Daum, Peter Harris, Sam Houghteling, Rachel Lentz, David Mcivor, Morgann Means, Trenten Robinson, Erin Statz, Madison Taylor, Maura Williams, Mary Witlacil
TITLE PAGE Issue 1 Fall 2018 A Letter from the Department of Political Science at Colorado State University It is with great pleasure that we are publishing the fi rst issue of the Mountain West Journal of Politics and Policy, a journal produced by the Political Science community at Colorado State University. Th e goal of this journal is to include research articles and overviews of research agendas and projects by anyone in our community – faculty, graduate and undergraduate students and alumni, as well as students who produce research papers in political science courses. Th e Journal was coordinated by an editorial committee consisting, in alphabetical order, of: Gamze Cavdar, faculty, Karli Hansen, Academic Success Coordinator in Political Science, Matt Hitt, faculty and Undergraduate Coordinator, Sam Houghteling, Program Manager of the John Straayer Center for Public Service Leadership, Brad MacDonald, faculty, Ryan Scott, faculty, and Dimitris Stevis, faculty. Jennifer Hitt, Communications and Alumni Coordinator, has provided valuable publicity amd promotion support and advice. Katie Brown, Editor in Chief of the Journal of Undergraduate Research, did the layout of the Journal, and Hannah Haberecht designed the Journal cover. We want to thank the Chair of our Depart- ment, Dr. Michele Betsill, for her personal support and for the support of the Department. Each submission went through a double blind review process and was accepted only once revisions were satisfactory. We would like to thank the following reviewers: Timea Bailogh, Michele Betsill, Seth Crew, Gamze Cavdar, Courtenay Daum, Peter Harris, Sam Houghteling, Rachel Lentz, David McIvor, Morgann Means, Trenten Robinson, Erin Statz, Madison Taylor, Maura Williams, Mary Witlacil.
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