Bishop Brennan Installed As 12Th Bishop of Columbus

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Bishop Brennan Installed As 12Th Bishop of Columbus CatholicThe TIMES The Diocese of Columbus’ News Source April 7, 2019 • FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT • Volume 68:26 Inside this issue Josephinum lecture: Archbishop Charles Chaput is optimistic about the Catholic Church’s future, Page 8 Faith in Action: Erin Cordle writes that Lenten fasting helps us deepen our relationship with God while sacrificing for others, Page 4 Our Lady: Sarah Reinhard on how the image of Our Lady of Good Counsel shows the beautiful love of Mary for her son Jesus, Page 7 BISHOP BRENNAN INSTALLED AS 12TH BISHOP OF COLUMBUS Pages 2, 3, 9-13 Catholic Times 2 April 7, 2019 Editor’s reflections by Doug Bean Spread Jesus’ love, New bishop eager to see, be seen Bishop Brennan tells Not often do in Brooklyn, Bishop Brennan in the faithful in the Bronx and Bishop Campbell in the Diocese of upstate Elmira. congregation at Vespers Columbus get Years before coming to Columbus, By Doug Bean organist Nicole Simental. to witness a Carberry served as a professor at Catholic Times Editor The Columbus Catholic Mass historic oc- Immaculate Conception Seminary in Choir, directed by Vernon Hairston casion at St. Huntington, New York, which Bish- Before the Vespers service began and made up of African American Joseph Cathedral that has the magni- op Brennan attended 50 years later. singers from Columbus Holy Rosa- tude of a bishop’s installation. Also of historical significance, on Thursday evening, March 28 at Columbus St. Joseph Cathedral, Bish- ry-St. John and St. Dominic churches, For only the 12th time in the 151 Bishop Brennan’s installation was began with Order My Steps, a gospel years since the diocese was estab- the first in the diocese to be televised op Robert Brennan offered a glimpse lished in 1869, a new spiritual leader live to a worldwide audience. The of his highly personal style when he hymn reflective of the Lenten season, took the seat, or cathedra, that’s Eternal World Television Network strolled down the center aisle waving before the processional, and later re- reserved for the bishop in the cathe- broadcast the Mass, as did the to family and friends and greeting turned to sing a choral anthem, Heal- dral on Friday, March 29. Catholic Faith Network from Bishop people in the pews. ing, following a reading from James Bishop Robert Brennan’s installa- Brennan’s home diocese of Rock- At one point while walking to the 4:7-8,10 by Columbus Bishop Wat- tion Mass was a grand occasion that ville Centre, New York. back of the cathedral to take his place terson High School student Audrey included Cardinal Timothy Dolan Also for the first time in history, with the other assembled bishops, he Dala and preceding Bishop Brennan’s of New York; Archbishop Dennis an event was live-streamed on the paused when he reached a young cou- homily. Schnurr of Cincinnati; Archbishop Diocese of Columbus website and “First of all, it was an honor to be a Christophe Pierre, the apostolic various social media platforms. In ple – Joseph and Olivia Olachea of Powell St. Joan of Arc Church, and part of his service and it was flatter- nuncio to the United States; bishops addition to the installation, Solemn ing to be here,” Hairston said. “This from other dioceses; leaders from Vespers on Thursday, March 28 was their 3-month-old son, Ezra. other faiths; dignitaries; priests, streamed and available via computer “He blessed him,” Olivia said af- speaks volumes that he invited us to deacons and religious; and parish and mobile devices, giving the public ter the brief encounter with the new be a part of this. Just to have all of representatives from throughout the a window to witness another historic Columbus bishop. “It was really spe- the diversity with us, and the Spanish 23-county diocese. event that otherwise would have been cial.” choir as well, I’m so appreciative of The Diocese of Columbus expe- seen only by invited guests. That encounter was a prelude to a that. I’m very excited. Everyone was riences such a moment, on average, Bishop Brennan hit the ground special two-day period for Bishop happy and excited and looked forward every 12.5 years. That’s somewhat running after his installation. Brennan, who officially became the to this.” skewed by Bishop James J. Hart- The next morning, Saturday, March 12th bishop to lead the Diocese of Co- After Bishop Brennan’s homily, the ley’s 40 years of service in the 30, he made the one-hour trip to Latino Choir of the Diocese of Co- diocese, from 1904 to 1944. Zanesville for his first confirmation lumbus on Friday, March 29 during an installation Mass. lumbus sang Cancion del Misionero More recently, the diocese has in the diocese at St. Nicholas Church. (Song of the Missionary) in Spanish, welcomed only three bishops – On Sunday, March 31, he was up Bishop Brennan was joined by oth- James A. Griffin, Frederick F. early for an 8 a.m. Spanish Mass at er bishops, priests, deacons, religious accompanied by guitars. The group, Campbell and Bishop Brennan – in Columbus St. Stephen the Martyr sisters and laypeople from throughout which was put together for the Ves- the past 36 years, which is close to Church and then off to Columbus the diocese for Solemn Vespers on pers service, included parishioners the historical average here. St. Dominic Church for his second the eve of his installation. Among the from Columbus Christ the King, Of historical note, Bishop Brennan confirmation in as many days. On prelates in attendance were Bishop St. Stephen the Martyr and St. Peter is the third Columbus bishop to be Monday, April 1, he made the short Frederick Campbell, who opened and churches. born and raised in New York state. closed the service with a greeting and “It shows the new bishop is open Cardinal John Carberry was born See NEW BISHOP, Page 13 final blessing in one of his last official to diversity in the Church,” said Saul acts as the diocese’s bishop; Arch- Buitron, who leads the Spanish choir bishop Christophe Pierre, the apostol- at Christ the King. “He even spoke in ic nuncio to the United States; Bishop Spanish. It’s awesome.” Bishop Brennan intermingled Span- Bishop Robert J. Brennan, President & Publisher John Barres from Bishop Brennan’s Doug Bean, Editor: [email protected] home diocese of Rockville Centre, ish with his native English during his Tim Puet, Reporter: [email protected] New York; Cleveland Bishop Nelson first homily from the cathedral ambo. K. Colston-Woodruff, Graphic Designer He took the initiative to learn Spanish [email protected] Perez, a former colleague of Bish- op Brennan’s; and retired Columbus as a priest in his New York diocese to Mailing Address 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 Bishop James Griffin. help him communicate with a grow- Editorial/Advertising (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 ing Latino population. His message Subscriptions (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 Reflecting on Bishop Brennan’s de- [email protected] sire to reach out to the faithful from was “Jesus walks with us (Jesus cam- Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved. Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) all backgrounds in a diverse church, ina con nosotros).” Front Page photo: (ISSN 745-6050) is the official newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is published weekly 45 times per year with the Vespers program interspersed se- He began his homily by saying, BISHOP INSTALLED exception of every other week in June, July and August and the week lections from ethnic choirs with tra- “Thank you all, thank you so much Bishop Robert Brennan, with the priests following Christmas. Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make for being here tonight. Thank you of the Diocese of Columbus behind him, arrangements with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus OH 43219. ditional music and evening prayers, hymns, psalms, antiphons and canti- all for coming from great distances. prays the Lord’s Prayer at his installa- Thank you gathering for the Church tion Mass on Friday, March 29 at St. Jo- Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. cles led by the St. Joseph Cathedral Gay St., Columbus OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks Choir, directed by Dr. Richard Fitz- seph Cathedral. CT photo by Ken Snow for change of address. gerald and accompanied by principal See VESPERS Page 9 April 7, 2019 Catholic Times 3 Bishop Brennan honors faith heritage at installation By Tim Puet United States, read the letter written motto, I went right to the words ‘Thy you imagine the fortitude it takes to Catholic Times Reporter Jan. 31 by Pope Francis appointing Will Be Done.’ Made sense,” Bishop pray those words when life is tough – Bishop Brennan as the 12th bishop Brennan said. when it’s painful?” In his installation homily, Colum- of Columbus. He had been auxiliary He said that when he was appoint- “The great mystery we celebrate to- bus Bishop Robert J. Brennan paid bishop of the Diocese of Rockville ed an auxiliary bishop, his nieces day is that God comes to reveal that tribute to his family’s history of faith Centre, New York, for nearly seven and nephews had some other ideas will,” he said. “God doesn’t have us and urged the people of his new dio- years. for a motto. One was “The Lord is out there guessing, trying to figure cese to appreciate their own faith her- He succeeds Bishop Frederick my shepherd; there is nothing I shall out or stumble in the darkness.
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