Inside >> Trivializing by Rob DeSalle The by Oliver Ryder Mark Stoeckle ISSN 0740-9737 Interview: on DNA barcoding The Frozen Zoo

Wildlife gene banks provide a tool for studying and monitoring conservation efforts. By Oliver Ryder

In the course of their work, field biologists, veterinarians, and zoo scientists often collect biological specimens in order to assist ongoing studies on the biology and health of species. If, in doing so, they make ad- ditional efforts to bank specimens for future studies, they provide future scientists—who may have access to technologies undreamed of by their forbears—with opportunities to gain insights that may contribute to con- servation efforts for declining spe- cies. With the declines in biological diversity that have been well known for the better part of a century, these biobanking efforts have rather qui- etly been underway for over thirty- five years at the institution where I work. The Frozen Zoo at the San Di- ego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Research now encompasses gam- etes, embryos and cell cultures from over 9,000 , comprising more than 1,000 species. The frozen cultures of viable cells may be thawed, grown and divided into more cells, which can be frozen again. Although not an infinitely ex- pendable resource, it provides the opportunity to conduct studies now, while still keeping supplies for the future. Hundreds of scientific studies have used samples from the Frozen Zoo. New species have been identi- fied after their distinctiveness was re- vealed by genetic studies of biobank

Volume 25 Number 3 GeneWatch 19 samples. Studies of species and indi- and a team from U.C. San Diego and loss of species, should we strive vidual identity, for wildlife manage- and the Institute for to produce a living that went ment and forensic applications, have Conservation Research announced extinct ten thousand years ago? been undertaken and have expanded the production of iPS from two en- Could it play a role today as it did in the database of DNA profiles and dangered species, the drill and the its native ecosystem? barcodes. Infertile animals have been northern white . The drill If the motivation for developing identified from genetic testing, par- is a large African monkey with a de- advances in assisted reproductive entage relationships identified and clining population in U.S. zoos and technologies were to be based on incorporated into species manage- endangered in its in Cam- preventing ongoing losses of biologi- ment programs; and now, whole ge- eroon because of loss and il- cal diversity and reducing the risk nome sequencing and studies of the legal poaching. The northern white of extinction of species that have repertoire of expressed genes—the rhinoceros is the most endangered undergone dramatic recent declines “transcriptome”—are being studied form of rhinoceros. Studies of skull because of human activities, the in- using samples banked over the last characteristics and genetics analy- vestments and benefits would reflect four decades. From most of the small ses resulted recently in this African a different set of values. population management programs rhinoceros being named a separate The way to sustain and conserve of zoos, questions have arisen that species, distinct from its southern species is in natural habitats. How- are answerable by genetic testing, if relatives. ever, without invoking additional appropriate samples are available. These studies demonstrate the and alternative strategies, losses of The Frozen Zoo has played a crucial potential for stem cells to be used in biological diversity will surely be role in all these activities. veterinary medicine and for treating large, for many species continue to illnesses. The question also arises of disappear from their habitats. Opportunities for the future the potential for applying new ap- The controversies that arise proaches in assisted reproductive around the discussions of conserva- Before Dolly, the sheep cloned technologies. These might include tion strategies and methods stand in by Dr. Ian Wilmut’s team in 1996, producing sperm and eggs in tissue a different realm from the efforts of most scientists—myself included— culture flasks, the production of em- , zoos, and research insti- considered that the differentiated bryos, and down the road, northern tutes to prospectively bank biological adult cells of the body could not be white rhino babies. But it is a long samples that can assist conservation reprogrammed and proceed again road to travel. Time is running out assessments, monitoring and man- through or guide the mammali- for the northern white rhino, and al- agement. Efforts devoted to banking an development. It was a surprise though it may be one of the last tools cells desperately need to be expand- again when Dr. Shinya Yamanaka’s remaining, technology may not be ed by and for the global community. team demonstrated that cultured sufficient to prevent its extinction. nnn fibroblast (skin) cells could be re- programmed by transiently activat- Impacts of induced pluripotency ing as few as four genes introduced , PhD, is Director of Ge- into these cells. If the techniques for It is altogether reasonable that we Oliver A. Ryder netics at the San Diego Zoo Institute for producing induced pluripotent stem pause and consider what we might Conservation Research and an Adjunct cells (iPS, cells capable of becoming do, for what reason, and for whose Professor of Biology at The University of any cell type in the body) could be benefit. California, San Diego. adapted to provide similar results The use of DNA banks to produce with fibroblasts from many other living animals, restore to life extinct species, the Frozen Zoo potentially species, and provide novel life forms represents the source of the largest is entrenched in popular musings. and most diverse collection of stem The broadly reported effort to clone cells anywhere. a mammoth seems to be known by After more than a year of dedi- people of all ages. cated work, Dr. Inbar Ben-Nun, in Given the limitations of our times Professor Jeanne Loring’s group and our global society in addressing at The Scripps Research Institute, the declines in biological diversity

20 GeneWatch April-May 2012