
Object-oriented Programming with PHP

This chapter introduces the readers to the basic features of object-oriented programming with PHP and then provides an overview of the common design patterns. Later, we will go over how error handling and exception handling are performed in PHP. PHP has traditionally not been an object-oriented programming (OOP) language until PHP 5 when the language was revamped for a great deal to support the OOP features.

PHP in programming PHP is a scripting language that is often used to build dynamic web applications. PHP inherits its programming style from C and Java. PHP comes with powerful libraries and strong community support, making it one of the favorite languages that developers use for building web applications. We will be utilizing the PHP libraries that were installed in Bonus chapter 1, Installation of PHP, MariaDB, and Apache to execute our scripts. Let us look at the three ways in which PHP scripts can be executed:

• Via the PHP shell • Via the command line • Using a web server such as Apache

The PHP shell is commonly used as a playground to test small scripts, and the shell can get tedious when working with bigger scripts. Executing files via command line is the second option where the PHP scripts will live inside the files. As we will be using object-oriented design to build our scripts, we will skip the first method and use the second and third methods to execute our scripts. Object-oriented Programming with PHP Object-oriented programming Object-oriented programming is a popular programming paradigm where concepts are grouped into reusable objects that carry their own attributes and behaviors. An attribute can be described as a variable that is in the object, which is used to hold data pertaining to that object, while a behavior describes what an object can do. Let us consider the example of a User object; a user will have a name, an age, and an address, and these will be the attributes for a user. As the User object stores the address, we could have a behavior to allow and facilitate address retrieval; the behaviors are referred to as class methods. An object is a complex data structure that can have one or more types of attributes and one or more types of behaviors. The attributes and behaviors are defined in a class, and an object is an instance of a class. Therefore, the instances carry the same attributes and behaviors of that class. Though there could be multiple objects of the same class, the data stored in each object would be stored in different memory locations.

OOP is not a new concept and has been around for a very long period. OOP allows us to group our code based on behaviors and attributes and also allows us to organize our code for better reusability. Basic object-oriented features such as objects and classes were introduced into PHP 3 in 1998. In 2000, PHP 4 was released with a better support for object-oriented features but the implementation of objects was still an issue, as the object referencing was handled similar to value types. So a whole object would be copied when an object had to be passed in as a parameter to a function. As the object had to be copied, recreated, and stored several times, this led to poor scalability for big applications, extra usage of memory, and unnecessary overhead on the resources. PHP 5, which was shipped in 2004, arrived with a far superior object model that was better at handling objects, thereby increasing the performance and scalability of the web applications. Now that we have a basic idea about OOP, let us dive into understanding classes and objects.

Sublime text is used as the text editor for this series. It is recommended to use a text editor or IDE of your choice. A few popular IDEs are Eclipse for PHP and the NetBeans IDE for PHP development.

Classes and objects In our first example, let us define a class. For creating a class, we would at least need one piece of information, the unique name for the class. In PHP, a class definition begins with the keyword class, and the keyword is followed by the unique name of the class. This is followed by a pair of curly braces and any class attributes and/or methods are enclosed into these curly braces.

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There are two rules for naming a class in PHP mentioned as follows:

• It should begin with a letter or an underscore • It can only contain letters, numbers, or underscores

It is a good practice to have the name of the class as part of the filename (for example, class.Students.php) or the actual filename itself (for example, Students.php). It is also common to use camel case, which is a common practice for naming the classes, class attributes, and class methods where multiple words are compounded into one, and the first letter of each word is written in upper case. Consider the following code snippet as an example showing a Students class:

public function __construct() /** * Code to be executed *upon object instantiation */ } } ?>

In this example, we are creating a Students class with a constructor using the __construct keyword. A constructor is the first function that is triggered upon the object instantiation. A constructor is commonly used for any bootstrapping purposes such as importing configurations and/or performing setup operations. The __construct() keyword is reserved by the PHP engine to identify the constructors in a class. Therefore, a constructor cannot be declared outside a class. The PHP engine treats a constructor like any other function; so, if a constructor is declared more than once, we will receive an error. Now that we understand how to create a class, let us continue with our Students class and add a few class attributes and class methods. After adding the attributes and methods, let us instantiate an object to access the attributes and methods. To instantiate an object, we will use the new keyword. We would need at least two pieces of information for the object instantiation; the first piece is the name of the object and the second is the name of class for which an object is being instantiated. Consider the following code example:

[ 3 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP

public $first_name; public $last_name; public $address;

public function __construct($first_name , $last_name, $address){

$this->first_name = $first_name; $this->last_name = $last_name; $this->address = $address; }

public function greeting(){ return "Hello ".$this->first_name."\n"; }

public function getAddress(){ return $this->address."\n"; } }

$student = new Students("John", "Doe", "3225 Woodland Park St"); echo $student->greeting(); echo $student->getAddress(); ?>

In this example, we have added three class attributes or properties to store the first name, the last name, and the address of the student. We are initializing our properties via the constructor and the value for our properties will be passed in after the object instantiation. We have also added two class methods that would print out a greeting and return the address of the student. We are using the $this keyword to access our properties, and it can also be used to access the class methods as it is a reference to the Students object. We are using the -> notation to access the properties or the methods of a class. After defining the class, we are instantiating an object of the Students class, and are calling the $student object. During the instantiation, we are passing in the arguments that are expected by our constructor, and these values are assigned to the properties. After the object instantiation, we are invoking the class methods using our $student object.

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The output for the previous code will be as follows:

Hello John 3225 Woodland Park St

Static properties and methods It is not always necessary to instantiate an object to access the properties or methods of a class. A class can also have static methods and properties that are bound to the class, rather than the object. To access a static method or a static property, we will use the scope resolution operator (::). To create a static property or static method, we will append the static keyword ahead of the variable. A static property or method will be commonly used to instantiate a database connection or a connection to a remote service that can add significant overhead. For a method to be accessible, the object of the class has to be created, during which a virtual method and member table are created for that class. While accessing static methods, we can avoid this overhead of creating a virtual method and member table for the class. Static methods are commonly used for high-performance systems.

We have successfully built our first class, instantiated the class, accessed the class methods, and discussed static methods and properties. During this process, we have already come across one of the four principles of OOP, which is abstraction. Abstraction is a concept about exposing the behavior and properties and hiding the particular code that performs that behavior. In our previous example, we have abstracted all the functionalities that a student object can have into the Students class, and have accessed those functionalities by creating an object of that class. The other three principles that we would look at are encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Encapsulation With abstraction, we have seen how to hide the underlying implementation that provides properties and methods. With encapsulation, let us see how we can expose a specific set of methods and properties, while hiding or restricting access to another set of properties and/or methods based on who is accessing this functionality. In our last example, we have used the keyword public while declaring the properties to define the access to those properties.

[ 5 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP

The access to the properties and methods in a class can be defined using public, protected, or private keywords as shown in the following table:

Visibility Description Comment public A public variable or a method can be All properties and methods accessed by anybody who can access are public by default. the class.

protected A protected variable or a method can only be accessed by the class members and the class members of a child class.

private A private variable or a method can only be accessed by the internal class members.

Inheritance Inheritance is commonly used when we want to create classes that would reuse the properties and/or class methods that are similar to existing classes. It is common to have this abstract high level functionality in a class that is referred to as the base or the parent class and then group this functionality into multiple different subclasses or child classes that would use properties or methods from that base class. In PHP, we use the extends keyword to inherit the functionality of a base class. There are at least two pieces of information that we would need for inheritance; the first is the parent class or base class and the second is the child class or subclass. In PHP, a child class can only have one parent class. Let's go over an example of inheritance where we create an Animal class and then inherit the functionality from the Animal base class to a Dog subclass. For this example, we will be housing these classes in different files, so the Animal class will go into Animal.php and the Dog subclass will go into Dog.php. Consider the following example where the Animal class will go into Animal.php:

name = $name; } public function greet(){ return "Hello ".$this->name."\n"; } } ?>

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Consider the following example where the Dog subclass will go into Dog.php:


class Dog extends Animal{ public function run(){ return $this->name." likes to run \n"; } }

$dog = new Dog("scooby"); echo $dog->greet(); echo $dog->run();


In this example, we have two classes: the first class is the Animal class that has a public property $name and a public method greet. The value of $name can be set when an object is created for the Animal class or for a subclass that extends the Animal class. In the greet method, we are greeting the animal. In the Dog class, we begin by requiring the file that contains the Animal class in order to inherit from that class.

The require keyword is used to insert the content of a PHP file into another file and the PHP engine explicitly verifies that the content has only been added once.

After requiring the Animal.php file, we are creating the Dog subclass and are using the extends keyword to inherit the functionality of the Animal class. As dogs love to run, let us add a run method into the Dog class. After we have defined the Dog class, we will go forward and create an object of the Dog class and pass in a name to it. Though we have not declared and defined a constructor for the Dog class or the greet method in the Dog class, they would be available as we are inheriting the method from the Animal base class and both the constructor and the greet method are public.

The output for the previous code snippets is as follows:

Hello scooby scooby likes to run

[ 7 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP Magic methods Before we move onto polymorphism, let us go over a few magic methods that are provided by PHP to perform operations such as property overloading, method overloading, and representing an object as text. These magic methods are collections of special methods that respond to an event. The magic methods follow a unique naming convention where the name is prepended by two underscores ("__"); one of the magic method that we have already worked with is the __construct() method that is automatically fired upon object instantiation. A few other magic methods that we would work with are __destruct(), __get(), __set(), __toString(), __ clone(), and __call().

It is recommended to refer to the official PHP documentation at php.net to understand and read more about these and more magic methods that are made available by PHP.

Constructors and destructors We have already seen a couple of examples of how a constructor can be used to bootstrap an object upon instantiation. Constructors are commonly used to initialize properties and run any setup operations that are required to get the operations started. A destructor is called when the object is about to be destroyed. A destructor is used to perform clean-up operations such as destroying any open resource connections to the database or destroying an open file handle that has been created by the object. Consider the following example of ConsDesc.php:

classConsDesc{ /** * Constructor */ public function __construct(){ // initialize variables // log the time zone of the user // open database connections // open file handles }

/** * Destructor */

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public function __destruct(){ // close database connections // close file handles } }


In this example, we are creating a class with a constructor and a destructor, and mentioning the common functionalities that can be part of these magic methods.

In PHP, overloading refers to dynamic generation of a property or a method that has not yet been declared or is visible in the current scope.

Property overloading Property overloading is performed when code attempts to access or set a missing property. For example, let us add a $type property with protected visibility to our Animal class. As the $type property is of a protected type, we will not be able to set a value after object instantiation. However, the value of the $type property should be available with read-only capabilities. To accomplish this task, we will use the __get() magic method provided by PHP as shown in the following example in Animal.php:

class Animal{ public $name; protected $type;

public function __construct($name){ $this->name = $name; }

public function greet(){ return "Hello ".$this->name."\n"; } }


[ 9 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP

The only change that has been made to the Animal class that we built in the last section was to add the $type property with protected visibility. Now let us extend the Animal class and set the type based on the type of animal that we are creating the class for, as shown in the Dog.php file present in the code bundle:

class Dog extends Animal{ protected $type=__CLASS__;

public function __get($property){ if(property_exists($this, $property)){ return $this->$property."\n"; } else{ return $property." does not exist \n"; } }

public function run(){ return $this->name." likes to run \n"; }


$dog = new Dog("scooby"); echo $dog->type; echo $dog->greet(); echo $dog->run();


In this example, we are extending the Animal class and setting the value of the $type protected property using __CLASS__, which is a magic constant. Then we are using the __get() magic method to return the value of $type. In our magic method, we are using a conditional statement to verify that the requested property exists within the scope of the current class. After checking to see if the property exists, we are gracefully allowing the execution to either return the value of the property on success, or display a message if the property does not exist.

The __CLASS__ keyword is a magic constant that returns the name of the class it is in.

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The output of the previous code snippets is as follows:

Dog Hello scooby scooby likes to run

We have looked at the __get() method that allows us to retrieve the value of a property; now let us look at the __set() method that allows us to change the value of a property. The setter magic method is commonly used to set values into an overloaded property, and take two arguments, the first being the name of the property and the second being the value to be assigned to that property. It is important to note that a setter magic method can expose protected and private class properties if the necessary checks are not performed. Let us build a User class that would store its overloaded properties into a private class property and let us see that the data can be populated via the setter method and retrieved via the getter method in User.php as shown in the following example:

class User{ private $data = array();

public function __set($key, $value){ $this->data[$key] = $value; }

public function __get($key){ if(array_key_exists($key, $this->data)){ return $this->data[$key]; } } }

$user = new User(); $user->first_name = "John"; $user->last_name = "Doe"; echo $user->first_name.' '.$user->last_name."\n"; ?>

In this example, we are building a User class with a private class property. This private class property can store an array of dynamically declared properties; this type of dynamic property declaration is done while dealing with schema-less data architectures or architectures that support multiple schemas.

[ 11 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP

Here the __get() method is as important as the __set() method as if we try and access the first name and last name properties for the $user object without defining the __get() method, we would get an Undefined Property error.

The output of the previous code is as follows:

John Doe

Method overloading PHP provides the __call() method to handle the concept of method overloading. This magic method is fired when the code attempts to call for methods that are either not accessible due to the scope or do not exist. This magic method can be either used to provide minimal access to such inaccessible methods or could be used to print out an error message gracefully. The __call() method takes two arguments, the first argument is the name of that function and the second argument could either be a single value or an array of values that have to be passed into that function. Let us build a MyMath class with a __call() magic method in MyMath.php shown as follows:

public function __construct($a, $b){ $this->a = $a; $this->b = $b; }

public function add(){ return $this->a + $this->b."\n"; }

public function __call($name, $arguments){ return "A function with name: ".$name." does not exist\n"; } }

$math = new MyMath(5,6); echo $math->add(); echo $math->subtract();


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In this example, we are working with a class that takes two values upon object instantiation and returns the sum of those values when the add() method is called. This class does not have a subtract method but, when the subtract method is called by the object, the execution is gracefully passed into the __call() magic method. In this example, we are returning an error statement that says that the function does not exist. We could also use PHP's call_user_func_array() method to invoke any other functions that could serve this purpose; this is another example of code abstraction.

The output of the previous code is as follows:

11 A function with name: subtract does not exist

Representing an object as text The last magic method that we will work with is the __toString() magic method, which is invoked when an object is treated like a string. In this case, the code tries to print out the object and at that point the PHP engine looks for an implementation of the __toString() method. If we do not have the __toString() magic method and if we print the object, we would receive a notice that would say that object could not be converted to a string. We will be going over this method while working on the factory design pattern.

Polymorphism Polymorphism, as the name suggests, is a principle that allows different classes to have common methods that have the same name and signature but provide different functionality. It is a practice of sharing common programming functionality among classes in a single project. Let us take the example of a cat, a dog, and a duck. All of them are animals; cats and dogs belong to the family of mammals, while a duck belongs to the family of birds. Though all of them are animals, when representing them as objects, they share a few common features and those common features can live in the Animal base class. Let us consider a common feature such as talking or speaking, while a human can speak, a dog barks, a cat meows, and a duck quacks. So if the common feature is communication, the way communication is implemented among them is different. Let us use the concept of polymorphism to tackle this example and represent it in objects and classes in Animal.php as shown in the following example:

class Animal{

[ 13 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP

public $name; protected $type;

public function __construct($name){ $this->name = $name; }

public function greet(){ return "Hello ".$this->name."\n"; }

public function run(){ return $this->name." runs \n"; }

public function communicate(){ return $this->name." says rrrrrr"; } }


Consider the following example in the Dog.php file extending the Animal base class:

class Dog extends Animal{ protected $type=__CLASS__;

public function __get($property){ if(property_exists($this, $property)){ return $this->$property."\n"; } else{ return $property." does not exist \n"; } }

public function run(){ return $this->name." likes to run \n"; } public function communicate(){ return $this->name." says bow wow \n"; } }

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$dog = new Dog("scooby"); echo $dog->type; echo $dog->greet(); echo $dog->run(); echo $dog->communicate();


Let us discuss this example before we look at our new Cat class. We have added the run() and communicate() methods to our Animal base class and are overriding these methods in the Dog subclass. My dog loves to run, so I am overriding the run method in the base class as it is too generic; by overriding this method in my subclass, I am making sure that my subclass functionality is implemented.

The output of the previous code snippet is as follows:

Dog Hello scooby scooby likes to run scooby says bow wow

Upon execution, the name of the class is printed as our __get() magic method is fired. Then the greet() method is executed, and the outputs of the two methods that were overridden in the subclass are printed. Scooby really loves to run and is quite a talker. Now let us look at the implementation of these methods in our Cat class in Cat.php as shown in the following example:


class Cat extends Animal{ protected $type=__CLASS__;

public function __get($property){ if(property_exists($this, $property)){ return $this->$property."\n"; } else{ return $property." does not exist \n"; } }

public function run(){ return $this->name." hates to run \n"; }

[ 15 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP

public function communicate(){ return $this->name." says meow \n"; } }

$cat = new Cat("cuddles"); echo $cat->type; echo $cat->greet(); echo $cat->run(); echo $cat->communicate();


Our Cat class is similar to the Dog class, except for the implementation of the run() and communicate() method. We are using the greet() method from the Animal base class. Let us execute this code and examine the output shown as follows:

Cat Hello cuddles cuddles hates to run cuddles says meow

Upon execution, the name of the class is fired by our getter method and the greet() method is fired next. After the greet() method, the overridden implementations of the run() and communicate() method are fired. Unlike Scooby, Cuddles is very lazy and hates to run.

Interfaces In our previous example, we noticed that the run() method and the communicate() method are not being used by the Animal class, but are only present in that class so the subclasses can inherit those methods and override them. As we start building bigger applications, we will be dealing with different types of data with different types of functionality. Though the underlying functionality is different, the high-level description and aim could still be the same, as in case of run and communicate. So, using multiple names for the same functionality would lead to confusion and inconsistency. To avoid this confusion, we can utilize the object interfaces provided by PHP 5. Unlike a regular class, an object interface would only specify the methods that the class must implement, but doesn't provide a specific implementation for those methods, unlike the Animal class in the previous example. All methods in an interface are public by default. Let us move the run() method and the communicate()method into the interface as the Animal class is not the apt location for those methods.

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Creation of an interface would at least need two pieces of information, the first one being a unique name of the interface and the second the signature of at least one method. It is a common convention to prefix the names of interfaces with the letter "I" in uppercase. The interface, like a class, will be stored in a separate file with the same name as the interface. Let us build our first interface and see how we cascade the changes into the rest of our files. To implement an interface, we use the implements keyword followed by the name of the interface in IAnimal.php shown as follows:

interfaceIAnimal{ function run(); function communicate(); }


Now that we have moved the run() method and the communicate() method into our interface into our Animal class, which is implementing the interface, those methods have to be implemented in Animal.php as shown in the following example:

class Animal implements IAnimal{ public $name; protected $type;

public function __construct($name){ $this->name = $name; }

public function greet(){ return "Hello ".$this->name."\n"; } public function run(){ return $this->name." likes to run \n"; }

public function communicate(){ return $this->name." says bow wow \n"; }



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Now let us extend the Animal class in the Dog class in Dog.php as shown in the following example:

class Dog extends Animal{ protected $type=__CLASS__;

public function __get($property){ if(property_exists($this, $property)){ return $this->$property."\n"; } else{ return $property." does not exist \n"; } }


$dog = new Dog("scooby"); echo $dog->type; echo $dog->greet(); echo $dog->run(); echo $dog->communicate();


We begin by requiring the file that carries the interface; once the snippet is ingested into our Dog.php file, the interface can be implemented by using the implements keyword.

Abstract classes One thing that we have noticed here is that we are not creating an object for the Animal class, and are only using this class to house the definitions of common functionality among animals. PHP 5 arrives with a concept of abstract classes. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated and should only be used to provide functional direction and behavior to the subclasses. To create an abstract class, add the keyword abstract before the class keyword in Animal.php as shown in the following example:

abstract class Animal{ public $name;

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protected $type;

public function __construct($name){ $this->name = $name; }

public function greet(){ return "Hello ".$this->name."\n"; } }


The output would still remain the same as before but one thing that we have noticed is that our code looks a lot cleaner, consistent, and scalable. If we add a new animal, we would have to extend the Animal abstract class, implement the IAnimal interface, and add any custom functionality that the new animal requires. Now that we are at a good place with the OOP concepts, let us look at a few popular design patterns.

Design patterns Design patterns are generalized solutions to common problems that have already been solved by programmers. These patterns are reusable solutions that have been built by software development teams and the community of software developers. Design patterns are often agnostic to the programming languages as they focus on the problem, rather than the implementation of the solution. The popular design patterns that we will look at are the factory pattern and the singleton pattern.

The factory pattern The factory pattern is one of the most commonly used design patterns. As the name suggests, there will be a class that is dedicated just to the generation of objects. Rather than directly creating an object, we will use the factory class to create objects for a class. This is done in order to minimize the amount of changes that have to be made across the project due to a change in the class for which the factory is being used. Let us look at the following example in DesignPattern-Factory.php to simplify this:

[ 19 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP

public function __construct($make, $model){ $this->make = $make; $this->model = $model; }

public function __toString(){ return "The make is ".$this->make." and the model is ".$this->model." \n"; } }

classCarFactory{ public static function create($make, $model){ return new Car($make, $model); } } $car = CarFactory::create("Audi", "Q5"); echo $car; ?>

In this example, we begin by building the Car class that has $make and $model as private properties. The values for these properties will be assigned upon the object's instantiation. We are using the __toString() magic method to print out the make and the model of the car object that is being built. After the Car class, we have the CarFactory class that has the static function that creates and returns the Car object.

The output of the previous code is as follows:

The make is Audi and the model is Q5

The singleton pattern The singleton pattern is commonly used while establishing a connection to the database or while working with a remote service, as they can add significant overhead that affect the operations of the application. In a singleton pattern, the instantiation is restricted to a single instance, thereby avoiding overhead of multiple instances. We will need at least three pieces of information to use the singleton pattern: the first is a unique name for the class, the second piece would be a private constructor that would free us from creating multiple objects, and the third being a static method that would return the instance. Consider the following code in DesignPattern-Singleton.php:

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private static $singleton;

private function __construct(){}

public static getInstance(){ if(self::$singleton){ self::$singleton = new DB(); }

return self::$singleton; }


$db = new DB::getInstance(); ?>

In this example, we are using the singleton pattern to restrict object instantiation by using a private constructor. We are using the static getInstance() method to instantiate an object to the DB class. As this is a static method, it is bound to the class.

This is not a full-fledged example and this should only be used as a high-level concept. We will be adding the connection parameters to this class in Chapter 3, Advanced Programming with PHP, while working with the MariaDB database.

Error handling Error handling is a very important part of the software development life cycle. Errors can be briefly divided into three categories:

• Syntax errors • Runtime or external errors • Logic errors

A syntax error could be caused due to a missing semicolon or a missing closing brace. A runtime or an external error could be caused due to a missing file that has been added to our script using require or require_once, a broken file handle, or a broken database connection. At runtime, if the execution is expecting a specific set of resources and if they are not provided, we would receive runtime errors.

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Logic errors are caused due to wrong interpretations of requirements or just faulty code. They are referred to as bugs, and are common part of the software development life cycle. PHP is shipped with a built-in support for error handling, and groups these errors into different severity levels. It is a common practice to log the errors that are generated, and based on the severity of the error, it is also advised to send notifications as required. PHP's core settings are located in the php.ini file that is located in the server configurations folder, a constant name is assigned to each of the severity levels. Let us look at the different levels of errors that are provided by PHP as shown in the following table:

Constant Description E_ERROR These are fatal runtime errors and the execution cannot be recovered from these errors. Until the error is not fixed, this error will not subside. For example, a script is expecting a connection to a database that does not exist. E_WARNING These are non-fatal runtime warnings that do not halt the execution. For example, a file that has been included via include or include_once does not exist. E_PARSE These are fatal errors that occur when a script cannot be parsed due to a syntax error. For example, the script is missing a semicolon or an apostrophe. E_NOTICE These are nonfatal notices that are encountered by the script. E_DEPRECATED These are nonfatal notices that are provided by PHP to warn about code that will not be available in future versions. E_STRICT These are runtime notices that suggest changes that will ensure the best interoperability and forward compatibility with future versions of PHP. E_ALL These are all errors and warnings supported by PHP. E_CORE_ERROR These are fatal run-time errors that are generated in the PHP core engine. E_COMPILE_ These are fatal compile-time errors generated by the PHP ERROR core engine.

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These are the common types of errors, warnings, and notices that we come across while scripting with PHP. In order to display them during execution, we will have to update the php.ini file as shown in the following table:

Setting Description Note error_reporting This setting controls the types of E_ALL, ~E_DEPRECATED errors, warnings, and notices that and ~E_STRICT are the have been triggered. recommended settings for production. display_errors This setting controls whether or The display_errors not to display errors to the screen. setting should only be turned on in the development and testing environments. This has to be turned off for staging and production environments. log_errors This setting controls whether the It is recommended to errors are logged or not. turn this setting on in all environments. report_memleaks This setting helps in tracking the This setting will need E_ memory leaks in the application. WARNING to be included in error reporting. html_errors This setting displays the error It is recommended to with a better HTML format turn this setting on in all making it easier to read. environments.

PHP also contains the trigger_error() function that allows the user to fire a custom error from a script. There are three levels of custom errors that can be generated by using the trigger_error() function:


[ 23 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP

Consider the following code in Trigger_error.php:

if($value>0){ while($value < 10){ echo $value; $value++; } } else{ trigger_error("Value is not greater than 0"); }


In this example, we are initializing the $value variable to 0, and are checking to see if the value is greater than zero. This condition will certainly fail, as this is an example of a logic error. In our else block, we are using the trigger_error() method to fire a PHP notice to indicate this logic error.

The output of the previous code is as follows:

PHP Notice: Value is not greater than 0 in /var/www/chapter4/Trigger_error.php on line 12

Let us look at an alternative for not printing out warnings, notices, and errors. PHP provides the error suppression operator (@) to hide any warnings, errors, or notices that will be printed out on the page. This is not a recommended practice and should only be used to avoid printing them onto the page, as shown in the following code in error_suppression.php:

function add($a, $b){ return $a+$b."\n"; }

echo add(5,4); ?>

[ 24 ] Bonus chapter 2

When this script is executed, a PHP warning would be fired as the include function cannot locate the file; however, as it is just a warning, the execution will continue and the output will be the value returned by the add function.

The warning generated will be:

PHP Warning: include(fileDoesNotExist): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/chapter4/error_suppression.php on line 3 PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening 'fileDoesNotExist' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/ www/chapter4/error_suppression.php on line 3

The output generated will be:


Now let us prepend the suppression operator to the include statement as shown in the following code in error_suppression.php:


function add($a, $b){ return $a+$b."\n"; }

echo add(5,4);


After we have added the suppression operator, the script executes smoothly and the warning is not fired onto the output shown as follows:


[ 25 ] Object-oriented Programming with PHP Summary In this chapter, we have gone through the concepts of Object-oriented programming such as classes and objects, abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, magic methods, polymorphism, interfaces, and abstract classes. We have also covered the basics of design patterns and error handling.

In the next chapter, we will go over the new features that are part of PHP 5.4 and 5.5; we will focus on another aspect of error handling, exception handling, and how PHP 5.5 has made exception handling better. Then we will continue to focus on avoiding errors and exceptions by setting up unit tests for our code.

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