Committee Minutes

The City of Edinburgh Council Year 2009/2010 Meeting IO-Thursday, 28 January 2010 Edinburgh, 28 January 2010 - At a meeting of The City of Edinburgh Council

Present:- LORD PROVOST The Right Honourable George Grubb COUNCILLORS Elaine Aitken Alison Johnstone Ewan Aitken Colin Keir Robert C Aldridge Louise Lang Jeremy R Balfour Jim Lowrie Eric Barry Gordon Mackenzie David Beckett Kate MacKenzie Angela Blacklock Marilyne A MacLaren Mike Bridgman Mark Mclnnes Deidre Brock Stuart Roy Mclvor Gordon Buchan Tim McKay Tom Buchanan Eric Milligan Steve Burgess Elaine Morris Andrew Burns Joanna Mowat Ronald Cairns Rob Munn Steve Cardownie Gordon J Munro Maggie Chapman Ian Murray Maureen M Child Alastair Paisley Joanna Coleman Gary Peacock Jennifer A Dawe Ian Perry Charles Dundas Cameron Rose Cammy Day Jason G Rust Paul G Edie Conor Snowden Nick Elliott-Cannon Marjorie Thomas Paul Godzik Stefan Tymkewycz Norma Hart Phil Wheeler Stephen Hawkins lain Whyte Ricky Henderson Donald Wilson Lesley Hinds Norrie Work Allan G Jackson 2

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

1 Deputations

(a) Waverley Care Trust (see item 2 below)

The deputation spoke on behalf of the Trustees of Waverley Care and welcomed the motion by Councillor Rust on the celebration of 21 years of Waverley Care. Waverley Care Trust was the result of a strong partnership between the former Regional and District Councils, churches, the Health Board and voluntary organisation who had come together in a time of crisis. Waverley Care provided a service which enabled people to live with HIV and Aids and provided a safe place to enable life to continue. A user of the service described the support she had received from Milestone House which had enabled her to deal with her family life.

(Reference - e-mail dated 15 January 2010, submitted.)

(b) Trade Unions Joint Staff Side (see item 3 below)

The deputation raised concerns at the short timescale for consultation on the proposals in the Workforce Management Initiative. There had been no opportunity to try to reach agreement or improve the situation for members.

The main issues raised were:

0 the Voluntary Early Release encouraged staff to leave but did not offer an attractive financial incentive

0 the placing of a 3 month limit on Redeployment of staff was felt to be unworkable and the deputation asked that this be taken out of the proposals

the selection of surplus staff for redundancy was a critical area which the deputation felt was not robust, understandable , open or fair and could be open to interpretation by individual managers

The deputation asked the Council to continue consideration of the matter to enable fuller consultation to take place and impact assessments to be carried out. At worst it asked the Council to consider the changes to the three policies which had been proposed by the Joint Staff Side.

(Reference - e-mail and letter dated 27 January 2010, submitted.) 3

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Waverley Care/Milestone House - Motion by Councillor Rust

The following motion by Councillor Rust was submitted in terms of Standing Order 28:

“This Council:

1) Notes that 2010 sees the 21st birthday of Waverley Care, Scotland’s leading HIV charity, which has its head office here in Edinburgh and which has worked in close partnership with both the Council and NHS Lothian, being a vital plank in the fight against the spread of HIV.

2) Further notes

(a) that Milestone House in , originally built as the UK’s first purpose built hospice for people with HIV, is Waverley Care’s flagship project - indeed, the charity was set up to ensure that the unit was built and now provides intensive residential respite support to around 100 people per year;

(b) the services operating at Milestone House have always been genuinely holistic with a mix of nursing and social care staff, chaplaincy and quick access to other Waverley Care and Council staff including social workers, health promotion workers, art therapists etc;

(c) in recent years it has reflected the changing epidemiology of HIV in Scotland in its care of people from sub-Saharan Africa with the help of the agency’s African Health Project; and

(d) the work of Waverley Care has been noted as having international significance - with visitors from around the world wanting to see the model of care and how it can be delivered in other parts of the world and its work has been commended by a House of Commons working group on palliative care as a good example of how care can be delivered to communities which are traditionally hard to reach and often resistant to statutory services.

3) Acknowledges that reports from the Care Commission consistently speak of the quality of the service provided by Waverley Care at Milestone House, noting in the latest report available (July 2009), “This service has always maintained a high level of innovative care for a complex client group” and “It has embraced the values of diversity and equality in a manner which is genuine and supportive. It has recognised that the people who use this service have a mix of physical, psychological and social needs. Milestone meets these needs in a manner which the service users appreciate and benefit from”. 4

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

4) Congratulates Waverley Care on its 2IstBirthday and requests that this be marked in an appropriate manner.”

The Council had heard a deputation on the motion from the Waverley Care Trust (see item l(a) above).


To approve the motion by Councillor Rust.

3 Workforce Management

Details were given of the Workforce Management Initiative and the three policies which supported its key activities. The proposed Redeployment Policy had been adjusted following consultation with the Trade Unions and had been tabled. Approval was sought for those policies, namely Voluntary Early Release, Redundancy and Redeployment.

The Council had heard a deputation on the matter from the Trade Unions Joint Staff Side (see item l(b) above).


1) To note the contents of the original Workforce Management report (no CEC/l03/09-1O/P&S) by the Policy and Strategy Committee and the supplementary update report (no CEC/I 09/09-1O/CS) by the Director of Corporate Services on Trade Union consultation.

2) To approve the amended Voluntary Early Release Arrangement at Appendix 1 to the report by the Director of Corporate Services for application to cases arising on or after 1 February 2010.

3) To approve the amended Redundancy Procedure and payments at Appendix 2 to the Director’s report for application to cases arising on or after 1 February 2010.

4) To continue the Redeployment Procedure in the revised Appendix 3 to the Director’s report to the Finance and Resources Committee meeting on 4 February 2010 for final consideration.

5) To approve the revised costlsavings test and approval arrangements set out in the report by the Policy and Strategy Committee to apply to early release and redundancy cases arising on or after 1 February 2010. 5

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6) To note that appropriate arrangements would be established for dealing with applications from Directors and Heads of Service.

7) To instruct the Director of Corporate Services to maintain a dialogue with the trade unions on the implementation of Workforce Management.

- moved by Councillor Wheeler, seconded by Councillor Elliott-Cannon (on behalf of the Administration).


To note that these very detailed proposals had been presented to the Trade Unions around 3pm on 24 December 2009.

To note that final decisions, in relation to these proposals, had been scheduled initially for the Policy and Strategy Committee on 19 January 2010. That report had been referred (and was now as further amended) to the full Council Meeting of 28 January 2010.

3) To acknowledge the long-term financial case for developing these proposals.

4) Not to agree that a 4-week period (which included the ChristmasINew Year holiday vacation) was adequate to ensure that all interested parties had sufficient time to properly scrutinise the detail of these significant policy developments.

5) Therefore, to agree only to note the contents of the original Workforce Management report (no CEC/I 03/09-1O/P&S) by the Policy and Strategy Committee and the supplementary report (no CEC/I 09/09-1OKs) by the Director of Corporate Services on Trade Union consultation, at this time.

To continue the final determination of these proposals to the Council meeting on 11 March 2010, allowing more time for all interested parties to be properly engaged in a meaningful consultation.

- moved by Councillor Burns (on behalf of the Labour Group), seconded by Councillor Chapman (on behalf of the Green Group).


For the motion - 40 votes For the amendment - 18 votes 6

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To approve the motion by Councillor Wheeler.

(References - Policy and Strategy Committee 19 January 201 0 (item 7); reports no CEC/I 03/09-1O/P&S by the Policy and Strategy Committee and no CEC/I 09/09-1O/CS and revised Appendix 3 by the Director of Corporate Services, submitted.)

4 Questions

Questions put by members to this meeting, written answers and supplementary questions and answers are contained in Appendix 1 to this minute.

The answer to Council Question No 18 submitted by Councillor Ewan Aitken to the Council meeting on 17 December 2009 is contained in Appendix 2 to this minute.

5 Minutes


To approve the minute of meeting of the Council of 17 December 2009, as submitted, as a correct record.

6 Appointments to Committees


To appoint Councillor Burns to the Finance and Resources Committee in place of Councillor Wilson.

(Reference - report no CEC/I 02/09-1O/CS by the Director of Corporate Services, submitted.)

7 Leader’s Report

The Leader presented her report to the Council. The following questions were raised: 7

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Councillor Burns - PPP2 school building project - New schools in Edinburgh

Councillor Jackson - Delivery of Council papers

Councillor Godzik - The Gathering 2009

Councillor Blacklock - Scottish Defence League - Council support for Scotland United

Counci Ilor Balfour - School closures - support arrangements for children with special needs - Distribution of Children and Families budget information to parents

Councillor Cardownie - Tania Alonzi, Winter Festivals Team - condolences - Hogmanay celebrations - success

Councillor Barry - Severe weather emergency - salt and grit supplies

Councillor Burgess - Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust - funding

Councillor Edie - Edinburgh’s Hogmanay - appreciation to staff - Homelessness - reduction

Councillor Keir - Clipper Round the World Yacht Race - congratulations to “Edinburgh Inspiring Capital” team

Councillor Mowat - Scotland United demonstration - all party - support Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

Councillor Rose - Climate change - scientific evidence

Councillor Buchan - Severe weather emergency - refuse co Ilect io n

Councillor Johnstone - School closures - funding for children with special needs 8

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Councillor Kate MacKenzie - Care and Support tender - result of independent inquiry

Councillor Mclnnes - Tram Sub-Committee - meetings

Councillor Tym kewycz - Friends of Ukraine charity - award

Councillor Buchanan - Agilent Technologies - retention of Headquarters in Edinburgh

(Reference - report no CEC/I 08109-1O/L by the Leader, submitted.)

8 Severe Weather Emergency Arrangements

The Policy and Strategy Committee had referred recommendations, in terms of Standing Order 53, on the arrangements that had been put in place in response to the severe weather conditions experienced in Edinburgh during late December 2009 and early January 2010.


To note the report by the Chief Executive.

To acknowledge that recent winter conditions encountered in the city had been exceptional.

3) To record the Council’s appreciation for the hard work done by Council staff in very difficult circumstances whilst also noting that, despite their efforts, many residential streets had not been snow-ploughed or gritted for substantial periods of time leading to access difficulties both for residents and council service vehicles.

4) To acknowledge with gratitude the work of many Edinburgh residents and groups who had taken action to clear or grit roads and pavements themselves.

5) To note that wards in the south and south west of the city were at higher altitudes and suffered from winter conditions in a more extreme manner than wards in lower parts of the city. 9

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6) To call for an internal review of procedures to see what lessons could be learned for dealing with winter conditions maintenance across the city, looking in particular at:

0 assuring the continuity of services such as refuse collection during periods of bad weather; supporting motivated residents to attend to their own communities; 0 the system for prioritising gritting - particularly as it affected wards in the south and south west of the city; 0 the communication strategy for ensuring residents were informed and re-assured.

7) To note that a debrief would be carried out when the current severe weather period was over and a report submitted to a meeting of the Council.

(References - Policy and Strategy Committee 19 January 201 0 (item 8); report no CEC/I 04/09-1O/P&S by the Head of Legal and Administrative Services, submitted).

9 Edinburgh International Conference Centre Limited - Requirement for Additional Function Space

An update was given on progress of the Additional Function Space and Offices Project at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC).


To note:

1) progress to date with the EICC Additional Function Space and Offices Project.

2) the potential requirement for additional revenue funding of f200,OOO per annum from 201 1/12 onwards.

3) that a full report would be brought to Council in June 2010 outlining the full business case and funding strategy and requesting an investment decision to proceed to the final stage.

(References - Act of Council No 18 of 13 March 2008; joint report no CEC/I 05/09-1O/CE by the Directors of City Development and Finance, submitted.) 10

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Declaration o Interests

Councillor Buchan declared a financial interest in the above item as his firm was a technical adviser to the ElCC project and left the Chamber during its consideration.

Councillor Aldridge as Chair and Councillors Buchanan, Dawe and Whyte as Directors of ElCC Limited declared a non-financial interest in the item.

Councillors Buchanan, Gordon Mackenzie, McKay, Murray, Perry and Rose declared a non-financial interest in the item as Directors of CEC Holdings Limited.

10 Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegation - Adjustment

Approval was sought for further changes to the Council’s Standing Orders, Scheme of Delegation to Officers and the appointment of ‘Proper Officers’ as a consequence of the appointment of the Head of Legal and Administrative Services.


1) To adjust the Standing Orders and other procedural documents such as the Scheme of Delegation to Officers, where appropriate, to reflect the appointment of the Head of Legal and Administrative Services with immediate effect.

2) To designate the Head of Legal and Administrative Services as “proper officer” for the statutory purposes listed in paragraph 2.1 of the report by the Director of Corporate Services from the same date.

3) To delegate authority to the Director of Corporate Services to make the necessary changes.

(References - Acts of Council No 8 of 20 August and No 14 of 17 September 2009; report no CEC/I 06/09-1O/CS by the Director of Corporate Services, submitted.)

1I Edinburgh City Local Plan - Adoption

Approval was sought for the formal adoption of the Edinburgh City Local Plan. 11

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To adopt the Edinburgh City Local Plan.

(References - Planning Committee 3 December 2009 (item 1); report no CEC/107/09-1O/CD by the Director of City Development, submitted.)

Declaration of Interests

Councillor Buchan declared a financial interest in the above item as his firm was involved in a number of developments mentioned in the Edinburgh City Local Plan and left the Chamber during its consideration.

12 Condolences - 3rdBattalion The Rifles - Motion by the Lord Provost

The following motion by the Lord Provost was submitted in terms of Standing Order 28:

"Council expresses its sympathy to the families of the following dedicated and brave soldiers, based out of Edinburgh, who have lost their lives in service of their country:

Lance Corporal Christopher Roney, serving with A Company, 3rdBattalion The Rifles, who died in Afghanistan on Monday 21 December 2009;

Rifleman Aidan Howell, serving with C Company, 3rdBattalion The Rifles, who was killed whilst on patrol in the Kajaki area of Helmand province on Monday 28 December 2009;

Corporal Lee Brownson, serving with 2 Platoon, A Company, 3rdBattalion The Rifles, who was killed as a result of an explosion while on patrol near Sangin, in Helmand Province on 15 January 201 0;

Rifleman Luke Farmer, serving with A Company, 3'd Battalion The Rifles, who was killed in the same explosion in Helmand Province on 15 January 2010 as Corporal Brownson; and

Lance Corporal Daniel Cooper, serving with A Company, 3rdBattalion The Rifles, who was killed whilst on patrol near Sangin in Helmand Province on 24 January 201 0.

Council records its condolences for the 3rdBattalion The Rifles as they mourn the loss of their colleagues." 12

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To approve the motion by the Lord Provost.

13 Supported Employment Clients - Motion by Councillor Blacklock

The following motion by Councillor Blacklock was submitted in terms of Standing Order 28:

“Council anticipates the huge impact of the changes in February to the Supported Employment clients who are currently supported by Health and Social Care.

Council calls for a report at this time on the number of Council staff affected and what the Council is able to do to continue to support these staff.”

The Lord Provost remitted the motion to the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee in terms of Standing Order 28(3), subject to competency.

14 Hill Local Nature Reserve - Motion by Councillor Edie - for remit to the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee

The following motion by Councillor Edie was submitted in terms of Standing Order 29:

“To ask for a report, within two cycles, on the feasibility of the Council entering into an agreement with Fields in Trust, similar to those in place for Millennium Parks and Jubilee Fields, to secure Corstorphine Hill Local Nature Reserve as public greenspace in perpetuity.”


To remit the motion to the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee, subject to competency.

Declaration of Interests

Councillor Wheeler declared a non-financial interest in the above item as a member of the Friends of Corstorphine Hill. 13

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15 Additional Support Needs Tribunal - Motion by Councillor Rust

The Council, in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, excluded the public from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business for the reason that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 3 and 12 of Part 1 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.

A motion was submitted by Councillor Rust in terms of Standing Order 28 in relation to the lodging of an appeal by the Council in the Court of Session against the decision of an Additional Support Needs Tribunal.


To approve the motion referred to in item B1 of the agenda.

- moved by Councillor Rust, seconded by Councillor Balfour (on behalf of the Conservative G roup).


To note that this was an operational matter relating to a named individual, was currently sub-judice, and therefore to take no further action on the motion.

- moved by Councillor MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Beckett (on behalf of the Administration).


For the motion - 29 votes For the amendment - 29 votes

There being an equal n imber of votes fo the motion and the amendment, the Lord Provost used his casting vote in favour of the amendment.


To approve the amendment by Councillor MacLaren. 14

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Appendix 1 (As referred to in Act of Council No 4 of 28 January 2010)

QUESTION NO 1 By Councillor Buchan answered by the Leader of the Council

Question (I) Please provide an update on progress to create a new memorial and arboretum for those city-based service personnel decorated for bravery and gallantry.

Answer (I) Arboretum: Edmonstone (within the Urban Design Framework) has been explored as a possible site for a memorial arboretum and will be given sustained and proper consideration alongside the other proposals. The Craigmillar Urban Design Framework sets out a vision and planning principles for development of the Craigmillar area. One of the proposals is the creation of major new public open space, with a wooded area.

Parks and Greenspace officers held initial discussions with Parc about the idea of incorporating a memorial element into the proposed arboretum before the current recession took hold. However, this is a long term development proposal with no fixed date and due to the current economic climate it seems unlikely that a start date will emerge soon.

New Memorial: Princes Street Gardens West is the location selected for the new memorial, which will take the form of a Garden of Remembrance. Five companies have been shortlisted to undertake consultation and complete an outline design for the Garden of Remembrance. It is anticipated that the successful company will have been selected by the end of February, and will be asked to undertake consultation and complete their outline design for the Garden of Remembrance by the end of the summer.

Question (2) Please advise on the likely completion dates of both memorials. 15

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Answer (2) As noted above, it is difficult to suggest the likely completion date of the arboretum.

Once the outline design stage of the Garden of Remembrance is complete, the cost of creating this new war memorial will be financed by public subscription or private initiative.

Several new monuments in Edinburgh have been the subject of public subscription in recent years. It is anticipated that fundraising for the Garden of Remembrance would take at least two years but it is impossible to predict exactly how long this stage will take.

Supplementary Could I perhaps get your assurance that a public Question subscription could start in March after the detailed design has been done and could I ask how you intend to publicise that?

Supplementary I think without having the detail on what precisely will be Answer planned it is a bit difficult to start the process. I do not think people would necessarily want to put money into something if they don’t actually know precisely what it is that is planned. But certainly I would hope that as soon as we do have something that is formulated enough to present to the public then we will certainly take all steps to do that. 16

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QUESTION NO 2 By Councillor Buchan answered by the Convener of the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee

Question (1) Please advise on the status of my Communal Gardens motion, referred to your Committee at full Council of 28 May 2009 and on what progress has been made to date.

Answer (1) An internal Officers group was. established in September 2009. Their remit is to collate all relevant and associated information to prepare a report detailing the powers available to the Council to deal with overgrown front garden areas and communal drying greens of properties across all tenures in the city.

Following publication of the report described, the South West Neighbourhood Office will lead a working party to examine steps available to the Council, in conjunction with local communities, private landlords and other stakeholders, to address this issue.

Question (2) Please advise why neither Community Council mentioned in the motion has been contacted about the motion or why they have not been invited to discuss the motion with officers.

Answer (2) The relevant Community Councils will be contacted once the report referred to has been prepared.

Question (3) Please advise on when the report will be complete.

Answer (3) It is intended to present a draft report for consultation to the Spring round of all 12 Neighbourhood Partnerships. This will include an assessment of local issues and ownership, powers available depending on tenure, and a work plan involving Community Councils and Neighbourhood Partnerships. 17

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QUESTION NO 3 3y Councillor Buchan answered by :he Convener of the Culture and Leisure Committee

Question (1) Please advise in detail on the discussions held between the City Council, Edinburgh Leisure, Save our Creches and third parties on examining ways to provide suitable creche facilities at Ainslie Park, Gracemount, Portobello and sports centres.

Answer (1) Edinburgh Leisure wrote to 97 nursery providers to alert them to the potential opportunity to operate a creche service from within the above four Edinburgh Leisure facilities. In addition to this, an advert was placed in the Scotsman inviting expressions of interest.

Edinburgh Leisure has received 10 responses to these invitations and eight providers have requested further information and a meeting with Edinburgh Leisure.

To date, six meetings have been held with those who had expressed an interest. No formal interest has been noted in providing alternative creche provision as of yet. Further meetings with potential providers are anticipated. Edinburgh Leisure has kept Council officers and the Convener of Culture and Leisure up to date with progress.

A meeting also took place with representatives of the creche users [Save our Creches] on Tuesday 19 January 2010 at which Edinburgh Leisure provided an update on progress in securing alternative service providers.

Question (2) Please advise on the likelihood of creche facilities remaining in operation for the next two financial years.

Answer (2) Edinburgh Leisure has advised that there is no likelihood of creche services presently provided by them remaining operational beyond March 2010. Discussions with third parties are ongoing. 18

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Supplementary I am wondering if the Leader has had an opportunity yet to Question read an e-mail circulated by Save our Creches dated the 27'h which went to all members of the Culture and Leisure Committee. It contains some very reasonable suggestions on how this creche provision could be continued and I was wondering if she could use her influence with Edinburgh Leisure to promote these ideas to see if the Board could make further consideration of the rather reasonable suggestions.

Supplementary As I understand it Edinburgh Leisure has already Answer examined this and some of those elements were discussed at the meeting on the lgthbetween creche users and Edinburgh Leisure but I can certainly pursue it further with Edinburgh Leisure. 19

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QUESTION NO 4 By Councillor Burgess answered by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee

Question (1) When are the proposals for the redesign of Community Learning and Development to be announced?

Answer (1) The proposals for the redesign of the Community Learning and Development service will be available for consultation in mid February 2010.

Question (2) How much time will be allowed for consultation with Community Centre management committees and other stakeholders?

Answer (2) The consultation process will last 8 weeks until 9 April 2010 and a final report will be presented to the Education, Children and Families Committee scheduled for 10 May 2010.

Supplementary It is welcome that there is now a rough date for the Question proposals for the Community and Learning Development (CLD) redesign to be announced. This issue has been hanging over the heads of community centres for many months. There was criticism at the time of the last review of CLD that the Administration’s consultation was done too hastily and did not respond adequately to the views of the community representatives. Can I seek an assurance from the Convener that she will be listening and responding to the contribution of members of Community Centre Management Committees and other stakeholders who dedicate their free time to serving their local community cent res.

Supplementary Yes, as always. Answer 20

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QUESTION NO 5 By Councillor McKay answered by the Leader of the Council

Question Noting the criticism made by Alistair Darling in the Edinburgh Evening News of 16 January 2010 regarding the running of the City Council since May 2007, can the Leader of the Council inform me:

1) How often Mr Darling has attended the Parliamentary Briefings held for Edinburgh MPs, MSPs and MEPs?

2) How often have you received any communication from him since May 2007 raising any concerns about Council matters?

Answer 1) Alistair Darling has not attended any of the 19 briefings for Lothians Parliamentarians that the Council has provided since March 2004.

2) Alistair Darling has never raised any concerns with me regarding strategic Council matters.

Supplementary Can I ask the leader does she think the Chancellors recent Question revived interest in our affairs has anything to do with the forthcoming General Election? Supplementary I think the answer to that is a very simple yes. Answer 21

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QUESTION NO 6 By Councillor Blacklock answered by the Leader of the Council

Question What information does the Leader of the Council have regarding an application by the Scottish Defence League to march in Edinburgh on 20 February?

Answer No such application to march has been lodged. However, given the widespread publicity that a march or demonstration is intended, a briefing for all Councillors has been scheduled for Monday 8 February.

Supplementary Can the Convener confirm that the Council is currently Question working with the police to stop incidents of public disorder on 20 February?

Supplementary Yes there have already been several meetings with the Answer police and at the end of the Police Board earlier this week I had a brief conversation with one of the police officers who is leading on that. So yes we are in very close touch with the police and, as I say in my answer, there has been no formal application made by SDL but obviously there is an expectation that something may well happen given what is on their website. So we are taking every possible step to ensure that no public disorder issues arise as a result of anything that does happen that day. 22

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QUESTION NO 7 By Councillor Day answered by the Convener of the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee

Question (I)Can the Convener explain the lengthy delays in refuse collections across the city over the festive period?

Answer (1) Please refer to the Severe Weather Emergency report by the Chief Executive, considered by Policy and Strategy Committee and now referred to Council.

Question (2) When was the Convener first made aware that refuse collection delays had resulted in vermin and pest control being required and streets being left in a disgusting state for over 2 weeks?

Answer (2) There was a very slight increase in the number of phone calls to CEC pest control services over the festive period. The majority of these were unfounded following investigation.

Question (3) When were these problems communicated to the citizens of Edinburgh and what additional resources were applied to remedy this?

Answer (3) Please refer to the Severe Weather Emergency report by the Chief Executive as above.

Question (4) What were the costs associated with bringing in private contractors to help resolve the problem?

Answer (4) This information has not been finalised at the current time and will be included in a future report addressing the financial consequences of the severe weather emergency Once finalised costs are calculated they will be made available to members. 23

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QUESTION NO 8 By Councillor Day answered by the Convener of the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee

Question Can a report on available grit bins in local communities be produced?

Answer Yes.

Supplementary I would like to thank the Convener for his considered Question response to my question. Could you just confirm where and when this report will be reported to?

Supplementary The reason for the concise answer was that I was not Answer actually sure what you were looking for but my own preferred option would be that where Neighbourhood Partnerships wished to discuss the issue of grit bins they should request a print-out of the location of grit bins in their area and consider that and then take that to their Neighbourhood Manager. 24

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QUESTION NO 9 By Councillor Ewan Aitken answered by the Convener of the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Comm i ttee

Question (I) On what dates in 2009 was the south portion of Princes Street Gardens West (the part of the gardens bounded by the railway, the Mound and the Castle) closed to the public?

Question (2) On each occasion it was closed, what was the reason?

Answer The area south of the railway in West Princes Street Gardens is owned by Historic Scotland and maintained by City of Edinburgh Council under a leasing arrangement. It is occasionally closed in joint agreement with Historic Scotland for health and safety purposes which would include dangerous weather conditions, maintenance work to Castle Rock and preparations for events.

2009 closures are listed as follows:

21 December 2008 - 18 January 2009 to accommodate equipment required for the Hogmanany celebrations; 0 Early April for maintenance works on Castle Rock; Mid June to mid July to allow the construction of the Edinburgh Military Tattoo seating stands; 0 3-10 September during the set up and the clear down of the Royal Bank of Scotland Festival Fireworks; End of September for approximately one week to dismantle the Tattoo seating stands; 0 27 November - 2 December for the St Andrews Day Fireworks; and 21 December 2009 - 18 January 2010 to accommodate equipment required for the Hogmanay celebrations. 25

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Supplementary Does the Convener feel that this level of closure, normally Question unannounced and often without notice or explanation as to reason or duration, is acceptable for such an important part of our parks service?

Supplementary I think it is absolutely essential to protect the health and Answer safety of people who might be affected by walking through the park when the important elements such as preparing for the tattoo and preparing for the fireworks concert and dismantling after that are carried out but I take the point about ensuring that people are aware that that is going to happen and I shall look into that. 26

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QUESTION NO 10 By Councillor Ewan Aitken answered by the Convener of the Health, Social Care and Housing Comm i ttee

Question Is it the case that Gowrie Care can no longer afford to maintain their premises at 1 Bernard Terrace, an office base and open space for people with complex needs? What are you going to do to ensure this service is maintained?

Answer Gowrie Care successfully bid for the contract to provide visiting support services to service users in their own home.

Gowrie’s Board has identified efficiencies in rationalising their office accommodation to one site. That is their decision, not ours.

Indeed, they have written to the ‘Evening News’ to express their upset at the ongoing misinformation being circulated about what are internal management decisions.

Visiting support services will be provided from the Gowrie premises at 126 Canongate. Whilst the office at Bernard Terrace allowed service users to meet support workers there, this is already provided at office. We are paying for services, not offices.

Supplementary Is the Convener aware that in a meeting with four Question independent advocates and an audio recording, Gowrie Care admitted that their tender was premised on keeping Bernard Terrace open but they could not continue to do so because they had to bid so low to get the tender and that they cannot provide the same level of service in 126 Canongate which was used to provide in Bernard Terrace and therefore this is a reduction in service as opposed to a debate about offices? 27

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Supplementary If you have any evidence to that effect I would be grateful Answer if you could send that on to me but in our communications with Gowrie they have refuted that and they have said to us they are very disappointed in the Evening News story that was printed. They sent a letter to the Evening News, which unfortunately was not printed, expressing their concerns about that and I am deeply disappointed that you continue to undermine Gowrie as a charity in the fashion that you do.

Councillor Lord Provost, I absolutely refute the allegation that I Ewan Aitken endeavour to undermine any service deliverer. I am challenging the tender process and the consequence of that is a very different thing and I absolutely reject that statement. Now I am responding to that allegation which is absolutely unacceptable. 28

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

QUESTION NO 11 By Councillor Ewan Aitken answered by the Convener of the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee

Question Can you detail the outcomes agreed with Streetwork in the most recent tendering process, what the value of the contract was and what work is being done to monitor their delivery of those outcomes each week?

Answer There are a range of outcomes but the key ones are that Streetwork is required to: 0 work with 1,000-1,200 individuals a year; 0 operate outside normal office hours and settings; 0 provide two outreach sessions each day (morning and evening, 365 days a year) to those reluctant to use building based services; and 0 provide an out-of-hours reception and assessment cent re.

Streetwork is additionally providing two outreach sessions a week to Bethany Christian Trust night shelters.

The annual value of this contract is f873,185.

Streetwork’s performance is monitored through four weekly returns, ECCO (Edinburgh Common Client Outcomes) data, and visits to the service. The contract management process also provides for direct customer feedback to inform services.

Supplementary (1) Can the Convener, I know that he will not be able to do it Question now, but can he guarantee to present evidence that the two shifts per day are actually being delivered by Streetwork? Also can I point out that the paragraph below the four bullet points is inaccurate as the two shifts to the outreach sessions to Bethany Christian Trust are part of those two shifts in bullet point three, not separate. So that is an inaccurate description of what is going on. But will you present evidence that those shifts are happening all the time? 29

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

Supplementary (1) Well I will ask officers to go and investigate that further but Answer again can I draw attention with this question and your question at the last full Council again you are undermining the good work that Streetwork are doing. I think that is deeply disappointing.

Supplementary (2) I want you to withdraw that remark because I am not Question endeavouring to do that at all. I am endeavouring to challenge your ability to monitor the tender process.

Supplementary (2) Lord Provost, Councillor Aitken is claiming that charities Answer that have won tenders are not honouring those. I think that is undermining those charities.

Councillor Those charities were forced to bid low to get that work and Ewan Aitken cannot deliver the things that you are asking them to do because you are wanting it done on the cheap. 30

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

QUESTION NO 12 By Councillor Ewan Aitken answered by the Convener of the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee

Question Is it true that the during the Christmas break the Cowgate crisis centre was putting films on for service users in order to pass the time until the night shelters opened, before service users were transported to whatever church was open that night. Is that what the Council has paid in excess of E 300,000 for?

Answer Over the festive period Streetwork continued to provide the full range of services available at the Crisis Centre including outreach, crisis support and referral to meet service users’ needs. The Crisis Centre is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Streetwork has informed us that, over the Christmas and New Year period, service users who presented at the Crisis Centre were able to watch a film. This took place in addition to the services that are always provided at the Crisis Centre 24 hours a day. These include provision of advice, food and washing facilities.

Supplementary Are you aware on Tuesday night there were eight rough Question sleepers found sleeping in a graveyard, had never seen a streetworker and said that in the six months they had been doing that they had never seen a streetworker and had not had any access to any facilities? It is estimated now there is a significant number in addition to that that are not yet being found because of the inadequacy of the service that you have funded rather than the capacity that Streetwork have at the present. 31

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Supplementary Can I draw Council’s attention to question 12? Can I read Answer it out to you just in case you have not read it? “Is it true that during the Christmas break the Cowgate Crisis Centre was putting on films for service users in order to pass the time until the night shelters were open?” Streetwork have put on films for homeless people and you begrudge them that. I think that is really disappointing. This is an excellent charity that has won a tender that is putting on excellent services for people off their own back. They are providing comfort, warmth and entertainment for homeless people in the run up to Christmas. I understand Councillor Aitken you have form in the subject of film and Christmas from the times in the past if people remember long enough to go back to the DVDing of nativity plays. But Streetwork provide a great service for this city, they are doing a great job and I don’t understand why, since they actually won a tender, the Labour party has now got a downer on Streetwork. I think that is disappointing. They do fabulous work out there and the homeless tender is part of the homeless strategy and that strategy is really delivering for homeless people in this city, and working with our partners like Streetwork and like Gowrie and like Bethany, we are actually making things far better for homeless people in this city and it is a shame you cannot celebrate that. 32

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

QUESTION NO 13 By Councillor Ewan Aitken answered by the Convener of the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee

Question (1) Can you give me the numbers accommodated by Bethany for each night from 1 November to 31 December 2009?

Answer (1) Bethany Christian Trust (BCT) has operated winter shelters in Edinburgh since 1997.

This service is not commissioned from nor funded by the Council.

BCT is an active member of the strategic partnership to tackle homelessness and as such provides information from their winter shelters to inform service development. The information in this answer has come from BCT in the spirit of co-operation to address homelessness in the city.

Question (2) Can you tell me how many people Bethany had to turn away each night?

Answer (2) Numbers are given on the attached table.

Question (3) Why has your Administration chosen to remove a night shelter with showers and washing facilities, forcing homeless people to depend on the good will of faith communities who cannot offer access to showers or washing facilities? The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

Answer (3) I assume this question refers to the Crisis Centre at the Cowgate.

The Crisis Centre at the Cowgate is not a night shelter. It has no beds. It was, and remains, a place where people in crisis can receive advice, support, somewhere to wash, eat and clean clothes 24 hours a day. As part of the service commissioned by Streetwork all those who are entitled to public services are helped to find appropriate temporary accommodation that night with further support to obtain move on accommodation.

Question (4) Can you tell Council what representations you have made on behalf of the large number of Polish migrant workers who have presented at Bethany having lost their jobs but do not have the requisite twelve months’ worth of national insurance to enable them to access benefits and who, therefore, have no recourse to public funds.

Answer (4) The rights of people from Eastern European states are governed by the Accession (Immigration and Worker Registration) Regulations 2004 and 2006 which were introduced by the Labour Government in Westminster. These regulations restrict their access to benefits until they have worked for 12 months. The powers to change these regulations are retained by the UK government.

In terms of a service response, a commissioned service (Streetwork) provides two outreach workers to BCT s he1te rs .

The assistance which can be given to those with no recourse to public funds is limited by legislation. However, Streetwork provide advice and support within these co nstra in ts .

Question (5) What contingency plans have been made to deal with the event of under capacity in emergency night accommodation?

Answer (5) People without accommodation are dealt with through the Council’s out of hours service or via Streetwork and provided with accommodation. 34

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Question (6) What contingency plans are in place for homeless individuals requiring emergency night shelters when the Bethany Shelters close in March?

Answer (6) The BCT shelter is not commissioned by the Council. It is provided in addition to the existing services. When this service ends in March the existing statutory and commissioned services will remain in place.

Supplementary (1) It makes reference to commissioned service with Question Streetwork for two outreach workers to Bethany shelters for Polish workers but those are not specifically for Polish workers. That is simply not the case. There is, as was identified by the previous question, commissioned services but those workers are not required to speak Polish or to have particular skills in that area and it is still not clear what services they are able to provide to support Polish workers who do not have access to statutory funding.

Supplementary (1) My understanding is that Streetwork actually have two Answer members of staff, outreach workers, who do speak Polish and I think that must be helpful. But this question is principally about Bethany night shelters. You claimed at the last full Council that the people using those shelters had actually doubled, can I draw your attention to page 70 of the minute, but actually the numbers have gone up by about six people or seven people on average since last year. So again your stats are wrong. You keep making allegations we keep on asking you to come up with the evidence and it never happens. If you have evidence put it down on paper and bring it to me, bring it to the officers, but you have never done that.

Supplementary (2) I have to say that that’s the first time he’s asked for Question evidence. My supplementary would be if the strategy was so good why did you put it out to tender in the first place?

Supplementary (2) It was agreed to go out to tender but the Homelessness Answer Forum which I - if my memory serves me right and the Health and Social Care Committee which I believe your colleague, Councillor Munro, sits on and it was unanimously agreed so the whole Council actually agreed to that Councillor Aitken. 35

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Appendix.. BCT Night shelter - numbers accommodated 211 1/09 -31112109

Date Slept Turned away Date Slept Turned away 1st Dec 37 2nd Nov 22 2nd Dec 31 3rd Nov 23 3rd Dec 33 4th Nov 20 4th Dec 28 5th Nov 19 5th Dec 32 6th Nov 23 6th Dec 30 7th Nov 19 7th Dec 30 8th Nov 18 8th Dec 35 9th Nov 31 9th Dec 36 10th Nov 37 15 10th Dec 28 11th Nov 38 11th Dec 32 12th Nov 39 12th Dec 31 13th Nov 26 13th Dec 30 14th Nov 33 14th Dec 35 15th Nov 30 15th Dec 36 16th Nov 37 20 16th Dec 35 17th Nov 38 17th Dec 36 18th Nov 43 18th Dec 32 19th Nov 40 19th Dec 28 20th Nov 38 20th Dec 35 21 st Nov 36 21 st Dec 28 22nd Nov 39 22nd Dec 32 23rd Nov 39 15 23rd Dec 38 24th Nov 42 24th Dec 30 25th Nov 41 1 25th Dec 31 26th Nov 39 26th Dec 40 27th Nov 32 27th Dec 37 28th Nov 38 28th Dec 33 29th Nov 35 29th Dec 37 30th Nov 35 30th Dec 38

BCT Night Shelter

2009 17 November 20 37 2009 24 November 15 39 2009 26 November 1 41 2009 I I I 36

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

QUESTION NO 14 By Councillor Hinds answered by the Leader of the Council

Question (1) At the Executive meeting of March 2007, a decision was made to put a paper on the Care and Support tender to the scrutiny process. What action did you take to ensure proper scrutiny of the proposal to put Care and Support services to tender?

Answer (1) The Executive of 13 March 2007 considered a report from the Director of Corporate Services on the Review of the Council’s Contracting Management Arrangements for the provision of Social Services.

This report was called in to scrutiny by Councillor Kate Mackenzie and considered by the Interim Joint Scrutiny Panel on 26 June 2007 where it was resolved that the Executive decision be implemented. The minute shows that Councillor Hinds was present at that meeting. No dissent to the decision was recorded.

Question (2) In the papers provided to me by the Chief Executive in response to my request, there appear to be significant differences in the views of the Departments involved in the Care and Support tender. Are you aware of these differences? If so what have you done about them, and if you were not aware, what action would you propose to take?

Answer (2) No departmental views are expressed in these papers. Exchanges are between officers. The Project Team secures consensus and determines an agreed, collective position. This is then reported to the Project Board and, in turn, to the Council Management Team.

The Care and Support tenders are being independently reviewed. The conclusions of that review will inform any actions to be taken. 37

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Supplementary I think one of the difficulties is the transformation from a Question decision making process from one Council to a new decision making process to another Council. I am sure if the Convener has read the Executive of the Council meeting of 13 March she will be aware that we noted the progress regarding the review but also asked to receive a further report in line with the timescales and proposals for this tender process. At the Scrutiny Panel, if she has read the minutes of the Joint Scrutiny Panel, also says it endorses the decision of the Executive so the decision of the Executive was to note it and to receive a further report. I have to say Councillor Dawe that I cannot find between that meeting on 26 June up to the tender process, a report was ever taken back to the decision making process. So therefore I am asking the Leader does she believe now in retrospect that report should have come into the Committee process for a decision regarding the tender process should have been made by Councillors and elected members regarding that process?

Supplementary In my answer to your question, it was directly related to the Answer question that you had asked, obviously I do not have that further information that you are now seeking. I will certainly look at it but also bear in mind that there will be a report coming up to the Finance and Resources Committee next week which will be continuing to look at this whole issue but I will certainly check and see whether in fact there was any further report as you suggest. 38

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

QUESTION NO 15 By Councillor Hinds answered by the Convener of the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee

Question The statutory responsibilities of the Chief Social Work Officer include the professional overview of the key decisions that relate to the safety and liberty of individuals as well as the overall governance and professional leadership of social work services, both provided directly by the Council or purchased from voluntary or private providers. How and when was she consulted on the Care and Support Tender process and the affect it might have on clients?

Answer The Scottish Government produced guidance for local authorities on the role of the Chief Social Work Officer in 2009. This was primarily to support councils with complex matrix management arrangements for the provision of social work services to ensure clarity of the required professional governance. The Council’s response was to agree the development of a framework for reporting that would ensure compliance with the guidance.

Until then there was no requirement for a formal mechanism for consultation with the Chief Social Work Officer on tendering arrangements. The Chief Social Work Officer, as a member of the senior management team of the Department of Health and Social Care, actively participates in discussions regarding major service developments, including the Care and Support tender.

Procedures are being developed which satisfy the guidance. Priority actions reflect the urgency of certain issues, e.g. child protection, adult protection and the management of dangerous offenders.

Work is also underway on creating a quality and monitoring framework for purchased services, which includes all elements of the process from commissioning, to procurement, to contract compliance and quality assurance of service provision. 39

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

The Social Work Inspection Agency published a self- assessment framework for strategic commissioning in social care in September 2009, which councils will be expected to use. This work, together with the government’s proposed guidance on social care procurement (which is currently subject to consultation) will inform the work described in the paragraph above.

Existing arrangements allow for professional advice at Head of Service level to inform decision-making. The Head of Service for Strategic Planning and Commissioning is the senior professional lead for the Council with regard to social care commissioning and the provision of professional advice concerning procurement of social care services. This advice was given consistently throughout the Care and Support tendering process. 40

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

QUESTION NO 16 By Councillor Child answered by the Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee

Question (1) Following the closure of Lismore Primary School at Christmas 2008, how many children, of those who were still enrolled at Lismore in that Christmas term, actually transferred to Primary School?


Question (2) What staff and other resources were transferred to Brunstane Primary School as a consequence of the closure of Lismore Primary School?

Answer (2) Staff transferred from Lismore Primary School to Brunstane Primary School in January 2009:-

0.83fte* Teacher (tempora ry transfer) 0.35fte Learning Assistant (temporary transfer) 0.5fte Nursery Nurse (permanent)

In recognition of an extra class being required, the teaching allocation was increased from 9.71fte to10.85fte mid session (2008/9). 41

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

The staffing at all schools was reviewed for session 2009/10, the staffing and many non-staffing allocations are based on projected school rolls. The resources at Brunstane Primary School increased in accordance with the increase in pupil roll but in addition, a fully funded probationer (O.7fte) was allocated to the school for session 2009/10.

The ‘Positive Action’ allocation at Brunstane had a significant increase from 0.25fte in 2008/09 to 1.I 9fte in 2009/10.

For comparison Aug 2008 -teaching staff 9.71fte non-teaching staff 2.75fte Aug 2009 -teaching staff 13.26 fte non-teaching staff 3.00fte

Question (3) To which other schools did the Lismore parents choose to send their children, of those who were still enrolled at Lismore Primary School in the Christmas 2008 term?

Answer (3) As per Answer (1) above.

Question (4) What staff and other resources were provided for them at these schools?

Answer (4) Staff transferred from Lismore Primary School in January 2009 :-

Niddrie Mill Primary School:- 7.5 hours Breakfast Club Supervisor 4 hours Playground Supervisor 0.6fte Learning Assistant (temporary transfer)

Prestonfield Primary School:- Ifte Service Support Officer (permanent)

Duddingston Primary School:- 0.64fte Learning Assistant (temporary transfer)

The Royal High Primary School:- 5 hours Breakfast Club Assistant (permanent transfer) 42

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

The remainder of staff were allocated to posts across the city.

Any pupils moving to non designated receiving schools filled existing spaces; class organisations were not altered nor were extra resources put in place. This was consistent with the ‘normal’ movement of pupils between schools.

The resources for all schools were reviewed for session 2009/10 taking into account revised numbers.

Question (5) What budget did the above resources come from, for Brunstane Primary School, and the other schools at which children were enrolled in January 2009?

Answer (5) The staffing resources were funded through the staffing budget held within Devolved Resources and Support.

*Full time equivalent

Supplementary Can the Convener please tell the Council what lesson or Question lessons she has learned from the closure of Lismore Primary School?

Supplementary Perhaps that it should have been closed earlier Answer 43

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Appendix 2 (As referred to in Act of Council No 4 of 28 January 2010)

Answer to Council Question No 18 submitted by Councillor Ewan Aitken to the Council meeting on 17 December 2009

QUESTION NO 18 By Councillor Ewan Aitken answered by the Convener of the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee

Question Can you provide details of all investment in traffic calming across the city for 2006/7, 2007/8, 2008/9 on a street by street basis. Please supply the information in the form of a table using the following headings:

0 Name of street(s)

0 Brief description of calming introduced in each street


Answer Please see attached annexes. 44

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

Annexe 1

Year Scheme Cost Streets Features 200612007 20-Craigmillar f 17,500.00 Craigmillar Castle Castle Gardens HumDs Castleview Avenue Humps 20-Hawes f 10,000 Edinburgh Road Cushions &tables (estimate) Hawes Brae (Dart) Cushions & tables 20-Hopetoun f20,000 Hopetoun Rd I Humps (estimate) Society Rd 1 Humps Walker Dr I Humps 20- f 164,058.00 Stevenson Dr (part), I Cushions Stenhouse Cres,

Stenhouse Gdns, Stenhouse PI West. HumDs Stenhouse Grove, Stenhouse St West, Stenhouse Gdns North

Stenhouse Ave West (part) Humps Saughton Mains Park, Humps Saughton Mains Ter, Humps Dania Court, I Humps Stenhouse St West, I Humps

Saughton Mains Loan, I Humps Calder Rd (part), I Humps Saughton Mains I Grove. 1 HumDs

20-Trinity 45

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

Scheme Name Scheme Cost I Streets I Features I South Trinity Rd, I Humps

Laverockbank Rd, I Humps Laverockbank Gdns, I Humps

Grandville, Humps Grandfield, Humps Wardie House Lane. HumDs I Clark Ave, I Humps I Trinity Way, I Humps Trinity Mains I Humps J 20-Bi ngham f 91000 (part Bingham Cres, Humps funded from Bingham Dr, Humps CWSS) Row, Cushions Duddingston View, Humps Duddingston Rise, Humps Milton Cres, I Humps Milton Gdns North, I Humps I Milton Gdns South, I Humps I 46

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

Residential 20m~hZones Year Scheme Name Scheme Cost Streets Features Durham Rd South, Mountcastle Dr South Cushions Binaham Ave. Cushions

20-Mill Lane f44000 (funded from CWSS) Mill Lane, Sheriff Park, 1 Humps Sheriff Bank, I Humps Sheriff Brae, Humps Coalhill, Humps Parliament St, Humps Giles St, Humps King's St, Humps Cables Wynd, Humps Yardheads Humps 20- f 127000 (part Parkgrove Dr, Cushions and funded from I I Humm CWSS) Total CWSS Contribution 200718 f 187k

Clermiston Gdns, Cushions Dr, Cushions I Clermiston Ave. I HumDs Clermiston Loan, I Humps Clermiston Green. I HumDs Clermiston Hill, Humps Clermiston Park, Humps Clermiston Grove, Humps Clermiston Cres, Cushions Clermiston View, Humps Drum Brae Ter, Humps Drum Brae Grove, Humps Drum Brae Cres, Humps 20-Barnton f74000 (part Barnton Grove, Cushions Park funded from Barnton Park View, Humps 47

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Residential 20mph Zones I Year Scheme Name Scheme Cost Developers Contributions - f50k)


Ambulance Route 48

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Annexe 2

Edinbur! 1 Schools 2C iDh Schemes - Year Scheme Scheme Streets Features Name cost 200612007 Prestonfield f69,538 Clearburn Road Full Width Humps Primary School Clearburn Gardens Full Width Humps Clearburn Crescent Full Width Humps Prestonfield Road Full Width Humps / Flat

Prestonfield Crescent I Full Width Humps Cameron House I Full Width Humps Avenue Drumbrae f 158,170 Alan Breck Gardens Cushions Primary School Ardshiel Avenue Full Width Humps Balfron Loan Full Width Humps Dochart Drive Full Width Humps Drum Brae Avenue Full Width Humps Drum Brae Place Full Width Humps Drum Brae Park Full Width Humps Drum Brae Park Full Width Humps

Fox Covert f92,426 Primary Schools Clerwood Place Full Width Humps Clerwood View Full Width Humps Clerwood Terrace Full Width Humps / Flat Top Tables Clerwood Park Full Width Humps Clerwood Gardens Full Width Humps Clerwood Row Full Width Humps Clerwood Loan Full Width Humps Clerwood Bank Full Width Humps Clerwood Way Full Width Humps Caroline Terrace Cushions 49

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Edinbu rc 1 Schools 20m~hSchemes Year Scheme Features Name Full Width Humps No features No features Properties No. 50-62 f3 5,776 Carrick Knowe Full Width Humps Primary School Avenue Carrick Knowe Drive Full Width Humps Carrick Knowe Full Width Humps Gardens Carrick Knowe Grove Full Width Humps and Flat Top Table Carrick Knowe Hill Full Width Humps Carrick Knowe Loan Full Width Humps Carrick Knowe Cushions

Full Width Humps Full Width Humps Full Width Humps Terrace Corstorphine Park Full Width Humps Gardens Lampacre Road Full Width Humps Meadwhouse Road Full Width Humps Pinkhill Cushions Station Road - Full Width Humps Corstorphine Park Gardens to Meadowhouse Road Traquair Park East Cushions / Raised junction Full Width Humps / Raised Junction 1 Trer's Acre Avenue Full Width Humm T ler's Acre Gardens Full Width Humps Full Width Humps / Nether Full Width Humps Currie Primary Schools Full Width Humps Cushions No features Corslet Road Full Width HUmDS Corslet Place No features Full Width Humps Cushions / Flat Top 65 Road to Table iunction with Lanark

No features Full Width Humps

Full Width Humm 50

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

Ed in bu rc 7 Schools 20mt3h Schemes Year Scheme Scheme I Streets I Features Name cost I Easter Currie Terrace I Full Width HumDs

mph speed limit at 77 Riccarton Mains Road to its junction with

Crescent Echline Primary f 115,798 Echline Drive Full Width Humps School I Echline Green I No Features Echline Avenue Cushions I Flat Top Table Echline Gardens Full Width Humps Echline Park Full Width Humps Echline Place Full Width Humps Echline View Full Width Humps Echline Terrace No features Echline Grove No features Echline Rigg No features Long Crook Full Width Humps Stoneyflatts Full Width Humps Stoneyflatts Crescent Full Width Humps Stoneyflatts Park Full Width Humps f 174,131 Baberton Mains Court No features Primary School Baberton Mains Loan I Full Width Humps Baberton Mains Drive I Cushions / Flat Top Tables Baberton Mains Green Full Width Humps Baberton Mains Wynd Full Width Humps Baberton Mains Bank Full Width Humps 51

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 201 0

Edinbur< I Schools 20m~hSchemes Year Scheme Scheme Streets Features Name cost Baberton Mains No features Avenue Baberton Mains Row No features Baberton Mains Full Width Humps Crescent Baberton Mains Place Full Width Humps Baberton Mains Park Full Width Humps Baberton Mains Grove No features Baberton Mains No features Terrace Baberton Mains Full Width Humps Gardens Baberton Mains Dell Full Width humps Baberton Mains Lea Full Width Humps Baberton Mains Hill Full Width Humps Baberton Mains Wood Full Width Humps Baberton Mains Way Full Width Humps Baberton Mains Brae No Features Baberton Mains Rise Full Width Humps Baberton Crescent Full Width Humps Foulis Crescent Full Width Humps Woodhall Avenue Full Width Humps Woodhall Terrace Full Width Humps / Raised Junction Woodhall Drive Full Width Humps Baberton Avenue Full Width HumDs / Raised Junction Belmont Road Full Width Humps I Raised Junction Baberton Park Juniper Avenue Full Width Humps Juniper Place No Features Juniper Gardens No Features Juniper Grove No Features Juniper Park Road No Features Westburn Avenue - Full Width Humps from junction of Baberton Mains Way and Baberton Mains Hill to the railway Line Baberton Mains View No Features -from its junction with Baberton Mains Drive to 10metres North East of Number 2 Baberton Mains View. 200712008 Currie High f184,829 Curriehill Castle Drive Full Width Humps School (f125,699 Newmills Road from Full Width Humps claimed from 28 Newmills Road to CWSS) its junction with Lanark Road West, Newmills Avenue Full Width Humps 52

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

I Schools 20m~hSchemes I Scheme Scheme Streets Name cost I Features I

Pentland f 128,708 Primary School 53

The City of Edinburgh Council 28 January 2010

1 Edin bu r( Schools 20m~hI Schemes Year Scheme Scheme Streets Features Name cost Oxgangs Brae from Full Width Humps junction with Oxgangs Broadway to junction with Caiystane Gardens Oxgangs View Full Width Humps Oxgangs Medway Full Width Humps Fox Spring Crescent Full Width Humps from junction with Swan Spring Avenue to junction with Oxgangs Hill and Oxgangs Loan Pentland Drive No features South f 116,442 St. Clair Terrace Full Width Humps Morningside Primary School St. Ninian's Terrace Full Width Humps St. Fillan's Terrace Full Width Humps St. Ronan's Terrace Full Width Humps Dalhousie Terrace Full Width Humps Ethel Terrace Full Width Humps Craialea Drive Full Width Humps Drive from Full Width Humps junction with Comiston Road to junction with Morningside Grove St Thomas of f 18,448 Gardens Full Width Humps / Aquin's High Raised Junction School Lonsdale Terrace Full Width Humps Panmure Place Full Width Humps Glen Street Full Width Humps The Royal High, f 30,706 Barnton Park Full Width Humps High School East Barnton Avenue Full Width Humps South Barnton Avenue Full Width Humps Barnton Avenue from Cushions number 1 to 23 200812009 No spend - grant tnding ended larch 2008