7 LAST WORDS of CHRIST a Good Friday Tenebrae Service
7 LAST WORDS OF CHRIST A Good Friday Tenebrae Service ABOUT THIS SERVICE: This service focuses on the Seven Last Words of Christ and is patterned after the ancient office of Tenebrae. The word "Tenebrae" means darkness. The purpose of the service is to impress upon us the terrible reality of sin, which caused our Savior to die for us. The service begins with the stripping of the altar. As Jesus was stripped for crucifixion, so our altar and chancel are laid bare in remembrance of His great suffering. As the service continues, you will hear your Savior speak His last words, which are recorded for us in the four Gospels. Each reading is followed by a brief devotion, silence, prayer, and a hymn. After each of the 7 Words is read, a candle is extinguished, causing the chancel to become increasingly darkened. By this we are reminded of the darkness that covered the earth at the time our Lord’s crucifixion. It also serves as a reminder of the spiritual darkness that would exist had the Light of the world not come. The exit of the Christ Candle, near the close of the service, signifies Christ's death and burial. Then there is a loud noise, symbolizing the closing of the tomb. The Christ Candle will reappear at the Easter Festival Service in celebration of the resurrection. SILENT PRAYER BEFORE WORSHIP: Lord Jesus Christ, as I meditate in this service on Your death for me, let those final sentences which You spoke from the cross impart a personal blessing, that I may both worship in spirit and truth and be moved to sacrifice my whole life as an offering to You.
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