[omeTown COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Plymouth (Observer Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 116 years vT'hiaiisa^^Dp.cefnber 6. 2001 www.observem ndccccntric.com ___ J Volume 116 Number 29 Plymouth Michigan ©2001 HomeTown Communications Network™ R uling in favor of gay display Tom Salbenblatt his bulletin board at don ruled that Chiumento and Salben opinion their purpose was to ‘promote B Y T o n y B r u s c a t o Salem High School, m October 1999 blatt “were not teaching anything by (their) own lifestyle ’” phe holiday season is here and S t a f f w r i t e r “We’ve been vindicated,” said Chiu putting up the displays, they were Walcott left the distnet when current so is the Plymouth-Canton
[email protected] mento “The arbitrator understood merely presenting information which Superintendent Kathleen Booher was Observer Cheer Club what it’s all about We were trying to they hoped would improve the climate hired m February 2000 However, he Opening the Cheer Club to new The Plymouth-Canton school district create a tolerant, safe and orderly envi of the school by enhancing understand was re-hired last summer, by Booher, and returning “members” is one of has been ordered to apologize to two ronment in the schools The ruling by ing and acceptance of gays and les as interim executive director of human our favorite holiday traditions gay teachers who were forced to tear the superintendent two years ago sent bians their purpose in doing so was resources Walcott was unavailable for Please join us by bringing