Congressional Record—Senate S3114
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S3114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 18, 2011 The PRESIDEING OFFICER. With- be agreed to; there be no intervening (B) preventing terrorists from boarding out objection, it is so ordered. action or debate, and any statements international flights bound for the United States; SUBCOMMITTEE ON READINESS AND be printed in the RECORD. Whereas the Agreement Between the MANAGEMENT SUPPORT The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. United States of America and the European Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I ask Union on the Processing and Transfer of Pas- unanimous consent that the Sub- The resolution (S. Res. 174) was senger Name Record (PNR) Data by Air Car- committee on Readiness and Manage- agreed to. riers to the United States Department of ment Support of the Committee on The amendment (No. 320) was agreed Homeland Security (DHS), done at Brussels Armed Services be authorized to meet to, as follows: and Washington on July 23 and 26, 2007 (re- during the session of the Senate on (Purpose: To amend the preamble) ferred to in this resolution as the ‘‘EU–U.S. May 18, 2011, at 10 a.m. In the 5th whereas clause of the preamble, PNR Agreement’’)— strike ‘‘an agreement to exchange passenger (1) succeeded a series of agreements be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tween 2002 and October 2006; objection, it is so ordered. information’’ and insert ‘‘information shar- ing agreements’’. (2) was intended to remain in effect until SUBCOMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND SPACE In the 6th whereas clause of the preamble, 2014; and Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I ask strike ‘‘international law and treaties have (3) complied with European Union and unanimous consent that the Sub- recognized’’ and insert ‘‘security and intel- United States privacy laws by providing as- committee on Science and Space of the ligence experts recognize’’. surances that the United States would use Committee on Commerce, Science, and The preamble, as amended, was PNR data for limited purposes; agreed to. Whereas PNR data gathered pursuant to Transportation be authorized to meet the EU–U.S. PNR Agreement has been used during the session of the Senate on The resolution, with its preamble, as to identify and arrest a number of dangerous May 18, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. in room 253 of amended, read as follows: terrorists, including— the Russell Senate Office Building, to S. RES. 174 (1) David Headley, who was planning an at- conduct a hearing entitled, ‘‘Contribu- Whereas the National Commission on Ter- tack on Denmark and who contributed to the tions of Space to National Impera- rorist Attacks Upon the United States— tragedy in Mumbai; and tives.’’ (1) found that ‘‘[t]argeting travel is at (2) Faisal Shahzad, who was attempting to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without least as powerful a weapon against terrorists flee the country after attempting to set off a as targeting their money’’; and car-bomb in Times Square. objection, it is so ordered. (2) recommended that the United States Whereas PNR data has been used to pre- SUBCOMMITTEE ON SEAPOWER ‘‘combine terrorist travel intelligence, oper- vent the travel of many other individuals Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I ask ations, and law enforcement in a strategy to considered to be national security threats or unanimous consent that the Sub- intercept terrorist, find terrorist travel otherwise inadmissible to the United States; committee on Seapower of the Com- facilitators, and constrain terrorist mobil- Whereas the privacy protections in the mittee on Armed Services be author- ity’’; current EU–U.S. PNR Agreement are robust, Whereas terrorists continue to target and a February 2010 joint review by both sig- ized to meet during the session of the international travel to the United States, as natories found no privacy violations, misuse, Senate on May 18, 2011, at 2:30 p.m. evidenced by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s or injury from the collection of PNR data by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without attempt to detonate a bomb on board North- the Department of Homeland Security; objection, it is so ordered. west Airlines Flight 253 on December 25, 2009, Whereas although the United States and SUBCOMMITTEE ON SECURITIES, INSURANCE, AND en route from Amsterdam to Detroit; the European Union have different governing INVESTMENT Whereas Congress responded to the attacks mechanisms that lead to differences in how Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I ask of September 11, 2001, by mandating that all oversight is conducted, both governments air carriers flying into the United States unanimous consent that the Com- have a firm commitment to the protection of provide passenger name record (referred to data and the respect of individual privacy; mittee on Banking, Housing, and in this resolution as ‘‘PNR’’) data concerning Whereas in February 2011, the European Urban Affairs’ Subcommittee on Secu- all inbound passengers to U.S. Customs and Commission proposed that the European rities, Insurance, and Investment, be Border Protection to assist the Department Union create its own PNR system in order to authorized to meet during the session of Homeland Security in fulfilling its mis- identify potential terrorists and other dan- of the Senate on May 18, 2011, at 9:30 sions of protecting the border and enhancing gerous criminals; a.m., to conduct a hearing entitled border security; Whereas in 2010, the Washington Post— ‘‘The State of the Securitization Mar- Whereas there is bipartisan agreement on (1) recognized the important role that PNR the need to collect and share passenger trav- kets.’’ data plays in securing international avia- el data, which— tion; and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (1) has served as a cornerstone for inter- (2) recommended that data sharing should objection, it is so ordered. dicting terrorists by the administrations of not be restricted without demonstrating spe- f President Barack Obama and former Presi- cific problems with the operation of current dent George W. Bush; and agreement: Now, therefore, be it U.S./EUROPEAN UNION FLIGHT (2) continues to fulfill the mandate for in- Resolved, That the Senate— MANIFEST EXCHANGE creased information sharing set by Congress (1) acknowledges the grave threat posed by Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent in— terrorists and other dangerous criminals who (A) the Aviation and Transportation Secu- seek to exploit international aviation to do the Senate proceed to Calendar No. 49, rity Act (Public Law 107–71); S. Res. 174. harm to our countries; (B) the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism (2) urges the Department of Homeland Se- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Prevention Act of 2004 (Public Law 108–458); curity to reject any efforts by the European (C) the Implementing Recommendations of clerk will report the resolution by Union to modify existing PNR data sharing the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (Public Law title. mechanisms in a way that would degrade the 110–53); and The legislative clerk read as follows: usefulness of the PNR data for identifying (D) other laws requiring information shar- terrorists and other dangerous criminals; A resolution (S. Res. 174) expressing the ing internationally and within the United (3) urges the Department of Homeland Se- sense of the Senate that effective sharing of States Government to promote greater secu- curity to not enter into any agreement that passenger information from inbound inter- rity; would impose European oversight structures national flight manifests is a crucial compo- Whereas the Implementing Recommenda- on the United States; and nent of our national security and that the tions of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 re- (4) opposes any effort by the European Department of Homeland Security must quired nations to enter into information Union to interfere with counterterrorism co- maintain the information sharing standards sharing agreements with the United States operation and information sharing between required under the 2007 Passenger Name in order to qualify for the United States visa the Department of Homeland Security and Record Agreement between the United waiver program; non-European countries. States and the European Union. Whereas security and intelligence experts There being no objection, the Senate recognize that— proceeded to consider the resolution. (1) advance information about travelers is f Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask a critical tool in identifying high-risk pas- unanimous consent the resolution be sengers; and RECOGNIZING AND HONORING (2) the intelligence gained from the anal- HARMON KILLEBREW agreed to, the Lieberman amendment, ysis of passenger travel data is critical for— which is at the desk, to the preamble, (A) protecting the United States against Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent be agreed to; the preamble as amended terrorists entering the United States; and the Senate proceed to S. Res. 189. VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:59 May 19, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18MY6.035 S18MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD5P82C1PROD with SENATE May 18, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3115 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The recollection is that by its trajectory, stand Harmon often credited then-U.S. clerk will report the resolution by the ball was estimated to be a 480-foot Senator from Idaho, Herman Welker, title. home run. Killebrew hit the longest for recommending to then-Washington The legislative clerk read as follows: ball in the history of Metropolitan Sta- Senators owners, the Griffith family, A resolution (S. Res. 189) recognizing and dium—a 530-foot shot! that their team sign Killebrew, and at honoring Harmon Killebrew and expressing Now Killebrew was not that big a age 17, Killebrew signed his first profes- the condolences of the Senate to his family man. He was 5 feet 11 inches and about sional baseball contract with the Wash- on his death. 210 pounds. In his major league career, ington Senators. There being no objection, the Senate Harmon Killebrew hit 573 home runs, He went on to play his first seven proceeded to consider the resolution.