Line Drawing Doctrine and Efficiency in the Tax Law David A

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Line Drawing Doctrine and Efficiency in the Tax Law David A Cornell Law Review Volume 84 Article 3 Issue 6 September 1999 Line Drawing Doctrine and Efficiency in the Tax Law David A. Weisbach Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation David A. Weisbach, Line Drawing Doctrine and Efficiency in the Tax Law , 84 Cornell L. Rev. 1627 (1999) Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Scholarship@Cornell Law: A Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cornell Law Review by an authorized administrator of Scholarship@Cornell Law: A Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LINE DRAWING, DOCTRINE, AND EFFICIENCY IN THE TAX LAW David A. Weisbacht INTRODUCTION Doctrinal tax disputes are notoriously messy. Nontax scholars leave the room when the tax geeks start talking doctrine. And, tax academics generally do not write serious articles on doctrinal issues. For example, since William Plumb summarized the case law on the difference between debt and equity in 1971,' no one has touched the subject. A few articles focus on the definition of capital gains, 2 and none focus on the difference between independent contractors and employees. Scholars view literally dozens of subjects within the tax law as being outside the scope of serious academic discourse. Yet on a daily basis, policymakers in the Treasury, Congress, and the courts make decisions on these matters. Doctrinal disputes in disparate areas of the tax law have the same underlying structure: doctrine is used to draw lines between what are otherwise similar activities. For example, doctrinal rules determine which of similar financing devices are treated as debt or as equity, or which of similar service contracts create employment or independent- contractor relationships. Viewed from this perspective, one can ana- lyze doctrinal rules in disparate areas of the tax law as a single class of problems-line-drawing problems-which are susceptible to solutions with a common structure. This Article argues that line drawing in the tax law can and should be based on the efficiency3 of competing rules rather than on t Associate Professor, The University of Chicago Law School. I thank Douglas Baird, Omri Ben-Shahar, David Bradford, Patrick Crawford, Richard Epstein, Avery Katz, Heidi Feldman, Randy Picker, Eric Posner, Dan Shaviro, Lynn Stout, Steve Salop, and partici- pants in the Georgetown University Law Center faculty retreat and the NYU Colloquium on Tax Policy and Public Finance for comments. 1 See William T. Plumb,Jr., The Federal Income Tax Significance of CorporateDebt: A Criti- cal Analysis and a Proposal 26 TAX L. RFv. 369 (1971). 2 See Calvin H. Johnson, Seventeen Culls from Capital Gains,48 TAX NoTEs 1285 (1990) (proposing many reforms amending what is and is not a capital asset); Stanley S. Surrey, DefinitionalProblems in Capital Gains Taxation, 69 HARv. L. REv. 985 (1956). For arguments on whether a capital gains preference should exist see Noel B. Cunningham & Deborah H. Schenk, The Casefor a Capital GainsPreference, 48 TAx L. Rxv. 319 (1993), and George A. Zodrow, Economic Analyses of Capital Gains Taxation: Realizations, Revenues, Efficiency and Eq- uity, 48 TAX. L. Rv. 419 (1993). 3 See infra Part HAl. for a definition of efficiency as used in this Article. 1627 1628 CORNELL LAW REVIEW [Vol. 84:1627 doctrinal concerns or traditional tax policy. Doctrinal concerns, such as whether various reified constructs can be fit together, or traditional tax policy concerns, such as whether something is "income" within the Haig-Simons definition,4 are neither helpful nor relevant to most disputes. 5 One example, the so-called check-the-box regulations, 6 best illus- trates the approach to line drawing recommended here. Prior to the check-the-box regulations, the determination of whether an entity was treated as a corporation subject to the double tax, or a partnership subject to only a single tax, was based on four factors that described platonic notions of partnerships and corporations. For example, cor- porations were thought to have centralized management, but partner- ships were not. Corporations were thought to have unlimited life, but partnerships were not. Business entities with a sufficient number of corporate factors were subject to the corporate tax because they were closer to the platonic notion of a corporation than to the notion of a partnership. In addition, the regulations automatically characterized entities with traded equity interests (e.g., stock listed on an exchange, for example 7) and entities incorporated under a state-law incorpora- 4 Under the Haig-Simons definition of income, a taxpayer has income in each pe- riod equal to his consumption plus his change in savings. See HENRY C. SIMONS, PERSONAL INCOME TAXATION (1938); Robert Murray Haig, The Concept of Income-Economic and Legal Aspects, in READINGS IN THE ECONOMICS OF TAXATION 54, 59 (Richard A. Musgrave & Carl S. Shoup eds., 1959). 5 Scholars have previously criticized Haig-Simons income or similar definitions as inappropriate criteria for resolving tax issues. Professor Boris Bittker made this argument over 30 years ago in a seminal article. See Boris I. Bittker, A "Comprehensive Tax Base" as a Goal of Income Tax Reform, 80 HARv. L. REv. 925, 933-35, 984-85 (1967). More recently, other scholars have criticized definitional approaches to tax law. See Thomas D. Griffith, Should "Tax Norms" Be Abandoned? Rethinking Tax Policy Analysis and the Taxation of Personal Injury Recoveries, 1993 Wis. L. REv. 1115, 1142-51; Thomas D. Griffith, Theories of Personal Deductions in the Income Tax, 40 HASrINGS L.J. 343, 345 (1989); Louis Kaplow, A Fundamental Objection to Tax Equity Norms: A Callfor Utilitarianism,48 NAT'L TAXJ. 497, 502 (1995) (advo- cating utilitarianism in setting tax policy); Louis Kaplow, The Income Tax as Insurance: The Casualty Loss and Medical Expense Deductions and the Exclusion of Medical Insurance Premiums, 79 CAL. L. REv. 1485, 1486-87 (1991); Joseph E. Stiglitz & MichaelJ. Boskin, Some Lessons from the New PublicFinance, 67 AM. ECON. REv. 295, 295-97 (1977). These scholars argue that we should instead rely on explicitly stated notions of distributive justice. This Article is consistent with and is based on these works. It contributes to this area by focusing on a particular policy-making context-line drawing-and suggesting that line- drawing problems have a common structure susceptible to a common solution. For a work with a similar approach, see Daniel N. Shaviro, An Efficiency Analysis of Realization and Recog- nition Rules Under the FederalIncome Tax, 48 TAx L. Rxv. 1 (1992). Shaviro argues that the realization doctrine can be analyzed from an efficiency perspective. See id. at 24-26. 6 See Treas. Reg. § 301.7701-2 to -3 (1996). 7 The "publicly traded" restriction is found in I.R.C. § 7704 (1994). Congress en- acted the publicly traded rule in 1986 in response to the growth of publicly traded partner- ships, which, despite the four-factor test, were viewed as effective substitutes for corporations. Prior to enactment of the publicly traded test, the distinction between cor- porations and partnerships was based solely on the four-factor test. 1999] EFFICIENCY IN THE TAX LAW 1629 ion statute8 as corporations. Taxpayers could manipulate the four factors at will, and readily available structures allowed taxpayers to choose their tax classification without significantly changing their economics. 9 Taxpayers would set up their organizations to be classified as partnerships rather than cor- porations because of the lower tax on partnerships. Although taxpay- ers could achieve the desired tax results, the costs-the changes in organizational structures needed to meet the rules and the fees to ac- countants and lawyers-were significant in the aggregate. The check-the-box regulations eliminated the four-factor test and moved the line between partnerships and corporations to public trad- ing. On a rough basis, an entity is treated as a corporation if its stock is traded; otherwise, it is treated as a partnership, unless it makes an affirmative election to be treated as a corporation (hence the name "check-the-box").10 The argument for abandoning the four-factor test is that it was enormously inefficient. It merely caused people to shift their organi- 8 The statute includes associations in the definition of a "corporation." See I.R1C. § 7701 (a) (3) (1994). This suggests that associations are business entities that are not tradi- tional state-law corporations or partnerships. A state-law corporation, defined by an actual incorporation, is automatically a corporation for tax purposes. The Treasury Department designed the four-factor test to distinguish business associations from partnerships. 9 If business reasons required the company to incorporate or have traded equity, then it usually could not avoid corporate status. In other words, the real lines under the four-factor test were public trading and actual incorporation. See Staff ofJoint Comm. on Taxation, 105th Cong., REvIEw OF SELECTED ENTIrY CLASSIFICATION AND PARTNERSHIP TAX IssuEs 15 (Comm. Print 1997) ("[I]t could be asserted that, in actual practice, the [four- factor test] had come to be so readily manipulated by tax practitioners as to be effectively elective, so that the adoption of an affirmatively elective regime is a change in form rather than in substance from the former regulations."). The most important structure used to manipulate the four-factor test was the limited liability company (LLC), which was invented in the 1980s. See Larry E. Ribstein, The Emer- gence of the Limited Liability Company, 51 Bus. LAw. 1, 3-6 (1995). LLCs shared most of the economic advantages of corporations, including limited liability for all members, but the IRS treated them as partnerships for tax purposes.
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