE who collated and analysed the results. Suffolk ACRE is an independent organisation and the enabling body for affordable housing schemes in Suffolk.